... I.� .,f-.�� �.-�_:":._._.._:::_ -.:. :.:'�' _.'\' • ,,,,�. , ••• "" eoi .: . .• _ _-._ � • o. �.w • '_' _.' ._"':1', •.. ""1:' ... :. -.'.-�.", "."BUily rO&jT.BA�J;�-- -E.-?'-T-RA- -. --!. _, .',. .. .:f � �. -" -; ; .. J--'-11":"-.-:';l":�'��;d::?':-'; 'D"��"�\�"�tt;��'-:".....• ''; :� .: ..) r t • ,. .•. :: • .; ::>:: . _, d .' ...• I r .4.. _ '-_ r,- �'. .• '"... t •_ • r .":'. �"'" �.' .: • \'. •._., _j •. . :_> ... � .� .... --�." . : ......Vol., \TII.. No.: 33. : .. �.' _. . _. � -' . i I'ICBltAGO AND COl ·G \T-8-6�}rm:. '. I _ -", -... : .- -:. :. ," .'�;" '. ..; ,.:.-AI AtIlST-· OleHllsED, ''\ UIEup PRACTICALLY,- "OUY."CLiSSES' . CORIEll. -EAST -WEST COIFUelRESULTS II TIE SCORE; �/CHICAGO SHOWS CLASS ..Itbacans Score Touchdown at End'of First .I-Jall,. Aft.er Chicago, Threatens. Repeat� 'to Cross�al of B-temers.�. -. - ::�-IlBICAGO mOIG"AT ma. •_ . J.. �... .. • . , ,Schommer Scores for' Cbic:a&o and', . • i < .... ' f ." _', '..� '.:Stefl'en and Page Play GloriousFoot�Time-Takm'Out but- - .Once 'fOr :'Chic:ato .:"!.::'�� •.•. '_lIaroons Give SpeCtacUlar EXhibitionof New· Style Galne ai1d Last·Better·· Tba,n' Visitors..' . stBO.iJrstolEs�·, pontIs."I - .... ... � .. ,. ., ....... '�ptaiD·W�--:-��-Game' -.: at Full-Visiton Tac:tle Hard, .but' tii,,·ljP', sioWlY. '�:. I �. .": r:;; ... ,j � j r-')rlOn. .. �. :��:rE, iway:.:I, in-'e I', !1. ,jIII II.I:. !I;I II,I:I,: IIt�I \! .! jH.. ,�.THE DAILY ){AROON, ,SUNLM y., NOVEMBE,R� IS.� 1908. �• ." � .�iI��,_. ��;;:;! f::"!r...!�. ����1JlWBIIUft.··· >, ' . " ..,. Clicac�., ��),h_�._��,�,���.:,�� .. :.�,� A�l� ��.. f¥�daY'.4 p. DL, K�t. ,. ;..fte o.daI IItadat .PW.,... � .. secre., :-n�y .�i11, be n�ecl··.,pe� '�::"'���tiDc Club. Mo�� I. :...Oalnalt7 a« � Sat�y, .';heo Chicaco a:Dd w.-s.cotf. dar .. ,f:J).';n, �L�eton 2. L)SecoG Ka11 at tbe sin fial1t �t the 'claian t�. cha�pi�� .��'p�Vin�,·at University �r . -; .-lllatend.. 4-c1aa. � ship of the West. Chicago must win "ices, Mandel hall. Sunday, II a. \no / .P_t", Chlcap, Wla" Muc:a 1" that aame clearly and, decisively. Organ recital •. 10=4,5 a,: m, .�1801.. -- Mt of IIuda .. 11T8. Rabab, by Donald Robertson Com-------------- EX�BllPORANEOUS· SP�� I)am-;:-�__.:m::�.���_=PabUahed da1l7,eseeptSwuIQa, IIGDdQa ENTRIES CLOSE '1I0�4�: ;. :PlUloaopbiCal:� .lImtdaY;-i:):Jo.. d holJ4Qa, dvlq three 4laarten � tM _.' .: '. p�� � :.%aSt.::room-:.of::� �:1iUiI'·�,,-;::::=---.tiDlnnll7 7eu. Frabmen IDteDdiDc � .Compete.are Su�ject: Royce's. "I!.:oyalty:' by":Pro-Urged to Rqiater-PrelhDi-.' fes�or :'1'uf15. .' :� L .: .:,;,' •, " Daria Nut Thursday. '.".. A S� Train, t�"Wisc;onsiii' ��e-.' - : Jea�:iDl63rd fs�eet._(,L. C�).� sbtic)n ::atFinal call was issued yesterday to 7:45 a. m .• Saturday, November �I,Freshmen who Intend to enter.. : the will be -arranged, if' 1..25 'students signextempore speaking contests by· AS- up at Informa!i�n office or Reynoldssistant . Professor' Blanchard. Mon- Club as- 1villin�',iO'�o then .. .: .. :SubecrlpUon price. $3.00 per 7eu; day is the iast day on which' entries '.. ·::J�isconabt·,: S�en� �ilI', "meet ',LOO for the -contest w'n be received, first Thursday,.',. p.::m ., �f Cool)·8B.. . 1'-. -eer'· .i!. oW' Dkiefor- I mOlltbL SuIIKrlpUona recelTed at I···· . 'b '. h dId' fo� . - �y' gtile IIaroOIl oalce, ElUI5 IIall. CII' at tbe pre rmmaries emg sc e u e Cap and " GowD�Ectitor&; CaD be -eon-I'&cwQ BzchaD&e. Cobb BalL next Thursday, . November 19.• suited 'wit� �tt'.Y. aft�oos{: in' Ellis 3. � I .The contest is open to a I stu- from': 3 ' to.. 4 o·dock. Communic:a'_��hri���uili�9m��t���i���'��i·� ----------------------------�PRESTON F. GABS, � Editor. and carry to the win�er in the. Ii mils ch.ange � I :MELVIN J. ADAllS. Ne .. Editor. two scholarship awards. Details for WaD�-:-� Uiliv�rsJty m�tto� to �beABE LEO FIUDSTEIN. Athletle Editor.. the competition further than the first use9 j� the. seal,' design, . Box 213,OSWALD F. NELSON. BaalDea IlaDqer. p�eliminary are not ready for an- Facul,iy Exch:lnKe�"HitchcoCk ··.Ho� hol4� :a smokerFriday evening.' . for the' purpOse ; 6£RAFFlE CHOSEN P�SIDENT making '�the acqua�ntance 'of its '�ew, '- piano'. 'All memb�r�: of lhe 'univc-r-International.. �ub Elects OfficerS. 5ity who �:��e beert '�t. �n:r·'.tinie �esi, for Year at Opening Meeting. .' dents in 'liitch'cock 'llaiF\A�': K. 'ParThe Internation�l club elected of-:. ker, . Head of . .Hitch.cock· ha1tI . . ".. , "fieers for the present year. yesterday. Buster' BrollfD candies ·o� '�ale at'�e following were elected: presi-:- Leagu.e rp�.n �it"�p�JC) t9<lay, .'d�nt, Sinore Muzaffer Ra�e, a Per.- , . .', . : ", ., . -'.B.,� Bauklulce aao=-EmeRllle·... sian; vice-president .. · Conrado J .. B�- , .. ". ,::,: I' -YOU :ICNO.W how it is a 801U'Ce of .atiSfactioD to You. ·to .co�)Ionia. H. BrlcP. nitez, from the, Alilippine islan4�;. :��T�··�!l:�E '�9 into a tailorinc estabUabment of the first daiss order aud look aroUDd'_______________ ,c9rresponding sec:rdary, C. P. Mc-. . "�.� DEP�JlENT I ..' IIIIJIt.iIdaI �.... • p. IlL. .. BaD. Cullough; recordillg secretary, paul , ; . '. <�'" '.: ,�.� .... ' . "", at Samples. withoUt having a ulesmm pegging. away· at yOU tr,mt1J1ahtaIU. 'I'a �·Puk 4a .AItIIr. P. 'w d �_--..;... . d A1lDounces . .' O�:' "'_A�tion' "..for ; to .make you' �eve that JOU wut this and that. aDd when 70U )mow:... IIuoaa � 6T6 .. 1IUa...... or.&. Jbde an er. a �AUan; an treasurer, . . '_' -" .. �: ,�,-� .',-- : . .,.,',.. ..:':'_ ._'1__ . .f'uk ... ', Nicholas Sanko"-sky. a' Russia�..· AspiraDU(.f:o:' P��:' �. __ ���"'. :YGU �t 8Om:� �The next meeti�g will be a smok�� : : � �pus" .�otogtaph�:· : "� l.�. U you have never eDjoJed Reb • priviJece. �t is. the richt to�II ... CGIltrlbatl_ IDQ ... left at ... .', .d -,::. - .' " <, - " ', to --"'19 h -� 100'- d --� _: .. 1. th d &LBall _ 1'ac1il- _ ..... .:_ � to tb in Reynolds: cl.ub.·, Sa, tu.t a�. �even�g,· " : ', '" 'C()�". o� �'_""_lLme:Dt tUIU' a. alOUD .,..... .-- out e o�- ... _... h b ." • .-A. �ateti� :,Phbtrigr, apb�rs' a. ��. in 4te; . .It.. --'1� '--- _"'111 ':.d-' .._ •Dall7 �. ' . ;,.. .' Nov .. 21. ¥��lC� �nd:::'�,���. �;t��� ,��.,�O�����;.�:.'W&J&._:-�I jQu. ,t ........ ��WJIlt._%!U\,.,lR,.��. pronunent men of the C;lty WJH �.OP �nd�. for ,th�; �Unh�erJity. �Zine, us a call,'�"�, will treat you.. �th the. utmost. JdJIdly coDSid��oD.�. ' . ''',< J!I' ;ttcord .wi.th its. ge9.eral .eXpansion - .Hats off '0 .h •. team that wears th�:�:=:'n has be.n· issu.d to all po)icy,' the ...... .inall".;". 1� its ruture . W. attenon .c.�· Southward';;·students to become membtrs �f�t� ��.iti��:; 'wilL" �eyc:lol!.e.,·11!e·,::��� of �. maroon. With only a few· minutes many·' 'c3mpus Vit!ws' and- -�efteS"-"t Roo� S02 '. n" .to play, a strong wind club. r-,.. ::.' ; University·' life:" 10:."' !'fJe:: 'past': qttite:: T�De 'eenbai Glgi.����,� .�:�������;����.��'---'�'-�'-.'�'--'�'-�-------�--�------against' them. ,and an FO� LBCT� :':il I1T'many'l!Sues .. but a:Pt-Olk>sed.changc-almost �ntirely " fresh --' '. "in�·the ��'a�Ii1Y�:of .1tae pape� 'ustd: lB.team· playina on the UniverSity ExtcDsion Department parts 'bf tb'e":"iDagazine-:will allow::a.AnnOUDces LectarcS for' 00-::::'·other side, the OUcago men started mOl'e extended"use of cuts 'thandorferent Parts of' City., , ...in to do things yesterday with a -.', _ ,mtdy. �'�'. .�:: :�::! ��:;.' ";:.!.:' ;'.:�.. ddt d t . tie that The Umverslty ExtenSion ASSOCla- A h'gnt an espera e e ermma on _"'t present t e edItors are consid-Id h t th th gh. lion offers four lectures in the ,v, a-wou ave sen em ron a crin��: plan to �i:reate"·;an aft ;depart-II d th hed th b· riODS centers this coming week:.,' On I' bahl hstone wa an at rus e Ig _ ment. ;, t�·J�Il'i.)1:o ',. e'� "t::a,: specialed f lth if -ts f • the North SIde on Monday Professor A' 'II L_ laced - h .fr team rom aca 0 lee.., . .. Qyltf)r .WI .. � p" "tD:':C arge 0while Chicago marched the whole L. B. Jones, �:rector . of MusIc,. WI�! this. work. ;; A�., studepts ._iD;,1��le�ted !nlength of ilie field to tie the score. speak on the. An__alysls of a, SOng: photography., JDay. : �er; ,the compeThat march down the field was bril-' Dr .• Coulter wall gIVe the first �f hiS tifion -(Of a plac:c;,.o� t�'�; �ille �r,liant; it was thrilling; and when senes on �ants Tuesday eVeDl�g at if preferable,. receive lucrati�e remu-Sch th r f' Abraham LIncoln Center., The, sub- n, �tion fo� their.: photnarap' Ii;. _ .. Theommer went over e Ine or a. I be h"S gI £ ' Exist -,," .' .. . ':"0·. __ ' •.touchdown, the bleachers went wild.' Ject :1 t e trug e' or:' -na.�es. of.:;stu�!=.�ts)���re��ed),n th�sThe grit and c9urage 01 the team in enc� d ';:::;: :CQmpetition. s,hQ,uld., be. sc.nt tc? Boxthose last minutes �f play, cannot be : urs ay nigh:. Dr .. H. L. Wi!lett 9: F���ty ��b.an"K�,' �are ,o'f U"i'-h· hI • ed I bli hed· wall lecture on Moses� Leader:and v���i·v "M' 3. ga'�in-'�. .,.., .. , .. , 'too Ig y prals . testa s ItS. .. �. . .• ' , Law-GlVer" on the West SIde antl:!at .' ,',' ., .. ' .'-:reputation as a fightmg team of th� M . H II P � W N G h' ':c.: .. " '.: ..'f h • ed d' USIC a. ro,essor, . . ut - ----------,,_...----first water, I t at reputatIon ne e . '11 . h· Mod . N I ,'; ': .. " ��.:.. , ... . .' 'ne WI contmue IS em' ove-any estabhshme after the MlDnesota . • h b' f h' L_, 1St senes; t e su Jec:t 0 t IS numuc:Tgame. being "The Preathers' Novel: Tol-The question of whether Chicago stoi and Zola.". ' .:":' .. :.' .,-' .. ,::: ..I)utplayed CorneH is one fruitless forinterested persons to discuss. We cansay that Cornell is beyond doubt thestrongest team Chicago has met sofar this season. It: can also be saidthat if the Cornellians will study, thedetails of the game of yesterday' i�a scientific, and unprejudiced frameof mind they will reach certain necessary though perhaps painful conclusions. But the game was a tie,both tcams played wonderful football, and the contest lived up to theprediction that it would be the greatest exhibition of twentieth centuryfootball enr 2iven. SPECIAL PRICBS TO· PltATBRIfITmSAND SORORITIBS:1 make • II*ia1t7 of aD alSon»rit7 aDd. Fratenlit7· Pia, RiDp I'ok.,Daipa � me of cbap,... ample piDa fandIbed to II-.,aaib" parties.1 abo do aD IdDda of Watcb aDd J"'1I7 � Diamoad 8ettiIICbicqo ..s..� at tile c-.,.. poaible prica. 1 am the maker III. ,daiper of tile. 1107-1" � II __ D ...l'ormerQ.The UnlYelalt7 of Chlcqo Weekl7........II18a Mamte LU17A. Co Whltfleld Jerome N. II'raDkROberta B. OWaaBarcr&ve LoqW. A. WeaTer A. N. Pfeifer£BT DI'1'O.�7 BalcJr1dp. ,.ARealGame ofFootballOar Aim.--Accuracy and QualityThe 'Bat at a' Fair Price '.:':"'::':GENERAL�HARDWAREITALIAN TABLE D'HOT]t ':5OC-75c:-$I.ooINCLUDING WINEAt.o a la Cute SeniceOpeDDailyand ..Sundaysfrom' .II A. II: :RoUand's Pbannacy ,-And now it is on to Madison, forthe one game that Chicago imperatively must win is before her. Therooters can honestly take some ofthe reSected afory of the tam ia SPAGmrlAfISUCH AS ONE G� IN IT.�r..�I4I-STATB STRBET-146U:CO�.�� . .. s. W. COmer', ssth stieet· -.and IlIIdi.,ia Amn.e c·- �"..._. ----_...... --- ...., ..., j � ·t. 1aIre. De ca .. :• " ' .:l... . -' ,. Aft IIIPRBSS10Ili. dIat will eliDe to JOD. e" e aafter JOU 'baY. pM.'ed... .to create tile BEST IIIPRBiaIOJf8 you mUitwear CLOTHES of iCHARACTBR-dotbea t batabow YOUR OWII iDdi�tbeatbatan,made_for YOn OWII � that th,__ .. -. CRAP'rSIIAN '_ ..,._ • Jih.tiiDe to 1 •• r D to''_'.. , .. make. Your REPUTATION _ • coRREcT and-'--:_ "tiAssr' 'drai.. _ ..iarect� if we make yon rCIotba. .. '1 ere for boldiner muffed a�U went 10sterners cotII, and hadbo caught thnd time, andaU on Chica�·CormAn att\!mpte<round and C(-ards. A COlunt by Captait field goal Iy the visitingnut carried toaught a Cor I5 yards. Calagnificent 30val on Corneer 'nabbed aor' Pai:e, He.Our prices for ... ta or �ta ruce from S3s.. :�Come iD Dat time 7Ou're doWD 'taWll, aDd let 'lIS pft you ODe of 'our coDeee poRaa-iDddent.ally we'll get better ac:qaaiDtecI.. � .TAILORS 1151 ...... 51..... fIeOrIllinois Couege of Commerce'FormerlyATHENAEUM18 u:.26 VAH BtiREN STREETYOUDC P=op1e'! quatifiect ill our' Shorthand ·aad BuaiDea ·departmeDU.iIl the ah�. jossible � for poaitio... that pay. -at oncefrOm .135 . to. S60 • moDtb. IDdividuAl mtan&ctioD. DAY' and NIGHTscSsioiia. Enter�' . time. Call; Write or ,'phone HarriaoD:catalope. . PoilitioDS JOr andaateL 31:ran . of ,UlliDtelluptecl saciCeaa. -,:� SAJaJBL B. WILLEY, LL. 8.; SaperiDteDdcat, orward pass.printed 12Gardner'S trycaled withinrogress agailline, and wh,een IthacanMowe Se team .Fage kickecran back ISpont, Steffen .int(Between �ters club ple(Roo1As Chicag'M AIm ·MHit'ND- LA UNDRY noring thethe Varsity, .in the men .. :minedly, inof the incSTRICTLY HArm WORK·LaUlldry, 570 B. 55th s.treetif' SchommerEasternersthe Varsityto Steffen, tChicago go;gain after r,and the malon their 35ley and �hammer th,bucks and 'each. Stefl'can left ext22 yards.started thei:1rith the r<from "'hichtaken dowl1for a fieldattempt swgoal posts.The punt,eel 8 yards.88th AND ELLISMI,DNI6HT LUNCHHall "Feeds" Supplied Up to I A. M.URDU N&W IlAHAGBIIBMTBRAIDEN, ex-'IO, U. 01 C.58th. UD ELLIS� DAlLY _IIAaOOH. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 15. IgoB..·�ST-��.�CO�C1. ..... : ._, oolhiq:biat f� in the �4!�;":-"'ALMOST-U'IICBAlfGItD ,_;.··�:·-,COItIIBLL,··1MuIa'f':LDI£.PLUtiQINO 'LUDD> ... _.:. ..... .RBsULTS .. iM;'·'1'IB; SCOU·· The lineQ: . I,.. Llrn::rc�':"J:Jnw. "'@I ( ( �. .- . :. � . -:: -_.'.:' . QiicaaO. -. .� .:- - - - - -. '_ (Continued f�cim pace. '1)". : '. '. P.a:ge' :: ... � •• R,; E..MCArthur, C.(CoatiD.ec'- froID ...... 1) durin. these few minutes' did' the Kelley, Pi.llf � ... R. T.� ••• ', O'Rou,ltoere ior boldin&- in the line. Sehom- Easterners outplay Chicago.' .. Hirschi, KeUy ..• R. G. Be� McC�ODIer muffed a forward pass and the Nervy Offenae- &Cora for Cbic:aco B�denoch. '0' ••••• C •••••••••••• W�h'�ll went 10 'the RCd team. Tbe The struggle throughol't "was pret- Ehrhorn, EUiOtt.L. G� •• ; .•• Coserovesterners could Dot ad.van�e the ty eve-nly matched, with' Chica&,o Hoffman • L. T ... ·•• .. LevenUyII and had to kick. Schommer, somewhat b tt' .la ' Schommer L. E.Hurlburt. Bayro, e er ID most p ces, on. 'ho caught' the punt, fumbled a see- account of great brilliancy of a few ·�te�en ..... ·0· B.Caldwell,-.Gardnernd time, and the lthac:ans took the of her men. 'Both touchdowns w�re ,ldd1Dgs .. 1.. H. B.Tydeman, Hoffmanall on Cbicago's 3S yard line. made against th . dad' • Crowley .•.•• R. H, B.Shearer, Mowe. e WID a Just pnor HutchinsollCornell pen.used to and following her score, Chicago .An attcmpte-d'forward pass hit the completely outclassed the Red and: Worthwlne ..••. F. B Walderround and Cornell was 'penalize-d IS White team. The Cornell goal �as. ..-ards. A Cornell player fell on a crossed by a daring play in whichi .GOLD DUST TWINS MAKEunt by Captain Walder. An attempt " . HIT IN BURLESQUE GAIlEt field goal placement was fumbled. � W"m Tbrce-quart-m Club Footbally the visiting leader. Steffen's punt- Battle after Desperate Ficht-nut carried to the 45 yard line. Page All SOciety Present.aught a Cornell' punt and returned__ .5 yards, Captain Steffen tore off a 99-0 in favor of the Gold dust twinstagnificent 30 yard run, planting the I The greatest game ever played onval on Cornell's 32 yard line. Wal- : Marshall Field! Even the umpireser 'nabbed a forward pass intended : are swindled! Three quarters for theor' Pase. He' w#s --forced to punt. : last time this year at yesterday's·hen his team mates were unable to game.rogress against St�gg's stone-wall Steffen passed whO; After the kickoff by Captainline, and when' Wa�lie fumble-d, a threw across to Schommer;' the lortte'r� Bronco of the Chicago team .Sistereen Ithacan fell on the ball rushing over for the only ChiCag� Velia returned the ball to the 4S yardMowe Scores Touchdown touchdown:' "Long John" then l.ine and was do�ned by Mr. Domino.On the next play, Mowe received a kicked a perfect goal, which tied the Her hat was dislodged and time wasorward pass. 'and with a clear field, score and evinced so stupendous a. taken out to refresh the' roses in .herprjnted 12 yards to a touchdown, 'roar from the Maroon bleachers that millinery, .ardncr's tTY for a goal just barely entjte blocks resounded with' the The game continued with about equalcaled within the crossbars, and the clamor, Never did a 'crowd mor� success. until the bereaved' Mrs.core stood: Chicago o. Cornell 6. gamely back a game' team than did Grundy got the ball and broke awayhe Eastern team's supporters went thc:,se east stand bleachers. They split for a score. 'In" the excitement ofild over this �erformance, and yell- . ·t\DT. ·n. I"" WAlDE¢s. the 'air with their yells, they filled al� the game. Captain .Bronco forgot tofor another touchdown,. whi�e the B7 eoarfeQ CIllcqo RDJDlDer. space with the whole-hearted singing kick the ball.ast stands .thundered forth a reper- Page at the receiving end failed, and of the Alma Mater and ather songs; The rest of the contest ,was notic-oire of Varsity yells to, .eneourage a Cornell, man got the balL Two at- and carried their enthusiasm· until able for' ��ch .rough and' trick play. -e team. tacks on the Varsity ,failed, and an "long after the game. marching '_arourid The feature of the game was a tandemPage kicked off to Tydeman, who on-side kick lande�...in. Steff'en'.s arms. the field and into the gymnasium. cross .buck �by the Zulu .queens andran back IS yards. Walder had to The Easterners held, and �unting 1 Maroons play a Clear Gam� an improvement on the "Whoapunt, Steffen 'returning'it for- 24'yards. was resorted to.·, ,., The defen.se of the Chicago; eleven, Back" which carried everybody' .,nthShearer interfered : with a. forward ' Worth,,;:M:·Sc:Ore.; I.' Recalled to, _,set: 10, �nd c,onSlderable diffi, cul�Y I which w�s . considered the. weakest �.' rush, ,T�e lady. in 'the Gibsonpass �'time- Was-caUed·�fOl' _;.:.t.be j-·After-(;orilell··bad"wor1ced .. the ball _-\'VaS e��en�, ,by, the players an part of the 'tum proved itself the bathing --suii caught-a "iiimble _. a�first' half 'with the' score, CbnieU'6, cioWn to: the Varsity twenty-yard distin�hlDK their m�n.. 't:Qual, if not ·the superior of the vis- and was downed by the An�� clu!dChicaeo o. .nark, a line smash was tri�., Sud- S�veral more mate�1 gaIns. we:e itors, as the ball was in the enerr-y's after an e.�citing '�hase of 20 yards.Between halves. �h� Th�,�9uar. denly' Worth wine ;� Was seen to regjstered t�. the er�l� .of . Chicag , territory most of the time. Cornenl A'· moment later the,'-whistle blew forters club pledges performed their an- emerge fro� tit;' heap, and,. aided 'by Steffen treatmg the 'YlSltlng el�ven to was within' str'iking distance less the close of the, pme 'Dual antics, and just before the ap- Iddings"_' interference, tore away -for a bewildering assorment of tncks and than one third as often as Chicago., 'pearance of th� teams, �e. Chitago 90 yards and a _'touchdown. ljbe a rapid fire attack of tackle. th�ough threatened to' cross the oppon�'ntli ARRANGE BADGER SPECIALrooters displayed the "C", Bag, which crowd went into ecstasy, only to center,and straight end runs. Through goal aDd the �ttack �nd (lefense 'uf_was gerierousl� applauded by . the lea�- a �o�ent" bier that Chicago this process the ball was worked the Chica�o i:3me was free 'from all I� c. Will Ran TraiD to .....west side of �he field,. had- been off-side, and had to- su(rer down to Comel!'s 15 yard ·Iine. indications 'of. brutal and rinsports- Noftmber u.Rooten CJ!ea: Team a penalty of S yards. A return �D- Schommer Tallies fo_r Chicago manlike roughness. The visitors.As Chicago appeared �__; the field al�y on Cornell for holding placed" Then came Chicago's touchdo"ml on tackled w�h' yiciousness that was tc:r- A "Wisconsin Special" has been arfor play in the second half: the sup- the ball :-ODt of striking distance' ofone of the best executed plays of the rific. . With the 'exception of .. the; ranged for the ga�e with the Badgporters of the team �ellt wild" ig- Chicago's itoal The Ithacans wereday. Three men were responsible for time in the n:�ddle of the second haIi er�, November 21, through an l.p.ee-Thi '. .. punished: apin�for the same distallce. when Page was thrown With fier..t-:,· ment with the' Illinois Central road.ooring the sc:ore• s 'ovabon to its infallible acc:urac:y. They were .,the Varsity apparently p�t new spirit Walder punted. Steffen fumbled. Captain Steffen, Page and Schommer, i�h violence time was Ilevcr take,l: On� hundred and twenty.:five. rooters, :., !Jut quickly recovered. d out for any of ChicaJto' s men. C�r-: must be pled-d before' the t�n �nio the men� as they started out deteT- the last named crossing the line an ,5 .....minedly, in th� face of 'the handicap Page Sho ... BriIIiDq planting the ball directly behind the nell ealied for time a dozen times and� be chartered.. 'I� will I�ve at 7=45'·a.of the incre�ingly strong Wind' Several exchanges of punts fol1�w- center of the goal posts. The trick pJaye-d a muc� slower game OD the rD., and will hive stop-over pri'Yilagainst them, which blew the snowed, Cornell finally getting the �ig- was the one that got the first score °bffensive. thafn :hicagof, seem!ns: hto, �ges 'uDti� '��.�. �Students int�t.d-'Onto thel'r fae"s. skin. aided by the wind, on Chica�·s .' M' trio I pass. It e sparnng or tIme a ter sconng cr; 109 to go may Sign at the Reyuplds... . agalDst lDnesota-a p e.' , , : ,.,� Director: Sta", �d� h�s first. �Gb- 30 yard line. From this poi� \\!'al- was a desperate chance to take, and' �ouchdown. The' Idea. now. obsol�.e\ dub or the IDfonna&ioa office.� 'tution �f- ���'"p!lf�������g ';F��� der made his seCo� try for a �I time was almost up when it was tried.; ID the west, that football IS dead.!y: , . •.'-"at right tackle and 'shifting Kelley frO!ydield, biltit reu ten yards shjJrt, Nobody was' more' surprised than: warfare seemed to pervade the ea�t· .� WOlDaO·S' cooltiDlt is what every-.,'-::. 'left guard. in.. 'Ebrllom'S' place_ aDd ',was' �ught b� Pa�, who sptjnt- the Cornell players.. They had the: ern team's. style of play. Chica�ll, I. Oody wants, and that is what you �t'. ell had. �p�to t�iS ·time sent in � '18 Yards before tieing .brought idea that the 'game was allover but however,gamed more ground by usmg; at 'he HO.tel Maroon.... fr h down. On the next play, he dodged h h' d tak- com'n.- es men;' . . .. ' t e s outlD&:.au were �.. -around and behiDd excellent Inter- I I ff h' rd A 'd thUD'Seco'" Hillf '., � pete y 0 t elr goa. ml -. The Mit· .., of pl __ . •• !L�' feTenc:e, and cOve� 30 yards of tlarf d' h f th Ch·c:ago Sup '8 IDa a. � er _ ..aej_ • before bein&' brouI'ht down. The, enng c eersh rom :_h ·m- made-' G. sChommer kicked off 45 yards. The.. .• " I porters at t e game � om ".. Making- Good armeD�Easterners were unable to penetrate tackle wa�. bard, and Oni� too� himself twice a hero by kicking' a'�he Varsity line, and Walder punted severahI II1Ifi nute� to. �thover It. hThIS goal, and the score tied: Cbic:aco �: The Cbicaco rooa..u 'T ..... Matchesto Steffen, the ball rolling over the was t erst time In t e game t at a C II 6 .well with Bows- CUsIolD Tailored 'ClothesCh' had II f' orne.:0 If' Chicago goal line. Cornell could not Ica&,O man to c:a� time. A f�w more minutes remained to . " _, ' ..gain after receiving Steffen's puntoat, SDaQ RaIl � play, and was marked by a steady HBJtn THE LINInJp: .ttiII and the maroon wearers got the ball The ball weDt t.· 0 CorneD, and the march toward the Cornell goal by D_ . _.. ___. ----..ue._ A-: __r _ EXP�RT COACH�avww'·�.:IiII...u Kiaauu.; --a-.on their 3S yard line. Icldings, Crow- Ithacans, finding they could not gain, the Varsity team, which had the ad-ley and Worthwine proceeded to punted. Schommer fell 011 the Irick "anlage of the wind. Each attempt TRAiNIN�� , wide' aperidce.hammer the Cornell defense with ban after it had been fumbled. A resulte-d in a big gain, and when STRENGTH-Bo � atanI� CCI. ractioa.bucks and dashes of 6 to 10 yards triple pass netted Ch.icago 8 yards, ths referee's whistle blew for the end IlUSCLE-Bo ... ' elucticiV and give permits Fall Pla� to masc:les.each. Steffen then skirted the Itha· bat Cornell got the oval on doW1ls� of the game, the ball was near thecan left extremity for a snaky run of After failure to gain. Walder punfed, center of the field in Chicago's pos- MENTAL AGILITY-Bo , �V to iDdrri� requirements.:l2 yards. Iddings' and Crowley Page heeling the catc� Steffen reel- session. GOOD BALANCE-Bo · perfectly "lanced c:attiac.started their machine-like work �in ed off another of those famous sensa- The rooters, who had stuck by thewith the result that the ball wls tional runs, evading nlbst of the Cor- team throughout the. game, rushed College Suits and O'Co.a '35.00, Up'from ,,·hieh Schommer droppe-d back nell team, and leadinc the rest of t)ut to congratulate the members of THS' BO' WS CO' M�. ANYtaken down to Comelrs 2s-yard line them a merry chase for :JO yards. the heroic band, and parade the his- 11:.1.�for a field goal from placement The The snow was begin.ri .. to fall toric battle-grounds in an their glory. IMPORTING 'TAILORS �'. CHICAGoattempt swerved to the right of the thicker than at aD7 � durin. the .Uterward, they assembled before thegoal posts. Secf)nd half, and the .... blew it into gymnasium and called Director Stagg .�. ilAioNic T�The puntout by Walder was return- the faces of the Varsity� To add to and the men On the team out of theeel 8 yards. A slloatri .. trick. with this cIdcoaafort, ........ Iaad ..... baseme1'lt for �ha., .... THE. DAILY MAROON, SUNDAY, NOYEMBER IS, 1908._t •ntDI m nOil-IUCillGAN 'COMSTOCg"'tAKES FIRST - - . _.- 1·_----··- .._-.. --- ..•. _ •._ .•..".- ---QU8ken Score � p_ OIl Y_'. ;ng c1:= �!�n� COUNTRY RUN MOSSLieR� CO.lien at AJm Arbor-Yale Beats But about :\Iadison avenue, 'Si�p- . - - - .PriDceton 11-6- Harvard HaDda son .dropped behind, and Hover, by - -··Ready-Service-Clothes"Dartmouth Defeat. 6-0. a little spurt, leu the squad, with 50 Jackson -. Blvd.Kinkead_ running second. Comstock JUST OFF STATEAckerman Market�. c- 'Hodse Co.CIUca&o. phone Hyde Part 1629A' YOUNG LADIES' AND GENTLEirAN'S Select Orchestra isbeing organized by Miss Ada RoCers. Mandolins, Guitars, Banjos,and Zithers.- Those who wish, .membership call between 10 and 12a. m, and 2 to 8:30 p. m. 480 E.·6ut Street.Feilebenfeld Bros.GROCERIES.MEATS.AND_BAKERYGOODSN. W. Cor. Monroe Ave.Phone Hyde Park 4236£�as.· M. EisenbergGROCERYaad MARKETADYBJrrlSlHQIII FRENCH CI.ASSES;, also privatelessons, Transtating, a specialty.Every Tuesday; 2 p. m. 276 East51tli' ·St .• ROsalie Hall'1III Mother�s doughnuts and mother'spies . are Maroon Hotel speCialties.�ry them c:>nce.-Adv.• CLUETT. pca.oo1' & co. .. "� 0,. a.H. �oua .. was wise enough to save himself forthe finish and dropped in behind theleaders letting them break the wine'for him.At the turn at Cottage GroveHover lost his head, and Kinkead andComstock faced the home stretch sideNavy S. Pennsylvania o,Brown 12, Vermont o, by side. Comstock. though, was. running easily, ,;,hile thc Purdue mat.Kansas 20, Nebraska 5.The fourth and' most decisive de- was pretty hard pushed.Ahout two hundred yards from thefinish, Comstock thought it was abouttime to leave his rival behind, and S0Comstock started to sprint. Kinkeadwas unable to stand the pace, an.eft the Chicago man to take firstplacl' and along with it the medal forndividual honors.Scores of Other GamesPennsylvania 2S), Michi£Cln o.Yale II. Princeton 6.�llinois IS, Purdue 6.'Harvard 6. Dartmouth o,Army 6, Washington and JefferSOD 6.feat was administered Michigan atthe hands of Pennsylvania yesterday.Before one of the largest crowds everassembled on Ferry Field, the Quakers crossed the �Iaize and Blue linefive times, and kept the ball out oftheir territory in both halves. Yost'smen fo�ght their opponents morefiercely in the first half, which ended -..,..-_� _.- , !with the score 6 to o. In the second DIVINITY SCHOOL ADDSsession, however, 'the Red and Blue TWO TRUSTEES TO BOARDtore down the field at will and Michi- TODAY AND TOMORROW!An ImportantSuit and OvercoatAnnouncement.IT IS IMPORTANTgan was at Penn's mercy.Yale Defeats TigersIn the East the Bulldog triumphedover the Tiger at Princeton by thescore of I I to 6. Princeton played afar better game than had been expected, showing a remarkable reversalfrom. the form they show-ed againstDartmouth last week. Eli's line wascrossed once, and at no stage of thestruggie did the Tigers let up a bit.Ai intervals in the second half, itlcioked as if Princeton would scoreagain. ."Yale will now rest up for a fewdays, arid then take a short workoutin preparation for its annual contestwith Harvard next Saturday,Dartmouth, whiCh walloped Princeton last Saturday, gave Harvai d aterrible tussle on' Soldiers field today,Harvard �innil1g by one touchdown,FPR aENT.:...,splendid ,House for a. . arid that in the last part of the sec-Fraternity at $85. Phone Goodnch "'d h- If A h' . 11 d'on a. s t IS was arvar sOakland 1701; Robert F Schenck, '. .: , , it -h.. C _ D " most Important game on 1 somea., 0 •• 430. rexel Blvd. .. . -'. nd I - d d f hgroun s, t re recor crow 0 t e sea-T�BWlUTPiG and Copying work son watched the conflict.' it is estimated that 40,000 packed the standswanted, a,t 433 E., 5St� St., ISt flat.Reasonable terms. .,t the biilt stadium.The -strong New Hampshire eleveniieid the Crimson team �en in thefirst half the session ending withoutany scoring. With fierce onslaughtin the second half the home teamfinally managed cross the Hanover's college line, and kick goal.pUrdue Scores on IUini because we have made up ourbest I��ORTED and DOMESTICwoolen fabrics into.Suits aJ'd Over.ceats of our latest creations �offer �em---read;y to wear�--at, aprice v�ntage.c. R. Holden and Julius Johmwn_. markedDowntown Lawyers, Appointedas New :Members.Mr. Holden was appointed to .suc- Includes:ceed his father, Mr. Wm. H. Holden, Fancy and Black Sack Suits, �"lglish Walking Frocks. Tuxedos mlwho has been a member of the board Evening Dress. In �v�r.coats-:-�laCit and Fancy Protector (many plaidfor about thirty years. Mr. Holden's backs) Overcoats. �d plain- sack Cnesterfield Overcoats 44 inchgrandfather, Hon. Charles N Hol-. ', . -. ' , to ,51• inch length, latest �odels.den, was one of the founders of the I .", (S II I '- .' amp e clippings mailed on request.)sc 100, a large contributor to its 'funds a�d President of the BoardAt the recent, annual meeting ofhe Baptist Theological Union whichontrols the Divinity School of .theI, niversity of Chicago, two members·, v ere added to the Board of TrusteesJf tl�e Divinity. School. The newtrustees are Charles R. Holden, ofthe law firm of Kraus, Alschuler &Holden, and Mr. Julius Johnson, 'alsoan attorney.of Trustees for many years,.:\Ir. JOhll:;OI1 was President of theBaptist School Union at the timeMr. Taft was the; guest of the Union'last winter. He is the son-in-law 01'Dr. James R. Boise, who was professor of Greek in the old University and the Divinity School formore than thirty years,Both these gentlemen therefore.iavc not only bcen acquainted withche work of the Divinity' School for'. nany years, but have been especiallyinterested in it.At Urbana, Fred Speik's Purdue ·�·EAMS BANQUET AFTER GAMEeleven negotiated a touchdown onthe Illini, although they were defeated 15-6. The Illini were forced tofight until the final "'histle blew, theheavy Boilermakers keeping their opponents busy all the time.. The biggest surprise <?f the day inthe West. probably, "'as the defeat ofNebraska at the hands of Kansas.In the light of Nebraska's strongshowing ail season, it had beenthought that the Cornhuskers wouldrun away with the Kansans, but inst�ad they were entirely outclasscd.Tbe Greatest Dilfttully(uicle from financial)a student encounters at conege is to find a satisfactory place to eat.We can't help you out on the LATTER, but we certainly canon the FORMER. A wcman's .cooking altogether, and everythingscrupuously clean should make our place one that appeals to University students, and we Want you to come over and see if it appealsto 7C)D...f.,j-.rI�Special SUNDAY DINN ERHotel TodayMaroonslTH a�. MfD DRDEL AV&.ALL THB CAIIPUS NEWS KAY BE FOUND IN THB DAILYIIAItOON. Chicago and Cornell Elevens and 'Studei'lts Eat at States. .II mmcdiatdy after the game yesterday hoth the C':hicago and Cornel.teams journeycd down town 10 the' IStates restaurant to eat and talk over. he great �ridiron contest. About200 students accompanicd the elevensmd for several hours the walls of the�an(}uet rooms of the eating place.·ang with the vocal demonstrationsof the late rivals .The best cookinilt IS now beingervcd at the Hotel �larcon.CIGARS LAUNDRYELECTRIC MASSAGEBARBER SHOPA. G. LANDPHERE�16 E. 55th StreetThings to Eat-362 E. 55th Street,where the Students �et the hestLunch and other Good Things atmoderate prices. Everything Home-I made. Give us a call. rhese suits and; Overcoats are. rare specimens of the highest skilledworkmanship, being st�ctly custom. and could be priced from $35 to �if indhiduaI' orders w�,e_ taken. The quality involved alone enables us tooffer them (while they fast) at130.00You'll recognize the values as soon as you see them. Youl1 find yoursize whether "you· be �l. 'slim, stout. or regular built (to 46 stout)._cMake your selection before the assoctment is broken.M'OSSLER co.50 JACKSON BO�L�VARDCorrect Clothec-FOR COLLEGE MENWe appeal to your intelligence· to· we arM a d �-t o-MeasureClothes. You Will 'find them better and cheaper in every way •We malc:e SUITS and OVERCOATS at. $20 up ,The most complete assortment of woolens to select from, including new. colora and latest patterns. Materials, style andworkmanship guaranteed. The College Man's individuality indress is, recognbed all over· the worJcL Add ,this individuality toour expertness. and. the result � be distinctive clothes.BELL TAILORING CO.E. 'R, Bradley, Pres.134 E. Madison St •. S. W.- Cor. Clark St.. Cbica�o •M. f. Fitzgerald & Co.MAKERS OF GENTLBUN'S GARMENTS260 East ssth Stt"eetIf you want to see something real .well in the newestshades and weaves for a suit of clothes, an overcoat or apair of trousers, for Fall and Winter, we have them toshow against an� house in the city. Our prices are lrithin'the reach of aU, -Vol. VJI. NcDONALD HIGIVEVoltair·s ,Kecsented ind.Memters of'Iheir PariP.The RobcrtVoltair'S comMandel Thurnouncement 1romedy willcaused no 1expected thaibe wcll atterno counter a:is no doubtcompany will; "The Prodigests, is a retament parabappear, fromsatirist is apeace, forgivthat will findaudience.- James O'Din his praiseforts in placi:r .. �:t;;;�1the Record 1��.lS thing bThci Prodiga6rthe lightlrisiory and·--; . ';.cutely read.:' Miss RedliSome excecomedy of6r �he Iun-ie\'cr�' perfoThe ras�M. Euphcn'pierre Eup......................M. Rond()n. ............:\I:trth:J. m;Jasmin. \,:11Baroness <I'II III :\ 5cr\,:lntBack EreH:lrry irctllrn('(l )�'hcr(' thetional con1Epsilon fl