,\)\..I)r),� III 4�\'Ij / I( Ii,�t I, II',, I'\II\\1; "II t:\Il'I)\, � , ..)))) I'� IIl 1I \ UlIDBBGBADUAD WOJIBNSOCIAL 0N81J8, 9:15 TO 2,LBXING'l'ON 2. m t lI�ily maronn pBBT·TM'tN'ABY KATCB:E8Dr GOLF TOURNAlItENTTODAY.1JlUVBB8r1IY OF CHIOAGO, Ww)NE8DAY, MAY 20,1914. -- -----------VoL XlI. No. 145. PBICE FIVE CENTSPSIQualify far IDter1'll.i.tem1ty l'iDab byDef_ttng »eke &Del Alpha DeltPhi Alpha Delt WiDs La.. Cham..,ploDBhip. Want 200 Couples for May 23Dance-Patrons and Patronesses Are Announced.DR. REISEN DEUVERSABDe TO.SIGMA XIIntercl� Hop chairmen have set towork with a. \im to "put onoO over" thoProm Ieaders and Iaud two hundredcouples a.t the Sprin" dance. Alreadyover lUt) couples h:.we signified theirintention of being presut, according toGenral Chairman Harris. Tho dancewill be held in Badrtlett, Friday, �luy23.Th� patrous and patronessesbeen announced as f04low,tJ:Mr. and Mrs. J. B.' Angell.Mis.s Marion Talbot.Mrs. Ether .ponakMr and Mrs. Frank Harris.Mr. and Mrs. J. Conrad Baumgart-ngr.Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Allen.Mr. and Mrs. Lewis J. Fuiks.Mr. and Mrs. <>sear Spindler.lIr. and Mrs. J. S. Agar.Mr. .and Mrs. H L. Monroe.ltuarta. to Go."We will have a distinguished andlence present," said Harris yesterday arternoon, "for 1 notice on. the E�sbulletin board that Vietorlano Huertaof Mexico has signed up. No effort ilSbeing spared m.a.k.e this the best Hol'oyer given at the University. TItt'decorations are a scream. Greatcst uall advantages about this one dancc i�that no flowers or taxis arc eX!)(XH"There will be a num.br of wunmiand members of the faculty prcsen�".he eQnt.inuecL "Gradu.a.te students antialumni of other' eoliges 'should turn outto see how we .stack with their AlmaMatera. I certainly hope We will have 1.the desired 200 eouples: 2.Songs by Students and Glee Olub AreSING BADGERS PUT END TOCHAMPIONSHIP HOPESHOLD SUCCESSFULWiacoaain Outplays Chicago Deciaively and • Takes Ten Inning Game, 5.4.VARSITY HAS SERIOUS SLUMPPHI PSI AND u� WIN HOP LEADERS HOPE TOSURPASS PROM RECORD Given at Outdoor KusicM-UDiver.'&icy Band Plays Seven1 NUmbers.Chi('ugo sOllgM by student and uumbers by th,e Uuiveraity baud, cowprised the progr.1.ln of the firm outdoorsing of the year yesterday :J.f'tcrnOOIlin Hutehinson court, Two ,hunureu Wisconsin dealt a second blow tostudents Were present when the bcLuJ Chic8&0's hopes for the Cuuiereucoopened the program with the "Electo- baseball ehampiouship, :1IHI pruct.ieul.,r ate March." . This number grew ral)- Iy put Coach Page's teum out of theitUy during the course of the prograan, Conference race by WilJllillg yester-The first number in wbich the band uay's game at Madison by a. ;j--1 score,and students combined Wa:J "Bright 'the Badgers outplayed Chit·:lgo in :&11number. "Campus Even Song," writ- Baumgartner Wert} both hit hanf!,ten by Donald L. Breed, '13, and Rod yielding thirteen singles. Hopl'c:·t':;crick Beattie; "Cherished Courage" single with the bases f'Illcd :11111 UJ_eand "For Chicago Alma. Matler" werc out in the tenth was responsible rorother numbers: the winning tally. Des .l ard ieu falter-The sing \\"38 concluded with the ed in tills inning, and 1'::.;,:.; luirr icd"Alma .Matcr," ami the ringing of the Baumgartner in to stop the ha rd-hi tchimes in Mitchcl tower. Owing to ting Badgers, but Lefty wax unublc tuthe conflicing engagements, a number deliver the £'Gods..of the musical organizations expceted After trinuning Illinois lust Frida�-,and displaying the best Im.:1H1 of l.:;liwere not present."By tho very suecessful showing of the season ,the Varsity has taken "-which was made at last year's a.tter- serious slumD and it is iJlll·os:,<i!e tonoon sing and the effort 1o«lay, wbicl: [tell where the losing strc:lk "ill en·!.was surcly a fair start, I believe that Chicago will mect the harli-laitti::gthe student sentiment will tlIe\'elop the Purdue team on Stagg fidd, �:ltllrt!:Iy,iaca in fine shape," said Musieal. Di- D.nd will journey to Lafayct te fur asecond gamo Tuesday. Vnl;>:,s P!l�CThe Pro2ram.Electronte March .. . .•••... BandBright College Days ... Band andstudents.!J. Firefly . . . . • • . . . . • . • • • • • • Band4. Campus Even SOng ... ·Band. andStudents. The rea.ttion of the brilliaut Yi::;>CI',rDaddy Come BODle •••••••• Band over the Orange and Blue :seems toCherished Courage ... · .Band andStudents. ha"e been too much for the Y:lr�i1y,For Chicago Alma Mat61" •• Band in spite of the fact that th� t('mn i�and students.Band largely made up of YctA'r:ln�_ I. (I us"Ensign March , ••Alma. Mater and Chim.es. playing was responsible for Satunlay'8defea.t. by the BaAlgers. Th.! Jlil'!l Ili�lrector Stevens yesterday •can instill the confidencc :lu';lpunl"il,tllat has apparently disap('aretl, theBoilermakers "Will make a t1isnstruu�cleanup.Loose Pla)'in!! Responsible,have College Days." A number of men frOID tJe_eartmcnts, and wou UCl"i�H'ly iuthe glee club Ied the singing of thib the last of the tenth. Des J urieu and410007x-I20000000-0WJba atoae Game.windows,". _ _ Psi U WOn & closely contested bat-In Iutroduelng Presidenj; Rcm�ell, tIe f�m the Alpha Dells, being forcel)Proft.�sor Millikan continuetl: "Tlu: to go nine innings before they wcret'l'eakcr of the evening is a man who returned vietors 11 to 9. Both tenmshatJ been promiuent in thrce fieltl�: hit' the ball hea.Yily--Oleary, the AIInvcKtibrati.on, Administration ,- antl .I!ha Delt pikher, and Cummins, thePedagogy. A triplet of this sort is a Psi U tw,irlen& being �uched up f�rrarity. mnny hits: The PB!''US'' tnok-thB-lCUdKnew Famous Sdentista. at the start, and held it until theDr. Remsen's topic WlI8 "Memories seventll inning, when their opponentsof Syh·estler and Boland." Sylvester, succeeded in tYing the eeore. ,FromRoland, and Dr. BemBen, were three then until the DiDtih, it W8B anyone's SOPBPIIOB.E8 TO PLAYou.t of the six inst.1'uletors wIlo joined game. M.a.rum caught for the winners,the staff of Johns Hopkins at the time nnd Shull for the Alpha DeUs.of its foundation. Dr. Remsen gave n Score by iDDiDgs:aeries of personal reministences of his Psi U •••.•••••• 3 1 0 l: 1 2 0 0 2--10 Sophomores will hold a beach party 7.two colleagues in whieW he brougltt Alpha Delt ••.. 2 01 0 2 0 l' 2 0-- 8 tom.orrow at 5:30 on the shore southforth their '\'Urious charaeteristic."J antI Phi AJpba Delt WbUL of the Ger1ll:ln building! in Jacksol. �:eceentricities. .Phi Alpha Delta defeated Delta Chi 'park. An official nine had challenge,i"1 will not speak of the work of 'in a game for the law sehool ehn.m- the claBs tlenJn, captained by Frank BEAD OVER LABr PROOFSthese two men," he saill. "I am not rionship yeBtenl&y by the ewre I? Whiting, for an indoor ba,sebnJI game.qualified to speak of it. But I was aa>- to 11. Lawaon aDd Gee were the bat,f The picnickers will eat as guests ofaoei&te41 with Roland from the timl! tery for the winners, and Swa.nson antIthe daas, the treasu:ry having beenhe came to the university until his Geister for the losers. The game was drafted to provide refreshments fo!dt"nth in 1901, aDd with Sy)v�ter for featured by heavy hitting. the party. The party will�lose with aseven years. Roland � a ver�' f th U-CHIOAGO LAW LAWYBBS rehearsal of c1al5s 80ngs or. c D1 Georb"C Lyman, managing editor ofyoung man when he was calletl to theBROW BOB'l'HWW81B&B \'ersity sing. the Oap antI Gown, returned from Osh-professorship of physiea at Johns Hop- JIBl( 1JlQ)B8. 17 TO 2k08h yesterday, where he has beenkins. lie W38 a man of the '\'cry high- -h • • ....... DB.. OBOCEBB 8PBAKS reading the last proofs of the annual "Keep the baoy wel1," "-;lS tIle ad·est orller, honeet to & degree-too on· StrollJ! battinll on Chieaaos v-"combiJl£d with a poor North1lleSteI'1l ON WORK o.F FBDEBAL ,luring tlle past week. All proof has 'iee of Dr. H. }". IklmhoJ?:, of theest in faet. As & result, he was eOIl-Pl'.-bing 8"--, --�e &"'- ... -- -hoot BYrD·'Da'U' OF 'D'r a_ 'W'TEOY h f had'" '_1' t' t - J - 1"" � e-" ..., �.... -'U_ �� .. �- heen reau, except. t at 0 t e ver- �ilra.guc .m.E'moniW IDS ItU l', III ll� ('c-stantly in hot water with his fellow.team a deeiaive vietory over the..'1_, 1 tisomcnts, which will be read by thc ture on "Pronmti\'e llctlicinc in Re-men, and to 80Il10 extent; with his f(')- Northwestern ba,.-riaters, Satur\WloY· n I d t -. � the first iDllhlg, the Evanston �en That the bureau of l'lant n us ry I�Lusincss managers this week. Onc �ation to Infa.ncy r.1I41 Childhoool," th ......low_women. .AJf far as BClenCe wn�sho-r Sl:_"''' -i __ of b---I..alt ablhty I' t .......... d the pre\'ention 01..... ...� __ IIIM7V t omg more 0....... hunclred anti fifty page8 of the 19U J;'·C1'Ctl y�l{'rllay nit(_'rllvoll in Phy_concerned, his ideals were of the very and fYathered two runs. In the. _me . b' ts I t... • &.Oed the crop d_rueuon y lnsee ant; ru� S, Cap and Go\\'n are alrea.d,,· printeu, !.iology �;l.highest aTtler. lie W'88 not a great inning, the Univ� n1ru: .. 1 ..f th score. .After this. e� Chi� m� than any similar organi7.a.tion in t 1(' nnll nearly .all of the reet is set up. IJr' IIclmholz st:;tcel th:lt di,,(':l!'lc isteaeber in the ordi-r:r sense 0 ("lugged the '1...-. u :" in the slxth:an d th 6_6_ t f A�st .. \.nth .. .,. WI worl ,was e s�men o· The eOnll)leted book ",till contain 5-1 .. ca."ier to pre\'ent than to 1':lrc. tintword. most of his work showed in t ( ning, We:1 the North"W"fJ8t;ern hurler, 1_ I, � d ... .:1 Ton ProfCS80r Crocker in his �C'ture ,e-pag- ."e melll'cnl nrof.·ssion i� !!,.,ill;! intolaboratory. It was there that m.ost of was remov.ed from the JDOWI ,-.... - ""Qo ".. , . •.rted Th • roe substituted. Levi pltehed • steo:ly, fore the Botanical elub yester,lny a1: Ehrht l'wo-eolorCtl plates will he nfc\'cnti\'c mellidne nwrl' :11141 more,J..is influence was eXe • cro_M-u'-e � .or Chie--, allO"fRng k 11 { � r1 h' ou_·' &- A' _- 1 teruoon at 4:30. Dr. Croc er to I o·tt�e,1 for hon.tls in thc athletic 8(.'CtiolJ_ :t!ltl that alh-:tnc� mu�. ht: m:lole toIn.rge number of men eame une e� U' only two hiIbs after the tim inning. n 1influenec, an(1 I am very sure that· onlv one inning did the Maroon teaa the distribution of 8CO� of thous."l<nl!'A hnfT-colorCtI bortler will adorn evcr), l'(lu�atc the puhlic up to ('orn·(·t earoeveryone who hacl that privilege "'as faii to seore.. -.___ ef pamphlets to in."truct the fanner(I:1gc, and the University eoat of arm:- f f the chjlli. lie Inlleh'll till' work ofa bigger and better maD for it. .-IS! •• iiiiii!Di.iI_i!n.i�tiII'•••••• ··F and tea.ch the no\iee in the wnr 011 will he on the C'A)\'cr of the \'olum('. tho Tn.f:mt \\�l·lf:lTt· �tntioll� ill tl10Memories of BJ'lvester. : .... : crop pests. lie snitl that miJ1ion� ofThe �ellior panel wiD have a n.·pra.hu-. !..�nitctl Shltt.'S, �n.1 111"el:lrl'aI that tho"S\-h'estcr camo to lIB in 18;6. lIeTODAY. dollars were SJlcnt yearly on ('rop Itro- tion of thc Harl'oCr lfcrnorinJ lihrnry. future of thc nat:oll Iil'� ill thl' h:lIltl�__ -a very picturesque man, with n tluction. Thc nnn"ni ha.." h�cn .Ie.licatell to ,n t11�e ,,-ho un,it·rt.;,kt, thi� t�."k."-- SeDlor colli ... aDd co&lePB of Com-mfUPnificent htmAl, anti he ('0\1111 bl\l�!lmtrce aD4 � 10;15, liar Alonzo K. Parker, J"e('orller of the Hili- I UNIVEBSITY MUSICALmorc clceply than any othcr man doL '-(,rNity. Tho Dh·inity �t.ion ha�have e,'er soon; nnll he \V'R� alway� CoD ... of JIIlaae.tIOil cJaapeI, 10:15. CLUB IS RESULT OFI,l't'-n cl('1lie atccl to Pror�r Mon('rid,. I EmmOllS:mama 11� OOMBINED SOCIETIESgettirg into a condition that J'('q\Ur�1 V� 00aDci1, 3:30, Bu· the llcllical Ilh'ision to Profe��lfhim to blush. He was extremely eScll- 1MIl' to. The Alen's Glee dub nnll the l£nn- Well� unll thc I.aw Sec-tion to PIIOU'. 1 • •JIatIl __ CIIII dub. ';J.S. "W8Oii � •able hiIMClf and was always t 01h� O.ndtd... for "tie 01 .a.-d1$lM,BOmething to mcit.e otbers. lie \\'a�:l10:15, Cobb UA.gr .. _.t help to us. It W'II8 tnlly impos- TOMORROW.Bible for aay one to rust with Syh-M'-1 DlviDl\7 R1MMa dIapIII. 10;15, Ras_ter around-we felt 811 though a.n e ee'kell __ � I'OOILnil! eel wu in our mid� lie, too, wn� BeI1II" � cla1a, 7:30. BaskeD •• __ �(Continued Oil page 3) Y. w. O. L. 10:16, � 1�Speaks at Initiation of HonorFraternity-Professor Millikan Gives Introduction- Phi Kappa Psi and l'�i Upsilonqualified for the finabtl in thc interfraternity baseball championship yesterday by delating Delta Kappa EpsiIon and Alpha Delta Phi. The decidinggUlIle w iB probably be played earlynot appear to be kcycd up, :l ! .. l M \'eralON 1914 CAP AND GOWN times lost On chanccs that. wO'II.; ha"eEditor Finishes Last Work on AJm.ualat Oshkosh PriD.tery-Boolt OUtShonl7.f('ssor Biglo\V. Annua18 boon.1 in hill Imor�('O \VilI ('o�t $�.r,0, anll thos.c il.(ull moM)('co, $.1.00. Tho hook will tw-on the ('ampus the Ia,ter pnn of nextweek. Eleedona of next �-..-:lr·s e�li_tnr� of tile Cap and Gown will he hNdthis �. __ ......................... -------------. ______{Contiued 011 p::t!e ,I,SAYS'''EBBP '!'BE BABY WELL":;)r. Helmhalz of Sprague :Memorial Institute Discwmes PreventiveMedidlle.Women Pla.y Four Tennis Ma�.(hcs.Fonr m:\,t.('h� W('re pla.'-I'.I in t.h\'"fi�t rllutlll of t.he \VomC'n'� t'('llni� tournnmcnt ,·e:"ter.lnv. ,'11(> �wort,:-; wcr-eLillinn Smtwite,· IId .. n (-;rC'l'nfiC'141. fi 2,6]. R(,�a.1ie Amory. Frc.la y ...... It , f.-I),6.]; Cornelia nc:a.1J. Na.th('rilH· �ptc"l.nle, 6-�, 6-;): R.vhel Foote, )l;lry Walker, 6-]� 6-3.---+----AIsodate Candidates to Meet.(':-'I,li,l:-tC!" (or t.h(' t.itic or n�i:1te.t the Conl!o,-n.tion in .Tun ... will mM'btoday at ]0:]5 in Cohh ):!.:\ ttl ('t. ta �ker to r('Jlr�ent them fit. theJqnior roll. closing excrdge� .' ,;11 •••RECALLS F dOUS SCIENTISTS DICTATOR HUERTA "SIGNS' UP"Professor Ira Remson, presideut.,enlt�ritu:t of JOrulS Hopkins uuiveraity, next week.was the speaker nt We quarterly meet;Th.e Dekes were unable to "it Youi'Ilg of �i�'1lUL Xi, which was held yes ton, the Phi Psi t\\�jrler. anti fell bythe one-sided score of 12 to O. Onlyterday e\'ellillr-in Hutchinson CODl_mous, For tbe first time in the historytwo bits were gatheretl off Moulton,(If the society, the meeting ",us thrownand only one Deke got 8.ft far as thlrdopen, all graduate studeuta beiug Iu-bnse, The winners on the other hundvited,"We will not oven withold from youthe JllUtJt sacred of our scerets---ouri�tiatioJ1 ritual," said Professor Millikan. the president, of the Cbicnguchapter of �ib"'lW. Xi. ., Weare notashamed of our patrons, and we hope ).it Northrup heavily, and were ableto score at will. The Phi Psi teamplayed a fine fielding game, only oneof tbeir opponents reaching first onan error. Schafer for the winncrs,and George for the Dekes, both caughtgood ball,"our patrons are not ashamed of us."·e have, therefore, witll the eharneterilftic sdentific spirit, removed thebllnda and bars from our doors and Seore by innings:Phi Psi ""Deke ••••.••••••••DJDOOB BASBJUT,L ATBBAOH PARTY 'l'OKOBBOW 5.6.dolin dub ,,·cre conMlitlutecl at :l m('c'�inJ: or thc GIl't' ('hill 1I0nelny. Tho ne\V"rganization will he known n� theUniver!'ity Music-a) cluh. The duh,. m hold it." nnnnal ctinn('r TU�lln�'night at tho lIyde Park hot�\ at whic'hI officers for neXt year "Will bt- electCtl.THE DAILY MABOON,The D ail y Mar 0 0 D I expressiou, '1'hl� was a quotutiou 11ul&.1 VARSrl'Y � TEAK. _ a tlJClU�J .111 which tho �tawwt.'nt a.., � TO(ttiletel Student !\ewsp:lpcr or the CDI. peureci that tho author alwlL,)"H pieked M:Bft LBLAND STANFORDv.-ralty or t ·hl(·uJ.:o. tho .lJg!tt�t-l1ca.dcu girl he could 1hlll, w heu clloosinz,:' a corupauion for .1 ubllbll(.'Cl UI01'UIUf,;", �'l;n'pt �UUWl.1 aud a.:\Iouduy, durtug the Aut uuiu, Winter and tlara.:e 01'. the theater. l� the tiNtt>llrlnt: quarters, Lty Til" 1):111,)' �lur""11 11,1"ll', this probably coutams about usII tu II. ' JIH": U t ru t Ii as tho stuteiuent that_______________ I when lLI.' a\"cnJ;':o busim ... ·ss ll1all-- }'. I. • or the firMt time in history Chleaeob W. CG&tlacba. �e'¥l • .Edltur ! l):U'uVlJ� iuo tired buslness llla,U-:,.:C .,..H. &. Goqa.. A'W�L.I�. Itdllur i tu a p.ay, he selects a ur.uua where and Leland Stanford will clash iu nB._P_._��._' B_Il_.1_b_.. _!iIt__ 11_.n.g .. r j the plot coush;ts of a coUap:iiblc stau-,J::ot",n\l aLa •• couu • .:!u... mll.lI at tb. case .. UO\\,l1 whic I, tho t\\ 0 coureuuu.�blcq .. .t:'oatolBce. Chicqo. ru., Marcb n. ia.11 a.t fe;;ular Iutervuls, If tho wrik_'1111" •• un"..,. Act of Marcb I. 1113, «r .he theme from which the tjUt�ta,.l.\\.: .. -; t akcn meant that the 'fired. Col- holds the Pacific coast iutcrcollejriatck:,!c Student pret'errt .. ·tl not to u.i.: .. ·l•"T'ho t; urest of tho .\lasscs: Its Cause t it le, nml tho match wlll go far to-:lI1U Cure" when un cutertaiuun-uc w:I.r.1R ,Il·termillillg the nnt ionnl ('01 ..Lol'ut, J.e was ri�ht. If Ill' 1IIl':1IIt lI,.\hUlH.1I the culi,';';o wall iu �cueral pn'h'rs lh,·1·I·t�!,;. :.:.)) c.: .. llllb\, (.;r,,\'� A'·.·. .1.'"11" ei ;.:id whoso lJIellt:u l·'JlIt.IS lIut l:Ll':liJle 01 sUstaillill1,! a it'l!il'.ul"SECRECY." i':l·a. he \\ as wrung, lIow often havo. JUA.:.k Tuuuer turus to Octavius uud we heard, "::O;OlUO duucer ! Y dl, 'u' :1says. "'Tell Iriru, Tuvy, .. Yuu'H 11e\"('I' J'l':tch of a, d:�"l"cr tuo, Hut 1 neverbe ub le to keep the mut.tcr see rvt. 1111' t ry to talk to her? WIlY, that �irl aill ,less everybody knows it." This SL�lUS ;.!ut tIle bra!us of :L hc1,l." Ck'''p:u 1':1,to be the sOl1ior wumcn's "hUllOI''' �u. ,\l;loIallle de �tel'), �lll'eu Lli:t.:tbcthciety, 1\u l'i :S4."llla.--ut ll'a.st ill pad. ami olle or t\\'o uthcr laJics uf histlll\'T!te et.Lic�, the "cSSClltiuJ. Jeulllcr:H''y, ,. \\ hOIll w" lIIi�ht JIleution, attaillcll �the alh is:Lhility, &lI1I1 all the uthl'l' at. JIIl'asul'aiJlc de;':-I'ce of poularity iu thcirtributcs 01 e.xccssi \'e secrecy in SUcil W:-;J'l'ct i\'e da.ys, ),ct thcy could h:II·,1.sodctict', has bCCll thrcsht.'d out ui' ..... 11 It,. t: har:Ld.erizcll as "idiots." Alto"c,enough. If ncccssary" wo can C\'CIl thl'1', we aro iucliul',l to tiiSU:'::I'ee withne"opt (with an eft'ort, it is true) the I till' hYl'otill"sis--it is uothillJ! lUOl'l'-,cluim that this "secre('y" is lIIailltailll'd J!irl's puularity iucrl�:L"es iu ILirl'd I';in order to save the fCl.lillgS uf tho:,e II'OrtiulI to ller ability t.o ulIhilll!C hesenior 'WUw.ell who UO Hut "make" :\ 11 bl·: .. ill. pl'o\'idl"! II:Lture hu.s becn Cl'lll';Pi Sigm:l... \Ve cau brill:": ourselves to clluuj.:h to cllduw hcr \,-ith oue allllbelievc th:l.t Nu Pi ::;i:!ul:l fultills a I ,,1:I\'c it. ill a cool, (Iry I'I:LCe: uuti:useful. purpose iu the Ulli\'cr:,it_: I �I�t·jl UIlW u� sho is alone, or :I.lscheme of thillgs. .And :;Ollle dn.y. ::.1' I u�la�(,oJII":lluc.i by the arbitcr of ",.,,1'tel' exaliLS, ,,;hell we haven't �ot l1Iuch i I' l:lI'Jt y."of nnything to do and c:ln spare tilt' DR R ='MSEN DELlV-\iJue. w�'ll ;uko a couple of llays u11' ,- ERSand trv to belie,"o that Nu Pi 8i�l1Ia ADDRESS TO SIGM:A XIis uot wundemocratic' iu sl,irit, :11101 tll:l;its "sophomoric se�rccy" is 110t IUcrely ('outilluell from pnge 1)a sort of- sublimateu snobbcry. Hut "",. ---- --- ------------may perhaps be permittetl a tiiscl'e\'t lIut a oreat tencher ill the ortlill:lr�'slllile at the "secrecy" of n ::;ol"iet'\·1. SUISC, but hc was !L ,'cry grcu tl'!LChl'l'whose ,cry llamo must llOt ue mell ..tioneu-hut whose mcmbers, lll'\'crthl'- ill :Ill t.'xtraonlillary S(·II�. it was illl'l�sl:l, wear a distinctive hnllge; who�, possible for ILim to gi"e nn orllc:-l�'list of members is aboo, aull on 110 ::l'" .t . be bli I l' ,1 1..f.· t t'ourse of lectures. HIS stullents .rolcoun to pu c y :UU ue o·e I. .,profane gaze of tlls hoi 1'0lloi-cxcl'l't their infonlln.tion-:1I1,1 their insl'ira.�Concc a Year. when it. appears in tlh'1 tioll-ill pri,"atc talks with him, allll Scarf slide �t"..P-Cap alltl Gow� a . SOC 1 cty upon who:c .,. • •. .." . ck �r--members is conferred an "hOllor" 11' the:-;e students cnn all t.c:>t.lf� to t11" and 10 fion�their elect.i�n bOllor whicb thc'-" \'lIllIe of the sen-ices he rCl111ereti I'':':-41aru...iwC��kJ1owlcdge_�ny WC,IIot \."ltllCII1." .,.. .<:>"0;:;�;'����(i/A."', IRr�.·..........•r.�pemlitte,l to smile? Thank yOll. H:w·, ..., . ',. ILO.l. �j � �iJl� been �ranted :this inch, wo"n t:lke fho follol'tlllg graclu.tlc stlllh'.,t·,the. tr:ulitional,:'cU,.anu iUILulge in :I were· initiateu into Sigma Xi 13Sf �TED sHua'. (X)1.I.AIl ro. '11tD'l-N."Y.lo'ni, "�ho"esome l3.ugh�partly at our' nig1lt: Bernant Brown, Charles C. C:11-sch-Cf', for we rather suspect wc'vebecll taking Nu Pi Sigma a bit to')scri·olu;l.Y. 'tJ, .:.rrl.r: ,2.1i0 a )"ilr; $1.00 • QUllrlea.tJ, w.ul: IS.OO .. ),ear; $1.;:0 � QIl .. r te r •.!I;l1lt"II .. I·!jualDe.. lJdlc�. E11"1 ;:4.'1' ••• ",,,,,0" IUt1w�)' ."v. AU.,r III " IU.d�<J. I'�IIL .'11'.J'�T llary Louisc· Foster, lleyef C. c�,bn, Kenneth Hallock, \\�iJJiam L. Il::!r�.,__ !T�-.·, I BerUla Edith Martin, W cn,lell Z. ll;!·�opuJ.arity: .. I ler, Terellce T. ·Quirke, ls."lbcl Seymo�:rlit ,)'estor(lay s \Vomcn s e(l1tlol, 01le I's . h I CI est II Y tof tho ('ontriblltors complnins of thl'1 nllt , nlll 1 er • ea on.fact that in order to attain popular;,.-i e., wil,h; the� members of the oppo· Give Tea in League Boom Toda.y.sito SC"3:-a girl mWJt be able to assUllW Tllc Social Scn"ice department ofthe chara.ct.er of a hopeless hliot. This the Y. W. C. L. "ill bavo charge ofscorns to bo a triflo over·rntod. As a the ten today at 3 :30 in the Lca.w10m.atter of fact. the writer has prob· room. After the tea, the first and sec:;_hly (ll'awn a falso conclusion from one1 cabinets will hold a joint meetin::rwllnt was originally au unfortullate ill Lexigton 3.( ".; - ::.� �, �1ow:; "':,\.j] T(':ncmLer the fir;:;t nppC':li':::lC'; "t J.'::ti::::l C�.'1r(.'�l.t:s in the college to";IIS:l fl' , .. " YUH;'; uack-yuu spo:ll:mcously rcali:l.nlth:lt hc;'c ',\"'1S a smoke somc Letter than tlte.()tlter:;. .And :(�(1:tr, the Li��cst seiling cigaretteIn AIll�rlca! 1 he pure, good, choice tobac('o int�c plam Fntima pnekn�c surely carries Weightwllh the sUlukers of "'.merica. (omit the col.lege yell). ·1JistinctivelyIndividual· $100.00 Cash Prizemgh Caliber 'rfJlUlia is Expected WhenTitleholders Claah on UniversityCouts Tomorrow.dual 111 eet, The Yarsit�· tennis teamwill meet tho Callfornluns tomorrowon tit" University courts. Stanford TRADE MARKa&Hon-I(';..da.t� championship, The S1.:mfor.t Iteam i� making a tour of the Jo�:I:4 :1II.!"'ill lIIl,(·t the Joaclill:! univcrsi ty teams ITilt. V:J.l'NitV' will IIIt·t·t II i IIlll'SOb'l'Jo'ri.l:ty at lIinnealHllis. m the �'C·(m.t ,iut.or-collcginte match of the year,Till' it'am will It'a"" for 1111_" GUl'hl'l"ill�t,it,lItiun imlnl�li:lt,,·l�· after tlll'1I.:lft·h wHh StanfoI'l1. Stt'lIw:4!'on :UlIt tjTHOMAS A. EDISON, Inc., offer$100.00 for the best motion picturescenario aubmitted by a student inany department of this University.�r:ag'l'f". Tunners up for tit" Cuuf"relW".!ouhh's ('hampionship last �·f"ar. :1.r,.,playing ng:Un. antl Squair !JJIIl ll.· :"l'i1I",w a h.,,1 m"t.·b hero,,· them. ILewis Wins Ricketts Prize. I.rulian N. LewL� a fello", in tht'PatholoJr�' clopartmt'nt ha..� he("n a"':lr.1etl t�� Ho\VUr(� .Ta�·lor Ri(·kot:t.� pri:':",ui $_.)0 for orlglDa.l. research III path.nloJ!il'al subjects. . I tJ In addition, all scenarios suitableto the requirements of the Compan,. wiD be purchased and paidfor immediately upon ac!:eptance.tj Enter DoW-write 1'homas A. Edison, Inc.at adclreu below for further particulan.Tel •• boa., Jrandolplt JIG�PROFILE- The College Prize Contest Dept./?\. THOMAS A. EDISON, Inc. ®� 2826 DECATUR AVENUEBEDFORD PARK. N. Y.Prateralt� .1 .... 11'7 Embc)I'"t'd StaUoaelYWeddlbl: III .11.Uoll.r.nalllr Card.L ... tller Good.Collelf. No� .. IU ••BROCHONENGRAVING CO�P�NYII .G. TURNERPresideDt II. lIalien Balldla.Young Man, Start Earlyto cultivate the habit of bdng Correctly Dressed:It means social harmony and Business Progressappearance counts for much in this busy, practicalworld,Study the progress of successful men of today,and you will discover that always "puffing up a good,ronf" has been one of the most consistent factorsin their progress.Good Custom Made Garments cost no morethe course of thethey give you theIndividuality. .]nyear than "store clothes" --anddistinction and self-reliance ofMost of the students know us-we have ca-tered for years to University Patronage.: If you donet know us, you are missing a character of Service which lOU wcu1d greatly appreciate. "Ask thefellows .bout us."HERZKA BROTHERS:-: Tailors :-:IS.s EastS3ni StreetTwo doon west of I. C. StationOpeD Sauclay Eftnin!!'S aDd IIaJIdU JIoI'Idnp.Yoo Need A SDk ShirtFor The Spring Prom.BUY ONE OF JAPAN38B 8ILE-J'UftRECEIVED FROM JAPAN ATNippon Dry Goods Store.c I 863 EAST SIXTY_THIBD �'.r.(Just Opposite the DreXel Theater)TELEPHONE HYDB PABE 970We have your size (SIzes 14-16)SHIRTS WORTH $5 AND 'UP AT S2. 75.(wok at Our P:l.tterns TODAY-WEDNBSDAYAlso Ladies' Imported KimnoS-8ilk and Cotton en-:--.i_ __;;I.-...;..._.... $14.00 SILK HAND EJ[BB.OIDBD�D S7.5U3.00 COTTOl-T CREPE •••••••••••.••••...• !\.7f2.00 COTTON CREPE PRINT •.••.•.••••• $1.00Learn to Dance CorrectlyGenuine Argentine, Tango,Maxixe, Hesitation Waltz, etc.as dan c e d and tau g h t byMaurice and Castle.(Assemblies Sat. evenings at 43d st. & Calumet Av!TERESA S. DOLAN( Fuur! 11 "icc president International Associ:.t ion )l:lst('1" .of Dancing): member of Chic:l�1Dnuv i lit! ":"1 aster's Association.Studio: ;j::t: 1 Cottage Gro\"e Av. Phone H. P. GS!i:Prl \":� te lessons by appointment.If s T A1 E fs intlIe l{,me, Safety Is In the BankTbe TIllE tbe PLACE and De BANIResources. s 1.000,000.003r'c- on Savings 6% OD Baal. Batate JIodgageaAccount. of PROFESSORS aDd S'.rUDBlft8 Invited.OPEN SATURDAY EVBN11f08.HYDE PARK STATE BANKCOF:4NK" cur 53 � ST. at LAME AVE(The corner, near I. C. Depot.).lOH:S A. CARROLL. rrealJeDt. HuBERT .... CUlntl�Qs. VIce-�l4t11t.)to A. HAR:MO:S. • CAablft'. COH'rmUll WAft:B. BA8KE"r_ I IBALL �8 TODAY AT "I'Two Games WW Be Played Toda.7-Coach White Awards Four Fresh- Imen 81ri.mmiDg NUm�. ISophoDlor�K will moot the Juniors:and Freshuieu will m�et the �llior�today in the i�rcl� water busketball chall1!)iousllip :.;crit.'::. The Sopho·more -Iuuior game will start, ut ·1o'clock, and th.· first perlod, of theSt.'nior-}·r(·�hlllu.u gnme \\ iii b .... l,l:l,Y\!.lbetween the halves. 'rhe Sophomoresare at preSt.'ut leadi fig ill the ser] e s,ha\'ing defeated the F'reshmeu lastweek in a e lose game,The second year 1Ilt.'1I will use thesallie lineup that wus sueeessfu]u�'1Lius�, the year!i::gs. This iuclud e gPu\'li('('k, Ut.'tlmon Saullllt.·rs, Shirlt..)"Olsen and Peters, with Burck e y anuFluo.l us suus. Gray, Lyman, UOIIg1tors, Northrup. Moore, l\lru-'arlulI,l, Tolman. Selfritige, Dodson aud Well.s willbe used in the Junior lineup. 1n thePreshman-Senior contest, Templeton,Gendrenu, Wheeler, Sherlow, Clarkand Cohn will play with the yeariillgs:Igainst Pierce, Goodman, Poague, Parker, Harris. Hurw itz :l1111 �l11rr:ty.Direetor St.agg has ulll.ro\"c.l tilCoach White's reeourmemlafion for�winuuiug letters, and necordi nglyGoodmlln, Lymal. Shirley, Ok;on U!:I:l;arker -will be giveu minor ··C·s". PavHeck and Neff have been given Majo. I!£.bt�rs. The Freshmen numerals havealso been ussigned, anti Templeton,Gendreau, Murdock and Hoffman urcthe recipients. IN OLUSthe oataide ahirt aDd aDderdnwenare ODe pnDeDt. This means that the sh!rtem·t work out of the trousers. that there: are no shirtt:lilato bunch in seat, that the drawers "stay put." to say nothing ofthe comfort and economy of saving a garment. OLUS is coat cutopens all the way down-closed crotch, closed back. See Illustration,For golf, tennis and field wear, we recommend the special attached"collar OLUS with regular or short sleeves. Extra sizes for very tall or stoutmen. All shirt fabrics, in smart designs, including silks-$I.50 to $10.00.OLUS one-piece PAJAMAS for lou�D2", resting and comfortable sleep.Made on the s:une principle as QLUS Shirts - coat cut closed back,closed crotch. No atriDp to tiahteD or came 100M. $1.50 to $8.SO.Aak � dealer for OWS- BaoIdet OIl ........PIaiDip. J.e:J Ca.puy. lIMen.Brief Campus New.tS "§IiIll ������British Celebrate "Empire Da.y."British subjects in the Universitywill celebrate "Empire Day" with adiftDel''IlMt --Monday at 6:30 in Lexington. James Wilkins, 20 North hall.,has charge of the sale of ticketswhich are sixty cents.Knst Bush Under New Bulea.New rushing rules uncler the recentIegislatfon by the Interfraternity euuciJ went into etr("et May 15.Professor Dickson Will Speak...Professor Leonard E. Dick .... on,the �lathcllllltics department, willspeak on "The ointPs of Inflection 01a Plane Oubie Curve," at a meeting oftile Mathematical club today at 4:15in Ryerson 37.UDiverd.ty Dames Bleet (nficers.The University of Chieago Dameshave eJected Mrs.' J. H. Bachmanpresident for the coming year. Theother offioors appointed were lIt'S.cGorge Counts, vico-presilient; llr:o.M. M. Leighton, secretary; and Mr!!.Wilmer SOUlier, treasurer. The dullwill "iBit the University settlement tomorrow.Erect ··Pathless Campos SigDs."Signs reading "Please," anti �ign:�reading "Ma�e for a Pathless Campus"have been ereeted on the campus, Th isi.t' part of the work which is bciuz.Ione to beautify the eampus,IDataIl VoluDteel' Band 01ftcers.Newly elected oCfi('crs of th(' �t,,_Ilent Volunteer band, who wcrt' chosenat. a recent meeting; \\-cre installed ata meeting of t.he Ranll l:l�t niJ.!ht at7:15 in Lexingt.on.To Talk on Disciples ChUl't'..h •Assistant Profcs."lor Ames will allclrC88 the Religious }o�clut'ation duh tomorrow nt ;:30 in lI:lskel1 a.'(."lemhl�room on '·"nat the Di�dpl� Chur('hTcat'hc8 It� Children \Vit.h R.-gar,l toChurch Unity.' CoUege FriendshipsMake coDege life worth while. Coca-Cola is a frieDdworth knowing and haTing all the way through fromFreslmwl to Senior year. It will 611 JOur college cia,.with pleasure, laealtJa aDd beDefit.DeUcioas-R.efreshiDgThirst-QaeDchiDgTHE COCA.coLA ��.,AdII .... Ga. 1nnn'tr,.,. 1ft .. A"""un.. vf c.a-e ....Tilt' (,UlTCnt i�t1e of the .Tournal ofGeology for April ancl llay W":lS i�lJUed by the Pr� ycstertlay.t'BB DAlLY 1IAJI,001I. WBDlIBSDAY, KAY 20, 1914.BAOOBBS PU2' BIlD 20CHAKPION8BIP HOPESI __ (Continued from p.go IIbeen accowpl.i.!Jhed sueeeeaful] v hadt he ueeessary pep and gillge; beenfJresent.With two of the best pitehers in theCoufereuee to rely on and 1.. f, a �awxy 0hurd-hitting veterans, Chicago f'bouldhave handed Wisconsin a double bent;ug, instead OIl experienei,�g' t.wost raight defeata, The Badgersha"e already Just several games, being dt'lfeut ('10 I hy Illinois, Minnesota antiPurdue are hopelessly out of the dlam_l/ioJU,hip running. The team seems tohave 10.8t its baseball sense, �d islosing game'" that should be easy vietories. To scekers or :l botel whereluxurio;Js quarters m�y be secured. where charm and : congenial atmosphere flr",ail, andwhere excellence of servsce i ..param(\unt, the Hotel Powhatanoaers just such inducements.Rooms with debched bathmay be obtained at $1.50. =Z 00and up. Rooms with privatebath" ,2.50. S3.00 and up.c!�:������.P::.sal�� •.\\·rite for booklet with map.CLIFFORD M. LEWIS.!\!:1II3gUBoz Score.Chicago.�rcConnell\, s. s,IT ••••••urger, l. f. • .N orgrC'n, 1 L. _ ••••.••• _�In,nn, c. ".. '. _ .Gray r. f .•••.....•....Ites -Iardien, p. . •....Cavfn 31>Cole, '2b : .•••..•.••••••• ': '•••••�tai fL.oons,�. • •... - ..•.•1 nab, d. _.Baumgurtuer, p. .. _ . R. H. P. A. E.01100o 1 0 0 01 0 13 0 0101102 0 1 0 0o 2 0 3 000100oo:�():!o 0 1 0 1o 0 0 0 0o 0 0 0 0 CLASSIFIEDAD\, El{ n3EMENTS.-1, •. per line. ;\ u a-I \ "rtj�Clllt'''t:4 re·ci\"l'ti fur l.·:-;� thall :,:.-". All classi1iod-nvertfscn.eu ts III H�t ht' paid tn ad:tn,·fI.Our newest Two Button Model made 10 a mostattractive manner for summer wear, This style inflannels of blue and gray and striped patterns.READY-TO-WEAR $25 & UPMElrs <li SHOPog"iI.Yiet a He ... e ... ge18 Be 20 E. �ACKSON BOULEVARDChicaeo 4 1 27 :; 3WiltConsin. R. H. P. A. E.Liddle, c. f .... _ ... ". L: 1 2 U 0UUt'i, c'. • •••••••.•. ' •• _ 0 2 13 0 0Roach. l. f. _ .... _ . . . . 0 2 0 0 0Hopert, :�I> •••• _ ••••• 1 2 0 2 0lie n: og, s. s. . ... . . . .. 1 2 3 1 0Hewett, 21> ' •• __ ••• _ • 0 0 3 1 1Boulewurd r, f.;........ 1 2 1 0 0Bragg, 11> •••••••••• o.. 1 2 8 1 0Newnsehwander, p. • .. 0 0 1 1 0 (o'OH RE::,\T-Fill..t.'" flll"lIislll'd :ll'art-mcnt of u rooms. \rithill w:LlkillJ.:.Ih;tnn('c of Lllil'l"sit.'". Adults onlv, Fulldese ript.iou ill lIol::-iJi;! PI·pa r t.III'�IIt.Telephonc .ll i":1\\".'" ::!!.";;;.}'OR nE�T-Fjll('I)· fllrni�III'.1 apart-.me.ut, six rooms, frum -lnu. 1 to 15,within easy wa lk, List of HuotllS.�dults only. T('l. :\li,lw:t,Y :;nS:i; IIIt1rn·lngs only. Housing tlc'pt. Fu ll ''''='I·rilltron,FOR RE1\""r---Fh·c·roolU IH1u�c. parlor,dining rOODl, kitcheu, two II('o·to"III� •bathroom and elect ric li�hts. furnished�:�5 ller month.YOi.iXD--Pursc. l uqu ire of Mrs.�i':lU;:htt'r, r,}CI·I Ellis uv enue, Phonelfit!way 8114.5 13 30 6 1Scorc by innings::Chlcago _ . . 0 0 0 9 0 9 0 0 0 O-·l'Wisconsin . _'.' 0 1 02 1 0 0 () 0 1---5Home run, Gray, Two base hit, Des• In rdi en. B:l8e8 on bans: oft' Newnsehwander 6, off Des Jardien 4. Stru,·kout. by Newnsehwander 12, by DO'-Iardien 3. Sacrifice hits:: Boulward,and Roach,DBAlIIATIO CLUB PLABB TOmr.rIA'rB ALL ASSOOIATES FOR SALE-Dr('s� Suit, size 3(;, inI!ooll condition. I'ri,·c $15. Cnll HydeWill Hold BuI'dses at Banquet Pre_ Park 5545.TrustBankWoodlawn& SavingsT uxedo- the MostEnjoyable and the MostHealthful Smoke :XlJl·;nWOOD TYI'l;\\"nJTElt in firstcediDg IJpriJ1!t Per1'OnDa.ncea Saturday � in oa.te. elnss condit.ion, for $:15.Hall, 1_2 or 7-8 p. m.All eligible assoeia.t � members of 6 Northl2O-J B. 63d Street. OhlcacoTHE FACULTY "THB STUDENTSof theUNIVERSITY OF OmCAGOWILL FDm IIITBIS BANK: ALL THEFACILITIES OF A DOWN�WXBANK.. the Dramatic club will be initiatecl at WA::,\TED-Six JIOelJ with some expenience ir, salesmanship, to act asresident agcnt'" for moving picturefilm advert isemetns. The work wiuloccupy part of their time now, andall in the futuro. Call at the Univer;Ti-�E most enjoyable smoke is apipe, But many men deny themselves this pleasure because theyh:l\·C had unhappy experiences withptpt: tobaccos.Likely you have paid 35 cents to50 cents for a tin of "fancy mixi tnre," and it burned your mouth or., th�at, or w�s unpleasantly strong.l ... co b.t i-but you got the wrongl tob�cco. The hundreds of thou. I sands of men who have triedI the annual banquet Saturday night inHutchinson. The �nitiation ceremonieswill precede the Spring performanceof the club at 8 in the Reynolds clubtheater. These plays, by Wf9}tcrPoague, Roderick Peattie and Frank sity employment bureau today at 2:30.O'Hara, will be given. The easts arebeing �oa.ched at daily rehcarsa1B by Universal RePair l'dfg.Co., 1508 Cablethe playwrights. place. Phone Mitl. 6842. We repairAd.ing upon the request of Chair' stoves, bicycles, etc. Refinish nnd upman Henderson of the Interseholastic hclster furniture. Plastering antientertainment eommitt6f4. Presitlcnt t"himney cement; carpente�ing antlO'Hara. of the Dramatic dub, hasagreed to present one of the club's Serge With a Reputationthree plays of Inte�olR8tic night,WC!r='Jf WILL SPEAK ON June 13. It haa nOlt been (lecide,1LAKE GmmvA CAKP AT whieh play will be given.DJlIflnm AND MEE'DNGSAli BERNARDpopular musicalcomedy star"A tin 0/ Tuxedo is mJ7constant companion. I lilt.eit apcciaJly because it /wqneoer gioen me a bit 0/ throattrouble. The smoothestmlole� ecer.·'sAVIHGS AOCOUllTSUNlCHECKING AOCOUlftSAre Welcome and Appredated ..RESOURCES $2,000. 000.�UxedoThe Perlec t T o!,aeco for Pipe ana Geard/ehave found the answer to their\1 smoke problems. Tuxedo is the: j'bl!.ilc1l!st, tobacco made. It cannot: I l�e t.le tongue or dry the throat.You can't get any better tobacco!l�·i.: .�L!::C• noth i ng bett(.·r grows thantile, m{.'h,�\·,·, perfectly 3bcd BurleyL.: .!. u:3cd III 'T uxedo..i f you try Tuxedo for a monthanti cut out other smokes, you willn:)� oilly ha\·e had the best month ofs.m:d':!:lg you !lavc ever had in yourlIfe, but you WIll have m�de a mi<rhtvbig saving in your pocket mo�ey·!YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHERE .. . CLIFTON CRA \vFonD�on.,en,.ent PGU.ch. 5 F"mou� v.T"rn tin. � w('ll·"nnw en cdl• n '!t!r./.ned .. Ith C with l:oJd Ictt,.ri"sr. lOe 0("0 k nG· r.. f lin.lDoud.:rc.p:roof peper curYed to fit pocket .• • ..,. ua c� If ame• I uxeJo u m.'1 cn-slar.In Glcus Ham,don. SOc and 90c II attribute Q good aeal ojFREE Senci till 2 cent' in !;t:1mp' for pO!lt- my SIlCCCJJ to ii, brcar,.e 't:lge :lOci \'\"e will m:;il you :a ,ollvcnir ::;a�es m1 ncrv.es he1ace.tin of TUX'�(}O tobacco to any TTl as Jor ��Ice CIA lunlpoint in the Unite(! SI:ltes. Address I, IJJ TuuJo.TIm ,,\�.I:;I!JCI\� 70nACCO CO:\:!'.\�Y l\ �,� A /J\OI)� 1�:J 111 J·HthAvcnue New-York ���� The high Quality andlow price of "N i colIStandard" Serge do notharmonize ."We arn glad to eo-operate with theMiss Grace Coulter will speak 011 entertainment (!ouguit,tee to m;a.ke thcth ... UnivcTHity students summcr Camp lllterschol�o¢ic a sueeess," said Frankat Lake Geneva at the Geneva dinner O'Hara yesterday. "Ahhougb We havctomrrow at 5:30 iii Lexington com- not flooded which play will be gh·.m,mons. Other �moo ,,·ho will g1\'t' ··The l..n!¢ L:mgh;' by Walter p(),"Wt('�l'hort 8JM'CChes are: Ruth Allen .. Knth- will probably be the one most suiu'.l('rine CO\-crt, Ruth Snger, Ruth Pr� t.o the �c:asion."sC'r, �afline IInlJ, l.otJi�e lIick, an.! The election of next year's oft'i�cr�Ruth I:etickcr. Chnrlotto Viall an,1 will be heM within two W'eeb.RICH,\RD CARLE:;;t:tt' of ":'\!an··s J.nmb."··TI:c Sprina: Chicken." etc.•• Tu::('ao is my Mea 0/rr!:.:.t Q r,ooa smoke sf.auldb.:. /';:, for il- dlIX:;S.··��'--'! t!'�.........._ It's the greatestwe know --- rich,e x a c tl y right.special at $25.00Nicoll the Tailorvaluefine,VeryGrace J1otC"hki� will sJ,eak on"U(,IH�\"3'from tIle point.8 of "iew of nn dll anll Give .'Get Acquainted" Party.rocw' flelcga.t.e, nt n rnn.'1!'1 m('!Cting to. A "gct-ncquaintcII" party was giveuclny nt 10:15. hy the �bool of .Education hrnnch oftho Y. W. C. L. yf'stcrclay afternoonIDtenchotastfe Commission to:Meet. in Jo;mmons Bln.ille. )o;"nngeline SteneThe Inten1Choln�t.iC" eOllnni�".ion will hou!'C wn.� in rhnrge of the ('ommjtt(�meet. tomorrow night. nt ;::;0 in t.he on arranllCmcnts. W!! J�rrem.8t.SonSCla.tk :wd Ada.U1S Streets. Chicago.Plaut Trees in Greenwood G�rden.GrecnW'oofl remc1ents plnnt('tI tre.'�in honor of chnrt�r mcmber� of th('hou9C, in the hnll I!arden yc�tC'r.lnY.'l'he tree plnnting exercoscs followe(l·atGa.B'elghbcftood Clubs Baa PleDIc.Neighborhood dub women will boM 8eniors Give Last Luncheon.Tho Uncl�Pf'I'P!IIII1Jato conneil will n joint picnin Fri'lny afternooD in C!�. ·11· ...... _ �nIOTH tn JrI'·C t.helr L'\..�t Innc·hf'OnIIIC'C.t Uli14 n.rt" .... oon a.t 3:30 in llal')Icr .J:u:kson park. They will a.4\SCmbl; at -I tomorrow at 1 in Jlut.c·hin!'lon �nfe.MI0 instead of tonight. in Lexington. Dean Angell has been nskeel to �nk.... - . - .... ..,.�