Women's arconVol. IX. No. 75- l!I\IVERSITY OF CHICAG<? FRIDAY.·JANUARY 27, 1911. Edition, I 'Price FiYC Ceatsw. A. A. BOLDS FIRST TRY-OUTCHICAGO WOMEN SENDSPECIAL FROM STETSON Sixteen Women Chosen For FinalTrail in ., A Midway Local" - Vaude_ville Stunts Satirize University Sealand Japanese Trip.Edith Sextoa Writes of OraDges,Peaahll ... Sommer Dresses at,�rida U Diversity.IIIGITY EXPLOITS OF BUNTERS As a result of an unusally largeamount (Jf good material, the tryoutsfor parts in the W. A. A. skit "A Mid­way local," Wednesday afternoonwere not final, and second trails willbe held next Monday at 5 o'clock inJ'pellman house. �The followingpeople arc asked to try-out the secondtime: Ettie Hewitt, Jane Graff, PaulaBurke, Altha Mantague, Ino Perigo,Olive Davis, Josephine Kern, Irene.Hastjngs, Mary Phister, Lily MayReulinger, Lydia Lee, Zillah Shep­herd, Anita Baily, Marie Rogers,:\gusta Swawite and Mary Titzel.Two of the authors, Miss \Vaymanand Miss Ortrnaycr, and the generalchairman, Miss Perry, will act asjudges,Practice to Begin.Chorus try-outs will be held thisafternoon at 4 in Spellman, and onMonday at' the same hour there, andafter these and the final try-outs forprincipal parts the rehearsing will be­gin. The dramatic coaching will bein charge of Miss Agnes Wayman,one of the authors, while the musicaldr illing will be directed by EligabethIsurke, Edith Hemingway and EmilyOrcutt. Miss Catherine Mering, a pu­pil of the Hinman Normal school, andfor some time an assistant of MissHinman, will drill the dancing chor­uses.The music which is to be used inthe skit is the composition of Eliza­beth Burke and Miss Winifred Pearce')f the gymnasim faculty. If possiblethere will be scores containing thisand such musical numbers as are usedin the stunts, on sale the night of theperformance.Story of the Play.The play turns around the condi,nons in the woman's gymnasium andincidentally depicits Chicago moretightly than ever in the clutches ofthe honor system. \Vork has has be­come so strenuous that study andathletics together, are impossible, andin order to make a basketball teampossible to play against Wellesley, acorporation has been formed by girlsto do the studying for the membersof the team, and at last. of course\Vclleslcy'is defeated. 'The plot is further complicated bythe theft of the skeleton from the of­lice of the gumnasium. The searchfor this continues through the playand its discovery at the end is thedenouncement,The characters are largely "take­offs" on well known Lexington cele­hrities and the dignitaries of thewomen's physical culture institution.The play is written by Marie Ort­meycr, :\gnes \Vayman, Elizabethr.urke. \Vinifrcd Pcarce, Olive Davis;:nel Helen Parker.Tn addition to the skit, there willJ.l, fnnr or fh·c �tunts, The exactt!aturc of the�e intcrhulcs has nothnn r","l'alcd as yet, but it is rumoredth;lt �on1l" tah'ntccl people arc at work.when they pn�s on the cnmpus. EvenIt is intimatcd that Alice Lce Her­l"ick :111el Jo�cphinc Kern will presentPle of thcir popnlar faw'rites, an·1I" at Eli7aheth Rurke and. FlorenceCatlin arc plannin� a surprise which\\i�1 �C)h·", th� (','cr pre!;!!nt and trou-(Continued on page 6.)Chic:aao Cheer Leader Heads PartyW�C:h Shoots Two Quailsand a Half.By Edith Sexton, Florida Corres­pondent.Here we are in the sunny South­land and it really is sunny and thebirds do sing. As I write this, I amsitting on the broad veranda of Chau­doin Hall. our "Foster" home. Palmtrees', peach .reees, and live oakscovered with gray moss are every­where. The grapefruit and orangesare now ripe. Across the street infront of the new gymnasium, MaryAnn Whitley and Ruth Agar areplaying tennis. The new gym, I said.Yes, it is for the men and the littleold ,wooden one which they have re­cently abandoned, is now for thegirls. Was it ever thus. But then, theStetson girls have one consolation,for .gymnasium is not required,There are ten in our party: MaryAnn Whitely, Lorraine Cleary, Eliza­beth Rider, Ruth Agar and EdithSexton, Paul Gardner, LorraineNorthrup Howard Keefe, MarcusStearns and Bob Abbott.�te�on Social RulesNow, .let me take you to dinnerwith me. Weare entering' a longmarrow dining room, seating threehundred people, at long narrow ta­LIes. We Chicagoans have a stand-inwith the colored cook, because, as shesa-ys,. "we freed her!' The men andgirls all' eat together and there aregay times at the table. But once out­side the dining room, they are notallowed to speak to each other, evenat the very door of the dining roomthere is a woman stationed to watchand to report.Don't the men and girls ever meetexcept at the table? Oh, yes indeed;a girl may have a caller once a weekfor one hour, providing the same mandoes not call more than once in twoweeks. And then, every Friday nightis social hour; after supper, which isat 5:30, the men and girls gather inthe big parlor. Scattered about theroom are couples in interesting con­versation and passing back and forththrough the room every few minutesis ,the head of the house. At eighto'clock a large bell is rung, request­ing the callers to depart. The Chicagoparty in envied by all other studentsbecause the president has granted us50 many privileges. Weare practic-211y free to do whatever we want andhave to go through the formality ofaetting permission only when wetheir week-end trips.Kow about the University itself,rather then Chaudoin. "And howlarge is the student body here?" ask­(,(I the languid cheer-leader of Chica­go, l('aning back in his chair. "Fourhundred." WQ!' the reply, and that in­dudes kinoergarten, primary gradcs,grammar school, academy and col­I��e, besiedes the busincss collcgeand school of music. The senior classof this year is almost douhle thedass of last year, and wh.en youknow that there were four in the classf\:Olltinued ')n paac 3) ENTE,R W. A. A.-EXIT BLACK FRIAR SUPREMACYLARGE BASK!TB� SQUAD OUT mer NEl6BBORlOOD COIJItCIlS. : I.. .. �'�id-Winter Championship GamesHold Lexington Interest-Date SetFOl' Gymnasium Contest-W. A. A.Pins and Letters to Be Awarded. Four Off-Campus Clubs Choose Ez­ecutive Bodies for Year-FacUli¥Party .to Be Held in Lexington iDFebruary.Contrary to the usual custom, the.women's basketball games for theJunior-Senior college championshipwill be played in the winter insteadof the spring quarter this year andthe fact that the teams are ;0 bechosen within two weeks necessiateshard work from the candidates. Miss\\ ayman, the coach, stated yesterday,that. on account of the unusual am­ount of good material, it was goingto be hard to pick the teams. BothSeniors and Junior squads are sogood that hard games-·are-expec:ted.Ca�didate for positions on the Sen,ior team are; for forward; LauraVerhoven, Louise Robinson, MaryChaney, Jillah Shepherd, for guards:l�ose. Marie Moore. Irene Hastings,Harriet Sagar, Dorothy Hinman Jea­nette McKean, Jane Graff, and EdithLove; for center: Margaret SullivanZillah Shepherd, Elizabeth Halsey,The Junior candidates for forward:J ospehine Kern, Virginia Hinkins,J'\ugusta Swawite, Eva Goldstein Ef­fie Shambaugh, Flore�-c�· 'Fairieigh,Edna Bell, for guard: Mildred MooreJ.�)Uise Thornbury, Lillian SwaWlte:Myra Paine. Marguerite WatsonLynne Sullivan, Phoebe' Clover, Sus�anna Fisher, Marjorie Miller; forcenter: Anna Coleman. Edith Brad­·J<'Y: • Helen Magee. Cornelia IBeaQcLetitia Fyffe and Susanna Fisher.The baseball games will come, asusual, in the spring quarter. Many'women are trying for positions andtheir number is increased' by th;' facttl-at basketball players 'can also goin for baseball, provided that theyhave- played baseball in the fall quar­ter. With the new officers, elected atthe last meeting of last quarter. theNeighborhood club councils for thecoming year will be presented' 'totheir clubs by the out-going· officers:at the first social' meetings of theNeighborhood clubs 'for . this' quarter, •which are to be held in the N eigh­borhood room on different days' ofnext week. The council of each club'consists of eight women of the c1ub�These are the three club officers; the·two. members of the general housecommittee which belong to that' club';,.rid three other women cho�en" b;the club president. As they now standthe four councils for the next yearare:Council Members,For the Southeast club: Miriam.;Cole, President; Annie Louise Ford, Itreasurer ; Edith Coonley secretary'-!'gnes McDowell . and' Katherin;::French members of the house com­mine; Mamie Pollard, HortenseJones and Margaret Chaney.:For the Southwest club: Minna DeVries, president; Margaret Camp­bell, secretary; Ethel Dow, treasurer'Marion Gunn and Daisy Cressey of·the house committ-ee; Donna MayMessengel-, Irma Koblens, and Miss'Sears.For the Nonhest club: Zillah Shep­herd, president; Marjorie Nind, see-.retary: Ethel Lawler, treasurer; Ger­trude Fish arid Allys Boyle. of thehouse committee; Emmat Clark\\,inifred Munroe, and Ruth Buzby.'.For the Northwest club: DorothyFox. president; Norma Pfeiffer, treas­urer; Ruth Crawford, secretary; RuthRussell;' and Zinna Bragg,' of the,house committee; Frances Steere, Is­abel Janis and Ellen McNeish.Faculty Party PIanDed.The question now be£ore··the Neigh.­borhood cluhs is the "Faculty party"fur t1:i� quarter. The tirst plan, tohave two parties, one given by ·cluhs�outh and ont' hy those north of the:'1 iclway has heen adand ned. and thefour clubs will unite resources in onehig celebration to be held Saturdaynight, F�hruary 25. The proposedcostume party has been given up forfear the faculty will be scared awayif· tht'y nre nsked to come in cos­tume. nnd the Reynolds club, onceengaged, has been forsaken on theground that no dccor�tions. �d frap-(Continuecl on p.agf' 3)Gymnasium Contest Set.Another new 'featu�� thi� year isregular practice in • class for theevents which will take place in the;lnnnal gymnasium contest on Feb­ruary 18. An advance of the interesttaken in this department is the large:o-ize of this class, which numbers:11 en:t :;0. Thue nre to he tW:l chl�sesof event .. in the meet. The first. class.\. in ,\ hich there !'hall' be at leastI�\'e (,ont.:!'tants in each event, horse,parallel rings flying and trave11ingd\!h�. r(lpes, �nd high jump. Tn clas�n, there !'hall he at least seven con­h'"tants in each e"ent, and includes,Loom, hor::c, rings, flying, clubs. lad­der, travelling, hop, skip and jump.\Vinners of class A ennts, if other-(Continued OD page 2) E4ltwa. Bed C'ftu lana u4 0rPn� ... WUI Appear ill BIJall.,I 1<1" ,,! , .• Club." ...,�IIDG� BpYS- UNIQUI PRIZIS'�lec:t Uneeda and Box Seats as! Suitable PlUell for Most Grace­ful Lady."Harkl hark! the dogs do bark.,T�e beggars are coming to town,Some 'in· rags. ,And some in tags. . ,Aria - some in velvet gowns."'If you want to se� thcm go to the�eynol�s' dub tonight and see foryoiirself- whether there is any truthi� . :�h'e-· statement that poor are al­ways' with 'us. Didn't know that EstherTaylor' 'arid Maynard Symonds wert"p�upers, did you? Didn't strike youth�i' ':Margaret .Mitchell and' Elmer�e�tty� I�ok'ed: down and out, did it?Most of your friends have managedtb keep up - appearances. Some ofthem have worn pony coats. A fewh�ve iiiv"ested heavily at Lexingtonahd the Commons, but it's all offnow. HardIuck will out. Never mind,,,;e're· ·all··poor together, and "Who's\Vit'o .iD' Bankruptcy' is to be pub­lislu:d' at' the Hard Times party to­nhi�Ll : ',., Prizes . Bought."The po��er' the' . better" says RoyDald'n.dge, . 'and he ought to know.He'�-' tli� man who buys the prizesYesterday' he hailed a feminine 're­�rt�r; and asked desperately. "What.�otild you want, yourself, if you hads��i 'y�ur last. dollar and licked your, _ jr. _ ,_ (J ,"., •last. sta�p, 'honest now? "News," shennl�'ure(f, and 'left him to his owndev,ce�:- �\fier that, he went shoppingfbr' ��te� of Uneedas, just in case aFos't�i--· �rl should be the paupestpa·up�r. 'a' season . ticket for :MadamKaynor, '�nd a box seat for the Rus­siandancers, ..D,ance the Dip.And speaki�g of' 'Mordkin remindsus of Reno Reeve. It is whisperedthat after a patient diet of dip car­amels aU' \Veel,-ail week, mind you­ibis first! pQblic contesf iwith 'PauJ.MacClint�ck will take place tonight. :bead . br�e but dancing still,-notPalm Bea'ch, vs, Atlantic City offersfuo�e even betting on the ocean wave,, I\'s 'for other attractions, didn't you'Want to see' the tender-hearted ViolaleWis trYing to make· a ·1iving as aRed Cross nurse, and doing her besttf) cheer up Donald Breed, the latesten�iste,d soldier boy? Would you missa chance to help a good thing alongwhen' Effie Hewitt, poor little orphan,plays· -oia Gray 'Bonnet" on her�rind organ, and passes the hat?Could you, as our faithful subscrib­er afford to miss a sight of Ruth Ret­icker in her other dress, marquisette'""··C'r Daily �aroons� and her friendGavin. our own print('r's devil?Foreigners Too.\Vonldn't you pawn your jewels to!"ee Dorothy Fox, "da' lectle hatia,'"waltzing the last c.f her �hahhy solesaway. and h<",'itching thc puhlic withher impr,rtr <1 garlic nccklace?Of course you wO\:I<1. You'lI hethere. Everybody will he there h'atHelen Magee. But it isn't hecauseshe hasn't heard the wolf at the door.. (CoAtinued on, page 6.) .. �.iTHE DAILY MAROON FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1911.THE DAILY IIAROOII".. 0IImal Itaamt - PubUeatioa ., 'I'MOIllYenlt7 01 0IJap.rClrlDld;r'I'be Oll1nnltJ of 0aIeap WeekJ7ro-.s.s".. W eekle7 • � •••••••••••••• 0ct0IMir 1. 1111!IiIe D&U7 October 1. 1101'jI Pubu.bed DaJl7. taept ....,.. .....,. aDd bolldaTa d ..... tbne-q.n.. 01 tbe.ainralQ' ,.,..t.nd.. 8eeoDd-cI.M mall al tbe W..... p� Cb1cqo. 1lliDo", MarcIl 11.Ie .... UDder ... � 01 IIarcb I. 117LThe SCaff.:· '.,"'!,.t,� Mary TitzelElizabeth Halsey.Men's Department.R. J. Daly, EditorNathaniel Pfeffer, Reporter.Three months ago the Women's de­partment of The Daily Maroon beganwork in its LexingtonBy Way Of office. Since that timeExplanation novelty and self-con­sciousness has perhapsworn away sufficiently to let us seeva-lues correctly. In the first place,women reporters and even womeneditors have been comparatively com­mon on the Maroon staff in the past,50' that the spirit of the thing is notnew. A Women's editor was evenelected in the spring of 'og, but thestaff, did not hold together longenough to get a permanent footing.?;he Women's department of thepresent is of somewhat wider scopeand greater stability. It has an officein Lexington and it has regular af­fice hours. It numbers at present fivewomen on the regular staff and two"cubs." Equally important to theeconomy of The Maroon it has a.business manager.Perhaps its &reat value, is the factthat it supplies news of the women tothe Maroon with some degree of reg­ularity instead of the "steady byj�rks" method of the past; and thatit places the responsibility of thetruth and point of view of that newson detinitely appointed persons, whoare fairly conversant with Universitylife and details.Considering this end to be ap­proached. as we are optimists enoughto believe it is, we consider the ex­istence of the Women!s departmentjustified and. its value in the schemeof things demonstrated.. iII'j !r·i· [T: 1· l!'jlti.�.r._I'rj.t·fi.f:i' .t··:--., ., '.t .:� .". -�;'P- .r :;(t �:" .f 1 t seems to be only in fiction thatthe masculine staff of a paper pre­pares -for the com-In The Office.. . ing of the womenwith blue bow s,muslin curtains, and.chocolates. No such welcome awaitedus yesterday. Cigar ashes caperedabout on floor and table, cigarettestumps lurked in every pigeonhole;paste oozed over the News Editor'sdesk, scarred with the scrapings ofmany uplifted boots; scraps of killedcopy flowed from the waste basket:exchanges groveled on the desks; thepowder from a recent flashlight sur­mounted the accumulations of dustYesterday.;I..r' • ------------- Established 1875 by E. J. Lehmann.since the last Women's edition. Noteven the gladsome prospect of today'striumph :�ould rouge up that dingyEllis office.The valient staff of 26 producedfeather dusters magically and rouieddust and disorder. Bounteous contri­butions of violets, fruit and candycheered us to the task. Afte? thestartled, inquisitive Ellisites had de­parted, and the regular staff hadceased its helpful suggestions, theWomen's Edition came forth in allits glory.The managing editor will find hismessy belongings Soc. S2 notes andunmolested Arcadian mixture in­cluded-in the lower right handdrawer. The stub pencil in the comerwe left tied to the spindle-we thinkit is Mr. Breed's. The News Editorwill find a mint drop in his upper left­hand drawer as a reward for keepingthe neatest desk. We trust that thenew order and cleanliness will notseem too strange, and we announce-iur willingness to give the staff in­strutcions in office-hold administra­tion at any date.DAILY BULLETINcrson today at 4.Reynolds Club Hard times Party willtake place Friday night at 8:30. Noone will be admitted without a cos-tume,MasuDS are invited to attend Dama­scus Lodge. Meet in Cobb today at 7.ANNOUNCEMENTS State, Adams and Dearborn Streets. Telephone Private Exchan,e 3Our January clearance in this secticn has given the women of Chica­go an opportuntiy to a great deal of real money on wearing appareland furs These R�DUCTIONS onwomen's tailored suits are very radi­cal. Not� the savings on each garment. Come tomorrow and get the suiyou want-prices can't go much lower.Stylish & snappy coats of blackbroadcloth, roll collar and deep cuffs,Saltz plush with long roll collar.14.75Women's lancy dresses in a varie-ty of colors, suitable for afternoonwear, $2-1.75 value. 13.75Girls' coats, u to q years, coloredcheviost, a variety of colorings, re­duced from $5 and $6.75, to 3.95Misses' serge dresses, in brown,blue and red, yoke of fancy net, satinand button trimmc-l, $12,75 value for7.50SAVE ON GLOVESWomen's Tailored suits, all highgrade mixtures, broadcloth, serges1.50 and 2.00Traveler's and fancy weavcs, regular $19.75 \'al-ue, special at 9.75Women's S19.75 tailored suits, 19.75Junior Skating Party, WednesdayFeb. IS, at 8 p. m., Mandel halt, underthe auspices of the CosmopolitanFree Interpretation lecture on Mon(:ay, January 30, at 4 p. m., in Mandelfor the Thomas Orchestra concert.Theodore Thomas Orchestra willgive a concert on Tuesday January3�, at 4 p. m. in Mandel..University Dames Club wilt meeton Saturday at 3 in Lexington. Wivesof University students are asked toattend.; Theological Club wilt meet Mondayat 8 p. m. in Haskell. "Psychology ofthe! Mystics God Consciousness."Assistnat Professor Ames .Fena"bles meeting Tuesday morning:it 10:30 in Cobb 3A.: Merriam Meeting on Saturday at8:30 in Rosali hall.LARGE BASKETBALLSQUAD IS OUTwise eligible, will receive pins, ClassB winners receive their ICC."The fcncing contests will be held�t the same time that the gymnasticcon test is carried on A class ofwomen are now taking fencing.All die Dewl of the Camp1l1in The DaDy lIarooa. fancy suits, broad-Tailored andclothe, worsteds and mixtures, desir.,able style, $2-1.i5 value. for 14.75Coats, of serviceable quality, Skin-ncr lined, full length, $19.75 value,9.75VEILS NECKWEARSHOPThis is a rare opportunity to securereally high grad�. garment�at extreme­ly low prices.Marjorie- Hill ManagingEditorHelene Edwards • .News EditorFlorence Catlin • • Athletic EditorHelen Edwards • Business ManagerAssociate Editors.Margaret Campbell Ernestine EvansAlma Lichty Myra ReedMollie Ray Carroll Gertrude EmersonReporters.Mary Chaney Regina StraussEffie Hewitt Mona QuayleMary Bert Elsa HenzelRuth Russell Ethel Kawin Sophomore class picture will beMargaret Mitchell Ruth Whitfield taken in front of Wall�er Friday atVictoria McAlmon 10:30Marguerite Swawite Pen Club election, Cobb 3A todayEdith O'Rear at 10:30.Freshman class executive commit­tiee will meet today at 10:30 in Kenttheater.Special Meeting of the School ofEducation Council at 10:30 room 214-Meeting of all W. A. A. Play com-mittees chairmen, Neighborhoodroom at 1:15.Law-Freshman basketball game to­uay at 3:15 in Bartlett-"Das Passionspiel in Oberammer;gau" will be the subject of the Ger­man club meeting in Lexington halltoday at 4-Theory of series with positiveterms will be discussed by ProfessorMoore at the Mathematics club in Ry_ forOur buyer of wools andwonderful purchasingThe l' air surely demonstrated: itsneckwear is determined topower whenBETTER SEE OUR WINDOWDISPLAY. LET US SHOW YOUmake the 1911 his bannerwe secured the gloves offered in thisyear as far as volume ofsale, In each instance the price you I. •His disre,uusmess goes. '"'pay is actually less than wholesale garding' profits as you cancost. plainly sec by the temptingbargains offered in this sale.Skin Gloves,"Fownes" Women's Mannist Capekinds, New Co-ed Veils (as cutWinter Fabric Gloves" SOC and 75c Weare displaying thevalues, pair, 29c 1911 Lord Byron Collars inr.ncw shapes, at each 15cblacks and tans, pair,shades, pair,"Kayser's" shows] a very handsome95c nil made of chiffon cloth, 2yards 101lg, I yard wide,hemstitched border, black,white and all colors, regu­lar 1.25 value. Priced at 78c79<: s.eo French Lace Veils. aveery attractive importedlace veil in the fashionableMystic style, black, whiteand colors, 2.00 veil for,48c139 RANDOLPH ST.HOTEL SHERMAN(t )pp()�ite City Ham 231-:133 DEARBORN ST.GREAT NORTHERN HOTEL(Opposite Postoffice)Phone Hyde Park Ig6g Samples eachJ. H. MCNEILLY, WELLS CLOTHESCLEARANCESALE� .- /SUITS and OVERCOATSat $17--$22--$26CATERERFLOWERS FOR THE DANCESIce Cream, Ices, Sherbets, Frappe,Punches and Frozen Puddings.Punch Bowls, Glasses, Tablesand Chairs to RentOUR CANDIES ARE ALWAYSFRESHMEDICAL SERVICEJ 753 E. 63rd St. CHICAGO-jABs ADOULPIS-1174 E. 63rd St ..GROCERY and DELICATESSENRcfurnish-d and Redecorated, readyto serve you with cvervthing per,taining to the business,Your Patronage Appreciated . A. J. UNGER President.TWO SHOPS.Tel. 43.15 H. P. Res. Tel. 8294 H. PDR. EMORY M. LOTTS.DE�TIST0ffice X. W. Cor. 6.�d St. &Kirnbark An. Suite 14. Tel. H. P.4345 Res. Tel OakGEO W. I. BROWN, M. D.Practice limited to diseases of theEYE, 1\05£ and THROATlIour,,:!1 to 12 A. m'l 2 to a p. m. i:.nll!Dp aD.�und:lY by appointmeftt.Oflic�. Suite U. 12:10 Foast &3d Street. If. W.Cor. Kimbark Ave., CbicalO.'Patronize Maroon Advertisers.Send in your lubscrilltio.for The Daily Uarooa. todayChicago.THE DAILY MAROON FRIDAY. JANUAlt'V 27, t()if. It.I;.I.1 •SFILLINOISChas. Frohman PresentsThe FantaStical MU8ical Comedy.THE ARCADIANSBLACKSTONEH"baard Place, between Mieb. andWabash Avenue.Sensation of the Musical WorldAndreersBALALAIKA ORCHESTRALVRICWm. A. BradypresentsHolbrook Blinn inTHE BOSSpoWERSHenry B. Harris PresentaCOUNTRY BOYTHEGARRICKForbes-Robertson inORANDMargaret AnglinGREEN STOCKINGSSTUDEBAKERHENRIETTA CROSSMAN inANTI-MATRIMONYC'ORTComedy Ten StrikeHenry W. Savace OllenHenry Kolker in"THE GREAT HAilE"pRINCESSMr. Albert Chevalier inDADDY DUFORDOae Balcony-No .at � ..SALLETHE SWEETEST GIRL IN PARIS"The Best Comic Opera' in theCity."WHITNEYHenry B. HarrispresentsHelen Ware inTHE DESERTERSCOLONIALVictor MooreinThe New Musical Play"THE HAPPIEST NIGHT 0'" HISLIFE,"McVICKERS\VIll. A. Brady AnnouncesMr. Louis MannTHE CHEATERE:MPRESS..... httaI. en" Aft. TeL -.J '.VAUDEVILLE �-.--:..-, ... -• -PlansLife i� a matter of limitation�,"TW('llty-one men go to E\'an!'ton :-;iid Prof. E. C. �foore in his addre�st,'night for a �wi111111ing mcet with t() the junior collegc chapel yestcrday.:'-:orthwe�tcrn. These men arc; J. F. "Gn'at men arc what they arc, be-:\feag-her. K. Lind�ay. K. Chandler, ca\1�C of an(l not in spite of their Suffragisfs Plan Entertainment.. E. \V. Eisendrath, D. H. Holling�- limitation,;. The hahits formed bYI. The l�(lII('g ... Equal Suffr�gt' Lt'a;_!tlCworth. H. L. Kra111er� R. J. Rosenthal, in\"ali(l lifc may make worth more 1; pl:"lnmn; to haH' !\tr:-. l'orh6 I'"h·F. P. Rundell. \V. S. Kas�a\11ker. C. tllal1 the 11I0�t rohu�t health. I.'rtsol1 Ifal('. the noted anrt'';';, a:, .. i-t·P. Sawyer. T. E. Scofieltl. P. H.Da- Tn tho..;c or yO\1 who are here thr' ill the cnt('rtail111H'nt the c1nh i� t)1\'i�, J. T. \\'ilson. H. R. Kern. :\1. H. ough harcbhip� and thn�e you who�e gi':(' thi. quarter. The program wi 1Kamerman. G. L. :\lc\Vhortcr. P. F. ot:tlook i� hard �)n (,Hry hanel. 1 �ay pr.lhably include bl·:-i<1e,;. the lahk-IS\"ain. I�. F. Fonger and E. E. Fore]. ne\'cr mind. But to those who ha"e �,nx of i:\1l1nu� women which w('re rl·-IThis is the team'� first ,meet this pasts of ('asc and look forw:ud to a'�I·c("ntlY �i\'('n in ?\('\\' York t111d('r II:e�year an� according to Coach \Vhite, ca�y life. I say. tae yourseli in h:l11!!. :'t:'pin',. oj the :\Jr:-. 1�(·111l"1l1 all.l\it �tands a good chance of \Vinning. Limitations only, br�,ng succes_�.'':_ :\Ir�. Howard Gould.__ 1-----------------1CHICAGO WOMEN SEND rRENCH CLUB HAS ELECTION-SP:ECIAL FROM STETSON"THE PASSING OF THE ner of the quarter. A large number ofTHIRD FLOOR BACK" the old men were back. Skull andlID'S DEPARTMENTs Continued from pag.: I) Committees Appointed andMade for This Quarter.(.11 ,Ia�l year, why, almost double thatEquality ha'i been and ever shall is seven, of course. I sahel Jarvis was elected presidentbe the watchword of The Daily Ma- Five Hunters-Three Birds. A the French club ill the meeting inroon, With this noble sentiment in The tive men are all living in a �pellllan house yc-rcrduy aft eruoon.;nind. could we eliminate utterly cottage ncar the college, with one of The other officers cl cc t e r were vicc­from the columns of the Maroon all men's mother watching over the 1lI_ IJrt·�i<1eIl1, Ina l'erigo. -cc retary ; St,·items of men's news even if our own The. otl'cr day, there were going' zaune Morin, and Tr ca surer. Floren-I• • fl' • I· hunting and so they as kerl us over cc Knight. IIS ID mte y superiorj The answer is .plain-We could not. True we have t') dinner at which quail Oil toast was Thc new president app .. int cd a prll_had to wri f h' to he the "piece de resistance." nut it gl'am commit tee, con,;i:-ting of Jean-i 0 write most 0 t e news of theMen's department ourselves. true al, was necessary to get special before e t t e Tandy. chairman. Regina Stra-ha ' \H' could accept the invitation, so all u-«, \\ inifn'd Monroe. Suzanne �I .. r.,so, W t news our Men's staff hasb • d . five men trooped over to Chaudoin in. and l!1anche Mason. and a re ,su mnte , IS, mildly speaking, cap-b with a little notc, asking for the de- Fr c sluncut cornmit t ce, Ina Per ie (I,a le of improvement. Neverthc1es�, �a few more Women's editions, a few sired permission. The next day they c ha ir nmn. Sybil \Vright. Geisertmore Men's departments. and wo went hunting and returned at night I (Iowa rd. Anna Louise Ford. andhope to see reportorial genius radia, wit�1 their game-thr.ee birds, one ofl �m'a�lIle Fi:-her. �Ianche Masun wasting from this as from the other col. which was shot to pieces because ail :1))I)ollItl'll a Cll1111111ttee of UIIC to careiive cf the boys tired at it. As III for the posters.ums of our paper.- The Editor. . ... write this.the hunters have returned The dub decided during the quar-trom a trip with fort y-six ducks and t c r tu invite member-s of the Ro_OUR MEN'S EDITOR there were only two in the party this mance faculty to speak on subjectsWROTE THIS STORY time.FAIR N'EST -CE PAS?: I)f 1.!eneral interest.Chicago womcn are well represen-ted in the activities of Stetson. Eliz, \VOME�-I'S GLEE CLUBS ACTIVELast night at 6:30 p. m, by the clock abeth Rider and Mary Ann Whitely;in the Reynolds clubthe Skull and are on the basketball team. I�uthl Riv al Campus Glee Clubs PreparingCrescent started to eat its first din- .\gar and Lorraine Cleary arc to hel for Spring Concerts.Iin a production of "Strong.heart 'Iand l\liss Cleary has the leading' rOle'l The w.uucus Glee club ha s addedCrescent will hold another dinner ill E\'eQ' afternoon we devote to trav : v, Cl new mcrubc r s to its rank, My rathe ncar future. The dinner la-t; e l and seeing Florida. DeLat:II is a l�l')'l1()ld,; a nd Frances Sluuubaugh.night was eaten in the private dining );(·a.ntiful little town with mall)' pOil1tsi rra�·ticall.Y �I:I, .PI:�C�,s in tl�e club arcroom of the Commons. of interest ncar by. There is the old 11. \\ lull. exr cpt mg for an altu orStetson home a chain of several little t wo. The club is now practicing everylakes and th� Ponce de Leon Springs. 2\1 c u day in the School of EducationI· I I f theater under the direction of Mrs,REPORTER'S FIRST TRY \\' IIC 1. as we a I now ror.. our hist.,d b I � KolIsuat. These Monday afternoonAT IT. NOW COMPAR� ory, were suppose to e tne "Foun-, t;:in of Youth:' \Ve have taken many practices promise well for thc con-autornobile drives, horseback rides cert which the club is planning toThe Pen xx c1?ub had a meeting at and moonlight walks to these various give in the sprin� quarter. The clubIojooclock yesterday. mr! pfeffer who places, and Saturday the Chicago hopes that the concert will be givenis ! president and has beenxb since party is going on a picnic to the de in l\landel.fi last year resideo at the, meetinxg Lt:on SiJrings. ilesides, we are }>lan-which was a good! one? Mr.pfefftr . t. • tIle coast, to Daniel Prothero, choirmaster formng to ta,,(' a tnp tosaid th:1t there would be a dinner Or. GlInsaulu� at the Central ChurchCuha, to St. Augustine and to Jack-some time next t 0 mr? fitch who is '11 . 1 S J I' ha� heell en�age<1 to lead thc Green-�on\'1 c, via t Ie t. 0 Ins fiver.a author from peoria X ? ) there were Altogether, we are spending a most wood Glee club for the rest of thesome (nominations made for elec4 delightful winter and only wish that ycar. The cluh which is compo�ed oft ion but i forgot which wete nomin- more of you were dOWI1 here with us. ;t1)()ut thirty-fi,'c resident� of the hallated) ? has reorganized, and will practic\'eC\'ery Tuesday e\'ening under the di­rc.:ction .:>f Mr. Prothero. The Grecn­wood songsters plan to entertaintheir friends with serenades, inform­a! concerts at their aftcrnoon recep­tions, and later in thc year wi�h some'nore pretentious public concert onTHIS IS THE CUBMr. pfefe r t he (men? 5 de- FIVE-MAROONELECT NE!GHBORHOOD councilparxxmcnt.(Coatinuecl from p •• e I)THE SECOND VERSIONAFTER WE TOLD HIMJUST HOW TO DO IT pe on the stairs is altogether to()tame' for the Neighborhood clubs.Lexington Changes Appearance.The party will be held in Lexing·ton, hut in a Lexington so tran�­formed that some of the women arebt-ginning tf) worry lest their partymay be the innocent means of con­vincing the faculty that Lexington isan attracti\'e enough place for allfuture gencration of Uni\'ersity wom­cn-notwithstan(ling its usual barn­like character. The �!tort Story club held an ex-. 11' • . Icqll10na y mterestmg meetmg yes-\tt·rday afternoon .. Today the first at-Itempt at original work by MissSwcat, :\[155 \\,hitncy. l\Ii�s l\Iaynard�::\lrs. :, i.::1wh;on, 1\1 iss Sterling, anrl1\iis:, Swawitc. For the next meteing,lnn Fehruary 5. which will be open to I';i:-it()r�. l\Iis� Edith 1\1. Colson IIknown to }{ecord- Her"lfi readers as. d . Ih00k-t'c\,lewcr. poct. an story- wrltcr Iwill hc t!�c chief �peaker. For another,meeting �J rs. Louis nctt�. wife of the:noted portrait POltn!er. will speak on'the malll�er of gathering mfttcrial fnriefiecti\"t. hackgrounds. She is espcc-IiuJ1y tit tnl to sp('a k on this �uhjectI.. ince she has niilccl her hl1�han<l in'this way for hi, pict\1re�.the campus.George Fitch, the humorus writer0: conege stories in the SaturdayEvening Post, will be the guest ofthe Pen club at its dinner \Vednesdayc\'cning, Fet)ruary 8. The Pen clubhas been corresponding with Mr.,Fitch for some time time but no datefor the dinner was set until yester­day. CLUB INVITES VISITORSMiss Colson and Mrs. Betts AddressShort Story.'X ominations were also made for'election of officers which will be held At a mceting hcld at I :30 lastnext week. Roy Baldridge, Elmer Be· \\'ednesday. :\Iiss Edith Coonley waiaUy and \Valter Foute will submit 111ade general chairm;ln of the com­the nominations to the club. The el- mittees in charge ot thc entertain­cction will take place Sunday morn· mente At a meeting to be held at theing. February 5. at II o'clock at �(;l11e hour today final arrangemenBRoofs studio where the club wiil will be made.meet to havc its picture taken for the -----LIMITATIONS ARE PRAISEDCap and Gown.Junior College Speakers Says Ab·sence of Limitations is Danger­ous.VARSITY SWIMSAGAINST NORTHWESTERNTHIS EVENING i A GA INOur Semi-Annual SpecialBlue, Black and GraySerge or Cheviot Suit,w:th extra Trousers ofsame or Outing materiaL$30.00{/�Tailor for Y oun� MellTwo Stores: 131 La Saile Street.:44 Jackson 90ule,·ard.tUnON, 2ft in.. high BEDFORD. 21 iLlIiPA TheN'ew .RROWNbtch' COLLARSSit snu�ty to the neck�the-t(;pnneetin front and there is ample spacefor the cravat,Lk.,2 for 25c. C�uett. Peabody &: Co_Mak.en\BostonGarte:- -Fits smoothly andkeeps up the sockwith neatness and1 sccwity. It iscomfortable be ..cause its w�arerdoesn't fee! it.The Bos1onGarter keeps itsfuengthandexcels in wea ....value. FullyguaranteeNewpc!lrfree if youfind an im..�iIiIlhilifiiiiIperfeetion.&mpl.Pa1r.Colton. :ZlIc •• SUk., GOc:..)!"i1·.1 ,'. ""f'�i,lt f·f ,.,"i"�.CEORC� FR03T CO., MAKERS,� · .. ·nn. U.<;_A.Established 1877L. H. Prenti(e Co.for Hot-Water'Engineers and Steam udContractorsHutincHot BlastandHeating andMechanical VentilatingVentilation Apparatusi'ewer Plants and Power Piping24-�6 SHERMAN STREET:\ r:1r floard of TradeCHICAGOPr"h,.I.I)' Ih,. Jarll""d firm of thisUnd ill thewodd.viz,: udoJai .. dy HNlina A�,. .... S-­ar.d Hot WalCfIMI Beata. ! .. i,�.T.-.1• ' �! ,j,THE DAILY MAROONI I Et-;-���TTES!JTO SOCIAL CAUDAl After all. you see a GargoyleUe al-ways was a lady gargoyle. We know---- ....;. that. because the Managing editor'sfit" ·innin n x k . dictionary says "ette," Frencli. g .g e t wee a series of feminine ending. So today, We areJudge parties are to be given by the only coming into our own in theYoung Women's Christian League Gargoyletn, column.. " * * * *ev ery Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock University of Chi' d. ago. mcorporateIn the League room. Thirty-six worn, Tht; staff of the Women's Editionen, divided equally among the grad- submits the nam.e of Merle Reese forl' • the Board of Directors, out of grati-1 ate, the active and the prospective tude to him for letting us use his nicemembers will be asked \0 each one. Maroon Oftice today.* * * *One of our cub report.ers asks whyshe should 110t mcJude 10 her Juniorchapel story the numbers of thehymns and psalms.* * * *ary 31 at 6: 30 p. m. Those who will 0, Fudge! We can do that toohe present: are Hazel Stillman, Mar- We've wondered many times befo�e,'·::ret Mitchell Nathaniel Pfeffer R Just why that certain classes are;." ,, C'" Is to grve us a chanceno }{ec\'e, Vallee O. Appel, Raymond To see Professor Frederick Starr?Daly, Richard Teichgraeber, Kent . " .* * * *( 'h dl J D I I crrucs Wise find Shakespeare'sI . an.. er, ames onovan,. Dana playsMorrison. Mr. and Mrs. David Allan Just literature, as we were taught.l\(Ooertson will chaperon. And let philology go hang ,0, Why does Thomas Albert Knott?* * * *The Reynolds club annual Hard Gleaned from the Editor's diction-Times party will take place this eve. ary.. h Degrce.n, a cumulative tuition re-ningt and t e dancing will start ceipt.promptly at half past eight. Some of Honor scholarship, n,· a malicious.II h'l . Machiavelian machination designed:t lose w 0 WI I attend expect to Wlt- to stigmatize the holder as' a dig, and�--------------�-----.------�---� ness the fird half of the baskdbaU sak guard ag�n� all Prom hld�II game between the University Fresh- . Pass.n, a free ticket of transporta­tion usually marked C- no assurance��-�-----���-�-���----���-�---��� �en and �organ Park Academ� be ag�nst delay. accident; or "flunks�fore going to the dance. Coach Ray; Senior.n, a patient who has swal;croft has kindly consented to admit Iowerl the last dose. and is cured.Ser-vice scholar'shiprr, an mgeniousdevice used for occupying the stu­dent's time so that he shall be in noMiss Sarah Martin and Miss Tern, danger of an Honor scholarship.Sec Honor scholarship.pic will leave next week for a six Zero.n, from Hindoo Ze, meaningweeks' vacation in New York. They easy, and ro meaning row. The back\·v ill be entertained Saturday by the or last row of ",cla;s �oo� seats.I Senior kindergartners of the Schod \Ve admit we have -some doubt con-I cf Education with a luncheon at cerning how long the Freshman>Field's. whose English .40 yellow b?ok is. quoted below will remain with us.* * * * .. A good example of ballad meter isthese two lines which is Milton's, TheRape and the Locke"When that Aprille' with his show­ers soote,The droghte of March hath vercedto the R oote."* * * *From a letter sent special to theThe faculty of the School of Edu- W. A. A. editor of this edition, it ap;cation will receive informally in the pears that James Davies Lightbodyart rooms of Emmons Blaine hall sometime sprinter for this institution,I is fully equipped for matrimony. Hetomorrow evening, at eight o'clock. has won, in the course of his wander-The reception will be followed by ings abroad, 23 cups of various sizesand shapes. silver and gold linedI silver knife, fork and spoon in acase. 2 flower vases, metal and Ger­man silver. I handbag for travelling,and 2 pieces of statuary, one of amarathon runner, the other of Liber­ty or Justice holding a pair of scales,I fruit-stand of silver to say nothingof match-safes, cigaret cases. Mer­schaurn pipes and steins. Anyone in­tcrested?* * * *Pat Page suggests that we run aspecial matrimonial agency for ath­letes. That Japan trip must have beenfairly uninteresting for some.* * '" *>\r,tII�I. '� ..:t '; �r �:/' .�,. � "DO YOU LIVE?If you reside in the district boun dcd by 57th and 63d streetsand Cottace Grove ave. and the La �:e, you can get The DailyMaroon delivered to you for the b allance of the college year,before breakfast, every morning.SPECIAL OFFERThe price is SI,75. If you take advantage of this offer beforeFebruary IS, you will receive as a prenuimII IS FREEA $2.0,) fountain pen-the kind that carries with it a yearsguarantee-THE DIAMOND POIN r FOUNTAIN PEN.This offer is for a limited time only. Take =dvantage of itnow-THE DAILY MAROON.M iss Alice Garnett is not in college Real Conversation.Freshman to Sophisticated Senior-this quarter, "Ethel. how many times l!ave youhe en kissed hy a man?"Senior. dazed hut with dignity­Edward Pietsch has been pledged. Kitty. my mind is on other thingsPeta Theta Pi. than the counting, and and, _"Freshman, interupting very freshly-"\Vhy not wear a speedometer?There will be a Reynlds club * * * *-moker on Friday evening, February A.D .T. Boy on steps of Foster-1. X'one of the details are available "Sav is this Foster hall?"1.iaid- _ .. y es."hut Roy Baldridge says that the en- A. D. T. bov much relieved-"Whattcrtainrne nt provided will be up to floor is the University of Chicagothe usual standard. on?"* * * *The Undergraduate Council willheld a dinner for its members at theChicago Beach Hotel, Tuesday, Janu,* * * *STORE NO.2750 E. 63RD STREETTEL. NORMAL 5915Hatter �nd FurnisherA complete line ofMEN'S WINTER WEARAT POPULAR PRICESOPEN EVENINGSWe respectfully solicit your p&troD&ge them to the game in costume.* * * *Tickets were mailed today to thone hundred and fifty men who have-ignitied their intention of attendingthe Senior Prom.* * * *MALT MARROW"The Tonic �hat Strengthens."Malt Marrow is a 6 :eat brain builder-it is recommended by physicians.A �I Druggists sell it.Produced by the manufncturcrs of"ALMA MATER"McAvoy Ma1t Marrow Department,2340-8 South Park Ave.Phone Calumet 1064.* * • •.-\ J l1nir.r class dance to he givcn inth(· l<cynolds cluh has heen announ_'('d for Friday, February J.* • • *FOR A GOOD LUNCHEON OR DINNERGo to 1015 E. 61at St.NEAR ELLIS AVENUE.Luncheon, 11:30 A. M.;2:30 P. M ..Dinner, 5:00 P. M., ;:zo P. M., 2S Cents. , .uancmg.• * * *The Phi Delta Theta fraternity en­tcrtained at dinn·er after the Scoreclub dance Saturday, January 14 atthe DeI Prado hotel.• * * •The Chi Rho Sigma'sinformal dancing partynolrls club, Saturdayf:;urth of February. wilJ give anat the Rey,evening the!Hats of Distinction and CharacterTHE IMPERVIOUS $3.00 I. --i. the Hat they are all raving about. I . * • * *• • * *We carry a complete line of StetscnHats. • • * •• • • •February 8 has been named by thePen Club for their dinner at theCommons,• * • •Ther(' wil he a Junior class dance;11 the Reynolds Club, Friday. Fcl:­n�ary .1,If the ice is good the Junior <:Ias�\'jlJ ha\'e a �katin� p�rty on the Jack,on I'ark I�goo�, Tuesday, Feh�\1ary• rI from � \0 6 o'clock,B. L. AMES HAT CO. Tribune Bldg. Establbhed 117390 E. MADISON ST Mi� ... T:tlhct- The women of thisjUniversity need more rccrea:",n'lmore p:trtJ('�.:\'j.,. Dt"(IJ,,··· Y('". I thil�k th('y :lre«11 o\'cr\Vorkin� in the �ymnasittn,.1T"m �oing to insist on less work* * * *Tonsilitis on the campus and the __ ----- •"Gargle if' column in the Maroonhroke out at the same time.* * * ** * * *Imaginary Conversation.The women-What do youof our edition of the Maroon?The men-Honestly. it's thepaper we've had since the lastyou edited it.::: � * '" think CUT 1'HIS OUT.This Ad. Is Goodfor SI.OOCall us up and we willsend one of our expertPiano Tuners. who will ac­cept this coupon as $1.00discount. TIle regular priceis $2.5C.·This is a bona fide offer.111is ;\,d. must be presented,if you desire the reductionLouis LowenthalPianos that please.112 West Madison StreetTelephone Monroe 2511.WE ALSO RENT PIANOS.A. G, SPALDING & BROS.THESPALDING re the largestManufacturers.n the world ofJOCOl.-.,. .OFFICIALEQUIPMENT..is known throu­ghout the worldas aGuarantee ofQuality. for all AthleticSports andPastimes. •J1(1fOODJ'lalt'OBASS'GKJSBNlVCl'!SAlt"JU.I":E'JY°T.YCC2 FTHE-M.de-FSuecf1133- _-1Ice C1IBOJ0'(63rcDry IFMID-WlJ.I111].;.,. :v.We:ua"JTHEIF YOU are interested in athletic sport, you should have acopy of the Spalding CatalougueI·'s a complete encyclopedia ofwhat's new in sports, and is sentflee on request.A., G. SPALDING & BROS147 Wabash Ave.. Chicaco.Torie (deep curve)Lenses are theBest Lensesas we make them. Exe�TEc,JEVE]AU, hOITel H;CE: Cl3Pi�tut1iCh--PEWe can make them beat. hecau� we have the beatoptical machinery forgrinding them; the beatfacilities for adjusting andfitting them; the ezperienceand akill that enable a uato determine ju�t how theyahould be made for YOU.�- -N. Watry '& Co.OP:'IC&ANS99·101 Randolpb StreetToo wUl nn.r h.". tt7C!ota. eoIftIoft.�enee or I.na eHic:ienc:y 1IIdil J'O'I'_ar SHUR'ON ey.olasae ..... m-......tMm._.Ha_ your old 1_ pat Into •� SHUR:QN Mognting. ._ ... "besttime 1----------------A. lVIcADAMSTHEStudent's Florist:BrcJ St, and Kimhark Ave,Phone H. P. 18Tnt:- LITTLE ART CORNER1�r.) E. 53rd ST.The !'hotlting and the tumult dies.The editors and the cuhs dep:trt,Still sticks the managing editor"With sleepy and rebellious heart. 'Come to me, fudge box! Nearer yetI �Let \,\S {orget! L(t us {orgetl --------- _ -Arts and Crafts GoodsTHE .. LACE TO BUY YOUR elF rspnrOODnilWOODBASSlVOODGBAYWOODJSBNWOODftAltWOODJUPLEWOODETC.YOU WILL FINDWHATYOU ARE HUNTING FOR� •• oCOLLARS2 FOR 2S CENTSTHEY AilE IN GIlEEN BOXESMade by EARL & WILSONFamolll for � CollaraPhcne Hyde P � rk 1128Closed Sundays.Wilkens Bros.Successors to Robert BennettBakery '& Cafe1133 East 63rd StreetNear Lexington Avenue.Chica8o.W. Quinn1035 East 63rd StreetIce Cream and HomeMade Candies.BOX TRADE A SPECIALTY.O'Connell Bros.63rd and Ingleside Avenue.Dry Goods' Shoes andFurnishing GoodsMID-WINTEE. CLE.A.B.ANCE SALENOW GOING ON.J. R. Wilcox � Co.1023 E. 63rd Street.Dry Goods andFurnishings.January Sale Now On.! VALENTINES'We:Ha.ve the Largest Assortment toBe Found in the City.THE DUDLEY SHOP1130 East 63rd Street.Phone Hyde Park 4391.SWeeneyExclusive Millinery1131 E. 63rd Street.Chicago.Phone Hyde Park 4382;THE DELICACY SHOPIlo6 East 63rd Street, Opposite Greenwood A vc.jEVERYTHING FOR THE TABLEAll home cooking. Finest delicatessengoods.OaJmeal Cookies Shamrock RoUsTel Hyde Park 937;CHENEY ART STUDIO,Clyde E. Cheney, Proprietor.Piemres and Framing. China andi China Firing. Developing andPrinting.1141 East 63rd St. ChicagoTHE ADAMSBILLIARDS and POOLCigars and CigarettesTO:--'·SORIAT. PARLORSPhone H. P. 278T. M. MITCHELL1166 E. 63rd St.PENANT� POST CARD�STATIONERY.PhoneHyde Park 5529JOSEPH'S CANDY SHOPCor. 63rd St and Kimbark Ave.Chicago. THE DAilY 'MAROON FRIDAY, JANUARY 2'1, 1911.MADAM BUTTERF'L Y GIVEN'BY FOSTER INITIATESTHE eagerness of our customers totake advantage of the remarkable bargains we'renow offering warrants us in doing it; it's a wholesaleclearance of Hart Schaffner & Marx finest goods. at30, 40, 50 per Cent reductions.OVERCOA TS, Silk lined, of richest mater­ials, of best styles; $37.50, $40, $45, $50"allies.NOW CLEARING AT $25FI NE trousers, Hart Schaffner & Marx best \goods : $5, $6, $6·50, $7.5°, $8 values;many fine suit weaves among them.NOW CI·EARING AT $3.90Maurice L RothschildFANCY waist coat, in all the favored weaves,colors, patterns, smart new stuff, $4, $5"$6, $6.50 waist coats.NOW $2.50Monev,refundedcheerfully The home of Hart. Schaffner a IIarz Clothes. Stetson hats,IlaDhattan shirts. Johnson a: Murray ShoesSpecialists in good clothes; and nothiDc elseSOUTHWEST CORNER JACKSON AND STATE ChicagoMinneapou.St. PaulNoble· B. SOPfj'TAILORTelephou Ceatnl 1444American WrItIng MaC/line Co.Established more than 20 yeanI.-torence Fairleigh Stars in JapaneseOpera-Mary Garden Witness-es Play From Box.Two scenes from Madam Butterflyin true Japanese daintyness were giv­en last night by the new house memobers of Foster hall as the finale oftheir initiation. Florence Fairleigh asMadam llutterfly and the chorus-or'chestra, playing ravishing airs oncombs ana bowing to the depth ofJapanese courtesy, mac.le charminganc.l realistic oriental maic.lens.The second act was prefaced, ac,cording to the human librettos, Mar­jor ie Wilson. and Olive Bickle, by the:.rraval of Pinkerton, usually knownas Florence 1-1 unn, anc.l his Americanwife, Helen Brooks. To relieve thesituation, Sally Thompson, the consulwoos M adam Butterfly and she prorn.,i-es to wed him. The poor abandonedbabyboy siezes his Grandfather'sdagger and crying "My Paw hasmarried another maw: my maw hasmarried another paw," stabs himself.A quick curtain robbed Mary Gar­den, Victoria and the rest of the au­dience of a dainty funeral marchwhich ended all that the unitiatedwere permitted to see of the Fosterinitiation.The human liberetto came back toexplain that the baby was only aFreshman, Isabel Hendricks' and thedagger, Foster's c.lull breadknife.WOMEN'S GYMNASIUM ANDCLUB ROOM DISCUSSEDPresident Judson Tells New YorkAlumni That Women's Building Iis Expected Soon.J n a talk before the Eastern alum­ni of the University of Chicago inNew York this week, President J ud­son discussed the question of newbuildings for the University."There is still need of further con­tributions, or at least a desire fort(.lem.,"· said J,:lersident Judson, �'irrorder that Mr. Rockefeller's millionsmay be put aside for endowment. Wehope to have half a dozen new build­ings within a few years, one for thedepartment of geology, a gymnasiumand club house for women, a build­ing for the classical departments anda stadium for the athletic field."The only building planned from theRockefeler money, he said, was aGothic chapel costing $1,500,000."The question now before theboard of trustees," he continued, "in­volve not only adquate buildings, butalso a pian of retiring allowances forthe faculty, care of the new libraryand largely increased funds for thebooks and scientific department. Itis also a necessary part of the Uni­versity plan to have a medical schooloi high standard. Definite plans for itwill be made, in the near future."STAFF HAS UNSOUGHT AIDEditors Are too Wise for ReynoldsClub Jokers."Hello, is the The Daily Maroon?Ycs? Well, I want the sporting edi­tor this is a sporting proposition.P.ello? Sporting cditor? Say, this isthe University Fakir's association,\\·hat? Yes. a new student activity."We have a story for you. Did youknow that Julius Englehart is goingtil take Dean Vinccnt's place whenh· lcavcs r Dead !'ccrct-he only re·ve a led it when told that it would bef'f �reat interest to the women whoread thc Maroon tomorrow."The above is only a small sampled the stories that came in over thewires. to The Maroon yesterday.Who shalt say that the women work­�(1 hard in getting out their editionthan did myriads of self'.appointedreporters? 175 Dearbom Street. Comer M .... oeWHAT IT MEANS.. American Factory Rebuilt" meaaa a cla.. of typewriters, 81Ieb _no other concem does or caD rebaild a.� we do. It is an ideatifJiAI tenDused t., diatincuiab our machiaea frem the Kt'e&t mass of typewI'itenwhich �re oltered aDder the name "RelJuilt."It means that if you buy an .. AIDer. can Rebuilt Typewriter" of �make.. yt'u ..-ill let a FACTORY re1:;.uilt machine, rebuilt with newpam; not one that bas been simply repaired and fixed un in an ordi­nary shop, but one equal to new in mechanical quality.V;e guarantee every machine we sell for one year, and alao cuar­antee tbe title.The Original Type� riter Exchange...... .." a..k._ � •• NI.I .(,enC7.. Ie ... "If � .IAIII�JI9 Dearborn Street, Chicago Telephone Harrison 4085Be a lopl stu4eat .. 4 s.bsc:rIM ior The DaiI,. Marooa.OYERCOA TS in all the good models, manysilk lined; $20, $25, $28, $30, $35 values.NOW CLEARING AT $18SUITS of choicest weaves, many of them silklined; the best styles, $37.50, $40, $45,$50 values,NOW CLEARING AT $25SUITS that have been seling at $20, $25, $28,$30, $35.NOW CLEARIKG AT $18YOUNG men's .special snappy styles; suitsand overcoats of best quality; $20, $25,$28, $30, $35 values.BOW CLEARING AT $18A SPECIAL lot of very excellent pure wooland worsted suits; large range of colorsand patterns.NOW CT.EARING AT $12.50French MethodHand LaundryI I 46 E. 63rd Street.P)9C)ne H. P. 61 I J-Our 18 years of experience inthe laundry trade is the benefitgiven to our customers.Our agent, P. A. Soocbman, willcall and deliver your laundry freet�f charge.Meadin& and darnin& Free.Second Floor.Slwdents 11I1n" of it ---II1dIa JI..t SSe fIIIIIllc .......... �.. JI..t .... _.. .. ,...eac�. ibeW.�"'. II!",-w.ike ......... co.e b7.., oec.L COHN 11t1 £.6151, w.u IIJI"AVAITOR HAifSBe original and wear an up-to-datehat. Plain, $1.00. With letter or num·eral embroadered on. front, 'I.so.State size. Satisfaction guarant�HAROLD ABRAHALLEast Momachea, New York.Chicago Kent College of LAWBe • 1awyft'. Good 1awyt'n a� h. eon .. tantdemand. Hilth"t paM rro'nsion. �f'nln�eourwa. D� L.1 .. n. in thrff ,l'aMl. t.a'lt·� an" MIlt f'quip� l'''enh,� La" Schoolin tlar "or1". We tlnd rosiUons in la" of·ftce. tor hundred. of Itudf'nu yeoarly, .0th� ma, nm npl'ntlt"l "bne "or1dM fora ,,�. Ra� t'halK'f' f� ambitiml!t rOlli',1M'D. !net for FI'ft CataJocue. AddrHsCHICAGO KENT COLLEGE OF LAW.1 GOt 1'0 Dearbom 8tl'ftt.Lec:c.n aoo... 215 LV •• Barna St., ClaicapTHE DAILY MAROON FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, i9if.I,� andel CfJro/herJare rebilildiJ!ff, and a J'll!}JluJ' if onemillion dollarJ" worth of: merehandiJeiJ fo be e/ored jor 1625,000.5Jf1lflnl'izJ,{Jf/ol1ct-!/!:__/OlllJtl!J) 30..the: areater: lfa_t:!70'!)1 event ill. zlteh1JfOry cf ��.10 mer'eha�lchJ'!!!f'7n erJ�v! c9't.-u!!!;aralleied b2zfYa;n.;:�artieularJ In ihe new£jJapezuFATIMA� TURKISH't!)\t.uJ B LE N D ::;;;t)CIGARETTES� ETYMOLOGYWords, Words, Words- it takes "bunches" ofwords to .'describe Fati­mas. They're so indi­vidual, so diffeient� Justsmoke one, and get thatindescribable satisfactionthat comes from a perfectblend of rare tobaccos.My word - but they'refine. 20 for 15c-an­inexpensive package -"and you get ten additional.Wit}, mJ. � 0/Fatbna JIOU ,eI_ a pm­nanl CDGfIOJI. 25 0/rdriclr "XCIIR a hand­.-rae lell coHeRe �n­nanI ( 12z32)-xiec­lion 01100.mE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO.c LASSIFIED \" ADVDlTISEMENTS'Ra __ TJuee Jin .. for 25 cent&. ISiz word. to the line. IFiye iDHrtion. for the price of four.No adyertiaement taken for Ie ..tbaIl 25 cent-.CaU Dl1l8t accompany order.Near Lexington.Your a College BoyWith your College joyAnd your College Togs,That's why we want yau toto call and see the Swell Suitsand Overcoats we're selling atFurnishings! You Know it;Were there, with all kinds ofthem $15 and $20For Sale-Very desirable framehouse, with two story stable, on lot j37 1-2 x 175, located at 5548 Monroe Iavenue. tfj 24-For Rent-Two comfortable roomsin modern flat. Light housekeepingjf preferred. Terms reasonable. 6049Ellis -ave., 2d Apt. pj 25. 26. 27 SILVERMAN & SON1125 fast 63rd Street w. A. A. HOLDS FIRST TRYOUT I(Continued from page I)blesome �)lI.:lil':'� uf the univ e r su j-va l. Marguerite Swawite, Willreveal hither-to unknown fact about: tl�c base-ball men's actions in the: la nd of cherry blossoms while G-;:r­(TUUe Perry, Catherine Lee and sev­cral other have something good upt i.cir sleeves.In spite of this outlook, the chairman of the stunt cvuunittee.Miss Cat­lill, would like tu have a great manymore women express their intentionLv do stunts, so that there may bea large number for the committee topick from. These stunts should be� ubmittcl by" the end of the nextI week, at the latest, as work on themmust begin very 50011.Many on Committee.The \ arious committees in chargeof -the vaudeville have been at workduring the past \\ cek. The commit­I tees are composed of:I Stunt committee: Florence Catlin.I chairman; Elizabeth Burke, RuthU�ll:-I'II, Florence Hunn, ErnestineEva n s, Alice Lee Herrick, and Cath­crinc Lee.Advcrusing committee: Effie Hew­itt, chairman; Elizabeth Courtright;I"U Margaret Rhodes.Fiuanace committee: Mary Phister,.vugusta Swawite and Edith Love.Rcirc_,;hment committee: Olive Da­vis, chairman; Marjorie Preston, andDorothy Fox._Program committe: Ruth Reticker,c h�irlllan; Juliette Griffin and Ger­trude fish.The general chairman will meet thechnirrncn of all the committee todayat one-thirty in the Neighborhoodroom.The vaude vi lle will probably be:�i\cl� in Mandel, this year, a iactwhich is greatly to the advantage ofall concerned, as that place accomo­�I:t t c s a larger number of people, both(,L t: l' stage and in the audience. Iti, }!. .ped that the association will1'::!1,l' more than twice the money, asin iormer years, The date of the pcr­jllrmallcc is February z.uh.I!ARD TIMES PARTYDRAWS WIERD CROWD'-I',"c (Continued from page 1)__heard him all rigl�0\'hat Ididn\ hear y;a'" some old tramp say­iTer-: !lv'li en_ioy his h;\I1cl,)ut more if 1\\�, (.n hand tf, see him cat it:'TOil bacl. i"n·t? And thc handout i,.�I,illg' to he that time hOll0ured Illcal!ltr the s:an-in� Cuhan and the O\-cr­i(d ncw:,hoy, cider and doughnuts.Subscribe for The Baily Maroo •. CARSOri PIRIE SCOTT & en'. T,:<FINAL JANUARY CI.EARING OFALL SILK AND CHIFFONWAISTSA thorough inventory of our entirestock has brought to light all brok­en sizes and broken color lines­these thousands of waists we haverepriced on a lowered scale. Thereis not an undesirable waist in theentire offering. They are new stylesand in good colors.$3.95 for $5.00 to $6.95 WAISTS­Including waists. of soft silks in oriental de-.signs, also chiffons over color and solidcolored mcssaliues,$6.95 to $10.00 W AIST�-$8.75for1 ucludiug silk crepes, In an assortment oforiental colors, colored chiffons, also silkSome are made with yokes of dotted net or lace,$8·75 for $12.50 to $10.00 WAISTS-"�7�ncy '!-'ilk and chiffon waists. Full assort-·rncnt 0 f colors. Made with short yokes:sleeves with under cuff to match yoke.three-quarterFOllrl/, Floor. N ortli Room.The Man Who KnowsDAVID 'WEBERFOR THE PAST 25 YEARS CmCAOG'SExpert Dyer and CleanerMAIN OFFICE AND WORKS3'519-21-23-25-27-29-31 STATE ST.Telephone Douglas 524./IYou will feel like a child again when looking over theVALENTINES atTHE LITTLE BOOK "SHOP ;"/1147 East 55th Street.EMBOSSED ST ATIONERY FOR THEVVOlWEN'§ HALLSPOST CARDS - Latest novelties, Comics, Mottoes, etc. Best City,Park ann University Views - - -- 10 for 5 cts.VA LENTIES - Art Mottoes, Han�.':'ainted placques, choice comics,new 191 I Novelties.STATIONERY for School House and Office Magazines, Boob,Sheet. Music. Sporting Goods, Cigars and Tobacco.THE STAR LIBRARY, ,361 Fast 63rd Street.----------------------------------PATRONIZE MAROON ADVERTISERS.... • I ., lard 11mes PartyTatters of Cam]CItJEST �OSTUMEMakeups VJ.ryGenteel Crack�r.FumishesA large crowdta�ticaJ1y ul:ck(.'(iflocked to the "I;Times Party :lIldthe Reynolc!- chfloors were throvthe ba�emcllt htl"busy all ("\'ellil1�-!""numerous hard kcarefree hours. TIjoyments, also: inous kegs filled wimention the "'dip'grand march inrThe hard timeting out their �pMaroon was tittiRuth Reticker 'costume artisticnlof the Maroons.Eight prizes wrtumes worn. fourfour entries, TMo�t artistic-IMirY Phister; -"N.crick Peattie ancMost genteel-HBessie ShumachArthur VolmerThe four patroneLaing, Mr�, W. IRobert A. Millil;A. Robertson, acRivalryThere was kecrdance contest. Aall had their trynounced, The 10'first and secondman contestants,and small dippefrom their bcawrappings, PaulMargaret Haassners of these prEvery featureto remind the dlious precariousHoxes and kegsprovided. Th(: p'h'ely a hard tinu"rapping paper.and on the hackot a joyful hoborations. The drav"ey" Baldrid�e.Montana h:\sCosting $TO"C,::Jc.indiana r-ccutlof Phi P,ct� KaIndiana g'c.( bu000 they as kedtIre..Purdll� rC("ci,'of $100,000 (.-) bbrary, from the