matly !laroon---I.I,ltpart-lionceIGRT10 forIi aut CHICAGO, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15. 1908. Price Two CentsRecvc-"Moc.lern Iscariot.'GIRLS' CLUBS 'NAME PLEDGES ··so SAD, (?) SO FRESH, THE DAYS THAT ARE MORE" SABATH AND LYOI WINHONORS II DECLAMATIONuch may be done toward arranging Quadranglersorne of the 1909 football dates. Clara Barton, Elizabeth Campbell,'Nothing definite can be done with Elizabeth Dickey, Mary Embree,he football schedule until the Cor- Nancy Harris, Georgia Moore, Juliaell date is settled," said Director Street.tagg yesterday. ··When we see what Sigma Clubates the IthacanS have op�n,' �nd -�H�len Earle, Elizab�ih Miller,ow they correspond with our own Florence Gross and Marion Mer,boice of date, the time for that can rill.set. and after the Wisconsin and Wyvem The basketball situation at presentIinnesota dates are arranged, the,. Helen Antisdale, Lilian Barr, Elea- is wound in a tangle that reportsost important games will be pro- nor Byrne, Ruth Harrower, Ellen from Wisconsin say will be settledided for." MacNeish, Lucy Miller, Clara Stans- by Illinois. John Schommer the starNorthwest� RUmor Again bury, Florence Thomas. player on the basketball five whoDirector Gillespie of Northwestern Phi ,Beta Delta will be permitted to play this year'as in consultation with Mr. Stagg Bessie Macomber. Katherine oy a new ruling, is again in danger ofnd Dr. Raycroft yesterday concern- French, Zillah Shepherd and Flor- being robbed of the opportunity thatng the possibility of a Maroon-Pur- ence White. - he had already considered as his.Ie too-ball game for 19o9--and -to Chi Rh� Sigma l ndic .. tions in the Conference thisover other athletic meets and Miss DeleY Dunham, Marguerite winter point to the fact that Illinoismes between Chicago and North- Huston, Grace Payton. Helen Wheel- will have an unusually strong team,estern. Director Huff of Illinois ere rnd arc considered about on a parlso was in the city last week to see �\'ith .Chicagc. which, with Schommer,Ir. Stagg while he was away. BADGER ATHLETICS AGAIN IS, without a doubt, the best team inTrack Date Possibilities FINANCIALLY SOUND .he Conference, having captured theNone (if the dates of the indoor ��tional championship last year, andrack schedule have been fixed as yet. $11.000 Profits Insure Continuance o( With Joy Clark in "Pony" Falls���ois, Wisconsin and Purdue are place the team wil] be faster than'·Big Games'· at Wisconsin-entatively on the list for both a To Censor NeWs. ever before. year around is during the soccer sea-orne and a return meet, but no defi- The complications that exist at son,� , \fISS VON MASSOW WEDDEDite dates are arranged between the �r�sent in the Conference arc worse Pn'sid:nt Judson appeared beforecaches concerned. The possibility than ever before, Rogers, of \171's-1 the. Senior bod .. ' for the second timeFor the first time in several year!' ,�J -f a Cornell indoor meet is als� still the financial status of athletics at \':onsin, a star on their last year's this quarter, and took up the major ?rofessor Small's Sister-in-Law Mar-\Visconsin is a healthy one. As C1 team, is unable to play this year be- part of the session with an address rics German Sculptor.result of -her return to "big games:' �a�lse of the three-year ruli,ng which to the members. Dr. Judson ex-lOR COUNCIL MEIIBE.... Wisconsin has a surplus of $11,000 �lhn(Jis will undoubtedly usc to force pressed his regret that he is unable.TO SERVE AS MARSHALS in her athletic treasury. The situa- ",chnnllllcr out, if they resort to anv owing to pres- of excessive work te A wedding between a sculptortion is a decided contrast from that ncans at all, The committec passed visit the meetings more often, but' as- vhosc attachment to the Universityepresentatives of Men's Collecca to If not more than t, •. o years ago when '.l .�I>edal rule June 6, l�Q. out of sured the council that he i� much 1'11-be P .. ,�... ..·fVU 'ics in his producing a bust of theresent in Official Capacity at the Bad ... er trcasury was not onl .. ' 1'l1rnc!'oS to the colleges whose team ... tl.'re:,ted in 'he wdfare oi their nf· 'A .. J II ... ate President \Villiam R;liney Har-ssociate Exerci� '!mpty but a debt of $1.200 was to he '\'�1l ( othcrwi:-;e be Lroken up in till' i.'rts, He said that he will 1)(' ahle tepaid and indoor sports wcre entirely ;lll<1dlc of the season. The rule is til I)('\'ote more time next (IUarter. lh'The representatives of thc men's impossible because of the fund� �h� elfect that anyone whose alh- �a\'e ,'aluahle su��estions for in·olleges 1 J . C I C Ictle ,'onl ". (' I Co' •on t lC umor 01 egc oun- c;carcity. ' petitIon hegan III a minor re;I'e( l,.helcne), 111 workil are to serve as marshals at thc Continuation of the 'bi� games" ;p.ort. anll who,c cligihility will tcr-unior class exercises Thursday at now seems a certainty in spite of th(' :11111atc in F,:hruary If)O() ·'11 I I03 U ' , 10wl.'d· - .' \\ I )(' a -:, O. ndcr the direction of Presi- evident hostility to intcrcollegiate to complde Ihl.' i'�<1oor track K 11ent (;Qo(lc \V J L . J h and h:t,k"tl '11 e er and Keefer Busy on Opera- I'ark, n;lplist, . . eWIS, 0 n contests on the part of the faculh.· . , ),1 season of that vc:,r" EM N TI ,. . rir.kson Composing Music. The wedding, int('rnational in char-,. c cish, and R. B. Owen, will governing boards. 1 lere is no douht that tilc two'ave c:harge of the order of proces- "n ('s :-Ire . , �e:('r. was the culmination of a 11I1lg-The faculty athletic conncil, which rtll' 1I1Cnnslstcnt. but tIl'" 1.·ltt"r !!erhert K('IIl'r '10 .. I C I K fl' IIon d '- ... . ..• Il( ar ee - conrts 11p on t Ie part of :\tr, J:lllllan of the seating arrangemcnts. i� the supreme authority at �fadison I.' I� a "pecial one I f 'r 'II IThis is the first tl'mc that the mcm- I I I t h Y('ar ";iII be 1 .I TI' alH a t('r thi ... (I ' arc HI"'Y pr('p:lrin� a play for for the ohject of his affl.'ctif'l1. :\Ii�"f)n y t lrf'ug 1 t le press urea\l, which. ( e;t( , 1e only lnnn-hnl"'l t lC Blackfriars. Gordon Ers of the '1 h b f that llltll01'S ('Ot II '1 ,.. 'rickson, :\tassow is the si�ter-in-Iaw of l'rn-('ounci avc come c ore i�, in effect, a stcp to muzzlc thc I (p I I I �. . . Ihe mem1.-rs f th U:' . . whO I' OS�I ) Y la\'e with -. IS wrltll1� t Ie mu"ic. This 's fe�s()r :\Ihion Small., head of tIle rle-U\: 0 e 211,.crslt n d hI· h h' IC 1 to attack tI,e I .. �t I' 1.b. .. Y I any prcss an esta IS a censors Ip on "'" rn 111" I·S. tll(, (lnly one of the oper .......- no,·· tln(l"rac: offici I ' 1">" • .. partmt'nt of Sociolo�y, T'rofcs<;oT, a capaclty. • Wiscoq�iD athletic Dews (C way in :lnticipatioll of• ontin d -- the spring Charles Richmond Hcndcro::on per-ue on pa� 4) --- production.'ILL REMAIN IN CITY FORFIRST flME SliCE 1903 Announcement of Additions to Or­ganizations Comes UnexpectedlySoon After Close of Rushing-44Are Pledged by Seven Clubs.jrector Stagg's Health Will PermitHim to Take Personal Charge ofIndoor Athletics.The announcement of pledges bythe girls' clubs came as a surprise tomany students last Saturday morning.The rushing ended Friday night, ac­cording to the contracts made by thcdub last ycar, and were sent outby special delivery. Last year thepledging came at the end of the 'win­ter quarter, and as the arrangementsthis year were kept secret, only aFew nearest to the situation knewwhen it would come. The averagenumber this year was six to the club,The list of pledges given out yes­terday is as follows:Mortar BoardMarjorie Gillies. Lorraine Cleary,Dorothy Miller, Nathalie Gillette, 11-rna Pfister and Mary Oughton.EsotericHelen Cody, Helen Greeley. Jose­phine Roney, Cecilia Russell, HazellCatherwood, Alice .Herr ick, RuthSherwood, Clara Davidson, EmmaDickerson, Clara Allen and ElizabethHurd.) STU- eturnS from Trip to Colorado toDates for Coming Win­ter Season.["ORSSHIP. For the first time since 1903 Direc­or A. A. Stagg will be at the Uni­'ersity in personal charge of Varsityindoor athleticS this winter. Mr.tagg returned to the city from a tenays' trip to Colorado, where he spentis time in the mountains. The "OldMan" is feeling better than he haseen for years, and his presence onhe campus alone will be a boom tothletics. Dr. Raycroft has been un­bl� to give his proper attention to11 'departments, and if the duties areivided, track and basketball, espe­i�ilY, will be benefited greatly thisinter.To Arrange Indoor DatesDirector Stagg will devote his timeor the next few weeks in makingpreparations for the completion ofbe track schedule for the winter, andInStreet.o.t:8t� ato!Unle[casure., way.m, in­le andlity inality to;0.9 Pres.I,�Iy00ne• Str'" NORecitation by Former of Speech onImpracticability of Socialism GetsFirst Piace,System of Speakers as Representa­tives of Colleges Abandoned withGood Results.Albert Sabath won first place inthe Junior college declamation con­test yesterday morning, Leverett S.Lyon being given second honors.The contest was exceptionally close.The speeches were as follows, thecontestants chosen rcgardless ofmembership in various colleges,Albert Subath=-rSocialism." I ngals. \lRenoRuskin.Leverett Lyon-"Training Camp ofthe Future," Grady.:\�iss Edith Zahringer-"Labor Ques­tion," Roosevelt.Sabatlr's declamation was on theimpossibility of adopting socialism.His presentation was without nour­ish, was natural and forceful. Reevespoke in a markedly conversationalstyle. He was forceful and natural,however. and was a strong contenderior honors. Lyons speech was oneof unusual beauty, but the audiencefelt that he made a poor showing atthe beginning. He closed with fineI":» E:VER. ... eoovSCHOMMER NOT ELIGIBLE 1 WANt VARSITY BOCIEY TEAMIllinois to Protest "Long John" in I Senior Council �ns CampaignEffc� to. Override Speejal Ruling 1 �hen Steffen is Appointed to Get-Wlsconsm May Play Rogers-Il- Vmcent Field-Prexy Gives Sug-linois Track Team Affected. gestions. enthusiasm and spirit and his un­affected style coupled with the beau-Prospects for a Varsity hockey i iful imagery in his speech won ateam, which will meet other colleges well deserved second place. :\lissin winter matches, i.::�..:ived encour- Zahringer spoke well but found itagement from the Senior Council hard to give the Roosevelt vigor toyesterday, w h e n Walter Steffen was her declamation.appointed a committee of one to '·Wc were well pleased with thelook into the advisability of flooding contest, "said Mr. Nelson after theVincent Field to make a practice meeting yesterday. "The idea ofplace for candidates. of college is good reform, and I hopeAll the large Eastern universities that in .the future we may carry ithave hockey teams, and there is a still farther and use extemporaneous·strong sentiment here for the forma- speeches. The contest to-day waslion of one t hat will meet the pride close but I believe that it was fairof the Atlantic institutions. Steffen ;IOd hope that all the contests maywill make his report early next quar- he as good."tcr when the council meets for the Sabath and Lyon will each receivefirst time. At present possibilities an' a scholarship for one quarter, the dif­,werwhelming in favor of getting the ic:-ence between first and second placefield, The only time it is needed the being merely one of'r, and sister-in·law of a promi­... ,., p",'fcssor. performed by theL; lIiver:.ity charlain-that was the sit­,ali.'n when ::\liss Florintine MarioNEW FRIAR SHO\V UNDERWAY St, "on ::\ta�sow wa ... marril'11 to Ott().1:Ihl1. Saturday ni�ht. at thc lIyekformed the ceremony.�r�I.( i.: ..191�. terdafirstOneportiterinandas csistiifirst::;::e­FOURIIENGLISH IlL HOLDS BANQUET TO BE HONORED AT MANY TO DAILY BULJ.WrIRAFFAIRS THIS WEEKCburch Hi:nory Club annual din­ner, today, 6:30 p. m., in Commons'dining-room. Professor A C. Mc­I Laughlin will talk.I Wisconsin Club meets today at7 1>. m., in Haskell assembly.Daenell Lecture, today, at 12:00-1:00 p. m, in Haskell Assembly hallSubject: "The Recent CommercialPolicy or Germany."Y. W. C. L. meets today in Lex­ington Hall, 4:15 p. m, Miss RuthRaymond will lead.'_:; AnnounCe Subjects for After-dinner... .-au .tueSellt PublleaUOD ., OIl Speeches at �ction of Mr. Rob-UD'nraltJ at Chlcqo. ertson'. Cla.. To-night in Com:­mons.aatered .. lilecODd·clua llall at the Chlc:aaoI'.t..... Chlcqo. 1llilloJa. Karda 1"'I'� . Mr. Robertson's English III. classwill banquet in the private diningroom of the Commons this eveningPubllahed da1l1, except SuodaJa, Koa4a,. at 6 o'clock. The program will in­alit hollda,., durlOC three quart .. err tbe dude original songs, verse for theI1DI .... mltl lear. occasion, and after-dinner speeches.About twenty-five or thirty membersI)f the class will be present, andt welve- of this number have selectedto give set speeches, These speeches,with their subjects, are: Davis,'Let's Shake;" Carpenter, "The Uni­versity Motto;" Mebl, "Why Not aKneippe?" Long, "Running a Small1881, IIRder Ad of KarcIa Ie 11'lLFormerl,The UDln .ltl of Chlcqo Weeki,.I'CIIIIDCSoe4fte Weekil, Oct. 1. 1882-The Dall,. Oct. 1. 1802. AlUfOUllCnmBTlfor I montha. But.crlpUou rec:eln4 at�. )(ar?OD omce, Elila Rail, or at the College;" Grey, .. After _ dinner.acul� EltcbaDse, Cobb Hall. Th�ughts;" Vorhola, "Student Lifein Russia;" Merrill, ,. A UniversityPRESTON i'. GASS, MaDqlDS EdItor. Motto:" Anderson. "The 'U' on theOSWALD F. NELSON, BualDeu Kaoaser. Hill;" Hruda, "The University ofChicago in Science;" Sutherland,Wltadal omc.-BelOl'll II Po a, JI:Wa II&ll. "Cobb Hall Types;'" Dawson, "An.lIlnnit7. Tel B7cJ. Put UIl. . � 8 P-a, Marooa PrIM. '1' II. lith IUnK. N. BIde Effusion;" Reeve, 'English 3 in An-hIk "L Pre-Medics- The last Pre-Medicmeeting of the quarter will be heldtcmorrow at 10:30 in Kent 14. Dr.C. J. Herrick of the Neurology de­partment, will speak.Junior Mathematical Club meets\Vednesday in Ryerson Laboratory,room 36, 4:30 P. m. Paper by Mr.Ohlendorf.Y. M. C. A. Wednesday in the li­brary of Hitchcock Hall, 4:30 P. m.A social hour to meet Rev. FrankCrane.Cap and Gown EditOR can be con­sulted with any afternoon in Ellis 3,from 3 to 4 o'clock. Communica-�. I tions may be left at Faculty Ex-I---����·.....;;;;:::;;;;;;===:;II change 280..ZJ�. II�T� y/eV.eR...:The emptiness of honors as an end Program �f Stunts and Music inin themselves was well brought out Reynolds the address made at D R. WALTH ER \VEVER, theHonors Harvard last Friday by At the banquet and smoker given German consul-general at Chi-As a President Hadley of .t· •hy the Blackfriars Saturday everung (·ag." will be a prominent figure 10Responsibility Yale. The man who .n the Commons' cafe, over fifty many affairs at the University thisreceives a prize of Friars were gathered around fhe fes- week. He will leave shortly to takewhatever kind is a marked man" and rive board. Harold Atteridge, whose up his new post at Cape Town, South ALL ORIGINAL IMPLEMENTSthe importance of the line in which play, "A Winning Miss," is being Africa, and the University, both of-h ks J d d b I' ff . OF SPORT- WHEN EXAM-e war IS JU ge y us e ectrve- staged at the new Garden theater, iicially and unofficially, is doing all. .:.�.;.��ness and his personality. was expected to be present, but was in its power to express its apprecia- INED, BEAR THE TRADEIt is difficult to believe that jeal- prevented by a previous engagement. tion M the many services he has ren-ousy and laziness are wholly respon- At the banquet the twenty-eight dcred it. Tomorrow night, he willsible for the sentiment which undeni- members who were voted into the be guest of honor at reception of In- A. G. SP AWING " BROS':'ably exists among a calculable num- membership of the club last spring, ter national club, Thursdav he will beber of unregraduates that too serious were presented with 'the official one of the special guests at the Pres- Spalding's handsomely illustrated cat-:attention to study is ridiculous. If all Blackfriar pin. idcnt's reception in Hutchinson hall. alogue of all sports contains na- . i :the men who made scholarship rec- After the dinner, the Friars ad- and Friday afternoon, at the Convo- merous suggestions.ords were broad-minded, full-lived, journed to the theater of the Rey- cation exercises, he will receive the Mailed Free anywhere.effective men, the student who did nolds ·club, where an informal srnok- honorary degree of LL.D. 147 Wabash Avenuenot set up the scholar as a hero and er was held. Several stunts werea model would soon be brought to Cbicaeo• m.given by "Winst" and HuntingtonHenry, Enoch Brand.and Ritchie andExce1son furnished music of the man­dolin and guitar variety. Floyd Wil­lett presided at the piano, whileHirschl Shaw acted as chairman oflut.crlptioD price, '3,00 per lear; ,1.00icipation and Realization.".Mew. cOIlU'lbuUoua ID&J .. left at JalllaBall 01' i'aeultl Eltchaop. a4chwaeG to tile LARGE NUMBER ATTENDDall, IiarOOL BLACKFRIAR BAN QUETNew Members Given Pins-Enjoy",.It,.Ii: ,t. realize that he had come to the wrongplace.The conception of the man whomakes a record in scholarship, as itex.sts in the mind of many an un­dergraduate, is of a narrow, stoop­.shouldered dyspeptic, who has no joyin life. Part of this may be due tomisunderstanding and part to preju­dice but it could hardly have beenmade out of whole cloth. The hon­or-men must have furnished some ex­amples of this sort or given somefoundation for the concept.The honor students are on exhibi­tion. It rests with them to destroythe popular image of the grind. Un-,doubtedly it is unjust, but, as Presi­dent Hadley said, mere talk will not Eastern dopesters have awardedCornell fiith place in the ranks of 'oScollegiate fcotbr.ll. ConsequentlyChicago may be said to hold, besidesthe championship of the west, fifthplace in America.the evening,The committee in charge oi thebanquet and smoker was composed ofKenner, chairman, Whitfield andSullivan. \���E�!:� ��IlOUt America, put up in beautifulboxes suitable for presents at 25c,140C and floc per pound. ,. Apleased customer is the best ad­vertisernent,"Gunther's Confectionery212 State Street.Hitchcock Holds MusicaleHitchcock men and friends enjoyedan informal social gathering Sundayafternoon in the Hitchcock librarywhich is becoming very popular forentertainment purposes.Mrs. H. E. Slaught rendered somev..:ry difficult cornposrtrons on therecently purchased piano, while L. G.RRY Northrop won much commendationDEMAND RETURN OF PA for his violin executions.change matters.•,.TO ANY SELF-SUPPORTING STUDBB'rWe can put you in touch with a dig nificd method of increasing your rev­enue=-a method that is clean and that involves a maximum increase ofincome at a minimum expenditure of time. The plan has already provedits efficiency in other Universities where self-respecting, self-supportingstudents have taken up our method to the exclusion of others, they are, pleased. and their financial burden is solved. We can do as much for you.Can any time during business hours at 3() Dearborn St. (The RebuiltTypcwri:cr C().). and :l!'-k especially for �Ir. Johnson.I believe in Popular Prices. My$25.00 Business Suits are positivel,$35.00 value. You can save just $10.00That's worth while. Let me make onefor you and prove it.Wende"Students of Oklahoma Strike WhenEx-Maroon is Discharged.are service gloves­wear lone and look wellwbile they wear.FOWNESGLOVESConsiderable excitement has beenaroused at the Oklahoma State Ag­ricultural and :'\lechanical collegeover the deci!'ion of the athleticcouncil di!'-charging Coach "Big" Edrarry.ex.Chicago st:lr football playel.A meeting of 400 st\1dents was heldand the entire horly declared thatthey WO\1!IJ not return to collcge un­kss the :lction of the council wererescinded. FTcsident Conncll of thecollege, is in sympathy ,,·ith thecouncil, amI the result of the frictionis awaited with considerable interest. Garments of AU DescriptionsCLEANE� DYED a ALTERED6001 JUlia Aye.Work callccl for and delivered. Majestic Thutr. Bid,.MIDWA YHave you tried a classified ad iDThe Daily MarooD'1� ........................•. 370 Eo 55th SUI', THE TRADE MARKThat Has MadeSpOrt in AmericaMARK OF.:UJ DECEMBER SPECIAL75 lIonroe Street EVENING DRESS SUITAND DINNER COAT Orcbal"tol SUk Lined Throuehout) PracUniverthe st.aftern<WinstlDeanlIuetiothe Cfor th"alescThememhiog tlfessio'ellC!:<lueticmemL"isedGleepleas­four:retail'of th- ''I. � � : �IWm. Jerrems' SonsClark and Adams StrectlWHERE TO DINITHE UNION HOT:ILAND RESTAURANT1l1-1I7 Randolph StrtttTHE POPULAR PL�CITO EATEith",r before or after tleTheater .We make a Specialty of aIDand Fraternity Dinners. FThAN EXCLUSIVESHOP for WOMfNLeathers at onlJC4driv\\-barlfor,'2· 'and '2.50Dent take my word for it,.but come and look at them.THE STATES SHOESecond Floor. 195 State SuectOver Peacock's Jewelry StOftOpee Saturday EveniDis TiD I F.tha(che.Aonl:the$;"JeSHULTZ'S SCHOOLOF DANCINGMost Popular Place in Chic:acaPrivate Lessons by AppoiDtmliGuarantee C;ourse $s-oo. Five .lessons with music. A guarauteemake pupil proficient in the waltzand two-step. Barn dance taqhtone lesson.Office and Studio" 301 West 6]4Cor. Wentworth Ave.Phone GarfieldInformal Dancing ReceptiOD IITHE FORUMltt BERGER465 E. 63rd StreetTel.. Midway 392• y(lbe forum Cigar .A CLEAR HAVANASOLD DIRECT TOYOU n:By the Manufacturer withoatDealer'. Profit.IIIPurItyCANDIESSEE THEil MADSIIlOut)00--------.It ;[T IIStreet IFtoi' ileII'S.-SIYErOMfN,y�,00 for; at om,2.50I for it,at them.10E,tate StRdelry StOR.unKs TiD I'HOOLNGin CbiCIFAPpoiJItJDSi). Five .guarautceI the waltz• NAo�ofit.JEllStreet, 392•rESI MADI:b SU.t THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER IS. 1908.•FOUR GLEE CLUB SINGERSIN PROFESSIONAL OPERAat Harvard University, onaward of academic distinc­honors to be made on Fri- Formal Dances; lnitil\tions; Banque_s.For these, you'll need -a Dress Suit or TuxedoTHfOBliGATIONS'OF THE PRIZE WINNER"Dear Mabel:-1 really want to go to that Forma! Dance, but 1 can'tbecause I haven't a dress suit, and don't care to borrow one. Hadto 'lose out' on three dances and a banquet this season. because ofthis deficiency in my wardrobe. 1 simply must order a dress suitand tuxedo tomorrow. Yours, 11m.P. S.-Ain't it awful, Mabel?". You will draw bida to Full Dress Affairs right along, for the season Iis hc:r�-read Jim's letter.Order your Suit Early.Orchard. Henry. Kennedy and Shawto Appear in "Mignon" thisAfternoon. By President E. T. Hadley of Yale.This address was delivered las t Friday,the occasion of the annual meteing ior thetions, Ths quarterly award of sch olarshipday makes it specially timely.Our prices are within every College man's reach.C�er {:J WDkie ta5 1. Dearbont Sf.Practical results of work in theUniversity Glec club will be seen onthe stage of the Illinois theater thisafternoon, when Frank Orchard,Winston Henry, Herschel Shaw andDean Kennedy will appear in a pro­ductiou of "Mignon," to be given bythe Chicago English Opera Societyfor the benefit of the Home for Con- A PRIZE is essentially an oppor- ularly interesting to watch. I cantunity ; the worth of the prize irnag ine no other ordinary occupa-is in what we make of it afterward. tion of human lifc where you go soYou know that your work is be- far and See so little as does theiore you. not behind you. You know spectator at an intercollegiats boatthat the real prize which you have race. It was because men of thereceived is the opportunity for fur- type of Charles William Eliot were'iller work and further distinction. in Harvard boats. It is because pco-Y ou. know that the honor is going to pie are willing to go anywhcre, inbe what a man makes of it, as far as any number, to watch the first pub­each individual in concerned. What lic appearance of men who are likely1 want specially to emphasize is a11- to be the leaders and heroes of theother and slightly different aspect of next generation.this theme-not the responsibility of The way to make the Americanthe prize winner for his own career, more intersted in scholarship thanbut the responsibility of prize win- in athlcctics is by proving that ourners individually and collectively, for pr ize scholars, even more than ourthe place that learning is to com- ;�riz'! athletics, represent the typc ofmane! in the judgment of our fellow ,1!C:1 for which there is public need.countrymen. For, be sure, not only ! f our scholarships and prizes are soFreshmen Give First Dance that each prize winner will be judged arranged that the prize is an end inThe social career of the class of by what he does aftcrward-a self- itself. nobody but the prize winners191:.! began with great success yes- evident fact-but that scholarship is themselves and their immediateterday at the Reynolds club in the I going to be judged by what its prizc friends is likcly to be interested. Iffirst (lance given by the Freshmen. I Winners accomplish-e-a fact not equal- t he competitions are so arrangedOne hundred couples, a large pro- ly self-evident, but equally important that thc pr ize winners justify theirportion of thc membership of the en-I Ior the future of the community. selection by their subsequent life,tering class. were in attendance, Dean -VVhen Debaters Were Idols then a college prize day becomes anand Mrs. Robert Morss Lovett acted Two, generations ago the intcllec- rccasiou of moment to the chaperones. Refreshments, con-1 tual idol of the graduates and stu- Prize Men Must Justify Themselvessisting of frappe. were served on the dents of most of our colleges was the Can we honestly say that the prizefirst floor landing. leading debater. The "rot of extern- winners in our American Universitiesporancous speaking was cultivated have done as much for the public asamong all classes of students. Its the public has a right to expect? Imost eminent practitioners were ad- wish I were sure of the answer. ThatAN EARLY mired to an extent which now finds thc men who have attained scholasticWINTER DRIVE no parallel. In the third quarter of distinction at Harvard have wonCome in and share with us a lucky the nineteenth century,all this chang- more than their proportionate sharedrive on winter woolens. cd very suddenly. The great majority of honor and distinction in theof the Eastern collezes ceased to lay world at large has made evident byWe have just received at'a great 0,an" stress on debate whatsoever TIle the investigation of Professor Low--bargain a number of classy pattern • J,� • •man who a few years before would ell. I believe the same thing to havehave been the intellectual idol of his heen true of other colleges and Uni-About two hundred styles in a11- . . dfellows, was now looked upon with versrties. I 0 not believe howeveronly enough for one suit in some of h t h . ' , Iindifference, if not with suspicion. t• a. t e p.roportJon is nearly as de-the patterns. . hWhen General Francis Walker, a C!SJ\'e as It oug t to be. Nor have$35 for any of them, tailored in the man who had observed this change we made as much progress in this"Jerrem� way." with unusual care, was asked to ac- direction during the last thirty yearsHere's your chance to get more count for it, he said: "The matter is as might fairly have been expected.than you pay for. simple. \Vhen the nation had to go If the prize winner of the collegeCome in early if you want first to war for its vcry existence, and today are the strong men of the. choice. when our college graduates had the nation tomorrow, the strong men ofopportunity to serve their country the college tomorrew will all wantin places of prominence at peril of to be prize winners. 'Vhcn that con­their lives, the debaters stayed at .umrnation is reached, and not tillhome and left the athletes to go to then, will intellectual ambition andthe front. This is why, ever since, "ntcllcctual life come to its own asthe country has Iikcd athletes better he dominant clement in a universitytitan debaters." Now it is no longer of frcc and self-directing students,the debater, but the athlete, who oc- .mxious to prepare' themselves forcupics the center of the stage, Now ':he citizenship of a frcc and self­it is no longer success in oratory, .lirccting state,but success in sport, which is over- ··�-----------------lidolized.\Vhcthcr we should bc better off A. J. SHAWif we had less athletic interest in ourcolleges and univcrsities is a mattcrabout which thcre may bc difference TAILORS Bank floorvalescent Widows and Orphans.The quartet, who will be prominentmembers of the chorus, will be mak­ing their debut in the field of pro­fessional stageland. Whcn Mr. Clar-ence Dickinson, director of the pro­duction, was casting about for likelymembers of the chorus, hc was ad­vised to try some of the men in theGlee club. Hc has declared himselfpleased with the ability shown by thefour men whom he engaged, and willretain them for future performancesof the opera, if these are arranged.for business wear."I'AI'LOR FOR YOUNG IIKMA. N. Jerrems, Mer·Two stores: 131 La Salle· at.. ad44 Jacboa BoaleftnJBANJO VIRTUOSOHyde Park Conservatory ofMusic.:)f opinion. Therc is, I think, no dif-No bcttcr Holiday present. terencc of opinion that wc should be IFootball gives place to the great· ... great deal bcttcr off if puhlic at­est of Winter Sports-Ice Skat. 276 East 57th Street.rC:lchcr of Banjo, M:mdolin andGui!ar .Spcci:ll Attcntion Gi\'cn to Clubs.tcntion were more largcly fixcd oning. the intellcctual prizcs and so uponDon't forget that ·there is only one the athletic ones.make of Skates that will always be • • •ready to �r.rve you wen.Orelf r Barney & Berry Skates fromyour dcalcr and write for our FreeCatalnr.. showing complete line.BARNEY a: BERRY.2 7 3 B r 0 adS t r e e t,S p r i n g fie I d. Mas s. Mere Talk Will Accomplish Little I l'YPEWRITERS-"VISIBLE" ANDThis rCS\I1t is nnt going to be I "OLD STYLE»'reached by mcre talk.whc:hcr against \1 The Fox dcmonstratcd in yourathletics or in favor of �cholar�hip. J oom. or ollicc. The b(:st standard 1,\hout half a ccntury a�o. not iar macllJJlc. If 40 pcr ccnt. discount onfrom thc time whcn Charle� \\'illiam a ncw typcwritcr looks good to you,Eliot was in thc H�ryard boat. the tl0tifvG. :\. Starring. 140 S, D. Hall.pre�ident of Harvard wrotc a letterto thc prcsidc·nt of Yalc. in which hccallcd upon him for �ssi�tancc in... topping thc contcmptihlc �nd de­ sport of intcrcol1cJ.!iateboat racing. Thcir efforts "'crc bound Ito bc fruitless. \Vhy? Not becauseintcrc('.l1cgiate boat racing is partic-AN ADV. IN THEDAILY MAROONIS AS GOOD ANINVESTMENT ASYOU CAN MAKE.HAVE YOUINVESTED? I'-..-55th AND ELLISFULL MEAL 10 c and UpBraiden's Lunch CounterBRi\IDEN, ex-'lO, U. of c.55th A.ND ELLISDON'TRUN DOWN-TOWN LOOKING FOR LADIES TAILORSAND BE DISAPPOINTED IN FIT AND WORKMANSHIP.BUT CALL AT •••••P. D. WeinsteinLADIES' TAILORPhone Hyde Park 12!12. 433 &. 55th Street.won their successamong collegemen entirely ontheir merits.Their sales grewas smokers "foundout" how goodthey are. Tb e ironly advertising� was the per­...... II_........._� sonal recom­mendationof friend tofriend.20fOrlSc1-- -III I;J� j, I� i! OLASSD'mD�V.RTISnmKT.BARGAINS ALL THE TIME­Reliable Rebuilt Typewriters. allmakes; rebuilt in our own factory;better and cheaper than others. SeeIr yourself. The Typewriter Ex­change, 319 Dearborn St. A. J. Couse,lfanager. Telephone Harrison �06S.PHlVAi-� iNSTRUCTION in Ger-man, by an experienced teacher.E. 1\1. Fischer, 6054 Monroe Ave.,Apt. 44.�I" LAJ.,v 'IO RENT- Choice room for I or 2;steam heat; bath; $3.00 week; board:f desired. 341 East 53rd St.,FOR RE�T-Sunny �-room apart­ment 1 Y:i . blocks from University;all convcuicnces ; rooms large andairy, and comfortable. Inquire 3rdflat, 438 E 57th Street.FOR Sn.LE-llachelor·s Gown, whichwas made to order of finest rna-Iterial, aim�st new. Price $10 .. 00.Address ':\115S L. E. W. Benedict,1704 Roscoe Boulevard.LOST-··One Lucine Finch poster, byIrene Curtis and one Thanksgivingpos � er by Lydia Lee. Return toWomen'sHall. League rom, Lexington� YOUNQ LADIES' AND GEN­TLEMAN'S Select Orch .. tra isbeing organized by Min A4a RaC­ers, Mandolins, Guitars, Banjos,and Zithers. Those who wishmembership ca1I between 10 and 12a. m, and 2 to 8:30 p. m. 480 E.\7861st Street. THE DAILY MAROON, TUEiSDAY, DECEMBER IS, 1908.noteign.nes:IECEmOR TO DR. WEVER �� �D WOId:N F�N�� RIGHT HERE let US coD'rincl,.�Q�D � J(.)INT ��STI.NG that evei'y one� Of the .na�-JDIMsuits that you buy downtown is DOtworth much� or nearly as much btthe real value of the. cloth and tbtworkmanship as you pay for it. Inthe first place. they are made in theTI I . CI The Fencing Clubs of tile Uni sh h theie nternational ub is making - sweat ops. were auits ..plans for a big reception to be ten- ver sity held all informal meeting Sat": manufactured in a hurry� and do ...dercd, Imperial Consul-General Wal- urday in the Faculty room of Barrlett of them made at the same time. No.tiler W ever at the Reynolds club to- Gymnasium. The main event of the one garment is given any pam.morrow at 6 p. m, evening was a lecture upon the "De- attention.The Japanese Consul-General Ka- velopment of Fencing" by M. de These manufacturers put what the,:lOU �latzub"ra and Mrs. Matzubara isauviere which was illustrated by call slant pockets .. and just a f_and the Imperial and Royal Consul of bouts between members of the team more unnecessary frills. which michtAust ria-Hungary will also be pres- and the two instructors. consist of a few very carefully de�cnt, Included in the long list of dis- The lec.ure traced the various weap-lsigned creases or something of that� t iuguishcd persons who will attend "n;, of prehistoric peoples down to sort, and then charge you enormOusI are President and Mrs, 'Harry Prart the anus of the middle ages: showing prices for a suit. If you have evtrJudson Dr. H. K. Parker, Professors that irom the heavy striking swords bought one, you can well remembc:Cliar le s E. Xlerriam, Samuel Harper uescended, with the introduction 01 what you thought of it after you ba4and Charles R. Henderson, of the gunpowder and the consequent dis- worn it for a while.University faculty; H. C. Baker; carding of armor, the Spanish rapierc, So much for that. Now if you wantmanager of the Daily News free lee- and out of that the modern light to wear clothes that are made by •turcs ; Thornton Chase, superintend. t;'rench foil. While dwelling on the expert tailoring establishm;nt ofJ.onccut of the Mutual Life Insurance broadsword, he demonstrated the standing, and who will give JOUrCompany, Invitations have also been accuracy with which it could be case the same treatment that a dodotsent to the president and faculty of handled by snapping wafers in two will a patient, or a lawyer his cliCDt,Northwestern University. Many upon his watch. The bouts in broad- then call onhave already answered in acceptation. sword were between Messrs Shere- WATTERSON & SOUTHWARD,and it is thought quite likely that shevsky and Alexander; those in TAILORS.President Harris will attend. Hugo rapiere between Messrs Hunnurn and in the Association Building,Varga: of Northwestern Law School. Levinger, Mix and Fichman; and 153 La Salle St.president of Northwestern's Cosmo- those in foil between Messrs Davis They will make a suit for you justpolitan club, was the guest of Muz- and Baldridge Kerner and Lescano, the way you wan't it made; you dictatezaffir Rathe, head of the local organi- and M. de Bauviere and M. de La- to them and they will do just as 101zation, yesterday, and said that the moroux. tell them. and not try to talk you ,dean of the Law School was certain into something else.The most mportant point about itall, however, is that they will charD$35 for a college suit and they wiUgive you the full amount of the ab.solute value of c1oth� workm�tryon and satisfaction and not nomi-nal value. • .Try us cut on our proposition. Wehave made good at another univer­sity. and we know we can make goodat the U. of C., if you will give as, Istart.In no respect does our pre­eminence in young men's mas­terful tailoring show morestrongly than in our FullDress garments. International Club to Have �Consul as Special Guest TomorrowEvening --J3panese and Austria­Hungary Consuls to be Present.We demonstrate that such at­tire can be made according tothe strictest edict of correctfashion, and yet have individ­uality, character, tone and ex­presai\'enHLWe use only the finelt fabricsknown. the mQst depcn-:ablelinings and trimming',Wit� aU their attractiveness,our FuI1 Dress clothes are noless attractively priced.Our suits fer every day wearor kncckabout, are the limitof perfection. To own one isan assurance cf all around fit­neslr-they look fit and makeone feel fit.Suits or Topccats, $35.00 Up.THE BOWS COMPANYFULL DRESS SUITS'10 B.BNT M_ 4� Bauvierc Gives Lecture onD�velopment of Fenc:in& Illua­tra�eci by Bouts.::::;::!.­Vol V::e:.EXPEIIDinne51])iplo:ulty'ficOof tht"crsit'politavcrsitof ti-onlyguestNortiherefiftypresealreamany kindnesses received duringthe Fall quarter.0'(to be present tomorrow evening. U&a==--- .. --- ... -- .... .----.President Raffie said yesterday that The Daijy -Ma�on- is'-th� -officialhe expected a crowd of over two student publication, contains all thehundred, . Each of the members, who campus news and deserves the sup­now number ninety-three, is permit- port of evecy student.ted to bring with him a lady friend,and the guests from Northwestern \.and t he city will swell the attendance -..-=-,,-.oItLII.- ...-.-:s- ..-...-......-r-_-_-. ..-....:--·-_---.--.. -.. -. -­This is an' early reminder ofyour social indebtedness for theT. G. SCHAFFNER a: CO.-State St. Room 27. Cent. 4875r A Fou�iain Pen F�;Christmashas the biggestthe(Continued from page I)David the Penmanof Inadver- to considerab'c proportions.The program in detail has not asyet been announced, but will becompleted today. An interesting oneis promised, and will be worthy oft he significant occasion. The pro­;;ram committee, consisting of Win­.. ton Henry. chairman; Ned Earle andRichard Meyers, is making everyeffort to this end. The receptioncommittee is made up of E. G. Fel­scnthal, chairman; Harvey Fuller andB. H. Krog. Finances are in charge',)f Lester Stern, Herman Felsenthaland C. H. Greene.. U. fountain penss. selling all thetised makesI handle none but guaranteed lines,and every pen that leavesthis establishment, is abso­lutely perfect, or alineCUT atPRICESNOT ELIGIBLErSCHOMMERII192 Clark Street . \Expert repairs of all makes done while]h· h·!Not 19 prices wait iact that the two rules are at vari­ance, and that the latter cannot takeprecedence, Illinois evidently hasforgotten to take into considerationthe fact that if their protest is en­tcrcd and accepted, they will lose theservices of several of their trackmen.\\:� c+nsin stu.leurs also declarethat Rogers. who is at present coach­ill� tl.c U;,.:::�e:- squad, wr.uld also beclig iblc if Schommer is permitted tocompete, as present conditions indi­cate.pen.Eggerman Purdue CaptainFred \V. Eggcrman of Fort Wayne,lind., was elected as captain of thePurdue Univcrsity football captainf(lr I�). by a unanimous \'ote of thet(.':l111 Saturday at Lafayctte. The star1 tackle is a Junior, and last year was1 hi� tlr�t season as a Varsity player.I Edw:lnl J. Stewart, former coach"i :\k'mH \. ernon college at Al1iance.i Ohio. was appointed coach of thcBoilermaker basketball squad.AMES HATSSmart shapes of unquestionable tasteand authority from which the selec­tion of a bec:oming hat may be made.The superb quality is paranteed bythirty-five years' experience in seIlinKfine hats.Are lOU interested in footban, bas­ketball, athletics of any kind? Thensubscribe for the Maroon and keepposted in' all athletic neDt ..B. L. AMES HAT CO.Lar,est Exclusive Hat Store in Chicalogo EAST MADISON STREET:-: UMBRELLAS :-: CANEGLOVES Ht'westsure'brinlaDdTl'COSInerbaspres. -coruW A T':\'ERSON & SOUTHWARDOrder now-Cut Flowers, Plants,small or large. to be deliveredXmas morning. TAILORSRoom 502. Association Builcfin&..153 La Salle Street. Tel. 6191ANDREW McADAMSDECORATOR53d St. and Kimbark Avenue.Tel. Hyde Park 18.,'J)ecSOilCh:ChSalthePhone Central 10"_'AlFRED PEATS s £0.Foreign and Domestic SH'IRTS=-Equal in appearance, in fit. andin wearing qualities. the pro­duction of the careful customshop. They are excepbooal1ygood value at $1.50' and more... 9 CLUItTT. PE OOY & co.M .. KE ... 0 D. COLLA".144- 46 Wabash Ave.Chic:aco•WALL PAPERSAND DRAPEBlBS sclofncofcaHAND·WOVLN PILLOW COVERS FOR DENIN THE UNI VERSITY COLORTHE LITTLE BOOK' SHOP434 East Fifty- Fifth StreetMRS. EDITH SEARS. Phone MidW&7 SI"Correct ClotheJFOR COLLEGE MENWe appeal to your intelli,ence tow ear Mad c-t 0-1Ieuw-eClothes. You will find them better anel cheaper in every way.We make SUITS and OVERCOATS at$20 upThe most complete auortment of woolens to select from in­c1udin, new colon and lat.t patterns. Materials, style' a.neSworkmanship paranteecl. The CoIleie Man's individuality indress is recoanized a.ll over the world. Add this individuality toour expertness. and the r..ult will be distinctive clothes. IBELL TAILORING CO.E. R, Bradle7. Pres.s. W. Cor. Clark St., Chicago.