'-r'I,..•I-er-....�r·wIIIJ�:e.lisII;of,Ie�J.of .cihehe'ey�,�ttlStles:ts,; 't vou XIIL 110. lA Price Fb,e Ceata... ,.'.... ,. ', .... ��: ... �:''': :_: :'.. ��·I··...... �- �.at'-g. "'�. ' . ,- -'., .... :... =.:.. ..", . . . .... (J/UA. �flarni1tt· ..�NIVBR8fI'Y O •. eHlUGO SATURDAY. JUIIB � 1115.,,, .. CH4III.S MACAULAy,STUART TO DEUYER,S��� � �_,�,startiac Shot 'W'ID' .Be FiredThis AfterDooaat 1:30 .." -pdf_A KAPPA.BUCisTHIRTY-BIGHT STUDBNTSu.t Is LarpIt T.... intO �C ... ter_ ........ y�f. Nezt .y.,. Cbalen-WiDikenIe Preaident' .WiD' Be cOaYdCat... PreaeIIerat Senieie T........... �� .. TbirtJ-eigat lDen and women wereelected b:> 'Phi Beta Kappa at the an-DEDICATE CLAssICS BUILDING nual meeting of the University chap- WINNB� REMAINS UNCERTAINter yesterday afternoon. The list 'isthe klrgest elected into the fraterni�y Larce Number of Entries and Dis-fOI' several years. Fol'ty members of taIit IDatitutiCDS Repreaentedthe . local chapter were present at the Make Outcome Doa�meeting. -'--The Rev, ,Mr. Charles Macaulay The officers chosen for next year The largest number of entries in theStuart. -president of Garrett Biblical were: Prof. Robert A .. �illika�� history 'of the University will .comiiistitute of Northwestern university. president; Prof. David' A. RoberH01i. pete in the . fourteenth ann�l 'Interwill deliver th� ���yo�t�c?�_����!I. V!��-p!'��!cJe!l_t; '���ate Prof. Fran- scholastie track meet, scheduled to* the nligious services tomorrow at eis W. Shepardson •. secrc:tar�- treas- start this afternoon at 1:30. Fouru in Mandel The Rev. Mr. Frank urer, . hundred and twenty high' school ath-.. Wably GanSaulu, president of Ar�' The list of new members follows: letes will participate in the variouslDour institute •. will speak at the ves- Thaddeus Elmore Allen, events.;er services at 4 in lbndeL Music Ldcile Bates; On account ·of the large number ofat the vesper services will be given R0!53Iie Josephine BoneDi; entries from great distances, it is al-'I;y the Central Church quartette. "Caryl Cody. .most. impossible to guess th.e wint;lerCon",....cation Sunday will open with Paul �aro�c1 Daus, of the meet or. even of the single,the prayer service at 10:30 in Harper( '. 'Blanehe ��. . event,.' ':However,' Omaha, East Desassembly roo� •. M�mbers of the fae- .: ;WiJija,m :Cre.�er., .' MC)ip�s, La Grange, . Lewis Institute,1IItT will meet for the procession to' ." .Martin· ��4::Do�; and�UDiversity high are certain. to beKandel in .the .President's office, and ElRoy DaVicr, .. GoldberfJ.· h�.y .'�i� ·winn�r.. Besides these,the candidates for degrees and rtitlU . EvelYn· EJiza: Graham. Muskegon, .Mich� .'wi�h· Kim�1I in the.iII: meet in Cobb;· 'fte procesSion Cbarles· : FnUads: Grimes. weigbts .... and �oCk' I.Jiiid� . m, �ithwill begin at.10:4S. ·President,·S"'ti� � Be:DiamiD Harii Hapi'. : SOl Butler, are sUre "to' make their.�·will de&ver the se�:·.t·�lii' "�Yelyn GeiUUde.·-Hal'ida,.�. ..�) pres�n'ce k��. 'was fomierl:,' the editor � the, ·N4}rti.- . 1'heodore . Yb-elle . H .... m.ci .... ' IDdmdua1 HoDOrs DoabtfULwestern Christian Ad� .. He�,is .·Grace Elizatieth HotchkiS9( Kimball. ButJir.'-Z�llin, of Lewls;the editor of several '\�k� on'reli- Esther J.a.lJs, .FloeteF of University, .high, and FeyiJious music. . '_ Bria Kaplan: .' and' Smart.· of La' Gra�ge, will put up�C� DedicatioD. 1{�� GertriJ�� Kelty,, a ·�ig. 6ght for the. indiVidual honors.�.'l. �{�reaicl��t:Judson will prese.nt the, Mary��e-:�a1�ry. . . .' !t. f� race is assl1red: in the hun��, bPE_,.idf8s-.n-tbe-::de8icallO.r-o· '.' �1e¥�Jat.�.,� ��nb(-.p�,*e:'''�Ji�.if. ."J_the _.�_�i�g: MbWIdaYt.al: U. ., Z��.,��!r, ...... , _ - _ ��ce, �k.e, , :Wiis.,,��,,·ru��ing .·api�s�· ""e� d�� will.-:directly·�follow :'.,��·:Isabi:I�,�v�,. . ca.�h�;�t���� .. :f��:-���.�a,rt,�_�f. �· !he ·8ag.-exq-cises. 19 .. be·. :held� just. Hild� �ae�mt�.:. r. '". .� Grang�. :!I�'I.puJ.�p.�,go,� .fi�h,t.�!��· iiordr ofr� "CW' beiI�. aUO,' iat'wliich.' .', ,Gay Arthur ·�2CDo�d.· .. '. ��I!.il:')�; t!J�� Juj�i}i��d��� "��JI.I>ea� Linn �d Ra��BobDen,:'IS�., .'.·R,!�:��M;�ath�. �. of..".B�rl!ngt.o�."W�r�;:··.��� �� �.iII speak.. , rAdmitiiou' to the dedi- Mmnle .Ruth. �c�� �.:: -q�nge. �t:'4 �tter, of, ·Norma!, :�_1�• tOIy:�in:CIUSb assembly Alma .Mar�ret. Hernck, . .., ��.�'��� upo'n.t� 6oish':�he �i1e" ij,om will :tie��·ticket, 'owing to the �ncls i!��th ;e.ck. in f�.ti� ._'. ',. ," .. . •...tiu', 1!C��":dte�"J'DIOm..- .� Tbe ... �.' '. ��,. ,�.�;:.IIl�_ •. �!,;. - It IS: expec��,tmp.t, �)'er.;�-; .�ghproc:ession Will be' formed·at.l0:lO ill Lycba .�Ieanor QUInlan, acboJ.-atbletes-:.lU..'.atJteiid· the -ban:'.. Warper'assemtiIY�DL -Tia'e'ordu'o:f ', ·Fannie Ce_eelia· Reisler; qu'e(giveu'iri 't��� ��ho� in Hutch�-tht":maidlilit'_'Wiln;e:' 'lnistees;' iDeiD7o. ". - ,�a� :�".��t: :: - .:. '. ..;.'.• �1! ....���_!I.s_ ��!t{1!.t. __ '!'!r� .. hal!���-ki-s:.:Oi':'tbe·iaculhes:·lellows-::·ot:Uie· :Alii Ci:ti:i;:-!;u�:a.;.:. .. � " mor��Students Qf the Universitj" CaD'"�nmeDtS" �Dceni�;; itudentS >01: ". I� '!\afts; ',: .. ". '.. ,'. .,. � �c�Dlodateci �nd the. '�om�iti�ethe departments doacemed. .' :...... ..aau:e VObw. 4 •• ,bU.(f'eqaested �bt �1I.·tbe ap�inted:; Heads of the .a-,:rbli�ut of daSSi-. . lAtice: MallOry Waits. �� TaSbm b�Dg their 'men. to � ��r.t21 Languages ..i1Ispeale at .the. exer-' 2Joaia EI� Wallen. I.mmediately folloWing thiS' �nq�e��se .. :-"AddreSses win be' J,mentecr by: �e. _men. win. a!l� to Mandel,FraDk 'Bicelow 'l'arben;. Of die ClUs�. ' .. w..u ��:�. Meet.,. '-. where. the· BQc:ldrii&n ,Will' pe "A.. �I "Arehaeology department and head·· , , ': .. �:.. ;, .'.. " I �'� Night, of. Knights'! 'SeiectionS.·· B��of the department of History of Art; . A melt'meet will feature the fint lore' the play, 'the priz�'forllbces inProf. Carl Darling Bu� head. of. the annual' Hyde Park' high schoOl fieN the traelt and tennis events· wiD. be4lepartment of Sansbit; Prof.-;wn&ain 'day -to 'be 'held' KondaY afternooD O. �warded..o t�' �CeeSsful .contest-Gardner Hale. head of the departmelit Stan Seld. . ., .; allb..cd Latin; aDd � ·Paul Shorey. head ".'. Rae' r. ��f the depaninen't· of Greek. The Senral faYorites drop.,ed out of the'lMaihlillg wJ1l be open for inspeetion ����TIN tenniS' competitioD YestUday. Kel1y,from 12:30 to 1. • .'.-- �f Dannport. Iowa. was' defeated by:} ..Pa ......... ·� ••. 1,-,_.' _. : ''l'ODAY�·· ". TerlauM. �f Hyde Park, and "Terhune�: Dr. Theodore ·lIarhrg� .. tIte .. C6avo- DhiaiIir .I•• �t� ..a .�� � m' tum, defeated bj�McKa,., of, ation orator. and. )lr. and lIrs. Kar- eace, t, IIaIbIL .� ,r ., : EftnstoD. The play for the title DOWtt- A. R� ..11 � the cuUta. of P.atti o( die CoIJe&ea of Art, .� seems ,to reSt betWeen . SWift, !Of' Mesa,lIonor at 'the' :Pl'aideatis' 'ftceptiOia ............ IdieBce,-lo,lhIper... Ari%.;-·MeKay. aDd carver. of Hyde'iI __ y .... t &om 9 to 11 ia Hat .. ·. of.. �u.:.�� .:9:'-� Parle. A hot match is promised wheniIIIo. ball. TJae aewl,. appointed .�...., .. .., _ _ _ "�, .. lleKa,. arid· Can-er meet ill the semi-..des ..... 41_ .... hals. �f, the.. past. year: � 't...� �'l'" ...... �_ fiDals.' CarYH and .Terha_� of Hyde",11 be present. The neeption com- a......- ----, .. ---.- Park. seem to be the faYorites iD tilemittee will include the' guests of A...t IDIencboIastic meet, 1:4� doubles.. The semi-fillals .and finalshonor and members of the faculties. St.cc IieW. . ,"'1 be run off· 1 this morning. PlayHutcbinson hall, dXTidor and court TOIIORROW. w11l start at 8.wm be tIHoratecl for the oecasioa. ewa ...... ...,.. ...a, IO� ------SeniOrs and their parents and friends, 1Iarper'.- GreeD Rolcla. Party Toaicht.and friends of tfle University blave � � Mnice, II,been invited to attend. lIadeLFour thousa4 RIItI win be anang- S .... t WII*"S, 4, ..... led ill the women·. quadrangle for the . .OMDAY.ainety-fifth COllwcatiOD, Tuesday at Co1Iep !)q.t. lAo platfona is to he erected on l!R Cluliea � dedicadoa, 11,east side of the· Law tJailding. In au. .. cilia:tase of uDlUitab1e weatber.'dae eDiI'- PIq ... 'III. Ie.· clses win be held either iD Hutchia- B ••• beD, J1IIIIon on. 8eaion;10D co,rt or in )(aadel ball II", . 'CIA I._ ... ill B8rtIItt. Ie::: iyie ;·. t .. , ' -'fte vroCessioll .111 beghI promptly ",u-. 2:30, s-.;at 4.. 'ftI'e eaadi_tea for depea aad 10i 1adI.�tlea han ben � to meet In Bat· C*voc:atIoa �ptl-, t, B�{ONdIIi- - .... Q ... IIa1I.•• _"_-,-'\.- ..Presideat Jad.oG Will Gi ... OpeaincAddr-. at,Bzerdlat-D� _. ... B .... to Speak,Green han will hoi. its annualbeach party tonight. Supper· will beserved at S:� on the beaclt in Jadc.on park.In the eleetiollS' of Eastern athletic. tala. 'tatt .�. RiC:ht.I· R.oms.•c:&1» ..,. . IWUtialDs was dtoIeft leader of t'hePf:mmO* ��ty teD�i . team;Wftlq K. Oler wa nataed captainof d.e Yale ffiad .� .act J.' S.HotFmire was .elected to tdd CorneW. mitt tep�tlv5. SCULL AND STOUT WILL'cAPrAiN VARSiTY TRAMSLaden ill Buebd aDd Track for1916 SeuoIl Are a.o.ea YaterdayAftemooD-Botb Ha'lle BzceptioaalRecordLLaurens C. Shull was selected tolead the 1916 Varsity baseball teamat a meeting of the 1915 nine yesterday afternoon, when the picture 'Ofthe squad was taken. Clyde Stoutwas picked as captain of the Maroontrack team at the same time.Next year will be Shun's last yearon the Chicago team. In his freshman year, "Spike" was chosen as captain of the 6rst year nine. havingserved as pitcher during the freshman season. Last year he was usedas a reserve twirler to Des J ardienand Baumgartner. This yea'!", however' ,he bas been a regular twirle-r,alternating in the box with Des Jardien. He will be the mainstay of thepitching staff next year and shoulddevelop into one of the best pitchersin the Conference.Shull is also a star football player,having filled the tackle position for'two years on Coach Stag�s eleven.He has been named as the Ali-Conference player for this. position bothyears by. ma�y critics. - Shull is amember of Alpha Delta Phi,' Skulland Crescent, Iron Mask. and Owlan Serpeut.. . stoUt Is V deran.Oyde Josepb Stout. '16, who was�lected tb head the track' team next.year. 'has established a �ep1itation as'rm�tata£:iuiiiier�e bas work;;. ecL �on .the' cross country teamfOr three ye�rs; and is now closingliis-;third; year. of eOmpetition on the'Va�lity . squa.t.. He. is : accredited: thetilDe; of ... :22 ,in. hiS: stellar event,· themile naiL ·Hids:2!.member .. of"SigmaAtPh�' Epsilon' fraternity. '.GROWD; WJ.'I'NEssBs: '.._ 'UNIVBRlITY SIHG�. '. , ... -HELD 4 LAST: N_G�:����j�:�Tr��"'aa4 ,Sea-"; Me ......... Attead� PerfarmaDce.. ' ·:·.'::·ia:·R.........,..�. : Wihlessed by over three thousandpeople. among' .w!Jom ·.were PresidentJOOSOB. the trustees � the University •�bers of the Unmrsity senate, andcODtestaats·ia .the I�tenc..olastic, theUniveraity . sing: was held last nightin HatcJi�1l c:ouri. EaCh. fraternityand the two houses· sang three soUgsin the quadrangle.,An.inDC?�tio.n, � introduc�d byChRinnan lAwrence .Whiting, ex-'ll,whereby· the name of the frat�mitysinging and the titles of their sOnpwere tIuown' OIl a screen. In pastyears. the chairman .has aDnouncedonly the' name' of � the" frateraity sing�ing.· 'fte ftrioas" orpnizations' apPearecl in the ·reversed order of theirfoaadiaC 'in the Uainnity, thosefounded Jut singing 6rst._ The following instructors of theCorrespondence - Study departmenthave been promoted to an assistantprof�",,"bip: Myron J..oseius Ashley. PIa. D .. 'Philosophy; Mabel BentaReesor, A. M .. Latin; Laetitia MoonConard. Pb. D.. Comparative RelicioD; Ernest· Lynll �Ibert, Ph .. D.,Psychology. Catherine Quarles Bas��Ue. A. .B., �s been appointed anassociate professor of English.Coarse t,oob and grade cards mustf,e Idt -,t' the Bareaa of Records before Friday � 'ftae repons will beread,.laly 1. Noti�s of failures w11lbe !IeDt oat as earlY ;is 9Ossible. ,. '. SENIORS WILL' GIVE �SET Of WIPS FOilBUTClllNSON. COURTvote f� Stoae Beaches FirstCbaage Upoa Advice ofPresideat Jadsoa.MONDAY WILL BE CLASS DAYExercises to Start at 10,. With PJacRaising-Men Did WO_to Hold Dumer..The'Senior class �oted yetserday to /present the University with a' set oflamps for Hutchinson court. .At themeeting yesterday the class 'V'Cted infavor of stone benches for Harpercourt. but Dr. Judson advised theGift committee that such a donationwould be too expensive. The committee then decided in favor of thelamps, which received the next high-est number of VIOtes. It .was also deoded 'that th� seniors -will wear 'CapsanC:l ��ns �n Mo�ctay alld Tu�y.,.. No classes will be held on Monday,"'��� �a� been ��� aside as ��s ��The exercises begin at 10 with theflag raising. . This �iI1 be followed bythe Junior-Senior baseball game at11:30 •. The last class luncheon winbe' heM iii Huichin�on cafe at I. Tbeprogram of the afternOOn will beginat 2:30. when 'the: dass poem, clUssong, and 'the class proph:Ccy will .begiven. The senior bench and theclass hammer will th'en be handeddown to the Junior class. Th.f, preS-':eritation 'of" the clas� gift will . foilo� 'and the class play' at 4 in the Rey':'Doids' club. theater 'will close the pr�· gRIlL "'. ..,.. " .;." ',","'_Tb�, Di�D anci.·�en of .the .. ���· Win hold';'a dinner after. the coilvoca:'dOD aereises'- T1iesday� . Tbe,:uten·sC1inn� �l'be given �t' the Hyd�'P�k'hOtel' 'at' '6:30.. The' women�. diaDer�iu �. held 'in LeXingto.1· cafe �t t�e. saine time.·· After "dinner the··.··wome��'hetUni .to, the 'a;mpus' an�i'sing· U.:ii�e""sitY and Class son�' �;_. ... , .�.--.�-- �:� i�'fa:·� .. ,.�. ','.�. The . U�eap' for;)hc' JuiU�Seilior�ball iam'e MODsy: at' ll� Iii'Sleepy Hollow folI9,,"; ! ,. .. "SENIORS: .�Paul Des jar-Iien,' .•...... �. PitcherRaYinolid Bohnen •.•.•••.. �. CatcherLauriston _Gray, '. � ••••.... FirSt DUeEdward Kixlniller .•• �. SecoDd· Basej oshna SteVensOD •..•.••••. 'l'i.ircl BaseHarold A. Moore ..... Ldt ShOrtstoPRuIY. Gorgas ... � .. Right Sho��DuU9Oll' Knight � •..•.•• ' •.• ; Ldi: Fi�ldFrancis �rd .' ••..•.••... Ri� . Fi�lci. JUNIORS."; � .GiffOrd Plume •..•...••••.••• PitcherDenton Sparks' ••.•..••• �.�. CatcherRobert McConnen •...•• F'"1I'St BaseErnest cavin ....••••..... 'ftird :saseEdwiD Coie .••.....•• Left sirOristOPFowler McCollnell .. Right ShortS�.Bruce Martin .. � .• : ••. � •• � Left ;YteldFrianle Whiting: •••• : .. �. Right Fi�I�CLuB imcEPTiON TOUNIVBR8ITY IIKIIBBRSYBSTERDA� �� .Members of the University. alu'm'n�and Interscholastic participants attended the Reynolds club r'eceptionfrom 4 1b 7. ho orchesrrU 'fumish�ed the music: for dancing. on the firstand second Boor. Potted plants aDdfU1bons or flowen r-onned th� deC�rations. The club promenade, COTered by an awning, .was o.,eaed.officers . for the. coming year wefte1ect.N at the meeting of the ID.ternational club J'eSterday. They aft:Annie Gardner, presfd�; I.,.. tJ;fti-,�eretary; aad' Bene Ymilestdn-,treasurer. .. � '.,.� �..-:----:".r. j .. r s. .... THE DAILY MAROON, SATUltDAY. JUIIB 12.lI1S.... j •tillr ,Baily _arolin 4 . " ... '-.er--he wants it or. not"siJ:Pply'because ;JOURNEY TQ.�olUBli'r . � ...it ii 'good. �Ev;nwally wi'wiU have: ,.,. ...... FOR IOSSIONARY'WOIUt,choose.: At present the ,'tendency: i�. easy to see. .. :.,''. -", '" , .-Today's Interscholastic meet. suggests the problem of the right method,if any, a' university should pursue inadvertising itself. Perhaps it wbuldsound .better to speak of spreadinginformation about the university, ofsCattering to the four winds truthsabout the wonderful organizationwhich lies 'befo.re the prospectivestudent. and .. perhaps . that is whatshould be' our aim; but in reality we Representative Maguines.are rather prone' to "advertise," in a To the Editor:manner smacking a good deal of the"it pays to advertise" type.This may be right. We' may assume that we have a university which,on the whole, is the best place inAmerica for the undergraduate; ,thatwe have advantages which can be seeured nowhere else, and we may assume also that' we want as future comrades the men and women to whomwe advertise _ ourselves... .Therefore,;"cting on this assumption, it is perfectly proper to, give big ent�rtain-.ments to show what fine people wecan be, what a fine .plaee we ,have;show off our buildings, ·.talk va�ely,but enthusiasticalIy, about our al�st .superhuman �culty and the excellentfacilities w-e have tor research work.But supplement . 'tbis-," rather prosaicand; (shan we 'sayi� a hiRe too near'to earth, method of presentation witheheatricals, ffate�!ty _-life, athleticcontests, and other manifestatio�s ofthe �re joy of living. This is effective advertising, and it is likely' tobring th�' results' sought-:-the securing for the University of the menruslkd.· :. : : ' '.' .'.s<»me few .of us st�1 �y thinkthat' learning demands more dignityand that . the' twentieth century Geo.M. Cohan method of advertising hardly is worthy of such an institution as� great ·university. These few per- - "Oassroom Methods and Devices."sons may think that we should show by Robert M. Brown, of the Rhode�ur true wares and those only-if we Island Normal school, is the leadingmust the on parad�nd not try to at- artic:1e in The Elementary Schooltract students; fhat we should indi- Journal for Jun� which was issuedcate .to them in reality what � great yesterday by the' Press. Cora Helenuniversity means,' as a' seat of learn- Coolidge, of Pennsylvania college,ing, that we should 'show the Possi- has -contributed an artiele on "An Ex�bilities we have for- 'aeqUiring bowl- periment in Pennsylvania College foredger but that we should go no fur- Women' in 'Relating an Undergraduther.· Our idea shbuld be: . here we ate Course' to Later VoCationalhave a wonderful commodity, which \V'�'I"k" to the May number of The Aswe would like -to g;ve out. but we 9Ociation of Collegiate Alumnae, an\\�nt to give it only to those who are other Press publication.�orthy of it� The man or womanwho is WtOnhy of receiving this boon START MOVEMENT TOis. � who will �PTeciate it when he ENLIST .COLLEGE lIENsees i� stripped of any artificialities FOR EUROPEAN RELIEFan� not hiding the fact that it is hardto acquire .. �e others do not deserve to receiye of us.The Mar�" ��s_ n9t say which :ofthese methods it thinks is the better:from the side �( sentiment it leanstoward the view of, �ke it or leaveit�;. from the standpoint of the practical, it sees the possibilities of theadftl'lrising featuTes, for it may p!Ossibly involve the extra principle. offorcing a good thing on Q man wheth-OFICial Student Newspaper Of theUnivenity 'of ChicacoPublished mornings, except Sunday.&ad Monday. during. the Autumn.Winter and Spring quarters, by The. Oaily ·Maroon. Staff.G. W. 'CottiDcham � . Manapac Editor'P. R. Kgb .•. ·.· .......•.. News Editor'H. R. SwaD80D •••••••••• Day Editor'J. J. Donahoe Athletics EditorR. P. Matthews .•. �B IIaDqerSUBSCRIPTION RATESBy Carrier •. $2.50 a year; $1 a quarter.Bj Mail, $3 a year; $1.25 a' quarter.. Utorial Rooms __ Ellis' i2Telephone Midway SOO,Business Office .. � Ellis 14Telephone Blackstone 2591,Claro - McElroy Publishing Company111. Cottqe Groft Aft. TeL JI1dwa.7 lUISATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1915.ADVERTISING. CREDIT TO THE CLUB.The officers of the Reynolds club India, �<\'fnea, Madagascar, China,deserve highest commendation Ior-the-: . and Japan will be the destinations ofreception' held yesterday afternoon several Uoiversity students who willfor members of the. University and enter the field of missionary worktheir friends. Particularly should' this summer, Evangelical work andthis cr�dit go entirely to the club, as teaching, as well. a$ medical work,the function was eminently that 1:>f the will be carried on by these men.Reynolds club,-both in the inception '1. E. Moncrief, formeriy Connectedof the idea and in. the management with the government schools 'at Yamaand 'handliug of the details. . guchi, Japan,. wilJ return to. takecharge of the primary and secondaryschools of the Americari Baptist Foreign Missions 'board 'in West China.He . has attended the University forone year. Morris' Price. who hasbeen carrying on Work in the Divinity school. will also go to this district. where .he has accepted a position on the faculty of the West ChinaUnion university. -S, A. Stewart willreturn to Hiroshima, Japan, where hehas been stationed for the last eightyears.· G. B. Baird will return' 'to hiswork at Luehowfu, China. James A.Sharrard, who - has for a number ofyears been principal of 'the CanadianMission college at Indora, CentralIndia, will go back to that field aftera year of work at the University.·William Weiser will also go to India,where he .will be engaged in evangelistic work..Leif Awes will spend a.year at Geneva, Switzerland, studying the Frenchlanguage before going to the missionfield in Madagascar. Daniel Hastingswill spend six months in Jamaica before going· to. Lisbon, Portugal. tostudy the . language. .He will be stahoped at Angola, Portugese WestAfrica.COMMUNICATION.Wanta Manuscripts Returned.To the Editor:In September I sent a story toThe Literary Mouthly with a stamped envelope for return in case Itshould prove unavailable; In November I sent them another story,also with an envelope for return.Shortly afterward I disposed of bothof these stories and asked The Literary Monthly to , return the manuscripts. I received no replyv I wrotethem a letter the first part of thisquarter; received no reply. I havetelephoned twice to the editor, whosays that the former editor did nothand the stories to him. - "" ...Eicht StacleDta Go to Far �Have Prepared.. for Oc:capationa- Here.SOPHOMORES T!d{EINTERCLASS TITLESophomores won the interclass tennis' championship in the (inal s�JJglesand doubles contetss held yesterday.Joseph' Levin defeated .Cliff�rd Plume,6-2, 6-3,' and Dunlap Clark defeatedHenry Getz,. 6-3, 6-3,' in the singles.In 'the doubles Oark and Levin defeated Plume arid. Gets, 6-0, 6-2. Thejuniors had previously defeated thefl'Cshmen and the sophomores �dwon from. the seniors. '.75. RUSH STUDENTSTO RECEIVE DEGREESSeventy-five studentS will receive. the, degiee" of dOCtor' of 'Me'diCine' atthe graduation exercises of the' RushMedical school, to be held ·Wednes-·day afternoon at 3 in Mandet" The9peaker of the occasioQ will he Dr.Edward Carl Rosenow,. assistant professor of Medif!ine at Rush. His topicWin be' "Recent Advances in MedicalResearch."The eiection of five' graduating students to Alpha Omep lAlpba, t�honorary medical fraternity, will beannounced 'at the. exercises. Fol'�,wing the commeneement in Mandel thefaculty of Rush will tender.a banquetto the alumni and graduating' classof 'the schOOl. This will be held at theHotei Sherman at 6:30. .'actodeS . JIbe ..dIipD .ea..The Y. M. C. A. employment bureaaat the UniVersity or' M.chipn is plac:ing many men as factorY hands in theMaxwell fact-ories at Detroit, and isaniicipating sinn1ar openings in tftChalmers factory in the same city.laue Enc1iah Joamal"MinilJlum Standards in English"by George Fullmer Reynolds, of theUniversity of Montana, is the leadingarticle in the June number of theEnglish Journal, whieh was issuedrecently' by' the' ·Pre·ss ..New PaesWeat I. Elected. •- ,I..,... . .....� . ie!.�,; ,.".-..t IIAll .....-will-====NO 51'thel:.them.:the. 1Gowr. .t"�. • ' ..I wish to have these scripts returned to me! Does. it not seem thatI should be entitled to them; or atleast to a reply to my letter? I shallbe glad if The Maroon will provesuccessful in this matter.Lilliace Lorene Montgomery.Sir:-In the periodical room thenumber of German .publications is unproportionately larger than of thoseof any other country or language; I.have been delighted in the excellentcollection of 'German magazines, fromsuch specific ones as the ZeitschriftIuer Sexualwissenehaft to Maximilian Hardens Zukunft; had. they added the Simplicissimus and some of .theMunich art-periodiCals, nothing morecould have been desired in that .line.I should like to know :why other languages, ar-e comparatively so poorlyrepresented there; why, for instance,the M�rcure de France is the onlyFrench magazin'e of 'modern tendencies in the periodical; why the- rich .5iavic iiteramres are. representecf oniyby two ,Russiin mODthlies;:why thereis not a single Hebrew publication;why. lastly, wedo not find there TheLittle Review, the only literarymonthly in 'Chicago 'and the mostunique magazine in' the country.The .proper equipment of t!te periodical 'room-the laboratory of broadoutlooks and of cosmopolitan' viewsseems to me of most vital importaDce.Alexander S. Kaun.Press Iaaaes Two JoamaIa. BLUFF, . an' boaSt are props. for a weakea8e. VELVETC is its own' argument in theU Court of bst re8Ort-;::F �Ib •. _· .iD.' ..iI:J1 . P,jc!J..STUDENTS ! YOU NEED A TYPEWRITER . WHEl\the c; ,when. stude. to thcopie._11 •.NOTIC� have),bandl'brickPark.'�Possc.spectiAve.• FOR S-typell.ased.$60. 1�to th----'�YP'I: Quic1: price!: Exch'TYPewritten papers prove the carefur student who takes pridein every detail of his work. ..They invariably make a favorable impression with, the :faculty and 'help you to get better marks.A . movement has been startedamong Eastern universities to enlistcoliege men for relief duty duringthe summer months in Servia andother European countries. A Colum.bia professor has offered to lead aparty of student relief workers, andhas asked for volunteus. The editorof the Columbia Spectator a. few daysago made a strong appeal in behalf ofS('rbian relief work •. THE NEWMULTIPLEXHAMMOND.is the typewriterfor ac:holars andlinguists. FOR1. ... _\; ..... -sumn'aparttracti.Irom; block!bre�r. Park'. . TWO DIFFERENT STYLES OF TYPE, or three to five. differentlanguages, are. carried on the mac:hine at onie� � .. -'_ -� ..... ."JUST TURN THE KNOB" and c:hance instantly from ·Roman tJpeto Italic:a; or from English' to' Greek, German, Russian, French,' etc.,Other eoJIlbiDatioDS substituted· in a few aec:onds. .Thenew�GHT-WElGHT aluminum M�tipl� weicha·onl:y U�1ba..TIIB BAMMOND'riPEwBrrBa COIIPANY 'New York, N. Y. : adCqo , BraDch ',,·t.:W'.-MurJ. Street., .Oaicago. .�............................................I�·��··�.��.··:��-:·-·��������·:��·�-���:.,._.� ... ���_�_�.�_.��!.���:� .• �_�;.THE QUIET VOICE- OP. TAILORED. CORllBC'l'NBS8 18� IN NOISIJ:S'I' �OWDSOUr New Tweeds - GIla U� .pIaIds,;. SIIadow '.CIaeeb,"faiat over ........ � ..... 01 pey, .,.. any .... 8Oftt_a ·of.bron are �� UD� .....-\ IA� ranp spedaIIy priced at- S30".. 'THREE STORKS:7 N. La laDe at.Z5 .. J' 3"!?aa �hd. ' NO. 62.vate.nishe: Mid ..WE' BUYUSED' UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKSLaw, Medical and College BoobalsoGrammar �I, High &hool and�1Ianeoaa BoobWOODWORTH'S BOOKSTORE. , .. - . -. . � - �.' . . WA:N'l�·Univl.. � .........�'Dear·:Genm.. :chan.�'Pa�..-....-..:.cAN- IY01lnlCud 1��id""Ai..-;:· :WGmI• 'hOnles1imn: . .t.easy· UniYl· 4545.-WAN'!the �the 1quartroom623SNOT1<haveand'.reaid4.� Park."t1001•ren�• inspewoodSo..-"'1� nAt a special meetng of the W'Omen'sAdministrative council, held yester�day, Mary. Prince was elected pr-esident in place of Julia Dodge, whowm not. be on campns next year _ Margal'et Hancock will take Mary Prince's Iplace on the Executive. committee. ----- __ �- .... -- _=• "ot •.; ,.". I� ::_·H.·: ...�....."..f ··•· ......&II � ....................... '.. �,' .. :":'.NO SENIORS silOULD·:!.EAVE· the University without ,.takinc: with.' them a biatoyr of _their big ,.ear· at.�the. u::� of. �-. :'�isy-j:o�r:.C.p_andG��,!l"H)�a)�. . _. ! ','" ".�\� • ': vAUlTY GOBS DOW.TO DEFEAT BEFOREA� OF ALUllNI .. '--------0-"' "H�----"..lSUMMER CLQT'HINGSUITS., .O&H•.'WHEN YOU .WANT TO KNOWthe conference record in. the mile;; when you' want to look up a fellow:'student', aetivitles: you. must �turn· to the Cap and GOWD_' Plenty' ofcopies for everyone, Call at Ellis.. 11 .... NOTICE TO PROFESSORS - I� have more property than I can);handle-must sell 8 room modern'brick residence, Best part. of HydePark. $1,000 cash, balance as rent.�:Possession at once.' Open, to in.spection, Owner. 5236 GreenwoodAve. ��.Pap w.u MG.-.r-dO' VICtory OYer'ChicacO T_lIkb7 . a ScoreolSto3." .Pat Page and his band of alumnistars sent the Varsity:down to defeaty.esterday.· afternoon .. by .the score of5 to 3_ . Place, captain of the Mar�:usin '08 and '09, and Howe, Varsity captain in 1900,' were' in. the lineup forthe alumni. The alumni connectedwitb Shull for a total of eight hits,while the Varsity could only gatherfour off. the. delivery of Boyle andPage, Four hits: in the first inning.:8 Boyle produced three runs, andhere the Varsity ended their scoring.The alumni came back in their; halfof the first with two hits; but theycould not register a count.III the second half of the third Libonati led' off with a single and wasfollowed by a hit by Page. Libonatiscored on a sacrifice by Steinbrecher,and a hit by Sauer scored Page andSteinbrecher, thus tying the seore.The alumni added two more in their. half of the fifth, which gave them atwo run margin. Page mounted theslab in the sixth. and retired Gray,McConnell and Flood via the strikeout route. "Pat"· pitched air-tightball during the remainder of the gameand the Var9ity never had an opportunity to score. The lineup:VARSITY.Cavin Third BaseOo.le .'................... Second' BaseGray Center FieldF., McCon.nell, . Kixrmller ... ShortstopFloOd � ..... .'........... Rigllt 'FieldGeorge, Cha�g . � . . . . . . .. Left FieldR. McConnell �. � <.. First BaseHart ....•....... �. . .: " "; .... CatcherShull ..........•.•.. ".'. '.. � ., �·Io •• Pitchere > ALUMNI.'Libonati ..•.... ',' .. . . . . . .. Left F�eldPage '.'�'.," ., First Base, PitcherBoyle Pitcher, First Bas�Steinbrech« '� � . . .. Catch��Sauer ... ' •. '.;. � .•. �.' ....•. ,: •.. Third�aseMotilto� -, � . ., ;.:.: •. �•. �:� • .';C�ntU "FkldPlace .r.. � : .. .: .. ".Righi"FieldBohnen'· · �.".' Second Ba��owe, Rudolph ' .....•..... ' Sborutosi,';, .: SCORE ,BY' INNINGS': ," �,t.R H:Varsity:' ...... 3 0'0000 0 O.� 4Alumni .•.... 0030.200 0 * ..... 5 8';.A- . • *.- ... .., +"'!TwBNTY� f;:O�� ::AriDE�� . : �" .. ., .' � � / .. ;. �-.' .... _: \ . r' �_ � ; s � �;.. ...___ a_..a.. .... .:- .•. _....,..... ..... r. . . . �...._..,6-_�_7, -. ect � fOr Coiiaiac' ye.r�"·· : .. '�. Twenty�ix' . :CorrespondenCe-Studycourses have been 'added to the cur�riculam. for the yeat:: 1915:-1916. , "sri::clal. GroUps�;-iS:'.' DeW cOUse Ja: Psi;chology to'be, conducted by Dr. E. ��albert. PrOi. F.' W. JohnsO� willteach : a course in 'High', School Ad��inistration; >Dro' J� s. Fox will hddhvO _classes ... in. Amm.call History;4'Dcmomcy, Expansion': and' CoatlietU�lIl63)."_.and "National � C�nsol:':'dation' aiad EXpa�nsi�n il863-'19i4).". .�� O��r; ;n�:, �rse� �wb���.· �1.i :)e'Pvcn In th� UniversIty thIS :�mmcr��: ��-'''�istorieS' 'of" the . �DS����terature..:..aad of� :Indja.'" . by'. ':�SsjstantPrr.:f.' Clarke; ··German LiteratUre. initS, E:Uiie� . and Later Relatim.s'·toEngbrlcl-"and ':F�nce," bY'�AssistantProf.'·von·- :'Noe; �. UVersifieatioD.:andthe:Htsto� (;t.ibc, :English 'LaD�,'"by' Assistant 'l_)rOf� Hulbert; "Proofreading and Copy Editing," Dr. Powell; "The' 'Plays of Shakespeare; theDrama in England from· 1500 to: 1600,and from 1600 to 1642," AssociatePf'of. BaskerVille; --I'ypcs of Mediaeval Literature." Assistant Prof. Davenport; and "The Teaching of OralComposition in Sceondary Schools,"Associate Prof. ,Lyman.In Zooiogy, IAssociate ·Prof. Newman :will teach �Gcnetics and' Eu�nics," "Vertebrate Embryology," and"Elementary Animal Ecology." Anew class in hygiene will be :conduct ..� by Dr. P. G. Steinamann. "Illustration and' Structural Design,'" MissAmy R. Whitt�;, H,The' History ofPrayer," Assistant .Prof. Conard;"Principles 'of' 'Religious Education,"and .'M'ode.rIL. Methods __ of Sunday�chool Wor1_c," by. ��-= .!��� _ . .:... ATWith' our high"_standard of stYle, qualityand service.OUR HATSFrom Chase & ·Co. ofNeW' Haven, :·Conn.·, are. recognized' as the' bestamong college men. '" MENS" STOR; q- ,- "OgilVie &Henea�e18-2.0 East Jackson Boulevard• FOR SALE-TWO UNDERWOOD'typewriters; very latest models;· used less than one month; price· $60. For further. information apply,�to the Maroon.H I c A G. I,�Y P'E W Rl T I YG' \\rANTED --: Quick. neat work. . Reasonable: prices. Address Ilox 0, Faculty;. Exchange.FOR RENT-FURNISHED FORt� - -summer iiuarters. 5-room modern..... 'apartmen:, 1st· floor, newly and .�t-tractively furnished; one - . Mock.from School of Education; th'ree; blOCKS Irom campus. H� F� Win� brenner, 5703 Kenwood' 'A.ve� Hyde:Park 1849. . .�. -.. ,�'NO. 6215 INGLESIDE AVE: PRI� vate family have three ·.nicely � fur.. Dished front rooms to' rent. Phone. : Midwa)' . 8779. � .. W�TED:_:;_BY' ,YOUNG LADV,�:Univusity, stUdent,' ro�m and bOard':'aear University,; � with ,. '.�c:ultured.: German family. J" .References . eX.' ;changflt.:,::�AddMss .C�· '�r�' 'of MiaS�'Pamr, �'5624 .�1is :.A�e. . ;. ,.· .� �,- ._ , .. .'. �� - '. : ,.cAN -ACCOllliODATE! THREE·/y�ng. ��,:.eeJ#�.���� .. -�d· aDd room, $7.00' per week.· call; �id.nY·'l�· '_' �5' :J>.IUei' Avi. ".• W�NTEp.;B)'·· TEAqIE� -'¥R�l.i.the South, a furnished house, neat'the University, for the Summerquarter. Submit fun' details' as rorooms, terms. etc., to J.' L.. Nuttall,6235 Wabash Aye.., Chicago. The schedule for examination nextweek f��s:3:30 classes, Monday, 2 to 5. ,,7:15' classes. Tuesday; 7:15 'to '10:15.sus classes Wednesday" 9:15' tio12:15.9:15 classes. Thursda�. 9:15 to 12:15 ."10�4S' cl�sse�,' Friday:'9:i5 t�'j2:15.-·11:45 classes, Wednesday, 2 to 5.1:30 classes, ThurSday, 2 to 5�2:30 classes, Friday, 2 to 5../COURT UPHOLDS LAW.FORBmDING STUDENTS. TO J91N FRATERNITIESThe supreme court of the state' ofMississippi . has returned a decisionwithout a dissenting vote upholdingthe "constitutionality of die law forbidding students' in the state univer-. sity to take active part in fraternityactivities. The casco resul� from theactioD of J. P.· Waugh, a member ofthe Kappa Sigma fraternity at lIilJAPS college, Miss., who refused tosign the anti-fraternity pledge ,uponapplying for admission to the Lawschool. of the 'Univcrsil'y of lIissis':'si,ppi.· - 'He Was refused admission andbroUght -suit agaiDst' the university.To Bead Bad to CoDfeftDce.The Traveling Men's Protective association is makinc a can�ass of itslocal organizations dlroughout Indiana for the purpose of sending thePurdue Military band to the aS90dalion's national conference at Omaha.Neb.16chigan 'leads 'all other statu inthe IIU1Dbcl' of eitie. openrtiDl' 1III4crthe recentb adopted '-c:ity-maDalUplan, aDd the state university gradu.ate seboo1 is the fint to ofter'. eamcalam Q,f studies dmped to trainmen for the Dew profes�o� .. , �> ,_.'. ".:": .,."'�:�".. . .:", .. :-... ·:�·;C·,',NEW::;'.'C" 'SONG 'BOO�S' t' • � ,_ • ..J":'., ':NEW ��cn 'VIE'W"SOOKS, -".: .. ,. ·�'C'·;� MEMOR\i·:�·BOOKS;. :'- - ... "':.:� ... -� ..........: KOOAKS- 'and ,SUP,PLlES': .... �.' .. ,:;.: ." ':',. � .. >. � �',: :.::.... '. ': �c:��·!' I::j,': Pnnting and Developing,: < ;; i:THE UNIVERSITY" OF 'CHICAGO PRESS51500is·A�8�:·· .. ' ··and·· '.-' 10&�ons·Blain.�HaI�,( . ."; ...: -:..--� � ..• NoTiCE TO'· 'PROFESSORS - Ihaft m�e" property than can handleand' mast· sell 8 room: modem brickresidm« in best· part of HydePark. '$1,000 cash, balance same asren� .Possession at once; open forinspection. Own�, . S236 Greenwood Ave.•"'PRINCESS'. OPERETTA SU<X£SSThe Lady in Red . There's.A MESSAGE to, YOll�. '.' .: In every MAROON AD.Each day, give a fe� moments to 'the careful study of these IftIver�tisemenb and you will find yourtime most profita�ly employed... .. -,;r��NIZB'�UV�', ,;',.. ,.. � , .�ANNOUNCEMENTC( THE GARDEN CLUB at the Midway Gardnu MGi,i 'M follftliagmembership oller to the members of the faculty au .the midna" of 1M Utai,'�rsity of Cltkogl!..'qTHE INITIATION FEE is $15 au tile dues are $IS a.,ear � illthree installmeJIts_ October first_ FebnuJry first aM Ju"e first. Mefllblrs}�ii."lou", for the .summer Mo'dlJs "eed "ot pay the JUKe dlles. Tile ittiIiGIio. fHmay be applied '"po" a regular. meMbership a"y Ii",e willi" ""0 y,ars aftw'!1raduatipft, or is transferable to afty other University stud",t..q PRIVILEGES OF MEMBERS-a ",emb�r has free GdfllittGflCI iat6the GardeflS aru! is entitled to take two lady CJM on« out-of-tt1fl1fl ge.tleffIG.'fI!luests into the GardeKS free. There is no extra table claarge for tItIy tGbkin the Wi",,,.. GardeKS. Tile Roof Garde«, muJ the BalCOKieS SKrrouttdiftgthe Swmme« Gardens ore exclusively for membn:s. Also 1M CI"b Roo�on the first alld sUOM floors are for -"'�mbers au their gtlests ottly.CALL AT THE I1AILY MAROON OFPICE POR A.PPLICATIONBLANKS FOR MEMBERSHIP OR FOR. FURTHER INFORMATION.... ; i ..JAS. J. CORBE'lul'F · ,. .. 7 ... Acs...... :I ··16 · -,_ _Ii... :.."" , •••• ", r...... ,._ _ ...·r .,. _..., ..., lie __...-: I "".. ... a··n_ _Ad "' .....· /7'.?,*tTnedo Keeps Yoa iathe ,_ If 'c..Ii-Corbett is Joday as phyaically vigorous and .meo.,By .alert as when he Was cbam� of the wadel. hecau.ehe tabs good ale Of him..Jf. He smoke. T cuaIc»2� .becauae be � that· T usedo is mild. piee8BDt.wholeeome and �J in every way. He ....DO c:baocea OIl other toI.cme.YoacanbepyoUnielfeoUnd-wiDdedanci in tbepiakof condition with tbia mild. frapmt tohecco. SmaleaD JOU want of Tuzedo; it can't �� 7U'I and willPJOU added pleume with each pipeIuIot cipreae. -CIIAIlLES.IlACAULAY.: ->,» •STUART TO: DBLIVER.. - - "SDilON 'IN·IIANDBL. (Contlnued· fIOm � 1).lett at 3. The official guests'.. andme�bers of the faCulties wm m�et inthe President's office at 3:30. .",01-lowing the procession, Dr. lbrburg. __.. , �-__... ... �. � .... '..:,... ... -I .... �.'. I' ::C�n��;;;�EI;;;;��-i-..-Our in;i·tutions.";· The conferring of degnesand titles: by . Preside�t JtlCl�ti _ willdirectly follow the' address.' . The re-ceSsion will follow_.Dr. Marbarg: ",ill . be . tile . ofticia1guest of' the Universitj after fUj arriial in ChicalfO<MOada,. BOOa. HeI wm reside at'�he .Blackstone boteL Heis a trustee' of Job'ns . Hopkins. aaiversity, and president of the Muatcipal Arts league of Baltiuiore. 'Hewas Uaited States mmister to Belgium in 1912-13. He is principally interated in the peace mOTement, beingchairman of the execatift· committeeof the American· Peace congress, andpresident of the' Society lor the Judi- .cial Settlement of International Dispates.WORK ON NOYES BALLTO BE STOPPED D lIENFAIL '10 AltBITItATRI f workmen now loa strike do notarbitrate their differences' with theiremployers, as they now show no disposition to do, the progress of thebuilding of Ida Noyes hall win be seriously retarded for the summer. In.aweek the stone work will be completed, and if th� carpenters, ironworkers. and painters do not return,the construetion will be practicallystopped.Mild. &.pant. deIicioua-and as �tIe with your...taMIer� toagae .. tile touch of Sprint- Tasedo tumaOD·.DeW� It can't "bite; it can't atiDabecaue that'. cut out by the famoua orIfInal .. T uzedoPrate •• " that first .... IIleD ..De:wr-pipe....Me could be. That pmcell today _pi .....It D8ftI hu been dupliCated.YOU CAN BUY ruxEDO EVERYWHERE,.Ccz " .............. Sc - • 1&-........... .,...... . .........::.. �",n.H .,1r .. 4IJc_BIJc ",OI..H ill .JOe_,. -Students in the cbsl in lJotaay '"will take' ttreir ialt field trip this ,.earnell tltey go to Pame�le, 111., today. ftey wRI I� the 63rd -streetstatio" of th� minoil Cenml at 8:03this mOl'lthit. . " GUJlSAtB.ua .... �,�.,..AT vaPU'8BRVICBS..... to Be haaiabe4 1»7 CeatraICIua'dl Q.iIette-PnCIIfaIIs AaaoillDce4'The Rev. Dr: 'Prank W. Gunsauluswill··speak at the student vesper serv. ices tOmOtrow'at 4 in Mandel. Mus:c: will -"be funaished by the Centralchurch· quartette. The program follows:Hymn, "'0, Love That Wilt Not LetMe Go." . .Sc�pture reading.Quartette, "I Will· Lay Me DowDin Peace" � . . . . . . .. GadskyHymn (Words by F: W. Gunsaulus).Qttart�, "Rock of Ages" .... BuckAddress. Rev, F. W. Gunsaulus. D. D.Quartette, �e Long Day Closes"'.. :'" �.:.: .. : ....•............ SullmnMacClintcck to Deliver Addresaes.William Darnell MacClintock, professor of English Literature, will deliver the commencement addressesThursday at Ea1'lham (t.:IIlege, Richmond. Ind., and Friday at the Deerfield-Shields high' school. HighlandPark. 111.HUpsicho� Holds Ymal MeetiDC.Graduating members of Harpsichord were the guests of honor at afinal meeting of the club yesterday at10:15 in Foster. Plans were discussedfor purchasing season tickets formem�rs from the Opera QS�iatioD.·.-upc - . , ....__.;.;... - ..CETyoOr(. cAPs &: GOWNScIked i_·.tIle:Makera ..�� .. :� :LARGE: ltBNTAL'STOCK. NEW OUTFITS MADE TO" OiU)Ba····:-�-- ....: .. -. LaIP- Aii8OttiReid'iI>:PIN$, FOJlSSP.OONS ETC.:�'���:ij'£i#.ws��. .ATHLETIC- GOODS1118 '.W�- c. KERN-.eIi. �'l33i � $7th �. '..2 .i.d B.8t .;;' '..,.a �·._ '. --71ie MtICIaine... ,·rDitIa.GPerWonaIity' •UO matter what YQur'l11 \ouch.-this n�.. . Rota. Master-Model 10 will fit iL-Ih-·a·�.... �;:ththe k,,�:.aD ,yg."". e tOU\3Jof this. new' Royal tofit YOURSELFI Makeit light and imooth ..velve�r firm andanappy •• you lik�·BriiIt lOr "BW ...SaRti II'" and if.GNat Army'oI .Upm.,Opendo,..EftJ17 kee.�wit.ed ........... • • ..., oIice __.�.;:.:::�.:..... ... dIe __�-- ........&0,..1·. A�� TMCi... .aI.zr::� 1 ..'� adIer.We. _........ IIlWllltt* ""'.- c.ttA.F-*'wiD find' -a 'c:orcliar� .... �. ,.. .: , � _......weleOiue·.ia�·everY.b_�ki�._· .Conyen"_ieoceI . at .... NEAtmST-B� .,. '. - .. ' •.UNIVERSiTY 01' anCAGOlESOuas: tWO .... ,S·. ' .DDLLAIS -.WOODLA. TRUST& SAYINGS BANK, - ,"-� ...... -'.. ... •• '01 d" .:._:'_12M BAST strrY-'I'IImD 81'.�·W."_·A�. '. .&oar.: , .... to • p. ..OPBM 8AftJUAya ... DfQ8w. fa,. .',.. c.at. ........ Ia., .... �-- - - - - - -- - - -- - - _--- ",. VoL XIIcu�. ",J .LUHCH:-_ t..,.Aaociat"110... The prwritten';1 the classtc�rday., MandeLof the 'e. .. the prog:... The •scenes 1:;.' Hotchkisthe secc.I; dens. 11, -Graee E.. . q� ager of\ .,dien'was. i,''Words.In the! a stout, .� � riJan-th.. ·1. prop_?se!I reuDlO1l·,- USlThe s�r: ing of, .usual. �. sists of�.: Des Jarl• �s the�d,,<I ber; weseries 0. '1" � I IIGIIr, \ :': The fi:\ .. iHutcbi�, tivities •. at the ic'."-' land, ofLiteratll..; Senior'oded 'tl4-LA .1_..,� - ... - ---.,.i Twohigi • tor; th;� mOst'fo. ingtoO;.; �testSOD is t1.,. the malIhesch-' 10hn D." A deconCUII)- the dalWe.d� to 'the'ltlu� dec. �ma�n. no.!., ..." Beca1ercises\ lenting1916, ,G). :.� -wh4'J Oftl'.kl tion·-tb:Chicag., ditionstft de'!the 'C'"Ho ..Grey i!·The U.those idie lifeRalp't�� "inot 011CUltOD'will'" •Mat;CaP allI'emaft�., ..,\