:. ��1 -�.,; \" ,:,,:,$ .. ���r·· ' .. "AUtmiJsHNDs TWBNTY-FlVJUJONGSW �y ust·FOI· . 1\\ GIVE SENIOR CLASS PLAYIS: ·E'JIIINATED IN , ·ON PROG��FBlDAY � .. Dc 11: ON MONDAY AFl'ERNOON; �TIIREE SHOll ..uti l'ftI*e:'- w.a. Crori w..:._ 'I) TotAU1f.VEi .,. Frank O·Mara I. Author aDd COiIdl\ t . . .-'. . OD RoOf of Ccdmoaa CIf.....siz ;. -ADabal "e" Banquet WD1 Take: f � "-�.- "�'" CluIIia.to Ba.e Remaioaa. This � B� ... ·�t �jLe Plaee''l'Juanday-Phi Beta Kappa�� H�dh.:. "!1 .. , �.', W.-. ... �. ',-- iMtltUttGis Si�:� titt'e:JI MeetaFriday.DSaIa Awa,. r � . -. _'--'� . ,-��.. f6U&&.7. ,. r;� -- .-tYlMd � �.,a;. � , .... �nty..fi�(�J'*t!.l's�ng fuinb;rs: �. -:;. _tIOD of CotIIpetIq,' -f.. l .�e :Senior class P.lay has been post-. --;'-----. .' are scheduled for the Unlverslt)':sIDC.· . i .--.. 't 'pOned'and will be given.Monday at 4� .� TIlTs ADAPTiD 10 . �·ltro.. Friday night at 7:30. in Hut'c!inSoD -: �C.IIITI'BES. - :' ARB A" .' in . the' Reynolds club theater. The1 � , � �- , �-; '4": commons.. � ," i ";�", - . ,. plaor s�tect�d was written by .Frank• �., � I' ean- Attempta .. .w t..- .. Cha!rman ,Lawre,nce W�i�� ex ..... · 'CLiuion Wall Ho1cl Ymal' II _ O'Hara and witt. be coached by him.oU.et-.Det,t • - :I" "'0-.. _13 •. will., mak�p�bhc .the list to��r-:. ��', ... Toaicbt at 7t30 ill Rq_l�lt The Pla'y committee will have chargel .. ,. ; aicr.' ActliiC PolllibeL" . row .. together· with the·· sch�ul�' tor, '. �.): . . DbIda· CltIb.· ..' < • �r scenery . and other arrangements.,_ ,. mobilization of. the. different, 01n!!!- ! ,·1 _. - The �te given for the. presentation of: c. ;�B� � B •. �h:� t' :zation� th�t ,wii� ��e p�rt, .. Ea���i1_I: . -�e ,fourteent�· annual. Inter�� .1- the play in the program of the Spring:..1 �'. ,� _ _. --, _.. !J!. .... ._ - be usaped • .tatiDb. "here. �b � J a!4ic gtves promise of �ng the; g_ �nals was tomorrow afternoon, the. ��. �lbarKeo upon one or t�� pre-, ber. ill a'Sse.r.ble to get in'iUdnlai '.. -.T' ,- - .,' .... - • -, • d-S day of the beach party.t • viciaS:. Occasions, the task� 0;: ... i.:e . re- r...;.c. -::. '-.I. ., --: -w th �;&."i.: il ...... ··;"; «efit ever, accordibg to the numb, �" of A�umn' I' day activities will open_to • i. f II d . \ 4'-:'�':'t.·� - -"JUT - me _�a:cn : ..,to e cent .. l:: � � eatries received -up to date. A tEl I '" Y ...Yl8cr 0 co ege ramatlC. 1S61:11U as ti ,.. �� .... � ". r', L' , .� .' "-. ··h b b II betwe th s,�I' �::..:. . �.. •. me S,e-c:ID�"�� ,·eaCIl. � j .! ..0£:560 names bas been teceiv I, 5 Wit a ase a game etween eRe-a.:.-- e, an eaSfY �.' �a r, It •• ' ._ :·IIiri..i... " � - I .-�:.'� ., 1 .d h- " Th' da- 330_� �6tter of .c:on·sWehttile �lI'i..t:hY·-to ·r. .B�. ,-�� to ,Atteild. �.,E ",:1 :.'DeI� en.terecl;.'h.' tritk. ev"etlts-. nd b ty an - t e semors urs y at. :.'" - OJ CD.I P -t:.:...,;.� ... L b d �1'Wo I lI.L ,. -:-..1 0 oil Stagg. field. The anoua.' .ICC" ban-• • -......o.L ff' . nt ...... · b - ·-r��L!tJ..d .. ' repalll IVflD -.re elng ma e:'&Va' ',Ule remiUllUtr -tn tetltns. . ne' n-,lIaKe a su ICle lIum tt 0 �lIUm U a. . i.. '-" cr d h r died' :... .• . QQet will be' held at 6:30 in Hutchin-'I' atoty remarks ana still *"maio' .J.&thm· ��'�irgg�st _� °Wwh'l t at ever. 15ft k"-i=;,_·J �ed abd twe�t,.-five Institution); ve..... . . .'I .u.i.' t L 1,· - - di t' ""6".- -'t-Ii·'J.. -to 11Ie Sing., ,: I e regret IS ell In;. entered candidates for track abel _ $on, ·.l·ne final contests for the JuliusavvaOXlma e ua Ing s ance! I'.. ._. '.' .. "L-'''.�' ;:\..�, ! ,:}, 'J' ', R- .' ld . fbI' k- .tit - ." .,. .... -? ';,' "��uarter's at me abse1Ice of spob-7�, .is honors.' .- -' '";. .\_' osenwa prtze or pu IC spea Ing" ... tr:-Ha�pilY, the 'pres��t 48i�f-�: .}�!�� '����i6tma� this year �� .With .only �our days ��nin .��e- and .th� Florence Jane Adams prize• ,. __ l._ no such d·ilemna. Th"/"dotm� .p':.e;_-�/�'��·� ot�er !.� .. I�, "f6re·the meet; the C()mmittee5 ar,� .... t- for ;lrtis.tic reading will be held at 8• " ..... p ... .,.. .> .. lto.I!o;,:::,�",.'i ... L-;. ... · ... L_ t��· h fi . h' ... L_ ... tt... 'ih'ManC!eJ hall• 'a�'of the th'ift Wighlil �;&u.:" �:»�.e!��. �owlng .'" ��; _{t1ng on t e DIS 109 touun;s t� 'Ul3;. .;; t• ". ll'rida_. :J. Pro�mecl$i the DrabJatic tiab·!it��e·��� :���.!r�:��;�ec:essary P.�·-i (J)�parationt for :nceivjog·-the:��!gh· ¥ 11'--�luti tbcatet'·i •• t'satbrii;� ... f� ·��.;��������';�,-#e.�tt������; lschool athletes. The fina! 'Gieetillg 'The 'annual' Phi neta :Kappa meet-dfll,1a;ed' a _ .nir�rm· -':Q�ric* "bf� ::�1,":��!�Dts�.�� �I�mnl J.� •.. ��� ; lof the-Inte�oholastic c:ommlsslo� "ill' ing wi11-be- held 'Friday at 3, ·the sec':" l tttatment. which -haii;·,to :T1It,1 QiD4;:' ���;:� � troIn. t�e ��b�r:I!��.· ,be held t?nlght at 7:30. In, the Re�ds; ond aiumo. day, .in - Harper assembly, �om �a equi11ecLin ama ... �·· �,�.:��!t.:_.�� "'Isbn! Pitts 0t;..'e·� ·l:lub.· . Directot Stagg,. Coach Page,. room, 'Following this will come the, � f�D�;';E�'�' iDdu"�.� ... �r:: .;.��:�., .' .,' r..:: �l'-::'l' ,�i:t.J and'.,�usines� Manager M��m: �iI1 annual .. business meeting of the Col-t..:.:.:.i. .. ct" '���rh:' '. ";"� ';4."'"£-': ·�·�t &II'C -Alumei '.�lIn,:,. w.... IDVlte���J atteftCl,' as .Wlll - also Deans L:iIlD. �nd . lege Alumni aS50chition,. at 5� in the...... s. a ��' es, �'t'. � ... h .-.c}'-"'" he' be -'I .��. . ,. .. '... 'same room. The interfraternity sing'!. •• a.cl·pr�.ui,- widl.�is�� .' qe��nt. attd. ·l,· ; �e� l rs .0.-- - ' .t. Lovett. Badges. will �:give� tp�U' at 8. in Hutchinson _ court wiU follow� , 0I-:'"t.- he .:uI\Rm· factotum.'.' :��.;� ,,� �f�� to �I)y.:box�... I members. of the'tOin.m.ls��D •. �at".tlfJg.-,,� """_t It 1...:' � -- 1oL:..... h f d b tid -the fraterni ..... and house dinners and·t '. t "lower.-. tht··�i-i.T,":-,,,�:ci· - "�.- .::Wt � .rraRg� .... �I� r�:: . r �t 6ft ·to '. ree . a miSSIon-to t e; "J1· Ith;�h�gh° 't' .•. '·bl '. '. .... e.. ,.the C(,�-.:n�its a'fe and of the C �.or.: during the meet. . . ,�.�. '\" ·ieunioDs. The 'alumnae breakfast wille._, I es POSSI e. praise. ".. : '. d" . Mdl h II F" � -.. ''1..::.. b' Id '. S· t da . t 12· L· .:'1 th fi t ta til lctei ... : � Ing Into an e. ' a. a. _� New Ruabiac.S� .. �.,. DC e on a ur yam eXlng-� "", �, e v�I'Y...,. .. : ��. pee •.. J • e_ ... ", )� .. ,'), �btrs'; Jritl :�&O "he provided th:·... ,..;...... .. . '.. : �.' _ -: � . lOa! 10;;:· ..derlYlng the ·PftSeIlt· �W�,:-o.f.·"'. � -- , ""I .J... :lIioI- - �. . iI· I'::' i... _. The Rashmg' comDHttee.;. - of: w.h. :J..'h '�.. (_'.'• ". .:-. • "'. . '-1;;' ,". box Seats.:.. ··"'D cacner seats W � DC' . .' - . . .. "l . � •• ,. ,.C:!!I� .. i"one·. .whicb;m.erit!!.�e'�-=� ._��;.�.• ;iUl:.':';"'-i:. u�-.ulau.. '.' -.�... ..:. -� ,·Gifford Plume is ch. atrm���·wiU'.:�t Dn7V STUDENTS .. TO'., . '·- ..... ·.:or··'i'l1-\!i�e.r�� i�f .�--. � CQ: . .• f ...• . oIL'" ..\. �e�t _ .. � :.� . e PT; sen� IO��� :for� "iad'frieinls-' ,-._ · � �e'uOEtll�·��,�� ��m.�-.:.;'· ..· ·��· .. l2lftE�:�"':�.:;,.;A;.�nal.'pJaYi'.is;joP.·_rl&is-�w.· or\by�a·� c.. -.. .' D: .• : ":�.a_,-,,'. Of the.' cl>na:ete staD.d5�. ,-A.· :new'System.'.� ..... IIJLO:.. .. r.J".WlIil. .1. PRIZE'• • �_h " � • '''''.JI r '. .' --- � •• ,'., _. --=r1I CD �WUtef. ·T-··. • - - ., ,....; .. �iiag' in 1ta�lf/ a'no 'Uniformly ·Uieets. ' ",_.. .. ?... _., . .'... :...... . ."', _, of. '1"Ushin�' is. l»eilig··' tried .out this -. '�'h .... ,. -';'L ....:0..:.... ':.... .... .:..- •.- .�.a. .•.• Jt.� .. , • �e.,a1uDllU -classes w.n .lIave tlltirJ ....•. :..: ..... (1 '. , ,,-. Iia' .L __ "':' ,_ ... , .' ;._:' �··e ,.,_._ :.' .:. "-� t � so. mU�·HluR!, .,_cess�"UI •• us .. ·; ... .:., .. ' ". '.:.a. '., .;: �:. '�V:l . ..;.;a_ f.. -year;; .. .rl teen DIeD' ve�' a�. 'F' . d ts 'will" t fo th .J ; �t�eo�dX': aad... :.'y�y.:,� �,a��. : lr�ulon umners.. .LD���ay �:."u,�; �i-D�ea; �d. ru�h�, '_ fiVe.· fot �e� - ,IV� stu en.. ' . '�� e• r e., ... ..;:.;..... , di-'-� ..::..... "·�·:··t"'.'" .... ....:.... c:.:....:... _.:_ •. :t..w.!' ,natnely.,.l89S, :lgoo,."�. ,Ll9l3. .,The. '-.' -.·h· �ts,' fiv' ·.z ·th"·· . - d' .. )'(do. P. Jewett praze for· scnpturalm�U oas.- �IICDi. II ... ur.allihn. 1:.::1'D . r.. "t. ,.,' ," ...... , � - ',.�;' '.': wag t ,e ..... u e lor e lumps. an • . _.. .' -. - ._ h ,. . H--L' II'.� h�l.· at"\�_i!� .. giv��'·� .t.��:�st,: �(. i Ii,�ti·� "*II1�ne;���� �d�le �fi�� for�� tra<k'eVents.' 'As Soon as'. ,�eaumg �1I!��w: '.�I� t '�,a _ �d-.e ;itD reall;'a-_ttir of sOine'surpni-e -dOb ani lite- ,tatRr ��. Hatchl�n� comj)etitio'ft in"'lhese events is finish- assebl�Iy_, I'� � .-tl-: �e, stu �tst· L,,:,i.. ·t'O:':· '1�':'7tdtopld -...... d� �Iop tb·I"". commons •. · The Th,rteen, grnII. g .d tL.-:..;...;.'-::":::'::...iL.· ':::dB - d· t·t'h· ..-.0 .111 compete are. CIWI.es Better-"'". I1IC ��;� ....,., .. ...-.; ., �" '. , '.... ';'. .••• e�. nauel'S"1I'l con uc e men ..' '. -. '.� .. 1*�icular �\4j�arir'a little WW-,' ?4ne�:_'�n)�. �:. r�bers., o�:��e �to' the. south .e.nd -vf- the field. where ·'shall, .��ab _ Co'�cI.·;�rtes Lee.'. diU ' . . . .: . class. has been mallea by the claSS of .. � '.' . -" . '. - ..'. Cornelia' Moatgomery' . aad . Harry. ".1·' "; .'�.-:-- ... '-. "":�-'� ':.,., .• ', ."1'ftW. to.. .1Cft. ·ltIItIb�.. or:;..:' . 11 _.�"''' . R'!O� Plctu�� -o� �M �en p�aC1ng.1D 'J L .- Ea' h' .: .....:..�.:.....L..... ·'·0' �.� ... �:; � ·rua,.".n wntftia. - -·1".. � � ... I!l a �� :each event- will be taJren . The field . OoDson.· '. C. ,_.S"nl��':WI . r�u a'1 _::.*itli_f·�tioii:�·:��ola"·�: .Df-"the :���:.J�:� �yefted��at-_ .. �!!�:�;!!' t!!� �� _.� �!!:!:�: �Iection o� his. ���_�� an�. a nas-.__"-�;,.����'·Ha�- ��'�":�l¥:·��.�h.�:�lass-wi�j� over to_the regala1" University ri'sh'': sagt whic:b.will,.b!e assi�ed to hiil!.. ouly to the,lJIi'Wen anbe'�� ;a� .t�e �J��er !1:h�$�. !rtere;.�n era. Then win be a University rush- tonighL The winn�r wiU;rceeive the&Ii to_· tll�,. ,.m�baoicai - eftec�Y�. ;. � a�dre� 'by. eaa._'. of tile � erf,*���lth iDa" - w;'o �1ai:eS in cOmpe- . Sum '0f.$SQ.' J1t4Ices.ill be selectedTdaer ·iol1ie'taCi·�ol'me·cl'arrii=l� tacaii-. ··�t .. " �"'Mb, . :�ho��e. till.·on. an. d these rishers are expected from tb�' fa�lty .. of tile' Divinitytid.�r:rili;·�t ::or Rae" :tl� :Jkinior;:-.J.5eaIor�:-:. -:. :.'.. � .. to, stay -4rith 1.�i�· men throughout Sth� r• _hcMt��kei: � � ��� -," �� ���.� ��wdl.atso ·ti.e· entft netting. ' .'} 1tie" Pbrjle··�Dnam�· ,1I1Ul ,:-M��_ bav_e r.eu-.ons : .?� ���Y niehL .. Plaas are beilig compl�ted for' the AR}{OLD WILL. SPEAK TODAY.. � bol':,"tt�.�:�es,··�-<a: .1h�y_a� l� .. �� ��_;�<?��1!.a $aile;' .banquet which win be t�d the . �ttiIe .yer-bar)e9iaaed. iii .po� .it:..ia, ���.�t tM G1-�t !it)�, and ��14.: Interscholast� fltVants saturday' BaDk OtrcW to A� CIab 011Ii"" _1)at . bOt"h'"' -iaidirii -_thmJelY.e.!J· :2t. �k _oo �o (wohma) a��;at nidaL., nus Iianil\Ri will be held -in . "ftIe.G&1d PooL-1 "urinDy to tfl�' jo..... oJ"'""lft�bDei.l- - y�•. (�*), . �·.l� di!ll'er: ,Hutchinson commons and 150 CiJi-, < ilicb amateur performance necessi- IS for men and women and WIll �.tol- ,cap -mea wiJJ � accomlllOdated. It'�s. The former .is tbe'story of a low� �y a !heatcr party. TheJ�IO itt expected tllat i)va- 209 of the high• ervant girl who dreamS---dftams' that affillrs Is.a sta� party •. �e. �ss ac:booI_ addetes will atlead. TicketsMe eageadeud. b7 .-,a . toO inte"ve· _o� �9�� _-.:v.I.I!.�h!,!e .I�� reunIon on !ine ,for the .banqa� can be obtaiaed from� of D�l,,:ortiie··-Gr.aastark" -�, �t a'ptCDlC �.be h�ld at Lake_�a- q,.ainaa.,�� �f the Baaqud c:om-, � � :,The play �tSelf, 'in lact.. depicts ridi;l1I .. wheft the ··tarm�_M- ��es mittee. -.e:,":"'��ira_·ia the'eoane'ol ."eN��:aad £11m McN� �d. ........ 81UtS TOIIIOI'I'O ••, 'lo �hida' iiar; 'EIIeB. tile. -id. is woOe4 - - 'l.l, is s�taated. - .'. -The �nt COIhpetitien ill tlae I attr-'... ..,.� .. �� _il· ... ·. --" --- -- .ec:llo�it will be l11li otf tomOt;tOw;• RUised as a foreiga aoblemaa, to Cooper to Addna CJab..• Iae� the prelimiaary' teanis matcheswhom she fi_Dy discloses .er OWB are �,ed. The drawioss will. be .bl .a.:-.J. 'mach' to the 'coafas:'- 'of Dr. William Skinner Cooper w111, . no e " ... ..., • .,.. _de today. These matches will'her empJo7ers, who haft been treat- lecture before the Botanical club to-' cOlltia.e .tlaroaghout Thursday allding 'i.a- .. "Oa&h she ftJ"e. in fact, a day at .:30 iD Botany 13 on "'Chapa .. - Friday�I- maia. . tIi� gen�� disillusionment ral or California."when the 'real nobleman' appears on'\ the sceae as a groachy and crabbed, old geatlemaft. who would as soon'. !'hoot craps for pennies with news-boys in public as make love to one TODAY.bencath hi. Btation. fonr.hes an ex- BotaaicaJ chlb, 4:30, Botany 13..cenent and laughable denouement. PeJitical Bcoaom� dab. 4:30, Hat ..The work of Miss Fenton as Mary per .... .., room. .• Ellen stood oat wen above that of the eo.a.poaitaD clab, 1:30. LaiDctob.other ..... ben of the calL Ki .. Sat- 1odD1oD eIIb. I, l.edllttae IS.• t01l" "lelhltatloa of the awlnrard '1'0.000*.malltlet -hi .... ida t"e maid assumes JI'iul cIuqMtJ, ...... coDepa ...what she foadl,. imaciaes to be the 1M � 01 c._ ice ad �correct POle of die graftcl� daMe.. bib.do.. to:'1. .a m.tiDcdt. reftnhiq aad wilolb' de- _ � � " •• '1 ... -10:15,""�I�" lighthll OK. 1t il_ .aforta_�� t�at ...... 1M., sOme 0' the HSt elFects dam. tile. ........_ COIlteIt 'or .m. P.,two ICfteI 01 � .,... � I�' J---".., .. HakeD _ oalq.J' _ (��0Il,.., .. ) ......I ,'..TO HOLD SE.I-�ltfALSIN PltATBRNITY RACESTODAY ON STAoo fliltLDBULLETINSem�-'na's in the interfraternity relay _ races . will be run oft this afternoon at 2:30 on Statg field. 'rbeeight teams which qualified in tfaepre'iminaries Fridiy win be dividedinto· two Rroa'i of toor teams tach.the winflet's of the !eml-finals .iIIm_t Thursday to decide tbe iftterfraternity championship, Psi Upsilon.A1ph� !fa .. btfteea.' �'ta UpsUo1l. andSipla Alpha Ep5l101l will form thenrst dmsio.. Delta tau Delta.. DeltaKappa Epsilon, Phi Kappa Pst andBeta Theta Pi are entered in the second group. Mr�';JohB J. Ameid, vice-president_of the FirSt. National bank of Chica-.go •. wil speak today at .�:30 in Harperassembly roo� before - iIi�mbUs of.tbe P91iticll �omy clab. His sub-ject Will 'be -rtae. Gold .POol".' \'be iutuR :wm be a. study in foreiP exChange' i� 'the -EuioPeaa war.Mr. Arnolcl has studied the. pecuniarycollditions in relatioa to and iD -CODoectioIa with. the . �t strife Oft!'the waters. .He will- explaia, i. IriSdiseeane. th� disa .... taeeoas etfectsof strift 011 the' A.eriaa market,.laying special tlbphlsis ota die ia8axof «old ibto the U.ited S�tes.Th� engagement of Miss Vema R.&mes of DeKltb, 111., to FranklinPierce Catlin. '13, of Appleton, Wis.,hall �* atmohuced. After the wedding on June 24 tM coaple will take� trip atoafHl islt Ro:ti�t.Delta Sigma "'-i bas inltaDed cttapters at Hillsdale toU* HmSc1a�:Mich.. 'l1I;e' eoh�. Grmimll�'�6L. aDd West bleigh eot1�West Ral�igh. S� c. IiacGREGOR NAMEDHEAD MARSHAL FORTHE COMING YEARTea Mea Are OD - List--SaaeN1IiIlbel'. of WOJDeil Chos-ea AideS.WILL SERVE NEXT WEEKElection Is OIl a Buia - of Scholar-ship and Capacity for ..LaderalUp.Head 1IanbaJ-Lawrence John MacGregor .IIanbaJs-Dan Hedges Brown. .�owland Herbert George,Charles F.tallc:is Grimes,James Oliver 'Murdock,Paul Snowde-n Russell.Lawrence 'E. Sali5bury�Laurens Shull.Denton H. Sparks.Jatnes·. Warren Tufts ..Aides--Julia V. Dodge,Marjorie Fay,Margaret Lambert Hancick.Elsie· Bene Johns.Katherine Keith,Ruth Manierre,Alma Marie �nnale •. Ruth Prosser,Ruth Marie Sandberg,Claire Vctaw. II., i! :i1.iI1. iLawrence MacGregor . was ·namedhead marsha.) of the '.University for1915-16; in an official, announcementfrom th'e President�s office ;yesterday., trme: �oth�1Deii:-;.ere--;dro9CD -mar-sba1s, -and ,�, w�ell u. aides. . They" Wllr� ':at';eODvoCatioD"n�xt week...:,·�.of the.1bnbak.The . �ew . marshal, Lawrence Mac�egor:'is :Presidetl� rif.. the'- Hono�'commission'�-aad' a' member of Beta. 'ftieta' Pi�' shu· ,aDd' C�� Iron·Mask. and Owtaud �t:' ..Dan BrowD 'is r abbOt· of.· Bladtfriarsand a member'bf' Psi 'Ui)silO1I, SCore• �". T� .... ,:aI._'_' : .. __. -n�, �_ ... C"_.---.- .--- •• -�. �- ............. � .. u ........ -�rilltowJaIld 6eo� is Cl.,tafn�lect ofih�· baslctbU maai aftd it member of·Delta. Kappa. Epsilon. Skalt. aDd enScellt, . 'mn ')[aslc.. and 09if: �"d . Ser-� .". 'Charles Grims is' captaiD of theUniRrsic., Rolf tum - ·aDd· formerW estem la�coIlegiate' dlaaipioil.He i, • anetnber nr Psi U"iloa.· -:1JameS Oliver Manlock 'i� a member of the Undettrac11ii� coUn'C1i altdis' ott t'-� sWimifiiht ttam. Be �tongs to· Phi' Gam_ �lta, .- .Pa*1 R1IS!IeIl is tii)biwleet bi' the·football �.H l ��Mr Of' Delta. tea.,.,. Et>silon,' � Chlr,. Troll·. .-Ma., ltid Owl tlld �L. �'Wft"te· SaliShtj is �s.ster ofthe Jaaibr' �la9� inabll� of the bra",atp.: c1ab� a.a .. membet- of' Delta .Dfl* Epsilon, ,rid Sbri Club., �eas stlbtl is a Ib��_oi'da�U�tt f�n ana biis�nteams add bt,� to AlPha DeltaPhi. Sktsll 2ftd C�esceftt. li'Oft YU1t.*ttcI Owl and �nt.mnft)* S"'rl:� 'is t merilbef' of lhe�tball ahd \Tacit teams, chaiknanof t"� Itltmthbltlttit commission, Is011 th�' Hoftot cOiniftiisibn. aitd amember of Slean and Crescent, tton-.!llt. and Owlilhil 'Seropebt.J�� 'TuftS is rnanaginr editor ofThl!: Ct" '''d � thii ;eat. H� is* meltlbft of B�ta net. Pi.a.e •• "'. AIae&fte"idH *It]alii Doagt. ",fib Was� �1ieI' 6f th tHior hbeh1 tettm;u.tjbfit F�t. �Wt of the H�r�"'fhitti�" aai of Mortar Both':W*l'IiM Rlaab)ct. .flo was l nWtftber' Of lft� \tnd�"t� � illtier �� �t, aftd "It\; �s(5MRlUil - .... 41' ,� THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY � JUMB .. 1115.I' 'oA socletX of th� type':an never becalled "democratic in that it is f'epresentative of the' student body as awhole, that it is elected by them, orthat it consists of a great many ofthem. It has, however, a purpose thatis wort boy, and as it should not be considered exactly in the nature of a reward, there should be no feeling ofslight on not being 'chosen. If a man iseminently the type to be chosen and Isrejected, the society must suffer farmore than the individual.A similar system, it would seem,might be worked out among the women of the University, though thescope of the men's organization wouldbe wider.,Whether the men's society, the Owland Serpent, conforms, to these re-.quirements is easier to' determine ina general way than whether Nu PiSigma does. as several years ago Owland Serpent made a public announcement of its aim and method of aetion,and we have that as a basis for judgment. Nu Pi "Sigma still is a hiddenmystery-so hidden that it can not 'bedecided now by the University atlarge whether the organization shouldexist.Owl and Serpent declared that itsaim was service; that men were notchosen for work done, but because oftheir possibilities; and that the or-ganization at' all times tried to workfor Chicago. Whether it does this, ornot, and whether it has done it in thepast. must be a matter largely of personal opinion. The worthiness of theaim, however. hardly-can be contested., COMMUNICATIONWant Men to �gn Up.To the Editor:-The upperclass counsellor commission earnestly desires the, co-operation of the undergraduate men inmaking the' movement a big, sucecssnext 'year.The heads of th� commissicn for the past year made a capitalstart, and we, the appointed members,want to keep the' ball rolling.The object is 'not. to make the incoming, freshmen dependent on any,of the counsellors, but"rather to fur-:nish .friends, to, whom the first yea�)nen' can: .turn '; for help and' advice.Too :many of the freshmen in, tbe past 'have not had, the' advice of the older'men, and .noe starting; in the, rightway have lasted ,only"a: short time.'By getting' behind the movement, ea�and every o'ne' of you 'older .men -ean•.• ••• • '! .• _.. _ ..- nClp UIt::Se: IUCU .UIU e UUIYC:I :»1",. a:»well. 'Many of the men have' alreadysigned up, as counsellors. Those whohave not done so as yet can �ign upwith Ralph Davis, Dan Brown, Gif-'ford Plume, 'or'. at the Y. M. C, A.office in Cobb. Sign up, all you loyalChicago men.The Commission.A New Naaollal Hymn.To the Editor:,The stirring addresses of Prof.'McLaughlin, and P�of., Dodd made'this year's; ).femoriaf day celebration'one to � remembered. I was struck,however, by the: fact that. the w.ords"of '"The Star Spangled Banner" areinappropriate 'for a national anthem.It : is 'merely a somewhat rhetorical, Poem', of, occasion. 'One-' cannot re, member' the words of the song, beCause the normal mind instinctivelyfeels that the words are hardly worthremembering." I wish to put beforeyour .readers the: beautiful nationalh"mn by Prot -Katherine l.ee Bates.of Welles:ey college. entitled "America the Beautiful." It de�erves to bebetter known. It has been set tomusic, hut I do not kno,,' how successfully.A. H. Tolman.America the Beautifulo heautiful for spacious skies.For amber waves of grain.For purple mountain maje.t;tiesAbove the fruited plain!America! America! 'God shed His gnatne�s on theeAnd covered thy good with_ hrotherhoodFrom sea to shining sea!mltr Bailg _arDOnO£acial Student Newspaper of theUniversity of Chicaco, Published mornings. except Sundayuad Monday, during the Autumn.'Winter and Spring quarters, by TheDaily Maroon Staff.G. W. Cottiqbam .. 1IaDa&iDc Editor1'. R. Kah News EditorR. R. SwuaoD •..••..•.• Day EditorJ. J. DoDaboe .....• Athletics EditorR. P. Matthews ..•• Bamea IIaDacer'SUBSCRIPTION RATESBy Carrier, $2.50 a year; $1 a quarter.By Mail, $3 a year; $1.25 a quarter.Editorial Rooms Ellis 12Telephone Midway SOO.'Business Office : 0 ••• Ellis 14Telephone Blackstone Z591,Clarke - McElroy PubUahing CompanylUI CottaR. Groft Aft. Tel IlichrQ StuTUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1915.SENIOR SOCIETIES.I n connection with a considerationof the value of class societies at Chicago, the subject of the Senior societyof necessity must be opened. Thequestion is looked at purely from theviewpoint of the University of Chicago. and not in conjunction with anygeneral propaganda in regard toAmerican universities as a whole.With Chicago organized as it is atpresent, and with the important place,that extra-curricular activities bear inour life, a senior society, as far as themen are concerned, seems to be a desirable thing. The function of such anorganization should be to unite certainmen of the graduating - class for thepurposes of careful and serious discussion of all matters relative to theadvancement of University life-par.ticularly of.the worthy interests of thestudent body, as well as for a diseuse -sion of those' elements which are tobe considered worthy and, through, the orgauization, to: :wield an effec'tover its members 'which they maycarry out into general University life,whenever they are convinced of, the -worthiness of the: object. 'An organization with such a purposecan' exist only" so long as the organization 15 In Ute background, Aii ae-:tions 'of its members in regard' to their'life should be their own and notcredited to the society. 'It is to be ex-'peeled that the' men will "be influencedby the society, but they act for themselves and are individually responsible.There should be no such thing' as theSenior society candidate for such andsuch an office; there: should be nomovement started and publicly foster-.'eel by the society as, such-for to dothat [s to invite politics, and to give,the organization a place 'in, the eyesof the public which it should not shareas an organization, and which only in-:tensify- opposition to it and cause pos-.sible hard feeling and the belief thatthe_ society's aims are far from ideal.",For this reason, while: there should'be no public demonstratlonof secrecy,such as wild blushing and discussionof the weather when the-pin is noticed,and similar practiees, there should-beno public discussion of ,the work ofthe organization by the members.The campus at large is free to jokeand comment, but the members of thesociety should never discuss anythingwhich has transpired at any meetingor as a result of the attitude of the.society.Such an organization to be effectivemust 'cons�st of comparatively few,men. some, fifteen or eighteen. Thesemen should' be chosen on a combinedbasis of.:good scholarship, active andsincere- interest in, representative stu-_ dent aCtivme� and general attitude offairness. �tidnesty, sincerity, interest intl:-, best t"in� of 'life., and an ability: and -desire',to' work for those interests'-" wh;eb are best for ,the, University. Itshoalcf 4ni'lIo" �y "be COftsidc:red a reward for "work done., ft nor as a mutualadmiration society. , 'Y dlow Jacket held, a party, yester-,day afternoon in, Lexington 14. Mem-: ,=_=========================::::;======bers of the c1u� attended the JU�ior-l'Senior women's baseball game In abody. ===================================='='=-'='=-="='='�=='============�.,., 0 beautiful for pilgrim feet.Whose stern' impassioned stress,A thoroughfare for freedom beatAcross the wilderness!America! America!God mend thy every flaw.Confirm thy soul in self-control,Thy liberty in law!o beautiful for heroes provedI n liberating strife,\Vho made themself their countryloved, '(,And me� more than liCe!America! Americal-May God thy gold refine.Till all . success be nobleness,And everY' gain divine!o beautiful for patriot dreamThat sees beyond the years,Thine alabaster cities gleam 'Undimmed by human tears!America! America!God shed His grace on thee,A nd covered thy good with brother-hood 'From sea to shining sea. CoFiw..,.ntAll CINid, -==NOthethetheGo,EXAMINATION SCHEDULE.Examinations for the Spring quarter will be held as follows:3:30 classes, Monday, June 14, 2 to 5.7:15 classes, Tuesday, June 15; 7:15to 10:15.8:15 classes, Wednesday, June 16.9:15 to 12:15._9:15 . classes •. Thursday, .June .17,9:15 to 12:15.10:45 classes, Friday, June 18, 9:15to 12:15.11 :45 classes, Wednesday, June 16:2 to 5.1 :30 classes, Thursday, June 17, 2to 5.2:30 classes, Friday, June 18.2 to 5.STUDENT VOLUNTTERSHOLD FINAL ''MEETINGCommittee reports - and addressesby members who \\\11 leave for themission field this year featured thedinner which closed the yeaT's activi-ties for'the' Student Volunteer. bandlast night in Lexington cafe. The, ;p�ak�rs' were'�: Georg�- Baird, China;Bessie' Harvey, M�ss, Davis, and Wil: Iiam We�ser, India; Leif Awes, ,Mada-:gascar; and Daniel' '�astings",Africa.. The" Rev: Dr.:- Charles W. Gilkey,head .of Hitchcock, han", is conducting,chapel exercises, at - -Harvard 'this,-,week.' ,Bro� � MeetS'Today._- __Brownson ,club will hold its finalmeeting of- the year this afternoon at,4:30 in Lexington, 14. ' Officers will .. 'be elected.:,: '-LeaPe to Ho1di� Party. '- _' _-' "��.- WHIthe�hl;'StUIto". :-top" 11."I"'OBACCO curin', like edu.I. Cation, don't .put anythiiJgD � but it brings to the suiface D[I the goodness that:s tIwa•.. ,._ [I[bPi ---"'0"" --�-"IDI Ic!I ir�'J. NOT:, havhan-bricPat_ -PO!ape; '''''VI-The school of' EduCation, 'League'.: ..11 -'meet toinorrow,�at '5:30 in the'Lea,pe room ,- for a,' beach partY in. JackSon 'paiic.." -' 'J1iaiora Hold Party' TomorrOw�Final resemtions' 'for thi Juniorclass beach' party to' be- given tomorrOW on ,tlie', shore' sooth of' the German building in Jaekson park can bemade today and tomOrrow' with members of' the Social" committee. 'Theclass' wm' gather at' 4:30 in front ofthe German building. Tickets senfor fifty �ents., Mmmeld Undeqoes Operatica.Mr. Fred Merrifield, instructor inthe departmetn of, New Testamenthistory, was operated on for appendicitis Sunday at the, Englewood hospital. Mr. Merrifield was taken illSaturday and his cO,ndition became soserious that an operation became ncc7essary. -YeDow Jacket Holda Party. ' FOR'typlise:�I ,.... -.� • I .....•-II toTYIQu. pri'Ex·=,-;.,i 'i; �-'lI •,.... � .-;.ro!===!:�,j�ELIil� .t":j�;--::��Ju.» ...t�.t.. .. -_�:� �OI�tI,�"'--a1;,!-I 'zatic�': -Fay.' �L�mitt;th;-i Prill;c�'manv-.:-•'. ' -.. ,_ESTI,""",_ ��-'M_ c...-c..,.... .....-, '011_- :DO,D�barioftCorMalthe�,erill,wiD-Ute,I '',�!,WIDi::.n";--;'ney,ship.-WE BUYUSED UNIVERSITY TEXT' BOOKS'Law, Medical and 'College' BooksalsoGrammar School, High 'Sc:h�l, andMiscellaneous Book. "\ Fclia. Set�Tu.:�-',its_' Lc::; thenelcdWOODWORTHiS BOOKSTORE1:111 E. 57th-, St., lnnr Kllilblik - AYI�.,PATRONIZE OUR"ADl'EkTlSERS:I••I I ,• •i t •=E --CIIIs;J1Jiet;! Ads.Five :,iM.' : No edwrtiee-.... nt vee. for I ·than 25 oentLAll o'uaifIed' ... Wrti ta mud ..... id in .cIv..... ., r ••••TYPEWRITING WANTED-·Quick, neat work.prices. Address BoxExchange .• . Reasonable0, . f�9alty O&H $25���:�QG�,�'�,::'�:' i;�.�1! . :PRESIDBNT OF COUNCIL�:g .";;-;: .�;� ,�r'�"'�'�"�"" :�: �<�., :'., t�Julia DOdge was elected. president• �.\. .. "_ -_ --- ,!,:,_ .• ,,�.. • •.• .... -.. ••• �.- .-::� �ot�me women s' .numlUI::nnu.,,� '-UU .. -�.!.' t.;;i:·af:ilie:fiial:�meetilig. 'o(:�t�e: o;Pni.' 'zati;ltie�t;�daY. 'aftUDooo;' �'Ma'rjorie�f.' -Fay .. m .. chosen -secretary,- PauJiD�.. ; Levi - chairman· of .the. Social .... com: mitt�-: Alma' PannaIe:' chairman of: til;' Adini�isiiatiie.'- committee; Mat). .i Prince w:nnan: of the Membership� committee,: and,' Agnes S�;'" �ir-1 : man of tbe� cal�ncJar."cOininittee. .. :, ., !�'. ,DOROTHY·LLBWELLYN·· " -: .' ,WlNS·TBlfHIS MATCH,..- �"�PROil!'ARB,��LB�� .. ;.� .. �; �.. ..: ,Dorothy, Uewt:lIY!" won.' f��m .. Bar! bar.a Killer;'�l, 6-2, illl the semi-finalsof the, �me."·den� .. ·t�men�· Com;l�. 11911. '�efeated' Elizabeth:Karshan in the .semi-final round �fthe: paclUte . women's; toUrney. cath-'·erine Culver and· Elizabeth· Neumann,wiD playa semi-final·match·today. and-Ute.winner will·meet .J>.orothy Uewe�-,. �Y1_i: J�)�e." fi���s, � . �o�?rr��� .. ·-::�e!. WInner "or this . mat�� wm m�et �e;\rinner of the gnduate women 5 t?Ur-.�:ney for the an-Unive�sity· champlo�-,. ship. . .------,I THE DAILY IlABOON;TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1915 •.�TEUBISBNES8IS ELIMINATED INTHREE SHORT PlAYS(Continued from � L)NO SENIORS ',SIlOULD LEAVE because, it was almost impossible to'.' hear what The Dream Sir George wasthe Univemty,' without ·taking withI saying.them a histoyi-· of their big year at "Maudie" is an amusing sketchthe U e , of C: Buy your Cap and which presents the diffic:ulties of a�wn' today. . .young man who has purchased at anWHEN YOU WANT TO K'NOW auction a dress for his sister. He hasthe conference record in the mile; found it necessary to take with himwben you want to 'look �p a fellow the wax figure upon which the dresswas displayed, and is discovered by;'studeat'. aetivities; you must turnto' ·the Cap and Gown. Plenty of the sister, while conveying the figureinto the house. Believing the form, :topies for everyone. Call' at Ellisupon her brother's arm to be that of a, 17. real woman" there is a lively bit ofNOTICE TO ,PROFESSORS::'" I comedy skirmishing until the difficulty·have more ·proper�.-�n 1. -ean is finally adjusted to the satisfactionh'andle-must sell 8 room modem of all. Both Vernon Brown, who: brick residence. Best 'part of . Hyde carried a double role and, consequentPark. $1,000 cash, balance -as rent. ly, as was quite to be expected, scored. Possession at once. Ope'n to in- a double success, and Lawernce Salis'.spection, Owner, 5236 Greenwood' bury, who took the part of John Sed• yard, took premier honors in this; ';,f..ve. -sketch. The .v�' fact that .. neitherFOR SALE-TWO UNDERWOOD part called for a pronounced display'typewriters; v�ry latest m�els; of histrionic ability and was,· never, . used less than one month; price theless, not overacted, is in itself sig: $60. For further information apply, nificant of the excellence of the per-to the Maroon. formance,And now, finally, a few words about.�'When I call," by Jessie MacDorialdauthoress, 'actress, and coach. Ifthis sketch merits, perhaps" a bitmore censure than do the others, thevery fact is a sufficiently obvious compliment, since this playlet attempted'far -more than did the others, . Itwould be distinctly unfair to judge the.th;e·e upon the same standard. '.'WhenI . Can" was by far' a more ambitiousattempt to enter the realms of realplaywrighting. than was either. of theother sketches.Briefly, it is the story of a .girl-apronounced paranoiac-who .is morbid, inclined to hysteria, and who hassent away her lover for no good reason, extracting from him at the same- time the promise that he will-make itimpossible for her to find hili\; sin�e C ,.,' H.she fears that her res�lu�n w��1 . �. 1weaken, and that she may seekto win .J'�';:'';''�'�': :;,;::�. �,::'�'._�:. ': .j.' :. ',' .;him :,back. Skipping the' conv�ptioll�I' lliiii .. iIi .... iiii .... _ .... _ii._ ... IIIIi IIII�IIII!I������l�yea��e��o����kh: ,���.����� __ �� __ �_�_��� __ � __ �������her efforts to' bring her: lover.,·ba·ck� ;��e��f 7hope1.?�sries·�,:,�r .. lh:i'sir.l�- �she' tells be� mother that. she 'mke� UP' .lilig:�s��!�t'iiySter�a:·,:dow���to�l�:up,i� the �ight and' calls fo"r him .:� "Why t�):lli�"'-;inous '�ljt reriiiri'iscenf ofj�e 'doesn't he come whew:' t call ?�.:' .g.ide �of !AIJa '- Nazimova, which, �as:;a",The climax js su�cientIy �vioo5"7" frleUd!of. mine �once·remarke.cr�inad� itJohn, in spite of appearances, is' e�i-: 'a::Jdatter�o(inere::h:izy con"j;ctar�'�s 'dently . intense,y , �sYFh.ic,: d�s' h�r: tci.:·.heth�� �Na�i�o:Va hung her scarf'her caJI..,�nd stra�tt1_l�y .�es to- a�6ss··the '�hai� ��d ;walkcd"aWa�: or;w_ani hcr' 7 �.o�� �--- ra� ',: iasi as vari�s ' .h� herself acf�is Ith�: c1��ir . allt(�I-, .,modem conveyances will bear him' loWed the .. sc:zri to Wilk away. �:_'In'_thither, Un�ortonately .he is .pre�ed':' .s�Ort, ancf;;;iibout �t!ng .too_�:;,J': ,ed by.a newspaper which !=o_��ins.an J().nJs, ;Miss MacDonald;s 'work�'1As "========:::;:::===================:::::::iIII<e:::===.e�n��.attoo��hlso�.d��; ��nm�d.I fu��������y •• - ��--�---_but. lucJdI� enough, he arrive� intime e�joyed'iC�:'!": ': .. -;�.: .. '::' . .: STUDENTS! YOU NEED A Tri'.IiiIriiSlH7·to say, i� e&:ect, with. MarIC' �In, . Vr.th.'·so large. a ca�(a� "th� .co�- ' Typewritteii�. '�pers.:'pn,� 'the carefur �lIIfl2 .lfto.Yes �ridethat. the reports of �IS demls� a� biDed roste., 1ft: the th�: plays., PEe-. in .every det8il'of. Iria .. WOrk. . . • ft�(. ..3 � .gf()ssly exaggerat�d; evel'Y�y, pre- seat it is' DecesSarily� : impOssible::.: to ' �ey �variably make .• favOrable im�� q,.Jacu1tY aDdsumably, living bappily.. e��!, a�r- '�:�a6on the.�w�rk�: �f 'everyone: who help you' to get better marb. .ward; a1thoug�, when we ....c�nsld.e1': t�'k; part: :...Suffjce:·-if' �o�\:Say.�'t�( aI.- '. ::-,- .' .... � ", ., .. _4 � ,;' �·:.2 - ama· - ��TAnne Warrens hyper-senSItive dlS-. .r"'''' ".. "-<la'. . b' 'Dra .t·. . • , ueserve commen tion,' t e ma ICPOSltl0!,,' ��d· .. t�e. fa� ��at �h� :��es , club as a whole, because ot'the wis- .�e�. we ��rselv� are a bit mclmed, dom tbey disployed in seiecti�g 'their'to do\!bt thl5.. material. the" coaches for the faithful'· Jessie' Jla�Donald's. wor� .realized: drilling :"hicb{the-'-ac;ors had so :evi�e. exp�ctations ,which :h;ad· .been: dently�received; the 'authors, for the��� .!n .ad�nce �y .. ,�11 �hos� !,ho: ':devemess and "freedom .from techni-· were pnV11eged, to hear. th� .dehe.ou.s! cal errors which the plays displayed;prologue to. her equal!y dehclous bor-. and the actors, because of the generallesqu� of V�cbeth.a:le .. months ago' excel1ence of the performance.at th'e Gt-eeu han party. The ,only. I think that covers it. pretty well.criticism wbich could possibly.bemade is one which has become stale�. 'and bromidic through much use--tbe·Reynolds 'club stage is not one adapt-ed to acting of a highly tra�c and . Dean Shailer Mathews preached theemotional, nature. At its best, such baccalaureate address at the Pennsylacting is only a counterfeit. and needs vania university of Gettysburg Sun-the numberless aids of modern stage- day. Dr. Mathews subject was "Thecraft to trick it out in the semblance Bundle of Life." On Friday Deanof reality. Tragedy whi�h is' not Mathews delivered the Phi Beta Kapwhol1y trngie is too often mirth-pro- pa oration at Northwestern, speakinllvoking-witness the sympathy which on "The Internationalism of the Spiris not aroused by the spectacle or a it."fat man slipping upon a banana-pealand denting the pave�ent--or the gustof lau�htef'· which fonowed so slightan intefT1l1)tion to the. strained trainof th'oud1t engendered in the audi-ence as the lowerin� of the curtain atthe psycholosrically wrong instant.'Miss MacDoriald's acting. boweve1",was easily recoStDized all distinctly afinisl1ed pro�uct. from the flat, dead. Frank Se1frid� been pla�ed in. f the atTangements for theeharge 0, be giftD Dext· Senior men s stag to. It 6 at the Hyde Park hot� .�Tuesday a ..' . .,. To Hol� AaaaaI Dnmer ,T�i&h{--lit- ehtb will. meet atTht Cos'iftGpo ...• '30 .its annal dinner tonIght at 6k· ;.olDf.. The spea er-;' Lexingt0_n co�;:s. Mr. Louis' ·u,ch-· tbe eYenlng WI f the Associatner general secretary 0. cd a.,.smopolitaD clubs. -------O&"H�---MEN·S�,STORE·Ogilvie' & Heneage;. > 18-2.0' East Jackson BoulevardSUM-MER' CLOTHIINGToday wilt· mark the finish of thefirst round of doubles in the Quadrangle club tennis tournament. Thesemi-finals must be finished by Fridayand the finals wilt be played off Sat-, ttt"day, June 12, at 3. SUITS ATWith our high standard of style, qualityand service. ,1OUR STRAW HATSFrODl Chase & Co. of'Ne-w Haven, -Conn., arerecognized as the bestamong· college men ..c .. _ .A 0,--,--0'.'" .�' ': 4 � .. " ....'I..;.. .. ..... ".,.. _ .,iI . "4....... � ...... "":'It.,ANNOUNCEMENTq THE GARDEN CLUB a� t�, Midway Gardnu malees thi foU�membership offer to the members of tiae factllty aM t� nuelets of tile .Un ..'[!ersily of Chicago.q THE INrrlA TioN FEE is $15 au the dtles are $�S G ye. toYobk i.three itUtallmellts, Octobe« first, February first au .lutle first. ,Me.bers �t i.10fIJ!I for the sum",er mOtlths need f&Ot pay the JUlie dtles. tk iiiliGliotI· tet!,nay be applied "POft a regular me",bershi, a"y lime mthm �o years aftergraduatioN, .or is transferable to any other U"i'lIer,sity shldmt.C( PRIViLEGEs OF MEMBERS-a member has free admittatlce ",ttl. . .the GardetlS atul is e"titled to take two lady au one o"t�qf-tOum .. 9extlemin&guests into the Gardeil.s tree. 'There is tlO extra table cluJrg�. '[or 'mlj tableill the JVitater' Gardet&S. The Roof Gat"detl; aM the BOlco"ies_·. Stlrrouiulitlgthe Summer GardetlS are exclusively for ,!,embers. Also the .Club RoomsI .on the first au second floors are for me�ers aM their gwsi$ ':'"OfIly�'CALL AT THE DAILY MAROON. OFFICE" FOk. APPLICATIONBLANKS FOR MEMBERSHIP OR ·JiO.&..FURTHER 'lNFORMATIQN. .'::.: .. _ ':"'2.� .........:...... . ',,'h .:" .. ,;. � �.r- _. " .... �:- .:_",_ ... --.::::�\,J_.-:"'4-'THE. QUIET vo.� q, ...���:(X)�:�:�IlBARDIN.NOISaSTCBOWDS .. _., .. � ... -::::.'- ':"�.- '. '.� � ..;:�. � ... �.:; �'. ,.' ',,, .: ;.� .. :� '." .. ....Oar New TfteIa - GIia �. pJ8ids, ShadOw ct..b,faiat ever ia 1IIaiIi· .. • ' .••. ., �afty. J.1ae pej aM -.-8 .tDM8 of 'an .... ·�rri .. ·:· .." .. 'II!i ,.' .TH���I.7K.i.aWiitk. . : ..,.,f ..... r "�- l'� /iii: ' .. ,. - II._ �.TweeIs -Ib_ - sa. ... Bet __ ,.. N_'''• 4 - • '"lr;.�.. .,'2S&.Je' a .....�i.:· ..... '1l't.. . :1,.�.============================ .... -=============.,r=======-=DEAN LIIOJ SPEAKS'�T PiNAL EXERCIS�, TO· BOLD """ALDAND ADA .. ,C08ian,'011 ·'I'IIUR8DAy . NIGHT..............Fi� ��dt1lt� 'wm .take part in· th�Julius RORn_'.· eo'attll . ia tNblicspeaking 'fhDl"iday alght: in lIancl�1,and fiv� will give rCadings in th�:Florence Milward Adams .contest in'artisti� �ding. til ttii RoSenwald:contest the speakers will speak on th�'same topics a� 'Wert. d5sciJssed iii th�preliminaries. Pri:tes of $too and $50wiil be awarded.. it'he readings in theAdams contest win be judged fortheir artistit merit. The prizes in thisevent will be $7S aild $25 .His .Ja�u Wit folio��..by Pres5-ddt· Jit�" �i�--lcf tIl� caD.'dates. br. -, ... 'Ita� tIlit the ea.� dii'il'e_;,�. the eda-·'tiltH ... � at � ..... 'th� Dnea·taMd fa .t th,:. ion.et his morel,"lItt to tee \htoG,h' .ba •• thaD dietilttr. -. ...., .�t baa" .ili '\1�" .hi Presi•• bt j.dtOft, ·"0 eO ","ow aside.tl irnt • .aBda abel ��t the heanof .th._1i:- � hope that in th� years totome Job WIll � able to discard tbeimmattritl aftd take heed of tbebroader things in tife."Arthur Hanisch responded for tbecandidates in the form of an add-rds. regarding stud�nt enthusiasm and theinitiatiTt that has been taken by theUniversity in abolishing foolish C1IS·toms.EapIaiiIa Oil iD WodI: ia Iwa-- � ..� GNeta Candidatel.DeaD LiDa exPlained tiat.,,·d&ati.t ..tion betweea the wod dOlt Ii tiaeJunior and Senior cC)n�. ,,, �ft a"dress at the. final junior' C()i1eiechapel �xer�s 'Y�sterday momilit I_Mandet Nearly 200 candidates forthe title of As�iate were present.Dean Unn asserted that the mostdittmguished qiltlftY learned by students iii tlie Stnior coneges is judg·meld. This he. claimed to be invaluable to th� student who, in later life,meets an oppottUllitt in which he issappOifd t., .tdrir Judgment. and initiatm.' lie vt-.aliaed tlaOIe students inthe senior' coiiqes who lack initiatM. U· .� � lift '_ �tnr capwaitiag t� be fiOed t�. tile brim bythe pel'fldUal s�m of ItDOwledge of,the insMiMn. ... bemse of judgmeat III '''tIt � .t Rid, would"e him �eat:&i1,. aad spiritaany an��ii..' Tht Extc:UtWe" �mitte�·· or' litestDior tlass wn1 iDm today at' 10:15in Harper 11 '2 to prepa� llntherplans for coD�iion wM. 'ONBPoINT'MARGIk WINSroll JJADGU·TRACK lIENSenD Records Are Broken WheDWiIeODSiD TakeS CoDfer� MeetWith 'I'hirti-Eicht Poinb-CbicacoS«oiid With 'ftairty-Sevea. .By Hany S. Ciorpa.· . Chicago's ttack team 'wound up theseason . saturday . at ;Champaign.. expei'te�iD·g'sOuie of�tht hardest luck thathas ever attacked a Maroon squad.WiscoD�in, by taking second place intile relay, jUjU nosed' out Coach.Stagg's· sClilad for the Conference'championship by a margin of onepoint. 'l'he fina1 scores w�re: W1�'eonsin, 3l: chica.o. 37; MissOuri. 21;ttlinois, '18; the' test . of' the Pointst})eing scattered. . .�Cbieago took the lead in the openirlg events and held it until at the very .end tht returns from the weightevents and broad jump put the Badgers ahead by a small margin. The'tesult finally .hinged on the relay� andwhile Chicago won thi� easily, theBadgers. by defeathtg Missouri andhtib04s fot setorid "lace, were able tohold ��'�it ieid �Y Ot1� point.£lWt:il Cblcaco lieD SCore.. Although a tiUinber or Chicago menwho had been expected to shoW in thescoripg failed. to count aue to bad.luck,. the maj6Nty bf· the teattl rantrue to form. The tneb who scored'for ChicagO were:' Cap�in Ward.who won the 12().. yaro dash an'd the. ��rd dash;· campbell. wha took·first plaee in the half-mile; ,Dismond.·who wen the quarter-mile; Knight.who t�k second place in the 100 andthird in the 220; Fisher, who tied forfirst -in the high jUmp; Gorgas;·,whotied for third in the high juinp; Stout.who took third place· in the mile. andCampbell, Stegeman. Comweli."andDismend, who ran on the winning re-day team. .. . .Seven records went by the boards ;and two were .tied .. They were .the � .toile·. run, the . 120-yard . high hurdies,the' �yard tow hurdles. th� balf-. nine run, the' tWO-mile lun .. tbe t;roadjuriip.�and ·the. relay:' rice. : Captain.Ward.·atso.'ned: the preSent ma:rb':'in·the� ,ioo ·and ·220,;'rwnting the: 'fo�er. in 0:01): �5 aDd die .biter· in O:2i 3-5. .RofCal1ip1?e11' �iiishe.t his .athletic "Ca';�� �-��reer, by 'breakiil;i' the �ha'f�mite :reeord ".':by tWo ��lse.�o�dS. loweriiii'the:oid: .. '-,mark)o 10"1:53' +5 .. Cbieato·s "reby"team aiso �ered' the' �xisting t'Dark: :· ":.:-. .... '. :� .. "�;.' :. -_.. .Delia . tJj)sil(,�' WOft the Intei-rrat�r"hr--ttn'nis eba.nplobsit;P· in dOubles'5atlit'daW' aft��"by':cldeatillg the'.Ai�' beita··�i team. '·"oiDiab aDdaark - �or�ec1:' for· Delb' Upsifon' "aRaliliai �yrlly and htten ·for·. 'Alpha .�IL"�'; beiti .UpsilOn'lost the fit-stset. 6-4. but �sny wo" the next titRe.6-1, 6-:4, �i; .. ,. . .. , .' ....rtnhOR .COt.t.tiB WoImN, TAD tBtitD �f:\1tr... .; '.. Ja:niOr eoh� �;":Oibe� Woa th� chmpiObShip ��n p�'jUi�y'arteinoo." b7 . aa '18' to :s . 'ftOft •.. ·:'ftae .Junior teali1: �: aU' th"� katnes pJay- �eel thi� spring .With. tb�' �.ftiOrs. . Mar-'.. ret C9,Ok aiid �ra Mmd' starred'j., �� fi�ld .• � Apts Sharp an" AR�es Pannal� P�1ri. t� ° ban. 'or die�ion. ..... e �ms gave _It iu(ormatSpread' JUt' nighi at· 6 in, the gymnasium ..MaeGRBGoR N b.IIRAn MAItS�tt FOR, .' ,.... �MtNG YEARto Esot�; Ellie Jolin" a memberof tltt Undergtitluale'" c:otifttil; Kath·erine ICtfth. lSsoe1ate ed'tot of TheLftmlj' )(bb'''�;' Rat" Ji •• �, a",eib� Of .. � h�Or tbbttnissiona.a . �f do�c;' Abita PthMle, a'.,..� of tllt t*mot 1Hlth' . let",;wRoli P!'��r, ptttidetlt 6f tH W. A..�·i'" -a �� $I t"t·�·crab;-R*iJ;·Sa�. �btr ot�.· Ho.�, abd daf� V6tn,'a .. ��· of Chi RhO Siti\ta.· " . . . .. ��Freshmen win hold a beach panyThursday a�oon in JaebMa park.cw..tttei .... ".. .��� . r .-'Sn�for theheld tcof therEo.�of the�Anwin h�team,Charl«Marioe4 theand Efor thThefii'ew�.the 11... �liRusse�ooranATh«hats,1IpOp.�� et�ch(; ---Hmry Get%. it&. , defeated AndrewWi�1a1ld. i'l7. SatUrday aftef1lOOn inthe first match of t"e interclass tenms series. 'The matches �edllledfor ycste-rday :irere �tponea 0. account of wet coarts.