latly �ttrnnuPrice Two Cents-----_._--_.-:---'�VI.-.------�---�-�-�����-�.���������o;F�T�HaEIH1�T�UUIDUU��iss CO.llmE oF190a--- -ORATORICAL DATE CONGs) I AND HO'!:l;�;: NEIGHBORHOODARE EXPECTED AT PlClleIIIOUICEI BY PRESIDEIT l(�derataDding of Calendar N.otIII to Prevent Contestants from Rqus-tenng-Handbook Out of Date onPriz�.E:ntrance to the University Settleme nt Building, "Packingtown," in the portunity for intendir;.'; f"ttl�sts at the. Neighborhooct of University Settlement. hot supper tomorrov, nj�l:t to make.OWA TO SEND SEALED�, VOTE FOR SEVEN GAMESAIfta Kramer Heads Seni�r Exec­utive Board-Ei�ht Other'Failure to understand that this 1Sofficially the second week of tl.cSanderson Is Chosen Class. Orator-quarter has necessitated the post-. Roney to Guard Seniorponement of the time limit for ('11-Bench.tries for the annual orator ical > con-iest for one week. O�cially Frida ...and Saturday. the first two days ofconstituted the fir:iotCO::lI11itt\.'cS· of the. Senior Cla�s'Innoun"'ed yesterday afternaon.. ere • -k with the quarterb,· rrc!'ident Norman Bar er, week of the quarter, but many of. .\Iv:n Kramer chairman of th� exec-those interested in oratory. includinglIU"(' committee. The committee inmembers of the public speakin.r .:�:_.dtlai! stand as follows:jJartment. and prospective contest-EXECU.TIVE.ants. did not realize that that '.v�.uld:\h'in F. Kramer, chairman: Chas. make yesterday noon the limit iorB.' Jordan, Luther D. Fernald,the regiatrarion of contestants. J nFrank S. Bevan, Edward G. Felsen-order that no possible entrantsthai.· Frank H. Templeton, Karl H.might be left out on this :���.)unt:.Dixon, Hannibal H. Chandler, Jr.,it has been decided to ··oratorJl.:allyF2ul A. Buhlig. consider next Thursday, January I�.CLASS DAY.the limit for entries,Charlcs B. Jordan, chairman; HelenThe orations must not exceed .::,000Gunsalus, Harriet Grim, Henry words' and three typewritten copiesRoney, Leo W. Hoffman.must be submitted to the SeniorCLASS GIFT.dean's office one week after the rt:g-Luther D. Fernald, chairman: Aliceistration of the. \contestanti. Te."Green acre. Mary Heap, Ruth Porter, speakers are chosen to deliver tli.c'.i"'lrthur .. \. Goes, Charles C. Staehl-. fi- Is and ofl\ oration in the semi- n.a ,iog, Clarence Russell.these six are chosen to speak in theRECEPTION.'finals, the public speaking �nd Eng-Frank S. Bevan, chairman! Anna Mlish departments. acting as Judges �f.Ed' h M Florenceh d1:'ulltgomery, It oore,I the eliminating process. T e un er-Hnper, �l:�_ R�h�� ����_ ... :�:c�,�. ... ' �_. .'.�� , ,_;·�"P:111rv.: ifSarper._. 't'll' rules' eo�ering·the.�test, b�tI.• PRC\.iRAM... i:l,dbsolete in the Clauses r�e�ngEdward G. Felsenthal, chalrm�n, "the prizes for the winners.. :fheHortense L. Becker. Violet E. Hlg- tOld t '" to' wive cash : prizes. 0 cus om _,. e-_ler, Hart E. Baker, R, D. Penney. .-: and' scholarship's to the first, secondSONG. andAhird in rank in the 'finals, but.' Frank H. Templeton, chairmajl; last: year the cash prize and �he. k I'" Busenbens, . od th rdDavie Hendrie s, n"z.!ftCbolarship for second a . � .Charles H. Ireland, Harry W. Harri- places were discontin.ued, lea:vmgm�n. only' a. one +ear's scholar_ship to �PLAY,awarded to the highest III rank .nhai an' .Ger-hhClrl II. Dixon, c aum,the finals. In this same way, t e uo-trude Greenbau�, .Phebe Bell, Max derg:aduate hand-book is out of .dateRichards :Marcus � HIrschI.and the cause of considerable mlsun-'SOCIAL.derstanding in several other instances'"H. H. Chandler, chairman; Mary. I the intercollegiate deba�es...-xtk� L . Cobb name y,d hllonon, Mary £1 111, oUlse ,and the University debate an � eWinifrcd Kelso, Harriet E. Wilkes,matter of prizes and scholarships. Arthur E. Goes, �:enpeth O. Crosby.d generally.Charles B. Jordan; George H. An er-son, Harvcy B. Fuller, Jr.PIN.Paul A. Buhlig, chairman;Kauffman, Florcncc Chaney,llsLean. P. W. Pinkerton.CLASS ORATOR..e .. ! ,ihCi�, int�nj�i�iCii��j.i !��. 'ofFRIAIIS' HOPES BRIIHT FOR l 'iii,' p�eli�i�¥�,�_�,ta1>-VACITIOI' �sen�e>of. sur;�.i6�JiiI! s$:ODes.TOUR II SPRING '. ·�ncs.·;.·:: :�.� . iY-·,:· .-<)�·!�r:;#.�t.'.. ., ""'" 'I. _, .. ., �'. A final :meetiAg:L�:��Ir�� �.��l'student committee compos���:rep-..�c���r�t�v��,;��)!��.),P��. f�t��i-'ties; "hall and :,stutlebt· .orgamzabo�S-.was held 'at 'the . home ·oLMrs. Wal-,:ton, 5i57 : \VoOdIaWiac:. :a�enue, onW'cdnesday afternoon .. At:. this .ti�e"final ar�angements for the 'transporta-,tion and entertainment of the cro�d'which is to make the visit. ,were 'elis­\'ussed. The committee in :ch���: ;�('transportation reported that all in­tending to go who arc in close· PrOx:'.imity to the campus will meet at theReynolds club at 5 o'clock .. Arrange­ments havc �en made ·to issue eisytransJlortation. The Chicago City R.\R. Co. has promised to station super-\·isors at all the tranSM points wlaicbwill be "sed in the trip. By meansof this special cars will be securedfor thc delegation.CHICAGO, FRIDAY. JAN. 10, 1908.Ha;'keyes Think 'M�e Doomedto Defeat .. :,Ho.eva.;,._d� Plan., " OnbJ·l!ive·· CaD� : Big Delegation from University toAttenod Affair at the Settle­ment Tomorrow.Students to Meet in RC7DOlda Cluband Go En Masse to SettlementHouse. ",:' �,Jow-a's vote lin favor, �of a .seven­'aiDe �'hedule has been .sealed, and.:;m. � sent to Director Stagg;-.presi­I!�nt;· of .the Confer�e committee,ite�t we��' This action is in accord­mce �tti .the motion passed at the.:nec·tini :la�'::Sa��rdaY-;f�at �h� ,�i­�����ib't"Big·Nti1e·-:-�-na�·sa1ed�statement of its vi.ew on. the sched-ule extension,This means that a two-thirds .. otewill be necessary for passage of theprovision in the end. It is thoughtthat the institutio.ns wMch oposed therrie"a_surc at the Chicago meeting willvote the same, w�y apin.The sentiment at the Hawkeyccamp is that the five game sch�du�ewill be retained, and Coach Catlin ISal�.eady planning the -coming !oo.t­ball schedule ad.:ordingly. Ilbnol5,Missouri, Minnesota,Drake and eitherAmes or Nebraska are expected �ohe the opponents of Iowa on the'd' unl"""s the seven game cardgn Iron, ......,,is allowed.SWIMMERS IN TRYOUTS. "Interference With Studies" Objec­tion to be Eliminated, Alccording .to Or�anization's New Pl��' ;Qu�k Work in Getting Play �eadyWill be Necessary-Competition'Ends Tcday.The out ,")f town ieka for lhl' B1ack-friars' comic Opt'f:l ha:, an excellentchance of h(:"comil1� a realit) .. accord- ".140 and still growing:'This was the latest bulletin receivedlast night on the condition of the del­egation which will assemble tomor­row night. at th� University Settle­ment. Predictions were freely madeyesterday that five hundred nameswill have been placed in the box inCobb hall cor+idor by noon today,Twelve o'clock today is the last op-Loio; ILLINOIS DATES GIVEN iug to thl' lal�'�t dn'dopmc11l:'. Th�OUT T--'- lien Practice for Form-Po�o.ala.• f:mlty has eonn:dl:,1 that thl're willMen in Practice Game.he no Objl'Ctiolls offt'r�d. if the tripF. C.Downstate BaebaIl Nine to Play All the candidates for the sWlm- he taken (luring- the �prinl{ vacation.Three a.mes With lIaroon.. ming team were given tryouts in all Ben �e�\"Il1an, dlairm;11l of the tripthe distaTfcs yesterday. in order t!lal committe�. s;tifi y.�:stl'rfiay in thisthey may get u�.ed to the di�tance.; connection: "Sl l"l'1ltlOU:, dTorts ha,'cbefore Coach Knudson begins work- becn made to takl' dIe :,how 'out thi:,ing for time. No time was taken 111 year. Sl"'cral lllt'l1lht'r:' oi the fae­any of the distances, but mos� of the ulty weroe.' \'Oll:-Il!tccl. ;11111 the con-men went thro�lgh the watcr In g()od c1t1si()n� n'arhcd \\,'rt' that thc chid Preparation for the entertainment':hape. Considerable time was spent ohkctioll oi thl' Ltl.'lllty to the trip of the- University vistors are in pro­in I)erfe<."ting the leg movemcnt 'tnd plan lll'ing' tlll' illteril'l"l.'lh·t· with stu- c\'s:, of formation at the Settlement.atlI1e stroke of every candidate of the (lit's whil h ",(11 :i t (lllr woulel have. :\ccordillg to the chairman or theRoad of Snell Ih1l Leaves for Ohio UTbana. ",110<1, 011<1 ,pedal allol1tion will I.. if the trip < .. ,,1,1 i", ",a,1.- ;" tl", <"dl1� committee the hot SUpPeT which i.First of the heads of Snell Hall to April Ii-Wisconsin at �I.adison.g"'cl1 to that ior �omc timc. v:leat.ioll. tht" pr"I' .... iti.Hl \\oul,1 then to Ill' :,cn'c<) gratis will be hard tole:w.c to entcr anything but matrimo- April 18-�{innesota at �tinnc:lpo- .Th-c men on the Jlolo team arc bc- he cOllsickrl'c1 �"kly <)11 its I1lt'rits." heat. The minstrd show made upnr;' Clarence A, DY'lra yesteTday iii. ginning to g<t <0010 team work into It i, the "1';n;'" .. j ,,,,,,,al 0; the 0; Settlement talent and full of goodassl1ml'd the duties of instructor in Arril 2O-Chicago at Chicago. the practrcc. and all the m�n ar� Friar� that the pl;IY call Ill' g'ottl��l 'l1l1�ic is now a certainty. The danc("history at Ohio Statc Unh·crsit)·. �I:'y 2-Purduc at Urbana.playing in' good form. The who).;: ready in thl' Il'll \\"(',.'1.;s \\"hich in(l'r- i .. to he open to all and no effortsIlYkstha. ;1 one,time University un, �Iay !)-Wiseonsin at UTbana.sqllad is gotting down 10 hard w"�k wne hdnr<' the "",1 "j tl,.. '1'''''1<"'' will I", 'l>ored in making this p.rt );d.r graduat"', returned to Chicago last �.,.v ts-Ch"all" at UThana,,,,,der Coach Kundsnn an.1 Canto", A "'oNiu" oi th" F";a" will he held tho affair a time of jollification .ndyear with an A. B, from Iowa, and M, � 16--Chicago at Urbana.R.d.noeh. and will be put thTough I ,oon '0 '''''' "1''''' thi, ,,,,,·,tion. Teal pl< .. UT ...began gradna'ting WOTk in history'and lIfay 23-1IIinnesota al UTbana.,,,me hard pa«s fn,m now until their I If th" t,;" ;, "",,1,< ,hc'e wili h, Dr. ChaTle, AUJ!U5tus Young, lorPOlitical ,cienee, .t the same time Ju"e5�n.Td"".t I .. fayet�e. first game, $1 i. planntd to hold nne night ,ta"d, al I'HIi.napoli" twenty-eight yeaTs profnsor of �._.. ';ing .. ' h cad of Snell Hall. DuT- ." Ole 6--1 ndian. at R1oommgtun. .eYOTal pTacticc game, "ith loc.1 Ci ne; u n. t i. a,,'; i> ,n ha hi y t �m ei t it< I ro lORY, and .ince 19O5 profu.oring the pre.ent year he has acted hdore 'he mcct with Wi,.con- in Illino;" TI", ",""10,, '''',foTlllOn«s omeittl< at Princeton, .nd one of t�infonnal instructor undeT ST, 1IIerri-Th Q rt .... dab will hold I',in. which is sehedu�ed for FebTnary here will h" h,,),1 ;n �1;IIHlcI Hali' foremost astconomeTS of hi. day,am. Hc was also a member of the' The r� ua. th R ... ynold.. I hut nothing defimte h:as heen ar--: (lied on January 2 at hi!' hOtl'R atb a meeting at 10:30 me... .,(Co,ltinncd on paie 4) i I-I."lno""r N. H.Glee c1nh and choir, and i. a mem .. d .s yet,I 'of the Dclt� Upsilon. club.• __Thomas H. Sanderson.CUSTODIAN SENIOR BRANCH Eleven· games have been carded f�rthe Illinois Baseball Team ihls. Of these are with Chi-spnng.cago an4:1 two �ach with Minnesota.W" 'n Indiana and Purdu�.IsconSI , ,I .Following is the sch�du.le. whi::h )1-rector Huff announccd yesterday:April II-Indiana Universit)·Htnry B. Roney.The Senior Class will hold its firstgathering at an informal dan« at theRtynolds Chlb Thursday. Jan. 15, 'It"' o'clock.THE I)AILY. MAROON. CHICAGO, ·FRIDAY, JAN. 10, 1908.The Qlllcial titudent. PubllcatioD of the Bowline Notice-All members ofUulverslty of Ch1eqo. the interfraternity bowling teamsmust be active members of the Rey-£ut,cn.-d W> �l'C·oilCr.�raU·Ma11 at the Cblcqo nolds club. or their scores will be• :�:�tomce.Under the new plan of organiza­tion, the winter quarter's work onth.e Cap and Gown· 1908 has startedoff with a rush this week. Commit­tee meetings have been held everyafternoon from 4 to 5 o'clock in orabout the office in Ellis II, .everyday -this week. On Monday thecommittees on men's and women'sathletics met, on Tuesday those onthe drama and music, society andI n what was probably the most publications, on W.ednesday the lit­brilliantly suqcessful address given by crary and art divisions, and ona University lecturer this season Thursday the \Committees· belongingwas delivered by William Norman I to the division on student organiza­Guthrie yesterday afternoon in Music tions. This afternon the division onHall. The applause with which the administrative divisions will hold aaudience voiced 4t.; approbation as- session.sumed almost the proportion o( an The meetings of the next weekovation. will be practically the same, exceptThe lecture delivered yesterday that the athletic committees ·willafternoon was the first of a' series of meet on Tuesday, while the otherfour lcp:tures on the work of Ibsen. 'committee in the division of studentto which lIre Guthrie has given the activities-drama an d mussc, societygeneral title of "The Sociolgical and publications, will meet on Mon­.Drama." He dealt with the prede- day. Definite announcement will becessors of Ibsen and the early life made later.of the great Norwegian at Bergen. On the whole, the meetings haveThe two French dramatists, Alexan- been well attended. OJcasional Iapsesder Dum'as, the younger, and Emile from duty on the part of a few com­Angier were considered in their influ- mittecmen have been explained onence OP. Ibsen. The earliest works of the grounds of the natural confusionthe Norwegian· playwright, "The attendant upon the opening of:\�akings," 'Love's Comedy;' and "The quarter. jPretenders" were tconsidcred by the The Cap and Gown met a fate notspeaker, unoknown to publications of charac-The second lecture of the series, ter less student. The annual, to­entitled "Ibsen: the Idealist," will gethcr with the Alumni with the Roman period of the whose quarters it has shared, wasIsn't it disappointing when seeking dramatist's life. The play to be dis- cruelly evicted from the office in Ellisa hot-and-cold shower in th-e gymn cussed in t�is address will be .II, by the stem minions of the offic:::to find instead two kinds of cold? "Brend," '·Peer Gynt," and "Emperor of the superint.endent of buildingsand Galilaean." This will be given on and grounds. An that was lackingJanuary 10 to complete the picture of the {Cruel"Ibsen, the Critic of Society," deal- landlord and shivering' tenant wasing with the period during which the the proper heart throb of snow. AsNorwegian himself wit:. it was, the property of thoe annualthe problem of the individual's rights, was found piled in the next room.will furnish the subject lor· the lec- Fending a more definite arrange­ture. of January 23 At this time "A ment, the office of the Cap and GownDoll's House"" "Ghosts," "The Lady will be in Ellis II and 10. Commit­from the Sea;' and ··Hedda Gables·' tee ·mc.cting5 will be held in the oldwill be considered. room, No. 1 I, and the clerical workIbsen, as a reiormer of society, win will be done in Ellis 10. That is th�be the topic for the last address on rOom occupied at certain hours of thethe Norwegian himself, which will morning by Deans Smith andfacility be deliver.ed on January 30. Tliompson.on th� "Ibsen·s Contemporaries." on Fcb- The Alumnil Magazine and theon th,� ruary 6, and '·Ibsen's Di�ciples," on Alumni Association are now housedFebruary 1,1 will be the last lqcturc., in El1is A, the old outer ofl1?:e of the·The Cni\·crsity is growing mOf'_;·cosm()politall .every day. A China- The young womell who have elcct-man wins Phi Beta Kappa; a Hun- cd basket ball ior the .<Juarter·s sportgariaa makes the All-Western; C\ met yesterday afternoon and electc�lPublh;hed �I.r,: except. SUDdQa, MOD­da,.. .nnd holldaY8,. durlq �uarteraot .the UniversItJ' .·.rear..LUTHlm V. l<'EKNALD, �J� EditorPUEWrO!l; 1". GAHH, New. Editol'.LOl.;lS S. usuiax, llualneaa .!\l�el',�'ormerl.r'I'he Unh·�l"Si�v ot ChJcaso Weekl.r.l<''''UDdedThe Week.;y, Oct. 1, 1892-The Daily, Oct. 1, 1902.Subscription price, sa.oo pel' .rear: $1.00tor :; w(mtlls. �ubllcrll)tlOD8 received atthe llaroou Uffice, Ellis Hall, (,1' at tho.[.'nculty EXchnnge, Cobb Hall.Prfuted by the llarOOD Preaa4i-l Enst :;:itb StreetI'hone H.rde Park 3691At the suggestion of the Board of-Recornmcndations and the. University-Ernployment Bureau. The. Daily-Maroon willNotices ;.;�. contain. official. an-� .. � no�ncemen.ts daily o�all opportunities .which come to theattention .of: the, two. departments.These openings will be. published inthe advcrt'isihg columns' on the fourthpage. . ,_s. ',. .• ..Official. This is'·:further evidence· that thestaicnlel'\t·:'a� �the head � of .this col­umn! "offiiia� .. �stlldl�t: publication ofthe U���rsit�; �f:·<Thicago," is not ame�:e· h��I!�.�ounding phrase .. The at­tendsa·;·pfd)fficers of administration_ members of the faculty and othersin official capacities �like in facultyor student affairs is called to the "of­ficial notices" column of the Daily,where space will at any time begiven to announcements of generalinterest> .:\Ir.· Edison is going to build a con­crete house. The department ofbuildings and grounds, having hith­erto lost a golden opportunity, should'Colllmtmieate with· llenlo Park :'tollce.Unfortunately for the ministerialfriends of the President, the generalpublic takes more readily to the coinwithout the motto than the motto,vithout the coin.. S1111dcrbnd·s "striking"stands him in better steadRC�\lIo1d� club alleys tilan·�larshall Field diamond.. \V care told that in these clays offill;mc;al !"tringcncy, it is hard to se­. curt: admission to the "Land of Dol­·lars:' BtJLI.ftJR ·:rOJt�, DB DAYTbree-�ra club will hold ameeting at ;0:30 A,. M. in the Rey­nolds- dub ..Brotherhood of. St. Andrew. willmeet in North Dormintory parlor at10:30 A. M.Blackfriara will hold a meeting inCobb 8 at 10:30. Everybody shouldcome.Evan&elistic Band· me�be�s whoare going to Elgin will arrange tota.�e the Chicago-Elgin limited whichleaves the 5th avenue terminal sta-tion at 4:15 P. 1\1. today. .Stump will hold its regular weeklvmeeting at 7 :30 P. 1\1. in Cobb 6A ...Senior Pictures will be byMartyn free of charge.All fellowship blanks must be fllkdout .and sent in to the President'soffice before January 17.Employment Bureau has moved coCobb 9:\. Office hours are 10:30 to1:30.All Varsity Track team candidates SpecialHill report at once to prepare for a VIual meet with the First Regiment on a I!Jan. 24- '"'Dual Track meet between the fresh-. 0 0 I ensmen and the academic league. .All lorcandidates lor the freshmen team rc- C II -port at once. 0 ege :: Wear��OONS OPEN SEASON I· SUITS 0; OVER£OATSWITH INDIANA TONIGHT '" O· d .I . &0 r erFirst of Regular Basetball Games 125:: 130 : : 135Expected �o Prove Keen-VisitorsFast and Experienced, 1Dr. Raycroft Undecided About Line­up-Sa� H� Will Make Several· I·Substitutions During Game.LECTURE ON IBSEN ABRILLIANT SUCCESSC. Arthur Bruce.OITICIAL NOTICES DO YOU ...aDDlOne Year Aco Todq.A service to eommemorate thefirst anniversary of PresidentHarper's death w\s held at 10:30in Mandel hall.Two Years Aco To-dayPresklene IHarper addressed themembers of the Junior Collegeson the. subject "Are You Re­,sponsiblc ?"erased from the -records.Oratorical Contest-The names andsubects of all contestants in the Uni­versity Oratorical Contest should befiled before .noon today with theDean of the Senior Collegse.Blackfriars-Plays must be submit- WORK ON CAP AND GOWNted to the play committee today t,) FOR IgoS IN FULL SWINGreceive consideration.Winter Picnic-The names of allwho intend to attend the - WinterPicnic, at the Settlement Saturday,must be filed in the box at Cobb hallby noon today. Daily Meetings. of Committees Held-Eviction from Ellis II CausesConfusion.Applause for William Norman Guth­rie Almost Reaches Proportionsof an Ovation.The Maroon b�sketball five willfir� its first gun of the inter-collegian,�a�etball campaign at 7:30 o'clock.. onight, when "Jimmy" Sheldon'saggregation from Indiana will betaken on in Bartlett gymnasium.The strengeth of the Hoosiers "!sunknown: They,. like Chicago, willopen their season tonight. Judgingfrom the team turned OUt last year.however, the. Indiana five will rankhigh among the Conference college.teams, Dr. Raycroh said last nightthat Sheldon has . several old menstill on th.e team, and with these as a:l-..:leus has developed a fast squad.It is expected that the team work oithe Hoosiers will surprise many.The Chicago five, though it willplay the first game of its inter-col­·Iegiat.e schedule, is not an untriedteam. I ts trip during ,·acation servedto convince many that it will finishup with the leaders. Dr. Ra*rofl:has got the team running with clock-like smoothness. .Dr_ Raycroft said last night that hehas not decided whi<:h men will b�in a� the start. . H.e declared als\,·that, once the game is in hand,he willmake �hanges so as to give others�sides the original five opportuni­tIes. The lineup at the opening oithe contest will probably be as in theColumbia game: Captain Schommercenter; Falls and Georgen forwards:Page:' an� Harris, guards: Dc Tray.·Buhlig and Clark, forwards; Hubblc,center, and Kelly and Cleary a'.guards, arc the other men whom DrRaycroft may give chances to show!heir mettle.of �hc series. junior deans. In the words of. themanaging editor, the new sanctum isBASKETBALL GIRLS ORGANIZE cozy if not commodious.NEWS OF THE COLLEGESRules of Committee for Women'aGames is Appointed. :\ correspondence ches� match I�heing arranged between Cornell andHarvard, the games beginning with�in the next two we.cks.Cornell is sol_:iting f'unds for a$10,000 clubhouse for <:anoes, row- Settlement Picnic tomorrow at 5hoats and motorboats, to be built !). m.ncar Renwick park and to save �st he headquarters of the different col- Good Results Onlyleg.e crews.. Cap d GA plan is on foot for the erc:cti.ln an own looks good onlyof a nine-story clubhouse in New when the t:ut is made from a goodYork for the graduates of Wi11iams. photo. I f you want the b�t f(_·Sl.l1ts,Amherst, Brown, Dartmouth Wcs- eall at Exmocr's, 243 55th St. Spc­leyan and Mass*·husetts· I�stitute cial photos made for cuts. Special: of T�nololU. I inducements for the Seniors. "Filippino joins the water squad; a.. Persian lectures in the city; and nowa· Him] u becomcs the star reporter. on rhe Daily llaroon. a committee on rules, composed 0f:\r.i1dred Chamberlain, Carlotta Sa­gar. Dean Barnes, l[arv Sturgis :Ln3Ernestine Evans. l[iss Chamberlal:las chairman will have a place 011 theThe&! arc the d.ays when Greek I· 00 1a'. vlsory �r< •meets Greek.HHard T�mes Party" at the Rey­Dolds Club, Jan. 18. A.G. SPALD'IRG8&·BROS. SUIThe Largest Manufacturers ill ...World ofOFFICIAL ATHLETIC suppLillBase Ball, Foot Ball, ...Lown Tennis, Basket BaD, .-Hockey.·dffldal I mplements for Track· aM,Fiel<J Uniforms for All SportsSpalding's Handsomely Ill ..trared Catalogue of all sportscontains numerous sugge5-tions. Send for it. I t's Free.A. G. SPALDING & BIOS.New York, Chka!o. Philadelphia, Boil., lUi.more S):rac�se, l\IinneaJWlis. Detroit, W�St. LoUIS. New Orleans. Sao Francisco PinIIIIrr.��ucin�alli. Denver, l\Iontreal. Hufr�o. la..Cuy, l.;1cvclanu. Caoada ,'"AForDSl.A!tTAILeR FOR YOUNG lIDrwo stores: 131 La Salle St., ...44 lacksoD�. ,TRAVEL OVER THELAFAYETTE,INDIANAPOLIS,LOUISVILLE,CINCINNATI.DAYTON.Or any Southern Point'!'icke� Office, 182 South Clark St.Depot-Dearborn Station, Polk .. 'Dearborn St, Q1En!:lewood StatiOD-bi It.THE UNION HOTBL··AND RBSTAURAB'l��.��-·111-117 �do�h S�;. -� �THE POPULAR PLAca�TO EAT :'tEither before or after theTheater.We make a Specialty of CII6and Fraternity Dinners.':;i�---�--�'__''__''__'--�--------------, '-:.'.': .)fer •THE. DAl1.. Y MAROON, CHICAGO. FRIDA)". J:\X. 10, r908.SPECIAL --�---- -- .. -- ------ANTI-CONPBRENCE STAHD:- - �AB;g;l ... ,. '�LEIN MAY TELL OF:- "T�'!'S B!-O� AT'liiCHIGAN CHICAGO STUDENT LIFEA Black or BlueCheviot or TIu"bet ,,!,olYcriDc Daily' Publlution Drops Distinguished French Priest Seekint7. Rac!:� OpposiUoD aDd Alb Infor�tion About Fraternity and .,StudeDta for Sa.ucstio':".; Other Features of University..... ,_ .. "The customary .turmoil. has not vis-ited the Wolverine camp :on this oc­t.asion. While the editor ial expression calls for suggestions from the-tudent body asvthe 'best: course .IorMichigan. the news account .of lastSaturday's meeting also assumes thecool ... ca 'Fulating po�ition. .TIle Dailyhas. heretofore been the leader amongseceders, and its sudden' change ofv�.ew is tab�n by many as indicating� "�trong' pos;ibiiity" th;t '. l\lichiian\�11 return to the Conference by thefirst of J!ext· m.o�tb.·. ,Iq other. words,· Professor Parter­son, who has been in favor of rhe,�laiz.e and plue remaining in the,<;�nf�e��e all 'the time, is- swinginga lit,rong support over to his side.Just ',vha!: the fihal decision of Mich­jpn . w�(�� .:bo�e';�r, 'is 'not known.. nor is any prediction ventured 011. <what tbe.board-of central -will deter­mine at its me�'ting�:next �weck.: Though .. disappointed because the.:£ ��!lfer�� �c�mm�tt��, downed !.both.. the ·trammg'ribfe and four year pro-. :Visions.� wbWi" .. ��re�r . Pattersonp�ugbt ,pp )a� fh� meeting' the Mkhi­'g3n}pa�r,:sOems to Aeel Western ��mpany even at such a··disadvantage" is" preferable to break­ing ·off. altogether.:- .. nre · editorial. �omment . of TheDaily" follo�� 'iIi' p�r�:: "The Ques-tion wh!!ther (ree lance athleti..::s ")r\\' estern" Con£irence athletics :,\' the long mn, p;���� th� better forthe University, will no longer en­dure postPonement- It must. be ,;et­·tled befor.c the .montl is out. And itis to the l\1i=higan under�raduateas 'an individual, more than to anyoneQ�ICKEST POSSIBLE SERVIC� else, that those in authority are look-. SUIT with EXTRA TROUSERSof ame or striped material.hsANNOUNCEMBNTFor a good, first-class meal, quiCkservice and at moderate priceGive us a trial.Breakfast. 6:30 to n A. M.Dinner 5 to 8 P. M .. 20C and upSpecial Sunday Dinner. 30C and \If.t A !.a Carte at all hours. ..mE MIKADO . cAR299 East 55th Street.Have youSubscribed,.....,.: ,, DoitN�.w!�B . o-.ce.. Bllia HaD.• " t ".HYGBRIADIBIRG' ROOMS\ C· • j I,St. Mrs.. L. � Mzr... '- BOra: COOKIlfGtOMMUTATION TICPETS' $3-0-"• BORDBN·.Condensed lIiIk. PlaidIliJk, CreamaDeI Battenm1k.;An Bottled in die Coantry.BordeD'. Coacteue4 IIDk Co.P7-� E. FO!"t7- ...... tb It.--.,. ...... Hyde Park II aDd .7A. M�A.d.m.t . TIt. U.I I.� I't" ... Flo rae ..:' �-:'::a..�A� Chloe ••MANICURING SHAMPOOINGElectric Scalp and FIdal 1I'.I.pMADAME KAYNOR·S·SCALP SPEcIALIST I'2J1 E 55th St. PhoDe H. P. �ActiOD Co� : �oo� of WillinC·neaa U). Remain in. Be Nin� .D�n Ne� Week.If the attitude � or' the MichiganDaily is to be .. taken as ind�ati\·e· of,the sentiment at Ann Arbor, the Wol­verin .... s are not anxious at. present h.withdraw from the Conferencc. Theaction of the Big Nine committee "ndemanding that' Michigan agree toobey the Conference r:egulations inorder' to re'main a member of thatbody has on this oCfasion been re­ceived philosophically. whereas, :1. year �go it w?u�d �l�\'e ���itcd -indig-.nation. ".ing' for advi.ce and guidance. It i::­recognized�.that the students are th,'most vitally concerne" and thatwhatever . stand is. officially takenshould agree with that of the studentmajority.. "Those who favor lea\'ing the\\-est.ern . body should state publiclytheir opinions a�d proposed program.Those' who desire to return to thefold should •. similarly. make openjustifration 'of their po�ition. E.'\chindividual will. thus han opportunityto choo�e what seems to him theproper cour�e of proccedure.The. accofnn of the Conf('rencemeeting lead� off as follows::�fichigan is' wanted in th(' Con­fe' cl'1C'e.· The action of the III , .. �tin�of the Conference delegates in Chi­caJ:o. Jan. 4. demonstrates dearlyth::t she ,�i1I be ·w.clcome if sh�' wi1lstay 'in: 'on a par \vith the oth(':, :01-"The Urrivers ity of Chicago as Seen'by a Frenel: Roman Catholic Pries]"is expected to furnish some interest­ing chapters in a hook of Americanimpressions now being written by.he 'Abbe Fciix Klein of Paris. Ab­he 'Klein W:lS a guest of the Univer­;itY.' last summer, and conducted a.ervice in �laJ"leI Hall, aqcording to.hc Roman Catholic forms. He tooknuch interest in the University was here and seemed much im­,>rl'ssed with the University's liberalattitude in religion. He was alsodeeply interested in American stud­ent Iife, as hc saw it at the Universityof Ch \c-ago.Hints of a book on American stud­ent life, which were dropped by theAbbe when he was here in the sum­mer, were re-enforced in a recent let­ter to David A. Robertson, secretaryto the President, in which he askedf�r . information on several .subectsi:-ollllccted with thc University, par-ticularly the fraternity system, inwhich he evinced special interest, asbeing' entirely different from any­thing in French student life.Abbe Klein took unusual pains to'become intimately acquainted .withthe life of the students when he washere. He formed tntimate acquaint­ances with several students a.nd short­ly before the opening of the autumnquarter he returned for a few days asthc guest of one of the fraternities.He' spent considerable time investi­gating the organiaztion of fraternitiesand also thc small college system and:��e !:01!Se system in vogue at theUniversity.That any mention of the Universitywhich he may make will be favorableis. not doubted by those wItt> heardhis opinion last summer. In an ar-. ide written for the University \Veek­ly he • expressed great enthusiasm atrhe liberality of the University in'nviting him to hold a Roman Cath­(",lie scrv:.;:e here. 1 n de�):ribing his�ensations at this sl'r\·ice. he said:"\Vith dco(_'p emotion. 1 looked UpOIlthis religious :Issemhly to whom Ihad ;1 mi:'siOil to annoullce the wordof life. :lnd I lecallcd the dreamwhich I once dreamed in West mill­=-tl'r .\hlJ.:.'Y. London. of being ablc t')address so many souls ext�rnally.;eparated from U�, an appeal of faithand of love. This dream was mo"�than realizcd: it was surpassed! Bl'�fo�c me the professors of a greatUnivcrsity. a numher of Protestantpastors, studious youth. a sc1l�t �om­pany, listcnl'd to the tnuh. And they·i.:hemseh·cs had made thc r�(IUest, an;lby one of their represl'ntati"cs th,-,,}'said: ''Comc� speak fr<�dy, and Iiyou- wi:,h Ihat your sermon should Iwen\'eloped in an atmosphl're of Cat!l�otic prayer, conducted hy yOl1r�elf 1")"hy Onl' of your hrothl"rs. do it IIIyour own way. conduct tl1.(' cntirt"s('r\'icl' yonr�d,'c� !""II()\\' T wi:o'hl",1 I could hl' clltiH"ly11la�ter of thl' langl:ag-l' in whkh Iwas to speak! 1l ow I �h01;1d ha n"rejoic('" In ahan,loll::11 mY:'l"1i to th�"il1:o'pir;ltiOll of this Ul1illUC 1l1onll.'n:.and to make my "oice the re�ponsi,'cinstrunll'nt of the emotion and thetel1(l('rn,':s� which caused my hear�.to heat rapillly.�e�:cSy but thCTe i� nq di�position Oil "1 scarc{"ly nl'l'd to a(ld that thi�th(' ,part o� the other colleges to per- grand act of Chri�tian intoCr C01l1mUll­n:'it ltkhigan further to igno c the �on. pl'rfornll'd in all �inccrity hy allHi:- Nine stat\1t��. Whether or :lot of u�. will remain one of the mostM.4:h'igari "wm' remain \\;th the West tot'ching �l"n·ic,(' .. of my :o'acremlotaldcpend_ on the action of the board oj lifl'. and that J shall alway� hc J:r<ltt'­'controt which· win ·meet �n the early J ful to the learJled :lnd tolerant Vl1i�paW' ·of. next '·week." �;' versity of Chicago."..'I'".,: "arsity Cafe •.•55th St. and Greenwood AvenueOPEN' ALL DAYMeals 20c an.d UpChop Suey � SpecialtyImportant Announcement .... � ..,...: .! 1 The Board of Rcccomrnendaticns!I The Un�versity Employment Bureaulil will annoznce vacancies inThe Dally MaroonfPiH& ¥'i�OSSLER. �Q.··Read y-Service-Clothes"50 JacksonOur Twice-YearlyInventory Sale £ontinoes· Blvd.25%OFF OUR REGULAR" .P.R1(;�INCLUDING EVERY GARMENTHeol/ege'.' Sack SuitsTuxedo SuItsPrince Albert SuitsDress Suits. Trousers Suits"Protector" Suits���f "Our Owu Special Da!!D"/d/-I.J�: Chesterfield Overcoats';_} -: :i ,_-, !,_"0.-1 \.� .. ' �/; N .-.... English Box Ove·coa&s.::� /')'1. L/ k"", I' I."�\ll' ��. /./:' /l}\ \'\' pad�;;:e�:;:C::: Coafsr .., _.) I �an" broken lines. one and two of aI �. 'r" ; t kind. iD Business and Dress 5uib .. adI ,1 \ -( � ,; I Overcoats. including many light aad me-\ ,'\ I dium weight suits and5 % ff��i .r� �:;l;�a.::i:;i:!;'.��; 0 rJ 0In om' ,. new vest shop" ---first floor: Street, Dianer.and Eve!iin� Waistcoats--hundreds of the choicest stylesat 25 per cent. off regular prices.:t-!O:'ICE'1nivers:ty rr.C:1 attention: One of our new "Colleee Colendars,1908, will be g:ven to you gratis by calling at The Maroon office.!Vi 0 S S L E R. C o.Ready - Service - Clothes50 Jackson Boulevard.u::::"" --� II.1I1!I!,';i!ifI[!i.\i I!I:., • : .•• " ;=.• � .... o. :. " ••• �.: •••••.. . . :'ME DAilY MAROON, CHICAGO, FRIDAY, JAN. 10, 19o9.S.D. floornthetianlirtrric�andprQfon(]ltrs:of tlJaD. IFeFirsFeFeFtCPtoll(11MFRIARS' HOPE BRIGHT FORTOUR IN SPRING VACATI?N cDItINKS INKLIKE A cAMELT. load a CoIlJdbl Foantain Pen, just dip it iD. any�. p- the CreICeIlt-Flller and see it fill its OWlltAok Uke a ca.el slaldnC its thirst. That's all thereIs to it! No droppe!'-no mea-no bother. Do it'&ll)'wbere any time.after the return and during the Springquarter. A performance down townis also in consideration. 'The advant­age of this vacation trip is that elig­ibility rules will not be in effect. Ifthe plan for the tour is adopted bythe Friars, a petition will be signedby the whole club, to be submittedto the various college councils forendorsement. It is felt that in. thisway the approval of the whole Uni­versity will go with this petition tothe faculty meeting.Bartley Cushing, who coachedplay last year, will again train thecandidates.The competition for plays ends to­day at 10:30 a m. Those who havesubmitted their plays are:Bolbe, Pomeroy and Dean .Garrett and Burton.Hansen, Klein and Smith.Two more plays are expected.The rules governing the cornpeti-lion are as follows:I. Comic operas must be submittedA benefit perfonnance,the proceeds enitre-books, lyrics and musio=be-from which will go to the working fore Friday, January 10, at 10:30 ".girls' fund of the Women's Tradem. at the Faculty Exchange.Union League, will be preesnted to-2. Books and lyrics must be type-morrow night by nine women, who written.----------------1 are students or alumnae in the Uni-3. Music must be written out byvcrsity, A sum to secure a f�ee l the composers. Ilhys!cia� for the work1l1g4- Books, lyrics and music must FOR, ltatNT . jgirls of the union IS the purpose ofI be written by no others than those A doable' RIO� ��� for two sbldets.the fund.. ., whose names are attached. The rOOm- is lWeD' furimihed, modern. licht and airy.The play is one of colonial times,5. Competitors must be in the H \,,··t··' :,� .. ". Mwritten by T. 1... Marble. The castUniversity; or, if more than one sub- O' e·· ..... � ... , a ro 0 �of characters is as f�llows: mits one opera, at least one of them '. �B ft. AM»··D� AVE.J .. k Quincy, a Patn�t. .•....... � 11 must be in the University, and the RfSTAURAIT.'��'I1iD LUNCH COUNTfR.................... MISS Phebe eothers must have been at some time. �', : �. c ',. .'" J.i:,..••. "'._.. _. --:-..,Ned Morris, his boyhood friend...6. Competitors must be able to ex. . T�--................. Miss Edith Terryplain books, lyrics or music, �f called -:TIIe �,�� �rved .�t.popu1ar p.rices.Jeffr.eys, an "unjust steward"...., .upon to do so........•......• Miss Harriet. Grimm.. ' . . 7. Stage directions, suggestionsSir Reginald Ca�rmgton, a VISItorfor 'Costumes, scenery and properties,to the Coloniesv... ...•••..•.•..•I' '11 b ac-. Idi L ., and other exp anations WI. eMISS Gera me ermn·.............. . ceptale.Rupert Berkeley, a heutenant 1110 '11 b . d d by the. . 8. peras \VI e JU gethe British army. MISS Mary Phlstercommitee with the assisance of l'Larry Boyle, servant of J.effrey. . .h B I C hi ' •),1' M Allen Coac art ey us mg.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ISS ary9. The committee will meet all o. f •Patricia Standish, Jack's ward....,the composers and have the music........ Miss Clarence M. Converesboplayed by them, at Least once, a utLady l\lary Carrington............a week after the close of the compe-S�Regin�d��de� M�s Caroline'������������������������������tition. •Dickey.Kitty Steele, her fri.end.....NEWSPAPER TRAININGMiss Florence PeabodyESSENTIAL TO SUCCESS���� ·���i·�;,president of the TradeUnion League, will speak.SETTLEMENT HOUSE LOCATE!> IN "PACKINGTOWN."WHICH WINTER PICNIC WILL BE HELD. ATOONliJN's �W;;G PEN ::;;!!!ioL'�-THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT-FILLER"can be fiUecl iDataDtly without the least inconvenience. Youcould fin it with white k� Cloves OD. withou� danger of8OiliDg. Beaicles its convenieDce, is the splendid writinrqualitJes of the Conklin-the perfect feed.:r.e.cuac dNJen IaaDdJe the CoaIdJa.. If,.oars does Dot, orderdirect. Pricea.11OI aad up. SeIad at oace for baDdsome DeW catalotr.!lie c.., ••• Co., 310 IbaIaattaa Bldie. Toledo, 00, '.. ,$dIOIlfo1 • ,I Edgar A. Beuo-m _SOB OBOBBSTB.ASItASON 1907-1901The Benson Orchestra ynll furnish music for the following well knowaclub throu�hout the ,eason of 1907 and IQ08:CLUBS-Calumd, Calurjtd Country Club, Onwentsia, Birchwood, Ex­moor Golf. Union Le:a�t, Chicago Automobile .Club, South Shorer Club,Chicago Golf Club. Highland Park Club, South Side Colonial.HomewoodCountry, Ft. Dearborn Club, New Illinois Athletic, Chicago Athletic clubHotels-l.akota, Virgini.i. Vendome, Met:"opole. The Moraine, ChicagoBeach, Potter Hotel, Santa Baebara, Cal.This Orchestra enjoyed the distin-ction of having play.ed for the Kirme .. , .the Midwinter Cotillion, lhe Village Fair, the Harvard Dance, Streets ofParis, the University of Wisconsin, Promenade. the North Western Uni­versity Pan Hellenic Promenade. the University of Chicago JuniorPromenade, Etc. For open dates and other information addrr lS:T�PS3 EDGAR A.. BENSON•• _AMUSEMENTS ....Wanted-your name on the SUb-I'�cription list of The Daily Maroon.. SenIor dance Thursda,., J. 15-UNIVERSITY WOMEN INBENEFIT PERFORMANCENine Women Students and Graduatesof University to Appear in Playat Hull House.INTERNATION ALTHEATERWabash Ave. and Hubbard CourtIJ�D OPERA Th(tel av18 secthe (tiDctl�part 'ThedoneGeollsomescconaear:chaneGeorffor Ithem!pickeltir�lypart.TheGeorfFallsSchorHurlhgeEli Courtancllt. . .'. • • 40 . East Randolph Street. Chicago• • • • • • • • • • • • '. • • I • •Au �O AGAui THIS PALL"COIl" RITI"AWDOYBRCOATS 135-00$, , . .!�_ "·'WUki. 1151"DarhraS,.TAIL_' .A private Secretary is wanted for JUniversity professor in �[adi:;oa.Wis. A good stenagrapher and t�----------------1 ist, with some knowledge of, book­W ANTEn-.;.A good man is wantedto teach physics, chemistry andcoach football in a small �ollege inthe South; salary over $1,000 fornine months' work; work to beainSept. 8, 1908. App11'- to the $ec�-It�ry of the Board d£ R.ecomme1ula-tlon.THE GARRICKMRS. PATRICK CAMPBELLThe Notorious Mrs. SmithTHB AUDITORIUMKLA W cl: ERLANGER'SADVANCED VAUDEVILLB,',_. e'POWERSSir Gilbert Parker's Great StoryTHE RIGHT OF WA1ILLINOISTHE ROGERS BROTHERSIN PANAMA WANTED-In a private school, :aman to teach algebra, . aeometeryand Latin; temporary' work; after­noons. Apply at ... , I'M. gAyC'e�� R_U.W ANTED-Stucknts to attAend En­glewood Roller Rink, 6432 . Went­worth Ave. Eftry eveninc, Thurs.,Sat. and Sun. Afternoons throughWallace Rice Tells of Litrature fromProfessional Standpoint-Sa" Pay Is Poor.'Collece -News.TIle Quadrangler Chess league,composed of Columbia. Harvard.Yale and Princeton. will dk'lI.lengeOxford and Cambridge to an mtcr­national tourney between repres'!�'"tatives of English and American urn­ver sitics, the match to be played bycable this spring. Representative�irom Cornell and the University otP.cnnsylvania will probably' be askeflto participate.LA SALLB Wallace Rice. a Chicago literarycritic and author, was entertained byeighteen members and guests of thePen Club at a dinner last night. lit'.Rice expressed the opinion that news­paper training is absolutely esscntia:to Sl'':-CCSS in literature. He advisedevery man with literary ambitions tomake a newspaper connection, be·canse of the intimatc knowledge thatit gives of all classes of society andthe insight into the professional sideof litcrature. In speaking of his .ex­pericnce in literary work, he warneJthe club that the remuneration was�mall and 111.:ertain. He said thatonly one out of one hundred of thenovcls written by professional writ­ers achic,·e success and only one of W ANTED-A y'oung woman to. eol­a thousand written by amateurs are' kit advertisement!. Addresl Ma-successful. The average made by au-roon Office. ZI.thors, according to Mr. R�e's esti-mate, is $100 for each book published. BOARD AND ROOM-For twoThe average on all books is about $1 young ladi�s; private family. 63.1.!by professionals, and 10 cents by am- Greenwood' ave .. second flat.The Leap Year Winnerthe season.THE GIRL QUESTIONCOLONIALHa ve you seenTHE MERRY WIDOWShe is the International Craze The committee appointcd by the�ational l.umber �Ianufacturer�' .a�­socIa lion to look after obta�nm�$150,000 to endow a l>roicssorsl11p otlumbering in the Yale forest school,ha� reported that th.c subst-nptions todate amount to $6i.500. Fifty thOI1�­and dollars of this endowment, IHhonds. has already bcen turned overto Yale Ul1i"crsity, the income ofwhich will bc used for instruction in.:lpplied forestry and lumbering. 1'),...ltIil.TYPEWRITERS for Sale or Rent­Spccia1 rates to students; bargainsin re-built machines .. W. White­head. J6 La Salle Street.THE WHITNEYThe Musical WinnerA KNIGHT FOR A DAYThe Columbia faculty has decidedthat the nIles for which bar stud�ntsfrom part,cipation in athletics wh�nthey are delinquent in classes shallnot be enforced until 1910, but that;til cases shall be \'()nsidered individ­ually. It was found that if the ru!�were enforced, iO per cent of t'1euniversity's athletes woul' be ruledout, for insufficient entra� pr.epa­&ioL ateurs.STUDEBAKERTO RENT-Famished rooms, witbcloset, S. H� .... bath, phoae; pri­vate family; �ltaaraat 1wId,.; rea­lOIIable; near IUieoie _... .,....... , .......KOLB & DILLWill Present the Great ComeciyLONESOME TOWN .H.I�t'T1a�. ttst,l'.l.pmemen 'the ACIaFres!}forI!FreslmadeThwasSteplSauelSteplCPSpfalTIlReSabsRooms for Rent.FURNISHED ROO M S---Near theUniversity; good light, heat, hotand cold water; bath. Call 6S2 E.57th, St., second at.Wantedkeepinr- a good writer. and sOUJCproficie'fY in French and (rtrm'l1L'Apply 'at BOdrd of Recommendations.All ADV. INTHB DAILY MARGONII AS GOOD ANIMVBSTIIBNTAI YOU CAN MAKE.IIA va YGU INVESTUl-SUBSCRIBBPORTHBDAILYMAROONDa it If ...