,,,' ,.. � . ; I·�.t\!-:'?· ':" .'_' .. ,; . , .''1.. .I, "..: ,,",;1 *i;" ,. f :., ••• .1 ;'� ..... � ...... *'. ,. ;... '7 '::.' ... ..:.. ...... .... " .. '� •� �._ '... : .. ..... ,ti··.· '. ·tJ"I·d':.. !.'���.-":;' -.; i ��! �.. � ... ::!�:0, .'l;.J ·1.. . .'. .' .... � ...,rVOLUME IX NO'-·22. UNiVERSITY�� " .. ;.,'. ,.�>i��............................................................................;* ofTWENTY-SEVEN' WOU�MAKE DEBATlItG TEAMSMiss Alice Greenacre Lone WomanContestant against ,Twenty-S"lX'Male Candidates. ITRIALS TO BE HELD TO-NIGHT'One Group Will Talk in Haskell andthe Other- in Law) BuildingThis E�ening. 'The preliminaries for the University debating team will be held thisevening at 8 o'clock. The contestantshave been divided into two groups,one to speak in Haskell' and the otherin the north room of the Law building. Present indications point to themost successful contest in manyvears. Twenty-seven entries havej,,!en received, which breaks the previous high record of 26, set in 1907.Included in the list is Miss AliceG'reenacre. This is the first time inthe history of Varsity debating thata woman has tried for' the team.Although the entries closed officially at 4:30 o'clock yesterday, therule was merely a matter of convenience for the men' in charge of thecontest. Coach C. F. McElroy hasmade the statement that �nyone whoshould decide to cnter the competition may, by appearing this evening .at either of the speaking halls,ha ve his n?ome entered among.' !hecontestants..�--. --The--�isto--8'S" it: J.ft& Beua-acrang. . thus' far, i�llo��--i� 'th� '-oid�i ;;i-.;'pearance.Haskell Speakers.In Haskell; affirmative' speakers:J. B. Canning, Pa�l. Karsten,. CharlesLC\'iton, M. W. Reese, Lew MeDon:..·ald. P. M. a Dea; A .. R: .. B·�ar,. H.arryKneller. ..'; II .' Kegative speakers:] Levn Fonnesbee, M. T. Lord, Harry Woodworth, Alan Loth,: B. O. Knudson,M. L Schnebly. M. ..F. Carp,e.�te�will_ preside over this division andMr. H. P. Chandler, Mr. ]. W.· Hoov_er: and Professor Ai�in .S. J ohosoowill be the judges.In the Law building, affirmativespe�kers: Horace Sloan, Alice Greenacre, A.' P.- Scott, _M. F. Morrow, L.]. Gro�sman, -A .. F. ·�e·cklenbergerand L. D. Sargent.··Negative speakers: L. T. Hoff�an,A. P. Scott�., T •. L. O'Hen:t; A. G.Whitfield and' Ed. 'jennings. I. E.Ferguson will preside, and thejudge will be Professor C .. B. Whit-·tier, Mr. Gorsuch and Coach McEI-roy.The affirmative and negativespeakers \\;11· follow each other al.ternatively,· the main �peechcs to �six minutes in length and the. rebnttals four minutes. Six me." will bechosen frem each group to competein the finals on N o\'cmbcr 23.For the first time in the history ofUniversity dchating, a woman isamong the _contestants for the tcam.,Mis� Alice Grccnacrc has entere(1the �nmpetition.Coach McElroy Pleased.Coach McElroy is especiallyplcascli at the turnout this year andhis hopes fnr a repetition of lasty('ar's successes are high. "1 can geta hcltcr idea of the material at handthis year:' h(' snid yesterday. "than Icould last year. A1tllOugh only oneman of last YCflr's Varsity teams hasreturned. many of the entrants areold conipetitors and wi11 furnish akeen contest." ALUIIIII . 'nUl TO Dim'" ·.TEAM .pRAmcf.s�1Ai£:·TO. MEET'_fEl"'�chicago AaaociatiOD IDvitea' SeniorMen to Dinner Noy. 9 in UDiyersity Clu�Stagg and. Team to ibePresent.' SbewsStroaDy ....... {, "g'.!"Ball Boar � .. : .. -. .alan 81It·tI '-'IItJ" .,All Senior men of the Universityhave hee9 invited 'to attend the Uni;versity football dinner, to be givenby the Chicago Alumni club in thelarge college room of the' Universitydub on Wednesday, November 9 at6:30. The men. have been requestedto sign their names to a list in the The Varsity Wan. the' best of itInformation office not later than ' .. 1 .. ,.Elmel:i�.:..in the scrimmage yestet�y.. Twonoon of the day preceding the din-sets of Freshmen wer�' �(agaiiis� . Cema4o,rB�.�t,ez.nero them in two periods. of_'fif�eeD' min- &ele�:ilDhinftQ.IL ..Coach Stagg and the entire foot-utes each. The -first team' br-oke. up LOWER S�:'Q�ball team of the University- will .be .the yearling defense 'in bOth' �qUar. I. ;"r �. t. ... "present, as the dinner is particularly .. .' \ - f' wI. a., ..... j'.;rl>W�., ters." In the first, one touc� :AHtert..�.r'��t�.designed as a send-off t() the menwas scored.. and, in' the �c�n� ·'twO. Paul ell �r �before they leave for Cornell. Many Crawlev was the hero �f 't'lfe af'"�:':._. . • .:. �::� . .• '11 h I oJ .-. F �deDt.old C men, ;tS we as ot er a um- . . . . . '.. ' , ... � . .. .. ., .noon: scoring all the pOUlts '9" the William P. lianns.ni will be present. .first team. The . Fresh.en .. ·el�veo Miss # Kantrowitz.An interesting program 'is being. were unable to .get:�he p.��.tit, .. �.JaI'lrsl '.. F���.-prepared for the occasion. Dean .under way with .. �ny, grea. t... �h.• �,.· s. 'MlSs' tiien'14a·cNei'sh.Linn will read a poem written !by . . �' ;--;a-:-, The work r of die,team.hao.;aq en- ·Por-Treaurcr •.himself especially for the affair. Dda* couraging effect o�' the,. :ds.··���,;:."inj .. , . - -��cm.'-"'-Vincent is expected 'to deliver a shbrt �, _..�thJ�·speech. Many other members of tht .Saturday's game. �h�:�D; 1'��... , " .... 'JtnuORS.'faculty who' are members of the dul) in the best of con�.tion� . �!'f1. ��Y�" " .' . . �:J�, .well throughout. The sIl�a I o� . "':JIJ...i! t ftI..:u.�.·"i; •will be there. . the Varsity' was all the .better· be..! .. ,.�s UOIIull''''';Singing to Feature Program cause or" t1�e' absence of.severa.;oi tiiei I, Eblier ·Thomas. .Singing will be 'one of the features reg�ars·. ir'om . the )i�e�<,' �¥1 . !�:�.t.�.,'of the program, w:hich will contain mactier,. Kassulker' an4· 'Wfd�. lflUiilaJ..ISM: ::: .many musical. numbers. The ser.;. were out �f. the. l�n� - and . "'H,un�, . For Seeae�vices of a large orchestra have been .y oung from the back ��,�. .�le :secured. O. ther stunts are being ar- was given a . trial at ·quaiter1)i�-�J- . KisS· -HeIea-��. .., ... 1j ..... !l{�.�����y'�'tli�' �·om���tee ,�n en�erf. r.an. 'the team iIi g�a: ·Sbpe.· ... Thj .' jf:_��..��% _as:rl�!.����._, -����'f"::'':'E'�� .:�" ... � .�._.� �.�� '�,���"-'�,�::-: ".. "'Y:: •. ' .:' ... eoUl�ers � � .. CIUb �re'Fk?'" ;' ...... ,.�,:,._t ,��... : ...... �.� ."',::..;;:..���'� .. ;,-_�.niiili%!.;1l;-.�;·.'-:;..�, ... ,��:Stacy " C.� 'Mosser; Vlce-preS1de�L Sa\1,yer-�rt.�a��� �J':��:l'�.=:��C � .' c-·Brent Vaughan, 'secretini; Paul: v,.. Ganning-LeftIGuard. ._ .>J ·.... �_:�i.!.'Huper> � , �'!' Whiting�ent�r�'�- ,.. I::' . . 'i� Ii.iiit"·· ,.l "'This is olle ,'of the' biggest afPairl; V.ollmer-'Righdiuard.:' :'. n- __ . __",;,_", ... . . .... .'. ......._..J..... aR' ',.' :'. '.,ever 'given :by' the,' Cl;licago"'8Jumdi ,�rpen�er:-Rigl¥:Ta�'¥t�· j:;�. :jJ-;'i�'i�'�f:; ... '; '.',.- :' .. club, .. said Secretary Harper' yestetr- Mena�ruglii' 'End:: '. '.-' .:: ,:)".,: �_�'gW it .�:.; J',day .. ··We" bave�inVited all of ;thb " Law'ler��rterback:.· �:':r .. � n::�'C �Jre.n�J:j: j� :.' 1 .. : ;ro'; '.':";Seni�rs �?,� present pri�cipa1IY{.� < .. ·Rogers. an�.����<�:'·:·� .. "�" _ Ol .. ,v";>l:.?7.otikwi' +4:;:' }.::,� .,:-.;) -.cause it is a football dInner, anti Crawley�Right·lfa1fbaCk.·.. ?: JI�. ·,,;:<·.(��)'"riit �:!i . ':;"";".we want to give the team a rOuSin� ):� ��ung�FuU���.':.·; ;. :, ',. ':.: �)fl· !1:?tt2W2.�)';J�.:".':' .-: '.,'send�o. ff. befor.e ·th,�e.y.; le.ave. r;.or �, dr., .WDson.,'_ " 0Ut·. ··'.�,CI �•.• J�.,.:...,�.',.�; •. �::.:-. )!!�j . ;:-.wJUi* t1*-t '-"..,b ��,; """':�game in the East. The dlDner �11 It was announced :festb�,�� ., '. .�j ... ,.;ri "f eti;J '.; :,'.. thercf�re be 'mofe�of �����d�ira�-� Wiison: tb�: crippieci,;,·��;t i':�;- ':':!E>iiJ:�:- .",'uate than an alumni affair. 1:. g� . wOJlld Qe �iit' on tlie' fiei� 'iodj'y; __ Hi ": .. : . C 'IF. '?Ns '.,.l ,: ',"musical prognm' is -'assiii:eiC Wi�. 'broken coll�r':'�one 'h�:��c:�� .' r .� ..... ,._'. -.. ,singin� "he:priDC::i�al'f�ture: A,R. �f .Pl�tely .. and. <lll._be .la�kSis •.. ��;-;J i:" '!id��ORa'the Seniors·who are gOing' must Sign .bnng back the strengtIaJost:tlir� ·':;8,:��j.jfi, �devfue;their names to the list in the iDfot-' -the �riod or e�fotceci 'idl�' :;lIt r.' ,\,'. ,'";, >Jr� ··LOD� .mation offiCe. The (liiiner will co�ti is'able't� �aich a�.d kiCk·��;�;aa:i. ')-'9�'fi�flire�dlrowJi.$1.50 a plate." to ,run '�bout, but Dot"io:b"e inltm� :n�_l ,'��. ;.' -'-�·:"����,_iel:·P.. �effer.the· scnmmag� . He-', .WlIl p�1 . !- "I{�l�"il illlla,JPnddy.·AERO -CLlrB' TO' �ET' T()D�1y not - be' able to play utiJ the-Wi ., .. : . � ,: '.:' � �dl. Hemdo�. ...consin .gamt: •. aiihough .h.e.�y ��. ) ':ti�I��arj::LOuise ·Etten;.:. '; into the_Cornell.'ga· me:for ..... :i'few:-'liid.. (:. '�[ :.,': <:","_ R�...:';,v-.:: ..To Disc:ua P1aDa for.� D1irblg 1 l � �� ...This QUarter. �tes. '. His k�c��ng' �bmtY � would ..r·���.��La\d!���.·of value to. the team.·a�d, If_t�� 1:.,.,., •.• nW:· �afIaD..was c1�sc:. t;l·.drop�ck. in�gbt ��� .�:J0-4�Edith '.��. ''!h�::ee\��ung�'�� �ia: bot'Js .:�. :-":"'W:�==:a�""it� . a twisted: ankle a�d �. liJt . (�::��E%BIy IArent· .7��� .1ri;last- ni�fs., :scrim�'. '1' .fl-'-·'·� '1rJUiie�·i.iancte.·I�equence· .. : .��: . ·�H,"�fC>�j�. '�··��ljj�r:_rO��M�� �.s�.m.-shape·.�o 'be; used .apIQIt.P\lro .1;'. � .• . ::r�Af.l& Lotb�:although. tie may be' ta�e�·�t. .. tf t 1J:OO-12:oo-WiniMd�;C�g ..appea.rs that· Chicago� has' t�e��e .� ... .stHIey- F. Benson.cinched,: in order. . to, save him f6r;. "'1:rtcJo;.l:oo--Lo�g::Lee.·C-orn�J1. Kassulker.. -is.. not 'yet l�� . ..� .1tobert Fonger.sh�pe to get into a scrim�'; a"d' : ..... . .. . � Fualdin· ·Fisher.. Rademacher· has laid 'off for' a cobpIe of days in order·.to,a�oid �s.Work Not Hard .. Tbia, Week. 1The· men have'. Dot . heeti pbthrough a's hard practice 'as"h�s' �n:the case in the weeks of 't'he "I;h-fC'ur . game�. " Th� te�m. wa� in ekJ'('ellent· condition. bei�re 'i1i�' MibJ'ne50ta game. and .the· anxi�" .(ji th .c:"aches now is .. to � prevent its. tin� stale. The strenuous' wOrk'of tht'arlier. part of the se�soia so ��yel�ed the team that it wa!dii-binfr cdition than any �f tb�. �f�ve1i�I_it �112. '•. 0; ;'.1_WIlSON BACK 1N.;6AB::",, . " .. ":' \ ' ",'""Fracture Has HUi�� ��Will Probably Appaf iD:w�. sin�' � ....At a meeting of the Aero dabl tbis:'morning at. 10:30' in Cobb Sc, themembers will discuss plans for f1i�.development. The club .. has underconsideration plans' by which \ the'members can gain actual' experiencein aviation. It is rum�red .that the:dub will. enjoy flights i� Mr. GeorgeBarker's aeroplane some time. thisfall. if conditions' permit. It is proh:thle t�at a number of new -memberswill he reeeh'ed this morning. _L:00.2:JO-Bess Courtright.. Franklin Fisher.Junius' Scofield:I :J0-4�_idl! LOrenz.UPPER JUNIORS.. 8:00-9:�"�iet�: B�denoch.Don H011ingswonh.9:JC)-J.1 :�Beas� ScbuJllac1:ter. '... . . ':Ha�oid ·GoeUler.l ....-OO':��M�Rt �itcbel1. I." .• . ... .. Ge�i-ge K'uh, '12:00-1 �Esther Taylor.Halstead Carpenter.I :oo-2&vuiinia Hinkins.New Woman'. HaD at W--1KOIIlSift..:\ new woman's hall on the'�hores of Lake Mendota. one of the'llleasantest sites at the University ofWiscon�in, is foreshadowed by a recent purchase .of a 40.000 squaref9ot·tract which is' now the residence I ofJrhn M. Olin. A fund of $IOG.(JOOfor huilding the. proposed "allis to be in the handsof the board' ofngents. Until the new building' ISb�i1t the Olin .residence. win �be· usedas a hall for women. (Continued on pace 4) .......... f "" ... , ...... ..,·.. '� .... l�;.""':::'''·.coun91'�'!���U-de'TeUera Appointed aDd P_...,:�o��: ... '---.,�.:�!... 'Vote for class officers�.<�y-Irom S--until--4 �'clock in Cobb ....Upper -and LOweri·&e�."fr�te in.: ;the : -offiee: o� t1fe; � �. :cOlIege_;\i�a�. �hd Upper.-.�·t.o_�iTwi�;- '10rs -in 'the .offiee-of the J_ier��IJ.. 'lege' dean.' .R�9U� �JOFldM!) elee.:.',. tion' m'ay' b·e··obial�ed·,;at��e·,3r�:·=roorr office 'betweee---S--aad--6:30-.:�i�.i(?cki·; .'" ':,.1.: .. .: ... ;.: .. �lUDGE Dtmim;.�t$j:•TO AWUR''BWH1bCO.MO��m CLUBBecause of the' non4PPearance ofJur�e Du�ne in the Teclut�"rQOm inCohb hall . yesterday •. tbe. l�,Cta,e togiven by him: was' inciefi'it�.,. 'postponed. The Poliheal engagements ofJudge' Danu'e 1cept··i.hla r;ri,m ':filling'his' appoin�ment. No�e" . Witt - be.. i"en lat�r -if anothl!r 'lPtioiut\lJent ismad�'t, " - ", -. �: .. , ..., --\,"'" "'" �'._ .. ., ',TaR. DAILY MA·ROON.,�HtJkSDAY, NOVEMBER 3. 1910.',TIm, DAILY iIAJlOOM:· :DAI1tY,:�l1l.L&T1iL';"I-S;- <'.' .. COUNCIL CO .... ITTEE PJ"AN. � \K?l�' �);.��. '. DA� ,FOR .AI:oL �UMNI" Le- Cerde de CODftf __ --::I!aa:.. --.", ,." t't..""",. • � ,.... 1 "f':), ...... �. •.�'�Room:�, ��gto,1��t�1 � Four AlumDi;:�tioDs Decide·top. ,m.;: . .,;, ,.' _, ....r., ..>, : .. ,i:. ,�:,; ,;�'.t Uaile FoRe. .Alnmn; Danca.RcliPou Bclu4tioD\� � AS;}' to be Givca. -'.sociate Profe�sor:' Hobeo;·"�-7J8"waSb:::�ington avenue, at S o'clock, ··Some· ,.:-At the Alumni. council committee-Observations of" ')��e�ii�'�" "D�lin�' "dU;ner last 'night in the private'din-quents and Defectives." i�&...roo.m .of the Commons, it w,as ,de-Women'. Glee -C'lub- -m�eting' �i'� dded to "have the four Alumni asso-p. m. ' �.; 't (� .'. :. '! .. , " .Aero' Club .. lIcctiDe::,iIl Cobb SC,at 10:30 a. 0["'" ,.� .. -""" ."Debatiq Tr;outi -at.,7 :30 p. m. ioHaskell. . ,_. '.""Class Electi�u' t b day fro m8 :30 un til 4- Senior polls in the office Iof the Senior de�ii;' junior polls io �the oJiice of the J uoior dean in Cobbhall. elations .unite on one Alumni day· eelebration. This is to be given some· tiriie' near 'Convocation day in June,but is not to conflict with that 'day asit has lor the' past. The purpose ofthe Dew: plan is to get the Alumniback iq�o, the. University associations.There will be only one committee of· management for this work instead�f 'i�ur as was formerly the' custom.A tentative committee was appointedby 'the council to work up the planmore fully and present it to the .Associanon. :fhe men appointed areStacy Mosser, president of the Chica,go Alumni club, chairman, John Heil,Douglas Sutherland. William S.Bond and William P. McCracken.The committee are to make their arrangements and report to the councilat' the next meeting on December 6.The idea was also discussed ofhaving a series of dances in the Rey;nolds club for the Alumni only •. forthe purpose of promoting Alumni interest. The two following reportswere made: W. J. McDower on"Alumni Clubs" and Stacy Mosser onthe . Chicago Alumni club dinnerwhich is to be' held November 9 in,the' University club. Those presentwere Harry Abells, '97, Henry P.Chandler, '06, H. E. Slaught, '98,Geo. E. incent, '98; O. 'Fairweather," 'CI'/, H. A. Hanse'n, '09, W. J. McChristianity." Mr. Guy Walter Sar-. Dowell,'02, Stacy Mosser, 'c_n, Chas.vis. Sunday. in Haskell : 16 �t· 8:30 j Winston,'98-�Ia !I NEIGHBORHOOD CLUBS TOSELECT 26 WOllEN FOR MAKE HULL HOUSE TRIPSTHIS' YEAR'S GLEE CLUB' I--- '•v,; :".� .i -,.. VlSlp·�d·'Plamlentanedd MNrs.0V·JUld2S:dWII'I�1 .Not Probable' that .. 'Ji.ny " CODcerta; &- IUD it IWill �. Given' tbla Q�er· by ,Entertain. I. O�doD.···. "De 0IIdII � "H'mtlee ef· 'be'. VIllI...., ,.,. CIdmp. ". .I �'. .. 1De 1Jal�. -ir.:!� �� : .TIle w� •••••••••••••••• � 1.'TIle DalI7 .•• �. • • • • •• • • • • • •• Oc:cober 1. 1102!fU·STU.B • .&. P....... .._ •. Me;. n. II4It.orL J. DALY .• • '. • • • • • EdIt.II. F. ��a • Atbletle II:d1torHEN F •. �P."MAN___ e : I,A880ClATB £DITOBS • JANNOUNCEMENTS.w. J. Foutec. Y. "h,JlorC. W. Boaahlallll . B. L. IteIuaIcottII. w .....D. L. Bne4 Mandolin Club Meeting 00 Mon-day in Haskell at 5 p. m.,Physical ExamiD-tiOB.,. appointments for men may be made at theoffice of' medical examinee ill. Bartlett gymnasium.Short Story Club will meet onFriday at 4 p. m. in Lexington.The Dramatic Club will meet Friday at 10:30 to discuss plans for thepresentation of plays in -the near future.Wanted-80 Ushers for the Purduegame. Men sign at the Information,Office.,TheologiCal' ciub MCetblC on Monday at 8 p. m. at the home of Professor Shailer Mathews, 57.36 Woodlawn avenue. "Essential Elementsin the Traditional View. of God." Mr.Henry, Robins..Y. M. C. A.-'·World Problems andBBPORTBBSlIarJorle WlI 'Buth JtetIckerJ. K. a-. M. D.. St .... er.Newa eoutrlbuU� may be left at El1lsHall 'or Faculty Exchange, addresaed to'rhe DaU1 .Maroon. •. . ". -: �If things were as they shoul!1:�.be,this editoUaLwould .�_UDoe_c���ry..; _: �::::;, i 'But as it is, The' DailyGet:O� :.' .',;') ·Maroon finds it. necesandY ate. ;::, sary from' past experi-r: .t.:, . L--; enee to remind .the stud'ents <ti.ai.iL� zheir duty to cast theirvotes) iiP tooy's class elections.'.. There is: no'; system of stude�t organization that can hope to succeedunless it has, the undivided supportof the entire student .body, Hamper;ed by. apathy,. .the best system thathuman brain. can devise-whether itbe classes. or· .eolleges-=will be. nothing but a failure. The reason 'whythe old " college. system failed was Dots_o in�tt, itS own::· disadV�ntagcis. but.the: �.ck. of ':inki'est shown. 'in it 'bythe students. 'It was the studentbody, howeVer, �that chose the presen� e1��r;system, and it is the duty.of the.i s�tideut body to stand bY'it..In' accordaucc with·· its 'long adop�. ed 'pOlicy:: not- to ,�i:ike. � in;' c'�legepolitics,; .lDe Daily Maroon makes np.effort .to "�lk StudentS-: how :to. 'casttheir ball_ot� There is just oo� wor�of:'cmb_oia�'. however, that .may propU1y 'be ;expressea.;. 'It :must be ·re'�bered : th.at a college. � communityis no,diff�nt from 'any other. It ishjgbfy,: 4eSU:able' that officers be:.choseo for ':�fficienCy, aDd not for any;superficial �r�a�;oDS. .The reason ··why l'college affairS' 'are .managed with less:skill and: precision than others, is that �student officers are' .picked, . not· s_o'much for �heir ability t_o execute the'duties delegated to them, as for theirsuccess:;;n . other � things.. , ,.:::;. .: .-.� � ------;....;.._ Out of the 50 women .wh� tried out;for' the women's Glee chtbliist week,:'.26 have be�n sel�cted' f�r ;tJlil year·slclub. The�e will, meet: tomorrow to Idecide on plan� fo�. the 'ciua:i1er. I t i�;,not probable that.�.conc�it .will be,:given by the club tbis.·, q\Ql1er, � but,practice will begm at·, once.Miss Edith Heminpay. who' di-!rected the dub last year, will act 'as;accompanist this' year.. M�s. Phineas:Kohlsaat will probably act ·�s the di-'rector. The dub i�' especially, fortunate this year in the Dumber of trained voices it has been able to secure.The old club membe�s who hav�been retained are:, Nellie' Mulroney,Marie Rogers, Dorothy Milld, ·Flor�ence Gross, Lucile Jarvis.' MargaretWeirick, Marguerite Swaite, . RubyBush, Miss Barnett, Emily Orcut,Olh'e Bickel, Mary Ann Whitley andAltha Montague. .The new members are: Agnes Ma�Dowen, Ruth. Whitfield, Mary Roe,Frances Ross,' Helen Brooks, IsabelKendrick, Helen Street, D_orothyFox. Ruth Mathews, H�len Gross.Cora Hinkins, Nadine Moore andFlorence Huno. .Writ Elect:'PJq JQdca and �Other 'BId;".Four manuscripts have been submitted thus far, to the Blackfriars inthe manuscript contest, and the clubwill meet Friday, Nov. lIth, to electthe judies to pick the winning play.For the benefit of those who are he�itating about sending in their producti(�ms, it has been stated by AbbotAleck Whitfield that no names wi11be mentioned during the selection of .• --------------the winning manuscript.Negotiations have been opened,,;th se\'eral competent men to actas coaches of the production. Thisand the que.stio� of. giving social entertainment tl1is quarter has beenvigorously discussed for some time,and will be decided at the meeting. Instruction in Rugby footbal1 isnow compulsory at the University ofKansas according to a new ruling.·YOWNESGLOVESare a "good thine to haveon band," and aD Cooddealers have them OD haD4.The Hungarian �nd Dutch delegates to tbe recent InternationalPrison,.Congress visited the Univer-sity of ·PeiailsYlvania. ' The general council of the Neighlborhood clubs has, held a 'meeting t6outline future plans for the comingyear. Nothing definite, however; ·be:yond.arranging for tWo trips to Hull. House,- was decided.' These' ·trips,which are open' to all the women ofthe, clubs, will take place Saturd�y,November I� and Saturday, November 190 Plates and time of meeting�ill .be announced later.The first sa<:ial function on thf!calendar' of the clubs wi1l be a recep,tion 'given to the members by Presi.. den.t and Mrs. Judson at their home.It is understood that this event is totake place in the near, future.WILL NOT BANQUET PURDUEBoilermakers are Unable to AttendAnnual Love Feast.Owing to the fact that. the Purdueteam is unable to be here on time,there win be no' Purity banquet Friday night as was planned. An invitation was wired to P\1rdue last Friday night, and a reply was expectedyesterday morning,' but it was not until this afternoon that Director�tagg received word that the Boiler"'a�ers could not make arrangementsto be' here in time for the dinner.However, ·the fact that there wi11 beno banquet Friday night does notlessen the prospects for a largecrowd of Gold and Black supporters.From present indications the squadof Purdue rooters will be larger thanusual.Extension courses in English. Latin. French and American History andLiterature wi11 be instituted in theUniversity of Ut"h.The trustees. of the Princeton University have appointed John A. Stewart president pro tem. ',STYlISH UP� TO-DATE TAILORING.... ... .,FOR YOUNG' MEN AT SENSIBLE PRICES. .John R. yerhoeff S2S�80. TO .5"�88 Roy E. France. .' OUR GUARANTEEWe G,?aran�ee e very Garment �ade from our Stock to gi ve absolutesat.lsfactlon. If It fades, shnnks or loses shape or any other faultdevelops eit�er !n the Fabric or the making, at aoy time,brmg It back and we'll make it good. .GIVE US � TRIAL. No � Better Fabrics. Better Tailoriq or Better ValuesCan Be Had AIlywbere 'JOHN R. IIERIJO£FF & CO.---TAl LORS---N. w. COR. MADISON (,CLAU STS •.CHICAGO, IU.. Third Floor Straus Bldt.Old Atwood Bldg. Telephla8 MAIN 5330WE CLOSEAT 6:38 P. M.WHY ao DOWN TOWN?,.We carry the best line of haberdashery in 'Woodlawn. One visit to our shop .wiJl convince you.Ha..rt, Schaffner, & Marx ClothesOUR SPECIALTYA. J. SILVERMAN1125 EAST 63rd STREETJ� D. O'NEILManufac�urers of 'TRUNKS. GRIPS AND SUIT CASES.Special styles and ·sizes made to order .. l'rompt �ttention giv�nto repair work.EXPRESSING TO ALL DEPOTSThree trips daily to city.'Main Store�752 R Sixty-third Street.Phone' Hyde Park 4242. Factory and Salesroom1454-6 East Fifty-fifth Street,Phone Hyde Park 44.•WIDE BRIMDIUYSHERE IN AU.. PROPoRTIONSANDslIAPEsC"ago's 'S,,'e DictatorsHATS GLOVES'CANES UMBRF.LiAs/' ,FURSA. BISHOP Ii to.AND156 STATE STREETEatahWecI 1860.3.00To be asked for your' SUbscription forTile Dailr .aroonLeave it at the Maroon Office.Do " No", SitinfOiISc.A.I-STis koA.sEII"'tHE DAILY ·KAROON. THURSDAY�- NO-yEMBER 3. .1910.. ..CLIFTOK, Zt ill. IUP BEDFOID, %l il.JiiPAiR(>WMJtch COLLARSSit snugly to the neck, the tops meetin front and there is amp:e spacefor the cravat,15c .• 2for2Sc.C1uett.PeabodyhCo .• Mak.e ..._-- - _ ___.,-----A. fi. Spalding. s Bros.-------- are the Larjrest:\lanufacturers. in the worldof-THESpalding OfficialEquipmentfor all AthleticSports andPastimesBYou are int«;r-ested '10Athletic Sport"ou . should havea copy 0 f theSpalding Catalogue. it's a complete encvclopedia of What's New inSports aod is sent________ free on' request.is known throughout the worldas aGuarantee ofQualityA. (j. Spalding' & Bros.147 Wabash � ve:, ChicagoHANSEN'S"PENNSYLVANIA� KNIT'SWEATER COATS WITH THECEtEBRATED "NOTEAit·BUTTONHOLE" IN R�GULAItCOAT STYLE� . MILlT�RYOR ADJUSTABLE' ROLLCOLLAR'$3.50 to $5.501111 EAST 63rd.STREETNEXT TO. POSTOFf1c�Il Cra1u�!d��elarge assortment 01 -.-· BANNockBuRNS,HARRis lWEEDSand SCOTCH CHEVIOTS,lid the ne� shades p(' B��and Gray, for Fall and WinterI Sui--$39 and up.. .rI-�Tailor for Young MenTwo Stores:44 J;\ckson Boulevard.131 La Salle Street.�uh:o'crihc jor The Daiiy Maroon.Do it now.Palronhe Maroon Adv�rti5ers.They are R�liable.. ,,: , SOCCER TEAll LOSES TOPICKED TEAII-SCORE ;4-2Benjamin Rills has been appoint',ed avsistant literary editor of theCap and Gown to fill the positionleft \'acant hy the re!'ignation' ofDavis H. McCarn. Because of hisprevious literary work in the Uni\'er!'ity Bills is expected to make a!'trong member of the staff.To date only a small number ofcontributions have been receive"d atthe Cap and Gown office in Ellis 14-This room is open every afternoonto those who wish to contribute anyarticle or to con!'ult with the editorson the needs of the publication. " ...Heat· ·RegulationInatalled in the UDi�eniq of Chi-.c:qo BaildiDp.Complete S:ptema for aD Methodsof· Heatinc-Steam Control of Humidity.Reducing Valves for Air, Water,Hot Water Tank, Regulators,Johnson Servi� Co.H� W. ELL·IS.· Mer-Chicago Office, 93 Lake StreetSELECT CROSS COUNTRY .TEAll IN TOIIORROW-S. RUN .''10 ••�06SLER. CO.'58 Jack.on Blvd.(,..h.:e....... . SpId"SOCIal' FIIIIC.... ��I .The ''British Model Sack"-:-very much in demand by"oung and middle aged men(wanting. poise and style intheir clothes)-browns, tans,grays, black and white effects;blues, blacks.Various fabrics, $20, $25,130, .135, 140,-145.SpeCitJ. Valaea, $25Every' size, tall, short,' stout, slimMossier Co.nnvOODPlBWOODBA88WOODQiU.YWOOD»"'EJI.NWOOD •TJC.<WOOD. ·BAPLEWOOD .ETC.YOU WILL FI�DWHAT:·YOU ARE HUNTING FOR�. .. 'Practice Game with League StarsHelps VarSity for· Saturda,.'. Contest Against DliDoia.. Pick Five RcprelClltatives· for Inter.;.collegiate Race at IladiaoD ..on NOYCJDber' 19050 Jackson Blvd.';... -,��':C 0 L L A !:R., S:.. �2., . .J-Q::it �'s��c ·£·�.,�"s ., ...'TRay' A G o� ••..."aCle b� EARL at -WILSONI•• ';A�� .",. .' ._- CGJ'JIr CIIIMa '. '••• ';.� ...... I.�·�� ••In a fast and exciting soccer game,the Chicago team lost by a 4 to 2score yesterday afternoon to a pickedTeague. team. Although this wastheir second practice game, the University team' put· up . a hard fightagainst the stars of, the Chicagoleague. The gam�' was played onthe Hyde Park grounds at 52nd andCottage Grove, and was witnessed bya large crowd.Throughout the game the Univer,.;il,) team Iought hard. and especiallytowards the close stiffened up andheld their opponents. Several mengot off a number of brilliant plays.Sponsel at goal, played aggressively,and Stein, Duck, Watts and Woodsmade a strong showing. The right..wing is unusually strong, and playedtheir opponents to a standstill allthrough the contest.A s this was only their secondmatch game of the season, the Marocns showed some weak points thatcan be easily overcome after a fewmere games are played. The oppos ing team yesterday was composedof� the best and most experienced menfrom the league teams.· They hadbetter formations than the University.team. and from their prays the latterlearned many new points of the The trial race to determine themen who will run for Chicago in theInter-collegiate cross country racethe morning of the Wisconsin-Chicago game on the' 19th of this monthwill be held' tomorrow afternoon, theteam will consist of five men. Sixwill be chosen tomorrow, the lastto race as substitute in' case one ofthe regulars is incapacitated. The entries will be sent in today. Thenames of ten more men who consti-. tute the available material willbe sent in. Those' men whosenames have been handed in to ·Manager Stagg are: M. F. Carpentter,L. E. Baumann, R.·W. Chaney, D. T.Grey. B. J. Lunde, A. ·D. O'Neill, L.W. Reed, E. A. Seegers, G. S. Skinner. C. M. Sloane.Carpenter is captain of the team,but there is some doubt as to whetheror not he will be able to run in thetrial. He broke down last spring andit is not certain that he has recovered sufficiently to stand the strain offive miies. He will take a physicalexamination before the trial to deter;mine the matter. Of the rest, bothReed and O'N'eill have run very wellthis fall. O'Neill would have madethe team last year, but he was noteligible.. Reed is a Sophomore who. showed well on the Freshman trackteam last winter and spring. If' Carpenter does not start, none of, theregular members of last year's teamwill be in the tryout .. Lunde, however, was substitute last fall and hasrun better this year· than last. Theothers are comparatively green at thegame. but all show. promise.The+race will be over the full fivemile course. The. first five men tofinish will be given places on the. team .... .and the ;;ixtll,mA.9·,will: �e.as substitute. The rctgUl� 'race: wil{be held at M.adison, and the men willgo up the day before so as to inspectthe course and to be· ready for therace in the morning. '. . WILL FORM SUNDAY CLASSMake Plana Tonight at Hyde Park 'Baptist Church.University men are invited to at-:-tend a meeting tonight at 8 o'clock:at the Hyde . Park Baptist Church,:Woodlawn avenue and 56th street, to ;organize a Sun.day morning class for :'young men. This fall and winter the;meetings' will be· devoted to the \study and disc�sio':' .�f. Dr. Hender-�'son's book, "Social DUties." In addition. to the '10 o'clock :S�day meetings. . there will be athletic and socialadvantages offered.. .The' Score club will hold its firstdance of the year Saturday, November 12, in R�ie .hall, 51th· SL andJefferson. : Eblborate plans are being.made for- the dance. A special feat:"nrc : will be the . aDDouncing . of, thescore o! the Chicago-Cornell game.NEWS. OF T� COLLEGES-Representatives ,from PeDnsyl�Cornell,' 'Annapolis. Princeton, CoIiunbi� and Pennsylvania State willhold-�. conference in New York thismonth to arrange the eastern. intercollegiate wrestling schedule.In th�, Harvard� Yale swimmingmeet, Loree of Yale, broke the intercollegiate record with a mark' ofseventy-two feet"ant(nine inch�s�The trustees o'f the University .ofprinceton have accepted' the resignation of Dr.. Woodrow' Wilson fromthe o�ce of president1:WHAT. 12.. obJasm•..••• >" •••••• ���:�1D �Y"'QY iii � .. 1fD.:A1'II5'" .AIiIIus ..no-IiiCI8IID.0. ... _' T_. ......,��game.Fulkerson kicked two goals forChicago. Green kicked two goals forthe All-Stars, and Turner and Coville kicked one each.. After the good showing made in, yesterday's game, Coach Brady feltsomewhat optimistic 'last night ove�the team's chances with the Il1inibunch Saturday. This is the first intercollcgiate game of the season, and. will be played as a curtain raiser to�'lhe"( Purdue game. -.c.. G.. Osborn, theYale tackle, will act as referee.Th� lllinois team has had such awide experience that grave fears are�: entertained as to the .showing Chi-.cago will make against them in thefirst trial struggle. A return game isscheduled at Urbana for Novemberrath. .,Following is the lineup yesterday:Chicago. . All-Stars.'Sponsel Goal ,; . .. . .• FitzroyStein : R. B •........ � .. UngerLindsay' .. , L. B .•.....•.• � RossDuck R. H. B' TurnerGrossman C. H. B.. . . . •. MassieCallantYne •. Benitez L. H. B.. HarnettWatts 0. R ManinWood I. R......... TroweFulkerson, (Capt.) . c.. . .. . . . .. GreenJennings .•...•. '�. L.� WarfieldCohn 0. L. Coville, .TO ELECT·OFFIC�RS TUQAY,.-Law School. to Choose � Qt6c�and Councilors.The classes of the' Law School willmeet today at 10:30· to elect classofficers and Ia w school councilors.The third year class *ill meet in theCourt room, the second year in theSouth room and the first' year . classin north room.' The fight for thirdyear class officers will be a close oneas two fine tickets have been named.As. is customary, the. council will beelected together with the class officers. Nine . councilors will be elected. three being .elected from each ofthe three classes .. Anyone registered in the law school' at 'the time ofthe election is eligible to vote. Thevoting is done' by 'ballot and anyvcter not able to be present at theelection is allowed to Cast a ballotif it is proper·ly authenticated andsealed. Send in your subscriptioD todayfor The Daily' MaroolL .BILLS IS MADE IIEMBEROF CAP AND GOWN STAF�IT MEANsall mtn of the university. • . ·319 DEA.R8ORNS�E.Er,�HICICO"Americaa Factory. Rebuilt" means a clan of � IaCh.. no other CODcem don or caD rebuild as we do. It is aD ideDtif,-inc tenD used to diatiDpisb ou:' machines from the peat ....of typewriters which are offered I1Ilder the name "Rebuilt."It means that if ,.au buy an "American Rebuilt 'rJpewriter" ofany make, you will let a FACTORY rebuilt machine, rebuilt withnew part.; not one that has been simpl,. repaired and bed up inan ordinary shop, but one eqUal to new in mechanical qaaliq.We guarantee evcry machine we sell for one year, and abo cuar-antee the title. -American Writing Machine Co.DlIII5IRAL ftfiWiIfD DCIIOQ. �_w ... - • r-s...... ��_�I ... �.-_.... RII1b .NEW SUNDAY COURSE'. OFFERED ON MISSIONS. Mr. Walter. Sarvis. HiDdu lliaiODay, to �d Class. Leaves NatSummer for CbiDa.� The Christian Association announces a class for men in "WorldProblems and Christianity" to beheld Sunday mornings at 8:30 beginning next Sunday. The leader, Mr.G.,y Walter Sarvis, who will presentthe subject of missions from themodern sociological. point of view, isamply qualified for his ·task. He hasspent two and a half years under theInternational Y. M. C. A. Committee.in Calcutta. I ndia. During that timehe was intimately associated withthe educated Hindus of' the capitalcity. He has crossed equatorial Africa ane! is one of four living men toperform that feat.Next' summer Mr. Sarvis will sailfor Xanking.· China. where he is appointed to the chair of sociologyand political economy in the University of ·Nanking. The class willmett in Haskell 16 and is open to Becomes Assistant Literary Editorto Fill McCarn's Vacaac:y-FewContnDutions Received". .�:,<,'::�- ;e. • I ., t ....11tIt,I!II"\.,Ir, �, '�.·�·iflfs"jf.'.l"'·tlf "-. _ •• ��.� 7. _ , ... _, :":",. -"*- ........ :..,.� 'J'_,..c;..., �'ir.w"" "ILLINQI-.ADELINE G£NEE IN. BAdIti;it·1ittES� • I _� ••• : "'.# .�.. • '. ( •COLONIALTHEATER BEAUTII'ULlRIGBT' . EYESCECJL LUlf· nOme! HOLBROOKPOWERS...fHi COMMUTTfRCHICAGO OPERA BO�SETHE PENALTYWITH·HILDA SPONGGARRICKThe £Ii�ollte SoldierL�IC·fRITZI SCHEff•inTHE MIKADOGRANDMRS� . FISKE.MrS •. ···_pStead-LeighObY��.C'lite' AVIATOR·1fiIII WWACE EDDINGER ... Ct:!�TI.>.:·. .; !HeIIRY·:·� . DlrfY.� ,;lr1he 'Great �"gl;sh .Suc�essTHf.�NAKED·· TRUTH,• ,_:. J'MA3ESTIC. �tre of R ...... Specia.ltinMABEL HITf is 'MiKE 'DOIUM;� :La, Pia-TIte . Spirit.' Wares, .And -Ma�J Otber:sLA SALLE·• •• ,", �1.·'''4..- '-:-_. 'THE -.'Sweetest tiirtilfParis'WHITNEYLOWDl BBlTH- 13AMERICAN MUSICRALLHypo!'t;c Pauline PsychicH"anous Pnenom'ICLARICE VANCEpRINCESSTDE DEEP PURPLEMcVICKERS(hiunce, Olcott in his liE "pIa,"BARRY Of BAUYMORF' H� L. Kennicott, c- w. Houghland, C. Y. Tayl�r and M. W. Reese,all associate editors on The DailyMaroon, were yesterday elected tomembership in the Pen club. Othernames were proposed and will beconsidered at a future meeting. Thenew members taken into the club thisquarter are all who are eligible bypresent . active work-on any of thethree specified University publications. The others proposed have 'heldsimilar positions in the past.I n addition to the election, the dub!also considered the dinner to be:given next week. Nathaniel Pfeffer;'president of the 'club, appointed Har-. .,..' . . . ., The - team winning the annual:'grave Long; - Esmond Long, Walter Ih co h' b M'. Fres n.an.Sop omore de ate at 10-'J. '1'-mite" Elmer W. Beatty, Roy! -nesota �iI1 receive the sum of $100. IBaldridge and H. R. Baukhage. al. committee of entertainment to assist!him on that occasion. ·He· bas al-iready secured the promise of a man!"prominent in the newspaper::world to:speak before the men.No Definite· DiDDer Plans.N othing detjnjt� .. concerning the;plans for the dinner have as yet been'given out. owing to' the' uncertaintyof the date. It will probably begiven in the private dining room, orin the cafe of the Hutchinson Commons on Wednesday evening of next'week. About twenty members ofthe organization will be present atthe dinner, besides some visitors and.associate members. The active mem.,bership after the 'recent election is WANTED-Can you write shorttwenty-one. stories? Magazine publisher wants T kish 1'. R .•n 75'· � IThe policy of the 'club this year has short stories for immediate and fu-·. ur· "USSla .' �Ibeen to take in men made eligible ture use. Address ·H. Z. Wilber, PLAIN 81'1"' ·S/25c' :by active literary work at some time 6 E. Madison St. Room 500. 1\on a University publication, although A YOUNG WOII�Nthe constitution . also provides forelection of' less interested men by amore stringent vote. For this reason particularly. the interest of theclub is centered in newspaper men.The speaker at the dinners of the.... __club this quarter, and probably' for FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENTthe remainder of the college year.willhe secured from the world of. Be a loyal student and subscribe TRY a Classified ad. in The Dailyior The Daily Maroon. Maroon. They bring results.: "':;�.�'.��'--.;..:'1.;;':'Siifii""t"'lf:"ti"'·i!jiu·it���·ill;l'.i"-; .... -i�:< '�OIlINA'rioMS;�IN'-RACE 'FOR·,.,: .• _', �,�__ .] '·--C��·ELE�IONSTODAY; tfe:'Ria:"Cf , .. �. (CODtin::' :;c::::: »�- . . \...- 2::30-.p>o-Mona Quayle .Otto Schnerring.LOWER JUNIORS.8 :00-9 :3o-Margaret Holland,Roy Baumann.9:30-11 :�Neria Wilson.David Adams.12:00-1 :oo-Oliver Davis,Lester Wheeler.,Asserts That the Chinese are Waking Up and are Becoming Powerful Factor.Thursday, Nov. 3 ••.•.•. I'·Camille'·Friday, Nov. 4 .�.,.· •.. "Fedora"Saturday Mat.. Noy.�S .... Phedre ..Sat. Eve., Nov .. 5."Jea-ime d'Arc"Next vi"':.· �oirc.MUlluay Eve�,Nov. 1'LaSorciere"Tues. Eve.,Nov. 8 "Jeanne d'Arc"Wed. Mat.,' Nov. 9. ,"La Tosea"Wed. Eve., Nov. 9 ...... VAiglon ..Thurs. Eve., Nov. 10 ••• "Sapho"Friday E;\'e.,Nov. II "Madame X"Sat. Mat., Nov, 12., •• "Camille"Sat. Eve., Nov. 12 •• "Madame X·'By Request-Mme. Bernhardtwill present Rostand's beautifulplay, '"La Samarataine' on Sunday eve .• Nov. 6. MISS PADDOCK SPEAKSTO WOMEN ABOUT CHINAEdward Stein.I :OO-2:3cr-May Parey.Hilt Leith.2:30-4:a<r-EveIYll Phillips.George Lindsay.'TEAM PRACTICES WELL,TO MEET BOILERMAKERS(Continued from page I') An audience that packed the leagueroom to the doors heard the talk 011"Change in China," given by MissEstelle Paddock at the league meeting yesterday at 10:30.-Miss Paddock's address was chieflyconcerned with the extensiveprogress shown by China in the lastfew years, which she illustrated vividly from her own experiences while.national secretary of the ChineseY. W. C. A."Governrnent .schools in China aregrowing constantly better." said thespeaker. "Jt is forbidden to raiseopium in the country, so that theopium curse is lessening. China hasthe beginnings of a constitutionalgovernment, and has begun ,the maktng of many good laws. There is noarticle of manufacture that she cannot make more cheaply than othernations. She is, in fact, underselling.us in our own markets. When tothis ability. you add a possible army; of . forty. million soldiers, .you under .,. stand why China will be a menace to. the. whole world, unless her energiesare turned in the right direction bythe so-called Christian nations."up against. If the men keep in asgood shape as they are just now,they will be able to last fully as wellas any team they meet in the remain-ing three games.PEN CLUB ELECTS 'FOURNEW MEN TO MEMBERSHIPKennicott. Houghland, Taylor, andReese Chosen-No ··De6Dite· DilLner Plans.Every student at Oregon Universj..:ty is required to tip his hat to thelpresident of the university and to his;'particular dean. :VERY' COMFORTABLE 7 room;house, furnace heat, lot 4OX1So, con,venient to University; one of thefinest -streets in H. P_ . Price $50000,if taken quickly.-Address Dept.B.-Daily Maroon.( Wisconsinschool. teacher) wishing to spendthe winter in Chicago, wilt be gladto keep house for woman teacherlocated ncar U. of C. Address theMaroon.-Large room with running water,steam 'heat. Loomis. 816 E. 51st St.journalism. ONE nicely furnished room, suitablefor 1 or 2 gentlemen. Mrs. Leckie,5�25 Jackson ave., and flat. PhoneMidway .l90.Delegates to Y. W. C. L. ConventionSix Y. w. C. L. members witt attend the state Y. \V. C. A. conven-FOR RENT-$25.oo, fout furnishedtion at Decatur today as· delegatesfrom the league. They are MargaretBurton. league secretary, MollieCarroll, Geraldine Brown, Rose 'Marie Moore, Isabel Jarvis and Margery' WANTED-Man to wait tahle forNind. The convention lasts until room -and board. Apply Informa-Monday. tion Office.rooms-kitchen. parlor, first floor,modem, near S�hool of Education.5754 Monroe ave. ON THE FIRING LINE\Vt." have been gunning 'for your trade forsome time. and have been very successful inbagging it. However, we will keep- -on firing,until there is no more business. to shoot- -at.Our ammunition is' the best possible-fortyyears of tailoring experience; .. splendid, heavyline of fall suitings, and the references of themost prominent fraternity men on the campus.LINDSAY BROTHERSTAILORS"49-51 JACKSON BLVD. 3rd FloorIn the newspaper vernacular, the above expression means the . last possible moment when':copy" .can be taken for publication,,SATURDAY NOO�. NOVEMBER 5th,is the last possible moment of grace that isgiven you to pay for THE DAILY ¥AROONsubscription.66PAY IT NOW"'t._, . :.�. TEXT B�O-" ,U·S·''-I �'. �. "NEW AND SECOND HANDAll KfflDS Of STUDENT 'SUPPtlfSHigh. Class Stationeryloose/ieaf Note Books.:: / /Pen,acfn#SCard Files SouvenirsIHf UNIVERSITY Of C'HlCACiO 'PRESSIRETAIL DEPARTMENT! •-BarberShop Saratoga HotelOpen Day ADd Night.161 Dearbom Street.A. McADAMSTHEStudent's FloristPRACTICAL LADIES'TAILORSL SADL£R. .... op.hD 11141 WI1Iter Suits mt.de to order$35 ... up. Fin! clIO work tuannteedCLEAlmfG AND R£PAIRINGftIoDe MidwIY 9SSI" L 63rt mm, 1IAr EWS AVEKUt -V(-•IJrrntlbrrhtea:tlV\\rrSIuytio5erIl,}:1!J