laily m«tnnaVol xu. No. 13. 1JNIVEB8Ift 'OF 0BI0AGO,I'&IDAY, OMOBBB 17, 1913. PBICB FIVB 0Blft8Cheerleader Mathews, Dr. Reed,and Skee Sauer Will LeadThe Pep Session. PLAY BRAIIfs 'OVER11JRE'MUSHES, WO. ON !TO PLAN REORGANIZATIoN IOWANS BDJEYE TIlEYHISTORY OF CIIIAGO Three Quarters Club M;" in .HAVE CHICAGO SCAREDReynolds Club To ConsiderReport Of Committee.\,;hicago l::\ymphouy Orch�tra in Miln- Thc Three Quarters club will meetu.t 2 today in tho Reynolds club toBIG �1EmNG IN"lENT TODAY AT 10:15 "Academic Fe.tivaI". Will ()penAt rll'at CoDc:ert By CbieagoSymphony Orchestra.lir�t. 01 tho seasou's eoueerts by tho �euor Milo Quaife Is AuthorOf "Chic:ap"And The North­weat, 1673-1835".AttACKS "TRADITiONAL IDEAS Ha�keye"Take Secret Pradice"And Gbo.t BaD To ladiaiteMarOoD. 'Worry.- .--- '-_ ..... ,.-"TEAM HAS LONG SIGNAL DIIU.' .,--Brahms Overture, "Acadcmic }'ClJ­MAROON HATS TO BE ON SALE· mal" will opeu th� proghl.w of thediscuss a plan of reorgnuizutiou wbic'btsome entirely new material on the bas been drafted by a cOlllmittee rep' Iowa City, Iowa, Oct. 14, (speei;' �lie), '.1"ut.,"tIl1uy at. oj :UO, '1'11c other uuui- carly nistory ot (';hicago is offered. in {escnting the club acting in eonjun- tho Daily MarQOn)---Advanced notice.uers Iueluue the Beethoven Symphony "Chicago and the NorthwUdt, 1673- tion with Dean Linn. of the big_ battle, which is to' be .t8c�number 7, A .Major, Opus 9:!; the De- 1�5" by .Milton Quaifs, profcssor of 'rhc drafting of the new plan is a ell ::;aturday on Marshall field ag.u.._OUHt;y "'1'h" Afternoon of a .J:.o·aun·', history in Lewis Institute. '£h" book result of several demonstrations which the stro.g University of Chieagq .....�Uletanu's "'1'he Moldau" and two is published by the Press, the club had last year with which ih" would Indicate that A. A.' Stagg, " ••uumbers arrunged by .J:.o'redcriclr. ::;tock. 'Ehe work is a complete review of faculty was out o� sympathy, In the veteran coach of the MidwayitM, ta�8kee Sauer and Dr. Reed will bo uirector of the orchestra, L::Ht',i "Liet- (';hicago history, from the earliest roc- now plan below, several clauses have som�what worried as to the -prospect.the speakere at �ho football mass- estraume' and Schubert's "Moment ords to the commencement of the mod- been instituted which will largely : do o! Ili8 charges on this most �e.�meeting today at lU:15 ill Kent. Plans .\1usica.l.'· 1 ,_, i- ern city. This period has been in- away with any of the obioctio�lalJle contest. Reports made to the M&l"OOIlhave beeu 'made to make this tho 'rhe "Acadcmic Fest.ival" was pro- adequately and inaccurately treated, features from the facult:r standpoint. men"tor by Clark A� S�uer, the -�-most enthusiastic meeting of the year. uuced for the firtJt time in '1881 at anti" Professor Quaife's work, contain- Plan Outlined. son� representafive of Mr. StagsS, c�. _Cheerleader Mathcws has several new tho university of Breslau, Brahms ing the results of exhaustive research 'l'he plan' follows: eerning the Hawkey&C�m.ell game� __Chicago 80ngs which will be tried out having composed it in aeknow�cdg- among all the material bearing on J', Four men are to be ehosen from Saturday, m�y be such �_ to worrJ'tor the first tinle. The maroon root- Ulcnt of tho degree of doe tor of pbil- the subjeet, is a contribution which, each fraternity, making 64 in all. the Chicago coach. It has been's hata will be on sale for the first, osophy which tho university had just is felt to. be most important. The 2, Only' 42 of the� shall finally be ed that he has orller«:d, ���e� i��� .. . ..time. Cnl)t.ain Norgren and other bestowed upon him. 'The Beethoven bistory 'developes 'the story of Chiea- elected to m�mbership on the club. for the res" of the week, in order tQm6Dlbers of the team will be ealfed symphony, whieh came' out in 1816, go up to the time w·hen authentic ree- 3. Basis of election, (a) regularlty of -effect some pl!'ys wit� _w�i.eii .��'.��p;. ----.upon to I{t\;e their opinions as to tho was dedicated to Count de '}'ries, ae- artie are adequate. to ,trace fnrther attendance; (b) general merit, No to swing the game Satul'day.outome of tomorrow's game. cording to a French critie waS ill- growth. This is con,sistent with the one is to lie elected to membership who A�th�ugh C-�a,c;h - Ha.wleY ·w� dtiii.4..:The rooter's hats will be sold for ,tended to represent a rustic wedilin�' .beginning of Chicago"B hisory as a. : absent at 20 per cent of thc Ul'!.:L- edly "un�ti�fietl �ith the -�;; lU\'---"the first time this y�. The hats are with the following themes: Arrival eity. in!!:!. �atur�I-;"Y: h�' has' hopes --that' he . � .....of maroon cloth witt a white band of the Villagers, Wedding 'March, BeglDs With Ohicago Portage. 4. Performances to be limited to ihe stre�gthe� 'the teiUn'so that -ihey -�p . "- ,and a white but.ton. The athletic de- Dance of the Villagers, and Feast and "Chicago and the' Old Northwest" Q���ngies and to' 10:15-10�'45 .period ��ke � credibwle �how"i�ig .�.�-, ..partment hu decided to permit only Hevels. begins with a 'dOsCription of the phys- thr� ti��s a week., "., 9�i�ai.o.. __ �he' .Iia.wk����_li_�e �.� _ ��:��� _,studellts wearing the rooter's hats to Prelude Baaed. On Fable. ICal; conntrY' known' as the ChicagO G� ;t.nitiatio_n tlinner to �e l1_e� _clown but .every e11'ort is being made � ��sit in the rooter's section.." The hats Debussy's Prelude, '"The Afternoon ponage."' Profe880r·· .. QUaife·:has "gath- WWD but no performances at any time it siroDg"en�gii-iO -8t&zid iJie:-·_�'tr.F ---'will be sod for forty cents and may of a I'aun" is baaed on a fable of ered praeticallt 'an"tlle ·.nl&toiial �-' in traiDs, 8tre�� or ho�i';': . �f s�;�wunoriL- 'The -iOW.T..,;·"''''·- �__ be-c..Dbt'i ... 1 ;---__ - � .• ��.. ' 'lie ......a -W'�rd'plos- -�iirearpuOJ;iifuen£"�c�riDy' \iifr="'b';·'t)iit.erg1ie'(iT-w--thi''''-�.���--·poeed of the following men, Wells, and DaiadS. The- Liszt "Li� t'Ir8, &nd Summ.rf.y,.J"..his cODclwRons kind. ('Ioven by a few poUn� 'j_)er-maii;'hcnr':- "".BoJuieD, 8teveDllOD, Watkins, Gorgas, tr&umo" and the Schubel&. ""Moment He then begins with the romantic 7. General entertainment. given bi ever, an excess'quantity 'of--'�-�- :' .Ward, DelaDy, and Baumgartner. The Musical" are familiar to patroDa of story of' tho empire-builder La Salle the club to be held in Fall the nature not, win the" game; - and . as 'for- -. � -­hats" will also· be sold in the rooter's the 8ymphony concerts. ··The Mo1- and the dvoted Marquette. of which has not yet ab80ltitely been the followers - of "Old' Gold" -doff .�-.- - ..section tomorrow. dau" is th,} �ond of Smet"lu·s. cy .. Je This portion of the work reflecu. becn determined. cap to"no' one.ToBa'YeAttntloD& of symI,honic , .... ms with a t-bCDtC Qf the .iDlpo�ce· of the ChiCago region Method of Choice. No' SCriD:!lia� 'Y�: "Cheerleader Mathews baa provided Sla"ic settiDg. In the early development of the Mis- The two highest men from each fra- Director- Stagg -gave his ·sqWid·�e·,;all sorts of attraetions for tho mass- Mr. Robert. Stevens, tlirector of Mu.. 5issippi valley. The.Engus� had set- ternity will give a. total of thirty two usu&l Thund3y respite' fromsennimaee ,_-. ,meeting and it promi8CS to be a reg_ tlic at the Unh'ersity, wi.ll give a. tied the. sea-board, but were barred men. The remaining ten which will an(1 'eoniented . himSoIf with a'�­ular . pep session. He said, ·'It. is up lecture in Mandel at 4, Monday on {rom this rich, region by the AppaJa- he necessary to coniplete the stipu- signal' SeSSi'on,' followed 1)y' sOme' 'dm: -. overy Chicago man and woman that the program, to which patrons of the ehiall range. The SpaniSh 'held the latell number will be chosen "from tho ling in elementary toOi�ail:···· -Paige... ·, .-can crowd into Kent to comft and yell concert series have been invited. entrance through' the" mouth of the cODll:o'.·ete Ilumber of applicants rer-' and Sauer' drilled - their fresh�eD':·ia.·'-·their heads o� today. There will be Missi�ippi; an!d the French entry of .gardless of the fraternities of w�ieh the Iow:i' plays that had bOOn- eiJWi�- , ..several members of the band present PBINCB :��c: :- �' �o� lay' �ough the s&i�t Law- thcy are members. cd. in �the Cornell -eollege "� -ar;cl-�t help Out with the noise. We want " "" - - ,renee- and Great Lakes rAUion. .i'rom President ::Matthews of the club is illustrated them -for 'the"beiieft-�t th�-t: let· the team feel that the whole OF crBB 'U'JfIVBB8l'rY here, the. enk'y to tho -:ddle west in possession of a petition filed by Varsity. The two" �i_8��:_ ���;=-_University is behind it. Iowa is like- and .M.ississippi valley layover -the Dolta Sigma Phi asking for admission are two of the best m.�n in .the e���His Serene Highness, Prince Albert . . "' -' :..1.., .-� ... ,Iy to prove a tough Prol�tion tomor- f.M h' d'sti i hed '. '..ihita,go pO� to the club for the following! "year. try at picking np the plays o�. an opee_'" and the men will need all the 0 onaco, W 0 IS a I ngu s zoo � ..rra.uUOus. The matter will probably be br�ught. ing team� "and there -is: Ii,tiie ,:,,-- �;.'encouragement we"� give them. ologist, will be the guest of the{euor Quaife briiip out the sig- np .for consideration at the mooting' �ffen� that was 'dispia-"c," '18ai� tiat�··Above all, everyoLe shOUld provide versity toc.lay. He will be entertain- nificance of this fad� broadening his to be held this afternoon. urd�y, that· they' did Dot '�t. 'hOld � .. '"eel by Professor Lillie, chairman of .' .. -;, -.l ..... Cb"·subject �o a full eonsideration of La With two possible ",{�t'l'"�ion� ,;�i,.'_"the department of Zoology, and .Pro- IOWA ftUDBlft'S WA.:N'r UXION . '. . '&LThe men and women rooters will be Salle's gigantic p.lans and his op'3ra· «"ago will go '11 -;.) the 1 )·v.. game •• �fessor Williston, of the department of . "'" �,tions a�t Chicago. Following thi.:t, the· muiie linenp as was' used ill. tile,he outlines t.he Indi'3u wan whicll To Give Bach 01ass BepresentMiOD On Indiar.a <"ontest two weeks ..go. "'D'e.-'-centered' about' ChiclS�' and' the I. Go'Yem1n!t Boazd. JarClien has been kept out of"-�ri��launches' 'fo'rth into the controversial mage for the "last week' "and- Wliitin.""the scientific department will be pres- ,Spedal to Daily Maroon) :'. ,' .• - '. ,� .. Jmaierial contalnod in the work. may take his pl�e at ("enter tom.,..,,:Iowa City, Iowa., Oct. IS.-Ever; , . . - , . - ... -. ':'i.:.".:.-;tow. Shorty, howe\'er, expects to" v.cffort is being mnde to secure an all- in the game antI' Director stagg . ...ri8�- ... ,m.i\'ersi.ty union, which is to bC call·ell "The Iowa Union." This has beentrietl here before but owing to lack:.f organi7 .. "ltion it fell through, Thh.lime howevcr, thc ,.tullent b�ly arct;lking up thc propo�ition them�h'cll:'..111 from th� prCl'Cnt outlook thereprohnhly will bc a union here withinFOLll)\V THE DRUIITO KENThim&elf with a muoon hat."gi\'en 'the pMierence at tomorrow'sgame and W III be seated in one solidsection. The rooters wearing the rna·roon hlAU will be placed in a bodyin tbf't lower eeata and the rest willhave to sit higher up. Dr. Reed and&alstant coach Skoo Sauer will talkat t.he mass-meeting. Both men aregoocl talkers and have promised torut over one of their best spiels.Sam "WePt', who is in charge of thcAAle of rooters' hats sailt, ··We haveortlc�t three hundred an(l fifty of themaroon hats and they will be on thecampus this momhig. The hats arcinvaluable ih helping the Univenitystu(lents roeognize each other anfl willenable' the rooters to �oncentmte inthe 8t&nds. Every student should l)aleontology.Ho will be entertained at luncheonby President Judson at 1. Members ofent at the luncheon.. Time honored I;otio"i' concerningPrince Albert lut year entertainedh T te t· a1 Zool . 1 the Kinzie. familv !'loJ the }'ort Dear·ten rna Ion ogIea congfta " ....., .,.'I tel H' th th f I born n'�re ar� as·cadell, Kru1.,e,at ... , on e ar 0. e IS e au or 0" .I t· I P , Albert ' the traditionaJ- "F:&��\'r of Chicngo/,se\'ern ar Ie e& nnce IS ac·. 1 b h' 't I C &_: is denied his titl� 1)y Dodor Qunife..-ompnnrCi y '1' au c e camp, ap_n .. ,If 'h_ I 1 h' . t h" who sell'ds one Captain Whistler, the, ouure � a l'O 18 pn\'a e P YMclan,. , .Dr. Lovett, a scientific �rtist, Mr. ofl'lcer who bullt the First Fort Dear-Tinayre anfl a personal friend, Mr. A. born. The traditional account of theA nllcrson. Fort. Dear��rn massacro is attaekctl,and Captain Heald, commonly blamcd Co" to start him if p�ible.' He w�:·T,ractit'nlly the whole · of' -'dl�'- "lino in the Inlliana �ame; "an'd" h;'� "I(»!.... woulll be 8riou�ly felt. .Batll.·gartner ha.. .. hCt'n making gr�t p���';'(>f4S at enc1 nnll promi� to dc;.(\(op··'into a era.t'kerj�k at thi" positiOll.lie is 'gh'ing' JhintingtOn" an .. w�r·fight anll will play' at leMt �. �t' 'a �hort time, Committi� r�rcscnt-IIooae WUl BstabUab 8cliooL -for the disaster, is exonerated by Doe-1. g the difl'crent colleg('s arc meetin�A ]000 acre farm to be furnished tor Quaife. A newty.,di.scovercd or· tlearly e\'('ry night.der to Heald to evacuate the fort is The plans, as yety are �om('wltnt in·d�ribed, and & photogl-aph of thc d "fir' -tc but it is pr(.\p�t that the the time· tomorrow. -�. ' ...... \ ! ..'fhe 8ub8titute backfiehl b 1I0IIIO-what erippicll with Moolton� K�-;��� .and Cout(.hie on" the '!dlle� .Ali ,�.:,;0 out with" injured le� a�d will �:.�he a,'ailable' tomorrow. Fiizp��". • .•• .' t•• J'; •. �J .. I(o'ootp, Rchni, and A.-·ker will 1Illder_with buildings and equipment for agreat influstrial university is to be ea­tabiishell by the Loyal Orfler of MOMeat lI�hart, four miles north of Au· liocoment reprodoced •.Is Laqi Book "tnllcnt council appoint permanentwear one."<"omnritt� from the clift'eren' ..(!�negc-""The Chicago and the OM North- anll",c�, thUl' fonning a gO\'f!rn_�e8t" is. rath.. er' &.. maMiV'e work of ing h()(ly. Thil' will give e\'ery college(Continued on pap s;.,.rora. }�hrin O. Cooley, former lRIper­inten,lent of �hoo18 in Chicago, hasbeen askocl to become !mperintenftent ,-------------- ... --­of the new universit.y.0JadStIaD 8deiaee 8odet7 JIeet&The Chri8tian &ience society winmeet today at 4 :30 in Cobb 6A toelect offie'er-. nnll faction repre2'en tati on.THE DAILY JIABOON. FBlDAY. �lSEB 17. 1915.1fui .. �uit, .( o;�iC'.,.,«t(fieild $h.b�ul � ••• p .. ,nnature of my pangs? Do you? Well,he patient; I shall take you in Illyconfidence,Yesterday afternoon, in tho courseof daily academic events, I went tothe general library. It was aboutthree o·clock. I plneetl my books 00the table pulled out a chair and satclown by the sido of two young gentle­men, who were, sccmingly, engaged insome kind of a serious talk. 0 ,itmust b� about Iowa's de�eat at thelast ball game-I hastily concludedlast ball game--I hasitly concluded,but my foolish decision was at onceinterrupted as one of the gentlenlen1111"st forth in expressed anger: "ForHea.yen's sake, Hnrry, a,;k 'em to shutup."I must admit that the pitch of hisyoice did not send forth any pa.rticu· dnspirafions, .. spirntions, SutTeringunder the iron re�illle of the highschool life they dream of some bliss-MacI,.or-Pupils Wanted_:ll rs. Ploraful future when they would be nblomith, voice builder and teacher ofto go to college, wear college pins,shout college yells, and find them­selves in a thousa.nd other sentimentalcrisis; but, ala,.�, the time has come,they are in college,-antl where ar\)the outlets of their spontancoulJ emo­tionsl' All (tihei� a,."pira.tions, thoi ...sweetest dreams, are generally sha.t_tered in the physics or chem. la.bs_the smeH of ('lorine, flourine, anel a pan. Original dl.'Signs in silk gauzeanti cotton crepe. Prices reasonable.thousand. other obnoxious gases suf-Mrs. �teiner, 5616 Killlbark ave., 1stfOt'ato their teneler, bahyish 10"eliness flat.and they Ruffer the German clMs-asuffering, a kind of misery that theyalone can comprehend. Js there any application. $5.00 a week or separatonleals Pro rata. Mrs. Gairns, 6134aesthetic pleasure in Trig., AnalyticWoodlawn. H. P. 637; good homo cook-Athletics Brevities wif hin me asked me to relloet. I Ijudged with calmer consc:iousness. I CLASSIFIEDsaiu-No. lIave I any nght to stepiu--Or, cause auy oue to step in__ be- ADYERTISEMENTSThe Daily Maroon f1 ---- __ MasS'llll'Ctiug, Kent, 10:15.Buuurgur tuer i� �ivillg Ifuutiugtou G It'e dub rehearsal, Reyuolus clubau awful light for tho left end. po:u- 4 :34.,1 ..tion. Lefty has taken to tho end. of Cosmopolitan club, :Ellis IS, S.tho Iiue as a duck UOCt; to water uud Neighborhood Clubs reeeption, Lea-in t;piw of hit; iuexperieuee, he will gue rooms, 4 to at least a part of tho timo to- tween HO muuy dreamy souls and theirnC'\\'I�' begun college lives? H88 Har;5,' per Iiue, No advertfsomeut 1"0-p,'r Memoria] Library been built up All -'ft ...... �edeived for less than !!5c. �for study alone? If it is dedleated to advertisements must be paid in ad-110 other nobler: purposc.---J surely auce,I;eg your pardon,-_l am growingentirely too sentimentaLmorrow. COMKUNIOAUON--. Is Harper Library to be used mere-'1'ho Phi Gam reprcseutataves on tho. . "for Studies?football squad form a whole hospital . h.. I My fillgcrs tremble to wrrte t 18 ar-list by theurselves, Dick lloyd. hasft.ielc vet tho harsh lash 0 severebeen Iaid up with a bad. leg ever siuce ' J ,•I duty is raised against me, and 1ttho Ludluua gunie, und .Miko Kennedy. _,I seems that thera 1S no othor alterua;hurt his knee again in practice. Botht.ive. I must write it.:will be on tho siuo Iiue for severalYou do not seem to understand the!·urw..:u)'Univl:rliil), of l.i1icago Weeki),.J.1;m",�in� Eduor •••••••••••• Martin Stever..r.&:WI l::,ullor ••••••••••••• Gcur�c CouinKh"mAtalc:tl;;:; l:.;dilor •.•.••••••••••• Harry Gora:asbL;.lOlnC;';o .:.1all0l6;r •••••••••••• �un1ettc .lIILiiIOlCiH ..... uca !Ilall .. �cr •••••••••• Wllham .L.)'man weeks.HERZKA BROTHE·RS:-: Tailors :-:1545 East 53rdStreet ,"The suit you want is here. The style, the,color, the particulars-")ust Right."Open EvenIDp aDd SuDda,. Morning�I ' !'U�J.�I.\,;J U"") ...:.,.,;...:". ;:'UIIUol,) ",' .uuuua.) �auJ IiVIIU .. )" U ... III_ ulr...:c'"u.l.l L",n. vi ",.cVU4\'\';A.:aL,) J"'�.i... ..1:.1H<.I':U a� �,·, .... ,.l>·d .. :." llIad at the Lhll:il&Ul' .... ,:,h" ....... ...:. �.· ..... -o"' ........ , .l.&. ... ...:.l "'�. J.�"J�. "'uu�.r .a""L V' .. \i..lh;., &i, !�,�. 'I'weuty-two 111en reported for theSophourore football team at Wi:;con­siu, �c\"el'al yeurs ago if Coach ::iwggcould hu ve guthered that 111auy euudi.,.·ates frow the whole university hewoulu have been sathifieu..,U.ti::;I..L<�.t:'.I..lV.l" �fi.L.l:.O).li)' .... u."'., i- ... " .\ lc.o1' 'f",.UU � ..,,,�,) ••. �.l, � ... V\) .. ,).: .. 1 i ti . ..;a a "U,utCI..L.�"V' ,,,,·.uU"II.,,, .. :. V1UI:C:_ .1:.11110 ;';'-t..&,\,; ..... j.I.1V •• l,,;. .lJ. .. U\\ ... ,)....· ���vv:::-.��-======elutotial.'i. ·1.J�" �y 01 wu�"n lllwruSt�U IIIdxU.l!1:A.t:.c.:b ill gClllg III OL LlOu)" lou ::;e" Only threo mon at Wisconsin onter­et! the' competitivo oxaminations for,hC lChodc� schola.rship.XellOW Jacket"t...J':"""U:U:OW •• aJ.'tcrllOOll. A board in the shapo of a. 111an, withCUlture :J:his seems a. s:ua.u mat_ a hole in tho placo of a chest, and. ater, and perhaps flt isl. oe11 back of tho hole, is Priu,!oton·s.;" b'lt it r�(;,-ts a Ilig la.ea. .Men ana. lIew center lll!lchine. TLo center p�s­W ... illCll coming to cO.ll,ege come Wltn a os the ba.ll to tho dummy, a.ndmJ.cll 1IlO<l.UC1· purpose tnan allsorption if it is well pussed, tho bell dnb'S.01 L ... c;k lore. 11 UlQ a.cqUlSltion 01.H.llOW_.l..l1gC is the only reason for at- ._Ixty Illen have signed up for thct(;llclil!g ,,,Lege, the late Mr • .K. 'r. cross country tca.m Iowa.. Geometry?Inrly pleasant sensation to my cere-(,;l�nc . W;ls c.�incllt1Y right ill his at-. bromo Anyhow, it nroused my in-+··'·k tir·..,�n (.(' ......' ·'P.,·'S :lS useless l'nstitU- Bocause of the sizo of the Fresh-. 1 h....... � - w_w ;stincb of curiosity;-but lD ess t antions. .:\. collcco edUcation never yet man class: at Indiana., it is to be pit-(;uablcd a man or woman to eam more tetI a.gainst the whole university� thall he or she could have earn-' the inter-class wrestling matches.ed or the ,basis of self-education, ex-cc;pt ill the. casc of teachers. 'rhe real '1'ho Wisconsin Cnrdinal is evidently0- allege work 15' to malt' e bet- taking no stock in the reputed weak-p11I"PO:;� 1- C" ' �irls?)'tel" mell and women; not greater earn- ness of the Chicago lin_e, as the follow-Of eonrse they were talking, joking,ing a.!l)ac.ity. The studies of the aver_ ing shows: laughing,-retrospecting, analyzingage studeut have _little use as dire� ··)!"rienU Stagg is back in form. Af- the unique oecurences of the night..­acquisitions. They are vaJ.uable as af- rer pla.ying the uousua.l role of opti- heg pa.rdon,-evening before. Totallyl:'ordiii�- . cill.turc; as broa.denin� the mi:;t for a few weeks, he has sudden- lost in the �uthomless depth of theoutlook, widcuing the mental hOlUOn, ly torn loose, a.nd out with a half-eonscious emotion tha.t their sPon-ol �c ;;tudcnt. The' soclul life of �e bear story just like those of yore. t:Lneous memories were pouring forthUniversity aims 'to develop social per- Tho Maroon toa.m, which until' a into their innocent hearts, the threesoualit:r, as studies develop .mental few days ago was supposed to be the. adolescents we�e sharing eaeh other's,pc�sollility • And this little theater !Jest the Midway has produced for -one anot.her's-unique pa..�t exPeri-party to!:lorrow a.ftemoon is in line :;eycra.l years, now suddenly has de- enc('R. One of them emphasized, '·.Hutwith thc samc idea. The University "eloped rheuma.tism, consumption, oh my, rthln't we have the swellestof Ch1cago is pecuilarJ.y fortunate. 'pal8Y. The men :ire all suffering from time Just night?" _ Her immediateS�tuatOd in the middle of one of the Lroken legs or ingrown brains, anu n('ighbor looked up,-around the table,worlu's' b�catcst cities, it a1fords its the line material averages about 113 --nnd in les..q than a second, her fum­students an almost unequalled oppor- ),Olllltis. Tho backs are so slow tha.t inons eyc8 wer placed on those ottunity to see life in all its phases, 11n8t collects on their knees, while not the lust �l't'aker's which rather be_ta get. in touch with the best there is a man on the sqund can punt over I'�:lme gloriously expreSsive as she re­in :modern civilization. The needed eleven ynrds. Out side of this thc �poll.lcrt," but Jack acted klnd 0'thing is to bring home to the avera�e team is all right, according to Amos (lll('l.'r;_ 1 didn"t like his tI,estudent the emtenee of his opponun- Alonzo. it "'as really too 10ud.-"it:; to raise his interests above the All of which mukes matters seem However, m�- attention ftuctuateclgood enough level of dances, smokers, natural again. . Now that the bear outrageou�ly. Tho two 'naughty'club� and actiVities, to a reaching :4tories have started, we can say safelY hoys hy my side did not scem to ap­af tor the more distinctly cultural in- that the Maroon team is really u. predate the sweetest sweet conversa­terests. certain organizations on the strong on e and that the rest of the tion on the opposite side of the eXist for this purpose; and the bunch will have to hustle con�itlera- One of them became quite tunous,'M:l5qUers is one of them. The purpose hly to take the championship away took his pardon agaJD-of these oritanizations is eminently 'from Stagg &; Co. I,ooks,....- and left the library.good; it is in line with the ODe pur- Out of sheer philanthroptc motives, FOIC lU;NT-Front room with �l)-rtisfie silll-:ing :Lt llr8. Knights, 5ti52acksou Ave. Term of ten IcmJoll8-­'itteen Dollars. }'or further informa-ion, athlross 6:'56 .J:lt.�kSOll Ave. PhonoHuway 4390.(';Oll.E AND SEE exclusi,·eanlino of Japa.u('t&O elllbroiuered gownsand kimonos illlllortetl diroct from Ja-" flclves in their positions and compre­hentl the nnture of the burning agon­ies of their tender souls. The gener­al lihrary is one of the very fewBut it is an Ethical Problem. Kind arate entrance, pleasant, eu11lfortabl�,readers please help us to decide. Let e lean and quiet. -2.50 p_er week. 602jDrexel avenue.tho whole student body answer theinterrogative. Our freshmen andfresh-girls (if this expression is in­«orrect, we request the hend-c-compos­itor to set it right) come to the In- on SALE-One full dress coat, ouoII rineo Albert coat und vest, one win­ter .overcoat--sizes, 3G to 3S. Goodstitution with thousands of youthful ouditiou, cheap Tel. Oukland 5116-1:1 Oakwood Boulevurrl, Apt. No.1.two seconds my wandering eyes weroarrested by a very pleasant sight.On the opposite side of the table wereseated three of our adorable eo-eds;__ to all appearance" freshmen, (fresh.:pose that can justify the present UD- "The Yellow Jacket" May Leave. I ('xh'lltl('d my courtcsy to my ne1gh­"The Yellow .Tacket·' will ll':lYc t.lle I hor. "Pardon me, �ir if you think youI-"in(' Artl' theater at the end of ne:,,:t I':\n't pfl�' enough attention to. yourweek if not supported, a�cortling to! �tnlli('� aToun.1 here, why don't youSnell hall is to hold its annual smok_ a hnlJetin jS�ll('d re('ently hy the Dra· I mO"e, and go to the ne%t--" "�'orer and "initiation" tonight. This is lJl:\ Le=4:Ue. : f'npi4l"s sake, man, are you deaf andI, 1,linll? Don't yon �('.(' nlmost everyt .. '\hlt' i� Ot'cupied by these noisy an·dergraduate work of the modem Amer-iean 'university.anothor re1lection of ahealthy feature of col-AnotherGOOd' T .h1n$l; lep:c life. ··As We assodatton ill a dormitory is purett g'('ls:"_came t.he (lui\:k r('�Jlon� likeJourney through life, let acddental, and to serve the utilitarian a f)a..�h of lightning. Tn nt,ter .li�gnstllS live by the way.''' Overlook1n� purpose of giviq cheaper rooms. OrI he took his hooks aM left the Ubrarythe liill-board use of the phrase, it is tbey may reiard their association as: with :\ �om('what hig'hl�' philo!'ophic­a good hint. While we are in col- an opportunity for feUcnn!l1p, and: al attitt14le: "Well, what's the U80!lege, Jet US enJOY life. The leuowsdevelopment of personality. This is' 1'111 �oin;!' to heat it home anyhow."1who gather In dormitories may look I the view that is current. With the; "'or a moment 1 felt wtth the bOYS,Op011 their relations ill twO ways. They Idea that of rel101111h1p Which improves' :lnll thonght J woulrt call the Ubrar·may take it that they are here to and be1leflts. nothiDg could be bet-! inn'� :lt�ntion to the fact;-but, then,study and to do � el8e. Their ter. I hesitated; �methiD� from. c1eep ina.The truth is we can never place our- BOARD-Private family for limitedl\{nr8.7.ine Busine!'ls for sale, cheap,good profits, easy work, will not inter­fere with studies.-II. Ra.smussen, 5213rngleside a,'e, , Phone H. P. 7020."Keeping in Front"Y oofeDows bow whattbat means IWe·ve been veq successful in thisregard with F &lima Cigarettes. Bythe way. these cigarettes were firstsold in the coIIeae- towDs-and youagreed with us tLat they were good.Then we put out for the bisr make F alimaso( nation-wKIe rep­utatioa. and today more are sold thanany GIber ciprette in this country.No purer. or IDOIe carefuII.l chosentobacco grows than that in F atimas..We purJioseIy put them in a plaininespe.ave � this warwe can dord qUality tobacco. aodtwenty of the aDokes for 1 S cents.Now your college crew is of utmostimportance to you-so is a �ciprette. and it· s your aim in lifeto keep F aIimas in the Iead-rightup to their good quality-right upto where yoo first found Ihao, anawill always 6nd them.Sac:cess feBowsl You started this.ette on its successful career­arid you puB a IIIODg oar aD 0Vf!tIbis country. "'.�"'Jd.(Continued on page 3.)............... __ ..... _.-_1Telephone H.. P. 1037.--_ .. _-------_. __ ._-----_ ...... " .. -•means Banking under State Government Super­vision with a Board of Directors-a paid-up Capi­tal of at least $200,000. in this' State for cities ofover ;,o,QOO population. The word STATE inthe title of a Bank means SU PERVISION-itmeans RESPONSIBILITY and SAFETY.In selecting a depositary for your funds, youowe it to yourself to select a SUPERVISEDBank-then you have all the security which thelaw can devise.This Bank is a depositary for postal funds ofthe United States Government and of the City ofChicago.Keep your Savings in Hyde Park:-;% Interest :3%Open Saturday eveningsHYDE PARK STATE BANKCOAN.Ft orr 83 � ST. & LAKE AVEOFFICERS D�ECTOBSJOIIX A. CAnnOf.I., l'r.·"i.!. nt.UOBEUT )o�. CL':\UIIXG�, \'!c.'-I'r--.,.d.knt.TIIO:\I.\:' J.\X�)O�X, ��3"h!,·r.11. A. IIAIDIOX. A�i"t3n-t L'.lshi. r. nol ... rt F. ClIllllllin!:s Frank \\'. Howr-sChari.,. R. 1I"rric Jam.·,. J. CarrollHe-nrv I.. �tt)lIr TI:om:ls Jan,knlIani:'! )0'. Iturk« Thoma,. A. L'�':lInsJ"hn A. Cur ro.I.PlItronize -MarooD,- AdvertisersHURRY! ------------_ HOLD PREUMJWABIES DI'j . \ \ ,,""U.MIUB SPBAKING OOlftBS'rWIw CoIIete Editon llUak I -� ... � �ole �tu"enta Kay Resister--------------. �1th Dt:a.n Lovett .b4uore Writes On LUe At Cambddp. ."Cawbridl,re from Within" i. thetitle of a volume by Charles TeDDY­son, grandson of the poet, whih givesan Iufimate account of student lifeat L'1uu(,ridge. It has been publishedreeeutty by George W. Jaeobs andSons_"ay, for an hour or two, and have alittle of a 'swcll time' with theiryouthful eompanions, Could you beso cruel as to object to this much ofPro-Conference sentiment at Michi· 1 reiimluuries in the Iower Juniorg�u has ag�n forced the apPoi��ent.1 exteruporuueous puune s}'eu.kiug con­of a conllluttoo to open neb'Utlatlon� tesus W HI be 11ell1 at 4, '.1'uesuay: Oc­with the �ni\'ersities �f the W�t�rn I tolJl"r :':1'> iu Kent. Studeuts who inInter -ollegiate Athletic association. tend to enter the eoutess haVe Ocenwith a view to Michigan's return, Thepersouell of the committee, its dele- Put Up "Olean-ChiQ&o" 81,."Clean-Chicago" is the slogan of theeuglueers at Iowa as shown by a bigelectric sign on top of the Engineer­ing building.uSl\.ell to rt�gi8wr with Dean Lovett(,y October �7. 'I'he only require;gated powers, its complete subservi •. ureut lor euutestantj, is that they haveeuee to the will both of the Board in 110t less than twelve majors of college places where they could open their;control of Athletics and tho Regents ucdit, and that they should be eJigi- hearts for a few hours--beg pardoD-of Michigan, are not at wi encourag­ing to those who hope �or immediatesupecess in obtaining Michigan's re­udruittnnee, ule lor pubrie appeuruuee,At � o'clock the day of prelimin­uries, an hour (,efore the time an­uouuced for the competition, topicsJ'rufu,sor 'Vhitney, wLo was chosen will be glven to the eoutestauts, 'I'hey their pleasure? Please say, "no" andchairman of' the committee is ex- will llrellare their addresses in one the blessings of so many sufrerinltromely eouservatdve in his attitude hour, and will (,0 given three miuutes souls will be yours.towards Michigan's return to the con- to talk. The four best speakers willferenee. It is said that Jutlge James 1Jl" entered for the fiuals, ThurstlayMurtin, another member of tho eom- November 8, in tee, is opposed to Michigan"s abau, Subjeeta for the iinals will be all- :Men from all countries have beendoumeut of ·�,�ueral athletic policy nounecd one day before the contest, Invited to attend an open meeting ofand control, in order to meet the re- and contestants will be allowed six �he Cosmopolitan club. Friday, October'luircnient8 which Conference univer- minutes for their talks. The winuer 24. Plans for the year's work will beslties impooc. Albert Fletcher, the un- will be givcn a scholarship for one discussed, and various members fo thed ergraduata member of the commit- quarter, club will give short talks.tee, is really the only one who repre- -Sympathizer.CosmopoUtan Club WID. Meet.sents that sentiment which demands IOWANS BELIEVE THEYan immediate settlement of the dis- HA VB CHICAGO SCABEDI pute, or a definite tlec. Ision one way DREUL P BAR MAC Y(Continued from page 1.)I or another.I The power of the committee is study the regular backfield.slight. It has no authority to go TIle Iowa team accompanied by Comer 55th and Dre%Qldirectly before the Board of Regents, Coach Hawley and a large number of Telephone Kidway 1411but if.' to make recommendations to rooters will arrive otnight and willthe Board in Control of Athletics as stay at the Chicago bow far the latter body shall gobefore the Michigan Regents. Th& Bold Memorial Services in ChapeL IRegents undoubtedly will act precisely Memorial services were held yes- r;lg:;;:w.p,p.i:;;::;;::;;;;;'W::;;;M;:;;:;;M;:;;;;M;:;:�m;:;:�;:r;;r;m:run!.l"pm,,,riqfiiigrml1lrQlmg;:;;;as they please. terday at Divinity chapel in honor sfWith the frank avowal of policy the late Milo Walrath, who was ++++++++ ..which the Michi� Regents at- drowned Labor day at Hillsclale, JOSEPH SCHMIDTready made, their positive adherence Michigan. The speakers were Rev. STATIONERY, TOILBT ARTICLESMATT KeANANY, B. Ph.ChicagoThe H or Fa .... Drap. Ch-.lNis _dToilet Artlc:lea.t� the doctrines of "unanimous eon-.I sent for new legislation," and "home,rule," the chances for Michigan com­petition .seem to be dwindling to ob­I scurity.-Daity Illini. Charles 'V. Gilkey, Professor Soares,and Mr. Greene, Resolutions of con­dolence were drawn up by his fellowetudents, Shattuck and Oliverr DeanMathews presided at tIle servlee, Imported and �esttc LIDe ofCIGARS A...�D CIGARETTES,••••••••••••••••••••• +++++FINE LINE OF CANDIES956 B 55th at.Just Nine D�ys Leftin which to subscribe for the DAILY MAROON at the price of$2.00 for the year. After October 25th, $2.50.Subscriptions Taken At The Maroon Office, Ellis 12- :IIftIB DAILY IlABOO., ,FBIDAY, ocrOBBB 17, 191&Cardinal point of view. discussed ways and means for enlist- bers being, Oscar Elsesser, Paul i.a-A long sti1f signal practice On Mon- ig 300 men in the Y. M. C. A., and rose, Roy Burt uad Liich De}· in which the eoaehes attempted for securing a subscription fund of 'fhoso named for the comDli�tco 01.&to eradicate the faults brought out $1000. Various speakers spoke on refreshments are: Eugene Gir&rJ,by tho Marquette game and a stren- methods to be used in arousing the ! Erich Do Frees and Carl .1.)ragMtciltuous scrimmage with the reserves enthusiasm of University men, assisted by Freshmen,Tuesday however have gone a long Mr. Bickham spoke on thr part of .A bulletin placarded on the first 480 pages, wiht appendices, index and Musical Comedy for Young and olciway towards restoring some of the the regular Y. � C. A. members in foor of tho hall eommnn.Ij eaeh bibliography. It is illustrated through-eonfidenea in the general team-play of organizing the campaign. He intro- I''reshmnn to "bring one full siz;'�J har- out with reproductions of photographstho Badgers. That Bead. coach Jun- duced Secretary Parker, of the Chl.- rel to the basement" of Sn • .,)) boron- showing seenes, documents, :works ofeau and his assistants. are determined cago Y. M. C. A., who told the men Thursday noon. The purpose �f the art treating! of episodes in this his-Al\,fERICAN MUSICto have their eleven in prime shape of methods to pursue in the campaigns, required donation is not discl·MnJ. tol'Y.: HALLWISCONSIN rBAJI OIVB8 ' for tho eonwst with Purdue on Sate, uud dwelt on the personal help which. ALL IOWA ftUDlD1'r8BABJ) WEBE OF PBAO'rIOE urday which they realize will "0 a tho 111en would guiu frow their ex- Oft Drl'O ", PI�··ru··:··1 ·�t for both teams, is Blain """ If'AKBiI ON 1I0lO)AY- .... ....� � -, r perieuces in Wllllll11g reerurts,Coaches Are Dissatidecl With Besult to be seen from the ma.nlle� in which The various class aud prefessioualor Marquette Game ADd. they are driving the Van:dty through svuool COUlUlhlsions will compe� to seeeach practice.which lJoJy of Wen call secure tholargest number of now 111en, uud qain11,0 pleuges of the woot money,'1'ho 1- reslnuuu counuission will meet, Iowa City, Iowa, Oet, 14-Yesterday3uOl' students posed before a swingingcamera back of the now physics build­ing. The day was ideal for a pic­ture 8Jul pr1¥'ticaJJy. every student.uud fUl:'ulty member was out to getinto the group. The pictures wereplucod on sale this afternoon. Be­cause of the time of the day and theposrtiou of the sun every face is roc­ognizable, 'l'he picture will be usedfur publicity purposes.Tho team will leave Madison lato(Special to Tho Daily Maroon.. Friday aiternon and are due to ar-�lad�on, Wil:l. {Spoda! to The Daily rive ill Lafayette sometime Iate thatMuroon.-Tho complete reversal of night. A royal scnd-off for ihe t., • nuto elect a new counnissiou heud Mon­form shown by Coach Juneau's aspir- is being planned by the rooters whowith the band will aecomuauv tho day. Craig Redmon" the ehuirman,iug chauipious in the Marquette game, .r "Jlrl'sl'llteu his withdrawal last night.�e\'cral new wen will be chosen forprouuses to bring auout a number of wen to tho train.l,tan'S 011 the commission.I' changes in tho lineup as well 88 theY. .. C. A. PLANS FEATUREShardest grinu of the season during thepresent week. Saturuay's game no�only Lrought out several weak spots Free Daily Luncheons With Addresseson the Badger team but also showed By Faculty Members Are Plannedthat even the veterans are in need By Secretary.of the ghost ball and more strenuous :Merriam WUl Speak If'ompt.Professor Charles E. Merriam willtalk on "The Impressions of a Pro-IN MEMBERSHIP OAMPAIGNNEW DATE FOB SN£l.l, STAGG.. �'. � sc rirumages, Free daily luncheons, with addres- Freshmen Must � li;l!":el Before fessor in Polrtacs" at a smoke talk1'hc touted backfield of which so ses by Dean .;\·'ge11, Dr. BU;,l }., Dr. Initiation On Thllr:,day. of the Priday E"ening club tonight.much was expected the first of the Coulter, and Professor Mechem, of thotear was guilty of poor playing, the Law school, will be features of tho "Cym'beline" WUl Appear 8ooD.b k faill- to k to thor d Snell Hall will hold rts 1irst nuuuulat" rs ng wor ge an Y. M_ C. A. campaign for membership -'Cymbelinc," the eighteenth volumefumbling frequently. Wisconsin's en- and financial support, next week, ae- iuit.iat iou and Mta:; 011 '£J,urs:lay Oc- of the Variorum edition of Shake,tiro-game was anything but high class, cording to the announcement of Mr. tober :!:t, instead of Friday, October speare and the last work of the Iateand kicks ,were handled poorly Bickham, at, the Y. M. C. A. dinner 24, as was llrJ/louslv annou-o.e d. Dr. Horace Howard Furness, will bethroughout the contest which has been in Hutchinson last night. Janlt.·s Arnold is chairman of the com- issued by J. B. Lippincottt early intermed a fizzle completely, from a }'ift�· men attended the dinner, and mittco on initia�i>n, the other mem- November •PUBIJSJJF.B WORK 0]1BIftOBY OF omCAGO(Continued from page 1.). � ...-:iri i1"JJt!! OpeDSatarday NigLtTHdRuB��1tcfom,Now fa OR NEW HOI1E---Jast Across From 0. Old Locatio..'; Greatest Overcoat Display in the WorldDEFINE the word greatest as you will. Does it mean quan-tity? Then our stock is surely greatest. Does it mean diversity? Again,we'r� greatest, Does it mean individuality, value or style? On these counts, too, no onequesnons our leadership. Iu heavy weights, thousands of garments, ulsters, raglans, Bal­�accans,. Chesterfields, belt backs and many more-smart tough weaves-a-new pa�ternIdeas-$IS, $18, $20, $25, $30 to $85. In fall weights (and there's a lot of service tobe had in a fall coat or cravenette) "a thousand and one" ideas that cry "individuality" in no uncertain voice-$12, $15, $18, $20, $25 to $40. .Just for Young MenIf there's one title more than any other we deserve it's "Suiters to Suitors"­we surely have gained wonderful success in collegians. For Fan 1913 we gathered such a display as we neverbefore acb!�ved-a "rounded" assortment for YOUDg men of 811 tastes and types. English ideas, American styles,styles that. Idled b oIL ideas-new auitings in greens, grays, browns, mixtures, checks, stripes and plaids-$15,$20, $22.50, $25.:i ...,-•"'--_ .. _- :.. .. �- ..... ' ...... , ....' '. . tI·... ..,.'.... � � ...... '•• ." ........ Co' , •• BLACKSTONERICllARD BENNETTAnd Oo-Workers in Btleux'.DAMAGED GOODSGARRICK'lIB.. WJI. HODGE in1'HE ROAD TO BAPPD1E88"Genuine successor to "THE MANFROM IlOllE:'__Jnter Ocean.COlAN'S GllANDSTOP If'HIEFAD Anlanche of Laupter-A UDITORIUl\,4TIlE WIIIPTonight at 8 O'Clock Sharp."Rig stunning Dle�oclrlama." - Record­lIe ral d.LASALLEA TBIP '1'0 WASBINOrOHTheatre Unique-Dining, Smoking.LEW FIELDS In "ALL ABOARD."ILLINOI�KOlft'GOlIBBY AND IrfORBand ELSIE JANIS' in' � ...THE LADY OF THE SLIPPERHo�ard·. Theatre.---BROADWAY BOlfBYJlOOK--1t'i�BilKA OABV8.JOB HOWABn._MABBL IIrOAlQlPOVVERSIf' B B Q 0 V B B NOB' 8 L.A D Y"GIVES EXCELLENT V,ALUE."­James O'Donnell Bennett, Beeord­Herald.CORTPH lLLIP BARTHOLOKAE'S.G LORIANNA ...WithB�len Lowell aII4 AdIlar �ANNOTHER MUSICAL HITSTUDEBAI'(ER'Klaw and Erlanger prcaentrBE WINNINO (IFBARBARA WORIf'BFINE ARTSIf'BB YELLOW J'AOItB'rprincessDOUIB KBABBROMANCE- J I•