ilnrnnttVol. XII.. No. M. � OF OBIOAOO, TUESDAY, DEOEKBEB 16, 1913. PBIOB FIVE CSH .i'S$730 FOR SE1TLEIENTIS RESULT OF DANCE DAILY MAROON ELECfS I ONE HONORED SENIORSMillard S. Breckinridge is Chosen SEE IUSTACHE FINALSan Associate Editor Yesterday at _Board Meeting.-Thirteeo Re- NorgreD, Miller, P-aen:e, Leonardporters Are Elected. and ParkiDaon Draw PrizesIn Decision.Chicago. 4; Whe:L:on, 14&eam trimmed the Seniors 4·2 yestercla�'in the last championsbip game of the. Stegeman •.••.•.• R. F •..•••• W. CorkAlth gh th Se· I l' Kixmiller, Gor.:as· .L. F•....•.. H. Cork.-eason. ou e nlors ee 11" Gthe first half by the score of 2.:1 th, orgns, Shull .• ·•• C •..... : ..•• t:\ ansI I d to . ed " .. George ..... , ••.. R. G.' ...•... Fischel. owere a..-.s women, e rnnn to cap llolaneler '" L G " ' ..tore the IMt game, fought from thc ." � ::.: " .Coak� Wagne. "I had, hoped that the Barvnrel team )('gc oi COllllllcn'C and A.lmini�trati01 to a con('lusion the week_enel M'ri� of. . ' Baske�KlxDnncr . RlPtieman '9' '11 'be�··· Ch' . II 1 1 II h h function� which incluele.l the <'I:l."iSvery beginnIng and kept up a fast -.". ; .... , \ ".��. ',' ' :A. wou c "'i�b�,e,' to m�t.,!" It�O next wi Ie Ie e tomorrow at t c (' ape,Gorga8 8' _olander 4.' Shall; W C ....... ··" � .. .t.l. ' .', , h' :M I I clance of Frielny aftcrnooJl, the elinnerpaee till the whistle blew for time.• ,.'I �. ' �., •. �,,' • ....�. ,year t&·,.�..,.te�l�.: :w:h���e,r, .W�st�r� Ollr, In � nne c •Thc gamc was slower thau usual, 2, H. C,.rlr. 2, .���s.:' FtIie. �h��. - fwtban ia;8O. inu�h better :than. t.b� .: Pr('�iclent anll llr14 .•J\1,I�on will rc I)r�("cling thc Settlemcnt Ilan('(" Satur·MolaDd'�r. W Cork' .... �, Coaket Ret'rae 't'" .� . " day night� and the Senior men',. t'IDlokcr(lue perhaps to the sogginess of the v..' i�. .� .' � , kiDd· we play in the EMt ·llt�re. J tal! l·c·i\·C' the' c'atJlliclat� for cl('grc� an.�groond. Good team work was dit'JplnYefl Ralan'l; Umpire, Des"'3���..... )'._; :T-, ,��de1'Stand';f�lIY the ,poSition o( the' t.itlc� tomorrow from 4 to 6 at th hcM at the Phi Gamma llel.a houseby both teamB. Credit is (luo tho.Jnnio'.· Am.-BilBPAJtbdo. 'ttALKS .._;; .·i'hie�;team howc"er, f01 a tri.!" ro P.r�itlent.'s housa following a ('ustor. S"nelay afternoon.haltbaeks who broke up the Set:'ior . n��. ..i� a�fUl1 day"s trave1Hng is rather e�tahlishccl �ome ycars ago anti obpuaea and made it poesible for 'tho �",�,\gF OHIO to:,g�jor Q.' footTmn te:l�,.to t.nk('. 1 8er\"Ccl in thc Conv()('athn wc('k 0. 8!'.lD 1'BA�1'4� -..)owerelass women to Belld the ball clown sin(!erely. ho�'that tIle lIllY will com .., (':wh qunrh·r.•••• �I� .'the field. Tho lineup for the ganle wa'l �Asoeiate' ProfesSor 8hepar(1�' of the however, whea' ther.,. wi!l. he int(·�CC' The Conwwat.ion reC'c·ptior. will b�as fo]lows: cle-partment.of A.nerican History ga"o tional ,:ram� botw('en JT:lr"nnl nn·l n.. h.,t.1 Fri.tny tJi�ht from S::W to 10:;\" llr. L. I •. ll('Tlonalcl, one of he� an aclcless on "Jnterfraternity Coinii)�" groot Wetsern gridiron te::ru.4,'·: sai·t ill lIute,hinsolJ. Pre ... i.tcnt Ahr:tJ1l Win� hns arrangecl for a �rics of c1eDlon�tra·Edna Sto"" b Cantain Storer of the'Uan·:trd tc.-a:' m,:t� �:Jrcln�r Harris of Northwc8tcrn uni' tions of the workinma of the Bo.·..'I"? at a anquet anc! �mokcr of fraternity I' pO-Lillian Swawito ••••••••.. Right win,:r m('mbl"rs anel alumni at OhiO State Sa;, 'lnot(',l in the Bo.... ton POMt. wrsity ancl llr. anel ll�. llartin A. Sc'out work at the Unh·crsiJ.y clurin�"uliatte Ames ..•••••••• Right inftid� nrelay e"cning. Fh'c hunclreel attenel�cl Hnn'ard football plnyer.; ntll! uncl('r_ R�'erl'lon will be the ,:rU('8t.q of honor. the winter quarter for th� interC8tecl.An__' .. Sw 't C 6_ th _. 1lr Sh ',PTn,� arc said t·o lH"'(' r('�C'ttf',l All stuclent8 ancl friends of the Uni\"er The first wj)1 be given at -1:30 We,ln�·e--- aWl e •••••..••.... Jen�r c an air. rur. cparelllOn i8 ('ha:r·Ruth Mo-- , ft' 'I f th . I k('('nly Chi(!RgO'� jnnhilit.y to nC'teTlt :t• ...., •••••••••••••• 1081e C man 0 c· na�ona interfratenlityLorene Kiteb •..••••.•••.• ,. Left winlt C'onfercnec. .',: . r1n('(' on . the Crimson !'lC'h('fll1l(' n .. xtMargaret Hammett, ,. �"!.'" � . '. y('nr. Thc exeuse of th.' W ('8ternVirginia Folkes •••• " Right half bat'!" DtIlCUlB BoOti �"ieta. O'Clodt-An I thampions wa.q npprCC'i:ttf'1l nt CaM'Flore�e Pat'tiek ',' ,.C�ntor half ha(!1( infonn:.1 meeti�g will ,� �elc\ at. t�''''1 bri��: how�"er, for t1h� T1nr\'nrfl f�C' when Pr<'..'4i.lcnt lIarris of NorthwC8t ing of the s.-out." among the boy" i.nLouiN Miek •••••••••• ,Left balf h:tC'k .Tnesclay _Ten 0 d()('k:, h\ Hftt"hNwk '!: -ulty.ibelf is orrost'd to :tllowin,:r :,01' ('rn lIniver8ity will clelh'cr the Con\"o, th('ir home eommunities. Th08e inter·Effie Sbambaugla, � _�' . ,� :. ._ � ."i�h�. _. �� whie-h have ret"ently been lctie teams to take long tripl', an.l cation oration on " Day�" In �:M are requested to regi... ter theirac�led, to th" m�he-()('k librarv will bo probably would not ha,'c �nntion('c1:l \'it�tions will be i�sueel from the Pr�_ nnmes in the Y. M. C. _'. office tl-.i."'�;;;';�fy "Ii�', ;:.' retum game in 1915. ide.l·, olri •• Wednesday nooa. weelt.PAGE ANNOUNCES GAMES ORCIIFSfRA WILL GIVE"EGMONT' AND "SIRENS"Milturd S. Breckinridge was yesterday elected an associate editor of theDaily .Maroon for the coming year.Vanity Will Play In Twelve Conference Contests 10 Winter Quarter':"'Wbeaton Victory Is Easy.Make Nearly Hundred MoreThan Lut Year-FortuneTelIera Feature' Evening Present Heavy Program at LaatConcert of Quarter at 4: 15at MandelCoach Page completed. his conferencebasketball schedule yesterday. A. sec-UHLMAN SELLS MOST TICKETS oud game will be played with Iowa. thisAl.l.roxiuw.tely $;30 will be turned year and the team will journey to Iowal.'.lty to moot the' Ha.wkeyes on .l'ebru·ary :lti. As a result of uegotlationsbetween Coaches Page and Grady both,�orthweste'rn baaketball dates haveIllittl'es have totaled the amounts, anll beeu cha.nged, and Chicago will .ope11announced yesterday that the totalreeeipts were $S:!U, ant! the expenses the season on Janu.ary 14 playing�orth\\"estern at Evanston.ahout$ 110. B�itles this, there is near- Th .1 N rtb te '11 en (luring the first part of the program,ly �U yet to come in. All the expenses ,e seeonu 0 wes rn game \\"11J0 played on February :!4 at Chi�ago. while two compositions rarely heard illhave been paid. Last year the total. $'" These changes complete the sche. dule this' country, . Gliero's Symphonic poem,reeerpts were ,40, anti the expenses Rhd th V ·t '11 1 l' c "The Sirens," and the Swedish ap-$104, leaving $6:l6 cleared. au e Ul'61 � WI P ay twe ve, on'f• "ask t" II W·· sody by Alfven, will conclude it. F'red-Is Champion Ticket SeJler. ereuee u e ua games, IS(: OWlIn,ur . N h erick Stock will conduct the orchestra.Marjorie Uhlman, '16, sold sixty InOUJ,.1. ort westerc, Purdue, .Ohio�ta� and Iowa will all be take� on Two Offerings W�l Xnorwn.fiekets, which is the largest number Mu.sic was composed for Gothe'sdisposed of by one person, Leona for two games . .Minn�ota. and Indianaare the Conference Wa.D.UI left off the tragedy "Egmont" in the years 180;Coons, '15, was second, with a total ofh .1 I .1 h ,. k to 1810 by Beethoven. The play, withfifty sold, There were 1100 paid ad- 8C euu e anu t e uas etball interest at;both universities does not. ""arran' t.. the music, was first given 'lt tho Court.. ... Trone Seifert . .M' theater in Vienna, where the music, es-rip to Inueapclls or Bloomington. Evelyn ColeProm present prospects neither of .th .... e pecially the ov .. srture was received with...... Basis of Election.teams will prove dangerous conteuders "reat r nthusiasm. Quit.� c',mtrary toU £0> The elections for reporter are basedfor the Conference title. this, is the history of Caesur Franck'son the "cub's" willingness to work, on.rwo uamea .t'rida Symphony, At the time d its produe-Commenting on this fact, Chairman y. the time- he has worke(l and on theA th .1 bl h .1 tion, 0 minor was ('on�icl.�n:cl ·'the af',Coleman of the dance committee said no er uOU e eauer is scheduled amount of work clone. Further ad,for }'rl' ,Ia t � '10 'I'h'" firm, atien of incompetenc(' pushed tothat the slogan, "Fifty cents for the u y a ':". e .... 1 \.t!r:.l.h. van<,cment will clepenll ou merit anelAthl' I. 'dogmatic lengths," but now it is aSettlement" was nearly realized. otic cluu and the Armour Squarc (·apacity. The position of reporter leac1�U b ill V favcrite. 'rile symphony will be givcnThe feature of the evening was the am urgs w meet two arsity tea,IllS. to that of a..�ociate cclitor after two"':"0 'II 1 B-·I tar' in its three movements. . .palmistry bootl:t. Nelson Norgren and ..x: VI e, ormer u.uger 8 and cal' quarters' work. The executIve OOltOJ1't· . "h lead of . The enchanting music of the treadle :t._ .. - --Margaret 'Greene. told the -fortube& . �n�, ... !!L" 8., ,. er. the Riverside. __ �... -. . . are chosen from associate editors WII�There was a continual line waiting ,team' and 'they �ii1 put-"�p-a siin g;u;.�: er� inr�·thIlitiDthg-tbe-stllf lotr9h -tot':l�esl- -h-;;�' ;e�,:ec1- �'year -j-;;- that capacitY·--l'h A. ... S truction IS e eme 0 e It r. .• ••outside the booth. e �mour quare team won from the' . The election of BreckJDndge IS IrV 't' I . number, Reinhold Montzoyitch Gllero"sNo c;:.easure for Dancers. aJ'8l y In a e ose game laat year duroN ing the praetice season and later won SlYmphonie poem, "The Sirens." TheLate dance steps were popular� 0clancers were censured. the Daily News tournament. Both lats number, Alfven's Sweelish Rhap-Dean Talbot expressed approval of teams are fast �d ,aggres'sive and will osdy "Midsummer Wake," is a. musicalprov'e wo�y opponents. picture of the festival, "Midsommer,Wheaton College was easy for u. vaka," celebrated in some of the re'Varsity squad Sa'tllrday. Consi8�ut moter parts of Scandinavia. FINAL CHAFI.3L EXEBCISESbasket shooting by Chicago resulted in ".l"o Close Doors Prom'pt;y. HELD TODAY AND TOJ[OBBO\\an early lead aDd the final seor� waS Mr. David A. Robertson, secretary of President and !Irs. Judson Will Re.4;.14. Spl'ke ,Shull' was put' ou" .of ....... 0 the University Orchestral association,JUNIOR ftAJI OAPTUBES .. .,u ceive Candidatcs-Convocation IsHOOKEY CHAJlPIONBIIIP gRIlle in the' riliddle of the· secon(l h�ll has announced that ethe doors will bt" �aturday in KandeL,for alleged roughing and the Varsity cl�ed and the program begin promptDefeats 8GDiors by Score of �2 in . played the last eight minutes witl. iy at 4:15. No olle will be aclmittc.1 tl'Final.eet Yester_ tb,e hall while numbers are bein:!seven men, ew�n then running up � �Pl':lk at tht' do� iug exen'iscs of th,plaved.large score. .:u!iior ,·olJ.'gcs at 10:15 tOday IJThe Lineup.By consistent team work the Junior WIU PLAY FRANCK'SSYMPHONYover to the Settlemcnt board from theproceeds of the dance held SaturdayIlight iu Bartlett. The dance com- Rather a heavy program is offered i>ythe Chicago Symphony orchestra at the Thirteen reporters were elected. Thisthird concert of the seasoi at 4:15 to- action was taken at the quarterlynieeting of the editoriul board held illclay in Mandel. Beethoven's Overture tothe office, Ellis 24, at 3::lO."Egmout" and Franck 's Symphony inThe 'reporters eledcel are:D minon, which are fairly well the University audience will be giy- Frederick KuhFrancis BroomellHarry SwansonWentlell DixonCarl Cropp-Iohn DonahoeDale Thom-Iohn LentzAlexander FeelerCharles G. ParkerAlta Fishermisslons, n number which representspractically the entire undergraduatebody. Harriet Tuthill and FrancesRosenthal led the the sales at the re-freshment booth.recognition of work done· two yearrago. Breckinri.1ge dropped out of resitleflte hecause of il1lle� just beforetho elections of that year.the dances. She said "The dancingwas very proper. No one coul(} fin(lanything objectionable in the way th('numbers were danced."Assoc'i:ltc Professor Shcparclson wilftOB.BB DISAPPOINTED :\1:11lch'1. (':tryl Cody ha.� bcen ehosCJBY FOO'rBALL Ae'lIC·.N t:l 11::1 kl' ! l C' n'�!,onse for t he as.�ociat�All 10:";; dasscs toclay will mt."Ct a0rim.80D Coach Hopes � :May. Meet Obicago ill Future SaysBoston Post. ] I: I,:), on ac'""ollnt of the length of th,for the �l'lJior ('olle�eM unci the col "DU�" WIN BATHING �lJl1S.Nelson Xorgreu was erowued Ua"AlJOUo of the l:)culOr c1� anu gl \'OU a.sil\'cr_hundled suuvtug-urusb, at t11"benior mustache Jilla.a� Lcu! yesteruaj'ui teruoou at the Velta U 1'S110U house,.ltoLert .Miller received a sarety razurtor having the' best alLaround mustal' he, and Warren Leonard the boobyprize, a false mustache, for making thttmost doubtful showing'. Paul .Pierce asthe best brunette auu George ,Llarkin·sou as the most prounslug IJ10nu, wereawarueu shaving mugs,Rudy Matthews, John Greene andWalter Poague, this season's initia�esJ.1l the Order 01' Sacred Ducks, each received a bathing suit as a suitabletrophy of eligibility to the order. The.nysfie rites of initiation were performed in Bartlett tank at varioll.times in the past few weeks.Women Are Judges.Exactly one hundred Senior men andwomen attended the party yesterday.After the reception the" mem"bersm:u-ched in lo�k.step a.bout the housesingi� Chicago soogS. Late'r the candi·'Iates in the mustache raCe passed inre\'lew lieforetlie' th� �oiiien., jtiugei,· , -Suzanne Fisher,. Harriet Tuthill an,lRuth Houg�. the m.ore 'promising aspireants being put in a class by \heJWlelvesfor a narrowed·down decisio&!As Suzan'ne Fisher read the n�es ofthe prize',,:inners, eaeh one in. turnknelt before the judgee and reeeivecihis prize, ani was' called upon to m3kea speech. telling how he. raised his·rop. Bernard Vinis8ky and Lloyfl.f·Duc created a, stir by precipitatinginto the court and setting forth in(·hon\8 their claim to honorable men·tion.lIiss C," Is Chaperon.After the awarfUng of tht. I'ri:r.�t.hp wOlllen of the class .served tea,!mllclwiches ancl bonbons. Mis.q Ott, theh:l.pcron of the pnrty. pr�jcleel at thetca·table.The gathering wa� the I�t SeniorsOI·ial event of the quarter anel broughtWILL GIV'B ".l"ALKS ONBOY SCOUT 1I0VliMBN'fIN WIlh'BR QUAR"l"ERsity will he wcl('ome without �pCt'inl clay, .January ; anel on altcrna�c We.l·in\'itation. n�clay afternoons at the offire. of theThc F.ighty·ninth Con\"()('at ion will Y. M. C. A. Th�c clemoMtrations areh(' h .. l.1 at 11 Satnrclay in lln.nclel. flcsigncc1 to show the work and train·DE DAILY MAROOX. nBSDAY, DBOBIIBBB 18, 1915.The D. iI J M. roo D �_ --- _" I �allt remini8C.·NI(_·l' of the prlucipul suit.c-.... .... � ........ tM 11....... · BaBet!-_, __ � ! PROGRAM NOTES ON TOB AI'S £ON£ERT \ Je<��. (AJ�retto, B fiat mjlJor :: t............. =.:� ..... � ... .tllll.[or COUeg:O�1II:15. llan· BYTBEI'8I£AGOSYIPBONY OK£HESTRA1:�:·'pr::�o�;rJ�.::�;:;n;::.,��:: �;I�.JlODda7. 'durlDa the, AUlUao., WiDter aDd "I."rluc qu.rlel1l" b7 Th • .0&117 lIarooa tiel hull. ------:-- _ - - main theme uJlpe:lrK above titl'llI w it h.�oChicago Symphony Orchestra-4, Overture to '°Egmont," Upus 84. he writes, "quite aguiu�t the wish ot the followiug pluintlv» IlIt'h:t!," ,II th.,•• --:::. :::::� ltaullel. LudwiC VaD Btlethoven. most members of that falllous Ort'heel'! Bnglhlh horn: The other .iLluill:1II1AihWla..... Phi Beta Kappa quarterly meetin£- The music of Goethe's tragedy, "Bg' tra, anti W38 only pushed through motifs of the seeoml 1Il0'"t'l1It'lit followBaalaeu ..... erbOtCkealado •• aaacer 4, Harper E20. 1I1011t," was composed by Beethoveu iu thanks to tho benevolent 0 stmaey 0 it..Mandolin C1u�4:30. 180!U810, twenty·t1\·o years after tho the eouductor .Iu!es (.jar('in. Th� tOUb_1....... 1.... ....... I'n. .... .....r-n CI�-ce CI-�a+w_7'.I5, T -x. plu\! hat! been produced. That Booth, !W'ribl'rK could make neither head 110rO�'Orp Sh&1ru Vorvt.b¥ Wdl �� �uu uu..."1., .... ." &..t_. .TNina O'NeUl Aucuta S.awlte inf,.rtoll hall. oven undertook the writing of this ill' tail of it anti the musieal authorh lesTOM.QRROW. cideutal music to the tragedy w� ow- were much iu the tlame posittou,Senior Oollege Ohapel-IO:l5, lIan, ing to the desire of Hartel to produce inqired of one of thl'Dl-a professor at- �!!ig�=;n:��I����7;;��'�1uf'l. plays by Goethe and Schiller at till the Conaervatoire, and a kintl of rue ,o .. A -.� - - .:-;._ �f �:_�, Ilteception for candidates for �"!gree8 Court theaters in Vieuua (of which he tum 011 the Committee-c-what he ����!'����j• -�.;� �. yr·4-, Pr�ident'� house. was the manager), anti to give certah. thought of the work, "That, a �ylll' �French Pla,. 'rryout--4, Cobb I2A. dramas with incidental music writtel. phony?' he replied in eOlltelll(ltuvu�; Thp. elarmets bring forwut,l :1 d .• r"r,Mathematical Club-4:15, Ryerson by eomposera whose fame would adu tones, 'But Illy dear sir, who ever oot theme, afterward taken u}' h.\ Ih,'17. lustre to the representation. of the heard of ,,'riting for the eor anglaiN ill stringh. No.6 rool'I'(>arK, at Iirs , U;I'Score Club Dinner-llutt'hin�on cafe. works. The first performalu.'e of this a symphony? Just mention a Idngio cJuLIJgt.�f, hut )ntt'r with till' plui t iv»work took place at the Hofburg symphony by Hay tin or Beethoven iu; melody ill the }o;ng'liKh horn above it,• Within Bartlett QJD. Both stand on theater, Yienna Ma ...• :!4, 1810. troducing the cor anglals, There, well Til .. movement doSt'� with n !W4'lillllA recent communication in th • -, J, e the same footing; both are enforced b,. III additfon to the overture, Bee- you see-s-your Franck's music may lw t'onl'erl1('cl with 1Iln.:t'rial fir:;t :m'Maroon rellects a fee:ing on the part Ipublic opinion. The question of WiS- tho,"('n provitletl tbe following numo whate,"(>r you p)l'ase, but it will t'er' nounloecl b�' thl' lolarinl'tl'l, rt'fl'rrt'" tilof JDa.Dy that the Order dum is one that an individ.nal has no bers: Four entr'actes, two songs for tain)y never he a symphony!, in the for(>going NentNll'(.'.The Sacred. of Sacred Ducks is a. Mwht to question, at least ....... 'n ... the T b I"A6M � soprano-sung by Clarehen_, two or· I. be work egins witb an ntro III. (Alle�ro nOll tro),l'o, f) lIlajllr,barbaric custoID, and careful decision of the group. In con- t:hestral pieees-"Clar(Ohen's Dea,th'OI elucotion (I.ento,l D minor 4-4 time) it. 2-2 time,) Aftl'r six jlltro.;I"otIlrY( .,j of contin-, clusiou. it must be said. that Senior :11111 a "Meloclrama"-anti a "Symp,bony whIch the first theme of the main ntl'88ur('M the prirwil'a) tllt'lIIt' of Ilh';.; , ' tra.tton. It' is said that such a custom�i ', has taken the right course. Senior has of Triumph," whieh is tbe finale or. mO'oement is foreshatio"·ell. fillale is annOlllll'('cl hy the 't'('lIos and�:' "is 'a direCt'Violation of persona111berty, not been initiated into the Sa.cred tho work. The prineipal subjeet of this (Allegrtt LaMoons as foJlo,,'!':�'.:"�";""""�",:.::":,,:l�',:,,,,. :,',', t.:::dis a1,�;=,,eel :..: ofot� :��_:"::t i: :�a=-:: (pTI'c�.eOloO')",erttwuoreOlb·soeseS,0twredo feolarrtl'nWeOtsft, Ut'w� :�:h tr:�:o, :;U:��:gr, 2�:e::e);n oP;:: ..�.,._--.".,._ ....... __ .--..--.--..,_-..�="",��.; ." =tI::7::�::"=': �.u:= :..�:=::.:: b�D •• four horD� two trumpets ket� striDgs: . c:::!Zr::�t�o�.,:_.:�,�; ." 'ie m�eOtor the sacred Duck.s in the to have tile law mocWied. Wbether he tledrums and strings. The main body"''' __ ���t,<.:.i�'�.,' b puce; the 3dvocates of personal of the overture i8 preceded by an In· fi i'j:U J -I C 1. I I....� ":$:,:'!o,""'".,.',' :an..�,". ·m' .; '-�:-- �"'-t no iDdi"':� ..... � succeeds, will depend upon whether troduction (Sostenuto ma non troppo, " •t ,._ C:�,,� ".t.� - y,au __ the l1nivemty pubilio tIliIW he is, 16,SJ_PJI f: m st,*-FSR ;1 ; � j -;is abso1ute�y free to do as he pleases. }' minor, 3_2 time). The theme with p _ ---.- :The opponents of the custom may .,.right or wrong. '__ �-== :��hiS ��:O b�gng�::lt�: s:::nl::o::; �W; cfEW _JJh&1lt:35'�. ,J I � -L�r-,<�,� .dansWer this b,. saying it is true, but 8 ·ef Cam'pus New' s '""n_ _ _ tbeme of the Allegro. There are "'- b I h 'althat limitations may be imposed ,upon ... wenty ars ater, t e maten 01persOnal freedom only- when the eXe.r- Lecture Before Physics Club--"Tho twenty_four measures of the slow in· the Introduction (Lento) recurs, again eonsiderab)o Joni,rth a lIew thclIl(' (�oocise of this freedom is going to be in- Speeific Heats of Air" was the subject tr04luetiono The tempo then changes to be followed by the Allegro non trop i) is presented in the hrns�l":l, all IIjurious to others. But is this so? Are of 1\Ir. Darrow's atldress before th� to Allegro, a.ntl the time to 3-4, the po mlbjec�, this time in F minor. Thtwe not contaa.ntly coDstrained by re- Physics dub at 4 yesterday in Ryer, principar theme then appearing four key changes to F major, there is a ritstricttiODS of all sorts, the vioiatiOn of son. Mr. Sautler spoke on "Surface' Dlea ..�ures later in the ,violoncellos. Til! ardanclo, and the escond subject enten;which causes DO substantiel injUfJ' to ... Films antI Contact Potential Effect" second subjeet,-note ita r�la.nee. ,quietly in the strings. Six measures ojanyone? Violation of the' conventiOn and Mro Aronberg on "'l'he Vapor to the first two meaures ot the Intro· ,this,are quoted above: interpolation of ih� themc of the 8ee-that red ties shoold not be worn Wit.h Pressure Curve of , Tungsten." tIuction-is in A fiat majo� �� ,�,�_ :,: .. �TMre ,is ,;another ,.dioit.: Of', thif on«)' mO;"enl�nt: (N�ri) ��pjayecl, as be-eVenilig' 'qiotbes 'wouict 'lDJ� DO one; with a ,·igorous motive in �e stri.ngP 'theme announeed by the fnll orcheslra, fore, by the Engli8h horn, with �but the convention is abnost as ar-bi- Y., �,O. A. Ken Will Keet-All followed by a qUieter one iD the w:intl., Much use is made of it in ensuin81 por. triplet figure running aguinflt it in theY. M. Co A. .secretaries of the milleU<'I' , tra.rily restza.iDing in its e1fect as the The Development is somewhat short,i tions of the work. The following bwestern universities anti eolleges will I h" .wel1-settl8C:l role that ODe person shOUld. and is concerned on y with t e pnnc,·not Slander another. It may be said hold 'a conferenee in Mr, Biekham's of- pal theme. The orthodox Reeapitulathat the analog,- is not obViC)US between fice, Saturday and Sunllay. Mr. A. .J. tion follows, anti the overture end8, .: ',,' }:Jliott will also' be present. The workred ties and the Sacred Do.cks; but it with a coda, the material of which i:-;is a true one, nevertheleSs. � root of of the Y. M. C. A. will be cliscussetl. also �at of the "Symphony of Tri,both is the fact that a ceitam social Choir rryouts This Week-Choir try _ umph" with which the tragedy is, group Pl'eSCribea certain conventions, out.." for the winter qnarter will be heM brought to ita conclusion.•• D. Stne"u. w. CO'UD�""H. IS. GOl1raaBe P.... ,w. H. L, •••\�. t• �". • I" EDtered .. Mcoad-clau Daail at theChlcaco poalomCe. Chlc.Co. IlL. Karch 11.1101. UDdt:r Act of Karch I. 1811.. . " . � .. 8VB8CJUPTJON lUTES •S7 carrier: U060 & 7""': n.Oo'. quarter.BJ' mall: 1S000 a )'ur; '1.%5 & quarter.Ji:dllortal-BwalDeaa Office. Ell .. ' U.TelepboD8 .Kldwa), BOOo After 10 p m.H7d. Park .8st.I(�D Pr .... 6611 Cot�ce Grove Aveaue.(fllitoria', .. , � " Ducks...I'j,� ,'.:": : � � ; jc� rv.!es. for the of ita in l\f,itehcll: tower stuflio from -l to 6members, and that a melb� of this e,'ery afternoon this week. The first'8rouP is bound by these conventions, Sunday Rerviee of the Univer.sity willIf anyone questions the red..tie analogy, be heM .Tanuary 4.let him consult Ivanhoe, aDd see a. s0-cial convention CODCeI1liDg beardS b&ing enforced in the SCene where Athel- hold its last lum'heon of the quartetstan and Cedric dined with Johll, in W�(lnC8(lny in lIutchinf'on eafe, Plan�jUst as IA1JIIJDaZ'J' a lIlaDner. th011.Rh a for next quartcr's work will be llis·dUlerent one, as tile 8eDiors have ('usaed an.l the .1nt('8 for .lnnres will headoPted for their CllStom., Nor c::au an clc.-ided upon.OP]JOneDt of tho Sacred Docks �laun Entertains Art CIasses-Miss Lilliantbat we have outr"ro1nl those Umea. 18 Cushmarl, int..�ru('tor in Art in thenot the PllDishment for the Violation of 9('hool of }o;cllleation, entert:Une.l herconvenUon by one Wbo woUld ...ear a art t')as.'4CS at, a .Japanese party lastred 1lanne1 shirt with eVening co1t.hes- 13aturclay evening.Dalnel7 the punishment of ri�"e-ashanh and as humUbtilut as tbtmeted out ,b,. the 8el11on in the pres- Albion W. Small wil) I�wre on "Theent cue? It is menly a choice of ,strength an.1 Weakncs.." of S�iaJism"means; and probably the �ood htUllor, this afternoon at 4 in the Fine Art....the real �e a.ttained by a Sacre4 thp.ater .• John �owper Powys will ('on'Duck (for he is looked up to as a man ('Iude his I�tures on Shakespeare'sWho has su1fered in the C01l1"ge of col· I(!omellies with "Thc Tcm�t" a:' Abralege life) is JQOre mUd thaD that of ham Lin('oln ('cnter this e\'enin�.the biting oPinions wbich meet a manwho breaks other 80dal conventions Thomas J. Cavey & SoDJUBt as trivial. Granted for the � PUBNISBJl(GBent tbat the Senior muatadle tra.cU- Score Club to Jleet-S('ore eluh willDr. 8maJ1 Lectmes T0da7-ProfessorFor OentlemeD8PBOIAL1ZIBG m ftIB WAlft'B OJ'Uon is a good one, the duck1ng caDnot be questioned. 'l'he 01Ily rUI question tlLat can be debated is whether. ,_cia a cusmm fa worth while. An"wbt can be said � it? '!'he Senior who .-ts his iluaUenable right to. d� a custom &CCIfJPted by the IJOC1.a.1poap of w1dch he fa a member, to bet md ..... t, mm a.ert his right toWIU' & -0," although he Deftr baa been 'l'JIB COLLBGB IIAH00Dan .... 13, up31 W. IIODrOe StrMt OIdcaCoSWAN'S 'LUNCH ROOM1342 East 55th Street.Try Oar Re_ Dailyaad San day DOmer, ZOe UpT.'le. rot Ladle': Flnt CIa.. �nIee This ha,"jng been workccl o\Oer atl'ontinuetl in the strings,The key t'hang(>S' �me twentymeasures after this, ancl a new, hleaappears in the bllHScs .sucl'eedetl hy anfirta violins. There now ensues a demovement (No.7) in th�' first "ioIiM,and of No. 8 in the full orl'hestra.The music beromes more tranquil;there is a long pauso, �ueeeetletl by areturn to the Allegro tempo. A longthe commen.eement of this 8ubject:The development begins with a working out of the principal theme, bu�,-$ater there is employed much development of No.3.i....r .. r· t r f r r r rI • i I I crescendo leads to a e)imax upon whichthe principal subjCt't of the mo'"ement'" ' ,�- ••• - 'emit flAt4L' t_, -,=-=-_3 r_ I ill called out by the full or('hestra. Thotime r.hanges to 3-4, an.1 the fluhjCt't ot,'elopment of the first subjCC't of thoIy presenteel by the whole ort·hestra.Mingling with �oft ('hord!' in the brass,the harp puts forwar(l arpcggi08, alternating with' whif"h there if' a sll�gcstionin the first "iolins of the openingtheme of the first mo,oom(>nt (X o. I)and at the dOfl(' the prinif"ipal subject i� at'('orti('d the 18st wor(l.Cesar Franck brought this symphony The Recapitulation is announce.,to its first hearing at a Conservatoire (Lento) with the principal theme in th,'concert at Paris February 17, 1889, but trombones anel basses, canonically imiaecoffling to an inscription placed on I tated by the come:& antI trumpets. Thl'the last page of the manuscript score' Allegro portion of th,e subject apt,ear.the work hall been ("ompleted August I in E flat minor. The �on.t theme i22, 1888. 'I given, as befor4- to the strings, it,In his biography of Cesar Franck, second section being again brought forVincent d'lntly gi"es some particulars I wartl fortiSftimo by the fun or('hestraconcerning the first interpretation of The mo,'ement con.-Juties with a cocln;the symphony. "The ��f�rmance was" at the close of which there is heard a-------------jP�-------------.Coatinoed 00 page 3.'THEMASTER-MODELof the· Royal is a stand·ard �orrespondence, machine anddoes condensed billing wifltcu' in,special affacllments.The: TypewriterThat Solves "Typewrit:r Problems.'ROYAL TYPEWRITER COMP�Y58 E. Monroe St., 'Chicago Illinois.BIll DAILY VA.""... !'1JBdAY. DECEJlBD 16. 1915.---_. ----- -- _._-- PBOGBAJI NOorU(CoDtiDued OD page 2)THESMOOTHESTTOBACCO�w IOpLomores but Lave a smokC'ing knowledge of Velvet-tbe �l�greatest of l?bacco Ieaf-the oldendays method of auing by a@ns-2 yean of hanging in thewarehouse under perfect conditions-1a perfect seasoning-ameDowingthat � every vestige of Iealharshness-a sweet.mnooth Bavor of tobacco that. cbaDeoges the Lest smoke youever es:perienced. Can·t bum hot-can·t bitel Smoke it as oltCD will it is always the same deIiabtfuI p!pdul-Vchet aDGOIb.Today or any lime you aay-at aD deaL::a.toeFuDTwoOuoceTmaJOSEPH SCHWEITZERUniversity Pharmacist for over Ten Years.In his new up-to;.date StoreAcross the street from old location."0 E··U .. t·s -6 H E-ii _- AOp 'cft-lfE'lft R"-The.1321 East 57th Street. Tel. H. P. 3311st.2nd.3rd.Club Breakfast 15e upThree Reasons Why you should Eat at the len's to_oDSGood Food Properl� Cooked.Cleanliness our Motto. Inspect the KitchenA Minimum Price for Ht,h Qualit7 FoodCafeteria at LlmebDinner A I..aCarte BIUSIC Come ID----------------,---------------"A Winter'. Tale."..Ad L(1517 E. 57th St.. ChiCMo. Rooms ofE. Eberle. Phone 1998 Midway.)CHARACTERS-Customer . . 'YouSeller •••••• • • •• •.•• • • •• • •.• �"IeWaiting Ust (in prot_lonal. unusualand varied attire.)Christmas cards (Etchings andNew Year card8 (water colorMixellaneous (Sketches.8eeae I.'work in Chicago. "F'edora," to be give sing the, tital role.ton TUeNllay night, is being produced Th . h t h't .... hed Sirens, where their ships were shat-. e plot 18 a somew a. W I ewas.for the first time in Chicago by a . f . 1 • B r n's Don tered upon hidden rocks." Under_versron 0 eprsoc es In y 0flrst-elnss company, while Mozart·s' J" Th te f th lot boutuan. e een roe p , a.. Don Giovanni" will be heard for the . .whieh the viflanies of the gay Don arefirst time in Chicago since 1908.gtPuped, is the Divine vengeance fOIa··.Bingle misdeed •. In the fir�t act, Don the Sirens, Approach of the Vessel,. . .h f The Song of tho ShellR. Thc Ship,Glevann! slew the fat er 0 a womanlie' had ,,:ro�get\ and in the fin�l �t wreck,"i� him�lf slain by a statue of his vie It beg�ns (Anelantc, 'F mi nor, -1-4Umberto Giordano's "Fedora," to be . .. h " th t Itim, who had come to life, and attended time) Wit mnterra] I� e lUU eegil'en tonight, is unlquoIn many ways. . - strings which I'S intended to depict the. .. a wild feast given by the Don, acceptIt IS almost a novelty In ChICagO, hav- .... .' nig a jeering been perfonned only once befor�:- . :. . 'Ill be., .' The' muste' IS typIcal of J.U.ozart, . lDfand that time by the companr in the '.. ... . ; . a'continuous dow of beautiful melodiesInternational theater. llut the lDter- .. . '. '"b finterrupted by wild out ursts 0est from this probably will be over-wI.ll. . . brasses and drums. , Campaninishadowetl by the fact that LIDa� Oav- 0... . .. .' ·11 ak h fir t Ohl ... conduct.alaerl WI me. er s Icago fLP�.pearanee of the sen..'1on in th� .title role,. ,.ZINGABIo :':and the �ompany's new ac;q�is.itio�, th,e. .p,d . .; .: .',French tenor, Lucien Mur�torQ. will . PA�OOI ' .. ,'make his debu� � Count Ipanov, tl;1p, '. Lecmca.vallo. � fl, 'hero.. .� .' .l'rlda:r mmt. 8" P.! 11:; .. ',.The plot is a� intensely �Ioomy! .. ���, .. �itlay: .ni�'s:,performa;noe., is, in'"and is based on Sar���'s drama deal- tlced. &1I�0V.8UY.';. b, p.r.eee�Ur· 'a! atw .�.. i!,�t:clim.�, .. is--.a���ln�l, anc1 tht:ing �!th � '�me subJ�t.� .��-eeAter�.:;� .. bin.&ion::witb��·"tip- '�lulltc; depicts t�e destrut�tion of th,abou� the. di�trous efforts, of a etrOllg; .givtln lorlo'tU.1irs' time' i� � �hip as. its ;hull griDtIs UPOQ' the reekswom�, "Fedora,·�. ro. avenge a. ,.8Up7··: and;. both performaneea :'w}lf'oo con- �,fter this tb.ere is a..general suhNi4lenctposed wron& and enlla with her sui�ic_le.; dueled by· the performer�' jA:nd to cap of excitement, and. the work comes -tlwh�n she realizes the tragedies c�l. the cli�.T.itta·Bu1ro.will sing Tonioa pianissimo her mistakes .. }'etlora was bf;!trothetl . in ' Pagliacei� ; " . .to Count Vladimir, and in ��Q. fi�t ;aet; ,�oneavallo's "Zingari" 'Gypsies) iiaJearns that Vla.dimir has been kiUe.". :similar : to Pagliaeei, being' in tw,.by Ipanov. She clevotes her life to short acts. A gypsy princess' for8ak�vengeance. her lover for a wanllering poet, but afIn the seeontl act, F�Iora lit !!how�'� ter & brief perlocl of w�ed happines.'1drawing on Ipano,- in furtherance' 01' "�et�rns to her old love.' The story con'her plans. Ip�nov �onfe88es :ijl�" m��. ��i';tj�s" ,:,"ith the revenge'taken by thecler, but also divulges the fat't that he flighted poet..killo«I Vlatlimir in re"enge for the lat- PagJiat('� is familiar to' all an,I atter's s�luction of his (Ipanov's) wife. fortis a good in,lication o� the t-harFedora, who thus hears for the' fi'rsti a.t"ter qf lOu�ie .in Leoneav,allo's "Zintime',. of Vladimir·s tnlc cha�cter, gari." Both works have been .well castabandons her plans against' Ip�nov, .�nd with the �ompo8er �ontluctinJ!'and at the samc time, realizes she 'lov� should rO("ei�'e on", of .the �t proclut'him. ii.ona heara in years by a Chicag'But before thi", F�lora had gil'en'enre.information of a treatherous plot FAU8'l'wlaieh in,·olve,l the mother antI Gounoclbrothera of Ipanov, antI in the thir,t 8aturdtI.7 matiD", 2 p. II.aee. both the lovers he� that Ipapov's and: _;. IrelativeB have been killetl bec#�:�f .�� O�_� �their pa.rti�ipation in the plot. O\·er�. , . (Iii English.) .•:Come by the cOft8equenees of her art,:" ·�1.:, ':, .... :G�DM�� '.' ,Ff"dora takes poison. '. ;'IJatud&�. � 8"��:;� ;Giordano's musit� is d�orative rather Saturday's twO:·ped�M1l8:Dr�:eon8ti.than d�ripth·c. This poHcy was tute the weekly" bili .... :o.f. ·�hou�h·om.:..adopted by the �aoHC he pt'rformances. Faust, �ji �Ou�e, i� ar.realized that he was unable to write. opera familiar to all but adcleel intense en�gh to equal; the' ,,� 'is �v(m hy tho (,&.'1t. Muratore' willmovement of the story. The opera, wa.'\. �i!lg �Qte ti�� r�lc. while Cavnlif'ri willwritten in 1898, an(1 was first proclurcel Ming Marguerite, Jtullerclaue appt'arinJ:in Milan the ume year. Campanini :IN MeJ,hi.�tophele.s.will conduct. The e"cning performan('e i� "popula.r" in evcry I'Iense of the worel, exBAJIBOH B'f DBLILA rept in expected tleterlorat.ion of �n"·.8Alnt..8aens. , �The .. ope� �iIl be ,sung. in Englis�. �nelWeclDlIda� DlPt, 8 P. II. rOJlular rricOK will rule. .The same eut which gave this oper3 . _Tn atlditioni to Pa�f&l, on S\tn,la�.•. tw'o weeks ago will. repeat the pt'r· .January 4, thc Chi('ago Grancl 0jl(V 1iOrDIance. The Btory' of. the opt'ra is .. omrRny, annoulH"� "Tb�,,·· Frida�'bued on tH Biblieal storY, b._tlt with e"ening, D.,rember 26, with Titta Ruf�the exception of the 1ut �t\ is; not: fo making his Jut appearaa�e a" Athan aeeurate rcprodUC!.ti�,!. Jnsu-a� t)( .nac). Uld Mary' Gar.len in onc of her&.he' rOving hcrO' of 'tiae BibUe&l·. story, best parts as Thais., IStudent Views on' Plajs /01 the, WeekGB.A.ND. OPEB.A. N�. 1 > .�I1' ill pictured by :tIli. opera' as auThe operas tIlis ,,-eek constitute a. . i'��pi�ed Ieader of his people. Hilltriumph for Director Campaniui •. For character is stripped of the dark· eleoperatle novelties and revivals, and ments in the seriptural versio� and heintpresting and promising announce.. is made the victim of an ungovernablements as to personnel, the bill is love for the false Delila. The third actunique. Two operas will be glven at pictures the scene within the templepraetically their first - performance, one ot Dagon, and follpws the familiarother will be -gi"':eu' after remaining in story.retirement since 1908, and one' composer wi� conduct . tw� of his ownwork ..}'ridaY·tI bil� itl -eue 'of the mostunique ever offereci in Chicago. Leoneav al 10. composer of "Zingari" and"Paglia.eci," ,,·m conduct the perform.anees of his own works, and if this isnot enough, the performanco ot··Zingari·' is the first appearaneg of tho DON GIOVAl,flUMozart1'hunda,. nigbt. 8 P. II:.The Thursday night production 01Don Giov�ni is another revivaL.. Theonly other capable performance of theopera in recent years was given. in the.studebaker in 190�, by members of theBoston Grand Opera company, Th{'cast i", featured by Titta Buffo who willBy Umberto Glonlano,Ton1aht. as P. JI.. '8JDlphcniC Poem, "The Sirens," Opus 33Beinhol4 JIorttzovitch G11ere.The composer of this work received.his training at the Conservatory or.MOscO\\� from 1�94, until 1900. Hiscareer at the Conservatory was distinguished, anti be bore otI the golumedal given to the best student in theeomposltfon class. AccortHng to MaxHetI.SO·s Deutscher Musikcr·Kp.lclltler,'<Were is now Iiving III St. Petersburg.Gllere's symphonic poem bears thvfollowing program, written in RussianPreueh and German on a tly _leaf of tluscore: "Tho Sirens were fabulous beings who, aecordiug to the imagill:LtioJltered upon hidden roc ks," U' uderisle in tho middle of tho sea. Sailorshearing their magi« SOJl�M nud forgetting all else, steered their vesselstoward the isle of the treacherousneath this "progrum,"" Gliere added amore explicit desertptlon of the music.It runs thus: "The Hca... The IMle ojsea, This is succeeded by a new seetio)'(Allegretto, 6·8 time), evidently intended to depict the Isie of the Sirens.Molto Tranquillo, A flat major, 4-4time. Over an undulating figure in thostrings the muted horns playa motiveintencief� to suggest the apI,ronch ofthe ,'essel l_)earing the eloomed �ailors,'The voices of the sireJls arc hearel Iur. ing the seamen to, tleNtrut"tion. TheirsoOng is given to t�� violns ancl darinet. The music bee'o�es more ngitated.the' "oices of i'he sireps n�ore fre�zi�lG]t.� .... ····K···@2!r\nol\a�ARROW'f'ctchCOLLAR'1'0 give Ploasure to those we Loveor whose Friendahip we appre�1ateLt'l .11 Ilelp ,.0 .... rry nllC Ch ..Idt'a .. ,. aeUas a" 1uur mrl'l'rllIft'r. Tllere are It �paldl.,!8tores la &lie U.ltt'd Statew, an.toele4 wlillJtltt the Bight ThiDgs to make thChristmas i'ime really joyfuL Buy Y onr Smokes andGents' Furnishings atC�lIw"hey·ss. E. Cor. 55th and Ellis Ave.o�n. ,. •• tlhnt-Itnl .. d bookf't df'�c:rlhlnJ; a new!r,'a:m�nl for allI\fH)' razor b::lIlel'. maklnJt ')nf' b: •• l .. I.I'!I liff'llm(' An.l tHo b"r:f'r t1> " whfln pur·e :,al'f'.I. Sent on r(' .... ·I"t of .l> ef'nt ..CLAUDE hOLFE.FOB MENHoward 01'-7, �t.1L.: mo.. king hlrda In Ihf' oran�" lfTo'·e. "ICl,.III cnL .. ;;" I':andardll. St.'nd rur c:a,alOJ:. CUSTOJlER.I saw your hernlds at Lexlncton Hallon the Bulletin Board.SELLER.They are a few of many. all are Ilk,Minerva. mind-born. orl«inaLCUSTOMER.I am one of a battnl:on to 9t'ttlt9Chrll'tmas troubles as • well to battle NewYear Socials.Spaltli�fll('Cial: 'atalogne of''1lriRtmnsSnJ!'".8tionRwill ha ofhclp.28 S. Wabash Ave. The New Flonca Hotel lIftae II.(Manouver and Di8Jllny.)CHORPS OF CARDS.'Ye are ROOfI (or mnny !'OClal arral"""I (clances. clubs. dlnnenl, etc.) We �t(rom $LOO to $:;.00 a dozen. eeparatelyi"rom 15c upward ..CUSTOMER.Thl8 i8 abargaln. I must 'have Battalion E. (Exit greatly pleaaed. To be repeated Indeftnitely.)++++++++ + ••JOSEPH SCHMIDTStationery, and ToRet Articles."T�)o; LINE OF f!ANTlIES956 B. 55th 8t... 0Ialcap, m.5721 Cott?ge Grove Ave.}: r R 0 "f: .\ � P I. A '!'(.n .... tnnnan.. n:.rlH'r Sltnp. nnwtlftllrand Umlar,ls III (;onll�ctlo ••)(0,,1 R .. asnnable Rat" oaUte 8oa&1I 81e1epnO�E HYDE PARIJ; nu.Imported aDd Domestic Line ofCIGARS "'ND cto", •...-ra++ •••• , ••••• +++++�+++.DELAND. n.oRID.&.� 1.1 .... Ral1e7 • .&. II. Rana .... n. DU.I"",t� ., Clan...Four collf'lr('s. nve IICbools, I. bUIJdlnRtl. 00In f,1CU:t:r. I:' Camecte umt. reqUired to ente!Co::elrt or l.Ibt-ral Art.. Land of blue .kl. I.lummer 'Wf'alher. oot of doot' I"f'Cft.Uon allwinter 80ft willdl from tbe ..... and tbe ma..l('D.:m]:i1:t!illillSrelltJt!llml;!tll�:mW!W:in@.1Iit: 'r\ person is often judged by the Bank hischeck is drawn on.3500 Hyde Par� residents and Business Peo-. ple now: have accounts in this Bank, and thenumber increases daily. The City of Chicagoand the U nited States both have accounts here.It is a STATE Ban� and subject to the samesupervision and inspection as the down-townBanks.KEEP YOUR SAVINGS IN HYDE PARKOpen Saturday EnningsHYDE PARK Su\TE BANKco,.",�a OF �3 � ST_ & LAV'- "'".,.OFFICERS DIRECTORSJOn:.� A:' CARROLL, P�df11t.RODER'!' JI': Cl:lDU':-':GS. Vice-PresIdent.THOllAii J��SE�. Cashier.M. A. HA·R.\io.:-.:. AS9Ist::mt Qas)ller. Rob(>rt F. CummIngs Pra nk \\'. HowesCharles n, Horrle Jonit's J. C;:rroliHenry L. Stout Thorn:ls JansenDanlt'l F. Burke Thomns A. CollinsJohn A. Ca.rro;l.WE are showing a new lineof EnglishScotch tweeds, Serges and Cheviots.Specially selected for College fellowsand specially priced for $30.00.�;1TAILOR FOR YOUNG MENTHREE ·�TORE8: 7 N. La Salle St. 25 E. J;lckson ill\·f!.'l E. :\IIIIJI'UCS:" Beware. of ImitatiODS r;;.1 The Mikado Art and KimonaTh Is Onl On c·'" House.ere y e en� WJlOI.ES.\ u: DIl'oun:ns.A New Collar1022 East 63rd Street.WE CORnUI.I.Y IXl'ITF. yOU TOIXSPECT OUR XF.W STORE, DUR·IXG TRE titPECUI. 1I0LIDAY8.\LE, :}'ROll DEC. TO !Ub.WE BEG YOUR ATTEXTIOXOX OUR CUT PRlCf: LIST.FROM .S.OO TO P.OO KIlIOXOSAUE XOW '1.08.FRO)( .1 .... TO fl�OO KUIOXOSAXD )L\'XD,\RI.\X CO.\TS. AREXOW AT .t .....'fO.GO Axn r.:t.OO QU.\UTU:S .\REXOW AT ,IS.; • .\ XR ,f •. oerights are protected in the U. S.Patent Ofii::�I offer a reW'.ard forthe nrunc of an:iouc llsiult the nam.)'rAN-GO 011 pe.fun1� or toilet preparations 0t11er than those manufactured� me.Buy the New Perfume With the"Bouquet Odor"801d by all Locp DCllartment Stores EVER\'TIIIXG IS XOW ,\ T W n()I ••�·S.\I.I·: PRICt:. Wt: JlOXt:STI.Y RE·QUt:ST TilE lixn-t:nSIT\' 1.,\ illES TOCOM RIGIIT OVER .\XD s.n".: TIIEIRt::XPEX�U:S. (left �T()n.: IS I.OC.\Tt:DWITIIiX W.\I.KIXH mSTAXCE Af'TERI)(XX.�R.A. D. ADAMS177 �. STATE ST.A�nJOSEPH SCHWEITZER�nt this Ad. at Joseph Schweitzer's and receive samplebottle. crBB DAlLY MAB()()N,:jl' ver hue. :\ 0 udvcr tisemeuts re"ci \ ed ,·01' iess thau :.!':;c. All cla.ssi1lcdadvertisements must be paid in ad-vance,LATIN-AMERIOAN STUDENTS- URGE HONOR SENl IMENTPlan to Distribute Parnphld:- IeFreshmen---To Get Opmion onTrial of System b) General Ballot To-morrow.Plans of tho Honor "OIUlllissillll witI", dist ribun»! to all stu-Ivut-, " ......Freshmun Eliglish "Ia� s,'s \\ ill h· ::.l.Jrc.�"l',1 011 till' proposit iou, au.I t ,Imorrow all ull.Il·rgrat!uat,· das."',·s wi l:Ul� addressed, rc.'gurdillg t he trial 0.the honor systern uut i] 1-\.I'I'1I:tI'.". Ea.·j.«lass will vote UII t ln- followill;.! 'Ill.' .•tiOllK'Vate on Questions.1. Should there ht' all l l nunr o·(I:lll11i.�sion at the ('lIin'rsity?:!. \\'oultl you rt'l'ort a l"'rsoll who saw t·lll'llt.illg?a rr you would not report , would .Y�Ispeak to a persou y ou saw ,·Ia('at:u;.!?.1. Do you fuvor a temporary ".,lIlIlIisForty more delegates will be adde« Dorothy Llewellyn Right full hlll':to the sixty-five who will represent tbt Nancy Miller. _ Left full hlll':University at the Kansas City Conven Dorothy Llewellyntion providing that accomodation cal F'zieda Zeeb ...........•........ Goahe ma.cle throuAh the New York o1fiee. JDDlor:All delegates will be entertained ir Grace Nairin,private homes in Kansas City. Fron Edith Smith ..•......••... Right win,five to six thou!!antl will be present a' Etlith Smith,the com"ention. Katherine Bos.<IOn .....•.. Ri�ht illsi,1The three rear cars of the sp.ecia� �I t ,lIT lk C 'I h'".� argare I.a er ca ..train to be run by the Chicago anfl Katherine BossonAlton railroatl will be reser"ed f'or thl' Julia DOll!!" Lcft insill Amusements.GARRICK!\n:. \\'M. lI�D(j E inTHE ROAD TO HAPPINE�8"(il'lllIillt' I'W'O'l'SlOur to ''1'111,: .\IA�FHO�I Ile».\1 t-:. .•__ .llIh·r Ot't�IlIl.--------CUHM.'S GRANDHoOlus with or without board rentedat reusouable prices by :::-;IHl.llish Indy,Will furuish uecordiug to ta... te of oe-1 cupnuts, Horne prlvlleges, llrs. lldcli. Bensou, 4th apurtment, ij:1l j HI:u·I<·:-:�UlIl' (Washington) avenue.LOST-Goltl Serpent Ring, Ruby setti IIg'. Kindly return to Information.lesk, Cobb.TYl'EWUITING neatly doue-c-Miscellnneous work a specialty. Miss B.Brown. 1))32 Vcrnon ave. or HarpelLibrary LO:1U Desk, 'V-3J. sion appointed hy the 1I1101t.rgr:tolu:l·.'·WANTED--..A few more students of council to ru-t unt.i l f'OUIWil t'lt·d.iolls ilFebruary, when a ref'ereu.Ium will I,eit her sex can earn about $25.00 work taken?Ing spare tfmes until Xmas. IndU. Faculty D::.fine Dishonesty.Novelty Co. Room 601, 56 E. Randolp Tho conunission submits t lu- follow.�t., Telephone Randolph 2000. ing .loflnifion of dishont'sty liS IIt,tilll"hy tho fneulty :AMBITIOUS DEBATEJUl-Read the "Dishonesty in "oll"gt' work consist:University of Chicago debates on "Fed of praetiees which tt·II.1 to ut ,eral Graduated Income Tax," "Federal for the result... ,1"mant!t',1 of til" stuIncorporation," and "Recall-Excluding dent, the work of another person. T'hi.JUtlges." $1. per copy. On sale at the definit ion lIpplios to t'XlLlIIill:L ions, il. All� th ... r O.J! au &. liarrb tuueuRAY�OND HITtnC�CKPress: and at Woodworth's Book Stores,I 1:�11 57th St., 1540 E. 63d St..ADD FORTY TO NUMB3ROF VOLUNTEER DELEGATES tests (oral or wr it.t en}, t lu-nn-s, SIH'('iareport... , laboratory oxporiuu-uts. orareeitutions,' llll,1 nl l other "'ass 1'0'1 •.requirements.'JUJ'lIOR TEAM CAPTURESMore Than a H1Uldred Will Go on HOCKEY CHAMPIONSHIISpecial Train to Student Con...Profel'.",or .,'or('st R. :Moulton will spl'aJ8enDou.-on "The De\'iation of l-'allill� Ho.lif·:· ]�«lwin Holt Hughes was th,'at the meeting of tht' �f:ttht'llIati,':!('Iuh tomorro,,- nt ,J: 1;; ill n�·f'ro:-;II. :,\1 i .Olh'o Hn?lctt. also appf':t!'l' Piliif' prigram with a tnlk on i·)rn'ari:tllt.s \\'iaidChara('tcri?e Somc Linear Associat.iyf'Algebras."ventio,Unh'ersity (lelegates. A standardsleeper will be pro\'jtletl to the womeranel a tourist for the men. The Ia."'tcOac'h is a six section oh�en'ation carwhieh will he usefl for a meeting placefor the purpose Qf electing a h�atle"antl committees and for soeial timesAll men are requestctl to make thei,..reservation n..", soon as possihle in tb,Y. M. C. A. off'iee anfl the women .iJ·the Y. W. C. L. oft'iC'e.Only a small proportion of the tl('l<gates are memhers of t.he Stullen'Volunteer The ('ampaign is forthe eflueation of the eollege stuc1�nt.qF;.(ty·fi,·p, tlf'legates met for a sOC'inltime la�t Fric1ay ni�ht at the homo of'\ranri('(' Pri('e, 6034 Ellis avenue. DrGilk('y spoke on the convention . anflfl('I('J!nt('�·eleC't (lise\l�l'etl plans for tb«'triP. (Cuntinued from page 1.)Gla«lys Greenman Left will:l.allra WalterD�rothy Collins RiJ;ht hal f hal':F;"a Hulson Center half 11ltt'1I�abcl Mac!\furrny •.... Left half bnc:,T�an!1ettc Regent .. ·.. RiJ!ht full h:«'l,Dorothea Bunge " Left full hal')'El�i� Sa.."'Cor . � ' GnnGoals: AUJ!llsta Swnwitl,. ]; .'uli�·ttAmes, ]; Margaret Walk('r, 2; GladyGreenman, 1; Catherin(' Bos..-;on, 1.Margaret Hammett, AUJ!usta an·I.illian Swnwite entt''fl the S"nio�ql1ad in Kelly hall after til(' gnmcThe "c" numeral:-l will 1)('· nW'nr.If'11 tthe women on the t('ams Thur14,la�·. .� ..picture of hoth teams "'ill h� t.:.kf'n th '('arly part of next quart('r for the lnl'Cap nnd Gown.To Speak About Falling Bodies- 'I'll E BLACTY l:'1l0PAMERICAN I \ HeHALLPrcacl:cs Oonvocatton Me INT'l"R.':: AND HEATHand Co. of 80 in'I'll E 11,:\:\1 TnE�(':tl,art't �� Luxe luat! Hanl'illg )o;\'cry:\i;;lIt, ) 1 1'. III.ILLINOISGreatest Show on EarthZIEGFELD FOLLIESHo",ard'S TheatreA Blow at Commercialized ViceIt Has Awakened Chicago.THE TRAFFICPO"VVERSlDaw and Erlanger'sThe Poor Little Rich OirLNOT a Fairy Play.speaker at. the (�on\"Ocation religiou:-lserdf'e in Manclel Sunclay. lie :4pokeon tho text, "Their work shall followt11t'1Il:' Dcrwent Wilittl(,14«'y anfl II. S.Aflams Rang' n tlu('t.Frehsmen Outnumbered at DaDC6- Til E mCEA T PJ�A Y OF NOWUA 1\1 0 D ERN 0 I B L"STUD'EBAhERRichardOARLE lI&tUeWILLIAMSIn Cb1ca!to's Musical Holiday FesUnt7nn: DOLL OIBLFINE ARTS'TIl(! Trnth"-Uutherforl] MayDe"nnrharn."-Kenneth S. Goollman"A Gnmc of Chc�'4"-K�nneth S. Good·manprinceesDOJUWJ KBANBBOMANC.In Edward Sheldon's Love Drama�fol'(l nppf'r ('In.�men than Freshmen quis Shattuck will lena the chap(" ----------------attenf1cc1 the �cconfl Freshman dance scrviC!c of the Divinity sf'hool thi� OL Vl\,fPICI in Bartlett Saturf1ay. Ralph Hamilton morning at 10:]5 in 1Jn..�kell n��empl:'fnrniRhcI' the mURic.. Cohan s lIarTist Sensational TEA HOUSELUNCHEON 12-1:30Long on Good PoiotsBy the Makers ofTroy's Best ProductDINNER 5:45-7.. B. 57th. Hyde Pazok 2015 --------- room.Dean Jla.thnrs Betunus Tocla7-Dcan Mr. Gilkey Win Speak-The Rt'''·Shn.ile� Math('ws, who bas been in erentl Mr. Gilkey will afMrc�� tho'Oklnhomn Cit��; nttending a large mis- f:!ehool of Eflnc�tion chnpcl excr('iR""Riomlr�' m(,f'tinJ: will retnrn this mom-tomOrTOW in Blaine •in..-r.. - S'l'OP 'nIIEF$2 Worth tor:. Dollar