I .'. Ifill:i: �-"• ..t· 'I .::. ... .- � _- L., '. ., .. . I \ _ ••8�1tlttt- �'. ,\ .... ,._0 ... ..... ... , .. .,, .. -t .._ ... __ .._ .... ... .c_ JC.A99� !�P��A�. N�VEMBER '5. J�.earn Will .� HaJ'!l- Wo�. Today in Scrimmace. Apinat tJ:t.e"Comel1izCcl" p� ,Iinoes.w'' ..I "er •. ·..of�• : j iIIII___ Jay"ELLAI·KAis�LM.- ,.' .. �TH& DAIL Y .: MARQON, TH.U�DAY, NOVEMBER S. .lgoB.· - �� - ---I,IIII.". r .... -7 ..• ... . '. .. -- --_.. : .'TIie � UDlftl'8l:' of ChIeaP· .-*1,.». �.�, .• '. '.:''I'M W�,. Oct. 1. 11ft.The DaIlJ'. Od.. 1. JOO".!., .a.. L. ,WIUD8'I'SIlf. AIbWIIt ...... W\!ALD r. nuoK • ..._ �.AUOOUTII IDI'IO"1liiie JIamIe LUII'. Jerome N. FraiaIt'� &. Q; ·"W.1aIUle1c1 BoberU B. o.ra. ....' .... :7� 8alkq Baqraft l.-a' .• .;:A.�W.aw. . A. II. � .n America.i�F�r·.··b··-;- .� _ ..... New WeUington.Botel1100,000 � Speat ill IMpro" ..1DCDta. Roo� SiDe" oreD Suite. . .._ .. {'D,irectly opposite the:·ILLINOIS THEATERThe New Ilamo_'INDIAN O'RILL. AND .RATBSKEI' ARUnexcelled Cuisine and SeniceSpecial After-Theater Suppers'"The WclliDctoQ Orcbeatra-Proprietors. - Announce informal dances c:very Saturday and Tuesday evening at- CALUMET HALL-:.63rd St. and Stony Island Ave.'J. Racan's Orchestra.Phone Hyde Park J455.�.' MAHY',BOOKS IN ONE• WE.STER9S •INTERNATIONALDICTIONARY_ .�a... ....... lJftD1I.�I, __=.-=:=ttF ar- :'.J�....- ..... , Ita.,......... : .OIIII'III&a..ftIp. ...............=�.,'JI:.:..��.��y�ef .�.,� ........ ., ...... ..sL ••••••�'� ....�=�� ..� � .. � ..• Mme.--a..: .............. tI ----------------- -----HYDB PARK. COBSBRVATOllRosalie Hall. 2!6 E. 57th StreetPI�NO - VOICE - VIOLDArt Dept:'; Phys. Culture, Elocuti'Ne�dlc Work, Sight-Singing Clas'TJ\LENT FOR ENGAGEME .'1" • - ......f"�:'.,;'� .�-' PRti4eDt � di·fttjft·&oiia-1aiA _ftIB.!·'DiiLJ' BJrLLftiB:; ... --"II �II:IQI biah '�OA �� )(a7,·�er.0De of .� :.�.-: ...•. r .' �.-.--.:.: ..• � <.I•. • the !dolt ue� ... ca- lIaDdoliD .Club- Tryouts for new� 0tIdal at1acJlat NaII ..... ·., .. � .n.�of .reen-, th�t has.• ev� iJi��beis "will be . held ihis·.afterncion.;\ Oal .... tJ ., � .. Ifatraordi-·.beeD carned',OIlt aD thiS in:Kertt:tJfeattr ftom 5 to 6. :.�."'�'� .'. , '. 1W7.c.ner' couDtl'7. He lias �ot Profeuor;w-.wam Lyoil Pbelpa of·Datfi'ed .. 8ecoIlck ..... Ka1I altoM � '.... .. .. merely been the,: head Yale Vnive�sity,··.wiit Icctu're on "The�ta6=e.. Clak:qo, Il1IaoIIt. MUcJ. 18.' for;'f� decades ��f ODe of America" �Ioder�, Novel" this', afternoon at 4¥� uder Act of JIarcb I. '1�: .; �t:..Diverslties; aor � 'be' mer��y o'clock in. the M�sic. Hall, Fin'e Arts'r �. ' broqht- Harftrd durinC his adminis- building. Admission, SOC to $1..: PDbUabe4 dallJ'. � Swada,... )(� traUOD to a positiOll where it has. a Public Lecture, with stereopticon,�d _bolla,... dtll'lq tJanoe Q,1J .. rt�.... of tIM YU7' im;ortant claim to the title of "Through .India," Mr. W. E. Hop-.P�!�.lJ' iev. ". AtD�' ··."eatest � university •. _His kins of Seeunderabad, India, Under--...'. ' main usc:fulness . has been in the im- rhe auspices �f Oriental club. M�l1-PMtant'new"i4le:ls'in Unive.rsity.c�';' '!rl hall,this.evening at 8-0:cloc.k. .ricultl, for': which' be has r;to_od, .. and Fen�bles. meet, today at 7:30.P, m .�hose .triumph over t'he entire cou.n� in Cobb 8C.. Important.try, �e. has. witnessed. ;. Devotional Half Hour, . conductedDr. Eliot has ��QO<l. for a widening by members oftbe Divinity School in.,( .the narrow classical curricula Has�e�l assembly room today at:"'hich .were ilRlost 'tinivers-al in the 10:30 �. m.:. '.. .�pUOll price.. aoo. per ,ee; II .... United States wben he became presi- .C�pel ��IY�The Junior col. tor a mODtlla. 8w.cdptlou neelYed at dent' o'f Harvard, apd for the elective leges.. �,,:omen) . today at 10:30 a.:�. KarOOD omcc. ElII.� nan, ,01'. _� .tM system of study. Like all innovators, 10. ,i� l\l�ndel hall. Bishop Vincent; "acul� ExebaDp, Cobb_ .lIaU. _.'; . he encount'ereci 'much opposition, his witt a.�dr:ess ;the colleges.election .as . president being opposedby the more' conservative faculty'��mbers be"cius.{ of his radicalviews. Ft'esiden't Eliot has had thesatisf�ction of' seeing his viewsadopted more or less completely in'almost every edu�ational institutiontury."Public �tute "The Commercial'lIld Colonial Policy of the EnglishN�TION� FO�IGN POL1C�DlcTATBD AT FIRESIDE During the ·Age of Mercantilism," by..' ..' Professor D:ienel1' in 'Cobb lecture'�'. ;; :",' A.a' :.01'1'0. Dr., !lcnd�n' tJus.·All Citizens ·oom,. Fn(J�y, 12:00 to 1:00 p. m._ i:, _ . Ito7 BaJcIddp • .Share in Responsibility for CoUD� • Epi�opatiail Students register at.·::.' '. •. trY... •.. �_ Dal.,< Polici_.· jnce. '. FaCulty Exchange 330.auoaaa" - 'Cap �d Gown'Editors can be con- .� .. ._ & Ba� . '1IIiII, �...... _. -It d 'th f . Ell'The responsi.bility· of... �very citizen su e WI any a ternoon tn IS 3·� � ; ':".I..;i.1. ..! ........ B.;:..... ..: � : from 3 to· 4'· o'clock. CommuniCa�'� in the country for. the international'.- . . . lions may bel' left .at' Faculty Ex-! Mtadal omc.-: IIUa _11 policy ol"the'state� is d,,�elt"upon'; in. _ --. . change 280 .. I'; tt �. �.t ... �·.I'M,:as. .Aftft 8 P. an article. by' Dr. :Charl�·f.R Hen-"y ilL, �.. '. :'.' 416Cjl.iIua � "N. v..... d '. U!.:_ ." h la'- . "th - Tbeolt:gical' Club 'meets Monday. at-.or erson,. nlverslty,. c ap lP, In e, . '. • ' :-1.�· I'uk .... ,�::,,:, -. :.'< ?Novemf?er issue of the Biblical 8S P: m. -.atwh" As�oclate Professor.. ... ,' .. ' . .. .... �. d f th' mlth, 5525 :oodlawn Avenue .. ,'.i.. Mewa .c:aiitiIbitJ.... , ....• ". __ . .;. .....··.·; ..·.Ieft at au. Woo rl. d, .1SS.Ued._ y.est.. er ay . rom. : e. 'J" . Co' II ",_ .• ,,- '1 . F '.t - - . . .. :'.......... ,'. . .. UDlor·· ege'""una meets" rI-." RIdI or ...... ,_ .. '" .. ....Ja--' t tM Press. Dr:. Henderson argues that ... , ,.. . oJ. .' .. " .-�"'I, pm .... �� 0,,,• �. thO d'�(Y�t���i'�""� .... �l 'day' at 10:3(""n ·€obb 9B� .:::.���.:::-��: '�:_";"�"'�'\)�,'.! 'It ��. e.. �,��, ��.4_.... �. -;- .. 0- Women's Union Informal �Satu�-�1. man' to see' that ._the country IS not.. . .' . , . _ ." . I • . 'I� , " -.' .. .". .... �. ...�.: �<. '.' .'. .. in"b'Y�' iii 'a ;� wh5':has � �:cy', �·P. tn;.SlAlf inVIted..' �.: .··_· .. ·.�·��·:���.'Hotel. Maroon.On 'the' ��ia� maJ).;..of },he Uiliver- s�t�' fof the· �ittofit' �ira commc:r- '.' �aol� .;�:m. Saturday. Ob�r-. ' ... :. .'. rkL and ft 1 Ave '-'_ th' d I f build ciaJ·.· '.' • vat.lon .trip· to· Montgomery Ward & � .,.-caca..... J ere IS groun p an 0 a • .' en�rp�se. ._ . Co. , •;'1: . . • '.�' � .. � i /� : .UllDER MEW·IIIANAGEIIENTing that looks like the "There" is DOt' a person of intelii-· ... ::.:.: REST' AURIANT AND ·LUNCH � ROOM.Pab�c lMt1Ire. Tue�day and' Wed- II n�nce'," he' says, "that· can escape' re-twin .,. .,r.other. or the �- sci NO"'�mb d .' .spOnsibility� Women maJ !lOt vote. ne ay,' 'we er .10 an II, In:.' ���.1IDl' twin sister of Bartlet.t but they have' not' lost .thl·�t1 of Haskell assembly. hail, at 4�30 p. m.· �.. '.l."."'" I gymnasium .. A. birds- !Opeech, and .. they··bave muC:h�o.· say "The Expansion: of Euro� i1� th�. .' Middle Age,:-' with Special Referenc.e; 'I:'�" eye':' view: of· the �same about. admittirqr ,?r excludi .... :: .e.s- .· .' .' to Europeaif Mov�ments 'America�· vic;.i�.\·�. fails.. to disclose .anvdiilia papers ·of the yellow sort, which" • wards . Before. Columbus." � Professor•. :-faIIO,•...• � �. an a lar-- area 0: weathe"'r- print· screeching tamors of war and .. e- Raymond B�'azley of Oxford' Univer·f � �teQ fence. .. ' .The d��. :inci���es plots �to kill �gh the streets and sity. .� lhe:appraved position of the .... �en's homes.' .' . ::>�. .' 1--------------- ..-rile ·tone of cOaversation at. the; .1gyJrinuiam that is to·be. ..�. firesid� in relation � foreigners helps:" :"'Th��-' the gymnasium will' � there to shape tbe ph�s� 'of Congl'ess:;.' in �. &.ture. not too discou�girigly; re-' men . on the fI�r' of the .House· �t;" �Qt�. seems probable�' fro� the 'ener-' Washington, for'men ambitious �f�! 1.' manner in which the W oin�D'S� place ar� quick t�' .i.mitate the accents; �,�.,tic Associa�_ yesterday bePn' of the '·d�ar peo�" in the rural dis��� , ,,;.r�y plans r�" a, campaign to e�t: triets. ,·Many a �,e in· the past a,:>�fIaI4s. ' smaD clique of'�erchants, e� to...• ..j;. '. �T�t the gymnasium is needed iusell gOods to sa�� or funrish ;m •.. beyond dispute. The undergradute nitions of·,..-ar. aM . eabals of dfital�.':�n��lli������oa��ft�.ed��n�hl���I�- ••••••••••••• ��·�����· •• ���������������;;;� .� number the men, and are entitled to aDd de�t before. the people Ime� wh,.�,as . many opportunities in ph�ical they. were saddenl,y plunged ili�O the• 1 :culture. The present gymnasiam is awful maelstro� of confticting� .adr;nittedly nothing �re than a tem.: forces.".porary building, and has its full share Dr. Hendenon.abo � _ da�� ioft the ,disadvantages lIsaally connect- chances of the �ppeai'aIiC'e' of. ��, .. ed wi� such structures. as, a meaDS of' .HttIin. iDtematioDal1 i" 'ale "omen. are. starting out with di.t� . He.' sa,., that· in itt pbce" ,. an- admirable burst f h' Th will .arise a eoart· of jastice for theo ent uslasm. e ..'l.�test danger is that it will bum whole w�. He also declares, tba�I� Itself out long bef . h " the wor:Jrinsmen of tbe wodd are or�• ore It as accqm- . . •. d I·n.""plished its purpose. They ha�e be.;. gal,lIZlDa a sentnDent a verse to:';'fP1'e them a task larger than �s ever temational strife.'ti�rore been undertaken by ··:staclents SQa--_--ap.-.- ette'" " �,tbis_ University. It i� not ._anc';'• bl . __.- "I am DOt mach of a mathemati�.!: 1 e; It will simply require. a' anat. 4 deal of coura t h c� ...... said the cigarette, "bat. I can. '. ge 0 ammer awa1 at. '_C th� obJ�t year in and year oat. .1IDbl add to a student's nervoas troubles,: .';.;t _ '�omplished . . I' can subtrac!� tr.om. his physical en-: '. h: "Tb- 'M' . 'eI'IY, I ean .maltiply his aches and.. aroon • b '.' ...... �:,,,,_. WlJ a the women pains I can di'ride his men.tal pow�� .' ilJ'Kcess and pled h " � , .. -�;1i'S' ill its .;.u,. ges w atever sapport en, I can take interest from his work_I rvw,er to the campaip for • UICI 4iscoaDt .is c .. acn for HC--_ woaaea. ..• .",'1:) .,.....__ German Club, Friday, . Lexingtonhall. at 4 o'clock, Lecture by Professor Cutting,' "The German Studentat the Beginning of the 19th Cen-.... : ... :FOWNESGLOVESROBER.!'. P. IlURPHY.··..' Plopaietm_ .BOTEL ALBANY4" Stnet· IIIIIl BroacIwa7 .NEW YORKRemodelled, 1IaDc18o� hr....... ·.TbauqboatABSOLUTELY FIREPROOFIn the heart Qf the CitySOO Roo... 300 Bath RoomsEuropean Ftan. Cuisine u,lI1excelled�!ltlemens' Cafe, Ladies· Rettaara�t.- and Moorish Rooms. Popu-'Iar Prices. Plenty of Life-butHomelike.'1.00 � �ay and UpSEND �OR BOOKLET.Meet me at the College Inn, undertJ:le: Albany, New York's leaclincRathskeller, a place to eat. drinkaac1 be m�. :? �:'!f.iI.e"_:;'..... a. � .......IIIIaa14 Y_lIo& 0w1l8ach a lIoo1r.f�'S ·toLLEGlA.� DICTIONA1T. 'l. .£E!l!.���u4'IJD'"; ....... tIii'Tl· 1J'1I'dII1IIII." uA ��� ........ !.�-..-IIW_,.,_u4�.""'�caa-l�� ...... ;�4P.!I.PII.��'" A seJect dancing school for U . .sit7 men and women has been 0in ROSALIE HALL, 276 E. 57thLessons Thursday afternoon,to 4- Informal dancing 4 to SoSObS 25 cents each. .University students invited. For'formation. caD 6503 Kimbark avfirst apartment.Han you tried. a classified... Th�< 'Qa,�y .f\ta�op,!tl? ..-...;. ....'. FIrst Cia·. 1\4eals"Prompt Service.'. � Tlii Iiaf of eve,.""ing served at reasonable prices. .. ,. �usic eve" erening in dinner-halln.c Natiojial Hotel Co. J. W. Ward Mgr. -• , -..: .�.�'.#, ,_..•• fLORIST ••w W,,·l3rd .... //T�: W-twortia '-.,._ j." VARSITY--CAJE/. f. ..' - ��nd�.-vous des. Etudlilnts.47«:£.:55MEALS 2Oc. and up.THE HYDE PARK PRI"TING CO..... ra to�O. w. 'CURRIBR I: co. aD4 IlATSON I: TRENARY.Pa"�. · PI 18.",.' • _"ntN.WE AU PRBPAItBD TO HARDLB AlfYTHDfO 1MTHa LDIB OP PRINTIRG._ ............ -\ oAB]areatNameI smokeI not kpanio.be.Rich,I splencsible'theMild aFineGet itprepaUPOD2 C8 CA ReNATI(]First ]Not CorIf ypain:fittilgan:reve'inimdrapClotmorto aWeis s--WWOIcal"lfW'1evethasritinttiS1frCltn--.ve," ..'OIY;..�Ret. .).ty..... �' I: . : -ij'�mB DAILY IIA.I.OON. THURSDAY. NOVEM.BER S. Jg08.''bNIvBa#'y�� . �'�-�'-� ���,,��ON ���. ,���:::�RBS� �.TO _ 'i�OU AS ,D •• aUltTON I� IT.,J.a.·S·�_..!J .. ,··,·,.·'q. �\�.�:�.. I!:./_...,. Iir.-�� ·B.·�H��,tG �:a_t_ o.iMoe.. . ,�pticoii IActun -'-ltD ••• �'II ," r·"��. '-:0;' ' ... ,' .•.• , ....• .,_ ..'>':���". • !i.' :(t- ,ai&ht ia v.ndeI:'. . . .-0::-- .' it![ ; '. : Mr� W, E,' Hopkins of. �UDdefa-, ·�he.· Unh'!�s��)' co�eii®er h�I-' �ad;. India; who· will c led�re onIDg. located ?I. �01lS ,��� "Through India" by stereopticon to-I for the pa,t two. year�. ,bU.... .ecJpened 'h ' M -'&_1 hall -I'll lend a. . , - iol.l'". . nlg t In aD\n; ,....ItS. work I,n the centcr ,��t-l _.. cIty touch of color to his talk by putting.I lrith a record-brealdq' dance., " Pr fi '. ". .:.i.ll:·'·" 1.:.. • hImself In the place of 0 essorThe total registration taw: l1ImD II8 ho I lei t 'p'throHah• • < , � i ' , urton w 0 IS ma ng a n _27 .. , a gain of 130 per �eIl \�cr theh ' .• ,� '.' I ' t at country,I enrollment one year ap s , v, !�,... ther� .'M • 'II be" 11.1 H•• - >r.- \. .' �"'b 6 y aim WI , says � r, op-I were 119· Inst�c�����.�. 'flli'�.'';;_'':._Y'.''1 � kins "to give a view of India as themembers of ·the UtlllY�.IQ",;..ac;uatT., ,h la,·� ::"I;'_��l' ..... f- party with Professor Bvrton Will seeW 0 conduct rep. r�lII!V.!� a , _I.ern� .. o. ns and '" ev.. e.n, in.. �.·'.:.· ·./�nd.·-.;.:.,�.O. on it!'- I n addition to laying §tress on theSaturday mOfmngs, � � . belDI' mem-I '. 'different cities f9r their' beauty andbers of. Saturday - cl�se8." '\. " .' ,Th II. ' d' 'ill 19.."Q historie value, the lecturer weill bnn&,e co ege was organIze II! VlIIU' , .' .NATIONAL CIGAR STOU in the Fine Arts buildi., wit�'" .ttt>. the talk stili more .up to �at;, �y tell;(I nco) . .sidy of $5,000, by, .Mrs, � ElhbtOlt� ing of the educational �CI Itl�s . 0 'B' I' f th f ;;.L_: ..... g India, and the JICldes of IDtelhgen.ceaIDe. . or e purpose 0 - alYlu ;.�First Na�ional Bank Building, . I"'t t i '. 6' :"�ose of those attending schools and col-regu ar . UOlVe1"SI Y .' ra mn_�..:....-,o·. � ". .' 'Chicago, III h .f d 't" 55' 'biZ k...... ·l.r....b� leges there, The present customs and". () oun I Impo I ... ;. __ �.' gIL. u-. ,J ••Not Connected with the Tobacco venient to attend c1asS;s �t' tbe ��_ amusements witl come in for theirTrust. ra�gles, \Vh�n,' thre�. 'ye�rs' .-&co, share of attCll_ti_Q_n_, __,the Blaine subsidy ceased,' exces.tv:� Passum CoUe&e Prospectsr�nt�) . �nd other' ex�e�es IlCtCel;�� Probably the greate�t find of thel;ated the !emoval of t��_ .�Ql1ege ,to present year was today, when Heav)'�ll_1mons �Iaine hall,. .rh�� !��r t�e H�ifer put' in his 4tPpearance. on. center of its activities _is .·in the As� ilioodY Field, He haj,s fr�m Lowbuilding, J53 La Salle bridRe, Kans.as, where his father ac:street, although two course� '�re con- �i1blul'led an encrmous" fortune,ducted �t the University and 'one a�.' \)IlUi�g', tree stumps before. the disthe Fra�cis' W. �rk�r School, 5SO' eti�.rY 'of dYD:3mite. Heifer standsWebs.ter avenue,· The 'first �t�o are .ix>�ee"t �ight in his stocking feet.andconducted by Professors. p�e� .. and �ith�·. 380 pounds, There is not a:1. Blanchar�.: th�: :;S.�b. j�c�� ;be.i,!�.�. �iS.. - P��� ��.-.rat on him and he really'tory of. education. and. �ub�k ��pea��. IObki tidaling: :held . ThursdaY.s· .�'iW�:��ons - tl�:', c��hes . experience a gr�t ...••. 'Piano. Slippijd'to Aiiy' Part:�y the'Un1tCd�����:' r:"'�' �,: '11Blaine, and Cobb res�v:ely, . 'l:"he. deal'� trot"l'le iii fitting him out with ,. : .. ; ;on" '"I'bek' La�'" Terma. _Write fotFREE catalogues. . '.other 'class-, ullder Dr", "'Kteh�iU,.· �t�� a u�sf� at his wonderful chest ex' ,: ..... :. >., " .. �;' ;'. L, '.' K'-' " .-"- ..,....: .. : ',dies,m�er�,Eu.rope�n,�Jst��.·.· '... pan;lo�:\bre.;�tt"the.,j�rseYs in stOCk ,.:,:' 'A' .. : �·]'.D£ ':'� 1�.'·'l,a;'i��A··:�.����,:: The quantIty and· qua�htr .. �f w�rk, to shrw.. �l1y, a gum coat, from' . ". ',. .';,). '111\..: ('. · .1l11U1- ;; .·:uV .. � 7�dQne is the sam�,�·i .... � .. tJ>e.ry� ... - whic� 'mit taill' had .... n. cut. was ." ." '. \,.,., .. '�A.C'1'OU:Rs ._. __ .... �:.. ,'�"Sity.-.·c�r�es; a!,d;:cf!��:!���e- suh�i��;�raoly;the·rubhe;" in; .;, �.""'Wa&.�lt'AYeDtii!;'.�t*;iA""": � "'�""':. :.,;;"���.������s���-�c����·�������·.··'�:4·.���I�'.�1�7.b�:I�'!���::�'��·���'(,����lt'.��4.�t�.�0��_.����,�,_.••�man it's �e 'for-:_we�'" ogy· I .. \1U�u:�l:oS�._. ._ ..... " � more �-�" .; .'.:' • ;, ,- ''. !iI/j '., :,' ',. • ':..' _cany thiS pcncmat � ... ,._ • !;'!L\,il!>n� S!"J��g��a�e regi�ter ...� His a�1 i1he field was QJack-; '. ·M'·'· , , f�'., ·C ·t· ;n..�;�--., '" :: 'd "�$'� . r :::':0:'"hefo-:_ 0:",;::. '::::.IOBY;L.. :. _19. ��:"�I: ·.I:::.h1.:"..�.�h:.·.\'Iu:u;r�:�a.:� ; :, M:�·;!'��' Qi���:�that, tho!Daada � of pali_ ."' OR�G SOCIETY sight of 1iIt.,liiAbl . form. . ,., .,. ., ..... , iitIO � S� . ,. �" .stitcha are needed'lO put '. . -N'�. D--' Th"e c�� 'ha . the new (ecruit .. u·'-�u':":�·�'���' ,. :.-t·ihlt..' '�"in !'�!;;.� ��ltU.,. Camp-ip 1>fle5:. ot �� u,",:a--' punting for'lin a ',hour bef�re. ,th� �- -_. - _- me _into IastiDc f� ...-��, _ .... _ to·1DstDl SodaIiatic ldeab fa" ., : abadea·· ... .-� .. lor .• ·. .ut"t:Qf·aothesl·• rieteoat __ '��f';'.U •• � • � ... -.�< .... _. � '. \.:. scrimmage, . _, . first ball hetisti .. abapC . whicb _ts ID. Um.�. � kicked expl· - ': m the. f•• riai pair·of . .._ ... ,foe �: � ·W-lDler. -.:-'!!au,,them. "t1>. �,,)\from such'. mode of �. force of his icb� 'er which' a .,ali aIlow' .. aPiat aD7-laouae'.�: -tbecity�. Our,�_.� within ': .A Socialist c'1�b �I . �. fonnect .,. �1Il.' ·i...· . ed' the Rack of . .u. . .. ':': . I ':;- ,"' ,� was filled wiPl" 'and he puntnext Thursday. night.' This will be � 50 Yar,ds witi6ijt a.ly trouble.: .� peniian.rit ·orgaDization.' ,�CD to all Owing to thi, mtt that .the recentinterested in t�e· ideal an.d practical . L 11 . .rains have lIlaGt the field very mudvalues of So._ci��s� . !h�. �embe� dy; only light -jtriibinage work" waswill pr?bably wear· the offiCial r� indulged iD,' and ·1t1'fer showed u�flag pm of the, part�, "": �.e ,c�lef rather slow, the trOab�··.;a.. thatfounders of the orgamzatlon wall '" h"1 -t' thO J" '.. .f th': W I e waa Ing e sDapJNDC 0 eGrant. Green and Kennedy. together ball his enOmiou� ..eight would sinkwith the members, o� .t�e �bs clu� hirr: ankle' deep into the' inud, fromThe' aim of the society wall be to h' h 't' hard # h" t _'ssortment. . • .: W IC . I was lor lID 0 lLn�bring aU the. -Socia��s In the 'l!.� cate himsell This ........ .oee.u:awac',Your CaD wouJd be Appreciated versity together, to 1iy!� to ��r� however, by nailing �-:-',... 'hisSocialist speake", �or the Ulnlvers��. shoes. 'and generally to furttter the ea�s� There seems 'to bit no doubt butamong the studen�, .. Si�ce brot�er. that' Heifer will.lliitithe team, as ithood"is one �f .the fundament�1 p�n- is next ·to 'ini�, to stop him.ciples of �alls�lthe club w1l1 81veonce e gets started with the baitits members many adva�tages of the The student body is �.._fraternity, without shutting out. �he erCised over Heifer"S �i ..�:" hemembers of the regular fraternIties. ha� not as yet passed .. ","'eiltrance•• , n Europe the universities are �the examinations. Ik went thrOUghCoil e gee a f e chief strongholds of Socialism," said music and cClUtioie wII. flying colon,�ne of the members yesterday, "and but took the coaat on readiaa 'andthere is no reason for the thinkers of Writing, NeverthelesS; .... a.chesAmerican coDeges not being able to �ve him a seat at die f ; ....grasp the great principles of Social- where he � _. • ·�if BOti�m t(\ the SUM extent. l am COD- bftter form than on"" field,showingfident that this club. will do much particular partiality to hard-boiledtoward making a nUcless of Social- egg.i�m here at the University of Chi- Great preparation' are being madecago. ': (or the gam� with the Temperature'ISo,ooo LiIJraIy �: Califonda Normal Sch�l, to take place hereThe new library of Califomia State next Salurdar, as the Normal bopuniversity is approachilli' ... reality, are reported as being verj. strongThe required ckmation� aggregating and fast this year, and mach inftuence"so.ooo. are now pled .. , and Archi- is beiDg broupt'on the faculty to letteet John G, Ra"ey is Working Oft Rea...,. Heifer Pllt off his radine andthe filial pins.. writ ...... lIIiaatioas IIIItiI ant ,....-II Creat .. it'. Famo_ -..Namaake U�. ··.after ... � .. -smoked 44Carl�le" Tell donot be WI just bow eom-'panionable yOIII' pipe canbe. ' "Rich, frapant. witb thatsplendid aroma •. oDl� po ..sible to perfect biendinl ofthe choicest . iDaredienta.Mild and medium atreDlths: . .... ,� .. ·..-t··..;:.:� ... ;..�::: I�'..):)'.;�: .. : ...... \._ ..> ,.. ,' .. -..•1300:: .. Kea_re:,Piano, .... . . "'�.::�.;'!\� '�,.".�,-!�,.''';-'.:\. . - ... Ia ·70ur owa."me.,Dlak� ��e that it.nlits 7.0.ID· every particular.�/···,Wben '70u"are so satisliect�pa,jr. Us' . t·':" .,�" '. , :.: .. , , . .'$,:165 ..Iii a..o7.��A7.:Y� like: . �veD as l�w as'.'� .. � .. """��K.STARCK PIA'N 0 S-�egular�ric�"$3SO'�0$7S0, atiREATLY . REDUCED PRICES AT TI-IIS SALE. I:Fine and' coarse cut.Get it at our .torel or' Sentprepaid to your. address.upon receipt of pri�.2 Oz.-4OC _ 4.... O� 1SC8 OZ.�I.SO, I., �.,13-00A Revelation in' . Pipe-TobaccoTHIS COUPON.. IS' WORTH A TEN DOLLAR BILLCut it o�t- at' onc� Doni thrO\v away money. we -fibt 'onIY�SA�t.t1 over a hundr�d ·d9Ii�r�:.· b�t .permit the' ·srtlalles·t' paymehts EVER. '.. .. ...... .. '.' : :'. . '. ..•. ,.... _. 't·�J10wn <as low. as $1 a wee.k); ask no money --iIi' advance and give. you $10 �o b�?L .Ca_n �ou. b'�t 'it?' '_'-.<'.'. , .. -;;.Out-oC-toWD patrons are invited to avail ��Ives . of '.MOST liberal induc��ts.:r .. '. '., .... ".'. . ( ...• -.�':-- . . ,0.: ,'.:;:': -. ::�.:.:,,::�;t\...,\,. IJelieve-: ·iil· '. Popular' P.r�ces .. : � .':.' II,. �:.::: ;, .. . ..'. . . .. '! ,.$25�OO .' Business' Suits·'· a_r� :', 'posifive"�'::'::- ":$35.00 �va'ue� ': ·· ... You. �n save: ;"Sf $10.00 . ,";rhafs worlh w"lie .. :, � lef'me . 'make otlit< -"�ryou.3iiupnwe � •. --� . ._,.. ,:.?,--" .... ..' .If you don't know thepainstaking Sows' way offitting and trying on a,garment, it would be arevelation to you. The.inimitable fit. bane anddrape of Bows' Tailo�Clothes is • due, .perhap. ...more to this, feature thanto any other one tbiJ:ig..c, ........We take a coat while ··itis still in the plastic aace--we shape. m�uId' andwork it to th�""T. ·r.:n 'Of'thetreatment.·Believing that clothesdo � char-acter we omit DO ef-.,fort to perfect each in-dividual carmeiat."' £. 55th. at.Near Laiacton A ......POPULAa PLAm: : Wendellw� Pre!lS all garments at regular price .. 'Work called for an(l Clelivered .. ,. .&ImDSOn::_· SHOP' " .� S5tIa � .' . 'Tel H. p. 4g1gATPOPULAa PlUCB8 --�_.--.-------._---.��--�����---------------------,.i88th· AND ELLIS'.... --' : .' .MIDNIGHT .. LUNCH\,� .. , ' ......... "'- • ,_,. : J .....Hall "Feeds" SupplleCl'Up' -to· I A. 1'1.' � .: {UNDER NEW.IIA�A_ENT -7 '-._, .. ., .BQAIDEN, ex-'IO, 'lh .ot Ct.'. -r88th AND,.ELLIS.�:. 'Luncheon .eM: 'lipEvaDne DiIuaer 15CSun� Dinaer - - • - sse ItSERVlca A LA� ALSO t" '\....� . .,.. ., ....._;---, .... _ ...I'�If, \iIII f�;:.�J"- ��'l:c"':GMS t'� �� ......... UTrn.- :tCo�tr.;a� � P&8e J J t, .idciit :"EliOt 1�""""'" 'Ql a splen·• �....,� •• - e,' �dId exampl� of physical health and.- .. �. .'. ' I�#,. H� .."P���\I\be!l�t;�� Hftvanl crew' dari.. his undergraduatecourse and has.' retained a strt��(AA�isi1:or 'p9iicaf eXerCise:. ,o(�'._ -- _ -.. FOR SALE-"',"= �J! !r>,,'Q.��,.:W4HTBJ)..... ':: ,�-")'.:��"'-LOIT, i!IIII HATSIn Greeas. BrowDsa��Blacks DIRECT�YAH"Old Mallions Wf:Varsity SSc:imrwIe:Dircl"toll'Oillh:d h:of the VOlpractice.been outand as aed sincecuuragil18"The thard thisnight aftlwere pretion day,on a tripsick. TJ::evenil1'g',for the fber, andto makeon the jgood stugl� oneWith th:ibis is v�'�:fIn theyear mescored 1DoscH's,'made anell pla:learningnot havemage, a:near to... rorkingeighty Jped theRTYP�It,l:� _wor� wa�ted, �,Miss ," J.fml� :�,fel�o_w, 5'GreenwoOd',. avenue. 7-BA:RGA,tMg_New, rebuilt "visib'"a�,�, '�b�i,��" - type�riters for sai\rent or trade. ' ''(;eo. Starring, 1040'S, D. Hall. ..! Thedowns Ieral us.ley, R(sDt"ceed�n g.sick, 31Sehomrness ofBunnyback aldown tKelley.pul1tdman 11middlelity tasixty-fiRobinshim.on PALL·ftOOJt'I8,..-Any• ...,oO·s TY L li:S'�,�lLBTBBYLAST'�A1B4,.,. Falkserimrtel atused �\l"as pthe simaindrtgl1l:lman,IIr. �Dir,In p:Minn,W� Jerrems' SonaClark. � ,Adams StI'eeta, '.,·,GIIICAeo.· IW. Rilft No Bnada' 8t11dio 'PIICiIlties - ••• ,thiDa baPiIo ... ..,.�-�- .. -