J aroon," ... � ...VOLUME. VI I.-No. 157. CHICAGO. WEDSESDAY. JUNE � 1.Q09 Price Two CeDtLBOBOR COBSTlTUTIOll ITEIS-.asTln.EIITIIS ___lilT_a CONTEST TOIE l1li111 mIT T8111GIT. Pin 11_ Wall Compete in FinalsDelta Sicma Rho to At-tead in Body.Rope fOl'Large Crowd-Expect CloseRace for Firat ThreePrizes.Kent theater will be the scent at 8'. o·caock this evening of the finat round� in the Senior college oratorical con: test. Five men who have survived the: prelminaries and the semi-finals held· during the quarter will speak. The: speakers and their subjects are:J. N. F. English, The Open Saloon:K. C. Karsten, Child Labor; I. EFerguson, Our Cities; A D. Hcnderson. the Progress of Ueace ; C. ARouse, Child Laborers and Social. Welfare.These five men have been workingon their orations a long rime and h· dose contest is looked for. The resuits will be of importance in morthan one way, as t is possible that this· may be the last contest of dts knd.':Tbe public' speaking department i�likely ·to decide to substitute the ex;� tempore speaking contest for the ora.. 'Ieriea1s next year. -.� 'Interest WI'" be added to tonight's: aJf.i.jr'by the fact that two of the lead'. mg speakers�· Ferguson and Hender. ; SOIl are old �igh school- rivals, having: debated· against each other while in� their preparatory stages.·Uorts are being made by the mem.: bIij� � the .public s�aking depart: .aat-�to.secure.a large 'attendance for· the oraforicill� - .:i -n.e S2�� hc.alire1'y w�rth� wbile." said IIr. B� G. ifelson of the� departm�Bt. la� n�ght, "and no one; Will' 'lose . anything' ·by· attending. Iti is mOreover just -a matter of courtesy.: to the men lfho haft worked so hard·?, 1D. the . preparation of their speeches: diat a �Dablj' large number of petJo: pIe be present. It· is very hard for a� man to speak to empty bendles."·The winner wt11 receive a prize of· a sd.oIarship for three quarters. the: seeond man will receive a scholarshipfor two quarters and the third manoae quarters tuition.Previous to the centest the' Delta· Sigma Rho WI' hold its annualbusiness meeting and banquet in Hutch-· IISOIl cafe. The ·members will meet inthe cafe at 5:30 o'clock. After the dinner' oratorical and debating affairs willbe di9cussed. The club will adjourn:It 8 o'clock to go to Kent in a body.IIAKE DRAWIHGS TODAY POR_JRTKRCOLLEGIATE TENNIS.• Teams Meet for First Round in........ ....tDOablaToiDOIfOW.Drawings wm be made this af .. erIIOOD for the intercollegate tennis tournament which will start tomorrow afternoon and continue until Saturd:lYafternoon when the finals wi11 beplQed. Six institutions besides Chicago haft entered teams to compe.efor the .atem title in singles anddoubles. 'nIey are Minn�ta. miDOis, Purdue, Washington University.WISConsin and Armour Institute. The'Varsity WI'I be represented by Captain Gardner and 'either "Wins" lIen-ry or "Pep" Stem." .In speaking of Chicago's chancc!'for anothe,r champio,nlhip. Cap':li11Garddu saMt yesterday: "We wm ha \"t.to watda out for two teamst: Washington University and Minnesota.Washiniton bas an exceptionallyItmq team and we look forward tohaving them a� our opponents in thefinals. Minne!ota also has a strongteam and has not met defeat this year.Althoagb we defeated Illinois recen'·,ly, thq .. m undoubtedly be strongcontenders for the championship.Be sure to enter the junior Dayathletic contests today! KAY STILL EBTER lIAlIDlCAPJUDior Day Athletic Committee De·cides to Hold OpeD lleet for An·other Da,._Poeitively Closes ToDieht at 5:30.On account of the steady flow of entries that came in to the Junior DayAthletic Committee all day yesterday.it was determined to keep the meetopen today. Up to last night abouforty had entered most of them 1n atleast two events This ,will mean keencompetition. The relay team for Dl2will be picked on the field by ,:\1 rStagg. Tryouts will be held tomorrow at four o'clock for the Sophomoreteam. The distance will be half a milerun by four men.To Give a Fair Handicap,Handicapping will be done by :\1 r.Stagg and Norman Barker a� soon asall the entries are in. T,here are bothfast and slow entered in the meet.Davenport can run the quarter in :5(\and one Freshman gave his time a:66. Out of this chaos they will g� vceveryone a fair chance. With a quarter mile handicap and Stophlet in thmile t1tere will be an exciting' t,:meThe entries are well scattered and :1good number are entered. in eachevent. The discus and hammer art'being sligbted a little and offer a goodchance for aspiring Greeks. The fatmen's race has only three entnies andshould be better patronized.Cut this out and address it to- Box0, Faculty Exchange.Event : .Best time madel00-yard dash •••.•.•••••••• _ •..•...22O-yard -dash ;. � �; .44O-yard dash : .. .:»: .'. ••.•.• '.88O-:JBId; I'1IIl • � •.• ; ••••••• � • :; ... '.' •• _l-DIiJe rIIIl .•..• '._ � •.•... � ..••••..•.....,.,�"",�.; .. �- .... ��:;'.. 2210-� 10. wburdIes, • _ •.•....•.•..� tbr� � � .. _ .Disc:as throw :. _ .RunDing high � .....•.........RmmiDg broad� •••.• '.•.••..• �Fat lim'. Race· � ... : .••..••.. , ....IiaH mile relay ·race· betwea:ia daaesof 1911 ancl1912 (4 men 011 team) ...Events c:bec:ked on WL··Name •.•... : .. � � . "Class •.....Address : .FAVORS IIODIFICATIONOF ELIGmILITY RULESSeDior Council· Passes Resoluticnr.. That Eatrmc:e Coaditioas ShouldHot Bar Prom Activities.The .Senior Council is seeking :.change' in the eligibility rules b}which entrance conditions will noJonger disqualify a student from pub·lic: appearance during his first year oiresidence. This rule has kept a greatmany students from the smaller highschools out of student activities for ;.considerable period after their entraDc:e and it is to remedy this thatthe coUDCiI has taken this action. Theresolution as drawn up by the committee, composed of A. S. Long. PaulHeSin and E. L McBride and passed. by the council is as follows:WHEREAS it is the opinion oi themembers of the Senior College Counc:il that the eligibility rules by whic:,students with entrance conditions areexcluded from public appearance forthat reason oniy, are more than nec·essarily strict, andWHEREAS the Senior �olleg('Council recognizcs the necessity nfmaintaining strict eligibility rule�. andWHEREAS it is believed that th('high. standard. of college W()fk no�\omantained will suffer in no way' by . alightening of cligibili1y rules g�\·erning public appearance other than ath·letics,BE IT RESOLVED, that the memobers of the Senior Col1ege Counci'recommend to the Faculty of the U niversity of Chicago that entrance con·ditions shall not bar any student fromsUch public appearance during ;hisfirst year of residence in the institu·tiOD.Bay your Prom. ticket today! . LAST CIIIIICE TO PURCHASETICKETS FOR PRUI. TDDA Y PASSAD Sips Point to a Large Attend.nee on FridayH"sght. SeDior College Lends Endorsementby 143 to 45 VOte-OppositiODAmonc Men Proves Strong-ManyState Reasons. 50 Bich School Net Ilea Wall CGmpete ill T0arDe7 ... BeciaTomonow.Puteboards to Cost Five DollarsBKb After Midnight-FourBODeS Today. One hundred and forty-three in fa-.,.or, forty-five against-such was tbe The Interscholastic TeDDis eatriesvote recorded on the honor system show a great increase over those ofconstitution at Senior chapel yester- last year, SO having entered this yearday. Numerically the upper class stu- as against thirty in 1908. Tbe to.n .. -dents made a strong endorsement of ment begins :1t 2:00 p. m. :tomorrowthe new system But, according to an and continues through Friday· aDdestimate made by the vote counters. Saturday, for which days Direeeorthe men were prominent in the 'Dppo- Stagg has reserved the courts for thesition while the women voted favor- high school men. All matches exceptably, so that the result is not taken as the finals will be decided by the besta particularly hearty approval of the two out of three sets. The entries aresystem. as fonows:The votes were unsigned for the Drawings in Sin&leLmost part, and the guess was made Preliminary ROUDCLpurely on the basis of hand writing A. L. Gt-een, Hyde Park, YS. Baker,and certain other hicrogliphics that Morgan Park High School; J. KeD":'adorned the ballots. No expert at field, Morgan Park Academy, vs. C.handwriting was needed to detect ,the Stuart, Wendell Phillips; C. Yates,difference between the slips signed by n._ • I.. Galesburg, vs. F. C. &.IiIna, HIDSda e ;men and women, according to the in- G. G. Yule, EvaDSton Townsbip,. vs.formant. L Rehm, Wendell Phillips; S� Se�'ar�.Can For Vote a Surprise. University Hip,:vs -, E. W-eil, 'Wetid�llSeniors who entered Mandel Hail Phillips; H. MUmlY, Hyde P�rk. .'!!.expecting the customary. weekly F. Catron, Morpn Park Academ�;ehapel exercises were surprised' .to Monroe, Morga� Park High �� �. •leam that the vote had been decided 'VS. F. GuthericJge," EnglewoOd;·' .upon. A statement given out by the WoUl, University Hil�,. V!? .M. Bebb •.honor system committee Monday ·rep- Calumet; T. Emnger;· 'De�eeme"resented that the balloting would not Township, Highland Park;.vS;:F:It'�-be held until next fall, when, it .wi!; son, Calumet; W. W31lace,:�lfJf-thought, the constitution ·would ,'be stitute Acad�my,' vs. J�' ·Cle"�t.I�4,amended sufficiently to be ready far a Fairmout, lncL; J. �la9str� Wende.1Ifair judgment by the students. ' .' PlhiDipS, n. �. Cherry; '�21�et;� K.A number of voters made comments Roberts, New Trier ,�ip, =JCeii-upon their ballots, some advocating ilworth,.VB. E. Mattr�r. Wend�t .Ptii.r�waiting, others declaring their' oppo� liPs: W •. B •. lloodY, E�ristoil· 'I_'oWtr-PREPARATIONS COMPLETE· swon to the constitution as- at present ship, vs. B. Duey. LeWt� "nstiiGtip� VI.: A. A. BANQUET . worded., .. '.... 0'.,' .Aca4nQ; ')I(. Hjrsch� W�el'�-. . ..� �����'·--��������'�ll����=-'��'���������R·����.�:�-���:���--��-.... �. Tou�Presi- ProfessorJalIies H. Tufts who:bas �::.)L: D�, ��1!rba.C;�i!- .tliiatJ""'__ Dr. lIiller aod Pro- been prominent among�the :idvocate� P.'1t Brown: OaJuiDd;'JiaaiOr,'1IjiIt__� AmoDC Speakers.· of the system declared..that he was' 'Pam, ft. L/¥: rueD;-·��:eoUt"... satisfied. with the results of the vote. .Prep.; BiekIe� 1I0tPD �:Ati"'- !�!'i. TIle eleventh annual 'banquet of the He said he thought a three to one D. Cleland.·, JtDK1e�; :t. �lI�M. . propom'on a fair one. Members of m-..s.-=nd· .p. ';'.Ir,'. ·�!.19';"":'� r;M�:'W_en's Athletic Associa1ion, which _ ..... �_ .a vs; "-"INl� ", ••• l\the committee were not ov\!rJ·oyed to 'I'L._L u:....... �-I..�,., furt�.·'·"',.;!�.i�is 110 be given in Lexington gymna�· .riU"� �""Io& � �al5l n�_� Thursday night at eight o'clock. learn that the system proved so un· ParJr,' ft. Jl ;FOs:cJ.':� �;will bring the athletic activities for popular among the men. Wed�kiD'" "OiBaD:lttIr£.�.p��"this year tv a formal close. Miss vs. L W_ BOastoIi·�Eftlisto1i :'I'oiiiat.STUDENT SEATS RESERVED ....:.... it. O. LOll,·; ROCkvii�;=..:: .. r�Hazel Stillman has been chosen toast- �, .,. . .' au."'1"p _ CaIro", New Trlir ToWDSbiPi'Kd&mistress, and Dr. Frank J. Miller williI-.rtb·., I .. ' ..ci�_'.:...' ·G. .:..:._"I...:.:l...•• ,'�w..;r. \..•de1iYer the address. The program is Section Set Aside For University _'" r� ilJCi1J'IITa ,,_ s::.as foUows: Rooters at Interscholastic lYAneona., W�det(�!I�iPs:�' ::-'"!. rnToastmistress ••. Miss Hazel Stillman ' MrSt�Ro.iIiIJ.·;: �) .",'.;;. (,�Greeting ••••....... President judson Inorder to assure the presence of a W. JODe5.-l,ewis-IDStitate Academy-The OIicago Girl" .. Dr. F. J. Millet large body of Varsity students Di- W. Byford;':'UblYet8tt.·..:H .. vs. ·N."ID the Days Gone By" rector Stagg has reserved two blocks Stein. Morpn·Park;Aca""'; ��s-Miss Elizabeth MacFarlane of seats in the best sections in the ter, New Trier To� �����Ethics vs. Athletics Mr. Tuf.s stands for University students. Sea- ft. F. Dutton, Eas� H.igh,. Gr�. Bay.ASter the banquet the banners will bl' son tickets will gain admission to Was:; R. Boha.eli, We.Dde�·. "-'�,.awarded to the hockey and baseball these sections For those who do not ft.. W. B. Hargr:av�, Rocm1re, 't9_d.;telUDS, and the silver cup to the bas- possess season tickets a special stu- C. RoKers, 1tyan�t,�n' T�sfliP>':'.ketbaU team. Miss Livermore will dent rate of SO cents will be made. W. Mann, Tabor, Ia.; C:Th2yer;·C31i.present a new shield for the first time The charge to outsiders will be 75 arnet, dreW' a. . .' -.. , .. ,' - " ...to the winning baseball team. All th(' cents. They have :1lready been pu! .,. ••• III �f •• [ : : ':women who have made the teams will on sale at the Informaton office and ·PnE: •., ao..ct. .. , ,r��receive "C" pins, and Miss llargarel em be secured at any tme. Admis- W •. Sc:Inimmaa aacr· W.-: BiItbet.BeD w111 receive the tennis champion- sion with these tickets will be at Jhe WaDer, n. M. Dale and I. Cleveta.Cship pin. Three young women will re- 55th entrance. Ftairmont, Ind.;' Baker� aIId· Kaaroe. ' •eave individual medals for having .From present indications Marshall JI'orpn. Park High· School. :"s. �'.c.WOD pins in four consecutive years. Field bleachers will be packed wi.h Yates and I. Princ� .��'IJ;.�.TheY .:are Kiss Mary' Heap .�, lliss a large crowd Saturday. High scho:;l Ragen and W. B.· MOO;d,y,o Ev.R'S&OnFIoreace ClIaney '08, and Miss Helen rooters from all over the city and the TOW'DShip, vs. Conant and W.ed�Pede ",. vicinity have been purchasing tickets Morpn Park High School; N .. Stt-�n.Dr. wiw.m G. Anderson of Yale freely. The University High School. and Bickle, Mo(pn Park Ac:ade,Aiy;University who wa� im;ted to attend which is the favorite to win the meet. ft.Ja. W. Mann and .E. Meyers, ���r�wiD be _able to be present. T�1(, has reserved a block of 400 scats. and.pests iDdude President and .:\Ir:'. will be out in full force to root for !lint ltcnmciJudson, Director and Mrs. Stagg. Pr(,· its team. W. Jones and B. Davey, Lewi!l ·'n-� d � J H T f 'I I stihlte Academ .., vs. Ford and Wolf,lessor aD .lftrs. . . u ts. � r. anc JMrs. Percy Boynton and Dr. F. J. FENCIBLES ELECT ELEVEN University High; F. Dutton aM ·W�Miller. TO IlEIIBERSHIP IN CLUB Andrews. EaM High Green Ba.1, "Wis.,The Lexington gymna�ium is to h(' V!'. G. G. Yule and L W. HOlistoIl.beautifully decorated in llaroon anI) Initiation and Banquet of New Mem- Eftllston Towmhip; D. ClelaDd ·at .. 1White. It is hoped that the hanquc: ben Tonight at Hotel F Gutheridge, Englewood. \·s. R. ();wiD be a greater social success th:111 lIaroon. Long and W. B. Hargrave, Rock.;Jle,ever before, ·and it is expected that Ind.; J. Kenfield and F� Catron, MOf�'the attendance will surpass last year'� Stanley Benson, Arthur D. O·Xei11. gaD Park Academy, \'5. B,ford aD.which was one hundred and five. llm-t Benjamin Bills, Alan Loth. Clifton Sellars, University High; ,C.' Stua�..tof tbe tickets have already been !roM. Keller, Edward jennings. james Mof- and R. Bohoon, Wendell PhiUips,.vs.and it is hoped that the rest' will be fat� Herman Felsenthal. Ruprecht T. Erringer and E. Moffett, Highba4'disposed of early today. Barr, Albert Duncan and Harry Mark- Park; K. Roberts aad R. Lester, Ken-hiem were elected yestt"rday to mem- ilwortb, .n. . L H .. Clark. and J... JI.bership in the Fencibles, the 'honorary Fixin, Racine CoDege Prep.Sophomore debating society.The initiation banquet will be heldthis evening at 6:00 o'clock at tl!t'Hotel Maroon. All the new memobers and this year's Fencibles menwill banquet together.Today is the last day to buy tlcket sfor the Junior Prom. at four dollarseach. Every ticket not bought beforemidnight tonight will cost five dollars,The pasteboards may be securedfrom anyone of the following men.Charles L. Sullivan, Will Crawley.joy Clark, Aleck Whitfield, Willia.mKuh, Earl Bowlby, Esmond Long orBoynton Rogers.TICkets Selling Rapidly.The advance sale of the covetedpasteboards has been heavy, and thepresent indications all point to alarge attendance equal to or greaterthan last year's record-breaker.The financial arrangements of theProm. have been based on an attendance of 120 couples, and should thenumber of tickets sold be less than120, the committees will face a deficit.The sale of tickets, however, Indicatesthat such a contingency is unlikely;though it seems certain that there willbe DO great margin of profit.Extra. Late Payment Charges.The increased . price of the Prom .tickets after today will make ,the costfive dollars each, the extra charge be-(Luntinued on Page 4,TUe Track Pictll1'e Today.The picture of the track team willbe taken this afternoon at 4:00 o·clock.All winners of points in intercolleg·iate events are eligible to be taken inthe group. The picture wi11 be snapped on the steps of Haskell. Prof ... Clan .... to .Lit. .....Associate Profasor S. H. Clark of·the public speaking department reua Dumber of selections to tbe IIIaJ ofArts CoDege yesteAlay mOrDin ..THB DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1909.THE DAILY MAROONhaler.,.... V� .. aa.:.p .�., " ·ro .....TIle w __ .�· •.•••••• � •••.. Oetober 1. 18.TIle � •••••••••••••••••• October 1. J-.ZlateNd .. 8ecoaCl-eJUe IIaD at tM CIaleqo p ...... 0Jcq0, uu--. II.uda11. uoa. aaclel' Act of IIIara .. l8'2I.Publlalled daIl7. ucept Sudan. Moo-4&7. ad hoUdQ. d� tIaree 4laarten� tbe UDlwen1t7 �............. » �, ...f.r ·� ....... a&............................• "2'01( F. GAM •••••••• _ '-.u-.ELVIN 6. ADAIIa •••••••••• If -..rJL .&. P6&Jt.&& •••••••••• '.AIbIe&Ia ..... 1'.A. L. FlUD8TDlf �THos. It. mLJ.JE&.;.. ••••• CInaIa&Iea lip.• 0__ .. KDITO ..Ill.- lIolUe R. CarrolL.&88OCUTS JU)I'I'O'"A. 0. lVbtUleld . , Barcr&ft A. LoacH. l'el8eothal van_ O. AppelaBPOaT&IUL)(. 11'. CarpeDterMoeee· LeTltaDW. 8., Llo7dC. W:� WubburDeMorris H. Briggs A. LothR. s. Dal7B. 11'. BUlaW.3. routeB. Clareuce BurkeNe... eootrfbutlon. ma7 be left at Enla.Hall· 'or raculQ Exchauge.. addreued toThe Da1l7 MarooD.// Every student who has any interestin the University's future in athleticsshould put down Sat:Tbe-StDdents urday , afternoon and.. ;. ·ACt"., -evening as engaged for,:",'; ... ��tsl .' . events on MarshallIf . . Field and the Towersn,up �f buildings. It is importantthat a- large and brazen-lunged crowd',If r60ters be present in the bleachersdri� the' meet. It is important thatHutclsinson Commons be filled withlive. rooters at the Interscholastic banquet;· .. lt- is important that the lower&Or of Mandel be filled with men andthe :balcony with women for the enteItiiD:ment Saturday night, large del-..... , �··egatbnS from ,. each' 'or' the ,....;�?�.en:� .baI1s :being expected It,jsy_also veryimpodant .that· .tfte-'·Re�ri�lds. c,lu�-.('_ daDc:e' at: nine; o'clock, at which· theprep' 'school visitors wili be guests,and t� : make it one considerable effortwill·haVe to be made to 'overcome thehandicap of_the Junior Prom. on Fri-day niiht.· .' : .. .: The stUdent body of the University-�ng as host; and unl.ess every stu,does bis part the lack of cor-:-diatity -is iike�y t� become noticeable.A gtut deal of good or a great dealof hatm can be done in a few hourson situ·relay. It is lor the studentsto decide whic;h it shall be.�". DAILY BULLETIN�dtee· C1ab. will hold election thismomiD"g at 10:30.. sbin' mid Cracent meet tod�y at10':30 a. m. .(F�eshmen).. , .. "SeDior ondorica1 Contest takesplace tonight at 8 in Kent.Sociology' Club meets this morningat 10:30,iu'Cobb Lecture Hall.o' P�' Championship Pina1s willi;e.&eld-tbis'- afternoon at ":3()'in Bart-. ietL: '_' � ._J ." . .P,ewiuiateriill Club will hold special.: meeting. this' morning in MiddleDitnnty at 10:30.� Relay Team-Tryoutswt11 J)�. held this afternoon at 4:30 p.m. Gn 'Yarshall Field.Preshm8D Baseball �eam is to meetat B'artiett this afternoon at 4:00 tohave: their pidures taken-Pencibles will banquet at MaroonHot�l at 6 ,o'clock this evening. X('wand old members. to be present.CODqe of Education wilt hold c1as�day this afternoon from 4.:00 to 6:00o'clodc. in .the Art 'room on the 4th800r� .' 0Cemmoawea1th Club .will h�ld impo�nt . an� 'final m��ting of quartertoday at.l0,:30 a. m., so Cobb 3A, clec·tiqql �f: ;'.tIic�r�..V_" Track Tea� witl have thmpictare iake-p �hi� afternoon, at �:IS �nHaskell steps. . Win.ner.s of pomts mthe Interstholastic are eligible..t:,!lM .:; .._�. � � '" < '. - .�em� �he In�erscholastlc ne"tFti�a��4 �y.. "•. :�!- AllNOURCEIiENTS.J-OI' Prom. will be held Friday.COD.cH:atiOD Tickets may be sccured Thursday afternoon.Jamor Day Events will take placeFriday morning at 9:00 o'clock.BI'OWDSOD Club will hold electionThursday afternoon at 4:30 in Cobb8B.Railroad "l1ckets including sleepingberth and trunk checks may be obtained at the Information Office.Intencho1astic will be held on Marshall Field, Saturday at 1:30 p. m. Admission 50 cents or a season rticket.Siztb Annual W. A. A. Banquet inLexington gymnasium 6:30, Thursday •June 10. Tickets on sale at Miss Dudley's office, $1.25.Senior Class Programs a nd a nnouncements are on sale in Cobb corridot daily from 9:30 to 11, 12 to 1 .and 3 to 4 o'clock.Junior College Chapel will assembleat Junior Class exercises Thursdaymorning at 10:30. Attendance of menand women is required.Int2rcollegiate Tennis Championshipwill be played on the University ofChicago courts, Thursday Friday andSaturday mornings and afternoons.. Cap and Gown Subscribers may obtain their copies between the hoursof 9:30 and 2 o'clock in Cobb hall corridor. The price to others than sub-seribers is $2.50. .Phi Beta Kappa are to have theiranunal dinner Friday. Tickets may beobtained from Mr. F. D. Bramhall.Faculty Exchange. Members of otherchapters than Illinois are welcome.Gymnasium Classes Close Thursday,Thursday, June 10, will be the lastday of gymnasium class work, according to an announcement made yesterday by Dr. Joseph E. Raycroft of thedepartment of physical culture andathletics. The swimming pool willbe open as usual until Wednesday.June ·16,' but after that date all gymnasiu.m activities- wiII be at an enduntif the opening o(the summer quar-.ter on Monday, June 21.You can depend on Maroon advertisers.A double-header: support The Maroon by patronizing Maroon advertisers.If its advertised in The Maroon itsreliable . SENIOR SONG IS C�IIPLETEDlIarI7 BaDseD Wnta'WordS and NatRuhinbm . Composes Music to GoWith Tbem-Rebearu1a Today andPddq.Activities of the Senior class thisweek are confined to the Senior songwhich will be sung at' the end of theclass exercises on Monday. June 14,at the Senior bench. Harry Hansen.chairman of the song committee gaveout the song yesterday and stated atthe same time that the credit for themusic must go to Nat Rubinkam, '09,who worked the melody out on thepiano to Hansen's lines. Edward McBride will lead the class with his cornet Monday afternoon. The melodypossesses dignity and beautiful harmonies and raises the song above thelevel of its kind. Meetings will be heldthis morning at 10:30 in Kent. and Friday morning at 10:30 at Haskell forrehearsals. 'The song has three verses,' as Iol-lows:I.Alma Mater, venerated,We are pilgrims at thy shrine.Seeking embers consecrated.Spreading Wisdom's fire divine.Men of might from many nationsGather greatness from thy store,Truth and light through time eternal.Truth and light for evermore.II.Memories, like ivy, clinging.Sanctify thy walls of stone,Pilgrim voices ever singing,Tell of glories we have known.Deep within our hearts the fountainOf our love flows out to thee:Golden stream of men's opinionsThroughout all eternity.III:Alma Mater, at thy temple,We have dreamed of noble deeds;Bid us rise and never' falterTill we meet a brother's needs!Make us strong to do man's service;Make us wise to kno� meli' s-.ways:Alma' Mater, give they blessing.On this glorious (fay -of da�.�_,"J"'. • .o!I.1-"·�·'-".John Drew said:'" If anything can be a nec:euity and a luxury at thesame time-it's good clothes."Clothes tailored by theNicoll Systemare a lusury-at the· price ofa necessity.-�a awTAILORWILLIAM .lERREMS· 80NS.CLARK AftO AD A.S STREI TS.San$ Souci Park Theatre. 7�or��� 2S 50 75c i �-l:'& ��:: 25 SOc��ITbe;INGNext 5.ada,. N" ... t-Edaa Wallace Hoppw ia ·'Flou ..... "Seat. at L,._ a Healy' .. 4741 E 55th st. ..CRED-ITS-'Do . You WantaClean HomeVery many students wb�Are behind in their workCan turn the Mummer toAccount byTaking C.rres,' •• 1C1 C.11lISIn desired subjectsOffered by the U.neully. ActNow! ! ! CookedMeal.,..HIGH SCHOOL _COLLEGE COURSES. COME55th ST. ANDDOWN TOOne-half the Work for a Bach.eIor Dearee may be cloneby Correspondence. GIVE-US ATRIALlDquireThe University of CIncap,Cobb Hall, 7 A. CHICAGO, OJ..THE YUSm - CAfEA. G.Spalding& Brosare the Largest ITHE Man ufacturersS·p ALDI Ne ;��Id ofTrade-Mark EQUIPMENT COMMUTATION RATES$3,So FOR 13-00ON THE_�F A..c:-r TRAIRSFOR AU.ATHLETICSPORTS ANDPASTIMES DAY ABD lU�BT, . r:! � :-. :,' -I YOU are in-t e r esteel inAthletic Sport TOUsbould have a COI'7of the Spaldlnlf CataIORue.. It's' a com�I�te �9clopedia ofWIIat". New -s.-tand is IeDt free onrequest.A.--G.-S""P-A"" D�. IN�� G •. BROS.147 Wabula AYe., CIDcap. Best Service _, � " .Between ; , : .CHICAGO,. INDIANAPOq5,CINCINNATI, DAYTON,."LA FA VETTE LOUIS.::'VILLE AND POINTS SOUTH.-&.1 __Guarme 'ofQuality.Lasslall, pllatograrier231 East 55tll StreetMakes Good Photos $2.50 DozeDC orne and see them. Frank J. Reed, Gen.: Pass; �Agt.�E. P. Cockrell, �. G .. P. ·A.�·ChicagoCity Ticket Office .82 S. aarkStreet.Telephone Centra] S4�7.All trains stop at 47th & 63rd 5t5.100 Enlmlved Cards of ,.our name 1'1 25in correct script. inciudiac plate" •300 BISIIISS Ir CIII� carD $1.00HYNSON, .Palmer HCRae LobbyPhone Ceutral6107 Barpins all the . TimeReliabl�/Rebuilt Typewriters. aU maka;rebuil"l"'in our own factory; better andch�6er:' than others. �. for yourself./- TftE' TYP�ITER EXCIIU6E319 Durbom SL A. J. CoOsa,.Mgr.TeleDboae Harri80ll as . 0A.SCHOENMIDWAY TAILOR.. BOOK BARGAINS.Just issued. Mailrd free on �uestcatalogue of boob..--- Mostly second-6ar.d-some new�-some scarce. All desirableincluding Americana and Miacellaneous./. LOUIS DANZIGER,3106 Prairie Ave •• Chicago.The Book Hunters Re.an. Open'Evenings .6001 Ellis AYeIlaeDe 1I�1�11�11t BIlk CI.. Not IDe.18-26 E. V .. Bam St..CHICAGOI' - IWNOIS.Books 0 •• Psycholology, Scienceand Theosop.,h_Y..CIRCULATING uBRARY.Cbocolates...BARGAINS IN STATIONERY100 sheet Theme TabItts, 10 cents.each, -tWo' for ••• _ ISeSets of four College Posters, cutto ••••••••••••••••••.•....... SOcUniversity of Chicago bond tab-leta •••••••••••••..•• IOc and 20cEmbossed Stationery, U. of C.per box •••••• -:-:-::' .••........• 15cHandy Outfits, 200 card!'J, indexand box •••••••••••.• 4Sc and SOcThis is a great saving.THE LlTl'LE BOOK SHOP434 East Fifty-fifth St.New LiDe of Arts IIDd Crafts Jewelry. and fine bonbons famous throughout America, put up in beautifulboxes suitable for presents at 25c,40c and 60c per pound."'\ plea� customer is the bestadvenisemenL"To US1II'e yoaneJI of tile bestttd�mt�mD.u�M�.�featiMa.If its advertised in The Maroonthat'. all you Dftd to kIIow. .'THE DAILY MAROON.. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1909.BooksThe largefl:t Stock in theUnited States of she Booksof other publishers.Engraving ,Cards. I nvitatlons.Announcements, and Programs fur alloccasions, in f.tult:ess stylesForeignLanguages .An incomparable stock ofthe l\t:w and StandardWurks in French and German, also f!":1!W others,Spanish, Italian. �speranto,etc.Monthly Bulletin.\ monthly descriptive list.with illustrations of every'title received in. our retailstore, It is impartial andcomplete. and is very valuable to book buyers and Librarians. Sent upon request• r-=' = _ .�-_-.,;; ...... _, .'rhotle Midway 22ilNear Lexington Avenue.This Will Interest YOUTie Sale, . ,�,::-�weater Sale,-D�k Trousers .Sale,� , ' Soft Shirt Sale.-- _;_-:_ ._.. ..�Ladies-Sweater Sale,Duck Shirt Sale,, ,I Duck. Hat Sale,. .. Shirt," Waist Sale.All these GoocIa at'" the Lowe.t'. Pouible Prices.�ii.1BOSTONGARTER1IIE _n.:.,:=",".w,-�. .CUSHIO.limO.CLASP................ a.e. ............................................. w ... &.,__ -,AL.AYS EAS' ....... _� pRiARs BOLD ANNUM. 1 ., WantedDllTlATlON' BANQUET ----,-.-_ A SYMBOL , OF QUWTYNaet7 � at Bic Celclxation ' •ill GnD4 Pacific Hotel BALDWIN-IIADE� lDitiates. I ANOS ANDReport of - 0Sicen Shows Profit ofLJrial'=.tobe PLAYER PIANOS' The Blackfriars held their sixth an-nual initiation and banquet last nightin the Grand Pacific Hotel. Twenty.eight men, the choice of thi-s .year'scast and chorus, were made brothersin the order. Initiaton rites werestarted at 1:00 p. m. by a boisterouscrowd of thirty older men.An elaborate banquet was servedin the Dutch Room after the ceremonies. Ninety men were present.Toast!; were scheduled from AbbottShaw, Friars Blackford, Flavin. Steff- The Baldwinen and McDermid.Reports by the hospitaller and business manager were presented andshowed a big increase over the showof last year. DeWitt B. Lightner. thenewly elected abbott of the Friars wasinstalled at the close of the banquet.Unique' Idea for Toasts.The program of the evening wasin ,the form of a vaudeville. FriarBlackford was unable to be present.and his toast, Topical Song: "Bluffing"was not given. Friar Flavin. '04, inhis "Mol1()l�gue, Jolly from Joliet" admonished the Friars to do their best.Wallie Steffen gave, "Grand ChorusEnsemble" entitled. "If I Only Had aSmile Like That." ,Friar McDermid, finished', th�. toasts by tell-'lng of. hi-s recollections of "he early We ,,-ill be pleased to show them to youdays of the club and the hopes thathe has for its future.Reports Show Prosperous Year.'The reports of the executive committee shows a substantial gain overlast year.Financal Report by Dean M. KennedyHopsitaller.From )'urmer treasurer ..... $1.272.391 Interest of ;Savings Account 23.43Ticket sale "Lyrical, Liar" . .. 2,494.85 Developing, �, Printing' �nd'" Eni�rging.Last year's score 25.00 Cameras and Kodaks : Rented'.'arid': E�cbangect·Total receipts $3.815.67Total expenditures .••....• 1,992.78BiUance on hand •......•. $1,992,78Jlauager's Report ,to JUDe ,8, i909, -i1ie'Lyrical L"'-SeaSono,1909';"The BIackfri8rs. 'Total -eost of '-show $1,526.26Total rec!eipts from tickets 2,545.7Commission for sale of tickets . 50.90. Cost of show ••...•........ 1,526.26Total expense •....•...... $1,577.1,TOtal pro6t • _ •..•..... .-.. '968.4Get naofy for the" Junior Prom"Have us MakeY oar Dreu Suit"WE' KNOW HOW"100RE' & IlAlREIIi COTailors441 East 63n1 StreetBet_ ..WoocIIawn.KimbukAftaThe Union Hotel an, Restaurant111-117,�h s�THE POPULARPLACETO EAT:ithc-r. before or after the theatreW(O make a specialty of Club:md Fraternity Dinners,Pa tronize MarooD aclftl't1aer ... PH0J.IS..369•d. A PRODUCT TRA'rOLDS THE WORLD'S HIIHEST HOIORSThe coet or the Baldwin·madeinstrumf'nta is no higher than isoften �d fur Inferior makes.Quality considered they are bylir the Most Moderately PricedI nstruments on the market.ar Terms of Pay.eat wl1l alsoPlease Yoa.Please pay us a "isit of inspection before concluding a purchaseelsewhere.Co.MANUFACTURER267-269 Wabash Ave.G. C01.ViLLE S A.DUNLOPMAKERS OF MEN'S CLOTHESSpring and SummerSuitings andOvercoatingsn all the newest shades and colors, arenow displayed at our headquartersSuite 400-185 Dearborn St.Chicagopring Overcoats, Light Dark or MediumSuits, Fancy Vests, Evenin,Dress.English Morning Coats,Prince Alberts.TrousersAlrxatdrr Bmdop .. wailorPhoni Central 2768 'Cameras',::' KOdaks,, .. ,'_ ... ', '·iML� •.Photo, 'SUpp6esCentral Camera Co.TeIep._ S963 CeatnI179 WABASH AVE. CHICAGOd.£RRI£��,�o�· (INC) '3FORMERLY��,��15".!' F'LOOR MENTOR aLOG.COIt.STATe c MOfIROI: srAEETSCHICAGOHave you read our ad in theMaroon regarding aSuit _ Ciolhea Wbicb We arec.oa. to Giwe You Free?If not better look it up. Forgot to mention that Students areallowed on Iy one guess.When sending in your estimatebe sure and give your address.H a.e you bought your SpringClot hes? Why 'not look at ourstock before ordering PThe Kercher Bath Go.32' \9 ....... An .• Cor. eo .... e •• st.111� mo�t llcdem. Practicaland Luxurious Insritutionfor B;.ths and TherapeuticTreatments in the west.FOR LADIES AImGBBTLUIBBHours: Gentlemen. dailyat all hours. Ladies, 8 a. m ..t09 p. m. Sunday, 8 a. mto I p, m.Patronize Maroall adftl'bsen.. Fifty Forwork in the Middle Westthis Summer. We pay salary orguaran teed salary OD commissioDbasis. We had twenty collecestudents- last year who averaced toearn .20.00 per week each durinCthe Summer months. Those interested will do well to address orcall to seeThe Mapziae CircaIatioD Co.269 Dearborn Street,Chicago. Illinois.College. Students� .... �---------------------------------------------- ..MATHEWS & COMPANY,INC. Geo. H. Fiedler. Sec.Albert Mathews. Pres.The Tailor ShopMakers of clothes for man-liThe Individual"156 'Vabash Avenue ChicagoThe Monarch VisibleA Typewriter Par ExcellenceSee the New No. 2 Monarch.Service. Durability. Mechanism, unexcelled.Machines sold or Rented at Chicago office.25 Madison Street, , - ChicagoVisit "Little 6ungUy" , T o-Qigh�HungarUin Cafe aad Resta1ll1Ull: 'Evening Table D'Hote Soc. Noon Luncbeoo4OCSouthwesfCorner Clark and Monroe St.Mlin Fntrance 184 Clark Street Telephone Centrallo!q " "Famous Hungarian Gypsy Baad Concerts §'Iun. till I a.m. also Sunday MatilaceD. L. FRANE. Special HUDpriaD Caterer l.:ldics' Soa..-eair. after TbeaIreYou men of the University want clothes ofYOUR OWN. The kind that are made up forthe AVERAGE man don't fit YOU.You are not looking for extreme and ultrafan tastic capers. , You as a college man are �tbeBEST DRESSED not the LOUDEST dressed.Quality, design, workmanship and price tosuit the college man. These are the facts aboutmy clothes.FRANK L BENIlAM,The C:olle�e .Man�s, TailorS19A East 63n1 Street.for theJunior PromPlaoaeCaJamet2798Your Last Chance to aetA Dress SuitIt takes time to make a Drea Suit, which FITS, ..... Fa RIGHT.We Make DO Others.Lindsay Bros .. , Tailors, , 49 J��Heard the New.'Round?Have YouThat's GoingTaxicab rates reduced-no more double tariff. � 01'four people pay no more than one or two .hen ddiIIc ia ',!our Taxis. Fifty Taxis available. Competent.... �assured, University patronage solicited, .:-AUTO 'TAXICAB CO.��2441-43 Michigan Ave. >,;.. Tim DAILY KAaOON, W.EDNESDAY, JuNE 9, '1909.Amusements ..// O����.rm.n Fore.Tl:tE 'BLUE MOUSE-W1TH--. "' MABEL BARRISONEve. & Sat. Mat. Soc to 11;50. Wed.______ M_.;......a_t sue. to flo. McVICKERS.. 2 Lut . Weeks'TheSins of Society'Engagement Positively Ends SaturdayNight, June IQ.W � !.:�,�,��,=���:.MR. cdARLES CHERRY I�THE BACHELOR Chdt�YFitch.Princess Theatre'. :The Golden.Girl YEAR'SMUSICAL________SENSATI�-N---AMERICA N ����.: . \Vabii�h A ve, and Peck CourttThe:Only Thing New Beneath the Sun· ,�{TWO 'Hle; SHOWS A UA V.'n"" . AJES'fIC.. CONTINUOUS".·VAUDEVILLEPrices I ;-25' 50-75c. Telephone_____ C_�ntJ""'d1 64�..1 LLINOIS. �i(���ne Be.t of s.a...er 5.0 ....TIle. Traveling SalesmanBy james Forbes. Author of "TbeChoru� Lady:'. (COLONIALBT�lltttrfel:. eau 0: CARLE RICHARDf (Himself)� In a Tuneful Tonic for the Snrnn-errirne; The HURDY GURDY"GlRL�. Seats NoW £� NiP'. ...... Wed... &:Sat. - SOc to '1.50. IIaiJ_ ...... Ceatnd 3033.· C'. .Idcaga Opera House· .EMMET CORRIGANIN"l(eegan's Pal"Aa; onIi-J �_PIQ � Paal WiIdada.M GREATRM........ar MATINEES; ... Inll:. "� m:t- Seuoa�. Best M1ISicaI Noqity.I THE SNOWBALL NUMBERIS A RIOT OFLAUGHTER." TlIE": Alaskan.\ STUDEBAKER I''B'E·,rrD' 'y cZu-, I.Y LnJ.. "STARK I� �� �c""eatertailli .. aDtMlt..eS���c!_.!�k IIt'. real joy to mix willa tlae paboa.01 daia park -dae elemeDt 01 cIau.. VESSELLA aacI .. BAND---.Iy an-t.Silo ... Ride. aad RESTAURANT--aIaoof c:Isaa.I�"s.u. �ci Theater SEATS FOR"".. " , " ISOO'�" 2550 75C I r=--.'t! 25 SOC'q.O 11 THE ".DAN_1... Herc.....,. ..�e�t Sunday Night-Edna WallaceHooper in "F'lorodora .. · Seats at Lyon�&' Healy's:" - .}FULL;D.RESS SUITS I'-. � �i"O r·. Rent I. ! T� �llCHA�FNER��'s"'iaie se: "�'-I»ttO_ Ce�tral"51lL.,gaHP!l� ... ����.!"_�_dyertisers. COIOlISSION ARRANGESPROGRAM FOR PREP. MENPlan BUS)' Days for High School Atb-1eta-Inc1udca Auto Tour� White City.IImdel Hall Balcony to Be Reservedfor Women at Vaudeville Satarda7-Dance to Follow.The final program of entertainmentof the "prep" men, who have alreadvbegun to arrive on the campus for Sa:mclay's great interscholastic me«.... ere made yesterday afternoon at :1meeting of the Reynolds Commission.It is as follows:Friday noon, luncheon in the Commons.Afternoon, interscholastic tl'l1ni;tournament and band concert,7 o'clock, assembly at Reynolds cluhand trip to White City. Visit to theJunior Prom.Saturday morning, automobile tourthrough Chicago.Noon, luncheon in the Commons.Afternoon, meet at Marshall Field.6 o'clock, supper in the Commons.7:15 o'clock, vaudeville in MnndclHall. For all members of t11C University and their guests,10 o'clock, dance in the Reynold!'club.This whirl of affairs is calculated t :keep the high school boys bus)'enough to prevent any 'Worry "Over themeet and 10 give them an idea of whatChicago men can do for their guestsGirls to Fill Mandel Balcony.The feature of the whole entertain"ment will be the show Saturday evening in Mandel Hall. This wilt bc opento all the University public. TIl(women are especially invited and thebalcony will be reserved for their exclusive use. They will be barred fromthe main floor, but that is only so thaithey may come without escorts. Theywill make up a separate body. Thespecial desire of the commission inmaking ·this arrangement was to ha vcthe girls fill the balcony.The show will start promptly at a�uarter after seven. The program wi!)consist of sketches from the Blackfriars' performance of "The Lyrica!Liar" and original" vaudeville .stun;sThe men who will appear are )Ierri)l.who wm sing the waltz song, Parkerand Sherer, Henry and Steffen in thetrio entitled "You've Got to Study toStay," and Henry in the football song.Parker will come out later in a monologue and in some take offs on popular actresses. Baukhage and Bcnzicsare preparing an original skit andvaudeville stunt.Mter the show the "COs" will hepresented and the winners of the meetwill receive their cups.Will Go to White City Friday.Friday evening the men wilt meet atthe Reynolds club at 7 o'clock an.lproceed from there to White Ci:y.The return will be made early cnnugl:to let the men look in at the JuniorProm. and then to get in bed hef .rcten o'clock, so that they will he ir.good condition for the following day.University students who have automobiles have volunteered their services for Saturday morning, and lcnving from the club they will conduc,the prep. men around the city. Prohably there will be two or three divisions, as all the men cannot he accomodated at once. The return willbe made early enough for lunch.Plans for Meet Saturday.PIans for livening up the meet durin"g the pauses han also been laid.The Three-Quarters club is arrangin�a mock baseball game. An inter-Iratemity relay race is to he pullc.1 off.Each .fraternity will enter a team (Ifsix men to run over a half mile conr�(·.All frat men who have not taken Jl:lriin any Freshman or Univcrsitv mct';are eligible. -The banquet in the Commons in thl'evening, although dcsi!tned primarilyfor the guests of the Univl'rsity ,,·j:lbe open ·to the whole school. Theprice of the meal is 25 cents.Kr.· Sa", the officials and coachC'..; .and the winners of first and secondplaces will be seated at tahll'5 on 'th(·platform. The other contcstants willbe placed' immediately before the plat- Psi Upsilon and Sigma Chi· will playoff for the 'semi-finals of the Interfraternity baseball league this after- Inoon in '.Vashington Park.; Both of "the teams have played well in their I"preliminary contests' and a dose game ,"between them is anticipated.· Sigma IChi will rely" on the pitching of Swan !to win for them while Psi U is hoping I'to defeat their opponents by superior :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.':'batting and fielding. .Delta Upsilon, who won from Phi' i I · B'Delta Theta" in the semi-finals will I rwm.. roseplay the winner of the above game onthe morning of June 12th. The customary banner will be awardcd to thevictors.form. A taWe tWill be reserved forthe cheer aDd lOng leaders and theUDiTersity quartet composed of BaldwiD. Myers, Clark and' Orchard willsmg during the evening.After the vaudeville in Mandel, thescheduled dance of the Reynolds clubwill be held. Dancing will begin atten o'clock and will continue until midDiehL The club will throw �ts doorsopen to all those who wish to dance.CHICAGO ALUMNUS HONOREDRoy D. K� 'OZ Receives High Appointment From Hearst Interests.Another Chicago alumnus to rcceive noteworthy recognition .is RoyD. Keehn, who took ,his Bachelor'sdegree in '02 and his J. D. in '04.Keehn has been appointed by WilliamRandolph Hearst ·to the position 01general counsel and attorney for allhis interests in Chicago, including theChicago American and the Chicag.Examiner .:Mr. Keehn has offices in Room 409the Rector Building. While in college he was president of' his class. anofficer of the Reynolds club and aprominent student.School of Education Class Exercises.The annual class day exercises of Ithe graduating class of the School ofEducation will be celebrated .this af- Itemoon in Emmons Blaine II all at4:00 p. m. An address will be given .by Dean Butler. Other numbers 011the program will be given by members of the class.PSI U AND SIGMA CHIPLAY SEMI-FINALS TODAYClose Game Anticipated This Afternoon-Winner to Play DeltaU For Championship.LAST CHANCE TO PURCHASETICKETS FOR PROII. TODAY(Continued fmm Page 1)jng a necessity in order to makc endsmeet.An informal dance will be held Fri- 1day afternoon on the floor of the Bartlett gymnasium in order to work inthe wax necessary to secure a smoo; hdancing surface. Inasmuch as nogymnasium classes will meet Friday,the decoration and arrangement .. cornmittees will have all day in which totransform the gymnasium for the evening display. IIC bASS IFIED If'\OiERTISINGTyJ)f"writing and !'tenugr.tpby done at�:nahle rates. Apl'Jy J);lily MaroonPOCKETBOOK FOUND-May behad at the Informatio n office uponidentification.FOR SALE - First class pianos.Three standard makes. Apply Business Manager, The Daily Maroon. 1FOR SALE--Scholarship on Firs!Business or Musical College. Ap·pI,.. Daily Maroon Office.GERMAN LANGUAGE CWB"UT11.£ CF.:ItIIANrFor ttH! study of f'rf'rman h,. mnst appro.t'dmf'thod. b,. k-lr.It ... ffon wi'h lC'lr.It time and I ... at'ltmonrv. It it'l tilt" thin" you arf! look in" for. $1.00pr.f month. Writf! for Paniculars to tbe prcsiclellt.PROF. CHAS. WDOItIC GUTMARN.'; u :z6 Van Buren St., ChiagoPrinte Lcaoas for cooditiooed stadellt.. " MROWCoIlARS"In the "TREMONT" �.has beensuccessfullyprodueeda collar combining comfortwith smart appearance.I.sc. each-s for � Cluett. Peabod7 a: Co., ......tco'll f.Dd Arrow Cuff's just � cood .. Anow CoJ.1an-2sc. ....I States RestaurantENTRANCE 52 ADAMS STREET9-Course Table D'Hote with Wine $1.00:6 to 9 P. M. Daiy1 to 9 P. M. Sunday·MIDNIGHTVAUDEVILLE'jII P. Ml' to 1 A. M.A Varied Program of Classic and Popular Numbers,Including Ensemble Singing of LatestIllustrated Song SuccessesO. B. STIMPSON, Manager Telephone Harrison 5171 \:Company4 .. ')' to 451 State St.Lung Distance Tel. Harrison 56-517 CHICAGOLong 1 list. Tel. Weot"onh 611Prime Beef, . Pork, Veal and MuHonWrite for Special Hotel Bed and Poultry List, .Specially selected for Hotel Restaurant, Club and Dining Car tradeFancy Cuts of Meats for this trade given special'attention.,.1/,/ 7.���.""'''1crQuincy' No. ,"ohe OldN. w. Corner Halld�lvh and.La �alle Streets .The finest appointed Cafe in the Loop DistriCt/" »:Private Banqueting R901__Il r01'__'f�raterrilty Dinners/58-60-62 La Salle Street CHICAGOE. c.Florin316 We-I 6.lrd St.Td. W.!·,bv·mh 2..>\8 21� Fa�t 551h S,Td. Hyde Park 38JOHN R. JANSONJIllpI1r1t ... Gat ...175 DEAltBORN STREET.......c._ ...__S�ial Young Men's Depar1lM'nC npened this 5e'a�.Suits to University 01 Ch� St_ .........Phone Central ]S61 �, :::.�..".; .. /,: