Gr e,.,.. • L: 1: J U Ii 1 1]14lIaily .arnnttVol xu. No. 153. UJDVEBSITY OF OHICAGO, SA1"11RDAY, MAY 30, 1914.IS NOT SORRY TO LEAVE FOUR HUNDRE3 ATIENDMabel De La Kater 8qB She Baa Be- SUCCESSFUL CLASS HOP Varsity Net Stars Meet Mfnneso1la torcei�ecl BeIledt irom '.twelve Courses__ I Doulales Title-Squair Pla,.. Stell--EGit.ors See Prospel'01l8 FUture. ft_ Mak I wagon tor Champioship in 8iDg1es.Couples in Summer un:aa et:haractor�� L.orl:Jelf U� a �r�nu, Spectacular Picture At ::)lluair will ropretient the lYniversityllabl'l .1)� La. .Mater writetS in the Annual Spring Dance ill the f'iuals of the singks in the Con-UNDEIGRADUATESPROVINCIAL .JUllC number of the Litcr.1.ry Monthly, DECORATIONS ARE TASTEFUL ference tenuis touruameut at Madison RALLY IN SEVENDI CUT SHORrjUl>t published, that she itJ ·'A ::)euior today, while Squair and McNeal willDiscussing Mr.·s Ietter to the who is no� s,orry to go;' ..\:ti�.1)0 La Two hundred couples attended the ligllt fot tho doubles championship.Maroon regarding the participation of _\tatcr claim,.tJ tlw.t she itS ju,bila.ut that Interclass Hop l�t night in Bart.lett, Chicago's chanc-es are bright for aBluckirjar stars in athletics, the cur- ill twelve out of the tb.irty_thrc\.l The toWll receipts of tho evening were repet it.ion of lnst year's clean sweeprent number of the University of Uhi- courses she hatS tukeu, there has come :-stimated at $4{;0 by men Who took in tho Conference, according to a teleeugo ..M:&&rn.zino maintains that on the to her a brightening of tho earth, a tickets at tho entrance. The dance grnm received Iast night."'hole, tho Blnckfriars havo "tho Iast I,;iorification of tho meanest common- was described us tho most sueeessful Stellwagon of Minnesota., will belautrh." f a.l in years. Squair's opponent for the western col-Po places, ··that signifit. ..,J a sort 0 went'-- Last Lan...... f Green atreamers were run from Iegiate title. In tho finals of the dou-A.LIG ........ cOllversion to the sacred fullnCSti 0"A very interesting situation this Iifc," scores of Ja,l'au8S0 lanterns in a net- bles, Squair and MoNeal will moots Du-spring resulted in' part from the "1 should like to be able to say work of color above. Festoons of hni and Moses of Illinois.ibb ' btl 'rho results of ycster·cl.a.v·,s m.a.tchesBluckfriar'tJ performance, 'The Stu- and the red rl on were Interwoveu a ou t ie ;.I gles on S ......... field, Illinois.. m. aDAouC'lmoro about college spirit ... u. V Tha -61&dent �uperior,'" says the article, "Tho the sides of the dancing space, are: Squair of Chicago, defeated y. to nose ou;t Chicago 4-3 yesterd'ay andl·.xult.aut joy of college life, n.nd"L 6 1 6 0 St 11show itself was excellcnt. The play- colored lanterns. -In tho middle of till' er of Lake Forest, - .; e wagon capture the Conference baseball cham..mdiant after...tll�orics if, whenev�r 1 f ed M N al f Ch'fJoor tho moving figures of women in of lHun('S()ta, de cat ceo J. pionship, Had the breaks of lue.k beeuthink of g�adua.tion., 1 didn't have .�, 0'" I th d bl Bquaif summer gowns and men in white Hall- eago, u-z, v.:«; n e ou es, uarr even throughout, Chicago � havesuch a curious longing to get out 0 1 '1 .... r _I f Ch' .. iJon ;lelf--ted Stellnul trousers and blue coats made a ani .i.> CJ.''CUol 0 lC��, u, � -hammered out a sub,stantiaJ victor:y\college, out to real work aud stru�rgle, .1 Mn ftno f ..... Innesota 6]spectacular picture. wagon auu gee 0.1U �...., -:AI but time after time breaks of fortunewhnr .. there is more J-Ov and mor" 6" D h - ,1 ... .: ses of Illinois de-con\'cutiuus at Chicago, and the ofl'ort '" '" " Dt.>an Ant,,"Cll and Miss Talbot \\'c� . -", u ru. anU. �o_ ' ga"e the Orange and Blu.e the upperto estalJlillh them; and incidentally griof," says the writer. at tho head of tbe receiving liDO at fC'.l.ted Thayer and Milroy of Lake For- hand.commeutiug upon the tyranny of atb- iEdltarB satisfied. the Ilorth euu of the g)�nn.sium. TIt.o e:,;t, 6-2, 6··8, 6-4, 3-6, 6-4.Rain fell heavUy throughout the firs'letiea iu modern collego life. Pat to Dorothy Weil contributes an article Hon leaders formed tho rest of tJlC d had - br ORCHESTRA. WILL PLAY ·part of the g;a.nw, an It.. not eenthe comll:ont came the illustration. on tho worka of Stanley Hougllton, roocption c.oI'nIYnittco: Harvey Harris [h ggI t·h t......,... TONIGHT AT CONeDT a champi(los ip· stru e, e. c.ontee1\1 Stn.. I' t1.- post· I tho author of "Hindlo Wakes." Oth� ,1 U I P 11-1• f th S 'r. .....::! oar Y In. u.v se880n . CI anU. ......,e ene 0 UA or e elllOI' IN ORCKBSTBA. HALL w�: .. �ave been called oil �Iy. T�a notice HULt no student who was con· :1rticletJ are "Seeking a Husband," by wing; Stanwood Baumgartner and _.... crowd, . though large, 'W8B thinned OU'eerned ill tho Blaekfriar� Chnrlcs Reckitt, "Rosie" by Frank Ruth Allen. f.or _th� J:U1Iiors'; Lowi:l by the _in, but the maJ-ority remnineclThe UnivcrMity orchestra will pIny ._might. _be,: a c�didato_ for the track Wobster, "'A Frog Legeiicf of Sleepy }��iks aud llBo Spindler for the SOl)h- to the end. Whell NAY � .., t- numbers from Sehnert, Orieg. anll r-" """5 .....Ziehrer at the eonoort program. of tho fi�ld ",-as hea,-y, and un(ler tho influence of the drizzling rain., 8OO1l del-eloped into a q�. in whiCh f.,tra will accompany the Swedish Glee going W'8.8 �ble.� ()peDs Game.Lefty � opened the frayin the box and breezed along steaAiil1in spite of the raia un.til the first ofthe fi� when he lost control or theball. Two bases on bails, one foreiDgin a run, a wild pitch' that did likewise-, nnd three hits by th� J lIininetted three runs, and. Page yaDkedLefty in favor of Des Jardien. BohD.&Dwent to third.Although Shorty p88S0d the he faced, hm speed and th.change from a le� hUlled to a rip'handed pitcher soon had the Dlini atTAXi: PART IN GOEI."BB his merey, and he ended the iDlling byMO::N'UKBN'.r UNVBILtRG striking out the next two men.. Dli·nois BCOred ag:ain in the 8&, wheDCavin and Des Jardien.·:missed signal ..With Rush on seeond and BaDe DB finlt.,Bradley hit to the right of tlae P:k�'er·s box. Both Cavin and Des Jar,",hed to cover the balL Des JarllieD8C("ured it, an.d threw tow-ar(l thir·1 t.,foree Bradley. Nobody was eC)vf'lingtho base, and the throw �Dt to thestanfl& Bradley Beored what pro"edto be the ;winning ruD.0Ideac0 8cana fa 8IztILChieago seored first iD the aixtla.Norgren and Mann, the first two ment'I' '!Si .. �;efl. Oray flied to ahort bu'D� Jardien singled to center Wnter" by P�lip .Kearney, anll omores, and John Agar and Margarci.··The two chiefly hit by this were "Wolf Apartmen.ts" by Samuel Kap- ,Monroe for the freshmen.SWCtlish_Amcrican association tonigh'Rustlell and WindroW. Russell is I)CI Ian. Mayer Lipman has a sonnet and A carpet lounging room was asat 8:15 at Orchestra hall. The orehes-J)oroth� W'ashburnc a poem in this ranged at the north of the gyDlnusiuJJlissuG, At the south end a drop from "TheFRIARS HAVE "LASTLAUGH" SAYS MAGAZINEHODor' CommissioD aDd interfraternity CouDciI Cited�Aa Examples of Governmentit really was tbab-sn.tirizcU gentlymany college foibles, in no way takillgsides, but poking mild fun. at botht·he lack of any real undergrudU:ltchaps the 'best broad jumper in collcge;Windrow is the best with the discus.But Mr. Stagg, in a letter to the Mo.·roon, declared that 'it is manifestlyplain thd it is n.ot good for the dis·cipline of the athletic tonJUS to allowa diviMion. of interests,' and furthcI'I havoC a theory • • . • that living illan atnu;sphero distinctly etremin.a.tcd� not put iron ill tho blood, and bnot cOlll�·.·cive to good athletics." JI.fnade tl.o prin.c.ipal point, it is truc,that too much time would be requirel.of the student by participation in bothblack nnd track, so; to �1,eubut the force of this argument wa:,.grcatly won.k.encd by tho continued u�cof Norgren and Des Jardien in 110".track au.l baseball_ It came down ta squarl' sta.tem,ent that, as a rCt.'n:tion, in,crcollogiate athletics is·a hu.·inc8S for the partieipant4 anti as sue!.must not be intmfered. with by fUll,Ii) On the whole, it soms as if the Blac!friars hOO tho last laugh."UDd�_ Pl'oviDdal.18 the Unh-ersity d�oeratic, nsklithe editorial writer. He \!onclude8 that,)f as tar as i�rnal University affair:.are concerned the student bOlly COl.,duets itself admirably; but, that inmatters outside the University, ChiCHgo undergra.duatcs oftentimcs al'l,6;tl In one of the m.oBt desperate strue-CHICAGO MEN IN FINALS IWNOIS TAlES Tm.E,FROM THE VARSITY 4-3BreaD of Forbme Give HeartBreak.ioa Battle to IIIiaiRain Man ConteatOonttftDC8 Bue� IIta.D4fq.w.· L..llJinois ,. .. 7Chicago _ l'Indiana 1 ••• _ 5WiHeonsin .. ' _.. _. 6Purdue ..•.••... _ 5M.inneltOto. _ . __ .. 4Ohio State •. _ .•..• 2Iowa . _._ 'j.. •• • • •• 2X orthwestern . . .• 3 344565338.ycnr's numbers by mailBOOKLft OOlft'AlNDfG, tra \\ill give soveral numbers· atNBW VlBWs OP OAKPUS / Blacktriar Ohoruses to ApPear� Rpring· festh'al Tuesday.IS I8S1JBD BY PRESS t«Ditiea Will Give Airs at An- club in a selection from "Ernani," andThe editors say that they are r: Student Superior" showed view'S o� fwill I)la.y for �oness von Rappes 0ther solf-satisfied, and hope to «row Unh-ersity buildings. The orchestrathe Stockholm and Vienna. Royal Opera"in staturo and in favor." Eight num- was seated on. a raised platform in th,-bers will be published next year, be.. center of the floor.ginning with the October issue. Per- During tlle e\'cning 'Villiam Lyman�ons scnlling sixty cents to the busi- found a bracelet of diamonds and emne!ols manager, Faculty exchange'. be- craMs valued at �200. He will takofore October 15, wiD r8Ceh�e ail next stel)S to locate the loser. f�oml'any, in an aria, from .. Estrella."'l'he following officers were reeentlychosen by tho orchestra for next year:Alfred J. Petcrs, president; WilliamCHEERLEADER KAT"J:'BEWS roDIRECT SONGS AT KO'SICAL Weiser, business nsa.n.ager; MarionHicks, vic&presitlent; Charles Soutter,trcasurer; Floyd Weakly, secretary;Xorman Hn.rt� librarian. The orches-theA booklet containing twcnty-fourIle,,- "iews of the ca:mpus and builli.i ngs was put OD sale by the Press yes..te'rday. The pbo�v:ures are 6 hy!t incbes in size and in.dude aU of the DUal Sing Frida,..J:u(ly lIatth�.s will lead Universitysongs at the lust sing Wellnesday at4::;0 in Hutchinson court. RowlnilliGeorge and choruses in. the Blaekfriar Profe&'K)r Cutting of the Germ.a.neICI)artment, and Professor Hirsch oftho Semitiea llopartm�nt will takepnrt in the unveiling of the ne-. bronzest."ltue of Goethe in Li�]n park .JUIllao lir. lIincch has been. choeen as torator of the day and Mr. Cutting nmember of the eommittoo in char� oftho uellication. Prof08lSOr JUlius Goe" .. 1 of the University c4 Illinois willr('pr�ent the Gcnnan city of "'rankfort_ol\-tho-llain, Goothc's birthplace.illlJlortant· buildings of the University.::;ome of the vieW\!J are the re:ulinJ!room of Harper, the Jlidway driw. tPrcddent's residence, the "CO' hcncol!: ht� Unh-ersity Preao., Bart�tt ,zymnn_�inm. the new' Athletic field a�lj :ihow will gh'e some of tbe hits of thl,"Student Superior." A complete prn-gram of mUllica! numbers "ill be pre-parctl by Ch .... irman Lenus Lundberg,:Ulel committees appointell by the Un,,Iergradnate council.A mass mooting of the Univer�itwomen was hcM at 10:]5 in to rehearse songs for the nil.::tanel", n.nd the main sta.irease Gf theReynolfls dub. AU of the other pir.! nre''' are taken from differcnt :1.1:gl� and have ne,'er appearecl ooforcin other ,·olumes. The book seUs for {;nh'OM4ity 5ing next }'rielny at 7:30 ilUnt,(,hinROn court. Each fraternity will -----.---Postpone Interfraternity Uap.Preliminaries in the interfraternity1 ��::tY chanl},ion!4hip were �tponcel'yt'!4t,�� eby bccn·use of r:un.S1.00_ mnrch into the center of thef'ourt, :1.1111 sing its 0\\,11\"incial. lie .s.vs that there is II(. CmOAOO TRACE '1'BAII!lADs FOUR PIB8'1'Sm JIIS801JILI DYOU'l'S"The lIonor commission is ha.nellins.;sensibly the eases of classroom Ilishonc8ty, which forlniCr1y oecupiefl muchof the time of the (leans' meeting; nnll. ------. their annual SpringHutC"hinsoD eate_·'�Ulllcnt spirit·' here, such as .I-;uru·penn univcM4it,ics show, sueh :L'4 Har_varll oec.'1..",ionally �llOWS.--8tutlcnt �l'irit MUl'h a.. .. wa. .. manifesteel whcll lilH'Harvard Olen marehell in a KufTrag,·ttl"I,arado roeontly.iIJ Praiso of the ath"ance of stUI !c, II ,self-government ·at tho Universit.y i:imade in a.n article in. which the wri telsays :(Continue(l On pn, .. � 12) Education club, ;7:30, ;BeIIltl4 159. 'Conttn" 011 .... .),. ,\orgren ,,1i1'pe.1 in the mud rouDllinltFestival 1'ickets Are Beady. K'Til'k('tt4 for the Spring clanf'in;.: fe'�' ���).����'\-����:'::��l��� r:.a:-- thirll or he would ha,-e 8C.!ored. 1%_UullebD miller batted for Bohnen anll grounc\ed����_���! -6:' to Q,gdall, who threw to tint andIlcn!4, nUlY he $ccu"'ll in I,cxingtoil ���� �� SITODAY. ('anght Kixmiller, while Norgrftl scor·Jr�·mnn�illm. One hnneh'oel anll fift�· 'ft�orat1on d!nr, Untvenlq bOliday.""""" -- ed. Harger flied to l\fcRobie.women will �"lke p-'lrt in the afT:!!: University dames, 3, La:1DgtOD.In the lut of the 88,"'Cnth C'w'.The Eni\"crsity orchcstrn, the Glee TOliORROW.University religious aerrice,11, 1Ian· walkeff. Lihonati llingk'd throa8la Ifal.('luh, anel the Signet ehlb will prndi('(' :&I', McConDell groundefl tD Rush, whoqualified in the 12().yarfl high anll ��n with the elan�ers in the fir"t Ilr�s re. dQJ.�'arel low hunllos. The finals will he liON DAY. fumblef\, filling tho hues. Norgrt>.h('arlltal Monflay nt 4. -.lIhcM today. Final Junior coaege chapel aer-, line,1 a foul to left that mi� beine--- .. ----d 10·15 IIaD4el. I a three baglfcr by four feet, and tlIt>aO� Oa-·Walker Tennis. cises, men an �'32. fOlllell out to Bradley. )lana grouDII_)ff'mbcrs of the Pen dub will hoM. Xu tf'nni� tonrn:uncnt will he heM, Physks club, 4:, ,,_.n cu ecl to Co�lall, who threw too late toRe,-ols tonight in � h�- in�trllct.ors in Walker this year, nr_1 ZOOlogical C'lu'h, 4:30, ...,.,..� �f'orefinJr t.o an announ�dIIl('nt ycstcrlla,Y.}'our first plaecs W'ero annQX.�ll hyfile' Ynrsi1y traak team in the prelimiIlnril!!4 of the lli880uri Valley m.('ct.holcl yC8tertlay at St. LouiR. Bamncik:1.11(1 Knight W:OD thcir heats in hoth.. he 100 and 220 yard dashes. WarelMVhen Do You Leave CoUege? Pet..100.636.550.545.455.444._400·.400.273The Dail, .ar •• D u STATE Is In tbe Nam� Safety Is In the Bank- ---- ------BIJIIIICaJPTION &AT ...• , carrier: ta." • , .. r; 11." • qua".,. i8) .. II: n e ,ear; l1.n • Quarter.I:cIllorl.I·BuaI omce. KIll. U.T.'.pboDe Mid •• , •••. After I. D m.. ,.,. P.rll •••• Very soon U The" Girl is going toleave the University for her SummerVacation. Why not arrange with the IaBOHANN°N I• • FLORAL 00· IBy phone, or otherwise, and h.ave�them send a bouquet of her favorite·I ,'flowers to meet her at the train. Atasteful and delicate farewell o1fer_m� �!Starr's class in Ethnology, unable to -persuade their Instructor to transfer LOW PRICES. !! ,his elass from il.he stifling environs of_Walker attic to the cool retreats 01' SWIFTSlJB.E SERVICE. ..Sleepy HolloW', surprised him with a BO HAN N ON Ibucket of lemonade yesterday morn- It 57 E:lst :Monroe Street. Iing. Ruth Agar and Della Patterson I .. FLO RAL CO .. Phones Randolph 1799, 6696. !eoneoeted the drink, and Mae Driscoll_ Itprovided sandWiches. While Kent ���ItP..IP.ItP��...lUtIt�:;Syk� Bliss Halling and George Parkinson were dispensing the drinks. CHANGE PROVISIONS OFW" A. A. CONSTITUTIC·l\JUST A MOMENT, MENMr, Starr gave a talk on primitive Tbe annual dinner of the aseoeiationfoods. The elass will hold a picni. Will Admit 0""- Winners of Number will be held Thursday at 6 in Laxing-next Friday in Washingto npark. �of AtbletU: Poin:t$--....Plan Annua! ton gymnasium. Margarct RhodesD1D.ner. wil lact as funStmaster and introduetendanco would ba,·c to be brought before Wednesday,OUlclai StudeDt Ne •• paper 01 the UDI.... nl17 of Cblcuo.l-Uhllsbf'd mora lap. eseept SlInela, .nd\fonda.r. cturl� tbe Autumn. Wiater .nd811rlnc quartera. b, Tbe Oall, Maroon.tatr .... •• CelU ....II. A. 0 .L P ... R ••• �lar.IIaIetin IldlIer............... r..:a. •• nd .. MCODd-c1aM ..... •• lIa.I!blca ..,. ell I e .... ilL. M.rcb II.1.... _dar .ct .r II&nb .. lITI.Students in Associato ProfessorSTUDENTS Sl1BPBISEINSTRUCTOR WITH ABUCKET OF LEMONADEBO'BSOBIBB FOBII'IIB DAILY JL\BOOlI were carried by unanimous consent, arequired quorum. of seventy-flvo members not attending the meeting, Otri:eers announced that any contest of the Dean Linn, who ,,·n speak on "Wh:Are Girls?" Dean .Angell, ProfessorCoulter, Professor Moulton, Assoc iat 0Professor Starr, Demx Talbot, MissDud Icy, Miss WaymaD. andPearce have neepted invitations to bepresent,Hockey and baseball banners, basketball and tennis caps and minor pinsand fobs will be awarded during th«dinner. W. A. A. songs and cheer will The TIME The PLACE and The BANKResources. $1.OOO,OOO.coPsi Upsilon and Phi Kappa Psi willWODlen with only a certain numberplay the final game of the Jntefrater-Dity baseball series Friday. The con- of athletic honor points will hereaftertest will be staM on Stagg field, i!· he admitted to the W. A. A., accordingto a vote to change the const.itufion 3C'c on Sa viDgs 6% on Real Estate MortgagesACCOUllts of PROFESSORS and STUDENTS invited.HYDE pARiASTATE BANKCORNEA Ofr &3 � ST. at LAKE AVE(The corner, neal' I. C. Depot.)JOB" A. CARROLL. p.,-.ll1ftK. ROBERT P' ct:lIl1L,"09, V�PawI4eD1.:II. A. BARlIO�. .. Ouhlu.possible. The winner will receive theyes.. terday, The new offiec of reeorrtltroph;f., .which is nOW on exhibition ating secretary was formed, All ballotsthe Reynolds club.... _ -_.-.--.-.-.-.-.-.- -.-. --.-.- ..-_--- --.-.-.-.---.-�. _ ---_-_-_-.-.-_.-.-.-.-.- .. -_ .-.-.- ,_"ote because of l�k of insutricient:,. end the program •,� FRIS c O�. "f C,c ----= �/.Souih, DO YOUSoutheast LIVEor Southwest?When you plan your trip home, be sure and take advantage of C. & E. I.-Frisco service. You will find the C. & E. LFrisco the quickest and shortest route to practically all pointsin- the south, southeast and southwest.The c. E. & I. "Dixie Flyer Route" through scenic southland is the most popular route- to the southeast. The C. & E. I.-Frisco to Texas and southwest through the picturesqueOzarks is the most direct line to Texas and the Gulf Coast points.C. & E. I. to ST. LOUISFRISCO LINES TO TEXASAND TBB sou'fHWBft:Frisco feaames iDdude the fu�ous Fred Harvey DiniDJt Oar Service. F r: �� I l I I':·: I 1'!'he 1:raiDa J.ea.n on colJYtlll1eDt sched1ll !rom Dearbom aDd Polk Sb eta, Oh1caco. AD tnIDs !'toP a! 47th Street aDd BDa;J.nood for theventence of Soath Patrons. con-Write to-da7 for tan lDformat,;()D regarding C. "E I -Prf8co service.detaba of 70U tItp.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Where Are You Going . ,When School Closes?If anywhere west,be sure you make most of the. trip, and let the Bur'ington take you there.You've a '0" of things to think of when getting ready, generall, a lot more thEi]J youhave time for. Wily not save yourself time and trouble and let one of our trar!1 experts make aI' transportation a«angements for you? If you can't conveniently comein, call up Raftdolph 3117 or Auto. 589-860. Just s�y where you want to go and TNhenand he will glad', make reservations and send you tickets.Burlin�tonRoute A. J. PURL, Geaenl AgeDt, Paueager Department, 141 South Clark Street, Burlln�tonRoute" THE DAlLY MAROON, SA!'UBDA.Y, IUY SO, 191".............. 'GEORGE P. BENT COMPANYEXPECT TO WORK THIS SUMMfR?HERf IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY.We are opening a new department in our retail store in which we can use inexperienced men for sales work. 'This work will pay according to the ability of theindividual---from $15.00 to $50.00 a week. If a man can't earn $15.00 for himself,we don't .want him, but under our plan the average man can easily earn $15.00a week.This work will be most agreeable in every way, and will keep the salesman outof doors in Chicago and its suburbs.CALL AT ONCE FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS.214 - 216 SOUTH WABASH AVfNUf._ •••• • ••• -�- ••• -- •• ------ •••• � •• - •••••••••••• e _����������� iii I· . ibl F' IIt IS respensr e! or Instauce, the ket!p thes� filt>R uJ' to elate by reportingI IIWhat�oUegeE_tlj.�� Thiakll �thletic department should have pro-. allY amendments or rev isions which,�.". T........ '$:.'Th�'lSL vided the funds to pay for tbose bas- ,may be made in their cOllstitutions orketball teams fobs. Above all, to dis- by-laws, In this way the official or-�twlents Exploltatlon h' Icourage t e praeheq. let us have the gnuizntio» of all" student activityToday we buy a booster tag to pru- f . . . ! -" , courage 0 our eonviettons and refuse may be rt'Bclily ascert.ained by any in.,:lue ruuds for We purchase of 10IJs to ·· .. fall" for the next project of the Iteresterl student.tor the basketcball teum; yesterday we kind that is sprung upon us.purchased a Co-ed Sphinx; the day be- Wisconsin Daily Cartlin�1I fore 'We were tagged to furnish tunusfor the Houre-Comiug, We could go on !'aUoWiDg tile ConaUtutlonmultiplying Instances like these where I Now that the constitution of thestudent support is asked and givell.1 Minnesota Daily association has been�ometillles the cause is a worthy onZ!llgJvt!n its ual interprettation the Dailybut in supporting it, we invite Iess 'board will Dominate candidates for'worthy projects to exploit us. We the various elective positions on theIh�\'e complied so often'that we have hoard and sta1f and the subscribers'gained the reputation of being "easy will proceed to expresa their choicemoney," with the result that ex.tra. uni- The whole proceeding Jaas been anversity agencies have joined in the unfortunate dair with much to beshearing. here is now a constant said on both of projects asking our financial It haS, however,aerved a good pur·support, The cost of each is small, but po8e -by directing the attention of thethe totnl is al)l,aling. It has assumed students to the management of stu;such proporfions tbat it is now a very dent acth'itia on the campus. We1,(;1 iceable item in our expense ae- have heard it said by persons weller-unts, Together with the rapidl, informed on campus daira that veryrising board and room bills, it is one few student organizations abide byof the elements that is making it 'their canstitutions aDd we feel thatmore and more difficult for the ma. this is very near the truth. This eir.,of limited means �o secure a univenity ��uD1stance, in aU probability, is due tocelucation. carele88ne8B OD the part of those inWhile these outlays are not eompul-" charge of the various aetivitiea whoIsor�., they come pretty close to being J.cglect to keep their constitutions up .." PROFILE-:m, It takes a courageous man to re- to -date, Proceedings of meetings areI: fuse to huy a booster tng or to patron: Dot properly filed and preaerved. Such: jze a co-ed projcct, for most fellows' laxity is eontrary to the principles oflelo not w nnt to r isk giving the impres'l df'mocrn:'ie government and renderssion thnt they arc tight-wads. And, student self government an impoMi-• Ieven though a student has the hardt· bility.hood to refuse, he does not like being I As a remedy for such a condition ofput to the necessity of doing so very affain and to prevent further anoma·loftan. 11iC8 we woulet suggest that all campusTherefore we say, let us have an organizations be required to file their; end to these expploitations projects.l«!onstitutions and by JaWB with the All·, I; Let the proper organization or body Ualvenity Council aDd that such or-pro'\"ide funda for the things for whieh Ipalzatio.. be further require4 toThere is Satisfaction inWearing Good Clothes Minnesota DailyWoodlawn& Savings TrustBankThen, too, you can increase thewearing value of your clothes,by having them properly caredfor by the' tJBIVBBSrrY OP ODIOAOOWILL PJlO) mFAOILI'fiBS OP A DOWlIt'OWB BA1IE..VARsllVTA1LOF SAVINGS AOOOU1ft8aDdOJIBOlDlfG AOOOU1ft8An WtIooaIe ... ApJndated.We are specialists in cleaning,pressing and repair work. Giveus one trial. We call for anddeliver all work.Scarf slide !p8Ceand lock. Ciont·flWlJil.qaumED sana-. CXJIIM co. ...w-ky._L __ £5i--_ .... _----.� ..__ . _-_. ... Displaying FiveMost Popular "of OurModels.... 1.... THREE BUTTONONE BUTTONFOUR BUTTON DOUBLE ,BREASTED...MER'S SHOP18 Ie 20 E. JACKSON BOULEVARDChicaeo. . . .'.' .", � ...., .••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. THE DAILY MAROON, UftU)A.Y, KAY SO, ltl ..- ...... _. ...,'", WARMThe.�, ..· ..·.,· �\. . Summer loun !weather, with s !coats and. Engli CIYou style-kee o .. something a littl h.II.ISuite 816,II 1Docks•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••'.". . ..· _ .. "taB :bAtL� IiAROON, 8A�Y, MAY SOt i914, ---- ................................ - � .EATHER CLOTHESre Here---And Readysuits for young men. Made for warmskeleton lined coats---sillc back waist-'. �cut pants---$25.00 and up.ollege men who are always· looking. forhead---should visit this shop._ ,. ._. o· .der & RexfordREPUBLIC BUILDINGChicago.• ••••••••••••••••THE DAILY MAROON, SAft1BDAY, JUY 30, lt1L• Restaurant andTea RoomMAIN FLOOR (E't:tJe"e) SHOPS BUILDING17 NORTH WABASfI AVENlJEMISS EVAN BURROWS FONTAINE.Miss Evan Burrows Fontaine, the decorative society dancerwho has danced at Asbury Park, Newport,PalmBeach andWashington, and will. appear before Chicago's social400, is of French. descent and her mother was the daughter of Judge Charles L. Evans, prominent judge of Texas,and was one of the reigning belles of the south. Her fatherwas Winston Spootiswoode Fontaine,.··a 'descendant of along line of Virginia aristocracy, being a great grandsonof Patrick Henry and boasting such names as GeneralRobert Lee, Governor Spootiswood, Martha Dandridge(later Mrs. George Washington), the Winstons and Ayletts.In one of Miss Fontaine's dances she wears the originalbuckles of one of Patrick Henry's shoes. She will appear •.at Delvies in the following dances: The Poppy Dance, TheGeisia Girl, The Shadow of Nekotross and the Pizzicato.STARTING JUNE FIRSTWe Do Not Serve Intoxicating LiquorsBreakfastLuncheonFrench PastryCandy AfternoonTeaDinner(A la C.rte 01' T .1.1. d·Hot.)• .......� DAiLy KAnooN, i:1AriiaDAY, KAY 30, 1914. _... -Ne"" LocationMELVIN H. SYKESPhotographer16 -20 North Wabash Ave.Stevens BuDdingCHORDWINNER OF THE MEMORIAL INSTITUTEDAGUERRED�ONDII�ALSPECIAL RATES TO U. OF C. STUDENTSPERSONAL ATrENTION GIVEN.......l ' ..� .. ., THE DAlLY MAROON, M!'U'BDA.Y. KAT SO, 1114... - -.-- -.--- .. � .. ?" The Fellows Who Don't Wear Clothes......� ....-,. Have 110 Use fOl the Rogers {:, May "othes Sh�p, bul··-You'll f1l1d aJl the other feBOW'S maJdDg 1fBee" lines �or this shop. The more they get here. of tile thlDo they nee4-thAmo� the.Y save. A:Jq feUow likes to go �- especiaDy when .the going briDgs the pr1ca clOWD. AD4 the lUll wbo :ancloinc it-have more l� "go up" em.'.'. �:-;;C"'-.�.� .'. .,.... �--: ": .. ;.,-_. """.. ,.. � 0,f; "•Say I There 8ft more '' mea. daIIm OIl the old � therte are IIIlU1oDafXU-.. youknow 11;. '.()f coun8-a fellow has to loOk righ� the more he � tbe better he W&Ida to looJr.-bat wtun dealreB. md.. impulses an more plentiNt thaD �CR1 simpq hav. to make the � uDar 40 IIOIDI of tile W"CJrk.. -_'rh8' Bogen a J(a.y Co. Shop is a :r:-.l trie:Dd to a fCow J" 1ddu lie Dee4a it. Wne 111 � to maD iIlOD8J'but we doD�' want an you have. We'Ve 1'Jgund it out ilia it We caD IIIil clothes to tile f ......... In tile UDtnnlt7 far 1Mathan they ,P&J" for them elsewhelr'e--we'll sell more C!ou.. to more of u.a. Do � .et � Steve? Y_1l make ...DlOD8J' . by � hare than you 1rill by &DlDg' � al8e .am4 PQiDa IIUtft MId wIlDe ..-;n D01i make .. III1lCU otr ofyou-aa the other· stares dO-we will make more 01r of all of you dIaD tile .� � .... ".from eKh of 7'JILYou'll see here tbe very cIotbes � want-clot;b_ madeyou get tIIem here-your friends wiD tMnk 7011 paid. more �orthings � coming here. � c10Ules Ioqk "hi&b 1ldcecl"--aD.d espedNJ¥ for .. aDd. UDder oar cnrn �-1D4 Uthem. 'DUra wQ .... fellowa-M2lo like to· wear Idch-prfceclcost Jittle _? 'ADd t.Ium if you want a. $30 �mpraan tII8 moat. 11M f1I1 -=- CV. b1d1t-�0I1 CAD came here-Ilve lIS $2Q IoD4._k� the other toeD til your pocket;..,-Smer-yOU can 1188 it �or aometIdDg ..... lYe doD""" It;. -One doJ.1al" aDd a � here takes back a. $2.50:� �t·& pn&Q' pod wozk far a daIJaz" &lUI a haKe JmIt I'?It �'t' � to war h� lea JiaM &0 centa-ud. It u.a� P&7 to ,_ IDOI'e tIIaa S5 cema r. u.ueither. 00IIfe � see tlJem all silk - aDd. aaiKaDt;eed for S5 MIl •. -llBBB ABB fiIB BBASOH8 WHY YOU aA.�, 12Ua. floor ahop.Bent .. SIIIall-tbat we pay it; 1I'1tb � I' a..... atamJa0UIer ape.oaer Haven" been able to tiD4 Ul,FIAll � Ito up he:re--the prices come dOwL.• «. . .... ..• T :- ",: -',w "'f\..-�- - .... � ...ROGERS 6. MAY CLOTHES SHOp...................................... _ ...1::. ' It "u an atQ1DC awa7 becaue 7011 don" 'bIUeft y_don't J'01l come up aD4 ftDd ,out? Iftat'. �REPUBLIC BUILDING209 South Sta�. Street� " )1- 'ftIB DAiLY JIIABOOH. BAftBDAY, IlAY 30" 1114.IN ows the oataide ahirt and UDderdrawen are ODe pJ'BIent.• This means that the ahirt can't work out of the trouscn, thatthere arc no shirt tails to bunch in seat, that the drawcn "stay· put, s:ay nothing of the comfort and economy of sa!ing a garment.OLUS is coot cut, �� all the way down-closed crotch. closedback. See illustra" ... emember' If it isn't cut-coa� it iRn't OT.TURFor rolf. teunl. and· 'eJci _. we �meDd tbe apcdaJ anxW collar OLUS wtth�""Iolf or abort aleeYn. Extra aizes for yet,. U1I or Iloat mcs.. All Ibin bbrica. III IIIWtdn:;na. Incllldlac 1ilb-$1.50 to $10.00.Aak 7om' deal. for OLUS.PLlIWPS-JONES COIIPAIO'. MakenCOVVHEVSOUTH?�T CORNER 55TH STREET AND ELLIS AVE.Men's FurnishingStraw Hats, Athletic Undelwear, Etc.BILLIARD HALLBASEBALL SCORE BY INlQliGsI lliree ReaS(JDS Wily 1ClU dlClUld Eat aUbelen's Common1st. Good Food Properl� Cooked.2nd. Cleanliness our Motto. IDSpect. the Kitci" .. £113rd. A MiDimum Price {or Blah Qualiq FoodClub Ereakfasi ISc up Cafettria at LUDchDlol:er ALaCarte !\IUSIC CaDle IIIJerrems TailoringMeans clothes that" give youinidvidual good style.A Speeialy Prices $30.00 to $60.00of ours�'rAlLOB FOR YOUNG IIBJI'l'HREE STORES: 7 N. La Sane st. 25 E Jackson Blvd. 71 B JIoDroe ..Learn to Dante .CorreetlyGenuine Argentine, Tango,Maxixc, Hesitation Waltz, dan c e d and tau g h t byMau rice and Castle.(A.c:zCr.1bHcs Sat. evenlnp at 43d St." Oalumet AvTERESA 8. DOLAN(1'0111'111 yicf' pr�ic1ent International Al"�oc-i:.tiq!: )j :i�:1'f of Dancing): member of Chien�')):1111 i 1l1: ::\t n:;tcr's Assoeiation.Htiltlio: ;";:!.il Cottage Grove ..\v. Phone n. p. (,,,�Prinltc l('�ons by appointment. Make .Your Summer lIacatlonone of Profit as· well as PleasureTHE FRANTZ PREJrUEB COMPANYwbnts a. te-:: livo, men to %'t:t :t£PenDSylania Aveaue.18th and H Streets .To seekers or a hotel whereluxurious quarters may be secured. .hue charm .nd eon- -aenial atmosphere rrnaiJ, an!lwhere exceJlen� 0 KrYlee .11paramowst. the Hotel Powhatano&en just tacb iDdUCCIIICDts..Rooms with detacIaed bathIDa,. be obtaWecl at $1.50. IZ 00aDd lIP.: Rooms with printebath, F.501 $3.00 aDd ". -..a,..:t:er.:tt:. -=-g=a:-Write for hooklet with map_ .CLIPPORD II. LEWIS.Mana,erSerge With a RepotitionThe high quality andlow price of "N i coilStandard" Serge do. notharmonize. ;�It's the greatestwe know --- rich;e x a ctl y right.special at $25.00N icol1 the Tailor'valuefine,Verywm·""rrem.if.SOnsClark aDd Adams Streets. ��o •FACTORY RfPRfSENTATIVESIF YOU want to pay an or partot next year's college expenses.write a.t once for ocr EXl'.lusivcproposition. HOK.:: or in SCl:1e other city,YOUR CHCICE is pra.:tieal.lyup to Y'OILThe work is intcrestil!� andpleasa.n.�the remuncra.ton at;tractive and. the o�tunity �.Slarge as the man's YOU WORK AT Write today tor fnO pa.rticuJars about our ·coJlege men'srropositioon; giving, home!and address, and class will he!pgreatlY. Act promptly, SO lwecan give you � tenitoey youde::ire.The Frantz Premier CompanyDtpt. M., Wllitney Pc:wer· Biock. : Cleveland. Ohio.It's time to buy yourluggage for this summer's._ tr�veling fromThe StandardTrunk· & Leather Goods Co.··r1028 B. 63RD BTBBBT.BPBOIAL.,'� �Standish-a NewARROWCOLLAR.for SummerAn ultra smart stylewhich correctly expresses the fashion·forS6eCUTRTT. PBABODYaco .. JIR:. IIabnillinois. R. H. P. A. E.CogtlaU, 2b •. '.. •• • • •• 1 1 3 2 0Phelpa, c. f. •••..•..•.. 0 0 0 0 0Rush, s, 8. •••••••••••• 1 2 3 2 1Bane, Ib •••••••• ;. •.•• 0 1 6 0 0Bradley, c. ....••••.. 0 1 9 0 0McRobie, r, f. .••••.•• 0 0 2 0 0Graves, 3b •.•• , •. r. • • • •• 1 2 3 0 0Arbuckle. I. f ••....... 0 1 1 1 (JHalas, p. ••••••.• .; •• 1 0 0 3 04 8 27 9 1StMICk out.: Bv lIal� 7. bv Baumtrartilcr 4. hy Des Judi'!n 5. Basel' onhans: off Baumgartner 4. off Des Jar·di('n �. ('fT IInla.s 3. Wild pitch, B .... nmzartner, Hit bv nitcher, I'hch�. :)".hie plavs: Cavin to Noraren. Grav �.llann.(Continued from page 1)catch Cavin at home. Gray flied toArhnekley, scoring· Libonati. McConnell was ea.ught at third, "ending thorally. This Chicago's last ehanerto score, n8 Halas had tho men hittinlthe ball in the air from that time oCavin played a great game in the illfield for Chicago, making n. sensational barehnnd catch and hitting sa.fc1::l\\·icc.Box Score.Chicago. R. H. P. A. E.Libonatl, c. f. •.•..... 1M("Conncll, �\ So, •••••• 0'N orgrcn. ] h. . . . . . . .. ]�(ann, e. • •••....•... 0Gra.y, r. f. . ..... ' .. '. . .. 0Df'� .Tnr41if'n. ab·ll. •. .. 0Rohncn, 311 0H:H;m�.rtnt�r. p. . .•... t)Kixmiller, 2b .......• 0!larger. I. f. 0KC:1rne�·. 1. f. 0Cavin 2b-3b. • .••.. $.. 1 CLASSI�IEDOWJl1&lllMSlle per line. No achertitMt1DeDbI ,...·eh·..d for I... than 25e. All cia"'".ctYertiaementit mat be .,u4 III ...TO RENT-Large. cool room. eleetrielight, large eloset, eomfortnhly furnishecl. suitable for one or two women,in !'{"fined home- walkin.: .til"tnn"c toU. of C.; 3rel frint, 13-15 East 62.' 8t.lUclway SSi3.�'ASTERS' A:"4" DOCTORS' Tht"si.a�curately t�·JlCwritten. ]0 eent . Iterpal:e. ealh�4l for anel d('liverf'ct. l'hoDeDr<'Xcl 6460 nfter 6:30 P. M.1 2 0 00 0 2 1 To Hold FiDaI Chapel. IIondQ.I (, 0 I)211 0 o Junior college dosing cbapel exer-0 :; :! C)I cises will be helcl Monday at 10:15 inI 1 0 � Mandel. Candida� for the title of Me0 0 00 11 :! II soeiate have been tolcl to fonn in pro-0 0 0 � �(,AAiDn in the �orri"or at 10:15 sharp.0 1 01I I 0 0 Rudolph Moritz will l\penk (or the as..1 2 1 1 soeia.tcs.------ FOR REXT-Finely fnrnil'h('el Itpart·mcnt of 6 room!\. Within W"Alk:n'tdi!lltAnce of University,adnlt... on IS. FuDde.<teription in lIolll'ins: Departmebt.Telepbone Midw.., 3985.FBIAB8 HA.VB "LAft DB. VANCE w,ILL OIVB SBBKONL&VOH-' MYa JIAOAZIBB(Continued from page 1) Former u,-de Padt PutcE to OoD4uctTHE DAILY MAROON, 8A!'O"B.DAT, JUT 30, 1914.• REDMAN now the I nteriraternity council hasput through, with the approval of thefacully� but upon ita Own initiativeaud entirely by ita OWll formula.tion, uset of r6l.rulationa in regard to rushingpledging aud initiating that &re atleast intended to be a diatinet ad·vanee over the pl'e8ent set. Only tim. wood and r niversity cluhs of theeuu teU how they will work; but no dty, wid is promlueut in the Presbyt ime itl needed to eeuvlnca most pel)- teriuu lliulstel"8" a..�ol'iat.ion and thepic tllui an eager wad intelligent Inter- church fedcrutfou eouuctl of Chicago.est Iu tlelf·government is one of the After ::'i� graduatlou from tho Uu-ORDER YOURCAPS and GOWNS for2 For 25 Cents.CONVOCATION THE NEW SPJUNG STYLE The Rev. Dr. Joaeph A. Vance, formerly tho pastor' of the Hyde PurkPresbyterian church, and now at the}'int Presbyterian church, Detroit,wiHbe the preacher tomorrC)W in Mallch-I.Dr. Vance is a member of the ACII'Ear I·cal W i Iso D racy,"most esseutlal 'matt6r8 ill. a demoeThe magazine eo�ins a new con. ('011,-':;£. Dr, Yam'c ib the author tarstitutiou, proposed for the Alumni DB' ,,\\�(,�tlllins��t A�"t'lllbly und 1t6 CO'I'tlociatiou� which will Le. y�ted on at \ fession for H()(l," "Home," and "Rc·the ml'6tiu.g of the assoclation on June \. li�ioll :uIII �\tonc.,.." .6th.Com Exchange National Banlt I The Womeu'tc Gl('o ('lub and the., Chleap. Zoology Club Will Meet. I Womell'tI "hoil! were cutertuiued byTh� Zoo�icnl club will meet Mou· I 1" 1 I h' c]Capital ..•..•...•.....• $3.000,000.00 clay a.t 4::W in Zoology 24. I the .Men·� C lOlr Wit I a :Wile ra e.Surplus ......••.•....••OFll'ICB:RS.ER:-'"EST A. HA 11 11 I LL. Pftal4enLCHARLE8 1.. H UTCHL-':SON. Vlce·Prea.=uAUNCET J. BLAIR. Vlce-PrM14eaLD. A. lIOULTO::'I:, Vlce_Pre81dent. I h1. C. 8AlIlIO::'l:8, Vk:e-PrH14ent. I thing and you don't know were.I'RA�K \V. SlUTH. Secreta!'7. .EDW.'RD F. SCHOENECK. ADt. Caabl. you can zet it for the money you IJ. EDWARD lIAAS, A_t. Cublff. � "JAlIICS G. \VAKEFIELD. A.-t. ea.la1w. It d isit ItLEWIS B. GARY ..... 1. .,...,.... I want to spen , VIS! I��=!R,:::!::IR���. C�:!III" I Ni-PlMPOPORDTEBSDrYANDGWlIooOLd.....:.SALERSsStore.1Edward B Butler W.taoo 1:. U.aarCbart_ H. Hulburd Edward A. SheeNClarence Buckln.ham Fftder1ck W. CrcIIIb7 863 EAST SIXTY _TBlBJ) STlUl3T. IBeaalmln �Iller II:nHc A-. Hammlll (.Tust Opposite the DreXel '!'hoater) .:TELEPHONE HYDE PAl:Jt 970 ;We have a beautt.ful new. line of tm-ported goods; a' ·Iarge choice of Kimonaa-embroldered crepe and sllk atspec::lal opening prices. Como and B::Aour ch1Da.wan, aDd _ aD sorts of .Tap·MAKERS osTroy's Best ProdadTHE1331 EAST 57'l'H STREET�o BLOCKS FROM REYNOLDS CLUBTENNISRACKfTS RESTRUNGONE DAY. SERVICETENNIS SUPPLIES Icu l'bt-'Ological setuiuury, Dr. Vauee\\"38 gil'cll hit. D. D. aud 1:). D. degrees,Later he did gra.clu:Lk· work at HuronLOST-.Proba.bly OIL tennis courts, iThursday, May 28, sold gold cu� link. iPlease return to room 19, Press build- Iing, Reward.FOR SUMMERAND NECKWEARSHIRTSOur spring and summer shirt stock is now complete!We have them in all colors, patterns, stylesand materials. Mushroom tucks, plain Negligee and polomodels. Better look them over while they're fresh!Don't These Sound Good?Peau de Crepe SilkChamois Crepe SilkRajah SilkSilk and Linen English Crepe ClothFrench FlannelImported MadrasOxford WeavesAnd the prices from $2 to $10Our Neckwear stock is also most j,!enerolls: EnJ:li�b Foulnrds and ClubStripes predominating. The ··Bat Tio·· will play an importantpart in the attire of the well groometl man, and W'O have awonderfu] assortment.Scanes, SOC to $3.50 Bats, SOc, 65c and $1TARR.BESTIlADISON AND WABASH ---------Memoria.! VDi_t7 -H0Ud&7.No� will meet to (1 ay, and alllnboratories and departmental librarie." will be cl()SC(l on �oont of Mem.orinl (lay. The Harper reading roomwill he open from 9 to 5, but tbere'will be no staek room. scrviee.Balla WUllteeeive on .JUDe 9.A free eopy ,1Jl the ]914 Cap and In\'itation8 ha,Ye been !'Cnt out forGotna win be pre8ellted to the fir�t the nnnnal reception of the women'spenoD iD !iDe De1't Tuesday morning'-.-.:II. l-..lI be halls .Tnnc 9 fr(Jl1l 4 to 7. The reeep-_eD the &liD.ual is 8eMVIAU VQ to on_e. CoDteetaDta eILould appear in tIle \ tion will be h�l,l in the quadrangle inMD ill froG of EJlIa 14. I front of the wOInCn's buildinp. anese novelties.t ....[OUege meD .ueBndle, SWeatersmen who knowhow a collegeman's swea terougth to be made.This is why collegemen everywhererfin d that no othesweater is so perfectly suited totheir nee d s=-sowann, so comfortable, so well·fitting and so becoming. Ii,. �i 1.,• I'I j� Ii ,I ,)I:': I\�BRADLEY K.I'1' WBABWe !lluK�rate a particularly sporty Bra(Uey Style-tlte N.,·aJo Shaker.. Same 88. the former BradleyShaker, except that It hn... a Navajo border on theeol!nr an� around the bottom, If you want a sweatera httle dltrerf'nt--ru.k YOUr tlenler to show you n Bradlr.y Na\'ajo Sh,.,ker. Made in mnny color combinnttons,It your dealer cannot supply you, We wiU send thenames of (lealers who will.Bradley KDittinl( ComoanyDELAVAB, WIS..i •