I1� I1 PreahmeD report DOW for.Daily lIarOOD ad compe­tition..-; U�'VERSITY OF CHICAGO, 'rU£�DAY, OCTOBER I, 1912. PRICE FIVE CENTS .. VOL. XI. NO. I. I'.'�t.iQtQB��'·,1S itiidGE�- �-SALE' PWiIJ� PlelS U. S. A.; oUi-·� OF ·Ir. VARSm OVERWHELMSAGAIN NOm wa.ttR AtbJetIc. �W"aIl Sdl � IRELAIQ) IS SECOfO) l�eI!!:1iV to �"H _.... FIRST YEAR PLAYERSPrl; \ ·A5 iI �...... � for Faye Do� Mmi� W_" .. die ..... Wt·... terial C-'"Co-*nCtM t3.Pa.t-b.._ Di· IidW W!&L W'.-LW.... ·F� LaIeIJ ....... .to AD Hoaae Games aDdl let A..- WIIa ,..... poDe;Com,..._,_ pthera c..a �!-_"·�r_� ..'at!, l Temua CourtL . ,,_.IL and Feace few :n.w.- - � � .x.n.. --. �,.... ___... .zs t. o.- A compleJe ,innovation in the sys� Unav()i�ble dela7:.ia.securiP. coo-WOK'CAI •• "II _. D'art tem of student- tickets for. athteti� CAW 1111 SWEDIS FIlE· lOIS'_ struetioa material bas dela� .. the UWLEIt PLAYS A STAR GAIlECyeDts is .u��D��b,. the Athle�ic ., comPletioD' � the DelE. bleachers. and _department, -1nst�d:'of the old scheme Am.deaD lI.thoda aDd TialDin& Wi. '. .' . t' Make None Gnat Atb1ete. fence which will aooD.mak�, Uarsbap Raoa Fort- Yards for Touchdown-of . �Jli�g �adml.sslons to sing e ga�s fadd oae of the' 'hut athletic· fields ' ,for fi�ty cents, the department will I. JimIDJ'l BeJlef. in the countey.· At preaeot: hacliA- Lineup for Indiana Game Is'sc:1t a season ticket for five dollars, - Unciertain..-.... i .. � .... �II h tes ts Ireland J.• the finelt country on lions, for·.the·ID�··pme, Saturday,D Id R·· hbe • h' h a,.mltt nJ'" tbi.� a ome con. h d '11 be d i thona IC erg '02 IS t e aut br . .. . ., ' '. earth but tb U It ... Stat . 1..- t e crow S WI seate In C eastf ·'1 th Da k." 'I I I b- throughout. t.he. :yo e,ar .. ,ao..• d allowing the l " e D e" es IS eet- Despite the fact· that .the Varsityone r a nove ate y pu - A J T hi bl k . bleachers. These.stands are the old'. " .. ' _. � . .,_ .use 'of the te�nis courts, for which a ter. t east wo I t n s so, and defeated the. Freshmen yesterday af-Iished by For�.es and CkomPfanyfi' �hl- fee .of a dollar and a quarter is other- he ought to know, for he .pent twelve w�en ones which. were left stand- ternoon by 26 to 0, Coach Stagg could��-. A. previous ,wor. 0 ct�on, ,\tise char ed' .. days on "the ould 1OCl" 00 his' way ing wheD the remaiJldu of the equip- not find much liope for a victory over"The Shadow Men," attracted consid- .� '.,. horne from the Olympl" -meso ment was tom down' last Spring. .. . I· . h h .. - Indiana. The whole problem is to de-t!rable attention when' publis" • ...:v- . Tbe new plan IS 10 me WIt t e J. c..�.:I •.. V., _. ..A. rmmy doesn't faney HYing in the- - � velop a, line "Made d£ cheese" waseral v.a�s MO. practice of many of the '��g' western old country. It niDI too much "en- Th� ne" bl��l\u. which i, bei�g •unive.-si'iies and inost of' the eastern the phrase used by the coach to des-Richberg �ts his scene in ........ \:.gG toirely" to suit the --rdian of erected on .. the .,est side o,f t�e held. ib h k f' h . V - I· .d ..... )' I· d '10 '. I colleges .. At' most o�'these universities �- en e t e wor 0 t e arsrty me Inan certarn p aces an . cations are .' ..... ke. d Marshall field, althouab were it not �tretcbes along �U.i� avenue (or <456 the scrimmage yesterday.acturllely pictured. Tb'c. plot is enter- the 'P�rchasc or·sut'h: :tIC., ts .;IS .rna e for the fact that "Jil1l1n-" II "anchor;' fe�t. It is. �iDg .,,_ilt of reinforced• -. .. .' . ompu·· tsory by 'a fahulty rulmg, and � Pierce scored the first two touch-tammg, at times even ab�blng, but c• .. . ed" here in America, a lill .. ring fODd� co"crete:-. TQe"",�iD .. eDtrance to the.'-' . d' h ·d' h'· h ,. -d' f' ... d!IeWhere where a season tIcket IS t •• d will be EIU I.-If dowu by straight football. Thetowar teen t e t rea s 0 narra-·' . • ness for the '''colleen," OD tbe other �s�nk ...s&taOO sd avetb�ue. ... -Fr�shman line seemed' to' be unable. b';·: .: l' d' . ha' . '. not sold a ,ridespread practice IS -d . h .,_.. an 57 . streAt&. ., •. " .,.live ecome so tan I e t tone mo- • ... f' ·:f b t··· in�, m. Ie t COU1tteract the datnpne .... -", ... I h. .- ... ' ... i . 'h�r"':ag '3 ee 0 a out wo T' '-- .' - -_:Do.i..:·1 'It-.a to CODSlstent y WIt stand the attackmcntarily, wo.nders whether the task .maae Q. c ".�� . in' the *tmo--'-rc. . �.,ent.ra .. c:e �tI'F a arge van �. .- ..• . • .. ..' ". d' lla' 'f -. 'b ' � e of buysng·V- .... �k· .b' of tbeJr opponents. M. Smith scoredof unravelhng- ·them IS going' ·to be 0 r�.. ?r t C:.P eg "R_1aa4 Ia:. Good-" ve��b. witb .. _ et .cages �eac: .." . ..tud t t ckets. -til • -' . .1be th,)rd. touc�doW1l by the qmc.worth while_ Some of the characterS s en.. I. . "England is no __.. at all, at all.,i siq..." '. .....�_.... "Afford Bar_in,·vvw metboC:'s, Norgren kicking the goalar� �_i�� .• l�ke ��d. all of them, are srm-. . -n�� . '. . .• :- how: a and Jimmy left tb, IIaorH 9f .perfid- En$rance 'to tlJ,e �ats 'lliU·� bypathetically portrayed� Tlie' theme 'of' The. details of tbe scheme s i(.us AlbioD as. quickl, .. possible. IStajrwayS. ;b,ro... ,_lie !i�" .le';adio� �1f.1ir- '�akes L�D&.. Run.the' story-that every - Jif�· h���e; . remai-'kalllc' 'bargain in the tickc��. He was enthu.iaatie aboot the r: . tr�'" .\'If.AI�'" ••. � - � I La·"lei- peifot�ed the only startlingseemingly drab bas i� dash of scarle' Deductin�, t.�e �atue of the ten�ls of Europe. HI tell Je, b'..... he a'it totai'laeatipg �� _ �f � lwelre pta, oj' the day when he scored the�is lufficien�y inttrestibg L'fI)o�et, I�.�e� amo�ting to two dollat�, in commenting on bit trip. "it.is � �ctiolla. of t .... :new,,�l���crs . �\l be last 'Ollchdown after running 40 y.lrdaone balks. a . the· inti�tibn .tiii�.)tia.. :ttie)�ost of a�m��� ,to; all athle�Jc great thing for a '0""1 man to get tc2� �1Ie,eatiRc A�ci�" �( tbe �ld tIu'Oull� t�e' entire Freshman team.l�rg's he� 'eit�riencCs' bDlt�� .��}s:"t�r�e� ��. With fiveover .and 'see tbim UUle countries: �podea,SWlCh,pq:.."_,�,.� .qUJae lloohon, th� Freshman full-back, alsothe sa-ttit at·:tiiDes heing:�o .�.' .'. ';. ;��t�ltg;l�es;',��;u�eQllfor Mar�h�n Yez can stand ill the middle av anny Ji�1cl is ,"50. 1Mki a/lo�, qf .l� ullcorkcd a forty yard end run butinant a, to give .be Work' a 'dis - .6eld:.th.,�·.y�r!,.tlie;.pnce. of the. tl�k�t wan av thim and see aU tile ithers."·. . IT rAt, : waa UAable to score.lurid to".. . '. ,. �is .. _�,·op In admlsslO."s Strange, � relate.' ,Jimmy', At :e�tre.llJe ,'�. of .�.;�t.�d Captain Carpenter is the only manIa p..M 'In_ AJriiirP . _i�.itGM; and the enUre Sweden. "Thim S"edea· are" � will be.� ,o�r •. � .• fll� ",lao ia sure of playing in the Indiana,-tIM •• , ":,.j�.: _,.. :-�: ".:) ' ..... Spriug schedules Onra�i foine' byes�" he put it. He bolds tti&t ametu .. of'" icet. 'rn.e .. ;6nt fIoor:of same. a�cording to a statement made�, __ ��",2�, ... ". �'C'·. e' ,. �.. .'.b Coadl lasdergmluat1Dgcoarse·at--Clucap· .... ,-'-" .. ,-.-_.:: .... ,.- .. -". 'f"b d tleQe�aalli�ortlie�-a.f: " . �-=--l� -�--- _ .• �t;agg, t__ .I!i!{����.�O!�_�_ .._, ,-f!.aduat�d from Ha�l'd Law sd.ool etlect a gratuity on the part 0 t C. -e- a�e ·j�.�e �r>min. IriVai. of Afu�ri� m i NuLlbe . �Q�·.l�ra .• �si Stau i� Dotsure' of any other partI ...... � Ii�Dee;pia�d 1&.' in ,'thiCa- .�ment.. . .. ,.' '.. -.... '!�: ,athletics. "Give thim 'Somi Americans �.: . of tlac Imeup. ,After the sc�mmagefl'to� "Wi.de,'bere'·1ae-Was a.� �. :Under�tbe·,iiC1!,.Ia!!�S!���,�.s� ,to coach'thim, aiicl'tbeTlI' bave' some :�'DIie;__.uD ,100. �r.�;1IIaDCI today.and tomorroow, he hopes to be. �.ry.i� �ma ,�l� an.ci'·:�.m��e� mg,. a��s�ion to .siDgl� contests �'th- '�e�t t�ams. No, 'they 't-an�t '�t; :Ob� '�\ie _d·;�.r .�.�, ��t able co soh'e the problem of picking(.; :�u� ,'. �J!�t; . �Ctiyi� .. �DC; �.� .,��,� �����ck��� r.�� pay byes," In answer t() a hint to ihis ef� c�' eoQ�8 ,� . .wa to P�� at • he. that will withstand the attacksgraduation he �s bftn'''j,ai'ticubrly 11le' full a�mltslOO· rate. For�1Go�ball fect '"Wcf'can beaf'thim all on the:- .all �:"f,tbe J.r. ·.The (�Dt; »&rt of tla, Hoosiers.active in University ,:�ffairs, Iia� games this woUld cost from a drl�r netland'track. 'They·re areat ·swiiii: of·this place Jwill.: be.��d as • tooli Lineup of Squads.served a term � president of the Chi- and a half t� three dollars for. �,�v- niets,' though." ,)· .. oom. On ;tbo.�c:e of �e.. ��ds wiD 'The lineup· follows:-, � " .; . . : 'iJe1rt·seais. ICc:;' men may obtaI': �� . W .. Not--atdt. .. � 96 soCkeu for ,r�9v.b. Ie de. ctric:'J •• _ • • I' f . Varsi.ty-Huntington, right ead;. ;... .:." ,.. .... mission icdhe games by app Yl,n, or·· "Were you troubled with' 'tDa1� light. poles.· ,Jt:ia_�d to. U$e tile.d t - Ca�nter, right tackle; Harris, riaht'tickets at the ofti�e of the epart�e�. 'mer," 'Jimmy was asked. M()b,' its ·lights for. � 1e_�!l�Dt. '. II . h d BArd; Des Jardien, center; White-but 'the 'oId�p1an 'of a oWIng t em, a - !.ay..sick ye mane," 'Jimmv snorted! .',IJIii¥; .• o(,��. b J � side, left guard; Scanlon, left ta�kle;. mJssio� OD si�!t"��1.�el�; .ut- "Tho( would be'a 'fdine ·thrick for an . ··T.hefCllcc 1Ibida �U .s�d tile .V��ink, left.. end; Paine, Lawler.Itoh "lias' been a frsbed� 'fA��I�sl.�n Irishman; now, 'would:'t It? . "Yis, field is being lAde. of_�,�t b�, quaner back; Kennedy, Gray,· M.t(. con,estJl. at ,other. �Iversltles '. �1I the trip' was - great. .. Davenport arid IS fftt; lOng. ud . �&iD8 f .. OID 14, to. sal t SlDith, left half; Norgren, Parker,be as before, tic"ets bemg on e a meself, and some other athletes frol1l 16 feet. in ,helgbt. TIle blocb are.- h ffi ' the . .... right halrj Pierce, Fitzpatrick, fall"tbe' fifty cent rate In teo. �e o� . California went to New Yoft together· pat up. as; fast. ae dley ate being �dedepartment. Students desanng add .. and tbin went over OD the Finland uad·:it is Jl0pa4,u..t· tlac tencc wiD H back.tional tickets' Wilr"t;e' able to 'secure with all the byes and some.rich pe� . .fiaistied earl,.-. .. •i : Fruhmen-Vinnedge, Giaver, ends;them at the 'regula� rate. that got a drag to go over with 115.'" . Sbull, Kendall; tackles; Stout, Ste_rt,� ;lIow OalSale. ·t*tfitUc:TOlt RUTH surds; Whiting, center; Foote,The Sickets:"ft ciri.� now at tbe sham� Sipally Hoiiared. . . . ··.��.'.1iD.WAVKU Walters, half backs; Moulton, f.noffice oi th� ,�tbletic .department in George Elm�r Shamb&ugb� �n . ��� c ·,{·.OIiAil·PBY.ICl�)I loack; Boyd, quarter back.Bartl�tt gy�n�i�m throughout the stru�tor in a�tomy of the �ar, no�; . - . Saturday's game with the Hoosi4!rsday. The Athletic department ex� .and . t�roat in the University, � . :Ca�� ,;:'00"'; instructor \in .iatOfY. "romiscs to be no easy one for Chi­peets a ready sat� at t�e, �o� ·ra.t� .. a�arded th� In�ernational' Len�� was �rned' August" 26 to· Dr. 'Lada c:ago. Coach Sheldon has a problcm'The new plan is �spected to 'tftbance Imze at the. meetmg of the I nteflla� c.. � Ho�I',·' \ . 'MilWaukee, Wiscon��. OQ his hands as only four of last'patly ··attend�c� at �Ii' ath.��.t��. tional ?tological congress whicll cp�: m��i�I' �ra.ctitioMr. '!be two weft ,,.ear'� men have returned and he isevents, a. the: stattent 'Pays onty once, vened 1ft Boston the second week lot plaJmates �hen Mr. "811tlfl fatber forced to rlcvclop some new men. The'and will attead the contests more���- August, This is the first time the :Na�_j)�esideDt' o� Con�"rdia col1eae De Pauw game. howe\·er, which wasularl, titan heretofore. . award hu come to an A�mcan 1lt. �n�. Dr .. H,oJ1!r's' father- an'iastnK-tor' wnn by Indiana hy 20 to 0 last Satar­'The first 'game of the football sea- Shambaugh bas been Inltructor, 10 .ID t"at c�llege.. The bri4al joume�. day. 5bowed that the Hoosiers wiUson open's Saturday. ,nth Indiana as Anatomy in the University for teD '-'- ·.II18:�f ab�d:' where 'Mr.' "\lth ha\"e a strong team.,he opponent on-Mt&rsba11 field. ,'The year�. and i� also assi.ta�t professor �ad�. �learc�eS. iD historical wOf:r, Backfield Stan.following Saturday is an o�n ;date, of Otology In· Rush 'Medlcal college.·. ID German librane"Donald RIch.... 'and from then on until the close ofcaan Alumni club' written· a number the sea�n, therc is a game every Sat- B P MAST B· .II· "D '- B_ ....... __D� , •• • asaneaa anaaer�' &"'_II.'UT a.a�(.f Chicago s�g. .';d been' 'the origb,- utcfay, tw"o games. in November beingI._tor of the an'riaal fraternity sing. '. .' away'· from Chicago, at Madison. n�As an attorney Richberg sprang in- Cbampign, with Wiseonsin and IIh·t" prominence for his widely heralded nois.scheme to imprison law breaking. I .rusts. He was an Unsuccessful cand. "The' e1neDth anmaaI .competitionidate for state's attorne, lut Winter 'aI' ...... '011 the ... of 'I'1Ie �on the progressi.i ticket. NeWapa7ef ''11..-00II at.na today. FraIuDen� 'de­reviewers throuPout' the wUlitH Iirilc-to'1l'7 oat f« positions Ihoaldview 'his essays into the reahtt'of fie- .. the editors 1a�'EDis betfteu 3iion· With distinct fa�OI'. . ..... : _, _..... .�:. '.:;". ;C�� Look with CoDlidel'abIe FaYOI'00 Work by Author of "TheShadow IICIL"-'..� .\Vhile the punting was poor, th�backkld madc consistent gains hylong end runs and line plunges. HaU­haC'k Erchart and Fleming and futl-haC'k. Minton made the higgest pins.. The other positions showed weakaeasat titlles and there will prohably be a'''i.ft in tbe lineup bdC're Saturday.Assistant Coa�h Messick is pa,ingIn 011 of his attention to finding aquarter'hack and f.rat-hack. He be­line, that the greatest problem ofROON f�r the coDeIe ,ear, o� J91.·13 f« which I ..... to ,pe, .7-12.00 on 01' before-October I., t91�:_,,"'SO,afW'j"at·-"te.Name .......•••.••••••••..•.. , •••••••••••••.•...• _ •••••••••...••.••. Addreaa .....••..••....•..•.•..••••••••••.•••••.•••••••••••••....••.•{Continued on page 3.)Philharmonic Society musicale, i: 15Thursday. Mandel.Freshman Frol!c-"As It. MightBe." 8 Thursday night, Kegt theatre.Freshman Stag-Friday, Reynolds by Congress.Formerlyclub. Zoology l�-Professor Child, has'nil: Un ivcr si ty or Chicago \Veekly Director Stevens will be in Mitchell been reinstated. Laboratory TuesFounded October I • .i�,2. I "lay, Thursday, and Friday,· lecturesTower from 5 to 6 daily. for consu ta- u. for ichoi h hestra glee Monday and Wednesday.l'I1I,!j:,.ht:d daily except Sundays, Mon- non or c torr, c orus, ore ,--------------------------------------------------days and Holidays during threequarters of the Univer sity year. The things that rankle are the the University. Elderly inlaabitants- things one -does not remember' that students found it en-understand. That .is tirely possible to adjust th�ir dailywhy complaints andi arrangements to this program.q�ri�)are. &���. ��pre�nt���� � �����.�I�w�.�c�O�.�.�£�.��£�L�L_I�s�A_n__N_U_£_A_"_D__s_._x_V�Y_.-T-.-·-I-.-.--.-T-.-&-&-T-­this Fall. Why is tl�ere no -ten-t\tir�yl'experitr.ental and if it. proves �o hav.eperiod? sacriticed more than It has gamed, ItManaging Editor .. Hiram KennicottThe Maroon herewith prints I will undoubtedly be abandoned OnNews Editor .. - • • •• Leon Stolz authorative answer to this .q�stion:-:- the other hand, it is just to ail thei'.thletic Editor .. Bernard Vmiss� Interview With Deam AngelL interests concerned that it should aeBusiness Manager ••• Burdette Mast .1 h ."The necessity has long been e 'given a fair trial and not be con-ior more courses in- the afternoon, dernned in advance. The Faculty hasBy car�icr. $2.50 a year; $1.00 a quar- e'specia'lly for students in the Junior 110 doubt that the members of theter. By mail $3.00 a year; $1.25 a Colleges. I t has seemed desirable to student body will accept the situation'make it possible for a student to do with an open mind and make an hon,all of his class room work .either i� est atten.pt to determine its worth."The Daily Maroon Bulletin and.Announcements,-,CoUece of Educati��hapel As- clul.> �;ork for men and women, piano,sembly, 12:15, :'214 Emmons Blaine organ, vocal and public schoolHall. Director Judd. methods. ..-41Annuai Commemorative' 'Chapel� Ho� Bureau moved to Press12: 15. Mandel. building,C�mplimentary Musicale, 4:15. er, Textbooks rented for $.25 a quarMandel. ter,Divinity School-Chapel Assembly, Alumnae Loan Library, M240 Harp12:15 tomorrow, Haskell Assembly English :Department-Office inroom. Dean Mathews.. Cobb 12D.Score Club-Meeting, 4 tomorrow, Grade Carct.-Not to De depositedReynolds club. till the end of the quarter; cardsJunior CoUegea---Cbapel Assembly, which have been deposited should bemen and women,' 12:15. Thursday,Mandel. called for at once.University Debate-Subject:- Resolved: That the plan of banking reform suggested by the National Monetary commission should be adoptedEnt c red as Second-class mail at the Aggrava­Chicago Post Office, Chicago, Llli- tionsno is, March 18, I�, under Act of:\larch 3. 1873.guage. may unveil injustice and pointthe way to progress."-R. L S. congestion andthe morning."In order to gain a third afternoonhour, thus allowing a . full programOnce more friend gives hearty without using the morning hours, ithandclasp to friend; and to the Fresh- of the afternoon. If the old hoursman comes the unctions either at the beginning or at the endrushing welcome or the of the afternoon. I f the old hourscool indifference which meant beginning. at one. o'clock 'or men and women everywhere are heed.is his part if he :'& not else running through until five. ing the "back to the soil" cry and are"material." Either alternative -has obvious disad- finding it greatly to their physical asTo t he rushee and alike to him who vantages .. -Clearly it would have been well as financial advantage to. do so.i � 1,:!t t o his own devices The Daily undesirable -to begin at one; provided An eastern newspaper lately con-'.\Iarllllll extends welcome on behalf oi the' previous- morning schedule had ducted a sy�posium for answera to It 1)(. (_�lli\'crsity an-I the student body been retained with classes running the question, What should tile youngwh ich it represents. And to each it from twelve to one. . . man" just out of college, with nocx te nds a word of council. Let the "it also seems' undesirable to in- special training for one of the profe.­ma n who is rushed see that behind vade the late period of .the afternoon sions do?till' g-)amour of fratcrnitv !if.!. the sub- unduly, both because of the conflict A large number of answers writ­-t a ncc that remains is d:c r-pportuni- with public lectures ana general ex- ten by prominent men were printed.t y of making Iricnds. An<! let the ercises of various sorts, and because That of Governor Marshall of Indi­u.a n whom the fraternities ignore real- of the wisdom, of retaining this period ana" Democratic candidate for vice­i/l' that although the :�lail:l'"r is lack- for recreation and physical exercise. president of the United States wasin�� the same opportunity is his=-larg- "The change of the Chapel hour emphatic: try farm life. "The great-er even as the field ::- larger, For -:.d . th . .• " • Gowi11 seem to most stu ents: e Im- est need of Amenca, said yemorwhile thc fraternity :I·�n nmst keep portant feature of this new plan, and Marshall, "is the educated larmer."t hI.' !..!rl'atcr part of his c"·n�.dences b h h· h ha ejudging Y. t e protests w IC V ] n fact, the majority of the answers:ITH) afTcc:ion for his o"vn small circle reached the' Faculty, the general. . h were to the effect that the young man1 he mall without iraterm.·y tICS as d .. ".t gly opposedstu .ent o�IDlon IS s ron..• should leave the older parts of theIhe "h,.le Cniverslty (:.'1:1 "hich toto the arrangement. It should be said . . .,'11"""(' the men wh:) ar.: : J be his· ". . . d' country and their crowded citiesthat the old hour was riot'ahandone .. .., fi Id- rioC' '1l1rae1t-� hl're an(). wh.) kJl('w�. may' f h go to more promlslug e :r-vre8QII,without sincere re.gr. et by ma�y 0 t eWashington, Montana, Idaho an.1.e 11: .. friends for li;.�. I d I t th t anFacti ty an certam y no WI ou B .. h C I b· be·' .. Ia t-. . '.. rltlS 0 um la Ing partlCU r.1�ppredation of the many very great recommended •convcniences which it has representedIoc,th to students and teachers; but to To the Freshman w�o m�ght pause).rnad fide) and there is ahnn.lant kccp it in the middle of the morning to. wo�de� what �e IS gOlDS to do�('{'lll j, ,r ('v('r\.· man to work and ·.vin. . t 'tl a cons·lderablyl with hIS hfe that It may best reflect.; �('cessltatc( el ler I ..earlier hour for tbe first recitation, or the years of preparatIon he IS spend.) .. t noon to the hour illg for it. Governor Marshall's words! Ie' runnmg over a ... �"et for the beginning of the afternoon might well be repeated, The �..need of America is the educated fann­classes."The Faculty therefore considered cr."putting the Chapel at the first hourof the morning as a possible solutionof the difficulty, but decided uponcareful con�ideration that fewer inter­ests would he harmfully effected if itwere put at the end of the morning,a period which it ocCtlpied for a num­ter of years in the early history ofSUbscription Rates.quarter.Editor inl-s-Business offices, Ellis 24Telephone Midway Boo. Mail Box"0" Faculty Exchange."Even the reporter has an officeand with clear eyes and honest. Ian-(ifbitotialBackAgainFrolll :his point of view. :here. �llf.td.� he 110 eli�appointrncnl':; antI noh, a n:lch·s. The University is aThe eleventh annual competitionr or places on the staff of The DailyMaroon starts today. Freshmen de­!,iring to tryout for positions shouldsee the editors in Ells 240 between 3�.nd 6 any day this week.H"rvard-\\'noelrow \Vilson 3ctrlres­�(",I the \Yfto.lrow \Vi)son men of'I:! n':lrel b�t Friday. thanking themi"r th(,ir a"",i:o'tanc(' an(1 Teco�rni,zinI h('ir illtlucnce in his campaign. the morning or in the afternoon asmight be preferable. For some y�arspast only two afternoon hours ha:v�been generally employed for classes,i. e. two to three, and three to four,The result has been a very seriousconflict. of hours in One frequently hears.. that so-and-so has left his positioll; illEach year an increasing number ofChicago graduates orCoUe&e lien for mer stu den t sAs Farmers start life as farmer ..the such-and-such office and gone toIdaho, Wyoming, Canada or someother new country where fertile soilis made doubly attractive by lowprices.This is as it should be, for educated ; ...• •.FOUNTAIN PENSNOTE BOOKS .. THEMe PAD�PENNANTS ANP sOJNENlas'.. Gymnasium Suits, Shoes, etc. .' ,. \�•,IMAY BE PURCHASED itTfbe University of thlc:agf' Press5750-58 BLLIS A VBNtJB.ANDROO. 106 BMMON S BLAIlfB RAT.I.Select Fall ·Haberdasher)"nna COllI"•. e w. CollanELLIS ruCIS IIGIIT SDYICI 'IIiI anWlboaShirbSHIRT co.lIE YOU LOOIING FOR A PLACE TI. pn .�Ire THf COMMONS .• T.,.tAlk"'�a....... Altouto-r ...Y_'II LUletile CI .............. �•• 11, ., ",g'" .' Good foo" low' ,,,ce.The Interfraternity ronncil caHss�cia' attention to the 7:30 rushi" .rule, and to the rule in repnt to I Itampering with pledges. Stnct ob- __ ,T H R E EST 0 R ES __servance of the rules will be eDforct�. . Siftee 1893 Since J90E May, 1912The members of the council a�� rde- 7' N. La Salle St. 25 � Jackson Blvd. 71 E. Monroe St.the cooperation of ;all fratel'llity men. ..:� "."' ".�.o,o•••".r _._ _ _ .;.._ � ,....__ _••-.�'......" ...... --' -"EC •• Coa-. _ •••�..,: M.--:c .."" '�'"'A · •••••• AYaANDUniversity' "Supplies --' i".Can Be' p��IW.f at .WOODWORni'S BOOK $TOaE: 1301 B. 17th St. .Rear Kimbarl Av ..... �. : .:' � ... . ". . .' .' ". '.': '",.''two Blocks Bast .of the T_. ' '. '. ;'. '. :.I_�•._.w...�P ..... � ........ �.� __._�_. ._�--�·w'�·--�" ... �� ....� .. ..,... ............ ___"I FraDk,: U..-dy', btd*.,. ANNOUNO£·�.THE oPbaNG. . :�:�." .. ;.OF i'" ,,:,://i).,:::: .. :\" :"��.' .. : .... ::"The CoDe,e Men's ·Cloth��'·S�op"FOR YOU FIlJ-LOWS WH.IO KNOWJUST \\'BAT YUu WAIIT.101 .publiCl BuilcIIDg itate aDd ·M ....,This -..oa oar line o� $35.00 suitinlS is exc� -one. cam­pri8iac • carefaDyl Mlected stock of ab,... black aa4 white�ects, .blues and broWIILOther grades $3000 to aG.ooOvercoats $30,00 to $80,00•JI". .. '....... .. :.. '.".; .... � ..... ',; .. ,,. -. .": � ! J -' ',":'1,;_, �'.: :.0 ••• eo ....... .... .'. � .'ARRow"Jtotch COLLAR'IUDE IN PoV. IlEIGII'IS..... - a� ... a.a.-at 2)i Ia.II� 2� Ia. CIa •• ter 2 Ia., '" - 'Se •• ecla-2 ,_ 23c.,,"UE'1!' .PEA8C?DY & CO .... ..,.t,... ":!>.). 'HATS THAT SHO\Vyour taste andthe distinctive­ness of the shapes. and styles wesell-1m ts in end�Jess variety butof uniform highqnality. Collegemen welcomed...a'f''f}rB. LAMES BATTribune Building :: 35 W. MadisonANDREW McADAMS, . .. ' Florist· and DecoratorFifty-tbi� St. and Kimbark Ave.Tels. Hyde Park 18.:...I'0 �. 956 � 55th St�MAROON ADS PAY for Anncunee First Election of Annual LYRICCo�p�.,. � Inveatiption. S� Under New System-Prom-�rUill.an Iron and Steel iDenl Students Honored.COIDJ)aD7. THE BLUE BlJlDFor the year 1912-1913. the officersof the Cap and Gown will be as fol­Dr. Rollin T. Chamberlin, of the de- GARRICKMARGARET ANGL�NIn a new modem American play canedRRYPT.o LVl\IIPICco. WILL HOLD FROLIC'FRIDAY FOR WOMENOF ENTERING CLASSlows:. Managing'· Editors-Williamr�n�l!,!nt of geo�obry recently returned �yUla'l and' John Perlee ; Businessfrom a year of special investigations Managers-WjHi-.m Dickerson andin South America, where he went as TJlOJUas Coleman; and Literary Edit-a geologist of the Brazilian Iron and --------�------Steel company to examine the recent- or-r-Ralph Stansbury. AVD ITORIUl\,f� These men were elected June 13.ly recognized iron ore de�osits in the .- ,. , If M· G 'f ' . h 19'2 11Y the bo .. rd pf directors of last THE GARDEN OF ALLAHstate 0 mas eraes, amous m t e .. '. .f· f Id d d"· ye a r's Cap and Gpwn. According to,"The Eighth Wqnder of the World-"past or Its output 0 go an ta- '. .. . 't}Jc new consutunon adopted last, ---------r-------monrls but likely In the future to be J .h .. b 11 f .1' t • CI-· •• 5 ...... 1.. une, t e rc�.nng Qar� 0 qirec or!) aan waanbest known for Its unrivaled moun- .' •. elects Its successors. Formerly the,'<.ii·ls of iron ore. J��nior class as a whole elected the A POJ.ISH WEDDING.Dr. Chamberlin's special work was tto locate the most 'promising ore new board.. this ,COLONIALThe men composing year smasses in the district, making geolog- Iboard of di.rc�tors arc .prominent. in A WINSOME WIDOWic and topographic surveys, and esti- student affairs. Lym .. n 16 an associate I Real Ice Skating.mate the quantity .and value of the editor of The DailY l4afl)on and a. ..ore. The surveys were much hinder- ... ,. I A.EII�." MUSIC ••••member of the Beta The�� fi fraterni-, """ aaw,ed by the necessity of cutting- trails .'ty; Perlee is also an associate editor, ";chrough the tropical jungle, natives ''1 Md' a mem- LEAN 6: HOL:BROOIKS· �.,;.;..] d Q I· t armed with the Brazili�n. {�ft:a or of Thc Dal y. aroon anu rs. THE MIL,TARY GIRLt30uar '. u a', 1 y . .' her of the PIli 4��nJll� Pt!ha fraterni-wood hook being emp'loyed tor the f Ity; 'Dickcrson was, for IlRft 0 ast'There is no quicksand .purpose. Travel was largely, by mule-year, president of �he Snphomore pRINCESS, bade. .'1 h lmore unstable than pov- . class. He is a member of the A p a' M H S' r'• �:. • i',. ,ln order to get � �e.':leral '\';iew of Delta Phi fraternity, while' Coleman ort • mge 8", erty .. ij1 .quahtr _a�d we the geology of the- South American. _.. ' ._. A MODERN EVE.T_. '......c \'0·1·(1. .••. t1·11·5· -1qU-1•C' ksand '. . ' .. , I·" ::r.r· fi �s a Chi PSI and Stansbury Iii f1 SigmaCoIf '.C1 r".. contment Dr. Chamber an; a, t� n-, Chi.�k� by standard quality. ishing his work in Minas Gera��,. ,. . . _l�. I, '. traveled southward through B��ll -FORMlIR ST4RS WI ..... At:Tc:.taIocue. A�A .. Bpalding' & Bros and uruguay to IBuerios,}\ires and're-,'. IN AJ.u·"in VAlJQ�VILLEF� .' turned to the .l]nitcd States by way , , -�-------�----�,I .',' : ..... 28-30 So: Wabash-Avenue ofthe Straits of'M�2ettan •. Chile. Bol: Miss Wayman, "P�:k Pmer, and CORT: . .: .' thi�.go. Ill. ivia, Peru, arid Panama. Others To Act fn Dr�tU: Club FINE'FEATHERSEntert�IPIU=JlJ:. THE MAN HIGHER UPA Dramjlti� SensationpOVV�RS'THE NEW SINILLINOI�OTIS SKINNERin IQ8MF:r readyClothes for big and little college111£'11.Special suits and overcoats at'$25 •.Othcrs liP 10 *50.1M 0 S S 1 ere o.19 Jackson Blvd.-East_ (Between State and Wabash).�, �----.the team will b,e solved wh�n tl�eJ>ositions are filled. 350 maroon rooters hats have beenThe list of tho �anaidates for the ordefi!d and ,,"ill he 011 sale all dayVarsity with their weights follows:- FriqilY in Bartlett. 250 of these .hatsCarpenter, C� .. '�in, IpS; P .. ill�, 163; are for men and will he sold for fortyPie�ce, ·173; Norgren, �67; 4wler, cents each, and the other 100 hats, de-146; Kennedy, 171; WlJiteside, 188; !'igned for women, will be sold' forFreeman, 192; Sellers. 177; Canning, fifty cents each. The management157; paumgartner, 159� Des Jardiell, announces that the hats are sold192; �HuntingtQ", 15�; Ryan, 152; prac�ically at cost. there heing a dif­Scanlon, 182; M, Smith, 146; Skinner ferenee of about two and� a half cents158; Stains, 142; Vruwink, 166; hctween the cost price and the sellingParker, 162; Co"tcltie, 1.59; Gray, 173; llricc.Breathead; 141; Lea�h, 17'- � A. R. The supply of hats is limited anclMiller. 126; T. � Colelll4n, 135; H. A. after Friday there will he no chanceSmith, 139; G. Gray, 159; Reid, 129; 10 obt4in them until just hefore theChapman, 15'; J!:versull, 200. iowa game, October 19. They arc.All new women students will be There will be no secret practice be' tIle sallie style as last y�ar's hats<:ntertairied at the annual Freshman Core the Indiana game as the carp- which were worn at the N'lrthwcst­Frolic, Friday at 5:30. Supper will c.-nters will he ullabl. to erect i tente ern, Minnesota, Cornell. and \Viscon-be ser;ed in Lexington lunch foom _1·er�re Saturday. I sin games.THIEF OF AIIULET and following it spceches 'by uppe'rChicago, In IS CONVICTED ON .• class women and alumnae will be--------------FINGER EVID'ENCE m�de" Later in the evenbg a play byJ�SEP� �BMIDT. ' Alice l!.ce Herrick, '12 entitled "As itChicaco, IU The"Sutnmer's-,gris� :�f.'.�r�rials Might Be" will he presented in Ke:Jtarraigned in Chicago com-ts included theater. Irene Tufts hac; ('harge 0:John C. Hartzell. convicted of steal- the sketch; Ruth Allen 0'; t�'\! supperImported al?d Domestic Line of f h . king a gdlden ari1Jlld from' Haskell. and Dorothy Llewellyn 0 t e tIC ctsCiears and Cigarettes.... hOriental IIlUS�ui11, �Febtuary ';. The' Tickets may be secured :rom tr�lic once belonged to King, Menes, 1l1l'mhers of the League �,nd at thewho rc.-igned over Egypt s�mc .3500 ricsk in the League Room.yt'ars ago. The fingcl" print system� was the' ,ole evidence otf·�hich, t�lC� Y. W. C. L. To Serve Tea.�: state haaed the prosec\ltion. The in' 'The Y. W. C. L. will serve tea to�, truder in -entering th�' building placerl· ,he ncw women students in t�e" his fingers on a llcwly calcimined wan!l_eag-ne room ever:· aftcrno�n thl��.t.. Plain Baths 25 Cents and �n qrening th� show, case left, week from 311:00 tOE�'l�I' sEn.:lllY ::�Open Day and Night. his fing� priitt�:on ,h� g� wi\.h the ,,:y. Ruth A en. 4( It 1 mil.� SARATOGA BAR B E R S HOP calcimble. The impressi�hs were 'likej �Iarie 5chmirlt will po\t� Mond.ay... : .<-, '. � • ':'. ,'. J. H. Hcpp. Prop. those of the fingcrs of the defendant., Madelyn Woodruff, Car:l Co�y,• • . 2g South Dfarbom Street Katherint' Covert, and Ohve PameExpc.-r! Manicurist. The eleventh annual., competition havc charJ.'('e Tuesday. \Vednesday.Scientific Masseurs for placa .on the stall of The DailY' Erlith Mulll'n. Emma Clark. CarylExcpert Chiropodis Maroon stUta today. Frabman �� Cody. and Ruth Allen will serve.sirinc to try oat fOl' positions should' Hilda MacClintoock. D�ris MacNe�I,see the editon in Em. 24 between 3 Rosalie Amory and Edith nurry WillaDd 6 _, dq tbia.... serve Thursday and Fri(lay.Alumni of the Dr.nm�n� club willhe the actors in a vaudeville to beHaSten W�rk' of Registration by givcll Saturday, October �2, an MandelShowinG' Car.'.ds Cn"�ly Filled-;-.. "'r by the Dramatic culb. The vaudeville.Have N�� R�ement., '-: . •... "is under the direction of Mr�. Pheobe., E'ell Terry. Miss Wayman, famousDeans Lovett' -�,'6a, ' Linn addressed... .. ',.. . for her ImpersonatIOn of one (Jf thethe Freshman .:cu,rs yesterday nwrn,.. "'. . _• . � ,. - .' ," '_". .' 'lCherry Sisters," Will appear In a newmg an Mandel hall. Seterat-new fca:. d F kP k '11 t n a ---- _• .: hI· ·�ct. 'an .• ran ar er WI pu 0 'I' ...., ��lures were used In makln. g _� c; rel!=., ',. . "" (Continued frnm page non )• • ...... �. or -"Y"'" ........ . rN. 'tt�W"'1t:tntt' Wll1ch·has',never· f!een ,seen ,�. I"' .. eIstratlon of ··the,· lDCommg..�ud.ents 1····f· )" d f'· h' h· eCl'!l1 musl·".' . " ' ,e ore an or w IC sp.,. ..dearer and more Simple .. Shdes s"QW� 'h b "t AI' L Herrick, I'f ._ . ·fi' :�,;.r,�_i.:...,.:,. as een wrl ten. Ice ec; ,mg saQIP es 0 regis I':lbvlI .,;-.,.,us.cor- '. R '11'. . ... .,... ;::' :,..�:. . James Hickey, and Frances oss WIrcctly:lnlied :eu':· Wer-e,'-:thrpWD.:.UDOn a. k't.', I ._, :.''''�.1..'' be seen an a s Iscreen in the front of.:tbe-' hall.-J:·The R I I B - '11 d' 'nterpreta.' Ii;_ . �'._ .", ". apt enzlcs WI 0 an I -deans who registered the" students' .. . ", •. .' f tive dancc.-, prohably a modern versionwere hned up In the corridor 0f P l' d G It... Freda(.) ygma IOn an a a e_Mandel hall. B 'll't 1' ,. c... '. _:., Kerchoff rown WI reCI e a mono-An'noun��Dt'\JIi: �de' that;"a 'ogae, Harry Sulcer will sing, andch�pel me'eting f�r· me�" a�d w�l1)en . Frc(nk Orchard will put on a stunt.in the junior, colleges will be held The price of seats is $1.75" 50 cents,Thursday morning at 12:15. 'and, 25 cents. Boxes .will be sold forA.. new r.egulation '''ffecting t!te $7.50., :".. �..,. . ;�tudents' e.teriDC� )ear; � �c:.; onethat states dial ·no "stuJ!_enfwili be �d­milled with an average of less than----------------------------�81 in high schools where the passingmark is 75. In schools where thepassing mark is higher or lowcr theaverage.· to' be mainlllined. is chaQgedaccordingly. �.. :' :"i M,ul_ in Fifty Different Style.Pound Only at LeadingFurnishers.� L so Q"" SHIRTS$1.50 AND UPTO IU!:LL HATS FOR ROOTERSLimited Number for Men and WomelJCfPl Be Obtained Friday.nTAISU&HED 1818Br�dway, Cor. Twenty,Sf.cond St.New York.Next visit oJ our Representative, Mr. Lanzer.to Con£f'us Annex. Chicaeo,October 11th to 16th inclusive. I•••With la&eIt Pall and Winte'!" styles in Clothing, Ridingand Mot-oring ou\fits, English Habercashery,Bats, Shoea, and Leather Goods.1. .. ---------------..... ""_ "" : If'" "'".... ."� I ,I -; ,., � 801D-rJmfG N_.-.,:- •..... !:': ,\" .,., .' ,'. ". t�" ... - '---' '-.. _, "'. �--,- --.... .'., ' �._:W_,u, means tUI'll tater years ia ,itb,i .I: tbe� org;Lui·• ..'. n squad. The zatio.,s. I.AT CHICAGO.. .. 18', th, atb1eti� .Enry fr .. hman lhow.I, join Jh,By L A. Van Patten ... CJ;. dire(>toa) .: ii: '. . �test value, He Reynolcis dab, the �tudnt· club ofThe best advice that ODe can give will be �ble to '4«i4e within a reason' the University. he buildiul it occupiesto the youngster entering the Uni- .ble time just what chance the cando is one of abe finest on the campus aLdversity of Chicago is that he keepi idate baa 'of ac:hieving honors on the contains t_ater, library, ballroolJlhimself rather in the background dur- Varsity� tftm in the. seaso�� to come. billiard roo ... bowling' alleys, aDd 'alling his first three months. lin the Furthermore, the fnendshlps that are the recogai_d club adjupctL It - isfirst place he is only a freshman and made i. the freshman squad, and the conducted cadrely by updergracluatein the second he knows little ir' any- O?portuuity that work there gives the officers.thing about the university its men youngst,r to become acquainted with A wort! 01' two about fratunities." .its customs, and its traditions. And men an� CUll toms, win soon be found There are sixteen or eightecp repre-the freshman has no idea how many to be of inestimable advantage. If sented at the Univeraity of Chicago,of these customs and traditions he the freshman has a lealUQR toward and nearly everyone stands for somemay violate in a misguided moment. track athletics, he should go O'J� and distinctive tking. Oa t�e whole, it isIt is not too much to say that many a make his trial just as in football or a good bit, of' advice to the freshmangood freshman has met with disaster other sPort. It is the way to b&:�!n not to pledge himself to any particu·through starting out too strt:nuous!Y for his "C," and, wbo: ',:lcr he wins the !ar fraternity too early, but ..... ther .toill his first quarter. coveted; letter or not, his experi- consider .en just which body of menThe University of Chicago is a com- enees .. ith the other I:II�.! and the he prefers to ally himself with for themunity, a city ill itself, and therefore chance to touch hands, as it were four years of his life at Chicago. ItFOR SAL�75.·Tailor.made New it includes all the various types one witb the athletic 'iplri: vi hrs univers- has happened now and then that amarket Overcoat; one season's wear may look for and find in a city. It :ty, arc �ure to be go .j ior him. freshman � gone into a fraternity5� all tl)� familiar fae� size 43; only $10. Apply at I,rescnts the same opportunities for Perhaps the freshman's lea.ring is as soon as he was asked, and dis·.pt �I}e best of �ati�� plaees Maroon Office. success or failure; ,it proffers the tnward journalism: then 1.:1 him strive covered sometime later that the menSt. A�drcwa Convenes Here. same rewards, exacts the same penal- modestl� for recognition by the edi· in it were not exactly congenial Fra-Greenwood . Cafe The Brotherhood of St. Andrew ties. I t honors self reliance. This is torial st�ff of "The Daily Maroon." rernities arc organizations in whieh1157 EAST nnY-FI"" � held. its annual convention at the l..1'n�1 an. eminently �r�per attribute.. in any Some d�y' he may "make" the staff, the fastest, firmest friendslJips may beAlft:JuCAIf • versity from September' 4 to 8. The. freshman but It IS one that his com' and if he docs he may be sure that he made ,and there is not a ,man out ofC�IJlfi:aE National Council of the Brotherhoodl panions, hi� fellow undergraduates, has merited it, as it is not a thing of college now who aocs not look back-J-.---n-.. -.-s-,-I-s-Y-o-ur--B-a-r-be-r- met on September 4. and Bishop And-, must disco�er for themselves. If he easy accomplishment. upon his c.apter day. wjth satisfac·" erson of Chicago made the opening, seeks to make his possession evident, Anyol�e who knows the University tion, and with something �f gratitudeaddress of the convention. There I it is tcn to one that they willJ believe (Ii Chicago knows its dramatics. for all they brought him.-Sundaywas' a daily institute on chapter work. it not only. 'assumed but somewhat of There are few colleges in wbich the . Magazine.. ) One-Day Laundry Service. On September, 5' Robert E. Speer an impertinence. Visible self reliance art of - t� stage' receives more atten-'.... '" ga\'e an address on "The Bible in the in a iresh�,an comes perilously ncar tion and gives better results. The MAST WILL ACT AS'. tOOl¥.! East 55th Street. .;\I World Today." Other speakers were to �·cheek.':; .. t.'·- .Dramatic Club, if one may so char- BUSINESS IIAN�G1tRl' . � ..e. Bishop Uoyd and Mr. Raymond Rob- In the �ter of .... Athletics the fresh- acterize i,t, is the more serious of the FOR DAILY IIAROONbins of Chicago, the latter speaking in man may have.all tbe self reliance he two stag� organizations. It produces., MAROON ADS ,PAY : .. ;.,�... Le�n Mandel Assembly Hall on the wishes; proyid�d, of cours.e, that it be good plaTS, and'produces them well" { subject of "Christ and' the Republic." not the "ain-glorious kind. Not all The Bla-�kfriats is the comic opera Burdette Mast has assu"ed the pos----------------.-"-..,;';,;..': ';_' freshmen, but a �eat number of dub, an� is probably a bit more pop. hion of B_iness manag�r of TheHt\kJ First· IIpsic:ale TOO;; The clew .� ...... -�tiOll those entc;ring college, have a fond- ular thaJJ 'tbe DraClatic club. The Daily Mamon bequse of Nate Le ..1"he fi�t musicale" of the seaso� 'will f.' p;�"_ tile' iiaIf' of "11ie'Daily ness for and are more or less pro- Iilembers of ·the Btackfriars write the Vene's inability to tOike the posilio! •.� held in. J.fan�el today at 4:1?� �Il .lIarOOD .-a � .Fre;w de- ficicnt in Sl)me branch of athletic en-�, bOOk� and lyrics. of their Mast is a member of Chi Psi, and hustad�ll.ts are i.nvited to. attend�,. �he � tI7'�.f" �ona deavo,'. This is to be en�ourage� in �t tnd stage them. too. The been prominent in hi! d;tll, 1914-._ .. �c:ales._". WI,n.;:- �onbllUC �Y �.�.� � betwcoa 3llhe newcomer.; If a freshman deSires ��n, if�. be modest '_n� careful."1,\ �gbout �e-quarter: ,.'� '.. ,» �'i ���,�,. 1'��., t�,: play or has p�yed ��tbal�_."for" . .."e, It". "pprJpni�T!O �inc.in, . Subscribe For Ttte lIaroon> , ' . _, . _,,......_ ." ,,_. • .•.• 0,"'" .,.. _ .' '. I )," ,. :f.t.) H I U Fit �.: ., ••• � ·i;. �"'i! iii R .i,uiie.t ��t ..... ,-,,' 4tH H ... ++'1:+++ ..... ; ++++++ + ..... IeIIIIII .... +ei�.,+�. ..'I .�£�: :;:; , . �.RJGkr PlUOES.:t�,'::' 4'), - ".' ON ... ';'.' '" 'i+ --�5 �: �;A:tIll�(>�ods apd �I�'i$pecialtl�."\. . .'. -J �thl;!� fl�.Q._N CBeat of talcat in .mcera aDd (.._, __�ear.L ----------�,�----�-------Pictures c:haqe4 daily FOR RENT-WUbiDgton' Avenue;ncar Jackson Park .and III Cent.CoatiDuoua perfonDUlCC Express, front room in private, re-Come aDd hpi the DeW '7.sao orpD . , .• _. - _. - " .fined. Germa�., ��� �ith highestNothiDc to equal it ill the ci�. . . 'recommendations; "I!oa.r� optional.Five Recla of the Ia�' releuea Ph M'd :"0H H H Q:-": ... - N I one I way �72.appy any yDCII............ ow.ADIlISSION TO RENT-Th�ee desirable roomsMaiD Floor, all .eats • • • • • • tOC for students. Ten tl,linutes from'Balcony, all leats - ••••••••• SC campus. Electric light, steam' heat.., ,telephone, etc. Call at 4559' PrairieweoDlAn THEAIII avenue.. �.tI."'W""'_A"'_ �The only 5c Show in Hyde Park FOR SALE-2 meal tickets on theGood Music and Good Picturea Greenwood Cafe, 1357 E. 55th St.,.................. _.... .worth $3.50 a piece for $2.50 perGAUllOIIT W££lU.Y Evay TIIURSD&Y. c.,.., ...... ticket. . Call at Maroon Office.. AIm 011IEIl Plcruar.-. Sanitary Shop' - Three C.wr.. � � ..··New U�_of,_ C� Seal ;�Q,=, •. �d Pins. AcadenK.. ��� __ � (;Ol;ftll tt! ,rent or:'to oreler-r ., .... _ •.•••• �.... '.. •l.. ,. , ..."6..' I',Complete A� �� ......: fo�, and· Pins for ecaeges and ·Fr.a .... �escONSISTING orShirt, Pants, 1if;MSe, Shoes �d ,;�upportenREGULAR PRICE b.4Ito" :.0m«;iu �"ID .ts �plete$2.75'.1·1" -..+'Ip�AItTS AIID PILLOWS +j:�'1�J,1130. £. 57th ser •• t THE W. C. KERN; .. (;O.