---�-'� M':. �'."I.y.__ �;:���::���!!!!!!!!!!!!!,,�!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Mtemoou!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_!!!!!!!!!!!!by�tJut�8tuanta�_!!!!!!!!!!�of!!!thI�1J!!!Dl�."!!!'!!!1ll!!!t!!!'!!!of!!!CIW:a!!!_�CO!!!,!!!!!!!Dada!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!' !!!!!!tIIne!!!!!!��!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!of!!!tu!!!!!!!!!1J!!!!!mtnIt7�::��=..�!!!!!!!!!.!!!�!!!!!!!::'!ILVOL. IV. No. 53 CHICAGO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1905 P:RIc:a;:�--CmrrsThe Dail .""'.. - "-_-;,_;MICHIGAN HOPES FORVICTORIES OVER CHICAGOCaptain Ramey, According to theMichigan Daily, Sees Chancesin Track MeetsSpirit··· Men Good-Many Promising Candidates for Points inIntercollegiate_ �ic_hi�il?_���i��_\.o l�x:_��t_ ab?,utthe football season in thoughts -c,f'the future."We must lick Chicago twice nextSpring, in the dual and conferencemeets," Ramey, captain of theMichigan track team, said recently."They are hard people to beat, butI think the spirit we have shownsince the football defeat will go along way toward bringing about thedownfall of Stagg's Maroons. Theprospects are much better than theywere last Spring and Chicago willhave to go some to beat us."The members of last year' s teamwho are back in school are CaptainRamey, half-railer: Keeler and Annis, dashes; Coe, mile; Garrels, discus and low hurdles; Dunlap, shotput; Rowe, two mile; French,broad-jump, and Goodwin, quartermile. Dana; the winner of the halfmile at Stagg's Interscholastic twoyears ago. Doane, miler of 1903,and Stewart, reco_rd holder in thehurdles, are the best recruits to the,- team. -��'-"��� -_- 6t-�t year/steam Nicol� Stone,Fishleigh and Captain Rebstock,will not be seen in the athletic fieldthis year. • In the conferance lastyear, Nicol took second in the highhurdles, and Stone got second placein the great two mile run.EX-VARSITY FOOTBALL MAN'SQUICK THINKING SAVES LIFEWalter Cavanaugh Caught in Belt andSchooling of Football Days Saves Him(� "Walter Cavanaugh, who playedcenter on the Varsity football teamseveral years ago, had a narrow escape from a horrible death yesterday at Kenosha, Wis., where he isa foreman in the Simmons Manufacturing Company. Caught in awhirlin& belt driven by a 2,000horse power engine, Cavanaughstruggled for his life. Clutchingthe beam of the ceiling in a vicelike grip, as he was hurled upward,the athlete fought with all hisstrength against being drawn intoUte fatal embrace of the machinery.Only after his clothing had beenstripped from his body by the fastflying belting, was he freed fromdanger. Then he dropped to thefloor exhausted.The life and death battle of theformer football player was witnessed by a score of men ill the department, who looked on with horror,expecting to see him instantlykilled.To the great presence of mind andprowess of Cavanaugh is attributedhis escape.. Physicians were called, and anmvestigaticn showed that 110 boneshad been broken, but Cavanaughhad been terribly burned about theface and neck by the friction of thebelt. .STETSON'S CHARMS :MAGNETIC SOCKER IlEII :MEET HARVARD EMBLEMS - AND BfJIKETSTO CHICAGO CHAMPIONSLarze Group of Students Will Whi!e AwayMerry Hours Among Alligators 'NeathPalms Plana For Game With Eastern Team Ar.UJlder Way-Team Get. P1Dal PracticeBefore WllIderers' GameSeventeen Ken Awarded the "C,"Five Given the BlaBket for_Veteran ServiceFifteen students of the University _ are laying plans to spend thewinter quarter at Stetson- Theparty will have to leave on NewYear's Day as school starts on Jan.3.Those: who report to go are:Irene "Moore, Edith Moore; MaryMorton, Nola Paradise, Alice J.Frank, Eva Steansky, CarrieGeorge, Vera Rice, Nellie Wright,Alfrida Johnson, David W. HallChauncey Burr, Frede-rick CarrMaurice Pincoffs, Horace Horton. 'This will be the second winter forseveral of these students. Baseball.boating, swimming, and tennis arethe principal sports of the college.The tennis courts, which are madeof crushed shell, are very fast. The East and West may meet in"socker" football, even if Dot inthe Rugby game. An offer hasbeen received from the HarvardUniversity "socker" team to playthe Maroons in Chicago if expensesare guaranteed. The matter is Tb-f:iosing incident ofthe f�t-being considered and it is more ball season of 1905 took place inthan probable that arrangements Kent Theater this morning whenfor the game will be completed. Dr. Joseph E. Raycroft presentedThe game is to be played next to the seventeen mea whose effortsspring, when the Harvard team will have won them a place on thealso include Illinois and other west- championship team, their "C"e� sc?ools in its itinerary. sweaters. These men are: CaptainCoach Purcell will give his squad Catlin, Captain-elect Eckersallthe final practice this afternoon in Gale, Meigs, Badenoch, Walker:preparation for the game with DeTray, Boone, Bezdek, Parry..Wanderers at Parkside tomorrow Hill, Noll, Russell, Hitchcock, Larafternoon at 2 o'clock. Most of son, Scherer, and Harper. Fivethe.caudidates will be given a try- men who have played their lastout against the more experienced football game for the Maroon wereplayers, after which an all-star awarded the "C" blanket: Catlin,team will be picked which Coach Bezdek, Gale, H ltchcock, and BOone.Purcell declares will be able to play "Bill,." Matthews, chairman of. the Wanderers to a standstill. the Senior College Council,presidedIn compliance with the request Captain Loose has announced the and introduced as the speakers "theof Harvard- University, the Inter- following line- up for tomorrow: youngest rooter," Dr. Thomas-W.collegiate Football Rules Com- Goals, Gregory and Peacock; full Goodspeed and Dean E. B. Hulbert,mittee has postponed its meeting backs, Gray, Loose and Chamber- both- of whom, speaking for thewhich was to be held today, until lin; half backs, Hostetter, Magee, board of physical culture - and- athFriday, December 22. The meet- Lake and Mefford; forwards, Rn- letics, - stated that it was not ining will be held in Philadelphia. binkam, Simpson, Brokaw, Baker, sympathy with the reformatoryJohn C. Bell, the University of McDermid, Steffen and Mann- agitation against football, and thatPennsylvania - mem ber or the com-" -heimer-r-BeatO!l of the MetropoJi.t�n - __ �Jhey._�onl� like to.see. a.more - - - . : ;�', .?, -"��mittee, gives it as his opinion that will referee; Dnnn and Ward will op:D -game1Uld a limitation of thethe plan to make an advance of ten -_ act as linesmen. -'brutality in every way, it favoredyards in four downs necessary to' Eckersall will don a suit and nothing that would m�e the. game_ retain possession of the ball would show the socker men a few stunts any less strenuous, or -detract anybe adopted by the committee, but in the scientific booting of the ball thing from its hold upon the pubUcwith _ modifications to weaken the next week. Other men of the interest.defense. In addition to this, Wal- football- squads nave already re- Dr. Goodspeed called football theter Camp suggests shortening the ported for practice, among them greatest game of all games. Heplaying halves, a rule forbidding being Mefford, Steffen, Magee, favored a more open game, whichtackling below the knees, a distance Ferguson and Hopkins. Schomer. he believes will be more interestingpenalty for the time taken out at the freshman high-jumper - and to the spectators, and he would apthe request of the captain, that the basket ball player, and Harle the .prove of any measurers whichball be called dead when any part long distance runner fro� Prince- could lessen the - brutality, but asof the person of the runner, except ton, have also announced their for diminishing its essential ruggedthe feet, touches the ground, more intention of getting into the game. ness, he would have none Qf it.rigid definition of the use of hands Football, he says, trains a man inand arms, and a better protection AWARDS ENGLISH 1 CLASS PRIZES resourcefulness, courage, activity,of the man catching the ball. and on the instant, so well illnstra-Coach Fielding H. Yost, of the Mr. LiDn AIlDouocea As WiDDen Bbln ted in the case of Cavanaugh, whoUniversity of Michigan, also app- PdDceU au41lotchldaa •with bat an instant and with butroves the ten-yard rule, and favors one chance of escaping certainthe forward pass. Mr. Linn has put into practice a death, seized that only chance.new idea in his Freshman English He also stated that he wished toclass this quarter. He divided the correct the impression that Prai-entire class into three divisions, in dent Harper had seen the Thankseach of which the man who did the giving game from Hitchcock HaU.best work was to receive a prize.Mr. Linn announced the winners while be had been unable to view it,he had been in constant- and in tim-this morning as follows: L. D. Ed- ate touch with MarshaJi Field andson, first division; P. P. Prineell, had watched the outcome withsecond division: M. T. Hotchkiss,third division. great interest. 'H. praised thecharacter of the men on the teamand of Coach Stagg.Dean Hulbert delivered a mess·age from •• Prexy," congratulatingthe team on its great victories, andpaying a tribute to the pbysicaland moral q uali ties of the men.His sentiment that the team of1905 was the second to non. in thecharacter of its individual memberswas heartily cheered. Dean Hulbert divided the football agitatorsinto three classes: those who wouldOtatba1ll4 _ ,... .. col .... �Faculty Speakers Uphold Footb&ll, Declaring the Strenuolity of the Gameis IdealRULES COMMITTEEPOSTPONES lIrIEETINGGrants Howard's R,quest for Delay-WillMeet Next Friday.rumOR COLLEGE COUNCIL •CHANGES .a.BERSBIP RULEOnly Eighr .embers to Hold Places, FourBeing Dropped Each QuarterThe Junior College Council at itsmeeting yesterday decided thatunder the new College system thecouncil should consist of but eightmembers, one member from eachcollege, who should hold office fortwo consecutive quarters, and theterm of' office elf four councillorsshould expire each quarter. As aspecial provision this quarter thewithdrawal of four member�' wasdetermined by lot. Hence the colIeges that will hold elections forcouncilor next quarter are as follows:College of Philosophy (men)College of Literature (men)College of Art. (women)College of Science (women) B. of St. A. Holds ElectionThe Brotherhood of St. Andrewheld a meeting this morning for theannual election of officers, wltichresulted in the re-election of Bernard Bell as director, and of Kenneth Crosby as vice- director, andthe election of DeWitt Lightner 1.5secretary-treasurer.". ... t � __ tile ..... IIIIs...... ., .. .,.,...-./-. CHICAGO, FlUDAY, DECEMB1Ut. 15, 1105.&.I._.aT KAT •• W8, Pr.. GEO. H. PIEDI.,lUt. Vlc.Pra. P. H. STIt.ATTOK. aec'y.ttbe IDail�' maroon IBuy Men's Thingsat a Man's"Shop.,..,..rl,. 0.. Ualnnlt7 .r Ohlcap W .. k.,..1'OVJn)1IJ)ft. CalT'alt)' 01 Olllo. Weekly. Oct. 1. 1111'!'1m DAlLY�" - - . - Oct. 1.. \lOSOWl OONTaIBUTIONB ".QU .. TIID... tent .. "ooD4-01... man at Clllca,.P('etoSD.e.. •Da117 l"bllCrlpUoD. '8 ,.oar; '1 :or am ••.It)' lIall lA OU, 'i ,..ar: 11.26 for I Ill ..luacrlpU.u nc.l"e4 at T .. MAaoo.0.... 1I11t. Hall, or left In or.. 1Uaoo.au. Ill. J'acult7 hchaDp. Cobb HalL -PrlDtM _,. Quadran,l. Pr.... 606 II. 5�th.Makeup JnaD today Chas. 'V. PattzerEDITO RIA LSiIII·t�i,!'I� That the University has something to be proud of besides hervarious athletic chamEvangelistic pionships, is provenBand a by the EvangelisticSuccess Band. ThisBand hasaccomplished m u c hin view of the small support thestudent body has afforded it.The following description of thework of the Evangelistic Band ofthe University appears in an articleby Carlos M. Dinsmore, in thecurrent number of the BeldenAvenue Baptist Record:"The Evangelistic Band was recently organized with Mr. W. J.Howell- as leader and Mr:W. L.Runyan al business manager. Mr.Howell is a graduate of Lake ForestCollege, of Rochester Seminary andwas pastor at Cortland, N. Y., forsix' years. M�. Runyan is a1 graduate of Wabash College, is thirdyear man in the divinity SChool andis a son of state evangelist Runyanof Wisconsin."This will be the third year ofthe work of the B�nd and the' prospects for the coming q \laner arevery much brighter than at anyprevious year. Ten men have volunteered to work en the band asregular men and ten other men have'volunteered to substitute at anytime."The band has tHe hearty supportof hath faculty and students of thedivinity school.i�"Their plan is to go to a church,that has prepared for their coming,Friday afternoon and remain overSunday. The men do Dot receiveany pay for tbis work. The onlyexpense to the church is transportation charges, entertaiument during visit and advertise the meetings.God has signally blest their workin the past years and we expectlarger things this year. These mengo out to preach, to sing and to dopersonal work, depending upon theHoly Spirit to lead them and to usethem to win souls.",.I:i'Philosophy Men Give DanceThis afternoon t he PhilosophyCollege men held their receptionand dance in the Reynolds Clubfor the Philosophy College girlsand the facult Y. About one hundred couples attended and had anenjoyable time. La wrence furnished the music. Everything in this shop is correct.The Gibbons Label once foundno woman need go further thanher own good taste. She may besure that the man will be pleased.NECKWEARFrom imported silks, rare designs, exclusive models. Price,$1.00 to $5.00.WAISTCOATSThe newest models in Tuxedoand Full Dress Waistcoats, all'sizes. Chest measurement onlynecessary. Price, S3 to $10.00.GLOVESFor all occasions. English,French and Araerican makes.$1.00 to $12.00.CANES, UMBRELLASWith artistic mountings orplain effects, $5.00 to $25.00.HOSm�YDaintiest hose, in the bestmakes. Per dozen, £6.00 to$60.00.Open Satrrday until 9 p. m.49 Jackson Boulavard.Wisconsin Not to Drop MinnesotaThe rumor that Wisconsin intends dropping Minnesota from itsfootball schedule next year is denied by Manager Frank Reed, football manager of the Gophers, whohas just returned from a conferencein Madison with George F. Downerthe Badger manager. It is statedthat only the date is to be decided,and that the first. Saturday in November has practically been agreed.upon.LISTEN.Don't throwaway your old Hat; eitherSTIFF, SOFT OR SILKI will make them look like new, and willsave you a Dollar or two427 E. 63rd St., Cor. Kimbark Ave.Hats cleaned, blocked aDd retrimmedNotice To StudentsMartyn'. Maroon Studiois the Students' Studio57� Cottage Grove Ave.Weare leaders in Souvenir postalcards, albums, photos and pictures.KOELLING & ILAPPENBACB100 Randolph StreetFo-w-nesGlovesWill be 'Worn longerthi. season than others-daat is. other gloves.Face Valueis what you value your face at.If you value it as you should,yon useWILLIAMS' �� MATHEWS &, CO. Inc.The Tailor ShopNEW POWEI\.S BLDG .• 1�6 WABASH AVE.MAKERS OF YOUNG MEN'S CLOTHESOur'Specialty e33. � Sad\. Suit.We show one of the Largest Lines of Weolens in :ChicalO.ESMOER PHOTOSARE GOOD PHOTOSESMOER243 £.ast 55th St.M. E. FITZGERALD' ®. CO.._. Mahers of ...GENTLEMEN·S GARMENTS360 EAST FIFTY-FIFTH STREETWe cater to the Faculty and Students of the U. of C.Our prices are within reach of all.FULL DRESS lUXEDO, CLERICAL SPORTINGRIDING BREECHESRESTAURANT104-106 MADISON STREET\ .....THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE an.STORAGE COMPANY.PIIeee, Hyde Park 571 IClMBARIC A VI!. .... F1PTY� ....The Cleanest and Best Kept StoraPWarehouse in the City _. • •l'umJIaI. ad PIaDos MOftC!. Stored. P.dcec! ud Shipped ... ,.. ..the wadd. aoo Private Storap R.... Larp Pub LdaaiftlrllrI'IaaoI. Rooms .. Tnmb and Wheels. Larp Room lew c.m..-._ &alee. ad Sleiahl- .'rRmntS TO .AJID no_. � DUO'rLI...a .. ...._, ....... �ea:.. •• hortDOtice. ..... 8I.aeCIIl AUaUIa en. tit .... ..__A ConnectionWITH'The Northwestern Mutual LifeInsurance CompanyWould Afford You a Splendid Opportunity... .. U you -wish to hno-w more about this -write to .. .61H. F. NORRIS. Supt. of Agencies. MILW AUH.EE, WIS.Allo Brauch Bu1fetat 69 It. .ODfOe St. Old101-103 E. MadisonStreetThe College Larder O�E OF Ol."R $1.50 CHAMOIS VESTSProtect YOI Against CODg.S al� Colds.J. F. DeDlUng. Drust ist01at aDd Woodlawu Ave. -·'Hom. Made DclicaclEts··CATERING, LUNCHEONS.447 E. 55th St..�COAT SHIRT-is a reform in man's dress. $1.50 andUP. in white or exclusive color-Iastfabrics. At leading' stores.CLUETT. PEABODY &: CO •• Troy. N. Y •.�...,.t mAkers of ahirta alul eolian in the world.�"-\0l\U'\\\tttl\\t�tb�.Jackson & Clai1tYou are. doing' me a favorwhen you trade with me. In somestores they make you feel that theyare doing YOU a. favor to wait onyou, at same time they are DOINGyou.In other stores they in a cleverway try to FORCE YOU TO BUY.I will. not allow those BOWERYMETHODS in my store.Yes, I buy stock lots!Just bought a lot of 2,000 overcoats so cheap that I can sell youan overcoat at 10.00 as good as youcan buy at 20_00 to 25.00 on Statestreet. 1 want you to LOOK FORMAKERS' LABEL so you mayknow they ARE WELL MADE.Mothers--bring your boys-youngmen 16 years old up, a lot of suchcoats in this lot of overcoats at1O.00.'fell that fat husband of yours he'can buy an overcoat good enoughfor any man up to size 50 inchesfor 10.00 at "Ten Dollar Tom's."Tell your young folks no sense ina man paying such fancy prices forhis shirts. I am selling' 'ready-towear" fine, stylish Fancy Shirts at1.15, and I give four cutis to each. shirt. Tell him for me, yes, andfor his own good. that I make toorder 3 Murray Shirts for 5.00, 6.00or 7.50, Day, Full Dress or Fancy.and give four cutis to each Fancy.I will keep my store open Wednesday and Saturday nights until10 o'clock, other nights � o'clock,until Jan. 1st, to give those in outlying districts a chance at this highgrade Clothing I am selling at 10.00.FurnishingGoods Dept. open nights.Also my 2.00 Hats are waiting foryou to bring your head. Don't loseit on me!"TenTom Dollar"Murrays. LIBER�IANN.HYDE PARK':laNes' ttatlor198 55TR ST.The latest of P.ri�i�nne St'\"l" and Importedgoor!s for Fall and Winter.Remodelinlt and Re;>ainn;: a .�ialty.Establi!'hed 1 '173.A�IES$2.00 HATS$3.00AMES Gift Bonds for Hats. Gl��, em·brellu and Canes. Acceptable Holiday Gifts16Z-163E.JriadisonSt.,nearLaSalle , .. -t: .» ._. '.: •••• , .;: : •• ,'" f'��: ; .. �., .. , "".":�"'l' � •.. -:�; '·;��7·' .. ': .�:::- ..... , .';:_�_:i .",��� ""':"�;j�.cmCAOO, PRIDAY, DECEMBBR 10, 100l)ARTS MEII SMOKE UPIN REYlfOLDS CLUB lobn :13. Stetson Ulnil'erstt�B m It ate t) w it b t � e 111 n t " cr. tt p 0 f c b tea go4 COLLEGJ:.S. 5 SCHOOLS. 14 BUILDINGS.48 IN FACULTY. STUDJ:.NTS· MAY WOIULDURING TU& WINTEa QUAI\TEaAT aTItT.SON. AND I\r:.CEIVE THJ:.la. Ca.E.DITS ATCHICAGO � � � � ! � � � � � � � � �Stetson is in the land of Bowen. sunshine, blue lkiea and balmyocean breezes. Summer recreatloaa run through the winter.Costly buildings, electric lighu, electric bells, cement walks. Ihellroads, broad avenues, spacious campus, tropical shrubbery andtrees. Large iw:rease this year in all d.,artmenu.Address: President LINCOLN HULLEY, Ph. D,; De Land, . FloridaFaculty lien Tell Sportin& Yarns-Basket, Ball Team OrganizedThe men of the College of Artsheld their first social event of theseason in the shape of a smokerlast night in the Reynolds Club. Agood turnout of men was there andseveral members of the faculty.The program consisted of musicfurnished by Charles Ireland at thepiano, and the Only Original ArtsCollege Bazoo Band consisting ofthose eminent wind artists, Harper,Pinkerton. Bell, and McBride.After this the professors were. called upon for talks. with direpenalties threatened in case theydared to be ·instructive. Mr. Bonner of the Greek department toldof a time he rowed live miles formilk (Mr. Lange of the latin department doubted if it were milk.)Dean Miller told how he and PaulHarper shot and didn't shoot thingslast summer in the Wisconsin woodsMr. Young, hitherto known only asa dealer in sines and tangents. tolda yam of a man he knew who gotdrunk every night. Dean Cappsalso laid aside his academic severity. All of the faculty proved tobe mighty good companions.During the evening an Arts College basket ball team was organized. Challenges will be issued atonce to all the other colleges,Pinkerton was elected captain. CHAS. A. LAWR�NCE,MANAGER AND DIRECTORLA WRENCE ORCHESTRASdc:ct ::\tusic for all select occasionsYour patrcuage soticitedRestdence :Tel�hone 5745 Rosalie CourtHyde Park 1-t67 CHICAGOP D. WEINSTEINLADIES· T AILOa.Workmanship UnequalledSp�dal Rates foc U •• f C. Student.N. E. Cor. 55th and L.xlDltoDPhone 1282 Hyde ParkIf you do not see wh�t youwant, aak for itWe carry such a variety of .. tock thatpossibly the particular article yoaneed is not in view. If not; ask forit. It is more than likely that wewill be able to supply the desiredarticleROSALIE PHARMACYPhoneH. P.17S J. J. GILL27l�:5�hSt.L. MAN ASSE. Optician88 Madison St., Tribwle Build�Spectacles and EyegllUiSes ScientificallyAdjusted.ea Il, es. T",'" P reeEverythintt OpticalMaUaematlcal,MetereoloKical andfor the Lanternist.Kodak!!, Cameras and SupplLa."V ogelsang' s "17&-162 Madi.oD SL",.."A �odern Up-to-DateCafeWhere the cooking and aervlceis equaled only by the best.Telephones Hyde Park 18 aDd 695A. McAdamsThe UDI .... raIt7·... F lor i st •••GRmnnlOl1SES : ChicagoCor. S3d St. and Jtlmbaok ATe.Stop AtHOTEL FLORIDA'5721 Cottage Grove Ave.J100m aDd Board for Student. $'5.00 per. week. Meal Ticketa $3.75.J. A. 1\.1 LEY. Proprietor .Our FOUNTAIN is open all yearBEST ICE CREAM SODA IN TOWSRA •• AIE'S PHAR�ACYPre.crlptlon DI'1I •• I.I.TelephoDe H. P. 0464�tbS�aDdLakeA�.CEnCAGO! MUSSEY·SBl1l1a .. 4 Ban. a.4 Bowlin. AU.7.The I.ar'K"t and Pin�.t AmU8CmentR.�rt in the World100 to 108 Madl.on Slr •• 1nranc�: 616 Davis !'t .. EvanstonII· BORDEN'S Ii i COlfDKlISltD IIILK, trLum 1III.E,! CRBAJI ABD BUrTERJDLE Iil ALl. BOTTLl!D IN TNII col1NTr1i BO .. DEN'. CONDENSED Mn.K· CO..2'1 .. 22 C. ,o"n·aCVC"TM .-T.BROOKSCUSTOM CLOTHES SHOP140 :Madison St., near Clark-TheCollegeman'sBlack Suit-$15-Vicunas and English ThibetClothes-long side vests-s-beautifully lined 'with V en e t ian.Equal to the tailors $30 suits.Many fancies too.Overcoats-Beltons and Paddocks -$15-$20-$25-$30.or Gil'boert !"ormal Sehool of �ocial andClaaic Dancin�. Boston.Studio! 34' W. 61th StreetTel. lW9 SormalDancingRo�alie Music HallAdult Classes, Monday EveningDancing Party after each lessonopen to those outside of class.Children's Classes, Saturday andMondayGymnastic Dancing FridayAfternoonETHELYN BAIiER FOSTER H. HOFFMANCleaner ••• ttatlor ... i)l!crSuits Presser! llonthly, 11.00443 East 6ht St.. (near Kimbark.)Tel. Hyde Park 7659.Teacher SPALDING'S'ATHLETIC LIBRARYNo. 250........ �......._ �PALDING'SI. � _ OFFICIAI"I A:THLETIC.� ALMANAC. FOR 1906Edited by JAMES ·E. SULLIVANAll Intercollegiate and Interscholastic Meets and Records;Amateur Athletic Union Records;A.A. U.SeniorandJun-ior Championships; Swimming and Skating Records;A. A. U. Boxing and Wrestling Championships; all ShotPutting and Weight Throwing Reeords; Official Reportof the Lewis and Clark Centennial Athletic Games; pictures of leading athletes,American and foreign •PRI CE 10 CentsSend Yo:Jr name and addrCAII to our ncu�t storefor Spaldloe's Catalogue of all Athletic Sparta-it'. free. 'A.G • Spalding &; BrosNew-York'Dc1IYet'Bt. I.oaisBoctoD .BaltimoreNew-Orl ..... Chtcaco8yra�Buff.lolta ..... CU,.Pittabar&'MoatreaI. CaJa� l'hllddphlaMIDDeapeUactadaUtlSaD FI"8DCIIMeWuhlqt.eaJpudo •• aa..Smoke a Condo-A-Ringing SuccessThe Lelewer Hat$2.00Gift CertificateGloye and I CertificatesUrn b rella from $ _1-00 upLADIES' REUABLE FURS152 MADISON STREET104 WASHINGTON STREETw. L. JansenPHARMACIST5659 Cottage Grove Ave.CHICAGOJ. A. nARLSONPI\OPI\.IE.TO ..249 E. 55th StreetMETROPOLE LAUIDRYbil1:"arb botel5714-16 WaahlD8toD A""e.PhoJle Hyde Park 1533 near I. C. and U. of C.ROODa single or al suitePleasant heme witb hotel conveniences Tableboard and single meab.·.C 0 LON I ALe HOC 0 LA T E SBONBONS AND CHOICE CONFECTIONS. HA VB YOU become acquainted withCOLONIAL Chocolate Creams? No? Wellthen you have a pleasure in store for you.They are waiting to be introduced to youani you don't know what you are missing, for they are the most delicious andwholesome Swiss Cream Chocolates extant. -Our store has OD display everything you. can wish for in the confectlonery line andwe' respectfully invite your inspection.A box of good candies makes an appropriate gift on any occasion. Fancy boxesand baskets packed artistically for shipmeat-to any part of the U. S.�OLONIAL CHOCOLATE CREAM CO.I,r".,I263 57th St. Cor JefferaoD.$50 & $35 $50 & $35 $So & $35 $50 & $3�T The "Blick":;' "Eye-Opener" TW In Price, PerforrAanc. & Appearance Wo THE USB OJ' 0I't. ., • A "BLICKENSDERFER�' BrIDp •o Better' Credit for'Written Work 0D Better Pavor from Absent Friends DE . Better Returns from Business I.etten12 Yean' Test 100,000 Sales PRBS TRIAL EL UlIIVERSITY REPRESENTATIVE LS lSI So. D1? BaD, V of C, 59" & Bllia A�. Stso &$35 $50 & $35 $50 & $35 $SO & $35Eatabliahed. over 85 y�ra Open SUDda;pGibson Syh.es <Do FowlerSucccsaor. to J. K. stevens &: Sons Co.LEADING .••••PBOTOGR.APIIER.SPhone CalL 5639 )(c:Vic:ken Theatre Bide.Special RRtes to College Studaltst;1'','156 State Street _ ctlICAOO,. �RIDAY. DEC�J4:BB� Jl?,_llQlBIIBLBJrlS TO Tn CHAJrlPIONSCoutinued from first page, col. 4.annihilate it, those who held, thatfrom the nature of the game, itcould be changed, and those whowould transform it into a "whitegloved, calling-card affair." Hesympathized with none of these,and while believing that the gamecould be reformed, stated that itwas the opinion of the board ofphysical culture that the gameshould not be abolished.Dr, Raycroft regreted that the"Old Man" could not be present.Each man, as he stepped forth toreceive his emblem; sweater, capand jersey, was greeted with around of cheers.12:15 Gym ClalS Wins Relay RaceAn . inter-class relay relay racebetween the members of the 11:15and 12:15 classes was run in thegymnasium at 1 a' clock, and waswon by the 12:15 class. Both classesare in charge of Mr. Sartain, andthere is much rivalry between them.H. E. Foreman, '09, is captain ofthe 11:15 squad, and W. F. James,Jr. led the latter class.Eleven men were run on eachside, and the average time of eachteam was about 17 seconds to thelap. Both classes had been preparing for the race for some weeks, andthe showing was unusually goodfor gymnasium class work. Anotherrace between the winner and Mr.Childs' 5:15 class, which is muchlarger, will be run in the near future.Convocation Sunday Service.The regular Sunday morningservice in Mandel Hall will beslightly altered as next Sundayis Ccnvocation Sunday. The program as given out is:� Prelude beginning at 10:45.Pastoral Symphony.-Recitatives "There Were Shepherds"" "And La The Angel of the Lord"" "And The Angel Said UDtO Them"" And Suddenly There Was WithThe Angel"Chorus "Hallelujah."("The Messiah.") Handel.AntheD;l "Christ is EternaL"("The Nun of Nidaros.") Protheroe,Offertory Solo.Mr. Jones.Sermon Bishop McDowell.Postlude.Final (Second Organ Symphony) Widor.Very Low Excursion Rates ,ForChristmaa HoUdaysto all points OD the Nickel Plate Roadbetween Chicago and Buffalo. Dates ofwe, December 23, 24, 25, 00 and 31,1905, and January 1, 1906" 'With limit returning- January 3, l�. Rate ODe anda third rare forthe ro.Dd trip, Individual Club Meals, ranging in price from35 cents to $1.00, and Mid-day Luncheon50 cents,. served in Nickel Plate Diningcars; also service a la carte. No excessfare. Chicago City ticket offices 111Adams street and Auditorium Annex.Depot, La Salle and Van Buren Streets,the only depot in Chicago on the Elevated Loop.Christmas Holiday Excursion Ratesvia the Nickel Plate Road between Chicago and Buffalo. Dates of sale December23, 2-1,25,30 and si, 1905, and January1, 1906, at a fare and a third for theround trip. with return limit of January3, 1906. Through train service to NewYork' CIty, Boston and other Easternpoints. No excess fare. Individual ClubMeals served in Nickel Plate dining cars.Three through trains daily from La Salleand Van Buren street StatiOD, the only,depot iu Chicago on the Elevated Loop, Classlflld AdvlrtlsementsI' A MUS EM E NTS ""'IGARRICK MOSSLER'SClever Clothe.50 Jackson Blvd.Pop. Price Mat. TodayLast WeekBabes In The Woods "Odd" $25, $30,$35 Snits at $20Two Days OnlyWhere there are "one or two ofa kind" left over ill stock, it is• 'good merchandising' to sell themeven al (t loss. You win and we� lose today and Sat·""'� urday. There are1 about 125 "lont-some./ suits." None worthless than $25 and::--- from that up to S?5.Noshing wrong WIththem-only they'vebeen such good sellers that there's onlyan "odd size" left.Last Time Next Sunday NightNext Monday-Seats ThursdayDE WOLF HOPPER INHappy LandSTUDEBAKERSat. Mat. On IyLast Two WeeksF. C. Whitney PresentsLILLI AX llLAlJn�LTIn a New Romantic Comic Opera"The ROJe at The Alhambra"Prices, $1.50, $1.00, 73c and 5Oc.ILLINOISLast 4 NightsLast Mat. Sa\.FRrrZI SCHEFF INThe New Comic Opera SuccessMlle. Modlst. 'Take Your. Pick at $20.You can't go wrong on any',' Messler Suit" at this price. Getin early and ask for one of the"odd ones." Every size, evenstout and regular.Next Monday-=Beats TomorrowFRANK DANIELS INThe Musical Farce HitSergeant BruePOWERS Take _I_vatoa-to ._coDd Cloor. onlJ'.ho'W-roo_ en flrat.Evenings at 8:15Randolph near La Salle'.Farewell Appearance in Chicago in ThisRole ofELEANOR ROBSON AS"Merely Mary Ann"Liebler & Co" l\Igrs.Special Wed. Mat. Prices, 50c to $1.50 Mossier Co.Clever Clothea. 50 Jacl!-.on.....Tailor for Youn8 M_.Two Stores:131 La Salle Street44· Jackson BoulevardSporting, Riding and AutomobileGoods'December SpecialtiesCOLONIALTheatre BeautifulRandolph St. near State-"In the Loop'Everv Eve. and Sat. l\Iat. 25c to $1.50"Pop:Mat." Every Tuesday, 25c, to $l.00Tel. C�ntral3033 Mail orders filledSeats Two Weeks in AdvanceHurry! Hurry! Only Three Weeks Mort!Promenade De LUxeLast Three WeeksFay TlmpletonFORTY FIVE MINUTESFROM BROADWAY103d Performance Next Monday Even.Souvenirs. Beautiful Fa� TempletonArt Calendars Overcoat. silh.-lined throughout. to order - $40.00Tuxedo Suits. silh-linedthroughout. latest styles.$40.00LA SALLECozy TheatreSeats Two Weeks Ahead"You Look Good To Father".�. UmpireBy Adams, Hough and Joe HowardA New Musical ComedyTry Tolu, Tar and Wild Cherry; for,that cough. University Pharmacy 660E. 55th St.Huyler Candies, Manicure Goods, U. ofC. Souv, Postals, Cigarettes, Toilet Articles. Tel. orders receive prompt attention. H. P. 557. The Portland Pharmacy,6001 Washington Av., A.C.Symmes, R .. P.WaDted-TD- If you wish to secure a position to eachcall on or write to James F. McCullongh,Railway Exchange, Chicago.Wanted to exchange - Private lessonin Shorthand Typewriting, Photographyor on Clarinet, by a young man, for roomsand hoard, in private family, near University. during winter-quarter, Inquire atMaroon Officc..HOTEL andRESTAURANTOIl RaD4oll)b st. between Clark andDearbornIS THE POPULAR PLACE mR DAIITYSUPPERS AFTER THE PLAY FOR SAI.E.-A sunny 6-room flat fullyfurniuhcd for G weeks from JanuaryG to Feb. 17. $00.00 for G weeks. 6217)Iadison Avc., :l flat.Extensl� improvements havemade tbe dinin� room, the mostbeautiful and attractive in theTheatre District.The Dew hllngin� balconv forthe en targed orchestra is Anotherimprovement :.nd the music ismade an especiat feature. J. 11 KI:-;T7,. Prop. jon x CI.ARIC, Mgr'All orders day or niRht filled promptlyWE HEYER CLOSEJ ach.son Parh.LiveryBOOKS 273 E. Fifty-Seventh StreetNew aad second-hand for universityaDd High School. Educational boob generallyHEWITT'S 41G E. �7TH ST. Telephones Hyde Park {illCHICAGO "CONVENIENTLY . LOCATED. PHILLIPS� STORE FOR MEN238 EAST 55TH STREET