,>,)._ ;.: .Vol VJ I. '.,No. �'" ,-.,-, � , \. '-' ,_aE-_.�iT',fIICTIIL sm._- )Tells .Co�dat dub · �cbolO&7I�D � P-.tiaaJaI. :Iporea,, .Facts of !bia. Wodd.. e- WATER TlWI AWW':",u.tm, " �,.,,�, ':1KnudIlOll ,Keep. PoIQ Ken �� forLolip8t P1-actice of �-;,:: PIeal7 of Giapf�:,illOne more day and the, ev.. to-..._..__, '1 �-" WAlr,d which all, ,the', eft,orts of ;GaehProf� �'. in 'Cat*tpry with Knuds� and the 8wimmina'� , dSaIe.u��ed �e-', have bee. direeted.foe t_(I q�s.t�e ',lUinOiS, meet will c0lD:e off.� The, � ::men, Jare· especially anxious to i�o.nIn ., �ertIin' to��r Afr. A. F.. their rivals,. as the next . ,tim� theSheJ_ told 'DiabIJen 'qr. -the -Com- 'dash ·.ill'be Jn the tank of the:�IJJiDi.mercial club last night tHat the, pres-: IT 'they' � .succeed in, s��r4lg theent �tems of educatiofl are inade-· larger end of the score tomorrow,quate.. ,� tha� .even -=o'�ge' colJrsesr ',th�Y u.�, t t9 be ,able to ,'�I�il theare n. m.e �fIQlJl·,-tJa�dd.age[ .91- be- , .meet: at-Cirampaign. ' , -;f::'i.:_-.rht =: ,��. _ o�olete stand- The pol!> men took' the ,longestMr.,:Sheldon is � �Jd' founder of practice of the year yesterd�� afterthe S.ldoD SChoof.: ''and �editor' of the' noon. All of the players w,re oat,Busi�s PhilosoPher.' � �' ,._ ' and a stiff 'scrimmage was in P,fogressPs�, 0100,-" i��', " _" �n, ',' particul� u,s:JJil late. �sp, ecial ,att�n,!f,"'.n was, ''"'""' given to' sending down �he :'f>rwardscame �'�,n . � 'fro'm the and center with the bali.. , a-.. givin, gspeak���_a.;:-ald ..: U�� JDStruC� �tors in it, _ttbeir ';a:-, _:�O,lIt.,,_9f the the.ga;U:4s aad .8oal, head�: y Cap--.; - � -tam -Kafm a--mance to s' theirclOl1ds.'�...iDstea.r.:of_froiQ.'..ey'e.ry�y_.ex-, mettle: - The ' sbifty playin� of Be-perie_Ea. ."..' � ,�;, ,.t, nitez the aggressiveness 'Of' TaylorEndurance as a prim,' e quality in' , ,in CIt-rying the ball, and tbe guard- ,success 'of all kipds ��as emphasized ing of Kahn, were especially notice-by Mr. Sheldon,: iodf he added that able. Harc Hirschl put up "his usual�ndurance from athtetJcsi mayor may .., I strong defense. The showing of thenQt be the best type • stock in trade new men in general has �n a de-for the future. {:. cided source of gratificatioD.. lkx� PqcbOkt� TniDiDgTeachers were �ed salesmen, Shabup in T�just as much as are th� men who sell The entries for the ,swimmingtheir .wares, inasmuch' as they have meet will probably differ consider-to offer their knowledge to the stu- ahly from those of the Lewis meet.dents for wbat these consider it to be Lidster has been shifted from theworth. , hundred, and the main reliance inF�lowing in part is the ��_d!ess of that eftllt will be placed: on ParkerMr. Sheldon: . ,: ,� " and ,Bergerson. Benitez.�>who .. !V3S,�'Wllat '�4t ,� tbro�ghout the slated for polo last Saturday; may: bewbole realm of business, we: ,may say, seen in the shorter disklnces, andif vou will pardon such an ·outlandish Bickel is looked to to gather someterm, is the,: commercializing of the points in the plunge. 'psychf)togical .trinity; we need to Hyde Park and University Highbring it: down �ut of the clo�ds and will llOld a' meet, their events fillingput it down on earth. Anyhow, all in bdween those Qf the Varsity andthe bitsiDess is done here on earth. Illinois.And psychology as taught in ourcolleges is very largely taught in theclouds.'What Education Should -Yean"This �wer of pers�asion. businesspower, the power' to meet and knowthe men. springs from the education,:he development of the positive orconsttactive forces of the individual;his hindrances to power aU comefrom the n�tives. There is one�Tcat.big ,question mark that we canput after our systems of education asthey:are today, and that ,is this: arethey� are we as teachers, workingsystcimatically and scientifically to theend of'th-e development of the wholebeing?'.�' us study the trinity, knowing,feeling'and wiJliag. From _the standpoiat of the physical, we want them..,. of eaduoace ill our business.How, do we get that? By the education, the development of the posith'e Or COIIStnlCtive pbysKal forces.Somebody says we get that in ourt1I.iversitin. Do we? Or is it theco....ftntration of stl'eDgth we are aiming a�. rather than endurance?Eadanace AD-lmportaDt"We all know.. when w(' pause tothilak, tbat the power to endure ,isworth � great deal more than thepower of strength; and we knowwhen we stop to analyze it, that agreat many. of our strong men, evenour � atbletes, do not have thepowet: of grat endurance a longtime. f'n fact, the tendency is tooverlleveloprnent of the heart, lungs,and otlLer vital Qrgans, oftentimes thedevelopment. of surplus tissue whichatrophks. What our whole systemof edaCauon should aim at from thestandpa(nt ,of the physical, is the de"clop_at of endlllWll£e iJi the individual '. 'tti� him ,far .'$ hattIe."Whit �tioa Motild do is toinaease the ability, the reliability,the(Continued on Page 4) PHI GAMMA DELTA PLAYREADY FOR PRODUCTION··The Rah Rah Boys," by DonaldRichberg, to be Given Saturdayat Rcsalie Hall.All is in readiness for the secondannual Phi Gamma De1ta musicalcomedy, which is to be presented Saturday night at Rosalie hall. TIleopera, which consists 'of two acts, isentitled '·The Rah Rah Boys" andwas written by Donald Richberg, '01.Leading\ parts will be assumed byLeo DeTray and Frank Soule. Theplot c')ncerns' the adventSRs of apugilist and a jockey wh'o' meet at ahotel. The jockey is rich·.u��, -anxious fer advice as to ho",' hl\:,'tJaoneycan be spent. He is instnlcte.4tby thepugilist to start a paper. ' n1� pugilist finally hinds in college, tries outfor the football team, and is "bounced" for attending open lectures instead of classes.The operetta is said to contain anumber of clever song hits, amongwhich are "Dreamy Isle." "Advertising:' "Alumni Song," and "Yearninga Utttle Gain." Eight c110rus ··ladit"!;" have been drafted from thechapter house.Girls Ready f� r Championship FiveThe deciding game in the women'schampionship basketball series is tobe played next Friday in Lexingtongym at 4 o'clock. The title lies bet"-een the Reds and the Blues, th� 1.2o'clock team having defeated the'mind 5q1llld Ja�t Monday by a scoreof '4 t� II. 'I1te race for the cham-pionship boRon has been hotly contested, and the final £ame tomorrowafternoon will probably be an excit'iftK' ..... , ...... � of staats aJad ,spectacular plays. r:,' '-:.' �l"'!',':,at· ,:' ..' -"., �. .'. . - .-- .. aroonI 'CHICAGO. THUltSDAY, FEBRUARY.l'. 1909.,IDtematiOaaI Club Holda Ita SecondOpen 1leetiD& ia Re7nolds ClubTaaigbt.Dr. H� I&in Speaker- Several Otben to Talk-MusicalProPam Arranced. The ,annual' women's gymnasticcontest will'. be held on March 12.Am�ng, the I events scheduled for thisoccasion -will be a Junior collegecham�ionship series, an innovation in\VO�ll:S athletics. There will alsoThe second quarterly open meeting be the 'regular Junior, Senior andof the International club will take individ� contests,place this evening at 7=45. in the JuDior Colleges to Compe!etheater of the Reynolds club. The Each J!tnior college will be repreofficers in charge of the affair have sented ,by a team of from six toarranged an extensive program of tweh·e"girls. The distribution' of 'thespeeches by prominent men and wo- .. .work will be made at the discretionmen. including several musical num- fo 'thei,� aptains. Team work will bebers. the rule and form will be the criter-The main address of the evening ion il�(awarding points. These willwill be delivered by Dr. Charles R. be, div�ded, into four classes-first,Henderson, University chaplain. He form in approaching and leaving theis expected to deal with some phase apparatus; second. in execution;of the international question of nni- third,dn the harmony and rythm ofversal peace. 1\tr. Louis P. Lochner, movement maintained by the team.president of the 'Association of Cos- In tlJe high jump, the individual rec-mopolitan dubs. and' a graduate stu- ords :.wi1J-:be 'added, and the averagedent at Wisconsin University, will taken.come from Madison to appear at the The, events for, the Junior collegemeeting. He will give a sketch of meet Will inelude the boom, fall, hangthe progress of the association, and and ,�uarter �ce, 3Jld trout rest; lad-of its rec,ent �ffiliation with the Corda Jer, tmnk turnings; stall bars starFratres, 'a powerful ,peace organiza- h h' • h . . 'ang� Ig ,Jump, ·tattier, Indian-club�n _!_��urope. swinwng,' dancing, basketball throwShort speeches, dealing 'witb the (5 triids) and a ,relay race.problems of the International club, ,The competition for the individualwill be given by Dean 'W. D.r Mac- chann>ionship : will be as follows:Clintock, Mr. Tho�nton Chase, Pro- ) Ladder tra\'eling and rope climbingfessor Charles E. 'Merriam �nd'Coun- (Judged by tilne);' vaults, horse, partr.ss Betblen, who addressed the last allel bars, :fiying rings, travelingmeeting of the association, and has lings) club swinging, basketball, only recently-retmn,-,to- OUcago., Miss.., . t, l1roiiling,dancillg_ .���,I!ing dashes.Watson, -a -I�y -who; ,until-a, few, years; ,ago was employed in the War de-,partment' of the national govern-;ment as a translator of fOl'eign documents, will ,also COQtribute a fewwords o� "Internati,onalism:JThe music:lI program 1riJl consistof the following numbers:" Piano byRichard .Myers, vocal solo, by Huntjngton Henry, piano and .vocal musicby the internati�.fal� quartet, so,ngs,by .Miss Bess�: ,,'I)jggert, solos by:\Iadame Mart!*.and a duet by Henry:and Myers. ','Aftcr the ,program, ,the...meet;ng,_will,_adjourn into an informal reception atwhich refreshments will _ be senre.d .....A flashlight picture: of all those pres--,:;cnt �ill be take� ,and also a' picture '"�f the members �f the club, for pub: -lication in the, Cosmopolitan annual,and in the Cap'�nd Gown. The ladiespresent will' be 'p,rt�eri!e_d wit�' anorient�11 charm which is ·snpposed todrh-e a"'ay the "evil eye:' ,PSYCHOLOGY MAKES FORBROADER VIEW OF LIFEDan Angell in Y. II. C. A. AddressDeclares this is its Contributionto Reliaion.That mod�rn psychology may be ofgrcat, mue in many ways in assisting a, ,man to get a larger "jew oflife in its entirety, was the view presented by Dean Angell at the Y. 1\1.C. A. lecture last niltht.··Modern psychology," he said, "isdefinite in its assertion that in all thelife of ,,-hich we ha,� definite knowledge. the mental processes can notgo on without the physical. What'may h .. p�n af�r death, Ps�hology.:oan not say. Its illform.tion dealsonly "'ith the �eDt.,.. Another i11lportant matter is thatof the religious therapeutics, whichhas swept the country in the past fewyears. Tht"re is beyond an questiona great mass of ,,';t;tl facts which seriously intment:'c. and Cftn offH a basis for bnatnRg a� from the rna,t era ilistic cowceprion, so prevalent a few years aRO. I,Woa. PIAII BIG GYII IfBET1-.•,, A l'Ip1ce I.ona List of Events for'Athletic Championship Contest onIIUfh 12 in LeDngton- JuniorCoJJecett- u, Enter Teams.PURDUE GAME IS soriBcEOF WORRY TO DR. RAYCROFT'-.-:-. Fears M�n'8, SUing, of, .. VictoriesMay be Broke.:t by, BoilermakersSaturday Night. 'Hard practice again was the lot ofthe Varsity basketball team yesterfJay.::. A number of 'new tricks ,weretriell :out for use against the Boilermakers Saturday, and it is likely thatthe style of play used on the tripmay be considerably, different· from 'that which, has been used in the pre:,-ious Wlmes, this seasOA;': The' gallle with', PWfdQe ,is proving:. So.')ufce of wonr- ,f(s: :])r.-. ' Raycroftand Captain Ge01'.geri'; :With Lewis;tnd Charlers, 1'\\'0 :�;tQr �men on thefivc, they are doped to give the Maroom� a harder' battte than: did ,theIIIini. The Boilermakers �h�ve a'. victory over Wisconsin to· thdit:;:credit,and at present are second�' �:in: '-theleague standing. They 'have :defeatedcvery t�am: they have met this .year,excepting Chicago.' They have, improved gr�atly since their first meeting with the .Maroons, ·which wasearly in the season, and the Lafayettestudents are confident that they cantum the tables this time. They willalso hnve the advantage of being onthe::- o,,'n floor this time_ At anyrate, a hair-raising struggle is expected.Chicago·s Linap DoubtfulThe makeup of the quintet whichwill face the Boilermakcr� has notas yct been decided. Joy Clark is ingood condition again, and will surelybe' one of the five. The questionwhich is most unsettled, is whetherPagt' "'ill go in. H is knee is almosthealed. and he will be ablc to go in,if necessary to save the day, but itis hanlly probahle that he will startthe game.The tTni\'crsity of Wisconsin hasplanncd a campus with builclingssuit;tblc for the next 50 years� at thcend of "'hich time it is estimatedth=tt eqnipmcnt ,,·iII be needed for t 5.000 stu lents. Price Two Cepts I,,,"I..GYM 'INYADm BY SENIOR'PROIEIIDE DECORATORSCOmmittee in Charge Spends HoursRigging Up Bartlett with GayRegalia."Men with the ,Tickets·' on Edge forGreat Event-Program DesignsSecretaOnce more is Bartlett Gymnasiumthe scene of much strenuous effortas the decoration committee of th�Washington Prom enters 011 its cam-paign to transform the athletic�tamping grounds for a night onlyII1tO one of the most alluring spots inChicago, a place of soft lights mu-sic and enjoyment. 'Miss Walker and the other committee members� spent all last evening tryin� to bring this transfermarion to ,pass.Another Prom a day off! For weeksthere have been working and toilingto make it stand out above all former Proms. For weeks many havebeen anticipating it, hoping for itsarrival. And now it is almost here."His 'Brains in a Whirl"A student with a ti�ket comes tocollege this morning. What i� hethinking of in class? Of what is being said? Maybe-or perhaps, whathe will be doing at II o'clock tomorrow night :s his one uppermostthought. Whom will he be dancingwith? What will he be saying? \Villhe be enjoying himself? A question.'Programs for the affair .irc said tobe 'unique in' design, but are at present ·a subject of secrecy-of intended,:su,rpri5� �T�,::t;P�=I_<?f ,,-,�e_ ;:t�y:�:,, __,_,_' _� ','waltzes, two-steps an<1' dances,and the 'order, in . which ,they will b� 'played', '��Il 'be a;mounced today.:' 'SELECT FRESHMAN DEBATERSSix Men Who Will Appear � FinalsChosen Last Night.The preliminary tryouts for ,theFreshman 'debate with Northwesternwere held last night. Six men werepichd, of whom three will be chosenin the finals to represent the Freshmen against the. Northwestern preps.The finals are to' be held on March 9,which will give the team about sixweeks to prepare for the contestwhich comes on April 23d.The six men dlOsen, and the orderin which they will speak in the finals,�'re as follows: Affirm.ltive: Bills.D'mcan and Loth; negath'c: Fclsenthai, Benson and Karsten.ESPERANTISTS FORM CLASSClub Determined to Master Conversation in Universal Tongue.The newly organizcd Esperantoclub will hold two mectings Fridayafterllo(m to organize conYcr!'Oation classes. It: is the idea of thc executive. committee to pattern its meetings aftcr those of the Gcrman cluh. andto ha,'c classes, Icctures :\11cl sl)ng� inE�pcranto.Thc two meetnigs on Friday are inorder th:lt all students 011 the camJlus interested in the language may heahle to havc a voice in thc organization of thc classes_.� ..� classes will be �raclecl. so thatzinncrs anti the ;t.lv:lncccl stu"like will ha,-e an oppnrtut1ityot perfecting thcmsch'cs in the lan�l1age.The secretary of the cluh has puta numher of Esperanto magazines onthc table in the �cneral library. thatcvcry one may see what the international lan�uaJ!e look!' like. The .. e areexciting a good deal of intcrest. and,will .. oon he replaced hy .. orne newones-.;;�.��• ,j.,.,j-,�,"THE DAILY MAROON. 'THURSDAY. FEBRUARY .8, 190').THE DAILY BULLETINBasketball. this afteruoou, 3:�. inthe �\·Ill11asium. Science vs. Philoso-phy, ,H!storkal Club, meets today at 8p, m. with Miss Hughe .. , 4807 Greenwood ;I\'CIIlU', Paper by Pro�essorSd'wili.Junior Class Girls meet today_: ttl 6 o'clock, in Lcxington - hall,,-\rh col lege room, All come amigd acquainted.Int�rnationzl Club - Quarterlymvt injr this e,'('ning in theF e"JlOit!:; club the;lter.' All membersHf -thc Uuivcrvity arc invited,THE DAILY MAROON'rhe Offlcl:.1 Studeot PubllcaUoo ot theUol\"eraltJ' of Cblcago.FormerlJ'The l1D1YenU,. of Chlaaco WeeIdJ'.Fouod�l'rhe Weekl;r •••••••••••••••• October 1. 1882.'I' he DallJ' •••••••••••••••••• October 1. 1802.Eutered as Secood-ela .. Mall at the Cbl·cage POBtorrtee, Chicago, IlIloolB. Mareb18, 1903. under Act ot Marcb So 18'l3.l'uhllahed daUJ'. exeept Suoda, .. lIoo·tl:'�'11 Ilnd hollda;rs during tbree quartersor tile Uulvcrldty year,l'iubHrlptloD price. $3,00 per ,.ear. ,I ••fur tbree lDoDtha" Babeerlptlo •• receiYM atThe JIaroo. O.lee •••••• 1W..lB BallThe F�alt,. EsebaDce: • Cobb Ball.I"RESTON 1". G&88 •••••• lIIaJIaalDC-lWltor)IELl'IN J. A.QAIIS7••••••••• Ne •• IC4ItorOSWALD F. NELSON •. B ........ JlauacerTIIOS. Eo MILLEB ••• ClrealatloD JlaDacer.AJUiOCl .... T. SDlTOIUIw .\. Wl'un'r.\, c:: ,,'ltltnl,ltl .0\. N. l'tt.'trcrIt. H. ('\\,('n&EPO&TEBaII, Fvlscut lnrl", .\, Kart<ll'lIw I:. 1.111,)'11 Y. o. AIIIl('1W. J. FonteC. .\. WashburnII. It. ItnukhngeXews contributions ma;r be lett at EUisIiall or Flleulty Exchange, addressed toThe Ually )lnrOOD._---_._--- - -----The last words of tr ibutc and appreciation ha,'e been spokcn o\'cr]);I\'id A, Covington,A Brilliant who died la!'t Mondayafternoon. The sincerity of the praise andthe deep grief of thosewho have worked witll him and haveknowl1 him well. help emphasize theUni\'Crsity's loss in the death of thisri�in� youn� man who was destined,had he li\"ed to reach high rankamong the scholars of the University.The CI;I.ssical club, gathered 011TI�c�day evening, and gave an opporlunity for many fitting trihutes fr0111hi� friends in the Unh·ersity. TheCllcl"Civor was ma_c.l_c to _present therecord of h�s life from as many different standpoints as IlOssible. Profl'ssors Shorey .l1ld Hale, undcr whomhe had studied, spoke for those thathad �uitled his work. The formerconsidered ilimsetf a student. Hishroad apprcciation, his clear g�asp oft:adl subject.' his almost intl11tl"ejud�l11ent, an.1 his simpie lucid styleof writing, had convicted him that thepromisc of his work was unsurpasscd,and that he was in linc for the highl'st honors that the Univcr!'ity couldCareerCutShnrtt!!\·c.l'r(Jfes�or II alc added his testimony10 t),;:,;e statcments,<1welling espccially ('n the part that students play inthl' lives :11\11 hearts of their instruc-t, ,r�. '.Professor Honncr and ])1'. Ullmanrl'l,rc' .. cnted his col1cagucs. emphasizill� hi:, scholarships, his l<,,'ahleness,and l�is h�oad charity toward all. In",pl'aking of t11e promise of his powc'rs, the former voiced :\11 oftcn-repe;:Il-d scntiment that, "The Greek,kpartnH:nt had never secn anyonewlJn Il'ad to expl'C'tation!" of such ahr:ilhnt future:':\1 r, Jones an.1 :\Ir, Hancock, two ofhi,.. fdlp\\" sttHlents. gave a brief... 1.;"I('h of �I r. Covington's lll·rsnnal:l;,h:ts of lifl',Notre Dame Beats CornellE; .... t\.,rn :Il hh·tic circles have hccn:..:i\ "II a �tlrprisl' in the 4lcl'isivc "ict·.!\ (Ii thl' :\ntre Damc haskethatl:i\: .. n'r C .. rJll'lr� tl'am hy the score! i ,..: t') I.�, Thl' Ithacalls were out·e!: �,..'.l ill t'\'l'ry ckpartn�t'llt of tIll':_:::lIH'. aitt'r tlh' ,ir,..t tiih'l'll minute:'o"j pI;,)" Harrin;..: thc lirst rcriocl, theLa'Il'I'Ill'r:o' \"t'n' at tl1(.' 1l1(.'n·y of tIl('(';tth .. lit- tl'am. which �cf)rl'cl :It will.II� ,� i...�. Gecrge Eliot's .. �1i11 on thc Floss"\ .. ill I.e 1'(':1<1 this :Literlloon at 4o'clockill �ln:-;ic h:,l1. 20.' �lichig:Hl :l\,cll\te,�tW!,'llts lllay get tic�cts :It one-hali\11t: rc�nl;lr prices,-,-i\.:'n� � ,;,f·'1 \I .. r<' ('"lnmlls Ilf new:'o an' puhlish.I d ill The )Iarooll than othl·r collegep:qll'rs C:III ho:ost of. ANNOUNCEMENTSMasons ot U niversjty meet Fri·,�ay. i :.W P. m. at Damascus Lodge.6-lth and Lcxington avenue, Univer-sity night.University Swimming Meet. Chicago vs, Illinois Fr-iday cveuiug, inthe �)'lllna!'it1m, T'ickct s 50 and iscents. (In sule Thurstlay ;In<1 Friday,at the information office.Esperanto Club of the Universitymect s, Friday. 2:00 p. m. in Cobb ",C,Classc» will he oruanized at 2 and 4Il'd�'l'k, .,\11 invitedExhibitkn of Iorciun Esperantojll'rindicals in Gem'ral Library. on111:i!..�azinl' table,Deltho Club will give :In inform;ll,Ianc(.' in thl' Reynolds cluh. Saturdaycn'lIing,Senior Prom, Friday c"cning, inBartlett gymnasium.Basketball, Frid:IY. 3:20 p. m., inthe J!ymnasium, Law vs. Literature,Dual Track Meet, Tuesday evening.i!l thl' gymmlsium, Chicago vs. Chil':!�0 .-\thktit� Association.Student Sen-rice Applications forthe spring quarter must be in beforeF�hruary 26.Ge!"man Club meets Friday, 4:00 p,01., in Le·xington� Lecture by 1')ro-fessor Schutze.TRACK MEN BEGIN WORKFOR CHERRY CIRCLE MEETHope for Vic:tory -in Contest WithStrong _D�wn Town TeamTuesday\-Vith yesterday'S p.ractice strenuouSpf(�paration was begun for the meetwith the Chicago Athletic' Associationto he held in Bartlett Tuesday night. .Althougil no, confidence has been ex- !pressed by either Director Stagg orCaptain Lingle, there are hopes thatChicago may come out with the longend of the score. Although each eventwill he hitterly fought, it is thoughtthat the �Iaroon' 'representati"es canJ.!l't :111 e\'en break -in the number offirsts and perhaps, enough seconds tocarry ;oway the victory.Frem present indications the meetTucsday will be the most spectacularfrom t he point of vic,,- of the specta·tvrs that has been held in BartlettGymnasium for a long time, Xot only'will the score he close, but there willbe several races of the hair-raisingvariety. One (,,'cnt which is sure tohring the crowd to its feet will he themile run. With Com�tock in forChicago and the speedy Ramey competing for the do''''n town club, itwill be a n(·ck·and-neck aflair right tothe talle. '·Commy·· literally walkedI "way with his event in the 1l1ini meet: 'and h:tS since heen making better. speed. With a man like Ramey toforcc him to the limit there i� no telt·ing what he will do.\V;lrm competition for first is alsocxpcl·tt,d in the sllrints, DirectorStag� i ... w.lrkinlo: his (lash men toJIlt. limit ill the hope of getting themto ma..ke bctter time. Earle, Strauhe,Tatarsky ;In<l Kuh were all gh·cni rY-fouts y\:�terd:IY and showcd goodform.Professor Mathews to SpeakProf('� ... ()r Shailcr �Iathc .. ws. dcan(If hte Divinity �chool, is to he oncof the speak�rs at the Hyde ParkBaptist Church. Sunday c\·ening. un-. de. the auspices of the Baptist Broth.l'rhooll (If Chicago, Hi!" suhject willh.: ".-\ R('ligiol1 for E\'cry �Ian," SENIOR BASKETBALL Frv£BEATE� BY LITE�TURE'Lit Men Run 'Up Tc tal of 15 Pointsto Seftinrs· Lone Tally,-BlissPlays Stellar Game.Literature college yesterday decisivcly defeated the Senior fin" bythe score of 15 to I. A free throwhy Bliss saved the Seniors frum ;1shutout.., �Iike" Cohn.with three field goals,;J1lt1 Xickerson, with two field goalsall(1 three free throws. sturred fort he winuinu team. Sturgeon playeda slrUlli! 1l;1l11e at guard. The teamwork pC thl' Literature team wasmuch IleUt'r ,JI;1I1 that of the Seniors.This afternoon Philosophy -wil].,la," the strong Science team.Literature. Seniors.:\1. Cohn ,. R. F A nry. �l;lrshE, Cohn. Joyce,. L. F........... BlissXickcrson :' C.......... VisherSt·.lrge1m R, G,.. . . .. Exselson\\,i11i:�ms,lkrells I., GoO ..... LightnerFichl :!(';lls: �1. Cohn 3. Nickerson2. r.:. Cc)hn I. Free throws: Nickerson. .3: Bliss I., Fouls: Literature 8,Sl'niors 6.The l7nin'rsit�' (If. \Vashingtun atS":lttll' is pl;lIlning a big culh-gc basehall tllllrn:'ltlll'nt ;It \Vas11ington thissummer. - in connection with the.\ laskau - Yukon - Pacific Exposition.�e'il.:r::i IC:lllit::;: iastitlltiono; will be rell ·1rC!'o�:,h.'c1, a:ld a tournament will be \.,I;,ye(l. ':\ bill pruhibiting fraternities amI�l'crd sccicties in the Univcrsity of::\ ._.1,� ;'1;,1;:. :IIH� iii 'ali other schools inthl' State has been introduced in the�ehraska House. The facnlty of theUnivcrsity of Nebraska is said to heoppos('cl to such action,Th� University of Hl'itlc1herg re(l'in,t) $32.5CO fo:" th(' estahlishmentI of a branch �o itl\;est�ga�e radium.GLOVES,FOWNESWill 'Fashion's races"hands down."OUR, Midwinter . SaleCONTINUED DURINGFEBRU:t\RY. NEWMEDIUM WEIGHTSTOCK INCLUDED ATREDUCED PRICES.Suit and Trousers for Price of SuitWm. Jerrems' SonsCLARK AND ADAaS ST1IUTS.---- -- ---- -- -------FULL DRESS SUITSTo RentT.C.SHAFFNER78 State SL P .... e C..ral 4875The Union Hotel andRem.rant111-117 Rudolph StreetTHE POPULARPLACE TO EATeither before or after· the theatre.We make a specialty of Club� ... d FrClterniJY Dinners. Gillette Safety RazorClean shaving it:; part of the college man's gos-'pel. It goes with the exercise and outdoor life-, ,with good spirits and good health.Five minutes a day spent with the Gillette Safety Razor keepsthe face shipshape. The skin is soh and clean,. A man can't wash his face really clean with a stubble of beardon It, 'The Gillette Safety Razor has a big following among college menThe best shaved men on the campus use the Gillette. 'The GILLETT.t: is kind to the lace - the keenest and smoothestsha"ing edge ever devised. Any man can gi\'e himself a clean, saris,lying shave with the Gillette-despite tough heard and tender skin..The GILLETTE is handy-no stropping, 1\0 honing. A saverof time and money-$36,OO a year and tips. 'There's no razor like the GILLETTE or that will do the work ofa GILLETTE.The Gillette Safety Razor is sold evervwhere, A mall can gethlades anywhere on the civilized glohe. .Standard sets, $5.00.Gillette Sales CompanyNew York. Times Bldg. Canadian Office,Chica�o, Stock Exchange Bldg. 63 St. Alexander 5t603 Kimball Building, Boston '�Montreal"Que.Factories: Boston, Montreal. London, Berlin, Paris.OPEN EV'ENINGSIIZE.S3- STREET, CHICAGO.A Man'sFaceMatters notIf hisClothes areRight Our.CoII�ateLineOfYOUNG'MEN'S TOGSare the swellest andniftiest gannents everproduced.WE began making clothes many years ago. Weare making more and more each �ason.' Beone of the many students who are wearing our clothes.YOll will expect to pay more than we ru,k. � � �-- -- ------------------ ------------SORORITY PANELSBartlett· Gym.Fe);,ruary .19th THE SENIOR PROM Tickets in advance $4.00At Information Office orfrom members of CommitteeTHE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18,190').WOllEN TO BE GUESTS OFPEN CLUB NEXT QUARTERMiss Amy Leslie will Speak to ',Annual Ladies' Night-Other Authors Coininc.story writer.SCIENCE OF TODAY BOWSTO DARWINIAN THEORIESIdeas on Heredity and Variation Followed by Progessive Men, Sa,ysProfessor Tower.Professor \V. L. Tower yesterdaypointed out that the thought of sci,entiJlc men on heredity and variation.,has..... -practically returned in many, par-'ticulars to that of Darwin: ,who really Ioriginated the ideas. He declared thatprogress has been made in this re-'gard as the result of experiments,both in Europe and this country, insome of which he 'himself had had alafge part."There are certain facts," said Professor Tower, "which would seem toindicate that at times evolution hasproceeded not slowly. but by bounds.This arises from our knowledge thatin some cases there are no intergrades hesween species."We. are however able to tell withsome exa�tness wh�t can and whatcan not be inherited, For example,from its very nature, a germ diseasecan not be inherited."The lecture was illustrated by lantern slides, containing' diagrams andpictures, from Professor Tower's experiments in the laboratories here.The student council at the U niversity of Michigan has decreed thatstudent correspondents for big paperswill be held accountable for all articles eoucernina he university whichappear in the papers they represent.The council holds that too many inace-irate articles have been 'appearingin print lately, to the detriment of thennivcrsity.··We: hear that college fr;lt�rlliticshave been cntlawed by the Iowa Legislaturc. Tile wesl'",oard 'march ofrri grcss seems ·0 have skipped overJ�w�."-Collegc Topics (University. : .Virginia).The University of �!ichigan has'just opened the largest and best-equipped dental building in America. A2�oc.cco memorial building and a newc��('111istry building are in course ofcc nstrnction.Several women students at Caliruin arc in danger of expulsion hecause of leap year evening calls,Blacked and disguised various ways,they c:::'cd in a body upon differentmembers of the fraternity houses.:\ subscription to The �'aroon is aJoyal act. With all entries filled, and the finalassignments to divisions to be madeby the committee tomorrow, prospects are that the Reynolds club, pooland hi II iarrl t ournamcnt will be infull swing hy the first of next week.Because of the damage to thetables from the fire, this date is muchlater than the committee had at firstdecided r-pou, and the men will haveto play more games a week in orderto sct t lc the championship title thisquarter. Several good cue-artistshave entered, �It1(1 a close contest isexpected.Support the Maroon. It is yourpaper.The Daily Maroon solicits yoursupport :IS a subscriber,�9SS�'CO.Clothes for Mea aad Young Ilea50 Jackson Blvd.The plans of the Pen club for thenext Quarter were announced andquarter was announced yesterday andincluded many of the well-knowrijfiterary men of the city. The authors"reading' that the club has bee� contemplating for so' long. bas beengiven up for the time being, and a·ladies night the first week in Marchwill be substituted, Miss Amy Leslie has consented to come out andspeak to the ladies. She is dramaticcritic on the Daily News. rOther Well-Known Authbrs'The list of other writers who havebeen secured to address the club onthese occasions includes the namesof noted literary lights, Among themis Burns Mantle, dramatic critic onthe Tribune; Harry Barrett Chamber-"_fAILOR FOR YOUNG MEN lain, war' correspondent' an4 specialA. 'F. JERREMs;'Mgr. writer in the Record-Herald'; ForrestTwo Stores: 131 La Salle Street and Crissey, novelist, short-story 'writerand 44- Jackson Boufevanf. and western editor of the SaturdayEvening Post and Ladies' Home Jour- nal; Hamlin Garland, novelist; andAlva Milton Kerr, editor and short-Double' the Lifeof Your SuitThere's twice the wear in a suit, ifyou have an extra pair of trousers.Make the experiment-find outfor yourself,Here's your opportunity-a suitand extra pair of trousers for theprice of the suit.Trousers of the same material ordifferent. just as you prefer.This offer holds good on our entirestock.We want to keep our good tailorsbusv between seasons. That's theprimary reason for this offer.Coming in to-day?Suits and Extra Trousers $30 to $60Y es, we make riding breeches.Telephones j Central 1831 Central 184Remien &. K-· CD.Wall Paper"and PaintHOUSECor. Wabash Ave. and Lake St.CHICAGO�' ,We have no Branch Studio.Facilities for everything in Photog-''raphy., • Phone Central 609Bargains all the TimeReliable Rebuilt Typewriters, all makes:rebuilt in our own factory; better. andcheaper than others. Sec: for yourself.THE TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE319 Dearborn St. A. J. COUSE, Mgr.Telepbone Harrison '«165 Today! Any"ProtectorOvercoat"$,20to $45.00valuetoclose,The .cold wave meansCreda:J�tiWI�-c.,... many moredays of necessary protectionagainst thenorth winds- ffIJ 1Id1"way IllIm aMossier"Protector Overcoat," because itbuttons close around the neckand protects the vital parts-Iht'tAroat alld eMsl.The final clearance of thesecoats at $20 comprises values to*'t5."Broken lines" in these $15coats to t.30value-to close atBusineu and Semi-Dreu Suits at$15 and $20-valueato $40.Tuxedo aDd Dreu Suits, $40value, $26.25.Any vest to $8.00 DIu., $2.50Any Trousers to $12 Dlue, $4.25 Per Cent Off Regular prices onall Regular LinesI MOSSLER CO.SO Jacboa BmI.(Between State and Wa�h) I A Reminder for CoHege Mea-I Select Your Spring Suit EarlyAbraham Lincoln once said: "I don't carehow much you say, providing you say it in afew words.'We want to say to you in a few words that ourearly arrivals in Spring Suitings and Overcoats arehere-the earlier you come in the wider is your choice-: you may order now !f lOU wish, for delivery four toSIX weeks hence. TIllS IS of mutual benefit because itgives you the choi:e of the best and allows our tailorsplenty <!f �i!"e. Better drop in and see the advanceline of Suitings and styles at College Men's pricesS35.00 up.Carver & WilkieTailors185 Dearborn St.For the Senior Prom, order your Flowen ofc. MOO'REFlor;.stI' 326 Wes(63rd St.Tel. Wentworth 2038 27:! East 55th St.Tel. Hyde Park 38STEEL VAULTS ELECTRIC LINEDCentral Hyde Park Bank55th St. and Wasbington Ave.Burglar Proof. Fire Proof. Absolutely Security.Boxes Three Dollars Per Year Less than a cent � day, \AI. K. YOUNG & BRO.Phone Hyde Park �7. The King Piano"King· of Them All"271 Wabash Ave. Harrison 2571Ride a Taxi--•mORDER IT FROM,AUTO TAXICAB co.2441-43 Michigan Ave.{ ALCo CabsRenault Cabsexclusively No }}ouble Tariff Tel. Calumet 2798All PhonesTO ANY SELF-SUPPORTING STUDENT.We can put you in touch with a dignified method of increasing yourrevenuc--a method that is clean and that involves a maximum increase ofincome at a minimum expenditure of time. The plan has already provedits efficiency in other Universities where self-respecting, self-supporting students have taken up our method to the exclusion of others; they are pleasedand their financial burden is solved. We can do as much for you. Callany time during business hours at 39 Dearborn St. or telephone Central5114, and ask for Mr. Goldblatt .Free Ticket CouponUniversity PantatoriuID Club5645 Cottage Grove Ave. Phone Midway 1609THIS Coupon and Scve'!.ty.five Cents entitles hearer to twelve pieces of pressingduring the month of Na.reh only when duly presented, Ladi_· Sldn.cle,aned and pressed for Seventy-five Cents with coupon,Signed., ....•. , •••• ,', ••..•.•...••••••••(This Coupon is void if. presented after March Sth.)James O. Echols. Prop.;..;'.I Amusements.ILLINOIS.Lillian Russellin her Comedy Success"WILDFI RE,"-------- ----------STUDEBAKERViola AllenIn F. Marion Crawford and Walter Hackett's new play"THE WHITE SISTER,"GARR.ICI<.-"The- Vampire."COLONIALMarie Cahillin her newest hit, the uniqre musical playThe Boys and Betty. IGrand Opera �Ollse1_\II rs. FIskeIn SALVATION NELL.POWER.S.The ThiefBy Henri Bernstein -"'ithKyrle Bellew, Effie Shannon. Herbert Kelcey and N _ Y. Co.Chicago Opera HouseWalker \t\ThitesideIn Zangwill's Great PlayThe Melting Pot.--------_.- ------McVICKERS.Joseph O'Marain the record-breaking success,Peggy MachreeT'he Audit()riumReturn of the Big ShowZiegfeld's Famous Rc"ucFollies of 1908WHITl1�!Y. SuccessA Broken Idol\Vith Otis Harlan and Beauty ChorusPrincess Theatre ., The Prince ofTo-Nio-ht�Fantastic Musical PlayLaSalle Theatre 'The Golden GirlSpectacular Musical Play:'\Iatinecs Tuesdays, Thursdays, SaturdaysExtra featureH..oss and F elHonand a long- bill of headlinersM. AJ ��!I���USVAUDEVILLE12 Big Acts This Week. PricesI j-25- 50-7 5c.Olyn1pic lVlusic HallTwo rerfortUan��cs daily2 and R p. m.Week Fchmarv 15thALL STAR VAUDEVILLE COLLEGE EDUCATION NOTPRACTICAL, SAYS SHELDON(Continued frum Page 1)"!1thnllcl.', and the act ion. 111 myjt:d��·�lt.:l:t, what we ucccl i� a scivuc etli c nci nrn ncc development, :1 science, f "hilit,}" dcvvlopmcut, a -cicuce of", i::,l,:lity dcvc l- .pmcut, a ud a scienceui act ion (lc\'I.:kplIlCllt, Then it is(11;11 \','l' call gd dll\\,l1 tv fundauicn-1;: 1 .: t!lt:11 it i,; we come to maket1:l'IL r ca lly - c c. Ii \\'1.' call make the111;':; 1 :�!:t, 11:,; wo r k takes care of it-Charac �eI" Changeable,.; .r.t , :-' ·llh·' ill\: ';:ly,;, yell can't. ' C:':::';:l'!l'r. .\Iy fri�·ll(b. w hcn::.:.1 ::.1"';.1 1II:dl l;uri,<llIk r ulll \\"I.: ... t,','." d;:I:g with liie I:\'CIl below t he;::: !:e t,i :-illlpic Cl'il:,cilJlI�l1es:" down::1 t:,·: u ncou sc ic.u-, life, even plant;i;", 1.';·11 make the }lith.':-s plum, the:il"!'!lil':-'; cac t us, a m l the iadelessric·\\ �':-, i sr;'t it about time ior, 11:' t o;:',;;,1;: t" i hc Lll.'t t ha t t lie humanp la nt ::':I.:d u- 'l ;.;u lhnlu;.;1J life as nall'l': ll:;�(:e i�, cvcn fr-.m tile standjil;;iit ,.i c mot ivc or ch.uactcr dcvcl,j·i.ll'lll: \\'� know that character.. ::: 1] be cha ng cd,"I :1:;,il!1 :::ll that t h c naturally unkind.ch-courr cous n.uurc C;:11 he madeh:·';,. ;'11t1 C"urtt.:('t:,;, anll I maintain�;.;.; i -: ;� ;.;rl·;':- couuucr cial a ssct, even;.;rl·: t vr :J;:11 t!:�· kllo\\'kd�e of COIll-.l1�l'rl'i::! ::ri:.11!11l·:k; i� i,; du:pcr; moreI il'jl';:�I;ll'I1t;I1. ma iuiu iu that aI l:;ltt:r;dly di,;lliy::1 n.u ur c cr.u he madel,'y:d: ;111<1 that is deeper than a].;::·,· .... :l·oI;.;e d :,tu!('gr:ll'l:y, That isI..... : ,rk, :--pkJ!did. nl.:ce,;sary. lint, 11':: il1t;:iJ1 t11:1t cducaturs Illust g'1)'!n·l':.:r thall thl'Y arc �;,ing now iil;:�'Y j,;ln� a L,.tin;.;' inlh:clIce on theii\'l''; ,i thusc they t(.':l.ch.l\�en of Action at Premium"I 1':1\"" kno\\'n men of :'j:lcndid elldur:IJH:':, ,;pll'n(iid ahilit y, with the, reliahility lli Linc'JIll, tOJ whum I ,,"ouMw:� pay-wcll, I wudd not givc themli,'c <lullar; a week in my oflicc. ThctrcuJ.lc with stich IIlt'l! is ill the willnIl 111 oi the lllind-a lack of <1 c.ci.,;Cll :tl111 ;I<,tiol1. I do not careh \,- JI1lwh endurance, 1:(".': Ihuch;:oility. huw much reliability a mallhas it' I,c lacks action; the11 he is<1l.l;l1H:(i to failure in thc grcat worldoi tr:idc.Teachers Are Salesmen·'Did we C\'l'r !'top to think that:'lOCCCS:-; in lifc, commerce, hinges \1pell ';;'.ll'smansilip: The ;;hility to dis)lese oi ol:e·s Ilfll(luct at a profit? Beit :-cn'icc ur ;::lytlting elsc. c,'ery oneh::,; something to sell. E,'en thetl-:ic!;er i,.; sdlill� his sen-icc,;' to thept;hlic, \\'h;�t i,. salesm;:aship: Itis the salc (Ii gUlIus ior prolit. Xotju:-;' ,;i:-p(,sili� ut thcm, There is one\ i.:ti illi,take :"on many 111::].;C as theyc"llH: Cll' in�:) life,Power Should be Dynamic"X, w. thl' il1l1ctir�n ni the will is to(kl':t�c ;-,1:(1 ::ct, I �'ll:111("'llgc thc :-,tatcn:(,'!J! ri.:..:l·,t I��'n' tll;It kn.,wle.lgc is:It'L'e�';:ijily P:'\\'l'i; t1::\t i:" powcr thathl..'c'_Il�(.':' dynamic if)r ;;1'0(1. I t isp�,\\,l'r. lll:t it may bl' tlllly static P(I\\'\'1'. E\ l'il pll,Y:-ic;ll Pi ,\\'er,.; of c11clur-:'l1C" illtel!I.'l·tt�al l';lpal.'ity, thc power.iil tl:ink. dare alll1 ill1;:�inc. thc power tl,;\1 i, 1"IT'n oi c1l1"ti\'c IiiI.' de\'l,l(.pmcllt in a 1I0,;;li\'c way may he,.tatic ptl\\'l'r: it 0111y 1,cctlllles (lyn:tlil j., ",lll'l] it j, it ,l1ll\\'cII hy ,kc;s;on::llri ;'l'ti'.ll ill tIlt' ri�ht clin'ctioll:''1 i�' l'llhl'r�ily (Ii �lilllH'�"ta IS tl': \ " <(',·1 .�:: ll(j" j',r ih athletic ficldWhere t� DineTheNewest RoomThe Indian RoomI TheWellington Hotel,.....o.p.p.,.lS.it.CI.t.h.C.11i.ii.Il(.li.S.T,.1.lc.a.t.c.r .. �FRESHMEN FOR CLASS DANCEInitia! Social Event to be GivenMarch 8-Funds Low.TIll' Freshman class voted yesterday at its meeting to hold a dance1 his (l�I;lrter and elected an assistanttreasurer from among the girls to aid;11 l·tlllecting the class dues,Dymond, class president, said thatlie had had some trouble in gettingpermission for the dance, hut that hehad finally secured the only open date011 the calendar for this quarter.�lol1da.r. :\I:lreh 8th. The event willhI.' ln-lrl on that day .�1(lYl'r, the class treasurer, reportell th::t he had only $4.25 in the classcash hox, :111<1 that only one memberhad paid dues for this quarter. A.not iun was passed to elect an assistant treasurer from among the girls.,\1 is'e' Dean anti Cleary were nOJUinatcd, :\liss Cleary \\":IS elected.The Daily )'1:lroon leads all otherc1,lleg-e papers.WILL person who exchanged old,disreputable derby marked c.).1. S.or G. �J. S. for new .one marked \V.I. c. at the Minucsota basketballg:t1l1e, Friday, kindly come throughwith said derby. Address \V. J. c.,care Daily Maroon.'--Anyone seeking tenant for furnishedhouse or apartment during Springqt:arter may find it of advantage toC(.mJUl1llic:lte with Box 21R, FacultyExchange.Ninety men turned out for thc crew::t Y:IIl'.LaUbu.ell.Photq8�apher231 E. S5'tb St.Special attentit;� paid to University workTHE NEW �ENTURYGrocery & Market Co.W:\I, J- THO)lAS, Prop.Fresh Fish and Oysters, Poultry and 'Game. Fresh Vegetables received dailyPrompt deli\'ery_ Tel. Hyrle Park .361452 East Fifty-Flit h Street.Fif1y-Fiftb St. Dairys. EDMARK & co.DEALERS INPure Milkand Cream329 East Fifty-Fifth St.�"7E are making a Special� .. Offer for 60 days ofour $10,00 Sepia Platinum Photosfor $5.00 per dozen to U. of C.students.�C>OT STUDIO243W..... A ....FAST TRAlBSDAY ABD BIGHTON THE� -, �_D_ �_� � �_O UTE_/.�t ServiceBetweenCHICAGO, INDIANAPOLIS,DAYTON, CINCINfiATIAND WEST BADEN,FRENCH LICK SPRINGSFrank J. Reed, Gen. Pass. Agt.E, P. CockFel� A. G. P. A.Chicago .. � You should see me in my new location and renew our acquaintanca,,: y ou've probably wondered why Bowes,the Tailor, is no longer in businessr I'lltell you., He put too much into the clothes he sold you for whatyou paid him, and be could not make both ends meet;thai's why.� I was cutter for Bowes; and I've taken his top-notch quality and hisbed-rock prices with Ole into the tailoring business: but I've cut out theunnecessary expenses which '"broke" Bowes.� He couldn't afford to keep on making )'OU 1uality clothes at less tban readymade prices-I can., ,August J. Kuntz.. . \Importing Tailor87 Washington Street.�--------------------,"----------------------"No MoneyDo"WllTry Our$300 KeDDlore PianoIn your own home, make sure that it suits you in every par-ticular_ When you are so satisfied, pay us )'·$165fn any way you like, even as low as$1 ,A WEEKStarck Pianos-Regular prices $350 to $i50, �tGreatly Reduced Prices at this Sale-"Tms COUPON 'IS WORTH A TRW DOLLAR BILLCut it out at once. Don't throwaway money. \Ve not onlysave you over a hundred dollars, but permit the smallest payments known (as low as 51 a week); ask no mo·(.Jey in advanceand give you $10 to boot. Can you beat it? "-Out-of-town patrons are iD\·ited to avail themselves ofthese most liberal inducements. /-'�------�/·-_-----I---------�$10. FREE CAEDP DUE BILL�One�f these Coupons good asFIRST .,AYlDBTtowolrds purchase ,Of one Starck Piano atat this sale, at 204' Wabash A,·e., Chicago,III. _..,..,- .-:--:'Cut out ·thisfCouponGood forTeo Dolan,: .' /Pianos shipped to any part of ,the United States on theseLiberal Terms. Write for free Catalogue.,.'P .. A. Starck PianoMaaafacbaen204-206 Wabash Ave., near AtItuaa St., ChicaaoCo.,---_. --- - .. ------- ------_.WE beg to announce the opening of the Winter Season at the "HydePark Hygienic Institute," where Devdoping. or R educing Massage, Facial and Scalp Massage will be given. Also Electric Light Baths,Steam Bath�. Hot Air, Manicuring and Chiropody,The new Radiant Lights, etc� Inspection invited. Come and see ourplace, Man and lady attendants.We cater to Profeuon and SbMI.ta .. peciaIIy;Hyde Hygienic InstituteParkIt. T.I�nEnOTn, M. G., 'MANAGEl'Pbone Hyde Park 445. "3� East 55t" St., Cor. lex III" •• Ave •• 2IId fJeer ,i