Itt�f1'::' ···�·��t.·.Q··�e·,:.:, ·�J..I :' .1.-,'II �t.:'I �'ir'�':L-r �-��-����·lqP,�l� ... --. ��,�_ ........ w.� 1Il'� ••�t,��et�� +¥� �"�' ", �or-'.: ·tu1··-ReceFoa' Ia 'N�'�,��.�'Rtwb'zm. ,To," Awarded. .' o .,f\ �f:':j"I.Cbicaco R1IImen Will' Attempt 'toBetter Time iI. Half aDd 'TWo-MiteSaturday '�A.' A..' U�Athletes Are IDYitecL CIaiJDs Tllat Credit Exte.te.l te��� la' Nqt. C���,'II 'I.r··�', -l:,.;..... '_....')f.IFranklYn Evans defeated" Fr:ln'k :WhitiftSf 4 and 3 yesterday' aftemoOftin the fint round of the second 'lip'"of, "lie' Untftrsity golf' toumame .. L .Evans win �t Rayn10nd Bohne .. todecide'the fina1 match of the 'secondlitbt. I n th� second round of t"efint' Riglrt th'e kame scheduled tJetween' 'Grlmes' and' Smith �5: for-·feited to Grime!': iJ0Edal StDdCDt Newiii*iW of tIM:UDiver8ty of Cbica&oPublished mornings, except Sundayud Monday, during the AutumD.Winter and Spring quarters, by The��ly MaroQn Staff. .G. W. CottiDcbam .. VaNaine BcJit«!P. R. Kab Netra Editor'B. R.' Swanson Day EditorJ. J. Doaaboe •••• " • AtbJetica· Editor� P. Mattbewa •••• B1IIiDea JIaDacer'SUBSCRIPTION RATESBy Carrier, $2.50 a year; $1 a quarter.8y Mail, $3 a year; $1.25 a quarter.Editorial Rooms ..........• Ellis . '12Telephone Midway SOO, �Business Office · Ellis 1 ..Telephone Blackstone 2591,Clarke - McElroy Publishing eom.,aD;,'111. Cottqe Growe AYe. Tel· JIWwa:r l1li.WEDNESDAY,' JUNE 9, l�lS.THE NEW �AFF.. ·At its meeting last night the boardof: directors of 'The naity ·Marooneleeted the following officers' foi nextyear: ;, _. : i �.: �,; IFrederick Kuh, managing editor;Harry Swanson, news editor; Bernard Newman, night editor; JohnDonahoe, athletics editor; and CarlBirdsalt and Richard Matthews, business managers. The newly-electedmanaging editor' will announce hisassociate editors and reporters sometime this week. The' election of theday editors will be 'held' o�er untiinext year.. The business statt, which will continne the same as 1h�s y�r� �l� have.the advantage 0(' onel year's', c;xpeii� ,.enee to guide it in its work, �nd it isexpected that, as a result of this, circulation and adverfising nex�. year. will be put on a firmer basis, and thedepartment will p'rofit by' any. UU5-:takes made this· year.·-The editorial staff is directiy theproduct of the present administra-tion and, as such, doubtless will con. tinue the ·best of the present with �such additions. an�i changes � tizhe'justifies.. The men ha�e work,.... ":arl7 �:u,,'efficie'ntly and deserve the' p;��o�;they receive. Sleepless nights, hard.grinding toil when others were playing. has been their lot. The. Maroon-thanks them and congratulates themon th�ir ·n�w positions-opportunitiesfor_ more wor:k. • ._ .CLARK' WINS' QUADRANGLECLUB' CHAJ(pIOHSRIPAssociate Prof. Walter' E.. OarleWO�' the Quadrangle club chamPionshi� in singles yest�rday aft�moonby de�eating Assoc�te. Prof ... CarlKnisl�y in' the . finai. match'. Tl.e'·match, which' ran. for five sets, was.closely contested, the first �t '�ingto Clark, 6-3. Knisley came backstrong" taking the next· two ·sets. W,6-3. Clark played a steady.· accurateg:&me. winning the last two' sets 6-i6-4. Semi-finals in the doqbles' wilibe pbyed off Friday.PSI U. AND DELTA U.RUN IN TIE CONTESTPsi . Up5ilon and Delta Upsilontied for first place in the semi-finalsof the interfraternity relay races heldyesterday afternoon on Stagg field.Cla-:�,. runniftg for Delta Upsilon. onthe last stretch cut down a big leadand. crossed the tape' tied with' Beckwith,. of Psi Upsilon. -I n th� seconddivision,' Delta Kappa Epsilon tookfirst honors, witla Delta Taa Delta insecond pbce. John Merriman,whoraB last for ·Phi Kappa ·Psi, cut downan ample lead.-held by the DeUs, butwal lInable to beat McCollnen, whoeros�d the tape a foot· :ahead' of him.The finals Wl11 be ran tomorrow at 3. Five students witt contest for theMilo P. J ewett prize in - Scripturalreading tonight at 8 in the Haskell assembly , room. The' students areCharles Bettershell, Harry, Johnson.Charles Lee, Cornelia Montgomery.and Sherman Conrad.'. The winner will reseive the sum of$SO, which is the income . from thefund which Milo P. Jewett, formerly'Professor of Homiletics in the, Divinity school, left to .promote good reading of the Scriptures by prospectiveministers. Th� contestants will beallowed to prepare certain. passagesfrom the Book of Psalms and. in addition. will be required to read a selection at sight. Members of theDivinity 'school wilt act as judges. The winner of. the Conferencemedal recently established by· the Intercollegiate Conference Athletic -assoeiation, will be announced by President Judson at - the finai Senior' cOt: .lege and .. College . of . Commerce andAdmiiaist�tio'� .chapel exercises' thismorning at :10:15 in' Mand�l. Th�a�rd is made by the President of theUniversity, with the advice of a committee consisting of the dean of theFaculties;' the director of Athletics,Dean Albion, W.· Small. and DeanHenry Gordon Gale, of the board of IPhysical Culmre and Athletics. andthe head marshal of the colleges., The medal' is given each year tothe man 'graduating in each Conference university :who, after a course offour scholastic years' residence in thesame. university, ms the highest degree of achievement in his athletic aswell as scholastic work. The awardis made by giving equal eonsiderationto both .lines of endeavor.The. medal is to be designed bythe sculptor. Dr. R.. Tait McKenzie,of Philadelphia. . -As' Dr. McKenzie'will require several months to complete the pattern, the Conference 'association has expressed its desire'that the award be made this y�ar withthe understanding that the' medal is'to be delivered subsequently.'.:, TWO.D� STnES.OF �'or three to:'five1tiff_��. � are carried on the.� at�oaee. .:. . �.;�_.: -." � ;" » ', .:- )..("JUST TURN THE KNOB" aDd ehance. iJUitaDtJ7.:from' BGmaD· t7Pe'� 'r. ': •to Italic:&, .or: fro� English' to Greek, �German,··Bggjanj· FreacII.. ete.� ; ,;Other·eombinatiOl18. anbatitated'in • ff!lfli 1I8eODds.;� : .. : ! :' "_--:': .-:.;-:::.� --,:--. I'. .. 'The � IiIGBT-WEIGBT aI�um lIultipJU weicb:ODlj_ ��;_ I" .' ," t .c. � . _". " .... _�" '".... .. ' ... I' ' _.a •. """."THE BAMMOND TYPEWIUTBIfOOIlPANY.( .. -t "'�.' , ... � •. '-.'"N�' York, :N. Y. .' ... . .-�.�. .�· .... "1. W •• "'11 811eet>:. �:�:��.:��.-_',,'- ..... - .'":._ .. : :-.�- �-:. ..on. ..� Is. IlIIplC�.iDe.·· ... �.. � ..· ..__.". . � .. �..•' ..�." . �-���....� .�. ',,'j. "�I�"""� ,>:-I .' .Messrs. BROOKS BR6'(HERs beg leave· to announce that they will.. ��Y�.-·.: .to their new building at M�DISONAVENUE Sf VORT�-FoURT� ��REETthe second ;day .. #:. ..4ups�===============================================================, \. ..STUDENTS! . YOU NEED A TYPEWRITERTypewritten . papers prove. the I earefur ·student Who.. takes' pride-in every detail of .his work.' ',. ..' : .:They invariably make a favorable impression with the faeu1t)- you to get better marks.. � '.' '. ,NAME NOMINEES FOR OFFICEHome Economics aDd HouseholdArts Club to Elect Friday.· Nominations for chairmen of committees of the Home Economics andHousehold Arts club were announcedyesterday by the Nomination commit. tee. Tbey are as follows; .· General chairman-c-Elizabeth Harris. Ruth SWan,' Eva Stenhouse.Membership chairman-Jean Dor-rel, Bertha Stewart. ., '· Publicity ch3irma�Hel�n Westcott, Elizabeth .Brunig. . .Finance chabmaa=-Anne. McGuire.Laura Kropenberger, .'.Social. chairman-Fed-ora .Addi�ks.lone Bostaph.Elections will be. held Friday from.8:15 .to-4:3O .in the, League. f'Oum in.Emmons Blaine. r • • . League Cabinet·· to - .�.The 'second cabinet of the League. will meet today a.t 4:30 in the Leaguecommittee room.. . . ... EJect RedmOn H�d of CoaacD. ,.. . .. .-�,.... 'r. .' ..l THE NEW" ',:,r 'MULTlPLEx .I ...I RAJlIION_D.: is the typewli .....for aeho1ara andlinguists. .•• �..- t •Craig . Redm�n was elected presi-.dent of the Interfraternity eouncil at! the -last meeting of ihe quarter, held.yest�rday afternoon' in . the Lewis 'Fuiks was' elected vicepresident, Vemon' . Brown' .recordingsecr�tary. . Arthur -; ', �anlsch ' - COrTe-: s��n�ng ��Cre,arY;.: ana ,�Ralph!. Ihns :treas�rer� . . . '_ ... -.-- .' .,The Women's International' clUb"will hold' i'ts' last ��etiDIl' tomorro,..�at 4:30 in Lexington:' Pia�s" io�' th;work of next year will be discussed. . forty: students a�d, u'i!!m�s :Of tb�faculty of the departments of Physicsand' Astronomy . attended . a bea'ch..,arty in JacbOn:'pa�k" y�ste�day- �f-' •=========================================================ter:uooD•Broadway at 64th StreetNear 60th Strat Subway'Station aDd AniStreet Bllrntecl."Broadway" ears 'fJ'GID Grand-.Centnl ·Depot. .�-enth Avenue from Pen�syl.ani.Station.KEPT BY A COI.LEGB "ANIII:.·AOQt·ARTERS FOR COUBGB IIBN' :SPECIAL RATES .1'0 COLLBGR 'l'RAMS·Ten lIiDaie.' Walk to TIairtJ 'l'IIIiatnI'HARRY P. STIllSON, II .......Headquarters for CIUeap.'.\" nil, JlOfhnt au ",.iTqIrf»/.f�noms with Ba" t2.50 aDd 'lip..Soph��.� Defea� Seaiors.. ._- .. --Sophomores �overwbelni'ed' the-Se,;-..iors iii their' ��t�h in' the interclass. tennis tournament yesterday" afternoon, '. D��bp·. Cbrk defeated Has-kel.l �hett, 64. 6:-2;j,!�ePh �ViD·_de�,.feated: John Baker,' 4-6, 6-1, 6-4 ... _.' "Oark and .Levin .defeated Bakera�d �hen, 6-1. �2. .... . . ,',WE BUYUSED UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKSLaw, Medical and College Book.also,Grammar School, Hip. School and. Miscellaneoua BoobWOODWORTH'S BOOK STORE1311 E. 57th St, near IOInIIIrIl AYI.-' .aqld Last MCetiDc TomoaOw. -• • c· ..... -• •• .... ��WiD Hold Beach' Party.- .. , I �Ci�'C-. .•.. ,-tFlve .. :.�...... : .....All,'_'.. �.ia •. acNO SEll':.lIie·· .Uni: them:.'. the' rio:�o.'Il;.'tWHEN'; the COli·when.y,�st1ideDt'-'to 'the'copa-:.11:' : .•.NOTICE�haTe Iihandle.brick re;park lPoisesas.Pechol. 'if.ye_: ._. ,The. �S�h·ool. "�f . Educati�n League'will hold. a beach 'Party tomorrow.The party will I�ave the School ofEducation Le�lgue room at 5. "Plans loi thi freshman beach' party.which Was' to have been given' to. �..:r�;V: ha�e' been abandoned because of' the Dumber of other actni:.ties that crowd.. the calendar. , ,{ ,, .I ,\ ,f t·I JGraduates to Hold Party.Graduate students of .Beecher - hallwjJJ ,rive a beach party ·tomorrow at5 in Jacbon park. Rf'sidents of bothGreenwood .and Beecher �1I have alaunch ride tonight. starting from thepark at 7:30 .. Mr. Fred Merrifield, mstruc:or !IINew Testament History, who wasoperated on' Snnday for improving npic.1y ac:eording toa hospital bulletin issued' yesterday. • TY�PE':o.;ick,. prices.'J;ChaDFd�" ·R]. �in�.e'l=:t:-:!'lpartmt,�c'tiveJ' frODi.-:--S-blocks,:. bl:_ennel�� �INO.�621S�te fa.hed')(idwa3.'{ f. f�t·. .. ,.i��--.._ ,. .:;.- ·r"'�·� .:r- ..I., J'.\" t � '.. ��:. � ·.i'.,n.��···bliel"UN.J,.:"1EiIi\Ii ..L .. WOI&- �12M').NtHoOPENWe p001t· • NEED)81)lore Iappercb!coromg 1non canchapel, Ihave sigl) AD menquelted tDan Bro"= ... �, . r.:�·� �""'�� �� �ri-:.�.���� �el'k.QIit#�ifle{tWil'�tFM.'�.OMta '�""' __ lin.. '.. N.�:�iMftt.:· ..... vect for ·thaa·�.�All· •• 1ftecI .dverti �...-at.i.e.. � .1a .• cIvanc.. 'J" ".' .': �:.�.;�:: � ..t ,, .I. �I •\ ,, j., I. \I',. <,: ... ) ...I'�. 4Lof .... j'\t, t"I. '. <:.;:: ' .. �����_: ��. ����O\ .> _s:: TWO �1III.lIMI, .. _!·7��Dli.UIs � .. ,- �< ..�wlltrlJUwi: TRUST• &. SA vltGS B�I.�12M' BAST' SIXTY -TIII8D ST., ,Near ...... 1111 ·A .....Houn: 9 L m. to 8 p. ID.OPEN SATURDAY BVBNINGSWe pay 3 per cent. interest inour Savinp Department,. • NEED MORB liEN TOSERVE AS COUNSELLORS)lore men are needed to serve asupperclass coansel1ors next fan. according to' Gifford Plume. Information card. have been distributed iDchapel, but Dot a sufficient Dumberhave signified their intention to _rye.) AD men interested have been reque.ted to consult with Ralph Davis,: Dan BroWll or Gifford Plume •.'I ..... : ·"4�-:'" "'�,<.���::" �� �""">�" . ,:.� ',to •. STUART:: wiLif· 'DELiVER . - \" ." ,CONVOCATION :8BRIIONEx� . �,j!,� . T�. OpeD With •Pra�. � � Hupcll-(iun-.. .aUJU SpCab'.At VeapcrL .SIJMM.ER "ClO:T,HING•$25 .:. ", :._, .. \ \ '., �". -. : \\ "I. t·With .our higb"slBnd.·ard .of style,' qu'cililyand service. \ - .'.: .: .:� v. .v.:O&H SUITS 'AT.!. ,.'OU R':"�ST�'R'A"W':\'\"�H"ATS:'0. .' • ...,�. : i �. "; \•• � , , ...... I J:') , '. From Chase & Co. ofNew··Haven�"C.OnlL;·,_e'. recognized \ � ntbe'J;»�tamong coUege',men�:"I ,. . '\ ... ,.y�-, ..&up.idIord wm Meet.Harpsichord Wll1 meet iit honor ofgnaduting 'membUs Friday at Foster. Plans for the first meet'ings of Harp�ichord for next year�win be made, and .the question ofbuying season tickets for the operanext Winter will be discussed, We bow you are anxioaa 10bow the wiDner. ADd we knOw,too, that every college man issportsman enough to wish thebest man to let the pr:ze. .. \ .Wi:h so many contt'stants, 'and1500 INVITATIONS AREISSUED FOR ANNUALWOIlEWS RECEPTIONPractice fOl' SiDe Friday.An women of the University WIllmeet Friday at 10:15 in Kent theaterto practice for the University singFriday night. Senior women will attend the meeting after the Seniorclass meeting. Fifteen hundred invitations havebeen issued for the women's halls'annual reception in honor of residents, :which wm be heldMonday afternoon and nming, ADof the hans win have their tea tablesin the quadrangle in front of Green,and women w111 � stationed at thecomers of the' space to conductguests to the tables of their lfostesses.In case of bad weather, each haDwin hold it. nceprioa iDcIoon. T�E' '�RKISB BL_RD"CIGARETTE78-BSealor Womeil,� TaeIday.Women who' receive . their baellelor'. degree at the coming convocatiOn will meet Tuesday night at adiner m Lexington commons. , .PATRONJZB OUR ADVBIlTISBRS...,..•. '. f" .1t» I I,'J r..;. ,... .- -:.. , GIVB :IHIIBCIIQIII',; j. '. 't.. _',· .I'OR .oBII,l2!A6�OP ORGANIU'IioNs� . .. ,,- -';" -: ....l_ .... -"'.''ANNOUNCEMENT -2.l.4.. S.6.7 . -•«( THE GARqE1! CLUB at the �idway Gardnu MOies tile t� .fIU��t �er.' � .� �e�er.r 'of (lie faculty alld the S�eflt.s �r �� �-t1ersiU 91 CIric�o., 0. � c-q THE INrrlA TIQfJ f" is 'I� aile{ �Ite ques are' $15 � y. ia�� ..three iastallmnats. October first" February first aftd ]"Ke first. M�ers iw( .._.-_.1v" -I· .... , .... ». �� ....... - ... --.-- . FOOTR....eIltOUJf& for the SlImmer mOtltlas tleed tlDt Jlay the JUKe dues. 'I:� �� fell'�. bf .",ietl, �t"tI � r�!l"'ar ",e��ership a�y titiae' tc.ithitl tUlQ' ,��s .a#e_r.gradtUJlio"" or u. traruferable to afty other University stumt. .Cem:the fOlopened';our rr'. contestdouble�the se:aftern(•. iecondfOurthday. :this nit,NOD, were'"" 'i'e�hulSwift.enpor't,-:and Gt t'he be, ing ththouglJ Univehis suhard smier 1• PRIVILEGES OF MEMBERS-a mem"t'r has free admitttJ"ce iIItd·""." .� \0, ,. ..... � r ... • '<II � �.... .�. ; .. � �•• ." �• ",'lie G.tletLt 'Md ·is ,etltitled to taie two lady alld one out-of-tOUltl gext�e�'� ::.·g�ffl.ifto.-�M.i (far�� f�e.� ... !�e �_. �- e�t�a table c'":w/l�"t� �-;"y � \.' ..... • '.4. f/ -_ ..... ,. '. .. -• .,_ . ... '.-,itl the Wittter Gardnt.s. The 'Roof Gardna. alld the Balcotlies·.�ri'OU��the S.u.IfUr- G.rd�"'f. .'iJre·· u-clMm,tb' for mem,,"s. Also t/le Club Room.tOft the first mul seccnul flol!rs are for' members alld tM;' {/fUsts o..zy.." :' �CALL AT THE �1��,� ... ���opli ;·-9Fl!.!�E_ .�q,� APPLICATIONBLANKS T "-FOR, ':MEJlBERSHIP OR FORFURTHER 4NF�RMATION.- -.. . .. . ."' ......-_,r •. " .:,,-. •..chanetwo strimn• Hyde, Pre:enterletesplete,fprd·nightwitDe:the Fmeet.t\�ld� )�g \1wherBlae1;.4�9athleMan,Co� ball Isqua'Intelafterevent taine:anot'Russas Imoner''madin tlIii.eJa:�inl:iat. �i1tthelastbetcistila s�We� .. r .. ,' ' : .. , 'f.! f· ... -.: l� jil!; -;-, '. :;. • ',t"• �.: ,.... QvOrr 'v_ct O'· .. T�ILORBD· � III.. . � IN NOI8IIS'i: aw. - ,A Larp � �1IY ""� ,t.30,,· ... GIIiI· .-e.t8.N .. : :�,,�· w:>·�·, .,.. _ 0,;;_., .. � �. -'- "B. '-LADY: I.: It ••Wltll AD . .in: SCar ce.JUt ....... :. "fALLI ;At .. ..:llg.�:.w.�-.A.'ftJrD � ... .., •• 'I·T ..D �wn.'L, ..... �.. ".,...DftOPIM. ';''1,),) {.J .�"-:TllltDno_=. .o..�� '.�"........... ···r..,.·'_ ...... _..���._._ r.,�� .. '� ad B�� r��.Two ID,ere.tlDC. lnastn�BooIttet.-ooe .boat ...LA CROIX Clpmte p�the tJt1a« whGwIDc how to ......'Foaro.m"cfpiwtlW Ant ... , .....• .. U TheAmerteaa•. TCIIMIcco Co 111 PIfth A ...... It.Y. _ 'K. La-",Iit.... ' • • . r., - ') ,....,.�., JF.���.�=======.;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;==--......-...-..;---- - -- -- .--- -: -.-:. :..: -