DBOI·AIMBRS $ELEGl THE · •• tiS OF- -.-- .' �. - -' .Select. T�ree. Men Out of T�een. � \ VARSITY. DEBATE .TEllISPrelimmanes to Appear an SeIDl- " -Finals-Two Women Win by De'-'l: -.English Actor and - His Company fault. Jud,es Choose the Biz Men to R.ep-Will Give Three Performances resent Chicago Apinst MichiganI at University. . and NorthwestFifty enthusiastic vocalists I1H.'t: Edward J. Dykstra of Science Col- � em.yesterday aftcrqoon in the club room r: lege" Ray \V. Lock�rd of Literature �of 1-1 itchcock hall to consider the ad- Plays Chosen A:nong Bert ':n His College and ISaac E. Fe�gt1son. of ,Contest is Unusually Spirited-NewRepertoire-Moliere, Ibsen � an. d .. , .. ,;--, PI Used P 'eeI SuPhilosophy College, were selected : .....c an ronomc a eeessHauptmann Represented:' 1 � ---Co h Chandl PleasedgL�e club. The number present ex- yesterday afternoon in the' �unior .;� ." ae er •cce(L'."d the cxpcctm ions of even the College declamation preliminary·o.' ---Direct or Stagg gave the Varsity The Donald Robertson playees arc represent their respective colleges 'In (:The Men Who Made the Teams:most sanguine, and, all of them were •squad the heaviest scrimmage work- ;0 give thr.�e performances in Man-anxious to take part in the tryouts the semi-final contest to qe held onout it has got this season yesterday, del hall, according to an announce- Fr-id N b 0 .advertised to take place. How.ever, orr ay, overn er 29. wing to the;arlv 'Ill the candidates participat- ment made yesterday by the Univer- I k f ..ne J ' owing to the absen-ce of a capable ac 0 compctstron among the -wo-ing in it. si ty Lecture association. The series. . .judge, this examination was postpon- men m the preliminary contest,First the' squad was divided up will begin next Friday evening, 'and .cd for a few days, until the services �hsses Mabel J. Lodge and Louis"!\\ ill he continued on the first twoof an efficient critic could be secured, Stevens were, permitted to appear inFriday evenings in December.The proposal that' Mr. \Vebster of the semi-finals without deliveringChi The Donald Robertson plarers their selections, Of the sixteen men The six men, who will representicago be invited to take charge of ha ve become very popular in the h . t d I ti thirteen the University against Michigan andthe work, was received with favor .. w 0 regis ere sc ec Ions,city, and it is expected that the op- No th t ' b' It' IMr. Webster has won a considerable ; competed in yesterday's contest. . r wes ern, were c osen . as mg Itreputation in music, and has had a portunity of hearing four of their Four contestants will be selected a. a contest which proved to be on eid . . performances at. the University will to com pete in the final contest which I,r i- the closest a. nd m. ost spirited everWI c experience In coaching musical .... • lie taken advantage of by a great wil! be held on Tuesday of the ;idd at the. University,and glee clubs all over the country. 'Earle Berry of thc Reynold; club many students and faculty mcmbc+s. eleventh week before the entire . Of the men chosen, Liver, MoultonThe schedule as announced by' 'c, .e :-a'ld O'Doni1"n d t s hilquartet, addressed the glee dub mcn, group of Junior colleges. The can- '.;,, e are gra. ua e , W Ie,Lecture Association, is as follows' , �la h II P d Sa dand outlined thoroughly the plan for • didatcs yesterday presented only a - rs a, ,1'_l?e an ' D, erson .areorganization. He said, "If .we have :\0'-. r,... "The Miser," by Mo- portion of their selections, whereas in stilLin the colleges. . ..an organization it must be of a high liere.- I t I the semi-final and final contest they! Liv� is a .graduate of Wisconsint d d d' t btl Dec, 6. "Rosmcrsholrn," by Ib- will be permitted to give entire dec- and is a senior law student •. _Marshalls an ar , an mus c run 011 amos 'ell l' '"tl 0 0 rl t W - t I I:>' ; larnations not exceeding 800 words in IS a Hamilton club orator. from MIch-l r ug 1 sys em. e mus lave a I 1) "TI C' ,n... ... . ec. 13· ie ommg 0& c.:ace" t th igan and a member of last year's de-business manager who IS thoroughly . ,eng .by Hauptmann, preceded by Mae-. - bating team of the University ofcapable and trustworthy; w.e must . , ..' .. • terlmck s one-act play, The 111- 'FAIR VISITOR CAUSES Wisconsin. Moulton was a memberhave as director a man whom we all ., , ,... -, '., • :can trust, and who can tcach us truder.., A STIR IN MIDDLE D .�! .)��t �year'�, de�ating :team,. an� . _.:.::,;These plays arc among the best In ,'. _ Was' tbe oBly former debater in the .. _�1Ir .. R��ertson:s _ rep�rtoire. �_ _ � . ...£:arch,."Or'�rl·�m. i-Ke1IJt=-n ' ';\',o�atS;;-<.�'6;nkoqijt'is·�·a·'::SOphQ��rf":�-:�·��Jllcs:des these thr"ee p.erformances Hicks Plays the Role of a law student. Pope is' a' fo�r .,hiCh -,"by Mr. Robertson's company, tbe Hero. ,chool star,and San4oersOD is the .. �n:famous actor and teacher of stage ner of last year's d_ eclamation con-thoroughly undcrstands music and its te-chnique is himself to give an open Exdtcmenl r�igned in Middle D test.requirements. We should also have.so far, managed to cross their oppo- lecture in Mandell hall next Wed- for a short time yesterday afternoon Mr. H. 'P. Chandler. the coach ofas offieers men who are' reliable, an.l ' " ,." .nent's line t\\ice, coming a yard from nesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, on and one student in particular .0; the deba�ing team, pr�sided at t, h·e.who can act as executives in every ,scoring third time. The touchdowns the subject, "The Actor's Calling." chuckling over an unusual occurrenc= trial�. The judges' w.ere 'Pro.fessorpartieular." _._ wer.e made by "H'unny" Rogers' and Admission to the lecture will be and a dainty gold locket marked "S. S. H. Clark of _ the department ofl\lr. Robertson, s..."Cretary to the '_Dougherty. .• iree, and the prices for season If. C." It seems that as "Bub" Hicks Public Speaking, Burt Brown .Barker.. The '_'earll'ngs are I'n form, and Presidcnt, attended as faculty repre· tickets for the p."_rfornlan1'"es wl'II beJ sentative, and said: "If there's not ... was strolling out for his 3 o'-clock '97, president of the Ch,icago Alumni_ have developed fig�ting qualities so $1.50, $2.00, and $2.50, with a reduc- stroll he encounteretl a young lad) Association and ,a former Un�vei'sitvenough singing on the campus, it's t:on of ::0 cents to members of thetbat they are now capsble of giving oJ in th.e hall vainly searching for a debater, Professor John Cummings,up to us as vocalists to gh'e it, and Uni,'crsit),. The sale ".11'11 be open DR" , 'Director Stagg's aggregation a sti!I • bell or a maid. a-nd looking hurried- ean obert M. Lovett . and Deangame. They have· thodr forwarci here is an opportunity for everyone 011 �londay at 9 o'clock, in the of- ly over the list of students. At the Frank J. Miller.to show his worth. There is no needpasses working well, Briggs at end fice of the Lecture association, Cobb sight of a man the fair visitor start- A new plan for choosing the teo amsfor competin_g with the choir, nor ::A_showing' especially good form n oJ cd, but asked thc genial medie where was resorted to. Heretofore the finalswith thc Blackfriars. 'Ve might get Profe." ..;or CI."rk of tl'" Publu. cotlld begetting the throws from Quarterback .. ..... .... a certain Miss were conducted in th� same way asup some ,·audeville. or some pagcant, S k' d ttl b.Roger.... TIle first year back field .. pea lIlg epar men, las een one found. th ... preliminaries Under the new, :n conl1.t'�tion with this club. 'Ve can f tl .' t' tl ff _ -.now run off its plays s,moothly. 0 Ie loremos In Ie e orts to se- The sound of a ,\oman's voice 1,lan, t",'o teams are, fonned, neitherget into touch with some of the an- 'Dough.;rty at half is fast and er- cure this cngagement, and he is en- within its pr.ccincts brought all first of which hears the other. Thi'tdent pagcants - through this organi- tl,.u .. I· ... -tl',C o,·.,'r I fl'fecth'c on end runs, while Silberman, J"�, - t 1(' success 0 t 1( Middle D. to its doors, and the sec- method is <onsidered faire. r and morezation, but J would suggest that w�the other half, and Crowley at fun arrangc111cints. In addressing one of ond floor over the banisters. At the searching, and, gh'es the men a bet-get serious music. as well as the 'ba(:k buck well. The line has not his cJassc:, yesterday. he praised Mr. sight of a score of curious theolo· �r opportunity for showing theirvaudeville sort. There should bc areeeh'cd much practice on defensive happy mixture of the two, and I Robertson as being author of "one oi gians. the visitor fled through the ability.\fork, hut opens holes in good fash- thc greatest mo,'ements for tb.!! up- door, leaving Hicks to follow and Coach Chandler expressed hi�selfknow th.ey would makc a hit hereion for the backs. Coa�h Bez�ek said lifting of the drama that this coun- explain that l\lietcile D. was a men's as pleased with the prospect and said,But we must abo"e all, co-operate t I "yesterday that hi!' squad has a few . . - ry las e,'cr scen. etormitory. "The trials showed good .material inWith one another, and WIth other 0(- "E f I Id k I'men on it who will mak.e the Var- .. "1 �\'Cry onc' 0 yon s IOU ta -e t liS "They toM me K.elly was the sec- the rough, and all the men withoutgant;'.atlons on the campus. 1 f' I E l' I5ity DlOI look to their laurels ncxt -. : �� lancc 0 sccl11g tIC _ng IS I actor ond hall from the end," said "S. M exception showed .ear:_nestness andRarry stated that wltluTl a few. II I"· " I 'd "Ityear. Director Stagg agreed with him. III n liS pcrlormanc�s, Ie sal . C." with a ga!'p, "and J thought J confidence. All of them, however.. days a not ICC would be posteet on the "'1'11 hc Olle of tIle h"'st CII,"'11ces ofCaptain Dc Tray was in uniform '".. was in the right onc." had the tendency of scatt�ring on ac·bulletin board notifying all interest.�cl .during th.e entire practicc ycsterday, your He to see the hest drama pre- As Hicks rcturned to thc Dh'init'V count of attempting to cover tooof the date of thc definite tryout�and k d tl . Is tIle t"'ck seTlted in a most artistic and natural Ilail. ,.. fter SI10\:\'I-nO' tllC (11' s. ttlrbcr of much gronnd, thus "'Ioudl'ng thel'rwor ·c at IC SIgna. .. -and 11rged that a careful watch he .. roo ..ling <111"'111'--, anci the "wind sprint:' way. Of course his .resources arc :\(ici(lle n. traditions across the :deas. The question was a hard oneoJ kept.lie has rccovered from his cold, and I �jmit':ci. hut he cieser\'Cs our support:' campus to Kelly. he spicd a gold and the men took too much as under·Among the mcn prc:".enf t lcre w.�r('from now until the gamc will bc ;lhout twice a, manv hass "oice's as I Architect to Lecture. locket just insi<Le the floorway. NO'N I stood hy the audience. The material�herc at the finish evcry etay. Schom- tenors. Consequcntly. there IS grc:lt 1.011lS r.t'.�n7.cl. an archtt('ct of thi� Hicks is trying to finci out who "s howcvcr, is promising, and there i!ltiter's anklc was hdter ycsterday and I I· '11 ..J I' I "O:\f. c." .is. hut a certain girl in Kelly no reason why we should not have anccd for 'more t.�nors. to halancc t lC; cIty. WI (IC "'cr a ecturc on urh(' wa� in hoth !'crimmages. A ntIer- rcfus('" to tell. ;mci Hicks is hesiegcd �ood team."fiow of sounet from the lower keys. I'Dwcliing HOltse!'" at the meeting ofson and :\foulton arc not jedin!; the the German Cluh this aft('rnoon :n with queries ahout his f:tir frien,l Sydn.�y Lyons. one of last year'!tfi('cts of their vaccinations. and it Another Stage Club Meeting Today Lcxington hall. The conversation who haci thc t.�merity to ill\'acie �r·l_ tcam, was enthusiastic over theis (('It that thc worst is now o,·e:. A !-hort me.�ting of the StClf:l;<' dub I cI:lss�� will he continucd as usual at (lIe D. unannounced. showing made, and said, "The contestDir('ctor Stagg Clnd Captain De W:1S heM ycsteni:ly morning' in COhh.l � o·cl()(k. th.� gNleral Clssembly of the was one of the best and most spiritedTray will journey to :\li111\capolis to anet plans werc talk('ci O,'cr in :t g('n- I cluh and thc Iccturc foHowing at Musicale at S. A_ E. House_ of any e,'er held. I consider theltitne�� the Gopher- Tndian game to- ('raJ way. Another session will con- ..J :30 o·clock. T1linois Theta of Sigma Alpha Epsi. new system for choosing the debatersmorrow. They' will return Sunday \'enc in Hitchcock 2i this aft('rnoon. Ion will entertain the parents of its as a considerable imprQ���ent overtltorning'. The squad wi1l be in I at 4 o·cI()(k. at which plans will h{! Thc hallfJu('t of the Uni\'crsity ofl members at a musicalc Snnetay aftef the method used heretofore, and _;sch�rge o( Coach Speik. and a hard formulated cicfinit.dy. anci new mem-I Chi:a�o . TIlini Club will take plac� noor; at the chaptcr house, 6Tl6 Lcx·prOirlilm is on thc' card for the mcn. hers \'oted into the club. toma:ht 10 the Commons at 6:00. ingt<m av�nt1e. (Continned on paae 2),. TWO LOIG SCRIMMAGESDN VARSITY PROGRAMMake Four Touchdowns on Scru�Freshmen Score Twice AgainstRegular-Sub Lineup.Yearlings Playing' Strong Game atPresent--Director Stagg and Captain .De Tray to Watch Indians.�. into two .elevens, which were pittedagainst each other. On one the reg-. nlar hack field, without- Captain DeTray. and most of the regular lineplayed against the scrubs with FalkHandy am! Hoffman in the lineup.The regulars made four touchdowns, most of the good gains beingmade around the substitue end",Chamberlain and Ehrhorn. Thetricks of the Varsity proved toomuch, The second team tried theIndian formations, but failed to crossthe goal line of the regulars. Iddings-I5After this 'tussle, lasting an hour,'1he freshmen were called on to see','1";"]Jow effectively they could imitate.'Carlislc. They w.ere given the ball. �n thc Varsity 2s':'yard line, and ai�lcr the best playing they have done.:..touchdownsmade two of the fourIor the Varsity, one being on a long'JUn, attended by some clever dodgIng, Steffen "and Ferguson madethe oth.er two__'hitb�10-icsinIdlnUat:\_..)t2ktrs aAt.rooD; all'l:shed;Idress-- OHOOSEvisability of banding together into aJohn 1_ Liver.Eugene J. 'Marshall,Harold G. Moulton;Paul M. O'Donnell,. James P. Pope,Thomas H. Sanderson.something, and who can come downhere to g:ve us .instruction, 1tbotr�'once a week. Besides that, weshould have a student dir.cctor, wh··; . III!The Stump Debating Society w i ll thold an open me . ct iug this evening at Ii :30 in Cobb 6a. There will h'.: ; Ielchate "on the "Parcels Post," a 1'<1 Ithere 110 doubt will be an interesting �----------------discussion on on this interesting sub- ,:,ELECT THE MEMBERS OFVARSITY DEBATE TEAMSshape and hue. The Varsity man who! IM.AJORS aD. MIN'i)R5 �-ased to 'pride himself on the button I i =-=======E==:::::::==:;:;:��=he wears. on the lapel of h�s coat is \ Sigma Alpha Epsilon will give ,.now gettrng used to the SIght of a I smoker for the pledges this evening Ihost of other pins and buttons, sup-I ---posedly ofli�ial, being wor� alike by Kl.!ly wi-II cnt.:rtain the old girl�students, office boys and high school tonight with a mock wedding.girls all over the city.� : ..Ollclal atwacieDt PabUcaUOD of the UDlyu-a117��I'ormedlThe.. UDlYeDll:7 of Chlcqo W_ll�J'oandee!. TIle need for a uniform badge is The Commons will accept Clcariugstrong and immediate. The "Order House certificates in payment forTh. Weeki,. Oct. 1. U92.The Dd1,. Oct. 1. 1902. of the 'C'" has made a step in the meals.right direction in choosing an em-EDtere4 ... 8ec:0za4-dua Mali at the Chi. blcrn _for the wearers of tIM! "C." It Friday, November 22, at 10 :30 ;ncaco Po.to1llce. is fitting that the athletes should have Kent. is the date set for a meeting--------- some outward evidence that they f I S I I \ 1 t iPubllabed dall,. except Suudaya>. Alon_ 1I,'l\'C aclucvcd this honor. 0 t ic op iornorc c ass. : n e cc 1011of ofliccrs will be l;l·I�1 and otherda)"ll and bolidays, duriug three-quarten n ., 1 h ttl t '. ,ut It 15 a So an onor 0 re S u- busine .. .; ()f the cl a s .. oi }(,IO will O.dent at the University of Chicago discussed.,or the Univeralt,. ,.ear.Subscription price, $3.00 per ,.ear; $1.00for 3 months. Subscription. recel1'ed,atthe Maroon Omce, Ellia Hall, or at the.. acultJ Exchange, Cobb Hall.ASSOCIATE EDITORSWarren D. Foster,Harry A. Hansen,J erome Frank,P. W. Pinkerton. COMMUNICATIONis as good as the money can buy any- tor to General Director Scott Brownwhere. '9i, resigning from the office,What I want to protest against isthe fact that cocoa is no longer SAYS WOMEN KNOW MOREserved. This may appear a matter OF POLITICS THAN MENNo little campus talk has been oc- not important enough to warrant 3casioncd by the lack of interest cera.Printed b,. tbe Maroon Preas474 East 5Gth StreetPbone Ibde Park 3691Council Professor Willett Advocates Women's Rights-Says Men Will,;' Come Around..nrblic communication of this sort,tain members of th-e' but it is of more import than apSenior Cbl1.eg·e Coun8i pears at first glance.seem to_ be taking in I venture to say that nearly half .the acts and sessions of the students who drink- anything or- That the time wiIJ come when menthe organization to which they have .lcr cocoa. Since it has been stricken themselves will insist on woman'sbeen elected by the student body. off the bill of fare at the noon meai. voting and that women know mort:Having won an honor' which can be I have .heard numerous expressions about th,:: essence of politics than dnquoted after their names in the an- of dissatisfaction ori the panti of men were statements made by Assonual when they graduate, they seem those who patronize the Commons C'iatc. Professor \Villett, which wereto think that tb.ey have fulfilled their For the sake of these, I think our received with a great deal of Cll-Absenteesduties as Senior College Councilors. point of view should be considered.They seem to l!ave forgotten that the Coffee is not good, say the doctorselection is both an honor and a call Neither is tea. Therefore, wh.en ato service. The' Senior Council, in fellow wants something hot to drinkparticular, is called on to serv.e as' a on a cold day, what is he to do?mouthpiece for student sentiment,and A Patron.a committee with power to ad forthe whole student body.That the Senior College Councilhas accomplished a gr.eat deal ofgood so far this quarter, there canbe no question, but the list ofachievements represents untiring efforts on the part of a ,few men,rather than united action of twelverepresentative men and women.It is hoped that today's meeting ofthe Council, at which many mattersof considerable importance are to besettled, will have' the �ttendance ofevery member. If not, somc mcthodof weeding out th.e moribund mcm·bers should be found. The Councilshould be suffident unto itself, andhave power to expel for cause �nvmember who neglects his duties bycontinuolls iocxcusable absence, andto promote his alternate t� the place11e <annot fill. play committee, has mad.e an announccment to the effect that allplay.:; to be entered in the contest thi,year must be submitted complet,�with book, lyrics and music, beforeTucsday, annary 7... The competitionis open to all students of the Un;\·ersity. From the plays submittedthe Rlackfriars will choose one to be Gear for Second Year Men.The student body is waiting ratherimpatiently for the Council to finallyadopt a standard but·ton for all Chicago mento wear as a symbol oftheir allegiance to th�Midway alma mat.cr.other colleges of anyThose r�fJ\1cst!' all �ophomores who w;�;llI hats to lea\'c their namc and �izc ()fthcir h:1t at the Information oft:c \! Mt I.tor than 6 p. m. today. II Suhscrihc for th.� Daily �taroon.Do it nowl"C"SUBSCRIBE,FORTHEButtons\Vhile mostsize have an official badgc worn bythose who have the right, Chicago isrepresented by scores of pins andbuttons of c,'.ery conceivable size" DAILYMAROONDo it Now. k. THE CARLISLE G'AME t he weather will be cold.\'. :1 can keep cnthu siasm warm, however, with one of ourV-: cck cd sweaters. You will also n'�'ed to show your oColors, so :15 not to be mistukcu for an Indian. We have justrcc c iv c d a large assortment of pennants in many styles;ai s o :1' mvbu nd s. Afterwards yon will want memorials of thegrl.';ltcst gam,'.: of the year to decorate your "Den.' Comeill and �cc o nr Iootball posters. Captain De Tray and Eckcr-n ll post cards, photographs of the team and of the "Old)Obn," souvc nir pr ogrnms of the �I inucsota ramc, etc,T!�._' FOOTEALL CALENDAR will be out early next week.Watch for it!THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESSRETAIl .. DEPARTMENT"ON THE CAMPUS"(Continued from page I,lwith the methodworn by members of the student -morning in Cobb 140. Several imbody. In this way only can some portant matters concerning the for- .vh ich must be us.ed in inter-collegiate.ontcs t s."definite symbol of membership in thr marion of the J90i dub must be deUnicersity be·staudardized. cidcd at this meeting. Every memberof last year's club should be present divided into two teams-a negative.n d a n atlinnati'-e one. Both teamsEditor The Daily Maroon: At a recent meeting of the Chau- will debate 011 Friday evening, la'n.REPORTERS Up to Monday of this week, no- tau qua Institution at Chautauquav N nary Ii· 19C5, the n'�'gati\'e withWalter A. Ford. Miss Esther Hall body could have convinced me that Y., Dean George E. Vincent was rc- ��orth\\"e:'tem at Evanston, and theHarvey B. Fuller, Jr., A .. L. Fridstein any complairrt against the Commons �kctc.d president for the coming ·:niml;lti\'(� with Xl ichigan at MandelAlbert D. Henderson Fred "V. Carr, was - exactly in place. The service year. Arthur E. Bcstor, '01. was ad hall.has be-en satisfactory, and the food vauce d from assistant general dircc- The successful candidates will be"e" TABLEAU IS POPULAROver 150 Names Already on List ofParticipantsIt will b.� neccsary for anyone whoxishc:s to be in the formation to handin his name today at the ticket of·:1C(; in the Bartlett gymnasium. They�ltot:ld prcscnt their ticket coupon;,nd pay tw�nty-five cents· additional:'or tIle hood and cap.� which theyTHE DAILY MAROONIS AS GOOD ANINVESTMENTAS YOU CAN MAKE.HAVE YOU INVESTED? . . . . . . . . . .TRAVEL OVER THE1£ :iO!! go, toLAFAYETTE.INDIAPOLIS.LOUISVILLE,. CINCINNATI,DAYTON. TItI.IDearbornborn Sts.;g lcwood l Southern 'Joint. Depots,Station,' Polk and Dear-' ,-.i'-'47th and 63rd Sts .. (En: - �f...:,.,--:,Or any\Vith more than OJ1.� hundred and.if ty men already signed up for the·).Iaroon "C" tableau, to be prcsc ntcd:lY the rooters at the Carlisle game,! he success .of the plan has been de-Idared certain by those who arc in tcharge The participants will have -------- ..... ------.='he best scats in the reservcd sec·tion.thtlsiasm at the mc.�ting of the Woman's Suffrage League, held yesierday; aftcrnoon in Lexington hall.After tracing the. position oi wo\'.·iiI wear.ll1a� in society from the earliest timeto the pr.�scl1t day. and Proicssor ------\Viilctt made a plea for woman's The Amc.-ican Historical A:-socia-FRIAR ·PLAY. CONTEST 'ight to vote, declaring that' women lion wi!l 110id its twenty-third an-TO CLOSE JANARY 7 give more attcntion to intellectual llltai meeting at )'I:ulison, \\,is., Dcc.pnsuits than mcn, that they arc mon0 ':7-3 I. Dr. :llllCson. hcad of th,� Bu-All Operas Must be Submitted Com likely to study out complex political r;:au o� H i"torical Re5l'arch, is presi·Plete with Book, Lvncs and (:Cllt of the a5�ociatjon, which is.1-. IJt1.�stion5, and that present day poii·Music. tics need the influcnce from the hom'_' �'!)!lll'o"cd oi �cn�ral of the be5tChairman Dixon of the Blackfriars which women ,.oters would bring. knowll hi:.torical authorities and repi e:'l.'Il�a�i,-.-:s irolll all the large un i-\-er�itin ot tlie country. ProfessorORDER 100 SOPHOMORE HATS _james \V. Thompson of the univer-Decide on Style and Price of Head ,it,)'. is Oil the program' for one of�;IC maiden ad(Ire�scs of the convcn;;011. An.ong the others who will de·Th(' style and price of the sopho- lin�r :1l1drcf':'l's arc Prpfessor A. - ::more hat� has heen decided on -anll :,Tcl.at!g-hlin, Proit��"or Herhert D.an of(l�r for 00.(.' httndrcd of them F():,ter ot Dartmo�;th. Profl'ssor .-\. :\I.-\XICURIXG SHA�IPOOINGprescnted by thc organization in the was let yesterday afternoon. 1Iorc --'. C()')Jri<!gl' oi llan':Hd -ano Proics- Electric Scalp and Facial MassageSpring quarter of this year. , ... ill he onlered as the d,em:\11o re ,(lr Fi·t:(ll..'i'ick L. 1'a1":,on of th.� l_;ni-quires. The hat is to he' g-ray felt "cr:;ity of ).Iichigan. MADAME KAYNOR'SI SCALP SPECIALISTChurch Bazaar to Welcome Students with a two-inch hrim and a crown 0; I -Students have becn invited to at- tl1{' same dim.':'l1sion. The hano is to ,��- X1T n F. ..!3i E. 55th St. Phonc H. P.32861 I I . 1 1 . "'\ - .', -- ',"cry 111:1:1 who has not Ilcnd the bazaar to hc conducted )y he Tllaroon co orcc . \\'It 1 . \\. 11t·' \. . _ "l1hs�rih·_.ri. to tio so at once_lhe Church of the Redcemcr at R05- :,trlPe's on the ('<1g-cs, The pnce ()jalie hall: Tuesday, \Vcdnesday. the 11:1t is $T.l�. IT. E_ D;lvis ha" Have you heard about it?Thttrsday and Friday of next week. ,chargc of the sale of the hats. and - - - ---,--- Have you seen it?:\ cantata and danc.c will bc give'� protl1isc� to have t11.';'m ready for dis Don't fail to call when down townThursday night. trihntioll . within two weeks. Da,'i� EVERYBODY DOES,AN ADV. IN Louis XIV. FamoQs Candy Sbop.A MARVEL OF BEAUTYBowes-Allegretti CompaDJCANDIES, SODA, LUNCHESState and' Monroe StreetsTelephone '792 CentralChlcacoEger (:s CO� .,28 E. Adams Street(Branch 159 Wabash Ave.), .,. -. --------.. -.No Regrets when SmokingEgeri8 Mixture(a blend of Bliss).3ARCAPEARRowClIPBI.... IIII1U SIZECOLLAR.'8 CENT. EACH; a "0" 28 CENT.ClIIPT.� .a..""'.CUOTS.-TSTelephones Hyde Park 18 aDd tHE7A. McAdamsTh.UDI ....... It7••. F lor' .te ••&BElQIOU8BS:Cor. S34 st. aDcl �Tk .Aft. ChicagoI BORDEN'SI Condensed Milk, Fluid Milk, Cream, and Buttermilk.All Bottled in the Country.Borden's Condensed Milk Cf..327-329 E. Forty-seventh St. . "dtmnatit()usne��ttinganedTheR. Du.tor, wIIn. I-l:noti£�boutgT.lce,.. bichtintythaning ilpan,of heIItrlithmeasSitnew,}.as 'man.highnOrhigllJliaiAsWe HAVE -REDUCED THEand pleasing. o t ..... ri feels slightlv , t�ly-s-c�n them; -and -declared "th";tbelow his standard, probably be- they have not been nearly so bad ascommonly pictured: Dr. Clark, on theot her hand, has a darker story to tell:lJld it is thought he may taken an of as good garments as ever sold or-open stand against the views of' Dr. dinarily at $:25, to sell at. $18 .Starr. )lany stories have obtainedwide pl:blicity which tell of the tyr:'1111y of the King of Belgium, of his"ppressive measures and his methods A hundred or so, bought in the same.,f for�'ill� labor upon th.� natives who W:!::, afford the same kind of a saving.have come to be looked upon as each of which enables you toslaves. dcgraded to the lowest ,�,�,grce by the Belgian ruler. In viewof the agitation which has beenraised in regard to this subject,' Dr. Right cuts, right fabrics, right tr'mClark's �tatelllents will be valua- miugs and right colors-all up to thehie. higcst $25 standurd-vinsure the big"':\(J 011"':," said Jo:"cl'h K. Hartgcst $lg worth ever.president oT the Divinity CounCIL"is better able than Dr. Clark to giveth.'.' actual iacts of the case, and ccri ainly there is no man who is ableto prescnt thcm in a more interesting;\11(1 forceful manner. v,_r care gladDr. Clark has consented to speakto st udcut s and their friends. It is:111 opportunity of which all should.: va il thcmsl�l\'cs.!III CHICAGO STAGE NEED A NEW SUIT? .Bart•LlTILt CLOllIt:S SIIOP., ,;.._-. cause of his Iailure to adapt himself• 'S'�':�--".�- .� "'1 to the Chicago climate, of which allbaJian Grand Opera Company ':ll' sin�.·.·rs have complained.in \. The 1 ta linu company has beyond.. A'd ., -! a. ;�l1y doubt brought to this city theiK·�t ;,!ralHI olll . -ra chorus that hasnewest offering of the Itulian ever hevu hen'. ) n "A ilia" especiallyOpera Company. whose season dol's the chorus have a lar gc oppora eut from fifteen to five weeks tunity, which gave it the first chanc ... We've just taken over a surplus lotNEED AN OVERCOAT?in "Fascinating Flora" at the Garrick next Week.SAVE A CLEAN $7.00 PRICES ON A NUMBEROF HANDSOME STYLESTO EVEN UP OUR STOCK.WILLIAM JERREMS· SON ••-Clark and Adt'ms StreetsISS State StreetROBERT ST AEDTER CO.Between Madison and Monroe ...known ReliableDurable Qualities.Ladies' and Misses'Suits $18.50 up.Fur Neckwear from$3.75 up •Hats from $.t.oo_up.Talk about real things-they're �igh schoolers, everyone of them-style enough to'please a prince - stabilityenough to outlast most $20 or$25 suits. MClterials and colors, enough to please the biggesti crank the town affords.t .But-If you are rolling in• money, as it' were, and want• to cough up $20 or $25, I�ve'ppro·.-al. , ."1 iecl th:lt )[r. Corbin cast an un- got some world beaters fromTailorville that will make the,k.'�cn·ed slur on the play we pro II . l' d tl.,t l't was - beSt $50 merchant tailored pro-.luced when le lI11p Ie In • �• ••f 1 I 'ould no ductlon look like lt was madelow tvpe 0 (f:lma.'� ... -. 1" ... f the hi ... hes· 10 a butcher shop.l\1:l11ltal11 t ,,\t It \\a� 0 0_'ype. 1 hope 1. m:lke lt c�ear that • 1 $2.00 $3.00I am 110t dcfc1l<hn� my. pla�, b�'t the A fair deal with bat.1 . . . t 1 tned to eftI7'aim' I ha( 11\ wnt11\g 1.• 126 el-A Ok"" Opera Hata Silk Hata.'. '" I '-a play wlth some • '---r""\"....... '\\'rae .\ com.,()·,. • Near Madison 161, 163 E. MADISON STREBT..;t1ch r�latiol1 to undergradute hie, a,....... ••• ••••••• Near La Salle.'Tlll' (r;'y l.onl Quex' has to Enghsh.I Critics Quarrel Over College Drama:\ war of dramatic critics as to theharactcr of plays suited for present:ltion hy University students, has. 'cell recently aired in the columnsIi th,'.: }{ccord-Hcralu. This discusion' was hc�un. by ames O'Donnell�cnnctt, dramatic editor of the Rec)nI_Herald, and has drawn into itsnib John Corbin of the Saturday':\'\!nill� Post, Lucian Cary, an unlcrgradtlate of the University 0_hic;lgo. who was interested in drana tics at Wiscousin ; and the Michira n Daily. Mr. Bennett urged theon::.i:;tent effort of college men to1plift the drama in the country at• rge by creating a higher standarddemand from other to show its full number of fifty. The d 1.,i cr;ticism among culture peop c. it) to' hear the new organization, ensemble at the close of the second - the'The t..;niyersity," he said, "is "-. Vtrdi's great" Aida." Mr. Abram- net was one of the delights of the I form" Mr. " place to start suc 1 a re .ns company shows signs of an cvcnmg, and aroused the audience to \ �. I tl h: nd insisted_,. •• • 1 • -.. ...... orbln. 011 t Ie 0 ler a ,Ity to grve this opera with un, loudly .'.!ntln:slastlc applause. Tho" too obviouslv. . ,. .. .hat college men were �-ual.strength, but.. at present IS sad- mystic dance of LIe priestesses IS -stIll \ . d h db' t confine their. .. .llllatcur:s, an a ,est" m need of rehearsal to smooth off in need of rchcars.il, as It was rough I d tion of the, "'lorts to t le pro uc -and crude III spots. \Vhen the edge- f comedies in the tra-. .. iclucr sort 0a new contralto rave been taken off, It promises to I:>IItlitional co cgc way.me. G. Strauss, made her Chicazo become gracefully and tastefully ex- \ f h tl D matic c1u'� The act t at te raat d d .1 • ecutcd. 1an rna e a very goon rrn pres.1a6 appointed a committee to se ec'on in the role of Amneris. H<'!' .d b 1. a play to be preseute y t rat orn· ti II f II _1.1 Praises Woman's Influence. .'ce IS cxcep rona y u anu ue-_ .ani:;ntioll durmg the W11lter quargbtfully smooth and sweet·,.. her con- At the chapel service of the JuniG )'"1 tt f .,rt'lcular_er, m;,kcs t lC Ina er 0 p ..dtmnatiol1 of the priests in the las� t'ollege women yesterday morningnlcrcst at the pres.ent time.act was thc nlost .f'ffectl·'·e solo .... r Or. Rhoades, thc Uni\',�rsity preacht.;: . tl .-. - Lucian Cary, who 1S now at 115t:e eren:n."'. Her playing '''a's som".- gave the address. 11 is talk de�t� , h... n jn:\,crsity, wrote the play gwen ythat marred bv an unfor�lI11 •.,te ner principally with the value of edu :::.- 1 1 U' 't 01'oJ "1 n :he J t:nior c ass at t le myerSl ytotSnes:; which prevented her fronl tion to women, and 1;lid cspecial em d 't\\'isconsin last year, an Wrl es a&ttting out of the part all that it phasis on thl? wonderful inllnence'Jollows in answer tOt he criticisms Qfall .... for. wom:mhood in the shaping of human " .1:\1\1 essrs. Be1ll1o,:tt and Corbm:"I !lappen to be responsible' for:he play which was prouuced at Wis·tor, who has so rapidly become pOP1-l fO TELL OF CONDITIO��S .:on;;.in last year and to which Mr.lar. Her interpretation of the Aida IN THE CONGO DISTRICl Corhin refcrred in terms of qualified:notif is almost faultless, and there isabout her acting an easy and natur�l Or. Jo�eph Clark to Give Lecture 01gnce, a natural and artistic dignity Situation of Region Ruled by.-bich brings to tllte l)rincess in cap Belgium.tinty a larger share of sympathjthan she \l�\lally receives. Her sing- Dr. Jo;o;p.'..'h Clark will deli\'er a Icc·ing is C�l)\�C'ially compatihle with the Inre on the Con�o next T\te�day aipart. ail.1 it Illay be said that Aida'!, �ernoon at -t o·clock. in )l:lndc1 Il:\l�.oi her �tTl'llgth and ability are rar(' Dr. Clark has Sl1l{'e I�9-l been �,lItr dUd, ":\h! Fly with )le;' sun$? charge of the lkoko mis:-il)ll in th··lith Signor SamoilO\', won a larg� COIl�O, ha\-in� lwen appointl'd to thatmtasure of applause. po�itioll hy the :\mcric:ln H:lptis'Si�llor Samoilov as Hadamcs re- :\ti��ioll enion. Pr,('\'io\l� to his al'newell his good impression as a pointllH'llt he 11:111 lwen on the lel,!}.as a tilll·. dear tone quality, al1(\ hi,:, ionrt"l'll year:-. tlmi making his c:-;Td. Randolph i66.I..Ii' .. YOU WANT" SOFTPICKING AND THE BESTRUN YOU EVER GOT INYOUR LIFE FOR YOURMONEY, COME OVERAND SEE tIT SHOWINGOF $15 HAND-TAILOREDREADY TO WEAR SUITS.THEY ARE FOR MENWHO WANT TO HIT THEHIGH PLACES.[ --CLOSELY BOUND]Dr. Jerome w. Eg1JertDENTAL S-URGEONThe titt..: role was' sung by Mmc. -!flairs.• R. Ducc-).Ierola, wife of the conduc-�Ge--�ocid,. liie.Class, Fraternity; _Society-:- PINS -:-high llhtl.::- \\'.�'rc notahly swect. Sig- � \\"1'111 ,--- ••. ·\·,·11 '·ear",.nor :\lk,.an<irolli, while a vocali:o.t of TI,i� it-l'tllrl� wili IH' (If c':jll'l'ial il1high caiihn', is yet 1llo';"e to b.� tl :-l·st at the l7lli\,l'f�it \', hel.."a\1�e ':.;\piaised ior his <1r:llll�tic qu.alit;es. the r":port"" madl' pl1hlj� hy I"roic"".;.):As :\l1lona�ro. he dupl:-cate<1 Ins sue- �tarr ne hi.; r\'tnrn from a tw"(,ts .. oj Rigoletto. The Ramphis of \-c:tr .. •· Ir:p oi e:-.:plnration in th.'Signor Hoz7.ano was wholly accept· Con�o re�i()n. In the",c article.::... hie. :tltho\lg-h at times 1\.1:: displaye!l \\'hi�h oC(':t:-ioncd a �rcat (kal oj <1; .. -evidence ... oi s('lf-consciou�ncss. H;5 c\1s�ioll at the tillle oj their :tppcarha�s vo;ce is remarkably resonant and ane.c. Dr. Sta,r told of the condition�re\'crbcrant, and is qualitatively even in this part of Africa as he had ac- \\' e make aSPECT :\LTY. ofthis cla�s of work. Let \1� glveVOll :\11 ('c:.timatc. Very h,g1,..:st·�ra(SpiES�n8ROS::e('d. �Hanufacturers of Fine Jewelry. ,,'56 Wabash Ave. Chi�gc;», ilL ·t'Cat:llog\lc upon appltcatlon. Suite 167-161 State Street.Spccialht inPYORRHEA ALVEOLARISSpecial Fees for Students.CHICAGOIf[IS SpecialValueS!'VVoolenslorCt)llege_ :': WearSlllTS or· OVERCOATSTo Order125 : : 130 : : 135TAILOR FOR YOUNG MENTwo stores: 131 La Salle - St., and44 I acJmon BoulevardT d. Hyde P"rk 473.A. H. Me.GREWLUMBERLath, Shingles, �ouldings, Etc., Etc64th Street and Madison AvenueSANS SOUCI P ABXDANCING PAVILION\ OPEN DURING THE WINTEREvery Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday Evenings andSunday Afternoon.l�uilciillg now enclosed andEntr:mce on Cottagc Grov.encar 61st Street.Music by KREUZ.No change in Prices.heated.Ave.,2SC the Person• --1,Mr. Trevor A� the University -------THE'DAlLY MAROON, 'CHICAGO,- FRIDAY, NOV. IS, 1907.urday, and if its backfield is as fastSaturday as it was last week, Michigan will have' to' use all its weightto get the long end of the score.This game, together with the Chi-cago-Carlisle contest, will be the onlybasis for comparison this year 'between the East and West, and isalso the- ouly way 10 which thestrength of the Chicago and Michiganteams will be contrasted. If Penn-Sylvania -wins over Michigan, and The committee of selection is com- The BEST Served -at-PopuIar_ Pric:es --danChicago, in tum defeats the Red Men posed of Laura Drake Gill, dean oi� IOUwho won from Pennsy, it will give I women of Bernard College; Profes- RESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTER. bailc�he Maroons a clear title, over. �ich- sor_ Fr�nces Squire Potter, of the In ConnectionI�� If the Quakers hold Michigan Uruvcr�ty of �linnesota; Agnes I� ;'�-��������������������������������������������������������ill;-�down to dose score though they do win, dean of women in Radcliffe0not win, and the Maroons decisively College; 1\1. Carey Thomas of Brynwalk over the Indians, the dope will Mawr College, Marian Talbot ofstill give Stagg the palm. The the University of Chicago, was alsoWolverines. however, are determined appointed, but has resigned.to reverse last year's result, and the The examinations will be thosegame will be an interesting one. given in January, 1908, by the Rhode-The Minnesota-Carlisle game is the scholarship trust in Latin, Greek .,r:dother big game in the west Saturday .\'lathcmatics. The purpose of t hcscThough the Indians are doped to win examinations is qualifying, the elc,and by good margin, the Gophers are ment of competition being barred.strangely confident, and it is possible From those who qualify, the abc vcthat Doc Williams has something up named committee will select :h<.'his slee\·,e which he win spring at the successful candidates. All those Jc '.v:\ x r E f)-Someexpense of the Carlisle braves. Cap- siring to enter for the cxaminnrioa;ron, of course, is expected to do the will apply to the chairman of tho"heavy work," and Minnesota rooters committee of selection, bcfor.e Jam;are looking for his boot to • make ary I, 1908_UNIVERSITY AUDITORRETURNS FROM EUROPE PENNSYLVANIANS INVADEMICHIGAN READY FOR GAME FRESHMEN TO DECIDE ONPRESIDENT THIS MORNINGMr. Arnett EDds-Siz Weeks' Tout Con'__" of, Saturdav Dra-"-g Bl·g ,• b""D"- 'I ""AU Wednesday's Disputed EI�ction to eof England-English Slur Ameri- Crow.:l- T --ue of Game . y�..... Settled at Meeting of First earcan Financial System. T_ '�-L.tfuL.&a � Men Today.auditor, has-returncd from an exten- The University of Pennsylvania Freshmen will hold a mcet ing t hi-,sive trip in Europe. Mr. Arnett's football team arrived in Ann Arbor morning at 10 :,-;0 in Kent theatertour was primarily a business one, yesterday to play its second annual for thc purpose of :1 final vote on t h«although he combined pleasure with contest with Michigan. The excite- presidency, t he r"_'sults of the vot ehis business. He was accompanied ment in Ann Arbor the past few days being uncertain. so far as the ballot sby his wife. has become intense and all are breath for Smith and Clark arc concerned,Mr. Arnett Icft Chicago the latter Jessly waiting for the great contest It is cspccia lly c1e,;ired that everypart of last September, sailing for People are pouring in from all-over one be present at this mcct ing, for ItLondon from Montreal. He spent the state, and the greatest crow-I is proposed to bring up some importmost of his time 'in London and that ever witnessed a game 011 Fern ant matters concerning' the relationWestern England. The trip both Fiehl is expected, of this clas s �o the Univcrxity and thegoing and coming, Mr. Arnett said Yost's men will outweigh the Penn- different classes.was accompanied by excellent sylvanians almost fifteen pounds to Acting President Hoffman of t h..weather, but during their stay in the man, and it is on this that Yost sophomore class, will preside.England they experienced damp and is basing most of his hopes for afoggy weather. Accompanied by his victory, Though the Wolverine GIVE WOMEN SCHOLARSHIPSwife he started for home the second backfield is said to be speedier than IN ENGLISH UNIVERSITIESof this month, arriving in New York any Michigan has ever had, i� is notNevember II. thought that it will be fast enough Society of American Women in LonRegarding the financial condition 'n to cope with the light Penn backs. don to Pay Expenses of TwoEngland, Mr. Arnett stated that the Yost's warriors have not shown :t Women Students.English people indignantly condemn- great adaptability to the new rulesed the American banking system, at- in the games play.ed this year, and The Society of American Womentributing the recent minor panics "'0 Saturday's game will show how much in London has offered two scholar,the American system. He also said they have learned in the last two ships in Eng-lish Universities tothat they would reform American weeks.' The same line up will be used American \Vomen. The holders ofbanking by' rc<:ommending a more against Pennsylvania that was used these honors will be _appointcd underelastic system. . against Vanderbilt, the auspices of th,e General FcdernGREAT DEMAND FOR SEATS Th.e Quaker eleven, on the other tion of Women's Clubs. One of thesehand, has taken a decided boost since is worth fully $1,500 and lasts. forChoice Tickets for Carlisle Game its defeat by the Indians and is con- two years. The successful candida."Go,ing Fast-Fully Half Are fident of triumphing over the Maize may study in the University, of 0 x-Sold and Blue. An excellent game was ford, Cambridge or London. Canplayed against Penn State last Sat- didates from thc Dist rict of Columhia. Ti-ckets for th-;.-c;;lisle game continued to go fast yesterday. Halfthe available seats have. been soldand the pace is increasing every dayBy tomorrow, says Manager Speik,nearly all the reserved seats will besold. arc given preference in obtainingthis. The other scholarship whichis good for 3 years, is also wqr th$1,500.Any student who has completedher sophomore year in a recognizedcollege is' eligible. The committee ofselection of the General Federationof Women's clubs determines theUniversity where the scholarshipshall be held.A continual line sought ticIc.ets atboth the gymn�sium and Spaldingsyesterday, and by- last night, afterthe second day of the sale was overDiector 'Stagg estimated that over$J�OOO worth of tickets had beendisposed of.-Only a few student seats were leftafter the sale closed yesterday. Ofthe 1,200 being 'offered, about goohave been sold. The sale of seats tooutsiders, though not as large as at\ Spalding's, was beyond expectationsManager Speik is being swampedby the enormous demand for ticketswhich continues to grow every day.SOCK AND BUSKIN TO GIVEVAUDEVILLE PERFORMANCEWomen's Coneg�biIosopby PlansMany Affairs for the YearForm Musical Society •.Thel Philosophy College of Womenis planning a busy social season 1)i5year. This college has always beenone of the most active among thewomen's colJeges and this year th�plans are on a larger scale than' ev.:r.Next week on WedneSday afte�noon the Sock and Buskin w:1I enter_tain the women of the college witha vaudeville program to be presentedin Reynolds Club theater at 4 o'clock.The object of the entertainment willbe to giv.c tbe girls an idea of -thework of the society. _�probably follow the. program.On Friday afternoon, November 22,the Philosophy girls will give a dancefor the men of Philosophy Collegein the Reynolds Club, at 4 o'clock.These dances ha .. ·c always beenamong the most enjoyable of informal affairs at the university and somespecial features arc promised on th;soccasion.A new society has also been organized under Miss Dorothy Day for themusically inclined. A' college sexteUe has been formed which willentertain tbe college with a programsome time aut mOat&. some points if he gets within strikin3'distance of his opponents' goal. Theline-up �i1I he the same that wentdown to defeat at the hands Q.f Chicago two weeks ago, .but reports Dean Lovett Delivers Address onfrom Northrop Field would seem tc Value of A. B. Degree.indicate that the ba-ckfield of themen from the Flour City, has been \Vith a "small hut. ,�nthu5iastilstr.cngthened; and will put up a better crowd'· present, Arts college oi nh'l1fight than it did against the Maroons, held its fir�t social yesterday aiterFor the Indians, their open fieU noon. After �ome preliminary g:Ulle:,plays and long forward passes wi:! I were play.':!d hy the students. DI::lI;probably do most of the scoring. 111 l.owtt g:wc a talk on the a();·allt.1��'addition to �Iount Pleasant's kick_l ()f the :\. R degree. saying it is th�'in gand brilliant nlOlling. As far as only degree h:n'illg l:istorical Si�lliliit is possible to predict at the present C:lt1ce, JT.� said the smal! numbcr 0:time it is tho!lght that both tcam� memhcrs of the College of Arts i�will score, but that the Gophers willi an a<h·ant:lgc. a� it prc<;entshe unable to check the fast plays and an oprortunity for a more thorol1ghformations used by Carlisle for more I fellowship' among the memhcrs.than one half.The Southern club will meet Sa!·1 .Pcnnsylv:lni:lTls :Ire rCf"lt1eSfe<i tourday night in the library at Hitch- i Icave their home :lnd Unh'cr�ity a(l-cock haiL• dress at 9 North han.ARTS MEN HAVE SOCIAL (' DRINKS ,INK' ,.LIKE A CAMEL-�jTo load a Conklin Fountain Pen, just dip it ia V ;ink, press the Crescent-Filler and see it fill ita·tank like a camel slaking its thirst. That's aUis to it! No dropper-no mess-no bother. DOanywhere-any time. �_'�,CONKLIN'S J..Ef:�G' (Ican he filled 'instantly without the least inconvenience� ,Y.. 'could till it with white, kid gloves on without dangW'soiling; Besides its convenience, is the splendid WI'itirc -qualities of t:1C Conklin-tile perfect feed. -: �, SophcLe:HliJll: dealers hundle the Conklin. If yours does DOt.-" - inulrcct. Prices, S"J.OO aud up. Send at once for handsome new cataIai--The Conklin Pen Co.,310 Manhaftan Bldi., Toleda,ii.lior"Nei:.�-�,, .••,, LeE! ALWAYS (fOSSI �I fourI For Everything in Hardware, :then• Paints, Oils and Glass llorgJ -u�hTel. H. ��160 '3_38__-42__E_._55_th_' _S_T_RE_' ...' :�wit-h,Lo:ard,and'namefifteelimit.MontripkThGILBERT WilSON (1 £0.fUROON MEN:I,,t,,,,•j�' ==C=�=A=I=L=:=R=rS==&::.:.:.W:.:::::.::i1.:.k.:..i::._e 1_�5__B1:_-D_,,_�_�_rbora_r_._51."_1, EMaroon ?leadc;�: :to� tl,'� r�� I,," r-; ..}. ':cd t.:�'KliDtheWHO HAVE BOUGHT OURCOLLEGE CORNER CLO!HES _,.'ARE BUYING AGAIN THIS FALLCOLLEGE SUITS AND OVERCOAT.S $35.00$HotelNORTHEAST CORNER 58TH S�. AND DREJ\.EL AVE.,- : Under Management of the National Hotel Company.Telephone Hyde Park 3739-, wer.theGroKlirfinisbrolENGINEERS-CONSTRUCTORSELECTRICAL - CIVIL- MECHANICALlSI L..A SALLE STREETCHICAG� wasshorun:but-.ritldo!dift,fini�Hymetryfin:1\"aTo2Wanted Typewritersto TYPEWRI.TERS for Sale er ItmSpecial rates to students; NrpIIISin roe-built machines. W. Whitehead. ..�6 La. Salle Streetyoung ladySki rc \\ it h me a three-room, steamlic.rt cd flat, at �6r E. 6:md St. Allthe modern :on\·cnicnces. Call(,Vl'nilll.!'s. :'.1 i�s Jessie E. Honey.h':\.\"TED-:\ young man- to soliCIt JAS_ H. HENDERSON, floors aD!\ d 't· n to furnitur.e refinished and polished;:ld\"l'rl;:::el1lellt�. .. goo pOSt 10a ,g-ooJ mall, .\ddr�ss J. ).1., Daily dancing ftoors a specialty. Addms:'.hrOCtll Ofl:ce. the Reynolds Club.\\':\XTED-Students to attend En- Saturday positions open:glc\\"ood Roller Rink. 6432 Went- Clerking in down-town stores-worth A vc, Evcry eve., Thurs., $ $2.00, $2.50 per day.Sat. and SUIl, Afternoons through pay 1.50,Apply Employment Bureau,Cobb rAe\\ :\.\"'1' Ll )-.\ I�larried m.ll! tt, take..:::re "f hn:-�c� :1Ild iWI::l(l' for fJm-j (;R;\DUATE of a stand:lnl BusinessIly r001ll, ;llld �.:; a wcck. ApplYI College. now taking graduate workat L:li,:n,Y;;j.:nt Bllre;tlt, office: in the University: will take a fewj,n;!f!', �)-II :\, m I! pri\':lte pupils in Shorth:lnd. Apply56'3 Drexel Ave. Flat 3.\\ ,\.\"TED-,\ yo,;ng woman totakej _c:tre oj child a Ie'w hours .1 :\OTTCE-Students who canvasscJday \,·jil j)1Y hoard :1lld raOUl. :\p-I la�t summer will hear �omcthing ofp'), to :\hll:1ge;' of Hotel ).raroun :uh-antage hy addressmg X, areor Emlllonncn: l�lIre:lU. :\raroon. State what yOll �old andI.' �;·i'·=-�\--;ll�I1�·� -gr-;): -gln\'� -: Y�gli�h :lfllOllllt cLeared.n::lkc. Kindly return to Jniorllla· ---------Now! is the time to subscribe. deJ)(Ust.tillD oflice.