.lIailyVOL XII. .0. ISL 1DI'IVBII8ftT OF OBIOAGO, ftlUBSDAY, APBIL 30, 1914.'AiSttY LOSE. AGAIN RETAINS FIRST PlACE NAIE COIII11EEIENTOl wmERN ELEtlRICS Alpha Tau Omega Leads in Fra- FOR INTERSCIIOLAmCtemity SchoIanbi;:-Wasbingtoo -and 1....ioc0ln HOuses Pass Greek CoUDCil Ratifies Selection of MenLet C! ;_!_...=:. to Prepare for Annualtel �CI Hi8h School Meet- GIVE ORIGINAL PIA YS FRIAR SIIOW ABOUNDSIN LOCAL COLORINGDramatic Club Will Produce One­ad Pieces by O·Hara, Poagueand Peattie-Will be Quarter·s "The 1Stndent Superior" iaOoJy Activities Marked by Many Referencesto Campua AffairsVisitors Hit Cbicago PitchersHard aad Take Gameby 10-4 ScoreAlpha Tau OJDega again heaels the Original one-set plays by WalterUBONATI HITS TlllELY TRIPLE fraternities in seholanhip with an ElGIITY-FIVE ARE APPOINTED Poague, }'rank O'Hara and Roderick DRESS REHEARSAL IS TONIGHTverage of 2.84 g�e points per man, l'eattic, will be produced by the Dra-Chleago fell again before the prow- C phis, for the Winter quarter. W�h· Committee appointments for the an- matic club Saturday night, May 23, Local color permeato '"The IiIt1ldentells of the Western ElectricB yesterday ngton and Lineoln houses are both nual Iutersebolastfe were annouuced ill the Reynolds club. The skits will Scperior," the 1�14 BlaekfriariJ Mhol'tafternoon by a 10 to 4r score. The higher than the fraternity, the first last night. The members were select- be given at oue performance, the ad.; by LeOIl. Stob and Sam Kaplan,whichWesterners 'took the lead in the fiNt having an average of 3.19 and the see- ed by Chairmnu John Burtt, and rati- mission to be by invitation only. Th. ope� tomorrow; ILiah� ilL KandeLinning and held it throughout. At no cud, 3.15. Phi ,Delta Theta ranks last fled by the Uudergradunta council at plays were written especially for tho Fort Dearborn wUl"eraity, the Beene oftime WWI (.:hicago able to threaten the with an average of 1.42, a C minus it.s meeting last night. Eighty-flve men Dramatic club. he action, ia a tree adaptation of the,-iaitor&. The only retleeming play of arade. will have places on the five general "The Last Laugh," a melodramatic local campus, and the IIOnp and bust,the Varsity was the good batting form The marks for last quarter are con- committees. farce by Poague, will be the first on nesa of the piece are filled with do-c1illplayed.· The team. touched up the siderably higher than those for the The list of appointments follows: he program, O'Hara's play,. "At tails which win have a ltpCCial signifi-opposing pitchers tor eleven hits,land· Autumn, 2.77 being the highest fra- PubUdty Committee. Home-town Gates," a picture of Amer- eaaee for thollO who know Chicagoing on the Westerner's star pitcher, ternity a\'arsee then, and UO, the Verni Blackett, chairman. iean village lifo, will be the aeeond student Iife, In only a few places doYoung Cy Young, when he mounted lowest. The startling changes for the Press 8a.b-,commlttea. number. "Archie O'Connol\" a repre- Chieago names occur, but throughoutthe slab in the sixth inning. better were m�e by Phi Kappa Sig- La ,r G h . &ebtation of life in a Pennsylvania there are reference. � phenomena pe-. wrence ..w.ac regor, e airman;Norgren wu the .tar hItter of tho ma, who elimbed from 12th place to H Id &11_ rot. '''':11' B D nining town, by Peattie, will elose uliar to Chicago.. aro .I.UUtOPya ,.1 lam ryan, un,day, gathering three hits off the op- seeond and by Sigma Chi, who r086 to I Cl k o'n D W'lli ' he performance. The plays of The seenery waa installed in Man-· t' I Others who bid for . .tee th. . ap ar, rVI e roege, 1 an.'o�crue and O'Hara are' noW' being del yesterday. The piece requiresposIng WIr era. ninth from 8IX n Hunter Henrv J Macfarland Budo., ." Jbatting honors were Cavin and LL Th 't 't 'D -J,.. •G'ff d PI -ehearsed in the club theater; Peat- three settings; the prologue in thee averages. .IX on z, ave .w.urray, I or ume,bonati. Lib was put in in the ninth Willi'am Shirley and tie's drama is not yet ready, Differe- wooilland haunla. of the fairy queen,hI Alpha Tau Omega •••••••.•• 2.8-1 Edward Retieker,to hit for Stains, and responded wit •2"'8 J Selle ent casts will present all three. the center of the ;Fort Dearborn cam-he 2. Phi Kappa Sigma •••••••••• .1 ames rs,a rousing triple. The visitors gat r- 2 64 Only Activity of �enD. puss, where m08$ of the aetion takesS Beta Phi •••••••• " • • • • • • .' AdvmiBlDg SUb-eommlttee. ,",1 two three·baggers from Kixmiller, •2.53.. r Staging the three plays will be the place, and the office of Coach Pip4. Delta Upsilon •••.•••••• '. '.. Geoffrey Levineon ehairman; U .. _(Hora and Ready being the hittMS. r.:' , .uAA&AJ snl ublie activit of the Dramatie The setting. were made at the Eugene5. Delta Sigma Phi •••••••••••• 2.0)2 Bogg Charles Borroff Max cornweu.lli y P, Y• ..•1'-.m. D.l4 Well. 6. 2.45" Jub during the SprlDg quarter. An Cox adndlo.• . . Chi Psi •• ,.. •••••••••••.•••• - Franeia DUDn George Eekels Carlton .Con8ltlerlng the sloppIness of the7. Beta Theta Pi •.••••••.••••• 2.I.'l F ster Frane�18 Harris'• Lenus Lnnd «ort WIll be made to have the pro- DreBa Belleuaal is Sedret.wea. ther. and the fact that Page use.d 8 .AI h. Del. ta Ph' 2.39 0 , r •rom reviewed by dramatic crities on Tonight a secret dress rehearsal will. ..• pal. • • • • • • • • • • • berg, Cedrie Merrill, Harolel A. Moore, , . L . .__ JII�_. o� hie subs, � Va��, did �� 9�.,��.fDai--�-.�.�--�--- Ptrbll :'_'IrIJm��n--m:ea ; Cll' f_S!D'_P.VOl'B. '._. .. _� _._ . '... , . 'r'''h�d � ��del, anel th� show will'1'he p.a.ehlmt�·were lit hard,-oiil' the 10. Delta Kappa Epailoa •••...... 2.29 .• IlJ. .' J The three authors are all members '¥' .. gone over' ID. every detai], Tomor_b ked th • ood h .. - ., WeUIIDan and Gale Wdlard. f th Dramat' I b 'af th ill' dteam ac em up m g 8 ape. 11 S· N 2.26 ' e . IC e u . row ternOOD . e men w WIn up• . . . . Igma u. .. . . . • . • • • • • • • . . • Becept;IoD aDd Busbin. Committee. ;Cav·'" who made his mlnal apnASU"_ hi G Del 2.25 th.i.:· rehearlUlla with a 8e88ion wit.h�. • r�' 12. P' amma ta •••••••••• Alfred Eddyehairman' Nelson Nor. WOMBH 'l-O BOLD DlVlHG �anee In the Infield, performed In good . . 2 21 " the orchestra which will play at the· 13. PSI Upsilon ••.••••• •• •• •• •• .gren.. Duane Mann, Paul Des Jardien, .AID) DIS'rAXCB BACBs· ..styl.. 14. Sigma Alpha Epailon •••••••• 2.15. IN' SWbIKDrG OO}ft'Bft _P,erlormanees. FollOWIng the fInal re- ,-- --- Paul Russell, Launston Gray, Stan- h·-- .. l ·th"&' h tr' th-- -... 15 K. Siawn_ 2 11 OE:'IU_ WI lIDe ore ea a, e menB. H. p A. E. . apP& ,,_. ••• •• •• • ••• •• . wood Baumgartner, Joshua Steven- ...... -if . d ..:I!._ �11 din .. 6. 5 30' tho rt_ _.Claieago. • Ie; Delta Taa Delta ••••••.••••.. I.SI '. Fancy ulvlng, 1 e savIng an URI- J'"-- e _ : .1D • vummona .-.Le,KeC 11 0 1 2 2 1 • Stln Kent Tenney FranCIS Ward Hu... •• .ollne..., .... ••••.• 1� Phi Kappa Psi •••••.•••••• 1.75' , , t:1nce raees WIll be among the events Jc.oaVlng ImmedIately far the first cur-Harger, e. f. • ••••••• '. 1 1 4 0 0 • . bert Smith, Laurens Shull, Thomas th w.' 1" �18 Phi Delta Theta •••••••• " . .• 1.42 HI' h F . B at e omen s annua SWImmIngNorgren, Ib •• ••.•••••• 1 3 7 0 1 . 0 hgswort, redrelck urcky. meet Monday at 3:30 in Bartlett. The: BootJ. far the QnacJ�gle fete willGray, r. f. ...•••.••••• 0 0 " 0 0WuhingtoD house •••••••••• 3.19 Board aDd Boom OOmmftte& winner of the most points wiD. be � put up in Hu�hiD80n eourt tomor-Cavin, 3b ••••..•••••• � 11 2 11 0Lincoln house •••••••••••••• 3.15 Franeis Sherwin, chairman; John C. awarded a W. A. A.. pin. The entry �. afternoon. Aa u8lual, the riYabyCole, e. •.•••• ,, • •• • • •• 2 0 Baker, Ralph Davi4 Gale Willard, lists up to date inelude Naney lliller, ��een the eommitteea of the variousKUD e. 0 0 2 0 0 v ABSrrY DC;)WlI8 � Robert Willett, Jas.. Dyrenforth, Har· Gladys Sidway, Myron Butler, Hazel eIuaes is keen. Rnth Agar. generalLeonard, 2b ••..•••••• 0 1 2 0 0 ".IB_ BAlI BASlLY old Gordon, L. S. Harpole, E. A. Ca· Fnrehgott, Edna Kantrovitz, Ruth ehairman of the fete, is confident thaiStai..., L f. • ••• ,... •.•• 1 1 0 0 0Squair an4 lIclfeO 'rake SID&1ea yin, Fred Ridgway, L. W. Bower, R. 't3wan, Dse Spindler and Dorothy with favorable weath�, the enter-Libonati, L f. ••••...• 0 1 0 0 0Matches III � � A. Yoritz, J. G. Agar, Harry Fisher. Llewellyn. prise wiD yield • reeord return to theBhull, . p.. . • • • . . • • . • . • • 10 10 00 30 01 Doublea 'rodoli ai 10:i5. Amomoldle Pande Committee.. WOJIAB A.ftlLJr.rB WILL Lngue.Kixmillel\ p. • . • • • • • • F d C II h' H '''e _._:_ wa.:-.' ._ _ _ _ _ }n.,14 re ro, e auman; enry oW. -WBr1'B UP BALL GAIIB �.&"_ . .--_ lftaDbeIa.Varsity tennis stars opened the ;, .1. H Id T .... r EarlFarlan... 81'0 • .w.oore, e .FOB KAY 19 KapOox· The Friars are eollfid81lt that t ..." 11 27 7 3 &«:ason with a deeisive vietory o�'er White, Arthur Grey, Cedric :Me�, mueie of thia year's produetion willWestern Eleetries. R. H. P • .A. E. the- university of T�xaa team, whleb George Eekels, Norman Harris, Ralph Dorothy Llewellyn. has been added make an' uana'" hit: HI think 'WeJleCannn, L f. •.•.•••• 1 1 0 0 0 i� making a tCMlr of t�e middle West. Gardner, Jack Agar, Robert Hatcher, to the stn.ft' of writers for the W'om· h�ve' a bette': MOre thaa aD.,. nc",BaDb, r f ••••••••••• 0 1 0 0 0 Captain Squair aDd hi. men �tdaared Pasehal Benson, Thomas J. Ryan, Or- en'� c.Ution of the Maroon, Mal" 19. for Bel'era! yeara;" aitt' Kaaapr D __Pedel'8OD, lb.......... 1 1 7 0 0 their opponots aad won euily. rin Wolf, Albert Pic� Mu Sickle. In the �al'a .. ity of athletic editor she denoD yesteraay. -Fliike' aad th.Hora, s. s. • •.• • • • • • • • 1 1 2 2 � The d�bles mateh. was postponed BaDq1Iet, Committee. will write the story of the Maroon- otlier meD have done .oDie eneptioDalFreeh, e. f. '" '0. ••• •• 2 0 " 00 after Chle&go had taken �e tint set, Carl Ullman, ehairman; Silln�y C:1P an,1 Gown game of May 18. The- work, and J' believe that the 'GridironReady, 2b •••••••••••• 3 2 1 1 7-5. On aceouDt of the raIn, the match Sayre, James Tufts, Joseph Geary, next meeting of the staff will be heM Gli,le,' 'That I Kay Live for You.'8ehriDer, 3b •••.•••••• 1 0 2 0 � wiU be eOlDPlet� this mOnUng at Frank T. Moran, Harry Beardsley. ITum,day at 10:15 in Ellis 12. 'Pip,' "Biight COllege. Yean,' �ndGosb e � � 1: : 0 10:45. The Vannt,. meets the Faeul· EnWtaUuDent (!ommit;tee. FBBSBJIBK' WILL BUY eome .of t�e othf''''' "iii lut' as long ..&amVaD, p.0 0 0 1 0 ty team a week from today. John lIenderson, chairman: Jlaro)tl PIPB8; AlIBOUIICB '1'BA a..,.. bits of previoa. performan�68:'Nel8oll, p. ••.••••• ••.•• Summuit!l8: Squair, Chieago, de- T. Moore, Dan Brown, Donald Craw- AlQ) llO'OBIIA!. DA'rBS '.. . .'Young, p ••••••. ' •••••• 0 2 0 0 1 feated Staee)1, Texas, 6-1, 7-5. foret, Freclcrick Griffiths, Gifford Da .. B. DORa OF BU8B- - - - - Me Neil, Claieago, defeated Broad, Plume. I'reshmen . "otcd to pu�hUe their IdIDIOAL PAOUL'fY. IJ.'O10 927 6 2 Texas 6-3 6-.t l!i17 pipes in the Spring quarter at " "ALE Olf BAal'DIOLOCJTCh' 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1- " ' .' . ItePoR on Song Book.leago ••....• Squalr and '''Iehael ..:Ieleat-..:I Bro"·1 ela.",s meeting yesterday in Kent. Rich·.- •• "'. - JollD Greene prcsented a rcport of Dr. E. E. Tron!t, aMi�tant professorWestern } 0 0 3 1 2 3 0 0-10 I Sta .t'" 5 . ar,l Ruh and }'rank &-hlabaek were .T-o 1..--- hi.-: Gaska.. Three base anI cey ODe se, 1- • tho BOng book eonmuttec at the mcct- at Rn�h Mech .. al college will epeak... IHW9t'l -• • • • f appointe,l on tho pipe �ommittee. Af· ...'hits: Cavin, LiboDatt Bora, Rcady. WO:IIBH JB PABADB I'OB lng last mght. shOWing r<'Cclpts 0" I tflday at 5 In PhYl'JOlogy 25 OD ·'Th.• . h b 6 X' EQUAL BUJ'J'BAGB JIO $703.65, anel expenelitures of $<198.60. tf'r n Ch8C'U�IOn of planll for the ela88 Relation of Baeteri. to (,"linieal ldcd_Jnnn'� pltc ed, Y Shull ,by IX· LD•. _ ,hooth at the Qua,lrangle fete, four I' . D , hmiller 3, by Sullivan 2, by Nelson 3, I'IBft KABO'DlIhJ DBJLL WIth a profit of $105.05. About ,10. I'-Int'." r. ron" all worked with, h b _lI' t f E' ht .Iollars "'crc r:LJscet by a eolleetion. Dr F k B'II' . h .-:. 1by YODDg 4. StReit out: by Shull 1, �Opl(�S :1"e een .. I�posee o. Ig �y ". I • ran I In,rs In t e I.IC d of theW • th Ch' al f' . h 1 fir . L I H'!u.lcnt Tcmpleton announ('c,t a b t • 1 'f' t ti dz----by KixmiDer 2, by Nelson 3, by omen In e leago equ so . eoplcs remaan on an" ty of whlCu. ae erlo ogy 0 In ee ooll �frage parade wiD hold their f' 1 b b" d . "':1"8 informal tomorrow at 4 iD the JJ' II 'It ! hi 11YonDg 5. Bases on balls: o� Young I""t :Ire eO"cret y su St!nptlon eposttll R ' II I b and a tea .or -omeD' e '" we• Down or. 8 reaeaz:e •h' d'U od 4 ��. Lc �_. ...� no I 8 .. tI , .1' ....2, o� KixmiUer I, off Ne)soD 1. mare Ing n t ay at :� In x alrea..., paid. They ba,'c heen put I.lh lalong the lines of method. of di�-. gt . d Ii . next Thul�ay at 3 in tbe League' . ".In on gymllUlu�. an Inal praetlee 8n!e at the Prcss. I n_if' ADd treataeut of eontagioutlJIepaIr ........ or VIebd�. tomorrow at 10:15. A large Dumber The eouneil is ('on"iflcring the pos. room." �roubles.All streets sarroaudiDg the eampus of woman haVe volunteered .. mareh· rihiJity of an upperclass councillor &117 WOlD.. Plan PanIa"ill be repaired duriDg the Dat week erB" aecordiDg to Kiss Dudley, who Isy�tem. Members of the faeulty havc Rt'lly womt'n will hold week eDd i l( .. n in"':.be� .:.-� �M nart,..by• t1t� South Park Improvement 811- Bp.)ke at a .... rap ..... meetiDg y�!er.dOI'8ed tho plan. Beta Ep1'ilon will, partirs Satnr,lay, May 9 and 16 at I"-U! vi"!t tle· nu.o.. ... .m.. _".-iatioL ,_ . . . . lterda7. .. . . aKRill, in the work. I Palo. Park. JthJf tnp Saturday. ney will I_voI at 8:30 Ira. Cola1'BB DAILY KtUtOOl-l THUltSDAY, APRIL 30, 1914.,Tile Daily MarooD Bulletinotilclal Student Ne\\"t;p8lWr of tbe Vol. i:i:-======:;::===T=-===�======:i:=::�Teralty of Chh·aa:o.I'ubllsbed morolulo."8. t'Xt't'l,t Sunday andMonda7. during the Autumn •. Winter and8priOC quarters. lIy 'nil' Dally Maroon• t&Jf.----------------------------�..,w. EdllorAtblf'tlt'tl Edit..,B."lo... MaoaKt'raCBilC&1rTIUN KA.Tt:2l.87 carrier: 12.'0 a )'ear: 11.00 a QUart.,r.B7 aall: , ... 0 a ,ear: 'l,� a �u .. rt .. r.&4ltorlal-Bllaloeu Offlc.. ..:.111. • •.Telepboae Mld.a, '00, After 10 p m.1174. Parll ••••.tb Interfraternity cuuue il is i utcrcst­ini for several reusous. 111 t he firstplace, the new system is the result of3.8it&tion On the· part of .stu-lcuts. 'fIleOUR DBBPa TBoUBLE.�r. Taft's critci:im of college stu­dents. p�obably hits th.e mark closelyin 'many institutioDS; but it hardlydoes 80., if· considered as a criticism of.tnuents at the Unh'ersity of Chicago.Slouchiness, lack of disciplino, etc., do'DOt cause much trouble hcrc. Theblaae high school tough \\'110 comcs for 'l'ODAY.Diviuity sehooj chapel. 10:15, H:l;.:kcll asselllly room.Y. W. C. L .• 10:15, Lexington 14.. Irolls Iec turc, 5. Physiology 25 .iU.\101WOW.Frcsllmall dance, 4. ReynOlds club.E'ladtirius piny. • The S�udcnt ..:,Jl'.Jlic.r and Ecnicr '.\)ll!cn HOPeCl'C�.; E .. ts.Seuiur nu-l .Iuuior t:011 egl' WOIII(,!'Thnt the result of n college cducu­titln sholll,l be the de\'l'lopment of anaa�), ant} 1I0t a working knowledge u1':mtlject,; t:II��n in schuol, w:ts the tlec­l:t!'utiou of Dr. IIellclerson at Seni(}l'collego chal.cl _ yestercl:ty. "Thc col­lege grauuate should abo possess COlIT'nge," . said Professor IIenllersoll."From his trials ancl success in col·l('ge bc sboulu not fear to cnter theficltl of "lite in any aspect."WHITING CLASSHEADSIs Chosen to Captain. SOPhomore Play _ers; P�n Tea. SUnday.}-'ranl{ "'hiting was llickeu as C:ll't�in of the Sophomore bascb:ill tcan:ana Virginia Titus was choscn chc,�rleader at a class meeting yesterday inKcnt theater. The Sophomorcs voteeltil challenge the Senior tcam.Aftcr a. clisctlssion of plans for thebooth at the Quadrangle fete, a spe·cial conce'tion for clecorations and fur­nishin�s raisctl five dollars. The worn·(·n on the fete committee met ycster·l1ay afternoon to make final arrnnge­ments for the booth.Both mcn ancI women win be guestsat a tca Sunday at 3:30 in tlle Del!:lrIlsilQn house, 5400 Ellis avenue.Lewis Fuiks will p�ay the hits of tilt'·'�tuutmt Superior," and other song��nlHl Paul Ru��cll will sing. Women willgj,·c other stunts.PR.OFESSOR SHAW TOSPEAK AT MEE'l'ING OFCBEMIs'l'RY SOCl'STY"college life," tho loafer here for ad· d h crn will discu!'ls "llonaqllcous Sohl-� tlmc, an t c like aro (Illicldvweeded out· our d : ,ti.ms�· in an aclclre!'ls before the Kent, cans are eXI,crt IIIt ;:]5 intLat part of thcir horticulture The Chemical �odet�· toni�ht a..K t H Tho achlre!'ls will follow adeeper trouble hcre i� the failure en . .dinncr at 6 in Hutchinson (·afe. Prel'li,of tho college studcnts who 110 sur-fjf'nt. ]�"mun{l numphrey of the socie·'\'ive, to groW' and t1cvc)O!, a:i th('yshoulu. They )ca\-e herc with a ue ty, 1m!'! announced that the ch{'mi!'ltr�'t(,llni� tournament will begin llay Ii,PrClf(!�sor J. J. Shaw of Northwcst-grco of polish, they havc done a lotand tha.t, the annnal ainn('r of the so'of work-but thcy havc misscd thef'iety will hc heM lray 21 at the 110-big vital thing thcy should havc got-Tb �cl Winclemerc.tcn. cl have placc,l thcmsclvcs JIl-<1 ---the world; they have not got thc "in- Fisher Workers P!edge $1,550.ternal urge" that prompts mcn and Fiftf'cn hunclrecl anel fifty elo]l:1�women to aeeomplish big thitlgs; they W�IS plc{lgcfl yestertlny hy the Foreignhave acquired superfieial mental nbil_ Promotion committee of the Y. :\1. t�.it", but that is all. Perhaps thc {Jcnns A. The worlwrs prc{lictell an cntlyare t� busy weeding out the tares to �lose to their campaign for $2,000 topnt mneh attention On improving the Rupport Galen Fishcr ns a mi8.�jonary�"t. in Japan. l\AI·L.\� STULlConcept ious of a universrty profvs­-ur :IS :I l'e,l:lgoguc were dl:lractc�ize'la .. utterly wrong by Professor .J. .I.1"il!c1l:l,r· of the university of �I:ln-l«lu-stur, ill a Iecture before the 1-:.111-cut.ion club last night ill B('lfi('1c1. llc' feondemned the stu-lent who is :t .... us;tomed to getting low gracl('s h{'c'all�"(If "poor instructors.""A universrty professor cannot he�xp(,l'h'cl to know anything about pecLa:!o�y;' said Mr. F'indlny, "He is SIIP­posed to he n research man, ancl l':III'1I0t be taught the science of tenehinz.The stuelent who cannot get alon�with a bacl professor has no businc'!':-;il. any colll'gc." A college man isfonder of his sweaterthan of any othergar­mente This is whyyou should wear a"B r a d 1 ey." It'sworthy of your re­gard. It's. a friendthat will stand by youal1 during your col­Jege co u r s e. It'smade of the "stuff'that will never goback on· you-thatwill stand all youcan give it and neverlose its s hap e ornewness.]1cre� we illustrate tbe Braclley .Jumbo-a Iti;.:hea'".)· 'wci;.:ht, macle of hig. warm Y:ltn. It is :I filll'_luo)dug garnlCnt--Iooks· its warmth and COlli fort .Cnlll'J,:e men e\'crywbere pronouncc it a corkill:.! style.Jf "our uealer cannot supply you, we will SClidthe n;llles of dealcrs who willBradley Knittine ComJianyDBLA VAN, WIS.ESTA8USHED 1818.. w. C.&U •• lla.B. 8. 0 ..............---------------------&atered ... .ec-onc1·('I ••• -m.1l •• th. perter,' 8:15. M.lllQ.C:.ca.sca.o p .. tomc�. Cblcaco. Ill .• iIIareb'lI,__ . _ .. _u.a. aDd ... Act of Marcb I. 1111. TEAMS l"L\' Y PLA Y G.A� TODiMaroon l'ress. :':,11 e.:olta;;� GI'O\'C .\n·. 1.:1 .... (.1,:111 t eu.ns will hol,l :I I'l'ad i.:InJl;tl'�t t o-luy, j,: tllc wcut hcr 1".·l'llIi:RUSHING RULES. '•rules ',�' Xli ',.!:ltlll.'S hn ve oeell l'hl�'e,l this wee'.The passage of tb� tu:>ilillg "uvWillg' to thc rui u. Filial squads willPRCFESSORS HAVE OW N' FIELDhe l'id,.!d the 1ir!'t part uf uex t wed ..Tt'll!ati,'c Iiueups :I1'e as follows:�fnst Be Research .Men. Not Peda_::;c!lliors: �Iartlalld, }'.; Leudermuu,gogues, Says Findlay.l" 1 lewelly n, 10.' Beall, :!b.; Uig:,! .... ,eriginal Impetus came from students, .• •. • ,•;;L; Ithodes, l'�.: l'1\·iITcr, r. f.; �) ie k ,and the faculty has brought 110 pres·c, r., lIufl.'hkiss, '1. 1'; Shnrnbnugh.sure to bear. 111 frawing the rules,�\\,:lwitt· .• Kit ch, subst.itutes.eonsiderabla warmth wus shown by ad-.Iu n iors ; Bro!'sl'it, )I.; \\':1 It er, C',:vceates of different systems; but th ... -.:\1:It't'lil,tucl" ]11; B:tXOIl, :!b.; Alll'::�system 8::1 it stands is tho result of:;J.; i-:lIlkl', ss,; RCgl'llt, r. f.; SutdiITljcareful, sincere work, actuated on thec. f; 'API"'I, 1. f.; Dodge, Adams, Brn-Lwhole by a desire to do the best thingley, Cl1llius, Ruckclshuuseu, subst i;for all concerned. Whether the rulesbe good or bad, is illlmaterial in this tutcs,+. _eonneefiou; much has been gained, by SAYS i'4...1\NL!NESS, NOTthe fact that We have a. spirit among KNOW'LEDGE. IS GOALthe chapters on the campus w hie h OF COLLEGE EDUCATIONlI'ill allow such co-operation. Then(,,::I:t inte�esting point ahout the rulcSiis the question whether this !'Ipirit,which has succeeded in producing thesystem, will be strong cnough to ell­force it? 'VjU the system stand thestresses and storms of next autumn?if it does Dot, it will be for one oftwo reasons; one, the sy.stem is notthe right one--iD that case, there neeube no oceasion for - gloom i because thes�e spirit .hieb created this systelllwill be perfectly competent to im_pro\"e into a workable schcme; or itwill be because the spirit of co.oper­ation among fraternities is strongeDough to get a system of rushing onpaper, but is DOt strong enough to Cll­foree it. In that case, there will because for genuine despair. Howevcr,DO amount of speculation can give theright answer to ,the problem of whatwill occur next autumn; thcre is noth­ing to uo but wait and see. And byway of reminder-the passage of therushing rulcs clears out of the wayODe of the ,big unfinishcu tasks whichare still to be done in ordcr to rounclout the achie\'emen!s of the ycar; thcother still remains. What of thc Stu.dent Councillor syste!U?�Btf.��15�M!l1I1I14�'�511bIlDl"""""""""�III4ijiIl�.IITII .......... II .... �The New TariH---, .makes it . possiblefor us to offer youa suit for $30 whichwould have costyou $35 under theold tariff- .. -other prices InproportionNicoll the Tailorw= JtJrremst.SonsClark anel Adams Streets, Chicago.Our RePJ"e8etaUn, lIB. WALKER, will be at theDorm, LA SALLEKaT 13� I-1tb. 15th and 16th.Witb Spring and SUmm.. Styles in Ready Made Garmentsfor Dress or Sporting WearFurnishln� Rats and S hoe SoCN/t:'At;D,fWRIGLEyseItiZe·WIi! .PEPSIN GlJM t�w-._ im�Standish-a NewARROWCOLLARfor SummerAn ultra smart stylewhich correctly ex­presses the fashion·for��LUKTT. PltABOJ)Y .CO� -. MallenftDI DAU.Y .A1IMJI. If.U_IDA:!', Aft!!,.:JO, 1914.SPRING STYLES ARE HEREThe very spirit of Spdq haa beea capt1lrecl 1D the wOD4ertal colorinDof our new fabrics now on dJ8pJa.y.Greens soft in tone. often blendJ.nJl into bn'WDJI. promlae to be ver,smart this sprinJr.The many new shades of ,"e,.s and blues will al.o please men ot taste.Plfable, soft materials t.hat leDd themselves to the correct close fitting&t:yles. are in poeat demand.To fashion the new snug 4tt1Da cloth .. reqUires the utmost skilLSo the Jerrems wa,. ot taOortna these D.... IIID&I't st:y1es appeal morestrongly thaD ever to men who seek to be both tDd1vidual and smartID their dress.CLASSIFIEDADVERTISEIUlVTS BOOK NEWS.,lvrrtiDt:I., ;..&.t.a young brotherKaren Bomenu.n. L,.Dacaud If 00 • .uHter, and awust be paid iD ad·T,,'o JIJayil bJ JJjahliur Bergstrem, ",jth desigu on every servaut girl.TrunBJut�d frolJ". the Dun ish ","ith au '1'Lere' iB a married brother who ilt'\"A:\'1'Ef)-LII('r�l'.ie student wlw latroduction bJ' .t;clwurcl Borkmau, iHthering one child aCter the other,CO:UI think (Utlt nllcl talk. Au °P' Kareu Boraea.uu will undoubtedly ulthough he h�uj eoustautly to apply to1'.l'tlll;it�' to utitiz» �'OUI' sparo time. b� cluiWf!cl bJ :l. mili.ullt wiug of the t.i:: parents (or fillalll'ial ua.l ill the ell'A 111'1." tll't \\"I'C'1I S and !) (It'lock "'riclu�' advnueed "'"01:&('11 f"r tJll'ir ,'('ry OWII. h'rJ,l"ise nil iU!�:.U1e sister, whoMe eoudl­ill!ll �':!f1:III��:o 1I11.II.i!!:!. }o'('d .. -rul �i:!11 'ro them lUI';',O llr. r�.·::"gt-'r()lll sl ... &111 t ion �s t l.e result of uu :till·ujJt-'y sever-S.pct('m ·...il'dl it·: Lake uud Des dcubtedly represents au i,ll'al·· - � cd eugu�elUent. aud, by way of COill'I::iJ es. strong woman with the ('Clurng(' tv 'i,'.� t rnst, three subdued nieuibers, a broth,her life naturaJly. in a \\ orld of dun er who is a tutor, a �j:!tcr who i" uy ... e.We invite you to see the D'Utd1aplay of the correct D ....Spring materials at aDJ' of ourthree stores.rAILOR· FOB VOUNO MBJI'l'BREE STORES: 7 N. La Salle 8t. 25 E Jackson Blvd.LOS'r--A I,ir or gl:u,Il'It'!(. nt Lexiug-. gereus conventions. h·:tdll",·. and another who i:! a nurse.ton, Al,ril :!;. F'iuder please returnWe migLt agree "'Ith tl.ew were she Even the mother, who knows of audt.) IuCormntiou otrice, Cobb hall .._ Ii con"inciug Agute, lJut she IJrenKs eeuutenauees Kareu's eureer, becauseLOST--A gold cuff link at the corner down Ilt too mauy 1'0juts to seew more she feels it to be t! better solution ofof Greenwood and 58th St. Beturu tLall a rhetorical 1'ro1'aganda Instead the Inevitable ditl"iculties than the pw_to building, shauty north of 558th St. or a hUDJan being. lu the first place, 1"c"'Hor'B repressive measures as exem­W. C. Caldwel], care Halabird and she is completely devoid of any eun., vlified In ber Insane J21ugbtor, is uuRoche, ArclltH. and Geography bldg. seicusuess of the feelings of others. real, because of ber very liberalism., . Duriug; the period of her Arst 10\'0, she TLat Blakes of her a splendidly IutelSTUJ)El"\T�Make $6 per day durlllg lived in her parents' hOUBe without a Ieetual figure, but a wonderfully 1'oorvaeatlon, Pleasant work. Introdue- single qualm. of regret for deceiving wife and mother, Ati n wifc tlhc oughting Searle's Concentrated, Non·alcho, thew. In her one chance to sbow nel'er to bave toleratctl }lor llu!iban,l'tIholie Fla,'ors nntI Perfumes in Tube:!. through action that lill'ing..has given methods, if "he felt them to bo asSa ,'es 80% on Alcoholic Extract.". ht'r understaDding-a· scene that pre- dangerons as she says, and ns n moth·Tnking country by storm. Write quick sents with her young sister who is fes- er she copld never bave boen whollyly for territory. General Sales Com· tering with 8entamentalism-she do� fref' from the emotionlll conservatism:pany, Dt'pt. "C." Anderson, Ind. not help the younger girl iD the least, of motherhood. Only the father, hclp·but mennders about "purity" iJlBteaU, )(>88 before the ruin arQ1!lDd him, andSBVBBAL - Opportunities for stu- ill all entirely futile, unnatural lasb' cUpglpj' dOBgetl}lr to tJleQlogical truth,dents to earn $10 to $20 a week iOD. Finally she is utterly unable, cleo because het ill utterlr incapable of comfor a few hours work each day after spite the consciousne88 of her OWQ prehending any other, is a really pa.reeitations. Tbe work will continue neecl-to forgive, even intelleetually, tbetlc and patpral figure.through the vacntion, when all day her artist'lover for unfaithfulness. Much more might be said of tJle "ar·__ iIl be devoted, and the remuneration. But Karen and her problem is onll gument' of l{arcp :aorp�I1u�n. In gcn]Sot ahouse·to_house canvass of usc-a small portion of the meat of Mr, erol, it attempts to solve too manyless soap, etc.. No outlay o� advanr.t! Bergstrom's drama. He raises the problemfl, either for adequate treat­of money reqUired at. any time. Drop question of family cliseipline also and Ulent of any, or for proper artistica postal card to "Dusting Thru," 81&gives one to uncleratand that th: rep- emphasis. But there remains to be saidFulton street. resaive measures dictated by the Cal- a word ot technique. Not only doesUniversal RePair IIfg.Oo .. 1608 Oable "'wstic theology of old Kristen Bord· thl' play diseuss its Plany problems ioplace. Phone Mid. 6842. We repair man, the father, are the cause_ o� his �e�gthy, . ullPatural dit\_actlc - .speeches,,tOves, bicycles, etc. Rctinish and up- fnmily's emotional eruptiveness. In the practically without action. Not onlyholster fnrniture. PlasteriDg and first ac •• intended to show that uu· is i� hltrodueed by the old and cum­�himney cement; carpenteriDg and healthy family interior, he displaY8 an bersome dCtvice of voluble, chair-dust­ea.:.binet work a specialty. Est. fur- unusually kindly family group as such ing servants; not only is it carried onnished. F. De Geer, Prop. go, with certainly not more than the by the equally cumbersome device of ausual professorial, or even pareDtalob_ family diseu8810n of the morning mail;liviousness to the children'. Deed for bnt also the entire structure is reare.lindividual e�res8ion. Yen familie:s 0:1 a foundation of coincidenee thatwhere the taboo is much greater do th" audience can ne"er subscribe to.on Lake Michigamme, in the beauti·ful wooded country of the Upper Pe- not erupt like the lSorneman's. As tor Lynggaard &; Co., it is a la-Ilinsula of MichigaD, at Th t th' th t tho f il' bor plav, which, like most of them,OAJ[P KBOB-U-WA e ru IS a 18 am 1lsemo· ."8euou. .Joq 8 to ADgust 19, 1916. tionnlly unsound and disintegrated to fails to cateh the real spirit of mobREAL CAMP LIFE; SWIMMING, b('gin with. If Bergstrom reeogni:es psyehology. It is furthermore 80 muchcanoeing', nature studY) dancing, teD- this and wishes to make it so, he must cruder iQ ita business issues thaD theDis, basketball, baseball. hockey. etc.; to . h _. d American play .. whieh patter of highfishinK, hikes, sketehinJe. and basket- rnls a �ore convIncIng an eugen- -.weavinJr. All under expert instruction. irnl explaDation thaD his first act. The fiJianee, that it fails to convince �s.('areful supervision. aDd congenial re- sodal burden of restraint under whieb ,As interesting manifestntions ofjnvenatin2 surronndiDgs. we all labor is iDadequate by itself to modern drama, we areept these play�Tutoring (if desired) in English,Latin, French. German. account for the Borneman pathology. As the dramatic monumcnts which theFaculty and COUDcillol'll from Uni. That includ.. a rogue·s gallery or tn:nslater, Edwin Bjorkman, nold!!versity of {'''hicago, Missouri, Kansas freaks. There is the emotional young thl'm to be-nc,'er!and WisconsiD, Vasaar College aDdSwcdish Gymnastic School, Stockholm.For Illustrated Catalogue andmap, address Secretary, 2H N.Sprin2 St., IndependeDce, Yo..,. 71 E Monroe 8t.._-----------------------_.Hotel CumberlandNEW YORKBruadway at 54th Street.Near 50tb Street Subway StatioD aDd53rd Street Elevated."Broadway" cars from GrandCentral Depot.Seventh AVellue Cars from Peonql­vania StadOD.KEPT BY A COLUa. 'IIANB.ADQUARTIIBB 'OB cOLL.all JI.N IBP.arAL RAT.S FOB COLua. 2'.�BTen Minutes' Waik to Thirty TheatresHA.RRY P. STIMSON, MANAGER IHEADQUA.RTERS �a CHICAGONew, Modem and FireproofRooms with Bath, $a.SO and up..---------�---.----------.,,_,...-.--­-.�An Ideal Summer.Ootina For Girls10=THE ,s _II WlaatCoDereEditon TlUakIl= .. - .--Com Exch.... National Bank.. ....... FaD TwoOaacei...Ethel B. FeiDeman (U. of C.)S653 Drexel aveDue. Chicago.REDMAN2 For 25 Cents. Fra'enll,. .Jewell'7fAoalll.r GnnclllCft""'"' "n.,.eIllH �HICAGG.·E."'HcI !i'lalloul'7W�cll.W 1 ..... 110 ••eam.W cu..BROCHONENGRAVING COfVIP� NYEarl" WilsonMAKERS OFTn,'. Best ProtI.ct B. G. TURN t:RPraident....................... 1I •• aDen BaD ....for Those Who Appreciate a Good Smoke. AmUJeDleata.WHEN YOU GO UPm PRICE COMES DOWNThat's the idea of thisNew Men's ShopLow rent cuts the profitto just one-half.Imported English Bal-o!II macaans$10to$20. Manyf of them are the new knit-tit '1 ,. ted novel ties. .-,� Bates Street Shirts, Silk() J(�7 and Madras,$1.00 to $4.75.� Of! Imported N ec�wear,50c5 _ � and $1.00, worth 'double./ Silk Hose Guaranteedfor Six �I on ths, 25c.They're SOc everywhere.Hirsch vVickwire and LSystem Clothes.\" e are satisfying someof the best dressers in Chi­c!lgo and will soon con­nnce you that we have"Better than usual valuesat better than usual prices."Rogers & May Clothes Shop1204 Republic Bldg.,209 So. State St.81JB8OBIBB FOB 'rUE DMl.Y MAROO)J ������Take Almost Hundred Men on '.1'hJ.rty Attend Leape Tea. GARRICKAnnual Trip--F orty-two Elected 'rbirty WOOlen attended the tea 01the fir::st and tJecond Y. W. C. L. eabi JrlADAM3 MOSELLEto Phi Beta Kappa At Wiscomin nr-ts yesterday. Mnl. George Lyndon, a Musica.l Play WithU new nll'm!Jer of the Ad\'itJory board, J'�1!'erson De Angelis, William Pruette(B\" Iutereolleuiute Press] . Good he: I (JU reo�; and MarIe enoug sang Diane DtAubrey. Jack Henderson.�L\.Dl�O:'\. Witl .• Avril :!!I.-With a sevvrnl numbers, Aftur the tea therecord 01 threc successt ul lIL'rivrUl- l..ahiJll'ts held their firl:!t joint meetingum-es t he Han'!'fuot troupe will Ieuve . h t' of t e quar ere(.'::rly tomorrow moruiug for their au-nuul trip. "(_jYI'sy Suzauue' will beGeo. M. Cohan's M) stery Farce1,II'Sl'Utl'l! iu Rockford, Huc iue, Osh- . I' I t f tl Div initv bas ..Cal,l II a es or 1C lnn!;) u....,· "SEVEN KEYS 'ru BALDPATB"I kush nu.I .ll ilwuukee the ac turs return; l-ull tvam have been asked to meet to- I .. At;('aJ.S, '1'HUJLl.�, �ll·;LODRA.MA.ill� to _\l:ldis(lfl �ulI.I:IY. Two 1'l'eci:t1 day at 10:15. ill the purlor of Divinityt'o:ldu's a ud a h:l�g:lgt' 1.':1 r will eu I't�. 'hall.tl (' sixt� -liH' men 011 the trip . .A spe __I d:d studr-ut orvhest ru of cight pieces . Eo:} Pictures of Women's Teams.I will :lcl:oul�,aIlY the I::tl't�·, ill additiull I'idull's of this year's women's bas'0 tilL' ('Iltlre lIlaua;':lIl:,! st:tff uud the ket l.ul! teams have been placed 011.r rvw of I'I"Ofl'ssillU:II e1l'\:tri"ialls n ud sal._! at the g�'IlIll�iuD1 ollil'c in Lex­l'r"pl·I't.�· IIIl'lI. The it illl·l':tI·.'" .·O\·CI',. jJl�toc.,\·,'r 4iOO mi les, :llld the (�XPCIlSCS willHARESFOOT MAKES TOUR:1111 011 lit to uver $;;.1100. Brief Campas News---------�---COHAN'S GRUDAnother Cohan at Harris Triumph.ILLINOISJ 0 H N DREWDivinity Ball �;vera :Meet.Sing National lIymns Sa.turd:Ly. III a DOUble Bill':!. II:.:: TY llANNY OF TEARSTilE WILL:\illl.' juniors :lilt I t.lri r t�··thrl'c SCIl- Xat iouul . hymns of ,tift'crcut eouuiors, hnve veeu clect e.l to Phi Beta tries will be tlUlIg at the Cosmopolitur. pOVV ERSl�:al'P:I. This Jist (�"lIIl'ares favorahly dill. lIIet,tilig Suturrlay night at ;:31.!with t he seven juniors :'11.1 t wvu ty ill the clu!J room, Ellis IS. WilliulIl Henry Miller Presents a New Com�!Iilll.' seniors who rCCl'i\'l'tl the houcr \\'l'iscr is chairman of thc euter tni n,last �·(�ar. Thut the men ill the univer- mc::.t.Neighborhood Clubs to Elect.Two hundred and fifty couples at X('igbborhootl. clubs will elect a gentended the annual military ball of the erul head tomorrow. The two cnndi­university corps of cadets Saturday elates aro Grace Hotchkiss and }O;l�it"night. The affair was opened and JohnK. Voting will take plat·c in theclosed with solemn ceremonies of camp. dub rooms in Lexington any t irneGovernor McGovern and officers of the before 3:30.troop o('cupied boxes..Booker T. Washington spoke on ··Ne. Divinity Student8 to Entataln.gt·ocs in the South" at the Congrega- The od'·campus Divinity studenbti(\nnl church last night. He stated will gh'e a reception to the campu::!that the attitude of the whites in the men and their friends Thursday night,South is becoming more tolerant, and May 7, at 7:3Q, in Haskell 17. Thisthat lynching is decreasing. gathering is held under the auspiceso! t.he Divinity students' association.lfr .• Tohn ::Maxwell Crowe, instructorin English at the University higlt Ticket� entitling holder to 50c re-8(:hool, 'Was the speaker at the college duction may be secured at Maroon of­of Education chapel exercises· yester- lea.day morning at 10:15. He describe(1the battle of Waterloo.Pennsylvania Avenue.18th ami H StreetsTo seenn of a bo:el whereluxurioa. quarteTS �y be se­cured. where charm and con·genial atmosphere yrnaiJ, andwhere �lJcn� 0 suvlce i'Jparamount, the Hotel PowJ::;.t�no&cs jut sach indUCUlle:1t5..Rooms with detached batblDay .. obtaiaed at 11.50. S2 00ad '!P.! Rooms with priYate�th, poSO,. ".00 aDd ap.r.!"=� ":::.��.Write for book1et witb map.CLIPPORD •. LEWIS.)lanaSCrScarf slide spaceand lock fion��ceQ:�VNlT'EJ) SHUa". ClOU.AIt (0. nov· N.Y.sit�- are gailling 011 the women insdlOln�tic nverages is demoust rate.l Van Zandt, '13, Dies of Meningitis.Dree leasons Why you should Eat at the Men's Commons by the fact that this year's elect.ion 1-�lwyn Vau Zuu,lt, "13, ,lic,1 MOIl'!:IYJist shows nineteeen men and twenty- at his home, 5630 Kimbnrk D\·CIIUt'.1st. Good Food Properly Cooked. t lrrce women elected. In 1913 the ra- :Jter an attack of spinal melliugiti�. COR 'Tlad. Cleanliness our Motto. Inspect the Kitchen tio was fourteen men and twenty-two He was an interne in the Cook eoun-lrd. A Minimum Price for Hi� h Quality Food women. The majority of the newly- ty hospital. He heM the degree of �_I • ..__.,._ ... t C t L h elected were taken from those major., B. from the University.·.,.8 .--auu......, lk Up afeteria a nne jllg in English.DIImer A LaCarte �IUSIC Come In Governor Attends Ball.Talks at Math Clnb JleeHngllabel1e Sperry ga.'·e a talk on "Th�Theory of a One to Two Correspond·ence" at the Junior Mathematieal clubD1�cting yesterday. Geometrical illus·trations were used.Ask for Names of 8tadeDta.Can.Ii.lates for degrees in the Di_"�llity 8('hool at the end of the Spring(Iuarter ha"e been requested to suh­n.it. their names to Dean Mathews.Laws Bold DIDDer Downtown..Tunior Law men wiD give a dinnerno.l theater party Tuesday night :at;j ;:to at the Roston Oyster House. AI·h'r the dinner the party will go tnUle Pawe theater. Fifty men havebl k('o plates at the diDner. DADDY r.ono LEGSwith Ruth Ch3ttcrton---------Jack Lalt's New PJ.a7HELP WANTEDA Clean Comed7 Drama wttlaB_my KolkerSTUDEBAKERADELEA comrc Cpcrctta.Frulll tla,! 1·· .. 1·11.·:. of Paul Derve:uaol ."':111 Uriqllet •New YO'k's S\!us:ltion:m MuslcalSuccess-The tUlle all Chicago IsWhistling.FINE ARTSCHANGEA P1a7 Of Welsh Peasant LiteActed by a Co. of Welsh PJqersprincesso LVl\IIPIC:a THE BIRD OF PABDISEA Hawaiian RomanceLASALLEJloviq PictDres. THE DBUG TERRORAIMERICAN�:,oFun Makers SupremeKOLB • DILL"PECK 0' PICKLES"Musical Komedy RiM.Willett is Speake at Chapel.A!'�O('i:1te ProfC!lSor Willett of the(l('pnrtment of Semitie LRnguages nn.1I.iteratures will speak at the Divinity('harel today at 10:15.Indian Bmtbtta conectionEvon Z. Bogt, "06, is exhibiting :1('olledion of Nanjo blankets and rugs COlnedy Theatreat the Pnlmer hou8e, Bogt nt!quirc,lhj8 rolledioin during Beveral yen",'Tent in and around Albuquerque, NewMc:cif'o, 'Where h" first went after ahrC'ak(lo'Wn in health. 65 East Van Buren 8t.'1'BB UNDEBDOO.Coupon enUtUng hOlder to 50eBeba� � be obtained at JIa-- .- r-I,•t•I']t•II. ....(li,CIt],J]1'lIrICl1t!(tI�J).