J r, TheVOL. IV. No. 134Published Five Mornings Each Week Chicago During Three Quarters ofCHICAGO, FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1906. PRICE Two CENTSTONIGHT'S MEETING TO BLACKFRIAR SEATS GO FAST NO MORE GYM FOR SENIORS?CLOSE BIG CONFERENCEWestern Drawing and Manual Training Association ConventionComes to CloseFaculty _ Receives for DelegatesValuable Address -Given-VisitField MuseumWith 'an address this evening byForrest Emerson Mann, director ofthe Graad - Rapids . SocietY -'Of( -Ai&�and Crafts on "Design aDd Its Applicatiou," the thirteenth annualmeetiug of the Western DraWingand- Manual Training Associationwill come to an end. The busy sessiolL of, four days has been 1IIaI'Iaedby several valuable addresses 011 snbjects pertaining to the arts and thecrafts.Last evening the faculty of tiie�School of Education tendered a re-'ception to the delegates. During theday the convention was addressed byM. Emma Roberts, supervisor ofdrawing at Minneapolis on" ArtCraft Problems in the School," andby Dr, G. A. Dorsey, the curator ofanthropology of Field Museum. In theafternoon the delegates visited the :Field Museum under; the direction_of Dr, Dorsey._The program arranged for todayis:M�sic-P�no solo MissHeath.Address-"The Use of Metal" .....•..•.•• M.rs. Maddine Yaie W�on Commercialism." •••• Mrs. MalY,Linton Bookwalter, Art-Craft Guild -of Minneapolis.Address-Making of Books Ed-win Osgood Grover, Chicago.Address-Book Binding ..... Ellen G.Starr, Hull House, Chicago.Afternoon, :I O'clock, Mandel HaD.Address-The Place of the Arts inthe High School Course."' .William H. Elson, Superintendentof Public Schools, Grand Rapids,Michigan.Business.Election of officers.Evening, 8:00 O'clock.Music-Piano solo.Illustrated Lecture-"Design and ItsApplication ..... - Forrest EmersonMann, director of Society of Artsand Crafts, Grand Rapids, Mich.Parry Throws Hammer db FeetThat Captain Parry is in the pink.of condition for Hie Illinois meet wasclearly 'demonstrated yestert{ay afternoon, when he threw the hammer161 feet 3 inches-just three feet better than the Conference record heldby Thomas of Purdue. Four otherthrows ranged between 157 feet and160 feet.Northern Oratorical Tonight.Tonight at the Oberlin the Northern Oratorical League contest willbe held. Boward R. Driggs, with hisoration on "The Inner Spirit ofAmericanism" will represent Chicago. The other universities in tonight's contest are Minnesota, Northwestern, Wisconsin, Towa, Michigan,and Oberlin. Theater Agency Reports U npre- i Senior College Council Adopts Resocedented Advance Sale-New Yells i lutions to Abolish Required Physi-Are Written-Twenty Men Are cal Culture-Membership of "CapNeeded for Chorus. and Gown" Committee AnnouncedCaroo, caroo,Rah, rah, Bang-boo.Skidoo, skidoo,Skidoo for you,For we're the beys from Banga-boo.9-8-14-Hit 'em again, whack,Eat 'em up, eat 'em up,Rah, Car-nae.Posters for 40Th Rushing of Rax; es" wiil be put on sale at the Uni_ versity Theater Agency office thismorning, where they can be had atfifteen cents each.ARTS DRAIIATIC CLUBElects Officers and Decides to Present "1Irs. Bob" This SprincThe Arts College Dramatic Clubmet Wednesday morning at 10:30o'clock and completed its organizationelecting the following officers:President, P. W. Pinkerton; Vicepresident, Marion G. Peabody, Secretary, Doris Morgan; Treasurer, PaulHarper.The invitation of the LiteratureCollege Club for a joint meeting toorganize a Junior College Dramaticwas accepted ncar the end of thequarter.The Arts Club will present "Mr.Bob." a comedy in two acts. Thecast trials will be lheld tomorrowmorning at 10:30 o'clock in Cobb 2B.Every member of either the Men's orthe Women's College will have achance. The Senior College Council will-present a petition to the faculties of.the University for the exemption of\a11 members of the Senior Collegelfrom compulsory gymnasium work.. :.l'he .- coriDcil- came into this! decision. at- a: special - meeting" yester'day morning. . The petition will readltbat only six majors of gymnasium,work be rejuired for all undergradiuates.I h .. d; - Dean S epardson was mtervreweas to the advisability of the planand as to whether the facultieswould take under consideration sucha petition. Dr. Shepardson said thathe thought the- faculties would bewilling to receive and consider sucha petition from the council.The council also appointed theseven members at large, of the special commfitee which is to decideupon the future publication of the"Cap and Gown."ADDRESSES SOCIALIST CLUBDarroy Says Capital and Labor AreBitter EnemiesI Clarence Darrow, leader in socialist circles, addressed an audience of_ University students on "The ClosedShop Feature of the Labor Move�ent" last night in' - Cobb Hall nnder the- auspices of the SocialistStudy Club.Mr. Darrow .said in part: "Theclosed shop means that the labor unions shall provide that no body shall. get work unless he belongs to theunion. There are few people whocan take this position at firstthought and not think that it is pre-posterous,The question of constitutional orlegal rights does not enter into it.It is a questiqn of public policy.There is no .legal right to hit 'a"scab" over the head. The unionman's legal right begins when hesays that he will not work for hisemployer if another man works.If we were to dissolve labor unions there would be no protectiontor the individual worker. Capitaland labor are bitter enemies-alwayshave been and always will be, becausetheir interests are diametrically opposed.The trades union is a labor trustan extreme autocratic power andwithout the closed shop the trades-union cannot live."Phi Beta Kappa BanquetThe Befa-chapter of the Phi BetaKappa honorary fraternity will holda banquet tonight in HutchingsonCommons. Plates for forty-five havebeen ordered and it is expected thatall active, graduate and faculty members of the society in the Univer-.sity will be present.Prof. J. H. Tfts, president of thelocal chapter will act as toastmasterand the following will respond totoasts:Professor Shailer Mathews, Prof.Charles E. Merriam, Charles A.Huston, Miss Talbot, Inrene Ingleand Mia Sheisbeim. CHICAGO 'tEAM TAKESINDIANA INTO TOW, 7-3Maroons Play Hoosiers a Close GameCharacterized by HeavyHi�ngVisitors' Shortstop Stars-Gaarde isInjured-Jimmie Sheldon SeesGameChicago baseball men yesterday de,feated Indiana by the score of 7 toI',3. The game was fully as close aswas expected, the visitors being inthe lead for two innings. The Maroons made it a swat fest, getting tenhits. Templeton led the slugging,smashing out a single and a homerun to left center. Just before thisMoore of the Hoosiers had placed afour-bagger in the same hole.Indiana made the first tally, Boylegoing the round on Ian errfJr byBurke, a wiid pitch and an error byWaker. Chicago took the lead infourth, three runs being made onthree hits, two stolen bases and anerror. In the fifth Stagg's men added one whenc.Paul crossed the pan,and two more came in the seventh.Another in the eighth made it safe.Indiana had made it 6 -to 3 in theeighth, More's long hit sending in'Hunter as well as hi mself.Meigs, Gaarde and Baird playedbest for Chicago, and McFerren andRobinson starred for Indiana, Oneof the prettiest plays of the gamecame in the seventh, when Robinson, . the Hoosier shortstop; chasedbehind "the catchr Tn -time to '.iet anoverthrow. from right field and putBaird out at the plate."Jimmy" Sheldon, Chicago, '02, Indiana's football coach, was an interested spectator at the game.Gaarde received a pitched ball onhis right ankle at the close of thecontest, but gamely caught the restof the struggle.The Maroons will meet Illinois onMarshall Field tomorrow afternoon.The battery is still undecided. Ad-mission will be chargedThe score:Chica�, 0(7) AB.R.H.SB.P:A.E.A "boom' in seats for "The Rushing of Raxes" is reported by theUniversity Theater Agency. WalterWellman sent an aerogram from the'North Pole yesterday requesting abiock of seats for the opening - D��- anct--other ceI�rati�,have .ann�their \ intention of being p�ent togive the premier performance a fitting"send off.""The sale keeps up surprisinglywell," said Maaager Cornell of theagency. "All students desiring tickets for either performance had better: get them now, -for not many are left."The Blackfriars are still in need oftwenty men for the chorus work andnoise. A number of applications havebeen received from outside parties,but ;they were given the "cold shoulder," a; the ranks are to be reservedintact for University students exclusively. It is reported that an ambitious chorus girl from S1. Joseph,Mich., presented herself with costumefor entrance to the - chorus, but shewithdrew the application when toldthat the costume would have to - befireproofed.One of the p-rincipal features of theMorning, 9 o'clock-Mandel HaD. show will be a series of rousing, hair--Ethel raising football yells. It is promised that these are the most excitingyet offered and will probably givethe student body some idea of h,w• yens should be administered," TheChicago. .following yells are only samples ofMusic-School and College of Edu-what may be expected the openingcation Chorus.C f Influence . night:Address-The ra tsman'Carrack, carrack,Templeton, ss 4Harper, c. f.. 4Paul, r, f 4Baird, 3b 3 2 2 122 Io 0 0 0 0 02 2 101I 2 o3 0o 2Migs, rb .•.•.•••• 4 2 2 2 0 0 0Eckersall, l. f .... 3 I 1 4 0 0Burke, 2b.... . .4 0 1 0 3 2 IGaarde, c 4 0 0 0 6 2 0Walker, p.... ..4 0 0 0 2 5 I34 7 10 6 2'J 15 3AB.R.H.SB.P.A.E.Indiana (I)Bradbudy, 3b. ..4Boyle, ab 4 o I o 1 0 I1 002 2 0Hunter, rb,; . .. 4 I 0 0 9 I 2More, c. f. .. . .4 I I 0 2 0 IMcFerren, c.. ..4 0 2 0 6 4 0Robinson, zb .... 2 0 0 3 I 3 0Williamson, 1. f .. 4 0 I 0 I 0 0Ran, c. 'f 4Dunlap. p 4 o I o I I 03 0000 I34 3 6 3 24 14 ..Indiana ....Chicago .. .... 00 J 000020----3...... 000 or 021 • .... 7Sacrifice hit: Harper. Home runs:Morc, Templeton. Base on balls, offW}lITccr, 2; off Dunlap, 3. Struckout; by Walker, 6; by Dunlap, S.Wild pit"': Walker, Umpi�Picket. Time of game-us-THE DAILY MAROON, CHICAGO, FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1906.'(the JDail! maroon Albert Mathews, Pres.Official Student Publication of theUniversity of Chicago.Formed,.The University of Chicago Weekly.FoundedThe Weekly, October I, 1892-The Daily Maroon. October I, 1902.News Contributions are Requested.Entered as Second-Class Mail atChicago Pastoffice.Daily Subscrrption$3-00 Year; $1.00 for 3 Months.Subscriptions received at the Maroon office, Ellis avenue, or left inthe Maroon box, the Faculty Ex,change, Cobb Hall.Orders for delivery of the DailyMaroon. either residence or place ofbusiness may be made by postal cardor through telephone, Hyde Park¢. Any irregularity in deliveryshould he immediately reported to theoffice of publication.John Fryer Moulds, Business Mgr.Printed by the Quadrangle Press,'404 East Fifty-Fifth Street.FRIDAY, MAY, 4, 1906.EDITOR.IALSIi" ··. What the .next athletic earthquakewill do can only be surmized. Thelatest shock has thrown down the.new structure, "athletics without gateadmissions," and just at the timewhen this system was assuming definite. shape. About a year ago Dr.Harper decided to give this ideal condition a trial and it was first appliedto baseball. The once empty bleachers which had greeteed the playersbefore, that, time were filled at thefollowing games with enthusiastic and refined audience due to thecare with which the invitations were'distributed.' Now, just as the regularattendants at the Varsity games aregetting well accustomed to the invitational idea-the reform earthquakestrikes the Varsity and down it goeswith best of football. It will be interesting tonote Saturday what effectthe charging of gate admission willhave on the attendance. It is hopedthat the spectators have become sowedded to 'the game, during theregime of the invitation, that the expenditure of money will not keepthem away. The students should notfail the team at this critical moment,for the men have struck their gaitand have been winning in clean"snappy style. Illinois has taken o�egame and the team must even upmatters Saturday. Forget that youhave gotten out of the habit of paying and come along. the team needsyour support .. With athletics, it rnayalmost he said swaying in the bal-,ance, it is the time Chicago rnen andwomen- must .. test their loyalty. Remember it is a long time until football arid that the baseball team maybe the next to feel the effects of the"reform.'"�1IIt·{"I,iPhi Beta Delta PledgesBy an error the list of pledges forPhi Beta Delta .... .a s omitted Tuesday. Tl;ey arc: Edith Osgood.Jean Krueger. Florence Plimpton,Janet iNhon, ann Julia Reichman,The club will be entertained May "to 15 at the summer home of MissFlorence Pirnpton in Benton Harbor, Mich.The Political Economy Club wasaddressed by A. M. Merritt yesterdayon "A Rational Plan for Rate Control" PHILOSOPHY WOllEN TOENTERTAIN FOR liENWill Give Dance in Reynolds ClubThiis Afternoon-Novel PlaasThis afternoon the Philosophy Col-'lege Women's reception and dance tothe men will take place in the Reynolds Club. The young ladies whoare in charge of the affair are: MissesBright, Moore, Gunsaulus, Montgomery, Hurd, Dat and Trumbull Theywill b assisted by the executivecommittee of the men which comprises Messrs. McCarthy, Barker,Allyn, Krueger, StefIffens and Kixrnillar. When interviewed the girlswere very retincent about their plans.but it has so'mehow' leaked out thatthere is a great surprise in store forthe men. All mmbers of the college are invited, as well as all thefaculuties of both colleges. The dancing will take place from 4 to 6 o'clock.As this is the last Philosophy danceof the year tha entire college isanticipating the event and a goodtime is assured to all who attend.TENNIS TOURNEY STARTSPlay in Singles and Doubles Preliminaries Over YesterdayThe annual spring' tennis tournament IS on. Although the numberof entries is smaller than usual, thislack seems to be made up in the,quality of the players. All of theold stars are out. and there are anumber of n�\V men who have showr.themslves adept a_t the game. Amongthese may be mentiond, Carr, Nevins,and Y oram. With such a high gradelist of entries, the tournament promises to be the most interesting. Thepretiminaries in the sin�es were all:-:-.playd off yesterday according to thedrawings, and resulted as follows:Rowley beat O'Conner, 6-1, 6-0; Nevins beat Law, 6-3, 7-5; Gray beatLindsley, 6-1, 6-0; Ransom beat Dinning, 6-1, 6-1 ;Carr be�t McNeill, 6-4,6-3; Yorman beat Hart, 6-8, 4-6, 6-4;Wicks beat Spencer, 6-2, 6-1.Two of th heats in the doubleswere played, Garnett and Gray beatYoman and Wilkes, 7-5, 6-4- Ransomand Carr beat Nevins and Dinning,6-1, 6-0.I !-AJOaS .D" MIII'1Il1lS IThe athletic representatives of themen's college teams meet in Mr.Stagg's office today at 2 o'clock.The German Club rneets today at4 o'clock in Lexington Hall.Th Literary College Debating Clubwin hold an extemporaneous debatethis afternoon at 4 o'clock in CobbLecture Han. The subject is: "Resolved: That the rnayor should havesole power to appoint the heads of_-(tcpart1:nents.�I:\RTYN'S MAROONSTUDI()�;O� Cottage Grove Ave. U. ofC. I 'hotographer, Special rates to-uulents.Risky Businessto shave with unfit soap. Takeno such chances. Stick to theold reliableWILLIAMS' SHAVIICSTICK Geo. H. Fielder, Vice Pres. F. H. Stratton. Sec.MATHEWS & CO. Inc.THE TAILOR SHOP.New Powers Bldg .• 156 Wabash Ave.MAKERS OF YOUNG MEN'S CLOTHES.Our Specialty $35-00 Sack Suits.We show one of the Largest Lines of Woolens in Chicago.E.NTERPRISE HAND LAUNDRY5640 LAKE A VENUET.l. phODe H.,.de Parll 6207Student •• FriendSocks Damed t FUDdenftar PakhtdBIl'u.s kept OD EYerytlliq ree Sh�rts 7 cenlsDomestic or Gloss FinishE\'nything returned but the dirt,Agent",WalltedTelephones: 4008 Harrison, 8384 AutomaticJOHN W. DOUGLAS, TAILOR51 Jackl_ Blvd. E., Chic ....CHARLES GOODMAN Phone Hyde Park 119U�i"V"e:rsity TailorsWE WANT YOUR BUSINESSI.adin' and GeDb' Garments C1ean�d, DyccL Repaired, Sponged aud PreuedGloves Cleaned Free : Goods Called For and DeliveredPrompt and First Class Work Guaranteed264 £.&at 57th Street' CHICAGOEXTRA INDUCEMENTS FOR MARCH AND APRIL.25 per cent discount to Stud�ts: New ideas in folders,See the Student's Special at $3.50.E,5MOER PHOTO STUDIOPHONE HYDE PARK 16.' 243 F...As7 55TH, S'rREET.H. E. SHOR�)Y & CO.••• TAIL�RS •••REIIOVltD TO382 REPUBLIC BLDG. __ ROOMS 73'7��T.L ••• OJl ••• � • .aJl.JaoJl:A. G. SPALDlNG_ & BROS. Tel�boaa Hyde Park 11 &lid 696A. McAdamsn.u.I .... It7.•• Flora.te ••�:CoI'. 534 St. .... �� ,I:,.. Chicagoi.argest MaDlI'8cturers in the World of, OOidal Atbletic SuppliesBase Ball Lawn. TelIDis Foot BallArcIlery . Cdc:ket Golf, Implements for all sports:4�. 0Ildal 8ue BaD GtalcJe for'1906. Bdited by Henry Chadwick. Themost complete.aufl up-to-date book everpubli�bed on the subject. Fully 111ustrated. Price 10 c:eataEvery Requisite for WW1l TeDDia andGolf WlQU do � Cd J'08I'N I0 ........ _"AI 1I0a.TOIrSPne DeIlftr7318 57th Streetfto.eU6HydeParkCHAB. A. LAWRENCE.IIAIMGaI MID_OTOIILA WaENCE ORCHESTRASelect Kale rOT an _leet �ouYoal' patroaaae 801k:l�Resfdftlft:Tel�oae 67'-'> Rosalie Court.ycSe Pal'k 1467 ' CIlICAGOSPALDIBG'S TRADE .ARKon your Athletic Implement J.rivesyou an 8fh'antage over the other plaver,as you have a better article. lasts longer,Rives more satisfactif.n.A.G • Spalding & BrosNew VOTk Chia� I�t(\n Bufl.10Ita ..... '=itv �'r";nnali 1)en'\"C'TTelephone your classified adds tothe MuOOD.THE DAILY MAROON, CHICAGO; FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1906.FREE BASEBALL SOONTO BE THING OF THE PASTNecessity for Economy in AthleticDepartment Causes New RuleNo more free baseball. That isthe ultimatum that has gone forth.With the abolishment of the bigfootball games football will no longer be the gold mine for athletics thatis has been in the past. The othersports must pay for themselves. Forthat reason baseball games will costthe students fiTty cents hereafter.Director Stagg issued the followingstatement yesterday afternoon:The action of the University Senate in canoeing the Michigan football game, and in the forbidding of"the scheduling of other big gameswill reduce the income of the department of Physical Culture and Athletics to one-fifth of the funds at itscommand during the last two years.:\ policy of rigid economy is therefore necessary. Accordingly, theplan of free admission to baseballgames will be discontinued afterMay 13. Hereafter a charge of 50cents will be made for admission toeach baseball game, as well as toeach track meet. A schedule of thebaseball games and track meets thatarc to be held on �arshall Field during the year I9Q6.May s-Baseball game with Illinois.May 12__,Track meet with Wisconsin.May Is-Baseball withgameMichigan ..-May 19-Track meet with Michi-.gan.May 23-Baseball game with Amherst.May 26-Baseball game withNorthwestern.June g--Interscholastic meet.Dramatic Club RehearsalsThe Dramatic Club makes the announcing that hereafter rehearsalsof "Trwlawney of the Wells," willbe held three times a week insteadof two. The rehearsals will come at... o'clock on Tuesday and Thursday. 'at 10 o'clock on Saturday morning.A two' colored poster has been prepared by Tracy Simson and will beput out within the corning week.Frof. Breastea' Home Soon.Word has been received from Prof.James H. Breasted, director of theUnivrsity's Egyptian Expedition, saying that he will return to Chicagoin time to take up work for the summer qu�rter.' The letter addressedto Prof. Robrt F. Harper says thatthe force has just completed work ofphotographing and deciphering themost important inscriptions on thetemples of the lower Nile. After aquarter in residence Prof. Breastedwill return to the Orient where hewin begin excavating, pro�bly inNubia.Miss Una Small to WedUniversity circles were furnishedwith the material for a bit of gossipyesterday by the announcement ofthe engagement of �fiss Lina Small,daughter of Dr. Albion Small, to�{r. Hayden Harris.The en�a�ement. came as no complcte surprise to Mis s Small's friendsin the University. as the rumor hasbeen passed about with ' some persistcncy of late that the cnga�ement\\'0t11,1 he formally announced.�f is!" Small attended the Universityfor two year!" only. During theyears 1900 and 1901. She yas a member of the Mortar Board Club and MuuricehRolhsdlildCLOTHmG S.ur.Cond'�Ii:.OD BlVd. B Stat. st.Tlte New �t Clodaea$&on ._ y_.t� lie ••"Varsity Men"-We Welcome YOU.This Store is every day becoming more popular with '·Varsity" mea. Styl�values-courtesies-a11 here for ··You." Harl, Schaffner & Ma',� dol[la "I"","._possessing snap, vigor and dash, and with enough vim and style to suit the most fastidiousdresser. Broad concave sh�u1ders, full hip spring trousers, military body etiects, 'Ioac step ,center 01" side vents· all the 'foxiest little fads and fancies are found in our clothes.NGte the above'iUustratJon. It is a model drawn from life � to fully appreciate thestyle of these togs you must see them; therefore our cordial in�atioD.Further-To demonstrate the strength of the �trated ba1ing pewerof our three quality clothes stores-Cbicago, MinDeapolis and St. : Paul-we pnDt below atew items. Come in and get acquainted with the new store; its :brilliant daylil(ht effects,its handsome snappy clothes, and its courteous treatment. :New Fraternity aDd Varsity "Va r sit y" Flareback Top-Model Suits. . F1arebeck Styl_ in Kane:h� coats 'three-q1lBl'ter 1eDgtbs, BeJPma Bt'C*i-ten, Worsteds. Eseex. Veloanand Chriiots. Beauti- cloths, Artialie: S� Gra,., Gray aDd Black adz-ful effects ia siagle or doable bftqted, lures; Hart, � &Man mab.the new peak lapel, broad athletic SI5 00 A bit with all Vani� men. 0Ys- Sao 00shoulders, B. S. &. II. make,_ ._ coat Floor •Extraordinary Trobser Offer-tooo Pain of Trouen of values Deftr befoIe-"ol-Act1Ia15, 6, 'I, 8 and po.OO nl .. -Hart, Sc:baffller & Marx make-New fads ill atripee &1Id • r::I. SOe:heeks, finest materialS -The cbadee of the eea9On. TrouIer Boor, all sizes ....Money refunded on all �ac:toIy purcba9a either before or aftier garmeata are ,worD.had a long list of friends in the University.!fr. Ifarris attended the Universityonly (luring his freshman year. Hewas a member of the Beta ThetaPi fraternity and the Three QuartersClub.The Stump meets tonight at 7:30o'clock in Cobb Lecture Hall JosepiaE. Tyree will speak. The mea of,tbe University are welcome to at-tend.Literature and Philososphy meet inbaseball tomorrow morning at 9:45o'clock on Marshall Field.Tomorrow at 10 o'clock the Dramatic Club wi11 rehearse the first andsecond acts of "Trelayney" in CobbChapel.All undergraduates not membersof fratrenity or college teams whoare interested in baseball are requested to meet this morning at 10:30o'clock in Cobb SB.The Pre-Lega1 Club will give a smoker Monday evening at 7:30o'clock in the Reynolds Oub. AUundergraduates intending to It84Tlaw are invited to be preseIIiLOberlin defeated Michigan at bueball by a score of 3 to 0.The Pen Club meets next Wednesday, May 9. Dinner at the UnionL--5q impor.s.andeO cmfw hrd rdlLeague Club.THE DAILY MAROON, CHtCAGO. FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1906."......•••• '1... ., ... '....., ti ii\1r ;'.,. \!!:.tl' TO-DAYAt the CommonsAt the Boarding HouseAt the FraternityASK FOR ...... "THE FOOD OF QUALITY"IT'S DIFFERENTICHIC lND EXCLUSIVE STYLES1a ..... UDprle, w.._.. _·OO"' ... T .... · ........IIAX1RLL a ��a,.............FRlTERlmES PiDc;E THEIRFRESH.BIIafter a 4iDDer atThe Kuntz-Remmler CO.Restaurant303-3OS WABASR·-AVDUBT.t.. 599 Bariuo.. "- (g'j\e �oof: �b��ic.1[DIBAJ L IIALL243 WabaP1a A:n.OrigiDal Ideas and Exclusive Styl��PHOTOGI\.�.PHS...... 1 a.te. to 11. or C. 51.d •• t.• E_,·LE.EI.. Dlas FOR Snt£IEAh£Sa. liD COIIFOIlt... TIl.PIIftDBOSTONGARTER I "" C .�--z; N D Po. lI. D q II �ave. . YoulUke. bIc . bit ., with c:01Je&Ie mea.Jllat ... p8acake,.dJustab1e.metalpan.. beavl1y Dlckc:lcd.. They holdlip the lOcks anagty. �t1y. Be.are yGa see e' Brlptoo" 00 boxaDd claspPIlE SILI-ZII"111K E. E-N A N,THE OLD RELIABLEFLORIST.Fresh cut flowers and Floral I lesigns6112 Weutworth Ave. and 411 E. 63St.Phones Wentworth 36S Hyde Par\; SIb!BORDEN·S"COllDE.SED lOLl[. num KJI.E,CRBAII AlID BUTTKItIIILItALL BOTTLED IN THB CDrJNDrBORDEN'S CONDENSED MILK Co •..21'''''' IE. ntltTY-altVIEIITII �.·TYPEWRITERSBought. Sold, Rented. Repaired.ALL MAKES.Supplies a Specialty.Tel. Central 1342.20 V AN- BUREN ST.AMES HATS$2.00 $3.00A fair deal with every hat161.163 E. MA.DISON 5TREI:.T.Near La�l1eO/,rra Hells, �iil.: lIelisI Phones: ' •. Offi�. H. P.171S8. Kr"5i.l ne ... II. P. '1t.,. i)r .• ' C� "WI. parker. Fr. 'R Illb 11Ul. parker.: DENTISTS8249 IU_ ..... Ave.. Cor. 63 ... sa-etH011rs: 9-12. 1:.10-5I iitfEigro R C H ESTRAI l\IUl'ic Up-to datea..aldtoncf'5630 lJRI:.Xl!.L AVa-:.l';lone 11. P.J39j. 1I. Kintz, Prop. John Clark, )lgr.All orders day or night 6Uedpromptly.We DCYer cloM.Jachson ParhLivery273 E. Fifty-Snentb Stteet.Telephone Hyde P:lrk 552. 553CIIICAGO.THE LAKE SHORE LIMITEDParticularly Desirable for Ladies I-and CbildreD IjLeaves Chicago at 5:30 p. m. ar-.rives in New York at 5:30 p. m. Allmodern conveniences, including ladiesmaid, manicure, stenographer, electric lights, (lining car and observatoncompartment car.I nqure of L. F. Vosburgh, G W.P. A., Chicago. or Warren J. Lynch,Passcn�cr Traffic Manager, Chicago.Very Low Rates to Boston VIaLake ShoreOne fare plus one dollar for roundtrip. Gooet going June 2, 3, 4 and 5,return limit by extension June 30.Write L. F. Vosburgh, G, W. P. A.,Chicaeo. Ill., for particulars. WarrenJ. Lynch, Passenger Traffic Manager,Chicago, 111.We want your name 011 the subscription list of the Daily MarooD. I" A MUS E �'�-;aStudebaker··.1's the Fluffy Girl That Gets 'Em.ttII cnry \V. Savage's production,THE COLLEGE WIDOWGeorge Ade's Great Comedy'; Next Sunday-Seats . Thursday.MEXICANA, Christie MacDonald,Louis Harrison, Joseph Herbert.Socl ••Friday, May 4-Delta Upsilon Iormal dance,Bournique's.Friday, May 4-Philosophy College girls reception and dance. (Reynolds Club)Saturday, May 50Kalailu party. (Kelly Hail).Sigma Club vaudeville at University High School.Saturday, May S.S, A. E. Freshman House in-formal.Tiger's Head informal.;Friday. May II.1 Reynolds Club dance.!Saturday, May 12.Women's Glee Club Concert .Nu Sigma Nu dance. (ReynoldsClub).Friday. May 18."The Rushing of Raxes.'.. Saturday. May 19-"The Rushing of Raxes."Young Women's ChristianLeague fete.L�c'lures aDd ClubsFriday, May 4-9:00 a. m. and 2:00 and 8:00 p. m-Conference Western Drawingand Manual Training Association(Mandel.) TheTipBeen TopThere? InnYouWillLikeIt• T op 1"1001" ofTHE fUWlA. COIIPANY BUiLDIIGCor. A�Uls St., aI� IlIUIgu A ..GarrickJEFFERSON 'DE ANGELIS--F-A-N-T-A-N-A--LaSalle. Now holds the long distance record.THE UMPIRF.-2S0th time.AtbletlcsSaturday, May 5.3 :30 - I nter-collegiate BaseballGame: Varsity vs. Illinois.THE BENSON• : fORCHESTRA� A. Benson Eli Courlanderis the favorite orchestra of the .exelusive set of this city .. The nameof this orchestra 'has invariably appeared as an adjunct to every socialI· affair of importance which hastaken place in Chicago for the pasttwo years.The following is a partial list ofwell-known clubs and hotels . forwhich the. Benson Orchestra plays.CLUBS.Union LeagueCalumetOnwentsiaHomewood CountrySouth Side ColonialCasino at EdgewaterRavenswood ClubChicago YachtNew Illinois AthleticLakesideSheridan ClubLincoln Park ClubExmoor GoUHOTELS.VirginiaThe MoraineChicago BeachDel PradoVendome\lV'ellingtonCollege InnAlbion Cafe-PullmanMetropole BldgOur dance music is irresistible. ,Have you heard us at the Reynolds ;Club? AddressBENSON·S ORCHESTRA.Strite 800-806 B_ •• l B.II.40 E. a.adolph St..lto •• C .. tnl 8233.FOR RENT-A LARGE NICELYfurnished room, outside, light,large closet, rst flat, 5488 Greenwood avenue.Patronize Maroon adyertiHn. Classlfl.d Adv.rtls.m .....Try Tolu, Tar and Wild Cherry.for that cough. University Pharmacy, 560 E. 55th St.Wa.ledSalesmen Wanted on CommissionApply at our Real Estate office,7502 Cottage Grove A venue. William. ��. Bond & Co. Special inducements\P wide awake men. Hours 10 a. m.tb 5 p. m."FU'r fine tailoring go to 364 E .. 63rd: Street.i!Vogelsang- s162 Madison. StreetA cafe of individual tonewhere fastidious folks findcheer and refreshmentthe perfection of twentiethcentury cooking in a delightful old-world atmosphere ..(There •• 0.1.,. o.e Vo.el •••• ·.,I399 :E 63&.D STaEE.T·'WIl.sON".meau Highest QualityWe8ellW.I" SHlaTSI son 8��I�"&AIlNItCKWE.Aa.BALFBOSEE.TC. I:.TC.A ..... w Br.nd C.II ...10 1'" Sizes.. 2 for 25 cadaWe �an suit YOUTPocket bookas well as YOUT taste-Prices fOTBusintssSuits $20to $50SaNer'be for the ilaroon before7 .... a.o.e.