laily _arnnuVOl. XII. Ho. 128. � OP CBIOAGO, 'rBUBSDAY, APRIL 23" 1914. PBIOB FIVB OmtftFORTY-TWO ARE NAMED'UNIYERSITY lEN mMn. AngeU and Mrs. Harper Head DEBATE PENNSYLVANIAList of BJackfriar Wor� Begun Yesterday T eama May Cluh Ned Month-in Rehearsal Baker UniYeI'Sity Wanb toMeet Chicago INFORMAUlY KEY-NOTE COUNCD. ANNOUNCESINTERCLASS LEADERSANNOUNCE COIIIMESFOR QUADRANGII FETE University Women to ''Get Acquainted" At Dinner T omorrowWill Explain New; Department Hania, Baumgardner, Fuicb aadSystem of Y. W. C. L Agar Will Head Amlual Danceon May Twenty-niDthODe Hundred and Sixty WomenAsked to Serve-WillMeet Frida,.Forty-two patronesses for "The Stu- Iuforruality anti good fellowship willTO GIVE FESnVAL MAY 1 AND2 dent Superior" were announced l,y CLASSES CONTEST TOMORROW mark tho F'rieudship dinner to be given BURlT NAMES HIS CHAIRMENthe Blackfriar management yesterday, by the Y. W. C. L. tomorrow night ;nCommittees for the annual Quadrau_ Tbe list is headed by lIrlS. James R. Uuiveraity debating teams are ue- Lexiugton eounnous, Tbe purpose of Harvey Harre. Stanwood Baumgard-"It" fete, to be given in Hutchinscu .Angl·lt. Mrs. William Rainey Harper, lotiating for a contest with Pennsyl_, the dinner is to get Uuiversity women ner, Lewis }uikaJ and John Agar w .....eeurt OU the firtJt and second nights or and llrs. Perey 11. Boynton. �be 1':'- .. auin at Philadelphia, Thcre is a l)o�_1 ucquuiuted with each other, and all named leaders for their respecrivethe BJackfriar production, were au- tronesses are: sibility of hoMing the debate next llha\"c been invited, whether members classes for the Interclass hop at JutBounced yesterday by Ruth Agar, gen- Mrs .• Tames R. Angell. Mrs. William month, but if it is impossible to nr-Ior the League or not. night's meeting of the undergraduateeral chairman. 160 women have been Rainey Harper. Mrs. Percy H. Bovn- range the contest this quarter, it will Carrying out the idea of no formal- council. The dance will be held illk d t All committee mem- tun Mrs. Gilbert A. Bliss Mrs_ Sarah l,.. h 11 t B k . - I- h -I l. k I-I B tl tt F 'd ,.. 29atl e (I serve... H •II 'I Ch I ...... Ch'll lit: e t uex year. a er umversity Ih', t ere WI J ue no spea ers' tau e, ar e rl a)\ .w.ay •• , •• 11::' L • owe • D rs. ar os .w.annln� I •. . •_bera Wlll meet lirlday at In eX- Mr�. Henry G. Gale. Mrs. James S. of Kansas has abo challenged the and no attempt at elaborate speeches. Harzis has been guard on tho Vllr_ington gymnasium. Women not pres· FUlks. �{rs. Fletcher Ingalls, Mrs. teams, and the Kansas meu are eager Short talks will be made by Caryl sity football team for three years, is :l• I_ d d f the lil5t Bert Leston Taylor. Mrs. Edward H. t h h ,. . I ' L f th H .. deDt will ne roppe rom • IThielens. Mrs. Charles A. Btevens.MrN. 0 ave t e • araity debaters visit COtly on "A Leek Ahead," aud Ruth mem er 0 e onor co�mlsSlon, an1n order to avoid the work of erect- Frederick Hatton. Mrs. David R. For- tb6!1Il. �llt.�n on the "Department Plan." Mrs. of Owl and Serpent. Baumgarduer �1iIing and decorating the booths twice, 'I£Dan�Mrs. L�an, A.J Walh ton. Mrs.. Ro�' ··The challenges show that the- Uni- ! Edgar Goodspeed, the new president a member of the V.rsity football, Las-ill b h Id Satur-' n.eehn. -'Un. oeep Stolz, Mnt. Ithe second fete wee on Shaifer Mathews. Mrs. Charles P. versity of Cbicago teams are gllltting of the Ad\'isory board, will greet the [ketball and baseball teams, and a mem-da>:. :May 2, this year, instead of the Small, Mrs. Wallace Heckman, Mrs. reeognitioll 111 the east," said Coach' women. AU members of the Advi80ry ber of bon Mask and of Delta Upsilonfollowing Friday, 88 last year. C�aldunCMey KeeL.p·B MrsKil'b JuU-e RoJsehn- KOlllton yeysterday. "We can not onlv � board will be present. Fuiks is author of most of the musi-,,; a. re. • urn, 0 II '1The committees follow: A. Carpenter. Mi88 Mary Wood Hin- keep up with any team in the we.;:, TO ExpIaota System. cal numbers of "The Student Superior"SeDior Booth. man. Mrs. Edgar J. Goodspeed; Mr�. but we have a chance to make a name A detailed explanation of the new and is a member of Blackfriars, ofCharles L •. Hutehinson. Miss Mary Me- 1 .II KFirst night: Elizabeth Sherer, cha�r- Dowell. Mrs. William E. Hendersor. for Olll'JClveli in tile e;1S�" i departmental system will be made. This Sku. and CrC8C�nt and. Delta' Juliet Amos. Miriam BaldwlD. llrs. John J. Herrick. Mill. Ge�rao C. MilljPQIlQ Ware fa Queettola. system is devised to give every mem- Epsilon, Agar IS president of the• 'Le H min�ay,Ruth Howland. Mn. Edith Foeter Fhnt,Mrs. I f' . . Three Quarters elub and a member ofArline Brown, one. e.Mil- Trevor Arnett, Mn. Ernest D. Burton The members of the a1firmati\'� l ber of the League a Ield In whIch to.Hough. Isabel Kendne� Nau::- .Kl" U Mrs. }'rede�ck Delano. Mn. W. 0 team are Harry Rosenbcrg Arnol.1 ;work. Every one of the members of Delta Kappa Epsilon.ler,�aret Rhodes, argar ...... Coleman,Mrs. J. L. Greene Mrs James ,.. ., d � N es C IDSDittA.Lor Ro ....... an Buth Saltan. Helen W L'n M Ch IE..:...· Baar and BenJ'amin Bills· the nega' the eablDet wIll be In charge of a e- ........... am 0 ees.\&IUlne .,..__._ . Th . I n. rs. ar es . .w.eJ'1'iam. \f ' L• • • _ • .'�treet, LYDlle s�van. �e .0 ...... - Robert. W-. Stevens and Mrs. Frank. tive team is composed of Willard At. :partment of acbvlty-soclal, rehlt'Ou� Chairman John Burtt of the Inter-son. .Miriam Whalin. L� WhiGtnc}: ?tWler. kl'ns D_lph S .. d Le P '-IDlcmbershift and the like aad there seholastic commission has announced}.;unice Worthen. Anne Grllll88. cn� ,.nAl wanson .. n on 0\\ � ,.,..vieve Bishop. Dorothy Well and Marlc Costumes Arrive. ers. The two teams will go east if th� will be cnough sub·committees to pro- the chalrme� of hIS �ommIttee8. VernlDV.... . _. AU costumes �or the show arrh·e.I arrangements are completed. Both vide op�ortUl1itiea tor every woman in Blac�ett W�l �e. ch�rma��of th.e� ��= __. )'1�0'!!1 .:��: • �l':uu:rg,--��::��ia' at - tile Rlaektriar.: o1fice '-'�a:y Bak"er-,uad--Penujlvania- teams -11a\'(' �he- ·Uui\"mdtT--:-y-�--· --� .... -�} 'pabBeity-eOlri1Diff� �ltD LaW- .dlairmau; liracl&. ., F h M Gr d Ge 1fr . L --nBeall. .M.araaret Cllane,n SuaaDDe.t i8lo I mornIng. Incsluded. iD the fashionable debated on th� ���m\lm wa,e ques; Songs from the Autumn s res man reaee ac. egor an 0 ey e� I -01'. Leu1.i& J!'Ytfe. .Mazie boout!a.v-_ �1,plU'el to be worn by the east' and tion the subject on which the Univer- J'rolic, "To Chicago,' and "For Clliea- son as chalTmen of the prcs:; ami pub·Aathleen .ilarrinJCton. lleiell Johnston. chorus are tango dr-� P' .'t 'h' bee ki all go Alma Mater" will be IiUDg during llicity subcommittees. AlfreJ Ed.1yJ1utb. Alorae. .Al11Ured. l'arker. .1Jehl6' --""? a an81an 81 y men al e n wor ng year, . _ _�at�raon. .l1.elene l'�'rauees Bo�. cloak, and the fairy garments. ClaIaes wm Deba.te. the meaL After diluler the wome.n �ll hf':ad.s the eom�ttee on. recf�)_�IOn andHarriet 'l11thillt Heatnce Van Wagn�r. Joint rehearsals were held from 2 to . . marclt t1lJ'6ugh Harper court SlDglDg ruslllDg, FranCIS SherwlD ''tin I. a ....Doroth�a Washburne. Dorothy Whit- Freshman debatIng teams from Cha U I 'ty charge of the board and room hOtlyJley Alabel J)e La Mater. l"atty .New- 6 yesterday. afternoon, and from 8:�0 cago and Northwestern will meet in n "ersl Bongs.T H 11' h - h' f th'bold aDd Charlotte V.ialL to 10 last Ilipt. Every minute in the .h �eta on SNe. om 0 Ingswort IS C 3.lT:llan 0 •• • the annual contes� tOPlorl1)W tQg t at T' k t b btained at the automobile committee Carl Ullman of.JUDIaI: Booth. remaInIng tell day. betore the per· 8' II MU J W II 'e '09 IC e s .may Q 0 ,}'irst niatht: Mary MacDonald. chuir formanee will hav to be ued fit- Ul arper.,. • • • OOl r, ., Leape l"Oom all day, or in Cobb at the banquet committee, and John Hen-DU\l1; .h.atberille Sproehnle. Lo��c.. . e pro who is eoachlns the . first year men� 10:15 • tlerson of the entertainment commit-.MIck. ltutb. A1iell. .1'Jly� J!·ay. .uuro- ably, In or�er to polish off the rough declares that the,. cOlllpOse the strong- t-e.tJly UewellYn. .Mar2aret .tenton. Jean-ledges of dl.alop'e 8D� IIODg, according' eat freshman team Chicago has had in aPBED AND Hl'rTING'}: 1r �uU8,.tidlUl :::;l1uLU .��en o�r::;�. r:cilo Hanmann Nina to the statement of :Manager Hender- years. . � BASY GAJIB !'OB LAW SCHOOL sftJ)ENTSU'�eill, .Alarie �hmidt. �th Under- 80n. The members of the team are Per"v OAB8OH-PIBl'B-8OOft LEAD JIO� !'(litwCKkl. .uorothy Mwarda. } lorenee J)un- I .' � COMPANYlec. Xos:L1ie ArmOry. Buth Gartl;ul" SWEDISH IdVJDr.a�8 WOB WAB Date, Donald Bean and DavIS Edwarll�S�eel and hard·hitting helped theund Helen Beckley. "_. __. These men broke all preceelent last Ie p" 0_ tt • t do- the f'ix Law school men, former stu,len�- Jl J B' k tbl. ·h· -'0 '" GI, • arson- Ine �o � 0 .. n&.-eond nl2ht: e en lC:_. ell' � aIT.:- �- ...... � to Bric80a for week by defeating the ssophomore (Ie- IV·'t '1 yestftr.lay 18-3 M�_ at West Point anll other military train-mall; Aatl&enne JSllO:lDl5. ....m Y .uurr�. Dec:lM-... ., . I al'Sl y easl y "., •.lftauel lieCker. hatbarine Co�ert. &-� � baters. Cblrago ,,-111 have the afTurna- Cain ha<1 little trouble ,,-jth the Var- ing schools, have startelt a movcmenttber �l11nlaun, Ur&:ce Hotchkus. lrl� I In\"ention. bv Swedish.. 'AlPericane tlve elde of the question: "Rcsoh-e.I.! °t b tte- while Shull anfl Stephen- to organjze a Unh·ersity gnarll. All::,pobn .Mary .Morrllton. Dorothv �tra- " •h II el Y a .. ., . .dIan. '!lora' Macl'teal. Jiilda AlaeUlln' �a\'t'tl the day for the UaiOIl Davy in that the felleral go,-ernment s 0\1 I '80n Wf're hit freely. men who 'enlist 8." r�rlllts will he flen'tack Clapp Leona Uoon:5.1 tI C' .'1 .H .. _ 'U" U own awul eontrol the telephone anll tel-I 0_ b·' . 1, Mexico if their sen'ices arc nee.lell-. 1 .bee ti trud O'Meara. .t'ran I IC III war, accor_.... to _r. eDryl �orc y InmngJ'.�:y no.:se���al. er llad� WOOdrulI� I S. Henschen, ill a' leetllre Jut night egrapb Unel... Chicago 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1- 2 Robcrt Gunther anlt Sterling M�.x.well,.t rancu .t'eck. Buth Wood and E:nher in Lexingto.. Mr. HeJUlCllen was 'C.-P.,S. .. •... 0 0 a 005 2 8 0-1f\ of the Law school\ healt the h�t ofbuttoJpb.. Iformerl7 8wediala eoual ill ClUeago. I'IOK L8!' XOlft'BLY ABTIOLESI � .JUNIOBS ",en who are reael�' to go to the frontSopJaaan BootIa. II "The 1I0llitor not -17 w .. daiped -ro CAB..- &7_'0& jn an emergent-yo}'irst nil[ht: Helea Timberlake,ehair .. A� SIIOltBB .a.n A.&&r� ---�t-----maD: tiertrude Carabin.· Olive Greens· by a Swede, Jolla Erie8on, aDd foaght Bdltan 8eD4 JIatedal to Press--Jiag- DBL'r HOUSE �.OBBOW ADDrnOHAL pLBDGBS.Ielder. Buth 1I1Ulierre. )(arjorie _i'aY'1 with a Dew type of pa iDvented by uIae Oat Wednad87. BAISB � OP FUND.Kllt� l"r�r •. A2Dea Sharp, Dor�thv Rear Admiral A. Dalalpea, yother A umpm' artist will eartoon men in FOB I'I8BBB � $1,250Dal-Ia. Marjorie UhlmaJIL Adele li ran' •.Atel. Dorc.thy Farwell. � �very, Swede," he said, "but tM ailitar,- sig- Three poems anti 8C"er:t1 stories win the �laM at a .Tumor smoker tomorro,,: . . --�lIUltaret Bucker. Katherme Hinton.. I nifieanee of �e Ko.itor ""ed to 'be prillted in the May Literary Month.' ni�ht at 8 in the Alpha Delta PhI AllehtlOnnl pl«"'lges of a - urn or..tAlna Ooettler. HeleD Perry.!lie overshadow iDvelltio .. b7 Eriao. tlaat Ibe r 'b ted W I I The houN' 975 East 60th street. Another]OO smaller t-ontributions r:li�('d th.Willilttoll. Laura Walter. Kathenne Ity, to t Istn u ec. nes. aye • •. I I f th G I Fisher foreign fun.'Ilowe. llclen Dawley and Buth Vie· ",,-ere reau,. of peater i_ponuee, fur editon will finish the proof realliu;! .Junior will �h'e interpretations of aI tota 0 e a en .tOl'SaD. it is to him we are iDdebted for the1today and will senel the manuscriptf retired vandeville actor. Other placo�lto $1,250 la�t ni�ht. The nam(' of the�oll'l niltht: Elizabeth Spencer. fire enmne aDd the Krew p�Dor 1 h'· t w 'on the program will he taken hy pl:t�- $100 (lonor was withhelcl hy the cam·..("hnnnlan· Alma Hatebl. Alma Parma. e' -��- , to t e pnnters omorro ., I. M 1 f tb.lee Mar�ret Hucoek. lIarjorie Coon t.oth in universal -Ue." -. t nt follow. ....� from the llandolin ('Iub, a quartet, raign ('ommlttee. • em )er� 0.... - -& _e eon e s·, ' f II . t I' - I that,lev. Alta }"'isher, Jeanette Harvev, 11· If r lIeneeheD sketehed the hiat.ory p Joh Gr('cnl' and principals in !'Cvernl no,-elt�· teams 0 co c�tors � cs t>r, a) S:UI8& Spindler. Marion Mortimer. Doro- •I . &_. f .... t' ,Two German oems .•.. · 'j, nl �nl'·1 t F tl . k Croll ancl Geoffrc,·1 ",hi Ie little of the money ha� been thethy Vanderpoel. Lucile Simmons.Fran. of SWCt es lD AIIIerlt:a roaa _e lme A Story •............. a7.c. I c' jstun ". re eric . I. .en Richardson. HeleD Jeffery. Mar- of their laDding to the pl'e8ent. IThe Trail· .. Robert IInskell Levinson are in charge of the affair. contrihutlon� of' shl,l('nt�; th('�" a�.pret Bowers. Ruth Thomas. Ruth Harper. � I I('crtuin to reae·h the mark of $_.010Saladberlt. Claire Votaw. Kathleen Col- Bold � era OIUIIIL ',Over t�e Hump. 'f' iithilip E. Kearn<'. Give Boob on .Je'W1IIl Bisto�. Ifor llr. }'ish('r's sUl'port in .'al'an.pit.ts. Mary Kilvery. HeleD Kniltht and. . IThe Ph"�O(Ihy 0 ne�. I A C'Onl'plete library of boob on .lew- +- __Nola Nye. All gymnulnm claaea at tile OhiO•••......... Mabel Dc La lla'('r,. . . ,.State unh'eraity are beille Iaeld out of One-Act Plav. Like Men. I i�h history an(l h�erA�ure, pu�h"h('d h._ Lal'!rl) Squad RePOrts.I'nIIaIDaD BOOtIa.h th eatJa '18 , .•..•••......•.. Waltf!f S. PoaJtllf' the Jewi"h Puhh('atlon Me-Iety. hasC a .. ' Yail of Wi!lcoon�in has tho}"inst nhrht: Josephine Ro2ers.chair- doors :w en ewer penm • Poems- I te 1 to Ohio State uni\'«"r 0 I•man; Katherine Brown. Hedwill Bros' Gvm coones are required of an stu- Cbarl� Cory. Arthur M_ Washburn. I heen dona •M Ilar�"�: :'!qnall in the III"tory of thesit. Katherine Chandler. Genevie,!e.�· d�nts for at. least ODe year. -- . I'sity hy t.he college chapter of tbe �n. in"titl�tion out for placo«"l" on the Y ar-wards. Elsa FreemaD. Theo Gn«ltn�, Gives CIrcus 8oOD. ornh sOCIety. There nre about 100 l 01- I·t· d f h erew� The t-rowSNadine lIall. Gail Hathaway. Theodo-. •• In y an r� man ... .si� llaskell. �an� K�tinat. Alice Pattersc;n. Mary Knoedler. lIarpret Purduo is making great preparn-jumH In an. i"'iIl he �('nt to PonJthk«"(,p�le With�1:tehelt, �auhlll e Le� Elizabeth �a('- Lauder. Marion S1)aela, lIanrarfl Sam· tiona for its aecon(l annual cirellI'. to I PIli .... _ IICIr.A Baa PlecJ-.e.. I m('nC'v borrow eel f'rom the hoar,1 of',ull� :., oW e Kr _eL"hr. ,r. ..08..,. mi ' Cora Antholl.T Lili Lieber. Flor- . .' -r..., - I' -- •- Th'pbine Wilson and Ethel Y01ln�. .,n:� Carroll Ellino� Dob'. Aliee Ro..�k h<- heM on April a�. The ClfClI� Will Phi Kappa SigmA announrel" th,.: rC'gents of' the llnl\ er"lt�. I" moneySecond ni.rht: Lucy Wells,chairman; jwell. Bina Wood, Eleanor .Hunter:M_nr. contain two ring!' ancl will be gi\'tm Ipl«"fljtin� of Floyd Weakly of Shelby Iwill be taken out of the foothall re_1.rartha Barker. Sarah :Mulroy. Ruth nret :MuDroe. lIuie 8ulbvan Llnla'th thl.: Ii 1«1. .11 IU 'ceipt� next. Year.SJaechy. MaJ'Ilaret KacDonald. Helen Bailey .Ad �1 SaUivaa. )n e a e ... c e TJ e, • •---_----- --- -----XBE DAILY MAROON, TmntSDAY, APB.IL 23, 1914.PENNANT STICKERSCOAT of ARMS STATIONARYCOAT of ARMS FOBS aDd JEWELRYThe University of Chicago Presi5750-58 ELLIS AVENUE.and Room 106 Em moDS Blaiae HailTbeThe Frieudship Dinner.·l'u the Editor:D a i Iy Maroon .. BulletinOUki:tI Student Xewspaper or the Uol.vl'rslty or l'hku,:,:o. TODAY.Divinity schOOl chapel, 10:15, Bas-keU assembly room.l'ulliisbl'(} mornlugs, I'XI'I'Jlt Sunday AndMOllda�·. durill� t he .vutuuiu. Winter andSpl"lu;.: quur n-rs, lJy Thl' Uully llnroon Y. W. C. L., 10:15, Lexington 14.Religious Education dub, 7:80� Has_kell reception room.'.r0110ImOW.Seuior cotillion, 4 to 6, Reynolds,.J,ub.b. ". CO&UllgllaJDII. S. OoJ'C&.Be P. 1I.d �""I BelUorAtbJeUee BdliowBIIIIDell •• .acel'Eot"r-ed .. a.cond-el... mall at tb.Cblca.o PCMtoate.. Cblcaco. ru, Marcb II.110'. under Aet ot Karcb I. 1171. Brownsonnolds club. club dance, 7:30,Communication.SUBSCRIPTION KATES.�, I:arrler: IZ.60 a year; 11.00 a Quarter.b, mal!: 13.00 a year; 1l.�5 a Quarter.i:dltorlal-BuaID"''' omee, Ema U.T.lepbone Mlo1w".,. 11(10. A ft., 10 p m.11711. Park 4111.}Inrollll Press, ;,,-,11 t'ult:lj.;" Gru\'e Ave. Ilnvo you a f'riend iu thc University,or tI.., you wunt a friend? In either1':l�C (uud it is hard to c ouce i vc l,f Iu uyune who docs not ('ol!le under uuc I'Ihe sent irucnt that JIIt'diiJg� of th.�til" t lu-se heads), COllie to the Fr ieudUn.lcrg ruduato cuu nc i] should l-e 01)l'llPUBLIC COUNCIL MEETINGS.:-.hil' d i u m-r 011 Friday c\"l'lIillg!If l'\'CIY WOIII:lII ill tllC Uuivcrsitysuppoit of t!I::i i.lcu, the claim is made will curue awl hrille hCI' fr ieuds, andto dIe student public IIIis!!t the COUIIC:il ex ists to do work for t l.ose whom she would like to maketbe st udeuts, e orrsiats of clect c.l dd.'. I.el friCllds, the Fril'lId:<IJi11 d in ner w il lLl' a �UCI'l'SS, au afTair alive and sparkgates, all other American leg-isl:tti\"!� lill:! with t'un :11111 the true i'rieud:..hil'bc..Ies of men arc open to the ser ut.iuy s!lirit. CUIIIC aud aol.1 your �i��je miteof their creators, tho publlei etc. to the big heap of friendship!These sentiments would be wellenough were they not based on twaerrors. The first is made in considering the Uudergruduate council as a Helen A.' Carnes.----+--TeD A Y IN HIS T 0 B. YApril 23.iuos.](·:;isiati\·c body, parallel to Congress. Seuior» tl('I'illeti to glve a memoriulSuch a function is fnrt hercst removed tal-let for the eut ruuce to the newHUI"l,er .McIIlol·ial Iibrury at the cl:a:;sfrcm the real pUl'})Ose of the Council.IIll·ding y cst.erday, The librnry will beTLe Council is executive and adminis-eomplctcd in two years.trnfive, selee ting the people to carry the work of thc student activities, Lingle, Da veupurf, Comstock andsuch as Settlement Dance and Inter- Timl)Jill will represent Chicago at theacholastie, where no ot..ber agency ex- leunsylvania relay games tomorrow.Ists, nud into shape new idens Crawley will aecompuuy the team tofor tbc welfare of the stollent body. tal\c part in the spe�ial e\·ents.What good peol)le think they could :lC' UHO.c:oll1plish, by hcing present .. t Dlcet- "rltilllo," a comedy, was prescntetlings wben such work is being clone, is by the German club in :Mantlel lasthard to sec. Their presence coultl not night. "Das war sehr shoen" was theil1suro a. more hOliest selection of mCII general comment of t.he audience.·for o1!ices-honesty is practically as 1913.2Iurell by thc conflicting intcrests rep- Professor Hooert :\lillikan is awardresented among the men, antI by th� t'll a prize of J,;;UO .lollars by the Xapresence of womCn in the Council. On ional AcatlelllY of Sdcnees for his :-c·the contrary, the presence of visitors sl'arch clisco\'cries in physics. Presi·l't'"oul<1 be absolutely fatal to the free tlc·nt Wilson prescnted the frank discussion, which is so ('s'sential to a. wise selection of the rightper:-;on. Anothcr angle of Councilw(J:·k is preparing ifleas ancl plans for tartell Jast wecli at )[allison.m.w institutions, stich a� the HonorcCr:'1mission ana _ tbe Point System. consill('!"iug a J"l':io)utioll to aholhdl good woulcl tho admission of!"hle prohihiting sumnll'r oascball. Th,'"ifitors do here? The work is }In rely Jl:!'otutiou wiO l,roh:lhly be a,loptcc1.a.blillistrati\'o, akin to that of the Athletics· Brevities'fhc iutel'-fratefllity baseball seasonTho )1 i�higall IJO:ml of atbleties i�Prl'sitfent's Cabinet, ancl not legislativc Coach Yost Iws arri\'c.l iu Ann Arill any sense at all. Until critics of l.ot after an abscnc'e of :;e\'eral weeks,the Council can cite one instant�C :md has t.aken activc elaarge of springwlwre that body "put over" a picl�e ;\ othall practice.of uniformly obligatory leghdatioll,wi: hout submittin� the Platter t.o :l Divinity Council Will Meet.The Divinity COlllle·il will meet :l-'ri_rcfcrcnuum, they havc 110 founllationUpvn w)dch to base their cl:aim tbat tiny. at 10:J5 in I�asken 15.the public has a right to he prcscnt atcOl:nc·;1 nJcetingg_for they can showno gooel that woulel he at'(�olnptishc,lby !<Udl a movc, )('t alone J:ooll too\'crhalant'c the c\'il ,lone. The :'«'�_on.l l,hln·1C'r mnole:> h�· m:J1I�--If'�:i imI;o:::t! t, 1,lIt more lwrllil:iCls and pd·ty-is thnt the Council is nth'nll': in�to m:dntnin ih;elf :lS a :-<1'lfi:ih (lli;.!:lrch:,', (I\'errilling- the rights of the stu,dent. !o,l�', etc. }.('t p .. ople hoillin;:: t ••that \'leW point out one thin:! t.hl'COlln(·il or its memh('rs cOllI,l �nin It::8urh �onf1uct, either in !'!c1f·sati!'facticn or profit? Until thi!'! can he donI"80ch a criticism is entirely he!'!i(lc th ..m:JTk. Antl prohahly, the expJnnatiC'nwill not he forthcoming; for thi� i�the stock of those who ,10 not mak ..gOI)f1, nn,J who want to hlame thC'irfailure npon .�me out!'!if1e mali;!rnr.('nt'�, rAther tllan upon their'erencc, ]a%in�!', or incompctcnt'C'. Rey-.•REDMAN� For 25 Cents.�,THE NEW SPRING STYLEEarl tl WilsonMAKERS OFTroy's Best ProductThe New TariH---makes it possiblefor us to offer youa suit for $30 whichwould haveyou $35 underold tariff---other prrces InproportionNicoll the TailorW'!!! Jerrems·' SonsClark and Adams Streets. Chicago.THECorn Exchange National Bankell Claleap.Capita) $3,OOO,OOO.OlC:;urplua . • • • • • • • • • • • 5,OOO,OOO.Olundivided Profits .....•.. I,OOO,oo.OtOITICERS.F.R�EST A. nA�nnLL. Preald�ol.CHARLES L. nUTCHL""'SO�. Vlc�-Prea.�HAUNCEY �. BLAIR. Vice-President.D A 1I0ULTON. Vlce-Pruldenl.1 C,. SAlIlIO:SS. Vice-PrHident..··RA;\;K W. S:MITH. Secretary.F.llW_'RD F. ScnOE�ECK. A .. t. Caabl ...J. EDWARD lIAAS. A_t. Caebln.JAllES G. WAKEFIELD. A .. t. C&abterLEWIS E. GARY. Asat. Cubler.DIRECTORS.Cbarleen WackerlrRrtin A RyenonEdward B Butler<=barS_ H. BnlburdClarence BuckinchamReDa.JmtO �DhI' Clyde )I. CarrEdwin G. ForemaJIWatson E. BlairU"."s .A.. ShedctInderlck W. Croab�EroM( A. HammillIf you want to be right up in Style.�ee the fabrics we offer at the prices;i eighteen dollars and up, and be:hcrongbly convinced that this is head·'luarters for stupendous values andcorrect taUoring.Julius CooperTHE UNIVERSITY TAILOR1289 East 55th Stzeet. costthe Somethin� new inSweaters I-your eolleae colorsdeftly knit in collar and around.,. the bottom in a Navajo border effect.For instance-If your colors arc white alld 1.lIrpll'--a '. white sweater with purple Navajo bor.h- r s, Tit is i:ithe last word io Sweaterdolll-,:-<I1I11I'f" i II:_: t 1':1:,will make a real flash on the caruru:«.Hlustrntcd-c-man's Bradley Na,·ajo �h:ll\t'r--l)ain�t:lkill!!lyknit of thick, warm yarD. A sweater t hnt will uu t lust thecolleze course. 1\loderateh· nr ice.LWomen's Koit Sport Coats: knit to 1'011 form \\ it It. nresent styles, Made with belt, in COli t r:t!'t ill:!�olor-a. very pretty style for women's wear.Bradley Knittine Comnanv,DELAVAN, WIS.THESMOOTHESTTOBACCOLike the Lawford stroke. the more youtry it the more fa.� is Velvet,. thetobacco. The best • over 2years-time is the only process.T ob.cco JDaIlftd ill ILis fatLioo is �·stoo lIDootb to iaiIaIe or "bile.- It·s a pIeaaeto cany such a as Vdftt ill your .poc:ket4·s emewely �bIe IY 011 oeed it I At,.... deaIcn.rlt,·�wttODe 0UDCe .... Sc,cODveDjeDI forcipNIIIe _ok .....tOeNow ROYAL THEATR,E63rd & COTTAGE·GROVE AVE.Gene GreeneAD4 Jd8 OWn CompanyN leI-IlL Y P. 1 i : : C cr d �: 15�Al·11F.1Ilf.Ul.� �ll'. s.(Cf �I(ES lC. - �c . �o.. '.. ':--":'" . �.-:::. ; '�'1': '•. ; ..; � � /.�:<�.'� : ... ... . :. �, ." ..Restaurant andTea RoomMAIN FLOOR (E"f:Iiefae) SHOPS BUILDING11 NORTH WABASI-I AVENUE(Opposite Steoens' New Store)Mrs. Charles Dunning CrossettePresentsMiss Virginia V alli..Mr. Leo LudwigThe, first public appearance of these proteges of "Chicago'sauthority on soclely dancing." Miss Valli's solo dancing is.. thequintessence of refinement, beauty and grace. The "VirginiaWaltz"waacreatedespeciaUyforher.MissVaJliandMr.Ludwigwillgive I interpretations of dances written forthem by .. Mrs. Crossette.The Miriam Waltz, Apache Tango, Cartwheel Trot., GarlandWaltz and Maxixe are unique and unusual for "their beautyof design and technique. During\._, this engagement, theGavotte' and BarcaroUe will be given a specialJ.setting •.Informal tea dances on the�EnglishlBalcony eachafternoon, our guests are invited to participate.Dueker'. Orchestral Trio.._-- : ._--#.. �...We Do Not Serve Intoxicating LiquorsBreakfastLuncheonFreDcL Pastry. Candy AfternoonTeaDinner(A 1. C.rt� 01" Table d·Hotc)OUR ENGUSH BALCONY,OFFERS TRACK MEDAL Ing of t he track Olen who will maket 111l t rip to Peuusylvuuia until lhe lastW II' ABo! Embl be motueut, 'fhe t eum w ill v Ieave this1 lam • DO em to . I. - "0 .1 ''" o..1tnf'ter no ou ubout, ..,: .. , uuu .-ur. a.;> ag:,:Awarded to Man Scoring Highest will not nauie the IIlt'll u nt.i] cady illin Conference Meet--Pic.k Peon the uf'teruuou, Iu spite of the strollgT cam wind that has bothered t�6 wen all--- week, t iuio trials have been held daily.TIlt' William A. Bond gold medal will Yesterday with a. strung will'd behindItt' awarded to the member of the Uni- him, Burauick ran tho hundred in :09\ crl!\ity traek team seoring the great- 4-5 with Knight ouly a hail yard bet:"t number of points in the Wellterll hind. Wurd, also running with thoL'ullft'rcllco meet June 6 on the Uui- wind, took the .:!O yard high hurdles\ersity Athletic field, according to an ir. :lij 35. Boyd ill the broad jump,uunouue •. ·went by Director Stagg yes· Thomas ill the pole vnult and Gorgash;tll:a�'. The medal is awarded annual- in the high jump :l1'1"'ar to be theI�' frool a fund donated by Mr. Bond. «ther men who hn ve t he best chancelu l!IO:: lIr. Bond wacle the Athletic of mnk ing tho trip. F'iunl trials will';"!':lrhJll'lIt a gift of $25,000', the ln- he IH.'1tl this uf'tcrnoou. (t erest o n the money to be used to pur-llmsl' tIlt' medal. According to the L A � SIFIEDvonditious set by Director Stagg if:t C �t ie for the individual hoours results, !llVERrI'ISEMEN1'Sthe IUt·,lul will ht' awarded to the lIIuulwho hus scored the greatest number of i.oST-�l'u r al· r illf!. Tlallr�":ty, .April )ti.points in the spring meets. I ill l lurpe r \\"a,,!a "''''"1. Will the two.Former Medal WiDners. Hi.-J� who were :-l'l'lI l'il'J;.illg it upMr. Bond is the father of William please ret ur n it til Dox "C," :l-'acultyBond, oue of the most net ive :111(1 eXl.hall�e.I.romillt'ut alumni of the University.The medal in former years has hel'l! SEVERAL - 01'1'''1": u u it ivs for stuwoo by the following mene 1!IO:t,:\1. dt'!lb to l'arll �III to $�ll a wt.'ek::?O. Catlin; 1904, Y. S. Rice: 190;;, .l. fllr a fvw lruurs wu: k \,: ... h d:I�' aft\!rD. Lightholl�·: 19116, E. E. Pnrry : h .... ·it:ltioll,.:. TLo' \\ "rI; will «out inueHiOT, N. A. Merriam; 1908, N. A. :\ll'l" tllrltll�1a t h e \:II·:!tiL!l. \\"I:L'II :Ilt dayrium ; 1909, 'V. L. Crawley; 1!11CI; I. will Ill' .lev .. tv-L :111,1 11:1' rCllllllleratiou.X. Duvenport.; HIll, I. N_ Dnvenport : �ut :lIIIIII":l' t .. _It":I�:t' ,·:III\·ass of usc-1912, I. N. Davenport HII:�. C. o. less suaI', t,tl'. .:"\.. OI:tI:l:-' or n.lvaneeParker. IIf money reIJllin'.) n t :lIIy time. DropPick Penn Team Today. n postal card to "Dustillg 'rhru," 81SDiroctor Stagg is delaylng' the nnm-. Fultoll str<,ct.OURBUTTONVERY NEWESTtOATDISPLAYINGTWO,I!OGILVIE {:j HENEAGEGENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING 6 HABEIDASHERY18 6 20 EAST JACKSON BLVD. TIlree Reasons Why yoo should Eat at the Men's Commons1st. GooCl Food Properly Cooked.2ad. Cleanliness our Motto. Inspect the Kitchenlrd. A Minimum Price for High Quality Food{'JUbBreakfasi 15e up Caff'feria at l .. UDCbDIDDeI' A.LaCarte MUSIC Come lDENTIRE SECOND FLOOR.LUTHER COLLEGE (Decorah, Iowa)Concert Band (61 members) and Chorus(46 members..)Concert at Orchestra. HaD,Wednesday, APri! 29.The ba.ncl is on ita way to ChriStianato take P&rt in eXercises commemorating the centemdal of the Constitutioncf Norway, !ray 17. Tickets, $1.00,$1.00, 75 cen� from It. T. Jacobsen,Harper JI22.Wherever You Go Take Sweet Tips With You.Your Quality is Known by That Which You Patronize.WHEN YOU GO UPTIE PRI(E COMES nOWNThat's the idea of thisNew Men's ShopLow rent cuts the profitto just one-half.Imported English Balmacaans $10 to $20. Manyof them are the new knitted novelties.Bates Street Shirts; Silk,and Madras .. $1.00 to $ .... 75Imported Neckwear,50cand.$1.00, worth double.Silk Hose Guaranteedfor Six M 0 nth s, 25c.They're SOc everywhere.Hirsch Wickwire and LSystem Clothes.We are satisfying someof the best dressers in Chicago and will soon convince you that we have"Better than usual valuesat better than usual prices."A "W" smoker in honor of the menwho have obtained this yenr "W's' illfootball, basketball, cross country.gymand swimming will be held at Mndisollto.lay.I i---------------------------------------------------------SPRING STYLES ARE HERE �Standish-a NewARROWCOLLARfor SummerAn ultra smart stylewhich correctly expresses the fashionBfor��LlrETT. PEABODYaCO .. 1Jrc. liMenThe very spirit ot Spring has been captured in the wonderful coloriD�1oof our new fabrics now on display,Greens soft in tone. ortcu bleud inu i nt{, browns, promise to be vcr}'sr4&l't this IPriWt.The JDaDy new shades of �:-cy� ;llHl l;lIlCS v7iH also please men of taste.Plfable, SOft materials that Icnd themselves to the correct close fittingstyles, are in areat demand.To fasbion the new snug fitting c.lo.l:('s requires the utmost skUL80 the .Terrems way of tailoring t!lcse :lCU- sm:lrt styles appeal moreIItI'OIII!7 than ever to men w!lo seek to be both iudividual and smartin tJletr dna. li,lIIRogers & May Clothes Shop1204 Republic Bldg.,209 So. State St.·w. finite 7011 to see the greatdfIpIq of the· correct new8priDc materials at any of ourtIIIw .....�B FOR vouno ]\,.r.�%DBBB S'l'OaB8: 7 •. La Salle St. 25 E Jackson Blvd.