over, VII. No. 92. ail!'- .. Price Two Centsaroon. � • I :. .'. , !'"CHICAGO. SATURDA Y FEBRUA�Y 20. 1909.forTwo extrasTh� fnllowin� scrn:tI a, p:ltrnnesscs of t!;c dallce: :\Ir�. lI::rry PrattJnlsI'Il, :\Irs. \'e( rgl' E,Igar Yincl'nt,:\Irs. \\"illiam Raine)' lI�rper, �Irs .:\1110S AI(}I17.o St;.g�, �Irs. Ed�arJohn .. r.n Gootlslwetl. :\Irs. Tre"orArnett. �Irs. Rowland :\ngell, �Irs.Stcphen Newtnn "unl� �'rs. SamuelJames Sherer, :\Iiss �I:tri( n Talbot.The 11lcmher!"hip of the c()mmittee�"':ts ;os follo,':s:(Continued on Page 4)sDRAWDIGS OUT FOR TOURBEYReynolds Club Billiard and Peol En.trants Placed !!t Divisi� ns-Handicaps Given-Start Play Next Weekand Finish Mareh IS-The l{l'YllOlds club billiard h;lI�.Iicap committee met yesterday afternoon and after much diseuse-ion gaveeach man as fair :1 handicap as 1'0 ss -ibl" and Rener�1 satisfaction is expressed with their ruling.If games are pulled off every afternoon beginning earjy next week Mr.English 1)1;1I1s that the tcurnameutwill be finished by March 15, and sointerfere in no way with the quarterexaminations. II uch interest is centering arour- the contestants, and all.are looking forward to some regularGeorge Sutten sec res. The men intheir divisions and with their hand-'icaps are as follows-Division r=-Cnscy, 200: Stern. 180:Clark. 150: Luedor, 130: Kelley, 125:Ehrh.: rn 200: Lawrence, 170: Cross.135: McCullougb, 125: Morgan. 155.Division 2_:_Renton. 135: Gilbert.155; Bliss. 160; Dodson. 130: \Varri-· ncr, 120; Nibley. 175; Dagcnhardt,:60; Christy, 140; Briggs, 125:Deutsch 115.Division 3-Fargo, 190: Sheldon,190: Smith, 180; Sardarn, 140; Jen-· nings, 195; Cushing, �170; Weber,150; Sunderland. 140; Baldwin, '30:· Gc.ttfried, 110.A pre posed amendment to the constitution of the Reynolds club' is attracting considerable attention, in· that it provides that men who haveseryed =- full term as officers �f thecit: b sh:!ll become �onorary membersupon ceasing to be resident studentsat the University. The'-majority' of'the mechers. favor_ the jd�� . .ilI!�1 _it._will' .dorbtlessly p.\SS at' the annuali mectinzo which is to be held Friday,'March 5th .. ' CHIC�60 CAlI SCHEPUL£SEVER· GAlES' FOIleD!Directcr Stagg G� W�rd fromProfessor Maroon that ChicagoCa!l Arrange Dates. IBDIAJlA IS BEATE1f 17 TO 10Maroon Basketba!! Five Trims Hoosiers w!th l.�neup of Substitutes--Seh:mu:er a.�d Page G':) in andClinch Vict'JI'Y.Eloullington, Ind., Feb. 19.-Chicago's hasketba]] five won from 111-diana by a 17 to 10 score tonight ina game that was full of surprises.Dr. Raycroft started the contestwith two substitutes, and a greatlychangcd lineup. The Hoosiers, taking advantage of this, dosed the firsthalf five points in tile lead, and th-:local roc �ers went wild.But Bob Baris' team was not destilled to remain on top a long time,as Dr. Ravcroft threw Schommerand Page into the breach in the secend half. and the Maroon machinegot into action. "Long John" soonstarted his work, and with three fieldgoals, put Chicago in the lead, thaiwas never lest.The H oc siers put up a st rong crbattle than had been looked for. TheChicago team, however, <lid not playup to its standard, as it was saving. itself for tcrncrrow night's importantCI(.nfen'lIce ceUe!!e� in. p.reference to J!ame at Purdue.. the mr. re distant institutions. Purdue TonightGame Almost Every Week \Vith last night's game disposed of.I f the games Mr. Stagg considers Dr. Raycroft, Captain Gcorgcn andprobable are scheduled, the Chicago the -rest of the gallant crew, will turnfootball program will be something their attentic n to the doughty Bo'il-like thi», he�irming with th�'first Sat- ermakers' tonight. The sCluad willun!:!y in October and the- second day leave Bloc mingtQn for Laf;:ye'tte this;·,.f !he (!uarter: morning, and will rest during thef\trclue a� Chic�go.·1 d ay. _I ndi<1lm a!· Chicago. I n the last few days the. feeling hasI lHnois at Chicago, Oct .... ber 16. gained ground that in �any respects.M_inncsotat at MinRe2polis. Octt) - this wilf be the crucial g"dme of theber .;!o. s(.'ason. If the Varsity can get. thisNorthwestern at Chicago. game to their credit, they wilt beCornell at It:laca, November 13· able to start in on the final' series. _. Wi5consiri --ar:.:=thiciagop· November· -. -\\'lth ·I11inois.- Wisconsin and Mione-'20.. seta with great confidence. Should- T!lis' will give' Chicago, .3. fQolbaU . thev be beaten, 'it will mean a severeJ.tam�· on Marshali' Field . for ali btlt los�, alt!lOugh Chicago will, still retl: ree d the Saturdays during th� . tain its position. at. the head of the!'eason, with what will from present league.indicatiens .be the championshipg:unr.' c:! !:er home field_Northwestern, PUl"<!ue and IndianaIndicated ;as Like!y t':) .Succeed inMeeting Cbicag�.Chic:lgo will play seven games nextyear, Din'ctor St:lgg received wordyest erday Ircrn Professor Moran ofPurdue, the president of the Confer�1H'l', that the matter is definitely 'ictt lcd, an.I Chicago can go ahead andschedule the larger number of games.Director Stagg said last night thatrl;e three additienal games beyond. these already fixed, \ViII probably beN (. rrh western, I ndiana and·. Purdue,Brr.wu. �!�e navy, Nebraska andI {I·.:;a are also amr ng the petitionersfor gnrnes with Chicago, and nonecf these have been given � definiter�('gative :LS yet. Mr. Stagg haspract ically made up his mind, however, to schedule. all three of theD.C-pc Favors ChicagoDe5pite . ;111 bear rumQrs, it stillseems thal' the Varsity -sheuld comeout on tcp tonight_ With Page in at�l::trd again, and Joy Clarke holdingdown forward, the team has beenwonderfully strengthened in the lastt\\'o weeks. Given the mighty JohnSchommer, Art Hoffman and CaptainCeorge as the other cogs in tHe machine it seems that it will take the TWELFTH SENIOR· PROM'IiAQ£ GREAT SUCCESS,BY. OVER 20o.DANCERSBc:rtlett Gymnas!WD Aglow withBrilliancy a! Gay Annual Social.Event-Decoration:; Plain butEffective.WHOLE EFFECT IS DAZZUNG-_�BEArIWITUlI_ HANDlY, 13-15·Co�� K!tudson's Men Walk Awayfr�_m Downstaters :!l Bartlett Tank:t.!ee�.Polo t:an:e Ends :n Tie Secre AfterB�C Stubbo�'� F��ght Tm-'_ughout.Coach Knudson's swimming team-urpzised . even itself .last. night by decisively defeating the team from 11-linois by the score of 31. to IS, III inr.is captured first in the loo-yar.l.swim . and the plunge for distance.and got a tie in the polo game. I r.r l.e ether events. the Illini were distinctly ot; tclassed,The feature of the meet was thepolo gam.e. Never. has there beenseen a more bitterly-f. ught struggI-:than was- that between the two sextets. Althcugh cut weighed manypounds by. their opponents, the Varsity. easily held its own. MarcHirschl brought the. large crowd, toits feet several times in beth halves.by his ·pllicky. work in downing BelI.:t giant who played. against him Oilthe Orall�e and. Blue eeam,. Polo �me ExcitingI1iinc�is started Gut the first halfby getting a goal in short order. Afler this was scored,. occured the sensational figll;t' of· -tbc . evening.. Belthad: the oail - two feet from the gcal.The; other members of the team. 5warn�c�t de. wn. but against tremCJlclGUs: odds,. HirschI. wrested the b�ilfroD:! BeH,· and threw it to Taylor,,,-;rhQ, in a. beautiful sprint, 'scored th�goa •.po 'Ole ·SCGt.Qd.:. balf· . was· Deck an .. l.n'eck, with n�.ither te�m. havin� thl".adv�nt�g'e�i and I the' score. at tlle" fin-'ish J to I. Illinois scored twice, butit ,,:as nc:.t. allQwed 'by the. officials, becau�e of kul play on the part of theI Jti�i. ; Kahn. Cary, Walker. Fergus,�n,; Benitez and Taylor also playedwel. lor (,hic�go_P-linois Protests TieAfter the game, Illinois proteste,1against !he t!e'-an1 asked that it -h:!played (·ff. To this Chicago refuse'1.Director. Stagg explained. the complaint �f the 1 J1ini· against . leaving theIli-Io·: game a tie by stating that noagr�ement had been made to playf ff an f'ven score.··The cnly time we have ha1:1 a til!th�re WclS no e�tr.l period or" play�"he. said. "Another point. we gave into '1Ilinds in omitting the bre:tststr( Jce, kr which bnth sides had el1-tered men. and for which we mightl1a\'e daimed the points."�dster StarsIn the swims. the wuk of Lidster,who won the 40 and 6o-yard swims,was a feature. He surprised all \\'hohan foU(lwed the aquatic sitl1ationI:y the speedy form he sho",·ed. Inan but the century swim, the Maroonrepresentatives Idt the mini far hehind.The summaries:loo-ya.rd. swim-Wc:n by Flanders,'llinois; Bergerson. Chicago, second:ParL.-er, Chic:!g;Q. third. Time, I: 12.4Q-yard swim-\Von hy Lidster,Chicago; Cary, Chicago, second:Flanders, Illinois. third. Time. 21 :,�.Ph:�g� fe.r distance-Won by Gnssett, Illinois; S2 feet 10 inches. Bickd, Chicago. second, 50 fett: M:l'�well, Chicago. third.' 48 feet, 2 inch� ...60 yard swim-Won by Ud ... ter,Chicago; Cary, Chicago, secontl:Flal1der�, Illinois, tmr(l. Time. .�i :.1.:et"on.ds,Relay racester, Benitez,1:35 2-5· "'cn hy Chicag:l-1.iclBickel. Carey. Tim<', COOK COUNTY TRACKMEET NEXT WEEKHigh·Sd!col Preliminaries Will ComeOff :'n .Bartlett: Se:ni-FinalsMarch-20.One week m':: re and Bartlett Gymnasium will ring wfih the enthusiastic· rooting of five Cock CCllnty HighScho('ls in tlu·ir· first preliminary indoor track. meet cf the se,ason... Divisicn I, including Creme. HydePark. Evanstcn. Englewood and Medill will occupy the scene. They willweed ".ut thcir seconds and thirds whomeet the sec( nds and thirds of divi�ir'n II ;mel III en March 2:). The firstsirom all three divisicns will later contemi in !he finals for the highly-prizedgold. sih'pr, and bronze m\'('als whichare awarded by the league.The st:ccessful freshmen relay teamwill be gh'en a hanner and the highschool team that sceres the greatestnumber of points will be awarded ashield emblematiC o{'t� Cook'Coun--ty Indoc.r Track' championship.These meets are watched withmuch interest for' rivalry betweentil(' !Oiclrools is keen, and many times"finds" {. f grcat ability arc developed.In division II �whic::h meets .March5th :trc Wendell -Phillips, UniversitylliJ:!t. lIoyne� Barny, Calumet, Curtis an(1 l.. ... ke. Division 1'1 inclnctcsAustin, Lake View. Oak Park, :\lcKinIt'y, LaGran�e and Ncrth-\Vest Divis:,: 11, GiVE SECO�D ANN�AL PLAYPhi Ga:-r.!T.a Delta t� Present Opera'l:'!:'night.Several h'mdred-' Chicago members. f Phi Gamma Delta will attend· theseccnd anm�al. comic cpera tonightin Rosalie Hall. The playlet entitl(.'cl, ··The Rah .Rah Boys," writtenby Donald Richberg '01. will be followed hy dancing.Letters telling of. thf Ilroductionhave been sent cut to every memberof the fraternity in Chic;1go� and itit expected that the great majority.d them will attend. The occasionwill offer a sc rt of reunion 0pp.ortu-nity. .;The opera contains two acts, andta kes an hour in the p1aying, Leadiug parte; are to be taken by LeoOeTray and Frank Sould. Half ad07.(.'n c:ttchy songs arc 'a part. I)ftll(.' play. most hrilliant wcrk imagin:tblePurdue to win.Gn the ether hand, it is concededthat C(.:lch Stewart has a strong aggrcv,ation behind him. Lewis, who ispitted :tgainst Captain Georgen, isone d the best basketball men in the\\'est. Charters at center, is anothertower of strength. Bowman, .W�stover and Knox. t.he other memb�rs.ofthe cluintet, ha\:': 'plAyed strc.ng gamesthis seasen. - - .... -Th_e L:neup:The' two teams - will face each otheras fellows this evening:Chicago.GeOrgen. l. f:ciark. -r: f.Schommer. c.Page.!.g.HofTh;1n. r. g. Purdue.Lewis, r. f.Bowman, 1. f.Charters. c.\VcstO\'er, r. g.Knox, 1. g. Gr::md March Delayed by SwimmingMeet-Gorgeous t:owns Are inEvidence.One hundred and {cur coupl\!s-Mr, Charles Kimball and Wil1iamL�vere. the president and ex-presiden� of Sigma Alpha Ep�i1on. visite('the chapter house last w��k. G:ve R:ccpticn t� Chinese Stt:dentsA rcception to Chincse stnclents ofthe t;.niver!'ity was gin'n yest(.'rday afternoon in lIitchcr.ck Lihrary. The�nest (If hI Iwr was �t r. I.e\ eril S.Lyen. a man prominent in Chinesemi�sionary and education:tl wnrkstmlc-nts intere .. te(t in !'ttch attend(.'cl.The Alumni a!'srciatinn of thc RetaTht'ta Pi fr:ttt'rnity will J:h'e a hanqc�t next Friday niKht. Kappa Sigmas in ConclaveTh(' ccnclave. of the: eighth districtof KaJlpa Sigma opened at the DelI'r:tdo hotel last night with delegatesfrom .all the ch:tpters. r(.'presentcd inthe (li:,trict. TIle eighth district include ....,ll the colleges in the RigEi�ht. an(1 also Lakc Fore�t Uni\"(.'r�ity al1f1 Wabash.The Chicago chapter took a veryprnnint'nt part in the program. as itpr�'�entt'cl a vatute"ille_ Tonight aiormal banclnet "'iIl � hdd for the(Idc�at('s to the conclave.The women or the University of�! inn('sf ,ta ,,·ilI give a"Sunlight party"Th('y will tum in - lists of men theywish invited and' tbe man recei\"ingthe most hids will be declared the higg-est "Iady killer" in the University. STEFFEN WILT. STAY HERE coincidentally enough, the precisenumber that attended last February'sevent, last night made the twelfthannual Washil'�ton Prom a matterof treasured history in Universitysocial events.The inclement evening kept nobodyaway. ncr did it lessen the enjoymentof those present.While not as elaborate as last year,thc decoration scheme was nevcrtheless attractive. Maroon and whitebunting. stretched above the dancers,and at each end hung two largeAmerican flogs. TIle orchestra waspartly shaded by huge palms,The grand march did not start onscheduled ti!nc on account of theswimming meet, ,,:hich a dozen couples witnessed.·'Gorgeous·· best describes the�ewns worn. hy' the womcn. Thesewere of varied design. and lent apleasing, c,;en dazzling sight.The mc�nu scrv�d bV .Mr. Barrels,steward of �hc Commons,' to thehappy dancer,; <;1t h�e.ke_ o.:clock_con� __sisted of: . . .Tomato BouilJcn en TasseCelery Stuffed OlivesChicken SaladWafers\\·;.Ih'r StdTl'n y('�tef(lay s<'uk') :I!!rum,1r, to thl' effect that he wouldcl):lch the Northwcstern or low,lin( thalt h'ams ncx� f;111 hy promi,,ing Director Stagg to �t;\y here. Stl'f-fen has heen convinced that it wonl:1he he!'! for him tIl foHow the ex:tmpl(.' set hy former Chicago athll,te.":t11l1 get :he hCll�fit of one ycar'� ..:xperil'nce tIIul('r the "OM �an."Ih' wili hoM the same positicn thatLeo DeTray I;el<l l:lst falt. :md wiltilt'lp Director Stagg to dcnlr.p th�Var5ity eleven. Ice C:"e:tmCoffeeCandyThe program of musical numberswas select cd from the latest comicopera hits, and also the latest popular son�s on the market. Followingwere tllc pieces:I. Return of Spring.2. �! iss Di:;ie •J. Rosetitr.e Rosie.4. Tattocc(1 Man.s. Lucia.6. Stubhr.rn Cinderella.']. Y CoU Got to Sing an I rish Song.8. Dream City.'f). Waltz Dream, Cake10. A So:dier's Lo\'e.Rcs�lie12. Algeria.t.�. Yankee Prince..... Up the Street.I:;. Shine on H:'fYest16. The Golden: Gir:i.17. L, Barcarolle.18. Sla"ery D:tys.19· I'm:\ wfully Strong for YOll.II.Moon.20. Rainhow.];ayli�ht Hurts My Eyes.Music of the Military Hand.Lo\'e Makes the \Vc,rld GoRounel.Prince of To-night.Fair Co-ccl.LiJ:hts Out.The I.ast Kis.;.Farewell.21.2.2.Z,l..2·1·",'" ·THE DAILY IIARdoN. SATURDAY" FEBRUARY 20, '190').��� .... .. -- .... -- .. ------�--�--------�---------------------------------------- .. .r�REYNOLDS 'CLUB CAUCUSWILL BE HELD:TUESDAYTHE DAILY MAROON'The Rev. Judson Titsworth of thePlymouth Congregational Church.Milwaukee, will preach at the regular Sunday services in Mand .. , tomorrow morning. The day willmark t�le birthday of Mrs. AliceFreeman Palmer first dean of womenin whose memory the chimes wereinstalled. Her composition" '·TheTempest," wi!1 be played. Mondaythe chimes will be rung especiallyin honor of Washington's birthday.THE 'DAILY BULLBTDiDeltho Club wiD give an info,rmaldance in the Reynolds dub this even-ing -,Fr�man Mcelio ,will laold a ban-quet tonight at 8 o'clock at the TipTOI) Inn.'rlJe Official BtU4eDt PublleatSoD ., tileUDl'Yerllt7 of Chleap.l'ormed7The 1JaI"nl'� ., CIaIeaa. WeeId7.1'0uDdec1'rhe Weeki 7 •••••••••••••••• Oetober 1. 18IZ.The DaU,. •••••••, ••••••••••• Oetober 1. 1IOZ.Entered as 8eeoDd-elau Ibn at tile ChIcago POIItomce. Chleaco, IUlDol8. IIaI'dl18, 1003. UDder Aet of IIaI'dl a. 1B'l& ANNOUNCEMENTSNew Testament Club meets' Monday evening; 8:00 p. m., with Professor Goodspeed, 5706 WoOdlawn avenue. Papers by Prof. Goodspeed andMr. Cranberry.Dr. Sydney Kuh will give his fifthlecture on "Forensic Psychology"Tuesday, 4:00 p. m. In Law Buildingnorth room. Subject: "Simulationand Dissimulation of Insanity."Kent Chemical S� ciety meets Tuesday. 5:00 p. rn., in Kent 22. Paper by:\Ir. W. C. Moore. . .. -"_'"Professor Laughlin will lecture on"Socialism" Tuesday, 4:15 P. m. -inCobb lecture room, under the auspices of the Political Economy Club.Mr. Harry W. Jones will give an illustrated public lecture on churcharchetecture Tuesday, 4:00 p. m. inHaskell Assembly room Subject:"Early Church Architecture."Semitic Club meets Tuesday, 8:00P. m. in Haskell Assembly room foran open session. Ilha'lfrated talk !>yPrcfessor R. C. Thompson.Mr. William M. iaIter will give theeighth of a series of eleven lecturesun "Schopenhouet and, Nietzsche ....Tuesday. 4:00 p. m. in Law Building.west room. Subject: ··Schopenbauer'sContract with Theology."Exhibition of foreign Esperantoperiodicals in General Library, onmagazine table.Philosophical Club meets Monday,7:30 p. m. in Law Building. westroom. Mr. J. K. Hart will speak on"MoraL Education."Dual Track-liftt. Tuesday evening,in the gymnasium. Cbicagc vs, Chicago Athletic Association�Student Service AppJicatioDS '.':,forthe spring- quarter must be in :be�oreFeb. 26. '.; , . -l'ubllsbecl daD7. exc:ept SUD4a7 .. lIoDdays and boUo,._ during three quartenor the Unlveralt7 J;.ear.SlibserlpU.. pdee, ta.- per �"'J ..fur three ...u..' .1Ibeerlpu. .. neea 8&The JIaroo. Otnc:e ...... BIlIa BaDThe Fae.U� EuhaDp •• Oobb IIaILI"RESTON F. 0A88 .....MELVIN J. A.DAII8.� •••••• K rOSWALD F. N:.a;aON •• a.w.... rTHOS. Eo IDLLEB ••• Cln:IIIatIo. -...aer.&JUiOClATJ: aUTO ..\Y. A. Wt':lver A. N. PfefferA. G. \\:hltfleld It tie (-'wenUPOR'l'E1lBII. Felseutba! V. O, AppelC A. Karsteu W. J .• ·outeW. U. Lloyd C. A. WashburnII. R. UaukhageNews contrlbuUons ma,. be left at ElllaHall or Faeult7 Exebange, addreaed toThe Dan,. Maroon.I n accordance with its usual custom for holidays. The Daily Maroonwill not be issued Tuesday, Feb.:.?JChicago should watch anxiouslyfor the returns from Laf a yette to-night. The basketballThe Decisive game with PurdueGame in should furnish one ofBasketba11 the greatest conteststhat the sport has produced, ami the outcome is far fromcertain. The Varsity team has madea determined and plucky fight for thechampionship, ,and enters the decisive game tonight undefeated. andwith eight out oi � possible twelvevictories. Purdue' also is dndefeated,except by Chicago <and nhno!s: andwill have the advantage of being onher home floor, which counts foril1t:ch in' basketball. Chicago willhave to fight for. every point, and theoutcome is by no means certain. Avictory for Chicago will be practically the last barrier to the championship, and then we will look to theEast for other worlds to conquer, aswe did last year. DEBATERS WORKINQ IJORINTERCOLLEGB tGlttESTSTeam Confideat of GcttiBllIato FiuII'-Philosophy Ha'" .,1. iDMeeting �Junior college debatiDg- teams arehard at work in preparation for thepreliminary contests, which will beheld on the evening of March II.There is b'.lt little ·'dope·' on the results this year owing to the.,: numberof nt'w men on the teams.,The Arts team is composed of Esmond Long, Moffat, and Owen. Literat�re of Barr, Jennings and Reeve;Philosophy of Appeal, Earle andLoth; Science of Fox, Kuh and McCullough.Science will meet philosophy on thequestion of woman suffrage, and willuphold the negative. Arts will argueagainst Literature on the affirmativeof a proposal to elect Chicago's alder-man at large. _I t is generlly supposed that Philosophy would easily stand a chanceto get into the finals if it' had not beenso unfortunate as to dr:nv :the 'strongScien�e te'lm for a 'first opponent.DZBATE REFORMS PURPOSEJuaicr Council Votes t� Manage Inter.CoUege Contests.Resolutions changing a number ofthe regulations of inter-college dehates were passed in the Junior colIl'�t' council at its meeting yesterdayailt'rnoon. Thc reco.�mendationswill he submitted to the' faculty and,if passed upon favorably. will go intoforce immediately.:\mong other things, the provisionis m:1I1e that if the question for the dehalt'� are not submitted as theyshoul!1 he, a committee of the council shall havc the power to name :t�l1hject frflm which there is no appeal.Till' 11(,\\' system also puts in force apr"yisinn that' the council have contrel of the arrangements for the dehales and th:lt the president and \·iccpn-�illent s!lall preside.Esperantists H,: Id ConversationsF. ,rty E�Jleranti�ts attended the tirst('):1'" (If the organi7.ation yesterday.Tb,\" \\"(.'re informed that the next�,·,�i"11 will he held Friday at .1 0'd"Ck Secretary Grant of tIle Club\', ill C'f)l1(luc' classes for the nextthrt"- weeks and President \Vashburnethe j(ll1owin� times. CHIMES TO PLAY MRS.PALMER'S COIlPOSITIONWill Rinc "The Tempest" at Services Tomorrow-The ReY..I,. Titsworth to PreachEpiscopalian Dance Feb. 23rdThe Episcopalian club will give aninformal dance in the Reynolds dubnext T'lesclay. the 2.lrd of February.Forty memhers are expected, and theother Episco'lalian stuclt'nts are in\ ite.1, Thi� will he the first dance�i\'cn by 'he club. "bre: 11m' M !:e N�miDatcd for Each -Oftic:e-Olicers Win Support noTicket.The ar.nual caucus of the Reynoldsclub. for the purpose of nominatingofficers for the coming ·year, will beheld next Tuesday. As usual, threemen will be nominated for each office. and the election witt come off'the following weekThe elections will proceed this yearas 1 •• ual, except for the fact that thepresent officers wil abandon the custom of supporting a ticket. This will�ive all candidates an equal chance.as none will be hampered by the oppositicn of the out-going officers.The Mechem Law club was entertained last night in the private diningroom of the commons by Prof. FloydR. Mf"f:hC'm. 111'e feature of the evening was the trial of a case in whichSchwartz and Wormser were the opposing attorneys. Former ProbateJ.udge Batten sat as chief justice. andGallagher and Driemeyer were associate justices.The SllOangpangalan' Club is thelatest in Michigan. It is made up oftl e Filiuino students in the institution.Lots of peoplenever worry about style,just buyGLOVES. FOWNESlU_td hit it right.OURIi1winter SaleCONTINUED DV,RINGFEBRUARY. NEWMEDIUM WEIGHTSTOCK INCLUDED ATREDUCED PRICES.Suit and Trouseis fOr'Price of SuitW m. Jerrems' SonsCLARK AND ADAaS STREETS.I mi •• OF QUALITYBALDWIN-MADEPIANOS ANDPLAYER PIANOSA PRODUCT THATIILIS TIE WIlli'S IIIIEST 1010lSThe ca.t o( the Baldwin madeinshllments is no higher than isoften paid for inferior makes.Quality considered they are hyfar the Most Moderately PricedInstruments on the marketOIIr Taws .f Pa�.t will alsoPlease YOII.Please pay us a "isit of inspection before concluding a purchaseelsewhere.The Baldwin Co.MANUFACTURER267-269 "'...... Ave.FULL DRESS SUITSTo RentT.O.SHAFFNER78 SI.te 51. ..... Cntnl 01875IIrl------------�Ir-------------.I-.-------.i��--------�1�4�I:�'-.��.jl.al��·" 1 •. • .. '., • JThe College Man's Tailor ·j·'ll" 10� � �TI claim, by right of years of experience with the college man, to :� ,J\�',have the only Varsity Tailor shop hereabouts. � .:��",You will always find me with exclusively . different fashions ��d" � , .J-�fabrics: never the "same." despite that they contain all the Ginger,... ';P�:.:or'and Snap. ",.I have learned to choose my styles with, Two eyes-one open (or .the Smart Chap. the other for the Mature Man-and· the ,contraSt.. :-�:J ..shows how little I have let "the right eye' know what the left eye ' I:�'doeth." :' :':) ,...BENHAMVARSITY CLOTHES 519 E. 63rd Street....1 ....... ' ...1 ....... --". ' '<���,��,��,�,�'!4� illinois College of Com ..... e_rce; 'i� Formerly :.�.,� AT.".ENAEUM ... ·.�;:·,._ .. ;.t.F 18 to 26 Van Buren Street - I .� Young people qualified In our Shorthand and Business depart- 21'� ments in the shortest possible time !o.r posi�ions ��at .�ay at 1" ,once from $35 to $60 a month. Individual mstructron- pay� and night sessions. Enter any time. Call, write or phone� Harrison 1110 for catalogue. Positions for graduates .. sr. ye�� I� � ;R of uninterrupted success. .' - .- : � =1 .' � ��W�;�;��::;;���·�Henry Ja.co�rtc.SCHOOL OF THEArt of Dancing and Aesthetics �DEPARTMENTSAestbetic Gym",. l:s -Preparatory Course in theart of acquiring elegance. poise, grace, and, rytbm ,in,'the poetry of �ion. the delicate and winged expres- ,.sion of the beauuful and the dramatic,··5wedI511 Gyma4lstb. ,·6;yJallHtlc D4I.d .. �·Physical education. The art of bodily movement •.The highest degree of Health, Strength, EtlelX)' arid''_�endurance.. ) i�' i.:"': :..'�iJN�ional and �olk Dances; The dances of hi�Q9:: ..... i)1.�FashIonable SO('lety Danctng� Classes are not oped"to the public References required.· . 0, ,:,: '-:'iCourt 3!ld Social Etiquette-Beautiful ensemble numbers arranged·(o,,!.;Operas, Musical Pantomimes and Dramas for all occasions. '�his �hool i� known for its supc:rior phys!cal' disciplin�. scientific and ",practical mstructl0n. culture and refined surroundmgs. Estabhshed 1888. " .-,AUDITORIUM BmLDIBG, Wabash Ave. Entrance, 8th·Floor."The Foremost School of Dandng in the West.·'SPECIAL PRICES 'I'O'�7'AND SORORITIESI make a specialty of all designs of Sorority an� ,_�Fraternity Pins, Rings and Fobs. ' ,�, !' ',� �i?esigns s�bmitted free of charge, and sample pins furnisb"ed to responSible parties. I am tbe maker and designer of the 1907 '1908 .' DailyMaroon Fobs,' ".,," ',: � li ?,�7The Illinois Warehouse .., Sto�'Com��� ' _571'I Kimhark ��� 56th 51.The Cleanest and Best Kept Storage Warehouse in cityFurniture and Pianos Moved, StOftd, Packed and ship�to all pans Q( the world. 300 Private Storage Rooms (orTrunks and Wheels. Large Room for Carriages, Bug�ies and Sleighs. Tnmks to and (rom all DeoOts� Locit'Transfers for Baggage, Furniture, Packages, etc;. at short: .notice. Special attention given to Univenity ,Orde� ," .. >,___ 'WILLSON & HARVEVPAINTERS AND DECORATORSFull Line Wall Paper, G1 ... and Painters'Sap.... . ', ........... "'1"':4Z7 Eat" � QIe" k,� .. "� �.A �em;nder_I .. -. :,·�:·;T�, "Have you paid your subscription to the Daily::MarOOnfIf not. it is past due, and a remittance will be'appreciatecf{ '.f"Telephone Hyde Park 3667 .�" '.,"< •THE DAILY MAROON, SATURDAVlp.,FEBRtTA1V �.�T.1909.WILL GIVE CASH PRIZESTO ORATORICAL WINNERSInterc:oUegi:1te Peace Aasoc:iation Announces the Contests to BeHeld in AprilArrangements of the IntercollegiatePeace Association oratorical conteston the subject of "International Arbitration or Peace" are out. The datehas not been chosen, but will be before April 10The rules provide that the contestants be bona fide students of a college or university in Illinois. Theorations are limited to eighteen minutes. The awards are cash prizes of$75 and $50 for the winning place, andtl.; winner will represent his state in!he interstate contests.All inquiries may be addressed tothe secretary of the Intercollegiaten.·ace Association, Cerro Gordo, 111.START WORK ON GREEK PLAYArts Men Choose Cast and Rehearsals Begin S':on.Arts College has begun work definitely for their production of Terence's ··F.hormio.'· The cast has beenchosen tentatively, and will be published in the near future. The committees and ether offices are as folIows : Coach. Clark; business manager, Ullman, assisted by Karsten,Hartley and Clark; stage managerand property man, Hecht, assisted byKarsten, Owen and Clark. Rehear.. als will start in a few weeks .The classical faculty is much interested in the project and is lendingits support. Professor F. G. Millerhas made an excellent translation ofthe play, which will probably be theone used by Arts colloge.Scores His Crew for IndifferenceThe members of the Syracuse crew, .which is to meet Annapolis next May,are being severely arraigned by theircoach for repeated absence frompractice. In a. letter published inthe Daily"Orauge, Coach Tom, Eyckcensures. the carsmen personally andsays I'\! sees no hope for victoryover the Navy unless the Syracuseteam wakes up."I see their face� so seldom,"· saysMr. Zen Eyck, "that when we dohappen to meet it seems like meeting old friends, who have been living long absent and have just returned to pay us a flying visit. TheCaptain of the Varsity crew is at. present putting all his energies in abasketball game on an eastern college court."Carl Lambach has been to Champaign to attend the annual reunionbanquet and dance of the Illinoischapter of the Phi Gamma Delta Iraternitv held the rzth and 13th.To�ight the University will be engaged in a swimming meet, a basketball JZame and a Promenade. I f wehad a tent ,,:e might have frequentperformances of a three ring circuson the midway.Full many a youth who disportshimself at the Prom tonight in thecustomary Promenade regalia willeat pie and coffee for Iupch fromnow to the end of the quarter.A professor in Kansas State saysthat 8f per cent of the men who failin college arc those who use the vile,,·cc<l..Three quarters of the students ofthe University of Kansas help to payt he it own expenses, according tl)recent im·cstigation.Princeton University is (',,('("flng alaboratory of Natural Science thatwill cost $Jr�,ooo,Prc�ident Hyde of BO"'doin saysthat =--rnok:ng "makes men scatterbrained".John D. Rockefeller has given $150; 000 to Richmond Con�JZe. �,UD IIERRIAII AT IIEETINGUniversity PrcfeUor Has Stro�Backing in Aldermanic FiCht. '. .I n an enthusiastic mass-meetinglast night, Frofessor Charles E. Merr iam mapped out his platform as alderman from the Seventh ward. Dr.�h'rriam's fitness for the positionwas vouched for by Alderman B. I.SIlIJW and I. N. Powell. who is candidate for city treasurer.Professor Merriam has the backingof the Chicago newspapers, the Republican organization. and the mostpr crnineut citizens of the ward. Hewill be up fer consideration of Republican voters next Tuesday, primary day.The Glee club of the Universitywill give its first home concert onMarch II in Mandel Hall. The club ..has- been practicing diligently for thepast month, and there has been goodattendance at these rehearsals.Director Erickson is preparing theprogram which will include solos,,quartettes and club songs. The songs:'.\\"ill be' both popular and classical.Paul W. Pinkerton, ex-'oS, visited:the campus yesterday. He was here. on business, and will not return toDenver. where he is raising fruit,nr til April. During his stay he willlive with friends in Morgan P.ark.CLUETT. ".aoo .. & co.•• IKE ... 0 ....... COLLA ••Do_ble the Lifeof Your SuitThere's twice the wear in a suit, ifyou have an extra pair of trousers.Make the experiment-find out�ry� . .Here'JS your opportunlty-a SUitand extra pair of trousers for theprice of the suit..Trousers of the· same material ordifferent. just as you prefer.This offer holds good on our entirest�. .We want to keep our good tailorsbusy between seasons. That's theprimary reason (or this offer,Coming in to- day? JSuits and Extra Trousers f30 to $60Yes,··.we make riding breeches.TAtLOR FOR YOUNG MEN, ..': A. F� JEItREMS, Mgr.Two S,te;,res: 131 La Salle Street and• �d 44 Jackson Boulevard.THEUNIQUE SHOP:5sth.and Woodlawn. . Phone Midway 2544A Place that FdIa a LoD,Felt Want.General Dyeing and Cleaning,Laundty, Plain Sewing,Buttons CO"ered, Pleating,St�ing, Braiding, Hemstitching,TruDa and Valises Repaired,C� Painting and Firing,.Upholstering, Chairs Re.seated,Dec;Orating, Picture Framing, ., .Ca�, etc.��Eopvmg, Card Writing, '7'p�, Sign Painting, .Go� and Silver Plating.Ph� I?�eIoped and Printed,� Fihus Enlarged,II� Re-silvered,�binding and Gol� Lettering �We do all our wotkpromptly and neatly.All:gOQds left with us cover� by insur-r .' -wIiiI··'· ..•� . e II! qur possessKJIl.R .. : ... Cupet Oeaninga sp...;.ky.. .. ..-".... �hil06 . e.;rupt 1V • .rnu-.y an.r FrltIay.:T�esJCentrall83. .�ru-' .l Central 184 WE are now closing out ourWinter patterns and get.ting ready for Spring.It is not the custom with us tomake reductions in order to sellgoods, but just DOW we are simplyreducing our S lS suits to 130, inorder to close out our Wintergoods. Here is an opportunity tosave money on a Winter suit, ifyou have not ordered one yet.This reduction in price is madeto University of Chicago studentsonly.Let us hear from you.Watterson«Southward153 La Salle St.502 Association Bldg. Tel.Ceatra16198 A Reminder for CoIleae Men-Select. Your Spring Suit Early.'The SatisfactoryWiO'aper and PaintHOUSECor. Wabash Ave. and LakeSt,CHICAGO. Abraham Lincoln once said: "I don't carehow much you say. providing you say it in a. few words. "We want to say to you in a Iew words that ourearly arrivals in Spring Suitings and Overcoats arehere-the earlier you come in the wider is your choice- you may order now if you wish. (or delivery four tosill[ weeks hence. This is of mutual benefit because itgives you the choice o( the best and allows our tailorsplent), o( time, Better drop in and see the advanceline of Suitings and styles at College Men's prices$35.00 up.Carver & WilkieTailors185 Dearborn 5t.�'K'E are making a Special� " Offer for 60 days ofour '10.00 Sepia Platinum Photosfor '5.00 per dozen to U. of C.students.ROOT STUDIO243W ..... Age. ................. H1NSBERGER'S MARKETThe Union Hotel andRestaorant111.117 Rudolph SlreetTHE POPULARPLACE TO EATeither hebe or after the theatre.We make a specialty of Cluband Fraternity Dinners. A. O. MASON & - CO.DEALERS INFANCV AND STAP�B6ROCERIES AND CHOICE MEATS436-438 East Fifty- Fifth StreetTeL Midway 2169 Comer Lexington AvenueThe King. Piano"King of Them All"271 Wabash Ave. Harrison 2571'Ride Taxi..;..•maORDER IT FROMTAXICAB co .2441-43 .MIchigan Ave.{ALCO CabsRenault Cabsexclusively Tel. Calumet 2798All PhonesNo Double Tariff"Where to Dine. I5he Woocllabm Cafe63n1 51. and Cottage Grove Ave.THE FIBBST AIm .OST BLBGAlITLY APPOIlfTEJ> CAFE 011 THESOUTH SIDE.CUISINE UNEXCELLEDPRICES REASOBABLB.Orchestra Music every evening.SCHULZ BROS.,.," j.FASHIONABLE LADIES' TAILORSOur Spring and Summer Fashions andFabrics are now here for inspectionSuite 83, Auditorium Bldg.Free Ticket CouponUniversity Pantatoriurn Club5645 Cottage Grove Ave. Phone Midway 1609THIS Coupon and Sevef!ty·five Cents entitles bearer to twelve pieces of pressingduring the month of M .. reb only when duly presented, Ladles- SkllUcleaned and pressed for Seventy-five Cents with coupon.Signed .•....•• , •••••••••••.•••.. , , ••••••(This Coupon is void if presented after March 5th.)James C. Echols. Prop.THE DAILY MAROON. SATF.RJ)A Y, i:EURUARY 20. 1909·7WELFrH SENIOR. })ROIIMADE GREAT SUCCESSBY OVER. 2':0 DANCERS(Continued (rom Page I)General Chairman - Renslow P.Sherer.Finance Committee - Walter P.Steffen. chairman; Edward L. MeBric!c.·, Herschl G. Shaw, Courad G.Berch.lrdt.Arrangcmem Cornmittec-c-j ohn F.Dille, chairman: l\f iSS6 Emily Frakc,K�ll herine Slaught, Karl Shuart. Fred\V. Gaarde, RL:bl'rt J. Hart, W. WIGcorgen.Reception Co 111 III ittet."- Witliam P,�I ac Cracken, Jr.. chairman: l\I issesl Ivlcn If-:.�nl, Elizabeth Thiclcns, �ti1l�fl'll Scott, Howard P. Blackford,I h':In ,M. Kennedy,Decoration·-Con;;nittl'e:-�t iss Luluhe! Walker, chairman; :\1 isses :\1 arjor ie Day, Edith Osgood, Jean Compton, Willowdean Chattcr-on. AlbertS. Lorur, Winston P. Henry, CoIl' Y.I{fI\�'l', Bernard K. Krag. Dewit 13.l.izhtncr.Printing Committee - Walter S.�I crr is . n, cha irman ; �Iis�es LouiseX (;rtel1, Gwcnn Clark, :\Iary Courtenay, Daniel \V. Ferguson, llarry A.Hansen, John J. Schommer.'I hcse present were:r�epslr,w Shen'r and Hcll'n Hurd.\Valter P. Stl'ffl'll and Pc.·::rl Fisher,J( hn Dille :Ind Phoehc Crabtree,\V:llter Morrison and :\Iarj.·,rie Day,/.!vin Kramer and Lulubel \Valker,Fran!: lle\'a:I1 .md Ruth Kellogg. Wili:am �I a�Cr.!cken and Miss WaL'il,Aleck G. WhitficJd and Laura Wittler H::rry A. Hansl'n and J05e-'phiile, Ddl, Rebert L. Alli5cn andFI(,rclIC'e Ctl!1nir.J!h.lm of Beloit, Wis.;\V. F. Hewitt and Annc :\raric \Vever, Frank Orcl�ard and Elizabet:lCamphcll, Ben Xewman and HarrietSt:!id. C. F. Axdson and FlorenceLeayitt, Leroy K:ing and lleatriceE. Barker, \Vhitehead and Miss Can;1\' a 11, J. B. Ransom and Miss Baxter,L. N. 1\ l)rthr.�p .1Od Ruth Swallm ... ,S Edw:n Earle and May Carey,1I.lrvld Iddings and Miss Brown,Scott Dt.nalme and Miss Gilberts,C. G. Cushi!lg amI Mary Ought'.):1,C. G. Rce a:1<! Edith Greeley, AustinSe:z ard Flcrentine Foreman, Ellisf E�an._ and Margaret Haas, Wm.Bcverly a!1d Miss Bellamy, RaymondII. !:chultz and Lucille Eranston,Irwin· X. Walker and Eva Schultz,r Goett�c:l ... nd :\Iaric Avery. RobertK. Nabcurs and Helcn Haydon,C. H. Lambach allll Eleanor Hall, AlCarter and Beatrice Gurler, C. R.Gcre'!ard :md �:;ari� Griesback, C. V.Price and Jeanne :\larie Roc, Karl F.Keefer amI Virginia Fellman, L. C.�leNemar and Et�lelyn Harrington,II. U. Lat:!am and Ma:rjorie S.Sd:;.jIe. W. R. Rathke and :\Ir:;.K::mminski, �Iatt llcsely and EvelynIt 1·1;II)lm. Arncid B. Hall and EdithDcm:l�g. Frank F. Soule and Ruth: I::.rrower, F. O. Kcepke and .Marj..!arl't Fe :-d, S. nell and �l iss Stc\'cns,II. G. Shaw and Carl(.tta Sagar,\\ ;:ltcr Lcrenz and Helen �Iahcr, H.:\. Keller a!1«1 Ethel Kawin, CharlesR liilhc.'rt and Bertha �11,ntgomery,J ame,. l>ytllnl1f1 :md El1cl1 �lac:\ ei!'h,�. I.. Buck allli Rena A. Hooper, 11.F. :\Ic.'agher anti CarahclJc.. :\Iackey." F. :\I"·;;j..!:i\'r and Marg:!ret Hackett.(;l' rgl' ). �I d .ern.-n and FlorenceJ..:dky. GenrJ.!c �I. Bliss anll Mabel1eT", d. 1!;t1ph E. ).111"tcr and Edith M.y, toJ:�. r�tll H. Da"is :1I1el EdithI�I :-t". Thomas S. �Iiller ;md Dorothy:\: il),-r. Fc.'rclil�antl F. Cnnniligham anel';r:I\'" I (;,I:mal1. B. Rf'j,!l'r:; ;lIlel �lissI:, l.vn '. �Ii!ton �1. �tor�l" ;Inll tldellF rit, . ,i1Ia�11 nrm:ks :.1111 �IaryI 1 i,� "�i. Fr;ld: J. Cdlil1�" anll Eliz-; l",t h F. ���, :\. L. nartol1 anll Daisy'(; ij" 11 F, II. Tl'l�lpll'f:ln :llld �Iis ..! , ". ". p. 1>. Trimhle anll Elenore�"�' (·;lh('r;.�. n. \Y. Fl'r�l'scl1 anel\I;:r��11(";-it(' �11.r(ln, If. E. Baker andf<:':i:�nil't' Cole. 11. n. Fllt!('r Jr. a'lflIIl'1c:l Fnlh'r,' Richartl M �'ers antiFI, r,'lIce R"tllt'rtlwll. Clarence J.1';-iTli('� .. anll �Iiltlred Groman. How::111 I:lackfonl and �I,adflrie :\Iason.\\·d).;t(>r _T. Lc, .... is al1ll Edith Coomkyo J, Lockc �Iacomher ::1111 Cecillc� .. :nl'l'y. GcorJ.!e \V!H:ml :'11111 A. L!! ('�rirk. ).yle D. \V:!!son anrl Relic'.(I,1 :\It:rr::y, George Lindsay and ElizaLeth Foss, Everett Patchen and Magde line Romitz, Roberts B. Owen andEthel Corbet, ElI:an P�well and VeraVerney, Willis Adams anti E. Harris, E. B. Babcock and Mrs. S. L.Laing, Paul Judson and Jean Cornpten, D. 1\1. Kennedy and Edith Hel11-ruing way, Bradford Gill and CarolineDickey. Luther D, Fernald and Harriet Harding, M. E. Simonds andLorraine Cleary, Karl T. \Vaugh andHelen Dcming.], P. Francis and :\Ii"s�1:lqIJe\\"s. Walter E. Clark and �Iaryl. �1:lIln, J:mll's ;,lac�1 illan and :'I.ti.;sRr sina PL wers, Melvin H., Ericscn::1111 Ge·�rj..!ia �loore, A. R. Wilsonrn.l Elizabeth Rich, Hurnard Kenncr and Flcrcucc l Icusncr, H. ..\.;\lcGiII c nd Miss Culbertson. CharlesII. Wilbur and Elizabeth Lee, JohnT. \Vils'_:11 and Florence Heath, Rus�c11 Elwell aud Laura Pl:i,lips. Ge '.E. Fuller a nd Mar!�are! Campbell,"cscf T. SI�:!�1!l'� and :\I:irgarl't \1\:Crackcn, L. T.' LnOI11!S and J o sephcue Pr ncv, Clarence M c Bride anrlVir let Higley, Winifred and Amy B.Oliver, C. L. Barnes and A. L. Gorham, Veru:n Heche and Lela Fisher,Gcc rgc K. Hunt and Ethel Terry.Alfred Straube and Geraldine Brown.Lander Mae Clintcck and :\1 arionDl'mlller. lsmcn G(\uld ailt1 DorothyP.1!ckley, Earl(' Gocdenow and �Iarl-!uerite TlIlI'_'r.SE��PR I-'ICTURES ARE DUEOnly 1.50 A!"e in-Ne� Many More-,c,kes and Poems Scarce-To Closein Ten Days-H: pe to Haye BookOut 2� Ear'y Date.The editcrs of tl,c <;:ap and" Gownarc still severely handicapped in their(.fforts to �et the bcwk ,out at ancarll' cla!e by �he slowness' withwhich thro mat('rial r.omes in.. One�reat difTC;dty;" that the SeniorJl.ictl!res ex.hibit extraordinary rc[uc�ance !n crming int� the glaring lim'':light cf llUblicity. An effC"rt. is beingm.tde to cclipse last year's ."record 01222 pictcrcs.· This... record. is. still inthe (Jist&lnce. as only some 150 haveheen tnrn,cd in. so far. One difficultywllich confronts this year's man.agement is the fact that the limit f'rpict�lres was April 10, iastA year�"whikthis year's, book is expected to b�'well on the way to completicn. hyth;lt time.:\1 r.st of the other pictures are in.It is, however, necessary for all orJ.,!anizations which desire to �a\"e alist I')f mcmbcrs published to hand in!'ot:ch a li.;t without deJay. Thelists will be closed very quickly, and,in fact. if the present plans of them:!naqement arc carriecl (Tt. they willhe c1�,sed dellnitc.-ly within t'cn days.The delay with the. Senior picturesmay pre"cnt fulfillment cf this hrpe.There is sti11 a great scarcity dmaterial. The difficulty has botheredthe manag('ment for �omc time, andit is extremely desirable that morcfunny :o;tuff .he handed in at once. Amore liheral contrihution of suchmaterial w( uld he a sCource of gn'ath"'twfit !� !he book.DAVENPORr ELECTED TOCAP�AIN 1912 ATHLETESOklahorr.a Sprinter Gets H� nor FromTeam Mates By Unani-�ous Vote.'ra Dan'llpCort was ye!'terday electcd captain of thc Freshman trackt�al11 :It a l11el'ting of thl'. athletes. lie\':a:- cIuhl'n unanimously. '1I;ne cfhi .. k:lln matl's heil1� put ;�p ag'ain�thim tor !I!e honor.Tla' 'Wl\' captain is the �tar of thetl'am, ;lI1d is �tr(!nger I:n the cinderpath !h:l11 intl"ors. His �peci;tlfies:trc !he century, the 220 and the elnartt'r m:!c rUllsIn Stagg's interscholastic lastspring hc reprcsented the Oklahomahigh !;chool, and won three firsts, atthc same time pulling his school int,) second place. Latcr in the summcrhe ran in the 1\. A. U. meet on :\1 ar�h::iI Fi('M. and pl: .. hell �ed �terriamf r firs! in the (!l!arter mile. OFFICIAL ··C'· PIN OUTFIRST OF NEXT QUARTERMystery Sti!l Continues, But Councilors Say Samples are DoneOn Sale Apri! I.Samnles cf :he official .. C" pin arcIl(;W hl'il1� made by &I de wut own jewelcr. They will he ill three styles,sc lid geld, geld-filled and enamel, alld t he same design. All bids for thepins have net yet been received, andthe prr.ces s (If getting tl1l..'111 ready tobe put I n sal e is uecessar ily :1 longOI�e, hut they are beilll-{ rushed. Thepill" will prchably be put on sale bythe "c.'ginning of next quarter.The hllsinl'ss of selc.·clillt: a mottofor the Univcr-riy is still be ing prosecuterl. The joint cr mmit t ce of theJunior and Senior Councils is considerjng' the mottoes already submitted,anti will snell chor se the hcst d oz en.These wil! he -rcfer rcd to the faculty,who will try to select a suitable motto fnr e hc Uni\"ersity.A subscr ipt icu to The l\1;lrn( n is aloyal act,----- I'FOR SALE-A ;!Ilnl HlickcnsrlerIcr typewriter at n liargaili. Call at6t Sr:cJ1. Fr:,!�k A. GiIl,ert..'\nyr.ne seeking 1('n;lI1t for furnishedt1'1\1Se r.r ap:lrtmcnt durin:.! Spring<It:arter m::y fin;1 it ('.f ;lft\,;lI1ta�e t'lcC1l1t11I11.icate with Box 218, FaedtyExch:angc.i Where to Dine IiI TheIII I .. 'Newest RoomI I, II The IndiaD RoomIIi T"eWe.lington Hotel IOpposite: the 1 Ilil�,.is TheaterLa�.sblJcli9'Ph·o,tc).graph.�r2.31 E. 55th St_Special attention paid to. UI,h'ersity workBarga'ins all the Timei{eliahlc Rehui;t Typcwritf'l'!', :tIl- makes:r:ehuilt in our own faclOry: hetter and�hc:aper than others. Se fur yuurself..THE TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE31!) De.lrh.,rn St. A J. COU�E, �Igr.. Td,·ptor.c lIa'rison 4(),sThe RomaIta1iml Tahle j)'Hotesoc, -iSc-$T .00Inclndiug 'VineAlso a la Carte Sen'iceOpenDailyal.dSunda)sfwmII a.m.tuC) p. 111.SPAG H JijTTISUCH AS ONE GETS IN rr.\LY146 State StreetSecund FloJr, Phone Randolph 2486, You college men appreciate individuality, .In clothes when you yay $30 and up fQr: Clsuit. You don't care to see half the menon the canlpus With the same stripe and cut;, That's why yon get better-than-usual value when: you.get. your clothes of me; absolute up-to-dateness at a moderate price. and the (j nallty is the quality of more expen-si ve clothes.. _� You'll find it worth while to drop in and look at Illy newest .fabrics:YOll don't need to buy., ,J. KuntzAugustImporting Tailur87 Washington Street.Tclephone 10"9 H)de ParkARTHUR E. BOUROBA�'DecoratorWaU·'Paper. Paints. O,ls and G,/�s •. p�l,.��s�s..upiili"�.216 East 55th Street.... .',:� .;',II" f.S3- :iTRf.n OiICAGO.•• � , ·l� : �. I.. : ".Spring is coming. DoJtw$t.Select ycur cutJit n:ow.'We.have the[n:Ctt,l:fClutiflll �p .. iJJgand Summer Sel£cti<>DS £�Er Ihowli:by any Tailor.I i,teen years dl(' n:o�t cnrdllbtue!) oftl:e }OUlg m,a •• 'sJ1('e'd�; has made us the originator:- of st}les.S;ltisfal'fion in ye1ur dotbes n:tan� n,udl 10 leu. A f, wmit:tl'es of pur fn e �I tnt ,-'ith us "ill givc-}ou a-\\ li01(· �e else n's p1e a� me. //·HERZKA BROS;' /Designers ('If the m�t !on .. ppy clothes fOr the Colle ge maD.OPEN EVENINGS'ChicagoSorority Ooeolate.�Jt_,;' O!ll THE'�- �---, MONON ROUTE-- - --R.lst ServiceRctweenCIIh.·AGO, INDIANAPOLIS,'flA YTON, CINCINNATIA�D WEST BADEN,FRE�CH UCK SPRINGS!'rnt tn :troy ::.1.1","- '"lin �'" of 7O'Irclr.:'Ikr'� ,n.lme a:ol S 1"-"("(":11 •. �;.,:>, '''r poIta&:c:and p:od"nl:."""" ("�1'I ","y 1:IC pr:"nl.:r r<'"nll benet at bli",dQkn--t'�' e'e-n'� .he- PO':;' I.. Or 1'('11,1 "I !c,r (1111 "",m.1 hOll «"h'!�..lI.1nshlpdC'S.!:n) :IIh,l .1.Ire ani,a' .l,;�l;,·a:r. (II l':" In., 'ullrolo� no :t'!lrr'i�i:j;:) (.f ""�or '.\lnOl:' Sorority e;lrIbeadr-;r.U cbarl:CI pai.L Ad.trns ""byFrank J. R. edt Gen. P�.:-Ag�.E. P. Cockrell, A. G. P.· A .. :,' !, ..