" --'-;':=�-Mily ..ftbllalltd Aftemoou by the StucleDta of the VDi:nraity of Cllicaco DarlarThe· Da oon�--_-----VOL. IV.. No. 00 Two CRNTSCHICAGO, FRIDAY .. JANUARY 5,1906.INTEREST IN DEBATE IS KEENMichigan Alumni and Students Send Requests for Seats- -Enthusiasm Widespread Among WolverinesGreat interest is being shown by�I ichigan Alumni in the approaching- intcr-colleg iate debate betweenx I ichigau and the ) I aroons, Repeatcd inquiries and requests forseats have been received from AnnArbor and from �l ichigan grads inthis citv. 'The -usual confidence in winning .is expressed at Ann Arbor. Michigan has the popular '�ide of thequestion, an exceptionally strongdebating trio and expect to wineasily.Prof. Floyd R. Mechem, formcrly one of thc most popular professors in the Law School at AnnArbor, and now professor iii theLaw department at Chicago has'been chosen as chairman of the debate.The L'nivcrsity of Nebraska hasat last broken into the "Big Five"debating league, consisting of Minnesota. \ Visconsin, Northwestern,Chicago and Michigan. Word was A general admission of twenty-received by the debating board late five cents will be charged. Seatslast week to the effect that the Uni- will be on sale at Cobb hall the first, versitv of \Visconsin had decided of next week. 'to meet � ebraska in debate and, al-though no definite agreement has FRATERNITY BOWLERS MAKE READYyet been made, it is, quite likely thatthe match will occur at Madison Team Captains to Arrange Schedule-Ray;nolds (;lub Alleys Cleaned and Renovatedsome time next spring. . ,• • •Fourteen tall men at \Visconsin The Reynolds club bowling ,al!,haye organized a "tall men's club." leys have been cleaned and placed, in excellent condition for the startA constitution has been drawn upand adopted, and the organization of the inter-fraternity bowlingA leaguc., A .mecting of the frater-perfected. president, vice presi- inty captains will be called nextdent, secretary, treasurer, arrd ser-. week to decide on the schedule. �geant-at-arms have been ele�!�: , .... , " .Meetings will be held every three -:SIxteen teams 'WIn be ent�red-weeks. � 0 definite name will be de- this year and probably necessitateJ cided upon until Harvard universi- four section�. A� the. fr�ternity;tv where a similar club exists has men of Wisconsin, Illinois andbeen heard from.. 'l'lichigan wish to have their crack:Yale will send its two-mile bowling team meet the champions:track team to meet 'Pennsylvania of the Chicagoleague, the fight for;on Washington's Birthday, at the jhe honors will:be exciting. :meet to be held at Philadelphia. .. fTHOMAS CONCERT NEXT TUESDAYThe date for the annual 'relay .. _carnival of the University of Penn- Next Program '�i&cbestra Includes Sevensylvania has been set for April 28, Classical Numbers}<)()(l. The contest will be held atFranklin Field, as usual; and the The next Thomas concert will beleading colleges, preparatory and. T d .given on ues ay e\'emng, Januaryhig-h schools of the country will be I)th. �1 r. Stock will lead, and Mr.invited to enter teams. The invi- William H. Sherwood will he thetat ions will be sent out about thefirst of the year and the mangcmcnthas already been assured of an entry list that will make thc meet thej..!'rcatest e\:er given hy \ r�flnsylvania. Chicago, Michignn . 'and, Wisconsin, will enter teams to meetthe best of 'the Eastern university'runners.The University of Pennsyh'aniaFootball Committee has recei\'cd alarge number of replies to the circular lettcr rcccntl\- sent to 1500,in:;tittltions of Icart�i1'ig in America,\.> >11rerning r ...... form in foot-hall.TIl(.' answers contain maI1\' assurances oi approval. and �·ah·laPlc. advice oi criticism. and an effort \\'ill:he made to issue a report early 111the new year.MINNESOTA FRESHMENI S�cy :�!��:�r���-:���'\ety Similar to Three QuartersClub At Chicago,!� Nebraska in "Big Five". Debating Leaguef :: -Tall Men Get Togethl�r At Wis-consin\The talk \' of a' Freshman PanHellenic association at Minnesotawas n:cently brought to a head.when the freshman iraternuj menmet and perfected an organization.About sixtv freshman Greeks. arcmember> of the new association.which in many ways is similar tothe Three' QU,arters Club atChicago.• • •President May Go SouthPresident Harper may spend apart of the winter in the South orWest. His condition has'.·imprO\·ed to such an cxtcnt d!lring thepast ten days that it is bclieyed.bewlll be able to make the trip without sufft:ring a scthad�. The Pres·ident is regarded as being in muchbelter health than at Thanksgiving. pianist.Til E PROGRAM:Overture. "Coriolanus". BeethovenSymphony Xo. R, B minor (Un-finished) . � SchubertAllegro moderatoAndante con 1110toConcerto for Pianoforte, E flat: . -. '. " LisztI :-;TER :\IISSIOX(jYerture, .. Fingal's Ca\'e .................. �lend<:lssolll� ,a) I talial1 Ser�nadc 'Vol f -{,} :\ llegretto schcrzando S\'ensden'Tcma con \·ariazioni.Finale, "1 'olonaise" .. TschaikowskyHellegar's Case Lockjaw?Jack :\cllegar's condition is:growing- more serious instead of'hetter. The physicians this morn:"ing- held a IOIlg' consultation andall()11l11lced that unless his condi�:tioll Sooll chang'ed hloo<1 poisoning\\'ould set in. The doctors have also'-rdusl'd '·to permit anyone to visithim and the iamily is anxiouslyawaiting results of the next fewhour:;. It is feared that lockjawI might set in,.. - --......------ -..------- _" _ ...C" C. BANQUE� AND ELECTION.-.,;1.DEADLOCK AMONG SOCCERFOOTBALL ENTHUSIASTSClub to Celebrate Western Championship1 - Tonight 'and Choose a Leader For NextFallPlayers Are Divided On Questionof Organizing College or Varsity TeamsTh� annual banquet of the CrossCountry Club is to be .held tonightat the Union restaurant. A tastymenu has been prepared and themembers will all be called upon forshort talks.After the banquet Dr. Raycroftwill present .emblerns to the Championship Cross' Country team,Lightbody, Anderson, Klock, F uessle and Mathews, and the club willelect a captain 'and secretary forI �06. R. L. Henry; Jr., founder ofthe club, Hugo Friend and Dr.Raycroft will be guests of honor. Dr. Raycroft Speaks For AuthoritiesPlans For Hockey Rink Are BeingConsideredPlans for a Varsity soccer teamreceived a set-back when it was announced that the University authorities, while leaving the matterlargely in the hands of the mendirectly interested, were opposed-toan intercollegiate contest and theformation of one representativeteam from the entire University.Doctor Raycroft this morningsummarized the main reason forthe stand of the department in thisrcgard. He said that the introduction of soccer was to �;v; everybody with ability in the game thechance to make a team. This, under the circumstances, would involve the .forrnation of numerousteams, since there is much goodmaterial. If, on the 'other hano; asingle "all-star" team is chosen, ;itwill tend to disorganize' the minorteam and to discourage men whounder present conditions receivemuch pleasure and' profit froid thegame. It is felt, that a better spiritwill come from the, formation ; ofcollegiate teams, even two or threein a college, and in playing intercollegiate games, than in playing aso-called. "University of Chicago"team against outside 'organization.I t is also, felt that by the original, plan any - team can arrange artygames it pleases, but' simply as?1I."Arts," "Philosophy," or "Science:'teams, as the case may be.Asked about the proJ>abiliti�s',f�rhockey, Dr. Raycroft said that, t1lepossibilites of flooding a separateUniversity � rink were being carefully canvassed, as tJ:te.' Midwayrink has serious defects in the mat:"ter of high winds and imperfectbanking. The propositon of riukson the Jackson Park "pancakes'!does not appeal to the Universityenthusiasts on account of the distance, and some solution of theproblem is expected within a dayor two, the feature of expense be-ing the most important. .WATER POLO PLAYERS IN MIXUPCaptain Badenoch and EX-Captain SolomonReceive Injuries and Quit GameY estcrday afternoon some morebad luck' overtook' the water poloteam. In the' first' scrimmage,which was very fierce, Capt. Badenoch received a sprained kneewhich may Keep him out of practicefor some time and Soloman, lastyear's captian, injured his arm andleft the tank. '. However, the men showed upfairly well, Rohde and Sehottdoing excepitonally 'well for soearly in the season.A dual swimming meet has beenarranged between Illinois and Chicago. The meet, is to be held atChampaign February: :10.' This isthe first !i\villlming Contest with themen' from Urbana and Knudson isanxious to begin by winning.There are chances for good meneither, in 's�vifuming, diving or onthe polo team. Candidates shouldreport at 4: 15 to ' Capt. Badenochfln?_,f1�e},.in _s�!lP�,� .for the Cham-paIgn meet. ,. :., .. ,._ \-- "BASXEX BALL:�b'��ANCED'. \,::. .', GYII'ClA���5 iN EVENING;. -e • ".Dr. Raycroft Anno����'��rtant C��s.i� Schedule �ft:�� ClasSes. ',_. '''', ··.0 '.. fi ..'. Dr .: Raycroft �nno1.;n�es the fol-lowing changes in the meetings ofthe classes held in the gymnasium:TIle basket hall �quad will meet. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings at 7 o'clock .. insteadof in the afternoon at 3: 15.The ad��ced' gyn'l classes will. :J '. 'fltt' \," • •also�nieet 011 �he !ROll �vcmngs at.. the same 'time as the basket ballsquad. ',-Swimming and water polo classes n�et daily" froin 3:00 to 5 :00:The wrestling class' .. me�ts dailyat 11.: 15,; at -tilc north' end of thelocker room.: . I ALUMNI URGE TRIPtnackfriars Asbd to Visit Middle WesternCities to Airmse Old MenThe Blackfrairs are receivingletters each day f rom prominen�Alumni of the university, scatteredthroughout the middle \Vest, askin� that. if a trip is taken the org-anizatioll come their way. An urgent plea has heen received fromI ndianapolis, Terre Haute andDa\"ton where fonner members ofthe� Cni\"crsity promise the Friarsall sorts of entertainments and reccptions.The matter of a trip is at presentI.1nder consideration and nothingdefinite will he known until the firstof Fehruar\". :\ t that time thc showwill he re�cly for rehearsal. Thecast ancl chorus will be called outlate in January and Coach Cushingwill then begin the direction of thedances and action.THRE.'E QtJ:ARTER$ . MEN TO DANCEMem�rs of �e'�h�en Class Society toGive Party for Ol,� !,«en.A t a meeting of the Three Quar·ters this morning they decided togive an ill formal dance to the oldThree Quarters men. The date ofthe dance has not yet been set buta committee is ,at'· work and the results will soon� 'kno\vn. This isthe first dance of its kind e\'cr gi\'enLy the Three Quarters �luh and thefreshmen are anxious to m�ke itaSU<:eeSS.\. .... '.. _ ... -Y. W. C. L. CO_MITTICECHICAGO, FRIDAY; JANUARY 5, 1906.tthe J£)atl� maroonarorm.rlJ' the Unh.nalt7 of Clllc ... W .. kl,..fOtJJO)aDTM tJnl.'a1t7 of Cblc. Weeki,.. Oct. 1. 1892TmI DAILY II.t.aOO1ll - - - Oct. L 1802N.W8 CONTRIBUTIONS REQUJCBTBID.ICDt"rec1 IUJ second-cl... mall at Clllca,"PostoMce.Dall), SubacrlpUoD, $3 year; $1 for 8 m ...tc,. lIaU In Cll,. $. )'ear; $1.26 for 8 moa.SubtlUlptloo. r�e1ved at Tim 1Ultoo,,;OMce, EUla Hall, or lett tu TIm II.AJtooNBox. the Vacuity Excbanse, Cobb HalLPrinted by Quadraosle Preas, .0. E. l'iltb.Make-up today .. H .. Eddy Mathews(, EDITOR.IALS �IProfessor' Clark, the PlatformClub, and the public-spirited Al-umni who are backingthem, have earned thegratitude of the University through theirsuccessful] e ff 0 r t sThe CentralOratoricalLeaguetoward the inclusion of Chicago ina new oratorical league, which fillsa place not filled by the existing. organization.To the graduate students, and tocertain of the underg raduates, thenew league comes as a welcome solution of an important problem, theproblem of° a suitable manner' inwhich to take part in oratoricalcontests.The rules of the Northern Oratorical League bar from competitionall graduate students and those ofthe undergraduates who have oncetaken part.This is unfortunate, since thegraduate students have, it is safe tosay, even a greater interest in thisactivity than do the undergraduates,and include men of experience inthis line, whom it would be a distinct loss to the University to debarfrom further iutercollegiate competition.From the standpoint of the University this new league is a valuable thing. In the last analysis,the University will not be judgedby the athletic prowess of its graduates. The department of athletics in a modern University is simplya gigantic phase of the nationalpublicity methods; it is an attractive advertisement; and its effectscount in large enrollment andfinancial benefi ts accruing -therefrom. fhe actual standing of th eUniversity in the eyes of the worldis gauged on the mental equipmentand the achievements of its representatives in intellectual life. Howfar oratory, with its discipline, goesin developing this mental capacityis too obvious for more than mention.More than that, through thisleague the University will bebrought into a closer touch withthe East; it will be in a positien tolearn what the East has of value,and, we believe, to teach somethingof Western thought to the sisterUniversities.Long life to the Central Oratorical League, and success to theChicaio representatives. Entertains New Secretary of Oreeizationat _"tiD,The finance committee of theYoung Women's Christian Leagueentertained the new secretary ofthe League, Miss Anderson, andindulged in a spread at their regular meeting yesterday noon.Strike at PreISThe effect of the type settingstrike-;t-th;- Univ�hy --p;�SS'" isgrowing less every day. Duringthe day several new""iDen were takO_en on to fill the place of the strikersand in a few days the composingroom will be able to handle itsusual amount of work. The unionhas made no move since the menwalked out and all hope has beengiven up of the men returning totheir places.Championship Football TeamOfficial picture on postal cards, forsale at Martyn's Maroon- stndio, 5705Cottage Grove, also at the UniversityBook Store, and Kern's .We are leaders in Souvenir postalcards, albums, photos and pictures.KOELLING & KLAPPENBACB100 Randolph StreetF'owrresGlovesWill be worn longerthie season than others-that is. other glove ••A Merciful Manis merciful to his face. Hekeeps it smooth and free fromirritation by usingWILLIAMS' SHAVINGSTICKClothes Shop Hasa Rare Assottment of FineGarmentsH a ve you ever noticed the retilled elegance about the clothes ofa well groomed man?The ability of selecting suchgarments is not in the man, but inthe buyer of the shop where theclothes are purchased.J f a shop has fine garments theman who patronizes that shop cannot but have fine clothes.\V c sell only the best quality ofclothes, $20 to $50.49 Jaokson Boullvard.Chicago A.�lJHRT !\IATHP,WS, Pres. GEu. II. FIHDI.HR "Ice-Pres. F. H. STRATTON, Sec',..MATHEWS &. CO. Inc.The Tailor ShopNEW POWERS BLDG .• 156 WABASH AVE.l\IAKERS OF YOUNG MEN'S CLOTHESOur Specialty $35.<22 Sach SuitsWe show one of the Largest Lines of Woolens in Chicago.:t'�- bn lB. Stetsol1 Ulnt"erstt£B m : ate � wit b t b e 1Il n 1 \') e r s it }1 0 f <I b tea go4 COLLEGE-5. 5 SCHOOLS. 14 BUILDINGS.48 IN FAt;ULTY. 5TUDE-NTS MAY WORKDURING THE WINTER QUARTER AT STETSON AND RE.CEIVE TI1 £.IP.. CR.E.DITS ATCHICAGO � � � � � � � � � � � � # #Stetson is in the land of flowers, sunshine. blue skies and balmyocean breezes. Summer recreations ruu through the winter.Costly buildings. electric lights. electric hells, cement walks, shellroads. broad avenues, spacious campus. tropical shrubbery andtrees. Large increase this year in all departments.. Address: President LINC.OLN HULLEY, Ph. D., De Land, FloridaM. E'. FITZGERALD al CO.... Mahers or ...GENTLEME.N9S GARMENTS360 EAST FIFTY-FIFTH STREET. We cater to the Faculty and Students of the U. of C.Our prices are within reacl� of all.FULL DRESS 7 UXEDO CLERICAL SPORTINGRIDING BREECHESESMORR PHOTOSARE GOOD PHOTOSESMOER243 East 55th S1.RESTAURANT104-106 MADISON STREETAlso Branch Buffetat 69 E. Monroe St. Old101-103 E.. MadisonStreetA ConnectionWITHThe No rtbtoestcrn Mutual LifeInsurance CONlpanyWould Afford You a Splendid Opportunity...e JD If you "Wi�h to Know more about this write to ..e ..eH. F. NORRIS. Supt. of Agencies. MILWAUfiEE.. WIS.L __ z-- CHICAGO, FRIDAY, )ANUARY S, 1906.GREEK TO MEET GREEKFraternities Are Organiziag a BukelballL�ague-To Meet Outside TeamsThe Greek letter societies in theUniversity are planing to organizea basket ball league. Sixteenfraternities will be represented int he new league mid t he plan is toarrange a playing schedule of fifteen games for each team. Theplan used in carrying out the baseball and bowling schedules willprobably be adopted by the_ basketball league.Many of the fraternities havemen who are not at present eligiblefor the varsity team, who haveshown marked ability in playingthe new game. Arrangements wiIIbe made to play the game at nightand 011 Saturdays.If all the societies are favorabletoward the plan a meeting will probably be called next week to makearrangements. Fraternity leaguesin the other Conference colleges areall ready under way and it is proposed to play Michigan or Wisconsin Greek champions at the end ofthe season.ARROWCOLLARSdiffer from others ill two essvut ial poiut s-:th .. r do lIot shrink n nd tlll'�' h:�\'.· a siz".l.'\·l:r)·qunrf er instead of .'\'('rr half 11I:·h. It s IIlI"eIII have a collar that is Ihe s:Il!Ie sizv when it('Olm's out of the \\'a..;11 a" it was wh·.'!! rouI".u::ht it. Clupeeo shrunk fal>ri('" allli Quar'ter Sizes are two j:''',tJ thin::s to in-cist on,I5e eacbt 2 f sr 25eOver 100 st yles to select from. TIH'r'rc iny"ur lx-st "h .. "s.Cluett, Peabody ®, Co:l":lr:: e "t mrk ers (If ("ollar.;und Shirts ill th..! World.Telephones Hy dc Park 18 and tJ'J5A. McAdamsThe UnhersUy. __ F lor is t. __GREENHOUSES:Cor. S3d St. 8:ld Kimba-k Ave. ChicagoIf you do not see wha.t youwant. aalt for itWe ca� such a variety of .. tocll; tl1atpossibly the �rtiC\1lt\r article youQ� hi uot tq vi�w. It not, ask forit. It ill more than likely that wewl1l be able to supply the desiredarticleROSALIE PHARMACYJ. J. GILL, Ph. G_.Phone H. P. 175 - 27-1 E. 57lh St. January SpecialtiesOvercoat. silh-lined throughout. to orde� ... $40.00Tuxedo Suits. silh-linedthroughout. latest styles.- - - - $40.00CHAS. A. LAWRENCE,MA"AOI;R �ND DIRECT,?RLA WRENCE ORCHESTRASelect Muskfqr all select occasionsVOUf patronage solicitedResidence:Telephone 5745 Rosalie CourtHyde Park 1467 ctuc.vco.,_... MUS 5:r; y. STailor for Youn. MellBilliard Ball. aad Bowlin. Alley.The I.argnt and Fin'_ st Amuscm�:JtRc:sort iu the World100 to lOS Madison StreetttRnell: �l� PflVi. st., ��pljtpn Two StQn:S:131 La Salle Street�l1ack.son BoulevardSporting, Riding and A4t�(lbile-Gv.od�. . .J.... MA)fASSE. Optician" M&4iao,!! �t., -:rrI���"\l"�SDeQt�cles aau ay,;gluaes Scientificallyf' .. ., . AdjustalEl es Tested FreeEv.::rythin� Optical1\1::: hemabcal,l'oI(.:·.:reological !lndfar tnc .t.atiternlst.�odaks, Cameras and SupplLs.' s. ·LIBERUANN.HVDEPARK1al)tes' tr auor19.8 ��TH ST.The latest of Parisienn� Sh'I�1i and Importedgoods for Fall nud Winter..Remodeling and Repair+ng a specialty.1 he only place to buy theright kind ofMEN'S FURNISHINGSand Hats The College Larder•• Home Made Dcli<:ac:ies·'IS CATERING, LUNCHEONS.447 E. 55th St.NATHAN'Sa99 E. 6ard Street L. FERNSTROMHigh Grade Ladie-.' and Gents'TAILORBOOKS 464 East 55th StreetExtra pair of Pant<; with eachSuit or Ovc:coat.New and second-hand for Universityand Hir h School. Educa-tional book. generallyHEWITT'S 41:i E. :i7TH ST.The very bestFall style. Our FOU�TAIN is open all year. BEST ICB CREAM SOTlA IN TOW�RAM_AlE'S PHARMACYPre.crlptlon Dru •• lataTelephone H. P. 46457th Street and Lake Ave .• CHICAGO��....�,((l>. �F''!J', ���4 Also separateWaists and Skirts J::8tabli!'hed over 3S years o;.en 5undaysGibson S".he� m Fowlersuccesscrs to J. K. s« \"(:11. at Son. Co.LI!.ADING .••..PHOTOGRAPH ZI\SPhone Ctnt. 5f,�Q Mc\·icl.ers Tbeatre BIde.Specia l RAtes to Collc� Students!I BORDiN�S:; �OlfDKKSJtD mLK, FLUID 1lU.E,. CRJtAJI AIm BU1'TERJIILIti; .et.t: BOTTLED IN zes :01JNrltF 'IIi I BO,.DEN'S CONDENat'r. "-"lK CO. II .27·.33 C. �O"T1'·.\ v," �'4 .T. IfWHP.RB do you get yourNewapapera. Periodical, aDdStatloDery?At NORTON'SFree Delivery348 57th Street SPALDING'SATHLETIC LIBRARYNo. 250.......»: SP ALDING'S� OFFICIAL. '. . AT�LETIC"'_ . ALMANAC_' FOR 1906Edited by JAMES E. SULLIVANAll Intercollegiate and r n terscholastic l\[eets and Records;Amateur Athletic Union Records.Ac A. U .Senior and J un-ior Championships; Swimming and Skating Records;A. A. U. Boxing and Wrest-.ling Championships; all ShotPutting and Weight Throwing Records; Official Reportof the Lewis and Clark Centennial Athletic Games; pictures of leading athletes,American and foreign.PRICE 10 CentsSend yo.ir name and address to our nearest storefor Spalding's Catalogue of all Athletic Sportsit's free.A.G.Spalding&BrosPhiladelphiaMinneapolisCincinuatiSan FranciscoWAshingtonLondon, Eng.New YorkDenverSt. LouisBostonBaltimoreNew Orleans Chicago'SyracuseBuffaloKansas.Cityr:�,:���, Can.J. A. nARLSONt-ROPIUETOR81� E. 55th StreetMETROPOLE LAUNDRYPho�. H�de 'a�k 5911g�e -fRoot StuaioKIIIBALL HALL243 Wabash Ave.Original Ideas and Exclusive Styles inPHOTQCk.APHSSpecial R..'P. to U. of C. StudeDtaLISTENDon't throwaway your old Hat; eitherSTIFF, SOFT OR Sn.KI will make them look like new. and willsave you a Dollar or two427 E. 63rd·St., Cor. Kimbark Ave.Hats cleaned. blocked and retr immedw. L. Jansen�HARM_AC��_".f�6!J9 Cottage Grove Ave.CHICAGOI MOSSLER'SIClever ClothesSO Jackson BI.vd.Each day the "rush" onthese smart businesssack suits in fancy andplain effects is reduc-ing- the stock. This is theobject and the only rea-5011 in the world whythe price is cut-c-zo perCCIII of( regular prices($15 to $-10). Thosewho know are gettingin fast.Tall. ele'Y&torto second rloor. onl7.bow.room on IIr •••MossIer Co.Clever Clothes. 50 J achaon �"-\�'\\\tttnte .Fetb�.Jackson & ClarkWill you ever get it out of yourhead that 10.00 will not buy a decent suit of clothes or a nice overcoat. I buy "stock lots" when madeby the right makers, Look for"THE �I:\KERS' LABEL." Isell clothing at 10.00 as good as youcan buv on State street at 15.00 to25.00. -They are such clothes as Iwear myself, good enough for me,good enough for you. Now on sale,50.000 dollars worth of fine clothingconsigned to me to sell for accountof makers. BETTER SEE IT.Until Feb. 1st I will make to order Fancy and White Shirts at 1.�Oeach, four cuffs to each fancy, Thisis done to give my employees workin dull season.115 This month aU 1.50 and 2.00• Fancy Shirts, four cuffsto each will be sold at 1.15.2 35 This month, while they last,• lot of high class FancyVests worth 4.00 to 10.00, at 2.35.5 Dc This month all 1.00, 1.50 and. 2.00 Scarfs thrown into SOcline. This month all SOc and 75cSocks thrown into 25c line.This month lot of 2.00 to 4.50Pajamas at 1.35.I sleep soundly nights; so canyou ."TenTom Dollar"MurrayDEMLING"SDRUG SHOP61 ®. Woodlawn Ave."Vogelsang"s'"17&-162 MadlaoD SI.A Modern Up-Ia-Da' •CafeWhere the cooking and aerviceis equaled only by the best ..P. D. WEINSTEINLADIES' TAILORWorkman.hip UnequalledS�l Rates foc u. ef C. StudenteN. E.. Cor. 55th and Lezln.toDPhone 1282 Jlyde ParkE!ltnhli!lhed IS7J.AMES$2.00 HATS$3.00A;\tES (�ift Bonds for Hats. Glo�·es. Urnbre lIas anll Canes .• vcceptnble Holiday Giftll-162-163E.MaJisonSt.,near LaSalleCHICAGOJ. H. KI:-'TZ, Prop. JOH;:o.; CLARK. ;:\fgrAll orders day or night filled prompllyWE NEYER CLOSEJ achson ParhLivery273 E. Fifty-Seventh StreetTelephones lJyd� Park {ill.. CHICAGO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 5,1906.Last 2 Nights and 1 :\[atinee.MISS :MAXINE ELLIOTT In HERGREAT MATCH.I" A·M'U S'Eo M Eo NTS 'IGarrickFENCIBLES IN FIRST DEBATE,_ OF THE WINTER QUARTER Stop AtHOTEL FLORIDA5721 Cottage Grove Ave.Room and Board for Stud�nls $5.00 perweek. M91 Ticketa $3.75.J. A. 1\.1 LEY. ProprietorDebating Club Will Argue. Question of ThreeFourths Majority Vote In Civil Cases..Last Week ';DE WOLF HOPPER in HAPtlYLA�DMonday night-s-Seats Thursd"..Mme: Bertha Kalich in Monna Vanna.The Fencibles will hold theirfirst debate of the quarter on Wednesday evening Jan, 10 at 7 :HO inCol.b, SB. The question for debate is:RESOLVED, "that a three-quarters majority vote of a jury shouldbe conclusive in civil cases."Sanderson and Kruger will sup-port the affirmative and 0' Donnelland Pierrott will uphold the negative. The men have the questionwell in hand and the ·debate is expected to prove interesting. 'ttcnOfDirector of :\Iusic T9cher of SingingThe University of Chicago1ester :l3a rttett :Jones LaSalleW�nesdays andSaturdays ResidenceStudio 406 Kimball Hall 5321 Greenwood Ave. Of It You'll Never TireTHE eMPIRE57th time. Be wise-get your seats today.\J 0 H N r. DUN N I :COAL' :Phone Oakla.nd 155151st &. Armour Ave .• Chicago : ColonialTheater Beautiful, McIntyre and HeathIn the Musical Novelty"THE HAM TREE"A Great Cast and the :\lost Beautiful Singing and Dancing Chorus in the World.Powers'1bar\'?arb 1botel YOUNG WOMEN'S LEAGUEGIVES RUMORS OF NEW PLANS5114.16 Washlnston A'Ye�Phone Hyde Park 1533 near I. <;. and U. of C.Rooms single or en suitePleasant home with hotel conveniences Tableboard and single meals. Novel Party, It Is Said, Will Be GivenLate This MonthStudebakerThere are' 'things doing" amongthe members of a certain committeeof the Young' Women's ChristianLeague and rumor has it that amost novel party is being plannedfor the new members of the Leagueto take place some t�me during thethird week of this month.Last 2 Nights and Sat. Matinee."THE LAUGH SHOW."Joseph Cawthornand His Hundred Singers and Dancers. including . Stella Mayhew inFRITZ IN TAMMANY HALL.Last 3 Times . lHenry W. Savage Offers the Fealur�fulForest FantasyWOODLANDDR. FRANn C. JARVIS�. , DentistPb'�ne Hyde Park 4f..tN. W. Cor. 51th' and Lake A'YenueChlca80 R.ELIABLE. With Harry Bulger.Last Matinee SaturdayRECENTL'I WLARGEJ WITH25,000 New Words and PhrasesALSO ADOEDNew Gazetteer of the "\lor!dNew Blo8raphlcal DlctlonaryF..J!,,,..ln Cblpf. W. T. flam ... r!l.n .• T.LD.,L'uilc.-.l Slates Commiao.iODCr of �ucaticm.2380 Quarto �a::c:s. �OCO l::u�t�tiOO!l.IT I::J A PACKJ:O CTORiMOU::E 01' NXUI':AT: I ::FOn:.sA':'IOHCr:AXO Pm::E(-::ic��-·. : • ...,�r -)�·101T'..::l·: •• \1:: :::T.LCUI:l Illinois'H. HOFFMANcteance .. � tta·tlo.r .• ·lD�erSuits Pressed Monthly, '.$1.004.4� East 6lst' St.. (near Kimbark.)Tel. Hyde Park 7659. "King" Kelly, ex-maroon distance�t;lDer, was on the campus tc;xIay ..We want , ...... OIJ tile .u��_ r;nn 11M of '['be n.nJ MaJooca. .Also Webster's Conegll1�e DI�lonar-.1ns J'a�s. ". IlIA} 111u�ra1iuCLRegu1� E�ition7"!)1[l:�. inch"- S biDdings.De I:.uxe Edition 6';" r;�:II: 1 !,In. J'ri!1ted fromumc pln.h·S. on Liblfo lJ.l�� ,-. :; 10(',';'1.:.\' ftl1, .. din ... ,-THE-'- Clas.lflld Advlrtl'lmlidl.FREE, "Dicti0D&r7 W' ri.nl.;.Ie;."l::astraleol p:unl':" - ....G. o C. MI::\.r... IAU CO_:?&:b:isber.s, £priagtle:d, .l'r1as:l., b. !'. r., ..,,!:: Gr.T T:-:t:: r.'C07 1 Try Tolu, Tar and Wild Cherry.fbr,that cough, University Pharmac7 660E. 55th St.. ;UN.IONHOTEL andRESTAURANTOn Rudolph at. betweeIl Clark aDdDeaI'bom 'IS THE POPULAR PLACE FDR DlllTYSUPPERS mER THE put Drua.,,-RICHTONFlaf Clasp Carlersmak.e :)��ur "course" easy .. Made of. one piecepure SIlk web, metal parts heavily nickeled..Perfectly fia!, comfortable, adjustable. Look.for name on garter c:lasp and bOL. •lI. W. Cor. 55'" Street and Woodlalo A1I.E:l.:tenliVl! improvemeuu havemade the �ining room, the m�tbeautiful and attractive in' theTheatre District�The new .hlluJPDC balcony forthe en larged orchestrA i8 anotherImprovement. aDel. Ute muaic iamade an capecial fnlure. If you wish to secure a Positi�n to'�hcall on or write to James F � McCullough,Railway Exchange, qupgo. '.�. ..., tItecideft4PIONEER. SUSPENDERCO.718 Market St.Philadelphia Students' Boarding Club at 5718 Ki�.berk Ave. $.1.00 per week. Home cook-ing. ry;--_.------------------One _of the 'interesting items at myHOS�'and VEST Sale6 p�ir 25c HoseAi STliN & CO.,High'Grade Tailoring,Cleaning, Dyeing andRepairtri� .'\WORK CAlLEJ--fOR AND DELIVERED.103 East 55th·· St.APAIRFRATERNITIES.: �L:�G:HTm·.' . f.·' .'.: after a �er at'The Kuntz-;jlemmler Co.Restaurant · BROOKS t. for _ ..$1.00ALEXANUER ncLEANCUSTOM ClOTH.ES SHOP'� 1-56 ·�tate Street303-305 WABASH· ..c\.VENUE. .,� ... '" ITel. 599 Bafriaon c·.� 140 14adiso� St�., near Clark Men'. Furnishing Goodsand.BAts .46 E. ADAM'S'STREETChicago--------�-�------------------------------------�--�--�.--,-" •,v• "P-!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!���������!!!!!!!!!!!�������The. GENTLE.E.CoBege·,tOSTON .. , ..GARtER man.sTh •• _ •• ,........... ,B' a c k WO.GDlA.N· DELlOITESSEIWHO DRESS fOR STYLE.EAT"£SS� AlII) 'COMFORTWEAR THE 'MPROVED. Clean' Home Coohing�ine Table DelicaciesQuality only considered.Suit «;,. ( EARL & WILSON'S/ Ci '/ f__ - COLLARS.CUFFS &SHIRTS(_{);J __ --rr. .. A" ARE THE BEST.�The '''me II 'iJjat,m.ped on � •evory lo.p-'(;;I. .'�hZf, CUSIiION. ��... BUTTONCLASPlI •• Ylat to the Lec-lI.ye�Slip., T.a,.. ror Unfast.n.�"'J'alr. f!flkl!Oe.. Cotton�.Mailed 00 ""1)'& of prl�.Cto. 'rOlt Co., •• hra,a'Itta, .Ib., U. $. A.ALWAY$ EASY -$15-t ". '::, .y'·cunas and English ThibetClothes-long side vests-be-autifully. lined with V en e t ian.Equal to the tailors $30 �uits.Man y fancies too. _ :Overcoats-Beltons and Pad�docks--$lS--$lo--$lS--$JO. THE ILLINOIS· W AREtlOUSB an •STORAGE COMPANY'� H, .. Partt 111 CIMBAltiC AVB. ad PlPTY-.5IXTII".The Cleanest "d Best Kept StonpWarehouse-Ia the City • • •P'arDitare ... Plano. MCMd. SIOftd. Pded and Shipped .. · ..........the world. JOG Prlnt..st. ..... R __ .. Latze Parlor EzchsmlJ"PI--. Rooms b Tnmb aDd Wheel.. Larre RoOm lew CarriItII.............. � _Baaiel.� 'l'RUlID 10 OJ) PRO. ALL J)DC)ft. �• ......... .... abo:1 DOCIOI.,................. _, ..--- _ .. _- .,.:. .. ---