.lIlatly -!t--- . ,;'. -.,. '"'' ... .. -----���-. --.. _.--.-a"r"·o·····u' U·• " .,'I . ... �- .,- ,� .-' �: -.�-- -� -r';, -":_� fId1-three Have Already Accepted.Invitations to Act as PatroDesses Friday Night. ·BOIRD DELAYS'·BRISIDI.________ S_T_UD_EN_TS_t _NI_G_HT .J. :i, OI-Bi.ACIFRIIR. TRIPTENOR WHO WILL TAKE ROLE OF COUNT ALMAVIVA O�. I'Dr. Bi8bop U.-c- Junior lien to Ap'predate SaCrifices that Make OurWealth and Knowledge Possible toUL Vo� to Appoint a ��� .�Three to Invest:iPte 11mb of. Proposed PrOduction.1'IIirty Uzmers Are Also ChosenHandle Throng that Will"Jam the Gym."_)(Continued OD pase 4) A uScn"blers club" has recentl,.been formed at Indiana, the objectbeing to promote future ""a... iaj01lraalism. .'�.-. _.,..:(� �. � � � � ... :��;'),.;' . .', '-...,. 'JiII'aB ........ And IlOW it's Glady's Szecheilyi. DO YOU V_BMBER? BULLBTIlf FUJI. TBB DAY,.1- ... • •Y>.·· ,.... CMIdal 8� PabI':"''''' fit tile Have you settled for the Settlemen!UDl�q . � CbJaco. dance yet?It is understood that "Charlie" Joraaten4 .. 8ecoD� Mall at tile CIaIdp dan still has a few dances for the� Senior Prom open, and would be Chicago, died at his home onPIIIal.IUed da1I7. acept 8---. II.-- glad to give them to anybody wbo..,. ..... � 4ar111a tJane.4aautala will see him today at 10:30.14ubl6t:ri"uou price. $3.00 per 7e&r: fLOO President and' Mrs. Harry Pratt, .. r d wuaUw. �ubBcr1pUOD8 rece1yed at Judson left Sunday for the East,Lh� MarUOll • .mc:e. .Ell.. Ball, (II' at the where the President will attend three.. acult7 Ksch&qe. Cobb Ball.· 'Wit'ile it is not to be assumed out- the following night, at which it is· right from' the action of the board of hoped the honorary alumni of theUniversity, including Baron SpeckVon Sternberg, M. J: J. Jusserand,student organizationsSaturday .that t it e James Bryce and President Rooseboard is favorable tothe' velt will be present. President andBlackfriars' trip, .Mrs. Judson will leave Washingtonyet the appointment of and return to 'Chicago . next Mon-day.Because of the visit to the EastMrs. J udson will not be at homeWednesday, January 29, as usual, butWill however be at home Wednesday,February s.'� .· LUTHBB De I'BIlNALD. liuqtll& BdltorPIlUTO.N 1'. 0.&.88. Me .. EdiW.IUCL.V� s. ADAMS. AWeUc Edltor.LOU18 8. HI!lRL1.N. HaIDee. IlaDqer.I· ...u- I'ormerqThe UD1Y�� of Cblc:aco WeekI,-.1',,'OIUledThe Week&7. Oct. 1, 1892.The 1.)a1l7. Oct. 1. 1802. (�PlaCIDe Ibde Park 1181. TUESDAY .. JAlfUARY 28" 1908.BJaCkfriars,Play andTrip ,,a committee to report on the p'lay to• :. J .be -presented is at least an indicationt. -·,that·the. petition of the opera club is.. " being' 'considered favorably. The'.,1 ",Blac:kfriars �nd the general University public which. supports the club soheartily win. applaud any actio,n of· the FacUlty w�ich ma)" make possible· the ,trip which has been soght in vain. .., .. '.: '. \. ,..i> .. For some reason there has been a"Breat faDing off of correspondence.. " in the columns of The�d-' Daily in the last few� to months. For the fall-� Daily ing off in the UIUlC'CeSsary airing of indivi4,,:,oal grievances there is no complaint;but the· abuse of corespondenceshoUld not lead to its wholesale condemnation. .(\ great deal of goodmay often be accomplished by the expression of opinion on matters of student interest through the medium ufThe Daily. A free use of the ct)lamns of The Daily as a forum forthe interchange of student thoughtcannot· fail to have effect in mouklingstudent opinion.A millionaire dyspeptic hunted III'250 men with appetities Sunday andfed them· at his expense. That is oneway for a dyspeptic to make himselfpopular. It_ seems that the Intercollegiaterules committee has succeeded inbreaking up the "plaoney" working ofthe' forward pass. If Chicago hadbeen as successful the Maroons mighthave beaten the Indians.PRESIDENT JUDSON LEAVESON TRIP TO THE EASTTo Be Guest of Boston, New Yorkand Washington AlIllDDi thisWeek. Chicago Divinity Seminary, diedat his home on Monroe avenue.Two Years Ago To-dayThe Alumni assernb'cd in Mandel hall to pay a tribute to Dr.Harper ..Three Years Ago Today.Alpha Tau Omega ileid' an informal dancing party.The engagement of ProfessorAlexander Smith to Mrs. J. E.Tudden was announced.The Beta Chapter of Illinois ofPhi Beta Kappa, gave a dance inHutchinson Commons. IFour Years Ago Today. box 356, Faculty Exchange.The rope baseball cage, now in College of Education Cha�use in the gymnasium, was put in Iplace.Five Years Ago Today.Hitchcock hall held its first reception.A musical club of stringed instruments was organized amongthe University girls.The name of "Lexington hall"was announced by the Board ofTrustees as the name to be giventhat building.Ten Years Ago Today.Members of the Mortar Boardgave a salarnagundi party at thehome 0(- Miss Knight, 4813 Kenwood avenue.Snell hall held a reception.One Year Aeo Today.Dean Wilber S. Jackman, principal of the University Elementary School of the University. ofKimbark avenue,Dr. J. B. Jackson, professor oftheology in the old University of .:Y. W. C. L. will bold a vesper ser-The preliminaries to' choose theGovernment Offers to Pay Expenses debaters to represent the Juniorof Professors Starr, Coulter and colleges in the inter-college debateslIacClintock in 'C'_ ..... ern Islan' ds '11' h Id hi·�u: WI. De e at t e regu ar mectmgof the colleges this morning. All theNow that Michigan has won eif;,htof the nine intercollegiate debates she speak on "The Arts and Crafts Movc-h:'J participated in since the entrance ment in the United States" at theMassachusetts State Federation meet-in previous years.J .• As .the. success or failure of the Director Blanchard and President.. trip plans seems to depend on the Jadson Favor lIore Frequent Pub-· play chosen; it behooves the Black-f� committee to busy itself in a:'speedy and wise choice of the play to.be presented. The manuscripts have.. � in the hands of the committeenearly a month now, and there should1i'." . . . hall every Thursday afternoon from-sc .. :/1)e no occasion for Iac� of definite ac-5 to 6. The programs will be a mixtion immediately.of the oldest senior, we wonder if theWestern Intercollegiate Debatingconfereuce will not proceed to passsome retroactive measares?-Micbi... DIUF .. meetings of Alumni associations ofthe University. Tomorrow night hewill be entertained by the Alumni (IfNew York. Thursday night at theCopley Square Hotel, the associationof Boston will give a dinner in hishonor. The President will be theguest of the alumni of Washingto�BAND KAY GIVE WEEKLY;CONCERTS IN KANDELlie Appearance for lIasidansIf plans· now under considerationare carried out, the University bandwin give weekly concerts in Mandelture of popular and dassical compositions selected with an idea of appealing to a large number and at thesame time rendering compositions ofreal artistic merit. 'Solos by the skilful members of the band will be rendered at the various concerts. Theband contains. several musicians ofreal ability, and performances ofworth are promised. Among the soloists who will appear will be Duscoon the comet, Ewing on the cIarionet,Klein on the bass hom, HarPer onthe xylophone and Reinner on thetrombon'e_The proposition has been laid before President Judson, and he has expressed himself as heartily in favor ofit."I am much in favor of the concerts whether the students come tohear them or not," said DirectorBlanchard, in speaking of the plan."The conccrts will be good, an enjoyable time is assured to anyone whoattends.Professor ZueblinCharlesing of Women's Clubs, Winchester,Mass., February 8.Wisconsin defeated Purdue in basketball b7 a score of J4 to J3._.-' INVITE FACULTY MEMBERSTO SPEAlc"IN PHILIPPINES vice in the league room, Lexingtonhall, at 4 p, m.Weekly Ccnferenee of the Divinityschool on practical work will meetat 4 p. m. in Haskell assembly room.I' �ir. Price will speak on "TIle Prob'em of the Union Church."I Botanical club will meet in theBotany building, ro�� 13. at' 5 p. m.Assistant Professor. Cowles willI speak on "Review of thePapers of the Recent EcologicalBotanicalThree members of the University colleges are manifesting great interFaculty, Professor Starr Professor est in the debates and the contestCoulter and Professor MacClinto.;:k. for places _� on. the different teamshave been invited to lecture before promises to be close. There are alsothe summer session of teachers in more candidates out for the teamsthe Philippine Islands. The summer than has ever been the case heretosession is held annually in M'lnila Ior fore. Literature heads the other 'colthe six weeks begjnning April. 4, and 'cges in point of number, nine m-:nis usually attended by about five hun- having signified their intention ofdred tea-chers, about' half American :speaking .and half Filipino. Th� work corr�s- Thre@ men will be chosen in eachponds to that done fn a summer ses- college who will begin work i�m�sion of a large 'American normal diatcJ}:, in prepara�ion for the semischool with the addition of a con sid- tinal debates, which .. will be held onerable amount of strictly University the cveni�g of l\[��ch 17. These wereteaching. to have �een held March, but owingOwing to the illness of Profes!'or to a delay. in getting started: it wasBarnes of the Department of Botany. four.d necessary to postpone theit, is feared that Professor Coult<!r scmi-final� and fi�als two weeks.will be unable to accept. Those whogo will leave Chicago early i� March. To Speak on Y. W. Co A. Workreaching Manila, "ia Honolulu, ]a'pan _ Thc �ev .. A. D. Hail, for a numberand Hongkong. on April 4: After of years a missionary in Japan, \\;11the session is over in May, Profcss')r speak in the league. room tomorrowMacClintock wilJ on his way home morning -at 10:30 on :�Y. W. C. A.spend considerable time in Japan an.! Work in the ���t .. " Mr. Hail speaksChina, whilc Professor Starr inte!1.:1s with knowledgc .of. this work j� ato remain in the islands for ethnalo�. country. f:-om which he has. but r�ical work. Both will return in Scp- cently come ior his vacation.tell1ber. The expenses of the !,�.:-turers are to be paid by the Philin-pine governmcnt. .It was through the services of DI.Barrows, Superintendcnt of EduC3-tion in the Philippines and a grad'Jate of the University of Chicago thltthe trip was brought about. The original suggestion. came in 1905 fromMr. Samuel l\facClintock, recentlvmade a fcllow in the Department (�fPolitical Scicnce, at that time Supcr-·intendent of Schools in the SoutllcTnDistrict of the Philippina.will :'.lectillg ."Powow will meet at 8 p. m. i;1Cobb SB. All who are interested inthe Freshman debate with North-western are invited..Polielcal Science club will meet ats p. m. in .Cobb 3C. l\lr. Raffie. wi1appear on .. Persia Undertion." Constitu-,Junior class dues. should be left atroom 214 •• Emmons Blaine hall, at 10'a. m. will isten to a program onR?bert Burns, presented by :Mi:;sBlack and the elementary school.Divinity CoUliciI will meet at 10:JCa .. m. in Haskell 16.'Dramatic club will hold a .rehear.,allat 4 p. m. '. .,Brownson club will meet at 4:3;';p_ m. in Cobb 8D.Settlement Dance tickets may b('obtained at the Infonn'ation Office..Senior. Pictures will be taken b)'.\Iartyr. free of charge.TO CHOOSE DEBATERS FOR.INTERCOLLEGIATE CONTESTPreliminaries Will' be Held at Mec:tings of Junior C_olleges thisMOrning.i\RROw� SIZE COLLARY.Ade of Clupeco Shrunk Fabr1cs. ISe e8eII; 2 .or De , ..... :.;;jX..... -'.' .\,;.:\-;The glove store that carries a &ood 1!ne of00aD!ciamll. (si�poFres]wiof.cu:afftelcohe1FOWNES. GLOVES "II;.· ..is to be depended on.11 TRA VEL OVER THE. ��AFAYETTE,INDIANAPOLIS,LOU ISVILLE,CINCINNATI.DAYTON.Or any Southern Point.:'icket Office, 182 South Clark at.Jepot-Dearbom Station, Polk" -, apch.)ea: born S!. coticmtoEn::le-;..vood Station-63c1 S�:::.lani9\IANICURING tefatv·Electric Scalp and Facial Massage '.. MADAME KAYNOR'S .i ":SCALP SPECIALIST, .Z37 E 55th St. Phone H. �. 32M.':TRAVEL OVER. THE ',,;,'---------------.')�.,�,\, /.;f� \VWWv;THE UNION .HOTELAND .RESTAURANT filTTHE POPULAR PLACE. " ,;"TO EAT pEither before or after the ': �'�' :'Theater •�. �i: ..I We make a Specialty of Club. ' �f'and Fraternity Dinners. . f{______ _.. .,�1Spe�ial ·:::f. ValueSI�·}. '. ���.t��"VVoolens·:;···{lor : -�:')��College :: 'VI ea;J�SUITS or OVEK£OATSJ�To Order . '}X125 : : '30 � :' 135 . -:·:1y�� 01atef(s•01Qsipih;IeIeh:Sooba'a:ttf1TAILOR FOR YOUNG liEN Yl"wo stores: 131 La Salle St., _ ,'£ .1:44 Jackson Boul� r··nBOR DE N'SCondensed Milk. Fluid Milk, Creamand Buttermilk.'All Bottled in the Country.Borden's Condensed Milk ec..327-329 E. Forty·seventh St. gSI' ir:, T.tepbones Hyde Park 18 and b�7II, I, A. McAdem�u:31laThl! Unl,"�r.lIJ'... Flor'ttt ...GRElnfBOtTS'€S:Cor, S30 St, 3,,:,1 R'1r.- .. ",·k ATe. ChtceaCoFULL DRESS SUITSTO p�T. G. SCHAFFNER ci CO. oAU Sizes. Sure Fit.We carry "SoCiety. Br.'UICf' �J::t,�t';.�.. ." ; , .'\�.'l. t : . � .. J",:". .' • '''i ..... It;· ,.+::<: ��::,: \),��,.��.\.::. 'f .: .- :,('. ":'��: .•. , . '.� ".., .. ...• �;�: I•.••. <... .. ,.:>t."i.: .. ·;:;;__.::,.:�.�.·��:::';':3<::_'· ": ,.'.���, �'�;! ....... � �...-. .. _.-'�� ·X·· ./",.�� fl.�::t�i l� � ." .._�r r·, -vo,", -.- -:;� f;';BC. QUEsTION FOR. . .,'. ChiIJ:,dcs 1Pr� .....".{ �'., NORTHWESTERN DEBATE�\�: � ..tprahmen of Chica&o and North- The following men have been' ,'in-,,'. western to Discuss Ship Subsidy itiated into. the Alpha· Delta Phi:-Tryouts February :al. William A. Lytle. Washington la.;Rcw1ved: "That the Un�t�d States 'Samuei E. Earle, . Chicago, 111.; EverGovemment Should Subsidize �'!r et L, Patchen, . Chicago, Ill.; Robert. ilercbant Marine," is the question B. Owen, Chicago. Ill.; Arthur W.,hi h the Freshmen of Chicago Wheeler, Sterling, Ill.; Elmer W.::d w NI;rthwestcrn Universities Will ilea tty, T�ledo, Ohio; Robert P.dash, according to the announcement Baker, Leavenworth, Kansas; Frankmade yesterday by Coach Chandler. H. Shackelford, St. J oseph, Mo.; Ed"Chicago Freshmen will choose. the ward T. Taylor, Oak Park, 111.;side of the <}uestion it wishes to SUD- james E. Townsend, EI Paso, Texas.port. This evening. the P�wo,:' t�e The Reynolds club have issued theFreshman debating society which .. � following announcement to the Interespecially interested in the con�est, Fraternity Bowling league: All prewill resolve itself into a comrmttee 'liminary games must be bowled offof the \;holc for the purpose of dis- by Tuesday; semi-finals must becu�sing the different aspects of the rolled by Friday. The finals w�1l beaffair. All first year men who are i�!- rolled at. the Reynolds club smokerterested in this contest will be wel- Saturday night. Arrangements willcome at this meeting, which will be be made to seat 300 by placing canvasheld at 8 p. m. in Cobb 8B. . over alleys 3 and 4- RefreshmentsPeak, Appel and Owen have been .n the shape of hard cider and cigacommittee to take rettes will be served during the con-".�'f":towill' be chosen in this way and twoweeks later a first and seconcl teamwill be chosen in. a set debate. AllYvacancies in the first team will befilled from the second team.';'.'-.'_.• -r. ..The Three Quarters club, the honorary Freshman society, is planninga minstrel show to be given this qua:-ter, and if Mandel hall cail be securedfor the 13th of March it will. be givenon that date.This is the first time that the ThreeQuarters club has given anything bes�des an annual banquet, which takesplace at the culmination of six weekshazing of the pledges. Earle was selected to manage the affair and statcd"that though the 'Steam �oller' hadItCt the Auditorium the U niversilYhas a new acquisition in 'Tbe ElectricSparker' and it will go off with a snapon the night of the 13th of March ifour plans do not fail us. Only membeTs, will take part in the perfonuance and trials for the more important positions, such as endmen and in·terluctor will take place in the ncarfuture. There ar� at present thirtymembers in the club.-at IN THE WOMEN'S HALLS.-I'IJ - .., �. •• , r: ",,-:_- .._.:..... t,,. ·it• ,�i." -..mE DAlLY 'MAROON, ·TUESDAY.:JAN. 28 .. 19c&'. :_..gao.Alpha TauSigma Chi J..Division IlL H.NMN:·WDiS·�SBCOHD.1 IIAIlOOIf: MOTTO CON1EST�--------------------��''Cap aDd Gown" Editor· aDd PIa�-1rricbt Willa Award for Bat Motto on.' "Courteous Treatment."Delta Tau Delta I, vs . .Delta Kap- "To do business with gentlemen in,>a Epsilon 2. a gentlemanly way, regardless ofDelta Kappa Epsilon I, vs. Delta forced. sales or large profits, if oniyJpsilon 2.Delta Kappa Epsilon 2, vs. Chi our customers are satisfied.""A pleasant word, a cheerful exhi-Psi I. bit ion of merchandise, sincere prom-Delta Kappa Epsilon I, vs. Delta ises are what we consider elements'If courteous treatment.""Courtesy is the temperate zonewhere friendliness flourishes, separated equally from the frozen area oicold politeness and torried zone ofabsequious· flattery.". "To be closely.attentive, to speakkindly. to show all . our goods ·to .lllour -customers at �ne price-this isour· idea' of courtesy.';'"To 'devote· thought and time unreserved in satisfying. the wants of a:patron� and to take !lleasur� in doingso." -"Courteous· treatment, witb us, isto furnish, the best to' all comers inOmega 0, vs. Sigma the most polite' and attentive busi-Hli Kappa Psi 2, vs. Sigma AlphaE.psilon '1 •.Alpha Delta Phi 2, vs. P!Ji DeltaTheta I.Sigma Alpha .Epsilon 0; fbi DeltaTheta J.The following are yet to play: .Phi Kappa Psi ys. Alpha DeltaPhi.Phi Kappa &i vs. Phi Delta Thet.&:.Alpha Delta Fbi vs.· Sigma AlphaEpsilon.' .- .Diviaiao IV.Beta Upsi-Show your college spirit by subscribinc for .be DaiJ� Maroon.Pi, - vs. PsiThetaIon 0.Kappa Sigma 0, vs. Psi Upsilon 3·Phi Gamma Delta I, vs. Psi Upsi-Ion 2.Kappa Sigma are yet .to· play PsiUpsilon.The high individual score in thebowling contest was made Saturdaymorning by Hugo, who rolled 2J.!.Hugo is a Phi Kappa Sigma, histeam made a score of 872.Kappa Sigma held a house partylast Saturday ·night.roon. ...IlII1N·Rat:;.", Ji':�'" __ .�.J..for solid comfort.' The. D7Jtiidi.and designs of one' -piece; .- . ..web. All metal partI'" heavy nickel.plated brass, cannot rust.' 25c.'� _. ,.'ir., all dealers or, by mail.:". -.. • ••• et •• �. ".n.· .., . .....,,�. rr d UUr�.,�� ;,':,: '. ,"_". of ......�.' '�{.�",... : .., � •. ��CHfMICAL, PHYSICAL,· fLf€TR�h � J.1'SURGICAL CiLIISS�rA'''AIfAT�J' ..WE MAKE SPECIAL APPARA'TUS�ACCORDING TO DaCRIPTION.:.··Any Apparatus Made:lo· Order.·W. J. BOEHM."appointed as acharge of the arrangements. This test.committee will present the proposi- The following is the standing oftion to the Freshman class at its zhe various teams in the Inter-Fratermeeting Wednesday, in an endeavor .lity bowling contest:.'Divisioo L.to arouse enthusiasm.Any man who, when he matriculated for the first time at the begmning of the fall quarter, . hid less than9 majors .. is eligible for the team.The tryout for the team will beheld February 21. It is the plan ofMr. Chandler, who will coach tbe "The glad hand and the squared�l make the customer come again,"was the motto illustrating "CourteousTreatment," which best pleased thejudges in the second Daily .Maroollmotto contest. The author of thesuccessful phrase was Harry A. Hansen, managing editor of this year's"Cap and Gown," and joint. author oflast year's Blackfriar opera.There were seventy-five' mottoessubmitted in the contest, and as thecompetitors more· generally understood the sort of phrases required.the general qual"ty was much betterthan in the first contest. Humorous lcontributions, conspicuous in the first lcontest, were almost entirely lacking tin this. Several of the contributionsran a close second to the Hansen Imotto. The judges for the - contest- _:were George O. Fairweather; ),ohn J3chommer,Walter A. Steffen, Charles .................A, Pa'atzer and Louis S. Berlin.The following mottoes were amongchose' contributed for the contest: MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER'"Phone :Main 2700- !1% E. RliadO)pIi k..t.CHICAGO,-.- � ..THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE AND STO�G&· CO"AiIj�· '; ..· Phone Hyde Park 571 Kimbark'Ave. at Jlittk• �. The Cleanest and Best' Kept: SlDrapb', ".1 ... < -, Warehouse in the City �.. • • 1,.. .�. L. .,· Furniture and Pianos Moved, Stor�. ���. �" .Shipped to all parts (if the world; JOO Pn'nt. �-.:.age. Rooms. .Large . Parlor r.:xdusi-vely : for ·�t\.Rooms for Trun�s and Wh�ls.' Larce .;�,�tCarria�es, Buggies and SlelChs. Tru�. ' ... �� .•.'from all Depots.' Local' Transfers for;' .'.MiI. ,. Furniture, Packages, ete., at short aot'" .__ :: _:j ;.: • --• Special attention &ivea � Uai,ea� �,,: ... �:;SfTTLfMfNJ:�rDANCE,1'. 'team. to have each candidate. speak Upsilon 2.for six minutes on direct proof and The following are yet to play:two minutes on rebuttal. Six men Delta Tau Delta vs. Delta UpsiLm..' Delta Tau Delta vs. Chi Psi.Division ILPhi �appa . Sigma 0, vs. SigmaNu 3-, (This game has been forfeited andwill he played' over.)THREE QUARTERS CLUB Phi Kappa Sigma 3, vs. Alpha TanPLANS MINSTREL SHOW Omega 0.'Phi Kappa Sigma 3, vs. SigmaFreshman Society to Give a Public Chi o.Performance in :Mandel on Sigma N u 3, Sigma Chi o.March 13- Sigma Nu 3, vs. Alpha Tau Ome-Foster hall claims the palm fvTgreatest ability in "barn dancing."Strenuous practices are held everyevening after dinner.lliss Jcssie Grant has been visitingin Green hall.Kelly hall held its annual initiationlast Friday night.Green hall will give its annual Faculty party Saturday c\'ening, Febru-ary 8th. .The New Tes·tament· club met la�tGreen hall is pbnning for a dan.:e night with Associate Professor Vo-on February 15th. taw, 551; Washington avenue. at 8Mrs. Flint re�d informally to the p. m.· Dr. Chase spoke on the subSpelman house girls yesterday afte!"- ject, "Jesus' Idea of His Own Aa-Il00.. thority." treatment.". "The most courteous treatment wecan extend you is to make you ied�tisfied. Satisfied customers formthe basis of our success." •"Best Quality" is the subject· fornext week's contest. The prize, as 'nthe preceding'competitions, will be aI$25 suit. The motto must not: be more�8�Swo�s�kn�hwdmu�n- � __ � ���_���lus�te the �u�ec� �Best Quality!' �������������������������������Th� contributions must be signed bya pseudonym, explanation of. thename which th.e pseUdonym denotl!sbeing sent under separate cover. Allcontributions must be submitted bythe first mail next Monday morning.The judges for this contest will beannounced in tomorrow's Daily M�- ., ,It is suggeSted .that men and :�om ell atteDd�,BN �'" :.:. _: .... � .. ....Thirty'-student 1JShUs Win See that every' proemn;:�:'� �':'.r,; ..We will rent ,ou a Monarch 'V'lIibJe TJPewdtei�: _ if�decide to parc:bue we wiD aJIcnr • faD' mOath".':IDt,·to '.,-;.';ply on the price.'Liberal rates for .. 1IIGIItIIa· ...... ;con�ct. •THE MONARCH' TYPswarrat:·COIIPAIfY.25 E. lIa&oa' at-'Phone: CeDtnl 63GL� MNOLD COMP�.'·ENGINEERS�CONSTRUC1ORS·ILECTRICAL - CIVIL- MECHANICAL-, .�.I LA aALLIt ..... " •• T,CHICA8C . ,. '.. :.)�..... �• '.� 'i.. ;,',''/.' ..... e • �·:DVB.1IA8 LITTLB . "U:a.ifjmN.A� sAY;& toueh�'or are touched, ¢ .. beinl &.=::=::;::::-���-====:::-:��---- ..... ����::-: .'.: ':' .: TIto�B, WITH PUltDUB TWO IIBBT8 THIS WBBK fUmbled. by another of the same tQm 'DIUNU INK :":1;--:,��.�',. i": .:';\..,' ,'. , Will have the effect of doing aw-a y I,IKE A I"t a.au.. .�.; ..k,:, :, BoiJerm ..... � uliabie' to Cope with ....e.t. APmat c. A. A. 'Team Fri- ,ritb reckless passing and scrambling; � rz.'. .Put ��of �SCbom"w.� T_ dq.. ad WiD Take OD D6a.oia it is thought, The practice 'of holding �o lOAd a Conklin Founfain Pen. just dip it in any' \�.', ' • J ' Ink, press the Crescent-Filler and see it fill its 01rD .�. W� 53' to IL Yeartiap �. oppOnents on the side, making the tank like a camel slaking its thirst. That.s all tlaere �\i ';',) pasS. thus preventing them from get- Is to It I No dropper-no mess--no bother. Do it -�, 'l�Playing in rare f�. the Maroon Varsity and' Freshmen athletes b.!- ting down the field to form protec- 'anywhere-any time. : \· five won! iu.., t*.iest. 'victory of the gaD the week of prepaz:ation' for their tiOD for, the man receiving it, has, season &against Purdue' Saturday coming meets with a rush yesterday. beefl prohibited. I t was practiced on; might, by a 'sc'ore of 53 'to II; The The Varsity will have the C. A. A. seve�. occasions in Eastern games�dng period on. the 'road seemed a as opponents, 'Friday. The Fresh- during the 1907 season.material handicap to the .Boilermak- men have two meets. They will:..e ,Officials all over the country areera; and, as a consequence, their entered against the Cherry Circle endorsing the changes made. Mr.team work �wa�. ragged. and slow Friday, and Saturday will tackle the Ray-croft declared yesterday' that theyduring most of the contest. Illinois Freshmen. .are distinctly for the betterment' ofCaptain ..schommer was the partie- Although two meets :0 two nights the game.ular star, registering eight times with are expected to prove taxing to the "1 think the committee took timelybaskets from the field On .most of Freshmen, it is felt that all the first action," he said. "The game neededthe occasions the feat was aeeom- year athletes will be used on both reforming, and each one of the replished with little difficulty, as there occasions. Coach Friend realizes the forsns decided upon at the meetingwere .00 opponents near to maice op- problem before the Varsity athletes Saturday was :r. the right direction.position. Falls was in form, making, in their dual affair with the C. A., A. It should do away with much of thesix baskets." while Hoffman scored The athletes who will run under C. waJlton use of the forward pass. Iffour times. 'two of them being 011 A. A. colors are' a,D all-star aggregalong throws. Harris' and ,� did tion, at least four b�ng considered ingood work :in keeping the Purdue line for honors at the Olymp;anforwards at � a safe distance from the cames. They are Vickery Taylor,Maroon go�t' G�orgen. displayed a Ramey and Irons.Bash of fast plaYing 'diiring the time To make a good showing againsthe was in th'� �e. -, ,, 'the Cherry Circle athletes will neces-Lewis.' the Boilermaker captain sitate the mustering or' the full Ma-'and' forward;':J�s':� �h.e, best ' of his 'roan strength. I]n all probability the'team. He i�!�9�" got' a, ch�iice: to same entrants as competed in thetry for baskets,;but 'was in 'the 'center First Regiment meet will again repreof an the �'tX:ups�, Knox played; fair- sent Chicago.· ly, well. Th{;� P�rdue . gUards 'wer:e The, Illinois Freshmen have several each of the ushers and members ofwoefully w�� . The' 'lineup,=- athletes among their entry list who' the various committees should wear�rdU:e. ." , .. Chicago. have excellent high school rec�rds. marooIt bands on their right arm's. soLewis, ••••.•••. R.F .•. Harris, Georgien Stephenson in the 35-yard'" dash, has as to be distinguished from theEckel, Jones L. F .••• ,. Fans a record of 0:04 2-5- Barlow is otbers who participate in the dance.Knox " � ..••.•.•.. C ..••••• Scbommer speedy in tb_-G hurdles and' quarter They wil assist in the filling out ofTompson •....•• a, G.. . • .•• H,oifman mile. Herrick in the half, should fur- programs.;., . -,'H;Ubbel nish � merrY ra� for Timblin. hav- ,At present all the committees ·')i',::" "Balliet , ••• , ••••• L G ••• , ••• ., • •• ra'j;' iog covered the distance il). 2:13- In t�e, d� a�e �ng 6nal' �repara.{'.', ' ,Goals from field: Schommer '." the mile., Comstock and stophlet will uoes, e ecoranon committee hasj :'\ 'Georgian 2, Harris 3. Falls 6,' HoiI- be pitted agai� Butler., �l known secured a proposition from W. C.,>j",- ". ::t-'. -man 4. Lewis 2 Bulliet. Knox, Page here. This, �ce will pr�bably be Kern � Co .•. �y �hich that conc�rn},:L... f., •.t;. '�rgi:ro�=a�.:;,:���. 6,� ::.:�e;!,!: :;b:: :��i!::is�a�s �:.:ec;s� �:;:.. Eck�ls,'"Bu1Iiet, Lewis. Fa�11t 3. FOuls: are said to be comers. ' -llished ,decorations for several mass�l�>' '��� � Pardue I>. ��� Rey·�[.�r> . ··TENOR TQ TAKE-ROLE' -�,,�. . O�' IJTUDENTS- NIGHT''i��:�� ;� .. ,: . I:: ..... : � ,' ...,;."., -.- .; .. it does not, I don't know what will. Ifeel confident that football will bemore interesting to watch' than everbefore now that it has been modified.It opens the way for even more skilltha.n is now needed among players."MA.NY PATRONESSES TO \AID SETTLEMENT DANFE(ConS;�4 from pace J)meetings,' in the past., The ,members of the committeeseem particUlarly anxi?us' to cor. re.-:t l'the general impression that . the ·af-fair is to be formaL "The Settle·ment. Dance,�' said one of the committee . yesterday, "is to be srtictlyinformal All who desire a formalCRiTICS ENDORSE 'RBPORIIS,OF � COIlllITTEE(Continued f�m page, I) (eo.atima�, &om pace I�'A' .fonvard pus' illeg.1ly toach�d',_ President Juds,on was a guest at the goes, to the opponents on the sp-:>t". performance of Traviata last Fri.by from which the pass is made. dance can have it at the Washingtf)n,.night. Several of �e �rs of the . Of' the passerS" side only the man Prom, but,the dance on' Friday night, cOmpany were introduc�d' to' him and who first �egally touches the ball may will not possess any formality what'" the pl�ns' for students' night were thereafter recov� it until it has be--n ever. Anyone who wears a dress". �;� o�t1ined ·bi:the;"�g.;rs of the'com- touched by an monent. suit' on t�t occasion will be the ob-.J' pany. H� expressed the greatest en- ' 'If the forward pass is legally ject of an attack on the part of the" thusiasm' 'over ,the, performance. touched"and thea' free UpoB the thirty ushers, and will be escorted�adame ,Nordica,' learning who was ground and touched by another pb)",- from the floor."ia the auditnce, sent a -speaia1 invita- er on the pas�' si� the -ball �s�on to �rs: ludsoo lor an interview to the oppon�ls OD the spot Where ALUJINI IIAGAZINE ELECTS�hiDd the. ��en�, MaC;lame 'NonliQ he impropetly touches it. NEW BUSINESS IlANAGERbroached ·.her pet scheme of a sChool There was another res�ctiOa passfo� providing a broader eduCation for .ed bearing upon the forWard pass,girls who:. plan a musical career. Ma- treating with the rights of playersdame Nofdica found a sympathetic while' the ball is in the air. This pro- ratiOll of a campaign to .make thelistener in Mrs. j�dson and both re- hibits the defending players from magazine better known on the cam-· ported an'. inte�tiDg conversation. bolding'the players on the side trying pu" . Before th' s the publication hasAll donbt that Chicago will be able to make the pass, as was dooe by had a wide circulation among theto surpass North�tem in point of Princeton to break up the Carlisle alomni, but has been practically ���resentation �. been ,abandoned lnclians' passes. It also decides the unknown quantity with the st1rdentsat the University. .Several bo]J:es, rights of the passing side in using in residence. The magazine will bf!have already been ordered, and some their hands. pbceti �n sale' at the Unive,rsityfast selling is looked for today wbe� These restrictions placed on: the book store and efforts are already untickets are put 'on sale at the info;-- game are considered opportune, since def way to include features whichmation office. they wi�1 prevent the general use (If w'l1 give it more local interest. Thed:� 'style employej by the Indians. 'inost important of these is the new'JIo Tell of Persian RIC llrinl It was doubted by few that with the literary section, in which stories of'Muzzaffer Sinore RafM, who h:lS forward pass left unreformed, most campus life by; students will appear.been giving a sC;ries of Daily News teams would have adopted tile Car- This department is expected to takelectures, has been engaged to speak lisle method of manipulating th� pass� the place left vacant by the demiSe ofon "The Art of Rug-�aking in Per": as it was most effective. It also Jaft the Monthly Maroon last year.sia" �fore the department of Art and room for' questionable tactics in the Manager Wilk has large hopes forLiterature of the CathQlic Women's wa7' of �DC the pass. But under the future of the pubNcation, and de·league. �ffie is a . medical stu�ent the preseait code tbe oIicials will be 'dares it has just begun to grow. He.' ; and receives his bachelors.degree this better able, to· watch .: the plajs. than e,q>ects to bring ,it up to the standard..�ar. hffie will also .lecture befo�� ·hUe�oft. ' .,,'. set by some of the older alumni mag-the PolitiCif�SCieDCe' club"this��ev�- - .. TIIe-.� _ penalties,' .. oppos� ��,.which compare favorably withiDe 'o.·�' UDder Coastitlltioa." _eft for'wanl 'paua are iIJeaaU7 tile professional periodicals.(Continued from page I)'f,I I .',CONILIN'S ��G PEN"THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT-FILLER"can � filled instantly without the least inconvenience. Y OQ'could fill it with white kid gloves on without danger of 'soiling. Besides its convenience. is the splendid, writiDg .qualities of the Conklin-the perfect feed.' :� 4ea1ers baadle the Coaklln. If yOUn& does D<'t. ordef .. '� Prices. s:s.oo aDd up. Send at oace for baDdsome new catalOE. ' , �.!he eon'ljn Pea Co., 310 !.Ianhattan Bid!!., Toledo, OhiO .•'fS'ude�!s' Night, .;i �THE AVD'TOR'IJ"l�·San '�Carlo Opera Co. .' '.:? :!,,. .�·f },MR. HENRY RUSSELL. Director. .';i., :t.":!J ;.,'�:�:.. :��.� � t1. I �'J{�'�MLLE.. NIELSEN .. SE:-lOR CON'�TANTINOThursday Ni&ht at 8:30 Mme-. Nielsen. Perego,BAR B E R di Mm. Constantino. Fomari.S I V I G L I A Sigurola, Tavecchia. :i�'Conductor, CON TL Giaccone. . :��1Special Prices to Univeraity Students, SOc, 750, $1.00, $I.SO and $0.... ,t,MfNTlON' The DAIL Y MAROQ,ij! \1, , 'v', .�<.;J tWhen Trading With Our Advertisers �:(Il!;:� :r:�:::��:n:o��g� ?� j.. ", will prove to ""'i�' y,0 u r advantage ' �;;, IfIf JOg I� "ednow roo are from 1M UDWerm,. :' :'tl ?Rooms for Reat.· t�2�W:,'" u, ..FUR�US�ED � 0 0 M �Near frt�jUn1verslty;. WIth ,or WIthout ��dlhOllselCeeping privilegeS; 1oo4"��1. .l.;..-r."".tl-��light, heat, hot and cold �J���,'bath. Call 6,52 E. 57th St., �:§;jBat. '�,::;:;f----------------------------'-:-'���T)pewriters for Sale. � �::;};.TYp.E�RITERS for Sale or R�ijjSpeCIal rates to students; bara�_'��1in re-built machines. W. ��tfhead, J6 La Salle St .... t. ,:�WEDNESDA Y LUiNCHEONS "f�be serv� in the Church of the Di.;�ci"ples at 57th St. and LeXi_J�Ave., from 12 to I:JO p. m. )(�tare 20 cents each, and are a��l. cia ted by those who 'lave eitei--st. ...:,';'1'there. Students are invited '.'��: .'t-,-::::'.�.,A WAJlTJiIDADVERTISBIIENT-IN-IlAROONTHE.BRINGS RESULTSWe have proof to substantiatecome.----------------------_. ":'�.}:'� ............ _.�--------------1 WANTED-Students to attAend .. !� iglewood Roller Rink, 6432 W .. -/worth Ave. Every evenin«, Than.; .Sat. and Sun. Afternoons tbrogp :the season. t,this statement.w. A. A. HAS FINAL TRIALSFive Soloists for Vaudeville 1Iusic31Sketch Cho8eD Yaterdq. ------------------.'�,POSITION open to young women;,;.'!The final trial for solo parts in the three hours a day, in exchange for ,;musical sketch for the W. A. A.room and board. Apply at the ,.':vaudeville was held yesterday aft\!r- �niversity Employment Bureau. '" :-} Inoon in the gymnasium. The succes�- _},'ful candidates were Miss Elizabeth �._:Burke, who got the sub-freshman WANTED-A governess; must kr:',' '�Jpart, and Miss Murray, Miss Mar,ic able to speak German fluently." j-llOrtmeyer, ,Miss Phebe Bell and Miss ,some knowledge- of French PIi'�,�,Alic� Dunshee, who are to lead th� ferred. The University Emplo�i,;'choruses. Bureau.