..-Intly ilarnnttVol VI. No. 1�7. Price Two CentsCHICAGO, THURSDAY, MAY 7, 19OH.The wamcn are going into tom orl)irector Stagg Announces Person- row's Quadrangle Fete on a reallyDel of Chicago and Cherry Cir- ambitious scale. If everything goesde Which Meet Saturday. well. and the weather man does notintcrfear English lighted withrainbow colored Japanese lanterns Thc caucus for nominating candiwill present a charming spectacle. dates for the Cap and Gown electionsFor the center of the 'sunken garden, were held yesterday in Kent theater..\Ir, Lorado Taft has lent one of his F .1'.1 ' the field for'our canuruates are III u�ranrc of several new names on the .sculptured fountains, a group of threer- mnaaging editorships, from whichC. A. A. roster serves to give added .eilcd figures. This is to be made number two will be elected. Twoiaterest to the dual event.even though .hc center of the lighting scheme. business managers will also be chos-r. puts another crimp in Chicago's Besides the refreshment booths.en from four candidates for that.J...nces, the Woman's Athletic Association is(u.a office. The position of Literary edi-An advantage that C. A, A, gains to have a gypsy corner, Mlle Squires torship is uncontested as only oneis in the acquisition of Garrells, who whose skill in the science of reading person was nominated. By a petihas entered unexpectedly, and is con- the dim future is well known among tion of five, however, nominationsreded firsts in both hurdle events .he girls of Beecher hall, will pres will be accepted until next Mondaytbe slu.t and discus. With him and ide at the fortune telling. Her gift -;,fternoon at 5 o'clock. One nomina- . f II h II' • I ...... sure to attract those ,,'110 are not FRED R. BAt RD, captain 0 t teBurroug- IS, tel morsan, to content , f b . dd dnon or usmess n�anager was au e 11Vl:: Varsity nine, and at pres-with, Maddigan of the Varsity, has hungry. "J"Jhy petition yesterday after the cau- ent assisting Director Stagg in base-small hopes of landing many points, The Freshmen Kalailu girls will. I I fIG . k I ens. hall coaching, will lead the alumniThree more athletes, stars in Di- :lVa t ie pages 0 t ie arrrc am Those nominated for )tlanaging hitches. The scenery wasnetor Stagg's inter-scholastic meet Ill'nois by selling pop corn and can- team, wl ich plays the regulars Sat- place before 9 o'clock. andEditors are: 'lut year, will compete for C. A. A. ly up and down the aisles. urday,H urnard Kcnner-Chi Psi, reporter S d t dOmsscnius, the Lewis Institute In spite of their anxiety for good )tlr. tagg announce yes er ayDaily Maroon, spring '07; Skull and I . fa:nnter, with a record of :10 in the weather the W(1O:,en will be prepared C C. Freshman Track that he has us eye on more ormer-r'"" • • rcscent, aptam co I' I I' H G.«Dtary; Ben Oliel, twice winner of lor snow or ram, and will let their T D . I b :\Iaroon p ayers, me U( II1g . . of the night were beginning, when. ,.. earn, ramatrc cu. Galc.--.I\.f.- C.' Meigs-.- . F_ ·R. - Smith, '�- .two-mile, and Freeney of Ida patrons turn their attention to cof-, --r"""'I-yr fl' D 1- K' -" E- --71"'- lhe firiisli"oftlle last' ad p-is·sCd mus-- .... - - .. - - - -- .c-ilU ne 111- e ta appa pSI on \ .. r I - S t P D Abb tt C Fve, who captured the pole vault .ce and sandwiches if ice cream and r v a ter mar, . " 0, • '.. Skull and Crescent, Blackfriars, Pen J P S II' A E \'T'C It::Igoj, are entered. l\lilier, the sundaes are too frigid. The various I b F' . J' Burke,. . u Ivan, . . I� rt < ..ier, looks strong in the high booths, each of which has a distinc- c u, mance cornrmtee, umor 'lI1d ]. �. Haguy.promenade.• under Cherry Circle colors .ive color, will serve as follows:. , . Carl Lambach-Phi Gamma Delta,rman, who captured third place Esoteric=-Rose pink. soft drinks, INDIa V.A PRESmE'NT TO TALKFinance committee Junior Prome-·1IIft '£jhe discus throw at the Penn car- Quadranglers-Dark red, chocolate- nade, Sign of Double Eagle chorus,.� , and Prather of Morgan Park, --:- Sundaes. Philosophy College Debating team Dr. William Lowe Bryan to Lecture, likely to cut into the scoring col- Bortar Board-White, coffee and'07. Today .and Tomorrow in Haskellsandwiches, . ' f R li' 'C".IJ. Sydney Salkey=-Associate Edi- on "Some Aspects 0 e gtous .I:oU-Sigma-Blue, ice cream and straw- ucatien,'lor University of Chicago Weekly'OJ, reporter Daily Maroon 'oS, ComPresident William Lowe Bryan, ofmonwealth club, Philosophy College .the University of Indiana, will de-URRELLS TO COMPET6UNDER C. A. A. COLORSEJ.Wolverine Entered Against Varsity in Hurdles and WeightsOther Star Athletes on Roster.Dircl'tor Stagg gave out the comfide entry list yesterday for the bigJlltet Saturday between the Varsity2lICl Cherry Circle athletes. The ap-,. ,be contested.three broad5, both Olympian events; having' .. added. Both will favor C. A. A.. h has Irons for them.,The entries for both tcams follow:ioo yard dash-C. A. A.: HamilVickery, Taylor, Freney, Claus.s, Irons; U. of c.: Quiglcy.de, Barker, Straubc.� yard daslP-C. A, A.: Hamilton.idcery, Taylor, Blair, Claussenim;,ney; U. of c.: Quigley. Barker.Mcnaul, Merriam,hurdlcs-C. A. A.:U. of C.: Steffen,, A. A.:eli ... , Hamilton, McGregor, L,r, Wright, Draper; U. of c.: Mer, ,�tcffcl1l �Ienaul. Garrett.440 y;trd run-C. A. A. :'Blair. Vick-, Ramey, Ryan, Vigeant, Nicholl:iam, Lingle, Barkcr, Callouse.anblin, Bresnahan, \Vhipp.880 y:trd rUIl-c' A. A,: Ramey.arphy. Vige:lnt, Ryan: U. of c.:narker, Timhlin, Shuart.�nahal1. \Vhipp. Comstock.One mile run-C. A. A.: �Iurphy,ey: U. of c.: Comstock, Stoph,,(,hlin, Smith, Kling, Carpenter.T,,'o mile rUJ1-c. A. A.: Harlow,. I, .\Iurphy; U. of c.: Caldwell.(Ful;I11(I, Dnianl Stophlet. Kling.P(Jle \"auJt-c. A. A.: Glovcr, Free-, )[cGregor,' Wright; U. of c.:t)hs, �cherry, Rogers, Coyle.(Continued on pa&e .. ) FETE TO Bf A FAlRRANOlcAP AID GOWN CAUCUSNOMIIATES EIGHT MEN TO CAPTAIN EX-MAROONS INGAME WITH VARSITY BLACKFRIARS' SHOW READYFOR CURTAIN'S ASCEIT.Japanese Lanterns and Loreda TaftFountain to Transform English IGarden Tomorrow Night DuringBlackfriat Show.To all appearances, Mandel hallwas, a real play-house last night, witha full equipment of scenery, spottights, flood - lights and all" the par.. phernalia that go to make a successful theatrical production. Therewere some actors present also,' whocame so near to being real that theymade certain their success for thethree-night run of "The Sign of theDouble ,Ea�le."The choruses appeared for thefirst 'time in full costume, aided bythe correct lighting effects, theywere as pleasing to the eye a!! anyto be seen on a down .... own stage.Four Candidates in Field for Managing Editor, aid Four for Business Manager. Dress Rehearsal La,sts Into MorningHours-To Have Another thisAfternoon.Position of Literary Editor Uncontested-Nominations by PetitionUntil Monday Evening. Costumes, Lighting and Scenery.Make Effective Setting-ColorEffects are successful.Fred BairdAs had been expected, there werenot illcertainparts had to be repeated over andover until they met the approval ofCoach Cushing. The small hourster, and the cast and choruses disbanded for a few hours' sleep,The costuming of the show wasput on exhibition for the first timelast night, and made a striking stagepicture when aided by the lightning.The brilliant red' and gold uniformsberries. of the Saxonians, the unique flowerlike costumes of the daisy chorusand the heart-spangled Cupid Ph.D.dancers gave dashes of colorthat were effective in the ensembles.There will be a short rehearsalWyvern=-Yellow, ice cream.Phi Beta Delta-Dark pink, short Debating team 'oS.,Literary EditorPi cake.Delta. Phi-Moss Green, ice liver the first of a series of two-Icc- with the orchestra this afternoon,Editor rurcs in Haskell assembly hall at of which will be the final touch beforeJerome Frank-Asociatecream :lI1d cake. '0,/-, ;>'c1ock this afternoon. His subject tonight's grand premiere.Un�versity of Chicago WeeklyC1�i Rho Sigma-Red,ice crcam and \Y'i1I be "Some Aspects of Religious After the show tonight, the Black-asociate editor Daily �Iaroon, Artsstrawberries.team Education:' It wi)) he a public lec- iriars will hold a banquet in theDeltho- Orange. ice cream and College Champion Debatingture, all mcmhers of thc student C"'rimmons. The cast and chorus of'07. body and of the faculty being in- 'Thc Sign of the Double Eagle," an(1\·ited. The second lectur� on the the present and alumnus membcrs of�ubject will be given at the same the club have been invited.hour in Haskell tomorow afternoon.D . I b Dr. Bryan is one of the leading SIXTEEN IN GOLF TOURNEYteam, ramatlc cu.Association"':""" educat\:.r::. of the country, havingbecnAllan Ross - Alpha Dclta Phi,c�ke.Spc Im:ll1 H (,use--Sage grccn, short Business Managerscake,Hal!�-Emerald green, George Garrett-Delta Tau Dclta.University Track team, Skull andcream Cresccnt, Captain Freshman Trackice:111c1 strawberries."Vomcn's AthleticFortunc .telling.School of Education-Pink presidcnt of I ndiania un�versity sincean(1 Score club, Baseball te_am 'oS, Cap- M d F' eel h D t f Pr19(>2. He has contributed much val- on ay IX as tea e or e-, lain University Tennis team 'oS. Ii' R dwhite, coffee and sa'}dwiche�. uable material in thc fields of psy. IDlDary oun./ Albert Sabah-Philosophy CollcgeOff-Campus - Violct, chocolate cholngy and philosophy. He hasExecutivc committee, Captain Phil- Results of the drawings ·n theSundaes. becn presidc.�nt of thc Amcrican Psy- 1osophy College Basketball team, . If d Ichologi·cal association and is a fel- commg go tournament an ru es toNEGRO'S HISTORY Philosophy Colege Debating team· I dlow in the' Amcrican Association for govern p ay were announce yester-Junior d b C • H 'I Ithe A<h'ancement of Sciencc. Among ay y aptam arveY!l cag ler.TELLS)Ir. A. H. Stone of the History de- ·oS, Arrangement Commitee'mrtl11cnt, gave an address in Cobb Day.Frcd �cJson-Chairmanhall yesterday on the "Frec Negroin the Ante-Bellum South .." In the Co1!egc, 1910 football squad,C'lurse of his Iccturc, he traced the club, Della Upsilon. ScienceScorc his contributions to various literarypuhlications, including the Psychological Review and the AmericanJournal of P:,ychology, arc ··Studics Sixtecn candidatcs ha,·c entered.The preliminary rounds must bcplayed by next �ronday, the firstround one wcek later, �Iay IS, semi.)11 lhe T('!t'�raJlhic Language," "Thc unals not later than �ray 25, and theACfJuisition of a lIierarchy of lIah- linal match during the succeedingits," and "�h·thods and Rcsults of week. Entrants are to arrange timeChild Study:' in Johnson's Encyclo- of playing with opponcnts, and' failpedia. He is also joint author, with ure to appear for a scheduled matchhis wifc� (_,f "Plato thc Teacher:' "Se- will rcsult in a forfeiture. Thc longlectiolls from Plato," :111«1 "The Re- �ours� �t Jackson Park must be usecl111lh1ic of Plato. with St11dies for for playing the matches.Thc dra"'ings arc as follo\\"�: Lid-history of the frec negro. from the The- election of eiJ,!ht te)Jers whofree negroes of ancient Spain, and \\"er� =,uppo:,cd to he clected at the:-,ho\\"cd how t;light had been the l'31tCtlS was left to thc president tocJWIlJ,!C in laws govcrning thc free chose at his discretion.memhers of the race, ancl how J,!reat The cleft ion will take plaec 011 May11;\(1 heen their advance. "Thc South- _'0, :111d will be C01Hlucted according:_orners looked upon them as mischicf- to the Australian hanot system .makers, the North looked 11pon the111a" nuisances, and the white laborer Teachers:'an(1 mechanic as rlanRerous com- . Correction nr. -Bryan was born at Rlooming- ster ,"s, Earle, �racCracken vs, Coylc.petitors, hut nC\'crthclcss thcy gained ny mistakc thc name of �iss Gcr- ington. Ind,: in 1860. The first part Ferguson '"s. Gunn, Felscnthal vs.recognition," said Mr. Stone in the .1ldine Brown was �m1tterl from the I ()r his coJle�iate eclucation he receiv- :\reagher. Garrett vs. H. Long, ScottC011rse of his spccch. Mr. Stone willi list Jl11hlished on Tuesday or those ,"s. Gardncr. Rea tty \'s, Latham, and-make another address toda'y_ pledged to the Mortar Board. (Continued on page .. > Lindsay vs. Tucker..... �THI! DAILY �AROON, THURSDA V, MAY 7. 1908.FouDded * * * * .* • * * * • . -=-::�-.-�---3 �OBLIGED TO. DROP IOUT OF RESIDENCE I'Co .... espondence courSes�ltr lIatlg _arnon•*�Perhap� the Conference will help •the Pi om out by obligingly changing • •DO YOU REMEMBER? IF•its date.Tbe omclal �tudeDt 'PubllcaUOD or the lIChicago will play this afternoon, .. One Year Ago Today •1.iDITe�lt7 or Cblc.Io. '·11 * TI fi I I ls were bei *the weather permitting. Chicago wa re Ina re iearsa s were emg. thi afternoon, Indiana permit- '!: held for the Blackfriar play ··Surc *Entered .. Seco�d-cl ... Mall at the Cblcqo Will asP08tolDc:e, Cblcqo, Il11Dols. lIarc:b 18, ting. • Will enable you to continue your college work and gain the degree.qOne-balf [18] of the l6 M.jon required for �raduatioD ala)' beCOMMUNICATION "By a score of 75 to 51, the Ma- * dODe by correspolUleDce. qOver 300 c1au-room courses are thus(The Maroon, while inviting bona • roon track- team lost to Hlinois * offered· by ........ -of· ... U.erai9" Faculties. qBesiciet the rei'ular � School aDd ColleCe Counet. are maD)' that appeal tofide communications of interest to the � for the first time in history. * I those lD differeDt "oc:UioDl-Dotabl)' to teachers. qWork ma)'student-body, assumes no sponsor- • Five Years Ago Today· � at aD7 time. qlJl,uIte at office ofship for opinions expressed therein.) * The Dramatic club held its first * THE CORRESPONDENCE·STUDY DE.PARTMENTt banquet at the Stratford Hotel. * IEditor the Daily Maroon: _TheUniversity of Chicaco - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cobb Hall, 7A� A meeting of the members of *.May a tiinid Freshman girl dare� the scientific faculties of the 'Uni- *T'D'U DAILYwrite to you? She wishes to make a .a.D BULLETIN* vcrsity, organized a chapter of ** the honorary society of Sigma *Her idea is not new, but it is one * The Fellows club will- meet forSubscriptioD price, $3.00 per ,ear; $1.00 that has not perhaps recently occur- : Xi� * • * * • • • • * * election of officers today at 7:30 infor 3 months. SubscrlptioDS received at red to any of our leading literati. Her Cobb 6A. 'the MarooD omce, Ellis Hall, or at the suggestion is simply that a supple- Y. W. C. L, TO HOLD ANNUAL Blackfriars will present the "Sign...·Dcult7 Exchange, Cobb Hall. meut be published with the Daily SUPPER IN LEXIN<;i-TON of the Double Eagle," Thursday, Fri-�laroon - weekly, bi-weekly, or day and Saturday nights.monthly. Women·s Organization Preparing for Freshman Social committee willIt 'is a shame that the l\'i,onthly "Good Time"-Banquet to be meet at 10:3°,Maroon ever died. A literary maga- Held May 12. Baseball, between Chicago and I n-zine fiUs a necessary part in every diana will be played Thursday atLUTHER D. FERNALD, ManaglDg EdItor great and _truly complete university. One of the annual +good-timc" 3:45.PRESTON F. GASS, News Editor Witness Harvard, Yale, Princeton. meeting'S of the Young' Women'sMELVIN J. ADAMS, Athletic Editor As for resurrecting the Monthly 1\Ia- Christian League will be held onLOUIS 8. BERLIN. Business Manager roon, the best plan' is along the lines May ]2, from 5 until 7, in the LeagueASSOCIATE DI'IOL mentioned, The Alumni Magazine room. The meeting is very informal, Political Economy club - MeetsJerome N. Frank does not and never can fill the place and is open to all women of the Uni- today in Cobb 3C at 4:30 p. m.UPOIl'IDS of an undergraduate magazine; it has versity, whether members of the I Dean Hall will speak on "RecentA. G. Whitfield, H. B. Fuller, its spher to work in. Neither can League or not. A buffet supper will Court Decisions Affecting Labor."the Cap and Gown serve as the need- P'M·· . 1 lub ·11 .\V. A, Weaver Roberts B. Owen .. he served. Tickets, which are 25 re- tnisteria c WI meet mCaroline Dickey Esther M .. Hall ed literary display table; it also has cents, may be obtained in the League �Iiudle Divinity parlors Friday atJ, Sidney Salkey Mamie Lilly specail ends. room, from Ruth Kcllog, Helen Hen- �O:30 a. m,A. W. Wheeler, A. N. Pfeffer The Monthly is a necessity, but a dricks, Ethel Preston, Helen Peck, orJ, M: Houghland. necessity that needs support. Now, �lary Courtenay.to gauge the feeling of. the Univer-oncrous duties, cou- torail entitled, "A Literary �ennais- cia I activities. A reading room, atpled with but slight re- sance." The enthusiasm shown was which the foreigners can find the Do it now! You know you need "_-�.GENUward in the form of "college honor." apparently fleeting. newspapers of thcir own ,c�untries, a some photos before you leave the IN'EIn the dictionary of th� campus class It is a pity to ask the question, but library containing publications of in- University. \Vhy put it off to the last GUYOTtreasurship is a satisfactory antonym is C�icago spirit dead? Would a new ternational character, a smoking "',-eek, when you are worn to pieces? SUSPENDERSfor sinecure. Monthly l\laroon awaken student in- room in which the members can get Do it now, and don't you forget it. n wilI,P-CMlli.-e[y ouf/aU ,',:TeleplRecognition of the satus of the terest? \Vhy not find out? into closer relation, and a large Esmoer 243 E. 55th Street. cllJIJlllll Onl��!���d "' __ .alII.guardian of the class finances, results - \Ve girls, who cannot initiate such meeting room for hoMing vario.Is a Wehbt.-s lnlmlla'ble.I h d Q..u.li.� unva.r,ytn�in a noticeable dearth of candidates a movement as ave suggeste , are functions, besides living rooms, and BattoahoIeatncleatnadlYe.for treasurer, no matter how strenu- wondering whether you men have a common dining room for the mem- E-Gy--uaat .. - .. , ........ r.t.ous a conflict there may bc for the a,ny enterprise at all. We shall see. bers, are some of the features of the If you like to wear "our p.aygenutnepatrhaa,__• J CB. 6UYoT- STAMJIEl)IIEJlE....other offices. The clas is, as a rule, Sorry to remain anonymous, I am proposed club house. gloves long. wear .SO�."Ir&t��""Yours t I FOWNES 10-_11 ........ ""-fortunate however, in that the man ru y. ··The program of the benefit enter- OSTBEIMERBROTHERSwho dares secure the treasurcrship is Merely Mary Ann. tainment will be one of the most _CII&8T1IVYna&&T. NI-..a. •• 1A.the very man to copc with the diffi- unique ever given at Madison. Everycult task of m"king class spirit, bear FRESHMEN ARRANGE DANCE one of the twenty nationalities in thetangible monetary fruit, club will be represented by s�meAt this time of the yera, the class Social Committee at Work on Last characteristic 'st\:nt' which is to bemoney-gatherers are working their Class Dance of Year. a complete surprise to the public, andJlardest. The Senior class, in par- even the members themselves."ticular, has decided upon an elab- The Freshman class will meet in,orate gift, which will demand a large Kent at 10:30 tomorrow to make W. A. A. TO HOLD FLAG BEE�um of money for excution, and the final arrangements for the class IN SPELMAN HOUSE TODAYclass treasurer is making strenuous dance, which will be held in the Reyefforts to raise the needed funds. If nolds club Monday afternoon, at 4 Junior and Senior Women in Sewingo·clock. Plans will also be perfect Bee to Make Trophies for Corn-ed for the collection of the ten dol-lars deficit from the dance of last1903, UDder Ad or lIarch 3. 1879. '" Enough Segregation."* Two·Years Ago Today *Pobllahed dal17. uc�t Sunda7 .. MODcJa,.. and hollda7.. 4uriq three quartemor the UDIYeralt)' 7eu.Former17The UDlYeralt7 of Cbleaco Weekl7.The Weeki,. oet, 1. 1892.suggestion and will be brief.The Dall7, Oct. I, 1902.Editorial office-lle!ore 8 p. m., EllisHall. UDlveralt7. Tel. H,de Park 426.After 8 p. m., MarooD Press. 474 E. r;r;thStreet. Tel. H,de Park 3691.ANNOUNCEMENTSUNIVERSITY WOMENB�eaa o1IlC8-Before 8 p. m.. Klila sity on this matter in the easiest way TO RAISE FUNDS FOR CLUBHall, UDlveralt)'. Tel. B7cJe Parll: 426. would be through the Daily Maroon. :\Iiss Helen Johnson has left theGet out a literary supplement. T University and gone to her home inNew8 cODtrlbuUODS ID&7 be left at EUla ry International Club at Madison At- Aurora. She will not return thissuch a plan just once, and you will tempting to Secure House.Hall or Facnlt)' ExchaDge. addressed to tbe ua tsee what interest it will arouse. Find q r er .The Maypole dances are bound toout whether the University is ready The International club of the Uni-- - , be a success, if those who registeredfor a Monthly by publishing a sup- verstiy of Wisconsin is attempting toplement. to take part will attend rehearsalsraise sufficient funds to establish a regularly.This should not entail an.y extra I b I A . t ·11c u lOUSC. n entertammen WI There will be a sale' of home-madeThere is perhaps no more thank- work on the Daily editors, for a spe- be given May 29 for this purpose. d'·. I ld b can I.es m the league room at 10:30.less job than that of the class treas- .Cla staff cou e appointed. Thc Th Da·1 C d· Iss '·Th c1 belY ar ma ay: e u Foster Hall will give a danceurer. His� more than expense would be siight. house is designed as a rendezvous forI f h f II . sometime in May.Collecting any other position the none 0 tea Issues of the the foreigners who come to this coun-Class Dues student may take, bears Daily Maroon ther appeared an edi- try unacquainted and barred from so-. - Dall, Maroon.THURSDA Y, :MAY 7, 19Q8.GLOVESThey wear longer.e\·ery one in the class paid his classdebt, the necesasry amount would bceasily forthcoming, and the <Iucscould be reducecl materially. This is. equally true of the other. cJasse�,where less sthan half the class haveenough livc class spirit to share inthe neccssary expenses of the year. ing Games.�The annual Sophomore tug-of- quarter. Several membcrs of thc \Vith thread arul needle. scissorsclass have not as yet paid their as- and thimble, working ovcrtime fromsessment for the quarter. This wiJI r to J o'clock today. the Junior and:)C collected within the next few days. Senior women will endeavor to crc'The Freshman social committe is ate a supply of flags as trophies formaking all efforts to make the dance con!;umption by the pri?e winncrs�Ionday a success from all points of .1I1d champions to be, said championsvie,,'. Several fancy figures will be to be a result of the scries of basedanced and a new feature will be in- ball gamc:s in which the women·stroduccd for the purpose of making colleges are about to indulge.all present acquainted.war is on.�To rain or not to rain-that is aquestion Chicago is answering mo-notonously.1fThe Junior Council seems to have.a fickle fondness for dates.11' A few more hours-then the jollyFriar� begin their three days' sway. Try :\(urine Eye Remedy.'For Red, Weak, Weary, \VateryEyes. �furine doesn·t smart-itsoothes eye pain.Old Eycs llade New. Sick EyesWeJJ-Ask your Druggist for Murineeye Remedy. Ticketscy.A'·c�---FJTbe James f. McCoIIoogbTeadlers' AgencyDo you expect to teach next year?Why not enroll with a firo;t-c:I'S\gency, and thus put yourself ill line'or the best positions?Young men who can teach ModemLanguages, take charge of Athletics,ir handle Commercial subjects inpedal demand.9 Jackson Boulevard.Phone Harrison 3921, SpecialTelO•------5S0;·S,.ECIIiL ----UndelSchool and CollegeSuilings$2'S $30 and $35ThiFLo\.SEElWe·c1e.TAILOR FOR YOUNG MENTwo stores: 131 La Salle ·St., and44 Jackson Boulevardall11TRA VEL .OVlER THE*:,..:,..:13111.,.LAFAYETTE.INDIANAPOLIS,LOUISVILLE,CINCINNATI,DAYTON.Or any Southern PointTicket Office, 182 South Clark St.Depot-Dearborn Station, Polk adDearborn St.Enalewood Station-63d St. The �Pau�2,Art:'IAWeTel. I-Co:meet c,"cry 1'Cquirementas ,,"eURS the hi�h�t expectations.. Sl.50 up.CLUE'l'T, PEABODY" CO., )(akmTHE DAILY MARO'ON, THURSDAY, MAY 7,1908.BLACKFRIARSPresent"THf SIGN OF THf DOUBLE fACilf"(Hansen. Klein and SriUth.)The Scream -of the YearMAY SEVENTH .. EIGHTH and NINTHMANDEL HAI.I.57th and Lexington Avenue.Tickets (25 cents to $1.50) now on- sale at - University Theatre -Agency. �lail orders from Manager Ben F. Newman, 6040 EllisA ve., Chicago. The I udiana University baseballteam comes to Chicago today to playiile Maroons on Marshall field thisafternoon. The Indiana team isstrong this spring, and has �eld theNotre Dame to I to 0 and lost tol linois �y only one run. On thestrength of this showing, the Hoosiers wili be formidable oponcnts, andthe game this afternoon will beclosely contested from start to finish.The inclement weather of thisweek has seriously haudicapped theI practice �f the Varsity, and in factIt It r. yesterday afternoon was the onlySpecial Prices given- to Fraternities, Clubs and University Affairs. d:IY of practice. The men went1t��It'ITeL Oakland 290. 286 East 43d' Street.------------.----------------------------1, .. ---------------------------- . .----------------- .... ---------FROZENManufacturers c! ARTSFINE ICE CREAMS AND ICESGeorge W. Currier & Co.PRINTERSHIGH CLASS JOS PRINTING5508 Kimbark Avenue5 Hotel58TH ST� AND DREXEL AVE.Under Manag�ment -of the National Hotel Co. Tel. Hyde Park 3739-The BEST Ser-ved atPOPULAR PRICESRESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTER13 ConnectioDThis is the time to plantFLOWER and VEGETABLE,SEEDS •••••We carry � lar�e variety of. clean and hardy Seeds.Choice CUt Flowers. always on hand.!mlA. McAdamsFLORIST53rd W Kimbark,Telephones H. P. 18 and H. P. 6957 /IGERrtAN BOOKSIOf �ll "descriptions, such as class-\ics, plays, dictionariesl etc.SPECIAL DISCOUNTTO STUDENTS ••••Catalogues and quotationssent upon request.A. KROCH t:J CO.26 MonrOe Street. Chicago. (First month •••••••• $.t.ooRATES: (Renewals ••••••• •••• s.oe(Six months ••••••• IS-a.elude: ' I THE, MONARCH TYPEWRITER�lar�h-King Radium Chambers COMPANY.Overturc-Stradella Flotow 25 E. Madison St.Qric;ltal Intermezza-Persia-Darnell Phone Central 6362. •Sclection,�.�rry �idow ��tLLehar ������������--�������--�--��--����.Novelty " �larch-Missoula Scull\Valtz-N ourhalrna ••........ Barnard:\Iarch-Chicago' Post BrooksThe band-hereafter wi.ll give concerts only on .alternate weeks, out-HOOSIE.R BASEBALL NINETO PLAy VARSITY TODAYVi�iting Diamond Artists Have GoodRecord So Far-Game ScheduledFor 3=45.through their stunts with ginger andseemed confident of another victorytoday. The encouraging work of theteam in the last games has beenhighly gratifying to the coaches, andthe rooters will no doubt turn out inlarge numbers to pull for the team.Coach Baird said yesterday: "TheLndiana team is strong, but the Var.. ity practiced well this afternoon, andwe hope to win tomorrow."The" regular lineup will be in thegame 'this afternoon, and Harlan Orville Page will do the twirling. Page'sgreat pitching this spring has beenone of the main causes of the team'spresent standing,Outdoor Band Concert Today?The University band will give aconcert this afternoon at 5 p.m., in English I, if the weather isgood; if otherwise, in Mandel hall.The program to be rendered will in-doors when 1l0ssible.Math�ws to Talk to Pre-MedicsDr. A. P. :\Iathews1 head of thePhysiology department. will addressthe Pre-medics at their bi-monthlymeeting in Kent this morning at10:30. He will choose as the subject: for his address orne topic of interest to students in other departmentsas medicine. Business willtransacted.t'I .I Bows' torred TailoringIWe make a Specialty of Club Iand Fraternity Dinners..___mE UNION HOTELAND RESTAURANT111-117 Randolph StreetTHE POPULAR PLACETO EATEith ... r before or after theTheater.Tbe Yates-Fisher Teachers' AgentyPaul Yates, Manager, Suite 6.\1-642, 204 Michigan Avenue. FineArts BuUding, Chicago.SL FULL DUSS SUITSTO RBB'fT. G. SCHAFFNER a: CO.All Sizes. Sure Fit. '1'We carry "Society Brand" ClothesTe1. C�ntral 487S- ,,6 River St.1We Have No Branch Studio,,,-BORDEN'S . -ICondensed 1IDk. Fluid Milk, Creamand Buttermilk.AD Bottled in the Country.Borden'. CondenMd Milk Co.627-633 Eo Forty-seventh St. t A faultlessly fitted FullDress SUit is probably thenu .. st useful one a man canc. wn, and certainly it is themost essential to baYe permanently in his wardrobe.There's no use puttingmoney into Full DressClothes, unless you procure an exact fit and absolutely correct style instrict accordance withfashion's latest edict. Weoffer a special Fun DressSuit complete with extraDinner Jacket, made ofthe best materials, tailored to fit and hang exact-.ly right, and in the1110St approved mode, anforSEVENTY-FIVE DOLLARSTHE BOWS COMPANY805 Masonic TempleChicalO Raise Funds for Stanford TeamStudents ami faculty at Palo Altohave been soliciting funds from themerchants of Palo Alto to cover theexpenses of sending the Stanfordteam to the Conference at Chicagonext month. Donations .. amountingto over $1 ••100 have already been rc-To Boost Salaries at nlinoisAt a meeting of the hoard of trustees of the Illinois Univcrsitv at thef";Ilm\!r -l Iouse this week, PresidentE. J. James recommended raise insalary for various professors and instructors, who were eligible to promotion, and also made recommendations regarding prospective new appointments to the faculty, W. I..Abbott of Chicago, head of the boardof trustees. presided.Indiana student:' ctre :" the throesof an energetic . campaign, which i�.to result in the choice of the newstafi of the Daily Student. BRIGHTONFlat· Clasp Garters .for solid cum fort. The newest shadesand designs of one piece, ".,re .""web. All metal parts heavy nickel.plated brass, cannot rust. 25c. a pair,all dealers or by mail.PlONESI SUSPDilJOI co..n • ....,ef·SfNef ................JlGU,., 01 PiorttIW S/U11f'fIdn'lThe Twin Cylinder Indianis the Very Latest in-- MOTORCYCLES --Be sure your 1908 machine is a two cylinder with mechanicalvalves. All Automobiles have mechanical valves: Don't lie deceived,get the Latest.Important - At Riverside Hill climb, California, a Two Cylinder IIndian made one mile in 58 sec onds, fastest time mace in th�w�rld by any kind of a machine. Call and see us. Demonstrationsdally. HENDEE MFG. CO. 1251 Michigan Avenue, ChicagoYOU COULD'NT HIRE A KING.BUT YOU CANRENT A MONARCHDaintily DeliciousPerfectly Pur e. SurpassinglySmoothWonderfullyWholesomeIIarsifr Ca'e ••55th St. and Greenwood Avenue� OPEN ALL DAYMeals 20c andChop Suey .e. Specialty UpAfter May FirstWe will 0fCUPY o�r new quarters 2G-28 E. Lake Street.This affords an exceptional opportunity of purchasing our select stock of lamps and bronzes at markedreduction.WILLY H. LAU tPullman Building. 12 Eo Adams Street II-E. C--:�OORE826 W. 63rd Street •• FLORIST••,27' E. 55th Street.I Tel Wentworth 2038; Tel Hyde Park 38.ToRE DAILY MAROON, THU.RSDA Y, MAY 7. 1908.The Cast and Choruses of "The �����Sll-:;�"!STINGSign. of the Double EaglePeasant Girls-Sturgeon,MacNeish, Profeuor 'Cqrk Asks Women if theyOW<:II, Willett. Lewis, Appel, Hoad- Will Give up Dances forley MncClintock, �{ostrom. Concerts.Octet - Girls: Willett, Lambach,Appel. Mc Leau ; Men: Stibbs.Strauss,Packingharn ...•..... George HuntDexter Davis •........ Carl BurtonJack Daily ..•.....•• Phil J. ReddyRudolph •. '0', Weaver ChamberlainSchmaltz A. W. WheelerFritz .....•.• '.' Charles L. SullivanMiss Constance Prentice .•......•••••.•..•... Chas, SpenceMiss, Louise Alstyne.Ralph BenzicsFrau 'Schmidt Dean KennedyTina E. R. Robinson IMilkman H. R. Baukhage Excelsen, Meyers. That a great deal of the professedCupid Ph.D.-l\IacClinto�k. Hoad, love for the beautiful is cant andley, Willett, MacNeish, Sturgeon, hypocrisy, was the opinion S. H.Lewis, Owen, Lambach. .Clark made very clear yesterdayDaisies - Mac Clintock, Beatty, morning, when he addressed theMucNeislr, Owen, Sturgeon, Hoad meeting of the Y. W. C. L.. Nearley, Lewis, Suglts, the beginning of his speech, lie askedKeller, the pertinent question of bow manyof his auditors would give up dances,Waiters - Boaz, Ritchey,Tjoinsland,Odd Students-Choles, McFarland,Tiedebohl, Grey, Baukhage, Cham- or an opportunity to see select vaudeville, to go and hear the Thomas Orchestra. No one volunteered a re-Saxonian chorus-Crighton, Brand,Rogers, Hubble, Sterns, Adams,Stibbs, Strauss, McCullough, \Vhitfield. Meyers, Excclscn. bcrs,173 Michigan Ave.Railway Exchange. ply.As to the young woman's aestheticduty, he said:"It is the duty of everyone to dressas well as possible,not for others, butfor the effect on one's self. We saywe love beauty when we don't. Ifwe meant what we said about uglystreets, we would go out and cleanthem up. I t is a question of prac-tice." .He deplored the tendency of the Istudents at the University to wait forprizes as an incentive to doing anY-Ithing. As to this he said:"Prizes are morally ugly things,'he said. "They bring much ugliness Iinto the world. A man may not workas hard without a prize or a schola-r- .ship to help him in his studies, as hewould with the prize .. I grant· youthat, in ten thousand cases, this maybe so. But it remains that the prizesystem-the giving of awards forwork which should be, done for, thework's sake-is ugly from a moralviewpoint."Jackson Boulevard andMichigan AvenueCle�ring S�leOF SMART �GOWNS ano SUITSBeautifully made. of the finest materials and in the mostsnappy styles. Just the opportunity for you to dress wellat a very modem cost.$60.00 PRINCESS RAJAHDRESSES, reduced to $If 0.00$40.00 LONGEUNE DRESSES, .reduced to $25.00 .$30.00 SILK PRINCESSDRESSES, reduced to $18.00$30.00 DRESSES REDUCEDto $18.50$60.00 SMART PRINCE CHAPSUlTS, reduced to $35.00$30.00 LONG PRINCE CHAPSUITS, silk lined, reduced to $18.75$35.00 LONG COVERT COATS,well-tailored, reduced to $22.50$15.00 LONG PRINCE CHAPCOATS, reduced to $8.75$10.00 WAISTS, made of fiineLace, and Net, reduced to $6.00$8.00 T AFFETT A SILK WAISTS,all colors, reducedt to $5.00$5.00 LI N EN W ALSTS1 tailoredand. pleated, reduced to $3.00SOc Collan and Ties reduced to 25cSuits to Order '50.00 upward - .... J�(Continued from p"3ge I)Shot put-C. A_ A.: Burroughs.Prather, Carrells, Alderman, Draper.U. of c.: Maddigan, Schommer, Hubble. Crowley.Hammer throw-C. A. A. A.: Burroughs, Garrells, Prather, Alderman;U. of C.: Worth wine, Hubble, Mad<ligan; Elliott.Discus throw-C. A. A.: Griffin,Burroughs, Prather, Garrells, Alderman, Draper; U. of c.: Maddigan,Crowley, 'Hubble, Schommer.Running high jump-C. A. A.:Irons, Jordan, )(iIIer; U. of c.: Bacon, Dagenhardt, Schommer, H uhble, Rogers, Coyle.Running broad jump-C. A. A.:Irons, Nicholl. Freeney; U. of' c..Boyd, Garrett, Crowley, Lewis, Henneberry.Standing high jump-C. A. A. :Irons, Jordan, �lil1�r; U. of c.. Bacon, Dagenhardt, .Schommer, Hubble,Rogers, Lingle, Garrett. Steffen.Standing three broad jumps-C. A. "Base Ball Goodshave the endorsement of the big players in the American, National andMinor leagues. Reach Mitts andGloves are used by such famous menas Kling, Lajoie, Chance, Davis, Ten-o ney and many others - sufficient e,·idence of Reach superiority. They sayno other make holds the ball so surely.Prices of Catchers' Mitts, 25 cents to$8.00 each, First Basemen's Mitts,$1.00 to $4.00 each. Fielders' Mitts,50 cents to $3.00 each. Fielders'Gloves, 25 cents to $3.50 each.Now read". The r�Diud authorit" 011 all base ball m:att�n.Tbe uc:JosiYe baDd book or tne Americ:&D�. Contains plaJlac MH. S('h�duIH. reco:ds aDJ comp'�te reyiew of the 1'107 sea SOD.Abo conuiDi OYer SOJ photos of leadin: te:lm; and players. 111mmtecl ad detailecl aCCOUDt of the 1'N7 WOIld's Series.!.. CeDis at au dealers O? by maDThe � Ballis the officul ball of the great American League. Its use is compulsoryin every game played by anAmerican LeagueT earn, as theReach Ball has been adoptedexclusively for a period of tenyeaD by. that Organization.neReadi ®Guraalee�IIppfia'o an .�ac'lbs� 'ail Goods (e.ll:.,,'balls nd b�'s u.d�r JJ.CJO). rbe R�acb 'r:adeIUri 01 allr arl/d� is a gaMa8'« 0' qa:a'ilr-I' .callS salisfaelioD. a D�. ar'id� or ,our• o.�, baci (.;'.'.IC�"';OD abon).The REA.CH0IDciaI1IIIse laD Galde fer 1918 :tlase IaIlsBatsCaldIus' MillsIbsksWyProkdmfieWa's' IIilIIGlna,dc:. Vest.:.Varsit),.ht ",-,ect ou·ap theC. A." "The:sure 0Stagg.oto any:rhen .;cbanc«ibtter .:otberi�ouldfor til. 04Cal; fin- s:�Of th4";from 0::iD the:� ..����:�hJ�e'1"tCUJ:\� .� ent,'�too<t'.�.� b�� t:i� c.�y"1_: -n'i� thpoorstartile Io laudIndiag�. ably. 01)'11andSchohaverunnson»eonnthe.If "OIl caDDot procureourcoodsof roar -Mal�r. wlitl! to u;. and on rK�ipt ofprier 'II'e ... iII deliY!!r wbat "OIl desire.o"r;'� for our fiEf 190& Ibse"." u'a'Ofl� aDd Ibs� Ball5'0" If, fiber' Ha""�rd.A. .I. ·REACB a co ..I7I9TalJp Street........el��• ...AMUSEMENTS....J'r' . t \,�.��\ ,1,'1GARRIOl[ ·ILLINOISThe- Dutch Musical Incident,MISS HOOK OF HOLLA:NDOOLONIALHave you seenTHE MERRY WIDOWShe is the International CrazeLA SALLEHONEYMOON TRAILWith CedI Leanand Florence Holbrook/THE WHITNEY�ARRELLS TO COMPETEUNDER C. A. A. COLORSJefferson De Angeles, Blanche Ring,Alexander Carr an� -, �o others inTHE GAY WHITE WAYCharles Frohman PresentsTWENTY DAYS IN THE SHADE-----------.STUDEBAKER. MAY ROB·SONThe Rejuvenation ofAUNT MARYTHREE TWINS:\.: Irons, Draper, Taylor, Nicholls, year. Illinois College gave him hisFreeney; U. of c.: Steffen, Garrett, L.L.D. in 1904. During 1886-7 andTYPEWRITERS (or Sale or Rent- George F. Aiken's Barber Shop Bacon, Schommer, Dagenhardt, Huh-Special rates to students; bargains removed from 446 to 42B 55th street, hie, Lingle, Rogers, Gaardc,in re-built machines. W. White- in new building at Lexington avebead, 36 La Salle Street. nue. New and enlarged equipment;more barbers; best service. StudentWanted-\Vork in shorthand and patronage solicited.typewriting-job or permanent. Ad-dress 'J. E. A., Sil4 Kimbark Ave.\Vanted-Thirty ushers, ten foreach night. Write name and addresson paper plainly, and address to BenNewman, Faculty Ex., I with whatnight you desire to usher. 1900-1 he studied at the universitiesof Berlin, Wurzburg and Paris. Hisconnection with . the University ofIndiana dates from 1885, when he became instructor in Greek. Fromr88i to 1902, he was professor of --------------philosophy, and from 18c).l to 19(>2 S .. veThisSPECIAL RELIABLE Rebuilt Typewriters, allmakes, special bargains this month,from our own factory, equippedwith modern machinery, 250 horsepower.' You assume no risk; satisfaction or your money back. The1'Jpewriter Ezchaqe�19 DearbornSt. Branch of the American Writing Machine Co., iDCO�eclTypewriters Rented-3 months for$5 and up. Typewriters sold on easypayments, from $10 up. Best bargainsin guaranteed machines. AmericanDesk ct Typewriter Co., 118 DearbornSt. Central GI.7. 'THE AUDITORIUMTHE DAiRY MAIDSWith Harry BulgerINDIAN� PRESIDENT TO TALK(Continued from page I)ed. at the university of 'which he isnow the head, being a graduatefrom there in 188.;, and .obtaining hisA. M. two years later. The degree of Ph.D. was conferred uponhim in 1892 at Clark University.where he had been a fellow for aserv cd as vice-president,Wanted-Two table boarders. 5822Drexel first flat. Cfhe . I.ZimmermannlCO. "II�ba\'(forpat,�h.TetebaV4cas.Desires to employ a few(orriai<loppforingeleCorustudents. Afternoon andevening work.For information, apply atroom gA, Cobb Hall, between I and 3:30 P. m.--------�-- - ...COUPON·IOcGoocIforat Fifth Floor, Masonic Temple15.00 Shoes 12.50 \Jurmotheini