:ilurnunVol. VI. No. 22. ' CHICAGO, TUESDAY. OCT. 29. 1907. Price Two Centsciay morning to consider this questionknown."among other things, and referred thedecision back to the deans, who complexions are to be the insigna ofthe Freshman girls according to tho!The matter of the existence of the Bretz, "on o� before Wednesday, HeDBBATETBlALT�DAY 'FEAR OF EPIDEMIC ISIEEDLESS, SAYS DR. SMALL GIRLS TABOO GUD CAPS I SQUAD GETS HARD WORKFOR GAME WITH GOPHERSPOSTPOIE SETTLEMEIT OFSTATUS OF UIDERCLASS Will Make Firat Selection of Menfor Varsity Debate Teams Thurs.day EveniDg-Limit for Registra- University Phyaicla!t Says Situation isWell in Hand, with 110 New Developments Since Saturday. Freshmen Women Decide EmeraldHued Headwear ia Unbecoming-To Wear Green Arm Banda Em, Director Stagg Says Team is Doin,Better than at Any PreviousPractices.Deans Will settle Fate of Two LowerClasses at November MonthlyMeeting. tion Tomorrow. broidered with 1I�n.Green arm bands embroidered witha maroon 'll' and not green capsTwo Cases Found Last Week Are Two Sets of Line Men to be Usedwhich do not harmonize with fairThat the smallpox situation at the action taken in a mas meeting yester- TIle final week in preparation forUniversity is well In hand, that there day. Syllogism followed syllogism as the game with Minnesota next Satthe coeds attempted to prove thathave been no new cases since the urday on Northrop field, started offgreen headwear and pink cheeks weretwo of last week, and that there is with a rush yesterday, when theincompatible and antcpodal, Green110 cause for alarm,., was the assurance Varsity squad was put through acaps were well enough for young la-given out last night' by Dr. C. P. scrimmage with the Freshmen. Dir-The candidates from the colleges S II the U�· . ph" vsician. dies who lied on the campus, they S d tI... d f .ma , DIversIty.; ector tagg ecrare a ter practice"'1'11 speak in Cobb lecture hall and said. but to walk the streets of Chica-will discuss it at their November ow "There is no need for any panicky that the work of the regulars wasall other candidates will probably go with head bedecked with hat ofmonthly meeting. In the interim feeling, whatever," said Dr. Small. , good and showed improvement overL .. d I k sneak in Haskell assembly hall. But Tl h b I emerald hue was a violation of the f I IDean ovett IS mstructe to 00 up &' •• rere ave en no new deve op- '" any orm t M�y lave exhibited so farthe question of previous decisions by should the groups be uneven in point ments since last week, and the two inalienable rights femeninity. Caps this year.the Board. of numbers. they may be equaled. were "awful," tam o'shanters were.. cases discovered then have been very The two squads played accordingDean Shepardson said in regard to The order of speakers will be post- light, Every precaution possible is "simply atrocious" and the meeting to the !lew rules of football, exceptthe meeting; "We have come to no ed on the official bulletin board, and being taken to prevent a spread of the was well abstracted when a young lady that the first-year team was givendecision yet! and probably shall not will be reported in the Maroon Thurs- disease. We will make an effort to wisely suggested that green arm rour downs in which to �ake the refor some time. As I understand it, day niorning. According to the rules vaccinate everyone in the University. bands were effective, inexpensive and quired ten yards. Only once duringthe question is not whether the or- governing the debate, each contest- Wild rumors of all sorts were float- not at all out of harmony with fern- the scrimmage. which lasted almostganization of these classes is to be ant in the preliminaries will be given ing about the campus yesterday. inine charms. A committee was con- an hour, did the freshmen backs makeallowed, but whether or not the five minutes for his main speech and These were unfounded almost with- sequently appointed to procure these their first down.B d h . d d tl three for rebuttal. out exception. As Dr. Small said, arm bands and the first year women Cantai D T d Iddi Isoar as arrea y passe on t.e111. 1 ap am e ray an mgs p ay-It is possible that the other question A record-breaking number of con- there have been no new developmen+s smilingly adjourned pleased with their ed the halves, Merriam, full back;may come up in, the consideration. testants are expected to appear, if the since last Saturday. On Saturday success in establishing a new tradi- Steffen, quarter back; Page and Hew-active interest displayed by many o� tion."You will remember that it was the two students, Lee J. Levenger, who itt, ends; Doseff and Moulton, tackles;Weekly Maroon which first brought the students has any significance. lived in Middle Divinity hall, and R Handy and Rohde, guards; and Har-the matter up. During the summer 'The Delta Sigma Rho, the honor de- S. Hall, of North hall, were removed TWO NOMINEES 'WITHDRAW ris, center. In the few minutes theseveral editorials were printed advo- bating society, has taken great pains to the isolation hospital with- light IN UPPERCLASS ELECTION regulars had the ball, this comb ina-eating the abolitio n of the two lower to arouse all those with any ability c s of 11 0 A't sId . tion managed' to register four touch-..h . f . d't f ase sma P, x. s I wa earne Welling Drops from laniorVace-Pres-classes. For my own part I can see w atsoever III orensics, an I s e -that Levenger had been in the Com- ' downs, while Page kicked as manyf t h . I ith t idency Race-Miss Swmy Reiectsor save seeming y met \� grea mons for dinner, it was considered. One Oftice. � go�ls, making the. score � to o. '_The,.su�cess_� - '�. � unsafe -to"�hoh:l�the-dance'�.,sdleduled, -_ -,� "( ... �:.o>!t���� '�..:.' scnmmage_wa�Lgtven_chlefty:,to_pra.:- ....... .._;..,. . ,Ior the evening in the near-by Rey- M' H::a... .S--- ... 'I d' , tice, th� Maroons on the defense.. "".•• IS el'Cn unny WIt I rew yes- , .. 'DRAMATIC CLUB TO HOLD nolds club, until the neighborhood t d f h did f To combat the weight of the Goph-er: ay rom er can 1 acy or secre- '. .,FIRST TRIALS WEDNESDAY had been properly disinfected. It �� tary of the Senior' class. She still re- ers, Director �tagg annou?ced yester-Nominations, made, last week in ac- called off accordingly. All the Iib- ' day that he will put practically a. newmains a candidate for the viee-presi,cordance with the code drawn up by T-o Tb-mllln. � Trvout �or -c-'Ii._ _ raries in the University were disinfec- d f h I H line on the field during the second.. s= -r- _ -.I &' �. ency 0 t e c ass. arvey Weltingthe Senior College Council, and hand- tion to Membership Oct. 30 and ted on Saturday. yesterday withdrew from his nomi- half. TIle team seems best supplieded in to the Junior Dean's office, that A corps of men from the city health in tackles at present. This fact is3I-Many Vacancies. nation for vice-president of the Jun-office refused to make public yester- department will be at the University ior class. The list of candidates inday. It is thought probable that ev.en today and tomorrow to engage in a the two classes 1·5 now as follows ••Judging from the r:umber of con- .....if it is decided that the Freshman and wholesale vaccination. Several pby-testants who have entered theirSophomore classes exist nominations sicians will be present in the office ofnames for the first Dramatic clubwill have to be held' over again, as Dr. Small, from 8 :30 to noon tomor-competition of the year, the Thespianlists of members of the two classes society will have a large field from Senior class nominees-President: face this pair four Chicago men areNorman Barker, Luther D. Fernald, available. They are Falk� Doseff,FauJ V. Harper. Charles B. Jordan. Hoffman and Moulton. Falk and DoVice-President: Alvin F. Kramer,Helen T. Sunny. Secretary: EleanorC. Day. �fary Heap. Treasurer, PaulBuhlig.Junior class nominees-President:Frederick W. Carr, Ned A. �Ierriam.Maurice T. Price. Vice-President:Paul P. Frincell, Karl C. Shuart.Secretary: Edith W. Osgood, HelenPeck. Treasurer, Harrey E. Meagher.The preliminary trials for the UniElections in Freshman and Sopbo. veraity debating team will be held onmore Classes at Standstill Thursday, October 31, at 7 :30 p. m.Awaiting Official Action. "TIIC candidate should hand in hisname to me," sail Dr. J. P. Not Severe-To VaccinateEvery, One..Frol'shman and the Sophomore classesis still hanging fire. TIle Board of should send in, through the faculty�xchangc, Box 212, a sfip stating hiscollege or school and the side onwhich h.e will speak-if the best isStudent Organizations met 01\ Satur-'t:;no use "in the organization of any oi'; � �:-the "chlsses =exeept the Senior" Class:Meanwhile, pending some officialaction, elections 'in the Freshman andSophomore classes are at a standstill.I'a\·e n.ever been issued. row. to \'accinate anybody who mayapply, whether student or . facultywhich to select Wednesday and member.ThUl'sday afternoons. In spite of theLITERATURE WOMEN TO fact that many candidates have promL HOLD A COSTUME PARTY ised to appear at the preliminarytrials . Wednesday afternoon, Presi-College's First Social Affair to Be dent Paul Harper of the club, assertsGiven This Afternoon-To that at this trial every contestantParody Shakespeare. will ha\'e an excellent opportunity ofmaking the dub, on account of th('The first social affair that has heen ;number of vacancies, particularlygi\"en this quarter by the women �f among the men.the College of Literatur.e will take Wednesday's trials will be held iilany other institution. The old mem-place this afternoon from four to sbc Cobb lecture hc(J1 at 3 o'clock. Judges bers of the society don black robes Miss Eloise KeDogg to Speak at Ves-in the Lexington library. A large at the preliminary tryouts will be and mask on tap day, and go from per Service of Y. W. C. L. thisnumbel of the collerre members are Mrs. Nott Flint, Adolph Pierrot, D. Afternoon.eo class to class. calling out the name:5expected and many witl appear in 0:<1 A. Robertson, Bernari I. Bell and "Returns from the Summer Con-of those who are chosen. The init-fashioned costume. There will be Paul' Harper. According to the cluba dar',' terence'· will be thc subJ·ect of til-iates are then hurri�d into � ..Vl·rgl·nl·... reels and otller old tl·m". rules. the names of candidates amI e"p .t b h Id thO (.. room, where they are carried through \. � er sen'lce. 0 eelS a .dances. The special feature of the 'en,- the subjects of th.eir selections should several mystic proccrlures.t'!'rtainment is to be a parody on be filed at the . Faculty Exchange,a well known scene from Shakcspear�. flox .� .. R. hcfore \Vcdnesday morn�I iss Dorothy Buckley. chairman oi illg. Syracuse Observes "Tap" DayLast Friday was "tap" day at theUniversity of Syracuse. This is theday annually obsen'ed by the Fakir5,the hon�rary society of the Arts colkge. for the initiation of new Freshmen members. A rather uniquemethod is folTowed by this society,which is far different from that of TO TELL OF CONFERENCEOF Y. W. C. L. AT GENEVAternoon at .. o'clock in tlloC Leaguerqom, tn Lexington hall.Iowa Debate Coach Visits Chicago �fi!'s Eloisc Kellogg will tcll aboutCoach Randall of the Iowa U""·er. the summer·s outing :1t Gcneva. Allthe �ocial committee, is in charge 0:the :-affair. !oity (khating te:lm. W:lS in ChicagoJ3!'-t weck :lttcnding the cOin-cntion ofthe National Civic Feder:ltion. in order t� take note!' for th.e aid of the women are invited to come in an,1get acquainted. Tea will be serv.ed.\Vcdnesday, October 30, at 10:30,Mrs. John M. COt1lt�r will speak inReligious Pedagogy Club to DineThe Religions Pedago�y club willMrs. Elia W. Peattie to Speak give a supper at 6 :15 this evening,Literature College meeting at thl! in the cafe of the M�n's Commons. <!ebating team of th:lt university. the Leagtlc room on the coming Y.If'" II () \d I '11 b . b D H \V. C. L. state com·ention.\.0 ege of Literature women h)- I (res�s WI e given y r. en- The Daily Maroon takes pleasureday. Mrs. Elia \V. Peattie, one of (lerson and others. TickdS at 50 cents in announcing the unanimous electiOnj' The Student V<!Tunteerthe leading literary wemcn of tht: may be obtained of CHppinger, Miner to the editorial board of P. \\'hittiel' meet in the League rocmcity. wi11 speak. or Evans. P·nkerton, '08. ton toni.rht at 7 o'clock. -Freshmen Beats, 24 to 0-$11.50 Rate Secured.considered fortunate, since two of theMaroon and Gold bulwarks, Case andYoung, will' be used at tackle. Toself wilf probably start the game, andHoffman and Moulton are expectedto go in before· it is ov.er.At the guard position it is thoughtthat Handy and Jones will 'be use,l;It the start, providing Jones is inshape. He was laid up last week,and is still out of form, but expects tobe as strong as e\'er by next Saturday. Handy will statt, and may bein the game all through. He hasgreat endurance,and is needed at present. The other availabJes are RohdO!and Worthwine, both of whom,though light, have �n showing upwell. J n case Anderson starts th.!game at center, Harris will be a:l3\'ailable man for guard. ' He is practically sure of being at �01l1'-! positionat the first whistl'e, on 'account of hiifonn during the past week. All theother positions are certainties. exceptfnll back, where Director Stagg intends to U50e both �Icrriam aild Fer·guson.The matter of rates to the Gophergame. has been practically settled.The best the railroad companies willgive is a reduction of $4.50 on theband wit! r.egular fare, providing reservationsof L.exing--' (Continued on pa.re 4)THE DAILY MAROON, CHICAGO, TUESDA Y, OCT. 29. 11Jo1.INDIANS ARE Pa�ABLE.RIVALS PaR EASTERN TEAMS MAKE PEACE IN FIGHTAGAINST U. HIGH SOCIETYFootball enthusiasts of Pennsyl- TO DESCRIBE UNIVBRSITYIN A ILLUSTRATED LECTUREoedal 8t1ICJeat pellatl. � .... 0..... Defeat PeansylYaDia in Easy Fabion David A. Robertson, Secretary to Tripleee Is Giftll New· Lease on Lifealt7 of CIaIeap. IDiDoia Al8o.U.,.ets Calculation. President to Tell Junior CoUece In Co�erence Between SocietyA� WisConaiD. Members About Their Uni- �d Faculty. If you !ike to wear yourCloves long, wearvania and all the other colleges, East David A. Robertson, secretary to and Deans Owen and Johnson, theand West, were surprised Saturday. the President, is to give two iIIustrat- long-standing feud between the twowhen Carlisle won the contest with cd lectures before Junior College stu- has finally been settled. Both side ..the quaker team by the score of 26- dents, the first one on the afternoon conceded points, which brought6. This victory by the Indians -shows of November 5, one week from to- about a declaration of peace,plainly that the Indians are in the day, the second on November 12. The The new arrangement providesrunning for premier honors in the aim of thsee lectures wil� he to pre- that the members of the society shallEast. sent a general description of the Uni- specify ten offices in the high school,The Indians proved that they could versity. such as would enable incom- the occupants of which shall autogain nothing on old-style football ing Freshman to make their way matically become eligible for the ill'against as strong defense, but they about the University intelligentlv itiation into T'ripleee during the lastchose the other path and ran around and "to advantage, �nd �!\'e visitors quarter �f their Junior year, that thetire Pennsylvania e'Jeven for the big and prospective tourisas of the cam- nature offhese offices be made pubscore. They are strong on the kick- pus information which would make lie, that the list of proposed newing end of the game, and their .ends their visit more pleasant and profit- members be submitted to the deansshowed unusual caliber in open field able. for approval, that five members beplay. selected by the society in secret se s-The other game of consequence in FRESHMEN CONTINUE WORK sion. and that a. copy of the agree-die East-that betweeu Cornell and FOR NORTHWESTERN. DEBATE ment be given into the hands of thePrinceton-served to dim an cham- deans of the school,pionship aspirations the Tigers may To Bring Matter Before Faculty anti The ten positions as decided upon,have had. The game was won by Junior College Council-Planare: Editor in chief and businessDebates In Club .,Cornell by a score of 6 to 5· Yale manager of the Correlator, presideu·,Ohio State, always a stumblingblock for Michigan. was defeated by society. is wiJIing and anxious tothe Wolverines 22 to o. The Ohio further the project for it is felt by allState eleven fought pluckily, and held those experienced in debating that theFreshmen while incompetent to comThe interest in dramatics shown by the Michiganders 6 to 0 in the firstpete with upper class men should notbe kept out of debating and allowedto grow rusty for an Entire year. Thevarious debating clubs give many opportunities to these 191 I debates butit is only in competition for a teamand with another college that the menapply . themselves seriously to thework,The Fr.eshman Club will howeverclass are many who have alreadyshown ability along dramatic Iines,. and who will undoubtedly succeed inthe trials Wednesday. The club lostheavily by graduation last year, andwill be hard hit again this June. ConsequentJy an infusion of new blood i..;essential for the keeping up and build.ing np of the organization.Some misunderstanding has existedin the past as to the qualifications formembership in the Club. I t has occasionally been hinted hitherto thata certain amount of pull was essential Several new songs and Chicago par-to secure the coveted membership, odies, it is promised, will be sprung fifth of a series of lectures on theHowever that may have been, no at the rally. Cheerleader Templeton . f Phil hBiblical Literature 0 I antrop y.question of doubt exists at the pres- will preside at the .meeting, this evening at 8:00 o'clock, Theent time that but one' qualification is HOLD SETTLEMENT SERVICE subject is: "Ezekiel-Transition ofnecessary, and that one is merit. the Ancient Prophet into the ModernTo the ambitious freshman, sopho "Settlement Sunday" Celebrated in Pastor." The lecture wiH be given atmore or upper class man, the Drama, Mandel Hall on Sunday. Abraham Lincoln Center, comer oitic Club offers a rare opportunity. Oakwood Blvd. and Langley. Ave.In tire gay cameraderie of the Oub he......Tbe Ulllnnlt7 of CJaIcqo Wed17."OaDcJecJ.TIle Weeki,.. Oct. 1. let2.TIle DaD,.. Oct. 1. lto%.Published dall,., except SU�dQ8, MOlL4&7- and bollcla7.. durlnc three-quartersof the UDlnralt7 ,.ear.BUb8erlptlOD price, �OO per ,.e&Z i '1.00tor 3 DlODtba. Su�rlptloua recelnd atthe 1lar00D Ollce. Bm. Ball, or at thei'acult7 Bscbaqe, Cobb HalLLUTHER D. FERNALD, ldaD�lDg Editor,l·JtESTON F. GASS. Newa EdItor.MIilLVIN J. ADAMS. Athletic EdItor.- LOUIS S. BERLIN, Business Manager.ASSOCIATE UItORSemployed the new ru2es to advantage,W D F t and managed to roll up a count of 46arren . 'os er,H A H points on Villa Nova,arry , ansen.J F k I In the West, a surprise as great aserome 'ran,P. W. Pinkerton. the result of the Indian-Quaker game... was sprung when Illinois, after bdn�IlEI'OIlDItSWalter A. Ford, Miss Esther Hall, humiliated by the Maroons the w.eekA. L. Fridstein before, turned around and beat WisHarvey B. Fuller, Jr., consin . by a score of IS to 4- TheAlbert D. Henderson Fred W, Carr,game proved a clean victory for theI. E. Ferguson. . E. C. Hoadley, Illini, .w�o outplayed the Badgers allthe way.Printed b,. the Maroon Press474 East 55th StreetPhODe Hyde Park 3691the freshman class in particular :s half, Iowa's triumph over Drake 25evidence that the Dra- to 4, shows Marc Catlin's proteges tomatic Club will be be strong.TheDramaticClub stronger this year thant;ver before. In the the PICK SPEAKERS FOR BIGranks of the first-year MINNESOTA MASS MEETINGProfessors Mathews and McLaughlin. Bill Molony and Don Trumbull to Stir Up Enthusiasm. versity.Freshmen debaters are now makingefforts to bring the question of a debate with the first year men of Northwestern before the faculty. TheFreshman debating club which wasorganized last Thursday is directingits efforts chiefly to this end, Theplan the 191 I men ha�e adopted is tobring the matter up in the Junior .college Council an(I to enlist the aid ofthe members of the faculty. TheDelta Sigma Rho, the honor debatingPlans for tomorrow night's big spend much of its time in debatemass meeting and bon-fire, in prepa- .. mong the . members, I t is felt thatration for the Minnesota. game 'ar'! with the aid of some faculty memberbeginning to assume definite shape. as supervisor the Freshmen mightAmong the speakers_ who have been profitably employ their time in pracsecured for the affair are Dean Shail, tice debates which would be valuableer Mathews, and Professor McLaugh- training for a debate with anotherlin, from the faculty; and Bill Molony college.and Don Trumbull, from the alumni.has a part in the University fife and ment held its reguiar "Settlementactivities denied to all but the chosen Sunday" service at Mandel Hall Sun- Henry F. Cope, General Secretanfew who h.ave shown ability and pos· d . P f G of the Religious Educ2tion Associa- •ay mormng. ro essor eorgesibility in dramatics. Mead and Miss McDowell were the tion. will deliver the third of his -eigh!A b d • t' f h t th lectures on the Sund=lY School, to-, roa er apprecla Ion o. w a � principal speakers. Dr. Mead spok�CI b ·11 h' morrow afternoon at 4:00 o'clock, 'nu means WJ, owever, convmce on the ··purpose and meaning of Uni-th ..1·d t th t th CI b . Haskell A�sembly Room. The title. e can,,1 a e a e u. as an Im- versity Settlement,"t t U· 't . tOt t' d of this lectur.e is: "The Teacher_;:por an mverSI Y inS I U lon, e- Miss McDowell, who has been theserves his support, as a loyal Uni- head resident of the settlement for Selection; Duties; T:-1ining; Teacn-versity student, if he has· in any mea�. ers' l\fetings."the last thirteen y.ears, explained theure the ability. which is a prerequisite work of the settlement.for membership,The existence of an unusual number Start Physical Ezaminationsof vacancies by gradultion and with. That physical examinations will be-The New York St�te ·Club �;Ildrawal from the University, giving gin this week is the announcement hol�1 its s.ccond meting of the quarterthe Club the opport�nity of· taking in made by Dr. Raycroft. Appointments for the purpose of electing offic�rsa dozen lIew members if candidate!t may b.. made for \Vedrresday orWednesday, at 4 p. m. in Cobb 6 A.of sufficient merit present themselves Thursday this week and, beginningshould make the competition at Wed- Tuesday of next week, every day Subscribe for the Daily Maroon.nesday's trials unusually eager, and thereafter. A book containing' tho! Do it now!result in a subs�Dtial strengthening hours in which examinations can �of die a... laRa is postal in the gymThe University of Chicago settle-I!I Professor Moulton to Speak.Professor Moulton w:n deliver theDr. Cope to Speak..Subscribe for The Daily . MaroonDo it now!Now! is the lilM to subscribe., At a meeting of Tripleee, the honorsociety at University High School. FOWNESGLOVESThey wear longer.-TD-Hom. ....RESTAURANTOIl JtaIIIObIl at. betWIIIL CIuk ...Deu1MIaaIS lIE .UPDIJI PLACE fiB BIIITI-SDPPERS um THE PIJiKxteui .. improvem�ts b ...8Iade the cHning room, the mod'beautiful and attractiye lD theTheatre District.Tbe Dew baa&iDg balcoDY for�e eularxe4 ordlestra fa anotberimproftllleat aIU! the muaic famad, aD C8JM!da1 f�ture.. . P:vice-president, secretary and treasurerof the Senior class, captains of thefootball, baseball, track and debatingteams, and one editor on the Dailystaff.The managers of the different athletic teams �i1I no longer be eligiblefor erection to the society, since undera new ruling, these positions are to befilled by selection by the faculty, amiDean Owen says they do not wishthe reputation of put�ing members into the society.The five which the society will electin session are to he chosen fromamong the most prominent people illthe school, since the purpose of thesociety is to bring together the leaders in the d'fferenr school activities.Dean Owen. says that the societyshould not be atlowed to die out, because she thinks it is a good thing forthe. school.. "It sh�ul�." �� s. ays, "b!]a permanent orgamzatron,Hitchcock Han ReceivesMore· than thirty. couples werepresent at the first reception of theyear given by the residents of Hitchcock H.aIl y.esterday afternoon.Dr, Parekr, his sister Miss Parkerand Mrs, Mathews composed the reception committee which greeted theresidents of the hall and their guests.According to the tradition of. thehouse the residents took turns atserving at the tea tables, Arter thereception Dr. Warren announced thatthe. club room was open and the company danced for about _an hour. Dr.Parker expressed himself as well satisfied with the number present. READY -- WHEN YOU .Allfhis is to announce that the NnWoolens for Fall are ready· faryour Inspection.Some of the Smartest of the : Nn. Weaves are in Single Patterns:Dosen't this suggest an early visitFall Woolens custom tailored in tl"Jerrems Way"-have an IncJmd.ual �tyle. .It will be a pleasure to Show yowhat the Fall Styles will be. YGIlwon't be asked to buy.Ready for you-today. Wethisyougrac--CIa--$2.4J161,A. N. Jerrems, Manager.TAILOR FOR YOUNG MENTwo Stores: 131 La Street, and .44 Jackson Boulmntl1l:ICar.:ConT.el. Randolph 766. B·Dr. J�e_W. EgbertDENTAL SURGEON _5249Suite 167-161· State Street. .,• Specialist inPYORRHEA ALVEOLARIS·:�:Special Fees for Students.CHICAGOBSatTIJBOOKS:And Supplies for University ancl �. High School Students.New and ·Second Hand.lIBWrl'"!'S415 E. 57th StreetNext to corner KimbarkTel.A,SHAMPOOING andMANICURING atMADAME KAYNOR'S.2.li E. 55th St. 1 Phone H. P. �The best equipped and most Sanitaryplace in ChicagoAXA.RROWCLUPECO SHRUNKQUARTH .'ZE COLLARftftetft -.T 8aIftCE •• ""' nc.Cl.UCTT, "-MOT • co.. .. •• a ...cHave you heard about it?Have you seen it?Don't fail to call when down toW'EVERYBODY DOES.I louis DV. Famous Cindy S ....A MARVEL OF BEAUTYBowes-Allegretti CompuyCANDIES, SODA, LUNCHESIII State and Monroe StreetsTelephone 792 CentralChica&oEger & CO.213 Adams Street(Branch 159 Wabash Ave.). .. -. ------. - .No R�wheD Smokin.Egen. Mixture(a blend of Bliss)3; ouacel 25C pTHE DAILY MAttOON, CHICAGO: TUESDAY, OCT. 29, 1907 .All &000 furnishers sell them.Made byUnited Shirt and Collar Co •Lion Brand Shirts and Collars• ItNTLII: .......... _anuIUtIII!L..................... f.BOSTONGARTER1111 H IIIIIDUD.... T I.�H��• CUSHIOI. luno.CLASPUti fUTT011Il L11-lntlaUN, lUll .... BAlrUS... 00.00 ........................ A.No.9Phone:: Hyde Park 1049.MRS. S. TAYLORMILLINERY This is the only Full Dress Shirtmade. the bosom of which absolutely will not bulge.You will never wear any otherkind if you "try this.(Patented Feb. 28-1899.). "THE MAC-BURDLE"It.T. c. Lynas. L. G. WillrinsFraternity Jewelry Engraved, Embossed Stationery. Programs andGreek Letter Pennants in �zdusive design.College and Fraternity Steins, Ash Tn,.., Tobacco Jars, ete., suppliedwith any mon�gram. crest or emblem. I.__-----�Class, Fraternity; .Society-:- PINS -:-..bit..iftI. We make a SPECIALTY ofthis c lass of work. Let us giveyou an estimate. Very highestgrade of workmanship guaranteed.Man��!�r� Of�!']!;hy. t156 Wabash Ave. Chicago, Ill. tCatalogue upon application.yoYoa WOOD SHADES andOLIVE BROWNSARE NEWESTWE HAVE THEM ANDOTHER POPULARSHADES.AMES HATS$2.00 $3.00A fair deal with every hat.Opera Hata, Silk Hats.Ifil, 163 E.. MADISON STREET,Near La SaD .. 100 styles' at $20.00100 styles at $50.00and 1300 between- BORDEN'SCondensed Milk. Fluid IIiJk, Creamand Buttermilk.All Bottled in the Country •.Borden's Condensecl Milk cs,327-329 E.. Forty-seventh St. 10:3o-Chapel Assembly-Junior Col- Cleaned and 1leges-Women (Mandel). De. Phone Calumet 1300 Pressed $.1.25. tvotionall' Half-Hour. (Haskellt Cor. 25th and Cottage Grove. Ave Down Town Store tAssembly). 317 Dearborn Street4:00 p. m.'-Le Cerc1e de Conversa .._. _._._._._._._._._._._. _. _. -._._._._ _._ _._.-tion Francaise (LexingtonTuesday. Oct. 2910 :30 a. m=-Chapel Assemblies. TheSenior Colleges. (MandelAssembly). The College oiEducation (R. 214, EmmonsBlaine Hail).�:oo p. m.-The Young Women'sChristian League (LeagueRooms. Lexington Hail) ..5:00 p. m.-The Botanical Club (R.13 Botany Bldg.)6:15 p. m.-The Religious PedagogyClub Cafe, Hutchinson Commons).;- :oo--The Student Volunteer BandBand (League Room, Lexington Hall) •W.t,·dnesday Oct. 30 .10 :30 a. m.---Ctapel Assembly (Haskell Assembly) The Y. W. C.L. (Lex. Hail)..l:15 p. m.-Junior Mathematical Oluh(Room 36, Ryerson Phys.Lab.).4:00 p. m.--Open Lecture-"The .Sur.,,day School," H. F. Cope(Haskell Assembly).7:15 p, m.-Men's Meeting-Y. M. CA. (Cobb Lecture Room)... Thursday Oct. 31 .Hall).Thursday Oct. 31.7:30 p. m.-Preliminary Debate 'Trials-Candidates from Colleges(Cobb Lecture Hall). All• ., others .(Hasken Assembly).We have reduced' the price, on :\ .large number of desirable patterns,to even up our stock,Tekpboaa H7de Park U UId_!A. McAdamsTh. Ual ... ralt7••• Flo r& .te ••IIDIIJIOUBB8:Car. 53cl at. ... � Aft. Chic.go ---TAILORWILLIAM .tERRE_.· .ON ••Clark and Aums StreetsI TU RKISHe,RUSSIAN �75cPLAIN BATHS 2ScOpen Day and NightBARBER SHOPSaratoga Hotel 161 Dearborn St.1Phones:Office, H.P. 1788.- Residence, H.P. 961DR. FRED W. PARKERDR. RALPH W. PARKERDENTISTS5249 Kimbark Ave. Cor:63rd Sr.Hours 9-12. 1:30-5 :00. Friday Nov. I.4-00 p. m.-Annual Meeting of 111i:nois Teachers' Association( Mandel Assembly).Classes in German Conversation (Lexington Hail).p. m.-German Club-(Vortragvon 'Herrn Dr. J. J. Meyer(Lexington Hall).4·30Ask For____________ ANNOUNCE PRIZES FORCONTESTS IN BOWLING....t'••OPERATING GOWNS,INTERNE SUITS.LABORATORY GOWNS,RUBBER APRONS andOVERSLEEVESManufac:tul'ed byBBST -' CO.254 E. Madison StreetC,,;C-.aJ[o. II.Tel. Hvdc Park 437.A. H. MCGREWLUMBERtaUt, Shingles, Moulding., Etc.. Etc64th Street and Madison AvenueThe Place Where:College Men Congregate. OPEN EVENINGSPhone Harrison 5928• 26.t Michigan Avenue. Box of Cipn, Bowling Shoes andBOwling Ball to Be Awarded. .The bowling season began in goodearnest yesterday with the announcement of the prizes to be gh·.en forhigh scores by the Reynolds Club,The prizes offered this year are better than those of any previous season.:\. box of cigars will be given for thehighest score each week; a pair ofbowling shoes is the prize for thehighest -score for the' month; while• a bowling ban will be the reward Iorthe most 2ocls.The fraternity men are beginninqto practice for the fraternity bowlingcontest which will be held in theWinter quarter,Send in your subsciption to TheDaily liaroon. Do it now!Are you on the subscription list ofThe Daily Maroon? Anton A. Melum & SonsTAILORSMAKE A SPECIALTY OF COLLEGE CLOTHESIMPORTED MATERIAL__________ ._3_0_5_A_�__O_0_d_IB_N�_�_;_::_:_:_�_eA_�_:_�_�_san_:_;_:_�_:_d_is_o_n_s_�__. 1WI: CALL FOR AND DELIVER GOODS ANYWHEREModerateRepairingon Gent'sGarmentsFree of Ladies' WaistsCleaned andHEAT ... REGULATIONTHE JOHNSON PNEUMATIC SYSTEMThe Recogniz� Standard-Installed in University of Chicago BuildingsCOMPLETE SYSTEMS FOR ALL METHODS OF HEATINGHot Water Tank: 'Regulations. Reducing Valves for Air, Water, Steam. Controf,.of Hulniciity ,JOHNSON S�RVICE·· CO.H. W. ELLIS, Mer. Chicago' Office, 93 Lake Street• , Cen�al 1054Automatic: 9149ALFRED PEATS CO.FOREIGN-WALL PAPER-DOM,ESTle144-146 Wabash AvenueCHICAGOThe patronage of the students of The University ofChic:ato is solicited byTHE HOTEL MAROON5'57-59 Drexel AvenueRESTAURANT ·AND lUNCH COUNTERTHE· BEST OF FOOD AT POPULAR PRICESA S'pecialty will be made of serving Suppers or Banquetsfor Societies or for Private Parties.COMFORTABLE· ROOMS HEWL Y FURNISHEDTHE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE COMPANYPhone Hyde Park 5,1 Kimbark Ave. and 56th St.The Cleanest and Best Kept ,StorageWarehou� in the City •••.•Furniture and Pianos Moved, Stored, Packed andShipped to all parts cf thc world. 300 Private Storage Rooms. Large Pa rlor Exclus ivcly for Piano ...Rooms ior Trunks and Wheels. Large Room: forCarriages, Buggic s and Sleighs. Trunks to andfrom all Depots, Local Transfers for Baggage,Furniture, Packages, ctc., at short noPice.Special attention eiven to University Orders.THE BURNING QUESTION TypewritersTYPEWRI:rERS for Sale or RentARE YOU GOING Special rates to students; bargainsin ·roe-built machines. W. White-\TO IQRNBSOTAl head, J6 La Salle Street. I.�. .� WANTED-Students to attend Englewood RoHer Rink, 6432 Wentworth A ve. Every eve., Thurs.,Sat. and Sun. Afternoons throughs�ason . ..THE DAILY' MAROON. dnCAGC).· 11JESDA Y, OCT. 29, 1907·in the Nebraska game.are made in parties of ten. Other Xlowcry, right end, liO. Played. instudents will be compelled to pay the Carlisle game last year.regular fare of $16 for the round Left half back, Rademacher, 161."Let your prayers take: the form of trip. The students had hoped for a Played in Nebraska and Ames games.energetic action. Don't lose the faith, fare of half the regular charge, but Full hack, Dunn, Ij6. Played inthe courage and the humane impulse the failure to get this will not pre- Carfisle and Indiana games last year.ofthe monk, but combine it with the vent a big delegation of rooters from Right half back, Schucknechtfi Cap-knowledge, the energy and the accompanying the team. tain, 183. Third year on the varsity.strength of the modern engineer. ' Director Stagg, Dr. Raycroft, Quarter back, Capron, 182. FirstThese words conveyed the essence of Trainee Johnson and the full squad year on the varsity.Dr. C. R. Henderson's: address to will leave Thursday night, arrivingthe men in Junior chapel yesterday. . 'I' Ii Frid . LIBRARY FUND GROWS FASTJ IJl .. , mneapo IS rr ay mormng. Th .. �Dr. Henderson pleaded for theACT AS WELL AS PRAY �."""''''.'IS DR. HENDERSON�S AD\!ICEUniversity Chaplain Adv� Men ofJunior Colleges to Depend onThemselves for Results.same zeal and spirit for good and forhelpfulness that the old-time fanaticmanifested, but that it should be allthe more potent with all our know 1-"There is a place in the Alps wherethe only thoroughfare is a small, verynarrow pass. It is very dangerous.and in winter. the snow-slides andother hardships' of travel, claimmany victims from among the poorpeasant inhabitants. A Catholicpriest, inspired with the true spiritof charity and humanity, took -up hisabode at the foot of the, pass, and inwinter when anybody was wounded,he was the first one called, his housewas the refuge of the victims of theelements."One day, however, an English engineer traveled over the· fatai passand his trained eye saw how a littleblasting and a little steel construction,and all at a very small. cost, wouldprevent all the loss of life. He persuaded the Swiss government to makea small appropriation, and the priestno longer was neded to bury thebodies of the victims of th� winterstorms when the snows melted inspring."To the statement that a drunkardcan only be saved by the grace ofGod, I answered that a court as theagency of God can give a drunkardsuspense of sentence, or six monthsin jail to cure his drunkenness."Sophs Win in Illinois Rushl.OST-Red L�athcr card case, containing a snm of money; return anrlreceive reward. E'. IT. Lewis, Information Oflice Cohh Hall. SQUAD GETS - HARD WORK I Right tackle, Case, 200. All- West-:FOR GAME WITH GOPHERS ern tackle' last year.(Continued from page 1) Right end, Windgate, 133· PlayedThe�poCthe clupis estey. U'.ftut-tbe ollly abselatdy flat ela-p l,'1lrteri .. the nri�hton. Killi-011. or men );1I0\\' thi .. -huythem :lUel wear them, The ,«(oarill there, and tlwy ('0"" ollly n'ltmrtna pair. P.(,lDrmlM" it..-a ..... CI .. nlllllllT IT •• '__'_MAROON MENmen will rest up during the forenoon,and will get in several hours of practice before the "purity banquet" inthe evening. It has not been dccide-lby what road the team will travel. Eight Thousand, Four Hundred D�Llars Raised in, Last Two WeeksEighty Thousand Dollars Still tobe Subscribed.way, Director Stagg canmen charge together.Gophers Hard at Work(Special to The Daily Maroon.)Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 28.-Th� WHO HAVE BOUGHT OURf 85 189 DearbomSl.COLLEGE CORNER CLOTHESARE BUYING AGAIN THIS FALLCOLLEGE SUITS AND OVERCOATS $35.00$edge of modern science to make us Another scrimmage and stiff signalbl I xloi d d I . bl Eight thousand, four hundred dol-capa c 0 uomg goo an c iarrta e drill is on the bill for the Varsity t�-acts more efficientlv. I-Ie cited th Iars ' has been raised in the last twoJ e day. The line men have an effectivefollowing case to demonstrate hie; weeks and a half for the Harper. method of aiding them in their charg-Plea. �I emorial fund. This makes a totaling, wh ile running through signai s,up to date of one hundred and twentyAt the snap of the ball, each one thousands raised by private subscripemits a yell as he charges. In this tion, According, to Mr. Rockefeller'stell if all theng rccment, he will give treble the-amount subscribed to the maximumof two hundred thousand. Accordingto this arrangement, r.early a half amillion is assured, with which towent through thestart construction. To take full ad-vantage of �lr. Rockefeller's offer,the remaining' eighty thousand mustbe raised by . the first of April, 1 goB, Ano.- scriml.� y.ester""" ..... ' pesol.,..--------_ .. _---._---------- .;�the r·: i�t:dofirst->the ,:, .• ade.: (ountwereCOCI\:, said ).�J_'BesICasver l:IWilkieTAILORS Baok Floor .r •MOSSLER. co;Clever Clotbes50 Jackson BoulevardNebraska game without any seriousinjuries, and for the past week thepractice has been with the sole ide'.of building up the team to win the\Vestern and paid up in full' by the first ofchampionship. Minnesota is January following .laboring under a great dis ad van tag'! Dr. Thomas W. Goodspeed,the reg- Decided uClass"For UniverSity Menat a ReasonableExpenditure in priceMinnescta teamas there are only two men who will istrar of the University, who, is debt' in the line-up on November 2, voting his time to the raising of subwho played in the Chicago game last scriptions, said yesterc!ay: "The mat-ter of raising funds at the pr.esenttime is very difficult, owing to thestringency in the money market andthe unsettled condition of the financial market in general. However, theresults of the past few weeks havebeen very gratifying. 1 have visitedyear.The .t'!am this year is green, anJthe Nebraska and Ames games haveonly served the purpose of eradicating a few of the .�v.;:ak points.the alumni of the University whoOn a basis of comparative scores,Minnesota undoubtedly has the worstof the argument. The great showingmade by Chicago against Indiana and"Thus there are two sides to one Iflinois would indicate that the Macharity. Don't sit down at the dif- roon offense is faster than ever, andficulties and misfortunes of Iif. e, and th t .d '11 decid ha spee WI eCI e t e game' on,pray to God, but use the modern November 2.knowledge, which is the gift of God,. Both the Ames andto alleviate the sufferings of hu- coaches havemanity. said nice things aboutMinnesota's playing this year, and cess."if they are good judges 'of the Of the sum raised in the last fe\ystrength of their own teams in comweeks, five thousand was given by oneparison with the Indiana and Illinoisaggregations, it is possible that the man. Another single subscription ofone thousand was received. A 190?situation is not hopeless.The team that represents Minncso- alumnus gave five hur.dred dollars, ..' ,ingta on November 2 will not be as has An alumnus. of the old University �",·;iearThe annual c�or rush bdween ilie h«dO�� been ilie cas� compo�d class of I� gave two hundred doL �������������������������������;�,·wconFreshmen and Sophomore classes at of "Giants of the 'North." The weights lars. TllUS far, thirty-three of the I d �ae\lthe University of Illinois, was held of the' two teams are said to be about alumni have subscribed a sum I '.: inlast week, and was won by the Soph- equal, and the result of the contest amounting to thirteen hundred dol- C. H. RICE 6. BROS� WOIomores after a short but rough fight, will largely depend on the relative lars, making an average of forty dol- :: I hlasting but two minutes. T11�. Fresh- lars to the person. I Phone H.. P. 1324- 249 E. 57thkicking ability of Steffen and Cap-ics evidently were not satisfied with ron.I We sell everything for· the Kitchen and Laundry. We Ulake .:'one beating, and co.lsequently start- The second team has been drilled CROSS COUNTRY MEN IN Specialty of Equil!ment for Domestic: Science Schools. .ed another fight, and this one was in Chicago formations during the past BIG BANQUET TONIGHTcarried out so far that it was fOllnj week, �nd the Varsity has been kevt WE REPAIR GAS RANGES.necessary to call out the University busy ·trying to solve them. Director Stagg, Dr. Raycroft and WRINGERS, TRUNKS and dopolice. Tlloe contestants had to oe Students who buy their tickets from ."Jimmie" Lightbody to be Guests LOCKSMITHING.separated by an iron fence to keep now unti' tnc day of the game will of Honor.them apart. After several heads ha·1 have to pay $1.50 for them. A limitedbeon bumped hy the police, the com- number of seats in the rooters' sec- Director Stagg, Dr. Raycroft andbat \Vas t.erminated with honors in tion wer.e offered for 50 cents, bm "Jimmic" Lightbody will be thefavor of the Sophs. these were eagerly bought up shortly guests of honor at the cross-countryafter the opening of the scat sale. banquet tonight. The feast to boomreside in the city, and without exception, they have given to the fund orpledged themselves to give beforenext spring. . Miss Edith Terry, '07,daughter· of Professor Terry of the:Nebraska History department, has visited thealumni and has met with like sue- \Ve put brains in the cutting.making; the fitting and the seleof the patterns.art of dress" best expresses itWe make our clothes on theises in our own shops.Is there any other concerncago that does this? No!Now, don't get the impressioa�,.our prices are hieh, for the '.is true.Suits: $18,. $20, $2S,and $40 is all we ask.Overcoats: $18, ·$20, $25,and upward,Waistcoat shop,=-highest quality. values to $g. \�',,-:.-., ��i�DilI:.;;-; "T."! ,<':Cest'; loole,:o·��eal(I.�st .,,'f�tl-:-:t�evestsClever -somma'wi ..t �far,parma:ta1'1arefee. of���--��--�--------------------�----�--�------��. infOIDo:I hbacTHE MACHINISTS' SUPPL.Y CO.AT 16 and t8 SOUTH CANAL STREET, CHICAGO.HAVE THE MOST COMLPETE LINE 01 .. 'MACHINISTS' AND METAL W 0 R K E R S 'TOOLS IN AMERICA.L_jHEY A.RE FOR SALE AT REASONABLEPRICES.11 and See. Phone Main 558. nur.pia'£enpo�an(tha5tic, AniI 'W A NTED-A married man. to take I LOST -Stolcn or strayed, fl'01lcare of horses and furn:tc� for fam- soria I parlors of Reynolds'ily rooms and $5 a week. Apply! bunch of keys. Return and'at Employment Rurcan, office; a classy shave as reward. sr,hours, !)-oJl a. m. , Juliu� at the Reynolds a"':.room in elegant hom.�; no other year .on the varsity.boarder; excellent catering; express Ostrand, right guard, liS.trains; Hyde Park. Address M. S. B year on the varsity. :t line on his men, and in a {e'N d:t:·sFir.;! preliminary tryonts for the team an,1club will begin.t he running �port will begin at 6 :30,Who's Who on the Minnesota Team in the prh'atc dining room of t�Left end, Ch.cstnut, 140. First year Commons, O\'Cr thirty of the squadon Varsity. Ptayed in the Nebrask" lian� :,i�l1ed l1p to be present, and con-Rooms game. �i<lcrahlc enthllsiasm is being man i-:\IEN'S FLAT-6 Roo111s; well fur- Left tackle, )�oung" liS. First ic!'ted ior the annual: spread.nisl1.�d; steam heat; reference lib- year on the varsity. The run y.�.t.erday was ov�r arary; telephone separ;l.te bed rooms Left guard, Bandelin, 180. Play,"d cOI:r�e of three :tnd one-half mile i,and study _rooms. 5.Jii Madison two years ago on the varsity. whidl \\'�s made in 18 minutes. Theave. H. P. 69'.�. Call evenings. Center, Kjelland, 160. Play.ed in �ame course was made in 18 minutesA PARTY of gentleman may hav;! the Wisconsin game two years ago, last year. but a little later in 'heentire use of ��cond floor; also club Right guard, Lambert, 180. First season. Captain Cald w.el I is getting. ..."� ...