-:i"";C:.:,'�;'-.-::-�:;'::�:" :,:::i;'! .-.o.�'- r. .: /: .':�. _-:-:'':- � ;: ,,1... � '. ,..... -; • � .. �<:_ ... : r, »: :'<. ,:,':' : ... :.;, .,- t��' • .: ......... � ,. ........ ' ....... , 'r'CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30. 1907, Puc:& Two Can.'STATE RJGHTS THE QUESTION I DEAN HULBERT'S CRITICALProfessor McLaughlin Says Relation I CONDITION IS UICHUCEDof State and Nation Will be Lead-ing Issue for Years-Professor Has Remained in Practically SameLayes Praises Wireless Telegraph. Condition. Since His Change forthe Worse on Sunday. TO HOLD MEIIORIAL SERYICE SAYS FAITH AID HOPE AREESSEITIALS TO HAPPIIESSDE ARMOlD FAVORS" AlERDIRG CONSTITUTION All University Exercises Suspendedfrom 10 :30 to 12:00 Today fo�Service in Dean Jackman'. Memory-·Funeral at california, Pa.eoaaresaman from Missouri Con.,tiibutes Second Article in Seriesto Commonwealth Club.i;�', .;Waald Have a Constitutional Con".Don Called to Consider NeceSsary Changes.. Dean Shepardson in Senior ChapelUrges ApiDat Superatitioa aDdBelief in Gloomy Future.A fight for rights between the fed This morning, from 10 :30 to 12 :00,eral and state governments is destinedDoctors m' Charge Give N':ther al: university work will be steppe A. F- .... ,of D- ... _ 11-=--_ p __ ,,_ --..Ito engross the attention of this coun- ,'00& �....... .ru,.,_"", ... _ ___.UM&try for the next ten years at least, Hope' nor 'Discouragement as to' while a service in memory of the late Contcntmc:Dt Impoaaible-Hope. h di f P the Outcome. Dean Jackman i!i held in Mandel m' Supreme Po-ereaccording to t e pre ictron 0 ro- ...Hall. All members of the .Universitylessor A. C. McLaughlin ,head of the10 D'I "1 Bull tin· are invited to attend this service.. e at Y �,aroon presents today history department. He asserted e -3:00 a. m. "00 not be. prophets of ill." Doth .1' h ' f . I Th' h . 0 H I Members of the faculty will meet in( seeonu 01 t e senes 0 art c es on this in concluding his talk on politi- ere IS no c ange mean' u -not be pessimists. Look on the'. . bi 'f h lit' diti t thi h the Re ... molds Club and march in pro-'Cll'le su jeers, written or t e nter- cal parties before Philosophy Col- rer s con I Ion up 0 IS our. oJ bright side of everything, for faith11 - t C.. · L f hi ce ssional, in cap and gown, into theco egla e I\,IC eague, 0 w ich the lege for men yesterday. --- and hope are the essentials of happi-T,' • C I CI hall. Dean Butler, of the School ofuniversity ommonwea th ub is a "The National government has -Dean Hulbert's critical condition '11 jress."be ' / Education, and Professor Tufts, WImem r, been growing stronger and stronger, n .. mained unchanged up to a late hour Thi th 'on of Deanmake short addresses in appreciation IS was e expressiIt is written by Judge Dav'd A, De- while the state gover-nment's powers last night. Since the change for the Sh d . S ' C II Ch 1of the life of Dr. Jackman, The re- epar son 10 emor 0 ege· apeArmond, 'member of Congress from have been lessened," he declared, "As Yo c rse reported on Sunday, when t d ,.. ti outuiainder of the service will be re- yes er ay mormng, 1D porn mgMissouri. Judge De Armond is a: things now stand, a few men. that is symptoms of pneumonia set in,. Dr, the p .. ev .. I_n .. - "0·& superstition in itsI ligious and will be in charge of Dr. u, •• •Democrat, He has been presidential to say. the parties are shaping the Hulbert's state has not changed various forms among the people ofeJ S . '. H enderson. The University choirector. tate Senator, and Circuit policies of this nation. They e,xpress enough to warrant any prediction.\ .. ill tak e part and Director Jones will tcday, The provocation for the re-]rdge, and has represented the 6th opinions for the whole country, con- There is still hope, The greatest marks was the apparent wave of ill-}t. issouri District in Congress since t· r ol elections, and do many other -Icar for his .. recover), is caused by probably sing a solo. b di f th IVV7 th t 'Dean Jackman will be buried in 0 mg or e year I�, a �s}8gI. He has written for the League, .tl!'ngs. It is inevitable that the states his extreme weakness, Yesterday sweeping the country, He called at-b·" California, Pennsylvania,the party ac- ,ere a su ject which is not often dis- will protest to this. In fact, they n.orning the physician in charge re- tcntion to the prophecies of severald b r companying the body consisting of«sse, ut in which he is very much have already expressed discontent! ported a very slight improvement, "fake" prophets and "wizards" that, .1 . the late Dean's family, a few intimateinterested ; and he wishes to submit He said further that political par.,- though not enough to cause any ad- thi t b one of great disfriends, and a representative of the IS year was 0 e --. it to the consideration of college tres are a comparatively recent de- ditional encouragement, By evening, factulty of the School of Education, a=ters, earthquakes, storms, accidents,m. en: the question of amending the' ,: elopment. He' de' clared that the however ... Dr, Hulbert wa, s practic- • nd 0 forth and said e "Are you suwill leave at 3:00 o'clock this after- ,. '-' s , . -Constitution. .principles of true democracy demand any the same as he was on Monday. pcrstitious? Do you believe in theseTb ' noon from the Englewood station of I' f . f 'Il? D' e article follows r a government for the people, and not The fact that he .has been able to tl PI' 'I d . foo Ish orecastings 0 I 0 youAm din .. � I Id I ic ennsy varna rat roa . .,en g the Constitution Jhe people for the government, .0 out so ong IS taken by many E' ht b f th Ph' G IDa -brJaeve that the Creator and Guard-C . h . , Ig mem ers 0 e I am. . .. opyng t, 1907. by Inter-Collegiate ; The college voted to have a group as an encouragmg SIgn, D It f t it '11 t 11 b aat1- of our universe has given to a.li._lvic Leaeue. p'l'cture taken for the .Cap and ,Gown. e a ra eml y WI ac as pa ear- 'f ' hb� t h t t' Th Rolrn certam ew mystenous persons t e;- Is it desirable to' amend the Fed- Tells of WirelesS . WO ('rs 0 t e s a Ion. ey are: 1 't f t t j) It -is fool�I Constitution? Is it desl'rable MEN BUSY' WITH PLANS Chamberlain. John S. Wright, Chas. �olwer dOb �recas ehv�n sb' -The future development of wire- FOR FEBRUARY CARNIVAL W. Paltzer, Wm, J. Cuppy, Fred R. t� I, an n�gs not mg uthunnecelsd-CftO· .t,o consider the subject of kss telegraphy will mean �spec�ally Paird, Zoil, E. Purdy, John Thomson s�ry unhappme�s o.n �hosdae wk 0 wl�uh1IJ1A4!�g�!he �CQnstiJUtion? ... ', ........:_' � .... ol'Q�·udr;�o.l,Universitr.:'5t��to Dmlces..�Glee. ,,:C�:_ �". UlIlUc mI-.&trr.d'""L-A/-lIai"--P.atten.--·-,,--��' p.��t��e _�h.eoJ��u�.�I�.�!s.-.._��!�L�g t.... , I will assum:e, �.�. it, �p��s to me students in gener.il� if'the plans spok.. ArtistsRch�g . Daily-Play to A private service, -in' charge or '.1 Look ron Bnght Side .,�ne may safely assume, that a ma':en' of by D. r. Kurt Laves of' the as- ,be Feature. R d R A Wh't f th E I would say rather that we should,jority of those who have thought' everen " I e, 0 e ng e-I k I h b' h 'd E-o tr(.nomy depart'ment' before Science -- . . d U . I' t Ch h h Id 00 a ways on t e· ng t SI e 0aoout the matter at all unite in the woo ntv-ersa IS urc ,was e, h ood, h h ha.' College yesterday morning, hold The Woman's Athletic Association a:- the Jackman residence at 4:00 �.l�ngs,see w at rg ral t. er ht. an w. tcoac:Jusion that by amendment the tlue. Dr. Laves said that he expo ected C .. rnival continues to absorb the time . I k t d ft M 0 aU we can see, or on y m t IS way ISConstitution could be I'mproved.· 0 c oc yes er ay a ernoon. r, r- h' . d B bod' '11 d, The Method of A_�..I __ t tc see the wireless telegraphy so de- :1110 attention of the Varsity girls, 'A'S ,·ille T,' Bright, a close friend of Dr. appmess attal�e. y mg I. an'f�UUICU J k' 'f I t ld f cflnstantly lookmg at the dark Side 0vdoped tht by the closing of a key F ebniary 8 and 9 approachl the girls dC 'man s' or e even years, 0 . 0: 'A prerequisite to any amendment . th... future we make ourselves un-. at, Washington all the alarm clocks rt:couble their work, until at present the late dean's personal life. Miss - '_ ._;, must be the opportunity to amen<l. . d 1\1 h FI ' 'd'" '. bappy and discontented. True hap-:rh of the country would be set or ma e they can hardly be seen outside of . �r_t a emmg rea pasa, ges 1 pI'ness can be ex ressed. I'n on'e' ere are two methods and ollly two H'd h' f' I .' h h Id' \'v·hltman and Burroughs, which -ere I b I'P hafc:r amending; the one through the t') ring, e. sal t e sc}ence 0. Wlre- #("xmgton, were t ey are ho mgt .•.• \'orl.tes of Dean J"ckman. T'"here word-faith. e leve t t there' is]t,ss telegraphy was stilt, in its infancy rehearsals daily. The dances are all ...initiative of the .Congress, which may ", a Creator or a power that governsand that it would p-rove' or great ben- well under way ,now. and the ques .. was a large number: of floral offer- IfrOID time to time, with the concur- our universe. and I do not think theefit to mankind. The talk was large- tion of costumes is being discussed, il7gS, among them a pall of smilaxrence of two-thirds of each House, ' power of prophesying is conferred byI:: sci�ntific. Each of the folk dances will have a �nd violets p(esented by the childrenpropose amendments; the other . lilm on any of us. We never can, Literature Elects Officers C( stu me typical of the country rcp- 0; the Unjversity Elementary School.through the initiative of two-thirds d d h . I 1,: Classes in the School of Education, telt what is going to happen, so let usof the Statcs, upon the call of whose At the Jl1e�ting of th�. C,ollege of r�sente , an t e gtr s are tal\lng bt· optimistic about it, and be happyI . I Literature yester.da. y morning,the (01- grc.-at pain's to have them appropri- which were suspended yesterday h'I' I' B f' h d hegts atur'.'!' the Congress -shall pro- noon. will not be resumed until this w I e we lve. y alt an opevide for a Convention to propose l�wing officers were announced for ate. only can we obtain this happiness."·amendments_ However. proposed, the winter quarter: Pomeroy, presi- T�e Girls' Glee Club is holding rr:orning. Calamity Predictions Groundless.cent; 'Meador. secretary' _ aod . treas- speCIal rehearsals to learn the Folk Regarding the prophesyings thatno amendment can become a part of . ,,' ". S(.r.gs with which they open thethe Con ·t,·tut'o I t'fi d b UTer; Faye, chairman program' com. - PHILOSOPHY DEBATERS have been made regarding. earth-� I n un ess ra ley ,. C •. rnival. This witt be one of the fea-three-i<'l1rths of the States, by action mittee; Lockard, 'chairman athletIC MUST REGISTER TODAY qi:ake�. tidal waves, and so forth,oi Legi�lature or Co.nvention in each committee; Carr. chairman' soCial tl1res of the occasion. as it will be Dean Shepardson said: "1- feel surerespt'ctiwly. All this is provided in committee. The ... c��lege>deci<l��, to tllc onl� appearance of the Glee Club Preliminaries win be Held Tomor- that no scientist or anyone else canArticle \. of the Constitution, have a group pictureo taken for' the ,�efore Its a�nual concert. The club row Evening at 7:30- fortell what, is going to happen fif-No Convention Ever Helcl Ca� and Gown. _'Ille chairman of the 'hlS I�rgerbthls y�ar t�an ever before" h'cn minutes ahead. We can neverN . I 'tt nounced a ser .:n·mg a out thirtY-SIX regular mem- , P . h II t II Th d tho cOT1\'ention to propose amend- !"ccla comml ee an -. �,.'embers of hdosop y co ege (". ey may come an ey may�ents to the Constitution has ever ;e!- of letcures on the '·Modem Dra- �ers, who are a11 workmg hard. on who wish to enter the contest to de- not, so why not benefit by the doubtassembled: all amendments hereto- rna," The lecturers witt be Dean' t 1ese .songs. cicle on the debating team must leave ,:1m! have faith and hope in a brightf '··allace on the French, the Sp'an'lsb, BeSide the dances, the vaudeville J • • h D Th (··ture.ore r�tifi('d originated in the Con- Y' . t .elr names WIt ean ompson"and the ftall'an drama,' ProfessoJ, p:.rt o( the program will inclu<le a 10-gress. :\Iost of them are almost as old .. b('iore noon today:in order that t�eirS.,Llltzer. on the German drama. anA c.'! I play called "Polly Popular, Mad- • 'b'I' be d hefas,the Constitution. itself, and were "II �I R h d D h" Th e.'gl Ilty may prove up ore(Onsid('r.'<) when the Constitution was Df�an Lm,'ett will conclude the series' us e "t�, eat. e exact na- t};(' preliminaries tomorrow eveningcnder consideration for ratification or with a talk on the English drama. ,!t're of thIS IS a secret, The cast has;.t i :30 o'clock in Cobb chapel. ThePh·1 • h Wo en Choose Olficers not yet been announced, but the show . Mrejection, and were informa11y en- I asap y m. , d k b' h' Jl1dges tomorrow night will-be r.The College of Phl'losophy women t; expecte to mao e a Ig It,. [J 'd" R 'I H' ddorsed when it was ratified, One ;1\'1 "''\. obertson,.,. r. oXle an aI Id th' 'd' t I t'ons yester The posters wl11 be put out thiS b f bl' k' dother amendment came as a resalt of a elr ml WID er e e� I· . mcm er 0 the pu IC spea 109 e-d Th I t' th r suit of a -..eek and are a novel piece of art. k k dthe J t'iterson-Burr contest for the :ly. e c ec Ion was e e ,_ p�rtment, spea ers are as e tot th t' I t ek when They Will. bc displayed at the Press ,Presi(l"n('�. Three amendments-the vote a, e mee 109 as wee • ", C,. , ga'e five minutes on either side of theonly n!le!' made in the last hundred the' College decided to change their BUIlding., ob'� Bulletm Board. Ell1s c:.-.estion. ·'Resolved that the poticyf f I t' and to H:,lI. LeXington Hall, and the School . p' R d hyear�·· :Ire the Constitutional product rre�en syst�m 0 . e ec lon,. of Education. ct reSident oosevelt towar s t eo. thr war of 1861-5. ' l,dve the chairman and three commlt- J:.pancse as set' forth in hi!' recentH()\\, many amendments to the he members retire from the College n;('ssages to Congress is justified."Comtitution have been advocated cf.mmittee in the middle of the \�'inter Publish New' Monthly. "Philosophy college has the largest;end urged in the long period since quarter. as a res�lt 'of �hi<:h action, A new monthly has entered the number of good dcbaters to drawtht' Colonies became States under it M!ss Phebe Bell, chairman of the field of journalism. The Student from and expects to set out a strong) do not know, and if we did know college. and three members chosen by Farmer, edited by the. students of team for this year's contest. havingthe information would be curious lot, Misses Marjorie Day� Helen the Winsconsin College Qf Agriculture wO'n the laurels last year,rather than valu�ble. It is enough to Peck and Esther Halt: retired fr�m m:\de its initial appearance last week.know that many and great changes tht" �o�mittee. In their places" MISS 'The chief aim is to present to thehave occurrql in this country and in MarJone D�y was elected chaIrman public the results· of, the, experimentalw('rk °in scie.ntific agriculture carried.,n at .he .��.r .. '�."" '; . ··We cannot tell what is going tohappen to us. 'Ve may die soonand we may not. Of conrs.:, we� exp<,se ourselves to being killed everyday and many times a day. We rideor. trains-and !rains often collide.We pass by high buildings-and people are occasionally injured or killedby something falling from a building,Wc are exposed to dangers whereverw(' go. But wouldn't we be in apeaceful state of mind if we. wentarc.und continuously looking for 'harmin such things! Our only assuranceof peace is in faith and hope in thegf'odness of the supreme power,"Arts Select Debaters.Price. Putnam and Frank will constitute the Arts College .. debatingtum in the inter--coJlegiate debatingcontest with Seienc'_A rts College md!ts Literature tooa)· in basketball in the inter- collelC"rltI.(Cotmnaed frc"a-pap .f.'••••• ''''' • ._J � " ,f' 1..• ./"t > ,... THE DAILY MAROON, CHICAGO,' W£DNESDAY. JANUARY 30t �. .-':'i. - .'.,,_fr��������������������������====�tated the old bad fe�iijtg t�a't other- ASK KAJOR'S' CRJWIT FOR /wise i; g;ving place to most _amica- .WORK 'ON ·DEBATl .... TEAIISble relations between Michiean andChicago. If the student reportershave not more true Michigan spiritand pride for their University than .tokeep it constantly in a bad light, andif the authorities cannot get satisfaction, the Michigan student bodyought to take the case in hand andgive the perpetrators of the troubleto understand that it must stop. An endeavor of no mean propor.ions was instituted by the Juniorollege Council when it decided to·.!>k the University to grant credit for.vork done by debaters of the JunioraColleges. I t is the plan of the coun-:::1 to petition for one major to begiven to the three men of every col-'�ge who are cho�n on the �am'I_�������������������������������nd who devote twelve weeks ,ofhard work to preparation of theirubject. It is believed that" this will')to sufficient reward for the work, and"l the same time will stimulate inter-Official announcement is made thatthe Second International Congress of\gricultural Mechanics will be held:I" a section of the Eighth Interna- r sr in debating, making men who can"ional Congress of Agriculture, which IIOt do the debate without slightingmeets at Vienna, Austria, May 21-25, heir regular work come out for the:-�i. This Congress is in continua- trials.Lion 0 fthat held in Liege, Belgium, in The movement for University cred-J!)OS. :t is not a new one. It was begunThe programme of the section an- last year, but on account of the shiftuounces that special attention will be :ng nature of Junior College councils�ven to (I) the edablishment ofun� ��nerally the task was not broughtl��������������������������������1Form international rules for the exam- to a point, and no decision was re-·,: .. tion of agricultural machinery and ceived from the University authori"c r the organi7.<ltion of exhibits and ':(·s. This year the Council proposescomperitions of such machinery; (2) to secure an expression of sentimenthe development of instruction in ag- 'lorn members of the faculty interestricultural mechanics, and (3) promo- -d in debating, and in this way estab�Jon of conditions favorable to the lish a foundation for placing it beforenore extended use of. agricultural �hc University. The committee in:'.:lchinery� charge wilt meet this morning at IIRecognizing that it is impossible to o'clock in Cobb Hall, to prepare. areach a satisfactory solution of these report that is to be submitted at Fri'Juestions, except by the combined day mornings' meeting. of the J u-:!Torts of all civilized nations, the pro- r.ior College Council.'lCter,;; of the Congress are especially The argument brought up to the.iesjrous of securing the organization committee is that -no student can af.n each country of a committee whose ford to take less than three majorsspecial duty' it will, be to procure the of work in the University withoutIn reading the telegraphic reports -:';:rticipation in the Congress of those losing time in his work for a degree.from Ann Arbor in the city papers, who are interested in its purposes vnd that with three majors of wo�kit is well to have in hut whether this is done or not, it ':,� will have to slight either the de-Michigan mind the situation at is urged that all who are interested bate or the work. Me'� who enterIn False the Michigan town':11 this matter will take steps 'to se- the debates put a great deal of timeU�t' In. ili� m�ori� � �re the me�e�h��t�C�- m�ep���i.�'��L4UU��IL_���_�-��--���-=-�-:---�.�-�-�-�.�_-,=�_��-----�� ••- - � � �se� ��se' re��s are �ress and to attend i�'��i�b�� d ��k�*�� mat�ri� at �he.libnrie�I�_�'_�'�'�·-�-O���'-�M"·'�"_�-"�--A�.. �.-S��'-O'�'�'�-s.-.�C�H�-��-��-�.�-������-,�,.mere fiction produced by the student rossible. he subjects of times , .' necessitating _. .reporters of the Chicago dailies. The president of the section is Pro- rips to the John· Crerar. Newberry �:; . - : :', .� ORCHESTRA.They do not' represent .the true Mich 'cssor Josef Rezek, Hochschulstrasse -nd Chicago public 'libnries. Duringigan spirit, and they place Michigan '7. Vienna, XIX, Austria. Re'lHe�ts ,he debate on municipal, own�rship qtin a false light on questions of inter- '01 registry, should be, addressed to treet railways last. y�ar, men lik�collegiate policy. .he Secretary of the Executive Com- Mayor Dunne and Hugo Grosse.�. It has become a serious grievance nittee of the Congress of Agricul- were interviewed, all ()f this workat Ann Arbor, and only a short time 'ure, Professor Josef Hausles, Schau- 'aking time and' .�ort" A ,studen�ago Director Baird expressed his lergasse 6, Vienna, I, Austria. The lot. only does a great amount of inviews on the_ situation, when he said: nemhe:-ship is fixed at twenty crowns Fvidual research work.but he is com"The newspaper reports that emanate ($4.05). Requests for registry and :>e1led to drill with his team if he.from Ann Arbor and are printed in he payment of the fee should be vould make the debate a success.the Chi�go and o�er papu� are in �ade nM b�r �an Manh 31, I�. Promo�� � ilie pbn �y �" aIL�������������������������������.1nine cases out of ten absolute fiction. \'emhcrs \ViII receive all the publica- college major, counted as an elective,The student reporters write inter- t!ons of the Congress free of charge. would do much to stimulate interestviews week after week, and send The First International Congressj t-, debating. and at the same timethem in as quotations.when they have )f Agricultural Mechanics, held at would be fair compensation, in addi:Itot evcn seen the persons supposed- r .icge in 1905. was sufficiently .repre- �Ion to the scholarship granted now.Iy quoted." 'l'ntative to be of considerable inter- Understanding that he was therebyThese reporters send out stories 'Idtional importance,there being in at- SJ't"tting a step nearer to his degree.that thcy think will keep up interest, '(ndance about 300 delegates repre- �he student would work all the harderwhethcr true or not. and in most 'cntmg twenty different countries and 1nd many more men would try forc;' ses thc stories are the kind that in- :flcJuding official representatives of 8 the teams. thus developing excellentjllre the Univer�� and help stir up �rcign governmentL The su�ects �bating ma�ri� fur �e ��h� I����������-���-���������-�-�����the bad feeling betwcen the univer- :liscusscd covered a wide range. butsitites. :r.terest centered especially around R. H. ADen, '05, EDcaced-Y csterday a telegraphic report 'ht: question of the utility of present According to a report received yes-camc from Alln Arbor to the effect wcthods of testing agricultural ma- I W h' gt ,tt:rday from Seatt e, as In on,that llichigan was aroused by (;hinery. and it was.mad" v"ry eVl'- . d b'- '- Riley H. Allen '05, IS engage to e"Stagg's Big Stick," and that the l'ent that there is a general c�nviction .,arned to a .. Seattle.girl:" Allen wasstudents were up in arms at the �J;at these tTieth� 'arc -deTective and news editor of The Daily MaroontJ�ought of bcing dictated to by ("al�ul�ted t� giv/ misleading results, •. nd prominent in other student acCoach Stagg, or any other outsider, criticism being directed particularly t:vities. He is now doing newspaperit, the "Big Four" arrangement. As =lg'3inst ordinary field trials and the \\(,rk in Seattle.a mattcr of fact, Coach Stagg has c!assification of machinery on the'done nothing that resembles dictation basis of such tests. An internationalt,· ::\Iichigan. The "BiJ{ Four" is the committce was appointed at thatI'c:-ult of· mutual agreemcnt brought Congress to present a report on un i;lhout hy n'prcsentatives of the four '�rm methods of testing agriculturalt:ni\'ersitic� hefore ::\Iichigan ever Il:!chincry at this Congress.thou�ht of withdrawing from the,C(\nfcr('nce. \\�hat is more, the ::\Iichigan students are not "aroused." andif lh<,y e\'cr become aroused or in(·nsed. they will prohahly bc' driventc- it by such misleading reports :\5Cl iginate with the ::\Iichigan men\':ho report for the Chicago papers. '. _ .... _Chicago and lfichigan have enough WILL BE WORN LONGER THISto contend with without having their SEASON THAN OTHERS-THATbac hlood stirred up hy such mislead- IS.' 'l'HAN OTHE� GLO�inil reports as these. They keep ali. GLOVES.IlAY.BE.RIGH't� ...; , -_"·ormerl,.Tbe Unhenllt1 ot Cbh:acu WeNl,.FoundedTbe Weeki,.. Get. 1. 189�1'!1� 1Ja1l1'. Oct. 1. 1SM)2.HOLD BIG CONGRESS. :amiol' CoDe,. � TUea :4c*eS� to . PreHDt QueaioD toUnivel'8it7 �O"tL ..OI1l(,lal Student l'ubllcation of tbf' UDlyer·altl' ot· Cblc.Co.I_.;o�t·tt'd as Second-CJ ... Mall at tbe Cbl·caco pa.tomt'e.WILLSuLtil'riptioD price, $3.00 per I'ear; ,1.00tot 3 mouths. SubscrlptioDS recelYed at Agricultural Mechanics Will Meet int he llutoon Office. �1II8 Hall. or at the Vienna in May-·Full Plans.Fuculty 1';xdJllogl!, Cobb Hall. Order.tukeu lJy wull or telephone. Hl'de ParkH. ElJDY llATH�WS, lIanaglng Editor.EUWAUH G ..... �LSE!IO'J'llAL. Ne\\'8 Editor.LUTlIl-:H H. FElcNALU, Atbletlc EditorGI::OltGE E. "·ULLt;U. lluslness Manager.ASSSOCIATE EDITORSC. W. PaJtzer.A. W. Henderson, llernard J '. Bell.Preston F. Gass.Warren D. Foster, llC'lvlo J. Adams.REI'ORTERSPeter F; DUDO.I·. W. PIukerton, W. P. MacCracken.1IIss Faltb IJodce,Jerome Frank, Hurry A. Hanseu,W. J. Halosturtber,Harvey B, "·uller. Jr.l'rintpII by the liaroon l'retlSoj i'4 East 55tb StreetPhone Uydt' Park 3691Y. W. C. L. Not to Meet.The meeting of the Y. W. C. L.announced for 10 :30 today, is postponed until next week, on account ofthl: services for Dr. TaC'kman.FOWNES,GLOVES STUDENTS, REMEMBER USWhen making arrangements foryour fraternity gToup pictures for theCap and Gown. Special' offer thisyear. Come and see.MARTYN'S. MAROON STUDIO, S1D5 -Cottage GroveU. of c.. l'botovrapber. H. E SH'OREYTTIlETAILOR3J2 ..... ItUc ........g.oo COLLEGE SPJ:I;IAL•University Style $3.00 per Doz.Student's Special $3.50 per Doz.They - Fill' that Empty Space at Home.�E.mo�. ,boto _t.llfophone Hyde Park-16. 243 EAST 55th STRiETBlBIDUring Jan. and Feb. We Are Making'(For U. of C. Men only.)$10.00 .nd $12.00TrotIS«S·."d'lIafs for $1.00 10 ff!�her advertise our clothes amollftllccelleg...... ..0", ladel is special quali" �k lined fvening Dras Suit for,S6tUIO. . . ."Carver. WilkieTAI�ORS1'5 18' Dearborn St. .. �DA'Stu'H.tHf UNIVERSITY PANTATORIUM .-Presses your suit every week and shines your shoestor $1.00· per month�·1645 6Gbfe' Gnve Ave. Hyde Park 3711·511 KIMBALL HALL, CHICAGO.'MANDOLIN LESSONS, $I.SO-Music Furnished for===========�======��AII Select Occasions. (,2(Phone Harrison 803Telephone Calumet 251 16th and Michipll =Wte 16th St. Livery _,':Riding A'cademyHigh-ClasS Saddle and Harness Horses for Sale.Horses SchooledSend for Circular. Open Eveninp.'South Side Tr.lIsfe�Lindsay Storage Co.MClClACJ&.BDHISWIU. LY." a. ... It. , L IlL,·C .r .J:JO p ......''I:� n: .. Wood-....... $ sc..h... . IIOVING-PACKING-smPPnrGWe have careful IDCII aM .. t rfor mom. HOUMhold � .. �&DOl in Hyde Park. WoodJawII ...Enalewoocl. Special.tteadIa..,.to ,.ckine aDd lhippi.,OWica.., .. !btI ....... -Tel. R,.� .....i THE DAILY MAR()QN" �HICAOO.WJIDNESDAY. JANVAllT} Jd.:t9til.:. -2 �JUDGE DE ARMOND·PAVORS ·gain in practi�bWty pqd promis'.e; ........ ------------------------- ..AMENDING CONSTITUTION and the Political atmosphere cener-ally would be materially cleared,I submit that it is wise and patn.otic to agitate for a Convention tothe world in that time-changes po- propose amendments to the Consti-lirical, social, material. Mighty tution.agencies unknown, not dreamed ofwhen the Constitution was framed JUNIOR COLLEGES FAVORarc commonplace now. The most PLAN FOR GROUP PICTU�momentous problems of our day hadno existence for the statesmen of that Majority of CoUeces Decide to AIdearlier day. Governmental machin- Plan of the "Cap ad Gown"ery, almost indispensable today Editors.would have been well nigh uselessthen. I n many respects conditioris The question of having group pic-an. entirely changed. If the Consti- tares of the Junior Colleges for then-tion.rnakcrs of the past and widely Cap and Gown won the hearty approdifferent age provided for the exi- val of a majority of the Junior Colge ncies of this period. of whose many ie�es yesterday morning,and the nextnew things and new conditions they four weeks will be devoted to photodid not and could not know, happy graphic efforts on the campus.' Twochance or the direct agency of om- oi the women's colleges are still to beniscie nce must have interposed. heard from, the question not havingVeneration and admiration of and been put to a vote yesterday. Thefor the Constitution need not and men's colleges will make arrangeshould not cause us to forget that rnents with Martyn's to have collegesmen-great men. many of them. but taken on Tuesdays at 10:30 o'clockyet all mere men-framed it in the ,t the time of meeting, attendance belight of their day; that everyone of ing required. The photographer winthem is dead, that now the Constitu- be able to take two groups in a morntion is for us, the li� v ing, and not for ing, so that the work of photographthem or their generation of tile dead. ing the eight colleges will be com-S� the �tal q"e��n is what we b� pk�d � four week� and the c�I��������������������������������line we need rather than what they will be ready for the Cap and Gown.believed they and their contempora- The members of the Junior Colries needed; and. if you please to lege Council had a group picturespeculate about that, what you think taken at Esmoer's studio, on Fortythey thought we would or might fifth street, yesterday afternoon, forneed. insertion in the Cap and Gown. ThisFear, to Amend Shows Cowardise. will be part of the Junior College L GoLI_"da, Director.Why should we so completely lose department of the annual, a new fea- )tIce. CallIe PiaDo Compcmy,ourselves in admiration of the Fath- ture that will be devoted especialfy ......... JUkMa. CIIICAGO.ers, so glorify their wisdom and to extolling the work of the new Ch�-courage, by confessing that we are COlgO system of small colleges. Thisweak and foolish. and by dernonstrat- department has been placed in chargeing our timidity? If the Fathers had oi Harry Hansen, with whom all ar-lacked the moral courage to consider rangements should be made. D·· thi theven the question of the practicability Copies of the college group pic- 'urlng IS mooand desirability of framing the Con- tures may be obtained from the pho- - '. -11' kstitution, the Articles of Confedera- tographer by individuals who desire we WI '�a e you ation would have� been accepted as a them for framing. It is especially . - - . .frail bond of union.' A tithe ,pf·lhe requesre... d �th�t ·tlte �rde�. be. kive� �Su;, and an extra'courage and ind�p�ri"de��e· required of to the chairmen of the: respective cot- .them ought_ to' ,suffice· for us in the �:S:�b�:' their committees as soon as "ii of Trousers forduty of considering whether thereIshould be any amendment. .The Congress will not propose an)t PHILOSOPHY· WOllER ARE the'-,riCe of the suitamendment of importance-a glance RECEIVED BY' THEIR DEANat history and even a hurried view or I .One H�..I-..1 ,.�---_ -- D----t ... a one.present conditions surely must ban- '"� VUCMJt ....... a� ....ish every doubt about that. It is a Reception· GiftD by -Dean' .)(ac-f H· h Q l· generation since the Congress pro- ·cHiitock. It is economy to buy a suit witho .g est ua tty posed any amendment, and yet there an extra pair pf trousers, it makesReady-to-wear Clothes has been ceaseless agitation for Professor and Mrs. MacClintock the suit last t�ce as long.amendment. gave a reception yesterday aftemoon� 'J� and as t'� There is but one way to amend the from 4:00 to 6:00 at their residence,,,,,10, �O, II!UCb as �O Constitution, or even to obtain a real 56,29 Lexington avenue, for the Colconsideration of the subject of lege of - Philosophy women and facamendment. and that is through the ulty. About one hundred -guests wereaction of State Legislatures, mov'ng receivedupon the Congr-ess for a Constitu- Dean MacClintock's brother, Sam-tional Convention. l!CJ lfacClintock, a _ graduate of theNo amendment can be made so University, who has been superinlong as so many-I might say few:- tendent of schools in the Philippinesa:' twelve States withhold their en- for the past five years, and who redorserncnt. Should not this pregnant cently returned via Japan, China andfact alone be sufficient to banish the Korea, displayed his interesting col-Icction of curios. Mr. MacClintockfcr rs of the timid, resolve the doubtsof those who are undecided, and stim- made his trip in the interest of po-Exceptional values in large size litical science. and has been made aelate the courage and arouse the en- 'Fellow of Political Science in theergy of those who would employ therT' •I·, .. d f' ki d \,.:D1verslty."'Ing, mstea 0 mvo mg ever anA" '.1.. d". .-_. - :- _.d d'- -... SSlstmg..1Q -Wle Inlngroom wereonly the guidance of the ea. 'I' E h God h J C '. .. �� Isses st er saw, ean omp-Even if the Convention were· to W'II d Ch FIton, I ow ean atterson, or-come and go without a single change cnce Manning and Esther Hall. Their the Constitution. still it would not :lffair was one of the most enjoyablethat the Philosophy women have at- � __ -- _tc nded this year. and the opportunityto meet their dean socially was mucfrapJireciated.) •.....r.: - THE-Harvard Hotel·FINESTACCOMMODATIONSFOR STUDENTSANDTEACHERSPrices Moderate.Location Ideal.5714 Washincton Ave.Emma C. StewartEst. 1156BRYANT s nunONBusiness CollegeOffen SuperiorAdvantages in•• Busine�s Training ••AND,•• Stenography ••DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOLStudents May Enter at Any Time.H. W. Bryant. Pres.L. Brent VaQchan. U .• f C, '91.llanacer.315-321 Wabash Ave. (Continued from page I)MOSSLER. CO.Clothes for 11m and Young Men. SO ja�il Boulevardeach season.This time we offer someexceptional values '1Overcoats (the newestmodels); Suits.businessand dress; Waistcoatsand single Trousers.- Sizes to 48 stout.=;i:colever Clothes. SO jackson.I have been created in vain. A cen-t< J ing of thought upon -the Consti-@Sendyour@"ltlltiOllandUPonprOPOSitionSforName to - amendment. and their serious con-Spaldinn - sideration. sure to attend and follow:I the amendment movem('nt. couldFOR A CATALOGUE OF harilly fail to be prooucti\'c of greatA hI • Ci d good. Perhaps but few amendmentsSpalding t elic 00 s. wculd be proposed. and fJ!wcrstillwould be ratified. Rut the entire fieldSALEOur policy is to closeout all of the season'smodels at the end ofOvercoats and Suits.�I ention what sport you are ir.tcrcsted ill and ask for a list ofcollege and school supplies.The Spalding Athletic LibraryText books on every atl.letic sport10 cer.ts per copy.Se!ld for Complete List.Mail Ord�r Dept.\. G SPALD1NG &: BROS ..uS N a St. New York.• ., Wabub AYe., Cbicaco. Lit Dance Postponed.The dance which the LiteratureCollege women had planned for themen of Literature and Science Colkges, and which was to have beenwould be explored; cxisting powers ht'ld yesterday afternoon in the Rey·and limitations would be bettcr un-'. .. no1cfs Club, has been postponed in-(:<:rstood. wholcsome legJsla.tlon. na- definitely on account of the death of'tlC.nal and state. would be stJmulated:, Dcan Jackman.alcses would be more clearly noted;remedies would be more zcalously Subscribe for the Daily Maroonsc. ught and easier found; groundless :\nd be in line.ccmplaint would measurably subside;tJ�cless, impracticable agitation would Telephene· yCJllr want aeb to diediminish; reform movemenJ. .,.01114 pail, ,.,.roo,., _11,* ,.,..� .• JFor the PromMen's Dress Suits535Others up to 160.00Marshall Field & Co.Residence: PhoneIF13 Arlinaton .PI. Lake View I�Phone: !la.rrilon 1644AXAJUIDWCLUPECO SHRUNKQUARTER SIZE COLLARTHEY GIVE .EaT .ERVICE. 2 P'ORlttlC.CLUETT, PEa.ODY � CO., .".CR.'r4 : .'Conklin'sPenSell-M.For busy people.No bother .FiUs itself.Cleans it.lf.No dropper.Nothinlto take apart.Nothin4 to spill.A dip 10 ink, atouch of thumbto nickel crescent -and thepen is full,reaciy to write.� �:!--- enr}'-t := ..... Dru.-� �cU."I&U yea ra.r-=IIt. c ..... 1ftOI'e�':I:f..�_ til Gal'7"'" r::If: Of r.,.... PeD repaINil JII'OIDPII7.� HlIIlELI. pa -.•• w .. ".._a-. ............... �� ..ETi\e �oot �tu�i�JOIIBALI. BALL243 Wabvh AYe.Original Ideas and Exclusive Styles inPHOTOGRAPHS -Special �a.�. h 11. or c. �'ad.Dt.Te1ep1aeDa Hyde Park 18 aDd tM7A. M�Adamsn.UDh' .... It7... rlor'.t .••..... OtJSD:Cor. sw at. at Eim.,.rlt Aft. ChicagoWHRRB do you stet yourN.w."a"."a. P."lodlcal. aDd&tatloD.P7 •At NOJ\.TO�SFree DeliveryPho.e ..11611yde Park 318 51th StreetTHE DAILY· MAROON, CHICAGO, ,\'EDNESDA Y, JANUARY 30, 1907.GENTLEMENWHO DRESS FOR STYLENEATNESS, AIID COIiFon 1WEAR THE IMPROVED ,BOSTONGARTERGEO. FEOSTCO .• KaktnBoatoll.Uua .• t1.-3.A... __ �ALWAYSEASY� __ �TheHaveYou YouWillTipBeen T QP LikeTher6? Inn It l VARSITY IN LIGHT P�CTICEI -�'. Yesterday an Easy .. Day for Trackmen-s-Freshmen Work Hard inPreparation for Illinois Meet. ,TATE RIGHTS THE QUESTION(Continued from page 1.); . HII_DEIF.r:ireprool Storage " V.n Co.vUltNJTURB. PIANOS, TRUNKS. IIBRCHANDIU ... PAllCIILIDELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. D...-rIAND IUBURBa.AT THEUNION HOTEL and RESTAURANTWILL FIND RESTAURANTS ON TWO FLOORSWILL FIND A SPECIAL AFTER-THEATER MENUWILL FIND SPLENDID SERVICEServing only the Best the Market Affords111 to 111 RANDOLPH STREETWe make a Specialty of Club, Fraternity Dinners, EtcFinest Orchestra in the CityGeDen1 O&ee.� St. uul CaltuDet Aye.PIMxae'DoqJu 3100Priftte Swh.np aU OflieeLTbe Y�tes - Fisher Teachers' George WashingtonAgency.bamboozle me into studying.' I have Paul Yates, Manager.-xarnincd the grades of all you stu- Room 740 Fine Arts Bldg.Jerit:" in Arts College and have sent �03 Michigan Ave. Chicago, IlLvou notes, informing you as to whereWe secure positions for college andvou stand. It. is only fair to let you .miversity professors, normal school,know about where you are in thethe :lj�h school, grade. and all kinds ofDEFEAT" ALPHA· TAUS rt cc You gentlemen are on.;) ., . 1 -pecial teachers. We also have a_.. - whole a pretty decent crowd. andI ... .t rong department of athletics. Write,._.- � -- . ---"- �., � -- . � A. E. Wins Three Straight in. In- I'm not at all ashamed to be asso-or call for further information.I..B A M U = �-_ :"'1 E. N -j'S .0 dl ter-fratemity Tournament., .; el«ted with you.". ! ·Chairman l\lcBride stated that Feb.. ! I n an inter-fraternity tournament .20 had been definitely set as the day Typewriting.The Garnck .,1 be wling match la�t even:n.g Sigma for the dancc to be given by Arts All kinds of typewriting neatly and:'..lpha Epsilon defeated Alpha· Tau men to Arts women. and Literature 1.:-omptly done. Apply room 24, Hich-Omega in three straight games. men and women. ccck Hall.S:g-ma Alpha Epsilon had a hard tus- The following committees wer »:-01(.' thc first game, winning from the ?ointed for the dance: Entertairi-I :\Ipha T:ll1s by only eight� pins, tne '11('nt: Horn. Davis, Harpcr, Long. Copying and typewriting done ats�ore hemg 660 to 652. I'rom then Pond and �Icnride. Finance: Horn. rcasonable rates. Leave work or or: nt· Sigma Alpha Epsilon had easy Frank. Excclson, Klerg and Princell. clers with Ab:-aham Bowers, 5827I sailing. winning from A. T. O. by the KimLark Avenue.-----I score of 688 to 608 and 692 to 584.Colonial. I I E�,ky . .:\Iefford, C. Loose, Ro.oncY annL. Loose did the rolling for A. T. 0., The following athletic schedule isTheater Beautiful while Stackhouse, Hobbs> Daveri- :-evised up to date:I;ort. Jackson and Gray rolled up the1 c·ints ior S. A. E.( Ju ly lih�lt work' was given the! t rack men yc ste rday. as Coach Fricu-II. .I (;(.·cldc(! tu le t the squad off easyI ;Iitl'r the strenuous program of 1\lon! day. Spcc.a l attention went to the! wcig ht mcn and poll' vaulters. and; Coach Stagg. who put in an un�x.peered appearance, cxpre ssed h11\1-i .,llf as sat isficd with thc �ho\\'iilg 1!1ti;l:-O(.' dcpart ment s. :\11 the track men;'1 !leared.hut we r e al lowcd to gu onlyt l.c-i r regular dist auccs at an ea syi�ait. XOIll' of them let themselveslop, to t heir capacity.I I ddlllgs and I l euncberry .were put! '. h rough some pole vaulriug, and, <;o{.'l'd be t cr form than 'at any other: :lill' t m s yca r. Xladdignn, Kelly and:� V t"11I1t w or kcd out' in the shot put. In! ll:c final trials. each man took three: t l-ro ws and finshcd in the orderI I;;.med., Xl addigan's mark being 38P---------------------------� .:-n'l. 9 1-2 inches.I�t:t w hilc the Varsity men rested,t:ll' Freshmen were kept: hard at.vr.rk. E:iC'l member of the first year• . �yad received special coaching, andtill' marks made in all the event!'i :t ascd Coaches Stagg and Friend.F. om the way they are working theai h le tc- appear confident of.? t rie:;lph over th(.· IIlini freshmen."February THEI. Law \'s. Divinity (basketball.) UNIVERSITYI. U!1iversity High School vs. OilkPark High School (swimminj{.) PHA.RMA.CYVarsity vs. Freshmen (swim- 5f1<> E. 55th Streei.ming). R R. ROWAN, Prop..2. :\rorgan Park Ac«(!cmy \'s. En-glewood High School :md Varsity Freshmen \"s. Central Y. :\1C. A. (track. 2:15 p. m.)First Year Baseball Men Defeated 2. Freshmen "5. \Vilson Avenue8 to I in Yesterday's Game. ,Yo M. C. A. (hasketball).Varsity \'Cr�<;llS Frcshmen was the ., Illinois at Chicago (basketball.)':l'0gramrnc in haseball y.estcrday. the .=- .• Senior \'s. Philosophy (bask�t ..\·arsity scoring 8 to I. The men ball.) • 6249 Kimbark Ave. Cor. 63rd St.I· :ned up as follows: cl. Arts vs. Science (basketball.) Hours Q-12. 1 :30-5.------- \'arsity Freshmen 7. Divinity "5. Literaturc (basket;The Grand Ga;mJe., c. .. Rothwcll bail).:. Sheldon R Chicago at Illinois (track). ;SLI1',·an ... ;.... P. '.. �':';::.; ...... Roc· C). Purdue at Chicago (basketbaH).:SI;ll.'hling- '.:-::"'--.. Slatcr ,). Literature vS. Science (basket-:�L:cldig:l1l .. 1St'. ._.��;� ... �cd�eld 1:2. Law vs. Philosophy (basketball)·:"I.:lthan :::2'nd.:',.� .. ::·-Stern ball).T._ mpleton .: S. S OrchardHii�� ·3rd Pcguis�r oullon. .. I.. F....... Taylor '�. Illinois at Chicago (frcshmm.'Idiorcl Sunderland track).\':1n Pattt.·n C. F Collings '.:;. Law ,"S. Literature (baskctbal:)'5· Ch icago at Eva n ston Y. �f. C. A(swimming).Itl. Chicago at Ccntral Y. �1. C. '\(ha:-;kctball) ., �', I:I 'I.·1;�I: Top loor ofTh. Punman Company Buill.VIRGINIAHARNEDINTHELOVELETTER---'---'---• A CYC.LONEOF MIRTH,MUSIC ANDBEAUTY,CARLEIn the Full-FeatheredMusical Hit,THE SPRINGCHICKENPo\vers.MIS SMAXINEELLIOTTIn theClydc Fitch ComedyERGREATMAT C H"KENDALLWAY; � to makc YOll happy withquiet, wholc�omc comedy.EZRAKENDALL-I�-"SWELL ELEGANT JONES"The StudebakerLENA ASHWELLandGUY STANDING-In-THE UNDERCURRENT ?o. Arts vs. Literature (basketball).�T. �hilosophy vs:'" Science (basket-"Cap and Gown" Editors to Meet. bali). ..An important bu�iness meeting. ofII he literary editors of the Cap �ndI Gown will bc held in Ellis 3 Thursd�y :1 itcrnoon at 4· o·clock. Every II mc:mher of thc committee is asked to 1.I h" present as final plans will comel;r. for ciiscllssion·.'::;�GMA ALPHA EPSILON !--------------------------- ".,r ·the. College, and :\l.isses Louise':0: ton, � j ean Compton and Hlanchc'reston. members 01 the e xc; ·Hivc-ommit tev. The other i.ominarions'or t he office r s '\\'�r�: for chairman,\liss(.·� j aue Lane and Jt)CZ Dapkam:or vacancies on committee. Misses��thl'r Gorlshaw. Helen Xl arsh, Annel'c-mpleton. and Nina Y conran.TIll' College also voted to .have aroup picture taken for thc Cap and':OWtl.X ext week �I iss .:\Iyra RCYIlf)I.l"�il: addres s the Co llcg e 011 "The ll�.ncnce of College Girl� III Snl;.l1':'ollllllunit ie s.'Jean Vincent Scores "Willy Boys".There arc mcn in the Universitytid III 0 rc specifica lly in Arts College."ho han' made a record of A forwo -consecutive quarters;' said Dean/incent at the meeting of Arts Colq;e of Men, "They are not whatwe arc wont to call 'greasy grinds;''hey arc men who have been connect:d with student enterprises. T am�!:;d to sec that : in this college there'(f(.' fewer of that cheap and con'(-1l1ptible 'Willy boy' type that goesibout muttering: 'The faculty can'tATHLETIC SCHEDULEJanuary!..t. Philosophy '·S. Divinity (basket-ball). .Sciencc vs. Divinity (basketball).Arts vs. Senior (basketball)..?I. First Rcgi�cnt Tract Mcct.2.1. Chicago at I11inois (basketball).T11inois at Chicago (swimmin�).'Oak Park \·s. Hyde Park (swi.,,-,ming).E. C" MOORE. FLOR.IS�.VARSITY PLAYS FRESHM..EN�;!ackhousc·j·rowhridg-c ......\ T ('i��. LC\'a lIy R. F ClearyT(.'it-pholk your want ad�. to Thc 19·20.!l:tily �Tar(lOIl .. p6. Hydc P;u'k.:\n ael. in The Daily :\Iaroon is a :23·2.1·I�noel innstlllcllt. Have- you tried it? Once threw a silver Dollar acrossthe Potomac Riveratradition says.: .But-to explain this. marvelous feat-a Dollar would &.0 farther tileD, .than it does now.But this is the time of the yearto make your Dollars CO just twiceas far .Beginning today we offer "a suit.and an extra pair oi trousers forthe price of a ·suit."I t's comfortable to have an extra .:pair of ttousers to fall back on.� .A bove all, .t is necessary. for man:ra !)uit has beeQ thrown aside �cause the �rousers wore out firstand couldn't be replaced in the same .��patt\' ·n.Con5t-tuently, thi� means practical�,:�Iy a suit at,nal(-price. .'iBut it means_ no let-down in th���high-class, individual Jerrems taJl�.)oring, or in the exclusive Jerrems,��patterns used-it simply means Of,: ";'cupation fc:- mr best tailors till tbe JSpring rush' ::Suit and extra trousers, $30.08 � :..$50.00. ':Com� in and be the early bird. We .:.\\'ant you to have first choice in }.patterns.J�A. N. JERREMS, Mauacer.TaBor for Young Men......U· Either storeI a Sane Street, aDd44 Jackson Blvd. " :-,'..:e.:=t. VOL.�. ':�!' ··"lM.'·_II,.j(.,!:[� ��o�: Sgc:k •�- ; ate ,AN AD. INTHE DAILY MAROONIS AS .GOOD ANINVESTMENTAS YOU CAN MAKE.HAVE YOU INVESTED? �- :Tbe. sCciet�Womeprogribe �,:�100fonnela.> wetbeforec-d hotr..inenight':J)uly:_:-;which_,I-�·����.•. recccasider Inuskiwoul«airaicwell};owewherWli �.wiDgabroIllinois .. ,. . occa�.'\" J�if,:IQ.�exbi1AE:in... ·on:£riel!S{'n�ODf;·pro�mat'ur.dl�lq1. tit'lli�; «tou.eDt.Tskc'whiiormal�veBeldidthe..il1leg.oran�ConSubscribe for the Daily Mar':>'J!l'.':1 nd be in line.thp,elPATRONIZEPhones:Office. H.P. 1788. Residence, H.P. 961!!Dr. full �. f}arltr. !!Dr. B.alpb mll. tMrltrDENTISTS• 'II! •• • ',,,9,J '. .... �. � - ...272 East 55th Street. Chicago.,1&5.-.GNi �'105 ...... ,Ir-------------_P:\TROXIZE�I:\ ROOX A nVERTTSERSThcyAn.Reliable.