)C',�-,.�, .....�--... ".uranu. :!'.�., "U1UVBB8I"1'Y' OF OHICAGO. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1913. PRIOE FIVE OE!ft'8J ."._. I ' ••. �,'jJ '�,� ,� Large Crowd ,Witneaaes IndoorBaseball Game-Delt WinningClUa. Officen for This Year Will from Phi Psi in Eleventh. Boilermakers Coach' Believes. " Be NomiDated at the 10:15 .' Stagg Has Better Team-MeetmgL I Ono hundred voices wer� rt'lIclerell'" �.�.!\tany Rooters to Come.Al'c'orclillg to Coach l::)tagg Chicago. . ., temporurity useless, numerous ,lli.�ty .-.-_ -... , _ =MEDICS'GET·TWENTY MEMBERS is 1I0t ready for tho Purdue game. 'iJ_i: ,LUNDE_TO ,PRESIDE OVER 1917! Eugli=-h suits WNe badly rumpled and, PURDUE TO ARRIVE TODAYrector Stagg spoke at the Purdue " . ---,-. I several fair youug wouseu stutlellt.'l., 'muss-meeting heM .vt:sterday in Kent._ ',Uudergraduate c.la&les meet this I h(W:U.III' temporurity ,1.1.:-,·steric'aI duri ng '; '(Sl'cc�al to The DaHy Muroon.]Men )Iolley " • r ,Attr:ll'tcel by the antics of tho 'I'hree- morning 'at 10:15. for nouiinafiou of the indoor bnsebull game between,'. L:_.L Fayette, J nd, Oct, �:!, lU13.-'l'heQuarters men, ono of the largest' aU elass. officers. Seniors will- meet DI·!tu 1':1\1 Delta and l'hi Kappa .Psi, Purdue eleH·u. C':Ulle out of the hare!crowds that has tried to get i�to Kent, in;Cobb;6A; Juniors, Kent east; Soph- pl:t�'ell yesterday afternoon 011 the �:=:t: \' ist:om>�.ll'; I'ontl'st with _,no illjuricspac' keel the entrnace, nud many wereomores, Kent wcst; and Freshmen, «nnt lot ndjoiuing the Phi Psi 11?_��e. worse than a f'ew minor scratches andunublo to get inside. DIrector, l::)ta.gg, Kent. theater. Due to the fad that Frauk" 'Whit��1-: bruises. Stilll·hfielci has a bad cut overCoach Page, Guettler, and Rudy Mat- Ernest .Beiehmann, president of the was at"ting as umpire the final ;s�orc OUe eye but it is healiug rapidly. The'::;euiors ••.............. 1�0 $$:�::)i) hews were the speakers, Junior class last year, will preside at was 10·0 ill favor of tho Phi Psis, ::a-ncl showing made. by tlte BoilermukersJuniors' " " .. .. .. .. .. .. Director Stagg said, "1 wish overy the Senior meeting. Donald Delany there is 110 question but that the Saturday �n �lOl,lillg Wisc�usill to aGarduates • . • . • • • • . . . • •• 5 $24. .h d b 1 i'L .,mnu 011 the team could be ere �n ill. have the chair at tho .Junior meet- st-ore would _ha\'e �en ar�er, (uau t ie I'r.o\'es beyond ti��h_t t ha t thfY are-- ----tr-ll his thoughts on tho game. It B k lSI it not been for the manner ill w'hich :, Confereuce �oJ)t�l1tll)r, uud ,,·nl no24H $42H.5fl. ing, , , Prederiek urc y at t 10 01) 1-would- certainly hell' me if I coul,�l inore' meeting; and Erling Lunde, at, �. Hardy" .Iohnson, acting as refer�C' _ tioybt, be able to .gh·o CO:_J.Ch �tagg'�Priends of the University have h'" f 1 f II btl WI't .I. lsiheur the ouest opllllon 0 every p.ar.- tho; Freshman, ,The elections will be OJ! bases, success u y com a ee _II � warrmrs a bat tle I·oya., . �lf:,rg ampromised the Y.ll.V.A. $100 if the stu- 'rl It f th Pu lu ame '. k 1J lis 0. t'k 'TI th CI' t I II . teer, IC resu 0' c r( 0, � 'held Fritlay of next week. . �ng s wor 011 :u. an s 1'.1 es. leso. e .lJI:�go yalll are IC. I�· grea rdents raise $900 in the present cam- depends on the spirit of the men. Jf_ .;' .;liaJ' NO!!!lnate by Petition. two :qten wero easily the stars of the rcsped than were_ �he Bagers._ Pur_I)aign. So far $4:!!l.:)O have beell SC, 't • t tt 'th th -'I 't . t th' .1 1 II 1 1ft I 'U. .ollr' :(lam goes 111 0 10 gnme WI e Stuclents not nominated toilay, may 19ame, anu I was OWIng 0 6lr un- une S IOU I Ill\'e e l' ea 1'1 ,ylSConSlDcured by the Cdllllllissiolls through tho fi I t' ('I . . 't -II' . .. I It t th' t" t I f b' hid tIg I mg ,1Icago Kplrl, wo Wi WI�., be nominated, by 'petition:' hefore 4 swen'mg, oya y 0 elr rcspee Ive Ins e a c 0 cmg 0 0luncheons anel mass meetin!!s they arc J f . tl t t _.1 •. h tb'1' 4- ted . 01' 1 . d� t Ie ac·t JS III Wo aro no reauy tor T eS4l afte P t't' houlel cI:o�ds t at 0 aUule.nce was' ... ea, a tIC. .Jj' lallt n'celve a'cbaving this wcek. llonelay will bo . ,'u ay" rnoon. e I Ions sthe Plmlue game, ncither offensive'y b add ed "t ·th' 'U 1 1 at to so many thrills. forwanl PU:>N' Ol� ,Wil.wousin·� two yariltho last tla'" of the, campaign. Junior -. .: i 0 ress : 0 e nc crgra.c u 0oJ or clefensiveh·. I saw the Purclue team. '1 bo 61 fit' h 'p ,Captain Stuffy Mann played ill �s linc in the first ha]f. When tackleclcollege commissions will ha\'e char�I' •k d I councI , x , acu y exc ange.· e-'.1 f l' . . h' '.' _1 TIplay two wee s ago, an was ,as,' titions .. for,' reclassification sh'oulel be usual form ash,Le' rom a pecu lar ton- he drrp.i:ell.t e h:ill, hut rcco\'eree .' 1eof toclay's luncheon. tonislwcl at the showing. I believe that sent., to' ,the Council not later' than _dency to fallon tho ball in �ch the refer('c rubl. the pinyan incompletedThe Mcelical school commission gav,:, it i� thp best l"'rclue team in his�9�' Tuesday nfternoon." The classification sam", manner employed in footbalL 'forwarcl pass, thcrel,�' Ill'pri\'ing Purthe luncheon yesterday. Dean Wells pnrticulnrly because of the fact, ���t lists, are posted outside the' eloor to There is no q1Jestion but ·tha.t Skeo (lue of a vit,tory.flnel Assistant Professo� Robertsoll it kno\\"�, moro football. Our team dld� ,tho,' Burean .,of' Records in Cobb. ,Sl:lu�r 'would hayo.,played a ,fa.r ,bet- The work of the illexpericn�ecl Purwere tho speakers" Since Tuescla:-' not.. show enough improvement las' Candidates will be' requiretl· to a(l- ter game had it not been ·fo.r. the UD- due line agnillst the vcteran W iscon-the Medirs ha.vo securecl twenty now· I 'l'h . ed b kfi 1 1ft h' h h . I' I - BI kSaturc ay. 0 expenenc ac e Idress, their classes at 10:15 Thursd:l.Y ortunate annoyances O,'W IC e was SID lnomen was vcry p easl�g., oe.members and ha.ve had $42 pledgcll. missed signals, and unless we show morning.' �T,ContestaDts for president ,::iu-bjectcd in ,the, f,?nn.' p( ,jnany fai'r er reeeiYcd much fa \·orable. comment\. $44 has been secured by the Divinit�' m��!!EJ>l2.Y.��l!� wh�n-::'!o!o_�.�r. ;...:_.... �tru-Q8,- -for=- rri���"ilui.,:':Mt1D��,,;_�:the- .hId' 'ortM'me--' way--ii'-"�iiic�b�!cf��ir;�.!:"�'-"'�u-stne�"""I'uesaay:=-""'-----' wm, . .! elue,tho,gamewillgothcwrong,WflY.""other_:oftU-. ,ODe ,minute. !� 3..',\ of battlc allel with.many.a,s�eet1y mighty Butler. Turner 'anel E'ti,nch-". .Beta Beta Beta Fraternity. ....., "Players Aro � cl�:eXeept�tbe Freshman, only a.�_ smiling greeting tlistracteel thc atten- ficld clearly outplayed the �Visco�n! The men, who are' out getting mOIl)� 'IIf I had h d k I .D -. b B dJ.' at lews ar wor �atl.1g piraDte .. for.-the. presidency will hayc tion. of elts star. ends, anel gums y tIle a gerS were, bers were 'yesterday callcd the "Betn' , !. ;._ .,-. '-any ot the players to speak. PI�e� to speak. Delts Score Six. limite(1 to lille bucks. Here the;r wereBeta Beta fraternity, Bickham's was (=,!led· upo· first� but was Dot Tho Delts lit· upon',Stansbury with 011 3Ceount �f tl,le,r' a.lIYanta,;e ,InBunch of Boosters", by Mr. Robertson. to 00 fGnnd •. "!l�rgie had �I.ced,� h_r W. '.A.: L,!M'B"BS :.OVBMBBR 7 terrific force in'tho second inning and weight able �� �g��ate good gains,He suggested to the campaigners that excusetl, anI] Gray lost himself in tJl� ':;.', -, :,D.ASS� POB,. OBICAOO NIGHT attain�cl a seemingly safe lead by but at critie,11.�i��s;·the Boi1e�aker, they go after the big men. in college, crowd. }'inally Goettler was found �oriJlg three runs.' Ulltil the ninth lino backec1 up, h�. � sUpcrb secondarycleclaring--ih'�t these men will b� thl� ,and ma(}e to say something. . '�I _' m..a!:JIotCJaJd8. '8tn:cken, Swawite. the Phi Ps�s has c1ifficulty locating clefens�. helc1_ th�p.!ot fgX d()wns.,est workers after they are pledgeel . h .•. ,, . f h' '1'1Coach Page IS rat er optimistIc con,: ... ,FraDWamt> FJamuIr Chosen as Wheelcr's curves in Spite 0 IS WI t -. _Oll�� .$ar.to the assoeiation. Dean Wells aAl- cerning a Chicago victory., He said, neMs. III the last of the ninth tho Phi Purdue's. ofJ'ense"n'i�ntel"ec1 about Oliovised medical stuelents to join the Y. '. . ."If Chicago is ahead at the en(I of Psis ('ame to bat tnree runs behind an(1 phant gained,.w«il.{ ,on. end �ns andY. C. A. He said it would propart1 the first half wo will win, bnt �he , .' Frances 'H0U8to� 'will act as toast· pr()('eee]cd to Nt:tge a hatting rally. A trick plays.' ::;"\it� eliel. not, howcver,tbem for service in the medical mi�,men will ha"e to fight to, the 1JnislI mi8tress .t."Chicago Night for Chica- fusilacle of hit.� tiecl the score. show many ·('omp!�:lf,.1;ormation� againstmons in th� East and that it wou}.1 'as they dl'(l last S t d Purd . h '11 be h II N I . f tl h' f th h nT' • I ' ,l" I' I deda ur aYe ue 'go ,!�eD" �.l1C WI.: e f 0- _ n :-I}u1o 0 10 C eermg 0 e un- n l�eonslD anI <:i&n,)� (cpen. uponimprove their morals. ,renlly hent Wisconsin, and: I belie,'e vembe�: 7' ·�t :&. in Lexington gyrimasi- drecl olllooker�, the tellth �nning went to spring the now anel least expedcclDean Mahlhall, an� the RO\'erenell . .. .. .the Boilemlakers have as good a team iun:, Buth Prosser has been, �ppointc,1 hy �nooth,ly, an4l although the Delt� n�:ljnRt ChiC':tgo S:)�urc1ay.Charles W. Gilkey will speak tOday. as thero is in the West.. Cbieago, has general . ebainnaD.� by the advisory threat�llc41 in tht."ir ha�f of the elev _ East, the star fullback, has beenThe luneheo�8 are held from 12 :45 to tho hest team in fivo years anel �at- board of the W. A. A.' Tho boarc1 l·"th they' eonlel not scorc. Gorga.� replaced,at lea.�t temporarily, by Ap-1-:30 in the cafe of, the Commons anel urday's game will be for .the e�am- has' also . CllOlleD representatives from o}wnecl the 'Iast o� the eleventh with plegate, a 195 lb. mno. The Rhift addsare free to every man in the Univer_ pionship. Pur�uo has an eastern various aetivities ,to speak in behalf a single, Siryke� followed suit, but twenty 'pounels to th,C' hnckfiel .... �d, 'sity. con(,h, ancl tho men will arrive to- of tile difrerellt sports. Louise l\ii�k n mo�ent 'later Harely .Tohnson aiel the new man will unclouhtee1Jy prove-;FR.BSB"MBN OOIlKBHCB &'rUNTS morrow and practiro on the fiold Jate .. ill' talk- fOr hoekey, Nancy Miller 'lis duty nobly hy calling Gorgas out an ablc -/running; mate, to Olipha�1:;in tllC afternoon." for -..riai.big, Helene Kenny for basc_ a\ thirll. LoI�esgard. came to the res· anel O·Brien.Iftree Quarters -Club Pledges Are .O1IphaDt Is Great.. ball, DOrotbY' Lieweljyn 'for tenni�, eu\ with a long hit that brought in Purdue' spirit is at its height and. �t at Kassmeettng. . • ,p"Oliphant is ono of the greateSt op- '�eiia Be.ll. f�� basket ball,' 'an,1 the winning run. Phi P�i meets si 1200 rootc� wi)) 1:0 to Chicago Sat..en ficld runners in the West. Capbun H� �. for 'general �ymna.�. U toelny in a .return gamc. urday to attenel the g:1II1e. A rna."",'l'ht." box score: meet,ing is io he heM t_omorrow night.Glos.�op will give Shorty an awful. bat.. ti.etL. ,.:fIIL.:.:.. -.li<IIIL� ·js tbe' tl\t'rd ann'uat af· "Phi 'Ir"-pa PsI. for the purpo�c of prn('tiC'ing yeth.tie a.t eentcr, and it i!'t up to tho Ihie .&-- "'e"� --... ,. ._� ctr'j·_' )dad r 'Lu\ year it was R. H. A. P.O. E. prll �on1!'.to (10 business. I've got a IUDCll that ...... ,'ltD •.• .,,t '. - h·: 'lLb' 'hld' ae'-llIpt before the Minnc�ot3 )\'��·khnm. C. . 0 4 6 1 Tho t .. :tm will Ipn\'e for ChiC'agowe arc going 0 wIn ng .. 'near � e ".• . • .--AL..-n _ __ ..2 tlris year will take 1.)1'. n('l'n, R. S. . 1 2 3 2 0 FriI1a.V', nnel th .. �IlP('ial trnin h .. arinJtfini!4h," , ' , '.. � e-"".-u'. . 'pI:"..-' all - ·..; f1;o10"' the Northw�t· ,St:ln�hury, I & P .1 1 2 !l 0 tho root .. r�--j� flu .. to nrrh'c at Chi-Tho rootCTN' hats will be on sale i. -- 'me, - .. ,. "the stands and Sam Wells expee�' the en "e.� A�: the npper t,h,o wom· �fa'l1J, :1rel. .. " .. " .. 1 2 :t 1 C'ago at ) 1 :·,a 8atllTlla�·.remaining quantity to be elisposed of ea, ia � body� c�n �nd the �a.�l'" Go·rJ,..r:tl'l, ]�t. & P •...... 2 � 4 ,�cf:it-e Together Today.,,','(tl' Th til t' 1 rt • w'lI Bleed., ill )laD del. Seve.ra1 tlmquo- ·t.r:,·ker, 2n,1. :t 2 2 1 Pui-IhlC' a"II (,hif':Jg'o '�:iJl prartil"" on·�WI , . ' cal e l('l (. opa men. 1. '.", 'I; 1 .'l_ 0 :l 0 .mEln." On their bent kneel" they Jil'L .sta.tS·wiIl be put on that night too at ..• C)I1C�J:arel, L. r'. 'ti,,, �:lme lit"111 ttJi� aftC'rnoon �n t,h�allow no one not wcaring;a m��, , 'ened to the precliction!'t of the C'on('hel' 1ta�t • �,ptltering.,. Tickct!'t will �roor('. R. }'., R. S ..... 0 0 l 1 la�t firilll ... for .. , tht" hi:,!:,!t"!'t, goa.me inhat. to �it in thc rooter's set:tion• , . ..2 tafter whit"h thcy showc(l some goo,1 . " be OIl sate' nen week. .' Snzith, R. F. . 1 1 0 f. th(' W .. �t tomorrow. �oa('h �mith 0TIle. eomlllitteeB Beleetcd arc: Tay]or, I.. � O 0 4 2 ) Pure1ul' ,,:m hrinJ! hi� ,,:arrio� to Chi·'....'. Gi-aee H. o�hki�.. chnirtnan, 10 13 20 l:i 6 r�o' �ari�· tOI1:t�·. :lnll: h��. 8skt'd Di�ment was made tIlat tile VD1nnt� Bela .000000el, DOris ,MAC' Neal , AnneGrimes, ,Ruth, 8a�(jdberg,"elen 'Knig-ht., Delta 'ran Delta.lAaene ,J;Ia" )larpret 9ha�cy, Ro� R. n. A. PByrne, E. Bu,cllan, an� .Al'ta F�her. Rl'uficlll, C. .• 0 0 6 7. �· �o_�"fiI� �1Y�h!" St!nC'� .. �; �""a.tt:o.n, :Inl S 4 \) th .. n .. "" Or"" (onnation�.10 GIVE BONDRED IF I SAYS TEAM IS NOt: READylm FOOl CLAm TO.S11JDENTS SECURE $9001 . '_', ! :,.,,:,� ,.:·IE[F·THIS MORNING-.. Vanity Is Not Prepared For Pur-$429.50 Is Promiaed to' Date- due Says Coach Stagg-PageMonday Will Be. Last Day Predicts Victory. ... -.oJ Y.M.c.A. ,Campaign. GAME ATTRACTS IMANY 1 SMITH FEARS' CmCAGOMORE TUAN·,:.BADGERSF'reshntenSophmores !!6.............. $tj�.;jU.$<)U.$(;3.$4i .Cemmissious.Divlnity school ........ ;; $100.Law school .•............ 4:;Meclics 36.....•....•..• 26TotalT�ree Quarte� pledg� startciltheir stunts yesterday morning whenthey were treated. to dovot�onal ser'viees at Kent. The oeeasion for thedevotional 8Crvie� was a !\fasS !\fcct,ing at which C�h Pago and Dir�tor Stagg oft'idated.The year1in� were made to entertho theater lou'clly bewailing thc factthat there "Was " lIell for }'rc�h·form around the d�ular drh'e.rt'('tor �t:l1:1: for p'.mi�·�ion to U�th .. fi .. 1c1 t�il" nft"TI',oon. � .. C'r .. t p�.F.. tiC' .. ",ill h .. th .. or.lpr (or hot.h "quad�o :In.l th(' 1n�t totlf'hf'!' wi)) h .. ndded toIn Wednesday'S Maroon \he ate-Professor Child will fTeak on "R('· orchestra had elected.·. o1fl� fteannouncement should haTe read: .....dents Interested In ordlestn1, electedjuvene&eent!e 'in Embryoni(! Dc\"('Jopment" at t'he mooting of thl' Zoolog·leal Club, Monclay at 4::10 in ZoologIcal 24: Tea will be served in room21.'- o1ffcers yesterday. fte orp.JliDUoahOpei soon to be ncognisal' � tJa4Ifac:ulty Board of BtucIeDt AeU.ttfa." ("tinea, OIl pap I.) ,Continned on page 4.) . (Continned on PRgC 2J.e.IBIll D.&JLY •• WOO_, F&IDAY, OCJI!OJIB& '" 1I1S.DEBATERS TRYOUT956 E. 55th 8t. Ch1caco, DLImponed aDd Domestic LlDe ofCIGARS 'A:-;U CIGARE'M'ES.++++++++++++++++++++++++++TOThe Daily Maroon...... i .... 4¥�........... JI ........ � .Clue Nominatiou-l0:15. Seniors, TweD�-Ei8ht Cancljdates WiDCobb M· Juniors, Kent east· Soph. Coated ill PreIimiDarie. To-, 'l _:..L -Comores, Kent, West; "�reshmen, Kent ...... t.oeD�tioa Keea.theater. For Gentlemen8PBOIA.LIZIHO IN ftIB WAND OF FL� E LINE OF CANDIESftIB COLLEGB IIAN. Oollan Idze 13, upTwenty·eight candidates' will· argue 31 W. JIoDroe 8tzeet Chicagoupon both Rillei' of the' question, "Be- n:1.iii�iiiiiiiiiiiii�Liiiiiiisolve .�, ::_.:.� �:.u btateS. should establishGerman Club-4, Lexington 14......... � •••••••••••• 1IUtia ...... Graduate Womena' Club-5, Lexing·II 0-.- c.; ........... � ••••••••••••••• 1IUI7 a..- ton 15...__ 1Iuapr ••••••••••••• ...-u. ....� WiIIIaa L,... Social &ience Dinner--6:15, Com,DREXEL PHARMACY CLASSIFIEDMAn' IlcANAM'�, B. Ph. UVEITIS_,SComer 66th azul Druel Chicagoa schedule of minimum wages for unskilled labor, constitutionality eoneeded," at the preliminary tryouts formembership on the two Varsity dehatiig teams at 1 :30 tonight, in Har;per MIl. Membeni of' the' PublicSpeaking department ,,·ill o.ct asmons cale.C08ll10politan Club-8, Ellis 18.If'oIIIaIro'tI' •Meeting of Board of Physical ('�L �e1ePhoDe. JI1d .. a,. 1411'I'IIe II .... ., I"1In »nap, CbftDlNlM _d'I'GIId .&nlela.For that Grlp� or cu.d In th.· h,·ad-l)r.·x,·1Culu. Grj,,�. Ilu<l FC\'cr TalM�lll. :::.c.A.k lor II "�r .... �IIII,i.·.Stop ·thllt O>ugh wit a lwtt'le 01 <-lour Whitt·Pine 1I0n"y anu EucaIYl,:ulI. :: .. c.R"ilc\'e thatt H ... -ailiAche with a lOC I,u('kag.: 01Drexd Headache Pow .... rs, oA_.5(' per line. No ad\·ertiscment fe-eived for less than 25c. All claaUle4dverttaements must be paid in adanee,tureJrl28. and Athletie&.-..tJ :30� Harper,Football-CbiNlgO \'8. Purdue, 2:30, judges.Marshall Field. IIn tonight's eontest, the list of as-!,If..I·i �..a .. _ __.. 1&_6.-1- pirants for the team will be reducedDIItUoIUGD AI&U. ,UUIIo_�_ OD the cam-pus that will be as potent aDd 118efUl to twehoe, from whom the six men to__ men 0' 'ftoo....a .. _ - "'-.6 .......... represent Chicago l·n ...... e annual Ch·l J»l"·Hiolol,!'I.· and Beecher, or I· .. t .. ··CIl."'MIll! � �� �- -an lD1luence lD human life and prog_ ,"U· " �" u'" "�tho •. __ .. ..a stro " _'1 be nnnn ft. 6__ cAan-Northwestern.&lichl·gan triAn.," BALLOWE· EN Beecher UIIII Kimbark UII·1 5jtl1. Be-UDAUU -• .&&& -- - -- rea as eYer he and h1a JdDd can be. _- --ar- . .DoJI1Oa01I'. Year at_ lar debate will be ehosen at the finals 0r1ciDa1 cards (etch1n& charcoal and ward if returned to �liKg c. It Davis,year, the,. han come OFFIOBRS ABE BLBOrBD in November. Candidates will be ale water color sketches for aD7 social at- Beecher hull..up �rom La l'qette, FOB HOJrOB ASSOOIAftON lowed five minutes for argument to- fair (dances, clubs, dinners, etc.,) areAun& � Black aDd night, and three for rebuttal. being clalpe4Old Go14 to the 1riDds, 'c:heere4 luatl- BepruentaUv. of Oampus 0rpDiaa- Compet1UOD Is Keen. FOB BBASONABLB PBIOBS17-&&PUB-due, PUlL.'clue, �� .tiODII � Meet ft'11D1da7 �- "The hottest competition in years JIaD7 of these sketches are m�noon With lIoDor 8eDtlmeDt terday. "More men are out for the tiona of famous quotaUoDII and paateams, and they have been working sa .. � adopted to Halo .... en,harder and longer on their briefs, than "rhaDbg1v1DC aDd Xmaa parUes.has been the �ase in years. None of UNUSUAL AND 8TBIKING PuplJ.s Wanted-Mrs. Plora Mach-or-the Varsity men from the two teams SUOOBSfiONS mith, voice builder and teacher ofof 1913 can be at all sure of places for HaUowe'8Il or Xmas festivities will rtistic singing at Mrs. Knights, 5652this year, becauBe of the keen compe· be.o1d for $1.00 a set. Novelties and aekson Ave. Term of ten lessonstition." clever touches espec:1al)y planned for 'ifteen Dollars. }'or further informa.All students who have not receivetl each festivlf;J' will also be sold If de- ion, a.ddress 6356 Jackson Ave. Phonetheir doctors' degrees are eligible for sired. fteae lRICCest10ns azul muma_ fidway 4390.the debating team, both men and wom- tiODII are diBttDc'tl7 arI81n&Len of nJI e1asses and professional THEY HAVE NOT BBBN PB.INTEDs('hools. Those who intend to enter BEFOREthe preliminaries in Harper tonight,and who have not yet notified Coach LOST--DiUlllonel out of ring; betweenTomoaow For Sale-Onc full dress coat, oneand· after it was &1l over azul the tel- 'rince Albert coat and vest, one winer overcoat--sizes, 36 to 38. Gootloudition, cheap, Tel. Oakland 5116-13 Oakwood Boulevard, Apt. No.1.egraph iDstrumenta haTe lidI .... �chattered out.&DOthed 0h1caC0 v1ctorJ',gone home to taDt -" OYer, aDd 'breathe Lane Rehm W88 elected president, ofcUre threats about un ,.ear. fteJ' the Honor association at a meetingare coming ap.1D t.amGUOW. but there J'uesday afternoon. Other officersis a DeW Dote of det;enntn.uoD ill the cHosen are: Letitia Fyfte, vice-presi·cheers, a more cletant hOh ill the col- nti Cowan Stephenson., secretary;o� an air of � is OUR tuml" and Grace Hotchkiss, treasurer. TheTheJ' scent vlctorq. t.IIeJ' are DOt com- association will meet Sunday night atiDg, hoping to wUI,' or "hold clo1rD Cld.- '1:30 at Irene Tufts' home. Dean Talcago," or "Scan on t.hem," bot 1ibey bot and Dean Linn will speak. Theare c:ominC to WDl. fte practlce plan of the Honor Court will be takengame for DIrec:tor ....... c:harpahaabecome a veritable daIIh for tile COD.. Representatives of every eampus or-femece ti1ile. wm the men of Chicaao ganization will meet Thursday &tter,recognize tIda CcbaueDh aDd &IISW8l' noon with the 888Oc:iation for the .pur-it? wm thq 'be on the jle}d to- pose of hearing the plans for the Houmorrow with a toile of "Wnw atom or Court. In this way it ia·hoped thaton �� to O'Y.eame De 1DR for Tlo- the orgaaizatiODS will obtain a be�1'tol7 that wm CGIIUI roadDC fadh fmm Idea of the HODor 88I1tim.mt.: . . ... - as printing them for the public wouldrob them of their orIgIDaU'J".Moulton, have be(!1l requested to sentIhi their names 88 soon as possible to- Elisabeth Eberle,day. 151.7 B. 57th 8t., Obicaco, Il11n0ia.I COME A�D SEE an exclusiveline of Japanese embroidered gownsand kimonos imported direct from Japan. Original designs in silk gauzeand cotton crepe. Priccs reasonable.Mrs. �telner, 5616 Kimbark ave., 1stflat.BOARD-Private family for limitedapplication. $5.00.a week or IIGparatemeals pro rata. Mrs. Gairne, 6134Woodlawn. B. P. 631; good home cookill£1. ·. '.. � ./1. ';.'.O� fiIAlI BADOBBS(Continued from page L) 8UB8OBIBB FOBftIB DAILY IIABOOBp.oo.the Purdue stands that wm be 8I8Ilin fJVfJrT e1DBlTe :nm � 01t»hant, 1D. The freshmen illustrated tbe Purdueplays. to. the V &:nrity . yesterday in thelast hard practice before tomorrow'sTen students pasaed the 1lnal try- contest. Director Stagg is convincedOQta for 8.II8OCiate membership in the that his team is not ready for the�. The aveftce � Jooka at Dramatic club yesterday afternoon. game with the Boilermakers, .but isThe successful candidates are: .Jessie ��ing a last desperate effort totile. U��t:7 �. Jda OWD :point of Brown, Phyllis Fay, 8. L. Harrison, smooth over some of the rough edges.�. lie ... it as aD Treva Mathews, Yetta !lilkewiteh, The men were kept on the field untilIDsUmtIoD w1dC1l Ia for Gertrude O'!lA---- Frances Pee""�.., .., eight, antl signal praetiee with tbeJdm, &D4 wIdda lie � FraDeis Sherwin., Cedric Strohm an,l ghost ball was the order of the evenlQIe8IIIdB to the world. Harold Wright. ing.ot IIWI7 co1leps tIda ID&J' be mae; The tryOQta were held in Kent be- Coaeh Stagg will take no chaneesbut it Is DOt be of tbe V� of fore the membel1l of the �lub. A with Pllr.!ue and will Bend his firstChicago. Let ODe waDt acra. tile CUI- meeting will be held in a few da- to'J - fotring lineup into the game. Sean·P1I8 at m O'cloek &lid. .. tile � decide what plays are to be produced. Ion is in first elass shape and WIllbUJ:IdDC 1D B7encm &lid. Eat. Is *' The dub hu exeellent material and be in at right guard, although Sparksfar tile �? ... tllat ftp. promi8ee to have a very succeBBful started the Iowa game.naeDt wwk. aD � � til. 88UOn, aecordiDg to President 0'_wod4 will .. aDd jadae �.-.. Hara.the "eoIlep pa4ute7' __ --. -fteBe are u.e Jd4d.a f� ... � � 'BAVB DBBADUldftlBlt7. fte �,., ..Wadd_w117 it Is aDd wtaa& ft .......beIq and 1ID4 .... lI&IdIL '-. Members of the Y.)(. C. A ad stu·tz.. dae 'IIII1ftnI.t7 enq � .. ts interested iD eoeial eerviee workate, .... It .un woaJ4 be a poteII\ ba- ,..at mate a trip to the plaDts � thea_ III Ute. 'he dect will DDt By-·Proc1ud. CoU and Coke corpora·'be .... nI4eDt � daell'lDC ... tiOD in South Chieago, aDd the �thaDda at f.u.D ..... � � llOIIt of Deering eenter, tomorrow morning.1nII1-pnpaze4 .... frf� "... They will meet at the "C" bench atweD-bred aa4 fatd7 blte11ec\ul men 8:30. Mr. Bickham will lead the par�oat dae�. It wID aP- ty. Tomorro"'. trip will be the see-� qufe.tJ7 III a .. mumtact1lrlDC ond of a eeries to cover the quarter.PurdIle bacb'l. fte team DeeC1a tbem;the feUows need to feel tile SlJIIU.wm tile,. 'be then? Ma�ne Business for .de, cheap,! � .. :-_ �rJ : 113J good profits, easy work, will not iDtu-. 'ere with atudies.-H. Bumussen, 5213rngleaide ave., Phone H. P. 7020.; '_.' !... .: :a· \. ••to Watc:hI There are a hundred orIDOI'e varieties beckoniogto you from every smokeshop but there is oaIy ODethat is ... � llllliDilJul"the purest and best of tobeccos -delightful 8awr-mild and satisfyinglYour college chum.Hu 'BI....ma17 OJ-..,Prof8l8Or Cutting will address theDY01Jft German Club this afternoon at • at- the weekly meeting i1l Lexington.AU elementwy students of Germanhave been especially invited to attendthis meeting. Mr. �ipao1l will haveebarge of the C01lVenatiOD clue com·poeed of students .11.0 have a IiWeknowledge of Gennu, aDd Profeuor'8ehroetter, the pl'Mident of hte club,�l be in eharge o� the more advanc·ed students. fl!J!ftmtHiiU10is.wm��.� tIleD ia a DeW demc:e uaat __a� IIUID to Joc* ta:rtIIer IIIto U.IIIJItIId8I of utue. apm, Ill... Five thOU8&Dd studeuts from all� td1Da" of ...uca1 IdeDce ., parts of the world are enrolled .iD tile�.""'..-.rID&. 'rile aD- university of BueDOS A1Tf1& •� IIMUl tIaat .. IsDOt _ Ind a JIII\ or '1'0 'I'eD Abod ..... cbe �tJIe V ..... ",. an. aD; after .. Parti�ulaJ'8 011 the ammal muat.he...... � rr- � laid a� raee for 8eDlor men wUl be uDoaDeedIda.boob. to" ..... at the elaa luneheon at 12:45 in theIdIfDeUdDI S. - back III .. Co_mOIl. cafe WedD.aay. PresideDt and lin. Jud801l, Dr. aDdlIno Charles R. Hent1enoD, lIr. aDd)(rs. David ADaD Roberteon, Jlr. andlin. �oward Elting, aDd Mr. ud Jln.J{arry Wheeler will be in the receiviDgline at the reception to be giVfl'D Fridq ev_iDg, October 3, by the .Japaneee Contml, �&baehi Abe, at hi. restCJ,ae� "5735. U��tIy a"'eDu� in'.ODor of the blitJaday of tile Kik&-]cJo.' . .r,,'�._J...... II1I·!o,f , ..... -; .••IJ'BB DAILY MABOmJ, ramAY, �BBB 24, .191S. - -.- -•.. ".... ' • '.iHGLD PBELDON.ABIES IB"'= ····JuNIOR CO�T ,TUESDAY }'ive hundred persons were presentat a meetlug held yestercla.y afternoon;n .Mandel under the auspices of theHlinols Baptist State convention.WIw CoUele Editors Think :1UU C. Buuu of the Senior class as a. �ichigan ha.ve alwaya been 0108t cor-" . .. \vublicity eonnnittee directly reapoWJ· dial. The Michlpll' game has in the- Ible to the Couuelf, 'rho firl'lt duty of pnst . been one of our biggest eouteu'.s.this eonunit.tee will be to nlake a 8yS-. We wish,�eeesa t() the Michigan Dai- ,,.! Nationa.Uzing Prill�eton.At tcmutlc t1istribution of Priueetou Iit- ly in it!' l·anlpa.ign.,.....to return Mit'hi-the pr..sent day there is no uui-erature wlloug tho 8(' hools, !�I.l-untler ·.l1oufertmce rulea-c-Ohio't raity 111 tilt' United Hates that can '1'ro make this project thoroughly State Lantern. The CoUe.le Shop1" ... truly called a �c·:tt national un Ksuveesstul a eomparutively lur"e out- Prelhuluary tryouts for the Low�t E_L:LI.ti.onverstty, Our eastern colleges are abo r. 0 W. A. A. MA'KBS. :NOVEMBER 7 JlDAUlny of mouey h� necessary, To merge .Iunlor publh- tll,eakillg contest will ... _&� BIDES .&� PILLOWSsolutely typical of the seefious of tho DAD FOR CHIOAGO MIGHT ��..u.u.u -.n_t' Tl'rritoriul and &hool clubs to "l't bo held Tu('H,ln.y at 4,::10, .iu .Keut, All �.. O�",_"'_ci ....... �ey.&�eouutry ill which t.hey happen to be . .. ,. 0 ..... .. .....u�� £.P .,� .. .u.uao n.p""til 'III in tou h .. it.l tl . ti (Contlnued froUl page 1) men :lIld WOIlH'U ,,:ith loss than twelveuitunted, There is a sameness about t c , v I 1 IOlr respee 1\'0of . meu ill Alunm] ussociut.iou», uud through their chnirman; Marion Hicks, Ulnire Vo· major cr('llit are eligible. l'bo' namesthe predomlnatlug; type taw, Heleu Dawle.v, Bhodu PfeitT,'r, . . ' .. :... .Thn vo-opvrut lou to collect the requlred of nll calltlitliifes Iliu"t he Kent to DeanYale, Harvard and Princeton. " .. ..Funds r the furtl I f til f;mma Low, Mari" Sc�'}lInHt, Edua Lovet t ' before f'ivo o'clock MOIHla\·.university of Virginia haa a certain . nrc IC acr V nils 0 . 0 COIll' '.. . . . •mit.tee, Goettler, Dorothy ·Rudat and Helen" . Candidnte» will be : Ml(igncd topicst rndit.ioual iudlviduuliry which lIIakl� '.' '. -. , ...• .Concerning iutfmately as it doe. s tho Hare. at' 3 :30� Thcy will han' an hour toitl'l tendencies tlil'lt-illdly southern. The . , .wdfaro and futuro growth of the �.lIli- Publicity-Augusta Swawite, ('hair, prepare their speeches. Each speaker\,l'rsit�· this 1II0\'('IlIellt iN �f the ut- man; Margery Coonley, Marion Fay, will he Iimited to 'three minutes, 'I'he'Jt cannot be car. .Jessie Brown, Alma Parmelee, Arlille f(;�lr'I;�Rt Rpe'n'kesr will be chosen forBrown, Reba Mat"hinllon, Louise Av- the nals to be held about tho secoudery, Helen Leonard, LOUise' Mi�k7 �w��k ··i,��.· N:��·�n.ll?er, and the winuorCharlotte Viall .and Margaret Hu.m .. will ; re�ei\'e.;L.<; a prize, a seholarHbipmett. ". ,'� t ;::.:,-! (Pot p. qnarte!;,.Tickets-A(lele Fr�kel, ('ha.i�lan(., . .. � _Helen Perry, Dorothy Farwell, Ellith Freshman Athletic Club Meets." ---All Men And Women With Less Than. Twelve MaJors AreEUDble.•I, DANCE PBOOBAJISThe Colleae Shop1110 IIa80Dic lJ.iemple. ,uuiverslfles of llit·laigall, :lrilllll'�otaand Wiseollsin are in a group bythemselves, and have little or nothing most inrportunce.in common with our eastern anti ril',l out successfutly unless every unsouthern eolleges, dergraduate stands 'bt'billd the Seniorf�or illstance in the case of Prince- "Olllleil anti tloes his share in he�vi�gtOil the l'erccntago of ulldergraduat�s to lI:ltiollalizt� Prinecton.-J)aily !'rincfrom the llifferent 'seetions of our l'tollian. �('oulltry ili approximately as follows:.MidtlJe Eastern States, 66 per cent.Mitltlle \Vestern States, 10 per cent."Southern States, 13 per cent. ,.�lIIajority of the Smith, Gertrutle Chamberlin, E«lfthCutting, Glaitys H�rtel, Edith ·GOl'.lon,Ruth Sager, Kathetin� Wickham, .Tulin·Dodge, Florence Foley an (1 Ruthl\{orse.Stunts-Janet Flanner, chainnan; heen n..�kea to. write a song .f�r tf."Helene Kenny, Mnigaret Riggs, Ger- Fre�hnl:tIl_SOI)hrnoro bnsketball �mctru<1e O'Mea-ra, . Mabel Beeker, Iris next month.Spohn, Helene Pollac k, Hiltla MaR_Start. UIli.ted .Charities, �ampa.ibD..Clintock, Isabel MacMurray, Dorothy Profeg."Io.r R. Hemlcrsoll, pr�itlentof. the United Charities, Julius RORe�:"!.." � ...... iii·' ...wald, a trustee of·the University, and, :'. ,other' prominent ci�zens o� <?�i('�o.,startc<1 a $?50,00Q .. c�pa.i� . f�r . theUnited CharitieIJ ,at a 'luncheon yes�;terday at .• �he, Union League ciub::�'--:• .it:'Th� f.irst; 1ll0etill:! of the Freshmnn. Atbloiic ('hlh was heM W('clnesilay ill.t!l(! Neighborhootl rooUl. �[iss W:tyUlrul, CQrnelia:- Beall nntI hallet Flan-.Michigan Conference Situation.!:cllowed efforts are being' made by.\liehigall on the part of the stuuenb0( , ...... : .• dal I'yramill and are ill tho uj.!gregute wish for. the retunl of �he Ann Ar- FIBST PRESIDENT'Sthoroughly eosmopolit:m bodies. hor atblt'tcs more th:tll. Ohio �tate. �AME � GIVEN; TO. Pbi Delta Phi. Ha.v�· ConvenUoD:To nationalizo Princeton wo are ft. was, .our one r.eg_�et when we en��r· S� NEAR HEBE Former Preside�t; Tait,' Sht>reme ::. �:.'forced to gain a tighter hoM on the ('.1 th�' ,�onf�rell�e that.. we had to The name ,�f the l�e, pr� �arp�T, Court' Justice Hughes,: "':�ha" lIetiiimany: schools that at present lie out- St\\'('r rcl:ttions with llidligall. fi.tRt. presiclent of, .the Uni�ersity ,b,as ,Watle R�gers wm�pr6b�bli' be �eStS' '.sitle of our mther lI�row zono of in_ lly'gbiftg into the Conference Ohio he('n chosen by the city. counoil .I!r. 'of honor at tho na.tion�{ coiivention'• '.' t ' "• ,. ••.•fiuence. We need more :non who ,�tnto ilillieateJ h·er. appro\'31 of the the new name of J��erson· avenu� 81111 ··of Phi Pena ;E>h.i to be held"at the' ...are thoroughly southern and ConfeTence regu�ntaons. �'illce :We Bo&alie. Court. Th� names ,of, �hesc., Ho�,i·. L� .Sall�, December: '26 �d.· 27' i'wostern. Not merely bccauliO they . \'0 been in the Co�ference We .�a,,;.�., ; :�o r.:.�tt:�W �,e��: �ljang� t� ��.Wie . �c�n:di�Jl. ,to .J?Ja�� �tscussea . at a' re- ..�"1lr(;'}JotitherD"!aiill"1V�rn, but because fOUIl.ll t�c �les re��;!��l�<,.�? .fa.:�.� • �v�n�e_ in the reeen, renaming:.ofJiool �ent"mectiftg:'bf .. retir:-.;{lIt1l.����t"�w. �-::�-��:·�.:"t ." ::'"Princeton men are conforming to a Tho Big NlIle would w-eJeome Mlcb- 01. CliIeago's thorou�hfare�" b�� . ]ta,V8 too,' tll1:.e� local ehapters. of Chic�o, , .' .'.type and we need individuality and igan baf'�: under the regular rules, 'but been renam'ed H�r av�nue�"in '-'ae- N�rth���{e;�'''' ��'(i Uie Kent college oforiginality to preserve our own vital- for M:c�iga.n to attempt to reorganize cordance with the �sh of many resi.:' Law. ' 'it1. the Conference by dictating the rules dents in the neighb&rb�d {hai" "fhj' .... .�." ... 'J, ', .•With thi.·S end in view the senior. under which she would return' would street names shoutcI �ommemorate p�r- ,. , ., ."� ; : I'; "couneil hns already taken the first step I �('m to- be ou� of place.'·'. sonages connected with the history 0 .: Yatroni:r.e our adv�nisers.. ;',by the appointment of }I.E Spencer' The )'elations of Ohio' State ana the�' University. ",' Subscribe..for ar·The·.Dally fa• ,.e'Maroon [1'ia. ;�':'. 12'.00Now England, 5 per cent.,It must be borlle in mind that themajority of the men registered from to efrct·t a return to. the Western <.:on·ft.'rl·lIl·C. Thc grC:1t - n('r :;poke.· An.Fresme�. womon haYl':·higan supporters are in favor ojthe �outht'rll, lUi.lclle, western :1u.1 til" lUove.e:tsterll 8t:Lh's, aUen.letl lar::c ca.�tern '!'ho lUeiaigall Daiiy fired the start·l:«�hooIK, Dlltl ha"e been brought up i IIg guu �f the call1llUigu October .LI,with the same itleus, sylUpathies, ell'., I whl'" ill un l'tlitori:�l it Wali aliked ill8.<; htel:tr;':l'r t·):\SI'l of mi.ltlle cu.�t.t'rll: Ino ullI'crtaill terms wholie. f�u)t it waliers. To offset these territorial re- that the resolutiou� of lalit year lookRtrictious it lIlay be statetl that our iug tow:ml reinlitatellIent hu,1 not beenEnstern coU('gcs are recruited from follow ell out.all tho "ariolll'l Stl'JIS of the t,ITl':Lt 1'10- Llewellyn, Catherine Bosson, Margaret Clapp, Margaret; Monroe, HelenStreet, Phoebe Olover, Miriam WIlaI·in, Mabel De La Mater and Cornc'linBeall.:Xo st'iaool in the COI�f.elellee woultl.··.1.• HURRY! .. ,., ...: .'Just One D�y Leftin which tosubscribe'for the DAILY MAROON at'the •pnce of$2.00 for the year. After Oc�ober 2"5th, $2.50.Subscriptions Taken At The Maroon Offlc�,.Ellis 12ftIB DAILY MABOOlI. PBtDAY, �BBB 94 1915.• · · - · -- � • w· _ • • · · · · _. - - • • · - · ·GAlIIB AftBAors lIAlfy 8Nl1LL HOLDS INrrIATlON AII118BJ1B1ft'8.• HER:%KAi BROTHERS Ten l'naIcoIl 00 -� tbe IIIUOBC�& H.iLLI (Continued- from 'page 'L) LalIt Night... - .. Ta i ors :-: --_II 11 BUB.TOB HOLlIES'f<"11 Freshmen were formal y enro -. ',\1545 East 53rdStreet ell as Snell men at the annual initia- H I KIN G � BB U L lJ' Z 0 ..· h Th I the Boyle, L. S. . •...•• � .. 1. 1 1. 10 0 ti.on and smoker ill the hall last night. Friday Eve. 8:15. 8aturda,. :1I&t. 2:15The suit you want IS. ere. e stye, Rothermel, R. S ..•.... 0 0 4 !! 1 t .• p ...... _ .... a •• _ ... _ ..... ---n.,a: .. 3.'SO" R· h " After the initiation, they were guctJ t' --- UII.IIUA.., Q.&�UUU '11color, the particulars- Just 19 t. Surith, H. 8. � .• 1' 1 0 2 0 of older meu of the hall, at a stag. Popular Prtees, !!5c. to $l.()O-NOWOpeD EvenlDp SuDda.7 IIOI'DIDI W�.. 1 1 3 1 1 Mr. Bramhall, head of the hall, toM. . -'--.--. Willet, L. .10' ••••••••••• 2 1 U � 1 f tl .1 t' 1 prlvTelephone B. P. 1037.. -: I' l ._. . -. -' -. .._" .• " tho new men 0 re uu lOS ant 1. -GARRICK••• _. _ Miller, 2nd 1 .. 1 .. 2 •. 2 .. 1 ilegos "�hich went to them with: initi.· ._... · 81..........·_r . ...,..... •• HODGE lD---- ation into the house. ',' __ n-..Three Reasons Why YOO: sboaN Eat. Iii aae len's '£ommODS1st. Good: Food Prop_I, .Caoked.2.d. Cieanliuesl ow·Motto. JD�pect·the Kitchen3rd. A Miaimum Price for Hlih Qua1it7 FoodClub Breakfast t5e up . Cafeteria at Lane.DInner A Lacarte BUSIC Come InstJBSCRIBE FOB ".rBE DAILY' JlABOOXIIIII For Men Under 25-- Young menwho demand youthfulness but not caricaturein style, stand I : '1 j� store unanimously.We caught their ideas wonderfully, Ie arned them "like a book," pre,pared for them in a way we're proud of. Be he a serious young man,a frivoloua lad; or a compromise bet weeD the two, ·we"ve . a stylemade just for his fancy. Beady no w with suits aad· overeoats that(pardon the slang) put the "yoo" In youth. $15, $18, $20, $22.50, $25to $3-�- �; I � 1 � ! ...,.' filE BOAD TO BAPPINB88hits, Lollesgard, Home run, CatrOll.Bases on balls, off Stansbury, 2; 08,SECUBES PBOMISES9 7 �� 3:! 5 On the committee of arrangementsStruck out by Btansbury, 1; by "'ere the following: William Chap-man. Glen Tyrrell, -lames Arnold, Les;Gorgns, �; by Wheeler, 4. '1',,"0 basetcr Dragstedt, Sterner llet.·k aud PuulLaRose. "Genuine successor to '�THE MANFROM HOME."---I.ter Oeean.Gorgas, 3; otf Wheeler, 1U.Score by innings:Phi K. Psi !! 0 0 0 1 0 30 301-10 OF CHOIOE FICTIONFOB CLUB LIBRAB�; COBAN �S GlANDmembers of the library committee arc �on1ght at 8 O-mock Sharp.3S follows: Hiram Kennicott, '13, "Big stun Ding melodrama." .. _ Record- Ichairman; Fred Croll, Cowan Steph- . Herald.enson and Clyde Joice.Dean Talbot will talk to the mem-hers of the Graduate \\' omens' club, <Musical OomedT for TOOl aDd 014mittee will meet to discuss plans. ThoDean Talbot Talks �oclay.toclay, at 5 in Lexington 15.I Club to Present Play. STOP. THIEFAn Avalanche. of LaqhterTHE WHIPLASALLEA DIP TO-WASBIXG�OXDorothy Philbrick has been appoint· A .. ·ERICA.... ·.· N.- ... MHUASLLICed chairman of a committee to select .I...,.a play to be presented by the Freueh l Theatre. Unique--DiDing, Smoking.club next quarter. Milo. Pavard ofthe Hyde Park high school spoko on LEW FIELDS In "ALL ABOAilD.""L'Esprit F'rnncais" at the meeting ofthe club yesterday.. __ ).LLINOISMOftGOKEBY AJfJ). STONEFaculty Give DiDner TOnight..Heads of the departments of SocioLogy, History, Political Economy andPolitical Science will speak on the----------------------------progress of work in their departments.at a dinner at 6:15 toda'y in Hut�- Ho�ar.d'.:� !Jlleatreinson cafe. Graduate students DDS} .-.......;..BBOADWAY,�_BDI1JIYJIOOH __all faculty men have been invited tobe present.CosmopoUtan Club :Meets Tonight.•Men from all countries have been PO",,"ERS. invited to an open meeting of the Cos-mopolitan club at 8� tonight, in the r H B G 0 V E B N 0 .� .... AD Yclub rooms at Ellis 18. O1ricers of the "GIVES EXCELLENT :V�UE."-elnb will speak. James O'Donnell Ben.ott,. RecordHerald.and ELSIE JANIS in,THE LADY OF THE.: SLtPPEREMMA OABUS.rOE HOWARD M4aD,McCAlfBDel. Tau Del. 06 001 02 0 0 0 ()._..9 Dean Boynton, the faculty member������������������������������������������� on llieBe�n�� club lilimey comm��, \ tee, has prepared a list of the 1001)volumes which have been promised tothe club, when the library is Installed.�e will pre-sent this report at a meet- AUDITORIU�lUg early next week, when the com-Your Fall Overcoat-c-.No matter how you stand onthe fall overcoat question, no one can serve you as we can; nomatter what style, what color, what pattern, what woolen youprefer, you'll find it here. Here. is_ a great, big,. limitless showing ofovercoats, ,every manufacturer of not e in America. is represented,every designer worthy of the title has "had. his finger" in stylingour displays, you can't ask for .�yUling we can't show you_ Ufstere,raglans, Chesterfields, Balmaeaans, eo nvertlble coats, fitted coats.ete., for men and young men of. all P!oportions, 4th floor, $12: $15,sis, $2.1. .es, $�I) to ��:; ", • ! : .:;;. i.oAtterbwy Suits- and-.�.J;,Overcoa�"Nothing is achieved'withoutenthusiasm," said Emerson�' 'And sowe may traceAtterbury System success to an unbounded,"Enthusa,ism"-an enthusiastic ambition to style, cut and t.l;lor.America'S most perfect clothes. Atterbury System clothes are highpriced, but not expensive-to the rna n who wants clothes of dignity,distinction and '�class" we recommend them heartily. Interestingdisplays of Atterbury System suits a nd overeoats at $25, $30, $40 to$18.GERJIAN EllPBBOB m BEARLBOftBE BY DR. 8ROBEY CORTPIlI LLIP BARTBOLQllAE'8G LORIA-N.NA-ILIWithI&len LoweD aDd AzUa_t�ANOTHER MUSICAL HITPaculty Kember Is In Bertin to GiveBooaevett Lectures. ExchangePnteaor.Emperor William will attend theopening of the Roosevelt lectures tobe given at the University of Berlinby Professor Paul Shorey, head of thefI�partment of Greek in the University. Prof�8."or A. C. Coolidlrc, the Harvard �x('hange Ieeturer, will give theintroductory addrc8S at thc lint Ieeture, the .latc of which hns not beenflefinitrly dCt!ided. The �nh.iC('t of Dr.ehorey"s ,'<!o� is "Dcmocra�y andCultnre in America," and in additionto hiH Jc�tures he will conduct a BCm_Inar In Plato.wm DI8C1IIB Atoms."The Stmcture of tile Atom" willhe the subject diseuR8ed by Dr. Lom- .on and Mr. Crown, at the meeting ofthe Physics Club, Monday at 4:30 i�RyenoD 32. STtpDEBA�EI�LIN A A B A B B 4' .• B L LIn tile ·New 111UIIeal Hit�HE BED e A·.N,A.� YFINE ARTS� H E YE L LOW 3 A.:C. n E rAuspices. Ohtcaao. fteaae�: let'-------------------------In B41rard 8Iaelcloa .. ·Loft, Dr!1m.BOJIANCE