.' .�.--.�,:,-",---,,"--'-�- .. -� ... - �--,Ilutitrttt<· -,"--_'._-"'-Membelll of·Senior andJUDiorC�� to Vote for OSiciala by AuatraJiaD... Syatem.Polls to be Open from g.oo to 12.00-'EleCtions Aze Creating MuchInterest.:--- .Tellers for the' Senior- class ,-electionWill be Sanderson, Jones' and Rich­ards, with Roney,.- Baker and Dixonalternates. 'Caldwell, umbach ndMcCracken. will supervise the, Juniorelection, with', -McBride, Hansen andWillis Adams as �1temates.'-!LiDcoID Hoase Admit. Bi&htLincoln House has admitt�d eightnew members this quarter. ,The newm�n are : Roy Baldridge, George M.Bliss, P. P. -Princef], A. W. Hum­mel, W. F. Hummel, A. A. Smith, P.H. Wltkins and Ben WiNs. Initia­tion was held on last Monday night. •• 0'"/.� � .e aaac.p'·w __ •........... :' .. ; ':'';;.:!' . r"":'j.... �.� .�. Oct. .. un:'De' u.u,. Oct. ,I. dOl. Bdlton ':u...' DO "Pemiment OSiceAs Yet Bat Hope to Locate"Qae Tbia Week. :·�FOWNESI ,.. -. �. '•. GLOVES��" . - Nineteen members of the JuniorIt is exceedingly encouraging and colleges, sixteen men and three"w6.h:gratifying to know that a play can be en; have registered' for 'the Junior c'ol­Work begins this week in earnest given continuously for five weeks lege declamation contest, the prdim-'m.tend-_' luDile d_ 'Mall _ tile eM- on 'the new edition of the official before large audiences at ev.ery per- inaries of which oeeur 0 .. ' November •eqo � annual student publication, the Cap formance without the aid of the 14- The number 'of contestants thiF ·�I11111." •• " •• iI •• iIand Gown, and within a month, gaudy. flashy, startling and inartisti« y�ar is considerably sDl;:lIe� than thePablIIIM4 . daI17. ucept SaadQ8, IIoD... the "managing editors hope til advertisements characteristic or mod- number which entered' the' autumndaJa &ad bolldaJa.. 4artDc tbree-qaarten have all the student literary mills ern theatrical methods. This feature contest last year, when Ullrty:five can­grinding out stories, jokes, puns, is one of the distinct triumphs of didates entered th� preliminaries. Inarticles, and everything' else that will "The Man From Home." contrast with last yea'r's 'e"nfry, when: SDIIIcd""_ .. - ··00 - '_.'•• L ...... be aval'la' hie. The entire enactment of the plav ..', ... ' G., __ .- __ _ _ seven JunIors regJstere'd' rady selee-for I 1IlCIIl� Saa.rl»t10D8 neely"· * Plans for an 'exceJltionally good is meritorious of the . approbation tions, there is a wide choice of au­tIae IIaroCIIl 0IIce. JI:llt. Ball. - at tilt Cap and Gown' have been maturing accorded it. Mr. Hodge, in 'the role thors and orations in the_' fist -, of se-i'acalQ � � BalL for the last three months. The man- of a country lawyer from Indiana, iections oBer.ed· this year.aging editors have their minds pret- is decidedly excellent. In his acting Those who will appea> it:' the pre-.LUTBBB D. i'BllNALD. 1Iaa� EcUtor ty well made up that it will take hard and speaking there is' a remarkable liminaries on' November 14 are:l'ItB8TON 1'. 'GABS. Nen Bdltor. work on the part of other schools ease of speech and demeanor that Vallee O. Appel, "The Spirit of Con-1IBL,!.Df J. ADAMS. Athletic Bditor. to surpass the annual Chicago wiJJ renders his part as absolutely real quest"; Samuel J. Borchers, "lm-LOUIS 8. UBLIK. BaalDeea 1Iaaapr. print in May, 1908. The scope of the as the. enactment of any part could peachment of Warren Hastings":Cap and 'Gown is to be enlarged to possibly be made. There is 110t 'a 'Paul Davis, "Declaration of lndepen­a great extent. New deparfments discernable flaw or over emphasis in denee"] 'Edward Dyicstr.&, "The Ex-.usocIAm Dl'l'CJU will be begun, new features intro- his entire interpretation and rendi- tioctioli of War"; S. Edwin Earle,Warren D. Foster, dueed and' the necessary ones' will be tion of the part. The cool, clean, "Burke's Conciliation" 'R. W. Lock-Harry A. Hansen. so disguised "that the entire book will precise,. imperturable attitude of· a ard, ''The New. Sou�It"'; Mabel J. '- .. T, I '; �Jerome Fraak, .have a brightness which will appeal lawy.. r 15 �ver pre�ent a�d powerful, LOdge, .. "; Edgar LudWig,. W'W' '00 ensP. W. Pinkerton. to .evecyone. an� that hiS p�ay IS. m�kmg a. grea��' "The Vagabond Prinee"; \VilIiam Mc-I . lorThe board"of managers and editors s�lId and lasting' hIt. I.S not ID the Aridr.ew. Jr., "Demanding .»tstice";��-"ll� •• Wear·:,',�.'DI'OaDS wiShed to' have a permanent office slightest degree s�rpn:lDg. . .. Frithfolf Nelson. '''War' with Cuba"; "" "'oe .••)Vatter A. Ford. Miss Esther Hall, on the.' campus before, annoWICing T�e cMr°mp�7Y 1St fairly t:ellG bandI.; John E.' Peak,""The'Negro Question"; SUITS 'or' 'OYERI'OI"Harvey B. Fuller, Jr., A. 'L Fridstein that they were ready to receive work ance. '.: y�p .��, as .e �: 'Reno 'R. 'Reeve, "Th.e M'other of,' � JlI�. �rt D. Henderson Fred W: Carr,. for the annual and plans for such an Duke Vasiti VasltlVltch, IS irre- Abraham Lincoln"; Richard Y. Rowe,Office are still hanging fire, with the pr�chabJ.e. His. im�ersonation of �be "The Spirit of Conquest"; Carlie R.possibility of one in Ellis being the quiet, stately dignity of a RUSSian Sontin, "The New S�utii'�; Louise(nearest to becoming. a r.eality. It nob�eman is superb, and could hardly· Stevens, "A Picture' ot War"; Chas.bas been decided, however, to an- be improved upon. Mr" Hannon all R. 'Sumner, "Arbitrament of War."nounce plans at once in order that Ivanoff, an escaped convict from Si!. �.. . 'h' h be ria, played his part excellently, 'INT£RPRETS "IDYLU: OF16 DAYS II· ORE THEN' ,. A 'DT T�Y; _ .t ose w, 0 have be. en waiting for the� At all times his manner truly, por- "TIlE ;iJaNG ...;.· ''BY ·1IUStC_...._ . ehance to get the:.' pens started may .Today and tomorrow elc;ctions for lose no time. trayed the nervousness and perturba:.: � � ....... _iil ...... �,' �:,:Senior and Junior class affices Will 'Box '280 of the Fafulty exchange tion of a hunted, pursued convict. "N. J.j:��tI�. :800-. '. , . �!��" "A.,(be held in. Cobb unJef has been reserved for contributions Mr. Ratcliff as ·the Earl of· Haw- ata Enrica in Rtidtai.··YeidercJq .TAILOR· FOR YOUNG .JIIIl'The 'I ti'" ,_ .... ' 'ca, stIe. rather overacted the ....... rt. ·•· ... �\·m·.'�"";"":"�..:..s Tw S S � ... 'a new e ec 00. p4u.' to"the Cap and Go·wn. StuJents are . ......,ft&�.umu� 0 tora: 131 La treet, ��,Claa Accoiding to the sys":' aSked to look over last year's excel- There was about his portrayal of the .----- 44_'_ac_bo__n__. �;�ii!i'-�:,.�.... ··�:",I',-_BIectioaa tem adopted by the lent literary section and see the kind character a bristling overemphasi�.·' Mac�well's':Soliata 'Eroic:a, a rep- - r=tf'Senior �ollege Council of material wanted Those wishing ':lnd,. an Wlnecessary ostenta�on which restntation in music' of 'Tennyson�s :'B:O 0 ·K ':S4.. �.'::class. elections have been syst�t- to iollow up any certain idea or who removed every vesti�' of the dignity Idylis-' of 'the � 1CiiIg, 'W:as played and..,. ' ' .. ' � : n;]ized and organized so' that technical- are looking. ,for special assignments which the part called for. AlthouRh i#tetlJteted" in delightful faShion by .ADd Sappliea for Universiq '-..ites. hav.e been removed, and ,e�" are asked to drop a. note to the edi- the role is naturafly showy and bom- J .. N.' Corey, . the Jecture:.piUist ':oi ". Hip:Sclio01 Students.' ���'::opportunity is given every membe� tors. Warren Foster or Harry Han- bastic yet it should . still retain a Detroit. ·�Sterday afternoon, at 4 New and Second Hand.! "'.r,of either class to �epter his vote for sen, Box 280. All business arrange- somewhat grandiose dignity. The o'clQCk in' �tI1deL nle''I'ecital being '"IlI5Wli-=t"S '\:'�,the one he considers the most de�' ments should be made with W. P. same fault was present io Mr. Gay- an GI11JS1Ial even in the round 'of � '415 E. 57th Streetserving eandidate. MacCnlcken. ler's· the Hon. Almeric St. Aubyn, the amusements' at the ,University was Next to comer Kimbark :-;.The eJections should be taken ser- In a week the committees for the son of the Earl of Hawcastle. There consequently well attended. Mr.iously by every member of the class., annual will be aamed .The editOr» was little. of the foppish dignity which Corey as a personified and close. stu-:,Under the arrangements planned the Will follow the plan of last year's his part required. Mr. Short as dent of the ,great' American cobl­voting 'will ,taR but a few secondS Cap and Gown board, which chose Horace Granger Simpson also rather poser whose work he interpretectfor the student who has canvassed the best workers from the four class- overdid the part of an American in pve a 'most' .enjoyable performance.the situation thoroughly· and decide� es oftb e UJliversity. disr�garding the Italy, his demeanor bordering onwhich candidates he will 'support. .: tradition that the third. year class English stiffness and snobbeiy. 1Iiss'The vote in these �ectiODS will hf. only should publish the book. Wyndham was chosen with an un:'appear meaS1lre of the spirit of the The present ecJitors think that all usual skill for the part of Ethelc!asses. A small· vote will indicate that is be�t in'stude •• t life jill lhe Uua- Nangh Simpson.a' correspondingly slight interest oDi venity of Chicago should be iDltluded The very reluctance to capitulationthe part of a class in its own aftairs�' in the annual. to persuasion from fulfillment .of awith. the natural assumption that .in- Men will be named e"n committees fixed purpose which in women is' soterest in general University interest� only according to ability and desire natural was clearly tlhown by her.· cost of publishing all tile music everis lilr.ewise ·insignifiant. to', help. No, positions will be given Her part was shrouded in easy nat� used by the organization would· be.,',out as ,personal favors for partisan ural grace which added a distinct This plan is for the be_fit' of thereasons. .The editors ar.e under obli- charm. Mr. Asher W3S a most elreel- Blade Friars, who realize the adrin;.lent Miriano. taie of possessing such a collection.The settings are aiso worthy or The other committees are hard a�note. In contrast to many stage set- worle On their respe::tive tasks andtings of present times there was a expect to report soon.genuine artistie beauty pervadingevery nook and comer of the stage ..The play taken as a whole is excep- .'tionaJly gOod. "ate '-.enice . ClOves- �wear laDe and look we1l,�, while tbq, wear. � ..SpecialValues!'.. '., .�r. ,"I.52.0AA.!,�.; .'�i',. d474 Eut 55th Street 125 To'order: : 130 : :.".Bo.' �OFFI(BaI�fta-.-'U·B:I'O'.' CUT RATE DYERS ct CL,EAJ_.n,en and C1eaaera of Ladies' WGents' Garment.. Carpets,. iea ad LEe Cartaina. Phone.Park, n&g.54S E. 63I'd St. Cor. Greenwood if'.Ladies' Garments Price Lilt -,PIai. Skin deaDed aDd prated • . •Pleated SkIn cleaDed aDd pralled . .: �.Waist cleaMd aDd prated , . • . • • 'lie.Jacket deaDed aDd pl'eSted • • . • , • 'lie.Skm spoapd aDd praMd • • , . , . lie.lien'. Garments Price ListSalts.ry cleaDCd aDd pl'eSKd • • • • . �Salts stcalll c1etlMd aDd praMd • . , . • aJTr.nen dry deaMd aDd prated • • • • , •Onr-c:oats dry cleaned ."d prested , . • • �Onr-c:oats steam cleaDCd aad prn..ed aJSaits spoIIpd a.d preued • • • • •••• :, •I'roesen .. ce4 aDd praMd • • • • • •• OflJcia}tielSptracotic.&:. (New Yo·.. S11Sc. LouI,ClaciDIU. City, t'1. ., Ii:!: . iT·.:A. 'K 0 U 81>: '319' E. 57th Street ':, .Telepbone H� Park 2015;::'Laacbeoas, DUmas. AftemOOD��'". SaDday 'Ni&ht Suppers.specialties 'to order-', Salada;' .Sandwiches. Cakes,PatI7 aDd' Battles.To CoUect Soap of Black Frian.Abbot Max Richar J:; haS appoint­ed a 'committee, consisting of Klein,Gr.eland 'and Jones. to· look into thematter of publishing ,he songs u�in the plays given by the Black Friars.The committee is to find oat what the "'f:lfiabt'SchooI Ii,,",, OpeD \ ,��:IOLLIIfBRY SHOP aDd seB'Meaton ct �adaett �� ;'�:�83 E. 47th St. Tel Oakland' .;?'........ Tel 3., IEIectr. ',' COIOlUMICATJONEdito� Dail,. Maroon:It seemS Somewhat . out of taste ODour part to claim so much. �� ourfootball' team as has been Indicatedin various reports in the Maroo� ,nf!the downtown papers. Not only :r�such statements premature:.�ut t �to be in the ucst taste.do not sem'Iy is not and �anootThere necesanbe any championship in the � est, 00account of the conditions whIch ex- University ·wher.e we have to haveist. It is trUe, however, that t�ere them. The Cap and' Gown will havecould: be such a thing as a champIon- working committees. We alreadyb· of the Conference colleges, an� have· enough names of men to assures IP 'th Pur ..'f Chicago wins her game W1. their co-operation. I don't say I think�ue next Saturday, she might ngbt- the book will be as good as last At the meeting of, t"e Pre-Lepifully claim that honor. I pe�so�Uy y.ear's-I Imow it will." Club Tuesday evening, A. B. Hall a_ for the sake of the l]aiftl'Slty, member of the 19O5 debating tea�d its coaches that oar deliver.ed an interesting tat1c on de.;.the team anhave not been mOl'e COD- The New York Club will hold "l bating, cleverly illustrating his pomtsstatement� good form and with th� social meeting tomorrow evening .t by selections and example!- of debatessistent WIthA. A. Slag. " o'clock iii I ' ..... 0. IS. aINI oaton" art.jaCU. gations to nobody, and men who arechosen and then fail to make goodwill be dropped without ceremony.One of the editors said yesterday:"We hav.e such a t;p!endid outlookthat we 'can afford to drop any butthose willing'and able to work for theCap and Gown. I don't believe indummy committees personally, al-tho.gh there are some things in th� Ned Butterfield, 'uG, who has beenin \Vyoming on aecount of his health. ToeIis recovering rapidly, and expects togo i�to the newspaper business inthe Northwest next year. pFOR RENT-Two first-class,adjoining. s .at SlJ3 JacJitlaSteam heat rlighted rooms,for three. CallAve., first flat.bath. ..GIr.".I11;-.I't "4 __ .oot. .•. ...: '_ .• _ _jI.', •. � "' , /.. � .. '� _. , .• " ',THE DAILY MAROON" CHICAGO.· THURSDAY, NOV. 'i. 'j907 ...·.aNTLE ...., .. __ anu........ _........... 1:'BDS�GARTER'1111 nn II m_ ... �����.' .CUIHIO •.IUTTOI.CLASP_.ftOfteo ........................ &0Tei: Hyde Park 437.A. H. MC,.,GREWLUMBER _.�.! � Shingles, Mouldings. Etc., Etc64th Street and Madison AvenueAMES HATS52.00 $3.00A fair deal with neq.bat.� .. ; , Opera Hats, Silk Rata.)ill, 163 E. MADI�ON STREBT,Hear La SaULBORDEN·.o,Ddensed Mnk, Plaid IIilk, Cream. and Buttermilk.,All Bottled in the Country.. Borden's Co-adensed IIilk 0,.. .' 327-329 E. Porty-M:YcDth st.Itt:.-.:t ·'A.G. SPALDINGn,B,�':··{/SR.'OS.'_·If.: __.:�- ..,... .i .'!be Largest Man�c:turera in, the��, World of,OFFICIAL ATHLETIC 'SUPPL�2' . Base BaD, Poot BaD. Golf,Lc;»wn Tennis, Basket Ball,H�.Official Implements for Track andI-ield Uniforms �or �II �portsSpalding's Handsomely Illus­trated Catalogue of all sportscontains numerous susges­tions. Send for it. It's Free..1. G. SPALDDfG "'BJU)S�,New York. ('''blear. Philadelphia, Host_. &lti-· .... Syfacuse. »IDDeapoJi .. DetrolL WUlabaIlOD.Sc. Loais. New OricaDS. SaD Fra.dsco. Pittsbarz.CIad ... ttl Deaycr. UODtraL Baf'alo. Kaa ...., Oly, '_'If.Y�'.nd. Cfllftfld"TeL 3348 Hyde Park." I1ISS 1[.'.. DOUBliectrical Facial Kasage,Electrical Scalp Treatment.SbampooiDc,- EtC.'242 East 57th streetCbicaao·Suite 167-J61'State Street.Specialist inPYORRHEA ALVEOLARISSpecial Pees for Students.CHICAGOT.eI. Randolph ;66.Dr. Jerome W. EgbertDENTAL SURGEONChloe • ."A. MeAd ....n.u ...... _... FI 0 r, •• ""._ .,.,I11III_-:GIr �Aw. "------ .... --� ..... ----. GREEK CONSUL - GENERACToe­TELL OF MODERN GREEK _.. " __ ....... a_ .... __ .. � ..... _ ........ _� ...... ... _ .. .. _ .....• • • •• • • • Ii ft'. I • • I -••••••• '.'. •• •! Ed� A. B�.IT� �����, OltBSftA � cO� .SEASON 1907-lg08 ..The Benson Orchestra 'will furnish music .Ior thr. following well/knoWnclub. throughout the season of 1907 'and lQ08:CLUBS-Calumet, Calumet Country Club. Onwentsia, Birchw�, EX­moor Golf,'Union League, Chicago Automobile Club, South Shorer Club,Chicago Golf Club. Highland Park. Club. South Side Colouial.HcmeweodCountry, Ft. Dearborn. Club, New lJIinois Athletic, Chicago Athletic clubHotels-Lakota, Virginia. Vendome, Metropole, The Moraine, 'Chicago. Beach, Potter Hotel, Santa Barbara. Cal..This Orchestra enjoyed the distinction of having playotd for the Kinnessthe Midwinter Cotillion. the Village Fair. the Harvard Dance Streets ofParis, the University of Wisconsin. Promenade. the North W�st.em Uni­versity Pan Hellenic Promenade, the University of Chicago JuniorPromenade, �tc. For open dates and other information address:Telephone» . EDGAR A. Central 5253' . •. ,:,'l,_"" , I". _ ,.: " ....DESIGNER OF THE COLLEGE JIAN.'S, APPAREL.George Horton. Author and Diplo­mat. to Give .Illustrated Lectureon Greeks Today.40 East Randolph Street. ChicagoConsul General Geo:-ge Horton ofAthens, Greece, will give an illustrat;ed lecture on the "Grecks of Today"this afternoon at 4 :15, in Kent thea­tcr. The lecture will be given underthe auspices of the Chicago Societvof the Archaeologien] Institute ofAmerica and will be free to all. _Dr. Horton is a native of NewYork and graduated from the Univer­-it y of .l\lichigan in 1878. PresidentCleveland appointed him UnitedStates Consul at Athens in 1893, Heremained in Athens four years. be­coming distinguished for his com­rnand of modern Greek language. inwhich tongue he wrote a novel, Re­turning to the United States he• became literary editor of the Chica­This is the only Full Dress Shirt go Times-Herald. In 1904 he wasmade," the bosom of which abso- again appointed Consul at Athens,lutely will not bulge •. 'IOU somewhat more than a year ago.· You will never wear ::.ny .other in recognition of tile value of hiskind if you try this.(Patented Feb. 28-1899.) :,'!rviccs, he was promoted to the"TIlE MAl' BORBLE'" rank of consul general.IU ,,- L Mr. Horton has achieved consid-erable reputation as' an author. Someof his works are the following cSongs of the Lowly; In UnknownSeas; Constantine; A Fair Brigand,1898;' Like Another Helen,' 19()I;Modern Athens, 1901; The Temptingof Father Anthony, 1901; The Long,Straight Road, 1902; In Argolis, 1902;The Monk's Treasure, 1905. 177 Randolph Street, Chicago BENSON.----------------------.------------------------------�-----Anton A. Melum & SonsTAILORSMAKE A SPECIALTY OF COLLEGE CLOTHESIMPORTED MAT;ERIALINDIVIDUAL STYLESNo.9305 Atwood Bldg. Clark and Madison Sts.Telephone Main 3917,�AREY'S- . PIPE AND BORER' £OV_GSAll &ood furnishers sell them.Made byUnited Shirt and Collar Co.Shirts and Collars 85 Per Cent - Magnesia, Abestos,· Etc.Our Co�rings used. on the Steam Piping in Power' House, TwiDeIa,and B�ding of the University, of Chicago.k Contract wor� a' �pecialty.SUPPLY '·CO •A BIT OF BUNKA Curse o� the' CurseThe ;)ld grad on the bleachers sat WESTERN ROOFING . 6Beside the Sophomore,And watched the reformed warriorsplay"Unlike the brutes of yore . rHREE QUARTERS CLUBCOl-,ITINUES INITIATION.JOHN W. DOUGLASHe saw the off-side. kick go wrong,The misplace� forward pass.And sighed in vain for the line of- '�beer" ." '. '::41: - �., ".. :; ....... -."' ....,And Jhe centre plays en masse... The Three Quarters club continued,'";�.- .. ' ... ��. ":'.'. fts··'initiation ·oi'the. thirty-one mem-The ,h.a!�-back staggers from the bers, who were to .be admitted intoPuts Freshmen Tbroug)1· StUnts at.10.30 in Front of Cobb Hall-Causes Much Amusement. -�,.. . "'l-�'-" . f' .... -.. ', .• -1••:-\ f:. hip_"· The.. graduate then said:"Perhaps its a stiff oldhorse, their ranks yesterday morning, by :1series of stunts executed in front ofCobb, to the great amusement andjollification of' all the bystanders.Th.e festivities started in with a cor-Ior poral punishment given in the. base-ment of Kent. Long, one of the in-itiates was comp�kd to don whke �.���� ���� __ ������ � __ ��� __ ���.�._.�Charley _socks, ... 011 his trousers up to hisknees and go to the Information of­fice for a postage stamp, On his . roe-ga�e;A, sub goes to his place,"N�,� �hat is .w;ong�" the old gradJlsks. 'The "Sophy" hides his face,"Must have wrenched a knee Telephones 4068 H�rison�-38s4 'Automatic.51 E.)ACKSON B�VD.·Or doesn't he use his head]" .Maro'�nturn he presented it with an elo-Th�' under-grad looked far away qucnt speech to one oi the young la-And sadly wiped his eye. dies watching his antics. The next.The graduate grew sore and cried, thing was a race from Cobb to Kent"Corne, Sophy, tell me why." and back. The last one was sub-"It ain't no harm to sIng man, jectcd to a paddling. Without al-To answer be not loath." lowing them to take breath, theyThe �oph;more heaved a sigh and Wf're s('nt running around the "C". said, bench at their fastest gait. As soon"He used a violent oath." as the candidates were accustomedto run in one direction, they wereY. W. C. L. Welcome New Kembers told to reverse. When the club mem-The Y. W .• c. L. meeting yester- bers were satisr.cd with the running.day. morning was given over to r.ec- the victims were told to fall overognition, of the new members. each other in order to imitate theSpec:hes' of welcome were made by football team. In tile meanwhile.Grace Norton, Helen Hendricks' and Long of the white socks, was sent toMary Heap. hug a tree and make love to it. Thenthe candidates were tc1d to come onto the ··C' bench, and when they di\1so, were sor.dy chide •. 1 for so doing.Just then the II o·dock bell rang.;'Ind, further initiation was postponedlilltit a future date. NORTHEAST CORNER 51TH ST. AND D� .AVE.Under Management of :the 'Na� Ho�' Company.Telephone Hyde Park 31�The sesr ·Served _f Pop_ 'Pn�RESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTERIn �z:mectionSMIT'H-VAILEPumping M�chinel'7The PI':tt Ironworks' Co·311 &arbOm street,Chicqo. lit.Harrison 867.TURBINE PUMPSSTEAM PUMPSELECTRIC PUMPSAN ADV. INTHE DAILY MAROONIS AS GOOD ANINVESTMENTJOHN B. STETSON UNIVERSITY DE LAND,PLORlDA,Affiliated in I&)7 with THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO.The President is a Doctor oi Philosophy of the Uninrsity of Chi­cago, and eleven mcmbers of the Faculty ha\'ot been students at th<!University of Chicago. m:sny of them taking degrees. Stetson is lo­cated at DeLand, Florida, the land of flowers, sunshine, blue skies<lnd balmy o�ean breezes. Summer recreations run throu�h the Win­ter. (Costly buildings, electric 1ight�, electric bells, cement walks, shellroads, broad avenues. tropical shnlbbery and kees. Biggest registra­tion this year in its history. There are four colleges, five schools, 14buildings and -I8··in the Faculty.Students from" the University of Chicago may do their work atStetson durinz· the Winter Term, and receive their credits at Chicago_Address, President Lincoln Hulley, Ph.D., LL.D., DeLand, Florida.AS YOU CAN MAKE.HAVE YOU INVESTED? The Political Econ:)my Cillb wi11\ hold a meeting this e"cning at :oso·c1ock. in Cobb 3C. llr. Kern willspeak.SUBSCRIBEFORTHEDAILYMAROONDo it How.' W.:\:\TED-Situation by first-c1as<;cook. with daughter 13 years old,who will carc for chi!dren or help;near t;niversity; no washing, butwill do other work; references. Callat llaroon off1c'c, -Ii .. E. ��th St. "I,,.,THE DAILY MAROON. CHICAGO_, THURSDAY, NOV. 7, 1907 •.DRINKS 'INKLIJ(E' A -CAMELTo loacl a ConJdin FOtUltain P�, ;ust dip it In anyink, press the Crescent-Filler and see it fill its owntank like a camel slaking its thirst. That's all thereIs'to it I No droppe�o mess-no bother. Do it, anyw�ere-any time.CONKLIN'S .=0 PENliTHE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT-FILLER",can be filled instantly without the least inconvenience. Youcould fill it with white kid gloves on without danger ofsom�g. Besides its convenience, is the splendid writing,qualities of the Conklin-the perfect feed.� dealers haDd10 the CoDklln. If yours does DOt. orderdirect. Prices. 13.00 aDd up. Seud at oace for haDdaome DeW catalO£'.The CoaIdiD Pm Co., 310 Manhattan Bldi., Toledo, OhioSCHOOLS TRAIN PURPOSEAND FORCE OUT OF PUPILS C. C. MEN, HOLD TRY-OUTEditorial in "Elementary SchoolTeacher" Attacks Public SchoolCurriculum.Iation between studies, and an indif­ference to whether pupils understandthe, purpose of the tasks. set them,are turning out purposeless andapathetic graduates from our publicschools, in the opinion of Miss Ber­tha ,',Payne, assistant editor of "TheElementary School Teacher." She.expresses this sentiment in emphaticterms in, the November number ofthe magazine, which wilt be, issuedtoday by the University Press."W e have purposeless, vague, limppeople in the world," she declares,:.:, "partly because they were born so,but:'in�.ninety.;.nine cases out of' onehundred,' it' is b�cause the school hastrained all purpose and force out ofthem. ni�if' ideas has been disin­tegratC?<L�""Just so soon as school ac,tivities: ofEer as much opportUnity, forexperiment and obsevation and origi­nal effort as play does, we may beginto hope for a subsequent generationof workers who will put brains intotheir work.we grown-ups feel toward writing ,fwe knew that every careful exercise,every bit of narrative, every letterand every record of experiments,were to' be immediately consigned tothe dust-heap? We �nt to givethem ease and 'skill; w.e thereforedivest their reading of meaning andmake, their writing a set of exercises,unrelated to 'any use or thought ap­preciable by them. We make it theend and aim to secure repetition ofthe old vocabulary and to add to it,in the hope that it' may soon be ofuse. Therefore, they write for, thewaste-basket."The children do arrive at a point.certainly, ,when they are ready ,topractice in order to achieve ease andsmoothness in any function, but thispoint comes when we have learnedthe meaning and purpose of the mode Morgan Comes in First, Mating theCoUrse Over Wood� Island in COIOIONWEALTH CLUBOUTLINES FUTURE PLANSProminent 11.= to Address the Club/DurinC the Season.The' Commonwealth Club held it ..first meeting of ,the year in the lawsc hool Lecture room last nigh t. Mostof the old members were back to dis­cuss the policy of the club for thecoming year.The club is planning to have prom­inent men regardless 01 political faithto give addresses before the wholestudent body. Such lectures wouldbe under the auspices of the club andwould tend to interest tli� studentsin honesty and 'straightforward,nessin politics. This is the' line of activ­ity that the club' intends to pursue.Associate Professor Merriam of thePolitical Science Department outlined16 :3o-Captain Caldwell Sick and the other. It is for the members ofUnable to Run.the club to co-operate with the va-'The first preliminary tryout of the rious civic organizations, settlement-s,Says Schools are Responsible for candidates for the cross-country team and public charities, and not only �oNine-Tenths of Purposeless and was held yesterday afternoon, The take an interest in them but to doApathetic. results were: actual work.First, Morgan. 16 :30. Assistant Professor Merriam wentTedious drill, apparent lack of re- Second, Kling, 16:40. on to state how Yale .University hadThird, Canouse. 17 flat. originated the idea and has a club ofFourth, McNeish; fifth, Johlin; thirty or forty members. This clubsixth, Dolan; seventh, Goesi eighth, has been a great success, and its in­Floyd; ninth, �; tenth, N�. fluence has been widely felt. Prot..The men ran ov.er the short course, Merriam concluded by saying that nbeginning at, the president's house institution such as the University ofdown. the Midway over the Wooded Chicago owes something to the com­Isle, and back to Lexington, a dis- munity in th� way 'of educating itstance of about three miles. students in proper government.Captain Caldwell' has been sick' in Mr. Samuel MacClintock, of the Po,bed since Monday and was unable to litical Science Department, wa� elect­run with the men. 'He sent a note of ed to fill the vacancy in the presi­instructions to the squad. urging them dency. Alvin Kramer was electedto make a good showing but not over- vice-president. Hugo, Friend resign­tax themselves, as this was merely ed as secjetary on accounta preliminary tryout. He cautioned of lack of time, and William Weath­those not in condition against running ers was, elected in his place. Thehard in this trial Another race will next meeting of the club wiH be an-be run next week -and several' later, nounced later. 'before, the, team, and club are finallyselected. A' bare-and-hounds race LIT. WOMEN CHOOSE NEWwill probably be run Friday to add a DRAMATIC CLUB MEMBERSlittle variety to 'the strain of the try- ---out. .' ,I Four ,�didates ,Are Passed hy the" Judges-To Hold AnothCl"START WOMEN'S ATHLETICS : Trial Later. ', The first trial' for the selectionfor women's athletics are very: en­couraging. Although there is not :1sufficent out-doors field available theDudley field and the Woodlawn fieldon Fifty-�ighth street are being usedfor the outdoor sports. The women ofthe University do not enter into anyinterscholastic games, but they playhockey, basket-ball and tennis to per­fection.of expression we arc using. When this "'_':'-Js GiveLiterature VIA Entertainmenttime comes drill is stripped of muchof its drudgery. One of our most The first social affair given by thewomen of the College of Literaturecommon mistakes with children is todemand the drill before they reallyfeel any need of it; thus continuallywe put the cart 'befo.c the horse.""One of' the greatest dampers o�individual effort is the extinguisher FlOor of G,m. is 'Repaired �d Classesof the waste-basket, How' should Begin Work.The woes of, the women of the Uni­versity who use the woman's gymna­sium have come to an end. The col­lapse of the floor �f the woman'sgymnasium at the beginning of theseason caused much inconvenience anddistress among the women athletes.The floor is now repaired and will beused today.AIl classes in the woman's gym. PURDUE STRONGER THANbegan work early this week. Miss SCORES IHDICATE--STAGGGertrude Dudley thinks the prospects (Continued from page I)was a marked success. It was givenTuesday afternoon in the Lexingtonlibrary. Many of the participantswore old-fashioned dresses, resur­rected from family, chests or manu­factured out of old party dresses. Theleaders of the Virginia reels were inThe Church History Club will meetthis evening at 8, in South Divinityparlor, Father O'Gallaghan will talkon "Distinctive Principles of Roman costume, and led the dances with allCatholicism." the grace of their ancestors. AfterSend in your SUbscriptions to TheDaily Maroon. Do it DOW.Subscribe for the Dail,..'''�''' .. about an hour of dancing and merry­making some of the girls presented adramatic entertainment especiallygotten up for the amusement of thefreshmaa. charter members for the DramaticClub of the College of Literature(women) was held yesterday after­noon. The successful candidates wer�the Misses Marian Bowlan, LauraWilder, Miss Mamie l:illy and JessieHeckman.As yet rio definite plans of organiza­tion have been drawn up. Anothertrial well be held later on. MOSSLER..'Decided "Class'"For' UniverSity Menat a Reasonable' :t�;Exp�nditure in price ':tXWe put brains in tbe cuttiD(;��,making, tl.e l�tt"l1g ,and f:e sd\,�:of tl:c patterns. "i>astmasters i!,:l;'�,art of dress'· best expresses it.��jWe make our clothes on the �•• sh �'i',ISCS m our own ops. I;�, I s there any other concern 'iJ(. ,,��',cago that does this? No! ,,:."�},Now, don't cet 'the impressiOll,,:our prices are hi&h, for the ',." . .-,::.��{.,.is true. • ""-if;Suits: $18� $20, $25, $28, $�1'::- J;.'and $40 is all we ask. �z::.Overcoats e $IS, $20, $25, $�,'::;/�,����'Waistcoat shop, first Soor:'-highest quality' vests,values to So. .......... ..,,', and upward. .'MossIer'Clever Clothes, 53, Ja- :Said for· "Chap BOok."Any Apparatus Made to Or.derw. J. BOEHMMANUFACTURER AND IMPORTERPhone Main 2100-FOR RENT-Two first-classwarm sunny single rooms, $8.00month each. s809 Jackson AY. tWG cr"'Who h:\hl'te' 1ditiontole theIOOd �-'they \11IIltn"itnpro,------------- ...... lIlen \11!right"�'hroog.----to give the students a line on the WANTED- Men to solicit; goodteam. proposition; commission basis. Mr.Markham, Federal Electric Co.,Lake and Desplaines,Dr. Small, the University phyiscian,stated last night that no new cases ofsmailpox had developed. Fullbrightwas getting along very nicely, andLevinger and Hall are on' the rapidroad to recovery and witl soon be WANTED-THE foHowing copiesback at the University. of The Daily Maroon will pay roceach for Oct. 23; sc each for Oct.\VANTED-Every man who has not I:ith, 16th and lith. Bring themsubscribed, to do so at once. along. The Maroon oilice.No New Cases of Smallpoz. 1')fIewaitersTYPEWRI.TERS for Sale or RSpecial rates to students; hi';in roe-built machines. W.head, 36 La Salle Street.WANTED-Young woman to takecare of child, a couple of hours af,ternons; $4 per week. EmploymentBureau. 10:30 to 12:30, Cobb ,IA.GUARANTEED salary ror'�dents, also commissionhours daily; speci31 induSaturday Evenine Herald,BuildillK-