�.l:. q�.1,-.,-',I·"I'.�.I.. '. � --" rJl��··:·· '���fly, -:lIarnl1l1 . /._.r_) 49 .UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO THU�SDAY, JUNlt 10, 1915.'HALL FIGHT FEATUIlBD.IN HITCHCOCK ANNUAL. PablicatioD Is Titled -&crap N�-Van del' Eaea GiftS Impreaioaaof Life and 11m-Dedicated toRo� and Gilkey., . The Hitchcock annual appeared on'the' campus yesterday aftcrno�n. Thcissue is- called thc "scrap number"and dcvotcs the larger part of itspages to cartoons, stories, poems and'photographs concerning the recentbattle between Snell and Hitchcockresidents. The book is dedicated toAssociate Prof. Robertson and Mrs.Robertson and to the Rev. Mr.Charles W. Gilkey, head of the hall."Reductio ad absurdum:' an account of the fight between the twohalls. :ts contributed by Victor Halperin, the editor and business manager of the annual. Prof. Van derEssen, of Louvain univcrsity of Belgium, writes "his impressions of the. hall;· commenting on the democracyand spirit' of Hitchcock.., Poems arecontributed by' Carl D:..agstedt, 'Wen",:,: d�Ir.·Levi.' .Ral;h Lommen, �nd: ,Howard Joncs."Who's Who in Hitchcock" con'·�i�s. individuaC biographies -of themen and appropriate paragraphs' are: set '. aside- Ior-. each . section. CoreneCowdery'arid '. Hel�ria Stevens havedrawn cartoons for the publication..Halperin is' editor and . businessmanager ,and,has for, his assistantsRaymond Anderson,' Louis Bothman,Ralph Lommen, Stanley Roth, andChester Hamill. ' To AWard' Blankcts.. BULLETIN'TODAY.Divinity school chapel, 10:15, Man-del '. .. Y. w. C. L., 10:15. Lexinlton 14. .Senior Play committee, 1:30, Cobb12 A.International dub, .4:30; .Spelmanboac.CoDtests for the Julius Rosenwalcland Florence Adams prizes, a. Mandelf'OMORROW.(Jaiftr'Sity womed. IiDc, lO:15 •CeDt. . ''1IarPdCbCmt, 10:15. Poater.Pbi Beta Kappa, 3, 1Iuper.Ba8ebaII, V __ w.;' Alamai, 1:30,Stag &eI4. ' ..Re,aoIda dlab ta, 4. Re,aoIcJa cIab.AIaaial . ...odadoa,. s.; 1Iuper.UaiNlait) .... ,. I, Ratchi __court. fEELING TOWARDSU. S. IS BITTERASSERTS FREUND ANNUAL "C" BANQUETWILL BE HELD TONIGHTWinDers of Letter Win Gather inReynolds Club Precedinc DiDDer inHutchinson-Board Meets 'to MakeAwards.Volame XDL Ne.. 161.WILL.PLAY ··fOURTH. ROUND IN TENNISCOMPEnDO" TODAY:- .Matehes in:First DivisiOD .CeIia;pIeted Yesterda �teJts ". _. ,y. ,.' �, .BeciD TodaY·at lO:15� _.�! ; ,., �., _ .. -i' --FOOTBALl. 'SQUADS TO MEETR�'aDd Shafer'Win Lead' Teams. ill: Club Saturday on '. Stan Field.Competition for the tennis titles ofthe fourteenth annual Interscholasticopened yesterday. One hundred and·four men participated in the singlest. contest and forty-four teams in thcdoubles. The first round and part of� the second was played off yesterdayafternoon •. and the remainder of the•. second round matches, the third andfOurth'roullds are scheduled for '.-today. Play will commenee at: 10:�this qi·orning. p. :., ' '-:..--.l' � )� � '!', ."t NoDe' of ,the: 'favorites 'for .the titre. �cre"clfminatcd in the�':fir'Si .plaY�ff .. '" Tc�bune and Carver, of Hyde Park;Swift, of Mesa, Ariz.;:.·Kelly, .of Davenpori:' Iowa.; Singletoll, �(N� :'irlu,:)' �and Gates, of V�lparaiso, Ind., 'Put up• ihe b�sUf.lmcs·. of .the' d;iy, all:deI�at-, ing their opponents with ease: Al-though-Carver 'won -the ' :title at .the• University of Illino'is 'Int"erscholastic,his supporters fear that he will have ..hard sailing before hereaches the 'premier position in this tournament. '..... . �. �....... -,'Hyde Parkiers Are Contenders. Professor of Law, Beceatly Re, turned From Europe DescribesSeatimeat of Genaaas. Athletes who have won the University letter during the past year will beinitiated into the Order 'Of the "C" atthe annual meeting and dinner of thcorganization tonight. The new menwill gather in' the Reynolds club at 6and will be introduced-to the membersof the order. Following this. the initiation and' dinner will be' held inHutchinson commons.The Board of Athletic Control willmeet today to award letters to thisyear's members of the track. baseball.tennis and gymnastic teams, upcn therecommendations of the coaches. Di-. rector Stagg. who is president of the. Order of the "C." will preside at themeeting of the organization tonight.Speeches will be made by a number ofthe older "C" men.. According to theannual custom, a "C", button will bepresented to the .athlete who has.come the. longest distance, to attendthe annual banquet, PRESIDENT JUDSONWILL BE SPEAKER_ AT W •. A. A. DIDERAddresses to Be Made by FaeoIty Members-Rath Pr0Sser Will Oiler Weleome. ' i,tt,The Women's Athletic associationwill give its annual Spring dinner tonight in Lexington. An informal reception will 'be held at 5:45 in thcNeighborhood room and dinner willbe served at 6 in Lexington commons.President Judson and other members ,of the faculty wili speak, andRuth Prosser; president of the W. AA., will give the' welcome to the ne�members. Miss Dudley and Mi,ssWayman will award the banners, cups:pins, and numerals, 'Guests of Honor.President and Mrs., Judson •. MissMarion Talbot, Miss Gertrude: Dudley, Associate Prof. Starr, Dr. andMrs. AimesrAssistant Prof. and Mrs.you furnish" the war would be over." The annual, award of sweaters to Philip. S� Allen, Dr. Young, Prof. and.However, individual Americans are the members of. the athletic teams Mrs. Tufts, Mrs. Willett, Prof. andtreated with courtesy .and . kindness. during the 'P�st year will. be made at, Mrs. Cowles, Miss: Stiles, Mr .. and, The impression. on the whole, is of a the' meeting in Mandel Saturday night Mrs. Teedson, and Mr. and' Mrs.people absolutely convinced of the in connection with the awarding of White will 'be the guests of honor.righteousness of their cause. and of a the Interscholastic prizes. The "C" 'Edna Kantrowitz,' the general'.people, unless .the war is. to last fo� blankets presented to athletes who chairman, has appointed the followingyears, practically invincible. . have fin-ished their term of ccmpeti- women 'members of the Reception._A.ppearances Are, Normal' tion will. also be given out at this committee: . Pauline . Levi, . Irene;Tcr.hune and Carver, runners-up in TO HOLD D�CE AFTER SING time. ' , ' -Tufts, Mildred Appel, Mary Allen,', 'the' Illinois 'InterscholastiC; arc(1doked ,_._- __ ... tu.�... _.:.,:_�_.-,·-' --- --:. .. ----, --.- ....... ��e..su(pr.jsiJ;lg�·�ing.about·.a visit., ... ---' .:�- i\lma"'Parinale;---Phy11is "Fay� . Irene',dpon as the most likely, contcstants PrograM Tomorrow Night .to Be . to Germany is that the' general appear- . .. . Taylor, Laura WaIter� .Iulia. Ricketts;';·In the doubles ehampio 'nshl·ps. Kclly n..-AA. Wi.lth Band COD.cert., anee of-th,'e country' and the course of JUNIO�S AND SENIORS. • .-� TrEND BEACH PARTIES 'Helen Ricketts, Dorothy - .Ccllins,.a"nd Balch, representing the C�ntral : daily life should be' so nearly normal. �. . " - , .- '. Edith Smith, Margaret Grcen.high � school. :_ of MinneapOlis, is an",: - A dance' Will b�' held in" the Rcy� 'Even the theaters are kept' going as ., " - - . :-,-,- .. . -." - ,. ,.:""., . ' .. -' " , .othcr tcam which :is 'conccdcd a good' ,ooIds club from .10:30 to.12, following: . uSual, . 'arid � restaurants' and places of Despit� 'M:arc� .V{e;Lt�er thr:own into,. ; PLAY COMMITTEE WILLchance for- first honors.":- These 'lattcr "the sing tomo�W':' nig�t.::.. ,The· cvcn- � : amusc·me�� .. a�e. .frequent1� . c�o.w,de�. !he, middl�' �f.;] ���, sc;ni�rs. �n.d jt1n- � '. . " HOLD' MEETINy TODAYtwo showcd cxcellent .form .'when they ing's·· program �tll b�"opene�' at� 7.:15. . The most strlkmg' change an the ordl- lors turne_d ou� lD. am�le n�n .. hers for. '_,_' .__ '.; '. '.•'. ',' d :M' 'B' "d" " 'd , .. ··C 'rt" h' ," f wit,h'a:�,concertby tbc'_UniverSi,ty' band.,: : nary, condit, ions 'of life is the institu_,'- t!te cla�s .b���,',� 1?��!���""JI, .h!�� .·w��e I Th Sc'· P"l," ' .., �11tnmmc c n e an .onC a y, 'O_ '", - '. , ', ; ',' .. " I h ld late yesterday afternoon on .. e' Olor" ay', committee WI• Hyde' Park. ':.3 ,�r J:. - - " .. :: 1 I" Songs 'by the fraternities'" and" other' � tion: of the. bread cards., . e.' <_... " . : . . '- ,. "" . �' ',:'...' ,• .' . ;. " : .. .... .; i. ...., ',.' '. . the. beach ,In Jackson park, south of the' hold a: me�tJng ��day _at l.3O an Cobb,.., ...... ' d orgamzallons wdl follow. ". "These cards are gIVen out by the '. ,.. -' , .,. ,- ... ", .'.. - ., 12 A Th f 11' . '.,Preoarations,for the recept,on�an ._. U=:-;:d� .. :���":'!'��!lL:�';,�..!_nO'h�thp:,.:,,;,.";;':"':_':'1;.; .. '�:.n� th";.h'!.lczIcz I\f �� �1-' GC7��!llb��ldin�:' Frien�ly d�s riv- " .' e:' 0 0'Yang sem-ers �t:'e .ex:-,�nte�tainmerit of ittie; higfi' s�h9ijrau�- ,'cr6�«( :3t ":ne s;agi �f -the, 'p-;'ogr�m�: : j���'���-�f'f���"p���d� -p-'�r �eeic for - al.ry i� tite torm o_i� a base?aii ��e,' . y:::!:� !:::;�t�!!�::. ,-_��.t.t'!!!��::-A��"!'· 'letes have 'pnctically been coro-_ A 'Ii ded' b P " r R ,- 11' . . ." ".' .," "did not mar the splnt 'Of umon whIch . V crnle '. Bla�kett, , John, .. Brea.thed"�,lete" d. The. U,niversity. sing, will. af- n octette,· ca 'y au ussc, , each pcrson. They are renewed every ··'·1 d C • ',� - .. 'd" . h '.. . . 'b' fi 'Frederick By' erly Katherine Coven.� .' .' 'f .. 'will "Iead, these ·melodies. ,The Alma' week or two� The 'br�ad 'is �a'de ,pr�val e_ �"?�!1;': t e .0I1:e· o�, re. : p' . I'D 'J' 'd' 'Alf", d Edd" p' h 'IIprd·' cntertamment 'or tomorrow 'M ...' '1'1' b � '.' -:. d _' h" h' . where' the' students ' ate toasted .au.' es ar len, re y,. y-. Th . hI' 'n ' ater WI. C sung an ,.t e ,c Imes partly of potato 'meat, but IS whole-, '... :... .. ... . .�: .;' r F' 1.1 F Sol H .�I�ht.. he �nterfsc 0 ahstJ�bml e�. WIf '�laye'd between 10' and-lO:l0. ..'. some and palatable'. Travelers' a:re' marsh'��l1.?��. a,n�. �ro��cted. the�-, 15. ';!� aHr�trehtk' enooDn, th Lalrrl-,witness t e .sang. rom tea cony 'O -. . S '" I' f' h 'f ',' .. - , h" " r' . - .'.. ., . selves agamst the none too warm' . son, UTaCC, . 0 C ISS, ,oro y ew-the Re"molds '�lub Following ·the evera ,0 .t.e ratermtl�s .ave � - 'supphed Wltli cards good for,-one day b' , -d'" 'h:: '1' h ellyn 'Mary' MacDonald 'Louise Mick '� '., d b d f h . "-: _ - ,",.' '. . . . reezes, an ate t e unc eons pre- " •. .' •J m·c·c't''';';;n''·S';'-tu- i-da-y a 'banq'uet :wiU, be': rea y een assure 0 avmg ov�r a. at the 110tels .. Nhde the pnces of all. d b h ,"., f' h' d'ff t' 'Yetta Milkewitch Frank O'Hara'. v n, .... ·h d d £ th . b' t t ff . • pare y.t e women 0 tel eren, _".,."·C;,ld in H,utchinson;.!=omm�ns, follow-,. 'un re 0 clr· mem ers' presen a '. foodstu s, h. a. v� nsenf ,-there .I� p, l�nty classes'. ., . - '. Haskell Rhett, and Francis Sherwi� ..,.,. the' sing. President Judson, the trus- to t d th ht� _jig �1_tich th� Jl_1en _will go to Mandel,;: � , '-ea ; an WI n�.w � �rops. In ' Slf? •..ihere selections from this year·s··, 'tees and members of the University ;people laugh. at the_Id�a �f starva�on. SNELL COOLER ISSUED;Blackfrhirs' sbo��' �i1t b'e staged. The.; senate will be the -guests ofthe. even- : Other supphes, of ·whlch there might UPPERCLASS�E�. TO �A'1TLE. is DEDICATED TO PAGEa;ps will be awarded to the successfui,' ing. ,be a scarcity, especially leather and . .�. 'athletes during the entertainment in" metals, arc carefully husbanded, -and Meet Tomorrow in Annual Game inMandel. .' . 'Fre$b1lWl Party Called Off. ,all Germany presents th� piCtu�e �� a Sleepy 'Ho��w."• <:; .' .� _ r, ." --' - • wonderfully worked out orgamzatlon,:_ ... ,Stac! �����' ���. Thc 1918 beach party scheduled for adapted to the, conditions of a longCoach Stagg: Jhas.' arranged a foot- ycsterday afternoon was postponed and vigorous campaign. Internal conball gam� between' the, .two Spring becaus'c of several conflicting social trovcrsies and- differences are, for thesquads I�i .. _the· entcrtain'ment of the evcnts�. timc bcing, buried."Intersch'olastic' visitors on 'Saturdayt aftemoo�,:j�ecliat�ly after the track�events are' m·,'off.· One squad, capt tained by' ·pet� Russcn. :will opposeanother Icd by Walter· Schafer.: OnRusseO's sqriad witl appear stich starsas Brelos. Bennett, Bondin'� Redm'on, Hawk, and Mahannah. SdtaferPs squad consists of Brodi, Harper,Knipschild,. Edgeworth, Jacksori, andKahn. Russell's squad won fromtheir opponents in a practice gameyesterday by a 6 to 0 score. Bennettmade the rouchdown for the winnersin the last �inute of play'.III addition to the football game; the. eJay �eaiI!s o� th� Unive-:sity ,w111 a��mpt to tower the wortd's interceDepate recants in the two-mile and haU.;·mile relays. Ca1ft1)ben, the winner ofthe half-mile in the '-Conference meetlast Saturday, w111 also attempt tobetter the record ill the half. 'l'he existing ma!'k in the half is one-fifth ofa second below th'e mark fOt' theWest, now held by Campbell. OF BRITISM HOLD RECEPTION AT 5:45LOSE' HATREDAppearance Gives· Impressioo ThatTcutoDS Are InviDcible-SolveFood Question.Bitterness toward the United Stateshas replaced intense feeling againstEngland in the hearts of the Germans,in the opinion of Dr. Ernst Freund,professor of Law, who returned lastweek from a three months' trip toGermany and Austria. Dr. Freundaccredited the antagonism to the fur-, nishing of ammunition to the allies. by the United States, Prof. Freund, spoke last night at a smoker in 'the. Quadrangle club. '"Feeling against England has' rapidly declined," stated Dr. Freund, "Inits place has risen a steady feeling of'bitterness against the United States.Thc statement is constantly heard:"If it were not for the ammunitionMr. Fred Merrifield, instructor ,nNcw Testament History, wbo wasoperated on for appendicitis Sundayat the Englewood hospital, is recovering npidly, according to the ban eo: �tin scnt out yesterday. '. Banquet Begins at 6 in LezinctoaAward Pins, Cups, Numerals,and Banners.CHARLES LEE TAKESPRIZE IN' MILO P.jKWE'rf COMPE�ON J uniors �nd' scniors will meet tomorrow at 10:15' in the annual inter.class. incioo,� .ball game. , The' c�ntestwill be pl.ayed in Sleepy' Hollow. Last. year's battle 'was .armexed by the Seniors. The juniors, with Matth�wsand Whiting forming the battery, arebent on taking'revenge for last year'sdefeat.Des Jardien will do the twirling forthe scniors and Gray will do thecatching. Other Maroon athletes, including Kixmillcr, Stevenson. andGorgas, Will 'be seen in the seniorlineup. Harold A. Moore, who ledthc Phi Psis in their victorious racefor the indoor champmnship, will heseen cavorting around the second sack.Cole. Cavin, and F. B. and R. N. McConnell w111 be in the lineup for tbe The Snell Cooler, containing thirty-'six pages, was issucd last night. It'is dedicated to Coach Page, form.er. resident of the hall. An account of.the Snell-Hitchcock fight is included,in addition to several· poems by Ar- .thur .Bishop.· .Harold Fishbein. 'andWalter Whitney. Biographies ofresidents. photographs and . special ar-: tidcs make up the rest of thc book.The .. Cooler . staff follows: JohnChapman, 'ediror; Carl Miller, assi�tant cditor; James Arnold, businessmanager; Herman Hertz. assistantbusincss manager.DOROTHY LLEWELLYNAND CORNELIA BEALLPLAY IN FINAL TODAYDorothy Llewellyn, '15, �a'Ptur:ed(he undergraduate women's tcnnis'championsbip in a closely 'contestedmatch with Elizabeth Newman, 6-4,3-6, 6-1, ye!terday at 10:30. At theAmc time Comerla Bean won theRTaduate ehampionship from FrancesHonston, 3-6. 9-7, 6-3. A large crowdwitnc!�d the matches. The twowinners w111 compete for the Univer!lity women's cbampionship today at10:� on tbe Varsity courts. Miss\Vayman will referee.Charles Otis Lee won the Milo P.Jewett prize for Scriptural reading{rom a field of five contestants last'night in Haskell asesmbly room.Lee's selection was from thc Book ofPsalms. The sum of fifty dollars wasav..-arded to the winner. Thc other�ontestants were Sherman Conrad,Harry Johnson, Charles Bettershell,and Cornclia Montgomery. Membersof thc Divinity Ic�l (acuity acted asj�dges. junion.Merrifield I. RecGftriDc 'Ra1ridl7.I'he engagement of Helen Kennedy.'ISp to HatTi Paine has 1"cen announced. !.li,5 Ken�edy i's a member of Chi Rho Sigma. \lr. Paine isa 'gi-ac1uate student in chemistry anda membcr of Gamma Alpha.11f; laUg _arllj1t I �:tJ�� 'o'�,ii\.i: ;w�B::�Xdf'· ·heDiDi tid· bi� .ha··beit:'"�ritl· . s-, �" .: .. �' �:,' . r0Ecial StadeDt N�. Oi � .. kin_d.· one. o! 't�e .diillil �iii�k.·�� 'ba,taia'of .TraY:' tl:wri- �ia'�jl;A: i'Uniyeni� of Cbicaco. lack most noticeably here IS spon- of Yuat Awd.at the Uai.a� Jtaneous singing.-as was evidenced at Award-'" by PresicJmt J ...... 1the daU aiDe la:'t .F�day. Th� w� Upon NomiDatiOD of.Committee..men were more lD evidence then. but .then men will be in the majority next Francis O. Ward; captain of the'Friday. and we")l need the help, of track team. received the. m.eda. 1.1IIPt.·v.en.every woman:- ·.you can't do it with- by the Intercollegiate CoDf;�nceout practice: .·W e .are going to sing Athletic association for' combined exjust. two� �nasp,,::�h.e 'firs� !erse and' eellenee in athletics and scholarship.chorus of the Chicago Marching Song The aWard Was anDounced at the 6-and the new Chicago toast. I beg; of Dal chapel ei�rcises of the Seniorjou-rceep the 10:15 bour free next .college yesterday mornin'g in Mandel........ _ lleaIlIl e" ..u at tile au.- Friday. the lltli,. arid Come. to Kent, President Judson made�e a��oun�e-.�:a.a.o...DIiDoIa. ....... u. II01l Apes R. Wayman. �entanC1 presented Ward Wiil! a eer-..-: 'Act of JIaada a. 11'71. t[bate in pbce �i the medal; the de-DeJa,. ia i.Ciiiali, 8enice.. sign of WHich �m not t;e conipletedTo the Ed· tor· for several months.By Carrier. $2.SO i year; $1 a quarter. . 1.By Mait. $3 a year; $i.25 a qUarter. Permit me to correct a slight mis- Ward is one of the fastest hunflersUIIderstanding caused' by the. inu. and sprinters who has ever representductory para'jiaph in your statement ed., the Unive�sity. His time in theof Iby 1:1 on "delays in tb'e. serVice tOO-yard and 22O-yard dashes last Satof books in the- HarPer libr.irj: urday equalled the best records of theThe main source (;f delay is not' the Conference. Although he did not runrecataloguing. There are at least in the hurdles 0 naccount of the nee-Clara _ iioEI�y P�t;liiahl�i1 coii1�j four other causes whieh are IDoI"e essity of, working in extra h�ts inlilt �. Growe A..... "hl. IIJdwi7 l1li frititful of delays than is the reeat- the dashes. his time in .the 22O-y�,:daloguing. They ue: low hurdles . against Illinois on the. THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 19is.. 1� LaCk of experience iii the use of Saturday before :was one-fi�h of a...... � .. '. . ,...._, ,. (, ,'" , . catalogues and othet bibliographical second better than the pre'\!lous re�. aids on the part of those who use the ord jand was the. same as that made,piRr!" WiTH A vENGEANCE. library. As a remit of such ritJeri- by Simpson, of Mi�souri., in the meet..... e:..te' there ar"'e' n'u'm- e"ro''u"s misleading" He is a graduate of University thigh. Wilen the UniverSity sing was start- DC" ' school and a member of Psi .Upsilon,ed it was an inforihaJ. spontaneous ex':' cali-slips which r$ire Correction.'.' .', . .... 2. Th' 'e' s taO te . o'f' tile' ea Llo"gu"'e's" a'n·':i Three OJ1Clrters Club, Iron Mask, andpression of the feelings of the groups _ u .• • I" .I -ct":'s·S1·fica· t·IO· n- ;� e :.:.t. '����J.....L..!.. Owl and Serpent. and· is a. Univer-ripreseiited. But Ji]ee so many col ege I4Il &a& �& IAUU a ... a-a ...... CJna&.- ..... . Sa .-. !.LJill.'!'':'' � sity marshal .. ....exercises, started in simplicitY ana de:" libraries Dod in' iPer; re.uuiug· co.;.,;iiHee � W-alDer.veloped into' complex organizations.. frOiD tI�e efforts in die past .of iliex-" The ,a�rd � ���� bi .Pij��d�eDtthe sing has lent itself to blare .of perienced help: �bndig witliois't ade- Judson upon nomination of a;-commit-- tnunpets, seats far honored guests,' quate supeniSioD. '!'hiS state. of it... tee comPosecl .of Dean iAigel� . birecand all the other accompaniments of .. fairs is· gradually' being' .CQrrected by to� stagg; Dean _ Small, and:. :Deai..a.·great spectacle. This year we have the recata:Jo�ng .no1_V �in, p��gres.s. .Gale, ·of the dePartment of PhysiCala' beautifully arranged schedule, giv- i U)ss of OOob since l� "in- .Cui�e and Aihleties� and the headiug' each fraternity seven' minutes to- Iy due .to the' �� ��i sy��� ��� marshai of the coll�ges. I t is gwe�.march from station .A,. sing its· s{)ngs. mlS prev.ulecHia a DmDtiei- of libraries.. each year' to the man g..aduating inand .return; words of University These loss�s bve liot i;een cheCk� each Confe�ence. �niversity, .liter foursongs will be thrown on a screen, ap. : by a' thoro�gii .. inven\6rY, #or cu soholastic years· residence. :�ho, has. ' parently for the benefit of'those who they be so. chea:ed iiDhLiIi� li1)rari�, the highest ci�gre� of aclJievemei.� in_do. not know them; �ndstand seats concerned have heen.i-eCitilogiiect and his Work, athletic as well:is,.s�h�tas.-.-wrin be erected on the roofs. aud re-elaSsified..· LOsses.· f�om)i·. !lPen tic. The medal' viiii b�. designed by' , ..bleachers,' . down·· below; . and, . alto- sh�lves are, commoii to ·ail. li6ian� Dr. � 'Nit McKenZie. oLPhitadel-' :.gelber. we are going to have a little university as' weD as publiC. wliere phia, and will the presenteii'to 'the w,iA: � �. \:': 'show that will be a marvel of systema- books are made ·freeiy··aCcessib�e _-to : ners .,as soon <"as:', �iDpletecl·. :.. The � �. ti'zed college spi�t..· . th� JJSefS.' 1·lifte"preYiOaSli' siiiid- '. award· will be��made .a ,regidar.· event, .-.- _-"' _� -.� ii(yoor oolUiiiDS:tfiaUil'mY.Opuuon· �everyYeat-··after',tluSo : .�.'"... ' - " " ,.... ithis is due morc·to·arelessDw:t!iaa· � -In'_'�Dg·:�the·'preSeDtat.io� Pmi�TimeDRApa:" ss�e"s(;». G �o·.. . ��me��\.�yS,. tma°,. disn.,y·: �.onS'IDl��.:Ui.·�a.:,. it�·h�ec;�t�id.: _�.;,�. dentjudSoluiaid:';" �, conSider thi�; ; ._" \ . ;. ; . . " .' .I . '. ,'. '•• ' " �nDiU' � _-'" �iDeda�. an imj,OrtaDU.hin� an.d:�hat it· ,.�' ..., .-. -.-�-.";.. ;;;;.. ,;.;.,..;,.-.-.....;, -.";'.,---;,:-,._,_........ -.. -.. _._.-_-.--.... -. '''-'-'-''-'_''_' _, _�.�,_. �._�'!-. -'_. __.:�":-:-' _. ., ..�� �sses." .' made to'sDlJ� fof the'silis cif tJie'few. 'stands fbi an;:m.P6rtant achievemeat:. :. YUUR' ·r;·>FOOD· ··edot:�cL.·_·'.�" �t)ti&i\f'.·it:·.t'�This statem�nt; made many: years' � '�t The Ji�i-··�·.�cauR 'c1(loIC ;There- �:�tO':� .'no· 'nason' why'; '." ._. :.:.;. ;.:: :..,� ..:' .. : ::. ' l_ ·:.• ·.t_o,..m'·.. ·.c!-e.·.·.:.�·,;�, .a�.·l� y.':o:r-..-.. '1url.:-.:;.� ib.,.. �.ee','· � "•ago by an emin�nt. phirosopher� woUld. hObrs aiid- the �e ·.. iinbif<Of: � -athletic ··and.·�scb�lUti�:· achineJDeDt_.' __ . .•.. . � _ .' .. J!., _� .. 4 ,: •se'eiD'�:inirOduce a gloo�Y'foftc2st' ,; ,., •. , .. �:I.!.i!·�-"t- ,.. ... -s. o"f'a·�.;,t':"-'"�".. shoUld ,not go::haDci' in·:hand. and: I' uSq"ua"r:"es'" .... t,·th·e- Men's' COmmODS . ..•.. " .' I.!�···:':::'d. 11' branesto�IteP, .. opetr; - •.• � ,." ,,'. ..:;. ." ':.,:- ...•. ' .'.• � .. , ,of tIC"'� .. dlS�:.... rta .. on .tI.&4&L.W. O.UI. n.. va.. LI. '. '•. _.' •• _.�_.�__'''''''_, ..'. .��< � -,.._" ··1.:av .. 1i-nft_._.:. :--.-; .. _1.; .. 1. .• 1.;.. • .. --�_.__:l':' .• __ .4 __ �_" _�_._. __ . .!.:. .. �. .�_:. __ • ..:...--.:::::::;_. :. ;.:.". ilit'l:;':ral �tIcios"orBOSSuet iii�-m-: -b�ur��""'·�- .=--r .. -; .:� ��-th�·-�;;:i,l�-b��:-;;;rfiik-;· -. �·---'�rhe-·HOme�·M.ae:MUIliDs.·�;:--f'II�dUl .. fEt���:,-,. :-;;.:: .::It:c�::!ie=!i= ca!:r�i ::;��t�:-:e�� '�i����eo� 1 like· . the .: Ke�.=t.��� .. ciaf�.·L���·�Cj· hopeS and :iinbitlolis> Ji is' DOt;: it is diiriiii �bet. i9i4; aDd do.f all: _.' . .--v .. . . - . i ill drte 'DiDile£L are p.mg aatiafactioo: • .�: .used' merely. to sUggeSt' to st1ldeiits. ·.erntiOD of ike SitUatiQD on ihl�.;lit . TO BOLD ROSEIfWA.J.Q , _� . ....�,.�.;: .� ... �. '.,� ... � ........ .:_' ... ;� .. _.:� �, :.:.. �. __ ';.� � ... ' '';J!' .-.; .. \ ..-: .;:� ",f', �'+�_.:and such mem'bers'-.of·tht· faadiY as . _'''".. ,·1 r:: •. , , •.. , ...•. <- '�"I AifD .. �&CONj&8lB· _t,. , ""'T< , �·"'·f"T·\·i<:1j 'ir1l '0 """!,�,,,, • .: ;< .stm are affected' by tlie qUarterly Spec-- of assutaiit siD the .DeliVerY room. ..�. . ., .'.... ·-1..4· .. 0. . ..... zS E!L_ ... -�. - -Ifthw;Oii8hou( the year!.. .' _ •... �;.... . 'TOJOGBT ·!R·.IIAJfDEL -,. .'tacle of studeDt�· reCeIVing tlieird�-J� C .. lI. H'aDso.oW; aSSoCia.· te a. irec.'·.J.o. ·r. ' .�'''' ,. Four! prizes. 'amotihtiag, iIi,an to'grees and potssiftk" (rotti the' waDi of ... "Ail pimil ,_.·Hm· ...... Pat ·$2S&,:wiD be-'awarded;fo 'tBe' wiliael's�the University, that;'after all, no par- , BODIiira-·to- ...... '_�; .iD:the .two·Coat�ts· iii �:a�tieular attention sIaOCiICl' .e. paid t()· ��L COQY ���.:i PriIDe.r �:' .> 'rea_g..,. TWo:()f the-·fiYe<·cotitemats·whit is largel, a passiDjj phast of any LAST LEAGmt u .. _ .;. "'- ';,�:. ' ;f�r the Julius Rosenwald -prizes for'existence. We come and go. Life TODAY iii. LBXDfGTO�. 'Ail.t·1te codtestaatS-who �'in apPear :excellence in oratory will ·ftceivemeans one 'activit, after another; am- -. in . the' J1iIias .RoSenwald. cO-test to: ;awanl�'_Onie of·$It»·a.d ·the:Othft ofversilj- lift is a Part of It; and· sbould �ryl Cody '1ri�i .!i��� charge of ih�. ni8-hl: at' 8 ._ -lIaDftl haft rec()Ms: of ;$50. 'ftae F10reace - James . AdamsDOt be taken as a Ptnod 'separai� and senior League .Dleetiug tOday' a.� 10:15 past, holion.. ie· .. the..· field oi public ;pri� lot attistic-- �d".. a� for $75aj,arl, a time lOst forever in' the sease in LOiJigton 14., Katlael1ne COft�, speakibg. . CODen' Bnnna. the only 'alld '$2S� Five' 'readinp will' W sah-dDt certain' elements of it CaD nrnr Helen Ricketts. aad .R8� AcbDis w.�1 WomaD in' the :..'conteSt" . Was a ... inlier :Diitted.. ...be· repeat�d; nor; sho�!d it be sO di�' giVe. sbort addresses. This . ..,l1 be of one of the FlorenCe -laDies Adams :.-: Contestants for the Florence Jamutiilpished as to require so mach at- th� last LeagUe meeiiug of:the·qur- prizes 'in arti�tiC. mding' last year. Adams prize Wllibe:. Vemon . .BroWD,tention to the COT..Itnencement-the· ter. Joseph' .. Augatas, . ,wbile in hilh ·.who will read -iphigenia at' Taurii";closing of one episode and the begm- schoo� was cb:ampiOlr of. Cook coun- :]essie 'M .. cDc)_ld,� praeatitig. "La-ning of another. Nothing is closed kwl ...... � ii.e. Trip. 'ty in 91Iblic speakiDl"�d; later, of the :.clfer's··Feast"; Pjlyl1is . Fay, offeringsliarplyat the Coniinencem�t, nor isstate of Illinois. ·-rbe Return of Odl'sseas"; LaWl't1Iceit' at all likely that aDY or·us wilt be Mr. u,uis L.' Mc:Doaald, executive Ezra Byer' is hte only contestant Satisbury, reading, ·"sea Poems,'! aadclianged radically at that moment. secretary of the Boy Scouts i. Chi- living outside of Chicago. This is his (jiive Martin,' who wilt' recitee.go, �onducted the Scoutmasters' first year· in the Univenity and his' ··Micbael"class ora a trip along the lake shore ability has not been'tested. J. Dem-yesterday afternoon. First aid to the ing Fergu�n has had experience ininjured 'and camp pitching were prac- an exeeut�e capacity and on the platticed. form for the National Prohibitionistparty. William Chapman was on� ofthe winners of the . lower senior con- \Villiam Carey, of the departmenttest last year and was champion of of Bacteriology, was elected presideatCook county while in high school of Phi Eta. . the gradu:ate scientificThe titles of the speeches in the sodety, at· the .final meeting of . theordeT in which they will be presented organization last· night. John My·tonight are: Joseph Aagastu� .-The era. "f the; de1*� .of BacteriolSwing of the Pendulum"; Ezra Dyer, ogy, was'e�tel vic�esident: Wil·�AII Elemet:at' of Democncy"; Coneen., l� G�y, of· the·deputlfttllt. of .Ed1IBrown, "'!'he Land, �f� Pronrise�; J.' cation, secretary; Edward Let�: of·Deming Fergasoll;:' HPrOhibitioll· a tM. �epa1't1De1lt of Phytia, t�,Pnsent· and Past. Gmwi� :It·ti�nat I ,and Hendle.t ��neI,- of ,.�",nIssue"; william Chapman, "A '�ea ment of· .Edac:atiOft;·· corr�for Old Age Pension....... secretary. 'Published mornings, except SaDda,.&ad Monday •. during the Autumn,Waiter and Spline quarters. by The,paily Maroon Staff.0. w. CottiDcbam .. Va-&lac BdltorP. R. Kah ••..••..•••... Netra "tOl'II. R.. SwaDIiOD •••••••••• Day BdltotJ. J. � .. _.: .. ,�aca_ BditGr·il p� i*attbeWa .... � .....Editorial Rooms .•••....... Ellis '12Telepliolie M�d�y 800�Buiness Offite Ellis 14'. _TeJep_!lo_ne BlicutoDe �591.COMMUNICATIONTo the Woftieil.To the Editor:On Friday morning at 10:15 �i11he held the last practice of the songswhich the. women are. going to singat the annual University sing on Friday evening and I want to mQke thisappeal to the women to.be ()n hand.The sing uSed. to be a fraternity afF�ir.The Alumni association, thaught thatit w�s ��i' democra tic enough, so lasty�r' the: woai�, and 'the houses wereasli:ed to. joJ��_ This y"ear. in. addition,there will be some class singing andmuch general singing. The Univer- D � J!"if m;:. -:.:� Wtiat Will iindAe' �. t�·O .�.:=!:...a..I: �-1... ...... �:.i'�81want � '�ouocco. ..... y;1. ttL VET.. filii".�-i··--------�iEJ·,·· .... -- ....iE3., .....·.·.��·.. ·-'il .. -ft �.j.�./" 'l'.' ,-" .• fJ...•, ...• ,••. ,:�".t •••..•a. 4',;. ., .: ,.. � .." ; .... -. ��--' a�� -... of· . ""1" .. - .��� �R�OKs'� B�O�HERS .:��:l�y.e;'.;.fQ . an.ri9��C��, :diat. mer' �.··�mov�ttf theif: -.n�W,· btiila�ng. at ��D�N.. AVENUE' ·.·&f.�:F.(j·ilri;..FoURTH 'STREE.t.9ft 'me J�lwz3 day. oj �St .'j"!y'..1-.' , ; . .. � -. ' . '.. "�)" . :". : ...... ��"i:��: .. ::\'.:.�·:.... .'"'.�'''''.... : f�, �.' .. �. •, " '.. � .. '. , .. . \. - ... """' ...� •. ".,.. .to. � ." :. " • - �'.� � •CAREY IS ELECTED. . .. IlEAl) OF PHI ETAProof. of Wouar/. Teams Esbibited.Proofs of the pictures of the basehall and swimming teams are .beingexhibited in Miss Wayman's office inLexington. and will, be available until this afternoon at 3.WiD RoW. PieJci Da7.The first ainiul Geld day of theHyde Park iiig� ICh�1 _ill· be. heldMonday, jaDe l..j ... oft. Stagg field. . PDi p:i;,Tt>. � ... • .... t f. ... '. .... '_'.�.:TodQ.·, � .. -Delta;. K�ppa,. E�a,. .Del�:'I'au'Delta, . �i yPsIlo�; 'a�4 Delta .:Qp��nwill run off the . bah in :�e ia��·tenn'ty .. rela;" f:KeS this aftlenloon at 3on Stagg iie�. i . �.,,��..Ail' ...;f��:�- ,---\tHEtie--'hes!u�·t6.·1c9P17.NOT]� Iii�.t;rcParPOIape..AT.II � �'!• .'�.F01['fJP,-, ... Ituse•toJ-';H�"-T�I::<:N,P"�4ti.'__"'�FOItlUllap;.tn.JroblobnP&l;m:-"':1vatiiisMi,",,:.-vllt1: UII- 111::�ch;·Pal��I!�,� "f,=T.•De�='.== ...It.-• .'� "-, (- I...-1 ••;':"-.,t"•-II! ,.-��I= !�,� ,.f,I:,it-us) ..a.-:3.. '.'_.. ..... -.. - .__.. .. '"'r - -- �--- ... -, J...j'iI�AP5�GOtis·. ,� direet fl'Hl the Makersi:LARGE RENTAL STOCK1 ,;NEW OUTFITS MADE TO 'ORDER, Large Assort •• t ofPINS, FOBS SPOO$ m'C.i PENNAN'I'8"'pILLOws '. . . -:, --',i • ., ., � '. ... t' .... ,ATBL£TIC GOODSThe w. c� KE�N Co.131 E. 57th STREET2 short bloeks East ofRe:faolda �b., , PHI DELTA'TBBT& Writ. " ;.:-'CBAaPIONSBIP-COR1BSI,:" FROII DELTA TAU DELTA�ceuent *n, � � U !t&' '.p . .,..... fO( YICt�troiea . . "., ',o.t; Bicht ilat· , "ANNOUNCEMENT..;.., � '. '.�I -,� . \.q THE GARDEN CLUB at the Midway GardetlS ",akes the foUowing�"J,�iltiP' o6tr ;0' ihj members of tise faci;'ty lind the strUJents of the Unif,"rli,; of Chicag�."THE'INITIA TIOii FEE is $15 and the dlles ore $15 a ,ear '/'ayGble in_ ,.,..; - ............. "" .,:, #' _. .. - " ... '- ...,three itlStallments, October first, February first and June first. Members not intOiitt for the iUiiitfiSr WO.l1Li need HOt pisy tii� June dfies. Tie' �itialion fee"'Dy be alPlied "p6n a reg�ltJr "iembership any timt Within two' ;e&':'$ aftergraduation, or is transferable to any other Unit,ersity student.q PRIVILEGES OF MEMBERS-a �ember has tree admittance into'flU Gaf4tfti tiQr&:' ttlfifllcl 10 tiike two. lu§ aiul o� orJi�oJ-Ia:w,r gentlema"guests into the Gardens free. There � no extra 'table chIJrge for aKY table1ft ,I,; tv;,tter' G�ra:n;. .TAe Roof Ga;'iJiii� ani. the Bol�Oiiies'nnTou�ingtAe Stlirllntf· (;iJr8ttfl are erclusivtij for m;mter1. �l�il ilil 'cM3' i�oo�on the first and second floors are for members and tlaeir gfjesis Mdj.THE DAILY MAROON 'OFFICE pBI ·jlJ1:JC:3fibiJBLANKS ,FOlf, MEMBERSHIP ak· �f1l- - ' 'FutfrHER iNFbRMATIO#� ,Phi Delta beta captured tJie iotir='!riteriiity . base�I�, .ch�pio�sflP :lesterday, 'aftenaoon".by . defeatln. Delta�jj'�l� i ,to 2.', Getdes,.,who did,tli'e' twirlin� for ,Phi Delta Theta. ;V�in excellent form and had the Deltsat his mercy throughout the game. retiring eight' men, on strikes. Houghton. ,iilo Was on the mound for DeltaTau Delta. was �ot as effectii�. beingtouched for· ten hits.Phi Delta Theta scored one in thefirst on a walk and a hit by Gerdes.V<>lini scored again for the Phi ,Deltsin the second; after working Hough-,ton for a walk, he stole second and!,eKit to ,�ird O!, ,a-pass�d �tJt: �ri�ion an error. The Delta succeeded incounting m'the third on hits by AIle� �nCi Houghton, and gai�ed theirsecond and last score in the fourth,when wiilett �alked a�d scored ()D �hit by McGaughey. who pinched forMason."The Phi, Delts sewed up the gamein the third a�d fourth. when five runscrossed the pan. Ghee opened thefouHh.'Jor, the Phi" DeUs WjtJi :i# o�t�but Plantz got a single and went tosecond ,Oft Mor.{sOn·s Jut Hits byGerd�s ��d Cu;ran �cor;d three runs.Gerdes led in the hitting, with threehits out of four times at bat. J 'Ii11 ifi;. � , . ,� = - .." ��ch Page_��d bj�,�n� o,f.���ni,ball-.p1ay'�rs. f�rmt:� s�� .�f�:th� .v��si�,/�II meet ,�e ���-.i.I!:-�,C; annual game of the year, tomorrow af-� : t��oon .�� ,3 -oJ;l ,$�gg' fi���i.'. l. �,.: _.. . Pat 'Page will grace the mound for�: : th� atumni, whi�e, ,�t���bfe�er . �i11.J.' ;agai,! ,be �n o�: the re,��j��g ,�_���':' ; Sc:ofi�ld will w<!* "a!. secon4: ��, .: �with Sauer at shortstop and Boyle on,.. . thircL ,Libouati. 'sta� o�ifi�lder. wili; :�. j� ,his, oW ��it��:��'�i�r ��!ci,.: Catron will, �.in �he_,�i�eli8�t, �n ��ft,field. with Collings in the right pr-'cr�n':' 1'fie tisi'�'� .' .," 'VARSiTY., Cole': ..... �'. � ... �.� .. w' second' Bas(!:B. McC01l1leU . '. .t'. '. ; � • • •• Thint Base''Kimn1ler : ;�' :.... Shottstop''. Gray' : '. . .. Centfr Field'ea.iIr' :' .......• '•.... :., uft Field, DeS' Jatdierr •.•• ;....... Right FieldF..: McCot\riel1 ; First BaseHart ; w ••• '. CatcherShull ••......••..•.......•.. Pitcher'ALUMNI.Scofield' .. . . . . . . . . . .. second �aseCatron Left FieldNorgren First BaseBoyle Third BaseSauer ShortstQPCollings Right FieldLibomiti Center FieldSteinhrecher ,. _ ., CatcherPage Pitcher t� J, iMe SENIORS, SHOULD LEAVE ,t le University 'witboat takiq, with , �t lem a histoyr of tidi iii, � �t 'de U. of C. Buy your Ca� anddown today.', .WREN YOU WANT TO K'NOWtie conference record in the iiitJi"r I'..Ihen you want to look' up a fellowstudent's aetivities; you must tum. t6 ,the Cap and Gown. Plenty ofc9P1ei' ror everyone ... carr it E1Iii17.' .� -' , , _' = ' ,� '.� .NOTICE. Tti" �mdle·'!:!: r.: Iia;::e ' ,iooft -' proPi'iiY' :'than I CUl��dle-muat, seD 8 'room" modena'·t;ri� ,�uT�.�D�, :�t(_�ri� citH:Jd� ·Park. -, $l;Gtto '�1i; ·ta1ffi� �. rent.Po..ession ai' �ODce: oPeD' to in- IIpectiOD.- Ownet�- 5236. Gre�ood 1"�!�<!h" ."!;� U)I'J'i��' :t��.:'-;,··-t;, ���:�'., �For�i�·rw\t::�r.'-h�"�e:f, �teis; �� .. iai� ,:mbci8lf ''�jess bsasi: (;i.e ,'Iii�DitI; ·�fi�· •irb. · iior' '�:er: ,int(;�ti� la��y�to the Maroon. . , ". -• tJ,!�"1'''j'.''J U·'!�.H.:· ... , �!t: 10. ;,!·,f'I'l'-:';fl'.-T'" P�wftj T',t �lG:WltN'ftD��'-�dWta, ;::'iI�f' w��:·"'.�6f��,j,i'icli: ' }iCllteil trR, ',d( -.'J&!W', 'L'eii�iit,�'., .. '.::' .:: � '.'. -"'""�POll RENT-FURNISHED, FOItsummer quattcrs, � . S-'r00in- modem' 'fapartmmt; :lst-loOr •. newlj and at-, trKtidly : famished; - olle -' b1d&- JrODt.' ScI",·, ,of ::' EdiJc:atioD,: t�ree'blodm-ftOm:'CUllpus; :H. F. �m--:breaner, '5703 Kenwoocl·Aft. Hyde,Parlr:il .... '.' .¥o"-"�-" ,,_, • _ .• -.:tJb. bit$: i�GtESirlE' A V£: PRJ:nte' fam.,';·, iiav� t&rec'; niceli fUr�iiisb�']w:O� ��� to' re:,t. piio:i�'Mi4Wi' am..",,: It t1": ... , '.0.. .,r- r: � r _(! •• '�. ,..,,,."'�D';_ iJt 'tOtiNG:' Un1-,': Univenity stud,Hi� room ana board� �Ia.r tJnivers1t;� . wi't.'" ',CUltUred, �ln fawiriil,l' Ret'er'entes exchanged. ACldres!r C:. care of Miss-Parker, 56U, EllIs. Ave. CALL, ATi" - .. - �_ � :.� f.' ••••••••••••• e_ .t WHERE ARE YO·U G()r;l� �tI: ii WH EN SC'HOOL CL.OSES? I• •: .l Why not SEE AMERICA: BEST -- Via- the BURLINGTON I• •• •• •• •I . Your' going somewhere-cthat's a foregolle conclusion ! If any- i: where' W,est -- here'. our, proposition. Grab your telephone and as� �.�tral fer Ran- :•• t: dolph 31,17.' Tell the man on the other end where you want to go and when. He will gladly, fix up an itiner- :: ary for your trip, making your sleeping car reservations and even send your ticket down any �time you say. is :I b'ITbatd's a part of Burlington Service. Ibet fWil1 saYle YOUf titbl�esand.. Ii trou e-san . since there are generally more things to do ore one eaves or e um-.-. ii mer, than ther«:. is' time in which to do them, you have something t� gain and nothing to ·Ia.e, so w1iy . nOt- take: ;;. i'i advantage Qf ,it ,7: -', �:: - =:., -:-: � , 'i• �.: I '• � I, �:.;.,'- .:.' ... ,J'�-"'-:'" •+ , ,c' :;._ __ "':' _ , •· �.i A. J .. PUHL, Gen'l Agt., Pa$Se.,ge�.:.De.part."enL .. ' ·ii ,-:.:: ., "!o :: 141 South Clark St., •. Cor� 'Adams St. '- ii. THE JRAVEl-JOYt ROUTE " �i+: •· :!. - -," ._, -" " ,', .: �"".... ,, '.',, " ,:••••••••• o��+��++++�+++�++��+++��.+++++�·�)+� •••••• +.+++++++++++++ •••••••••••••••••• +��� 6 c·��,,_..'.. ;.I� �.�'"'�::' --.:: -:: ..... - .t •• -- : ... -,.:':-._ .."' ...-ideal for all 'round service-a big luxurious sweaterthat will stand four years and more of "roughhousing" on the campus.If your dealer doesn't aeIl Bradley Sweaters, America'. bestShaken, Jumbol. JerIeJI, and the only 'renuine nawjos, writeas for the ....... of dealeri who clo-it will pay you.BRADLEY ICNlTTING CO., Delavan, WlICOnsinThere's :-ZiJJ .. ·.IO iI,H' 'E�:R E �"S':;<". '. -- :f'!f������t�l10 a-� I;'c--r-�--o-;r�th e ill �tl�r ���_�,'����, the ,campus falror.:..' "'-:ite wi th college.colors in stripesacross the breasta .n d s lee v e s.There 'never was'a more attractive'design-vn eve.r -ahetter made, abetter styled,. or,a, better wearingshaker sweater.It's a Boys!.,._ te Speak at CIaapel. tn Haskell. P"of. Scares wilt speakDr. Theodore G. Soares, head or on the life of the late Dr. Benjaminth� department of Practical Theology,', Allen Greene, formerly lecturer in the.no be the speaker at the Divinity I department of Practical Theology,8Ch�1 daapel;.��erdses !his morning. .w�o di�d a short time ago., STEGEMA�, rs '.YI��. ,?:·,IN,��STE��>Q�.THESHORT�SLBEVED �UITJohn' Breathed I�'riiscoverCd � Role;'f V�� Brings''H�tion.-" 'Herman Stegeman lias 'a new suit.T,t ��<; ,-f,.1ivprpiJ :.t .th,. ne1t:._ Ka!,!,a .,Epsilon fraternity house 'yesterdaynoon, while Stegeman was attendinga class. John Breathed, '15, saw thesuit coming. He considered the purchase of a new suit for Stegeman anepoch-making event; and' so he opened the box containing the apparel-andsubstituted therefor a 'suit belongingto another resident of the house_:which might have been its' twin, had'it not been for itsdiminutive size.Stegeman arrived on the scene and 'upon inspecting his new acquisition:.found the sleeves five inches short.He replaced the sui� with the intention of �eturning it to the store' �herehe had bought ,it. While ;he ate hisdinner, Breathed opened th� packageand put back the new garb. Stege'man jumped on a train and headedfor the counter, behind which the innocent clerk who made the sale 'heldforth. 1 n glowing terms, Stegemanreproached the salesman. The bundle was untied and the correct suitrevealed. Stegeman is still apologizing. FIFTY SENIORS ATrEND. CLASS ,BEACH PARTY.. _.. .. ....-,,""�- -.. ..• --•• ":"",:"1' '.�- -- .,.�GaIDa �. Pblyed Af�er, SuppU_'. Will Decide QuestiOns at lIeet': '::. < 'inc 'Tomorrow., � ',' " ', Fifty s�i��s' �t'i;ndei ':-'the' Ct;lss'beach party held yesterday- in Jack. son nark,' �M;{r�;aret"'-_ Fr.nton -antiI F.ran�is Ward'-';'�-r; i� ch;rg� of' thegames, which were 'played', after supper. .The' class gift and' the s�bject':ofwearing caps and -gowns Monday andTuesday of next week witt be discuss-'ed at the final meeting of the class -10- Imorrow at 10:15 in Cobb 12' A. Threepropositions will be offered by theclass gift committee. The one which. met with most favor was the idea of, erecting two stone benches in Harpercour:t. The other suggested gifts. area 'series of etchings. to be. added ,toeadi year; by using the interest onthe class fund;. �nd lamps for :Hutchin'son court.The final parties will ,be held Tuesday night, when the men and womenof the class wilt give dinners. Thewomen wiil hold their dinner in. 'Lexington commons and the men w-mdin,e at 6:30 at the Hyde Park. hotel. 'WILKINS AND LINN WIN, FROM MOORE AND BLISS DRAMATIC CLUB WILL. --.. I ELECT OFFICERS TODAYIAssoclate Profs. WIlkIns and Linndefeated :Profs. Moore and Bliss yes- TIl D . -l-b- '11 h Id ..' e ramatlC c u WI 0 Its an-tcrday afternoon In the first round of .,' i'. I -. . "doubles in th'e Quadrangl lub �ua e eClIon of officers today at 10:15nament 7-5 6-3 Cahill e Cd T tour- tn C-obb 12 A. Active and associate Iwon fr�m' Alsis�nt PrOt;� dorrey �embers wm be �ho'sm at the' meetA ssociate Prof !Wright in �,.�d Ing. Tlie Constittuion committee willsets, 6-2, 6-4. Prof. MOUlton ::IA·�� make a preliminary report.sociate, Prof. Chamberlin defeatedPr�f. Michelson and �SsOci�te Prof.K msley. 4-6, 7-5, 6-4., The finals inthe3 doubles will be pI�Y�d. S�turday 1 Sigma Nu will bold an alumniat .• sm�ker tomorrow night at the ch�ter house.Hold Final Meeting Today. LEAGUE ORGANIZES- .. " -, .. ,_'\', _ ' . ':;._,r', ,S'E�P��;ELP' B�C::�'hrpose i. to Assist' .women Work-" -inC Way 'I'hrOGgh the', Uni-,, ".' �t)'., � _ .. -__ ,_. ';,The : Self-H�ip 'department is t!te'name of a new branch that has 'beenf;"';;;�,i h; �.s:.. -T ;:.�;_ - .�.:, :..;s;:..:;... -...- ---- -. __ -., .. � --- '---0--·' --- ---,,----of ,this' department i� to' assist Un i-�ersity ','woin-en' wh�': �re worki�gtheir: way. partly or erit�rel� throughcollege.' ",,Names of the women, together\\;ith - tb� ii�:-oft-hing��tha·t they- desir� to' do wiil be compared �ith, alist of people 'wishing to ,�mploy students. In' this way the departmentaims to bring about the, co-operationof those who bave' the?' work .andthose who Wish to. work..:Many P�tioDS Opea. ,Positions as tutors' 'and'. children'scompanion's will be available,- as wellas typewriting, embroidery, -anaother occupations.A clothes exchange, at which suitsand dresses inay- b�-(1)tiinid' at cutrei tes, and a second";'hand book exchange 'witl be features - bE, the newdepartment. Information -<concerningthe branch may be' obtaine.I' fromL-ois Diehl, or ,Miss -Hei�n Johnston,in the League room.A party witl be held by ,the dePartment today in front of Foster hatton the green, from 4 to 5. • Volame =Intclllational dub witt hold its final businc-ss meeting of the year todayat 4:30 in Spelman h01tse.,lJipaa Na to Hold Smoker. Snell Holds ADnual Dinner.Addresses were made by Dean Galeand Coach Page at the annual Snellhan dinner held last night in Hutchin-80n commons. Mr. Frederick Bramhall, head of the halt, acted �s toa.tmaster. �. . '" , .... '1,:� ..' .NUMmFORBRt RAIN :The pIthe Intment wacount ofthis mOl\I ing thethe post.. � 'prohablJrow motThis)surpassening ofFive' huhave enltrack evtotals j1]her C?�"ll"tilThe eathletestC1aa Lectana at Chapel '1-" class in G�phy, led by Associate Prof. BaMr, ieetared"·OD '''CaIcinism" at tbe .C&OoI· 'Of 'Edacationchapel yesterday at 10:15 iii Emmons'Blaine 214. • of two 1Wash.,the N;W'albin:events.,come' fr'f • ;from F(.Temple" :One froShawneCity, A:� Col���B.J6Hyde�aViDg.,ty-fivehigh'sc'dell' PI�eoDd,:_ .... - ... -alL,.- UI,SLIps.:-h ati' "T..e 1Uaiyer;... 111 beReyno)rade isiag. IS�"in _i:.ortcrl.. ' Jlalf-milOwingr' lily's �'" pge il.D, Vielnen� 'Varsi�\'.V..,Kmt...* �Phi..Of Stag-R.,AlaValcOIII't.Dheace,PacentiaPacAlta,perlAllAllStall