•m t . ·�lIailg . _.urnnttVoL xu. No. 14.. 1;JNlVBB8Ift OF. OBIOAGO. SAruBDAY, oal'OBBB 18, 1913.DEAftANGEU.AND·DR. 'TANK PROSPECTS BRIGBT'�'�IBE:IO'A'BACIS" WDl· ·VISIT· -SmLElENT1FAST HAwmE'ELEYEN_TERTAIlI_Af Vanity SquAd Divided LatoTwo .. ·,LHRY..OHOACHES Studeota TakiDgTrip Meet At MEETS VARSITY TODAYTeama Makes Faat TUne In Big. :Crowd .At Maumeetmg Ia 8:30 Thia.M� In FrontEvent. Of rU'at MeeL WIlI'Ded That Hawke,e Back: Of �b."':'. field is .Daqer'OULterduy when the Varsity swinunerl:l ap.. Dean Angell and Professor Coulter preached nil the University records inwill speak at the first of the Y. M_ a meet held between two picked YarC. A. membership campaign luncheons sity teams. This is the first real testthroughout the week, �IM.ting from' pleased with the sho�ing of his. ma;12:45 to 1 :30. Dr. Butler wili pre- terral, Pav licek took the individualside at every one of them. Admis· honors, taking first place in thresion will be free, as the luncheons events, the 40 and 100 yard swimsare a part of tho compreheusivo nud the 100 yard back stroke.scheme by the Y. W. C. A. to make 'ream H WOIl the meet by tho scorewm Speak At Y.M.c.A. Luncheon In Behalf Of SeniorCollegeCommiuion.FINANCIAL SUPPORT IS DESIREDMonday at 12 :45 in the Commons cafe.The luncheons will be held dallythe week a banner period for enlisting members and finansial suppor t,....:ach luncheon will be held under thoauspices of a (lifl'erent class or profesNonal·s�hOOl commission. Month"y willbe. Henior college-commission day. Thecommissions will have all their ownreports on the progress of the cam-. � ..... 'ret Be AImoUDced Ben Week,_PlaIa Jotm 00Dcen WithWlfconsfn Club.Ten vacancies in the Glee dub_ .. ,�.I�.f!�q),..grac1uation of 1913 men willbe IJI� by the candidates successfuli '� tIIe.� trr� held in th� Reynolds:cl�� fiom 4: to 6 yesterday. The names. of . t.�. llUec� meB were not madepublic but will be announced nexf4:week.Arrangemellta � being made with• &ller G� ehab; of the uMvenity ofwb.e0DSi1l tor'· a joint concert in con• �tioa' .. willa .. Ute . purity banquet tobe held ill tile Commons N o\"ember 20,the night bet.." tU Wiaeonsin game.1'Ilere an be proepeeta for' an·(., other -1NIItena nip thia year," Mid](aupr 0akJe7. �orton yeeterday,.... d, in �di lioa, We an. pl_niDg toFve eon�erta • Caiver, K_kuee,ad oUler Deub,. cities. Some v�pl'OlBWng new DIn have eome oatfor practice 80 far."'1"0 Be PreIIIat At 1Daqarati0ll.President Jud80n will reprC8ent thelTnivenity at tho inauguration of Dr.Powell .. presideDt of Hobart col,If!ge, November 14 and 15.WID -.n � 'AnetIaWD.-·0 report ... been i88U.ecf in the8ip� �a \EpailonrKappa Sigma.���. cue, bi the InterfraI tenit,. .. ��eil's ) iDveatiption com ...�t" wlriela met ye8terday in theRe,-wolds·. elub. The committee will. , .'make ··ItO· public ann�n��nt of tllo, .�&ioa·,of the' eue until the coun-r .•.. :.. " ... _, . j •ell meeting Tueada,. aftcl'noon. Prospects for a 8ucce!tsful swimmingseason took on a bright aspect ye�- HUNDRED MAROON HATS SOLD Students engaged in social servicework will make the linit of a seriesof nine field tzips this muruing to theUniversity Settlp.h:(!tat and the DavisHquarc playground. The party takiug the tril' wi:! meet in front ofCobb a.t 8 :30 and will "e back at the"Stop the Iowa baekfield," was thewatchword of the speakers at thefootball . mass-meetfng in Kent yesterday. One of the largest and mostthut the men have been put to thisseason and Coach Wbite was much euthuslastle crowds that has eventurned out to a football mass-meeting' University by noon. Ail studeuts In-in Kent, satisfied even Cheerleader terested in the trip, whether engagedMathews as to its rooting capacity. in social service work cr not, haveTho maroon rooters' hats were on sale been Invited,for. the first time, and in spite of the Tho other trip; wlti.·b l\'i1l'l�e tak.!:linclement. weather a hundred were this quarter are: October 25, Bydisposed of. Products Coke Corpl) ration s, antiSouth Deering Cent .. r. November 1,The manufacturers were only ableto send out a hundred of the maroon Lincoln Genter;. XO-\'entl,tr �,. HullHouse; November i;-., JJHnois Steelhats, although three hundred and fifo·ty had been ordered. The first hundred were, however,. disposed of before the mass-.meeting was over. Thetute- December 6, Fourth Presbyter-firm, which is making the hats, has .ian church and soeial missions; andpromised to have the remainder onhand for the game today, and they December _l5, Chicago Commons.of :I:! to 26. The teams were 80 evenIy matched that the final result wasnot decided until :team B wo� thelast event, the relay. Pavlicek wonthe 40 yd. swim in 20:2-5, aml O'Connor who WDS second, came in oneseeond behind. In the '100, Pavlicekbeat Neff by 2-5 of a second in 1:03. Coach Hawl� •. · ��Of Gird. iron Artist. -come. Hei'e :\VitilBig Rep�n.STAGG TO SHOW.FASf·:ELi¥EN.. ',Previous Chicago-Iowa- footb&rll', , .... >, tscores. . 'JlIM94; Chicago 18; Iowa .18. ..!.1896; Chicago 6; Iowa O.1 X!l�; Chicago 38; Iowa O.�S99; Chi('�o 5; Iowa 5.HIOO; Chicago Q; .Iowa 17.1 904; Chiea' go 39;· Iowa O.1905: Chicago 42; Iowa O.]9]2;;. Chicago. 34; ·Iowa ·14.What 'fte -Coaches and C�.�.• :. .• • _. • • .•. ". c .... " ....... ·.v"Coach Sta�g, "PurdUe hae a wonder:Mills and South End. Center ; Novem- . tui 'back1i�d, bui·w. an golDc IDtober 22, Colored Y. M. C. A., Wabash '_' .tho game' -to wiD." .avenue, November· 29, Olivet Insti-. Captain -Norgren,w"Our. team·ta-iinI.dl'IS SUPEBVISOB AT improved. and_.1N_ expec$ to:!.wbJ." .P�. ��" :'.� ,.��_�.Ia.�� c.o�tio� w.�:,��.,�,�,�tle.--Cap� McGlDDis, "The Pme idiOu14be 'evenly tou�ht."DANcE LAST NIGB'l'squad A;' O'Connor, squad B, _oild;Parker, Squad B, third. Time, -2Q:2-5.100 yanI breast strolu�· Won byGorgas, squad A; Shirley, squad B;second; Moore, squad A, thtird. Time1:25 1-5.� ,.100 yard swim-Won by Pavl�cek,' ·slippery�· but were- willing ·to ·admit�quad A; Neff, sqnad B, second, Park- that the tim' G· CCTC.-w9k andwq.&.J..at.the -line is· not of·the same cali� ; meeting �f the. German dub yester-�r, squad' B, third. Time, 1 :03. -ber.' . Rudv- . :Mathews. started tlaings day in Lexington, explaining the pur_100 yard back stroke-WC)D by Pav_ J fgoin.... with some , __ nv eileen and p� and scope Q the organization.lieek, squad A; �birley, sq� B, eee· 0 --rrJ Th. ..- ft_ ."'d -thelt· .. -n� upon Dr. Reed; e elub has been divided into an el-ond; Hoteman, squad B, third. Time;· _- -- ,,-�to tell, the erowd what he thought ementary and advanced division, and1 :26 1-5."We all kn- at the meetings some speaker will ad-'220 yard swim-Won by O'Connor; 'of tbe" lowa game. vndress each dh·ision. A membershipcard costs fifty cents.paign as waged by their divisions. . Gorgas carried away the breast strokeAim of Y. W. C. A. ..•.. _.. honors anti Neff won the plun� by"The object of the campaign," said two feet. Te;un B· was represented will be .sold in the rooter's section.. Mr. Bickh� yesterday" "is to �nter- by Neff, O'Connor, .Parker, Shi�ley, .. San One BUIldftd Hats.est the 8tudents in a desire to further Hoffman, and Olsen; Pavlicek, Gor- Sam wells, who is in charge of thephilanthropic and social service. The gas, �oore,. �yman, and Goodman sale; said ·yesterday. 'CWe easily disA fast, slippery, aggressive. bunehY. M. C. A. aims to emphasiZe the mor� swan1 for team A. posed of the -first laundred of· the hats . .' .,_. ..,. 'J J.._ .L'. h. Tbe first· .ReynQ1ds club informal of Hawkeyes will "oppose Directoral &uti religious side of life for the... Tho results of the meet: and expeet· �he' reDlalnding one ua- .. under the: sui>ervis�oJl of Miss Mary Sta:gg·s championship' aspi�b(OD ·the.in�vidual in the UniverSity. The as- Plunge for �s�ce-Won' by. Neff, dred. and fifty to last only a few days.·.... ...ton If � �d' 1 d Hinman. All. three lIoors ··of the club UnivefSl'1;y. athletic' field to-iay: "'!owa ...... '. _ .. �_�o� .�:..R'!t�, \.-,.IKJeD»OJl8, squaft.. B:-Lylllan, sqnad B, seeoad.;.·. ,...1 e" .' za' ..-ge.we maY_Qr �r:. .'�� .. ' .' .�.. _ ... _ t·· ·C�= . --'th"'" .. _-';:or--:- •. : ..L . t.· . • -- 1..:_ were nsed. The chaperones were: . .lB.r.. comes, 0 .. J.l.Ue_'o .. WI .. SJ.pa .... r:epa-... . efforts .W &eCnre fiDaneial ba.eking 80 O'Connor, squad B, third. Distance-·60·' more; 'but elVeryone' Bhoald' obtain U&O. d and Mrs. Lovett, Mr. and ·Mrs.· Gar�. Jat�o� ,of. a ],op_derft;L.(dt�sB, :�'" ..th�t it ean carry on its work antI feet, in 45. . bat· at o�ee. ··TIre· hats . will be 801. . nett, Mr. and Mrs. Gardner,· Mr. and string .of backs reported to � ,thepay ita indebtednees." 40 yard swim-Won by P&vlicek; at the e�tranee .. to·the studeDt's see-· . , _. .' .-.--.... _- •. - _., .- -'" --"tion todAy.'''. . Mrs.; Stagg, Mr. and. Mrs. ¥acClin� . !�tes� .i� .th�_ .���.���n.c:.e. .l . .;��.. Dr. Reed,. Captain Norgren,' Shorty, toek; and Mr. and Mrs. Millikan. Hawley will cl�pend on �. &lODetod�y,' ��d h�' is . �d ._tc; b-;.;:;;"Des ·Jardien, . &lid -Pat "Page were the .. .. ..'PBlLUPSOlf � . ;;'rt�;nt· of -pia� b�-;n.-:tha tOl'·speakers at yesterday'S lDasB-meeting. - -, � .. _ .. - ,·A ••A'1" GBBIIAir CLUB-B w�t.!· p'Us -'a�;l- o�id� ki�k,. that will..All the' speakers dwelt upon the fa.et •.. . ..... - ... � .-"'_-� -.�-that -the-'-Iow ... ·. backfield is fast and .. JlBB'DKG ��rBBDA:Y <levelop til.e .��ali�i�_ c;.�_.h:i_!..�. tothe utmost. In spite of the tad that.• .�. '. __ " ... _ ... �-._ .... _ ... ·.·\..1 ..Dr. I'hillipson spoke at the fil':Ji he admits the Iowa. bKk�. .. ..- '#' �ficld to be dango:'Jous, DiieewJ' _St:�. �t>.lie,"es· i.b�t- fb:� f.)�; li�.'; ;iii·"Il�t'be able to stand' up apin'8t"'ih�·�mp.ling .aitaek of th�' ;ete�';Ciu�.. .. . .. ' '" .. - ........... �ha� kfield and will suecumb � _pa-flor weight and . stre� . ft�"" OldMan, . howevt?\' ��d�.Y !�:��.8t'origng abilities of the Iowa e1w_,and he is plaeing the ·f�'���_available on the' fielCL' It····i8·Apeaiiblethat Iowa will seore toda,., &ad i •fart maDY experts· repid it ... de. ddedly probable. The Iowa· elei�. •88id to have one of' the futellt t.-.ever seen in the West. . .. ."(Continued on. pap 4.)..... , I - 'IIo"'r � -... ,. • ,�.,.lj _. : .:. PenniDgro� 158R. Half· .Back .�."": .. ��inni� c�t., 172.o Dick, 1a;L Half BackoPanons, 141...... ..� .. :g.��� .B.ack.... 0Cuherry,. 166 . Kirk, 180 �k ,; 17.6.. ���.ton, 175Right End Right Tackle . ({�� �rd CeatCl'o 0 0 0-----=�--------.....=---------�o ·0 .. 0 0.' . Leb'_Gaatd . Center; .. ,�."'.�J�I"o. Qautu .. Back�'.-....a 1&0 Wilson, 172Left Guard Barron, 181 Gun'clertlOn, '167Left Tackle Left EmLeft End Left TackleVnnrlDk 168 Shull 181 o 0 0-----------000Right Guard Right Tackle R=ght EmfSpark", 172 OoeUler 185 BuntlD_crtoD 165oR. Half Backlf� capt, 116.0L Half Back(kq. 1'75 o.�"BKk.. -')1IIICe .1..... :Chica.,: . 'W�-iar;·u..Claieap, :US71; Av� 181.Iowa; ]211; ·Averagf'., 17-4. . WellIlt of B.ddl.l4.Chicoago, w,; Av�, li] •Iowa, R2R; A�e�, ]!);.. 'NaI "eIIM.Chi("�«o, 1946; Average, 117.Iowa, ]845: Ave,., 167.OPFIOIAl.8 Referee-;.CO'Dnett, Virginia. Umpire-....Benbrook, Michigan. Head· Linesman, Hadden, Michigan. Icnra·u·�.Director Stagg said lut nipt, "I.many re�IH!d8· the Iow� �l�e:a- �bl� !!lOme of our on ieama' iii .,_(.aRt. Espcdally is' thi� tnt. .wt.the teams of Eeken&l{' and" 8� ..are t!on�iclerecl. Speed is the R&wke,e"at4'hword. The team is" oil· t��jaapnt the blowing of the �hbtl� 't-aqJine up like lightning and Start: ....plnys almORt before the 'op"'q t..knows what. th�y 'aro:doi�i=(lfte7 _oea free running, easy pla1i� ·1Mlaelaof 8peed 'artist&' In ·P.,.; .. · Uad:mekthe Hawkeyes have, p�):r :a;'r-�t pair of �k8 in. ih{� �!�,��a��ording to the reports· of'Juii�tC4NMf1 CUrk 'pauer, p���: i8in . tho NUne daM. . If' W.�· .... tlutCOMO OUI' boys will· haft to· be ':"\u.ejump e'-�ry minute Or C:iOaei- .�...... 'rIo��< .....: .(Continued oa ,... f)IfBE DAILY JIABOOX, SA-ruBDAY, CKJrOBD 18, 1915.The l1�'�:�:'f �.b.i.:oon 1, __A_t_h1_e_ti_cs_B_r_e_Vi_ti_es 1.. � _ . Lecturetlfticial $tuz.,.a � ..... ,.,n J'l'uLlJaH lua:.crt::.. at ..L,orthw�stCl·l1 is lluudel. �.on Concert Program--l,\.il'�J;ounm:rlyUniversity of Chicago Weekly.M"OAKina Editor •••••••••••• Martin StevcnNew. l!:c1itor ••••••••••••• Gcorec CottiDebamAdllctlcs EditOr •••••.• ", ••••• Harry Gore&SBUaiDcl. Managcr., •••••••• " Burdette MaltCirculatlon Manal:cr.,., .•••• , William Lyman't. Published J,II1y except Sundays, Monuay.and holidays UUI ill" three-quarters of theUlIivcn;ity year.Entered as second-class m a il at the ChicagoPostoffice, Chicago, l ll., llarch IS. 1908 un-.lrr Act 01 March ;:. 11l7�, •SUBSCRIPTION RATES.By carrier, $:!.aO "' year; $1,00 a quarter.Uy mail. $3,00 a year; $1,:!5 a quarter.Editorial-llusine:>s Office, Ellis 2-1,Telephone Midway SOO.CfbitotialA glance at the Calt and GownSurplus ofr.�I'"t. Activitiesi" ..".r;1.,.-I"i"l·1'I r,"1-"eek the Diilly Maroon will commencea study 01' organizatioDS, giving thenews of th� which are active, andshowing the failure of the dormantones to do something which might Justlly tllcir �tcllce. This departmentwiU be a pcr.&llaJlent 1eature of thepaper. The dG.1lartment will not ree..tho members of the inactive o��tiOllS the propriety of doiDg somethingor cluitt.in�. Most of these organizations can serve a useful purpose--11'ank publication of the news (or lack.1.�us of the various orJtanizations. aDd"put it up" to campus opinion .... hat.should iJe,-=owe oJ.' tht'! "(!.:ad ones." ...Rooters'Hats"atternoon.�! .I'IIi I out 1'or tho ::>cwor football teum"l'rtailll." scurce. J .. ight men turue.iout for tho Juuior team Iu tho Iuter.,d:l.Ss Ieugue,Tho l\olthwl�teru co-eds have disposed of :!SU tit:kcts for the specialtrip to ()hUll1IJaic_"'1l toduy for tho Hliuois-Xurt.hwester n game, Jt h� been Sociology Club-Trip to Montgom.ery, 'Vurd and COlllpany, 8:15, "C"bench,Trip to University Scttlement-8:30,in frout of Cobb.Meeting of University Ruling Bodies-General Administrative board,8:30; board of University Press, 9:30;.a� oIa,Y at l'orthwt.'stel"U a.Jl wet.'k aut! jJoard of Christian union, 10:30; liarthu· wouieu expect to 4lit'i,osc of 1:!O per M28.more in a few hours. }'ootball--Chiengo vs, Iowa, 3, Mar·Hootiug hats of ulteruutiug purple ",h:ul F'ieh], BEGIN OFFIOIAL WOBltON 191-1" OAP AND GOWN. ++ • • +. • • +++++++++++. • • +. • ... JOSEPH SCHMIDTEditors Meet and Aaaip Positions to S"1"A'rIONBBY, TOILET ARTICLESFreshmen.i Still Boom ForSix Asaoc1ates. }t'INE LINE 0J0' OANDIESaud white st.ripes are meeting withmuch i'uvor iu Evan�tou.('auses them to st:mll in thousanels,row on row, lifting their voices inunison, even as does a grand opera.ehorus, but speaking in a languaget.hat even a grand opera chorus wouldreject;.Men ha"e arisen in their might, demanding "rrand opera in English, butif one were to arise and say: "Giveus football rooting in English," hewould be cast into outer darkness, andyoung men to wreck moving picturesshows and knock holes in the eigarease which stands adjacent to thebar.knuckles in the countenance of a minion of the law.P. S--His name was l[�Carthy.Do 8oc1al Service Work.Seventy-five men and fifty women,!rD.ehmte council Thursday. GermanioProfessor Club-7 :45, Assoeiatt'Wood's residence, 540;Xorthwestern has an abundance of Greenwood avenue.dt:lIl1J1iollshil' tennis material at l)n':J- Xl'W Testnment Club-8 P. !'tI., .Has;cut, Itueder, Ch:LIIIJlion of Evanston kell 12.:1Il4l holder of the llcrcersburg cup, Univcrslty Orchestra--S,t hreuteus to gi\'o Chicago nnd Miuue- theater.sotu a close run for honors. Tuesday.Twelvo hundred students turned out Junior College Chapel _ Women,for the football game in prepara.tion 10:1:', MandeLfor the Purdue-Wisconsin game at La- Interfraternity Council-2, Reyn-fayette yesterday. olds club.Wo believe that our spirit at the Botanical cluh-4:30, Botany 13.shows scores of orgalliza'tlDDs existing University of Chicaggo is different Biological club-7 :45, Botany.from that illustrated in the following Biological club-7 :45. Botany, lec-for some purpose or dipping from the Chicago Examiner: ture room.other among the stu- CoUegO Splrit. Romnncer club-8, Harper M12.dents. Others are little "College Spirit is a mania, duo part- Chicago Symphony Orchestrn Con·little JUlOWn bUt are ly to footbaU and partly to spiritu- ('crt-4, Mandel.just as good. And there are ma.DY' ous liquids. Monday.which might be good but are not. They It is virulent in the Fall, its first Plnys in .the Blnckfrinr Competi-R�'mptoms making themselves felt on tion must be handed in by noon, boxLave sunk into a dormant state. They Soptember 15 and its demier eri tak- �S6, faculty exchange.should wake up and become useful; ing effect in the vicinity of Thanks-01', if not, do the graceful thing and giving Day.die, Then they will yield space to bet- College Spirit comes over its victor thtings in the Cap and Gown. Next tims enrly Saturday afternoons. It Kent1.'HE REVEREND NBW!IANSMITH TO BE PBBACBERWas l'ormer))' l ..... tor of Firat Con_, gregational Church of liewHaven, Connecticut. 956 E. 55th St. Ohica,o, m,Work ou tho 1914 Cap and Gown Imported and Domestic Line ofwas Officially counueueed yesterday CIGAHS A=--lJ CIGAHF:TTES.J ++++ •••••• ++++++++++++++++when the Hoard of Editors outliuedtho book and u!\:ugucd pOtJitiou8 tothe new men who reported. Six us- CLASSIFIEDsoelato editorshills remain unfilled andare open to tho F'reshmeu who COIll_ ADVERTISEMEN1Speted last year, upon approval of theManugillg Editors, The vucuneles muy I i&.: .• ';.,•• 1 b fi 5(' l,cr lin" No ndverttsemeut re-aiso e lied from tho Sophomore ",class by nppoin tmeut, Selecting and eivcd for Iess than :!;:)c, All classifiednssigument of work will take place in advertisements must be paid in ad-the ncar future. auee,Tho associnte editors thus far ehosen are: art, Charles Lorin Owen, orgnnizafions, G. O. G. Arlt; faculty,George �hn.fTer; music, WillialU Shiroley; dramat.ics, Carl Defenbaugh ;photographs, Robert Goodyenr , a thloties, J .. awrence Maegregor. ' stull Watcr·1Il:111 I,cn with initials li. li. A. Piu-lerJI1C:l� return to Graciu Alling, 5140Kenwood nve,ou SALE-One full dress coat, oue"rince Albcrt coat and vest, ODe wiuter overeoat-c-sizes, 36 to 38. Goo41onditrou, cheap, Tel. Oakland 5116-l:l Ual .. wooo Boulevu.rcl. Apt. No.1.Three Hundred Attend Party.Three hundred women yesterday attended the first joint Neighborhoodclub l):\rty of the scuson. Gucs:Jing�aDles, quoits, nnd a pumpkin braille:featur((d tho elltert:lIinmeut. ,Dean:Talbot and Dean Wallace, the newsponsors for the clubs, were present. hplls Wanted_.llrs. ]_.'lorD. Mach'ornlith, voico huiloer aud teacher ofrtistic singing at llrs. Kuights, 5652w.-kKOll Ave. Term of tell lessolls-'if teen Dollurs. }t'or further informa·ion, a4lclrOS:J 6;�!j6 J ac kSOll Ave. I'hono!ioway 4390.8ociology Club To Take Trip.Members of the Sociology club intending to take the trip to Montgomery, Wnn! nnd Company today willmeet this morning at 8:15 at the "C"bench. This is the first of a seriesof field trips planned for th� quarter. (';()lIE AND SEE an exclusivelino of Japan� embroidered gownsand kimonos imported diroct from Japall. Origin:u uesigns in silk gauzoand cotton crepe. Prices reasonable..Mrs. �telner, 5616 Kimbark aye., 1stWant Musical Freshmen To Meet.Freshmen interested in orehcetrv.l flat.work. have been asked to meet Mon-'l'he Reverend Newman Smyth, pas- .Jay night at 8 in Kent theater.Pastorale ..••.....••• Bethoven.Impromptu •.•..•.•.••• Sehu�rt. I t:OR aLe � .c:L.� tLe P1L upLiJI.Les PrelUdes ••••••• • . . •• LISZt. 'r down hiD. ID the I8Ddf bunlen.l)rocegsional 145, "How Finn a. VehetismildandlmoodumClpleaaiag.}'oundation" ' ...•.. Anonymous. VeI.et .dectedleal-twoyearsintheHymn 5, "Ye Sen'ants of God" watebouse �iDga�wbic:L• . • • • • • • • • . • . • • • . . •• •• Haydn e&minalel the barIboeu of the leaf. AAnthem, "Sing Alleluia Forth" •• ·· meIowness � .ttaiaed-.1IDOCtb.••.••..••.....••• • ••• Buek. Dell you should bow aD about.Offertory, "Hast Thou Not Kkown" No _ Jmpom1Je to Lite fit irriIaIe••......••.••.•• P1lueger. -aae aoke as cool ad awed ..Hymn 119, "Thou Hidden Sourc4)" aadb« smoke it fot 54 LaleafJOQ• • . • •• . . • • . . , . . . . • Barnby. &ke-aJways �At yaIr deaJen..���(I,.'tor' emeritus of the }'ust Congregational church of New Haven, Connec'ticut will be the University preacherin Mandel tomorrow ••Dr. Smyth was educated at Will-iam and Harriet clerical school andeliviDity from the university of NewYork, and in 1695 from Yale.In 186S he entered the Congrega-·'The i'lace of Death in Evolution",··lIOllern relief in Immortality," anti"Old Faiths in New Light.", The musical program for tomorrow's:scn'ice follows:Organ Prelude-oDlllleud dea.th in any case; it willsimply prcscnt, the !acts of iWLCtivityand uselessness where such II condi- the coroner's jury would say: "There Bowdoin c�llege, finishing at Andovertlon exists, 3.l1d these should suggest to was a nut!" Theologica.l seminary in 1867. In 18SiCollege Spirit is that which prompts he' received the degree of doctor oftional ministry in Providence, IllinoisOnee upon a time we were so thor_ and New Ha,-en, Connedieut. He isof news) should prove stimulating, in-But W· altV olll!hly imbued with College Spirit the author of several boolra includingste.ld of destructiVe. -., �that we implanted our lily whiteevent, the Daily Maroon DOpeS toshow the student body the actual stat-Char.lctCT&ftiC hcad_!."car is on salo from the University are engaged infor stLc.c�ts who wish t.o llublish the social service work at the ya:riousfact th:\t +.ht"y are ad- social centers of the city this seaherents of the U'nlver- �on. The number compares favorablysity of CbicaJto at the with statistics of past years, but callsgamo this afternoon. for morQ workers are coming in dailyEvery ::tudent, man and wnman should from many institutions, according tohave one. It may seem childish, fool- �[r. Bickham of the Y. Y. C. A-ish but is this charnc!eristic not a. The Unh-ersity settlement, the Hydevirtue? A football �:\:l1e is a place ),nrk V.lf. C. A., Hull House, and thewhere the entire stu(!C< body turns South End, Lincoln and South Dearout to play by proxy: and it is rather ing �ettlement8 are the institutionsont of place to insist upOn oppressive which 80 far haye signed up the stu· Recessional number 323, "For Alldignity, No cne should be afraid to 4lent workers. The work includes gh--rl:'..� :l- bit, to S":C!.:.l "chUdish." A stu- ing instruction in physicnl culture, The Saints", - ..•••. Barnby.d gi 1 d ti and -lOth the Organ Postlude--lfnrch ..•• Yerkel.d('nt who f r.el� this impulse a.n ves angtlnge�, rama cs, ..w�y to it, is the right sort; his youth- Hoy S<-outs, Sunday schools, children's1'n1 exhubcr:tJ1t:'c h:1s not been smoth- �ames and immigrant in�tnlction,ered in the depths of philology or thecalculus of variation:"'.. To exerrise wm Vdte On Honor Court.this tendency will keep him young, en- The plnn for instituting an honorthusiastic: will enable him to keep the ('ourt will be 8ubmitted W n \'O� ofspirit that gocs at work as though it the t"tudcnts within a few weeks, as·were play. By all means, cet a root- ('ordin� to a !\tat('lmcnt made by ErC�· hat and get into tho game this ling 1.11 n 41(', prcmdcnt of tho Under· Play Over �ennls PreUmlnaries.Preliminaries in the Dh'inity BChool Itennis team win be decided by Mon·day. The following Dlen haVe match· IC8 to play off; Mather YS. J. Taka-Itani, Rig('ll -n. ll. Shattuck, H. FordVB. C. Whitmer, V. Soares VB. A. Han· Ison, A. Solunett VB. Sttivendel', Price!:.. Stalling., and Stei.... V& noft'-j BOARD-Private family for limitetiapplication. $5.00 a week or sepnrat6meals pro rata. Mrs. O"rurns, 6134Woodlawn. B. P. 637; good home eook-The CoHeae ShODExhibitionLEATHER BIDES AlfD PILLOWSNOVELTIES IN .JEWELRy ANDDANCE PBOGBAJIB I Mar-azine Business for sale, cheap,: good profits, easy work, will not inter-I fere with studies.-I1. Rasmussen, 5213Ingleside ave., Phone H. P. 7020.������������ in20The CoHeae Shop1110 IIasonlc Temple.TN.SMOOTHESTTOBACCO---------------On Their Honor.A recent letter to The Californianeul It. .. I into question the attitude ufmany instructors during examinations.'l'ht.·y make it uppareut, said the writN, that 1ht.y expect cheating froUlthe students, and with a keen warhlt.�" !>Cellt out the tinietst of actionsthut could be coustrued ag suspieious,This Is, Indeed, au attitude unbecoming to the honor gpirit which hag beenNO carefully fostered here during thel':lMt few years; and it reacts U1�tuuwholesomely, Thc requisite to thee leanest of examiuutlous is to maketho student feel thut he is truly on.,is honor, For if you vun :L llIal.houorable, to be dishonorable Is toJ,:i\'o his prille and conscience a severewreueh. And if you cull a weal, U1UIlliar often enough, he may become aIiar, Some men wHI even justify,Jisboncsty 011 the groulltls that theynrc eXl)ccted to be dishonest. So thot'an'fully Jlolit·t·cl examination rooUlIS no less liable to cheating· thall thoroom which lackg spying eyes; but itis on a lUucb lower plane of morals.'l'hnt the honor spirit docs not exist herc anu ht growing raJ,i,lJy ica 1'at·t that demands lhQ: .attention oftht' instructor who refu8Cs to put hisclags "on its honor." No man can bo�cen cheating and still remain veryhigh in the estimation of the bestof hiK fellow students. The givers of lJr. Robert W. 8te\'ens will give alecture 1\lol1t1ay at 4 in Mandel onTucsllny'fI COl)('ert� The lecture is free. IIIMust Have Blackfriar Pl.a.Ys In. IAll Jllnys in the Blackfriar contest Imust he handed in nt box 286,6 facul·I--------------------ty eX('hallge, by noon Monllay., if'.tIDtii�irnitIDIT1ittjit\ifl\iift'it!\i�1"Tonight another gr·::tL In(.cting will\ be held at tho gym t.) allow t.hat. t!l)ir_it within you to bursc aud l'�ilH'S::J Itse1C'_\\ ihConsl.l ;":;11 .. NI�W. :i Proteaor Michelson 'ro Speak.l)ror�"8gor Michelson, head of thePBINCB AT.BBB.r �'UlIIVBB8Ift YE8ftZDAYl'hysics department, on "The RigidityIs lluch Pleucad With Ohicago-En- of the .t.:nrth" at the meeting of thePbysi�1i club Monday at 4 :30 in Byersou a:!.terta1necl With Luncheon In�Club."lloostcrs for Il'w:1 decreed that t'be1.I�t:." meeting t.bl:i W� ,,� will be heldI' the grundstllll,l tlJili al·.eruooL. I .. al-tweek hutb all out�04. r ath1 r: .• 1& urIlIloctillg were beld.-J)aily Iowan.The above uews items, cliNIC,l ut ZoolOgical Club Meets KoDda.y.Tbat to sec the University of Chi- The Zoological club will meet Mon-eago was oue of his chief reasous for ,Iny at 4 :a�1 ill Zoology :!4. Mr. Doutvisitillg America, WBtl th., statement hitt will speak 011 "',l'be �keletal Btruemade yesterday by Prince AJbert of ture of tbe Vertebrate Lower Jaw."random from several of the college MOlla('o. lIe was the guest of Pres-uewspuper» that reach this office, ideut -Judsou at a luncheon ill the Will Be ·'At Home To::orrow.show tho importance that is attached Quu,lrangle club. AfterwarllI!J be was Mr. and Mrs. Davit! Allan Robert-to muss lIlectings iu other uuiversi- shown over the eampua, !JOIl will be "at home" in Hitcheoekues, Severul schools iu the Big Nine Others at the luncheon wree ; Pro. iibrary tomorrow af'teruoou f'rom -1 to1I:1\'e been holdiug two of these get- fessors Coulter, Lillie, Chambertln, 6.together mectiugs every week. Tho Salisbury, Willitlton, Mit'helgon, Neff,aSTair iu almost every ease has been �itze, A. P. Matthews, and Bensley. Will Give Talks On Theology.held in one of the university buildjll�� The progrum in every iustaucehas been mnrked by short, snap!)ytnlks hy couches aud players followed by n. brief rehearsal of yells aut! Dr. Xewman Smyt h will speak 011Pr i nee Albert expressed himself ns "'l'ho ... \liuiNter·tI UNO of Xuturnl S(·i·much pleased with the University euve" �Ionll:ty, aud 011 ··SI·i4.mt.itil'which it' the first American uuiver-Theology" Tuesday, at :t::W in HuskellNity he has ever yjKitcd While hero .ssombly room.he was the guest of Pre Iessors Lillieaud Williston.SOli!!:';. Kansas.-ChalH'cllor Strong of the:'.IIj\'c:-sity of Kansas .. , says football is3 minor evil compared with dramntieswhen it t'OJIIl'8 to I!h'crting stullcnts; :-om their stulli� a:1I1 causing iudigi·Purdue has as good a team as anyinstitution in the Couferenee and con- .MRS. HENDERSON TELLS OFsequeut.ly hag every reason to attemptto kcel' llace with the others in thequality anu quantity of enthusiasmfor its cleven. 'fbe mass lIIeeting thatil-l �",he.lulell for tomorrow evening'should bo attclllleu by every student TC? Lecture on Concert Program.EXPERIENCES IN INDIA:Party Were l'irst White WO!:!en To hility.&e Temple Jewels ValuedAt $2,000,000.allil f:lI'ultv rnemiler that call pos..�ihly. . . I II 1• .Mrs. Charles Rlchmonl ent ersonhe present. The Purtlue rally should I f h . .�rave a.n account 0 er experaences 10:11111 will be as successful as those of I, f t) Y· WI 1IIIIIa before m('mbers 0 Ie • •rival instructionM. The traditional HIt' C. L. yesterday. Mrs. elll erSOn spen:4pil'it of the OlU GolU allt1 Black hasI eli I t 'tleyernl months in n a as year WI I1I0t yet been thoroughly nrousccl. To-.r. Henderson who went as Ha!�kelimorrow is a good time for 3 public ledurer and also as presitlent of thedemonstration of tbe enthusiasm anti Vice C.ommission.·'fhrough the influence of the Governar at Mal1urn, Mrs. Henderson antIher friends were the first white wom-(;xarnillntions must recognizo that the I It th t 't h 'te 1 b th xoyn y a I, as merl t y e e -tnkers will no longer conllOlle cliNholl- I cl'ptional celven of tbis year. Thatesty, and that their co-operation in I Purlluo KI,irit must cOllie out.-Purduetho honor spirit is esscrltial.-Daily EXllonent.en to se� the temple jewels in oneof the wealthiest :temples in theKass Keet1J1a. Sermon To Be For Young People. world. The jewels alone were valuel1"The first sure-.enough footbnll Tal- The Rev. Charles W. Gilkey will at $20,000,000.". ']y of the year �ill' ba hefd i� the I'I)eak on "The Forerunner of Failure" I Mrs. Henderson also spoke of the�hapel at the conv�ntion perioel this on 'Sunclay at S at the Hyde Park. elaborate ceremonies of the gardenIllorning in preparation for the hig Baptist chur�h. . This is the fourth of • fete given to Dr. Henderson by thegames 80 close at han(1.'o-Daily Ne- a series of sermons directed partieu- .Judge of the Supreme CoUrt at La·braskan. ; 'rly toward young people. I hore.HURRY!z-- -s .rpCali f orllian.$2.00.SUBSCRIBE FORTHE DAlLY MAROON• �noRaiARROWJrotchCOLLARa..tt. Pe�,. A Co.. lao. IIdenA STATE BANKJust Eight D�ys Left Woodlawn Trust& Savings Bank1204 E. 63d .;;.treet, ChicagoCapital ••.• , . '. , . '. ' ..... $:!O(1.000.0(811 rplus- Profits , . , .. , , " It-'"tlOO.OOUNlTED f.TATES DEPOHTORll'OK' POSTAL SAVINGS FONDf.SAVINGS A<..:<..:OU!'T8 of �1.0() ormore received 011 whit'h intereN\is nllowell at tho rate of 3 }lerpf'r cent per annum.CJIECKJNG ACCOli.!'T8 ill\'ited Oilthe l1Iost fa\'oruLle terms con·sistont wit.h safe banking.High gratle Go:d B:mds and Mor:gages for sale lIetting 5 'I:! and6 per cent.DREXEL PHARMACYl!tI.Aft McANANY, R. Ph.Corner 55th and �xel �cagoTelephone Mid.way 1411Where to Buy Your Drugs an.l Tolld ArticlesTHE DREXEL PliARMACYTbe HOWIe of Po", J)rap, Claesn:c.L!". IIDdToUR AriiC!les.in which to subscribe' for the DAILY MAROON at the$2.00 for the ,year. After October 25th, .$2.50. •pnce ofSubscriptions Taken At The Maroon Office, Ellis 12week, and that plans will be madeto form a big C in the bleaehers later ADMIT .. DBL'rA BIGXA: Pm. th obabl f the Dli- ft fiIBBB· Q1;1ABftIBS OLUB K1IIdcal. eomedy· tor" YOUIlg" im4 .• 014m e season,' pr . y. or. Delta Sigma Phi was granted ad..eleven wpl run all aroJlnd U& I un- mittance to the Threa Quarters club :'..,EW FIELDS In "ALL ���Do"derstand, however, .that .the line. � at the meeting 'yestorday' afternoon.weak and light." in �e �YJlolda.cluh.. TU.l1ew.�ml JLLI.NQIS �That . ..Direetor Stagg � aa¢1ieing bers will be �owed to u�aaiD&l" f�beef for;.�. in: toclay' •. �. ia :lclegatee· Wecl»eeday niglat, ,.�. -beshown � his selecqon of Spar�· at . pledge: night far the dub, .Ae:.h"right guaid. Seanlon is ot· of the members. fro .. ·lad year will ..• eet.lll ., .game with a wrenched. �oulder and the basement, f)f �teheo.'t�.at ;:30.. THE. LADY' OF THE SLIPPERwbile Leach and �on, the sub�- New mem� � the �u" Jr.Ul: begintute guards, are' both. heavyweights w�aring the Thre� Qusrt,rs insignia .and experieneed pl�6I1I, 8ta$ is on tbeir caps, late na� week. ',_,o"",ard's Theatreshifting Sparks, who hBf! been praetle; The plan for r�rpDiJ;i·I..t the dub .��ADWAY HOKBYIIOC:B-'_ing at end, to guard. Leaeh and Bed· was adopted aa printed in y�J�y·s w1�mon, while they have the necessary MAROON. Eaeh frat'·'a:Y �11 �om- B JIll A a A. U 8beef, are thought to be too slow to in ate four men, of whom two will l),o .JOB BOWABD--JIABBL JI.OAllBeope with the exeeptionally fast of- elected to membersbip. Following thefense of tbe Iowan,. The line has election of the equ&ll of membo'n,�n pounded gradu�y into ah."\pe eight additional men wiU be e1eeted, PO""ERSduring tbe l)revious two weeks, &lld two of. them Don-frs��:'lIt'" men, nlld '1' U B G 0 V B B 11' 0 .·8 LAD Y• he Old Man feels that the men:at. the remaining six from tbe nominatnd"GIVES EXCELLENT VoALUE."plnying t:»gcther better now thaD at and llDeleeted delegatee of �a.eh fra-ountainD"'.'.reD"Square Deal" of Iowa alumni in Chicago have beenthat Iowa has a good teaam, "said themaQng!' s�ou. 40rta to insuredoctor, "but we hear the same oldthe turnouts of uhndrdea of Iowa root·story every yea,r and I have no doubtera. The fraternities at the UDiveras to the result. I heard the Old tlity are' all sending men, aDd theMan tell his friends not to bet onIowa, and that is good enough for. ,'anGUS clasaea bad ·repreeentativ88 ae�compauy the team. The Iowa teamAfor everybody is the "SpaldingPolicy." We guarantee eaehbuyer of an article bearing theSpaldnig Trado Mark that sucharticle will give satisfactionand a reasonable amount of service. mo."was entertained at a dinner at th�La Salle by the alumni l&Ht nigbt.Purdue· will meet Wiseonmn todayin the most important game in tb",West. The Boilermakers have turn.cd out : the best te3JD they have hadin years, aD.cl feel confident of slippingone over the Badgers. Twelve hundred students attended the mass.meet_ing before-the "game and .all �ayetteis filled with football fans. The- Bad�Norgren Is CoD1ldeDt.Captain Norgren predicted that today's contest would be much betterthan tho Indiana game and said, "TheIowa backfield is fast and light, andwe - shall have to watch their backsclosely. Our team is in good shape,and I believe tomorrow's game willbe much better than the Hoosier gameGraceful LinesMedium Height2 For 25 Cents. A. G. Spalding & Bros.Send far our Catalogue28 S. Wabash Av. Chlcago two weeks ago."Skce Sauer has seen Iowa in actionsveral times and was able to give :gers were aeeompanied by a large delegation of rooters and expect a bar,lWaterman· some good pointters on the men. Besaid, 110wa is I� _jbut the me"fight like friends. They lost last yearby going to pieces in the final quar- game.In spite of ;purdue"s overwbelming defeat' of Northwestern it is gen.erally believed that Wisconsin wiliCoach Ha.wley intends to doter.better in the last period to-morrow.He has a wonderful o1fense, but theline is light and probabl,- weak. Ourmen will have to fight to win antiyou will have to get out and root."Mathews announced that two newChicago SQngs will be tried out next win from tbe Boilermakers. It ispner811y con�eded that the Badgersknew more football than Purdue andthe men are all fighters, Who playbetter in a elose game. However, thogame is being watcbed with widespread interest througbout .the W C8�,The Schooland CollegePen inRegular,Safety andSelf- FillingTypes nois or Wisconsin. games.Pledp·Da7 WD1 Be'WedDeadq-1IIPt'1'0' BesIn 8tanta Late BenWeek.FAST BAWABiB BLBVBHJIBB'1'8 VAB8I'1'Y"'!rODAY(Continued from page 1)The Waterman's Ideal that is suited to your hand WIll doneater, more uniform and quicker work than any other writingimplement. Such efficiency is of the greatest benefit in studentlife where writing is a part of ftJery study. The continuoususe of one pen develops character of handwriting. The sameWaterman·s Ideal will last for years and is always ready. Buythe genuine, the pen with the famous Spoon Feed and ClipCap. In many sizes, scientific shapes and points of every degree..3Sold by All the Best DealersL B. Waterma Compaay, 173 Broadway. New Yodt. .fnlly :l'revious tim" in the MUOD.HorpP.D m�l{!D� WeD. ternity, who have the beet �ord furattendanee at the club meetings.'BIB DAILY IIABOO.8UB8OBIBB FOB (n),tain Norgren's tot. will be t).;-pended "ItO!!' to "-:"1' thp ball aln r OlDb '1'0 Bear Aboat Leww �aw.from (hieago 1 go:al ;f the line weak- At the Zoological elub meetins6Dft. NOrgr�D i,. til .. b"at. form r t Monday � 4:30 ia Zoology 24, Mr.1)��11I. . than , .. IID1 (.-".cr beeD in !)- HermaD Douthitt will ,peak OD the(ere : • ., .hac. "bi�h 1 • .-, �1()Qbled �;m "Skeletal Structure of tile Lower'Jomewhat �n previous yean is entire- Jaw". He will al80 review recent ply well. and hi. kieking leg i. in pers by Ganpp ed Allia.fine shape. He haa been rooting theball fifty yards coD8isteotl,-. Piereewin be depended upon to hit the line••••••••••••••••••� Tailoring means clotheS ADd Oo-Worken ill BIteult'.DAMAGED GOODSGARRICK'JIlL W1I. BODGB In'1'BE BOAD TO BAPPDm88"Genuine successor to "TIlE MANFROM 1l0ME.'·___..Inter Oeeaa,. COlAN'S �RAND8 -.r 0 P -.rBIBFAn Avalanche of Laupter-·AUDITORI1..llMTHE W HIP'1'omght at 8 O�ock Sharp."Big stunning melodnuna." � ReeordHerald.'. "J�SA---'LE.A.' '1'BIP '1'0 WA.SJIIlI'G'1'OKA:l\4ERICAN� ='I'heatre Unique-Dining, Smoking.IIOJI'.l'GOJIBBY AlO) 8'rORB•• .J- ...., ., jt.- and ELSIE-.JANIS inJames O'Donnell Bennett, BeeordHerald.CORTPHILLIP BARTHOLOlIAE'8G LOBIANNA_.. STUDEBA��:R.'rAlOt JI'B08PBOB .J..OOIt BlLlGII'1'that give you distinction and individual good style. Pri<.(s $30to $60. for a five yard gain nearly any time, (Continued from -pap 1)and Dolly Gray, the otber me� 8fJuad H; Neff, aquad. B,: BeCOIld; Hotrof the trio, bas been playing a epee- man 8quad B, -third. Time, 2:533-5 •taeular game. Ruaell will start the 160 yard relay-Woo by Squad B,game at quarter, bu� may retire in Olsen. Parker, O'Connor, and Neff;(a"or of Broa thed. Br('athcd haa beensee on 0,; Squad B, (Gor� Moore,�howing exeeptional form in practice, �oodman, and Pavlieek.) , Time, 1 :31and, if it were Dot for his bad knee, 2-5.,would probably be in the opening Hoe-•TAILOR FOB YOUNG IIB5TIIREE STOR ES: 7 N. La Salle St..t:!�;.�iII ,., 25 E. Jackson BIl·d. 71 E. Monroe St.••••••••••••••••••I1Do Prot .... at....1tect1In.It i. poesible that at the last mOo AlI80eiate Profeseor Horatio R.m('nt Direetor Stagg ma,- ruo Whit.. Newman will deliver a free illustrateding in at center. Des Jardiea i. Dot Jeeture on "The Ph7Bleal Basi. aDdin hi. best form, ed Stagg had Determination of 8e%" at 3 today inWhiting practicing with the fint team FaDerto1l h.D, t1ae Art Institute. Thi.last lliJtht. leeture i. tile third in a eoane beingHe will probably get into the game offered by the Field )(ueeum of Nat-at __ e poiot. ural 1Iisto1'7 •Dree leasODS Wh"ou mould Eat at the len's Co __1st. Good Food Prop.rlr Cccked..... Cloalmess our Motto. IDlpect the Kitchen.Jrd. A MiaiID1Jlll Price for Hlth Qualit7 Food('111' Eft,.f.sf lIe up � ('artfnl. at "ue.,..... .& IAlC8rCe IlUSIC c..e ID: . Klaw ed Erlanger preeent'rUB WINNING OF.BABBABA WO.B�BFINE ARTS� B B YB L LOW .J 1.._0 It B �princessDOBBDJ. KBA1fB. Ia BIwud 8Iae1dOll', LcmI Dr--.ROMANCE) •\t(,. I._