PRICE FIVE CEN'rS�Jm t laily .. ilarnnu�o1. XU. No. 4. t1NlVBB8rrY OF CHIOAGO, OOTO;BEB 4. 1913.SPEAKS IN PRAISE OF SAY IIAltOO� OUT EARLY DR. HENDERSON 1'EI.IS. INDIANA HELPS DEDICATEGERIFN NEWSPAPERS Three Editors of InMpna DaU7 Stu- OF lIND TREATMENTNEW GRANDSTANDS TODAYProfessor Ira Maurice Price Re­turDs &om Summer spent inEuropean Countries dent V1stt O1fice Last X-1Cht-'!'eUOf School of J'0ur$1iam At Hoosier University Chaplain Says PeopleOf Orient Received HimHospitably �t Year!.r.• j• ' I'�\ ; -,.�,•\�.•jIII�•, ' Universlt7.IS DELEGATE TO CONVENTION -ws can't put over anything 80 mod- NEW MEN SPEAK AT DINNERern D.:I getting our paper delivered atPreaideni At O;>,,- Of International Sunday .ic1'001 l,c�::on CO:::l- ; in tho morning like you do," said Wal- Facult7 Hear Associate Professorter McCarty of tho Inwaua Daily Stu­dent in tho Maroon sanctum last night.'News is printed in a far more com- "Though a morning paper, we are con­pact, readuble form in the German tent to appear on tho streot at 1 P. M_newspapers than in American papcr!4, You see we are printed by an after-according to Professor Ira llauriccPriee of the Semi tics department. He lion newspaper and their men don't Cross, Assoeiate P�fessor Ly­man and Professor HiIXton.mi�t('.) In l,·, It L. Stagg Day \fill BriDg Out I Aa:ording T�ches hdLargest Cathering In Captains Today' 5 CameUniversity History Will Be Hard FoughtCELEBRATION HONORS STAGG JIMMY SHELDON LEADS SQUADcd, will be one of the most, liucccs:,Uul C'pinions of the coaches and. capta1n.S.Coach Ji===.y Sheldon of Indiana,Dr. Henderson spoke last night at ,£tu�ents_ Will Ga.ther at South G�tel Three Hundred and Fifty Booters andthe annual Faculty homecoming din- 01 Athletic Field and A1WllllJ.. Band Accceipantes Team to Chi-ner of thc kind treatment he had re- Near Gym. I cago in SpeCial Train.cejved in the Orient.' All last year insaid that in reading the German ac- Iiko to work at night and we have to Accorcliug to present prospects StaggIndia, he said, be W3B welcomed wher- .count of the Balkan troublc he could suffcr for it." Day, as today's celebrutiou will be call-I f C\ er he went.g ean mOTC rom one paragraph than Manabring Editor McCarty, Ray Ca-from a column of an Amrtean news- . d - and ,uilli'amsey, sporting e tior, npaper. Dr, Price has just returned'll t' ;"':t f th Student partment of Political Economy told of'rapp, urama ie em or 0 e 'from a trip to England, Switzcrlandlcft the Jndiaaa crowd at the Hotel hia experiences on the Monetary com- of the Univcrsity.,. F'rom tho amountand Germany. of enthusiasm displayed a.t the mas.. S·- missloa, 'La Salle to drop out to the Maroon Professor Laughlin, bead of the de- alunnu and undergraduate !!'.1.therill!!�� � "We have a green team, but the menthut has ever been held in the history are in good ('OIHljtioll, and we will'Put up a hard fight.,.Captain Ed. �vis of Indiana. "Therrotcss JI rri('" spent blly 4 and 5 offico ! &st I&ight to explain. the Athiii London m' a tiel ... gate tc thc COII- Ietic editor why Indiaua ought to win!c renee of tuo j ·�tcrll:ltil nul Snni.��·,Y Thtoday's game, and to talk shop." e�'8c.·hoJol Lesson Comirtee, (·f 'which he declared they felt very much at homci8 secretary_ From Lou-Ion Lc wcnt toZurich, Switzerlall�l, as a delegate to ill tho disordered Maroon office, adthe .soventh World's Sunday Sehoul they too had been moving lately. Theconvention. desk edtior brazenly explained thattho office didn't look "this way" allthe time.Have School of Joumallsm.get' men" to work for us.-at Indiana,"Dr, IIenderson, the University chap- . U reditsaid ::McCarty, "beeawIe co ega elain, will be tho Unviersity preacher - .is given' for the work. The Umversltyat �e religious service in Mandel hallSunday morning. This is the only tinle olfers a number of courses in theoret-The LineupIndianaFall Back.Scott 172Brhan 180R. Half Back oSermonRecessional No. 163 "Rejoice Ye l»nrein Heart ••••••• _ . _ •• _ ..•.•. _ NossiterP08tuludo ".March" ••••.. OoldmarkFollOWing is a partial list of appoint·ments for this quarter which was issuc'.yesterday.October 5--Charles B. HendersonOctober 12··SetUement SundayOctober I9·-Rev. Newman Smyth,New Haven, Conn.October 26-·Profettsor Walter Raus­ehenb�8Ch, RoehCIJtcr Theological Sem­inary.November 2--Not 'appointedNovembcrx 9--Not appointedNovember I6--Not appointedNovemher 23--Rev. H. S. Bradley,Woreeatcr, Mue.November 30--Rev. H. S. Bra(UeyDecember 14--Bi8hop .t;dwin 11.Hughes, San Franciseo, tCaI.December 2I--Convoeation Sun� p. Whitaker 152Quarter Back meeting yesterday, it may be predict­ game should be, evenly fought_ed that close to a. thousand students our men are in good shape."will march in the parade which willBach class will have a Iarge banner "Watch us today."hearing numerals. Thc alumni will E.heldon Leads Team.gather ncar the gymnasium and will'form in classes. Thc band will Iead theparade which will start pormptly at� :30, followed by the two tdams. Thealumni of the old Chicago Universitywill be next, in rank, followed by the Ialumni of the University of Chicagoin classes, end the undergraduates will'open the ceremonies.Stagg Day will officially begin at:! :15 when the parade will form at thesouth gate of the Athletic }'ipld underthe direetjou of the class presidents.B. Whitaker 165L. Half BackoCentero Vota 210Qoodman 195 Winters 195 Baruhart 170Left Guard Left Tackle Left End�.JI.en � bring up the rear. Ernest Rcichmanthis lIuartcr'that Dr. Henderson's naDLC' ical Journalism and the Stu,!�nt wod: '.'"S ae,:eral- of ,the new members of the will have charge of the Seniors, DonaldAl'pears on the list of preachers. t'Crves as a' labo'IJIPotory work for ,the faeulty gave" ;8hort talks_ Among De)jany of the Juniors, Fred Burcky ofMU8ical Director Stevens has an- course_ However, evtu though we a'r':5 them... 'lV,ere: . .Aasoeia� Professor Tom the Sophomores, and Francis Warel, As­nounced the musical program for ::)Ull-a part of this school, there is no fae- Pe�tc; _�:Qf �e departmcnt Of Eng- sistant cheer loader, of thc Freshmen_day's services as follows:nlty supervision over us any ret-re than lieh,' .ASsOc..fate Professor, Roilo M. Ly- parade Around Field.Organ Preludo � man of the school of Education, and The parade \VIiI mar,ch aronnd the IPreludo in C minor •••• _ .•••. over any voluntary stnderat organiza- Professor Edward W_ Hinton of the IAm :Mer (By The Soa) __ •••. Shubert tioL" Law school. C·'·.ti'.l'f:,l fill l'::�C "'.Prayre and Cradle Song _. Guilmantl"rocessional No. 112"Ein Feste Burg"LutherHymn No_ ]114 "rt;lorious Things ofAnthem '·Lovely Appear" _. _. GounodOffertory "Hast Thou Not Known"• • .PflueggcrHymn No. 114 "Glorious 'l'hings otThee Are Spoken" • _ ..••.. llaydenDice 195Right GuardooDavis 198Right TackleooKrause 150Right Endoo ooLeft Guard8caDlon 179 CenterDes J'ardieD 199Left End Left TackleVruwlDk 168 Bardinpr 210o oQuarter BackRusaen 150L. Half Back'0Tq 175 ohl1 Back.Pierce 182Chicago·WBIOIl'.r8OIdcap12881Mea,lrO·1969i 171 �'lotalLiDe AnrapBaeb-'l'otalBacb,ATerale'1'otalAnrap oo o 0o 0Right Guard Right Tackle Right EndBanis 182 Gc*tler 185 Buntln�D 165CaptainoR. Half BackNorgron, Oapt, 175Indiana13131866691671982180 AllOoach Stagg of Chicago, "OUr li=- •is weak ·a!tll'l\:.:��'l t"l) 'b ... ::·�l,U 1'1strong. The inexperience· Of our quar­terbacks may handica!) us."Captain Nelson Nor�n of Chicago,Continued on. pag� 4_:THE OLDMANAMOS ALONZO STAGG"-This afternoon is the occaslon of &great event for athletics at the UDi­versit7 of Chicago-the dedication oftLe new athlotie field. We of thaUniversity of Ch�cago are lJI'Olld ofour athletics-proud of the fact thatthe boys who wear tobe JIuoon figh�for the sake of the game Instead of thevictory-an ideal of clean sport in­stead of results In the score column.Is it not fitting that at tills ti=le weshould honor *e man who is at theI heart of it all- the man who baaII huilt U!) this spirit? Ought not theday be takeD as a tribute to AmOSAlonzo Stagg? We caIlont now namethe day for him; we cannot pre!)ar'8suitable ceremonies for the occaslon.But in our hearts, each of us caD feel,;ratitude to him for what he has dono;we can pay him an unspokeD tributeof respect, loyalty and a1I'ecttOD. Lnus make the day not only c'DedioatiODDay", but Stagg Day as weB an iD­adequato but heartfelt tribute to theGrand Old M:ln of University of Chi-• caco athletics.-rBB DAJLY JIABOON,OCTOBBB 4. 1913.BULLETIN.cago, at the annual elections. The or- Uuiversity Rt>ligioU8 Serv ieo > 11,if he be urged to stay, it it; a warujug ticers are; Frederick A. Smith, '66 ltmltlel.that the fraternity is not dealing first viee president, Mrs. Warren Gor­squarely with itself, the other frater-ell, '98, second vice president; WilliamDities or the Fresh!na.n. Such a moveP. McCracken '09 third vice president; Junior Chapel=-Men, 10'.15, Mauddshould bring suspicion upon the offend-Frnak W ... Dignan '9;, secretary. Mem·ing fraternity, to say the ],east. Xeighhorhoocl Clubs .. ·O'ri('t>� undhers of the executive committee: Mrs.Charles S. Eaton, '00; Harold H. Swift,HAVE EXA,MIN'ATION FOR-.:rrD '07' Helen T. Sunny, '08.RHODES SCHOLARS�' ------- CHAlltlBEBLIN GIVENWill Be lield At Downtown Building1st. Good Food Properly Cooked.2.d. Cleanliness our Motto. Inspect the Kitchen.MICBIQAli PLAYS CASE 3rd. A Miaimum Price for High Quality FoodON SATURDAY .AFftm,NOON Club Breakfast l5e up Cafeteria at Lun�hBiDDer A. LaCarie MUSICThe Daily Freshmen should reeog- ut the University of Winnipeg.thln design.Maroon Edmund Vincent Cowdry, Associatenize this. and assist their hosts in ev-ery way possible. It is hard for the in Anatomy of the University of Chi­members to look at their watches, and eago, goes this fall to the Johus Hop­invite their =nests :to A little kins Med.ical School.thought by the Freshman will obviate ::Miss Agnes Wayman instructor inI d'1fi .. lot Th to- .. ,-_ .. _ the department of phystcul culture wasthe who e 1 icur y. e �&�elected president of the College Alumnishould watch the time, and invite him-Association of the University of Chi­self to leave at the proper hour. .And•• bln.itt .£ 4�ic ....ttmn..l $tdft&! �,..' .. 'nDEGREEof NOlthwcstem University O�ber U and 15.FormerlyUniversity of Chicago Weekly. University of Jlissouri Gives Dr. Shor­ey An LL.D.'MilDagi� Editor .••••••••••• Martin SteversNews Editor ••••••••••••• George CottinghamAthletics Editor •••••••••••••• _ Harry GorgasBuainess Manager ••••••••• _ •. Burdette MastCirculation Manager ..•••••••• William LymanPublished dally except �undays, Siondaysand holidays during three-quarters of theUniversity year.Entered as second-class mail at the ChicagoPostoffice, Chicago, 111.. March 18, 1908, un­der Act of March 3, 1873. �uaiilyillg e xumi nut iuns for Rhodes Professor T. C. Chamberlin head ofscholarships will IJc held Tuseday aad a.he Department of Geology, was oue of IWednesduy, October 14 and 15, at the the seven distinguished geologists to re­Xorthwestern university building, Lake eeive the degree of Doctor of Laws at ,and. Dearborn streets. Cnadidutes are the Unh-ersity of Toronto during the Iexpected to send written applications international Geological Congress heM Iat once to President Edmund Jamcs of in Canada this summer.thc university of Illinois, chairman of Other honorary degrees received bytho Rhodes Seholarahip committee of University of Chicago Professors thi31 Ilinois, Candidates will register in summer arc; Professor Paul Shorey,person between 8 and 10, on the morn- head of the Department nf Greek waselljtodll ing of October 14: at the place of ex- made Doctor of Laws by the Uuixer·New students, men and women, nmination, sity �f Missouri, Charles H. Judd, Di-should take advantage of many meet- This month's examination will be the rector of the School of Education, re­ings and entertainments last until the fall of 1915. ceived an L. L. D. from Weslyan Uni­now under way, devis- From the men who pa,ss the quali- verfity, and Dr. Thomas WakefichlAcquainted ed for the purpose of fying examination, one student will be Goodspeed, Secretary of the Board ofgetting the new students chosen to represent the state of Illinois. Trustees, was made Doctor of Laws byacquanited with each other and 'With In selecting this student, four points the University of Rochester. Profcs­the older students. arc considered:' literary and scholastic sor R. A. Millikan of the Departnlcnt.. No new student can afford to miss attainments, aptitude in outdoor sports of Physics received the degree of Doc­the Y. :M. C. A. stag or the Y. W. C. A. and athletics, moral character and qual- tor of Science from N orthwestem, Pro­.frolic, as tll1S case may be, and the ities of leadership. Candidates taking fessor S. W. Williston of the Depart­other meetings looking toward the same the examinations must be students be- ment of Palentology was made Doctorend. No studem has so large an ae- �.\"een the ages of reighteen and twenty· of Science by Yale University, andquaintance thAt he cannot be benefited four, who have had at least one year Professor Ludwig Hektoen head of theby the opportunity offered. And both of university work, ,and have resided Department of Pathology and Bacter­old and new students should get into five years in the United States. The iology, received the same clegrce "fromthe spirit of the thing. The popular appointee is placed for three years at the University of,Michigan.notion that Fresbmen should be welcom- Oxford, ant} receives the sum of $1500eel with brickbats and midnight duck- ;L year. He will enter Oxford in Octo­iugs has been thoroughly exyloded at ber, 1914-the University of Chicago, and in its The examinations correspond mainlyplace, has been substituted the tradi- to the entrance examinations of thetion of welcome. . This applies not only larger American universities. The fol­to formal ga.theriJIgs, blit � every lowing subjects will make up the ex­phase Of student life. Older men are aminations Arithmetic (in whole; ei·ready and glad :to extend e'Yery eonr- ther the clements of Algebra or theteB7 possible to new students at all elements of geometry; Greek Grammar,/tilDes and ,Freshmen need not feel hes· Latin Grammar; translation from Eng·itation in asIdDe for assistance. NoW Iish into Latin Prose; and unpreparedis the tilDe to get acquainted. translations from Greek to Latin.The winner of the 1912 Rhodes schol-SUBSCRIPTION RATES.By carrier, $2.50 a year; $1.00 a quarter.By mail, $3.00 a year; $1.25 a quarter.Editorial-Business Office, Ellis 24.Telephone Midway 800.'<Even the reporter has an office, and withclear eyes and honest language, may unveilWolverine Lineup Is Still Pnzzle. Sev­en 'T' lien Are � ForPJaces.�. (Special to .Daily Maroon.),Ann Arbor, Oct. 3·-Michigan. facesCase Saturday in the opcnin� game,with the lineup a puzzle to everyonebut Yost. With'seven men fighting fornlaees on the line, and four youngstersarship from Dlinois was Robert Merrill. ,I:, A ��e reminder to fraternities and'14. outpJ,aying several of them, the makeupPresbmen being rushed b,. f�tles of the forward line is awaited withis in point at thiJI time. INSTRUCTORS ARE PROMOTED great interost by Wolverine rooters.In late yean, an intol- Hughitt will run the team at quarterarable condition had Associate Prof�liSS and Slaught and will be the only veteran to startgrown up, whereb,. fra- Given ProfessorshiPS. in the llaekfield. Catlett and Bentleyternit,- members and "eligible" Fresh- of last year's Fresh elevens will startmen grown up whereb,. the time or Promotions rccently announced at the at. halves, but owing to an injury, full·tratendt,- members and "eligible" University include those of Gilbert back Benton sustained Wedn08dayJ'resbmen was taken up almost aclu- ,Ames Bliss and Herbert Ellsworth night in scrimmage, this position is alsoBlvel7 for the 1lrst few weeks Slaught to profe&�orships in lIathema· in doubt.of colege, to the great detrl- tics; Elizabeth Wallace to an' associ· The first scrious injury of the sea­ment of studies and health. To cor- o.te prof<'Osorship in Romance; George fSOn occurred Tuesday afternoon whennet ,this in a measure, a rule was pass- Carter Howland to an associate pro· Skinner, right halfback on the Fresh­ed b,. the Interfmternity cOUDcll pro- fcssorship in the History of Lticrature; man eleven, sustained a fractul"CdhibitiDg rushing Of aDJ' sort after 7:30 and Dutlley Billings Reed to an as· t4houhler blade in falling on the ball.P. ]I. or aDJ' night which is foDowed sociate professorship in Physical CuI· lie played on South Dakota State col-by a college "citation da,.. This rule ture. lege last fall.was designed to afford eVe1'7one COll- The new Dean of University Collegecerned some opportuDity to study. Ita is Otis William Caldwell, AssociateriIId enforcement is absolutelY neces- Professor of Botany in the School of8&17, if it is to work at all. One tn.. Educaton.� violating the rule· forces the As.qistant Professor George B. Zug ofothers to do 80 or be left behind in the Department of the History of Artthe race. Fraternity men on the whole I has left the University to take a posi­recognize the value of the rule and en- tion at Dartmouth College.deaYOr' to Un up to it. • Violations or Jacob Harold Heinzelman, Inf'truetora "DliDor natue 1UA1al17 an the result in German of the University of Chi·of unaTofc1abl crlcumstanC8S ra.ther eago, has resigMtl to a�ccpt a �ition Press P11b11shes Writer&' Jlanual..Professor John 1I. Manly, head ofthe department of Englif'h and Mr.Arthur Powell of the Prcs!t ha.,·c writ­ten a "Yanual for Writer"," The bookis designed to answer the practicalqucstions tha.t conf'tantly aril'C in pre­paring written ma.nn"c'ripts for thepreMo Todaf •....Dedleutiou ofII arshull }'jeM. Atbl,'tic.· Pleld- .. :!:I�,':romorrow.:NOtch COLLARAMond.a,.. Graceful HighBand Notch Collarcooncillors, 10:15, Xeighborhood room, 2 for 25 cts,Daett. Peabody 4 Co •• lao. llakenBuy Your Books I••• AT .••Woodworth's Book Store. ·OUR N£W STORE. 1311 E. 57th STREET I!I!Univenity Books •• New and Second HandLaw Books Medical Books-------.--------------------------------------------------------Tailorlng Means ClothesThat give you distinction and indl,idual good s'yl�7 North LaSalle St.25 W. Jackson Blvd .71 E. Monroe St. Prices $30 to $60J��Three ,Stores in" ChicagoCome inThe Secret of Good Battingis similar to the secret of good business-it happensto some and just misses the others.If there ever was a commercial home run it· sFatima, the Turkish-blend cigarette. The expertwho conceived this blend was some batter I Fatimawas 6rst lined oct in the college towns-the studentIxxJy quickly proclaimed them winners. TodayFatima is the 1:iggest selling cigarette in this country.The secret � t!;!li choice tobacco-noe�se in the 'ty all in the smokeitT ty"- ws. �201iw15� . 'I.� .i I( ..\1,_]•••. 'I.� .'It:'�I�-,\']. : .• 2'lIB DAILY MABOOJr.GO'rOBBB 4, 1913. -OVBB FIVB ftlOU8AXD ABB in the Dumber of students. Complete ClUICBES MEAl TIE UNIVERSITY w. A A. TO GIVE RECEPTIONBBOIS'rBBBD AT MIOIIIGAN i'iguretJ will not be available 'for SOUle Hyde Park, 56th and Woodluwu. I _W��kM, but it 1M gel1cMlly reported that Lexington Avenue, 6:!uc.l and Lex, Freshman Women Will Be EnterU;.inedDr. AD8en Is Better--2C:l5 Students the }'rc1.4hman is about twenty iugtoll. I On Tuesday AftemOOD... Have ..A1read7 Joined Union pl'r eeut larger thau that of last year. catholic. Freshmen women will be givcu arc,A ],arger proportlou of old students St. Thomas, mah and Kimbark, 'Il"Cl'tiOll by tho w omen's Athlet]« us-St. Ambrose, 4itb auc.lEllj,a.;. l-ociatiou, Tuesday, October 4, from 4have reentcred college than in pre· Holy CrOKS, 65th nud �la.tNiou. to ti. nuth Morse, geuerul ehuirruau,ftis Year.Honor Sell,timcnt commtttees, - both( Special to Daily Maroon.) yiOU3 years. It is v�ry probable thatDisciPles.Ann Arbor. Oct. 3-Eaarliest regis. 'the attendance in Liberal Arts will .Hyde Park Church is plunning muny unusual features,'I'his uunuul purty at which =::;cniorsmiugle with Freshmen is held ill Lex­irlJ.:toll ;!yllllla.'4�lIU. Ref u y races t,e-'tween th« four classes Uake place,� euntc, hoop races und duueiug are Isome fent.ures 011 the I,rogra,m. Over Ithree hundred women were proseut, lustyear un-I Cornelia Beall, president of IIthe nssociat.ion hopes to have this num- iber tlouull'd. II A STATE BANK1 __oftration fjgures obtainable are as fol· upproaeh 1500, and that the students(CI.lit.>tian), 5itlt aU11lows: Literaryi department, 2492, laat in all the departments will total very EpiscopaL Lexiugtou,ycar 2281; Law; 514, year 222; nearly 5000.Dental, 258, last year 256; Pharmacy.!15, last year 92; Homeopathic, 851 last St. Pau l' s, 50th and Mallisoll.Church of the Redeemer, 56th :11111Washington.PrincetoD .. �'ive hundred men haveMethodiSt.year, 811; 5229, exclusive of summercome out for football at. (144 graduate students Inelud­Comell .. ·A speaker at the C06wopol· ington.McCabo lIcmoriru, 5·11h and Wash-cd.)[tan club of Cornell rcccntly predicted '\' .11 P k fi.!tl u I Woodlawn•. Dr. James Burrill Angell, the aged OOu awn ar,) 1 a Ithat the next twenty-flve years would Presbyterian.lUnd revered preshlent-emeritus of theuniversity was stricken Jast Saturdaywrth hearl failurc, after which pneu- Woodlawn Trust& Savings Bank1204 1:. 63d Street, ChicagoCapital •..• , $200,000.00Surplus-Profits , '" 100,000.Otll1NITED STATES DEPOSITORYI'OR POSTAL SAVINGS FUNDS�A \'l�GS ACCOlJ�TS of $1.00 ormore received 011 which interestIs allowed at tho rate of 3 I,erl'('r cent Jl('r uuuum,CJlECKI�(i ACCOU�TS invited 011the most favorable terms eon­sistout with safe bunking.lIi;.,:h :!ta.le Gold Bonds and Mort­gages for sale nctt ing ti1j.:: and6 pcr cent,mistic for a rc<�ortl brookiug yea.r audSa)S Men Are :More Sober' Here Than sa.ys that the Freshmen are cO\Uing',At Wisconsin. in at a fine rate of their own volition,8." up to datc no noticcs or other lit-I'l'hc following item in praise of uni· crature pertaining to cluhversity of Chicago m'en is taken: from have been sent out.thc Mining Gape:.�e of Houghton and -...;._---------------------------------------;t. sm 'wag;Here'. the one practical fountain pen for student&--if it runs dryin classroom, simply reach over to the nearest ink bottle, dip pen in,p� the little "Crescent-FiUer" and pen is full: Thata the "meat" ofthe .tory.ofJllOnia set in. 00 tho most wonderful era in human Hyde Park, 53rtl uUII Wash)tgton.II ted th t 1·1 m'ty Woodlawn United, 6�1I':" and Woo.I-history, e lita a wor u uwould. lead to the total abclition of Jawn.Monday and Tuesday, hope for his recovery physician de- poverty.I I, t' Baptist.e lares that Ull cas some eomp lca Ionsets in, he may hopOl for l1CeovrY9 Memorial chapel, 57th and Wood­lawn.His recovery is at best doubtful, how­ever, ami sadness pervades the Michi· HODor Sentiment CoJ:llJ%$teea �t.. EXFECT RECORD LISTOF REYNOLDS CLUBMEMBERS THISgnu campus.• .1 .... omen's will meet tonier-The membership in the Michigan Un- men S anu ... t th h f Lrene Coming w1.·th a rush at the rate ofion today is 2015 which is 460 in ex- row evemng a 0 owe 0 '.1' methods for .prcsent- HI;) per day the students are expee tedcess of one year ago totllay and far 'fufts, to ulSCUSSto break all records as regards UCYIl'f -If th .1 d 1 l'll!! tho honor sentiment to the �'resh·in cxcesso allu roOl CWuaDW W � oMs UIllb membership. The total reg-in excess of thc cntire membership of wcn of the Unviersity. iRtrati.on up to ·l;:W yeNterllny Was :� 15.allY llr�vious year. Last year the to· Tho total mcmbership for the AutulIlntal membership was about 2200 and PB.AISES CmOAQO -8TQDEN'ls. quarter of IWJt year W:18 only Nlightlyover. 500, Mr. English i� very opti·tltis year it is hOI,ed to raise this to... :!litJU.COhsiderablc hazing has been going011 here this wcck, despite the vigil·Bnce of the faculty and thc effort� ofthe student council to pre"ent �t. 'l'hocouncil has declarcd its intcntion ofdealing sUlUmarily 'with all offenders,nnll expelling the guilty ones. Caluwct.- to a comparison of figure&j,)l!cured from a large number of' -Wis�cousin the boys at that magnifieentcc.lucatiol1al institution spend annually$20,000 for liquor and $12,000 for to­bacco and pipes. The figures for -' t�t.; ni \-ersity of Chicago show. 0 considcr·ably smaller amount for the boys .. there.To a grcat nlany people this' may besurprising b:ceause the very loeation otthc University of Chieago, in '& metzo­politan city, would lead one .. to suspectthat the. drinking and dissipition, in :NEW BUJLDDlGS BBING COM­PLETED AT EVANSTON�o $150,000Given Northwestern University BY'1Ir. N. W. Haui&( Special to The Daily Maroon)Pene('88&tion of work arising 'from labortroubles Dlade sueh an event imp08Sible.The atudt'lnts will. probably be able tomove into the new homes- about thefirst of the year. Thcre arc clevenbuildings in all, seven of which areto house fraternities. They Will costnlJout $400,0000. � __ oo-�--.- .. - - .. fIESTABU�Hro 1818����C@��ft'ntltmro� ,"umhdJinglOoiJs.BROADWAY COR. lWEffIY-SECOND ST.HE-W YORK.Our represcDtatiYe, Mr. Walker. will be at theCODgress ADDex. Chicago. October 16th to 18th iDclusiyewith F.,JI �tyles iD Suits aDd OvercoatsSporting aDd Motor GarmentsEDglish HaberdasheryHats and Shoes� .. - .. --.- ... ---------.--�MuuThat Fills ItselfOfrirers and ("ouncillons of the Neigh;borhood dubs will meet 'Monday atiO:15 in t1ie Neighborhood rooms todiseuM plans for entertaining the'Freshmen.The new History building will t� Sell- FillingFountain Penconlltrueted during the eoming year.Women Start G7muastum JIowby.The new structure, which will c()t\t$150,000, is the gift of llrt N. W. Uar·rj� prcsi,1cnt of thc Harris Tnl�t anll"m meet Mon,lay. An apparatus �las,,!which "'ill meot every Wedne8l1ay at rHE :UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS TRADE MARKREG. U. S.PAT.OFnCEf,a\'ingt' Bank, anll a trnlstee of thelinwel'8ity. Mr. Harris' gift aggregat�1 1 ::lO hn... been ac1dc(1 to the list of$2!iO,OOO. The remaining $100,000 wi1 WOODWORTH'S BOOK STOREdas.4IC8. The women will be able to� used in maintaining the building, -The Dean's and Rcgsitrar'a offices take swimming for the fidlt time to-have- been overwhelmed by the increase da1· 1311 East 57th Sreet, near Kimbark Avenue� DAILY JIABOO1(, ()(;i'O'BBB .. 1913.-fairly equal in t>trength.unsteady, although we hope not. Many .smee 1!J05, not only have �'e the largoof our good men have not. rounded into est bunch of cundidates since Uhen, but C�'l". n�(.'� frow. :a.\�I�\.' :i.shape yet nnd will be on the side lines'. in Norgren and Des Jardion we have --------------­�l"ANDS DEDICATION '.:hISEXPECT HARD GAME 'I'hey will, however, get 'into later probably the two best all-around ath-Contiuucd from page 1.COACHES AND CAPTAINSLcd by Coach J inuny Sheldon, Chi·cage's famous half back and captain,who rode in the engine cab from\[onon to Chicago, the Indiana teamand a host of confident rooters, ar­rived in Clricug» yesterday at tive.Three hundred und fift,Y students andthe band, the largest number that hasover come up to a Chicago gume, accompanied the team. By a special ar­rangement made with the La.S�le ho­LeI by the Athletic department, theheadquarters fur the students Will IJc:1.t tho LnSnltc. Confidence is the onlyword that can explain the Indiana spir­it. The o'·er\\"helllling victory overDo PaU\\"" has encouraged the Hoosierrooters to look for an even fight withOhiacgo,Coach Stagg and Pat Page evidentlyregard Indiana as a dangerous ziva],and they have put the team through games."the hardest kind of a drill for tho past "Watch Us," Says Norgren.week in hopes of smoothing over the Captain Norgren has his own em-rough edges in the signal work and phatie opinion on the game as is showngetting the linemen accustomed to their by his remarks nt the mass-meetingpositions. At the mass-meeting yester- yesterday. "Indiana is coming up to(lay morning the Old Man said, "We dedicate our new grandstands," he said... '.Ca.ptain Nelson Noreren. eago hus lost to Indiana only once fidd once and will stop in frout ofsiuce 1905 and we want to keep up seetious four, five and six of the newthis record." stands, where the speakers Will atl- CHARLES GRAI)EWIN WILL OAK·Iudiuna has an unusually heavy Iine,}' k • dress the gathering. President .lu.Isou LAND &; CO., &; A�1NA ClrANCEroui tae rle to tackle all the men weighI will hand the stands over to the Ath· ])JAMOND &; BRENNAN. ED. FREY·over 195 aud there are several over the I Ictic Depurtmeut on t)c.'half of the N'ARD, THE 14E GROHS, WATSONtwo hundred pound mark The men. University, �lr. 8tat!�� Will :1(�C4.'pt fur &; SANTOS, HANLON, DEAN &are uot only heavy but are fast alII I. .the athle ,4': Dcpnr tu.out al1l1 ',\ III 8cott HANLON, FRED DUPREZget down tho field well under kicks, .lIe lIU will !"i.Jl�ai\: fr.r the alumni,Captain Davis particularly will have touo watched. The line is Jiairly divided BLACKST NELctweeu old and new men and the A Nell 0vcteruus arc relied upon to steady the I ew 0 ar RIC 11 A R D BEN NET Tmen who are I,laying their fir�t Con­ference game. Erhart, Frank Whit·aker, and B. Whitaker arc all fastmen in the back field and Erha.rt, inparticular, is a 'dangerous man. 'I'hebackfield is lighter than Chicago's butthe men are fast and use their weightIotes that ever came to Chicago. Chi-well, 'MAJESTICat tho Piano.have a large number of fast heavy 'tehen they expect to hang crepeon them new meu are liable to get into the Long. on Good Points ---.-----------backs and I believe they will show up I don't like to talk about what we in- game, and how they will stand up is B th M- L flye eulers 0 COlAN'Swell, But the linemen have not gotten tend to do, but just come out and a problem. Russell will probably start Troy's Best Producttogether yet and many of the men watch us. I'm with Page, we want at quarter. As a whole Chicago'sare not familiar with the technique of the women in the parade." Ibackfield may be said to have the ad­their positions. Our quarterbacks are Coach Page expressed his opinion as vantage over Indiana in weight andmexperlenced and may fumble or prove follows, "Chicago has tho best squad speed, while the forward walls areShowing Is DoubtfuLLittle can be predicted as to Chica­go's showing, The team will be prac­tically a veteran one according to theprobable Iine-up, but it is possible thatStagg \\ ill make some changes be­fore the game. In that case several I'LOB.BNOE BOLBBOOKAFTERNOON AT 2:15 In Songs, with UARRY MARSIIALLAnd Oo-Workers in Brieu'BDAMAGED GOODSGARRICKJm. WK. HODGE inTHE ROAD TO HAPPINESS"Genuine successor to "TIlE MAN. Hanlon and HanlonFROM HOllE:'__Jnter Ocean.GRANDS TOP T H I B FAn Avalanche of LaughterLEW FIELDS iD ""ALL ABOABD."�.:�.'"i� '.i: ., ' Open Saturday NichtNow in Our NEW HOME··.Just Acro •• 'From Our Old LocationI Smart Overcoats I Y ou probably attended- our' living model display thisweek--the crowds were so great that we doubt if anyone missedit. You saw some mighty smart overcoats there---wonderfullystyled and tailored, perfect fitting---you have our assurance thatevery coat was from our regular stock and that we can fit youas well as we did' the models. Attractive coverts, vicunas, worst-eds and cheviots-single or doublebreasted Raglans, belted back coats,fall weights priced [as low as $12 oras .high as $40--·-winter weights at$12 to $85. Silk lines that no store in$20,$25,$30�.Americacan equalroung'Men's SuitsThe young fellows find this areally wonderful store-r-a store withan unending number of youthful,ideas. Smart greens, rich browns,lively stripes and checks, subduedmixtures in decidedly English ormodified English cuts--high peak lap­el coats with slightly tapered waists.Especially fine -20 22.50val ues at fI'$25. A "Square Deal" p.lLA.CE IIUSIC lOLLfor everybody is the "SpaldingPolicy." We guarantee each L ILL I A 1( LOB A I X Ebuyer of an article bearing theSpaldnig Trade Mark that such Bert Fitzgibbons, Six Russian Dancersarticle will give satisfactionand a reasonable amount of ser- Joo & Lew Cooper, Kennedy" Rooneyvic8tLiebett " Co. :Bison City 4A. G. Spalding & Bros.Send for oar Oatalogue28 S. Wabash Av. Chica�o FRANK KBEN'AN' " COIIPAlIY.......................... -HERZKA BROTHERS:-: Tailors :-:1545 East 53rd Street. Fashion. Decrees for your Fall Clothes. Theyare here. Corne in if only to see the correctfabrics for the season .. ,Open EveniDp and SUnday MOI'IliDc... _ .���������������������.. ' �� Salesman Wanted It� We have a good opening for the right �: Young Man of -gcodfamily and connections, �If who has selling ability and knows how to IfIf wear good clothes. tIf This connectio n w ouJC1:{O {Rrea tfuture If� value to a young man o� good f�n�amental :t education and some business training. IfIf Good salary and rapid advancement to the IfIt right man. Ift Herzka Bros. :If 1545 Eas' S3rd Street If�������������������! ....It•"