,.",. i...: : .... ; I.� . ";\:.' =:� !...... ""-'!':\J't·�.t .:�; ,.'4'�oL VI. No. 77. . CHICAGO. FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1908. Price T� eeai.���' ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������,VNGE MAY BE OUT OF ARTIE 10m A PARISIENNE liTHE PLAY'S THE THIIS" GIfTS SWELL Lliuu mmlURI .ICES iOID�. GAME WITH WISCOISII He Is Exposed as the Base Deceiver 01 UIIVERSITY liGHT Leon Mandel and Miss Helen Culver IIFORIWTY OF HUP� of George Ade at Banquet of the Add Substantial Sums to Harper�'� Member of Varsity's Five Taken "H,ooslers·' at Auditorium Annex No Decorations, No Alma Mater, N:) Library Fund - Total is Now Several of Twcuty Dances to Eatiafy�;" III and May Be Unable Recently. Demonstration, Indicate Special $143,000. Latest Craze-Procram'�;, -To Play. Night at Auditorium. Elaborate.Recent Large ContributioDLt, . , .. ��latly _,-, \tlaronn',.-"W"JSC()nsin Team Is. Showing Minnesota and Illinois Scalps andKeen Contest Is Expected. At last the myste-ry has been solved ! The identity of the sublime affinity who SO strenuously pursued thesteps of the illustrious "Hoosier;'George Ade, has been ascertained! Many University Men and Women Miss Helen Culver .....•...... $Are There, However, and Show, }Irs. H. G. Swift ...........•Pleasure in Program. Leon Mandel, ............•... !J1 in Readiness for Big Hop in Bartlett for Benefit of UniversitySettlement.e ))-,� With everything looking rosy ic r No less a person than the one and There was a large audience present Total $143,000 To absolutely eliminate fonnality.. ,�: the Varsity in tonight's game at only "Artie" Bovee has been ex- at the' Auditorium last night. There at the Settlement -Hop in Bartlett), :: < Madison with \Visconsin, the team posed as the unscrupulous personifier was an enthusiastic audience present The end of the campaign for the Gymnasium tonight not only will.:: �;. got a severe setback yesterday, when of the feminine cohort of the Indiana nt the Auditorium last night. But ex- Harper Memorial library is beginning carriages and dress suits be barred," �; l,:'it was learnt:d that Page was taken ;.1 humorist. The occasion was the an- oept that it was announced so in the to come into sight. Only $57,000 ef but barn dances will be interspersed.� ;-, 'and may not get into the contest, nual banquet of the Indiana society, program there was nothing to indi- the amount Dr. Goodspeed, President between the.conventional Waltzes and .;��:' ',-. Without the star guard's services, th·; held at the Auditorium Annex a ,few cate that there was a special Univer- Judson and other friends of F!resident two-steps .. Several are provided for " ... �'�. .. team work of the Maroons will he evenings ago, the cause was the! in- sity night audience in attendance at Harper started out to raise last fall in the program, and several others ":�. �'.: robbed of its smoothness and Chica- evitable capacity of "Hoosiers" to :10 the big play house. remains to be collected. They have may be added, Excerps from "The " '. >��t '; " go's chances of winning considerably things "ditJ;ereni' and sensational" The special audience was there to until April to raise the sum, which Rushing of Raxes," "The Deceitful '_�_', :!.��� �,::: dimmed. Dr, Raycroft declared yes- and the result- was a huge and humor- a. large extent; there were several will bring the full amount of \{:-. Dean," and "Sure Enough Segrega- , " "<'r ;', 'terday that he could not tell whether ous joke on the person of George hundred University men and women Rockefeller's condtional gift. tion" will be played as elicor.es -to the \;.'"," �.Pat" W01!ld be in good enough shape Ade. This is what happened: on the main Boor of the house and In John D, -Rockefeller last fall made regular -orogram.: which follows '\�, ' ; -to vlay tonight. As the coterie of "Chicago-Indians" the boxes. But there were no banners a SUbscription for the memorial libra- Music Program for the Settlement .,�,,:';':"\ . Dr. Raycroft will leave this after- was busily, cheerily and diligently and no maroon trimmings, there was ry building in which he promised to Dance.. <'::'��'noon for'the Cardinal camp with che engaged about the festive board and 110 electric Varsity "C" and the Alma give $600,000, if the other friends of Two-step--The Tattooed Man... '-''''�t�'+" following squad: Captain Schommer, just as toastmaster John T. McCut- Mater was not heard. There was a President Harper would give ,$200,- •.• � .' •. , .•• '............... Herbert '-��:�J.Falls, Harris, Page, Hoffman, Geor- cheon had finished congratulating single voi�ed "rah-rah" in an interval 000, and to give $3 to every $1 given Waltz-Return of Spring •. \\"aldteufel . "\?:f:gen, Hubble, Cleary. j Daniel Fraser, of Fowler, Ind., on an of silence between the acts, but the by others up to $600,000 from himself Two-step--Lights Out. t···· . McCoy .. �:�.The Varsity players hold thejr 0..,- eloquent tribute Fraser had paid, "The disco�fited utterer tried to twist it and $200;000 - from others. The Uni- Waltz-Merry Widow ••••..••• Lebar ,. -.- ',:-ponents in high esteem on account of Co�ntry' Lawyer" and was aoout to into a sneeze when he' realized the vers'ty authorities began in the au- BarD:�Dance:-"Moming, Cy"� ',Peters ..: ';:�.�; ;-:�their, records in the past two games'. present Booth Talkington, when a failure.' It was l,ea,rued later that the tti� an effort to secure the $200,000, TWo-Step-Passing of, the .- Rag- :", . -. '<-:"):l�"�'��;-�The Wisconsin quintet has annexed disturbance was distinctly heard' at yeller was not a student, but was in- and met with good, success until !he time, •••••••••••••. � .,..;" .•••. P� ,.' -,_:��",-t,�G[ ';7,-,t�__._", �ISsCa1.·"'t�,S ,O.I�. z: �_n,,:e,_. -r �._o�te:,_t.aenn_d __ � .. In-.. the outer entrance. An emphauc spired by th= announcement' in the �::� �tl�C'I{ the .'co��7· ;Before the :rW,, __,�.o-l.t""zs_!�:�ar,.::, _rOtollre,.,-�_.�,��,�__ ,'.:-.�_�.��-�, B,tetU,'059.:_.,e1,_":, ,�_,,�:-,....-' ',,\.',_t_.;t;�;�.;.:.·,-.u. ��u bC-j4__ :P_� __ "" , -�_� i��t�?�:�.!.����!l -, �C?,-�(:!��:�r��m_�,���.�:c��;!����� _ .• ,!,����J��?Del�£�������: "�_H:.r-'.� _-_- __ _--<:: __ .�.�:��r!"r;',,�(', -·��itS own floor. The game. with the ·'No, no�. nO-you can't'(ceep me back! appointed however, at the aDsence 'lues �:Ith,���,-:a�:-P�-'�J -Wa��e's��..-·�.:-W.ahltCaf���?�,;,;�*\�, "Gophers last Saturday was an easy I mnst see him! He ees ihere l He ofallrecognitionofU.uiversitynight. al1.effortfor-two-�onthl!=.' :S�clet:ary Two-step--Razazza'_:,Mazazza ••• �x:-",,:. ����-',.1. �.._� ''Yictory for Wisconsin, the score r�- make promise, me and I will s\:e The audience was highly' pleased at Goodspeed - ha� z:.ecently ��!=u�laed his Waltz-Ever or, Neve� ••••• Hamburg_ "'\:-;<':�jt��;\\;.��' s�ting 37' to 16 The Badgers are :teem !", Mr. McCutcheon, hearing the presentation of "The Barber of efforts and� is 'ag�n inakiilg progress. Two-step-Go-Cbicago •• ' •• : •• Hirsch. ' ". -..:.: :.:�,�?��;t :·?i: cooiidered unbe�table in their home this speech; becam-e somewhat UiIleasy Seville," and did not hesitate to show He is full of confidenc� th�t as' the Waltz-Red' Mill Waltzes ••.• Heibert,/·,��· ·;)·:!.��?fii l: ;.�; cnm.n'!t"· b The "-e and requested one of the guests to in- it. Miss Nielsen was graceful and times. improv. e .the- fund w�ll �ow "'"w' 0-' st�";_Dream 'City' : and u .. ...:. ,-' : ":,,,�,:-�.\. t!' e.I�lum y some. y... ,� .1 r·_ �-:- - ., ;�;;"�',;:-JVlS. thought to be even stronger this vestigate- the cause of this unwonted vivacious as the youthful daughter of more rapidly. . ic 'Night· • � •••••••••••• � • Herbert' :..�:{}��>�\ "by f h d :md an overabundance of rouge. :lS Don Basilio, shared honors with nnmber of subscri�tions for smaller Ba D e-G J B ' ", '-Jr :s.z ar t e most angerous man on rn anc ym. am, am '- '__ '.�.',-.'�.�,�:�\::�t, the Chicago squad," and the Badger This bewitching specimen of femin- Constantino, who played the role of amounts., . Dance •..•..••••.•.•.. Jean Wack- �',�"i; , ��: ':i::� ��mw:�� �: ��:�: ;:it:a�:t:dg:'�:e�:: su;:.:r ��::� C�:t :::a::�:��o;:r�S ���:� but 3 ..D:��;::::e,!:�j;::;O:ams:!i� W��:;;-�:e R��oj:; "�� -,- ;:��:::.;! ' ',:;;,�f.�>.:._.:.�::, ..•',�:�!� the husky football ·center. . Rogers: who made certain promises to her. there were some bits of delicious people - in the city and is receiving dance at hand, final p{Cparations -are �.�:�i- the captain and forward, though _not He then disappeared. She had fol- comedy, and Miss Nielsen made a gratifying responses from them. One being rushed by the committee in'_ " ::,J: 'J�:' in the best. shape, is consuler\!d 'a lowed him.' She h�d just reached youthfully charming Rosina that family, to whom � had sent four sub-; charge, the chairmen of which are at :<;:f�: ?/:� �rous opponent, whi!e Halller at Chicago. She had been told that the made the presentation thoroughly scription blanks asked for three more, last reaching the climax of their �;:@t :":::Sm�:c7':P��::Y:;' ;:d .:�!�: ::nh::, here and now came to look pleasing, ;:::.:e:b:b:!�:�o�mi�r,wi�� fOt�c demand for tickets has been j14L�' .... After some difficulty she was suc- DEBATERS CaOSEN speed rep�rts that he is very anxious large, and already several m·emben ;."qW-:t If Page plays tonight the Va"sit�. cessful in locating her affinity. Point- IN AR'l'S COLLEGE to find one hundred families of this of the committee have disposed of ' ...�r line-up will be: Falls, left forward; ing tragically at Ade, she exclaimed, '--- sort. ,their assigned number. The'decon- -�'. Hams, right forward; SChO'llmer, ""Heem, it is heem.'" Fic:hman, Carpenter aDd Sayles Com- There has been 'a very gratifying tion committee, co-operating with tb" .,':':;,�r center; Page, left guard; Hoffman. •Then fu� followed. Ade made his pose Team-Have Not Dec:ided response from the University Alumni, representatives of W. C. Kein It Co., ',.;.' F right guard, Should he not oe in exit with the lady amid the laughs on Sides. 'more than six hundred of them' hav- have everytbing in readiness for eJab- ,',. ::::,_ condition, Georgen will be Pl1t in "It and jeers of his friends. ing made subscriptions. As they ate orate d�corations, the final touches'{ the right forward. an'd' Harfls sh:ft�d It ",:as not known to the party until David Fichman, M. F. Carpenter for the most part very young, the of which will be made this ,afternoon.� to guard. The Wisconsin tin�-l!�) '�,: yesterday who the fair gazelle was. and Allen Sayles were chosen yester- �tlms are small though there are thr� Maroon bunting will be plenteous-�� Rogers, right forward; S ,v(,1!h�ldt: Guesses, ranging from the Merry day morning to represent Arts c.,l- for $500 each. ly used in decorating the track.-Hang-"-:-; left forward; Stiehm, center; Harpe:-, Widow to Carrie Nation, were ven- lege in the inter-collegiate debate The plans for the library are being ing down from the outer ed,ge of theright guard, and Lindemann, lea. tured \\;thout success. -,yesterday tho! with PhiJosophy college on the 17th prepared by Shepley, Rutan It Co�l· track, Chicago banners, intermingledguard. secret of "Artie" Bovee's guilt was of March. Dean Frank J. �filter ani idge and are approaching completion. with banners of other colleges, winunco,·ered, and peace again reigns Dr. Julian P. Bretz were the judges. Professor E. D. Burton of t� Uni· be in evidence. At the south end ofsupreme in the percincts of "Hoos!cr- The question t� be debated win be versity is working with the architects the gym a large '"Chicago" bl�ketdom." Resolved, Th:lt the initiative-referen- and has visited the great library w·U be hung, while a large "c,"dum as adopted in the constitution of bui!dings of the country with a view mounted on a frame, w.ilI appear atthe state of Oklahoma are desir.llJle to making this the most up-to-date, tile north end.measures for our state governments:' modern and perfect structure of 115 Chairman Harvey Full�r of the Re-As yet the side which th,:- college will kind anywhere to be found. freshment committ�, reported yeste:--defend has not bee"" chosen. day that extensive arrangements haveStanford is soon to have. 'Chapter beer made for the entertainment ()fAt Columbia the final trials for th: of the International Club. the thousand who are .e�pec:ted to ;!.t-Varsity debating team were held t:his tend. A feature of the dance will be. Jam the o,m tonicht. .,'.�, -�- '.:,list "tlf �:b �oyrJtI!II-)fl- .... -;_;:.:..�.: �,-'.... , Philosophy Debate Trials TuesdayPreliminary tryouts for the Fbito�-:Phy college debating team, wilt 'f)e Of the fourtcen $250 scholarshipseld next Tuesday morning at 10:30 offered by Armour & Co. at the r�O'clock, in Kent Theater. All men cent International Live Stock Exp"_who enter into the competition clre sition in Chicago, three were won byasked to h d· h·'" ,D an ID t, elr names to A. '- .. the Iowa Agricultural college, and�novan before the time of the two each by the Universities of W:�-Thtrials. The qucstion is, "'Resolved, consin, Minnesota, Ohio and Ncbrlsat th ... .e JOltlatwe and referendum ',f ka. They were distributed on thethe Oklahomaale.," constitution is desir- basis of prize money, won by each, :nstitutbn on live s�k exhibits. the arrangements for refreshments..week.(CODtiDaecl _ pap 4). .;. .: -' ... :'��!��,�_n.:�III••:i�l:g�fI:'�ar.:::III�rI:lt�T�Th�e�fi:n.�'�. �of��th:.�G�r:..:;::-m:'e.:t:I-�TIDt-�·��D�AI�L���IIA��It:�O�O�N�'�F�R�I�D�A�Y�' �IA�N�U�A�R�Y�3�1.�I�908�. �=������==�====��·l,"__ '- DO YOU REMEIlBERl BULLBTIlI. :rem. 'I'D DAY SOIllETHING NEWINB"·D';'�.'i.------o:-----..;._---l \.n� contest aal;aet :lDc Saturday \��TIle (Mk1aJ IIladeat 1 .... 1c:p ... _fit � msht. It.is saidttl1at:.iD.aviDc with 0 ... Year "&-0 TftA...... SI".I·din"'S BAOF!�c..��.-' Re�;-'., th ..,.._ &'a6 -, .Dramatic club �i1l hold a rehearsal pua 5 .x.__ lAllat:DI ........ 17 of � .: e occa .... �UI'eekpiD.bo.Js:wiU dis- The Literature college men .. la :th ���:-... at 4 p. m. Edited by Henry Chadwick, tJ:e-...... .' j) ee , e ':"-'-1'1aDS. L d L' Ge_1oC& ....... a5ecoD�1IaIl at"tM � rorme a iterature club. rman dub will meet at 4 p. m. "Father of Baseball." Contains dUe'_' ... a-._..__' i -- Professor 1... C. Marsha' II of -0 L - gt h IL P f S ..-_ It is understood that the members 1 exm on a .ro essor hutze merous interesting records neverOhio Wesleyan University, ad- will speak on "Go the' CI ." heretof 11.1 • .of the women's clubs have held a re- e e s avigo, ore co atcd, including winnersdressed .the Politcal Economy Mathematics club will meet in room of Nationa! League Championshipsclub on "American Immigration:' 36, Ryerson, Physical' Laboratory, at each year Since Ig76, with games wonPhilosophy college basketball 4:15 p. m. 'Professor Bolza and Mr. and lost an� players' who batted .joC)::,?r �ctter s!n_cc 1876, leaders in eK!l.. team defeated Science by a score I Hildebrandt will speak. tielding position, and winning pitchersWith Iothi If· . r of 36-7 Settlement dance will be held at 8 each year from 1876; National All-, a .C er ,0 � .-SUlts .... or . AmerH�a selections from 1871;' com-the 'best mottoes, 'and -a newspaper Two Years Ago To-cIay p. m. in the gymnasium. pletel:st of clubs. with officers aDd'offering a box at grand opera for the President Judson returned from Y. W. C. L. membership commit- �ates of admission since '1876; Amer-.best dramatic criticism, about all that a trip to Old Point Comfort, Vir- t.ee will hold a meeting in the League !�an League records since organiza. . non: Wor!<!�s championship recordsis needed to �cep the campus littera- glU·', to be present at a meeting room at 10:30 today. from !�84. with players' names; Base-teur in business is a chance at room .of the Board of Trustees. .Settlement Dance tickets may be ball l'J(�I.d Day records; college ret-and board for writing winning menus. Mr. Huston annou�ced �hat the obtained at the Information Office. ord.s; rnisce llancous records; all the. illa-!_or . and minor league records ofwmners of the inter-college debat- Senior Pictures will be 'taken by 190;; list of extra long games illCOMMUNICATION ing contests would be awarded the .\1artyr. free of charge. 19Ci; complete history of 1907 in baseEditor of The Daily Maroon. ,: three scholarships formerly given Junior class dD.es should be left. at ball and other inter sting matter.Dear Sir: There seems to be a the winners of the Freshman and box 356, Faculty Exchange. A. <:I. SPALDING & BROS.very strained feelUig among the un- Sophomore debates.der-graduates of the U,niversity. Three- Years Aco Today.Many good men who work hard and Final rehearsals were held forpersistently in. endeavoring to accom- : .the production of the Dramatic Iplish .certain things, find themselv-es 1 club's play "A Pair of Spectacles."defeated .in .the end by the so-called Fcmr Years Ago Today."political" men of the University. Rev. Phir p Moxom, the U niver-IThat the later are. ruining the under- I sity preacher, President Harper,graduate life in the University, there and Professor William G. Hale Great possibilities have been open-ean.be no .doubt, .paid tribute to the memory of ed for those students who burn withI am a fraternity man, .and I be- Herman E. von Holst, at the the celestial fire and actual opportua-lieve the fraternities are more or less I .weekly religious service in Man- ity is offered .to those aspiring [0'responsible for tbis stat! of affait'S. ! del hall. b�dle pegasus, to see their efforts in ICertain cliques desire to capture all . Ten Years A�o Today. prmt, through the medium of thisUniversity. men will welcome. the' .the offices possible, no matter how The faculty of the school of year's CaP. and Gown.' Already .thecall for trials for parts Ior the an- it is accomplished, just so they can education entertained the faculty unwearied efforts of the LiteraryDual Blacldriars play. say: -Mr .•. " •••.• is president of this of Emmons Blaine school at the committee have frightened a few MANICURING SHAMPOOINGBJa�ars . No .. more ge.n�ly. er that society. 'He is one of our' 'School of Education. bashful specimens of the genus lit-l Electric Scalp.and Facial MassageTrials popular form of student men," '.I am sincere wben I say that Over two hundred people were erati out of hiding, and have been' MADAME KAYNOR'S. student activity is to be "politics" bas ruched that stage' present at -the . first formal social able. to place several manuscripts on. SCALP SPECIALISTfound. than the comic opera prese ... where it has caosed some good men functioo of the season held by the the hands of Chairman Meagher. 237 E 55th St. Phone H. P.J2(IIItation.in which the club _05 each to leave the University. One mao as. Women's halls. Otbers. of a bolder sort. bave volun- TRAVEL OVER THEwinter. Writtat by undergraduates, sures me that ,c'politics" entered into J. R. .Freeman, '98, was elected tarily submitted work, all of which :sthe. play fits . in .closely . with ,UDder- his lraternity and made it so disagree- cl1airman of. the Washington passed over to gladden the heart of. �duate life, .allowing for some satir- able �at he did not come in this Prom. committee. the literary' editor, Miss Peck. .icaEexaggeratioa, and the �,arc quarter. 14 Years Ago Today . Because. of the increased' space illthose for which many' of hitherto .an- Notice the elections 'at one of the The Universjty purchased, this year�s ,annUal .that ·will be de-;' .',' .0. ��. �tic ability can .. qualir,-. clabs recentl,. f.m..ed. It was in-'· ·through the aid . of its founder, �otcd to that da�s' of:mate.=iaI !dto:.v�.. .somew�ere in the oost or chorus.is tended by the promoters to make it . ,tbe ·finest collection of United as literature, this 4�ment findsa. P�ce.for every nW. with a good an AII-Uaiversity clob, membersh,p ,States government publications in itself in nc«d of a large amount of 10-SInging voice. Any IDa who caD to 'be obbnninable .only �y merit. Two exisence. I cal ve�se and gentle, satire, as well asplay a fe...;,.me role also.lIas a _ persons, W1I.o were formerly reject.d 15 Years Ago Today the more .serio.os .articles. The chiefsened chance on .cast .or .ch� The as being incompetent, ilow' have the The gas bill of the University requisites are that the work be shon,mere .man, also. who -has no parti principal offices,· simply 'because of .for the preceding. month was an- interes�ing .and .particulady that i.tlar qualifications at . all, may .be. j: their aadacity and sO-called e'politi- '. nounced as amounting to $500. pertain directly to college me. '1'0'the man. sought by the c::oach (or cal" scheming, whkh is really notb- find something absolutely .new undersome. special part,. ing but ���ted presumption. BAND GIVES FIRSI' the,sun is, of course, impOssible; nev-The success' of the' Blackfrius' .pla.y Some suggestions from certain mem- PUBLIC REHEARSAL ertheless it is demanded that the olJdepends on the support it receives bers of the facu� in this case were - �e dressed in a new, garment of ;.,nfrom the members of the U. • entirely ignored. \ Director Blanchard Welcomes Audi- att t' ST . DIversIty. _..11 T-11_ Th' B • rac lYe cut. hort sketches, jokeshe attendance at Blackf' Let as hope that the laculhr or tbe.· .eDCe.uu � em to nng and ve t h'. nars 'pro- "J 'l'b. F· ds rses ODe mg on campus ac-ductlons is assured, and until a larger studeats themselVes will soon evolve ear nen .• tivi.ties, are especially desired, and alihall than Mandel is secured, th . ' some plan of elimination for this: --- those of merit will receive propereel ere IS, ld be ·.c I··· • h·s .. : The first of the public rehearsals ofno ne to attempt to obtain I woa - po ItJC;t," whlc I ralDmg· .. . . . consideration.enthasiastic sUPPOrt 0 th mOTe: oar clubs, oar inter-Era .... -:t I r ,tbe Umverslty band was given YC3-Depart of' • �UI Y re a-'�he playgoers.. What is most Deeded: tions, oar fratemities, and oar whole' terday afternoon in l'.landel hall from SCIENCE EAiSILY DEFEATSIS tborough. going support bU._I under-graduate system. 5 to 6 o'clock. Director Blanchard LITERATURE IN BASKETBALLv . y ,nl, 'U'. saide-:Slty men generally in the pre5en-' . y cry SIncerely yours, .Ution of h . &_ U d '·This is the first of a series of :-e-ate opera. If every elisible' All n er-graduate.ndergraduate, whether witb e ._. bearsals that will be giVCJl in Mandd.e�ced ab:lity or not, will crowxpend+I..e FRESHIIBN CHOOSBIfBGATIVE We hope that the audience will enjc.yt I Sa UI them. If so, tell your friends th3t':"la s tarday night at the Reynoldseleb, the competition for parts .11 ftwt-y .. 'Debaters Tab tide for they may come also. We have se-:U1!y. mean SOIDething, and"::' 'hili. 2"'. IZZX WIIIII,CIe. :;r::e Mp::�l htaH bdY �he Pdermh ilss�\Jn.finds" from tbe bitberto and. I en, an mtcn 0 dl.lgered Cflatent material" of th ISCOY- nat the Fftsbmen of tbe Unive:- our rehearsals here, and you will :aladded tIe ampus sity of Chicago."nll support the nega- ways be welcome to come and listen.S. 0 ast years players, "The • We will have no printAd programot,alPI .of the. Double Eagle� should b- tIft side·of the question: c'Resolved, b ,,�P !IIV h b � That tbe United Stat .. s ut will announce the name of each"'Y' W IC t1Ie University pub!" ... govemmentwill � Ie ·.hould ·subsidize its mercbant marine·' selections bcfore it js rendered."not only glad to attend but • The. program for yesterday was'.a!so proud to send o�t as repr�nta- .gamst the Northwestern 1911 men,tlve ?f the University to other citi-. was decided at tbe special meeting of :-'arch:-··The Imeprator" .. " .. LampeGo .... the P�w held -t.-.l Mornmg, Noon and Night in Vi-lng to gym tonigbt? " ........ .,.p� III:.-uay after-noon. . n.e men who bad been as- enna" •.................... Suppe. 'signed varioas subjects to look ap in Waltz-"Lad Laugnter·' Rehmcormection -!.o..L &1.._ cbo' 1. Selection-"The Merry Widow".,lUI � ce of sides,• NThe. Sign 0;-;;- Double Eagle" ftPOrteciatthe.meetiDc.H·J'M··h····;T······················LehaIS a good sign just before Prom time. lI,oaIton, a member of the University .. arc - rue to the Flag" ... Brown_ debating team, was present and seem-Now t�e Blackfrian issues a "call ed to agree WI"lh the sentiment .ex-to college men." pressed by the d�isioa of the clab.�t�lr;: t;�:?";"i?-;'�" - '.i��:�� .':�" .. ' .....".PablI8bed �. GaDt � fonn conference. . Perhaps now sometIQ8 ADd IaolIdap. 41JrtIta.� -oce un . tell -us what a -f1mction 'really �., tbe UIl1.enl� � q. ,LUTUKK U. JrKKNALlJ,. M i'".o.UI:H·J'Ofli V. UAtJ8, Men .WI!:L\'UIi .I. AVAlOS. � �i'ormerqThe UlllYcra1� of Cll1caco Weeki,. •. '1'c,the11\;:goMtsaim(godeSOlbetotoee:147 Wabash Ave., Chicago.CAP AND GOWN OPENS �a�eba� Managers: Send for Spald:'MARKET FOR POETS mg S New Baseball Cataloeue for1908. Mailed free. .Annual to Bring Student GenpJs� toLight and Put their Product Be-� for University.The DalQ. Oct.. I, 1102.tJat.cr1pUOIl . Price. p.oo per J'eal'; ·t!-OUfor a m6Atba. tJub8cr1pUODa recel... atCIle' IIarOoD .UfDce, ElUa Ball, or at u.V&cult1 £%c:baIIp. Cebb IIa1l.'1FRIDAY. JANUARY 31, IsioL, \l,IIRun Away from Litentare Team inSecond ,Half-Rbuda Star ofScience Squad.Science defeated Literature in basketball by the score of 23 to 8. Thefirst half was extremely bard-fought,and close, the score being 5 to 3when it ended. In the next half, howe·.'er, the future'S. B.'s ran awayfrom their opponents and piled up 18points. Rhuda made the greatestnumber of goals for Science andSutherland played a good game �orthe same college. Williams and �r.Cohn were the mainstays of the Literature team.The lineup:Literature. Science.Fiedebohl .'L. F... . .. SutherlandM. Cohan R. F Rhuda, Reputations are not made in a day. E. Cohn •.•...... c.. . . . . . . . .. KuhnsIt bas taken years to "�stablish ours." Williams L. G.. .. . . .. FishbeinThat's the reason you can depend on Gensen R. G.. . . . . . . . .. Cobbour work, both in quality and artis- Goals: Rhuda 3- Kuhns 2, Cobb 2,tic appearance. Conventiently locat- Fiedebohl I, E. Cohn. I, Williams I,ed, it should appeal to you. Esmoer's Gensen I. Free throws:' M. Cohn 2,, Pboto Studio, 2.f3 E. 55th St. .1 RImda ... Sutherland � Kalms I.Ij, . -Wa.sn't the opera simply grand?r il -So far as the Senior Prom IS· �- AD .. �....._'-'A& W ;a.-a VI: .... 8ettlemeDt. c:enaecl, leIS. !Cadman is the lead- Dace '*" It... meet at tile o,miDe Iaq.. ..�tj; I m:01jt:'!salordeofTHE UNION HOTELAND RESTAURANTIII-�11 Randolph StreetTHE POP'ULAR PLACETO EAT cobyatEither before or after theTheater.We make a Specialty of Cluband Fraternity Dinners. coU:mw:OtfaUSinUI--T!:!� TC\BENSON ORCHESTRA miD- THAT'S ALL -"40 .East �dOlph Street. d:oj·1. �..'DSIt5c;sisic:c:DURING THIS MONTHWE WILL MAKE YOUA SUIT AND AN EXTRAP A I R OF TROUSERSFOR THE PRICE OF'THE SUIT ALONE. ooSd)I t is economy to buy an extra paric)f trousers, it makes the suit laSttwice as long.(]d55(]Clark and Ad�ms Streetst:,-------------------------•BORDEN'SCondensed Milk. Fluid Milk, Cnamand Buttermilk.AU Bottled in the Country.Borden's Condensed Milk 0..327-329 E. Forty-seventh St. II,.I(}.((I1,.-r.J� Hyde P:ark 18 aDd � 7A. McAdamsThe UDI •• r.I'�.•. Flor'.t .......avUft8:Cor. S¥ St. aDeI Jttm .. -k _'f't. Ch1cec..' .,,- , � ��:,.�: ." ;.,.,:,. .. ���_-f';9:�, .., .. ! .�; ..;,� .�t4:.�----- - �&E DAILY lU&llOON; FRIDAY; JANUARY 31, 1908.. "�". .,;A�". �the �GU- .:ver ___ The sprin� and summe r choruses. "fells Jamor Women of 'Good",,- aad Says PoIo:1IcD Are Not SUoac for the .W. A. A. vaudeville meet to.W"asdom as Fruits of SChooI.aDd � .. � oB 'PeanChurch Work. � Team. day at 1:20 for p!"lctioe. Everyone JSexpected to be at rehearsals regularIy.I.e::sliPsirOn·300'::ic!aletsAIl-ODlaDd'!let_i:Q)fdsase-.retthe; of!D.)lse That the U;niversity is . outclassing: With .but one �y left before thethe Church and that the effort to bei aquatic meet with Wisconsin, the,.-ise is stronger than the effort to ;"el swimming and_ polo men are fastgood. is the opinion voiced by Dean: rounding into shape which Coach}IacClintock. before the Junior wo-l Knudson hQpes will defeat the BadIDen yesterday. ge:o-s 'Saturday night. Ferguson. whoT�e primary business nowadays;'! won the breast stroke event in zhesaid the speaker, "is to get wisdom,' meet with the Central Y.M.C.A., 'be:-:and the world is persuaded that it js: tered his time Wednesday. going 40IDore difficult to becom wise than: yards in 30 1-5 seconds. Princell,:good. I t is with this idea that stu- Harper and Lindsay also made _good!dents tend to neglect the institution. I time in short try-outs.sociey has previously employed for: Badenoch. Rohde. 'Ferguson, Kah!l,�becoming good. It is just as hard Princell and Hirschi lined up on the'to make a good man better as it is. polo team. The time was spent in!• Ito make a bad man good. If we trymg some new tricks and perfecting:cease to study goodness, we shall re- the team play. The team is not yet;main on a lower stage qf goodness.' strong enough on the offensive to suitOur Desire should be not to acquire Coach Knudson,aId:'forjest the amount of goodness neces- 'sary to keep us from being destroyed,or ostracised by society, but to attaindevelopment' of a more delicate senseof goodness. a more deliberate self-.control. This is not to be acquired:by drifting along. but must be workedat conscientiously."The two great types of Institutionsconcerned are the Church and theUniversity. The Church cares primarily about our being good. The-�t[NGgeinvestigates the aims of our life, theuniversity the methods and meansThe 'school tends to outgrow theChurch in importance to the studentmind. Carry your kindly. yet piercing criticism into. the church as welJas school, and ask yourselves eachday, 'What are you doing on the sideof getting better?'".�..'Walker,Osthoff. Miss Ward, formerly of Rockfo r dcollege. was the guest of Miss Gilbertin . Beecher last night.There will be an important meetingof the Green room in Lexington at10:30 today.The Philosophy women will meetnext Tuesday at 10:30 to have the picture for the Cap and Gown taken.This will be the place of the regularmeeting. . "-?hr .... ';:a ....55th St. _d lGreiaWooal �A __OPEN ALLDAY20c andBROWNSON CLUB ELECTSPaw O'Donnell is Chosen Presidentfor IgoS.Paul!\f. O'Donnell was chosenpresident of the Brownson Club atthe club's annual election of officersyesterday. Other officers elected are:. Irene O'Brien, vice-president; Arthur }. McCarey, corresponding secretary; Eva Schultz, recording secretary; Edna Weldon and F. M. Kingtreasurers; and D. P. McDonald committeeman at large.The purposes of the club are to invite and entertain prominent men' ofthe Catholic clergy and Iayrnen tocorrect erroneous impressions thatmay exist or arise in the minds �f theCatholic public with regard to theUniversity, and to place the University' before the friends of the membersand the public in a fair and favorablelight.The dub and officers nivite the cooperation of all Catholic students inthe University toward the acomplish- 1mcnt of these ends. :·FRESH·MEN ;PLAW FOR DANCE·Yartings to . Hold Mair February�Vote . for Asaessmezrt.announced.The chairman of the debate committee made a report, in which somed·. finite plans were outlined for com-stroke-Chicago: ing events.Wisconsin Ost- The class as a whole, consists ofnearly 500 members and is the largeitclass that 'has �ver entered the Uni-'The meet Saturday night will be the'first opportunity of the Varsity fans!to see the team in action against aistrong aggregation and will give:Coach Knudson a line on what thelMaroons can do . against Yale and!Pennsylvania. wDom they are sched-!uled 10 meet in April lLittle is' known of the team Wis-'consin will send down to oppose toeMaroons, 'but they are rumored to:'have some fast men.university is primarily concerned with Art Goes, who will hold down oneour obtaining facts and relations ol of the positions on the . polo team,facts, not mindful of how we are tc has been out of, practice for someuse this knowledge later. The Church time,' but will'-be' in sufficient fonn tobeg;in the game Saturday. 'Walker, afast man on last year's team, 'hasbeen entered in the 100 .yard event.and is expected to make his opponents "husfle, 'He is t'he best Jongdistance . mari .. file 'M-at'ooDs . have' hadto represent them ':for 'several y.ears.The "personnel .. f the relay team isnot yet certain, CoaCh 'Knndson will'IIEIIORIAL SERVICE -TO �BE not be able to aan�ce wbo wm �p-HELD IN HONOR OF DR. SENN pear in that event until Saturday.The decision of the Conference to The Freshman class, at a. meeting�t James of Illiuois to Pre- bar "Freshmen from the Varsity held Wednesday morning in Cobb lee�Iide at Memorial in FiRe .Afts . swimming teams, as well as other ture hall, decided to hold a danceBuilding. . teams in inter-collegiate contests, w:ll on February i. It was also decided f. A special memorial service: :n. be felt in the loss of Benitez, who. to assess the members of the' class��ry��lateD�.N�hObs��n��a�d�������u��paybthisaffal-r"'4.-.- •• -.-.�'�.-.�.�.,.-.-.-.-.-------�����������&, ._ • _ • • • • • .',. 'II • •. ''r·t.' ,.' tW '• .., ••Senn, will be held in Mpsic hall, Fine year. HeJaas. been. a-� aid to the and to provide a fund for carryingArts building, 203 Michigan avenue.' relay team, and would hav.c figured out other social affairs which theSu�day, February 2, at 2=45 p. m. in the. results. of tile sho� swims. class may take up later. There wereUnder the auspices of Rush Medi- The eutries. of both teams have about 150 present at the .meeting,• cal. college, Northwestern Univer- been announced as follows: which goes to show the activi:ysity Medical school, College of Pby- 40 yard .dash-�Cl1icago: . Harp:r, which exists in the 1911 delegation.sie:ians and Surgeons. Chicago Med;- Lindsay� C r�y •. Princell, Bickel; Wis- About one-half of these have alreadyeal society, Chicago Surg�ons' ass'r consin, Osthoff, -Wittich. responded to the call which wasdation and the Nicholas club. 60 yard 'd�: . Harper. made for dues. This assures thePresident James of the University Carey, Goes; Wisconsin: Osthoff, holding of the dance, which has be.�nof Illinois, will preside. Dean Billings. Kerr, Witich.o Ru h '11 100 yard ��eago:. s , WI speak on "NicholasStnn as a Teacher;" Dr. Edwards, Day, Parker; W"'I9COIlsin:d Ku�can of the Northwestern University}led' I h 40 yard, ,bnastlea sc 001, will speak OR "Nich-olas Senn as a .Scientist;" Dr. Quine,' Rbode, Ferguson;d�an of the College of Physicians and hoff.Sargeo 'II Plunge for distance - Chica�:. ns, WI speak on "Nicholas ;:,-Senn 'I . Princell. Lia4sa,.; .Wigeonsin, Lowell.as a .a an;" Dr. Favill, presidentof the Ch' 'I d' Relav-Cbicago: Lindsay, _Carey,Icago .L� e Ical society,. lY,ii�ak "N' h Harper, -PrinceN.·Goes,· Walftr, Bick-on .. IC alas Senn as an Or-pnizc ." D 0 eI; Wisconsin: Storye, Kerr, Osthoff.\ r, r. chsner. president "ftb Ch' Wittich.e Icago Surgical association, wlils�ak on "Nicholas Senn· as a Sur-geon" D". and r. Brower, president oftbe N' h"N' Ie: olas Senn dub, will speak .lDIchoJas Senn as a Traveler." The line-up in t�e polo game wilt May Be Had at Gymnasium or In-be: formation Office-High SchoolChicago. Wisconsin. Affair in Connection.Badenoch (Capt).Goal......... HeiseRohde ..•••... Center ...•••. WittichPrincell ... R. FOTWud ..•••••• 'KernFerguson •• L. Forward....... TraneGoes R .. Guard ••..•••.• StoreyKhan L. Guard Hans"n,,..R' ....----Sanda, Service Musical ProcramThe following musical service willprecede the U' . . •. DIverSity rehglous 3U'\'lc:e Sunday:PrelUde and Fu . B F1C gue ID at •.•• Bacbommunion i G • •An .•..••..•••••. Batis.lndante in G FJ Wt'\IP at. .. • • • . • . hceldol1. VIIertory.Cantiq� d'AlDop ur ••••••••••• I..ewareOstJnde in G ...............•..• � Small ads in The Daily Maroonbrillg Iarae .!UultS.'�Hop��"'''.Ig Jait \·ersity.TICKETS ON SALE FOROPENING WATER MEETTkkcts for the Varsity-Wiscon3inswimming meet tomorrow night inBartlett were placed on sate yesterday at the gymnasium and the Infonnation office. They will be so�dtoday and tomorrow also. The hoursfor the gymnasium sale are from 12to :I o·c!ock. In connection with thismeet there will be a dual betweenHyde Park and University Highschoot§. The prices are 35, 50 and'15 cents. WHO ,HAVE BO�GHT'()t1RCOLLEGE CORNER .CI-O'11IU-ARE BUYING AGAIN THIS JALLCOLLEGE SUITS AND OVERCOATS'�C�er & WDkie __ Mwmti.·TAILORS JIui"""SfTTLEMENT .l1AK£�:-Friday, January 31, B.p. m.It is suggested that men and women attend ·ER-..dSB.·Thirty student ushers.wDl see that every .pl"tIfIbIiaitis ......SA BTL'fTIT GYMNASIUMIr.Hotel ·MaroGnUnder 58TH ST. AND DREXEL AVE.Managem.ent of the 'NatioJUil Hotel Co. .... .... Park "..Tbe DES'l;' Served atPOPULAR IPRICESRfSTAURANT 'A-NQ LUlfCfl 'corma���In.Cona�c o U. L inf T H r"'R'i: - 3\ .'It� fL.BUT YOU CAN.R.EHr .A· 'MONARCHI '1' '!��'J �y 0 U,. ..- �"(�"" "."."':� .RATES: � __ ._.� _.�_-:-:(Biz � ;Qiitf. .THE' .. MONAllCB ·'i.tri • .u*-_·,coiIP�. =r >::IS E. .lIadi8On It..PhODe .��THf COtll'mnOll·.fOR·THE THIRD SUn- CLOSES12 •• FM'f,-2.'" ' .....STUBENTS'L�NC •. 80OMTHt: MIKA'O:O e'Ar_�'-Meals 20c and' up· 0,. .....m f. SS St.FULL DUSS surrsTO RBB'iT. G. SCHAFFNER A co.All Sizes. Sure Fit.We carry "Socle� Brand" ClothestmN·S TOP COATS AJ1I) IDftsCLEAIfBD AND ., .Goods' called 'or ... .'. .... �' ....,..\ ..; .t/'�.' :' -:'- �J.; ��.��....�:.,I ":�". :, .. I·:"�, . ����.:1, .' �........�• .. .-' -.... . ' .... , .. '.�:Iio. ".,., -.', ""/�-": ,.�:... .'""��t�p!�;'�X2:��·:';:F�:r'�'!!�:': .:.:.,;:, .. �.�.,.;,: ,.; /:,.: , .. \":' .: .'.: ': .. : ...'.;r,i�t�--:',7 ', , .... •" TIlE-DAlLY KAltOON>CaiCAGO, � - FRIDAY, lA�y���.j.i���;:�·. . .�1;�:" :-.BARIl DAIICII8 ADD TO .u:R� =:'AIGN CHESS:�=MATCH�;'r .' GENTLE..... nnroJUrALITY OF HOP.. ____.j, . .. 11IU (ComiD1leci froID pace I) T01U'DalDel1t WitJs· Badcers to Begin Rival Fraternites to Meet Over Card,'.;�., ..... _..... wm Be DiSiculty in Pic:ldng Fifteen League-, : 1iUi . In each eeeeer of the pmnasium will.�-!-L.ed lIondq--Cook County Tables in Game of BraiDs-is aON lieD of Team-Have rllU.lN& .cd.B· OST be tables. laden with apples, dough-Practice. Games to.Be. Schedul::" . '. .nuts and cider, atteDded by Mt-s. C. The Unievrsity Chess Club sent ;tl,;�': .A. Walton, Mrs. ShaUer Matthews, The Freshmen entries announced acceptance to Wisconsin's chflllengc A new field for iutcrnational riT-,GARTE'R Mrs. George, L. Marsh, Mrs. Frank yesterdcay by Dr. Raycroft show that to the championship yesterday anI airy has just been opened. Beta'. J• Miller, Mrs. Eaton an. d Mrs. Frank- there will be difficulty. in picking the the tournament will start Monday. Theta Pi. Kappa Sigma and Deltt �. d � . Volin .W. Johnson. These taMes are to fifteen men who will meet the Hlinois At the trials held last Mon ay seyl!r- Tau Delta. have scheduled a nuaiberbe arranged ill booth form and «Ill first year team at Champaign tomor- 011 promising men made their appear- of bridge whist contests to be PIa7ec(. i�possess appropriate special. deeora- row night. ance. "Although not all the neccs- during the months of February 211«(. .·S�tions. Signs win be posted in con- The athletes enterd are: sary matches have been played to March, Heretofore the interf:at;':.'(spienous places to adverise the . re- 35 yard dash-Boyd. Dougherty, finally choose the team, it is evident," nity contests have depended mucb'�Jfreshments. Checks will be on sale Morris, Kuhns, Buckman. Nickerson, says A. Barron, secretary of the club. upcn brawn and muscle, but now tJiep·by a centrally located cashier. Ap- Crowley, Sco-t, Reynolds, Sturgeon, "that the men are wen balanced and aesthetic 11'1s cropped out among �.pies and doughnuts will retail at 5 Coyle. .will be able to hold their own against Greeks and brain and finesse will m-cents, but sigl1� 'will indicate the 40 yard hurdles-Lorenz, Rogers, the Wisconsin team." ry off the coveted prizes."cold water is gratis." Kempley, Morris, Degenhardt .. Bacon, The men who are trying for the Captain Carter of the Beta team,According to a.Ilot�er sign, urecep-l Bate, Kuhns. team are J. Barron, C. Ohlendorf. P, when approached upon this subjcct Metacles are provided fo� apple c�es.". 440 yard run-Timblin. Comsto;.k, P. PrinoeJle, C. Leviton, A. Whit- �y a Maroon reporter was found husk'"TM refreshment,," said Chairman Stophlet, Nickerson, Scott, Morns, field, C. Smith, L. Wood, A. Barron Iy cr gaged in figuring out a diffiCUltFuller yesterday, "are to be of .the Reynolds, Wats, Canouse. and L. J. Swinger. no-trump hand and only by a gr�tbest quality. Douehnnts that are 880' yard run-Timblin, Comstock, The opening moves of the tourna- amount of persuasion was he induce-lhome-made only will be on hand. Stophlet, Canouse, Floyd, Carpenter. ment �il1 be received on Monday. to speak.The' apples �ll be 'p-.3ches' and fully One mile run-Comstock, 'StophleT, By that time the team will have been "The idea is a new one, and. is:worthy the -charge." Timblin, Carpenter, Floyd, Eisen- chosen. so that the moves. in response meeting with favor," said the TeX3ll,. Harry Harper will furnish an or- drath, Canouse. may be- returned within· two days, "and I have Jour teams busily prae-chestra of ten veteran musicians, High jump-Bacon, Degenhardt, 'tbe time limit which the players tieing for the. cornng battle, Theydressed in military style for the daoce Coyle, Bate, Rogers, Alden, Crowley, will have to make and mail their have already learned the rudiments ofand Harry will accompany on the Lempley. moves. According to the conditions the game. ard after a few more les-piano. $ Pole vault-Rogers, Bacon, Crow- stated in the letter of challenge, each sons, I expect to have an aggregation.The mem�rs of the committees in ley, Gardner, Coyle, Floyd. team is to consist of five men, who worthy of my opponents' steel"charge of the dance �: Shot put-Crowley, Degenhardt, are to be paired off; each man to .play.----. Alvin F. Kramer, General Chair- Bacon, Coambs, Dougherty, Bohlend- five individual games with the mem-man. er Silberman. .bers of the opposing team. FacultyTicket Committee -. Fred Carr, �elay race-Comstock, Timblin. members are barred fro� participa-Chairman; Willowdean Chatterson, Boyd, Stophlet, Morris, Reynolds, tion. There is to be no coaching, no�leaDOr Day, Frank Bevan, Helen Crowley, Rogers, Scott, Sturgeon, change in the original personeI of theHendricks, M. y� Dabney, H. W. Canouse, Dougherty, Straube. teams. Points of dispute are to beHarriman. The Freshmen finished their work settled by the honorary presidents ofRefreshments - Harvey Fuller, for the meet tomorrow night, and are the clubs, Professor Cunliffe for W!:;- THE D A I L Y MAR O.� 1(:' :.. 00' �Chairman; Jessie Heckman, Helen now all in good shape. Several new consin and Professor Boynton." forPeek, Edrcird McBri� Helen Sun- men have appeared during the week, Chicago,11.7. and Chicago's chances have been Charles Leviton, president, and A.Committee on Chaperone&-Marc boosted accordingly, Barron, secretary of the club, will ar-Hir�h; Ha�ulibal Olandler. range a schedule of games with the..NEW INTER-FRATERNITY.Ushc�Paul Harper, Lois Kanf- Cook County League tomorrow.ORGANIZATION FORMEDThese games . will be commencedprobably next week and will be played inthe cit� during the season.Typewriters for Sale Dr. Gustave E. Karsten, bead of the'TYPEWRITERS for Sale or Rent- department of Modem Labgnges,Special rates to 14tudents; bar8aiu and Protiessor of German at the Uoiin re-built machines. W. White- versityof Illinois. died of pneumonIabead, J6 ·La Salle Street. last Wednmay. Professor Karstenwas one of the most distinguish:dFOR·' SALE�A scholarship to a scholars in the field of modem philprominent business college; schol- ology either in Europe or America..�. arship was obtained through ad- 'Since his coming to the University,·erGscmel.:l; will sell it for 25 per two years ago he has improved hiscent. off. Box �[., Daily Maroon department and caused its' substantial· Office. 'development.-----Badpr Athletic EDdnninm SmallW ANTED-Students to atkn. Ea- The athletic coancil of Wisconsinglewood' 'Roller Rink, �. ,:eat- recently expressed itself in favor ofworth Ave. Every evemnc,. _� �ropping intercollegiate athletics this· Sat. and Sun. . Afternoonl tJa.�_ . 1....:.__ I 800 f AI.. 1000. spnng �USe on y 0 uee ,the season. athletic. membership bOoks had bel!nRoom. for Reat. disposid of up. to a certain day lastFURNISHED ROO M �Ne&I' the week. It wu only through the solicitation of Director Hutchins that the............ ItIUIe.,CIIIIa ...JIeIW_�",,-,... noB ....................... L£..... _---".'ALWAYS EASY,..._ ...Try a. elassiHedatJv����ment in.The Daily MarooDUYon. � .. Dave t."w.; anything you wish to aeIl. a room or house for rentlost or found something"II" Pays to AdVertise� .." . .WANTED-IO men to solicit names. for petItion. The' Employment. Bureau.! . WANTED-A young man to do editorial and reportorial. work on lea.ding city trade journal. Apply toManaging Editor Daily' Marooa.POSITION open to young women;three hours a day, in exchange forroom and board. Apply at theUniversity Employment Bureau.WANTED-A governess; must kable to speak German 8uently andsome knowledge- of. French preferred.· The University. EalploymUltBureau.dil:'I'11): ., .."";�:rI'�: I.... University; . with or without light· housekeeping privileges; goodlight, heat. hot and cold water;bath. Call 652 E. 57th St., leCoD41Sat.e- .. :New ."ield.SateabCICOlstiliggasti· SeanHave youSubscribed.for foialis.,. aren· pl?• 4 kr· ellw•...• ::.< .•Do it Now svman.Music-H. G. James, Harry Har- • M... : "The '.� .. " with Thirteen, em-bers, Starts 'Life � week-:- ToGive Banqu� Feb. Ia. .. ." ,�, .-1. �.teoMaroen 9ftic:e. Ellia RaJ(p,er.Singing - Earl Berry, WinstonHeary. \ cThe committee �f ushers which willcaR for the making· Oat of programs,consists of the f�Jowing :Helen Sunny. Helen Pec� HeienHendricks, FloreJice Harper, EleanorDay, Winifred �lso. .Helen Hurd,Edith Powell .. Heten Gunsanlus, '�a&riet Grim. Jeann� Roc;, Mary' Heap,Annie Templeton, Edith Osgood,Marjorie WOlfenden, Alvin' Kramer,H. H. Chandler, Jr., Harvey Fuller,Frank Bevan. W. P. MacCracken,K,ad' Dixon, Mark Wheeler, W. E.Wrather, Paul Buhlig, T. H. Sanderson, Nonnan Barker, Karl Shuart, \\'.F. Hewit .. Charles Johnson, M. K.Dabney. t1teA new honoary society has taken 1its place among the group already�pffica� � � campL �� -----------�------------------;.Thirteen," an inter-class organization, POW B R S . '_. .��. Y.'has been formed a�ong thirteen of. I If T I: .. II A. T I I) HAL .,' ..: .the undergraduate men of eleven. T JI BAT B B. Charles Frohman presents. Palfraternities, all of whom appeared in MARIEtheir black and white pledge ribbons ; METROPOLITAN GRAND DORO tlof the order this week. The organi- . OPERA IN ENGLISH I)In the new success" �zatl'on was formed to promote the in- IL TRAVATOREcusTHE MORALS OF MAR. t1terests of better spirit among frat"!r-dnities and between classes.The petition for recognition, whi:11was presented to the Board or" Student Organizations at their last meeting, Was .favorably passed upon, andthe members of the new order arebusy preparing for their initiation andbanquet, which is scheduled forFebruary 13- This ceremony will beheld under the auspices of the Tbirten. club, of Chicago, an organizationof a like nature in the city. Amongthe charter members of the order areEx-Capt. Leo DeTray of the lootballteam. ex-Captain Templeton . of thebaseball team, and Wallie Skfi"ens,leader of the football team for 1908. .�SEMENls.... alilTBI: GARRICK ILLIBOISROBERT EDESONIn his great success,"CLASSMATES"A clean, wholesome, Ameri� P�:.Augustus. Thomas' Great Play nbTHEWITCHINGHOUR abin The Rejuvenation ofAUNT MARY gnpLA SALLE nten\IITBB AUDITORIUM. The Leap Year WIDDerTHE GIRL QU�TIOHSAN CARLO �ilhS11council was kept from carrying out itedecision. and was penuaded to extendthe limit for the sale of coupon booksODe week f1utI.er. t�dI•GRAND OPERA CO.THE WHITNEYThe Musical WIDDerA KNIGHT FOR A DAYPre-Medic Club Holds First ElectionAt the election of the Pre-Medic.club held yesterday morning in Kent,Hokanson was elcctcd presidcn�;.Kuhms, vice-presi<knt, and Coughlin,secretary. The next meeting of theclub will be a week from today, whena definite policy for the club to pursue will be adopted. Suggestions �fa smoker to be held in the near :uture was offered, but no action wastaken. It is intended to ha,·e at t.hemeetings, howev�r, talks by prominent members of the medical profc:;sion. OGLORIALSTUDEBAKEltHave 70U seeDTHK KERRY WIDOWShe b the International Craze MAY ROBSON of:oAny. Books 10 Sell? Try a Classified a4. Tbe BaDy. Maroon .��.{!j ."f:'-\'.��. '