'�,,; "People are always talking about. 'lfo Come from Trinity College as the tendency of ·the laboring man to Work Said to Make Important Con-. ,�:;� succasor of Professor Abbott cheat his employer, and get as much tribution to :Study of Effects ofWho Goes to Princeton. as possible for doing the least. 'Grant- Immigration.The Maroon baseball team failedto break the traditional hoodoo whichIllinois has always �'xercised'" and'dropped a ·nerve-racking ga� to the .down-staters yesterday afternoon by'the' score of 6 to 2. By this defeatChicago tumbled from its tie for first'place: in the intercollegiate leaghe,and leaves Minnesota' the leader .inthe pennant race. ., ..The down-state men played likechampions. 'and seized: every advantage, that came their way.' The, M"aMARC CA TLI N :.vm bring: his roons dnade seven liits: to six forHawkeye nine to Marshall ,HuWs. players, but nine errors by' . theseen the manuscripts. to be valuable field next Saturday to . pl' ay the Var- locals were disastroes '. II· .,' I ..contributions to present-day knowl- . . .' mors p ay-edge of the political, moral, social and sity team. This is the' only game ed the fielding game w�lI,mak'irig' oniy: ,scheduled between the two teams. two errors and pulling '0. fftbe.i� pla�s .educational influences, the German JEmerson: ··When men cease to -fear Catlin, who was captain of .the cham- in fast style. ','portion of America has had upon herthat their neighbors are cheating life. . .' , pionship football team in 1905, and The' work of Penn, the', IlIin'i thirdthem, and take care, instead,that they • f d one of the greatest hurdlers ever at baseman, was especially' 'brilliant. in .'. ,. .'. . , The first prize 0 3,000 was a war - .. .. . ' .are not cheating their neighbors, d ·Alb. B h d F t f the University, IS, meeting with 'sue this respect. .', ".I .' : . e 'to ert ern al' taus ,pro es-. ,. ' . ,--', '"" ,". ,..then we Will have changed t�e market 'f 'G .. .Ii . ..... _� ....... , "C. «!.�:"'!"l�.th.e�lowa teams; ,,/ -". �,:",- :"'''With-:'''ttre':-''eX4.�tfOn�r,:,of'''' tit��di�-:'-� '�_"'.'". .,. . _"".' - ,_ I sor 0 erman, .. Ilerature...I:;' ·"Vn'tdll" t· ." . ,. .car' of ,b"YpoCrisy ·foi".�Jhe;-- �baJliot�..of. ,-- "� . --.- ,----. -:. .,.' - I trOU!; �seventh ·inning;,·�the'·r:r.:Ime' Was. '--:-., - .. . . " -"'. -' Untverslty� The . second 'pnze' of .-truth," The speaker' empbasized the' closer than 'the sc. ore' WOJlJd ·,i.ndicate.,'-:- $2,000 went to Rudolf Cronan of New . , .. '" ""..fact' that a man, in any h. ranch ofso- Y k . '. The hi d . f $ , Dn A'y. �, •. ", 1mI'.QD.�I· 'I�·. that' inning,' however, ';--iwo ,"i:Wo::' ..• . . ' '. '. or city. e ,t 11' pnze 0 I�...... &5II1II rv,..... " .crety •. workangman or' caplt�hst, would ". . ed b .r- _ ' B f .' ,D AIT ··.·IS .·nv ..... V,·.;Plnm.: baggers and a ; du�ter, of" i�fiel�; .errors'.. . was rccelv y. uc:orge von osse 0 lUI" � IftIILIt I, .,...., . . ,be the one, benefited If the need of Phil d I h.' . ,'.... ..... ..... . �et in thr�e .runs .. foi":th,e .. I�I��i��"��bd�g' continually watched' wer�' re-; a e pia., . '_ two men w.ere out. .Ri te.r.:d�b.. I.J.. .. �,'. ,.. . .The manuscripts have bGfn under, . c:..._mond.'. consideration since March,' 1907. by Liacle CinclieS'htii60ii '00' �_ ... _: and.' 'af��r" P�nn ,a�{ Dishi�Y:·1.:��t'"No' man," Dr. -Henderson contln- .. . . • ' �-"""', out Snyder' se'nt·- another::'fw<>-ba�,.. . '.' a committee of. Judges � consisting of .lIadCtipn Jacoba and Steft'eIl Oat' . ,.' ,'_ued, "can gu UII'uugh life 5uccssf::!!y P ... 'H U 't -. - '- . .,• . . . . . . • ' hit to short' center, and'toOk third': �n, '. '. . rOlessor an no .. el er 01 '1 ulane aut Event5. -_. .' , ". . . .on the philosophy of bfe held by .the U· .' P f Fed· r: 'T .' l.1eary·s iii-Judged :throw' to"M�irs': to• nlverslty, ro essor r erICK'·· ur- ,. , ,gambler-that life is ruled by chance. f h U·· .. £ 'W·· . . -. catch Henrichsen,' who had;_ hit �-.. '. ner 0 t e mverslty. 0 '. IsconSIn. I'" .The gambler and those who behevc d -n.. f .K ·1', B I: J .. '. f· 5 ow 'grounder t� .ihii-d :�se. � Snyder• . an .&:'To essor· al. et ez essow' 0 With his �ind up on the personnelwith him, may temporarily remain .. stared home when Ciea!'J(" thre.w, :.t.·oBryn Mawr. '. of the; relay team;' �nd his' decisio�unscathed, but the pitfall is inevita- " Meigs, and Meigs threw wild ·to. , Professor Faust's work is said to almost formed 'as to what athletes he ' .., ., '',��·.�rious works: on Latin literature. ble and must come' before death. ,Thc .. -- --. ." Gaarde. Page, who was back-ito�",. , - h�,,·e brought out·. the. highest prais�: 'will take' for the special .events, Di-;::lHe is als� a contributor, to several broad-minded man, the man of educa- ,) . ping the catcher, threw to second' to ..�.·,5 philoloaicai and arch. a.eological jour- tion. must realize that the universe is from all who' have read' ift .. '�rofeS'':'1 .�ect(Jr Stagg will put on the finishing catch HenriQhs�n, but' the ball' was . I. ,.', o· sor Cutting. in .spa�ing,o . it: yester-, touches today and �omorrow. '..\-. '''::'ls and to the New York Natl·on g' ov-rned' by -3. uniformity of law. ,. j - fumbl� and the down.-sta' teO .'man too' k'.,: ..... , ... day, was enthusias.tic over its value ... Garrett's time of :53 3-5 in't,' :'!<; and Evening poet. He is a prominent This is the hypothesis upon which. - Sat- � .. ird. Pegues then threw �to 'Gaard�,,'t•• k d . L._ ··The subject is too broad to be urday's race 'in which he turned the.f l� 'member and officer of the American the SCientists wor s, an It must '&n;', • db. .: . but Henrichsen beat: tlie ball' home,. i, :,. . I.f d d "b taken up·an a few wor s, . !-It,. an tatiles on Comstock.' was not as fast . >!' . ,"; Philological Association, and form- the philosophy of 1 e a opte y . . .F . ". .. .,' �nd the three ruris . were in.' Buzick. •. boef, Profesor aust has: wntten a as_ �Irector Stagg required for 'an- .do.'... • erly of the Archaeological Institute every thinking, moral man. A man - finished the inning by going out "at� � I·f d· d· very comprehensive hi�!orica.l. s�rvey I)th�er:' �hance at tingle for the fou"h t:.rst, Mel·gs unas's' I.sted· .'of America. In the American S,chool ('annot go through I e Isregar 109 , ..... of the effect of German immigration place on the relay t�am. As a con-of Classical Studies in Rome, from the uniformity of operations in the ' ., Illinois inade two fast double plays,, . to the United States," he said. ··This sequenc:e� Lingle is the' regular man Sh' .JR.n.:: to Innl, he held several im- moral world without being wrecked. .'. Ie Ids to Righter to Penn in theuy" -- ,is a subject that hithe"o. has be�n lor .t�.�· team. This 'makes th� quare ' .portant pOsitions in th� executive and Consequently, if a man will ideritify first inning. and Snyder unassisted inneglected, for the tendency·, of his- tet compose� of the same for as h'administrative committees, and was himself with the right early in life. t e seventh. Falls and Pegues also• • h' h torians has 'been to Anglo-American-. made it up in 1907.:-captain Quigley, pull-d o· ut one I·n' th- thl.rd.professor 'in the school during 1898-9. he will need.. no SUperviSion, w et er - .... ...ize everything, and not give �ufficient l�ef!iam" Barker and Lingle._. He was ordained a deacon in the he be employer or employe, and that . Ehrhorn made a three-bagger in theattention to the inftuences of the peo-. Though .the men on' the team areProtestant Episcopal church in 1894. which . is expended for supervision . eighth inning, which brought in thep�e of other nationalities on our life. m()re experienced than last y�ar. they. • 'and priest' in 1.905, by the Bishop 'of can be added to his remuneration in 1,laroons' only runs. After' StaehlingThe essay will be published in book are not 'in as good shape, and stu-Connectitut. eit,her case. S,truck out, Page .hit safely and stoteform �ht)rtly. and I believe it ,,·m be den.ts doubt whether. they will beat second. Cleary walked: �gues ftewIIi .... GeIt" G�baum: w:o ... _:-". the subject of a great deal of atten- the time of 3:25. Merriam's ankle is 'aaA5�� out to third, and then Ehrhom tri-The engagement of Miss Gertrude Geoqe H. lIelton Loses .Foot tion. ,still �veak,. ,,;hile Barker's shoulder is pled to deep right center field, scor�Greenbaum to Mr. A. Richard Franke George L. Melton, a graduate at "Professor Faust is ,,·ell kno,,·n not perfectly well yct. Penn will, as ing Page and Cleary. A momentof this city was announced yesterday. the University working for his Ph.D. among educators. He was graduated usual, be the chief opponent of the later, however, he was caught off:\1iss Greenbaum will take her de- in history, was seriously injured on from Johns Hopkins University.". V'arsity this .year, and 'is said to be third by a throw from the catcher.grcc at the coming convocation. She the 5ith strcet statiQn of the Illinois At ,the Convocation of 1904, ,,·hen fast. The only other t'ime that the �I:l-is finishing her course at the Univer- Central" yesterday mc-rning. His left llrs. Seipp. ,,·idow of the brewer. con- �Iadcligan and Jacobs' are the ath- roons threatened to score was in thesity in three years, and while here foot "'as sevcred at the ankle as the ceh·ed thc need for such stu(lies as ietes for thc special events that Di- sevcnth, ,,·hen Schommer and Gaardehas al,,·ays maintained high scholar- result oi an accident while he was at- her prizes have brought out, seven rector Stagg is most seriously con- each singled. Falls. ho"·cver, hitship averages. She reccived honor- tempting to board a train. He was celebrated German scicntists received .. iderlng at' prescnt. M:uldigan ".ill into Snyder's hands, and the Illinoisable mention for work in the J\lnior made unconscious and' immediately thc honorary degrees of L. L. D. h� entered in the shot and discus and t:. bIIrst- aseman doubled up on Gaarde'(olleges at the time of taking her as- taken to the Chicago hospi,ta1.; In the Charlc. magne TO"'er, American am- Jacobs,_ in the nolc vault, if they go" and retired the side.sociate title. afternoon his foot was amputated basador to German. and Baron Spe,ck to Philadelphia. Steffen Will get a" In th� fourth inning •• Page pitchedMiss Greenbaum is popelar in stu- above the ankle. von Sternberg, German ambassador tryout in the hurdles this afternoon. himself out of a bad hole. After t".odent acti\;ties. 'She led the '9Oi Jun- Reports from the hospital late last at \Vashington. were also present. and if he runs the sticks' in fast. . '. "'ere down, S.chaeffer knocked aior Prom with Winston ".enry. She night st.ated that Mr. Melton was Dnring the exercises, messages of enough time, will also go with the h ODIe run. Car into left field,. over Eh'r- .1ra!il secretary of the Sophomore class resting easily. A physician �n attend-1COngratulation were received from the party. Director Stagg, will announce horn·s head. Then Buzick hit toand a member of the society commit- ance �id the patient will probably Ge"111an emperQr and from President his choice tomorrow after the final'Iee of the Cap and Gown last y,ar. not n� a second operation. RO<ISevelt. workout. (Colltillaed OD pap 2)'.:�fesor Elmer Truesdell Merrill:;',i Appointed to Professorship in�', Latin Department.. � Professor Elmer Truesdell Merrjll,.� profe�sor of Latin and literature at:�Trinity College. Hartford, Conn" will._fluin the University of Chicago fac'}olty October 1, as professor of Latin.'::'611ing the place left. vacant, by the.� 'resigilaiion of Professor Frank Frost:.; Abbott. who accepted a professor< ship in the. graduate school of Latin'.)at Princeton. Professor Abbott will�Ieave for Princeton i� the autumn,;:,� .. Proie��Qr, Merrill was born in 1860..��i� !\Iellville7 Mass. The first part of'��'bis collegiate education'. was rei�'�ived at W esleyan, wh�re he grad;��uated with an A. B. in 1881, remain-��}ng one year for graduate study. Wes·t leyan conferred upon him the degree;�of A. M. -in I SSg. During 1885-6 he"}attendc!d Yale.jand theri studied a year'r at the University of Berlin'. He con\.tinu� 'his' education in Rome and inc , ���;'England, 'being at Rome durjng the��,ears 1892, 1895, I�, and 1903.' Hisj.�idence_ .in. Jf��lan�' was',., during:;�J889, 1892, and'· 1906.: :.: 'i" 'His career. as an instructor com-o ;; ::��.,�enced· in I��: in ,the Massacbusetts., ;�Norm31 School. He' subsequently�: '�i�ught Latin �t Wesleyan and at the" )�niversity, of California:. returning to;� ,])Vesleyan in 1888. serving as Rob-"Tert Rich Professor of the' Latin ian·:�t �age and literature until '905. �incc,1,'1905 he has 'been 'Profe�sor of the. ':i Latin language and Jiter:l:ture ·in, l Trinity Colleg�, Hart'ford..:�!.', Professor Merrill is the editor of,f... ,".tr,,,r.., .. \!lurnittt�ISCORES UBOB'S CRITICS IAIE·WIIIERS II COmsT I FO�s:!�O�AIi CHICAGo LOSES ARST· .FOR COIRAD SEIPP PRIZE VARSITY . DIE WITH ILUIOISDr. �endenoD Says 'There is asMuch SoldieriDC Among Profeuo��' -StUdents and Professional Men as Professor Albert. �dt Faust. Amonc Day Laborers. of Cornell, Awuded Firat Placewi� $3,000 in Cash.colleges at -the chapel exercises yesterday morning, by Professor CharlesR. Henderson, chaplain' of the University. Dr. Henderson took as histext the quotation from Ralph Waldo V�ty Nine ,Goes to Pieces in Seventh IDnin& and IlIiDi Get Three'·"Runs.ed that the laboring men may inThe winners of the Conrad Seipp Down-Statera' Hoodoo Continues inGood Working Order and GameEnds 6 to 2.,some instances be untrustworthy, but memorial prizes were announced yeswhy always the laboring man? Isterday by Professor Starr Willardthe bank clerk always trustworthy. Cutting. head of the department ofdoes the banker always obey thelaw? Does the doctor, the lawyer. German. These prizes, aggregating$6.000, and awarded the. authors ofthe alderman whom we elect to rep- the three best essays on German inresent us, do' they obey the law? Arc Huence in American affairs, receivedstudents and professors-and this, their inspiration at the. Convocationcomes close to us--are they always oi Jun'e,. 1904. when .some . distinfree from' the charge of faithlessness guished scientists were guests of theto their trusts? University. The awarded' subject isl'bis was the substance of the ad-o one' to which historians have, paiddress made to the men of the Junior little attention, and the prize-winningessays are said by those who have "). .THE DAILY MAROO}i, TUESDAY, APRIL �I, 1908.', .CHICAGO LOSES F�T •GAIlE WITH ILLINOIS • • • •. * ...... �DO YOU REMEMBER?• * ••(Continued from page I).. , ...The< oalclal ·.st�t ,�cat101l" of theUDlYeralO of Chlc.co. . .. One Year Ago Today •fI I n memory of Dr. Harper as a *• scholar, thirty-four educators of *., the United States and Canada, *• announced their intention of col-"� laborating in two volumes �f"* studies in . Old Testament his-"� tory and semi tics, the field in *.. which Dr. Harper's greatest inter- ** 'est as a scholar lay.' •* TWo .Years Ago Today *� A new University organization ..right field for a base and Shieldsdoubled ·to short center, but . fastfielding held Buzick at third. "Pat"gave Morrison a base on balls, which�lIed the bags and caused the Lllinirooters to do ·their loudest cheering.Page settled down and struck .outRighter for the second time in thegame, and thus retired the side without further scoring,For the IIIini, Schaefer's homerun, and two-baggers by. Righter,Snyder and Shields were the battjngfeatures, and Snyder's work at firstand Penn's at third shone up in thefield. Buxik struck out eight men,ICDtered u 8ecood-cl ... Mall at the ChlcqoPoetoalCf. Chleqo, I11ID. Karch 18.1903. under Act of Karch 3. 1819.PubUahed dall7. ucept 8DDdaJ8. IIoLdQe and boll41,J8. dorm. thnie quarter.of. the UDlYeralt7 'leu.Formerl7The UnlYeralo of Chicago' Weekl'l.FoDDdedThe WeeklJ'. OcL 1. 1892-The DnllJ'. Oct. 1. 1902.Subecrlption price. 53.00 per jear: 51.00for 3 mont.bL SubScrlptloD8 receh'ed atthe lIaroon Omce, Ellis Hall. or at theFacul17 Exchall&e. Cobb Hall.EdItorial om�ore 8 p. m., EllislIall. UnlYeralO. TeL H.rde Park 426.PRESTON F. GABS. News EdItorMELVIN J. ADAllS, Athletic EdItorJerome N. :FrazlkAlbert D. HendersonA. L. FrlcJateiDUPOKIDSA. W. Wheeler, H. R. BaukhageA. W. Whitfield H. B. Fuller\V. A. Weaver Roberts B. OwenCaroline Dickey Esther M. ;HallJ. Sidney'Salkey Mamie LillyA. N. Pfeffer Sudhindra Bose• LOUIS S. BEnLIN, Boalnea lfaDagerNews conulbuUou 1D&7. � �e1t at .KIIIs, Hall or Faculo � ad� to th.eDa1l7 KarooD. �",MoreGamesto come___ _.;.._--veteran· players with. a couple of. f fl . Total � 6 6 27 13 2weeks' practIce or a ymg·· start.. Sc�re by innings:Chicago play was ragged inb bl h· ft Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0-2streaks due pro a y c Ie y to a bad. h I Illinois 0 0 I 1 I 0 3 0 0-6weather start Wit 'ess experienced Stolen bases-Cleary, Page 2, Penn,Snyder. Schaefer. Two-base' hits-However, sixteen games are yet .. I Righter, Snyder, Shields. Three-baseunprayed, and in these the team "'111 .. ,hit, Ehrhorn. Home ru�haefer,have a chance to show its real· S . fi h' PD'strength. With three. contests with acrl ce Its - egu�s, Isosway,Penn. Double plays - Shields toIllinois to come, Captain Gaarde Righter to Snyder, Snyder (unassistand the nine will need stanch stu- ed), Falls to &gues. Struck-out-dent backing to wrest the baseball .By Buzick, 8; 1)y Page, 4- Bases ontitle from last year's champions. halls-Off Buzick, 2; off Page, 3.Meanwhile-Iowa next Saturday Passed ball-Morrison. Time ofafternoon.game-2 hours. Umpire-Meyer. Professor Starr Studies' Inhabitantsof· Uncle Sam's Pacific possessions-Addresses conference.:team material.ATHLETES between the negrites and the pygmiesPICKED to establish the above statement, although no linguistic . r�semblanceswere discovered.On April 20 Professor Starr ad-Side Lights on Penn Gaines BADGERi.I JIIinois will be represented by onlyBurroughs at the Penn carnival next Captain :Mes5mer and Morris areSaturday. He will enter the ham- the members of the Wisconsin track dressed the first educational confer-II:r• mer throw, shot shot and discus. In team who have so far been chosenall three events he has been bettering to compete for the Cardinals at thehis previous records. A distance of Olympian tryouts, to be held in Chi-153 feet was recorded to his credit in cago June 12. . Messmer will be ena tryout Saturday. tercd in the weight events. He isThe four-mile relay team has been good for over 140 feet in the hamdecided on at Michig:ln. Rowe, Dull mer, and can hurl the discus 12'; feetand Coe are the veterans 'who will consistently. l(orris is one of therun, while May, a new man, willi fastest quarter milers the Cardinal inround out the team. . stitutioD has had in several Tears. '! . The Y. MoO C. A. at Wabash collegeis .planning to occupy a handsomehouse before fallence ever held in the Philippines.Five hundred teachers from differentparts of the archipelago were assembled 011 this occasion ." .'IF OBLlGE� TO 'DROP' .' �"�:OUT OF,RESIDENCE ';• .' .' ' �ICORRESPONDEN�E-S�Dr:�URSES �Will enable you to continue ,our col1eg� work 'met gain the degree. ,f••flODeJaaIf (II] of the 36 Majoa nquired for .raduatioD .a, be.lODe b7 COft'eSpoaMaC8. flo.. 300 �- coUnea are thus'?ffered .7 .... ben of the UIliMnit7 Facu1tia. fI.aWes the re&alar IIiih School aad eo .... Counea. are --7 that appaJ tothoae ill dHffll'eDt yocatioDl-Dotabl7 to teachen. 4Work_&7� at aD7 tJ... 41Dqulre at oUice ofrTHE CORRESPONDENCE·STUDY DEPARTMENTThe University of Chic:aco - - - - - -ov e r�<,'1promise --- I can't'.':'keep the pledges I.: .;make---the clothes,>':: Irri:a��must do that. And>3 �"-( .... '.---clothes' that w i ll>�,':l ,,'make good have to.b " d k" �..;e goo rna e�"·t·---Not a store for"�;tht? man who' just:;.;•. �. f!room 13. Botany building. Professor - Cobb Hall, 7ATJ.. came into existence with the first *THE. DAILY 'BULLETIR : ===============., ,4meeting of the CommoJ1\�ea,ltl� '. �'j* club. . . •. :senior College Chapel will be ad-III It was announced that N?rm�n • dressed by the University chaplain at* Barker and Winifred Dewhurst * 10:30 a. m. in Mandel hall. , .* would lead the Junior Prom. .. The College of Education chapelfanning two' men in. the inning * Five Y�' Ago Today * at .10:30 a. m. in room 214, Emmons �ualitv.twice, and keeping the hits well scat- • '-&: ';..T.. \\' ork was being completed in· Blaine- hall.teredo � constructing the Reynolds club.· Cheney Lecture-s-Professor E. P. Expect to see you,Schommer and Page did the best -S .... h * Fifteen Years Ago Today * Cheney of the University of. Penn- next year to 0 -:-..1."After 8 p. m., Karoon Prea, 414 Eo 5:ith playing for the Maroons, c ommer'" The. University was preparing * sylvania, will lecture at 4:15 p. m. inStreeL Tel •. H7de Park 3691. making three hard' ca. tches.. ' in the' .. f I fi t· Th' h I" '.. ... or t re rst commencemen exer- Cobb 7C, on ··'TI1e Third and Fourth at s w y m so � :"field, and cracking out a DIce -hit m *. f I S di h d t t * -LVTHEIC. D. FE�ALD, lIa.Da&l� EdItor '. •. '. . . . crses 0 t re we IS epar men Estate in the Fourteenth Century." �the seventh mmng. Page s pitchlllg. • h Divinit hi.' confo nded care �'. . '. ,Ol t e IVIIll y sc 00. Brownson Club will meet at 4:30 U -.was good, and he jnade two hits and.. '• * * * * • * * * • *. . in Lexington IS· £01stole two bases, besides getting four: GOPHERS LOOM UP STRONG; Fake Lecture-Judge Fake of the not toassists .. �alls �ade �v_e put-outs, and CHANCES OF .BADGERS DIM �Iunicipal Court, will lecture 'qt j:45three assists, Without any errors.'., . -_. . in' the south room of the Law build-Mason, the II1ini catcher, was dis-: M' ta b D � ti· lllin '. A . , .. -. - : IDDesa . '7 e&ea ng OIS p- ing, on "The Enforcement 9f I..;1w."abled in the first' inning, and was:. 'F 'dab' I W· '. ''. . .. '. pears onm e - ISCODSln Botany club will meet at 5 p. m. inforced to. retire with a "split finger in;. D Gam. ' .' .' rops e •.favor of Morrlson,whC? c�ught a good,'. Coulter will- speak.game. Ross�. the re�lar Maroon The results of Saturday'S inter-col- Pre-�egal Smoker will be held inthird-baseman; Was.�in·;1iniform, but legiate baseball games showed a con-' the' smoking room of the Law builddid not play, owing to> liis� .recently tender in the race for first honors .. �, h' Ii ' . ;ng at 8 p. m. All who expect todislocated shoulder,:.w IC IS 'Dot yet' 'llIinois, .the nine that. has been con-: :itudy la':v are invited.in shape. . sidered invincible, went .down in de-' Senior Gift--.,.An important meeting.J, The lineup: f 1BoalD.e- omce.-Betore 8 p. .m., .ElIIs feat by the score of 2 to I be ore t 1e )f t.he Senior Gift committee will beHall, Unlv�ra1q. TeL Hide Park' '426.' Chicago. R. .H. P. A. E.� Minnes.ota team, hitherto a "dark held in Cobb 3A this afterno�m at 2Cleary. 3b I 2.1·2 5, horse." Hinrichsen, �ho the day be- .)'c1oek.-Luther D. Fernald, Chair-Pe�es. ss 0 0 3 I' 0: fore, had' pitched 'against Wisconsin,' .' ... ��Ehrhorn, If.· 0 I 0 0 I, iound the task of working two days Fraternity Relay-Relay captains orMeigs, lb. }; .•• : � .0.10: I: Ij in �successioll somewhat strenuous. rep��sentatives will meet' i� Cobb 8BSch(�mmer, cf. eo; o 1. .:.3 0 0 Wisconsin was put further out of I' .llls mormng at 10:30.Gaarde, c eo' 0 I 4 2 o· the running' through a defeat at the, Falls, ,2b. ..�, o 0' 5 3' 0 hands of N orthwest.ern, also b. y' aTUjF!SDJ\Y. A?RIL 21, 19Q8. 'f'Staehling, ·r � ...... '..... � ·0 I·' 0 I count, of 2 ,to. I. The result of thisli Page, P. • � .•..•.•••. -. :.� � . 2 o' 4 Igame �ets Chicago a. notch higher. All �didates for' F� .golf�hicago Ios� its second . game .of - - - - - The Varsity got revenge 'on' Willie {eam iepdtt Saturday at the Jackson. d' I . Total ,' 2 7 27 139M G'II" d f f - .the season yester., ay, to I hnois. The � CIS semi-pros, rna e up 0 orm- Park golf- shelter at. 10 a. m.IJJin�i�: R. H P A- E .score was 6 to 2. The .' . .. .ei" ViLr�ily jJlaycls, dud :mlllc ElKiu Proiessor Richard Moulton will ad- .score indicated the Righter, 2b.- : ",. � .•...••. r . I'" 1 I 0 Nationals. The fielding of Captain dress the girls at the League' meetingcomparative merits of Penn, 3b. . I' I 2 6 0 Gaarde's men was almost faultless, \Vednesday morning, April -22, atDisosway, d .;.: 0 0 0 0 0 d th' h't th h f t·the .t�ams that m�t ye�� an eu' I 5, .oug ew, came a 10:30.. All women are welcome.• Snyder, lb 1 I 15 ,0. 0 h . h' Th M'terday. That IS about t e. �Ig .t time. e aroons won, Penn Meet - Chicago-PennsylvaniaHenrichsen, rf. :. � •. � ... 1 O. 0 0 I4 to 3. . .all there is to say about Chicago's 6 meet for national intercollegiate. • fi Schaefer, It 1 1 0 0 0to 2 defeat ID Its rst crossing of s''''imming title, Thursday evening atbats wl'th 1111·nol·s. Buzick, p. ... r ....... � ... o I I 1 IS o'clock in Bartlett natatorium.Illinois was clearly. superior in Shields, 5S. . ......•....• 1 1 0 4 0FILIPINOS AND AFRICAN Senior dinner and dance-Senior'h d f I 1\Iason, c. • 0, 0 0 0 0PYG-IES 0 _ SA-E RACE '11' d' . H h'smoot ness an accuracy 0 pay, . DI. � DI. men WI give a' mner III utc 10-1.io. rrison, c � .. o 0 8. 1 0due to the advantage of having oti(erserethin the 1greatesllive (:01giving :the bus:. If �.Lake CUDder 'JIPIDELI'l'Y LA1JBDRYHair Dressinc, Manicuring, CLARK I: READ, Props.Sbampooin&, Facial MaSsage Phone Hyde Park 1252 .MADAME KA YNOR'S 68.t-686 E. 63rd St.SCALP SPECIALIST Special Attention � to Student �'f.237 Essth St. Phone H. P.". Work. A Postal Will BrincWagoa.AN.ROUNCEMBB'lSson; Senior women a dinner jn Lexington; a dance in Lexington willfollow.SCore club dance-Last Score clubdance of the quarter, Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at Rosalie.Iowa baseball- Saturday afternoonat 3=45.Club smoker-�eynolds club smoker, Saturday, May 2-Athletic tickets-On sale at ReytlOlds club and Information office.School Facu1t7 Trims D. U.TI�c U'ni\'crsity High School faculty defeated Delta U.psilon in baseballhy the score of 9 to 8 Saturday morning on the Washington Park dia-Profesor Starr, who is lecturing inthe Philippine islands, in companywith Dean M'acClintock, h�s madethe discovery that the inhabitants ofthe central part of. the island of Luzon belong to the same race as thepygmies of Africa., After a study ofthese people during the three weeks'tour in the Pampagna province' ofLuzon, Professor Starr was able tofind sufficient physical resemblancesmond. �lacNeish and Avery were thebattery for the faculty and Briggs andDykstra for Delta U.Do it now! You know you needl'omc 1)11Ot05 before. you lea"'e theUniver�ity. Why put it off to the last' ... eek, '�'hcn you :Ire worn to pieces?Do it now, and don't you forget it.Esmocr 243 E. 55th Street. fie,New' WellingtonHotelDirectly opposite theILLINOIS THEATER$IOO,COO being Spent in: Improvements. Rooms Single oren Suite.The' New FamousINDIAN GRILLAND RATHSKELLARUnexcelled Cuisine and ServiceSpecial After-Theater, Suppers"The Wellington Orchestra"McClintock I: Bayfield,Proprie�ors.TOWN&COUNTRTSHIRTSmeet eyery requirementas well as the hi�hcst expcctntions. 81.50 up.CLuE'I"l', PEABODY .&� .. Xaken ::, .':All. Borde:,1) .• 7�3;.' ...,,_., .,.' ..... --;(THE DAILY, MAROON., ,TUESDAY, APRIL 21, JS)08.� 100-102 Randolph Street, Chicap Students Hope to See Penn, Comerand Swatbmore Send Teams toB�� Event.VARSITY SWIMMERS', 'LOAFING DAYS OVERTank M�n Put ThrouCh Stren��Work for Penn 'Meet by CoachKnudson.�OF INTEREST TO �.Our Bargain Table will be a permanent institution hereafter. Stock which does not move fastenough to suit us, shelf-worn books; and a fewsecond-hand books will be offered ,at greatlyreduced prices; and as we shall constantly varythe display, there will be many opportunities toadd to your library at figures which must interest you. It' will be 'worth your while towatch the Bargain ,Tabl�.Tbe ·University 01 Chicago PressRetaD�eDt"On t5h� C�pus" If the swimming squad has ever inthe season loafed, it is now makingup for it with a vengeance. CoachKnudson has given his men a. strenuous time the last week, and. intendsto put them through the same pacesright up to the day of the Pennsylvania meet. If the Varsity is defeated, it will not be because theteam has not been working.The showing of the men has beenencouraging. Carey, Bickel, Lindsayand Princell are all doing consistent swimming, and will give a ,goodaccount of themselves Thursdaynight. Every man on the team ismaking good time, and ought to putup a stronger front against theQuakers than against any team theyhave met this .year. The weak spotof the squad, the hundred yard swim,is being strengthened. Coach Knudson is working Princell and Day hardfor this event, aad thinks theirchance of getting first is bright.Princell is a "find" in the centuryswim, and was discove�ed oniy afterWalker was compelled to quit thetea� because of 'illness. Day looksgood to get at least a place .Carey will be called upon to do theheavy work in the forty and sixty,and the fight for first in these swi�swill furnish the most excitement ofth� evening, Carey will have Princell and Bickel to back him. The'plunge for distance is conceded tothe Easterners. Lindsay,' the· bestMaroon plunger, cannot �xce'ed 57ieet, while Pennsy. has two men whocan. go o�er sixty feet. The result �fthe relay is in question. This was(he strongest point of the Varsity inthe Wes1<:rl,1 golmc$1 bus the gradualion of Harper broke u�· the quartet.Coach Knudson has refused to ·.announce who will swim in .Harper'splace, and -it is not thought by memhers of the team that he has decided. Lindsay, Carey and Bickelhave their places on' the quartetcinched, and Princell looks likeliestI. �. DO YOU WANT TO STUDYMINING ENGINEERINGin the heart of a great I!lining .countr� within �ight of some of. thegreatest mines, ore dressing and smelting pla!1ts 10 the world.. ":D.d ID. alive 'College, equipped with teachers, Iaboratories, and other facll�t�es forgiving you thorough and practical courses 10 evervthine nertammg tothe business and profession of Mining?· .', If so write to the' State School of Mines,. University of Utah. Salt:Lake Cit;, for a' catalogue and illustrated circulars of information.Graduate .and under-graduate courses.Expenses lower than the lowest elsewhere. ..Four-year' courses in Civil, Electrical, Mechanical. Chemical. andIrrigation Engineering also given, (the last in "connection with thl! StateAgricultural College) ... }.,-..:..----�;.._.--_..--�;.._.-------------�.---.--------------------------------------'------------Hotel. 58TH ST. AND DREJs..EL � VE.��. UDder 'Management of the National Hotel Co. T� Hyde Park 3739-,�. Th�' BEST Served. �I 'IPOPULAR PRICESRESTAURANT AND·LUNCH·COUNTERIn' ConnectioDStudio I For VacationI 'WorkWANTEL)-ACollege menwomen of gooddress for summerwork. fewandad ..BORDEN'S:" : ,.':::".JIensed' 11;11. Fluid 11;11- Cream. .�,_i � ....... a&a, a.aa,.and Buttermilk.' 'All Bottled in the Country.. ";" , . Borden·. Condensed IIilk C<..�};; _ 627�33 E. Forty-seventh St.... " ... :;. ... ------------- for the fourth place.The hopes of the swimming fans,however, are all based on the poloteam. Captain Badenoch and hissextet has been steadily \ improving,and it will take a strong aggregationto get the strong end of the scorefrorr. them. Since Rohde, Andersonand Goes, who were not expected tobe in the lineup, have come out forpractice, there has been a steadyimprovement ,in team work allaround. The defense. which hasbeen bothering Coach Knudson, isnow strengthened, A' battle royal islooked for in this branch of the conlest.CANDIES'4�;i� �ous Chocola�es and BOl!bonsof':j.; -&reat variety. put up in beauti-f. ' .boxes, suitable for pz;esents_, at.:�� 40C and 6oc: a pound... '. "Also Souvenirs and favors for Apply at -once, .Room ZZ,BOTEL 'MAIOON.::.; ., and aD oc:c:asions._,j Gunther"s Confectionery212 State Stneet........ ---------------------------EASTERN ATHLETEs TOENTER CONFERENCE MEET?FINEST A_MERICAN CUISINESERVED ITelephone Cen� M;61 The action taken by the ConferenceAthletic Association commitce insending invitations -to Cornell.. Pennsylvania and Swathrnore to enterteams in the classic meet Junc 6 wasreceived with general satisfaction on.:, THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE COMPANY the campus yesterday. Students arcPhone Hyde Park 571 Kimbark Ave. and 56th St. hoping favorahlc replies will he re-The Cleanest and Best Kept Storage ceh·ed from the three col1eges in-Warehouse in the Cit)'F�rniture and Pianos Moved: Sto�ed. ·PacJc.ed and vit�d.Shipped to all parts c;f the world. 300 Private Stor- 1 here is also a chance that Stanage Rooms. Large Parlor :t:xclusively for Pianos, ford University will enter athletes.Roo�s for Trun.ks rond Wheels. Larae Room (orCarna�es. Buggies and Sleighs. Trunks to and Efforts are being made hy local alum-from. all Depots. Local Transfers for Baggage. ni of .the Palo Alto college to swellFumltur.e, Packages, etc., at short notice. the f\1I1(1 of expenses of the squad toSpeclaJ attention &iven to UDivenit7 Orden. 'be sent. The J;l'UPoCihe claspis easy. h'.·fiat-the only absoolutely Qat clzu:p s:vteris the nri:;hton. Killions or men 1..00\" this-buythem und wear t!u·m. The .. earis there, nod t!ll'y cost only a quArlcr• pair� Itemember it..-u � CI .. nl"_' Sr •• '__'_ :. Brigbtooa, are made 01-,- pure .Uk ... b..I' The patterns are... ojt. Dew, exel uai ve - TaIiJ' «y enougb to u.tiIIy<\� nerybod,.. .-\11 mda1:putaare of beavy nickel-plated brua. .IC 1our. dealu can't aupply 1nu, :-.pair \\"ill be lent upon receipt of p. :"�.,_.,., IOur Greenhouses are inFestive ArrayWe invite you to inspect ourlarge stock of spring flowers.You may find !k>me ,Eastersuggestions.A. McAdamsFLORIST53rd and KimbarkTelephone2l H. P. I,. 'and H. P. 6951, w. Stock a c:oaplete 1JJl. 01, BlGB GaOlManicure and ChIropodists". InstrumentsFUesNippersBuffersNail and.(iuticle, ScisaOrsCom CbiielslDives and,Razors .·Iefairiag,N.tlJ'IkD�...... � ..... Cal 5 ' CI�SHARP· e SMITH ...... AI"IWIICVU"'�,Wi ...... 'S .ft ..... &..... c:IIIClGO, IlLYOUNG IIENtS- DEPT.till Edward Ely tOIQPlOYTAILORS163 State StreetMentor Building, Second FloorChicagolOur. Specialty-;-An absolutely stylish dependable suit to, order, $35-00• London Office 6 Golden Square, W.. Mr. Harry. T� JackEyesight SpecialistOptician·Central Officer.tI• II"Suite' 1320 Masonic Temple, Phone c;entral 5255.Hours '10 a.'� to 5 p •. IDeI\.FAYETTE,IND�APOLI�LOUISVILLE.·CINC�NAT;�AY,T�N.Qr �7 Southern P�intT�.q��,I�SoU� �k st.Dep:a���, S��� �o� � . .j D�born �t. - '. .I.' Eqlewood Statio� ��UMBRELL�B. L.· AMES HAT co.ONE QUART� CENTURY"AT OLD LOCATION- NOW AT-911 £liST .1IfJ'$IIN S�.TRIB� BUILDIHGSTETSON SILK AND o'�ERA HATSA FAIR �EAL WITH EACH HAT:-: :-: CANESGLOVESDaintily De'i�jousPerfedl, .P .. r e .Surpassingl,.Smooth,Won"erful',WholesomeLace ShoeJ" ;ORSVTH'slOpposite the Bank. 444 East 6]n1 Street ISMALL PRICES SIiALL PROFITS IBIG VAL U B S and a � per cent discountBIG BARGAINS on all purchases atTHE .ORBING STARaSs East Fifty-Fifth Street. :pRY ,GOODS �TOU--BUT--Do YOUDeservea BetterPosition THE CLARKTEACHERS' 'AGENCY_:nlelt,. _.... , ..... : ...8. F'. CLARK, �"OP'UETO"."�-,t·,. . �. .�����������������������T�H�E�D�A�I�L�Y�M�· A�R�O�O�N�,�TU��ES�D�A�Y���A�P�Rl�L�2�1�'�I��.��������������������''-!'�I�! ..-v.'_RUSSELL WILL COACH AT 'STANFORD ATHLETES MAY I ; , ..COLORADO MINEs SCHOOL ENTER CO�CE MEET P •. F. JENSEN jTrack Captain and Coach and Foot- Special Rate. Granted by Railroads-ball Hero is Appointed to Succeed Director Stagg Has Hopes of \ ME51.. ,BIC75BANDear'boTAlLrns0trReet"Shorty" Ellsworth. westerner's Entry.•. Assurance was received yesterdayAssistant Track Coach ClarenceRussell will coach the Colorado from alumni of Leland Stanford Uni- SOLICITS YOUR TRADE FORSchool of Mines football team next vcrsity that the Palo Alto collegeI HIGH GRADE GARMENTS. II .1' I wI'11 eraer a team in the Conferenceta :.1 accorumg to t ie announcement ...made by the Maroon coach yesterday, meet on Marshall field June 6. Conaher closing a contract w�h the tributions have been pouring in fast ������������������������������Colorado athletic department, from students and, alumni. who feelIn g':Iing to Colorado Russell will that the team from the Pacitic has.II t hancc of .c.·lpturing thesucceed "Shorty" Ellsworth, the old an exec en c.-The Board of Regents of the Uni-_______________ �. versjty of Nebraska, at their lastof meeting. among other important matters, took up the question of widening the gates to the campus and thewalk between the Libraar:.lt.au_:d �;:: IYEI.I.OwsroME PARK C�Gversity hall. ·"This.. Ih ...,... IryaIIl Way." Deli&btful, ines�nsivethought to be necessary;' says t e summen'acationtrips. F.rladiesand&entlemenBetween Greenwood & Lexington avs o'aily Nebraskan, "because of the UNIVERSITY TOURSgreat width of some of the millinery IN £U1l0P£Residence, H.P. �J. Office, Cen. 3765 . th earnyu creations now appearrng on e •• -Two s,;eaal fours af lDoderate cosfDR. FRED W. PARKER pus. It is reported that a few young CQmpRbensive tour of European Capitals.Office: Suite 708, V�netian Bldg. ladies have had to enter by the drive- personally cODducteo bjProf Jerom. e H. Ray- \34 Washington Street way and that two of the new hats mond •. Small select party. AddRSSHours 9-12.. 1 :30-5 :00. cannot pass on the present narrow BRY�NT-SPENCE TOURS.walks. Hence, the proposed change 457-9 Monadnoc:k Bldg .. ChicagoSAVETHIS COUPON will no doubt be a welcome one." IGOOD FOR I� ��reMrom�riwn�ilieili�� \-�---�----�-----�----�-��-�---�Your Car Fare sions of Hull gate and one of the lat-· F RAN K The Ta ,., 0 ·rAt Fif��.!I�O��':,o��einple est models of the new craze in mil- Exc1usive·:;"les f��Young Col!ege M� in Spring and �:er GocM1Iin guaranteed machines. American linery was made yesterday by a Mar- , . CL�a.u-.T G, PRESSI· NG AND REPAIRIN-Q'On the next purchase of Shoes here. .IW'U" • .nDesk eYe Typewriter Co., 188 Dearborn oon reporter. He determined that.S C tral 6 . ..• by t.·lt.·ng the head at an angle of 46 Phone Hyde Park 3813- \ 193 E. 55th Street.t. en 127. George F. Aiken's Barber Shopd f 6 8· h d�O"rees, the hat could be pushedPOSIT} ON open for young woman remove rom 44 to 42 55t street, �in new building at Lexington ave- through, without undue crushing. Itnuc. New and enlarged cquipmcnt ; is' thought probable that, as a resultmore barbers'; best service, Student of this investigation the Departmentof Buildings and Grounds will nothave to tear up more than the reg- 299 f. 55 Sf.ular weekly amount of cement in thatncighborhood.at a summer resort; work to beginat cnd of Spring quarter; $15 or $20mo.; board and room, Address thepatronage solicited.Phi Gamma Delta initiated John:\1. �Iontgomery, '09. and Carl Lambach •. ()(_). yesterday e\·cning.Th<.. annual conference of the \Vestern chapters of Phi Kappa Sigma washeM Saturday. April 18, at theGrand Pacific hotel. The followingprogram was observed: Luncheon inthe German room at I o·clock; conference in the Bordeaux room at 2o'clock; informal banquct in theTurkish room at 7 dc1ock.Lemoync Kirby Canousc and Gor-·1 (Ion Erickson ha\'C.� been jnitiated intoPhi Kappa Si�a.J. �t. JohHn of Toledo, Ohio. ispledg('<) to Phi Kappa Sigma.------------------------------------------------r!1�.. Ma�. nyt!��:W ... ; i Laundr.Y?I � " COUNTRY CLUI'(/1 ..... ia311eiPb,; ft.. if No.1 ngf�� No.2 218� No. 3 2�8,� you can Eet("� Eood strong\ .. / / haDc1 .ade�h� _ ,�- •• -'. collars at twofor a quarterwith perfect style and fit. But youmust remember to ask for�{$.on��¢Country Club seta the way it is intended-fits"close up," It is the trim stylish collar thatmen are wearing now.Write far atyle book showing latest shapes.�ten;:,� the dealers who sen these plainlyCorliu Coon &: Co.. Chic:aao. IIITHIS Shop is an authoritative style center for all that isexclusive and smart in men'scustom made garments; for justthe kind of dash, style and vigorfavored ·by Universitymen; for all that's newest ormost proper for a self-respecting fellow to wear,We emphasize the faultlessperfection of our fit, the criti-:cally exact tailoring we put intoevery garment and the unusually wide assortment of woolIrom which you can pickchoose.f[We call special attentionto the attractively economical nature of our prices.Our satisfying superb Collegiate Suit, made to . yourmeasure, yo� 'choice of fabrics.Thirty Dollars" and a cashdiscount of ten per . cent,or a fancy .vest gratis on.initial order.THE BOWS COMPANY8th Floor, Masonic TempleChicagoSPECIALTypewriters Rented-3 months for$5 an·d up. Typewriters sold on easypayments, from $10 up. Best bargainsUniversity Employment Bureau.The Daily �Iaroon will pay 5 centsper copy for issues of the paper 011January 18. :\Iarch 18: or April 7. DeIivcr at Daily :\Iaroon office.TYPEWRITERS for Sale or RentSpecial rates to students ; bargainsin re-built machines. W. \Vhitehead, 36 La Salle Street. of the summer quarter, was a member in the meet.S f I I· s been extcrtded invita-of the foot hall and track teams for tan ore 1.1 ...three years allowed by the Confer- tions by the Conference committee lcncc, playing on the championship for a number of years past, but not ,football team of 1905 and captaining ut�til this year have the followers ofthe track team of 1907. the team been so anxious to sec itLast fall he coached the football compete. •team of the University of West Vir- "All possible is being done to getginia, This spring he is the "Old Stanford to -send its team here thisMan's" right hand man in coaching year," said Director Stagg yesterday ..Students and alumni are to raise I High Grade Sample Shoes $4, $5 and $6 Valuesh F· twoenough funds. The chances of t e or Men and Woman at $2.00 and $2·50. ise c\Vesterners coming are .brighter this I the'year than any year previous. I cer�- Univt��y hope they compet� as they ;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::�:::::::::::::::::::::::�'('.. ,. teamwould make things intere.stin.g." \ andProf. f. B. Rowden's Schools and Academies of Dancingd tis t· .... ERRY WIDOW HATS FORCE whila ver emen m D.I. Assembly meets every Thursday evening at U ni.... Club House, 3141NEBRASKA .... O WIDEN GATES ·3 of gL Indiana Avenue. .(IIJuvenile Class every Saturday afternoon from one to four. beenStudio for private lessons .. 321 Kimball Hall BId., Wabash Ave., .. .butJackson Boulevard. .IavoClass for beginners Monday .. Tuesday. and Friday eveniDcL in (Plivate lessons- given hourly during the day, with or without 11IUIiC.r:,Cbildren's private cbss, $1.00 per m�tb. . . S '.;Adults, private lessons, $1.00 with music or a guaranteed• Ss.oa.Maroon star, who has been the gridiron director there for the past three big meet.The question .1S to whether a bandof athletes would be entered hingedon the decision of the railroads togrant a rate for the long trip. Thecompanies have been induced to pcr-,mitn special fare, with the result thatten or twelve athletes will participateout championshipEvident ly taking theyears .. turningteams annually."Sta�� brand," after "Shorty's" sueCl.'SS, the western school has come toChicago for another champion-maker.Russell, who graduates at the closethe track team.r. -�-·t� . ;': ---.- -.� .. Measurement of Hull Gate Provesthat· With skillful Steering Millinery can Pass.The Daily MaroonCleaning, Dy�ing and Repairing·Gents' and Ladies' GarmentsLatest Style Clothes Made to Order.J� COOPERTAILOR451 East 55th StreetRELIABLE Rebuilt Typewriters, allmakes, special bargains this month,from our own factory, equippedwith modern machinery, 250 horsepower. You assume no risk; satisfaction or your money back. TheTypewriter Exchange_.319 DearbornSt. Branch of the American Writing Machine Co., incorporated.II The Twin Cylinder Indianis the V cry Latest in-- MOTORCYCLES --Be �ure your 1908 machine is a two cylinder with mechanicalvalves. All Autolllobiles have meC'hanical valves. Don't be deceived,get the Latest.Important -. At Riverside Hill climb, California, a Two CylinderIndian made one mile in 58 sec onds, fastest time made in theworld by any kind of a machine. Call and see us. Demonstrationsdaily. HENDEE MFG. CO. J251 Michigan Avenue, Cbicaco �Vol .--FIYIJ.»enr(Send .for our new 1908 illustrated Cataloguesof MachinistS' Fine Tools. mailed FREE on application. Tit(The Grossman Shoe Co.Ladies and Men's WthePhil:SAMPLE SHOESFINE201-202. Masonic Temple "Just one Bight, UP."I VARSITY55th St. and Greenwood A�- ·····,hispitl<RedTIteanto bI andPenOPEN ALL DAYMfALS 2Dc AND U'Chop Suey aSpecialty yealsion\Vh·lrai:Tfeeltheiankthater ITobsterrhavtakl(a·STlJDENTS' LliNCH ROOMTHE MIKADO c s r e-Meals 20c and Up' . Open ••TOM SLATERExclusive TailorofCOLLEGE CLOTHESNow ShowingNew Spring .Styles25.00 to 45.00SPECIAL TERMS TO STUDENTSTOM SLATER Ino.Iie,,"01gO(shllisJacthetoCor1Phone us,Hyde Park 5037• 5434 LAKE AHyde