m t Dail!i ilarnnl1 J'tJ'NIOB SKOKBB 7:45, AI.-5:30, LJmIl(Oml( PBA DBL-rA PHI ROUSEVoL XII. Bo. 127. UlUVBB8I'rY OF 0BI0AOO, FllIDAY, AnIL 2� 191t PRICE FIVE OEN'rSma _ lEAVE FORPENNSYLY ANIA GAMES TO MARCH IN JUNIORS MEET TONIGHf SNELL AND HITCHCOCKHAVE ANNUAL BAmEPARADE DISCUSS RELATION OFLEAGUE TO ACI1VITIES Blackfriars Are Given Chance toAttend Smoker at Alpha DellHouse=Novelties and Proleids Both Claim Victory-Older HouseCaptures More Men ThanYounger RivalUnive:mty Women Will Wear CapandGown in Suffrage Pageant-- Over' Two H�DcIred. �tecl toDean Talbot to be Division' Attend Fnenclahip DinnerMarshal Tonight in l.exingtonBarancik, Wud, C....,Kniaht,Tho ..... aDCI'iIoyd'AccompanyTwo Mile ReIa,. Team on Program.Deau Talbot will be marsha] of :.L MRS. GOODSPEED WILL TALK ··L-�\·cryuo.ly out" is thc slogau aboutSTAGG SELECIS JCOlIPmrORS uiviaion of University aud faculty \·:!!ich F'red CroU alut LoeJfre\· Leviu RESUME PEACEFUL RELAlI(jNSwomen in the suffrage parade Saturday, The relation of the League to �ol·. sou hu \ e unitt their plans ·10r theDirector Stagg and ten members of llf.a�·:! ...\ large number of wome.weur- Iege uefivitles will Le discussed by'Juuior smoker at the Alpha Delta PLi I :::>nell and Hitchcock severed dil,l.,·the track team left yesterday over the ing the aendemie cap and gown, will members of the enbiuet at the }'ricu,i- Ihouse touight, lluuagcr Jack Heuder- lruatic l"clutionN Weullclillay )light, uudPennsylvania. lines for the Relay compose a separate seefion in the ship dinner tonight at .a::W ill Lexing- ;tlOlI of the Blackf'riurs show hUt> .le lthc official represeututives of eachGames at Philadelphia. The squad iu; march. ton. Among tbe speakers will Le: Caryl: e lared it au off night for aU Juniorti !dClrmitory asked for and received pass-eludes four men on the two-mile relay Faculty women will hold a meeting COtly, Louise lUck, Rutb Allen, Helen :ill thc CI1::st and chorus, providing that IlJOrbl. ,Following receut precelic(ll, it·tt=am and six who will compete in the MOllday at 3 in the Quadrangle club, �e�kley, �utb Thomas, A,gnes Sharp, :tbey spend the release time at the I� confidently expectcd that war \\'111iJpec:ial events. This is the Iargest to discuss plans for their part ill the Edith Sml,th, M�rg:\r�t Green, Rut h smoker. 1 Le declared Home time tluriug t he earry't�aDl that Chicago has ever sent to the pageant. Atltlresses will be given hy Prosser, Evangeline Stell,houMe, Leona I Cartoonist Jutl Lyman will head the .part. of llcxt mouth, the cuunc ils uiPennsylvania. meet, Mrs. George A.. Boden, Mrs. Paul Coons, Margaret Grobben; Reba lh'-, lU'ogr:lI11 of cabaret performers with 0.' each hail empowering thc respee 11 ve. Goode Mrs. 'V. I. Thomas Miss Zalla Kinnon, Helen Carnes, lIarion Hines,' earteature act. lie will draw sketches dormitory heads to Usc their troops.Campbell, Stegeman Stout and Leis-l "'"?"?" ,d I· S h I.11 the ·1 I Baber and Dean T.albot. Women in an ris po n, . 01 those present, .The Mantlolin club Hogtilitics were open eli last IH,·iltur,· "·1 compose twCMIU e re ay '. J G d .,. o.. the parade will hold a drill in march- Mrs. Edgar . 0 0 speed, prusident. : will pick several numbers and a quare when MaJor General Bernard Yuu",,·team. The quartet has been rmprov- . • h A I·· b d 'II .t I' I '.. iog Wednesday at 5 in Lexington gym· 01 t e t '\ ISOry oar, WI grcc t It: 1..t will be unloosed by the committee. sky broae the Inter-domitorv ueutrul-ing steaddy, and Duector Stagg be- .I U·· .. 0 I . I I· •of nasium. new women 111 tie 01\ ersrty, t l( r Other stunts are plauned, but they arc lty rules by draggfng' two htoge park'licves that the men are capable . b' IForm Parade Downtown. [members who Will e present are llrs,; bilh-ld aM "uovelfies," and the commit-. benehes in front of the Snell ball eu-lnaking the distanee in 8:03 or better. M·II·k· M· .... 1 G . ' IThe suffragists' line of march will RoLert .. I I 111, . ISS .aJ.el ora oogm- tee is saving them for a surprise. . trance. Much Ineensed; thc Snellite::JBarancik and Knight in the huntlretl J M - . h 'U Tillbe from Michigan and 21st street, Mrs.. : omIt, .ru.rs_ leOI O!" I Will J?ass tho FrotIB:lds. demantletl instant apology ill the for.nyard das�, W'ard in. the high hurtll�s, ",.here the parade will form, to Ran· Soares, Mrs. Myron Strong,Mr�. George! 'fhe climax of 'the entertainment.say Icf twcut.)-one electric light bulb es:-'Thomas In the pole vault, Gorgas In '. . L d ,.. 1I b rt SI yht M" I .dolph street on MIchIgan. Suftragc yn on, ..... rs. er e aug,. r., tbe conlwittee will be the carbohy· ploslons. To this tlemanu the Hitch-the high jump and Boyd in the broatl , . . PHI B t 1\[ E C": 1 ,.leatlers and members of orgaDlzatlOns crcy 0 me" oyn on, rs. rn ...• ,t1rntes allli proteitls in proper propor_ ,c('ckneys reatIlIy agreetl, pro', i.led theyjump are the athletes who will com· 1 T b l[from the entire west will take part in WillkiDS, MIss Mar on al ot, � l:o�' tions. }"retl says the boys will be given might use Snell hall lights 1 or the I'ur-pete in the special events.the parade. .Gertrude Duttley, Mls8 Ell�p.beth Wal·'a sample of the stuff that put him in Ipose-a proposal which !la ... · �n�!liH�'JGood rime In 'rr701lt& lace and Mrs. Ellith Foster Flint. ilhc heavyweight class, antl that h� is 'indignantly rejected.Director Stagg ran oft a series of OFFICEBS OF BBYlfOLDS Ticket Sellers to Report. providing fodtler for every JUDlor.\ CaU ()u.t Intant... ...final tryouts for the men in the spe- CLUB .ANNOUNCE 'rHBIB 'lwo huntlretl tickeb were reporte'lIAI�O he says that he wants all the Inlmetliately Upon thiH Idw,al th�cial events yesterday at noon. He tolti DAILY OFFICE HOURS solei yesterday afternoon, AU wonlcn !Juniors to come arount} lest the fresh· 'Sndl_f.w:ces..were· muuil1z" ... :1.'': '1;���'�'the men to plllh themselves to the ut· Office hoUr. ;;-;n- officers of ,the w�� .�re �l���i.!��..!J!�e bt'en �-.L:en -eat 'loo'mud!" after the feast is !cip!Ll scene of battle was tl.C 1,al·KUlg, -. .' d to report at 1·15 today at }"oster I'" I • f li· h k1IW"t, "-..l in spite of � atroag ,winJ, Reynolds club were announced yester- e • over. ,space In ront of Ite cue -"" .... " .. th'Uwhich bothered the jumpers, some good day. The officers will be found in hall j • I or great strategic iml)ortanl e \0 themark8 resulted. Ward ran the hurtlles the Executive council chamber at other The second cabinet of the Y. W. C. 'GLEE CLUB TO RBHBABSE SONG, o<:cupying forces. The "}'il�'; • lO')rin :15 3·5 anei Barancik and Kniaht I hours than those specified, but will be L. will be members of a h�use party Will Prepare Number as Feature of � Lii:ht Infantry" were hurae .. �,.t., :h:-breezed the hUDdred in close to :10 available daily at the following times: tomorrow at the home of MISS Gerahl-k8to1Jdeat Su.pm.or." :tion. The heavy artillery \. ��, L":lol jn. f I 5 9 15 V· ine Brown in Hins(lale. .r d f tl ' ,flat. Thomas 8howed Ill .. usual orDl President Wells 8:1 to :; Ice· ' eser,re,·un er cover 0 lel .. v ...... ,lesin the ,·ault, but broke hi. pole while president Selr:idge, 11:45 to 12:45; Ruth Thomas is in charge �f the �\'ork will be begun by th� Glee claarge, occupied themseh c:. IllllJ�,ll.:d-trying eleven feet six incbes. Boyd Treasurer (}i)rgas, 12:30 to 1:30; Sec· general plans for the din�er, Ehzab�th It!llS af�ern�n .on •• the song which the�l:- with the removal of the v •• CI&.UUlgcleared tweaty.two feet in the broatl retary Matthews, 4:30 to 5:30; Librar_IEdwardS of the. Decorations, Lu�llle �lu�, wll1 sIng 10 �he �tutlent Super_! Lenches,and their replacemt; .. l ill a"nt'jump and Gorgas close to five feet ten ian Delany, 4 to 5; and Mr. English 9 Bnnman of the t�c�et sale, anll ElllDor lOT. A long sessIOn IS Plan:e.l�::' of Hitchcock..in the high jUlllp. Ito 12 and 2 to 6. Doty of the pubhcJty. I�()ach Coleman hopes to get t e g I The first charge wa� rcpu_: ,·,1 j,y the• • • :. .: III goocl shape at the one rehearsal. � Hitchcock forces. The \·i. tun· wasFor the first tilDe In many years Chl_B�'ft --.r -ACKS'1'O oANDIDA-rBS ABB NOJIINATBD ,The Glee club song will be a regular I • . •,.1 be ted· th U.a.&M# .n�_ a&. anythlJ: but one_sltletl, for the Sucll-eago WI I not represen In e . - -. - , " . -.. ... , --- . 1 1. . '. AOOOJOlODA'rB VOLUJIBS Nominee to be Elected to J'ointBonor numher in the muslca comee y. 'ites, in a s:inging retreat, I :!jltu:-etlmile relay. The relays were lnaugurat· IN HAaPBB BASBJIBNT OOmmUIBfOD. I Two sessions tlaily will be the rego LZeut. General Loeb, who w;'.-i 'I t.3tetlccl nineteen yean aJO, and in that time :Iar orller for ca�t and ("horus until the' with the usual llisconrtesics cffl'j"",l toChicago has taken tile mile title five New book st�cks will be erected in Six ('anelhlates for the llcelical � timc of the first procluetioD. The chor· d .tH t I orlDl ory pri�oncrs of war.times and is tied with Yale for intli· he midllle basement of arper nex School Honor commi8ssion were nomi· Uoil men ha'·e been ret'eh·ing sPec-ia} at-,·jdual honors. Pennsylvania has won month. The receipt of many new vol nated by the officers of the fre8hman 1 tcntion from the ('oach at the sessioQs Sne�tes, o�ture Men..'. . H f· 1 I d II l·b . h de the I The Snelhtes reah:r.ccl that ,le�I:.:n:It three hOles, arvard our tImes, anfA ,umes an sma 1 rarles as ma IDle(lic class yesterday. Three of the ,this wcck .in Mandel anel the Reynollt�Illinois and Syracuse once each. Up Ipr�ent Accommodations ina(lequa�e. Jlominl'eS will be electctl to the joint 'club theater. jsteps must be �ken. The .wa��r fOf(���t thO th ·Ie rela", h·· bel'n tAft"r completion the new stacks \\"In .. f h f h 11 -the famous Blaek lfarlDt's -arr.lf.!,lo IS year e ml ,,-- I"" hCllOr commISSIon 0 teres man nne. ..the most popular event usually ba,-·. MPh·e ahout 350,000 olumes. In the sophomore meelic ela� .. es next week. FRBSJIJC3N WILL DEBATE t� the teeth WIth doub�e.('hnrg�el watering as many as twelVe entries, while ,I future, stack" will be erected in tht' The nominees follow: I NOBYHWWB&N mNICDIT pitchers, were swung IDtO at-tlOn, supth" tw ·1 ud four mile e,·entl' ntral part of the building where the Kathen·ne 'II.{""."'r. �rtec1 by a superb ('harge 011 thc part"" 0 Dl1 e a ! ee , J,'I .... " 'r:ake Affirmative Side of Qaesdon of . .hal' had but five or six The entry 'el .. rooms are now: located, thus Loul.• Kornc1er.· of the thud floor "PaJama Ca\·nlry."e • I .. ." Ownership of 're1eplaoae :and 'rete- Kof the Oxford team in the four·mile bringing the total capacIty of the h- Virgil Ross. papIl LADes. Carlson, carny, Sayr� An.lerson anlle'.�nt this year aud the number of en·1brary to 1,000,000 volumes. Leroy Sloan. Crawford were wreste,l from thf>tries has iDereued. Oxford iD the four· Charles Watts. Freshmen debaters of the Unh·ersity Hjtehcock cohorU and elrnggell to themile, Illinois in tbe 'twomile, and Har· DO.AD '1'WO -rH01J8Al0) 'to Clyde Watt8. will meet the Northwestern first year abowere, with tbe loss of hut two 1;;envard in the mile, appear logical favor· BU8BAB OAIIPAlO. PUND Other students may he nominatf>11 h�· In'C'n tonight at 8 in Harper Mll in from the Snell ranks.- • hIt t ·th th E ·anston I A band of guerillas hall in the m .. an·it.. IIldlqua aa4ctII IIdeI llted. ill Ama- petitions cl)ntaining twenty slgnatllr('�. t e annua eon MI WI e'.The events of the PeDn Games are tic 0ltT� aDd I".nIIdL . men. Percy Dake, Donaltl Bean nnll time entereel Snell through an t:lIi�BOLD AN BXB1B1'l' OF Da,·is Eehnr(ls will represent Chieagn. han wiTt(low, anel prOt'eeclC'.1 to raillregartletl as determining the inte-col- , � PI-' ft.,.. f.J'APANBSB pBIB'f8 IN Coach Hoover, who has heeD working sl'vl'ral of the rooms unlh'r 1"0\'C'r 0legiato champioDs of America in the Th 1(By Intereollegiate Press.) RA8KBLL, 'fHIBD FLOOR with the mcn for the P�,�t month, i� thc general confu�ion. coot wa'!lindh·idual and relay events. Thr� ,. • . ANN ARBOR, Mich., April 23_ -- ('onfiel�nt t.hnt thev will win, owing to di�co'·f>rPC) Inter in the nO�:ln�· gar-hunelrecl UD1Versltl(�S, colleges and .. J • t . I I l' s •.. • , $2 148.25 has been contrIbuted at Mu·h ,apanef'C prlD s, It 0 S ani "enpon,. the 8ho�ing against the sophomor(';� elena.schools will compete In. Saturday sl '·b· f P f St". .. .ga to the Busrah campaign commit· I the t'ontrl uhon 0 ro e��or ... ar) t ke"cnts and the Dumber of IndIVIdual 1 nJ tIt h' n� w�.'... tee thus far. The fund will he usell Dr. Kato, anel • apane�e sue en�, a\� I Th sub·crt will he the same fll" thr.t An arbitration committee in thec(.mpebtors 18 well over two thousan"'1 . . .' I 1 h·1 ·t· . 11 kC'l1 e J.,.. to aid in bettering the condlhons ID I been p aee( on ex I" Ion In a�. nrguNl at the intramural ctl'bate: "R,' gtllSC 01 "ne large hhlc·('oatcil police·The Pacdic coast will be well repre·IBUSr8h, an Asiatie city in 80uthern i mUlleu,,:,. Work .of t�e Y. M. C. A. III�(\h.l'ct, that the feeleral go'\"'cmmel1t mp.n, ('-:-··'''C'ci the S<'ene at thi� Joint,aented tomorrow. Kelly, who holds t�e Mesopotamia. Alphl Chi Omega heallr.I.Ta!lan III 8110wn.1D plcturcs .nnll �hnrt.�. ipl!onM own an(l control the teler'hon!' Ilrn'l\"ll j .•• the ('rics of ht'lp from rrc!lhworlds record in the. hurdles, and hiS,the list of fratemitie8 and 8Ororitieft, Exhibits of Chinese m�t�rl:ll Will re-' anel telegraph linl'S:' The Chi('ago men man North, of Snell. H(' !lnw, how·team·mate Ward, WID repl'e8eDt the with a donation of $55. A tenni� rlace the Japanese exhibit next w('ek. '",.m take the affinnath·e. CW1". :�l�t the si�\lation ha,1 p:tf.�ell he·university of Soathel1l Califol'Dia in raeket will be awarded to the womnn ycn,l tt'.(' point of pacifiC' int('T\·ention,the high hurdles. Howa�Drewt who seenring the largest amouDt of monC'y. F� Ocamittlles Keet Tod.a.y. ButIl � to Lead OoUl1:0D. ar.rl Tct::-cil in good orller.was a member of the Amene.n Olym· Ev;;Y- studeDt aDd organization on Committee �embel'9 for the Q\1�'l; Ruth Agar will lea� the �nlor ('1n.0(1'IAt 1 A. M. hosti1iti� "C:l�(',1 h�· m'u·pit' t�am, and Bergstrom a pole va�1t the eampus is being approached. i rangle .fete WIll meet. today at lO.l·"lcfltillion today. at :\ In. the R�ynol�!' tnal COl1l'(,Tlt. The ontC'omC' of thc hnt·er WIth a record of twelve feet nine .'Der Profeaor ala Kaufman'? will in Lexington. gymn8�1Um. All womell duh. The SOCial ('ommlttee hn!ll ,. -, tIe is (louMful. jna.�mn .. h as hoth !IIidesjnchl'8, nre also eompeting for the Inot preM'Dt will be droppeel from the nonneeel that the figure!! and favon1 ._- ---"estern _JaOOL I (Cntiud OB page .) . llid. 1WiD be DOvel. (Contiuetl on l'nge ,1)v i.nis1Ik7 Dtsappears..TnE DA!LY ��r:.CC�l'. TBmAY. APR� 24, 1p14.The Maroo. YI;rsit�· towards the cost of the eh i mcs,: BulletinOtiklal Student NewI'I.:lll>Cr ot the Un I. e:' =======�===:-=:===�:c:�Jl nm sure the author am] ld�Terslty- or eblea::o. TODA Y. will be glud to be set right.Iu 1903, wheh Mr. Stagg wasill with pneumonia, We nlso rcnehedthe 10WI'st chh ill our nt h lr-t i.· for �1l1l\·S •�ll" Stagg was g'1"l':Itly .I"I'I'(.,,:\.,! alldwor-ried over the Th:lllk:<gi\"ill;.!" �:llllt'.a ud in IOClkillJ.! about for 1'0��il,11' aiol�in puttillg !,Jlirit Into tlrt' bov s, hi:;lI!iml went bne k to his OWIl collI':.!".lays nt Yule, The eh inu-s t hcr« ill n:ttt eIl chnpol hall nlwuys 11('('11 a n i nsp i rnt io n to him. 'Vhy not It:�\"(' :I ,;!'\·(,i:dr-hime for the Chicnuo :ltltl(·t(':;?J'ubllJilled urorutngs, l·XCt'I·J[ t;;uDday and Quadrangle fete COI:llllittces, 10:15MOlula,.. durin:: the Autumn. Winter and . 'Sl'tlll� c]uart,·rs. by Thl' Dally :Maroon Lexington gymnasium.• taf1', Tiger's Head, 1:30, Reynolds club.b W. Co&U •• b.. New. EelUol' Senior cotiltion, -1 to G, ReynolJL K. Gorp.. .&tbJe&lee IWltor .... Iub •.. P. 1Iaa& B.alDe •• !I.�u Chicago_Northwestern f'reshrn .. 'UEDteh4 .. "cODd-clau mall at th. bate, 8, Harper MIl.Chlcaao Pa.toMce. Cblcaco. ilL. Karch 11.1101. aDd.r .&.ct of March I. 1171. t.rO�10UHOW.D ai IyScore c!ub, 2:30, Rosalie ll:'.!!.A GENERAL SURVEY COURSE.Woulll it not be worth while, ifthere were some wuy iu which a st udent in the Uuiveraity t:uuid put h iuiIIcIf ill touch with the trend lIf IllutiCl'1Ithought, and t he prugre�s of sc ieuce ?At present, the geulogist US a wit'knows only thc me:.lger detu ils of theprogress beillg made illand only too oftcn, the l'ulitil"alecollomist is abysmally igJlorultt of tltl'p-:-ogress beiug mude ill mnt.hl.'lIlati(·s.Of l!onrSe, it -is 110t to be expected tl:a ",fr, �tal.!l! wrot o a h-t tr r to I'!".' ... i;d( tit H:lrpt'r, (,Ilclosinl! :1 Iliost g,',':"2:111·1 �1I:!1!1_. .... tt·\l that at 11l:0.i 1'::dIZ.':�,�"""''''''''''''''�''''''rall!!lliIJllll!'''''"''''''''''''-''''''''''''ltlll' I·!times s1lOul,1 souu-I .. to 19 t lu-irC . ti I / I .,ommunlca 100. : s\\ I'd cndence have :t las! W,II', \\"1t.1:lila' boys before tht'�' fdl a,·ho"t,. t.,r/It' t:t)',/ul U ,ull ,·,·"p,,,.,,,:.lr /0.,. •. , •• " .... "J., ,.;t'I.:I1� to them of I,,"t' n n.l 10\":1!1 v :lllrlt_:"·'''''''/''(._",::I�J''/( ':u"xl u« 1 .". •I ';:"rifin' for their /rlli\"t'I'�it v. all.! of.. ,·,1)"10'''' •• : :J"UU "litll /.I J,"jI'! a nd iusplrut ion alld ,·Il.I .. :,,·ol'·Wllj.- t2.:c Cllilll.;s Riug JI_t lO:OS. I ('.r the morrow."I Thi:-:. in �[r. StnJ.!t;·s 0\\"11 \\'''1''[''' j"III t ln- :1I·tide e u t i t lc.i "Little .Io u r- t!:e 1"":11 f(,:ISOI1 for thl, rill;..:in;.! .)f II::,Tlte -C!iill!t'';�'' ill the ;'!:trOld, l"Allll:l �rater" at 10:U;; at lIight.1,"', Illl' \Lit.·,. ::d":llrn'''; twol Pr<,si,lcnt Harper ren·i\"I,,1 t!tl' id .. ·:Maroon Press. :;� II Cot tuge Grove A'VI!. bascbajj g.unc,sp('(:iruists in one br:tJIch of SCil'utifh er rill;_;ill;..! ··.\itllfl .\blt'r·· at JU:O::; :11 l.im LW:tlltiflll, :1:; it JllII::.:t :-l'I'1II to :tli,,'ork woulcl be familiar with the tle- lIigJlt. 'Jirl'::':c :.rc ill[I(·<;lIratl'. pf us.tails of work in other sul.jects; Thc tn:e l"l'a';lIll·-f(l!" "_\II:la �T:lh'r" So, now thnt we InlOW tlll' trllt' 1lI.'�'those who :Ire not specialists-to_witthe avcrnge ulltlergrn,luate:-;-c\-CIthough th�y arc llmjoriug ill OIiC lille,ha"o the time to get :l �t�lIl;ral su'vey of the fieltl of IOIOWlt',II!t'; :llltlp:-lIb:l.bl�·, were it properly pr('sl'lItcd,tllc,' woultl be gInll to take :1 1]\-:1Ilta!.!l'of the opportunity. Is there :lny \\"a.\jll whi('h this c1lnnce t'oul .. 1 he g-i\'L'I:thE' l'httlellts? It would he :l splncilitl!'prinl! 1�(,lIrl'e for seniors in ('\"t'ry way_(,l'rtninly no h:trlll'r thnn m:l11y flfthe "snups" thc wis� l'enior l':lyes forIris lnst quarter, :tlltl proh:lhly 1ll�1I'ilmore profita.ble. Especially would it 1:1'worth wllile ns n p:trtin� wor'l-k!!i!'ti.r� up the work of the' It:1st four�·(,9.rs in a ('onsistC'nt. t'olll'rl'lIt ��r:lt'.:.tll!'e of knowlellg<'. I!h'inl! :1 fort�,·�_�tnf what prohnhly will Ilnl'l'('n, a 1111l'l"oh:lbl�' greatly ,h'l'lwllillg' intert'sJ .it.I'ItUt]�' wJ'en thnt intl'rest. 1ll0St. JI(>t'll�Rtrcngtheuing-that is. when it. j�:Jhollt to lIe expos('.l to th" TUII(' sJlOc-l;!"(,llcollnter('ll in fighting Jifp·s hntt1<';.Or. if th" matter cOllI,1 not he wOTl�(',1out in tllis wny. ('ouM not. � I'lull h('formerl to sen'C the l'nme pllrpo�('? Xnt:t Te�!lJlnr clull. with n report of "worl;don('" to tIle lTnclerl!T:ltlllntc ('ounci). awihl mnnia for "Iloing something.' ('tl·.Thi!'t club could me('t for n !"Mial gathcTnig'. a bit of a tnlk hy 80n1l'011(' wholrnrl information worth impnrting: P<'f)Inps a little s:dlabus of thc t:llk� fortile quarter. preparell h�' l'omeone I'mltrelent to nrrange a goor1 pr0l!r:un, :11111al,Je to make the syllabus intcresti !!�!aT'd in it develop the conn('l'tion hct"'.t"r.en thr. tnlkR ..In Time of Peace.lust now Rtu,lcnt :t('th'iti,'�- nf(' t'T!j<;ying :1 temporary re�t. �o('i:tI. nthlc,tic nnd forensic C\'('nb nrc f<'�\" nn.1far hetwecn. But in n fe\\" ,by.... .heEpring senson wil) he on with it� proI,;r:lm of trn(�k IJIl'ct14, :'a�t'I,:t1l ;!;�lI:e'·.:11111 ('t�('r affairs that wi:i prll\·iol,· ,!i\""r�i\)11 !:.d(Jrc for tht� stll.j,·,,:s �flo"·a.This is a. gol.i('n ('l'l'nrtllllit.'" tilti�lrtcn lip tho�c IO()!lc strings of .J:rih·v.orl •• During this temporary 11111 <,\·er�·r,nc of us can profit:lhly spclltl �oml')('ng hard hours ma.king' lip thosc �I'"I'!i{!nm('nts in which we 3re behind, il'<Aoing n J ittlc ,,-i:oe pr('parntiou forcoming c:xmns in the slmpe of re\"il�\\"S,or in pl:lnning n.heacl some of thl'work that is to follow.If tlle proverh. "In timo of P(,:ll'"p!'eparc for ",ar" he gootl �ol1ns"l.then "In time of li�1Jrc prcpnr� forwork" j� Hkcwise �Ol1nfl :\(1\-ic('.Daily Iowan lll'illl! lH'arli :Jt/ tlris hOll,. ::.:lrollld lllt':11I ';:';_!l' of tliC chime!-l, lIIay tite," 1·:\lT.\· t ..a great 161 to tl:c studl'lIt,; (11 tlr,' \lS tht' snntl' sI�iritetl 1ll('S:<:t�l·. ":I ;!rl':ltt!:'lt ,f':' Ilt'\'otion to «1uty anti to 0111" i,k:ti<'1'1: i � Frnm'o AlI,l<'r�oll, ·!'!I.PENNANT STICKERSCOAT of ARMS STATIONERYCOAT of ARMS FOBS and JEWELRYThe University of Chicago Press5750-58 ELLIS AVENUE.'and Room 106 Emmons Blame Hall 'rhlrd Floor.Young Men's Suits with aLot of· "Pep"yo U NG fellows. these days. are. lively dressers---clothes are theobject of their mighty serious consideration. And we've yet to findthe young fellowwho doesn't grow enthusiastic when weshow him throughour huge displays.Whether his tastes run toEnglish .. semj-En�lish or. American ideas, mattersnot--we can show himanything he wants. Rightnow the reigning favorites seem to be part linedor unlined sacks, unpadded--they're exactly theloungy, tightishideas thatcatch a.young man's fancy, $22.50 to $30. Youngmenshould see especiallyour lines at $ 15, $ 18, $20'It's StUl Overcoat TimeIT'S har�ly. �i�e t? do' without a sprmg. . coat--- there s' stdl need for one and- -th�re's a·lot of satisfaction in wearing oneoJ .th.e sll}a.���oats �e spow. Our SIlk yokes�ow�r.p.r�o_{ �uPQlacaan is a right smartcoat-we've done away with the Prussiancollar on some of them and substituted avelv�t" collar 'with tailored lapeb;---$20.Anq In. c;Jtes.e�field�, fitted coats. Ra�lans andbox ba�k c?�e��s. our di�plays ar� unique. Special"values III Silk hned coats at $15, $:'>0, $2;).8UB8CJU.l"TION &ATD. Y • .r.L C. A. field trip, 8:30, Cobb I., carrier: U.U a :rear; 11.00 a Quarter. C dit' . t' nB7 _all: ".00 a,. .. ,.; U.n a Quarter. 011 lOU exannna ions, OJ to.II:..utorlaJ·BuaIDe .. Olflce. ElUa Zt. Cebb SR.T ... epbone Mid_a, IUU. Aft.r 10 p m.8,.a. Park 411.,L"My last few days at coUeg�w�re a �ban��ria of alT�hllions lon$rin�en.xed Wlth dire Dr,certaintles :IS to just hoW'thiS o1d world was going to tre:r t me. I rc�elJlher the romfort I dcrin:d a t that tir:!c� F�tima Cigarettes-our coJ1c:;!e st::lldt:ysand 1n £"let, today I find nothin� bcUcr th:mthe pure, good tobacco of these ei�:trcttcs."Today more Fntimns :lrc soleI in tllisrountry than any other cig:lretlc.Not in a gi1t box but in a p1:tin,��*� simple-life packnge- qunlit,· f,1l i:lthe tobacco. •����fl.TI!f(·�"���?)liSS\iff��� ms: ��� IJourneys - 2. ��tCoU�e!�t�n���:��:!6. Word of ColDJIIA'IDdationW e are rejoleed to learn of the vervrecent activity of tho Phillipl:I clut,in interesting men to come to BrownThe thnught has often been expressedthat such high tlChool and prepuratoryschool clubs as there are here have DOvital reason for existence in the undergraduate life of the college. However,such eluhs could be made a very influential factor, if only some one couldlit' found who was possessed of theright personality to instill some "pep"and ginger into the club members, 'rhoaefiou of the l)hilJips club is indeedcommendable, Let thil:l be the beginI:ing f(l'r all organizations of similarnature, Capable leadershlp and astrong organization, with the enthu"iaslU or the members behind it, anenthnslasm which should proceed frumthe thought that the work to be doneis for t!IO best Interests of Brown,wiJl of necessity gin' these dubs :l.elaim to reeogult ion and will aftor-'them a right to Iive among the ncfiv ities of the undergraduates,Brown HeraldCLASSIFIED LittleDVERmEMtNl'S' ,nIB DlJBBB2' OOLLBarIOlf.,B;r L&ureD.ce JIa.cOn&or.6e per UDe. .No ad\'ertiJementa r.eeived tor leu thaD 2&:. All d'-'edUyertbemeDta mat be Da.I4 In ad- The framed letters that hane iD thecorridor between Harper library andthe periodical room are the only signlSW ANTED-A representati " h It• 1\ e 111 eae t at como to the sverage student'lf ut-Jornutory and fraternity house. Tel. tent ion of a most iDteresting phase of�ro\.er �l�4 or c.all at 3641 So: lIalsted the Unh'eJ1litY'1f work. The Durrett"t: . Thul IS a. big money-niaking prop- cuUeetion of books and papers, iuosittou and can be doue in . h'. ;) our spare \\' Ieh these Ietters are found furnishb� ,es work enough to keep three pel1lOlU5SEVERAL _ Ovvorwuities for stu- �usy aU da.)\ and it itl expected tnutdents to earn $10 to $20 a. week It win ue turee yearl:l at lewtt uerorefor a few hours work each day after tuc cataloguing is completed.reeitatlous, The work will coutiuue 'l'he room in wllich tllUt undertakiu�throush the vacation, when all day I:; �ciug carried on is ou the top 110urwill be devoted, and the remuneratlon, ot the wedt tower of Harper. TbereNot ahouse-tochousa canvass of usc- the autograph collection is kept, andless soap, etc. No outlay or advance there are found the bound voruures ot.af money required at any time. Drop the new:JI,apers. Ouiy a small part 01a postal card to "Dusting Thru," Slb the actual Durrett collection itJ in thatFulton street. room, for the great bulk of it itJ lylllgu - iu boxctJ in the basement of lluskeUDiversal Bepatr JUg.Oo., 1508 Cable museum.place, Phone Mid. 6842. We repair Heuben T. Durrett, who made thestoves bicycles etc R f· . h .1•, ,. e mrs anu up· eulleetdeu was born in Kentucky iulIo!oter furniture. Plastering and lS24. At;er practicing law for awhile, U :ron want to be ri&IIt np In Style..hl�n.y eement; earpentering an d he acquired .... interest In the LOBi .. - tho fabdca we olfer at tho pricese�.bln.t work a opeeialty. Est. fur. "ille Courier, and beeame ita editor. of oIPteeJI doUaro and uP. "Ild beIllshed. F. De Geer, Prop. Hil:l work wah eut short by his arretJt tborou� convtDce4 that this fa head·at the time of the Civil war, when he quazterll for stupendous values andwas thrown into prison for aneeurag- correct �.ing rebellion by means of his publica· Jubus Coopertion. After the war was over, he re THE UNIVERSITY TAILORturned to Kentucky and resumed his 1289 East 55th Street.COKBJ)Y 'nmATBB65 Eaet Van Buren at.TJIB VNDBBJ)OG.Coupon entltliDg holder to 50cRebate JDa7 be obta1Ded at K&roon Office. low, practiee, and began his famouscollection. His ambition was to gath- The New T euer e"erytbing ever written. in Xen an ---tueky by a Kentuckian or about aKentuckian, and as a result his eol;''The ftfrcl P,Kty." Iecfion is the best ever made on theTickets entitling holder to !jOe re b' t.IIU lecduetion may be secure 1 t 'I f .I a ,1.1 aroon 0 - Some of the papers In the autographlI('e .. -; tl' .• ' (:olleetion are intensely interesting. Forexample, there is an old doeument 011THE whieh the following endoreement hOHCo he'n made: uThios was .Coppyetl by them Exchange National Bank Clark and is awl Wright-Daniel makes it possiblefor us to offer youa suit for $30 whichwould have ...costyou $35 under theold tariff- .. -other . .prices InproportionNicoll the TailorBoone." Another is an old letter fromCapital • • • • • • • . • • • • • • •• 13,000.000.00 General BurgOYDe to General GatesRarplua about the exchange of some Bevolu-•• • • • • •• • • • • •• •• &,000,000.00 tionary prisoners, in which Ethan AI·UDdlY14ed Profit. ••.. � • . . Looo,OO.OO len's name is mentioned. There art!several letters to which the signablre W!! Jsrremfl SonsClark and Adams Streets. Chicago.OW'I'IC&R&.ERS'ES1" A.. RA lUIiLL. PreeltItont.CHARLES L.. RUTCHL'Il80� VJce-,",,.:::aAU�CBT �. BLAIR. Vao;.PneJ4_LD A KO!JLTO�. VIce-PreIldent.'I. Co SAlnIO�S. VIce-Pre.IdeDLJ'RA..�IC W. SKITB �EDWARD 1'. SCHOENECK. A_ Cubl ..�. II:DWARD KAAB. A_t. CUbl.... ..lAva O. WAKEJl'l'BLD. A ... o....t ..LK� JL �ARY ..... t. 0UIatw. . of George Rogers Clark is attached,and a Iand warrant bearing the nameof l:tatrick Henry. William HenryHftrrison John Breckenridge, and JohllFi1S0D. the author of the first historyof Kentueky, also have Be\'eral doeuments iD the eollection.One of the most unusual of the paI;ers treats of a bounty offered for h.·.linn scalps in March, 1795. "We, thesubscribers, promise to pay the 8umtiannexed to our respective names," itreads, "·for every IadiaD scalp takenin the eouDty of JeffeJ'J!lOn, on the westof the maiD road leading from Louis·"ilIe to Shepherdaville, within 8ixmonths of date." The total sum offered is tweDty-eight pounds, ave shil·lings. Thirty Dames are signed to theoO'en, aDd tbe amouDts �age all th"way from twelve shilliDgs to tbr�pounds. The beet letter of the eollee·tioD is the one written by AbrahamLineoln, ill wbieh he gives his vie�on t.he question of granting the Toteto the negro. This letter is one of thecollection exhibited in the eorridor. �Standish-a NewARROWCOLLARfor SummerAn ultra smart stylewhich correctly expresses the fashion'for��KTT. PEABODY 400 .. DC. lIahrrCb4. II. calTJ:awln o. JI'oreIDuWa,-" Blair&c1wvcJ A.. .. eMrr.cJerk* W. erc.It7...... A.. a...wREDMAN2 For 25 Cents.ftIB BBW SI'BllfG 8'fYLBEarl. WilsonMAKERS OFT ... ". Bed PndKtSUBSCRIBE FORTHE DAILY MAROON.All the Campus News.8lJB8CBmE FOBTHE DAILY JIABOON •Our Bepresetative, lIB. WA LXER, w1l1 be at theHOTEL LA SALLEApril 23rd, !!4th and 25th.With Spring Styles in ready·made Garmentsfor Dress or S�rting WearFurniShinJtB. Hats and S hoe s.----------------_ .. _-- -Hotel Cumberland ---.-NEW YORKBroadway at 54th Street.Near SOUl Stteet Subway Station aDd53rd Street Elevated."Broadway"· cars from GrandCentral Depot.Seventh A venue Cars from PennaylYaNa StadOLIi 8'''' II)· .A COLl�O. MANB.ADOUARTBRB 'OR COLL.GS UBNt:JI>BCIAl. RATBB FOR COLUO. TBAJIBTen Minutes' Waik to Thirty TheatresH AeRRY P_ STIMSO�. MANAGERThe Kind of Men W�O"Roll Their Own"They are the finest type of menin the world-resourceful, �r-£vering, active in mind and bOOyalways striving, always accomplWz..ingin every line of human endeavor.The creatioe imlincl is strong in these oen.They like to make their own ci�arettes, withtheir own hands, just the w�y they roant them.They prefer the cigarettes they roll for themselves from ripe, mellow "Bull" Durham tobaccoto any ready-Ioade kind they can buy.GENUINE"BULL DURHAMSMOKING TOBACCO��" lot /otfg ltanJ.mack dgatda In cac1r 5,; �)Once a man learns the rich, frarrrsnt freshness anddelightful, mellow flavor of ·'Bull" Durham hand-madecigarettes he never smokesany other kind. Get "theMakings" today -"ron yourown' ·-and obtain thorour,h,healthful � and lastingMlUsfadiDtLF R E E An lUus:rat("-<f Booktr.t,shOWIng bow to .. UollVoarOwn,"Qnd:!Bookolci�arcttcp:1PC�will both be 1I1::,:cd./rec, to tJOY addressin U.s. 011 postal r�1CSt. Address" Bull"Darfuom, DurlJ.lm, N. C. Room 1210.THE AMEI:ICAN TOBACCO COMPA1'N'IDlIllr'iltiillll __ ��dI_IOIIWllUlllllmIUIllIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIUlIIUUlIIIi. "(CAN BE WORN TWO BUT"l"ON) I.It, .,f.ROYAL THEATRE63rd & COTTAGE GROVE AVE.Gene GreeneNowNEWESTtOATOUR VERYBunONDISPLAYINGONENIGHTLY AT 7:30 and 9:15MAT· TUE. THUR. SAT. & SUN. 3:00PRICES 10 - 20 - 30/!Facile PrincepsNo beverage C3n :J.p�r()ad:-h:lS '�\'er even challengedlh� sU!lr�m:l�y cf Coca-Cola. It stands first. The�rmk that \':11� refresh end dcliaht YUlI with its distinc!IVe :md. delicicns fi;!�·l..r- its wonderful ! hirnt-quenchlng quality,Delic!ou�"'_ RefreshingTh1r:-st-Quenc�·;.�eTHE COCA-COLA cc��rr-A�l:.ta, Ca. w�,,"C'r.... II ..-e an ""0.:·,:"k. f C .. ca·C .....OGILVIE {1 HENEAGE WARN AGAINST "CANNEDAIR" AS PART OF omoSTATE HEALTH CRUSADEBrief Campus NewsGENREMIN'S CLOTHING 6 BABEIDA$HERY18 s 20 EIST JACKSOI BLVD =-To Visit Iustitutlollal Chu.TclL -The Fourth Presbyterran Institutional church will be visited by the Y. 1I.C. A. field trip party Saturduy, Ic:1\'iug at 8::10 from Cobb hall. Rigl1� Jlrntt>l'till� :lJ:aill�t "cunnedair" hn\'t' h(!(!u p()�t(_'01 011 the campusat Ohio State, by the physical education -Iepnrtmcnt of Ohio St nte at con-Rev. Mr. Fosdick to Preach. spieuous places 011 t he eumpus. SomeThe Rev, Mr. Harry E. Posdie k will or the sigm� rend "Bl'tter he a fresh airISNELL AND Br.rOHCOCK be th.e Uni".eftli,ty preacher for Sunday crank than a enune.l air corpse;"HAVE ANNUAL BATTLE .Il:�rnlng. �e IS the pastor of the "Suclclen chanJ:I'� of weather shouh] beCon' - .F ,rst Baptist church of Montclair,New met by sudde n ('hallJ:c� of elothing ;"( tiDuec1 frOID pee 1) Jersey, and is tho author of "As' "A little attention to the air' vou;claim a decisive victory. The Maroon suranee of Immortality," and other breathe for the IWXt month may save: "Par correspondent sought General boob. yon a lot of trouble Inter." The signsiViDi .. ky last night, In order to obtain Divinity Co11lldl to _' I"r .. t! re r esu It. of • cnmpnign for bet-.a statement from him, but the Generul 'I'ho Divinity council will meet to- I tor health.'had disapperaed immediately after the day at 10:15 in Haskell 15.I active opening of tlae conflict Weclnes- ;:::J""I clay, anti it was impossible to locate ccngrega.tionalist M1nister 'ra1Jas.: Athletics Brevities :him. Dr. O. C. Helming of the University .& ==:=1I ..... n interclass hnsebnlj, series ,,-mAt a late hour last night the rt'pnrt Congregational church, spoke beforetl R I·' Ed t· 1 b jast . ht start at the rni\"('r�it ... · of llinnesotawaf' eirculated-although no official re e 1910US uea Ion e u as mg 1 .l'confirmation could be securea that OIl ··What the Congregational Church April 30. A s('t of rhles have beenI diplomatic relations would undouhte •• l Teaches Its Children." drawn ul' d�.cl a sf'h.leule 0 .. se\·enty-six'ly be resumed today. games has been made out.I Athletic Boob An �.Rl'ring athletic books are nowDONAD TWO ftlOUBAND TO readv for tlistribution and can be ob-B1JSBAH cAMPAIGN FUND tain;,l at the gymnasium. � I.:EWllKE SECOND fLOOR.that· willClothes "arrest theattentionand admiration ofThe Purdue - haseball team hasbeen shOWing up well in the battinglice. In a game with the scrubs theGrad.ua.teII Aft in JIeXLco. '·arsity had no trouble in driviug theThree University graduat� are in· hall to all corners of the lot. Usner,be presented tomorrow night. in Angell the war zone in Mexico, aecording to th(; stnr eateher, who has been Iaid uphall by the Deutscher Verein, Four . fI • the Iatest AlumnI directory. The grn.l- or several flays, was out. and will beteen 8tudents will take the parts .n nates are Hcnry W. Belfield, '02, an in the grune again in n few days.the play. Se,·eral ot the eharaetcre . . T . a_-f d A''''''. engmeer In amplco·""" or • nl1l',have taken part in college theatn('al�. sor, '05, a physician' in Vintanas; Rncl Tlllnois has decided to send its two-,.'L'AMBut." will be presentc,l hy. �ht> Mrs .• John .J. R. LawrenC4t '00, in 'M\!x' mile relay team to tho raees at Penn-Cerele Francais in Angell hall Aprll.W. ieo City. &ylvania. It looked for A while asI The Spring Dumber of the Gargoyle, though· the students ... ould have to,the university humor magazine, "'iII N'.£lJENSOBWABDBB'8 ttnlh�rihe the money for the trip, but.'npl"'nr We(�nestlay, despite the inter- PI'lCBlNG wma FOB the Athletic nss()('iation has at lutD: .. tional complieations between t.ht' WI8OOB'B11r, 8 TO 1 tl('f'icle,l to pay.Unite(l States and lIexit'o. Accordingto the edito"" "Buds ,,·m hlosson: Wi�onsin openetl its Conference Work is progressing rnpiclly on theannw untler the stim'�lt1s of k(,cn wit hh�('bnll schc,lule Y08tertlay with R new cem('nt staclium at Ferry ReM,nnd love will be clothe,l in heightcnc.! victory o"er the Unh·cnity of IntlianR Mi�hignn. .i glamour by the romanc-e jn�pirc.1 loy a a to 1 9Core. The pitching of'�rihes." "Lefty·' Neuenschwander for the Cardinals was the feature ot the gnme. Tiger's Hen,l ,,·m meet toclny at 1 :aoIloppert, the ,,·inners thircl bas('mnn, in the Reynolols club.judgesof willtomorrow from 9 to 12 in Cobb 8B.capable(Continued fJ'1111l page I.)are the kindclothesfind youhere at a verymoderate price. fjOur "Throw-o "lar coat--comf ver --the exceedingly popu-home spuns a drtbable �nd roomy in raggyC. n rownlsh tones-$18. to $25orne In now d·an vIew our magnificent array.Dockstader & RexfordSUite 816 Republic Bldg,State and Adams St. .},..'/Tiger's Head WiD Jleet.• j.\I,, The April number of the Astroph�-'sical Journal, issued hy the PrC5f' yes-1 terday, contains four articlcs on "pe(�·,troseopical 8ubjects and a discl1f'sioll,of "The Fundamental Law of th�) Grntin,::" by Miss .Janet Tuc-ker Howe11, of Johns Hopkins unh·e�isty. was the hitting "tar.&-oTe .. ,y inning8: Bold Make-up � '1'oIIlorrow.1fjsconsin .. 00 00 0 (J 3 0 x_1-8·1 E .Tn,liana 0 0 0 0 0 1 00 0-1_66 xamlnations for the remOVAl ofBatteries: \vi�onsin, Neuen�hwan- con(litions nnel ineomplett's incunedder and Rule; Tnfliana'. &hult7.e an,t during the Winter quarter will be 'ltcMJohnson.Chicago.