) ...:j."VOLtJM;E VIl.-No. 154 .. , .ace. ho·.c.u.Afterl Two -Lcaac . Drawa oUt Ses-:doni Friari FUWl,.- Actee' 011-Wew-.embers. ;B,. 7�to.3,/V�,·in·..EIewn IIaaiqGame liarooaa( -ne..for:-PDt.First Seven. Chicqo 'Ptayi'ldmoat ��0UIe. '�:8core in ·Nieth-4l'our"1bms'in ' Blevebth.rmal .... �·:of· Veal PeWiTo-'lIIOI'fOW'ar_.ONat.-rTnck*eet� Will.ae··Held=_:ltIDt:'Tbeater at ,10:30'TlaisiliomiDc.;Trial Heata WaJr Be- PWfed Off InQuarter UurHilf'lIneEctwai-d tc}4Nitrings and H a r v e �. -0a1,.� Athletic victories pastrpre�nfi 'lind... Hauldin-wer ... wal'ded-6rst at1d�5ec· to come will-be-celebrated today atB ....... _d··�-J .... 8-in -ollct"laceril1-.11�;il1als·�of the -fitst iStaDford to Run DeSpite A. A. U. Pro- '10:30 lin :Kentt=tMater -with .. a� finalDutch Room..of ·Grand Pa- r ..,.nior • .college' Extempore Public teat-Tic:keti for-Bic Meet wind-uP'1IHl55 meeting'!:tllatlw:ill havecifie Hotel Speaking: Contest yesterday. and will Go-Put 3S its first object-preparation for to-each receive a one quarter scholarship. morrow's €onfeFence.imeet .• !M1e-other .. two speakers of the contest 'The 'great '19(1)' Conference' meetwill The 'affair- will· the: strictly 'Qne ;ohhe lJloomingtori,'lhd.,J une J...::-A: 7-3 ex-�w.ic:h wa& held1-iri-:Mandel hall-tiefore :start this afternoon with prelirninar- students, none�Jbut. students being tra illDing' victory over Indiana, Chi';:;the""studdlltS,...·of!thei:Junior �olleges. lies in the quarter-and lialf mile. Trial among the speakers. - Cheer-leader cago took the' second 'victory of trip'-were J. S).lMbffatt·and M. M; .Savidge, ,heats will be run in each event. in or- MacCracken)' is :·lexpecting:.ltol pack A 7-3 victory ovet Indiana. ; 'ChicagorThe-� subject ; which e, was assigned, to Ider that the entries may be weeded Mahdel· ball'- with' a crowd :of! enehus- took the second=victory of. the- tripthe contestants was, "Get Into Line 'down to nine men .. 'Director Stagg iastic rooters "ready to: make+the iraf- yesterdaY' tbanks to one redoubtable"'or:--Get.'0Ut"� and·eould -be-taken from was not in the city and could not be ters ring for Ohicago's victorious base- .. Orne" page •. 'If.'anYJpA!Vious twirl-any point of vie�. It was anounced .seen last nighl but it is probable that ball- team-rand- fot; the! track -team on er - in" eoUege baseball history. � 'Hasto: ehe- contestants' tbirty. hours, befere -he will run Shuart and Lingle in the which Chicago relies ror' a final' vic- pitched':25 .innings in two consecutive. ; .the ; contest, '50. )ttiat .�-ample . time' .was :quarter and 'I'irriblin in' the half mile, tor,· tomorrow. days .• history fails to record ,the, fact.�.given·for.prepal=ation. -,·Each -one- was .saving Comstock for" the mile. Cap: .. Director.lJtagg 'JIa:J:SpIeak. Capt) jimmy'was there. also with. a'·allo--..a·.i--min1ltesoin- which- to·--k.· ltain Lingle. has been running in .better T bouncing pair, or. three .baggers. which_CU " A � ... -.. he men who are scheduled to make'The judges -eonsisted of all the mem- form this week-than .. he-has for some . aided""JIla�rially.rill' ·the .6nal--: result.·short speeches are' Fred Walker, 'Stef-bers 'of the 'faculty' . of�'the-.sunior.. &I-. t·ime and may-spring a surprise on the Besides fanning 12 of'thef<l}J:OCMIiersJ ,fen. Alvin Kramer and' Captain Lin-.... leges with the-excep rion of. the--·.Public .other contestants '-1oday.·lsahd tomor- Patrick pilfered three bases and madegte .. If 'Director Stagg returns from'Speaking depar tment, row. B . a sbigle.loomington . in . time' he will prob-: <Harvey Franklin.r.the first- -speaker, The 'other reams. will. arrive: ;thi� Johnson held' Chicago, scoreless for�I;"- ahly reward l the rooters with somespok .. against the 'dissatisfaction on imorning, and 'Will' have "their men six innings while the Indiana hopefuls" , Conference opinions.the part- �or. 1hi''l111i''er'sity ··st�dents· !ready for' the preliminaries' zhis . after- cottDted· two. Chicago came back. with'with th�dail.1 routine of colRge-1and noon. Some great races .should. be one in the seventh and . -one in the ,"u�dlthem to·�ttet,Jfflto�iDe.; 1M: M. nan in .these -two events .. ;oMiller. o� MAY NOT!JIODDtHOROR-'VOTE' eighth tieing .the score," .In .their lialfSaVidge, �hec"'S'ec:bitd.; speaker. ;stated Stanford�'Dobmen 'orWisconsin',' Roh- of.the eighth ,-the' Bloomington .band:that'!the .students-w.ere. 'C)ut of line in 'rer of Illinois, Oviatt '0£ 'Michigan Ag- Fear('Tba'�-Stadeatse.�'.N� Rad, made·one. With'the score 3-2,ap.inst.I the question:of college'. spirit 3ad· ex-. :ric:ultural, Dana of. Notre Dame, IGn-. Mai' Caase· Postpod.edlebt·"of Pro- them· the Varsity, tied it ,up in:the .:'plained the reason '-of it. ·"The·. nexti Jtead 'of PUrdue and Timblin of Chi- posed. BalIoting-Sentiment ShowS ninth as on the previous day. . .ir iJl'CMIIth 8enn . spe-aker! Edward- Jennings, dtvot'ed his ugo should affor,d excitente.«lor_ �ev'1 . Tha� �mrWd1llct 'Lose... Neitherr ,side' scored .. in· .... the ..... tellth. 'Jb C� ..coulson, ··�rnir� .. time:'to'"Kno(:kers .. ·and!'showed·· era! meets. At:ha1r raisinglQ;"isb'dui -_ In,the e1eveath 'Ninters . .tbe Jruiiau�:: ...RaY..IDaly, l.> '-bow"liule"was ��conip1b;hed"by"Slfch' he l�ado�airf,dtel.qukter"l_ere The"�"ote"'on ·'-'thel.·lronorn.system first baseman. fumbled a,.gr.owader.. and·.'"Cly4e Joice, peo�le. J. S,,·Moffatt,-the last speaker iW-"-n inQ'Mjlle�r�f�a.THan- . h' h t ......... _ " d f L_r th dust cl d' h�. �- W IC : was yes enJdY announce or ucaorc � err ,.. eare : .. �y f , eJoseph Lawler, . }l�:- :att'-the :, tiabjtct? from many Jey of lllinois:lIeekin of Purdu�·a,nd nexr'!f.ue5day . will , fnKn"reSerit"indi":' Bloomingtoatnine were ,barRd,beneathCarl Kelly,_ points of view:. He stated that in case LiDgle of Stan's team, will compe·te. eatioas f:.-be'" po9tpon�d. :"Tile ':'fact four .large., tallies.. .G. G. ,Bliss, -h'- UDIY· _:ty �:ve··'.::the comMand '=-A.. a: ·.U.·Pro�. ,P:-I-. Out. h' d' '. '. ,..... " "'. OM �- -. � _ _ t at, stu ents '3�-not 'P�Jfa� t� vo�e l Chicago ipbiyed anl almost' erilorlass:Mayun $iwIoIld.: .•.. :� ... .. ... 't< .:-" �'Getl�lnto �Lb1e '\01( 8et�(ht;" the} ;' 'Phe-'bombo'that--was explodcct'in:othe O?'._Isuch an. 1�1>��t, 9ues,tl�n a� game.: stole; six basel atidI4l.ttunialaa:d. ,!I'hese ... ��s of tbe�licK'" �1ibuld·.:.take· lllto {(:m\sidention that CoBfeft!dU!·Witaatioft.y�enlarb,fl!t1� gaven 'a� th!!'reti�on"for·the pMtpone" .Dine -bits 'mr'6fteellllilaSes. : . )''friars ror .. ����.r •. ThS '?!'.:.,_. the U�iversity is lry.i�� to do, ��s �est IUIIIOUDcement that the A. A. U. was _nt .. �·!II'�!t'f'emd:1�t�ft;:exPTession· r Th C � '. e b;lseball(i;"04�� .... Jdel'met yesterday a1t�liraer' .' ;", ,.... . ", ; .. .. . , ., . \ .� tiMe�dJretiuW; ,.. � ?� �c . .' ,.I�u..vvlt'l�_1_'" nIMItd . � .' "'. c· . , . '�"':_':1f"""-:-:� "0':,:,. alotlded....l..:Pufdae�cIain$��m,iou- ,a '.·'lang .. se�OD ��� t,h.. e.:,,�, :.,tw.G, .. ��e5,�·r:l:"�y�:.;,,; (1:,1 .':! .:.:: ,;,:.r ." b "itwz#..··:.�M..our::io notiiiii.g. I�!_: .. ��.�es,� pbu�� .. �'.:' ship·on. a"p'eTCentag�-;ii:t$r!t'1WiiiClt 1ii�: -:--.sevens. The �� �:,.,�.� _�:.�� .f.t��R:es .w�e,. :; .... �,��!f·were uuui::. ,J;�e'attit� iof�.8t��tSOIl� .. et1J·· .a-'t·b 1 : �":�;d'···_ ,.-. �of'i ., • .rj.l.h." �eel Wed esda £tern beiug C01I1Ited Profasor Clad�·St:lted 1:1'.. '.. . W:'" erai-'seetnS t - d' . R tltatitbei�" � e.uno;'1 ...... rymOu-- 18mb" ISeltct .on. n_ y � .' OOD.� '... .,.'. '.;' . ,< -, .... ;'for� : �_��& �.' .. ���liat the whole �.. ,:",.1 L_. o� � j - .. '�·"?ri.. I��"'.....".: year.is�inabir�iy:oai;s.ro."''I'h�ree'; ...made public at ��� ::. '-.�."r. �J�� .. e;���. � :tt21l ..... ��.�'�.cif spite.wer)l.lon.thei • wO�··�.iYet�.uvwl� •. JneDJe �. leaders '�h� 'o!:-1Ho, '''afid Nchie.'1»Jans.'.' f'!P.;t)I�;-".�-1teft�· ,the�."WIth�; tbirty�.�, .. �cif�tJie-eo1oiac1o'·of6cerSof the A. : eaDlpaS'.ho<bSl ... �ttikfti(tire�t-to·): ! ... �ca�., .• ' �I� ._ " !.milled t'O the dUb.aDd 41.ccepted. The pr�" be cODdlftl�'� �a�- ··i\.!iU.'aa4 tiiat it would have no bear- td"'�Ofiu,a�ar'tbrilNhllow 5tbd�it\s'� habv�. t�d"�"Orth' �.hlelr: �et'l �e�l'�t�. ��_"11 1...- L..-.t..a' ... L .,,_.I - -not be ---..+-.1 ...... cnve ex . ..... ,. . ha .'Il .. d u" l.I,f;"t··· ...... � b��' I' ot er 'an 't e'.··.ogJCa so UlIOO' , IS aba!"luet- wu_�m----e� " ...... _..,'. -.- .... �K •• "'-_- � - .... at all on the:appea.rance of Stan- ... �· .. 0Ufl �.sen Bh:1I 'agalnS .. t II;'pMan •. · • ,� '1' .r '. ..:.Patific�Hoteh)D� 8-�6:aO."""AlI .. ceUeDt.-IIeJeGtion&-all�·DOt--to-lB1ICb. foid in the meet tomorrow. Accord- ; Tbe''QrMst "d.oCatri�nthe"S:Tsiem., I �p�e-'.�e·�w�n the.. 1h��... .. .the members of the cllIb are invited suess should be-laid-·� tbeir fluency.. iOn>r. Herman's tbe local head of the �lieve that a·vete"atlthis'tim�Wc;uld·. I I In4iana. '. R,H P A. � .and a large ... ehg&tion�.i5' �" No conteatant ireard any-part ·of an-. A.\A. U. the factllliaat'o'Stanford took . Jesuit in a show of di�fa· ... or:.,and:ldo,' t �-:::��3bam;'2b •• , ••.. � �';·Ol.) '�l'� 3t:'?,,::41....The initiation �onies :will � held other �ontestant�s�; speech, and �oal� part in a dual meet with Colorado on .mcricJlM1n'. than good. '._'" .••••• _ ••• � ..•... , ._ . .in-:;the!"Cbll:ege:rHal1:'wbich': WI!' be not gam any new Idea'on the sub)eC1. the da,. of another A. A. U. meet is .!' iararleDf'oPiIiioD;CIIi·�On. .J. Thom.pso�, C eo. 0 :.:0::0: 0'.:.1':06�d IIp:fot the (JOCaSlon .. �Tb.e dlnn�r. not sullicient to keeP. it from compet- J Among those ';ho have .given it a� Paildock, Jf _ ••• 0 0 0 1. 0 0will: ·belllln' 'elaborate .o:lff:ur. n It;wd� POSTPONE TEllJiIS :'TOURII� ina in the Conference. Moreover. the their opinion that the voting should �OhDSOD, p 1 . I ' loJ 5" 0be given in the�'l>utcb"".RObrn. 'o;An A.\A. U. haS DO jurisdiction over any be postponed:.'are -Gi'll,' :HenrY"ond Sern� ss -.0--0 3 0 1otdleslra "t:�g.Jof·''riolin piano Ia-n-:..·te· ·1I.�!to:,'D..:·. -..;..� � o· A.the contestants J'n th .. m t. K 0 utphin, d· ;.1' I ,. If (J 0._. ... � "UC .r .. � I" " "" ramer., , n-.the-otheF--hand. some .of T. --.!_ rf 0 I 2 I 141.nd cello will "i)by '·the � 'Blackfriar Nat Week-T"':lIeets 1Ihme- . at .' II II Co licated. the' facnlty members are confident . �WCl,. . �.�. ' ,( - •music of the last three shows daring sota'�1JIi'V�� I• - IDa ow ore DIP thahthe'"otershould be held. t .. Dean Winters, Ib 0 0 11 � I, lthe eveaing. Toasts will be giftD by . " _ Gaesses � to t�e J?robable victor Tufts .. )qs.-expressed. himselLin.,favor. . . - - - - -;-Wi11iam�A -"":J(eDemiid � "Howard P. ie ,:_.,_n...;._ t-:s tou-"m-n£L toIDOI'iOW are Ybec:oaamg more -ud f hI' Totals 0.:.3: 5' '3314" 7., .1.11 III� __ .. � .......... -- ... " �..a_ Th fIll" 0 t e p an to accept or reject theBia w.rord· �. 'Iu'a __ 'PI"':n ani'�Wanie �� f more W�. e suporters 0 IDOlS j Chl·cago R H P A ESt-;::n' ," &L ."''', U will begin 'ne� a nursday"instead 0a. re growiGglJa;ger. in:..ttumbers- every system Tuesday. .. .. 0.......... .�.&" • yesterday as .oogiQlly. announced. ''PIan'of Election. Page, p �.2 1"2.0 '.0.'� -commItl Ii .Captain Gardner said yetserday that day. Witb Stanford rooters sending Pegues, ss ••••.•...•. ;.0.1 1 0 0lPI'L 1TO 'th �ffic. of -x .the matches have been- postpo' ned'to �be:arstO�pl.re,·'lIellliniback- ; If the election:-:shoal<lrbe,'held as CoUings-,:cf �.0··2·2··0·0·.I'Ilroaa" an ere u ,.; ,,- en . can see; nothing "but 'Cill's men. �riginany planned, 'the members of E hecutive< cominitt«man� ,was' wrocilly :the following week. .'PlaY' wil1' .. begin T"-y a- coa-=n'" up ov ... 25 pOI·nts. th S . � 1'-- '1 . '11 r om, If .•..... 0 ...... 0· I 3' 0' 0V'I: -" -- �..... e emor ","-0 M;lSe conci .'\1ft 'act as If· Ib 1 2 9 0 0accredited' yesterday. _. Cola �. P�r1ter TfllInday . and" continue!: 'Friday';' and With Bnindage. ... tWabbam, Hanley,. tellers. This was decided at the meet- elgs, • •• • •• . . • •• • . • .was elected b:,.-tbis· po91tioft ton Wed- Samray. 1 ''rhe' Uninnity .. teanrwill Heiric:k, Rohrer, Jones and Washi ing,of the.council ,.Ht���". Cleary,�rf ••••••.•.••••• 1 I t I' OJ') 0n"sday morning. pb1 • mateb next Tu�tJdaT--with' !Min- barn and p'_"': __ r'''pr''.-nh·ng th � . Th oJ.. f • • Subderhind, 2b 1· I" 3 2; I" "" .. uo·" ... " ,,- "..... e.- ...... n.o votIng' IS.·tO :have the R 3b 1 O' 0 01..1 0�esota.' � . owe,. • • • • • . • • . • • • • . , .'" .'. 1'1tey also expect to take the relay. . Senior �eHege .. "ote �count. as eight p. _I I 0 2 3 .The contest-::to! see�.ho·:5Jfan ! r�pre: a..., c: ••••••••••••••••• l' l' 0AW' a D_ �. PIN· CONTRACT Wh-th- this will be enough to nose' units and "ach of the Junl'or CoIl g"s'ft � "'. ·sent'the�Uniftrsityiti·;the·to'dmam�nt 0- C"h..:ro -"nd � --r""d'I·S. a.qu"s- ,,, .. e "In, __ _ 1'- ." will count for one vote. Three-quar-�-ci1 GiftS Order tb""':-- Firm has been/gGing�ri'tbis'week·betw�n bon. The:8tft)na slMMrin. of:Horton ters;of;l coU�ge-'or of the Seniot- Col-'-rVUU v_..v , •• Wiils'!(H--: anc1 :�p..n" i Stern: The............ CowiaIitt8a·Ia·--" ...... � -I;" 'in':tthe s� .... 4-_0u. ... in-the.pole leges must vote in favor of the sys-to·�"!ad.BJiIibDIty. .meil' hzve Met'twice, eac:b'winning a Vatllt has made.the·Stanford outlook tern in order to have the vote count�match. The Winner' Will- playJ 1rith brighter. Scott has been' clearing the and.twelve out of the sixteen units willG3ntnerin '1Iest" wM'S ·t01l1'1RY· ba • tL- 1 I. t II f be n"cessary for th" adopta'on of th".The1irsr-matclrwa pbyed'TnelCby . r ID nc"�.e ftu ... a .. onr· eel" " "6 in practice on Mar!lhall Field since system.·and·· r�e4f. in- a' -4'ictory ... ,fo,<Stem. he� haS -been· bere;· �nd he is beingHe WOft with the scores 7-5 and 6-1. 'oo1ced �n as a winner. Horton. al-The" secaad match took place'· W-ed� though 'h�,will--be�-Rpt�out, of.the hur.n�9day.'· Henry �aptured this,'winning dles,b,. his .game Jeg ... is in good shapetwo out 'of the three sets il'\ 6-4. '1·6. for .the. weight ev.ents and has been6-4. The "d�imng '·match ... ill be putting the shot at about 43 feet. Thisplayed ·off·earl,. n�xt week. ought to get· trim a,.place. beside histeam mateo. Crawford. " If these' twomen can materialize the Californiamen loOk ·1lIm6St�certai1J. winners.Small \� to pjpre. ,JuSl' ho';� fantle 5YiaaU· colleges.·a re'geing to· cut into' Poirit�' is moreddabtful this year than it has everbeen before. Dana 'o�Notre" Dameis 'going to' put Z MaUritul race �ain!'tDohmen alia' Herrick'· for the inile:�e same mnn'er "lltarca" iR, the ih-aifmOe. ,.. ..ne.�spriAts. .. wilL. be-aaotberpoint of vantage for the small schools..w illiam' '�M'eri'ill,·Walter StCfIen,C. F.·-Parker,Harold . Lindley,'Roy Baldridge,:James Morrison,Charles Grey.'Second: Seven.William Thomas,Paul' 'Mc·CUnto-clc.Lester � Wbee ler,Charles Watts,Hargrave ·Long,B«fptolt 1Moyer,Charles Blaylock..• Third Seven.Harold Kay ton,Ralph Rosenthal,Paul :Ouctner,Wilsort I Hobart,Charles W oo!l,R. Fe Jennison._Totals 7 "9.;33' 5! IChicago "'�'O 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 I CH--7Indiana .•• ;.0·0 I· 0 J. 0 0 0 I· 0 ().+.3. Three base hits-Mrigs, '(2). ! Twobase hit9-SunderlaiJd, €leary,' John!OD; . Driver. ·Stolen, bases-Collings,Erhom�'Page (3),'Pegues, Thompson,Cunningham. Struck ·out...;..Ry· Johnson, 6; by 'Page, 12..Most . of' tbe . time 'of· the regularmeeting of the Senior College councilyesterday morning was:.taRlI·.up withthe business of awarding the contractfor the .�" pins. After a long debate,the order was given. to F. H. Nobleand Compan,. of Chicago.Other 'busines!'4' tran�:tcted: was theappointment of a committee consisting of. Lang. c"airman, McBride an�Heflin to conmlt wfth:'tbt �fanrlt)"�'irireprd to eligibility m�es about entrance conditions. The council deemsthe pftgent ·'tales· too �rinRfnt 41.ndwishes to have them changed.McBride, Fridstein and Kennedy.witb ..... McBride -cbairman,' were appointed a committee to in�tigate thestadent interest toward "The Maroom." 'De- -cmmcif'ftoelS":'that thepaper' i..-dOt· receiring 'Miftit!ient !nIP-- port from tbe students and wis�es to.timaJate their interest in behalf of"Tbe "arooD." BAND CONCKRT:DRAWS:.WELLThird of. Sprine .Series. a SuccessSelections Well Rendered. FRESHMAN' BEAT HYDE PARKThe third· spring concert was givenby the University yesterday afternoon� before a large aUdience.�he selections,· were well renderedand the· remaining concerts 'are sure,tD- bring-'Out luger attmdance.The program was as follows:I: March, '''From' Tropic to Tropic,"Alexander. 2. OftTmre, ""Merry" Wives of4 Wind-lOr" ••••••••••••••••.••.•• Nicoli3. Serenade, "Querida:'· .. Vandercook4. Selection, '·The Prince of Tonight,"HowardS. Waltz, "Danube Wa ... es," Ivanovice Golf Squad Wins Fint Game :of Season 6-4.The Freshman golf team .yesterdaywon its first game of the ·season bydefeating Hyde Park by the score 6-4,on the Jackson Park links. CaptainValentine of the Hyde' Park nr.tdt· thelow score of the day. an 8.1. liThe reosult of .thc matches wa!\":as ,follows:Valentine of Hyde Park .. dei�ated.Dalyof the Freshmen, 2-0; Lind�ay of ' theFreshmen ,defeated' Forbes :of ,HydePark.· 3-0;-· Hohart of the· Fresitmendefeated Snively of Hyde Park, 2-1;and Swanson of the Fr�shmen tiedwith Setton of Hyde Park, 1-1.Seaion to"PraCtice' 'Clad" Semg.On Thursday and, Friday morningsof' next' week' ·tIt.· Se!,ior cIaS!\' willm� for the purpose of prnctiring theclass song -composed' ·by Harry A:Hansen.· It, i. e�ted ... "at a largt"attendance of th� class will be· pres·ent at these J'eheanals in order tohaw th� SOI'IlriR .,od·,,�for cl�ss·day.. HSongster" Hansen has been working for some time on the 1910 songand promises to have it all finishedtbis week. (CondMed Oft Pap .)THE DAILY MAROONT ... Olftetal StudeDt PubUeaUo. of tbeUDlTenlt7 of Cbleaco.l'ormerl7T!ae'_UalftftlV·" CIabp WeeId7.J'ouDdedThe' W:eekl7 ••• � •••••••••••• Oetober 1. 1882.The Da1l7 •••••••••••••••••• Oetober 1. lJ02.EDtered .. 8eeoDd�"" Mall at tbe Cbleaco Poetotnee, Cbleago, lWDos.. llareh18. 1SMl3. uDder Act of IIareIa a. 1811.Publlahed da1l7, except SUDdQ .. MOD·da,. aDd hollda,. dUMe' three qDUtenIItt the UD1Yenlq ,ear.8abeerlpUoil prlee. ..... pel" ,. ... , afo .. three .o.tha' •• beerlpUo .. neeIwe4 a&T ... IIanea ome. ••••••• :aJJa IIaIlPIUC8TOK F. 0A88 ..MELVIN J. AD.AlIB •••••••••• K ••• Ui&ol"N • .&. P AiIaWIe :a.ll&el".&. L FBlD8T&IK 1"THOS. B. MlLLBB ••••••• CIndI&Io. -.r..WOJU:X'8 IWITOa.:w.. Moille R. CarrolLAS80ClATB EDITO:88.A. o. Whitfield HargraTe A. LoqH. FelaeDthal Vallee O. AppelBKPOBTBB8.:taL F. CarpeDterlIol1e8 LeYltaDW. B. Llo,dC. W. WuhbDrDeMorris H. Briggs A. LothR. s. Dal7B. 1'. BUlaw. s. I'outeH. ClareDee BurkeNew. cODtrlbutioD. ma, be lett at ElU.Hall or Facult, ExchaDge. addreaed toTbe Dan, Maroon.The Maroon commends the revisedhonor system constitution, which is.published in this issue, toTime to the careful attention of theFace the students. They will beIssue called upon to express theiropinions definitely on oneside of the other next Tuesday, andshould give the matter sufficientthought to form an intelligent opinion.It is to be hoped that student standards are high enough to make a goof such a scheme, but on the otherhand there is no profit in calling aspade by any more elegant name thanspade, and if the ethical standards ofC!t:c.-ago students are not equal to enforcing the system the students shouldrecord the fact in their votes. Anything else would be not only hypocritical, but perfectly useless.And �orking in the other directionthere is a tendency to be too conservative, and, conceiving an imaginary type student, deciding he is notready for the proposition. The votewill be ausolutely valueless unless itssum total is the sum total of the individual opimons of the men and women making up the student body ")£the men and women making up thestudent body of the University. A collection of guesses of what the students think about the system wouldbe nothing short of a farce..DAILY BULLETIN.Junior Prom. Committees today at10:30, c 8 B.Sophomores will meet this morningat 10:30 in Cobb 6A.Conference Mass Meeting will beheld this. morning at 10:30.Y. M. C. A. will hold banquet thisevening at 6:00 o'clock in HutchinsonCafe.Prof. Clark will meet contestants inSenior Oratorical Contest today at10:30, K 16.Ushers for Conference Meet mustplace names in Box 52, Faculty Exchange, today.Three-Quarters Club Freshmen andSophomores are to meet this morningat 10:30 in the club.The Dramatic Club will meet at10:30 this morning. Meeting placewill he announced on Cobb bulletinhoard this morning.University Fencing ChampionshipPreliminaries will be held this afternoon at 4:30 in the fencing room. Allstudents arc eligible. Entries will bereceived until noon by Dr. Raycroft,Faculty Exchange.•I',. ANNOUNCEMENTS.Junior Prom. wilt be held June 11th.Conference Tickets may he obtainedat Mr. Stagg's office.Railroad Tickets including sleepingberth and trunk checks may be obtained at the Information Office.International Club will 110Id ball'quct tomorrow .t 6:00 p. m. in Hutch-j';" . ,j1! . �B"DAILY MAROON. "RlDAY, JUNE 4,1909:'inson Cafe. Election of officers for. the ensuing year.,Senior Clua Procrams and announcements are on sale in Cobb corridor daily from 9:30 to 11, 12 to I, and3 to 4 o'clock. ,.Commonwealth Club will hold important and final meeting of quarterWednesday, June 9th. at 10:30 a. m ..in Cobb 3A, Election of officers.Cap and Gown Subscribers may obtain their copies between the hoursof 9:30 and 2 o'clock in Cobb hall corridor. The price to others than subscribers is $2.50.FRATERNITY FRESHMEN INSUCCESSFUL BANQUETForty Members of 1912 Take Part inPan-Hellenic Dinner at Chi,cago Beach.The fraternity freshmen had theirbanquet la-st night at the ChicagoBeach Hotel. The affair was underthe auspices of the Three Quartersclub and scored a big success. Theproposition of making it an annualaffair and of including non-fraternitymen was taken up. A representativefrom each chapter was heard fromand the general sentiment semed to bein favor of this plan though there wassome talk of having two banquets,one for fraternity men and the, otherfor all members of the class. � (, definite action :Was taken and the question was left open. "On the programof toasts which was interspersed withsome after dinner stories were the following speakers: : Carl G. Harris,toastmaster; James E>ymond, RobertBaird, 'Charles Cushing and PlinyMunger.iMacCRACKEN TO SPEAKAT ALUMNI BANQUETPresident of Seniors to Represent HisClass at DiDner on Eveningof Convocation.President MacCracken will speakfor the Seniors at the alumni banqueton the evening of Convocation day,acording to the decision of the Seniorclass at its meeting yesterday. A largeproportion of the class will also bepresent at. the banquet, a luge num-. ber at yesterday's meeting pledging.hemselves to attend. Those who failedto signify their intentions yesterdaycan do .so by dropping a note addressed to Harry Hansen into the FacUlty Exchange.The class will meet on Thursdayand Friday of next week to practicesongs for the banquet.Patronize Maroon advertJsen.J. G. COLVILLE 5 A. DUKLOPMAKERS OF MEN'S CLOTHESSpring and SummerSuitings andOvercoatingsIn all the newest Ihadn and colors, arenow displayed at our headquanenSuite 400-185 Dearborn St.ChicagoWe will be pleased to show them to youSpring Overcoats, Light Dark or MediumSuits. Fancy Vests, Eveninl Dress,English Morninc Coats,Prince Alberts,Trouser.Alrxanbrr 11Dllop. ilallarPhone Central 2768 � �rhe Freshman medics at" "Michiganvoted last week against the honor system which has been in use in themedical department for some time.Michigan·s "band will not be allowed. to . wear its yellow' treble clefemblem because of its likeness to. the"M" 'given in athletics.To assure yourself of the besttreatment. buy of Daily Maroon advertisers.Tie Sale starts next ThursdaySOc. Ties at29c. aDd 2Sc.University and all colors.Big line Soft Shirts just arrived.Large assortment Sweaters. Duckand other Trousers.Suits and Shirts to order.Bie Shirt Waist and Jabot Salenow on.Phone Midway 2271508 E. 63rd Street.N ear Lexington Avenue.Do You WantaClean HomeCookedMeal,•COME DOWN TO55th ST. ANDGIVE·US ATRIALTHE VARSITY CAFE4741 E 55th St.COMMUTATION RATES13.50 FOR IJOOSans Souci Park Theatre. �::rLI � VlRGlNIAEI) � 25 50 75cCIARN :t�."=: 25 SOcIa the Powwfal Tolatoi Muterpiece,"ANNA KARENINA" ; -,-0-�2����" .:... c.-...c.in. .·.�.off� AD.e .. _" ..... t.a •• i ••• " tl ...--PUTAPINHEU...... C ... HaU..,Ac. H. BESL Y & CO.trle CUT BRASS t�lpe15-11-19-21 Clinton St. Chicago, U. S. A.Send for our new 1908 illustrated catalogues of Machinists'Fine Tools, mailed FREE on application.Irwin Bros. CompanyCHICAGO449 to 451 State St.Long Distance Tel. Harrison 5.6-517 5825 State St.Long Dist. Tel. Wentwonh 517Prima Beef, Pork, Veal and MuttonWrite for Special Hotel Beef and Poultry List,Specially selected for Hotel Restaurant, Club and Dining Car tradeFancy Cuts of Meats for this trade given special attention.A Most. Popular place to Dine!The Woodlawn Cafe63rd SL and Cottag� Grove Ave.There is no Cafe on Chicago' s South Side so elegantly appointed.CUISINE UNEXCELLEDPnces Moderate Music Every Evening..s£RRIE�9�c.� (INC) �,.ORMERLV Chocolates ...�16"!' FLOOR MENTOR BLDG.COR,STATE £ MONROE STREETS'CHICAGOHave you read our ad m theMaroon regarding aSuit of Clothes Which We areeom. to Give You Free ?If not better look it up. Forgot to mention that Students areallowed only one guess.When sending in your estimatebe sure and give your address.Have you bought your SpringClothes? Why not look at ourstock before ordering P and fine bonbons famous throughout America, put up in beautifulboxes suitable for presents at ?5� •40c and 60c per pound... A pleased customer is the bestadvertisement, •�.I •• I_. SI8S CellInI179 WABASH AVE. aDCAGOThe Union Hotel and. . Restaurant111-!17 --1WacIoIph Street/ . THE "POPULAR; PLACE TO EATeither before or after the theatre.We make a specialty of Cluband F ratemity Dinners.BOOK BARGAINS You can depend on Maroon advertisers.Just issued. Mailed free on requestcatalogue of books. Mostly second-hand-some new- -some scarce. All desirableincluding Americana and Miscellaneous.LOUIS DANZIGER,3106 Prairie Ave., Chicago.The Book Hunters ReIOn. OpenEvenings. Developing, I»rinting and Enlarging.Cameras and Kodaks Rented·and Exchanged.Cameras, Kodak.... ancI._Bargains all the TimeReliable Rebuilt Typewriters, all makes:rebuilt in our own factory; better andcheaper than othen. � for yourself.TIlE TYPEWRITER EXCHA'UiE319 Dearborn St. A. J. COUSE, Mgr.Telephone Harrisc>D GS Photo SuppliesCentral Camara Co.If its advertised in The Maroon itsreliable.THE DAILY MAR09N, FRIJj� y. JUN� 4 .. 1909�BooksThe largest Stock in the'United States of the Booksof other publishers.EngravingCards,l n vitations.Announcements, and Programs for alloccasions, in faultless styles,ForeignLanguagesAn incomparable stock ofthe New and StandardWorks in French and German, also many others,Spanish, Italian, Esperanto,etc.Monthly BulletinA monthly descriptive list,with illustratiuns of everr.title received in our retailstore. It is impartial andcomplete, and is very valuable to book buyers and Librarians. Sent upon requestFA..� TRAlIiSDAY ABD NIGHTON THE':'11:1 .. :1;111111,Best ServiceBetweenCHICA�O, INDIANAPOLIS,CniCINNATI� -DAYTON,;. LA FAY�E LOUISVILJ..E AND POINTS' SOUTHFrank J. Reed, Gen'_ P"ass.· Agt.� P. Cockrell, A_ G. P.' A.Chi:agoCity Ticket Office 182 S. ClarkStreet,Telephone Central 5487All trains stop at 47th &,63rd Sts,A SYIBliC. OF QUALITYBALDWIN-MADEPIANOS ANDPLlYER PIANOS_ A PRODUCT THATHOLDS TIE WORLD'S RISREST HO.ORSThe caet of the Baldwin-madeinstruments is no higher than isoften paid for Inferior makes.Quality considered they are byJar the Most Moderately PricedInstruments on the market.Oar Tenas .r Payme.t will alsoPlease Y ...Please pay us a visit of inspection before concluding a purchaseelsewhere.The BaldwinMANUFACTURER267-269 W.bub Aft.A double-header: support The Maroon by patronizing Maroon advertisers. Co. REVISED COIlSTlTliTlOIl OF THE H.OR SYSTEMnot considered sufficient, the case shallbe dropped. 'Section D-Should the evidence bevoted as sufficient justification for atrial, the case shall be taken up as follows:The accused shall select as his attorney any member of the court, excluding officers, or he may, if he sodesire .. defend himself. Should he haveno choice, the appointment shall bemade by the President.The prosecuting attorney shall present the condemning evidence; nextthe defendant's attorney shall introduce evidence in favor of the accused.The two attorneys shall then arguethe case in full, the prosecutor first,and the defendant's attorney second.Second speeches in rebuttal shallbe allowed in the same order.Section E-On the basis of the evi-deuce, the court, acting as a jury, shallreturn a verdict. Seven (7) condemning votes shall be necesary to convict.In case of a failure to convict, the caseshall be finally dropped, except inview of new and important evidence.Section F-In case the verdict ofguilty is returned by less than eightvotes, the defendant shall have the,right of appeal to the faculty.Article V.Penalty. 'Section A-In case of a verdict of.guilty, a recommendation shall be sentto the faculty that the folowing penalties be enforced:Section B-In case the offender isa member of the Sophomore, Junioror Senior classes, he shall be expelled.Section C-In case the offender is amember of the Freshman class, heshall be suspended for not less thantwo quarters, and on second offense,shall be expelled. ,Section D-Members of the Sophomore, Junior and Senior classes shallbe those who.ha�e more than nine majors, .credit. . .All. ot1u;r�.�!:�, .hereby declared Freshmen. ..�, �, :-",." - '"Article VL :�Publicity.. �Section A-A .copy- of tbis.: conslitutio'n 'shall be I)ublished in- The Q.ulyMaroon once during the first weekof each quarter of the-school yeariSection B-A. copy of this coustitu-.'tion shall be at all times posted on all 'official bulletin boards;Section C""':":'The President -of ··theSenior College Council of the preced-ing spring '�al� at the', earliest oppor- J1UlI·O. Promtunity .during 'the autumn, .quarter .ex· '&pl.iin··tbe workings" and :'piuposes.'of .It tak, es time to make a Dreu 5":' which FITS, aDd Fda RIGHT.the honor system to' the 'FreShmen_ .In We Make -.;;, Othen.ease he' is not in residence, hi� ,p,tace;shall be taken by the President of the- Lindsa:y Bros T ailora 49 Jackson BoulevardJunior College Council of the pre. .,' TIDRD R.OOItceding -spring quarter. 'Article VILAmeDdmeats..Section A-This constitution may'be amended at any time ,by a ·vote ofthree fourths of the student body. Allvotes not recorded shall be counted astbough cast against the amendment.Article 1.Conduct of Ezamination.Section A-At the end of every examination, theme, or whatsoever otherpaper the instructor shall specify, thestudent must affix the following formula:"I do hereby pledge my honor thatI have neither given nor received aidin the preparation of this paper."(Signed.)Section B _.:. Perf-ect freedom ofspeech and action shall be allowed thestudent so long as he does not, interfere with the work of those aroundhim.Section C-The instructor shall not,unless he deems it advisable, remainin the examination room except for ashort period to answer any' questionswhich may arise.Article 11_Violation of the Honor System.Section A-Violation of the honorsystem shall consist of any attempt toevade either the letter or the spirit ofthe above pledge.Section B- This shall include notonly attempted dishonesty in the classhut al� efforts to gain unfair previousknowledge of the examination papers.Article IlLOrganization of the Student JudiciaryBOdy.Section A-There shall be a studentjudiciary body consisting of nine members, six of whom shall be membersof the Senior College Council, andthree. members of the Junior' CollegeCouncil., ' .Section B--=These members shallhold office for one school year.Section C-They shall be electedfrom the specified councils by themembers of the Junior and SeniorColleg-es. respectively. The electionsshall be held at the first chapel exercises 0 fthe Autumn Quarter followingthe organization of the two 'councils.Section D- The officers of the courtshall be as follows:Presidents elected by the membersof the court from the representativesof the Senior College Council.Clerk: elected in the same way fromthe representatives' of the jilliior College 'Co���il. ,The clerk shall' sn theduties of the President in his absence,and shall keep filed records of all pro.ceedings of the court. " .Prosecuting Attorney: appointed bythe President for a term ,of two quarters.Article IV.Methods of Procedure.Section A-The student judiciarybody shall hold a meeting dnring thefirst week of every month.Section B-At this meeting allcharges must be presented with. fullincriminating evidence 'whether inperson or in writing with the signa-ture of the accuser. 'Section C-Upon hearing the evidence thus persented, the court shalldecide by a two thirds vote, the neases of th� Autumn Quarter following100 Enan't'e-d Cards of your aame t1 : 25iu correct script. includinc plate .,1.300 IIsllIIS If ClIIIII CUD $tooHYNSON,Palmer Ho.e LobbyPbone Central 6107AL •• "EAS'.:.':=�..... -.'�.CUSHIOI. BUnOICLASP - ,Made with "EasyTleSlide" space arid"Patented Lock front."QUARTER IIZIS.0.. .. 1_..... ,... ...... 0.. ...................."'''' •• ,IMIft........... " ... &.Patronize MarooD aclftrt1leT� A Bishop Specialwblch will appeal to your ideas. A styleappropriate to .prine. Coloi'll to please4 Hatters' �rvice unequaled.209 other styles, colora and proportions_CHICAGO'SLARGEST LINE$3 $4 $5 $6Specializing Knapp - Felt, Roolof andStetaon productions.A. BISHOP &: CO.B .... F1Irs. Gloves. Sliek._.Umke ....a.t.116O 156 Siale SI. !!at. 1860 '3 No. %210 S3Visit "Little Hungary" To-nightHaugarian Cafe and RestaUJ1UltEvening Table D'Hote Soc. Noon Luncheon 40C, Southwest Corner Clark and Monroe St.Main Entrance 184 Clark Street Telephone Central 1029Famous Hungarian Gypsy Baad Concerts S p.m. tilll a.m .• lso Sunday MatineeD. L. FRANE. Special Hunearian Caterer Ladies' Sounnirs after TheatreBralden ex '10 U. of C.Cor. EIIia aDd 55th St.��ci!.. C A F' E ::cCHOP SUEYSTEEL VAULTS ELECTRIC LINEDCentral Hyde Park Bank55th 5t and WaahiqtoD Ave •Burglar Proof. Fire Proof. Absolute Security.Boxes, Three Dollars Per Y car Less than a cent a day\N. K. YOUNG & BRO.Telephone Hyde Park 9271111 If its advertised in The Maroon 1111that's all you need to know.Your, Last Chance to setA Dress Suit for theThe ColleK'e Man's Tailor519A East 63td Street.You men of the University want clothes ofYOUR OWN. The kind that are made up forthe AVERAGE man don't fit YOU.You are not looking for extreme and ultrafantastic capers. You as a college man are theBEST DRESSED not the LOUDEST dressed.Quality. design, workmanship and price tosuit the college man. These are the facts aboutmy clothes,FRANK L. BENHAM,JOHN R. JANSONImporting matlor175 DEARBORN STREET ---comer MoaroeSpecial Young Men's Department opened this seasonSuits to University of Chicago Students, $35.00Phone Central 3S6:z"::=�::=::l;"�IIOrJ;�,'. JfIOin"9't tert.t�!8b�� "AdWel .DraWiq cahL ,.,�,,..r.�·Dai·R""&i IIwt � J,-;,BDtria CI ... 5:w,JIlttI"-'!ikle.,- JIake. -Tbem ,at Once. I�Blbi o··�.z,.".np �'. Blalibrat:WortDalioa Oflice jAbout twenty entries were receiv�1··. .Yeste�i'lor thi'Jtriiior D�f Mn�i1cap meet. They were from every, c1as�! ohibletes:'i Many' were' from:':ibSOhitJnovices and all "the 'experienced m�1·ha ve- -Signif.cd their ;intenl:fon oft-comi.MABELwglRRlsoN -mg -Cut. The'committeMeddtd"yes�Eve. & Sat. Mat. Soc to �I.SO. Wed. terday that th'e, would cutout the tw�_ Mat Soc. to II. mile rue ''tliat' was� originally plannediCOL'O'N IAL nt.fre I as they felt -thar wit,hbut training itl. BealfUll, would. be .?ar�f��_ to. th���,.�h� .. �.n-., "_ Next SUri�ay Evening I tered �t� ·�nd. w:oul�� take }��?�. �en. ' The Summer Show 'out-or'other 'events .. The question ofRICHARD CARLE·" "_T�TOI!.ic . how 'long'the-�retay '1'ace"'Should'''be;.tmlSELF' TlMtH .... G .,Girl, 'd -' i 1 .l h If .75 People-c-Glrls f. Girls! 'Girls! ' will 'be "deci ed tentat ve y a5. a a.Seats on Sale Thursday. mile. It is not necessary to Sign en-Regular Prices-soc .. 7Sc. $1 and· 11.50 try blanks to 'be:eligible for this race,POW, ERS', .50 the ,matter";",i1lbe left to Mr. Stagg, '" after-he-has looked �Ter the' field.CHARLES FROHMAM hMedals' End"of;'W�'IN �-DutnS.lseNn�S ":'HOME 'The m:edal� for- the.m�et. which: ar�l.naU the best that have ever been givenwill be on exhibition a1: the end of thi�" week. The-�entryJ;btan1cs' are at th�I nformation Office, Reynolds club an�Mr. Stagg's office and should be se�,, in'to';Box Or F3'�u1ty':Exchange ad,"dressed to'!rthe' Jilhior IDay AthletijCommittee. They must be in by Tuesday evening at 5:30 p ... m. ·,·Entrie.. will· also- be-reeeived-by-tbe ,following:-Boynton Rogers, Aleck Whitfield,- Robert Baird, Ira Davenport, Austin·Menaul. John Gilroy and Frank Gil-.,bert.!Amusemellts."LLlNOIS. ·ii:��JI The' '''Iii SIIesIIaI�,' James l"orbH. Author of "TbeCborua LactJ."STUDEBAKER�EVERLY="The play that nearly caused a war.C� hicago Opera HouseMr. HelU'y E:,Dixey... The MWclleWed�, ·'MARY . JANE'S --PA.".� Last Time Sunday Night, June 6.Beginning next Monday- Seats now.��ia "KEEGAN'SPAL"An Original American Playby Paul Wilstach.M�VICKERS.3 Last Weeks'TheSins 6fSoeiety'Engagement POsitively Ends SaturdayNight. June 19.WHITNEY OPI!.RAHOUSE: , B. C. Whitney. Sole Proprietor,MR. CHARLES CHERRY-1MTliEBAcfltlOR CI���'FitCh.princess TheatreThe GoldenI'" i;';'1 .I. -1fEAR'SUIC MUSICAL_ SENSATIONttitiiidM MATINEESSUN.'- WED.AND· SAT.The Seaaoa·. Beat Maaical NoftIty.iiiskan ·1 ;�F§AMERICAN ""!:!���t Wabash Ave; and' Peck Coun�Tbe Only Thing 'New Beneath'the SunTWO BIG SHOWS· A DAY.MAJESTIC.1 1 CONTINUOUSVAUDEVILLEPrices I ;-2S-S0a7SC. . T�lephoneCentral 6480.S- ans Souci· Parkc.a... Cnwe A .......... SIreetBelt_ n... E..-er-Great...CrowdaVESsELLA'S BAND �Woaderial Ricles-Slao ... to Talk 'AltoatSan. Souci Theater SEA'liJ0aHAVIRCINIRNAED :!:. 50 75c:Sat. a: Sa.. 25 SOc,.4.�.Ilj1I' ! '{ I. tIM P-.faI Tohtoi �." Anna Karenina " �"�'.Nest week-M_ HanMd ia .,.._ D...a.. CirI', - BANQUET TOMORROW NIGHT'; Joint Feast of NonteBtem CosmbpbUtan Club and SOcial 'IntematiaUa1... Club-Prof. Starr and Mirza IAUI - KuU Kahn Among Guests. .. -The' joint banque� of the Intermi,·tional· club and the. Cosmopolitan club"'of--North,,:est_e��. l!n�ver;;it;y, . whic�witi' alSO' t>e the' fiiialafiair of the loca,\'Qrganrbtion for· the Year.-will,"take! ··'P1�ce··t6ri1orrow 'e'ireriing. in th�;' cafe "dfthe Commons. The Nor-westerners are.expected to"'�me up here in goodly'l\umbers� �hd· the Varsity cosmopolites will also be on hand to makea large crowd. The associate mem':'bers 0 fthe organization will also be'present. This r includes ,the �gmen.;.'. Me'mbers- are' 'also allowed to bringfrie·nds.l(',ProC Starr-W.n�Be,�t. I. ·.I\mnng the "gl�ests' -for· the evening. will' be 'Profesor"St:trr' and" Mirza 'ArtK uli Kahn. imperiaf Persian cOnsul at, ' Washington., n. No'rtbwestern : fa.c�l��., 'members are 'also' expected and willI. be heard from, 'in .• ifterdin:ner.sPeeChe�Business men from the cIty mterestein . the club -will be, present. �he of. flcers fot' the:�asT ,eat·.ill be hur1from.. Already' fifty ·ticlcets have �en disJ .'posed: of. ) If iS'the 'exp�tioh of thdmen pushing thei1:iffan- that there :wil�be -about.go, pftsent. IIIfter.ithe-" banquet "·the· election otofficers for the following ytar 'wilttake . place. _. A close' contest is' ex�pected. ,- The' 'American Association 'for' In-ternational Conciliation is sending' outto the members' of" the '�lob samplecopies of their documents. The association is 'also" sending a bound copyof their literature to the comparativephilogoly. .This is at the request ofthe club"s presicknt. I PRalriinfAiuBS ''J'O').E·�RUNIN TWO EVENTS TODAY.·.(CGndnaecl·ffOm face·l)i At present Hench of PUrch:aet Petti·: gttw"of)lDinoi�jaDd''!riCeoy or:Miami, loom 'up' 'as' "'best for"the ''tbree posi. dons. -, Th� 'lafter; has'" a' �1'ecord of: :09 4-5 in the century and may show: hig' heels '10:' the Otbers. . 'The same; field win'be"iri the '220�lwith the 'addi-tion 'of Heekin, the':fast''IBoilermaker.'K'dark'hotse haS"-spl'outed'up iIi-the'· high 'huntles Jllfth�·,person of I Hinch, cliff, of Knox, who"maf dash' Maroon: hopes ·to-·the-"ground ;bi b�ating 'out· Bill Crawley;' "Johnson'!of 'Indiana isanother 'man expeCted to' show ilfrthisevent.llsa� =iWI1J&iOWen.Ticket� forthe Cdnfetmce'are going; fast aiu1 a 1:il'ger'troWd:is'e�ectM duti than �was'';lfliere 'last year. ' Manager: Barthelmeiand . his" assistant, Curtis,Oreenr are' working'hard 10' swell' the.attendahce and report ·that -tlte; -have· been .suecessful,' A- large' block of 'seats· has' been reserved Jby';lUinois rooters.and :ariothei-' bjf'Wisconsin' supporters.'PUrdue alnmrri will'be �en representedand·e+tn :St!itJf6rd'graduates'have Dada section" reserved': for" them. !'Theseats forfhe Chicago' rooters' section'have been 'going- With 'e:Uraordinaryrapidity, and' the !block bought - up bythe "Old Man'� :wilt1probably be gone, before this evening.: �ty-foar Cups 'lfore"Wlmtttrs .J:ot: Bltdi � P:ftDti�ExtuDi�. --,,�, .".!':Seiv-entY-"fuur-'farge 'Si1'O'et'JcQp�th�� .preftitS'hfisplay;of''tbe-sort�e�eY madeI in:ichiClgo..!.:.�re'·now on' exhibition' at; the·*ithlbwS'·.:of 'A: G::SpalCling's' store;! do'Wri"tbwn. -; Tirey "are 'th�' trophies• which will be given to· ·thc"priz\!' \\tinI nm-s<at the ;big ';Interscnolastic' next:' Satdrday.. Thel'disptay '11a5'; attratt'ed a':'�eaiamnunt···.of· att�ntlon' 'and ·'Wilt;tehd··tot hring out.� larger high·Jschov;�cr'owdat the meet. ' . ' .Whh tlte( 'Conf�rence ;meet over to-1 m�*ow;: the ' Ztlehcbnce ' , of . Dir�c'tor,; St2gt ;indi tbe,btbef'tnembers';of the\ athh!tic''departmenniji8 be mmed' to.!i wardS'tb-e "pre'p"'schooFaffilir:- A wide'1 c'aniPaign _iI' be ;pushed' in all' quar-:I t�rs "to"'make' it·:,the" biggest "1nterI scholastic day eter�held. ' '� - ...Braiden's restaorant,.,SSth:and. Ellis,: 'is dosed for repairs. Will open Sun: day. Jane 6th: 'Under entire new man-apment. .�'O�:)Jt' POuHD-May ··,be.. ha.'·at the .. Informatio D office spon, UleatificatioD.I'OR &ALB - Pint class pianos.r dUd makes. ·.,ApplY Bus�;., .....u, The Daily Maroon.Semon Addte'ded by AJGmni..John F. Higey president of thealtlmni association wiU make the an-ntlal address to the seniors next Tues- ;, 1 'Ill' I) fill .clay morning June 8 at the chapel ex-." 'I'P .ercises. Mr. Higey will be introduced!'" . ,.. ..... " '. .to the' class by Dr. Parker. �� 231 ..... � tYesterday Leo Wormser spoke to ''''ak. GoOal»ll..o·i$t.sbDoaeathe class urging the prospective grad- - - 'I. .. CO� aOd.� .IM-m.uates to join ,the, a am", assoclat1on. ,-..... .....7...- ..'_·z_5 ......= _He also emphasized the invitation ex-tt'nded to the seniors to attend thealumni dinner on Alumni day. Fortyfive Seniors··signed·up' for-the·1Ii1mer. PO. �"laip on First...... _'IIUiCaI' CoUtee; Ap�, �T�IIUOoD�b&ce."Waiated: Student agents to sell anl �l�oft'T�a1\ftRrit.AStnctlt l«>'I'Ior.lable·.d te1Pdtnate. \\ Wtite\'Box 999�,.BlcJOiMDiton, l\JIL'-"i =J=OLUftESssstn5tro4edt7�;Cr§��AFMSRtJ ... �st._ �·��"'5-Patronize ·1hIeo ... adyertlKrL !i.1 "NEW ePOCKRr ,EDITION�:CiUette" safety Razor'I, The 'college man's outfit is not complete without the+new Pocket Edition Gillette. ;.. Compact- will slip easily"·into:.the"waistcoat· pocket-a�:' handsomely finished as a., piece of jewelry.It is 'made on the' the time-tested Gillette principle,.,-but . is a' Gillette' improvement - neater - more workman- �·.·like ,. The -new Gillette is the last word in razors for anyman who wants a quick, satisfactory· shave. ·No stropping. no honing. The. blades rare fine.v , POCket Edition-Handle and blade box triple silver or'. heavily gold plated in cases ofe gold, silver, nickel Q(' gun �metal�plain or embossed - with a dozen New Process 1Gillette blades (24 cutting edges) SS.OO to $7.50.GILLETTE SALES COMPANY'-803 KI...uH BulldU'tI, Bostoal ' New 'York, Titnes.nldg. Canadian Office 63 -;t. Iolexander St,Cbi<ago,-Stock Ekchan�e Bldg : Montreal, Que.London Office--17' Hulburn Viaduct, E C.Factories: Boston, Mon:reaJ ...... London. Berlin. Paris.(.ir:.,oJiA ... ·D D-"'�l C: 01':' A'D' �!�J7,I.ru�'-J."! ., LL.tU�: In 'the" TREMONT'" there'has been successfully produced'a-collar!combiuing comfort,with � smart appearance."sSC-'each-s fol':I,5C. Cluett. Peabod� a: Co..IIaenYotI-ti"tlhd' Antnr'Cds"Jast as coOd as Arrow COl1ars--2SC. & pUt/T ...as 43Z7 / •• � w: �;Proprie'-:;15he'!�lJldi:i�;nc!y. }Vo."S- N�-W. Corner Randolpb and) U:Salle 8treets�;·�.�fi.,tst�ppointed Cafe in the Loop DistriCt.. FPw-ivati Banqueting Room (or� Fraternity lDinners/! CHICAGO, I I, � ,� Chicago,�MJlTHEW5 .,;& COMPANY,INC.Geo. H. Fiedler, Sec.. The :Tailor ShopMakers ot cl6thes for man- "The Individual". 't56'\Wabash A venue'TEACHERS' AND STe_. DENTS' REVIEWS FORALL I-,XAMINATIONS l!:CHICAGO. I/