ilailg -aaroon. BEHEPIT RECITALThe recital foe. the beDe&t.of the University Settle­ment will be given tbiaaftemoOD in Kandel HalL TALK BY DENEENGovernor Charles 5. Dt:­neen will address the stu­dents in Kent theater at 4thif; afternoon.VOL. X. NO. 113. PRICE FIVE CENTS.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. THURSDAY. APRIL � 1912."PURSUIT OF PORTIA"REHEARSALS RESUMEDc:..da au Retar.ed f. Ad­ne Werk TIaia Week-nneVera __ ia a-...LIST . OF SONGS IS ANNOUNCEDSeventeen: NwDbera In Play -Kiss.w."",." aDd EricboD wm TakeCbarceNextWeek.Active chorus and cast rehearsals.of the Blackfriars were resumed yes­terday' on the return of Coach Stot­hart. As the time remaining for re­hearsals is short, 'both cast and chorus. were put through hard paces. Sev­.eral changes were made in the "line­up·' of the choruses on account of thenumber of men ineligible but llr.Stothart states that the play is pro­gressing in good shape. ManagerBowers announces that there is roomfor thre e tall men for the chorus.Candidates for the vacant positionswill have a good chance to make theshow by applying to Mr. Stothart attoday's rehearsal in the Reynolds clubat 2.Next week Coach Stothart leavesfor Wisconsin to direct the Haresfootproduction. Thereafte:-!:� will de­vote his entire attention' to "The Pur­suit of Portia" until the presentationof the play, llay 2, 3, and 4. Xextweek 'Mr. Erickson and Miss Hinmanwill coach the singing and the spe­cial dancing rehearsals. The exact__ . ti��_ t�L. ��cJJ, .9Cly.--J�_.JlQt .xer __ beenannounced. 'lol::-. Stotharf will directthe chorus and the cast every after­noon this week at 2. and 4, respect­ively.Announce Names of Songs.The names of the songs. for thisyear's show. is here published' for the.first time. All of the �it"ic has beenwritten by H. Russett Stapp and thelyrics by Merrill 'and Kennicott, theauthors of the play. The music iscatchy and full of rhythm, as Black­friar music has ,been in former years.The names of the songs in their or­der follow:ACT I.1. Overture.2. Opening chorus.3. The Dollar Mark.4. Entrance of Mrs. Wilson.5. Entrance of Captain Bunker.- 6. Tangled Yarns.7. All that Glitters is not Gold.8. Lovin' With Henrietta.9. Flirtation.ACT II.11. Dance of the Senses.12. Circle' de Amor (Spanish bal--let).13. I'll Keep 'On Lo\;n' You.14. Chillicothe.15. Our Isle in the Sea.16. Our Little Missionary.Ensemble.STUDENTS INVITEDTO MASS MEETINGFOR REPUBLICANSThe Young ·Men's Rep.ublic�nLeague will hold a mass meeting atSans Souci tomorrow. All the Re­pUblican candidates for the variousetate offices have been invited to ad­dress the meeting and most of themhave responded. AtJ the RepubliC4lncandidates for governor with the ex-, ception of Sman have promised todeliver speeches. Cblt'les Hvb�r"Richard Yates, Qnd Cbarles S. De-• neen are included in the list or"sPe3k-··ers. John Murphy, a for:nrer Tesiclentof the University, Qnd treas�:·«·the Young Men's Repablica� League,IDs invited- an Uniftrsity studeDts toattend. TEACHERS WILL IIEET TOMORROWNortbem IDdiaDa Teachers' Auoda­tiaa to Ho1cl lleetinp OD Camp.aaTomorrow-President Judson toWelcome Delegates Toaigbt. smLEMENT BENEFITncms SELL WELLsa..!.t. Ie Haye SpecW Iaenatieu, fer a..u.. Va Vliet IecitaI-Bua ..... u.of.Over 2,500 teachers of the N orth-ern Indiana Teachers' association'Will meet at the University tomorrow.A general session will be held in themorning at 9:30 in Leon Mandel hall.Speeches will be made by Dr. HenrySuzzallo, of the teachers' college ofColumbia University. and by Profes­sor Charles R Henderson. At noona cafeteria luncheon will be servedin the Commons.High school teachers WIlt holdtheir sectional meeting at 1:30 inLeon Man�l Assemoty halJ. At thesame time grade teachers will con­vene in Belfield 159, ward principalsin Kent theater, kindergarten teach­ers -in. the north lectttre room - in- theLaw building. and teachers of pen­manship in Cobb 6A.Meet at Orchestra HaD Tonight. .President Judson. SuperintendentElla 'Flagg Young, of the ChicagoPublic Schools. and �fayor Harrisonwill give addresses of welcome to the Mr. Hamlin has been singing be­members of the association at Or- fore the music lovers of Chicago forchestra hall tonight. The response years and is noted for his remarkablywitt be given by Superintendent clear and sweet tenor voice, whileCharles Greathouse. connected with Mr. Van Vliet has won fame as at'he Indiano'<dcoartment of education. 'cellist in the Imperial Opera of Vi­President H. B. Brown, of Valpar- enna. Mr. Hamlin will be assistedaiso University, president of the as- by his regular accompanist, ·ll r.. sociation, wilt give a short inaugural Charles Lurvey.address, followed by an oration by t The program which will consist oft.he H9n. ".7iltiam Jennings Bryan. eighteen numbe�s. .and in which :\{r.--T Jr' ca'S"e-:l1r l1n:tte'teg-Ues 'C1lilii'Orfje H!amli'rr"'\ritt''':l ppc:a t" thfel:-mnl!S .......crolf·­accommodated in the Commons. -Mr. Van Vliet twice, is as follows:which seems likely, according to Mr. I. -Barrells, the women's commons in In Thee I Bear So Dear a Part ...Lexington. and the lunch-room in the . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HaydnSchool of Education will also be Nymphs and Shepherds Purcellthrown open to the delegates. The Oh Sleep Handelassociation which seldom meets out- LO"e Sounds the Alarm, from Acisside the state .of Indiana, met at the and Galatea -. . . . . .. HandelUniversity a number of years. 'Mr. Hamlin.. II.E�TERTAINMENT 19 PLANNEDCosmopolitan Club Will Observe An­nual IDtemadonal tragbt.The Cosmopolitan club will give itsthird annual "International Night" in·Mandel hall �n the night of April 13.Twelve numbers will be on the pro­gram, each characteristic of some na­tionality. Included among them willbe a trio on the piano by Miss EthelScholefield, B. Sampson, and J. F.Fabella, and an "inkay-inkay" danceby J. Lad�c and L H. Fernandez.The closing n�ber will be a rendi­tion of the national airs of the Philip­pines, Japan. China,' �y, Rus­aia, France, Bolivia, aDd America.The seat sale will commence Cobb corridor. Reservations maybe made by mail through box 300 ofthe Faculty Exchange. The ticketswill sell at twenty-five, fifty and sev­enty-five cents.I<EVIEWS BEHAVIORLITERATURE BEFOREZOOLOGY STUDENTSllr. Victor Ernest Shelford oi the. zoology department, gave a criticalreview of Holmes'� "Evolution oiAnimal Intelligence" at a meeting ofthe Zoology club yesterday afternoon.After considering the material chap­.ter b7 chapter and commenting upon. the author'� views Doctor .Sbelfordbriefly'su"eyed two otfmo books onthe same subject and I�Yeral numbers.f a 7.oOIoiic8J mapzi8e whose ed­itorial board iaeJades Assis�nt Pro­fessor Hany ·A. Carr of tile Uniftr­si�y� TO BE HELD TODAY IN IWtDELHamlin Appears Three Timea andVan Vliet Twice ID Program ofEiabteell Numbers..Student tickets to the Hamiln- VanVliet recital to he given at 4 in Leon:Mandel assembly hall for the benefitof the Univenity Settlement will besold at 50 cents. W'hen the supplyof student reservations ·has been ex­hausted regular 75 cent seats can beobtained for 50 cents by students,provided there are any left. Theticket sale �us far has been large.almost all the boxes being sold. aswell as a large n-amber of reservedseats. The box office at the entranceto lfandel will be open from 3:00until the concert begins.ArtiSts -Are wen Known.Sonata Guiseppe Valentini(a) Grave-Allegro.(b) Largo-Tempo di Gavotta.(c) Largo-f..argo-Finale.Mr. Van Vliet.III.Faith in Spring SchubertWood Wanderings .. GriegTwo Brown Eyes GriegLend Me Your Aid, from Queen ofSheba ;............ GounodMr. Hamlin.IV.Legende W. JeralStandchen F. NerudaConcert Polonaise D. PopperM,.. Vail Vliet. •V.I Shall Come Back (Dedicated toMr. Hamlin) ........•.... Pa;kerTum Ye to :Me .......••. Old ScotchF10wer Rain SchneiderThe Lamp of Love SalterMr. Hamlin.Mrs. Han Ia In CbarCe.Mrs. James Parker Hall has under­taken the responsibility' of the recitalin the interest of the ·Universitv Set­tlement, and is anxious that th-e stu­dents as a whole show their interestin the welfare and success of the Set·tlement ,by attending the recital thisafternoon. Seventeen women havesignified then- willingness to act aspatronesse!'>. Of this number thegreater part will occupy boxes'. Thenames of the patronesses follow:·Mrs. l\. C. B_artlett.Mrs. Joseph Bond.Mrs. C. D. Buck .Mrs. -F. I. Carpenter.Mrs. J. J. -Gle$sner.Mrs. W. Go' -Hale.I&s .. Wallace Heckman.Mrs. 11. D. Hull.(Coaduwd OD ..... 1) DENEEN SPEAlS IN KENT TODAYGovemor Will Give Viewa on IuueaUp for Consideration and on theWork of His Administration Since. 1905.Charles S. Deneen. Governor of theState of Illinois, will address the stu­dents of the University today on bisYiews 'of the big issues now up forconsideration 'by the people of thestate and on the work of his admin­istration since 1905, when he was firstelected. In addition to the governor,other politicians who will be presentat the meeting, which wi11 be fleJdin Kent theater at 4:00. are SenatorDailey. of Peoria. one of the mostpowerfuJ speakers now stumping thestate, and Isaac S. Rothschild. grad­uated from the University in 1897,who is a candidate for the StateLegislature from the fifth senatoriatdistrict.Candidacy Endorsed.Deneen is a .candidate for renom­ination as Republican candidate. andis conducting his present campaignprincipally on his record in office .. 'His candidacy has been endorsed bythe Republican Convention of CookCounty on February 8. at which timea resolution adopted stated: '"The administration of Charles S.Deneen has been such as to com­mand_ and deserve the confidence ofthe citizens of Illinois. It has he encharacterized by the absolute honestyand great efficiency and economywith which it has administered the_�l�-.'jJlStituti�-aad-�Cp3rtmunder its supervision, and by theprogressive character of the legisla­tion .which it has placed upon thestatute books."Assured of Co-operation.The Commonwealth club has beenassured by workers in the downtownheadquarters that they will use everymeans possible to make the meetingat the University a success, and ac­cording to an officer of the club, itis the desire of the members thatevery student and member of thefaculty attend."Last month Senator Jones spoketo a University audience," said an of­ficer of the club yesterday. "At thattime he gave his explanation of thepolitical needs of the state. An op­portunity is now given of hearing ·theview of another candidate for the of­fice of chief executive of the state.The meeting will be interesting; andit is the desire oI' t�e club that there;be a hearty response on the part ofthe members of the University.".TO WEAR CAPS AND GOWNSTazewell County High School Gradu.ates to Adopt Coliege Gear.In order to make graduation fromthe .high schools less expensive, thesuperintendents, principals, and highschool teachers of Tazewell county,Illinois, at a recent county institute,adopted the following resolution:"Resolved, That we favor a generalsimplification of high school com­mencements and the wearing of capsand =rowns at commencements.""This action, it appears, was takenin view of the fact that graduationhas become so expensive as to determany worthy young men and womenfrom finishing the high schoolcourse," according to the April num­ber of the Educational Press Bune­tin. "Wben the cap aDd gown ideawas firlt mentione4, it was opposedby IJK)st school men on tile ITo1llldthat it was another evidence of thehigh school aping the conege and theuniversity." ELECT NORMAN PAINEBASKETBALL CAPT AIMVanity (elder ... Curd for TwoYean is Ho.ered .,T�.lONE PLA YUS RECEIVE EDlEIISBaseball Team Win Ptay Joliet' Stan­dards On Marshall Field To­day at 3:30.Xorman Carr Paine, ·lJ. �"'a .. elect­ed captain of the J913 boaskl,thall team.The election was ·held yesttrday ':l£t-.ernoon in Bartlett after th� pjetnre ofthe S(IU:ld had been taken. Fiveother men on the squad were gi\'t�n"C"s [or competition on the team thisyear, while three others were honoredwith the minor sports emblems. Themen who were given a major "C"follow: Harold H .. Goetrler, Che�terS. Bell. Meyer Goldstein. Nelson H.Norgren and Charles O. �l'()bnder.Charles P. Freeman, Maurice A� Pol­lak and Sandford Sellers. Jr., . werethe substitutes who were : �iven theold English "c."Paine entered the. University in1909 from Wendell Phinips highschool. Chicago. He was OL memberof the Freshman football and .baskd­·ball teams.· ] n his Sophomore yearhe played end on the 'football teamand was one of the mainstays ·of 'hesquad. Last. yCQf' he played quarter­hack and did creditably tlespite. the: tact thaCiie" hiii·· no -prevlo��" ��p�ri�encc. He has played on the basket­ball squad for .two years .aud has .par­ticipated in every game both seasons.He is a member of the Beta Theta Pifraternity.During his first year on the squadhe played at guard but was later inthe season shifted to center. In theseason just passed, he began at centerbut was later shifted back to guardbecause of an injury to Molander.Prospects' Are Good.The prospects for a successful teamnext year arc brighter than they haveoeen in the past several ·years.· Fiveof the regulars and all three subswill be eligibk for -eomperirion nextyear. 'Phe .o-iilY man who will belost to the team is Goldstein at for­ward. The Freshmen who playedregularly this year will be eligible �competition next year. VruwiH,1ks.Jardien. and Bennett will be go{l(fmen for Varsity competition. Gor­gas. Baumgartner. Stevenson, aJldBal'lber are fast players.The baseball team will pl ... y t.hefirst practice game of the season thisafternoon against the Joliet Stan­dards on Marshall Field. The gamewill be caned at 3:30 if the weatherpermits. The men ha\·� l:nt hadmuch opportunity for t)r�.("tice be­cause of rhc inclement wcather dur­ing the last few 'weeks. Coach I3nxious tt) give the team as .11practice as possihle ·befo:-e the open­ing of the Conference �eason a wed:from Saturday.Outlook Not Bright.Pro:-;pects jor a sacce�sfn' ��Rare not brigh:, according to t:DatltfaPage. The team is pract�Dy 1M,same as last year·s. orrly ORe eu�ttl ,position remaining to be .fiIW, ."111he is not hopeful of seHt'.� •pennant this'· year, �be fm". 'tea",that defeated. ·a.i�· las .. -,year wa�Illinois and 'he e�ct9 tire' OO'Was .. tt!quad to repeat this )JUT. ,..· .. Itof outdoor· practice ". alSo .Meli ..affect tbe te2lll's pb,iR«,-es; the _".wi1l not ha .. e e"_:j)nc:tit��·the opeDin� of I.e !eHO •. '1, II.!,Ii iI1-J,-I'- .I. �jj.J·1):'.'t • �� �., ,f. ft ! . THE ·DAILY MAROON. ·l'HURSDAY. APRIL 4,1912.THE DAILY MAROONGrade Cards handed in beforeApril 3 will be given out at the Bu­reau of Records between 2 and 3 to­day. SPRING QUARTERThe OfIicial Student Newspaper ofthe University of Cbicaco. Bulletin and AnnouncementsChange of Rooms:Greek 24 at 11 fro:n Cobb 2B toCobb 13B.Greek 6 at 11 from Cobb 6B toCobb 9B.German 11 at 11 from Cobb 9ij toCoW> 2B.Geography 3B at 12 from Lexing­ton 7 to Cobb 150.Geology 1 C at 12 to Cobb sc,Romance 6A (Williamson) at 9:30'to Cobb 160.English 48 from Cobb 9D to. Cchb'GA.Founded October 1. 1902.FormerlyThe Uniyeraity of Chicago WeeklyFounded 9c�ber 1. 1892.Published daily except Sundays, Mon­days anel Holidays during threequarters of the University year.Entered as Second-class mail at theChicago Post Office. Chicago, Illi­nois, March 18,' 1908. under Act ofMarch 3, 1873. New Sections:II i-tory 1 at 2 in Cob!> 11 C.Xlathcmatics 1.'\ at 8:30 in Ellis 5.·Puhlic Speaking ltD (Xewlin) on�l:.tI;C ui Mandel hall.�""'a.7IIcllUro7 Pub. Co. PreSs. 6219 Cottas:e GroTeThe StaftW. J. Foute •.•..... Managing EditorH. 1,. Kennicott ...•..... News EditorBusiness ManagerE. R. Hutton. ' Associate Editors,D. L. Breed . W. H. L!"D1aJlM. D. Stevers Leon StolzB. ·W. VinisskyRePorte�G. W. Cottingham H. A. LollesgardH. S. Gorgas. T. W � Prosser'''H. S. RhettWomen'. EditorSarah· ReinwaidWomen �eportersGrace Hotchkiss Lillian SwawiteEdith O'Rear ' . Do�othy �ittiltonAugtisfa Swawite ' Physic� 15 has been withdrawn.English 3D'Cobb 8D.' ( Hulbert) meets inBlackfriars Chorus meets todayand tomorrow at 2. Cast meets at 4.Junior College Chapel Asse'mbly to­day in Mandel. Attendance is re­quired.GovernOr Deneen willKent today at 4. speak .inTaft Club MasS Meeting will beheld at 8 tonight in }Iamld.Recital-George Hamlin and Cor­nelius Van Vliet will play today at 4in Mandel for the benefit of the Uni­versity Settlement. Tickets on salein 'Cobb 9:\.Subscription RateSBy Carrier� $2.50� per year; $1.00 perquarter, City Mail, $1.25 pet" quar­ter; $3.00 �r year in advance. Menorah Convention will he heldtoday and tomorrow at 2:30 in Cobb8B.News contributions may be left inEllis Hall or Faculty Exchange,: ad­dressed to The Daily Maroon. �et�i t�Y-ChicagoIier Standards ai- 3:30 ..EDITORIALKent . Chemical Society will, ha vedinner at 6:15 tonight in Hutchinsoncafe. Mr. Loran O. Potterf will givean address on "Valence."With. .the opening of the baseballseason this quarter we arc remindedof !he iact duat in the past compar-atively few of the stu­dents of the Universjtyhave at ten d e d thegames on &Marshall Field. It is notQt all too -early to think over thequestion of more interest in the teamwith .a view to manifestation on thebleachers at all the home games.Baseball is without question the mostpopulv of American sports. Whyshould it lose in popularity here atChicago?It i� true that the men on the U ni­versity teams do not playas well astbe players on the professional teamsof the major and minor leagues, butthey do play well or they would notbe on the squads. Certainly none ofl1S would admit that we attend con­tests and exhibitions which the Uni­versity men have to offer in an ath­letic way because we 'hope that theparticipants will exhibit any serioussemblance to stylistic artistry. Chess Club Meeting will be heldtonight at 7 in the Reynolds club. Im­portant Michigan game.Meetings of the Western Philo­sophical association; first floor, Law,building, tomorrow and Saturday.Joint, Session of the Western Philo­sophical association and the WesternPsychological association, northroom, Law building, 9:30 to 12:30�Saturday. Separate meetings of bothbodies, Law 'building, 2:30 to 4.Senior- Hats-Seniors sign lists atCobb 'han or in the Reynolds club. Te)Ct BooksGymnasium StationeryGoodsLe Cercle Francaiae will not meettoday, Quarter's work will begil�- onThursday,Ask to see our new Atlasco Notebooks.Initial and plain Correspondence Cards.Physical Culture Regulations.I.XO applications for exemption fromor modification of the physical cul­ture requirements will 'be corrsider edafter the first two weeks of eachquarter. All such arrangements musthe made at Dr. Reed's office, in Bart­Ie tt gyrnnasjum. The University of Chicago Press5750-58 Ellis Avenue. Room 106 School of Education BuildingII.Absences from ph}=sical culture onaccount of illness, which prevents thekeeping of other University appoint­ments, may be excused ,by applica­tion at Dr. Reed's office in Bartlettgymnasjum, within one week afterreturning to the University. Physi­cians' certificates should be presentedif possible. ties is that of 4,532 against 4,184 inthe last year.Sincerely yours,L7STA e. HAGEX. "From Alpha to Omega"We furnish 'Greeks· ineverything.The Fraternity Shop1157 East Fifty-fifth St.TAFT MASS MEETINGAND DINNER TO BEHELD AT S' TONIGHTIII.Absences due to other adequatecausr s rr ay 'he made up' by arrange­ment at Dr. Reed's office within oneweek after the absence occurred.IV.Other absences will stand as unex­cused. Four to seven absences in agiven quarter will cause the studentto forfeit half credit; eight or morewill r;"!)ult in 'no credit being given.For further particulars regardingBartlett gymnasium regulations stu­dents are urged to consult the offi­cial bulletin 'boards in the gymnasiumor consult Dr. Reed during his office The Taft club will hold a mass meet­ing in Leon Mandel hall tonight at 8.Arrangements have been made tohave Congressman E. W. Martin, ofSouth Dakota, and Senator Chas, L.Billings, of Chicago,' give addresses.Mr .. A. D. Henderson. of Chicago,will give some Kipling readings. Be­fore the meeting, a dinner, at whichthe speakers will be present, will begiven in Hutchinson commons. AllUniversity students have been in­vited. The dinner will 'be 50 cents aplate, and arrangements may be madewith the secretary. Mark Savidge.Tickets. ifor seats on the stage may besecured from the officers of the clubany time before 6 today. "'The Cap and Gown"1912Biggest and Best Yet!On tile Campus by May 15th.ORDERS TAKEN IN COBBAT 10:30 A. JI.Subscriptions received until Ap,ril 15.Same old price $2 50. Easter Cards ..Picture FramesStudents'Supplieshours.r-- 'V.Dr. Reed will ,be in his office inBartlett gymnasium from 10 to 11a, m., Mondays to Fridays, inclusive.His office will 'he open also from 3to 5 p. m. .VI.All men registered for tennis reportto pro Reed on gymnasium floor at 3or 4 o'clock daily, 'pending furthernotice. Chemical Society Meets Tonight.Mr. Loran O. Potterf wilt addressthe. Kent Chemical society tonight on"Valence," following the dinner to beserved at 6:15 in Hutchinson cafe. PATllO� .. �qOlp �ADVERTISERS �" .Northern Indiana Teachers· Asso­ciation will meet on the campus to­morrow. Morning session in LeonMandel assembly. hall at 9:30. After­noon sessions at 1:30 are as follows:High school teachers-Leon Man-del assem'bly hall.Grade teachers-Belfield 159.Ward principals-Kent theater.Kindergarten teachers-Blaine 214.Reading teachers-Botany 13.Teachers of art and manual train-ing-Blaine 285.:Music teachers-North room, Law. Patronize Maroon AdvertisersEqual Suffrage League will hold anopen meeting tomorrow in Lexing­ton IS at 4:00. WANTEDTwo or three young women to solicit orders among musicapeople for a strictly high class proposition. Pleasant and profit­able work for spare hours and vacation. Address, stating ageand experience. Care The Daily Maroon. ' .:«COMMUNICATIONS.[Note-The Dally Maroon is at alltimes willing to publish letters fromUniversity people, providing suchletters seem p'urposeful and likely tobe of general interest. Each lettermust be' signed, but the author·s iden­tity will be withheld if he desires.Anonymous communications will notbe noticed.-The Editor.]Students of the Univers ity are of­fered one- morc opportunity today ofassisting financially the work of theUniversity Settle­ment. As many sim-the Settlement ilar entertainments�re .. presented withdual opportunities so this offers in ad­dition to the ·giving of philanthropicopportunity that of receiving benefitin musical kind.In ceder to make the recital QC­cessible to "5 large a proportion ofthe student music-lovers as possible.some of the tickets are offered at theprice or so cents. As a further evi­dence 0{ the desire on the part ofthe naft�ment to cater to the pe­cUtiU. conditions of the student bod�the sO cents rate win be extended totile; 7S ccat tickets at lOOn as all theSO cent seats have been dispo� of. Editor The Daily }Iaroon:Dear Sir-If you are interested inGerman universities and would like tohave the very newest statistics con­cerning the situation of 'Women stu­dents I can furnish you some inter­esting material, which is taken fromthe "Deutsche Tageszeiting."There are twenty-one universitiesin the German empire in which werematriculated this winter (1911-1912)2,795 'Women as graduate students,383 more than in the preceding year.The distribution among the differentdepartments of study allow us a con­clnsioD in regard to 'the vocationswhich the academically trained ·wom­en of Germany chiefty prefer.Recital for·.f The! number of students of Phil­osophie, Philologie, and History rosefrom 505 in 1908 to 1,563 in 1912, thatof Mathematics and Science from 173in 1908 to 504 in 1912, and of Medi­cine from 322 to 582. Political Sci­ence was studied in 1908 by 40, in 1912by 67 women, Law in 1908 by 20 andin 1912 by 39, Dentistry in 1908 'by40 and in 1912 by 27, while Pharmacywas taken up by 8 women in 1912against 3 in 1908 ;and EvangelicalTheologie ,by 5 in 1912 against 3 in1908.The women students evidently prefer the Prussian universities. Berlinhas 845, next comes Bonn with 255then follows Gottingen with 224Munchen with 188, Heidelberg with165, Freiburg and Munster with each149, Breslau 'has 134, Leipzig 103Konigsberg 98, Mar-burg 87, Greifswald 74, Jena 69, Halle 62, Strassberg 42, Tubingen 40, Kiel 32, Giessen29, Erlanger 27. Wurzburg 17, andRostockle 6. If we add to thesewomen students the 1,737 which areguests and register only for individ­ual courses, the toml' number ofwomen students in German nniversi- McElroy Publishing Co.8219 COTTAGE GROVE AVE.Everything in PrintingWE SPECIALIZE PUBLICATIONSCO •• EItC1.�PRINTING TELEPHONEIIIDWAT 3935DECORATE YOUR DENwith coDege posters and other attractive picturea.CENTRAL CAMERA CO.'124 5.. WABASH A. VETHE DAILY MAROON •. fHURSDAY. APRIL 4. 1912.ITT 1800 high schools, 3000 business schools, 137'11 colleges, 8 universities have departments of com-merce. These departments require teachers ofbookkeeping, accounting, shorthand, touch typewritingand allied subjects.The demand for teachers is far in excessof supply. We can prepare you for one ofthese places through ourCommercial Teachers Normal CoursePHILOSOPHERS CONVENE. FOR ANNUAL SESSIONSSaifra&Iata Will lleet.An open meeting of· the EqualSuffrage league wnt be held tomor­row in Lexington 15 at 4:00, for thepurpose of obtaining students whowill work at the polls Tuesday, whent.he question of. women's suffrage willbe voted upon. Program Will Be Opened by Reading·of Papers Tomorrow Morningin Law Building.THE BEST OF MATERIALSform only • part of the coat ofglusea we make. The other partrepresents expert worlrmansbip.That is why we invite comparison.N. WATRY Ik CO.,Optiri ...Established 1883.5& West Randolpb, lear Dearborn Opening sessions of the annualmeeting of the Western PhilosophicalAssociation will be held on 'the firstfloor of the Law building tomorrowfrom 10:00 to 12:30. Another sessionwill ,be held from 2:30 10 5:00 .an in­formal dinner will be given to visit­ing members in the Quadrangle clubat 6:30, the President's address wntbe delivered at 8:00, and the annualsmoker will be held at 9:00 in the,Quadrangle dub. The sessions will!be continued on Saturday, when ajoint 'session will be held with theWestern Psychological Associationfrom 9:30 to 12:30. A business meet­ing will be held at 4:00. FollowingI is �he program for both days:Tomorrow, 10:00 A. M.-12:30 P. M.The Genesis and Function of theEthical Ideal-George T. Kern.Subject to be announced-C. E.Cory..The Essentials of a First Course in�thics-G. D. Wolcott.The New Individualism-J. H.Tufts.2:30-5:00 p. M.Special Topic: The teaching ofEthics. 'The Introductory Course in Ethics-F. C. Sharp.Some Points on Presentation-J. H.Tufts.The Content and Method of theFirst College in Ethics-J. W. Hud­son.College Ethics for Freshmen-B. C.Ewer.Masquers Discuss Plans.Plans for this quarter's work andarrangements for, a vaudeville werediscussed at a meeting. of the Masq­ers yesterday. Nothing definite willbe decided until later in the quarter:The Madison Ave. Laundryoffers the students of the Universityof ChicagoA Special Student·. ListBest work Best service Best prices6018 MADISON AV. Tel. H. P. 1009 I N e�s of the Colleges I Teaching PositionsPrinceton-e-Corncll, Harvard, andPrinceton crews will meet in a two­mile' race on the Charles river atBoston May ,23. according to an an­nouncement made Tuesday by theCornell Athletic association. Thiswill �he the .first time that Princetonentered a crew in the Cornell­vard race since rowing was re­ed at that institution. Under the personal supervision of Morton'Mac Cormac, President of the National Com-'I mercial Teachers Federation-Next to the N. E. A.the largest educational association in America.We now are in line with a number of Fall va­cancies paying salaries from $75 to $200.You, have time. to get ready.A TRIP TO EUROPE AND RETURNAs Cheap as a Vacation in AmericaWhy apead lOU! vacatioD iD this COaabJ wbeayou caD go to t;urope Yia theFRENCH LINEfor $45.00 to $70.00 (meals and berthincluded).00 ODe 01 the DeW Quadruple aod T wia SaewODe cIua (II) cahiD steamea sailiog from NewYork OD s.awda,. direct to .HAVRE-PARIS.CoaIpIaJ's Offtce, 139 IIIrtIa Dedara StreIt hasHarsumythecanportheusuat _'agailyancodishe,atstUte'r'Ill'd-Iento-alkes.:y!.RSItTIae II,.Je rllk rn. ... Co.T"""_' R� � SSM;J2z3 Eo � - J'DT8 aTItBET 9:00 P. M.Mrs. H. P. Judson.�t rs. A. J. Mason.'Mrs. A. C. �lcLaughlin.Mrs. G. H. Mead.Mrs. F. R. Mechem.Mrs. A. B. Reeve.IMrs. M. A. Ryerson.Mrs. L A. Walton.Tickets may still be' had at Ram­mage;s Pharmacy, Fifty-seventhstreet and Lake avenue, and in Cobb9:\ for SO cents, iOS cents; and $1.ale--Head Coach Arthur Howe ofYale squad has issued a call fordidates for this year's te3111 to re-t for practice immediately afterEaster rece ss. Contrary to theai custom of light sprin-t nractice !Yale. two teams will, line up'inst each other daily. CALL AND SEE US ABOUT THE WORK,MAC CORMAC SCHOOLOxford-:-Oxford oarsmen won eas-:from Camhridge in the sixty-ninth .nual boat race held over the usual:urse in the Thames river'this week. 1208 E. 63rd SL, Near Woodlawn AveChiclets The Mint Covered.Dainty ConfectionCandy CoatedChewing Gum(1IIIIEGlaTIEIIIIED)REALLY DELlGln'FUL6:30 P. M. )<00+(.""' :.+++"' ++++.++++++ ++ ••••••••t Our Spring Tweeds are Now Ready iI ._JL.�_ - J· cr�· ·i Tailor for YOUD.Men , i: Two sto ... : T N� La Sail. SiNd , 25 E. Jaokson 81wd. i .. .................. � � � .ARROWNotch COLLAREasy to put on awl tHe cIft Comell-A collection campaign forcarded clothing and magazines hasen set on foot by the student bodyCornell for the benefit of needy Informal dinner to visiting mem­bers at the Quadrangle club.8:00 P. M.Bergson and Pragmatism-A .WMoore.udents.ARRowSHIRTSFit perfec:tly aDd are color t.t.$1.51 aad $1" ., .Cladt.l'e.bod.J' & Co ....... �lI. Y. The Com Exchange National BankOFa-DCAGO, ," . Annual smoker at the Q,uadrangleclub.Saturday, 9:30 A. 11.-12:30 P. 11.Joint Session with the WesternPsychological Assoc:ia-tion.A Psychological Definition of -Re­ligion,W. K. Wright.Present Status of the Problem ofthe Relation Between Mind and: Mat­ter--Max Meyer.The Two' Theories of Conscious­ness in Bergson-E. B. McGitvary.The Mechanism of Social Con­sciousness--G. H. Mead.The Paradoxes of Pragmatism-BH. Bode.� ...�'p'-'; : . .r •l_r..��Ss_��. 19 Jackson BIvd.�Eaat:SHOW WEEK!Spring Clothes/orthe young manReady!The facthat thuMossleClotheshave inelued a specialine for thyoung ma-size 334O-has ereated quitebit of taamong thmothers!Price range, 520 to $40.Special values, 520 and 52Come and see them toda 2:30-4:00 p. M. .A.McADAMSTHE UNIVERSITY FLORISTCORSAGE BOUQUETSA SPECIALTYPhone H. P. 1853rd Street' and Jtimhuk A'ftIlue The Interpretation of Reality-WH. Wright.Cognition Beauty and Goodness­rH. M. Kallen. (Introduced by E. B.McGilvary).German Pragmatism-G. Jacoby.(Introduced by B. H. Bode).4:00 P. 11.Business meeting.Announcingthe opening of a new depart­ment of one-piece dresses at$22.50 and $25.00 in serges,mohairs, etc.NAT RUDOYLADIES' TAILOR809 E. 43nI St. Phone oakland 3m -Columbia-At the annual Sopho-more banquet held last week atColumbia the class of 1914 hvd thedistinction of having more Freshmancaptives present than 'has any prev­ious class. Tn spite of the valientrallies of their classmates and tileinterference of several policemen fif­teen of the first year men were kid­naped and carr ied off in a moving vanto do homage at the Sophomore ban­quet.ExperiencedPressmen SETTLEMENT BENEFITTICKETS SELL WELLMossier Co.Are necessary to produce goodPrinting; many a good job of com­position has been �poiled by lack ofskill or attention in the pressroom.That's why we give such care toffie printing of every job; we have anestablished standard of workmanshipthat must be maintained.This makes it a certainty that youcan secure highest quality here allthe time, at no greater cost. '19 Ea.t Jackson Bl.d (Continued from page 1)PATRONIZEMAROON ADVBRTISEDr. Frederick F. M.DENTIST.,......,.. ..... 1.-Boas: I to 5 Po"'I'D DKL nADO 'IJda ._ ... w ......... �� THE C'OMMONS. -Club Breakfasts-Cafeteria for LuncheonSee what you getGet what, you want Pay for what you getCome in and try itFellows!Have You Tried'A piping bot cup ofINSTANT. POSTUMNow served instantly.'-There's a rich food quality; a snappy flavor, very like thatof good coffee, and a delightfully invigorating "up-lift" inPostum.Instant Postum is regular Post­urn in concentrated form -nothing added.llade in the cup - no boiling- ready to serve iDdantly. Any­body can prepare it.At Restaurants, Clubs, Frats,Hotels, Cafes, etc .Sold by Grocers in air-tighttins._."There's a Reason"forPOSTUM Put a teaspoonful in acup, pour on boilingwater, stir, add creamand sugar - done!Rich flavor, alwaYl thesame - always deliciouS�·Pomam Cereal Company, Ltd.BattleCreek,1Iicb. ,I•-,:..THE DAILY MAROON. THURSDAY. A,PRIL 4,.1912.OPEN MENORAH CONVENTIONAll tickets for this theatre for salein box office. JEFFERSONDelegates Will Be' Entertained atDance Tonight.55th St. and Lake Ave.NOVELTY PHOTOPLAYFour reels nightly of the latest movingpictures. High class songs. Best ofmusic by high class artists. Delegates to the :\lenrah conven­tion which opens this afternoon willbe entertained tonight at a dance tohe held at West Park Xurnber 1.Delegates have arrived in Chicagofrom the Univer sities of Illinois, Min­nesota. Michigan, and Wisconsin.A dinner will be tendered the vis­iting de legates in the Commons cafetomorrow night, William :\Iack, bro­ther of Professor (Judge) :\Iack, willbe the principal speaker. Rabbi J 0-seph Stolz will address the conven­tion today. The meetings are to beheld in Cobb 8B today and tomorrowat 2:30 f�r the purpose of consideringthe advisability of forming a westernbody similar in character to the east­ern association of Menorah clubs.The possibility of uniting with theeastern body will also 'be considered.CHICAOO THEATRE SOCIETYSEASONThe Drama Players-THIS WEEK TONIGHTTroubles of the .. XL" OutfitA Funeral that Flashed Onto the PanAXD OTHERSSpecial - SUNDAY - SpecialThe Social Secretary (Drama) THESMOOTHESTTOBACCO'Three men on basesand no one out!1hat· s the thrill youget in V dvet tobac­co. Did you ever6Il your pipe withtobacco that hasbeen aged in the leaftwo years) PerhapsDot in these rapiddays-if you want toknow the meaningof true mellownessand a rich, smoothflavor ask yourdealer for "Velvet,"Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs. nights,Wed. matinee,"JUNE MADNESS"Admission 5c �8Yer HitherEv.., Frida, �� Ev.., Frida,Fri., Sat. eves., Sat. Mat.,.e THE COFFEE HOUSE"Wednesday mat., entire floor $1.Eves. and Mats., good balcony seatsSOc; entire gallery, 25c. TYPEWRITERSOF �L MAlCESFor Reat, Sale and &clwagepRINCESSNext Saturday Eve., April 6th,William A. Brady's Production oiWITHIN THE LAW It .. DO 10 � to.De7 887-wbent Dear tlOCl for a c1ud �wl'lter of ...,. IIIUe. W. 0 a ...faetol7 wben we ..... Oftr. wltIl ..parb. t7pew1'1ten of aD .... c1ar4 ......aDd are able to .u tbeID at ., per eat g15 per eent ... tIwa tM ... �u.t price&.Our maehlaea are bcnna tIaroaclao'llt tileeouDU7 for tile blab IltaDc1ar4 of worlt­IIWllllllp aDd tile eompieteDMa with wlalellthe rebuDt work .. do... No palu orezpeue are lIParecJ to make tIaee t7Pe­wrltera ftl7 �loeel7 approaela U. bna4DeW 0", 111 tad. tIle7 will Che tile ...8enlee .. DeW ma�bl ...Our plaDt. equlpm.eJlt aDd fofte of apaltJ'pewriter meebaDlea are equal to til .. of1D&D7 of the taetorte. where DeW t:Jpe­wrlten are lD&Dufaetured. or-. taemtte.eDable u to do work wbleb 70a wID qr.with u Is manelO1lLWe haft been HtabUabed tIlIrt:r ,.,..aDd tIlouaat!. of oar 1D8de-cner t7pew1'1t­era 80Id • 10DC tSme ..., are atllI d�.. tlsfaetOI7 aenlee 111 aD parta of tileeouDt!7.Do Dot eoDfaae our rebuilt t;rpewrltenwith the or41uar:r IIeeODd-haad or tile __caned rebuilt maeblDN offered b7 otherdealera. Our maeb1Dea haft all been en..maDtled rigbt do1l'll to the frame. all de­feetlTe aDd WOrD parta tIlro1nl out. thearebuilt with Dew matertal b7 akllIed work­mea.No other eoDeem bu tbNe faeIllu..therefore our proeeu .. aD ezeladft 0 ...Our prieea eaaaot be eqaalled aDJ'Wbere.Call at our alearoom aDd read ,....,.letten Bueb .. tbfle:·'ReaIl7. we do Dot !lee bow 70a eaaalford to pat out neb • alee t:Jpewl'lter forthe mODe7. aDd wtab to thaDk 7011 for It.""Kaeblae .. aD rigbt aDd • better look­lag ODe tllaD I u:peeted for the prlee."""IIaeblae Is workhlg aile. I woald .01take twlee wbat I «Aft for It."We guaraDtee all of ollr maeblDea for 0_:rear aDd wiD make deU'ftl'J' of aD7 ... -elaine. .ubJeet to eumlaaUoa aDeI ret1II'&U Dot aatlataetol7.We al80 reat t::JpewrIten 111 ant-eluacoDdlUOD at • SPECIAL Jt.!.'rB of •lD�tba for...., aDd lip.Write or eaD for fartber partIcDlua.AmeriCan WritiDg Maclaiae Co. -437 S. Dearborn St. Tel Harrison 406 RESUME CHESS TOURNAMENTMoves In Game With Michigan WillBe Made Tonight.MAJESTIC"THE STILL VOICE" 'Chess players c{f the universitywiII resume the handicap tournamentbegun last quarter with intent to fin­ish the games as soon as possible.Everyone signed up for the tourna­ment will playoff his matches asquickly as arrangements may bemade. Following is the standing ofthe players who have taken part sofar:\Von LostChittenden ,..... 7 IStevens , .......• 8 6Lewis ., 3 IEllis . � 7 3Mcf lvaine 4 6Staley ............•....... 4 6In addition to the local tournamentthe games with If ichigan are s till inprogress. At present both sidesstand about even. The next consin­eration of the contest wilt 'be takentonight when the members of theCh�ss club will meet in the Reynoldsclub at 7.Mr. and Mr�. Sidney Drew, LionelBarrymore.MAUDE LILLIAN BERRIWith Novel Electrical EffectsSam Chip & Mary Marble, the BlueDelft Comedians; Frank Ferguson's, "Biliy Boy," with Geo. 'V. Howard;Alexander & Scott, the Inimitables"From Virginia"; -The Empire Four,the Triumphant World's Tourists;. Regel's Canines; Ruby Raymond &Boys; Patsy Doyle; New Events.' Pictures. SPAULDING&:MERRlCICFuDtwo ..ounce tiJiaPhones' Hyde Park 370 and 371Day and Night Service. .MAKE MONEY DURING VACATION!Your spare time during the summerwill yield large profits to hustlers.Every home a possible purchaser.Representatives will have exclusiveterritory.Write for booklet and f ... ll particu­lars.D. L SILVER & CO.Dept. 8... ClaYton, N. J.GARRICKNEXT WEEKROBERT B. MANTELLRepertoire for first week: Mon.,"Julius Caesar"; Tues., .. "Hamlet"; ,Wed. ::\1 at., "Merchant of Venice";"Wed., "Richelieu"; Thurs .• "Othello";Fri., "King Lear"; Sat. Mat., "JuliusCaesar"; Sat., "Richard III." Midway Motor LiveryHIGH GRADE AUTOMOBILESFOR HIRE, -At special fbt rates to Students5429 WOODLAWN AVE.Chicago.Arkansas-Wthite Sox No.2 defeat­ed the team of the University ofKansas by a score of 6 to 0 last Tues­cay. ,-:'1(! URKrSH. ... BATHSCORT."READY MONEY" A STATE :3ANK DISCUSS PLANS FOR. DISTRIBUTION OFDAILY PROGRESSIVEDEPOSITORY FORUBITED STATES POSTALSAVINGS FUNDS B IR'DW OO·DFado.., oquizatioa ad tniaedopen­ton are eaatial ia lite .....&clue .fpod .... �BrudCoIIanarecJandise. . • .deader tIaesea.ditioas aDd an pod ceIan.Sold Q Le ....... H .... � ..... 75 Cents. Plain Baths 25 CeataOpen Day and Night.SARATOGA BARBER SHOPJ. H. Hepp, Prop.29 South Dearborn StreetExpert Manicurist.Scientific Masseurs. Expert ChiropodistSTUDEBA�ERRALPH HERZIN DR. DE LUXE. Associate Professor S. H. Clarkdiscussed plans for the distributionof "The Daily Progressive" at themeeting of the Progressive Republi­can club yesterday morning. TheDaily Progressive is a n�wspaper is­sued 'by thc Progressive Republicansof the State of Illinois, setting fort-hthe ideals of that p�rty in an impar­tial way. It contains articles by suchmen as Professor Charles E. ller­riam, on the initiative and referen­dum, and others of a similar nature .Over a thousand copies will ·be dis­tributed among students of the Uni­versity and residents in the Univer­sity precinct.Woodlawn Trust& Savings Bank. 1204 E. SlXTY- THmJ STREET. CHICAGOThe largest and old.estbank nearest to the Univer­sity. Accounts of profe�­sora and students - solicited.. Every accommodation ofa completely -equipped bankafforded. The Smith-Goodyear Co.NAZIMOVAIn the' Brilliant Comedy.THE llARIONETTES 2 FOR 25 CENTS..... � EARL a: WD.SON SHOEIIAIERSAlIIREPAIRERSOLYMPIC 1134 East �DH Street..... .. -Opeftton of the Ia1pat _d best-eqaippecl moe repairiDc plant eat8Wetile loop.Sunday, April ith.THOS. W. ROSSIn .. THE ONLY SON" PATRO�·MAROOHADVERTISERS KANSANS TO MEETWITH OFFICERS OFNEW KANSAS CLUB L. MANASSE0P11CIAN E.M&W 186833 w. M.�I .... St. T ........ B.IM ....Eye-Glaaea and Spectacles 1CieDti­ficaDy fitted and adjusted. Arti&ciaIE,es made to order. 0c:aU.ta' pre­scriptions fined. EumjNtioaa freeof charge.See oar New Idea MOIIDtiDc.POWERS. Definite announcerr.cnt of the dateof the next meeting of the Kansasclub will be made in a few days. Themeeting will probably be held inabout two O\'ceks, and until that timeLambert Edson, 6037 Ellis a\'enue,president of the club, and TerenceVincent, 5558 Ellis a\'enue, secretary,have made arrangements to meet allKansans in the University.Classified Ads. EveryCoHege­PlayerNEXT WEEKJOHN DREWIn ·'A SINGLE MAN" WANTED-Experienced shoe clerkto work Saturdays on 63rd street.Can at Maroon office.COLONIAL Take Home SomeEaster CardsFOR SALE-Trade credits on se·v­eral of the 'best tailors in the citycan be purchased at a good dis­count from The Cap and GownBusiness Managers.Klaw & Erlanger Present the MusicalComedy de LuxeTHE PINK LADY Ohio State-The second annualmeeting of the American Indians willbe held at Ohio State university latethis year. The object of the confer­ences is 10 ,bring together the pro­gressive I ndians of the different tribesto discuss the needs of the race andto put the Indians on an equal foot­ing with the ,white men. .1-til. new ... ncH.ool.dU.ofC.Fobs., ONLY T8e 'The Little BookShop............. "- ............FOR RENT-Furnished cottages atSouth Haven, Mich., for summer.Shade, land for garden, lake beach.Iaquire Little Book Shop, 55th andLexingt9n avenue. Phone Midway213J.AMERICAII MUSIC HAlLGeatlemen IIa7 Smoke.THE CHOCOLATE SOLDIER