i·f_urriiu.tief, CHICAGO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 1909... Price Five Cents---iiQs--- ET A TAl AND JAM THE \ MANY 'STOO�' ON STAGE IaYM--SETTLEMENT PROM I At Great ExpenSe the WoodlawnTheater Introduced UniversitySingers-Students Make a GreatHit.,-'K .WIJlnnae in Lead-Seniora Close second-Dark Hcrses Feared-Sec-recy the Motto. SCENE - mE.t�l1H®\J)I«)VSI)RE55lMfr 'I��ilM5I' CO-QPERATIDIKEYIOTE.,IIYI FUIO'I&IT1TlII -1Coacli Stage. Sancuine Predicts1 •I Suc;ceaa aa Ultimate Reward, for\' Women's Earnest Attempts.1#_EverY Penny of the Mile Piles Upa Fund of Loyalty in Graduate /,Students..' 16 pennies-one foot., 5280 feet-onc mile.,One, mile-$844.80.p Varsity Not Forced to the LimitAggressiveness Absent and Teamwork Ragged - Cap� PerrineStars for Iowa. "How many miles equal a 'gym?' 'r,;igl\ed the Sophomore, who had justlabiriously separated a male friend.rom sixteen coppers, in the presence)f the Maroon reporter. "Well, itcertainly is a good long way, accord'ng to my advanced arithrnetics."complained the Junior. "\Y e're usedto a good long way," murmured thefacetious Freshman, looking abstractedly at the graceful Iines 9£ t::=Lexington mansion, two blocksaway. J\...�t then up steps a mightySenior, with all the bland a .. suranceJf one who is just. escaping Irom t11Cnew. honor-point system. "Bani�hthis gloom! Who expects to build agymnasium of pennies? Nonsense."'Commonsense," murmurs the Fresb-:nan. "This is merely a way of let-OUR DEAR GYMmost significant movemcnts ever caried on by the women of the UniverSity. For some years past it has been�nceded by a few people connectedwjth the women's gymnasium that the0' building had outlived its usefulness, and that a new one should besubstituted. .n�," said one m�mber of the' audi-it is only of late, in fact in the ence, Russell Stapp sang a cunninglast two weeks that this idea has :iong, written all by himself, about abecome universally published to the poor old vegetable man. "He was thewhole show," said one member of theUniversity public. The penny race,d .. 1 audience, After which, Dick Meyer,plarined by the women an carrreuout by -them, has shown how really Theodore Baldwin. Frank Orchardseriolls this question is. Each and .1Od Joy Clark strolled on to quar-\' cet in '.'.Mornin' Carolin" and "Got Leaves from Ferrero's Diary Throwe ..rery girl on the cam, pus has felt it. N Li h U f eli •a Little Girl in Italy." They made ew g t on• 0 C. 'Con tionsto be her duty to use every means at F' Malt Startli Statthe hit of the performance," said one - oreigner es ng e-her command to help swell the fund. me t.1 member C the audience. nTbe spirit of friendly riva ry betweenthe classes to see which should turn Winst. Henry, Bill McCracken, "At the close of my visit at the Uni- Chicago defeated Captain Perrine'sWallie Steffen' turned up next, stillin the most money, has been most versity of Chicago I carry away one scrappy Hawkeyes, 29-10 last night ting' everyone know we want a. gym-.... C1·U·ng. The bulletin s posted. in 1layin� the Chicago - Minnesota . f . -. At h h h S' . .-- clue impression, I find it surprising in Bartlett gymnaslUn:t.· t oug nasium,'.' from t e_ emor, .1gnonngthe' gym have been', eage-rly' �-Con'sulted,' game;.�cb. in..Jlis. same.,.old �ay� .. "Hit f that l , . .f... . 'mat in �!IO··enligbtened .;and - pro�es:- t))(: _game was not as .as� as. at the interruption. "Every penny, 0..)f . the evening," said som.e one .. ' The ,�D' '.' _ .• - .-', - . _.- - � •and the progress of each class en- - '., sive an institution tile. administration against. Purd-ie; Dr: Raycr9ft - cifir'not :-hat�ile: pnes tip 'a f�nd" of loYalty in"tAIL theater plans to make use of Univer- -viously watched. ,vhich . I found, in all .other respects venture. to' try out the substitutes. �radu3te students. of c9.u�ge and de--_._..._:.- ..... ,= ,� .. Alumnae are proudly display- �ity tat. ent often, and all for tenhi hi . I . d . " .. h ddtY '.1lh.. .. Ig Y mte ligent and efficient, should The pJay was clean an. interestmg termination 10 t e un ergra ua e wo-'ing red patches on a white race cents.prove susceptible to a fallacy almost throughout, marred. only in spots by men, i-nterest. among Chicago faculty,track, and the last inspection showed \' , . RB 'I DB' �YILLE '\S old' in· the life" of ·the . establishment Stewart's rough play, 'The' apparent and sympathy on the part of friends4fJO feet. The Senicrs have Jestively L� rv 'Ii as !s the false, traditional beauty of slump in the work of the Varsity and' family of every student and··dotted a gray poster with silver foo�' .- :he corpulent and florid queen, of leaves- the Northwestern game for among Chicago citize��. That's· the.prints, amounting now to 360. feet. p�� Race Not to Wear _Out the Egypt in the records of authentic his- Saturday in doubt. foundation upon which this new woThe shy young Sophomores refuse to \' Supporter. of the . GJumuium- torians, Will the tw-ntieth century Captain Perrine starred for Iowa, man's gymnasium is to be built, notdivulge anything of their progress, PlaIUI for Die· Entertainment Brew- perpetuate another .,f those blunders scoring six points, besides playing an a few paltry pennies." "Of course,"further than that they have some- ina- , which are but slowly being eradi- aggressive defensive game. He was she continued, addressing herself di-where between 200 and 300 feet. caterl from the annals of history? I well-backed by his team, especially rcctly to the Maroon .correspondent. The coy Freshmen absolutely refuse - hesitate to judge the superior intel- Ryden. Kelley's improvement was -."1 agree ·with you that it will be ato be' interviewed, and the Juniors Ths fever is on! Stage whispers lects of the aforementioned authori- marked. Though regi�tering but :nighty difficult thing to get this neware exceedingly clam-like, remark- from groups of giggling girls pervade.: ties as lacking in the guality of a dis- one basket, by his headwork, he re- gymnasium. You can't get everying when asked about pennies: "I the st-Jdious atmosphere of Lexington criminating comprehension of condi- peatedly bound together the other- Tom, Dick and Harry to contributedon't remember." Vague rumors :orridors and occasional phrases: tions, So convincing, however, is the wise rather loose teamwork of theput their acquisitions at· more than 'That would be great-she'S a peach !vidence which thrust itself upon my Chicago squad. Schommer and500 feet. at the initiating stunt! If Miss Tal- .. ttention during my visit that 1 am Georgen divided honors, neither ex-It is expected that the finish of the bot will only---" reach the ears of forced to believe that, in some inex- erting himself,phenomenal race will exceed in en- the passers-by.-Everyone is more or plicable manner, those in control . Summary:thusi:&sm ami excitement, even the less curious as to the stunts, but the have been erroneously persuaded with Iowa. Chicago.spectacular start-off. It is predicted utmost secrecy is used in planning ;-cgard to existing conditions, I refer Perrine (Capt). R. G " Pagethat showers of pennies will fall them. Still it is rumored that Vic- to the provision for that strange ath- Brown L. G........ Hoffmanfrom the cob-webbed rafters of the �"Jm Castoria and Cara Emmus will 'etic training which the American Hyland C .. , Schommerold gymnasium on the day of the lfive their inimitable songs and mono- �ir1s are accustomed to receiYe in Stewart L. F '. Ketleyfinish, F('l)ruary 2, at I :30 o'clock. logues. The Turkish Imperial Acro- heir higher institutions of learning. Ryden , R. F, .. Georgen (C.)This prediction comes from a reli- batic and Juggling Troupe has been fo the officials the present provision Goals from field: Perrine 3, Stewable source. So let all those entered .!ngaged at an immense cost to fur- ,cems to be quite satisfactory. while art, Kelley, Schommer 5, Georgen 4.in the race he there to join in the nish the "thrillers." 10 interested observer may readily Hoffman 3. Free throws: Hyland 2,scramble, an� p·ut a fine finish.- onto Half of the bill will be given over ;onclude that this satisfaction does ';chommcr 3. Referee: Reinmann.tbis r�markable mile:: run. to a short musical play. the head- lot extend beyond the office doors. In the curtain-raiser the big Fresh-Enn though the resuit of this race lincr of the program. Judges have In my judgment-and this opinion 1 men team defeated the U, High teammay not be an entire mile of pennies. been appointed who will select the ,'efrained from expressing publicly. :n a ragged, slow, game, 54-24.the purpl)se has been accomplished. most suitable sketch from those 'est I should thereby startle theThe girls have. become interested hnaded in for competlllon. Many mgust body in charge-an in\,estiga- Glee Club Has Pipe Dreamand the puhlic acquainted with the girls are interested in making the 'ion of the case is neces�ary, and The Glee club is going on a trip.facts. al1l1 we trust the futur� for the vaudeville a .grand .s\1ccess. so that1 'emedial measures seem highly ad· President Gl)odman has booked thcfulfillmellt of larger plans. there will undoubtedly be plenty of \ Jisable. I have reachr.d this conc1u,;ood material from which to choo�e. ;ion, after due ob!'en'ation and de. engagements and f(,rty men arc go--\It playlets are to be handed in to i iberaticn. lUg in thc tour. Tryouts will be held�fi�s Ortmaycr by February 15th. On �fonday afternoon- the occa. Tuesday at 4 o'clock in Kent. Theyr\ cahkgram was rect"1ved ye�ter-, At that time staging and rchearsing ,ion of my first lecture at the Uni· ',\";J,.t tcn more mcn-t('nors in par·da.,· ir',ll1 l.i�bon from :\fr. Laughlin wilt bcgin in earnest, and the man- lersity-a �roup of young women tkular.and )'lr. �Iichclson, ,,-ho have been:tgers will have their hands f\1ll with '1"lfried by me in front of :\Iandel The ('nJtagcments are:a'\\"ay aho\1t a month attending the resetting and rewriting. Miss Ph�ebe 'Iall whose appearance on the street Fehruary 19. in Dayton, Ohio.Pan-American Congress at Santiago Bell and Evelyn Phillip� complete !Vas strange enough to excite curios- Fehr�lary 2O-Cle'Velanrl, Ohio,-from whom nothing had been the play committee. The other com- 'ty, if not comment. They wore no Fchruary 22-\Vashington's birth,. . f h' mitteess have been appointed as fol- :1·lats. their hair had a peculiar moist, (lay. in Cincinnati.hear I until the receIpt 0 t IS mes-, . . I(., . . lows: I md clammy aspect, and they carnecl Febr\1ary 23-Joint Concert w,t 1sage. They WIll arnve at Cherbourg, Costuming Committee-Eva Schultz, : �ertain disagTCeable looking bundles .. '\mhcr:o't Glee cluh.Saturday, on the steamer Philadel- I February 27, at Davenport, Ohio..(CoatiDued oa pap 4) , (CoIIu.-I - .-.e 4)Rbia. ,·It was a great show," said theedict that "Gym" Rafters Will faithful reporter, who swam to theDrip with Something Besides Woodlawn theater last night to seeLeaky Water:pipes. the campus amateurs make their debuts, Nobody "got the hook," figu-Tuesday will see the close of the ratively speaking. Each of the starswas "smothered with roses."A highly moral problem play,called "A Prairie Romance," wasollowed by Kasson M. Dodson, theFreshman soubrette. in a cheerfulcharacter song, "By Br!ldder Sylvest.' "He was the hit of the even- Sti"E- THAT IiYMMAStuH fLOOR'LE--Siibt1 IN'IBE WAKE OF THE GOME'I HAWKIYlS DEFEATED 29·10e>RIi .]-[OUi,[DE)lay,)T., IIIs,or, .':LutY�••'ROO�, :lr S�w.HE�J(-:(} JiJ1J;'rden)L.ARUS,acts ,f, ". :t heir silver change to a Universitythat's b{'ing handed a million-dollargreenback C\'ery once' in so often.They won't believe- yo\t� when you:>:ty that Chicago hasn't enough mon-"y to erect a gymnasium that's large.nough for her women. It's like ask:ng for a gym ex("use, because yourcirculation isn't all right, when your':mnplexion is p�rfectly h�:l1thy ;\n(1robust. Then you know we ha"en't -' I, l•,.JDEVIUJWeek)-15: HALL)LlCSILLEated�'IOY rich alumnae ...."'Vhat they lack in money," inter'upted the Staid One, "they makc upin spirit. Many of 011r alumna� art"::1 rning just aho·lt enough to. live10 hut they've come to the front inthis mile penny race, st'ncling any·"'here from �ix to a hundred feet. allIf th('m, knowinJ: th(' nt-cd for a newgymnasium. and hopi�g it may 'soonh •. :\ r('�l;t}·.' Th:lt'!O the o:;ort 1.f o:;upllort that helps whc.-n you're workingfor 01 hiJ.! thing."In her furtht'r tr;\\'d�. th(' report('r'"('t Thyrsa Harton. '07. "\\. (' ",ill�et thl' gymna"il1m, ultimately. hltthow soon depend .. on our"e1veo:;. �('\"era 1 '.'ears ago at Rryo �f:;\\T. thl' c.tudent' body felt tht' o ('('f' of a hui1«lio�that ,,"ouM !'t'r\'(' a .. a <;(lcia1 ('('ntf'rSit,cc then the nt'''' un(1<-rgr;J(luatr"11:\\'e heen c.teadily working for thi ..purpoC.e :md with th� ("o·operf'tion oft','�ryonc ;tfter monthc. of ,,'ork the.mount is beinlt raised."Receive Cab!e From Lisbon)Omestic-;4 I•• � A�·.t.�.i THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 1909.that the American people are becoming art-conscious. The advantageswhich would result' from the awakening of the whole public mind to �art-conscious condition are so manythat it seems unnecessary to enumerate them. Suffice it to say that public opinion is' a growth, not an instantaneous creation. Many influences are at work molding the plasticclay of public thought: schools, news-_...a .. IIeceCld-cJaM Mall a& tbe � papers, periodicals, books and leeI'_oace, Cbl� llllDo... Ilucb 18, tures. The University of Chicago islU08, ad_ Act. Gl Karch Ie lllL assuredly a great factor in the mold-JD ....... dalJ7, ucept 8UD� MODdQa ing not only of this city's thoughtaDl bc.ll�7., durlq three quart .. � u.. but of the thought of men, both far• t1.1Te�·.1 .. 7 7ear. and near.:Oih, ALD .... NmLSON, Ba.1D_......... One avenue through which her in-fluence has worked tellingly is that of• ll_rlpt'oll prlce, $3.00 per lear: ,1.00 art and architecture. What excel-f� thr .. DlODtha' .ubaerlptloD reee1nd at lent examples of botlt are to be• MarOOD- omce. Ellla Ball. or at the found upon the college campus or in_- heult7 Exchanae. Cobb HalL the college buildings! What great1'( ••• cOlltrlbuUona mal be left at ElISa artistic gain has been secured by theBaH or' Facultl RxchaDp, a4� to erection of all the permanent halls in_. Dal17 MarOOD. Gothic style! What artistic adaptation is seen in the use of our westernJlditorlal 01Bce--Before 8 p ..... BlU. Ball. flowers and grains as units of deco... ".ratt7. TeL IU4"&7 800. After 8 p. ration!l'oUJU1e4'1')1.. Weekll. October I, 1182. •Tu 1>&117, October I, 1802.... Marooll Prea, 414 E.. 55th Street. Tel._tie Park ,ag I. .Noble is the picture which, in itsslight framing of green, the Lawlibrary forms! How much the grassy space about the building adds toits substantial and majestic. appear-lance!The framing of buildings is a lesson that the whole world seems toolearn slowly, but if we at ChicagoUniversity have learned it, shall wenow retrograde?' Can we not learnfrom other" that the lopping off ofgreatly from its beauty? Can we notthe setting of a building detractssee by the scores of concrete examplesthat the framing of a building is asimportant as the framing of a picture?Who that has seen Milan Cathedralhas not wished it set in acres of��nd that one might see all parts ofits sublimity frOID an adequate view'point? Can you not fancy how man·yper cent better our own public library and our. own -city postofficewould look with even small parksabout them? Is any view of theParliament building in London asbeautiful as the one obtained from theMamie Lilly Editor-in-Chief.Assistant Editors:Marie Ortmayer '06,Katheryn Slaught, 'og,Ernestine Evans .. 'II ..Ruth Sberwood. 'l�Associate EditorsMary Louise Etten Marjorie BenMary Courtenay Gertrude FishRosemary Quinn Dorothy Buc:kleyMollie Carroll Laura WilderReportersMisses Cody, McNeish, Sheppard,Lauter, Pmster, Lawson. Dickey,Gould, LeClaire, Allen, Kenningway,Osgood; Kiper, Fletcher, Cowen,Schultz, Weil, Lee, Emerson.Art CQntrbutorsBess Courtwright.Mildred Chamberlain.Theopposite bank of the Thames? Arenot the city hall in Salt Lake andthe congressional library in Washington vastly improved by their sur-Weare not exhibiting any unseemly pride when we Universitywomen. say tpat we arethoroughly in 'earnestin everything we doand this earnestness isNewGymnowhere' more clearlybanifestcd than in the plucky, enterpr'is ing :-:>irit in which we are trying rounding �reen lawns?to raise funds for a new woman's We know the truth about the needgynuras i-tm. Of course our "mile-of- cf setting for all buildings, and espennies" race will never by itself pecially for public buildings. We dobI"ing t.s a new gymnasium; but it is not question that the lines of aa novel and psychological method of splendid edifice are most pleasing,advertising, and of attracting the at- when viewed quite apart from thosetention of benevolent outsiders to the uf other buildings. Shall we not thensore needs of the women of the UPi- dem mstrate our belief? Shall we beversity. V:·� have done well, but we believers only and not proof givers?should not stop to pat ourselves on We grant that an axiom is a truththe back, Every girl in the Univer- which needs no demonstration, yetsity, must lend her assistance, if she axioms are daily and hourly demonhas the subject of the new gym truly strated, Our axiom is this:_ Beautifulat h-art. It is a fond dream that we buildings need beautiful setting, Willher-e will socn be realized-a gym- you lend your thought to its demonnas.um 'With cemrnodious dressing- stration at the University of ChicarOO:1lS, shower-baths, a swimming- go? Will you lend your voice to thetank, and all the modern equipment forming; of public opinion that it may'that J10w gives the women a right to help towards that demonstration?The seUinK of our Universitybuildings, . in some instances alreadytoo slight. must be preserved Ienvy she men.-., It is a significant fact that the architccts of the present day add to• their drawings for Are you tagged for the SettlmcntPreserving dwelling, school. or dance? If not, beware! The groupthe Frames church, plans for the will coerce YO"J intosurrounding grounds. Psychology conformity with its in-Architects are coming to feel that as of Tag-day tcrcsts and activities.a frame is needed to complete the Your failure to wearatlracti\"ene�s of a picture. a frame the convcntional t:lg subjects you toand shade trees is or.e of t\,,;o cllarges,: either you haveout the measure of not yet bccn approached, in ,,·hicha building. The case the fault is not your own, anelwill doubtless be promptly remedied,of 1:1 wn, g-ardenncerled to roundattractiveness ofmO\'ement to cnhance or to accentuate the beat:ty of architectural proportions is undoubtedly an art movement� and presents clear evideace �r yon have been approached, refused,and therefore merit the epithet of.. tiPt-wad." Such is the interesting analysis of the psychology of tagday, which Dean Vincent propoundedyesterday morn.in&. He further suggested the efficiency of a second t�.to fit the latter ease: he proposed asa suitable desi�n a roll of bills firmlychained. and padlocked. Which tagwill you wear? cf Miss X, Mr. Y jemped up with I must have been an almostalacrjty, and offered her his sctat-(at man effort," he suggested. �the request of Mr. Starr). Or, how Iy legitimate," responded Mr.;Mr. A, while reading the Cobb hall ton" and Mrs. Flint finished tIitbulletin, raised his left foot, so as not ter up by remarking "Ato loil unnecessarily the paper of Mr. Salisbury threw up his IwIdaMiss B, which had dropped there. cried, "What next next, nexti Ir.But now we have an act so chival- great thing to know a paee ofrous to recite, that in all probability lish when you read it," and :Mr.it will become tradition. cent beamed, "That's good ifSix colleges, three men's (gentle- don't press it too far. The �n.en first), three women's, one Kent this University are at laststeps, one photographer, and one- to know how to work. Theha'" hour in which to take six pic- ogical moment has come; it Iit nps. pends on a person's standard,"Results: Three splendid pictures of "But," said Mr. Tarbell, "1ftmen's colleges. hardly warranted in drawingconclusion," and "what is the s·The other day, at a meeting of col- cance of that ?" asked Mr .lege women, where there were rep- "Ergo ," said Mr. Thoresentatives from Smith, Wellesley, and "Exactly," emitted M.r. W·Vassar, Northwestern, Minnesota, "We have jumped from the-Ann Arbor and Chicago, a Chicago pan into the fire," groaned Mr. Walumna was heard to say: "I never reno "Yes. yes, yes and what tlst.was very fond of Chicago or Chicago Mr. lug interrupted. "Think of'University." Now, that woman had ultimate destiny, of the part itspent four years at Chicago, received play in this great country of oars;its benefits, gained there the educa- comforted Mr. Shepardson. •tion which is today the means of then what?" questioned Mr.making her livelihood, and still was "Perfectly perfectly gso selfish that she refused to give her perfectlyAlma Mater its due in a public gath- Salisbury, in answer to the questiering. to his colleague, Mr. Krehbiel, ,I do believe that this is the first or answered, "Just so/' and "I gaveonly time such a remark has been Feet of pennies for that." "Bot.made. In the present instance, it was exploded eMr. David. But Miss raj;probably snobbishness that caused it.The other women in the group hadbeen able to "go away" to college, hadbeen to .. Eastern 'schools," and shewas anxious to show them that she DcHa'YOtthongseldoifit.Thl!.roagDean Lovett is a clever man, andhis honor-point system bids fair toaccomplish its end. Coeds of the"Winged Victory·' type are fast becoming creatures of tradition. Psycheknots droop and froufrous vanishwith the "new regime." The culturekernel has become the diet; frappe,a dr ink to dream of. Even the allround girl has quickened her pallround girl has quickened her pacealong the path of learning and forgotten her mirror, lest like 'Alice, sheshould step thru the looking glassand travel backward, according tothe new formula: "D's and you stayforever, E's and you come backnever." Still, if the epithet "grind".is to be the synonym for "survivor,"Jet us pray that Collier's will be just,and remember that we did not hurlthe bomb. The best we did was"catch it."II",'\V C lovc to hear the praise of Uni\·crsi�y guest and stranger as to thecourtesy and respectof the gentlemen of theChivalryontbe Camp"IS.it. We revel That'sdon't want it.about it."With Burke,adorniqg the corridors of Cobb,was not insensible to the advantages Magazine really didn't need itsshe had missed. 1£ the U, of C. has department.for four years given us of her best,if she is our Alma Mater, shall any Mr. Thomas, has notone of us be so small as not to ac- work thrown any lightknowledge our indebtedness, and ex- mind?press our gratitude when the occa-,sion offers itself? We spent fou�years of our lives in the University,and if we belittle it, we belittle ourselves. How can Chicago be theequal in public recognition of the old- onceWeBCampa.We cite historical examples of how, in the filled AnthropoIoay claSs room, at the late arrival .1 __ _ � i. �\Vhy"' is the Senior Class JiRcentipede?· Why! it hasfeet!The Senior Collegeer colleges, if our alumni allow them- on pins.selves to indulge in such thoughtless-ness. Chicago is- more wonderfu 1.1 ust the Junior women smob, Ithan any other college, if we consid- will the Junior men learn to �.er her youth. Thos�· qualities which FIFTY-FIFTH DAII!she lacked until recently, viz.: a ST.strong alumni and a loyal college S. ED MARK & CO.spirit-it lies with us to make. Shall -Dealer in- .we fail to do this slight service for PUR E MIL K AND C R BAtthe institution which has given up so 3 29 E. sst h S t r e etmuch? Surely, fellow Chicagoans,we can drown the voice of such: an TJII: UlfIOH JlOT&occasional backslider with such a AND RJ:STA'URA.ftburst of "Chicago, go gos" that he IIJ-1I7 ·1taDde.-. ......will hang his head in shame and mendhis ways. THE POPULAlt PLAUTe KATPre!nNl)·tieLomoT/ EitJa",r Wore ... .... tileTIleat ....The new gym was fjnished."Grand," said Miss Dudley, :'1 alwayssaid it wasn't a physical impossibility," declared Miss Ortrnayer, Mr.Linn appealed to Mr .. Boynton. "It, w.mab • ....._ ....aDd J'ra� .....of I�befoiTelephone Cen�l 68��MELVIN H. �YKESPHOTOGRAPHER Ththatamatsecti,AIm:port70 State StreetOpposite Marshall Field & Co.Chicago.inan421J. C. LYNAS. L c. WI'LIGlIShopThe College --l62g MalOnic TempleA Special Line of Fraternity and College Leather wall decorations; Arts and. Craft Jewelry, etc. We ba�re just what'ou want for your room.I Call and See U •• Foreetsmob,lto�'DAD!co. "CRIAIm.rr, ...LAG., .....dec"hat THE DAILY MAaOOlf, FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 1909."_ ... -- ............. - .._..t ,BACHELOR'S CONVBNTION ON .Gaa.TLltIlItN I.' __ �., Y. M. C. A. to. Register Protest The Brown.cn Club will give an'!I.-'" I informal dance on Friday evening.... "I Against Reeime of Fair Sex.O I February 12th, at Rosalie's Hall.B ST --The Men's Fencing Club held aThe Young �len's Christian Asso- . •. . Illlectll1g yesterday and have com-o cratu.n has come to the rescue of theG A HT E H II masculine sex on the campus and I pleted plans for a reception, to be.B I I . '. given to all the men fencers in theannounces a ac re or s convention .I in the club room of Snell hall this CltY'h. T e Brownson Club will send acvcmng at 7 :45 o'clock. All those.I 1· h delegate to the conventron of Asso-un rappy men W 10 WI:> to protest. the dated American Colleges, to be heldagamst present invasion of their in Iowa City on Feb. 11-12.century-old rights and prerogatives ;Sophomore Class Dance�, in theI are invited to attend and help draw Reynolds club, Friday, Feb. 15th.I up resolutions opposing the modernregime. Since all are expected to Literature College (women) willgive a dance Oil Monday from 4 to6 o'clock. in the Reynolds club. Allthe Junior colleges are invited.Junior Class Executive Committeemeeting at 10:30, Wednesday, in Cobbhall.Fencible Club Tryouts, Tuesday atoJ P. m. Juniors invited.Basketball Game, Saturday even-THE IECOIIIIU It.... ne •••• l.� .. �CUSILIOIBUTTO.,CLASPlit! FllTTOTHEllI-IMIaups. fUII_UU"rtllDe you enjoy Roller Skating?Have you a good pair?You have doubtless learned that.though the rink provides skates, theyseldom feel right as to action andfit.That's why you ought to write atonce for our Free Catalog.We make 200d skates.BARNEY 4: BERRY.2 7 3 B r 0 adS t r e e t.SpringfieJ4. II •••.SPALDING·SOfficial 1909ATHLETIC AI.MANACEdited byJAllES E. SULLIVANPresident of the Amateur AthleticUnion.IIThe only publication in the worldthat publishes a complete list ofamateur athletic best-on-records andsectional records. The 1909 AthleticAlmanac contains a full statistical report of theOLYMPIC GAMES .(If r9Q8. Replete with photographsbefore nnhlished.Price 10 Cents:\t all ncjvsdealers andA. G. SPALDIBG a Ba ••.147 Wabash AvenueChicqo. In. Lit Women to Give Dance ing. Chicago vs. Northwestern atIn accordance with the new rule Evanston.Settlement Dance, Saturday evenregulating the Junior College dances. .ng in the gymnasium. Tickets oncome in buttonless coats, and un«larned sucks; no doubt the absence(of the fair sex will be greatly felt;but Mr. Donald Gray promises thatthe Literature College women are sale at the information office.giving a dance to all the other junior Esperanto - Students interested in SIX FREELECI1JRESIall woes and sorrows will be forgotten in the enjoyment of the uniquerefreshments of pop-corn balls andapples,colleges on Monday, February I, at 4o'clock in Reynolds Club. The other Esperanto hand in names and ad-colleges are very: cordially invited, Iress to Faculty Exchange 304-and it is hoped that a large crowd THE DAILY BULLKTDIwill be there.ALICE F. LEE, Equal 3uffrage Club meets todayChairman of the Social Committee. .it 4 o'clock in Cobb 6a.Senior Class meets today at'lo:30The Italian gentleman, regarding n Haskell. Important.the'Daily Maroon:' German Club 'med:; today in Lex-"Tell me, Signorina" thees,. Daily ngton hall at 4 o'clock, Lecture byMaroon, ees eet the Daily Chest- Dr. von N oe,The Sophomore Executive BoardYoung Lady, promptly: "It will not will hold a meeting at 3 o'clock to-be on Friday. Signor." day. Each member is formulatingplans for the best class history everwritten for the Cap and Gown.BARGAINS ALL TH& TIII.-Reliable Rebuilt Typewrit.,. allmake.; rebuilt in our OWil '.ct.,.,.;hetter and cheaper than otben. ..Phone Har. 2099 for yourself. The Typewriter Ex·chance, 319 Dearborn St. A. J. Cft ...Manager. Telephone Harri.o. 4aIsAlternates Are Chosen.Miss Mamie Lilly, of Division V,and C. Borchard of Division II, havebeen chosen as alternates as a resultof the votes cast during the week atthe Senior Dean's office, thus workingoff a tie. Literature College (women) willhave its picture taken today at 10:30a. m .. in front of Kent.Episcopal Club meets today at10:30 in Cobb 6a. Important.Arts College (women) picture willhe taken today at' 10:30 01. m. atKent.The Blessed College GirlThe blessed college girl went forth"From the door of Cobb I2d.Her hat, which hid her fair youngIorm,Was quite the denier cri,She had seven suitors at her heels,And the flunks in her hand werethree.Her coat, which was both long andlank,No wrought flowers did adorn;Since the days of Rosetti's Damozel.Embroidery is not worn.But a bnnch of violets pinned ontightMade all her sisters mourn .".1 don't know where I'm at," shesaid.Less blue of speech than green."The questions that they ask andask,-What do you s'pose they mean?Do they think that I know everything?Such nerve I never seen I"�Get your Cap 4 Gown Picture atmnfber6itpI&bltlgtapb 6bop •Nearest Studio to Campa. -Best Work in Chicaco.397 57th Street. Phone H. P. 1666 PAST TRAmSDAY AND NIGHTON THE-BY--REV. JAMES lei GRAY .. D. D.-AT TIlE-CBURCH1IMrs. Edna F. NicholsDRUGGISTFormerly at corner of Lexingtonand E. 55th St., has moved to426 E. 55th Street.Phone Midway 2105 I1JLL D.... BVrII20 ....,T. C. S C B A P F H B R78 State StreetPhone Central4875.... We are making a Special Offerfor 60 d8p of oar $10.00 Sepbie Platinum Photos for $s-oo per doz. to U.of C. atudenta.ROOT STUDIO243 Wabash Ave.We Have' No Branch StudioFadlities for everything inPhotolRphy.Phone Central 60g• Best ServiceBetween ChiCago and La Salle Avenue.,Saturdays at 8 p. m.THEMES OF LECTURESJa'1. 3D-The Evil of Christian Science.Feb. 6-The Power Behind the: Medium,Feb. 1.3-The Heresies of the MilIennial Dawn.Feb. 2O-Is the World GrowingBetter or Worse?Feb. 2i-\Vhat is the Second Coming- of Christ?CHI\,;AUU, l.Nu.lANAPOLIS,DA YTON. CINCINNATIAND WEST BADENIFRENCH LICK SPRINGAND LOUISVILLE.Frank J. Reed, Gen. Pas�. Agt.E. p. Cockrell, A. G. P. A.Chicago.Try a classified ad. in the Daily.Patronize Maroon advertisers. You r t will pay you.""i11 thereby show appreciation.WHERE TO DINE.THE WOODLAWN CAFE63rd Street and Cotta�e Grove AvenueTHE FINEST AND MOST ELEGANTLY APPOINTED\ CAFE ON THE SOUTH SIDECUISINE UNEXOELLEDPRICES REASONABLEMusic-Sig. Ferrante's Orchestra of IS Pieces inGrand Program Concert Evenings.We beg to anncunce the opening of the Winter Season at The IHyde Park Hyg�nic Institute. where Scientific Masaaee of aU kind.will be given, as well as Electric ight Baths, Steam, Hot Air andall kinds of MEDICATED BATHS, Shampooing, Facial and ScalpMassage. The new Radiant Light. Etc. IALL ATTENDANTS GRADUATES FROM STOCKHOLM,SWEDENInspection Invit�HYDE PARK HYG IENIC INSTITUTEH. Linderoth, M. G., Mrs. A.. Wassbur� Managers.Phone Hyde Park 4454. 432 E. 55th St. Cere Lexington Av. ad FloorAND. STUFOItINOne college man afteranother bas learned thatare just the kind be likes, andhas told his friends about them.Thus their popularitY grew until today "Fatimas" are verypopular among coUege meneverywhere.20 for 15cTH. DAILY !fAROOlf, FRIDAY, JANUARY 29. 1909.MILE OF PEIIIIIES' RACE IN T8E WAKE OF THE COMET PLAN DARWIN CELEBlAtlOR .ENERGY LEFT Fd* VAUDEVm�nn (Continued from paae I) CHOCOLA SREARS EXGlTlIG CLOSE wrapped in damp paper. Upon in- Biological Club Announces Seiiea of (Contin)led from paae I) Tf_ quiry, I learned that they were re- Lectures to Cclebate the Centc- chairman; Laura Wilder, Edith Coon-Four Hundred Ticketa· Alread, Sold turning from an afternoon plunge in nary of Famous Scientist-Under ley.for the Dance Baturda, the swimming tank, which, strangely Auspices of Biological Club. Scenery-Elenor Friend, chairman;Ni&ht. enough, is located in the spacious Eleanor Davidson, Juliet Griffin. •hall of physical culture devoted to the The University joins with col- Advertising - Florence Manning,If in Doubt, Aak Ol'cbarcl-Sac:ceu men, and is available on only one af- leges and universities the world over chairman; Alice Johnson, Mamieof tho' Mail' is Now Fu11J ternoon each week, in a centenary celebration in honor Lilly.Au1U'Cd. . This same inconvenient arrange- of Darwin, and a semi-centenial eel- !.bsic-Jessie Heckman, chairman;ment in the places designed' for exer- ebration of the appearance of his Edith Osgood, Edith Hemmingway,For. the first time in history, it is cise of various kinds was again called famous "Origin of Species," publish- Specials, Refreshments--MarylPhispossible to attend a charity ball for to my attention on the same after- ed in 1859. It is but proper that so ter, chairman; Edith Prindeville, Vir-the insignificant su mof fifty cents. noon, when I was conducted through great a university as ours should ginia Freeman.Let every Chicago mall and woman a narrow court-way between two low pause a moment in its busy moments Stunt Committee - Margaret Bell,co-operate with the committee, en- red-brick buildings, on my way to to consider the work of a man whose chairman; Irvina Miner, Marjorieter into the spirit of tag day, and fin- the train. A side door, a few yards theories have so greatly revolution- Day, Gertrude Fish, G.ertrude Emer- ALfRED PEATS � to.ally, make of the Settlement dance a in front of me. was suddenly thrown ized science. The celebration is un- son. � .real Chicago tradition. Ushers for open, and several figures shot past, der the auspices of the Biological Miss Frances Henrich is general Foreign and Domestic-the dance will meet at 7:15 to help dragging an odd array of parapher- club, of which Professor E. O. ],or- chairman.finish arrangements for the general nalia behind them, and almost upset- dan is president, and will begin Mon- - -----.--------receiving line. All the men attending ting me by the unexpectedness and day, February I, with a dinner inwill have a chance to meet every girl. alacrity of the charge. Again, I was Hutchinson commons, followed byThe Men's Glee club will sing Chi- informed that the young women were the first meeting in Mandel hall.cago songs, just before and after the a group of undergraduate students, At 8:15 President Harry Pratt Jud- PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER andd I fermi . h d . Notary Public will do . legal and alldance. Mr. Latham has made ar- u y con ormmg Wit aca emic con- son will introduce E. G. Conklin of. I· d tt ti t kinds of work, capying, etc. Maryrangernents for the wax that makes a ventrona ity, an a emp mg 0 meet Princeton University, who will de-ith U iiversit . t' h Danaher, office 338 E. 57th St., S.perfect floor," and Mr. Harper guar- \VI mversi y requiremen s m t e liver an address on "The World'santces ten pieces of music, "enough line of prescribed exercises. The Debt to Darwin." Professor Conklin ':Y. cor. M�dison Av. ONE THOUSAND DOIl.AIto make old Bartlett ring." young ladies in question were bound at one time was professor of Zoology 1.EARN TO DANCE correctly-Miss Chatterson has introduced a -in necessary haste-for a fencing in Northwestern University; later he University Dancing class, Thurs-novel plan for hearty informality in drill. which could not be conducted served in the same capacity in the day afternoon, 2:30 to 5 P. m. Ros-the way of Kentucky "break-in" in the gymnasiu!D proper, owing to University of Pennsylvania, and he alie Hali. 276 E. 57th Street.dances. the presence of one or more classes is now head of this department in WANTED-Two young. lady stu-. Between ·tJ(e World's Champiou,..... )Sixty gallcns of sweet cider (very there at the same time. Indeed, ru- Princeton. His research in the field dents to board and room; modernsoft), six hundred large sugary mors reached me to the effect that of Embryology has gained him great conveniences and reasonable. rates.doughnuts, better than any other ever this over-crowded state of affairs distinction for his discoveries bearing 5705 Drexel Ave., first fiat.made. ten pecks of pretzels, "food even necessitates two or three young on heredity. He has been honored FOR SALE-Trade on Lasswell,for jokes,". and eight crates of New women-for I discount the report of as a trustee of the Marine Biological Photographer, 55th St.York prize pippcn and apples, is the five as being an exaggeration-occu- Association at Woods Hole, Massamenu for the Scttlment dance .. Sure- pying o�e narrow dressing-room at chuserts, a member of the advisory lly, upon this announcement, no man the same time. I marvel that such board of the Wi star Institute, and a Opposite the. Illinois Theater.can resist the chance to eat supper inconvenience has continued without member of the editorial board of W h.1' e to DiD ..at Bartlett on Saturday night. Long open complaint. . many scientific journals. Professortables, attractive candles, and crepe ',The young ladies themselves seem Conklin, because of his unusually atpaper frills, will be features of the to be keenly alive to the situation, tractive personality, his clearness as abouffe service .. Several of the most and to have penetrated the facts with thinker, and �rivesiigator, and hischarming faculty ladies have consent- unusual perception. Indeed, I must charm as a writer and speaker ised to preside as hostesses and make credit them with a real desire to cor- likely to make: this opening of thethe committee's work profitable. rect the false impression now preva- Darwin celebration, an occasion ofMr. Kramer has devised a. simple lent, and to point out a suitable rem- real brilliance. The WeDindtoD Botel II :. . I I 1"".· ..means of getting home#. bound to edy, We have already established Professor Coulter, of the Botany· 5: _ . ,.�� ilie prov«b� � w� b�ht� ili�sili� tim��ored��h D�artmm�w�rm��y�* �_===�=�========��W�.�_�.�_���4���__ -_·_'_'_�_._T_��-_-_-_._-_���J��JIlen and �irls. may prove unsound and fallacious. I tend a corresponding celebration inbelieve that the present case is also England on board the ill-fated Re-capable of demonstration. One by public. Ione the heroes of ancient history]- The other lecturers in the serieshave been dethroned and dismantled will be Professors G. H. Mead, F. R.It was the little men who helped so Mo-Iton, A. P, Mathews, S. W. Wilmuch to make the empire. Why liston, W. L. Tower, H. C. Cowles,should not the modest efforts of the C. E. Merriam. George A. Dorsey,women students reveal this single J. R. Angell, F. R. Lillie, Shailerfallacy in the administration of the Mathews, D. T. MacDougal, C. D.University? Gradually we have Buck, and G. O. Whitman.drawn aside the veil of disillusionment from the much-lauded beauty ofCleopatra, the exaggerated eminenceof an Augustus, and the fabricatedfame of a Horace." Why is it notpossible to lift the obscuring mistsfrom the traditional conditions ofphysical training for the young women of the University, and disclosethe facts which as yet have failed tomake themselves felt among thepowers that be?j,THE RONAITALIAN TABLB D'JJOD�5c-41.poINCLUDIN.(1 ��', '10 • Ja Carte Senice0.�adIDDdQ8fromII A. 11.'to• P.II.SPAGHETTISUCH AS ONE GETS IN ITALYI46-STATE STREET-141SECOND PLOQR aDd fine bonbons famous tbrQ ...out America, put up in beaDdhIboxes suitable for present. at •..- and r.c ,.. pound. -.,lased custom. 18 the beM ...ftl'tUement. ..&untIler's CoDlectlCHYn� State Street.THE Phone Central 1('1\4WALL PAPERSAND DRAPBRIES SelTa:NEWESTROOMTHE lNDIAN ROOM Chic:aao• the..• tPs- s.eq\ory,..,,·ho'i the �(JCPbb andjamm�dPOOL TOURNAMINI'Thomas Hueston pet"SUHionthis finalment dan(who. �ent(thim wi�S�tlea Roldeny�.r: mallasl iuforn�m�*,�.and��:: Jauldrtd: If(»f: tlte: IANDClarence SaffordState ChampionFeb. �-3-S-6, at James O'Lalj'l. �4183 Halsted Street.. Feb. � and 4 at States Billiard PIi·1. ,Ion( 213 and 215 State S�eet. :_!.'above places., dlacetl.'! :�.s�so recen..,.wcwaists .shami prop"It'�': t1cheerfulto be gcbeen· poscents to.',The C4meet, pr'the finislwill ass.THE OPEN' COURT PUBLISHING COMPANY'SSCIBBTD'IC ABD IlATlIBIIA'fiCAL BOOKS-A full tiDe ..THE· LITTLE BOOK SHOP434 But Pifty- Fifth StreetOrders fi1le4 for English aDd American Boob.President Judson arrived here toriay from New York, a day earlierthan he expected.Athletic relations have been resumedbetween AmI'S and the University ofIowa. A baseball and football sched-ule of games between the tW'Olschools will be arrange.l next month.ELECTRIC LINED l';,� :�c;�IVt·�N'aINTERNATIONALDICTIONARY"�'-"tIId .. DrDUrADOW.&J, ___..-a..a �:DIIM.r� III�ha.,g��.,.....�ftIcI. ......... Do. ••atIr�., ... ��....... � .8caIIIIIt.1T�.r"_".�"I'IdIIa .••••••••••._....., ,,-"- ...... Mn!� •••�� ............ 1MIa ••� GIIrt8Uaa ..1' ..... " ............. 1-STEEL VAULTS.Phone Hyde Park 99:.TAKE OFF YOURHAT TO THE LADIESIf its anARTHUR 12 HATArthur Feilchenfeld·s81-83 E. Van·Buren St. and 183 Dearbom St. •• , ·:·";...:.·;;"�I.".W·-M."�II�=._'T::a.IbDaJ4 Toullo& 0wIl8ach .. Book''WEBST'ER"s COLLEGIATE DlCTJO"ART.�of_� .eca1 .... DdTbla ...,. � .116Paltftud .. ooll1�W'.n."�"ItalM,""'�--"�::';f'�='M':;::�:-':'�L I C.IOIWI co., &,rIIcfW .. -. .. -�.u ••••• -rll-ELSIE JANISIn Gcorae Me'. CoUep Comed"THE FAIR CO-EDI.I. •• IAI. .:F. Ziqfield Jr.'. Great M.uicalProductioo.THE SOUL KISS,with the wonderful danc ....ADELINE GENEE Klaw & Erlanger's Mi&htJProductioD.THE ROUND UP� •• & .. »l'r •• lU./ THE NEWLY WEDSAND THEIR BABY60 -People- 60To:pamo ...dmi;l.·; .HONEYMOON TRAILThe BiK Success.A BROKEN mOLNith Otis Harlan and Beauty CIIarIIJ.,A .,ALL •CECIL LEANact. FLORENCE HOLBROOKnd the La Salle Theater Stock C.A GIRL AT THE HELMAm.I!aJUUAM .USIC lIIIJ;(Formerly ·the Garden) .._MAUDE ODELL. y�EMMA CARUS, Marc:md other bij:t acts__________ .,..",....��""....---_ as th� IMAJESTIC Three-�CONTINUOUS VAUDEVILIJJ2 Bill Acts This WeekPrices 15-25-50-75 Thtmentsm·eTlCENTRAl. HYDE PARK BANK55th Street aDd Washineton AvenueBurglar Proof. Fire Proof. Absolutely Security.Boxes Three Dollars Per Year Less than a Cent a Dayw. K. Young 6 Bro. 11.1.1 •• 11Cbarlee Frohman pr�nt. theGIRLS OF GOTTEN BERGOLYMPIC MUSIC HALtFRENZIED FROLICSAND VAUDEVILLES Dokine PermittedIf ••• .6. •• llaLULU GLLASER-in-MLLE. MIScHIEFa&AKD OP.� BOUBIARNOLD DALY-in-THE STRONG PEOPLEPOw.uROBERT EDESON-in-THE CALL OF THE NORTHOJIIOAGO OP.U HOUaWALKER WHITESIDEIn Zangwill'. gl'e8t PIa,..THE MELTING POT