Julian Herman Lewis has been'awarded. the seeoud annual HowardTI Taylor Iticketts prize of $=!aO by theie newly .re\'ised polut system,which is published tielow; 'will be is. '!\ll'lllil'al faculty for original research (By Bo� MOIrIB Loy .. ) ,sued by the Uudergraduate eoucll nt.'aXt work in the department of Pa.thology. "Tha Student S�perior" itt & ,,004 �t � .k ponents at his mercy throughout. The week. Few radical cha' nges ha ..... been 'fhe prize W� established as an annual J;Low. In tie 1i.rat 'place, it dOQIJ»OWtr ]"re.: or ",t:tgg IS 100 ing for one of c-.u.. • "" u .... '" .'rest of the team shewed a reversal uward bv lIrs. Howard T. Ricketts 8.tJ thi 1 . �� .... 1· .1:-the most interesting; meets of the . . .made in the, schedule; N.eW' posltious J ng rare II. 1Il_ come\UCllj it fIl,Ul. �of . the form displayed in' the -, Ohio ed a memorial. to Professor . Ricketts, w ho i'oWes' &. vital theme., _�"e onnllllritioD.y�8J', and u. consecutive estimate gi\'cs car for by the system are: Circula.- _.- &.r��tate game, and although they mach: died in M6Xico City, May 3, 1910,from between 'r�..e .. iur-;qgty, the idtW. 1Chicago a 'vletory by a margin of haP! tion ma.nager of the' . Daily Maroon, 'three errora,' these CDoUlO at a time typhus fever, which he acquired while and fact iD.-,,·JliaD.nw' 'humoroua &11.4a dozen points. Chicago Is weak ill author of the play and chorus-masterwhen the' �esterners were not threat· - B" '..... . studying the disease. not ·witho.ut ·pa.·tho... Next, and thia Iof the lMkfriars, minor officers ofl'lling to score. Mr. Lewis received his Bachelor or' also is ri..re, it 'prMRb a. real char- .-�"e�ci�l�s, ofl'!cers of the German club,Chicago took the lead in the seeoud viee-president of the Reynolds club, Arts degree at the university of Hli- :I(.-Ur, a sort of atUdeD.t· Don Quixot�, ;;., h 1>r Co U led ff ...... a nois in 1911, and his M:a.Ster of .Arts .b' t� b th to' '�,;,·"n'h' t d f ; '--'IDJUng, wen . .w..C nne 0 " wrrn and. debating- teams, Presidents of the- n, suojee otn r oYMI6' e.r an or �l)ass.· L'ibona6: tn.·ed to sacrifice him Q' 1 degree there in 1912. He entered the' tears 11w Three uarters and Score clubs . Ift.vo ..._.... ...to second and was safe himself on the been dropped from the schedule. A Medil'ai school of the University in Al:it' t� 'itS. DULteri&l 18, to a re- ithird I. " N r I' I tho Autumn 'quarter of 1912, and has 'k bl "do ............ _. '6' tra.o �:.1 . uaseman �. error. 0 grea .1.0 - few changes have been made in the mar a e egree, r�: lIr JJI ex. r- "lowed. with '& Sl.·,ngle, :seoring, .. ifCcon- been in atendanee at differell't periods dinary t o what . Ute. nt .. ·the humor of l�"�number of points given to athletes andnell, and ,Mann's. 8B.Crifice . brought in 'literary activities. Each student i since then. the situation�'ia 'in��iideat of 'exag-Libonatf,' This .....as the only c�lce . allowed to carry only ten pointB of 3C- Kite and Long 1913 WinDers. geratioD, &nd" the °8a.t1re. " merely thethat: Chicago liad to sCore, . although tivity in anyone quarter. The prize is awarded each year on element of ironY.,that .exiSts in thingser in the clashes and low burdle!t, anll . f"1. 'd h of p ttbey sueceed.. ed i� get�ng two-_ men on. fte Point System. the annn'erSary 0 Wle eat ro- as thai. are. '.A.iJ., ,diis is to say that •James ill the high hurdles, nre North· f R' k f th b �...: .. ·.. l . ibases' in the seventh. The' visitors Undcrgratltiate Council- .A.W .�. cssor IC et18 or e est o&�� in' iritelleetuat' caliber the production "made .their 9�y tally �n the' eig�tb, Pre��nt .. .. _ .... " _ . . . . .• 7 7 ; I research work done in the department is :l()tai:»I� ainOng. 8tud�nt plays: it re- !wben .they Nl'9ssed: a total of three Senior college members .....• 5' 5 at of Pathology or Bacteriology during fleets credit' uJH)n 'ihe authors, an:d up- �.�hib. ;01£' ShU:il��'dtiivery. . .' Junior college members ..... 3 3 3 the preceding year. The winners of on the student body, Which could � �push him hard in the quartel\ Stegt>- Classes- 1 st " D G L. .. .... , .'.. '. � Ba� T� , Senior class president _ ..... 7 7 '; ru year a_pllZes were r._ eorge cept 'and interpre�.80 V1..·Vid a. bit of t-_.--Th� Yannty' piaya' the' ChineSe uni� Senior dass vice-president .. G 6 (; Kite and Es�on(l �" ��g, '.11. criticism of life on ita campus. .'\'ersity of Hawaii «>day at 3:30. '!'De :::i:'''�= .�=:.�::-:-:�:�.� ��. #:DE",j �i-:�:'k�ii��' Btch in· �lVtng. .� _:-----�,trip is. being-mede under ·the-auspiees Seiiioi' class' 'sOCiai' com.' ehmn. 4 4 -I ,CJl.AJEPIONSBIPS l'BIDAy 'Above au, aD«!' this. is the chiefmiler in the West, and captured this J' S h d F esh . ,. ,." .. � . .of Nat ·C�' StroDg, -a NeW York.8pOr�- UDlor, op omore an r • ' point, "The Student Superior" is r,icJle"ent with ease at the Indoor Confer- man Classes-- __ ..a' . . . .' • ,. .• ."man._ .They ��. having their sum.mer President ..... • •.. '. . •• .• .• 7 7' '; Gymnasts, Feuoers auu W'nId.eI'B to in' ple��8iViiag. q�tY" .� r;icll thai"ncation" now,' and are taking the trip Yic&-president .'. ,. .... ..... 4 4 4 Compete for Titaes Coaclles Lo.oIt th� ';ih�ukh(�'ea" ��t' lseiiSlbly'" ����-for edueatioual �rposes. Thus far Seuetary ...• • •.••••.••• J. ';';':>1;h3;.:1 .:! �:Bi&h .. CJ.aas �,,' ���',;'t,�(l�i:'�' :.;, : :.(� '�;:.;:: :.' : � , ';'.' �. Campbell. should take the mile, an.) the'v. have .. w, . �.� .thirt.•T gam.. tlB 'aDd loS. t Treasurer •••• • • •. • ••• '1·:t• l,,;J : 3 --- ; � � ; :. . .... ;; : . MUSical �omed,. lisa DO rules, but .italthough Goodwin has not rounded in- t,,"C�'\'e haviDg defeated �oth Califor- Social com. chairman .•. �':. � "4' 4 �J��"-���y .c��pi.o.���. }�. ;$Ym· ��y nl�t lHs ��ide·;ih�"�m.k"�· �i'uu;-to' t,�e �st o� shape he may be able to nia and Leiand Stanford. .The team is (Co��ec1, 00. ,��'f-) :m�'i�W;:s�:� .:�;t.��;:,;:;�;.�� .���:�¥f�·���,y���y���{,s���iu.��,. take se<'on(l pla.ee from Tra.xler. Stout working its "!'ay East, and will meet B.AI8E TWO· BUlfDBED AN.R 11 T 'This" mee�' which is a� �nual. �r, �f�J! i�. �el�"}� r.�)��, ��e .�?��"should win the twomile, but North· the le:wing .E8ste.rn eollege ·teams. FIFrY DOLLABS AT FETE; ; .. ;!; ., I .. "· • L J., theme is blended with the main ac·,, is op�� to any. undergradgate i� �e .. ,',. L' ..... .. ,� ',1' . 'I" '.-- •. "we�tfrrn will probably capture the re- Chang, w. h.o play'eel le.ft .field with . ,'J. 0';'" • ' ........ .... . - �... • iioO: �Tb�' cilll�eie� 'are geil�i�e. siag�. Combined Profits of Four CI.asBes Set G'nh'ersity. The Gymnastic. champion, 'ma,i t��'al;';,f'a:;__I'>'pro:�_;ld"el .-i.:e·liae;·to"·rsl·st·u'.ff·mairiillg places. Northwestern 18 con- .the .Ch. i.ne,ge .. lu. t, !,yoar. .'. is. a me.mbe. r of. • :, .• : " I': .. :', I. ..... '. ,.... '" .. � j..... uu. ".. WIlIigh Fipze-Wi B;a; In ship, "'hich is usually ,the/ most. im- .. . ' '.' .'�e�ecl'thc fi�st two plaCes in·theham· the' FreShman basebaU'sqUad of the .'. � �o· .,: •. :.; .•. : , j,.o. �po;::n·whieh·i��rk,.'···�iab(Y·Pete�the, .. . ., terestIDg .,BoothS..'. portant o� the events, was w�. last- me�: lwith ·Ba.bbit· and Gannon. Des ·linh·��.ity" 'and CO,'ae,' h .P�e cons, hIe. �. . . ,.",. .. .. , ' ". .hero, the. af.ore--,m. e,ntioned.. stud.e�.tDo,.�... _ vear b\" George Parkinson. He willJardien '�ay be able to take tbc (li:4' him 'a 'p'�omising"candidate 'for' nex:t Aggr' egate receipts from the four· •.., ; ; ,',. ',. .• ���i)t,,""��r�b�y:" �ied. '-bY. Mr.'., cus, although' his pitching will han(l�· \,oar's team.' . 'Last 'year the Ya.rsit� class 'booths at the QUadranglo fcte c·(.ml,ctc again, antI the � for the iiro��; 'the ·F�ey..· !QUe�D,·.i?i·· which• honors appears 't� � ki�� . h� �� 'I • ."tap him. ':Bro:wil sbould give tbe Pur- \"o�· a cl6�ioughi ·.game from the Chi· lust night am,ounted to more than $2;;0. Weaklcy, this year's captain •.. , • ... Mr. "\iiid��w is,) �le.�de�t; �p, tho�.ple a hard fight for tho remaining nesc by ��6 to'4 �ore. ,Apau issehed· The announcemeDt was made by Ruth Thc wrestling cha�ploD.$i� '�ill ;,o.ri:e.b� ·���r c?F.�,.:;i�e�f��n';·:�hie�'.points. �hne:eberger of Northwestern uled to work 'lor' the 'Visitors today.:, Agar, geenral chairman .of -the fetc hegin' Tbursclay when ·the:"p�e�.i� M� •. �f��e:�D.d· )(r.;:��� earry-.may be conc�ed' the Pbotput �t a COII-_ C. '.0. acb., P,AD'A .. h,as. ,o,hlered morninjr committees. Freshman 'women con' .. f �tli'·disthdiOD. ,..... . , "-; sen'ati\'e cstimatet although" both Nor� IlnlC:ti�e ��y. ··.for.'.tile entire equad.' tributed the largest sum, $�3, and tbe ::= ;�� �il:��t :e;'i;'::.::� ." .:���,; ��.'�,<I.·ijn��I.,.I, gren ancl �.:�a.��ien ha\:e' n� . ��.ol. with . .the', exce�on. of. 'Norgren an-l other \ three chulses turnod over t.he next day. Coarh Netherton ex. 'The IY1ies' lAdfer iD. renderiDg by a(lent chan� of" beiLting him. The WI1\ D�""J�(lien �l.to�iriIt·.���pete on th� amountS that w��e approximately peets his entire wrestling cl88S to en- p���lr ':.\���'�: ���,: ' �.(ner in the high jump is almost impos; -"..eight 'e\��nts' against Northwestern equal Exact totals will be deter t".r "ncl several excellent matehes are Geor� :�fDg: �e, .. D�I�. �c�p�ion';!sible to pick, James' and .MaurY. of thO )··s·.'af'· teO mooli... Aeeording to Pat, not mJ-ned todav." " .. but ',h'e diua��g" _�I.·_o'_�e 'best. Mr .• ', promised. A large squad is also en· "..-'North_ester.., aDd Gorgas and' Tenny m�re t"�"'�_-�'_O-:JIlem�", of the The fete was repeated from la... t '('rccl in tho fencing boub, which in. DYrebl.ith".'_fai�..!n.iIIiIIiblahU; '.to .aof Chic"f"o will fight for points. ---k, in con n .... tioo.: w. J�th Inst night'� . d I' n1"1 recent. White Rogae bride has 8;ttrn��-e (CoDtiued OD page .) .. "'......... (·Iucle e\'cnts JD ue log swo s &nt. ed·;·:';'e���e�.t.· ,!I.;�,r')i.ae.C;."liii.··��.. �.;.. i.'iee.·,:,{i:.:t :'a��1� ._._ performance of "The Student Spcrior:' foils. Golel me.lals will be awarded'i? ,... -.....,100 yard llash-Northwcstern: Thay· Large crowds throaged Hutchinson the winners of the gymnastit!, fent': aeemed to '8Oiia'e.. �01i�:1 of' exprgation,TAEB UP OOU11'OILLOB SYftBIl . Iere, VaD Pelt, Warrick; Chicago: Bar·. court before the OPelling of t.be· Show, ing ancl wrestling meets. but as j�,iI' :,obri0Q8�' ,uDiDten�ona,ancik, Knight, Ward, Boy<l Brcathecl, Co1lDCi1 � PropoItUOIIa for and during' the, -i��h�ioD bet.ween without· malipiq-".uf)-·on tbe ·.���eCoutchie. � A� to F.reIJamea. acts. Tbe four boOt.bs w'«:re' (leiorate�l (CcJntiued on paJ[e 4) .. fJat.teriDg,.·it·1II&7 he .allowed to pa.220, yard low hurdles-NortbwcsteTII \' ,- yesterday af�moon'� the 'Scnior stan,l =����������.�_. __. ii' M. n�" peeful :eompliJDeat. .Who I J Two B�ems for providing Junior h J • • h J. BaileD ..... Indeed,.the-.·ftUrain.t:.and. .good�m.;¢.-Thnyer, Hotchkin, Itt e; am�, ao(l senior"cog�i11ors for frtShmen ns a Fourt of. uly pa\�hon, t ,e • u· •Ellis; Chicago: Wu.l, Boy,l, Breath",l, nior booth as a DUtth �hop. the Soph ... _-------------- l'Ihown .tbt'OUg"oot the 0IItire prodne-were sug� at a recent meeting of TODAY. :. , I h· f t t": DGutwillig, llcl..allghliD. om ore Btand as a Mexic..... n store, anll. DIce' ,tinn. ,'\'('n n't e "aee.o �p awo ,lIaIf mile ron-Northwestern: �- the Untlergraduate council. The coun· tbe Freshman booth �� a Fren�h "ma' Chlcago-lf'ortll1r.*D �ack •i;, cr('flit:tbl& to tbe',authors,:tbe Black·cillol'S will direct the activities of the I :30, £ta�g field. . I'• )1'_ I Kraft Chica . ,,. : f:-iar- ; .. f"enera}, aDd theit: experlenceu.born, HokhkJn, JaW ey, ;' T b It:a."m. Chlcago-Chinese UDi� of, B.a.- ...L_'I Le' _ GnI1wlwin Mer· fil14t year men. he plan has een put W()D1. t"D of tho three tl�l�r c1 ....... �('!'1 .;),,� .'oJiscientioas faeulty advisor.non: CampUUl, ISO,", """ .' I' -'I b"_'L._'I1 --,3.:.65,. a.. ... IIF, fte1c1e� 1. into practice with great successs at w_ _U.A& -� --..rill, stout, Stcgeman, Jlart, �kwit:.� dispensed bot ch�olate ancl s.... ndwi('h·the university of Princeton. h f"l'lleCornwell, Cornell..' ('s, nncl t.he Fre�hmen n�lcle�1 rC41 ot.."' hd-.( The first propOBition discuMOO at ..,...Pole "oolt--N orthw'estcrn: ,,"01!Jc!. the lil'lt of refreshments. Sophomor('�the council IneCting propoees that twoNichol., Chi,'eago: Thoma.'J, Brown. realize.l fifteen clollal'S from the sak"'ecb after the opening of the Au-Moore, :BorO�. Heller. cof boutonierrcs to the men.N rth st Bah· tnmn qua�r, during which time tho The fete 18.I'It. night was ehnrnf't('rIfUb. shot put.- 0 we. erWbn: 'ttle frat.emitiee will ha\"e pledged most of I'ezd ft. th .... m .... t profl·tah· Ie one (,,'.':hitt, Sehn�r, Gannon, I : .... u ...,their 'mCQ upperelaMnnen sball be 3.",. •Chieago: Des jarf�i�ll, Norgren, Spark!' signed as ach.jsors to indiviclual fl'QJh. hcM, hy women of various commlttc('S.Running high IjuDlp-Northw��rn: mcn� The �ond sywtcm extends the1Ir J ' Imn· Chicago': Hur...anaury, amel'll J,T 'y scope of the eooneillor sysUm to ap''t Des .lard·en Cox GorgaS enn,1n Yo, . 1 ,. , ply to all freshmen until they are(CoDtiaed OB pap .) I pJedged to a fratemity..... -- ...... - .. _.. . ....-flaroanI OBIOAGO PLAYS OJII1m8EUMIVEBaIn' OF HAWAIIA� 3:30 'rODAY. CDlIO'ACJO.iroJWilWB8iWDACE�, 1:30, ftAGGI'IBLD.VoL XlI. No. 138. 1JlIlVBB8rrY OF OBIOAGO, SAiftJBDAY, MAY 9, 1914.FIRST OUTDOOR TRACKMEET TODAY AT 1:30 IW1NSPIESENTS 'REAL CllAlACfERSRlCKETIS pRIZE DEAN LOYElT PRAISES"SRJDENT SUPERIOR"MEET CHINESE TODAY' NEWLY REVISED POINTSYSTEM IS PUBUSHED Julian' Hermann Lewis GivenAward for Research Work inPathology--ls Graduate of UBi- Commead, Show "Which He-versity 01 illinois fIecb �t Upoa Author. andAppreciative Student Body"Varaity Will TaCkle SuccessfulHawaii Team After Northwestern Track; Meet-Cbicago De- Few R.dical Changes Made-feats Western' El�cs, 2-1 . Number of New Officers areAccounted forYanity Appears Capable of T akm. Dual Meet From North.western by Slight MarginbuCACO :. STRONG IN DASHES Baekirlg 'up -S1fulrs--pitt-hing 'in good�tylt>. Chic�o W�ll the ciOtJetit game oftho yeur yesterday 'froni: the . WestcrnChicago will inau�'11rate the outdoor Eloctric::I �y a :! to 1 score •. Shulltrack 8eWIOn. today, meeting NortiL' twirl�ll n tin�' gaJUe and had 'his op'western 011 Stagg field at 1 :30. Di·one or two events.notably the hammer,and although Omer possesses no startling athletes in these events.it, is probable that his men will be able to capture tho majority of places here.Chicago is slated to capture a bigmajority of points in the dashes andhurdles. Baraneik, Knight, Ward,Boyd, H urwita and Breathed appearable to pilo up a big total here. Tbay·western's best men. Captain Osborneis dangerous in the hnlf nnd quarter.If Boycl n IIcl Breathed art) able toman anll Leisure will give' him a' groo,t.race in the longer distance. Osborneis concecl� to be the groat est. halfence meat.Campbell Favorite in JIlle •Studea' Snperlor," 8:15,· _au- FOtJBT&;.;;i{ .�� �. :·r �(Uf:���TOllORROW •. :, : ��. IJ!O��U'1Ii'YerIlq .:niUglGu � 11.JraDd�!.' i . . F�urtoo� ��e�' Jia\"e :�nt "ht entii�.: J.IQNDAV - .for: the'�n'';�� '����luai� .�mcil;�� � boU.t of· edlton, t��ni� t��!1l��!'i.,.·, .�.l·. :�p1i�A1i'o��9, mu. 10., I: ., . � must � ·S'abinit�1!!(Or!..!::30 Mon-.J'1Ddor eCIilep' eJaapeI, ,� ': 10;_1F'�. .lay· ;(t :\[ia Duell,,.. a� ��o�. ltY:m•1bDdel. : I. • . mU-iaui: .. : .,� ::. : .. � :PIIJ8IcS-c1llb, 4, a,.enon � ·�winp..'fow:· �ki.es "i.� �·.·h('l�.ZoalOJkal dab, 4:30, ZoaIog 24. Tuesday from 1 � 1:30 iD Le:dnpDMr. nnfl Mrs,; Robert80n will cntertnin tomorrow afternoon from " to 6in Hite"eoek library.ftIB DAILY IIABOON, SATUBDAY, KAY 9, 191'-D a i I y Mar 0 0 D ORDER OF COIF £LEerSTHE COUNCILLOR SYSTEM. ,I L'�H' E. ).larshatl.The l"uuL'rgraduatc couuc i l lIas out- Hcrmun 1::. Oliphunt,Iiued t h, pul ic ies which will govern :t Lewis M. Simes.teutut i '-L' councl llur ::-ysteul fur i ncum- To Add Another Member.iug f'rv-Iuncu. The piau is modeled All aolditioual man will be electeddo�ely upon the �y�tt·lU now ill opera- to the society some time llurillg thetion among the women. It embraces -uuinu-r quurt er, accortliug to the auprovisiou for getting iu touch with the nounecmeut yesterday. 'I'he III om bersfreshman before his arr i val at the A the Order arc chosen from the stut:l1in'r:-j;y, and helping him through .!('uts with tho highest scholarshipthe mazes of reg'istrution. The oue dif', �t:llldil1g in the first ten per cent. officult poiut ill the scheme is wor ki nj; t he Sc ni or law class. Although the-soit ill tho rushing systern reccut ly e iet y is ill the third year of its activ:loiol'tt.',l. The untie ipated ilifficulty is it:- in thc University, the election lastthat (If elil11illating misuse of the of- week was only the second time the 01"fil'l' of councillor. In this conneetiou, dl'I' has voted in men.the work of the past year sta.nds out Tho Order of the Coif, has beeniu great promise, and ill a spee ifie termed thc "Phi Beta. Kappa of theform, The Honor commissiou, while Law school." It clcri\"(�s its title fromnot thl' body to regulate such iufrac- an oruer of o ld English jurists whichtj(lJl�, is typical of tho spi�it which was founded in tho twelfth century,will control thc councillors. That nnd which, although now extinct inho.ly must, be composed of men who Euglund, numbered in its membershipart" honorable and devoted to the best lists many great English judges andinterests of Chicago; and the big advocates, The society has now fourwork of the Honor cODlmission is the teen chapters in American universit.ies.development of such men among tl,,'Uuiversity students, ill C\'CIl grouternumbers than they exist 1I0W. The-11 t to�ches another l'la� elltlur loa IIC" rt'lIZ1un •• b'. lew I1kflDlI _C(;UIICI or sys emgreat potential force ill st udeut lite-- J'C;II.,.cl Acre. CII"' .... nicclliCI......., h It you want to be right up in Style.the Interfraternity council. That body "ulu-d Goa "" cn:Wenc:e ." uuud (0"'''- see the fabrics we offer at the pricesthe activ f eighteen dollars and up, and beis (�ontrl)lling, in a measure, '.ities of men who participatc ill a mag- With the Fa.c.uity ::Behind It. 111oronghly convinced that this is head·uifiell councillor system, rind the new �'o the .Editor: uarters for stupendous values and1,lan is designod to extcnu, ill some "l'erplexetl Untlergracl," through th,� orreet tailoring.�m:ul measure tho auyanwgcs of the colullln:i of the Daily llaroon, recently Julius Cooper- ,n who hereto- u�kcd that ··the Mexican situatioll anll THE UNIVERSITY TAILORfraternity system to m�fore have not participateu. And fuc- tIle (Janal tolls problelll bc e:xpla.inccl 1289 East 55th Street.ther-the ncw system is of intcrest to :,y some of our faculty." 'Yhether illen'ry activity, for it i:J tlesigned. t� rt·ply to this or not, (probably not),intC'rest men in ullliergraduate a.ctl\'J- Professor Starr delivered a lecture 011TheOfficial Sludt'Dt Ne\\'�pallL'r or the {jol. Honor:trY Society ot La... SchoolTl'rslty or Chh-n;.:o. Chooses Four Men and ODe Womanat Second. Annual Blect10n thisl'ubllslll'Cl nlOrDll1b�. l'XC"llt SUDda,. andMunday, durin:: the Autumn, Wlntt'r andRIII'IDI: 'ItUlrters. by The Dully llnroou Week.Four JUl'lI tun! OUl' woman weret:lwsl'u members of the Order of theCoif, t hi- nut.ioual houorury fraterllityui Jaw st udeut s, at the uuuual etec;tiuns of t he L' u i \-crsity chapter this\';l'l':'_ Tho students ure all membersof t:'c Senior law cluss, They wereC-h:SL'l1 LL't·;U:;';\' ut' high schulurshipto W. C;uttlqba_H. K. ('orp�B. P. :,\I •• t �e". EdlturAtblt'ti('tl EditorB •• IDt'.. llaDIlgf'rEOle, .. d .. ..cood-d... mll.lI at tb.Cblca... I'o-tomee. ChlcaKo. III.. Karcb U.ltol. glld.-r Act of Karcb I. 1111,.. V�BIPTION K.�TE2t,.u� carrl.r: IZ.50 a )-eMr; 11.00 a �u.rler_8� 111.11: - 11,00 a ,..ar; 11.:1> Ii QUMrtu.lI:411tun.l-llu.IDe.. Office. Eill. ::.,Tel.ptton. IIl000wa), IIOu, Atler 10 p 10_B7�. l'ark "II. s':!lldiJ1�".The Iist of tho:,;e elected fullowszEill'l'll �l. )'la.rkley.Aruoh] R Baar,llurooll !'ress, :;:;11 Cortuge Grove d\"C_Communication. THESE· PARIS GARTERS have been madeespecially for the benefit of Chicago Universitymen; they are new, the idea has never beforebeen carried out for any University.The value is excellent; you get the full worthof your money in Garter quality plus the University colors and design. Price, 25c the pair.Every, pair of PARIS GARTERS ISguaranteed to give you satisfaction.Sold only byA. DICK1302 E. 63rd Street,Near Kimbark Avenue.Regular 35c SDk Hose 25c pair.Crepe Union Suits $1.00Track Shirts 50c.Just Arrived, LONJ)ON, and New Corliss Coon Collarthe .Mexican situation yesterday be-l th Provide more foro an audicnce which was 1l0t abletit'� of all sort8, an, usmaterial for all of them. The import- to cerowd into the largest room int to seholarshin II"rl)eraIU'O of the new :-;ys em' r....is equally great. In fact, it is imllo:o This fact l)roves beyond a doubtt of untler_ that what ·'I)erplexcd Undergr34l" saiclsihle to turn to any aspecI t J'f ·t.hout fin,ling that thegrn.. ua ell', W1- .. t help and a:l-n�w plan pronll:-;es gte.. .I· the workln":si�tan�e. In viow of t liS, e. stu,lent lifeout of the new factor 111 •should bc of great int('T(,:,t to c\'(�ry- I:ational and international rClmtationt _1 t _1 factult\" jndu,le.1.onc-s uuen s anu • is true, i. e., the students of this Uni\ ersity want to be enlightcned on thel,ig (jucstions of the day by the faculty. Our facultics contain men of bothin scientific, litcrary, historical an.1economic ficlcls; thcy contain mcn whoANNUAL MEN LOSE ON TOSS_UP:tre authorities on questjons of inter_Must Provide Pal'aphernaU:l. for Game ultional law, municipal govcrnmcnt,With MarOon Sta1f· political �ience anti problcms of gov-- (-rument. Ccrtainly thcre can he noCap anel Gown l):t.�ehall )'!aY('rs wi!!.;ouht nllout their ahility.811Jl[)ly the hats, hnl):""\ huses ancl oth�rJf thc stndell{!:S want light on thl��)rnr()(lIl-C:lP anclI·H·!-en�,-,J:-.y problems from the fn(�I1I-tics, all,1 the faeulties nrc thoroughly(-apahle of giving it. can not :-onH�It'dl..,II ()r :-ystem he arrnngc.l for Iliff\l:-in� this knowlOllge? A current.(V(,llts ('lub or some sllch or�alli;r.ati(t11Ilrohably would not fill thc �aJl. Chi:c::tgn has hall currcnt events clulls; hutI JII'Y have long sincc clie,1 01lt� Withmcrcl�' student backing, they ha\'e notIwen ablo to sur\'iv� But wont.l IIotan arrangement with thc fnculty hchin.l it !"llcceed? We appeal to TheT!:lily )f:lfoon through its el1itorial"olnmn!' to lena al1vicc anl1 support. to1 h;� mo\"cment. Surely the onlightcn-FiDal &JTan�en� for ,l('('orntinc ment of the stu(lent hOlly is one of theBartlett will be di��l1lt.�(l hy fh(', Tn- prime rcn�ons for the shHlcnt ho.ly·�t-. "1� Hnn deeorntins:r eommltte(' Stu-lent.r." �t· 'D _ _'l tt (']> istcncc. uTaesdny at 1 :30 iD .DtN .. e .ll��sities for tlleGown gamc as a rC!'lllt of a to�S-tll'beM in Ellis l!! yestcr,lny. The hatt1,'will he �tag(',l (.n the field !'otlth of tIn'Phi Kappa Pl'i hou::-;c� ";hcr� m:.ny :1crnel interfraternit.y r,ont('�t ha.s l"'l'nbcl.1. Bon,h' Gorga�, :In(l Hat('hcr.,,-" w'lil.'"ill �omT)o!'e the )faro()11 l,nttc,., .Moritz �nd Lyman will r<'I'Tf'!-cnt tlteCap and Gown. Fritz Kuh h:-.s 1,celladdefl to the :Maroon lin<'-np."Not only wi1l tlJcy fnrni�h th('material for the �a.mc,"sni(l C::1pt�i 1.Mut of the lfaroon ycstel'llny, "nutthey will snpply the ents a.ftpr thel'Itnlgg1e. We will win ea..�i1y." -------------------------_.Our Opening S�le!Begins May 12, 1914We cordially invite the University ladies to our grandopening sale at 863 E. 63rd street, during the next week.Our opening sale price is reduced enoutrh to offer youthe best chance of purchasing. We are the largestJapanese store and the on1y one to have your purchasingsatisfaction in this location. We are located at your walking distance after supper. Instead of going down towncome right down to our store and save your time andmoney. We call your keen attention to our price list$1i.00 SILK HAND-BBAIDBD KDlONO $7.50$12.00 SILK lIAND-BRAlDBD MANDARIN COAT $6.50$5.50 SILX HAND-BBAIDBD HOt1SB .JACKET' $2.75$8.00 SILK CBBPE KDlONO $-l.5O$3.00 OOTTON ORBPE HABD-EMBROmEREDEIKONO $1.75$2.00 OOftON OREPB � BD(ONO $1.00$2.25 Cotton Crepe lIaDd-Embroid.-ed House .Jacket $1.00Nippon Dry Goods Store.863 BA8'r SIXTY -TBmD S'lRF«:T.TBLEPHONB HYDB PARE 970(.last Oppoaite tile Drexel Theater). __ _ .�Standish-a NewARROWCOLLARfor SummerAn ultra smart stylewhich correctly expresses the fashionSfor!t6c�LUETT. PEABODY ctCO .. lKc:. Katen Facile PrincepsNo beftrage can approach-has ever eftD challengedtbe supremacy cf Coca-Cola:. It stan� fi�.. ,!bedrink tbat will rc:fr�h and deuJZht you Wltb Its distlOCtin and ddicious flavor-its wonderful tbirst-quencb-ine quality. _Delicious - Ref're.hingThirst-QuenchingTHE COCA-COLA co� -AtlaDta, Ga.YM Ire :�•• 1.1101 CCIQoCoia8eD1ors Plan ClI.ss Dinnea' ISeniors will 001,1 a. .. In."� ,)inner W ('.1-nc�,lay night at 6. Arter the hanquet'lm('n and women will join rank� :m,lmareb to DeaD ADgell's home, wherethey will give a HCrenatle.Bequest EntrieB f. Adama Prize. Appliccation8 for th., annual }'lor·euee AdamtJ prize eonteet in. arti:JtictJpeaking must be submitted beforenext Wednesday, according to all au'uouneement by Professor Clarke oftilt' Public Speaking department. Allt:\c.'uior college studeuts are eligible.Tiger's Head Initiates 'lUeaday.The Tigc..'r's Head initiation banquet\\ ill be held Tue�lay at 6:JO at thellyde Purk hotel, 51st street aud LakePark uveuue,Must Get �UACt1Pts In.1\ftllllltlcripts of oratioll" for t he -Iulius R(lt4ellw:.Uti contt.'8t U1UKt be leftwith the dean of the Sc..uior college»before llay 18. Semi-flnals will b.'held Muy !!_6.The Brownson club gave its firstdance of the term lust night ill tilt!Reynolds club. A picnic will be heldlate this quarter,CLASSIFIEDADVERTISEMENTS5e per line. No advertisements received for less than 25e. All dasatftecladvertisements must be Da.Id in ad·YaDCe.UNIHmWOOD TYPEWRITER in firstCIMS condifion, for $35. 6 NorthHull, 1_2 or 7·8 p. m.AN EXC:YCI..OPEDIA BRITTANlCA,pubtishod by Werner; hus the newAmerican supplement. Phona Midwuy13'!2.FOR RENT-Three Iarge light rooms,single or as a suite; prices reasonable. 10]5 E. 54th place. PhoneHyde Pnrk 5992.Universal RePair Mfg.Co., 1508 Cableplace. I'hone Mid. 6842. We repair,toves, bicycles, etC. Refinish and upholster furniture. Plastering andchimney cement; carpentering andcllbinet work a specialty. Est. fur·Bished. F. De Geer, Prop..�--The New TariH---makes it possiblefor us to offer youa suit for $30 whichwould have costyou $35 under theold tariff---other . .prices InproportionNicoll the TailorW=tTerrelll .... SODfJClark and Adama IItneta. Cldcap.'SP£CIIiLOne-IIa" PriceSaleo' Copies0' Paris .odelsFor "'ree DarsTHE SIO TRIMMED HATS S5.00lIIe S7 .50 TRIMMED HATS S3'75lIle S5 TRIMMED HATS S2.50Paris Hat ShopBIGIl'fJI FLOOK,_oam AllBBIOAB B11ILDINGB. W. OOI'DII' ... 'aDIl ..... WHEN YOU GO UPm PRICE COMES DOWNThat's the idea of thisNew Men's ShopLow rent cuts the profitto just one-half.Imported English Balmacaans$10 to $20. Manyof them are the new knitted novelties.Bates Street Shirts, Silkand Madras, $1.00 to $4.75.Imported Neckwear,50cand $1.00, worth double.Silk Hose Guaranteedfor Six M on t h s, 25c.They're 50c everywhere.Hirsch \Vick wire and LSystem Clothes.We arc satisfying someof the best dressers in Chicago and will 'soon convince you that we have"Better than usual valuesat better than usual prices."Rogers & May Clothes. Shop1204 Republic Bldg.,209 So. State St.Hotel CumberlandHEW YORKBroadway at 54th Street.Near SOtb Street Subwq StatiOD ....53ni Street Blnated."Broadwa� cars from GnnclCentral Depot.Seveath Aveaae Can from PeanqI·ftIIia Statla&K.P7' BY ... OOLU&. 110B.ADOUAllT.RB 'OB 00""'0. ".NBP.OUL 1lAT.S POll OOLUO. a...JIBTen Minutes' Waik to "I'birtyTbeatresHAiRRY P. STIllSON. MANAGERBEADQUARTBIUJ I'\iB CBlCAOONew. lIodem and FireproofRooms with Bath. t2.so and up.18.BO'l'EL LA SA.l.LEJIa� 1� 1-lth. 15th and 16th.With Spring and SUmm. Style. in Rt"ad7 Jbde GarmentsFurnilldDJtS. Dab and S h o. Lfor Dren or �por1i�:; WearSUBSCRIBE FOR Till-; DAILY MAROON----.--�.- .. ---- .. --------. irl�t.t11 .\l-·····t�ocial A.1la.i�&ttlew.ellt. WU1C., chninD&ll •• 5 ••�ett1�Jllt!llt dance 8llb-c.o.a.irm&lL 2 ••••�e&.tlt!wcut. da.Uc_' com. ehaUm. a ....W w.wngton. prom ehail'm.all •• •• a ..Washwgtou prOlD. cow. chairm. •. 3 ••lllwrcwS hop chairm.an. •.•• • ••• �Interclass hop cow.. chairwau •• •• :�lutcl1jChowtic ehairllULD. •••• •• •• ;Iuterseuolastie com. cehairwan. •• • .. 3'reaw�-VclJlltilllCUui\'ers.ity debating team •••• ; 3 .•Sopbumure dl'batiug teaw •• •• -l ••eresfuuun debatoing tealll •.•• •• a 3Uylllll�tic team •••.•..••••• 3 3 3�'CllC lUI: teu.lll ••••• • • • • • • • • • ..:! :!\\' rc.'stlwJC team •• ,. • • • • • • • • • 2 2 2rlli\'ersity football team .••• 1 .•Uulversity buketball team.. •• 6 r :ljniH"r�ty baseball team .•••.... tiUuiversity track team...... ..: a 3U ui \ ersity track captain •..• •• 5 al,; ui versity �w:iIlUlliDK team. •• 2 2 :!1.'rc..'slullllU foot.ball team .... a ..Freslnuau basketball team •• .. 3 ...Freshman. bll8eball team...... •• .. 5'feuuis .. .. •• •......••••. . -.. 6t:ht.'erieader .• .•. •... •• ••.. 3 .•.• -Houor comm,i,ssion.Presideut ., . . ••. . •• ". • • • •• 4 4 4.\leDlbers .. . _ • _ • � •. • • . • •• a 3 3University Orchestra.-Presideut •..• . .... , ..••.••. 5 5 5Busiuess man.ager •••• • •.•••• 5 5 5Members •. . _ .. ••..... ... . •. 2 2 :!Maroon.:ManngiuJt editor •••.• •.• • • • •• 't 7 1Circulation lD.&I18ger ..••• •.•• 7 3 aBusiness �r ••••• • • • •• 7 7 7Athletic editor •••.•••• t' • •• 5 5 5News editor •••••••••••••••• 7 7 7Associate editors ••••••.•••••• 5 5 5Reporters •• .• •• ••.•••••••• 3 3 aCap and GOWDrManaging editors ..•••••• ,.. 7 7 7Business managers •••••••••• 7 7 6Literary editora •• • •.. • •• •• •• 3 6 ••Associate editors •••• • • • • •• 2 2 1BlaA:kfriars-_o\uthor ..•• •••• • ',. • • • • ... . •• •• 3 ;lianaJtCr ••..•••••••••••••••• 7 7Abbot .••• • •••••••...•••••• 3 3 3Hospitaler .• .•• • •••.••.•• • • e , 3Costumer •• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 5Assistant c06tUIIIM •• 5 DB&N BROWN W!LL PREACHProperty man ••.•.•...•••••• •• 5Publicity IlIAD •••••••••••••• • ••• 2 Dkector S1I8VeD8 to Begin Organ Re_Seore .. -. •••• • ••• '.. •• •• •• •• •• 2 cital ToJlllDll'OW at 10:45.Cast .••••••• ..•• • ••••• ,.. •• •• •• 7Chorus ••. •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• •• 7Chorus master ••• • • • • • • • • • • • 7 Dean Charles Reynolds Brown ofY. M. C. A.,-3 3 3 the Yale Divinity sehool, will preachCommission chairman •. • • • • S d .Literary lIaaazine- the un ay sermon tomorrow at 11 InEditor •••• • •••••• _. •.•• •• •• 1 7 7 MandeL Direetor Stevens will beginBusinese ID&Il.8ger •••••• ,. • •• 6 : : the organ. recital at 10:45. The musi·Associate editors •••••••••••• 4Club&-Dramatic Club-- Organ. Prelude and Fugue in F minorPresident . _• • • • • • ••• • • • • • 7 7 75 5 5 .. .•.. .. .....•.........• .• BachBusiness m�r ••••••••••Winter play east •••••••. 0. •.•• 7 •• Melodie •......•......•..•...• GriegSpring play cast •• •• 2 Andante Cantabile ..•. Tschaikowsky}'all play cast • _ •• ,. ...• •• • . •• 2 •.-President may be in any cut.Fencibles--President ..•. • • . • • • • • • • •• 2,'ico-presiden.t •• •• ..•••••• 2Secretary-treasurer •• •••••• 2Pen ClubPresident .. • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 3 3 3GermaD ClubPresidt."Dt ••.. • • • • • • • • • • •• 2 2 2Cast ..••••••••••••.•••••••• 2 2 2French ClDb-' .I'resident • • • •.• • • • • • •• • • • • • • 2 2. . • •• __ • • • •• _Ca� •••••••••••••••••••• 2 2._ �c�ipd �. 31� hHu� My •••�.�-�-�.����� ••�-�-�-� ••�.�.��-�.�� •.• �.-�������.Glee Club- Soul" •••• •.•• .•...••••. SmartBusiness managel' ••••• • . . • • 7 7 - Il£emben •• • • •• • • • • •• • • •• 3 3. _ Organ Postlude, "Zora'hay()a" SvendsenReynolds Club-President •• ••••.••••••••••• 7 7 ; I. ----��---.Vice·president •• •• •••••••• 3 3:\ Brief Camp.. NewsLibrarian •• •• • •••••••.•••• : : : I. � ...Trea..'n1rcr ., • • .'. • • • •• • •.• • 'DI__ .. _oI_. _.-.... 'or ......... netSecretary ••.••••••••••••• 3 3 3 �- .. _.,...._ .&' �-W� Sncll and Hitchcock are planning aLCa,.nJe- 1 7 ; joint smoker for May 28.President •• _. •• • •.••••••••Vice-president •• •• • ••••••• 5 5:; Lit IIoDtIIl7 BcI1tor:: to lleet.Sceretary .. •• ..' .,. . •• •• •• 2 2 2 Edito- of the Litera"" liontbly willMembers of first eabiaet •.•• " " 4 00 ...Members of seeoDd eabiDet.. 2 2 :! meet Monday at 9 in Ellis 10 to COil·Women's Athletic AssoeiaUoD-<I �ider a ebange in the rules go,-erning'President ..... •• .••• ••• •.•• " "S<'Cretary_tre&8Urer .• •• • ••• 3 3 :\ the election of thc boarll. IM embers of Advistory board 1 1 1l(nna,:er of play .•••••••.••••• 7 ,. Unlventty BalIng Bodies Meet.Memhers of east and chol'Wl.. .. 6 . - Unh-cn.ity ruling hOtliel' meet to'llnyC1ubs- 2 in ](arper' .M28 at the folioing hours:Cbairman of Intero(!lub •••••• •• . -Prr�illent of N�j�hborhood .The faeulty of the colleg� of Art�.Council .• • .••...• 01 •••••••• 7 7 7 Literature antI Scienc-e, 10; the faculPre�iclent of Nei�borhoodcluhs .'. of.. •• •••••••••• " " <I ties of the graduate schools of Art�,PrC8ident and eut of 11__ Literature amI Science, II.quers •. • ••••••..•••••••• 2 2 2Glee club members '.. •••••• 2 2 2T�am8-M embers of basketball __ ••. 3Members of buebal1 � •• •• .• 2l( om bers of hockey team..... 3 .. -lfnnal[crs of teams •• •••••• 1 1 1Soeial AffairsGeneral Chairman of Quadran·I[le fete .Class eha.irmu of fete ••••••NEWLY BBVJ&BD POIlftSYftBII U PUJlI·IBBJID Woodlawn aTnlst& Savings. BankiI� B. 6S4 street. OhlcacoTHE FACULTY �UNIVEB8lTY OF omcAGOWILL FIND IN'rJD8 BANE ALL THEFAOILrrIES OF A DOWN"l'OWH BAlIK.SAVINGS AOCOU�&DelCHEOKING AOCOUNTSAre Welcome and AppreclaW.RESOURCES $2,000, 000.REDMAN2 For 25 Cents.Earl tl WilsonMAKERS OFTroy's Best Prodadcal program follows:Proeessional No. 113, "The Churcbes'One FoundatioD" •.•..•...• We81y; i Hymn No. 40, "1 Sing the Almighty2 2 Power" ..•• '. - .. Tune, "Manoah"Anthe� "The Sun Shall Be No MoreTby Light" ...••••.....• WoodwardOffertory ••••••••.... ' .. :. .. • HarperHymn No. 62, "0, Master Let MeWalk With Thee'" ....... _ .. Smith... 4,•• 2 BegiD Steel Oonstne'lioD Wbrk.Steel construction work on the Gc(,logy buihling 1m8 begun ye�terllay·wben three steel be:uns were c�recl.The fln.t lrtory shoulcl be complete ••by the end of this week, accor(ling tosupervising EDgiDeer Dyer •• _ ...... � __ -2. � ��_:__: --=--. _ ftIB DAILY MARDOB: S&ftBl)AV; 'JUT 9�·1t1"'.:·: ·\"-:.L".·::_ ��.� ... - ........"....,..-.--- ... ----------' --�--�--.- •.. -----. -.,..._-� �� ... ---- ._.-I ... ··· ��!"'.-a,""" _ - _ ,..f '. • " r - ", - ",.. - ",-.. '.'.. ': i:. ," , ...'"_" . 'I.VThis model has proven: to be one of ,thebest styles we have ever' shown, Flannels ofblue '��n'��. -gr�y: and .striped patterns,READY-TO-WEAR $25 & UP- _ (' �.r--'-';�s_ . :SROP'" :,: r 'I <, ' �. I.,,,,'. ( ''"' !O*".'Vie- Sc Heneatiret ,' .. ," ".... ,,� .. " r�,. , .. -...� :._{" o', .,..... : '.�-: Chic"8u. ,11. 1I. 1'. A. KllcCunneU, s, s, 1 1 1 4 1Libonati, 1 f. • • • • • • •• 1 0 oJ: u \}u U:!. 1-- ---- ...... --- 18 • 20 E. .JACKSON BOULEVARD----------------__.,.. . FIBft otrrDooa� �Clt.. '. �I'�:'� �1aiIrr�20DAY A� 1:30 � OHIKBBB TOD&Y':(Cuntwueu frow PUie 1)I' (�ontinued. 11'0111. page 1) team are hiUing at a ::satisfactory rute.auu nreruiug' �25tUuntl will bo devuu-dto r6Wcdying this.Boz Scon."Do I reme�r the stotieS'thatJim Wheeler used to tell ai·colle.-when we all got around in a nng-. and1ifu� .. our ... '-Fatima -cr-are£fes�' -- ,r.- � .--�, 'weli1Sh9uldsilYYESr:R�a! 'And�':-7'�--�do you know I have never founda cigarette, since,- ,tliat-· pleas� meas well as Fatimas-mighty goodsmokes. ',� \\ " -',.It�s j'�' this � or satisrRcti� .tb3t MS made -.Fatimns the biggest selling cigarette in thiscountry! PJain looking package-but inside,twenty of the best. ' , '''''_j: ����(kfl.!!!f(.aGARETrESr.o·-f'·'."'� IndiVidual" 20 jo�15'--tSll Cottage Grol"e A venue. �HICAGCi).Phone Englewood 842.1 iI---IPennsylania Avenue. ..18th and H Streets'To � or a hotd 'W�rebJxuriOQS qunen may' be .e-, ,cured, when: charm and congenial atmosphere frnail, adwhere escclJen� 0 � isparamOunt. tbe Hotel Powhabn .o&ers just such iDcIucaacuts.'..aoa.. 'WIth detadled bathma,. lie obtaiued at Ir.5o., SZ 00aDd � Rooms willa pri .. ��th, �SO, .".00 _ tap. .,0:,* ,_,.....:tt..:::.-=-�, 'Write fot boolrl�t with map.CLIFFORD '... LEWIS.Nana� 0-PROFILE-SUBSCP.IBE FORTHE DAILY JIABOON. Brown,Discus throw-Northw(>tltern: BabLitt, Se�ul-eberger, Ganuoa, Whittle;Ch�l'ugo: Des Jardien, Norgren,Sparu,Brown, ,Huntington.llrood jump-North"'estern: War-U T Xurgrcn, Ib •••• ,' • •• •• OIl:!rit·k,. Schneebergez\ ..aaury, .,ames,Hill; Chicago: Ward, Boyd, Hurwi�, .llunn, c. .• . .•••••••• 0 1 :IOutwilllig. Gruy, l, f •..........•. U 1 UHi-Ih. hammer throw-Northwest. Colc, :!b. •• •• •...•.•• 0 1 0 oj UU Uern: Bubltt, Schneeberger, GOJ1non, Bohueu, 3b .•\\1Iittll'; Chicago: Des Jardicn, Ball, Stuius, c. f. . .•.... -..::;hull, 1'. .. • •..•••..• U 0 1 1 1U U 1 U 0U 0 1 U 0o 1 1 U 0l:e,lruon.O -I N rth te Osb Caviu, c. f.ne mr e run-J. 0 wes rn: ern,Krnft, Traxler, Smith, Ferry, Cunning.ham; (:llicugo: Campbell, Leisure, Col,well, GoodwiJ4 Chapman, Merrill, New-e"}Ulb, Stout, Stegeman, Hart. P.· .. huus, s, s. ..' - .:!:!O'�'artl 11Wlh-NorthwcMtern: Tlmy. .Il·tllick:l, r. f 0l.r, Yan Pelt, Wurrick, Osborn, Horch- ll(lI�-IH·aux.:!h u u----�\\. estern Eh'drit.·!'. 1:. 11. I'. A.E.1 J 1 1 1u 0.• 1 1win; Chieago ; Barane ik, Kuight,\'''arc1. S.·ht'ukt-, e, .. .. '" . .. 0 U)U ;: 0Hoye1, Breathed, Coutehie, Stegeman. Lav in, I. f U 1 U t),l:!O-yurd high hurdles-i-Northwest; Brennen, 1" .. . ....• U It ;, U Uu u o 0U 11 0G:'!gtlry, c. f •••...... UJ.tI\'t·j(l�·, :Ib .. UXdl'lon, I' UBienn.I, ;U.) . . . .. . . . .. Uern: Gannon, .James; Chicago: Ward,Hurwitz, Gutwilfig, 'rholJlul:I,McLauHhlin.QWlrter'milc run-Northwel:ltern: 0;;· u .,J IIU U 0horn, Hotchkin, Huwley ; Chiengu: - - - - --,. 1 �:!-t (; 3Wartl, BoyJ,' Breathed, Coutchie, Me' ..Lnughlirs . Mcrrill, Stegeman.Beekwith. Chicago II tI :! H U It H U :'("";_!!Cor IL\\O ell, Stains. WCl'Ilt.'rll EJ -t r ics II II I) n U 0 0 1 0-1Two milo run-N orthwesterue OIJ' Twu II:I�o hit, l:ic'uull. �:U'rifit:e hits:lfulIlI, Li houut i, St olcu lIasl'�: Libonuti :!, Gray, Cole:!. St rue k out: by�l'I�OIl 6, lIy �buU:!. B:a:;e.·s on balls;tiff Xelson :; ofT �hull 1. Hit by pitch'er : lIy Shull I, I,�- �eL"()1l I.born, Kraft, Traxler, Smith, Ferry,Cunningham; Chicago: Campbell, Col,well, Goodwin, Chapman,8touti Wilson, Teninga •. Newcomb,----,_---,WILL MEET � FOREST TO D::CIDE UNIVEB.SITYClLU£pIG-NSRlPS FRIDAYPractice Meet, is Scheduled for Wed·nOBday-Cbicago Has StrongSquad. TlJi� ml'et wiJl ellit thiM Yl.'ar·s el"entsi:. nil thrl.'e of tilt' ililloor elcpartment8,hut nOllo of the in�trllctors illtentl toA tennis match between Lnke For· �t"t 1:" UII the work of 'thc 11ICII. They('st College anll the Varsity team has iutenel to kc('p tht'ir t·.harg'�lf in cOllllibeen sehe.dtiie..t for' next Wednesday. tion in orell», to h:1\'e a flying startThis. contest was not included in the \\" I.en the KCasoll openK next fall.regular seheclulc,' �ut �aS been a-r. Coach Hoffcr, c�l'c('inlly, will haVe toranged as a. practice meet. Each team work barel, as the hel:lt men of his,will be· composed of "four' men, and t(:all1 win gr3.lluate thili YNlr, and htlthe �\'ents will include' 1\\-0 .doubles will have ollly inexperiencetl men forand four singles mate hes., the C(;nfercnt'c .. ()ntcstl:l ne-xt season.Th� Chicago team. w:ill be pickell . -. - :,,; J Viadiime4 :_ �� r � Tfrom the' following men:, Squair" Mi_ There i!!J ullcalll.'tl·for mail for thet'hae, Coulter, Tolman, I-Iume anti foU01rin� persona ;at the Faculty exehange: A.' N. Altenburn, Al . Barncs,Spark�., , All, o� the �eD., have been G tI B J K B 11 .&.....o. ert�. .-" ,rot t en" .AlJ�:N.n.:!lrowing good form of late, and arl) Bronner. IW'ooaeU S. Brook� B.\ H.('::q.c..(·U>tl to put up a good' mateh, if ,Claz:�o. Helc,q �K�, Dew. ',Fr.a;n�. V. pu: , ' Bois. D. l[. 't:jinosc •• T. Row1andnelnyJ.ake:, Forest shoul<l show any danger- .Chus. E. Kinar. Scalie ,Lewis, P. N.(Jus 01'(lOnents. 'Luek,'ll· Meten� ·S� A. MitchelL 1 Ru'elC. ,NottinJtham. Mrs. "Alfred Oppenheimer. 'If.:· DL i Oppenllebucr. ChilrlottoPalmquois. E. Peterp', -, Parken. B." G.Patriek. Walter Ricncrt� 'J.: S; ,Reid,F.rieh Sehll:artzc, lIr. Sci res. WilliamDill SeoU. Pretlerick, W.' Stoms.. Sallluel G� Wihte'r� S. W.'; }'ishback 3mISadie Hat_?wski. ! � I I r �' I I -j { {_ Oty� DGiCi in JD�, �t'�': :uiichJOeJtl hail) � ;gi\·�I, � �tl8Dc1; �rthe members of the house on l\[ay 23..A. T. O. ADJIoaDce P!edp.AII�a Tau Om� announces therl.e"�ng of Harry H. Herron of Chi·, lIenUleld to � Bi�!e Claas�r�'lrerrifield wiD lead the Y. W. C.� ,A •. ('J��� in Bible study tormorrow at 9.in. ·th(' League lOomS.- r l r .SPRING'STYLES ARE HERE''l'he very _t"� SprIDIJau.,_ captured III the woDdertal eolorlDDof, oar Dew fablta DOW OD dIeIaY. :- - r-. r r- , - (� 0 ( .......: Oneus 80ft Ia toae. ofteD bleDdiJur iutc)' 1inw1III.. PromIie:to _,lte 'VfJQsmart tJds IPI'bUt. . ' " ,. ,. ...l.. : � ,r''1'Ile maD7 DeW 1IIad_. of '�and blues wtll aJao please mea of taste.. PlIable, 110',' ma ... tlaat lad themselves to the correct dose lI.ttiDIetYlft. are 'ID 'ara.t demaDd. ... � -.', .:-.,...."; ....... ,- (.-:(,To:'fuldOD 't!ae'.... ... IttlDg 'clothes ftCl1ltres the atDiost' 11dlL" �� the J'errem. WV. of ,taOOrmc tIl_ Dew .. 'mDU\ ,RJ1a .aoeal, monmoDgl7 'than ft_ to mea who __ to be both tDcU�dtial and smart 'In tJletr dress.;, ,