The sophomore class met behinddosed' doors y.esterday mom'li..: .nin Tell of Marvelous Discoveries Made Rain has 'not interfered with Indi- All Men �ept Guarda':aDd Tackles�t nt theater. and pa�-;�l upr.n plans 13' ......_ . •in Researches Among the � ana's football practice this week, an-I are' Anno�1Ian7 Can�-4'li(t rules governing t;, � lII"(lml�g lish C�c:s. Coach Sheldon has been putting the dates for Cooteated Bertba.freshmen .body, It, was announced!i. "" I scuad through the hardest workoutdefinitely: afte. the meeting, that t 1\.' .' I' fA collection of marve ous IG orma- it has ever known in preparation fort�ditional' green cap wr.i be \ rdered tion which could never have been th ith Chi t S Ralph Taylor returned yesterd .. :\.upon the h�ads of all '5rsl y�ar men e game WI rcago nex aturlearned from any book on land or day. Y.esterday the crimson team and brightened Chicago's 'hopes for ain the near future. wh:!t .'IIl'mlllt:t:isea has been gathered by the Ene, held .. H '. f'. � scrimmage practice in a driving winning football team. eaVler, as,-were appointed' to look aft -r the nu- lish department from the bewI'lder:d h h- rain, and not content with this, the er and, stronger t an. ,eve�, e ap-nor details of the rules "'hit•l) ti� - 'd;reshmen who have made a desperate coach supplemented a thorough peared on Marshall field an wf.§first-year men will be rl!'l",�'11 cfl tc.- ob- effort to blt1� their way out of Eng. bla-ck-board drill. tried out at ,guard in the signal prac-, erve, Jish O. One new member of the tice., ,On or b'. f(.re Octob ir 23 15 the Th ',U.niversity submits, after wracking e Idea pervades the Indiana Director Stagg announced thattune set for the appearance of the 11'S brains for a' suitable '·.'eas'o·n for f Jootba I camp that never before did Taylor wi1l in all probability start .ingreen caps .Upon this date every , h- .a suitable reason for taking English, :.M! team ave a better chance t'f the Indiana game at guard. ,The1911 man will appear upon the cam- ··Ev.�ry sentence must contain a .sub- holding the Maroons to. a close coun- signals .and trick plays, are toe) :intri-_,pus with ,3, green head-gear, or. suffer .ject, and a predicate, and for tl�·!. and some are even predicting tha; cate to, be mastered: between. now:It the hands of the entire sophomore reason alone English I shouldbe re- Stagg's proteges will haveia .hard and Sat�rday� consequent)y�.�Hei�.'class, who promise to show no mercy quired"of /ev�ry student in the Uni- fight to· obtain the large end of th.,; Taylor will Dot .be ableJ'to�ork ,be�upon Ciny: individual violator of the versity," score. ..(lthough excursion rates hind the lme;:'whe� he"playeci,�the-:edict.- It appears from the papers suo- could not be secured, a riumber of Des Moines. high: school. squad.',Powell, 'Latham and Collings were .... '11 .' -" , " .'mitred that Adam Bed.e was-written rooters, WI accompany the'team,and Taylor. .has . .taken. good, 'care,of,',''7'',appointed a committee to provide by not less. a personage than the! the school yells and songs have been himself". and sa:yS: he, will able �o'for the sale of freshman caps upon Venerable Bede, though others of given a thorough overhauling. 'stand the, pace' �or' ,mid�ason -arid-'the campus. Carter, Sill and Hen�er. the class take issue with this state- iron work. in spit.e of his. late 's�r:�'I d· The great problem with Coachson were: p ace upon a commntee j o] ment, being divided between Dickens He now wei,g:hs, i9S' "p' ounds, and ex.I h d' . Sheldon this year has been to, form 'see t}at t e cap or mance IS ell- and Goldsmith as the 'author. pects to keep to, the'. same weightforced. an adequate line. Almost all of last ' , .C. B. Jordan. : Of "Paradise Lost," varying ac- . ., f d .'. during the rest 'of ,:the' ,seasOn. �He", .The selected Alexan- season s star orwar s are eligibl,.. '. ,'.. . "'Division VI. counts have it that it ,is a novel whicil and their succesor� had to be' recruit· has a' record of of 0:10, ,2-5 'in' ih�,', "der, 'Buckl�y and Johnson,to repre- is ··a striking account f th fi t . h d' "d _' 'ij: . '.,_,�., bab) '-llf" ':"Jje { ,Harry Hansen.:;ent them in the wrestling matches . 0, e. rs ed from. the s'econd team and last un re , an . IS pro �".�.' s �., .�, :;J��:����:�������::::� �::::� ����:gi���:�TI:�;;; ::::��:��;i1�:}}?�� ��it�1����:;����1t� ����lf[�5�'��iFor the six divisions tber.e are a 'total person of;David.Copperfi·�ld or" WhCJDl small nucleus f '.• ",' -.�,' .J',. :The.J·Yarslty' team .. has''''lIOt'''tieea -.(.,,:,._,;.,rom WhICh.,to .. bulld, . ._'., >' __" _, _., " .. -.. _. ,','<;of twenty-three candidates,' where one freshman sa:rs:, "David Copp�:: another machine: ' .', 'choSeD 1 yet, , acronm.g· to ,., Direct�r, ' , ;,-,last winter there were only fifteen. DRAMATIC CLUB TO ELECT I;eld' wrote in'the eight.eenth centur!'". Stagg,-::though, 'th'�';_' beaVy::'woi'k 'in. ('Two withdrawals were made las� MANY NEW ACTORS·NBBDED He ' a prose writer. I have never The cri�son backfield 'is' P�babJy p'reparahon for- �tbe .. ,HOosief'i; pme 'night from Division III, a'nd on� - _ read any of his works." the fastest ever tu'rned 'out from.: the is over. 'Ye�teroaY::i.ri;�;, ..flom Division I. Officials, for New Year ·WiIl ,be, It ,is doubtful if :6Launcelot and state instituti0!l' ,Captain ,Charl�}' nal. practice, tbe 'me.i::were.\'·sliift�,.' :1:.:-.: J::'',l:,:.�'The wom�n of the U .. ivoersity ar. Elected Friday-_y'Positioaa Gaineyere" ever made tbe good Kin>t Tighe, '�ho is' �emembered as. the aboat·io .g�t:·.aci:ast�: ��'��'(�);;�?l:�;!t{cspcciaJIy well represented, nine ot 'are Open to Male Actors. Arthur half th�. trouble they. han only �an to cross Chicago'� goal I rie ous' posJtl�n_s. �ackr�: "�nd' .J�,." 'l�-\)�':(�/':';the nominees being girls, The great- caused the members of the class d in 1905, will play right half. As ru�- remain' to' be"seiected;'the niac�'neJd : ' ." ':", -:.:::,est interest is in Divisio� III, whe,'� . The Dramatic" club will hold its 'II. ,The authors range from Scolt ning mate, hc' will 'have "D�v-�·' and ends being 'certai�hf£s/;Di�h;�'"there: are e�ght candidates: In two of first meting of .. the year· on Friday and Goethe, to Milton, an�, bac� Kreu,zsch, the' speediest pl�;er �n Stagg ::nnounc�d:'" y�sterctaY ',tbat' :�ithe divisions, n�nibers .I, and' VI, afternoon at two o'clock in Cobb 8B. again. One imaginative yo�ng fel- the ele\·eri. It is by' tilis half-back�s will use St�ffm'. at quartir b3ck� ';Dethe:rl" arc only two c�ndidates. fhe purpose' of the me.eting is to low placed the burden upon Shake. toe that the crimson supporters ho� T:ay'and Iddings .at the: tiai.e .. = M�'The election will be held today i:) elect a president and a business man- speare, and capped the climax by call- to secure several marke, s, and �itJ;- ri�m at full,,' Page' and' HeWitt' af·d.ethe officoC of the Dean of Senior col ager, and to discuss plans for the ing It a comedy. out .the opposition of EckersalJ, he ;:nds, and .AnderSon at �ntri-. I::;' '.,leges. during the office hours of tbe year.' It is expected that at' th�s "F\!ndennis" has not escaped, tb: should have a decided shade' in 'punt- 'Among the ca�dnbteS' :10':-:' guardsJ)t'an. 9 to 12, and 2 to 40'clo-ck. A meeting a date will, be set for tbe avariCIOUS g.asping, the avariciou� ing honors. Kreut�sch has .� ;.nd tackles,. "coui�oia 'is' dOI&plurality vote ele-cts as councilor. regular winter quarter trials of tb� grasping of Louis M. Alcott and Iveraging about fifty' yards in punt:' -Tay'�r's additiOri m�es 'one:'of' ihe'while one receiving the�nd higli� club. Thomas Carlyle, while Pilgrim'4J ing, and has booted the pigskin ov�r COil tested poSibo.ns':i�ic(·liIr.e hi's,'pio-cst number of votes will be alte�- There are at present a large nuna- Progress has' wandered so far frOID ,he bar from the forty-five y�rd lin;' viding-he dm_'to1llld into shaPe'by 'thenate. ber of vacap-cies in the regaJar club ih path that it is laid at Swift's do..:r, ':artwright will ·hold down th� fuli day �of the. COilt�L' �.; thoa8tamcmb.t:rship and. probably n�ver be- designated as ··dealing with the life back position" and Johnny T�lbott ine�perienccd at tbe gridiroD'...,'Neighborhood Club to Meet. iore in the history of the organiza- of, the early adventur.ers." But thi� will occupy Hare's shoes at quar- is fairly fast, and has picked uP n1ai�The Neighborh� An Club, whic�l .ion was there', a great�r Deed fr>r pales beside such spiritual adventnr, ler. of the fine' Points of his pOsitiO:t.�tlldied Italian art under the direc- IH.:\V active �mbers.- There is a er� as the writer must have had. ·wh\.... Tb " , Director Stagg' bas drillecl' Hu4i,.,. bl d f ' e extremitIes of the line will b·' h 8- d . '.. .tion of Or. H. F. Willard. at the notlcea e earth 0 male actors �.! .:onfidently asserted the following: • � t e 21 poun 'guard, Wlth considera-u:�iflence of :Mrs. Charles Hitchcock, tile ,)resent membership, and, ex-cel- ··Burns frote the ·Ode on InitiationJ well taken care, of, by the PaddO-Ck ble care, but declines to 'aiaaOGi<-e'4i.11 Greenwood avenue. duri�g la�t lent -opportunities exist fo� any wh;) of Immortality' in the latter part �i �rothe:-s. Scott an� Harvard. Botl] him as the choic.e for a guard 'Posi-',are to affiliate th.�msel'·es wl"th drcl- th . h .ave proved of ulllversal ,ability in t' Jwint('r. is hcing reorganized for the � e nmeteent century. It deal& I' dr h f Ion as yet. ones, of last year-.. matle work. 'tl h .an IIlg t e orward pass h be h' 'comlllg season. Dur:ng Mrs. Hitch- WI I t C manners, natives and Cl1S- • team, as en s oWlng as well this. rock's continued ahsence ahroad. the I Last year the dub successful!:; .oms oi S-cotJancf at that timc. McGaughey is the only other vet. season, and seems a likely 'man- iorria .... will m t T..J .. cndcred Goldsmith's ··The Goo..!- ha,'c f('ad it." cran in !h.� line" At right tackle h'" either guard or tackle,. ,. ce lIeS{l3Y e'·.�nmgs III ..I hl' :\ rt, gallery of the Kenwood Insti- Natured Man,'· and Pinero's "The Such trivia'- inconsistencies, like has pro\'ed a hctter offensive and dC"- Harris, sub center last year, is outIlIll'. 4f>oo Ellis a'·cntlc.. In\"it:ltions School �Iistre!'s:' It is expected that Shakt'spcare flourishing in l20i. Scott (('nsive player than at end, which po, for one of the t�kle positions', 3n.1kIn hcclI is!'ued for tht' opt'ning the plall of giving two plays each dnr:ng th.� Elizabethan ag�, and sition he occupicd last year. The re- has shown promise. Moulton's workn)( .. �tillg. Tuesday. Octoher 15, at � y.ear will be continued this year. An Goldsmith in 1504. are of small 'lC" mainder of thc forwards havoC be�'l has been good at tackle, and it i�o·clock. When the rst talk wiil bc who ainiocipatc try:ng for the cluh (,(011 II t. beside th-e information th:.t on the Var�ity for the first time. e�pected he will be seen in the\"clI 011 Mediae\'al painting. A !'(', may reccive specifications as to ger.- ··Shakespt:ar� wrote "Much Ado Thi.; nUOlhcr inducfes Han. left tac- at least pan of the time. �ycial hOllr will follow. eral requirements fpr admittance :\hout Nothing·' in the latter pan of Jdc.·: Hoover. left gllar(_l; Weymir, and Wonhwine are .bll ill the. nil-irom Miss Day. scc:ctary. or from the nin�rt't'nth century. ('enter. :md Nt"thcron. right guard. ning for line poaitioaa. AI Rbata.any of the pr.csent memh.�rs of th: Last YC:1r the majority of Chicago's ta,te fl)f' Andersoa, Baa BadeIaoCh ,,:.The Score dub will hold its fir .. organization. point. "'",re made by 51-'"- bailbeing held ill _� D_ of the autumn quarter on Sat- ... meet:nc, p .... _, 10....... at Sh Id -� -3d P-t. --I' - e on has taken s'_"';"'1 '-'0-- to �'-- ,---_---- __ur ay afternoon, Nov. 16. Coauc:iI t--.....:.-. u __ 1__ A._ __ CD' a_e-.;uuD po ... � at·,. guard against this Wll;;· player. ' (Cow.;";' � �. J), " ._!'\'. • f.:. ,_,......\ uL vr. No.8.Fosms TO DON ��I FilesHlEI'IIvat ,MD,Sopholr.ores Or;;-;reebi� to, Wear HISTORY, 'OF' ,UTERlTUREGreeD Head-Piec:ea by Octobft 23or S�doo-Soph Wrestlers Cboeca FirSt Year lien Relate WoaderiuJ'for Reynolds Smow. Tales of Famous Authors andTheir WorD.The Nominees.NoMI_ATE TWEITY-THR�E, 'FOR'. SEIIOR COUICIL llIDlA!fA ;18 ·oo� ,iJtElVY,-!·,.�T1Yll�IIETURIS.'AIiI"JOiIS"'VARSIn "TEllLetter froiD Hoosier IaatituCoD Pre'dicts that Chicago' will .Run intoSeveral Surprises-Line Green but Director SUCc Ez:pKta to U. Ha...Strong. ky, PlayU at Guard Apiut;; IDCtiaua..;Clo�,e Contests Expected in Each Div�n-Mole �terest than inSpring.Bloomingston, Ind., Oct. 8, 1907- _'--'Votes to be Cut with Miss OttSenior Office-Hours" g to 12,-Division I.\\'illi&l1ll F. Hewitt.Division U.Addie Spohn.Elizabeth Stone.William E. Wrather,Division III.Eleanor Day.H. W. Harriman,Angeline Hostetter.Edith Reider. .Helen Sunny,Althea Warren.Division IV.N orrnan Barker,j. H. Gagnier.Harri�t Grim.H. B. Fuller,C. Stackhouse.Division V.G. M. Bauer,H. k. Halsey.r.i�p'_'-.. , #.,THE DAILY MAROON, CHICAGO. THURSO.� V.. OCT. "0, tournament. starting Friday. 12, 2 to �With the preliminary contest f'lr and should hand their names In atthe Varsity debating team less than the Information office at once. "Purity Banquet" at CoIlllDODS Fri-three weeks ahead, candidates for the The entry list in singles and dou- day �li& are being kept busy studying bles is becoming large. Several stars'the question and preparing them- from other colleges have entere I. I G . The Stump Debating club has&aterecl .. 1IecoDd-e .... Mall at &be C)lJ· selves for the tna s. reater interest from the graduate department, ,10,I'S being shown in the corning contest B doi .prom'sed a good program' at :b'equ l'.tollc:e. � .. tably Black, champion of ow. ommeeting in Cobb 6A Friday at 7 :30. -than usually has marked the event in University. and James, who playedThe UalnnlU ol Cb1eqo Weeki,.1!'0IIDded.�-----------------------------previous years. here in the intercollegiate two year-.sua.crJpUuo price. $&,00 per ,ear; ,1.00 The Dames dub' wilt holdOne: of last year's team is preparing ago for Illinois.opening meeting in Lexingtonto take advantage of the new rules, The Quadrangle club jnade a clean Saturday, October 12, at 2:30.for 3 HubKrlpUoDa rec:elyed attIae Jlarooa Ollce. K1u.. Ball, 01' at tbeVIkUJtJ' IUda.l.qe. C_' Hall. which permit a debater to compete in swep in the tennis yesterday with th::Intercollegiate contests a second time, Univer-sity team. The Varsity six . in bu�'-Peter F. Dunn. '07. IS JL .... tor. and several experienced debaters have showed a gre�t lack of practice, whileness I'll New Orb-ans, with the Rud-LU'l'HEK I). VERNAL!), l1anS&� '"""" .. ..,,,entered the law and graduate schools the faculty team played in almost -... Cdock. Orleans Cypre� o.from other institutions. These, with top .form, None of the matches werethe pro�ising' graduate material now close or exciting, the wind and co.d An . important meeting of the Dra-on hand, and the exceptionally good restricting the players. of both sides, marie club will take place in Cobb 6Hmen from the undergraduate depart- 1\1 r,' Torrey play.ed his usual steady,. Friday at 2 p. m.ment who are working for the team. accurate game, and the rest of theare expected to furnish one of th- professors' held up to him. The 011·..... · h ld h .Y The Three Quarters club 0 tel;'largest and best contests for a de- t h' hi h th V it h Id it111a c 10 W IC e arst y e I�; first meeting today at 10:30 in thebating team that has ever been held own was in the doubles between Carr members',Reynolds club. All oldand Henry versus Barnes and Miih- should attend.kan, Carr and Henry took the firstset. 6-4. darkness ending the matchmost of the onlookers. This is tilefirst fall match with th.e Quadrangie Y. W. C. L. and Y. M. C. A. to Ha�club in several years. Big Event Saturday in 'ReynoldsThe score were as follows: Tor- Club.rey beat Carr, 6-2. 6-3; Kinsley beatHe-nry, 6..3. 6-4; Hobbs beat Hart,6-0, 6-2; Barnes beat Sullivan, 6-�.6-2; Millikan beat Shea, 6-2. 6-,;Michelson heat Tucker, 6-1, 6-1. h,the doubles Hobbs and Hilton beatsity cannot hope to make a propel'. Professorshowing, unless competrtron for department of sociology, is at presentIn REYNOLDS CLUB SIIOKER t rt . t. places on the. two teams is keen. engaged in a lecture tour in which he e ammen.the debates two years ago, Chicago AROUSES MUCH INTEREST will-speak in cities .of seven states o� Mark Wheeler, secretary of the Y.made a record which was' .highly the middle west. The lectures are M. C. A.. is sending out next an-creditable; the less that can be sai .. 1 Freshmen and Sophomores Picking being conducted by the extension de- nouncements of thOe reception. Heabout the contests of last year, the' Contestants-AD Chicago lien to partment of the University. Tho: thinks the attendance. will be verybetter, The difficulty then did n91 be Welcomed at Ajfair� course given in each city comprises large on account of the increased in-lie in any lack of ability or devotion the following eight lectures: terest in the work of the Y. M.· C.on the part of the contestants or the The Reynolds club all-University I. Busiri.ess. A. and Y. \V. C. L. in the Univer-coach but in the general decline of smoker, to be held tomorrow night,student interest. No activity at thi:; is arousing unusual interest, especiator any other university _ can be sue: Iy amo'ng the fr.eshmen and sophccessful, unless there. is a gene�1 e";'.· mores, who are busy rounding upthusiasm to back up the activities of men to take part in the various fr.eakthe few students who actually. reach �ontests' planned. President Hewl�tthe lime light. It is not greater abil.· of the club, is being kept . busy ex.,ity . 'on tht part of students or in. plaining that every Chicago man.5tructors which is responsible for th� whether member or not. will be wel- lin's schedule: Every Monday night,consistency with ·.which the 'smail come. Toledo; every fortnight, on Tuesdav.coUeges humble .the larger institu- ". wish I could impress every m=lt. Port Huron, Mich.; on Wednesday.t· . h f h H '1 with the fact that membership in t,he FI- 'f' h Th d WoodIons an t e contests 0 t e ami ton lOt, .n IC ,; on ors ay. _club. Suc<ess is attributable to noth. dub is not necessary for admission hwn P.!:ople's Tnstitute; on Friday,ing more than the relatively larger to the smoker," said President H.ew- Milwaukee, Wis.; on Sat�r:day. U. ofplace which the fo'.ensics occupy ill itt yesterday. "We want every Uni- 1\Iinn., Minn. with the5cthe student mind. The positions heH versity man to be present. Resides dates are the folTowing engageme�ts:at the University by athletics and by the freshman-sophomo:-e pi.c-e:ttin6_ Tuesday. Des Moines, Iowa; Wednes-'College journalism are sure; that heh' wntest. the Rurton Stock Company, day St. Joseph. Mo.; Friday, Statehy debating and oratory seems nO\\') tJ:(" Reynolds cluh clllartet. and otht";' :Xormal. \Vashington. Mo.; Saturdav,to be decidedly wobbly. Genuine in. fc· .. tures previously announced. se\'- Alton.: III.; Sunday. Ethical Socl(" .... ,terest and sufficient interest to lead ( new �tt1nts have he.c-n added to St. I.olli�. :\10.its pOssessor to actual effort if neces- the program. We are making prca)sary is essential to success in inter- ;tr.ttions for a la.rge number, for weuniversity debate. Unless' the stu. know that many will attend."Ident body desires a repetition of the The. Y. W. C. L. -�ld a meetingforensic disasters of last year, it must The women of the College of Lit- Wech�csday morning in th� Leaguej�rk itself out of its present coma. o('r.tture are planning, to organize .. room in Lexington haiL The presl-dramatic club. As yet no definite dent. :\li55 Nortan, delivered an 3.1-plans have ben' made, but the ideoll dress of welcome to the new mell1-will probably. be discussed at the col- �ers, and explained to them the wor;clege 11''' !ting next Tuesday. . of the League.l'll�TON F. G.&::)�, NeW8 Editor.MEL v IN J. AVAAlH. Athletic EdItor.. LO(;IS �. BERLIN, Bualoe!18 liIaoager.ASSOCIATE EDI'IOJtSCole Y. Rowe,Jerome Frank, Harry A. Hansen,Warren D. Foster, at Chicago.The fact that there are six positions� to contest for under the plan of\V I A F d having both an affirmative and nega-a ter . or,. .H J K [tlve team, one to debate Michiga-iW. S. Morrison, oward. ennerFred W. Carr, E. C. Hoadley, and the .other. Northwestern, gives aI Fridstei I E F . greater mcentrve and opportunity toA. •. tl stem, . . erguson, '..M· E h H II' H B F 11 J men who are mterested lD debating6 ISS st er a, arvey . u er, r. f hto trY or t e team.P. W. Pinkerton, .The activity of, the Delta SigmaRho, the debating fraternity, is an-other important .reason for the inter-I est in the corning debate. At a meeting held last week, committees wereappointed from men in the UniversitvThe discussion of the outlook for 'th� in the next at 3-3.The chilly weather drovePaul B. Heflin,Albert D. Henderson.PrlotE'Cl by the lJarooo Press4;4 .::u.t :t:tth Str.-etPhone Hyde I'ark 3691 Hart and Sullivan.: 6-2. 6-3; Carr andteam ,was entirely optimistic. "Pros, Henry versus. Barnes and Michelson.peets on the whole are pretty good eo. fi . h d"-3. 3-3 un DIS e .for a reversal of our work of lastIf the. University of:.�Chicago is' to year," said one of the members..resume her old place .in inter-univer-, Dr. Julian P. Bretz, of t�e historysity debating, it is time department, formerly a debater forthat the campus ora- Chicag�, and president of the localtors, begin to bestir chapter of the Delta Sigma Rho, is I Presenting Series of Eight Lecturesthemselves and show ready to. �ake clear. t� all candidates. in Cities of Seven States o.fsome sign of life. In the triangular the conditions of the debate and pre- Middle West.forensic duels this _ winter, the Var- liminarics for the team. ' IDR. ZEUBLIN GIVINGLECTURES IN MANY CITIESWakeup.Debab;n away PREPARE FOR ANNUAL'RECE�ION TO FRESHIIENThe annual all-University reee-»tion, which is given every year bythe Young Women's ChristiatLeague and the Young Men's. Christian Association. will take place �!1the Reynolds dub Saturday eveningat .8 o'clock, This r.eception _is primarily for freshmen and. generallyis largely attended. It is the firstevent of the year at which the newmen and women have an opportunit. make the a-cquaintance .of theirclassmates and' the older students.A' meeting of the. cabinets of tbeY. W. C. L an'd Y. M. C. A_ will beheld Thuresday afternoon at 4o'clock in the rooms. of the wo-Charles Zeublin of the men's League in Lexington to complete plans for Saturday evening's en-2. Labor.3. The Family.4. Fellowship.5. Government.6. Art.7. Culture.8. Religion.The following is Professor Zueb-� ..mas meetill& tDIDOrI'OW,_ i.L.] Y. W. C. L. Holds lleetin,. sity.I�l! a'fOWNESThat·s a!l you need to)mowabout •GLOVE "IllinoisFRITZI SCHEFFCOmK OperaaMLLE. MODISTE':�The Studebaker]�WILL T. HeDGEIn the New ComedyTHE M,'\NFROM HOllET'he Auditorium:KLAW ct ERLANGER'SADVANCED VAUDEVILLE 7iSOl\DoFa1HIuIt".".Re,La SalleTHEGIRLQUESTION, ,/.Colonial. 1Te:Kid Bums in Geo. 11., Cohan'.Musical PIQ ')_.THE TALK 'OF' 'f. NEW'-YORK.The WhitneyThe MuacaJ··W"maer.A KNIGHT �R 4: DAY·\..1McVickersLEW DOCKSTADERaDd Hi& GftatII I'N S T R B L S ...PowersJOIIepb W. Brooks Praeats":LILLIAN RUSSELL---------------------------The GarrickEDDIE\ F 0 YThe GrandIIONTGOIIERY aacISTONE illTHE RED IIILL c.:,. . - _. .'. � � .SEAT SA!.E !lOR DiDIANACONTEST TO OPEN TODAY!Zyatem U8ecl I..ut Year will Preva;l. -Be&� Sea� te be Disposed ofF"arr_<. •• ��" ••· ........ mII..... ,._ ....BiiSfONQ��TERI1111'.""'" IT;::'':=d:�,__.'(J"'-�• CUSHIO.luno". CLASPUti fUTT01HU11-IEYEIsUPS. fUll ... UlfASrEIS Seats for the Chicago-Indian',�ame on Marshall field. next Saturday, will be placed on sale for tl-efirst time at the 'student rate thismo ning, in Bartlett gymnasium. Ail;Iltend'ng to ri·t the -special rate (\ififty cents are advised that the good-cats will be disposed of first.The scheme used last year will b.continued for the games this season .Only 01101: ticket will be sold to a student. and the women as wel1 as th;men, are given the opportunity .)fhuying the best seats at the stude-itrate.The purchaser will be given order, on the back of which he sign shis name and agrees' to forfeit hisright, to the ticket ;'pon its usc byany other person, except himself.The tickets are put in an envelopeat the time. On the afternoon ofthe game, the student .will presenthis order at the gate of the field, awlwill be directed to a separate office,where he will be giv.en his ticker.The idea of presenting students wittorders instead of the 'tickets themselves at the time of purchase, ;5 6take precautions against a student�etting more than one ticket at thospecial rate,The booth will he open from 9 :30to 10 o'clock this morning. and fromI o'clock to 3 o'clock this afternoon.The hours tomorrow are 9 :30 to I �o'clock, and I o'clock to 3 o'clock.Saturday the tickets may be boughtduring the entire forenoon,N READY - WHEN YOU AREThis is to announce that the NewWoolens for Fall are ready foryour Inspection.Some of the Smartest of the NewWeaves are in Single Patterns.Dosen't this suggest an early visit?Fall Woolens custom tailored in the"Jerrems Way"-have an Individ-ual Style. 'It will be a pleasure to Show youwhat the Fall Styles will be, Youwon't be asked to buy.Ready for you-today. No.9This is the only Full Dress Shirtmade, the bosom of which absolutely will not bulge.Y Ott will never wear any otherkind if you try this.(Patented Feb. 28-1899.). '1UE MAC-HURDLE"A.: N. jerrems, Manager;TAILOR FOR YOUNG MEN.Two Stores: 131 La Street, and,44 Jackson BoulevardTelephones: Harrison 4259, 3401, 4239 Tc;l 3348 Hyde Park.Automatic 5239' Miss K. M. DoranRItBARDS, ��L�R, � CO. Electrical Facial ,Massage, . 'COAL AND COKE. "nlMAIMONIDES CLUB ELECTSCharles Strull Is Made President andMiss Fisch VICe-President.303 Dearborn Street. _ Chicago Electrical Scalp Treatment,Shampooing. Etc.- 242 East 57th StreetChicago At a meeting of fhe �aimonidcsdub, held last ev.ening, the fol1owin�SHAMP.OOING and officers' were 'elected: Chas. S,tru!i,MANICURING, at president; Miss Hattie .Fisch, v:.::�·MADAME KAYNOR·S president; Miss Perlstein, 'recording237 ·E. 55th St. Phone H. P 2386 secretary; L. J. Levinger, financialThe' best equipped and most Sanitary secretary and treasurer .. Paul Wan-place in Chicago . der, last year's president, was addedto the executive committee. . A CO.lstitutional committee of three is t.. ..,be appointed..The next meeting of the dub wlHprobably be held on the evening Randolph 766.Dr. Jerome w. EgbertDENTAL SURGEONr· Suite 167-161 State Street.Specialist inPYORRHEA ALVEOLARISSpecial Fees for Students. .CHICAGO WOOD SHADES and, OLIVE BROWNSARE NEWESTWE HAVE THEM ANDOTHER POPULARSHADES. the 23rd.ts AMES HATS$2.00 '$3.00A fair �ea1 with e.ery' bat.Opera Hats, Silk 'Hata.161. 163 Eo IIADISON STREET,Hear La BaDe.gan, ,- who was considered sure of :tplace in the line, has n�t been 0'.2.for the team with regularity. and \Vi�1not play Saturday,Director Stagg declared yest��(I:-IYthat Merriam at. full back is a {ill(:"Merriam's speed certainly twJIl';make the back field move fast," commented the "Old Man." "He is ;i�hl.and under the_ old rules, this mightprove a material handicap. Rut nowspeed is as important a requisite a�anything else, The hack fi:M lastyear was perhaps the lightest 1 haveever ha(� to work with, yet i'�s' workwas as effective as I could have ,I�:o-ired. 'am satisfied wi,l. my .)ff�nsethis Yt'a� also.""HEAVY" TAYLOR RETURNSAND JOINS VARSITY T�II(Cotinued from page I)100 styles at $20.00100 styles at $so.ooBORDEN·SCondensed Milk. Fluid IC� Creamand Buttermilk.All Bottled in the Country.Borden·s Condensed Milk Cu,327'329 E. Forty-seventh St.-Td-'hl� RJde Puk 18 aDd_7A. McAdamsTh. U.I" .... It7.•. F lor' .1. .......-o08B8:Cor, 534 8t, a4 Jtlm.cft; A... Chicago WlLUAM .. ERRE •• • .ON ..Clark and Adams StreetsI lIeilKS --1NBW AKD SECOND-HANDat Lowed PriaeM 11_1 __415 It. S7III 1Inet.. fALEX CALDER, DRUGGISTN. E. Cor. 61st and Ellis Ave.CIGARS, TOBACCO and ICECREAM SODAS (entire year)Students' Patronage EspeciallySolicited. "Always a Squal Deal here," NEW ADDRESSFLORENCE II. HENDERSHOTPbotoa·apberTeJephoae H. P .. ql4-.6,., 'Kimbark A .... �.. --------------------------------------------------�..; . � .... .. _-j .... -.. -,. • .... .: 0.SEASON 1907-1906 .(The ORCHESTRA THAT PLAYS FOR CHICAGO'S SMART SET)--CL�BS--Onwentsia Calumet CoUDt1'7 ClubExmoor Golf Union LcapeChicago Automobile Club Chicaco GoU ClubSouth Side Colonial Homewood CouiItr7New Illinois Athletic Chicaco AtbJetic Cbab--H 0 TEL S---Virginia Vendome, The Moraine. Chicqo BacbPotter Hotel. Santa Barbara. Cal.For open da�es and ether, information addressTelephonesCentral 5713Central 5253CalumetBirchwoodSouth 'Shore ClubHichland Park ClubFt. Dearborn ClubLakotaMetropoleEDGAR· A. BENSON40 East Rand�lph Street, ChicagoWE MAKE SPECIAL APPARATUSACCORDING TO D�CRIPTION.Any Apparatus Made to Orderw. J. ,BOEHMMANUFACTURER AND IMPORTERPhone Main 2700. 171 E. \lWtdolpb Street..CHICAGORepairingon Gen�8GarmentsFree ofr"one Calumet 1300l':�r, 25th aDd Cottage' Grove. Aveiii • • • • • • • • • • • I '. • '. • • DOwn Town Store317 �boin street. . .� . . . . . . .The patronage 'of :the sttdents of The Univenity ofChicago is solicited byTHE HOTEL MAROON�:-S'-59 Drexel AvenueRESTAURANT ANI),LUNCH COUNTfRTHE BEST OF FOOD AT POPULAR PRICESA Specialty wilf be made of 5UViIIg Suppers or' 'Banquetsfor Societies or for Private Parties.' 'COMPORTABLE ROOMS NBWLY, PURBISIIIm·MAROON MI:NWHO HAVE BOUGHT OURCOLLEGE CORNER CLOTHES., ARE BUYING AGAIN THIS FALLCOLLEGE SUITS AND OVERCOATS S3,S.OOS�er&WnkieTAILORS 115 '" 0.,..,."..... fJeor•Smlth- Vaile" Pumping MedIiaeqThe PI .. tt IroDwofb Co.'TURBINE PUMPSSTEAII PUMPSELECTRIC PUMPS 311" &adJOm mOdatp, mHam.on 167. •l i, :'.:'I'1'··,1-" :,:1I: TH2 t>AtL'Y MAROON. CHtCAGfl, .fHURSDAY. OCT. '0, 1001.�----------------------------------------------�, PLAN BIG PREP VWELcOKEI Faculty Members W�kinC on De-:tails for Unusually Hearty .Recep- .tion to' Se-:ondary School Students,Next Month.DRINU INK'BE �A ,cAMELTo load a Conklin FountalD' Pen. just dip it in anyink, press the Crescent-Filler' and see it fill its owntank like a camel slaking its thirst. That's all thereis to it r No dropper-no mess-no bother. Do itanywhere-any time. , .CONKLIN'S ':'FflNo PEN.. THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT-FILLER"can be filled instantly without the least inconvenience. Youcould' fill it wi�h white kid gloves on without danger ofsoiling .. Besides its convenience, is the splendid writingqualities of the Conklin-the perfect feed.LeadiD&' dealers handle the CoaldlD. If yours does Dot, orderdlrect. Prices. 13.00 and up. SeDd at eeee for haDdsome Dew cata1�.'he Conklin Peo Co., 310 Manhattan Bid£, Toledo, OhioWHERE THE VARSITY BOYS TRADE IMOSSLEll. co.CLOTHES 'MAKERSSo Jackson BoulevardFall Clothes Now! Preparatory school students, coming here for the annual conference I)fsecondary students, November 8, wI!1receive the hea. tiest welcome everextended to them irr the history . .):the University, according to plaJ_lsnow being arranged by, the faculty.A program. which includes the ar-}tendance of the preparatory schoolstudents at the Purdue pur!ty Danquiet, the Purdue football game an, Itile Reynolds club. smoker is at' present under way."In past years," said Dean MIll e ryesterday, "these students, who COIr .. :here for the competitive examination ..and the declamation contest, havereceived littLe attention from thestudents of the University. The spirhof friendship for possible future fcllow workers, which exists in suchabundance, when the preparatoryschool men come here for t.he inter-PALL CLOTHES ARE INour wardrobes today! Nothing butFall clothes! Fall suits. Fall overcoats, Fall trousers, Fall vests!JUST LOOK AT OURwindows! There are none like themanywhere! They are "an education"ill men's clothes! Study·them if youknow what is to be wom this season;and remember, our stose is full of justsuch clothes! .OUR' CLOTHES ARE �Ein our own shop in our, own buildingat So Jackson Boulevard. ·We haveclothes for father and son, for evening and day wear." so Jackson' BouleVard BRlGHTllRat .I:ia." :Cart�for Solid comfort. The newest s .-.;1and designs of one piece, ",..".eb. All metal parts heavy ni.plated brass, cannot rust. '25c. aall dealers or by mai 1. -'. ,: .lQuick Service.Varsity C,.Ie ••55th St., and Greenwood AvenueHAS CHANGED HANDSIt is StiD the$TUDENTS LUNCH'ROOItlleals 20C uP. including, soup, tea, coffee or milk$3.5'0 ,MEAL THISFOR- $2.90OUR MOTTO:Cleanliness WEEKWanted,WANTE�College men with coll�ge .spirit ; only those loyal to theAlma Mater, to subscribe So ThoDaily Maroon. Do it now r TICKETGood Eatingseason.Rooms to RentROOM ,TO RENT-If you,you'll want it. Mrs. Morris. 551;Drexel ave., 3d flat. CAREY'S PIPE � AND BORER COVERINGS85 Per Cent Magnesia, Abestos. Etc.scholastic' in the spring, seems to be Our Cover:ngs used on the Steamentirdy lacking ;n the autumn quar- and Building of the University ofter. \ \' e will have an opportunitynext month to make a number ofvaluable additions to the. studentbody. I f we were able to interestthese preparatory students in our in':'stitution=-and there 'is n� doubt thatTO RENT�Two pleasant rooms;good location. Mrs.]' E. Stepenson,5831 Monroe Ave. we can do so if we will-we can :rduct." many of them to attend herenext year, while at the same timeth sy will carry home to their, respec- 'tive schools tales of our Chicagospirit, which will induce others 0enrol; in this University. Opportunetics Jike this are ren-e, for it is notoften that we can get, a number oihigh school students on our campus.I hope every member of the U.niver-Suits Sl8 to S4s. , sity, will take ,a hand in making ourCoats $20 to $60., . I institution popular w'th these second-<try school pupils."MossIer Co. The Reynolds clubh as already arranged to entertain the visitors during their stay. The club will ,bethrown open to all, the high schoolstudents Friday, November 8. Theywill be at leisure from 5 to 7 :30 p.m., when th'e men will no doubt at-ROO1tIS TO RENT-Miss Ida M.Rogers, sBoo Jackson Ave.; rooms tend the Purdue purity, banquet, and, the girls win be entertained in thesingle"or en suite}. with or. without; halss .'housekeeping; $7 to $24, pe� month.WATNED-Students to attend En- MRS. TERRY, 5653 Drexel Ave.-&Iewood Roller Rink, 64J2 Went- Two single rpoms for ladies; $8 anJworth Ave. Every eve., Thurs., . famil b fSal. and Sun. Afternoons through' $9 monthc pnvate arm y; est rer-erences, While it has not been definitely d-:cided, it is extremely probable thatthe prep, school men will be invitedto attend the Purdue football gamethe next day, or will at least be giventickets at half price. If they remainover for Saturday's game, the variousfra!_crnities will take care of there.and they will be the guests of tilt:Reynolds club at the smoker, Satu»day night. I"Arrangements for entertaining Telephone llain -3917thc� men �ouW � made � onc�" ��.�����,_����������������_,�������sa id :\1 r. Robertson. secretary to th '!President, yesterday. "If the plansROOMS FOR RENT-Two alcove Typewriters can be as well perfected as those inbed rooms; reasonable; gas, elec- TYPEWRITERS for Sa� or Rent- the spring quarter, the idea will proveSpecial rates to students; bargains " great success, These men will b�tric light;', with private family; alsoin roe-built machines. W. White- most desirable material for futUi �three unfurnished rooms. 5207 head, 36 La Salle Street.Ellis Ave.A FLAT of 4 well furnished outside SPANISH-If you are interested inrooms for houseke eping, or wII: it. and live close to the Universityrent separate; windows overlook of Chicago.' drop me a "Tarjc-tne Midway: telephone and ali tn postal:" call 6047 Ellismodern improvements. Apply 58.1� Ave. or 'phone Hyde. Park 2;20.Drexel ave. first flat. Sr. Francisco Ranos.see it, The University Emplayment ,Bure�lllOffice hours, 9-11 a. m.Positions are open for five younc;women. Board and room in return, for 'assistalKe at housework.Saturday work assigned Thursdays.What'., Going' On?W�tch The DAILY MAROON.YouCan't'AffonI'To Do Withoat It.Subscribe N�wBIIia HaIL University students, and I hope tha!we may be able to interest them inour work here."Women's Glee Club Elects.The Women's GL�e club, held theirfirst m{'{'ting of the year in Kenttheater this afternoon. Electionswere held and the fol1ow}ng officerselected : Florence :\fanning. president; Maud Wolcott, secretary andt r casurcr ; . :\fary J. Moynihan.'an. Trials will be held in a little whiJebut the exact date has not been de'jtermined. Notices telling the tim:!and place win, be posted �_ Piping in Power House, Tunnek,Chicago.Contract work a Specialty.WfSTf�N ROOFING SUPPLY. CO,'177 Randolph Street, ChicagoSeniors--Juniors, ...SOphoJ;llores--FreshmenU!Take Notice!l!H you have any pride in your room. theExhibition,about to be shown' in the Gallery ofTHE ART, 'TEMPLE.pi East 63rd Street�ber 12th to 19th, 1907, wiD be �xceedingly mterestiDc tID, youTHE LARGEST' AND FINEST COLLECTION IN, THE CITY�OF DEN AND POSTER PICTURES WILL 'BE ON DISPLAY:AND WE'RE GOING TO SHOW YOU THAT WE CAN SAVE,YOU SOliE MONEY.Consider this an Invitation to attend. .. --,I• • •GOOD CLOTHES DO NOT MAKE THE MAN. BUT THEY HELP,HIM GREATLY TO GET ON.Our Specially Selected Patterns. carefuDy Tailored, will sat�fy the most fastidious, and be a guarantee of taste andjudgment everywhere.Anton, A. IIIelu", .. 6 SOIl$TAILORSClark aDd lIadisw S1S., ,305 Atwood Bldg.lhe Place Where College "'en Congregate'OPEN EVENINGS,Phone �arrison sg28. 26.t Michipa ,..J\illll'-'".�--.-n ._··'�SJJ'"J. C. Lynu. L. G. WilkinsFraternity Jewelry Engraved. Embossed Stationery, Programs andGreek Letter Pennants in exdaive design.College and Fraternity Ste:ns, Ash TI'QS, Tobacco Jan, etc.. suppliedwith any monogram, crest or emblem. -" �Vol.--Calledof IIONLYtt.·:no(]studie:lost t4Just Ibegin.relegrbedsidhuurDes 1\.Tayis eXIbut h.Indiareningif Ta:he shin tirChamDhdissatVarsiticetenia:candifresh:total"I.� a1untiltor S• • are :i-Iay�playsby tl'orthe fbeneThe)ablewith:on eof th.en uto 51-vmemsurplis athecomhan(stitugamChicTInutwas«lilt)theprae1;1:1)star,IatfhefheV,npe:a 1141fheSubscribe for The D2il7 Maroou Do it DOW I'. ers. ,,l