The Daily Mar·......... MtGDIDU., the 8tu4nta of the Vlllnnlty of CIUca&o DadaI � .. tM VIllnntt, T_"f'o·�", .VOL. IV. No. 51 PlUC. Two CENTSCHICAGO, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 13, 1005( .MUSICAL CLUBS NOT TOTAKE CHRISTMAS TRIPNumber of Those Who· Will BeUnable To Go ProhibitsVenturellanagen AanOIlDC. lI!aDy Good DatesFor The Winter Quarter8euon'l'he Glee and �Iandolin Clubswill make no Christmas trip. Suchwas the decision reached at a jointmeeting of the clubs held yesterday afternoon. The clubs wereforced to' take this step by the refusal of over a third of their number, among them the soloists andseveral of the oldest and most experieced men of the clubs, to absent themselves from horne .duringthe holidays.The management -had all butcompleted urrungements for . the.trip, but have now called off all negotiations for holiday dates.Will. �IcDermid, manager of thecombined clubs, made' the following statement:"While the managers know how"much a Christmas trip would the advantage of the clubs, andhow pleasant for' the individualmembers it would' be; we are' notprepared to undertake a responsibility for expenses of over a thousand dollars, when the sentimentof a large number of our membersis against it. We have accomplished more this season than wedared to hope for, and we believethat the men are anxious to have .our season as long as that of other.musieal clubs, and are loyal enough"to make it successful. Our datesfor the winter quarter ineludeclubswhere it has 'hitherto been impos·sible to place the organization, and,we hope for a-good time."Arthur Bovee, president of theclubs, said: "The men don't wantto leave home .on Christmas, andfor a good many of them, as formyself, for instance, it �ould involvo some personal sacrifice. Theell) bs, I am sure, will stand by themanagement for the winter quarter.dates, especially since there aregood times involved."The clubs have already had coneerts at Oak Park, Ill. .. the C. A. A.,the. Central Y. M. C. A., and inMandel Hall. The dcf'nite datesfor next quarter are at MemorialBaptist Church, Chicago; -Waukegan, Ill.; Lake Forest, m., Kenwood Club, Chicago j ; Elgin, Ill.;Woodstock,Ill.; Lakeside Club, andWaupansah Club, Chicago. Datesare also being held for ChicagoYacht Club; Valparaiso, Ind., andthc Arehe Club, Chicago, and a return date at the C. A. A.Change Date of Carniva!Ai the request of �rr. Huston,in behalf of the University dcbating interests, the Women's Athletic Association have changed thedate of the 'Varsity carnival fromJanuary 19, the night of the Chicago-Michigan debate, to . Friday,January 26. SAN LYON, STAR TWO MILER,-FORCED TO LEA. VE TRACK TEAJI!l men.. -This sympathy; with its resultingVanity Will Loose Sernces of Distance nobility and tact in conducting, isMan Because' of OrpDic Trouble called for. constantly in such anumber of the : Beethoven FifthIt is probable that the Maroon Symphony. When a single instrutrack team will be without the ser- . ment has A momentary predomvices of Sam Lyon, the star two- inance in: tactfulness is espemiler, in the coming campaign. cially gratify�g �use of theh b f d '. full play whtch IS granted. ·toLyon as eea orce to leave the .th I . t J t h t·e so OIS • us ere IIIUl tonteam on account of parental ob- should be made of the cadenza for. jection. the clarionet iu the first movementLyon was a star last quarter and of �he symph��y, which ��. given. .... . such an artiIticrendering'laSt eftb-�ve, p:omlse of bem� the best two-. ing.miler -m the West this season. He Considering the 'character of the. finished third in that memorable concerts, and judging from the size 'two-mile race at the last confer- ofthe audiences: we are haviDg"thisence meet. The three leaders fin- year, :it is to be hoped that theThomas Orchestra concerts in Mandel 'Hall are to be among thepermanentInstitutions 'of the University.BOOK ON CIVIC DEVELOPMENTA4nnce Sheets of Prof. Charles Zueblin'.New Volume Make Appearance TodayThe Larger Citiu ComparedThe advance sheets of ProfessorCharles Zueblin's new book "ADecade of Civic Development," areout. The book is an account ofthe widespread movement for thebetterment of American cities whichbegan in 1893.Beginning with a discussion ofthe new interest in citizenship,Professor Zueblin treats in turn thetraining of the citizen, the buildingup of the city, the educational effortof the great world's fairs. and therecent improvement in the cities,where most has been done-e-Boston,New York, Harrisburg and Washington.The book is divided into ninechapters, the names of which are: .The New Civic Spirit, .The Making'.of the City, The White City, andafter, Metropolitan Boston, GreaterNew' York, �l�e Harrisburg Plan, .Washington, and laSt, The Return :To Nature._ Professor Zueblin is also theauthor of -- "American MunicipalProgress.' , The pro.-am proved a very satis- Scholarship Won by Former GiveD �Iying one, well chosen in the char- !lias Irene Ant6ny--Contest .acter of its numbers and from the of Meritstandpoint of the acoustic proper-ties of the hall, though, in regard The Junior College finals into the 'latter onetwishes Mandel- -Public Speaking for the Ferdinandwere larger when Fortissimo pas- Peck prize were held this morningsages like those of the last move in Kent at 10.30. Miss Florencement of the fifth symphony or the Chaney and Arthur W. Hummelfinale of the "Meister singer" are represented the Lower Juniors andgiven. The use of the canvas seen- Miss Edith Terry and Thomas H.ery, however, on these occasions, Sanderson spoke for the Upperwhile not conducive to the beauty Tuniors,of the scene. is effective in soften- The Prize of $50 was divideding the stringent tone of the harsh- between the winners of the contesf,er instruments and of the whole or··. Miss Edith Terry and Arthur W.chestra, by preventing the' wood- Hummel. Each of the of the permanent stage-setting' receive scholarships, but as Miss.,from acting as � sou�ding·b?ard. 'Terry has already won a scholar-Mr. Stock's conducting is - win- ship in a contest. itwas given to.ning the steadily increasitrg approval Miss Irene Anthony, the nextof his audiencesbothat the Mandel representative of the Upper JunIors:.Hall concerts and at those given in ; The contest was exceptionallyOrchestra Hall. His . vigor and good, and Kent was packed to itsPoise as conductor are not lessened capacity with interes.ted the very direct sympathy whichexists between himself and his FOOTBALL TEAM: THE DINNERGUESTS OF CARL H1TCHCOC�THOMAS CONCERT� POPULARLarge Audience Listens with Enthusiasmto Well Selected Program--Mr. Stock'sConducting Tactful UPPER JUNIORS WIN THEFERDINAND PECK PRIZEMiss Edith Terry and Arthur W.Hummel Awarded PublicSpeaking Honorsished so close together that theywere touching each -other, and thetime, 9 :50, Was the best ever donein the West.On account of physical weakness,Lyon's parents have refused to allow him to run again this year. Lyon has been bothered with a weakheart, and it is feared that the exertions required by a two-mile racemight prove fatal to him. The Maroons will be wttnout a t.wu lIlilt:runner for the coming track campaign unless Harle, the formerPrinceton runner, "Billy" . Matthews, or R. E. Matthews, showsability.Locker Rental NoticeThe attention of students is call�d to the fact that a large numberof locker rentals expire at the closeof the Autumn Quarter. Thosewho "ish to retain t heir lockersnext quarter should leave- reservations in the gyrrmasium office assoon as possible. Those who donot wish to retain their lockersshould remove their property fromthem by Saturday, December 23rd. Another large audience greetedthe Thomas Orchestra last eveningin Mandel Hall..fOBIOR COLLEGIt WOllENTO IIAlfAG& CARlUVAL BOOTHS.embers of VariDaa Colleges wm BaftCbarge .f Salu of CaDdiea, Etc.The four Womens' College in theJunior College have undertaken therosponoibiJity of four booth- .... ;. ..... lL.'Varsity Carnival. Each college isto he represented by a booth. Thereis great rivalry between the colleges as to who will have the mostsuccessful one, both artisticallyand financially. The PhilosophyCollege has cha.rge of the candybooth, Science has the refreshmentbooth .Arts probably will have something to show its classical nature;and the Literature College has notyet divulged its plans.Iowa Club Will Elect OfficersThe Iowa Club will meet tomorrow in Cobb Lecture Hall for theelection of officers. All studentsof the Hawkeye State are urged toattend. lJtUe Half Back Entertaiu Teammates AtCeRtral 2 .. taurant-�e�_���� __Carl Hitchcock, left half on this.year's championship team, entertained his tum mates and coach$.at a farewell dinner at the Centralrestaurant last night. The managerof the' restaurant, who is a personatfrieDd of HitchcOck, had the roo�appropnately decorated With mareon PenDants, n"bbons· and .flowers,·and made aa especially snccessfulendeavor to serve a pleasing menu •When the dinner had been clearedaway, cigars were passed aroundand the athletes took turns "talkingit over" and telling "how theythought it· done." The manager of the restaurant gave a shorttalk, and Mr. Hitchcock, Sr. closedthe dissipation with a word of praisefor the team. In closing, Mr. Hitchcock, in behalf. of W. C. Kern andCompany, presented each man onthe team with a banner bearing the:';'�ords: "Champions of the West.01.1--0- 'raG", 1905.. ..complimentsof W. C. Kern and Company:-WILL SELL VARSITY PElUAlfTSTO PAY. DEBT 1'02 CCC" PIKS-WOlDen'. Athletic AaaociatioD WUl BoJaSale of Trophlu to .eet DeficitThe: Women's Athletic Association havc decided to sell Chicagobanners and pillows in Cobb Hallfrom Wednesday of this week toWednesday of next, in order to paya debt contracted by it IMt yearfor the "C" pins. A table withsamples will be in vestibule,first floor, at 10 :30 a. m. to 3 :00p. m. every day, from December13 "to 20.CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1905 -ttbe lDatl� maroon AL •• ItT MAT •• WS, PI.. GEO. H. PIBDLEIt Vlc»-Pra. P. H.ISTIlATTO!(, Sec'y.,.. .... rl)' tb. U.I"enlty of aleap W .. kl,.J"011l(DJII)'fte UDI,,·.tty of ChiCi. Weeki" Oct. 1. 1801'r.. DAILY Y..ooN - - - Oct. 1. '.01JmWI1 CONTRIBUTIONS J'lBQUB8TICD..JIDlered as MCODd-clau mall at ChlcapPQ.toMce.. D&I17 SubscrlptloD. $3 ,ear; U tor am ••.• , Mall ID Cit, $4 feu; $l.2fS tor a mOD.Sub!lCrlrotloD. recehed at TH. H.A.IIOOl:CO"ce, Ellla Hall. or left I. TH.a 1l.A..B00"8ttx. th� Vacult, I!:xchaDse. Cobb Hall.PrIDted by QuadraDsle Pr.... "'04 B. rsrstb.lI1akeup man today C. SchofieldEDITOR.IALSThc announcement that the Glee.and :Mandolin Clubs will not takea Christmas trip willnaturally suggest toa good many peoplea criticism of theThe GleeClubTrip. management, and a,�udden growth of the "I told" attitude." There are those who. _):'t" ...'feel 'that a: successful glee club isa thing of the past, and they pointas �yidence to the phenomenalpopularity of the newer comicopera clubs of the country.To the minds of those who havefollowed the Glee Club situationfor the last few seasons, and particularly at the University of Chi-cago, ncitl'�er attitude seems justified by the facts. With an unsueeessfnl season the previous year,.and a partial failure the year be.fore, the work which the management had to undertake was aheavy task- Bow well they sueceeded is shown by the schedule of.dates which appears in another col-Besides dates at some ofamn.the most exclusive clubs in the'city, and at important suburbantowns. the clubs gave the first sue. cessf� home concert in three years.I t w�uld seem that the management has done the clubs good ser-.e More than their active work"VIC. Jll"for this season, they have paved theway for their successors by securing a number of return dates, andleaving a good impression of thework of the clubs.The clubs have been better than1 .. � _ _.....;-t;trernave. contained ae.V.fl.l':.- � - , •--large number of good, individualperformers, and the spirit of theorganizations, to judge by their appearances, has been excellent- Ifthey are to shew that they have theinterests of the club at heart, andif they are not to desert the management at a critical stage in theseason, it will be for them to makethe winter series as successful asthat of the fall, and place the combined clubs in their rightful position as one of the best known or'ganiza tions in the country ...'w..... t 7-.r .........'tIea 1" .. � � ..__ Sells Clothes to aNational BankPresidentExtract from a letter writtenby the President of a NationalBank at Dubuque, Iowa:"[ . bam returnmg y expressthree of the four suits sent tome. I selected the $35 suit,for which I enclose draft. Thesuit is exactly what 1 want, thefit is perfect."I am much pleased withyour method of doing business.Isn't it rather unusual to sendfour suits from which to make aselection when a man asks onlyfor samples of clothing?"Clothes Ready-to- Wear; $20to $50.•• Ja,klOft Boullvard.-.Lightbody Will GO ·BUt·J ames Lightbody has about decided to accept the invitation of thePastime Athletic Club of New YorkCity, to go east in" January and compete in the champion indoor university mile race to be held under theauspices of that urganization. Inthis race Lightbody will meet thebest of the eastern university distance runners, but his westernfriends are confident that he willbold his own.LISTENDon't throwaway your old Hat; eitherSTIFF, SOFT OR Sn..KI will make them look like new, and willsave you a Dollar or two427 E. 63rd St., Cor. Kimbark Ave.Bata cleaned. blocked and retrimmedMartyn's Maroon StudioDon't forget to perpetuate that smile atU. of C. Photographer,5705 Cottage Grove Ave.We are leaders in Souvenir postalcards, albums, photos and pictures .KOELLING &; KLAPPENBACH100 Randolph �treetF'owrresGlovesare a "Good thing tohave on band" and all.: 200d dealers h Avethem on bandDon't Insultyour face by making it smartand sting with bad soap. Always insist uponWILLIAMS' ��Eatabliahed over 85 ynn Open Sund.,.Gibson S;yli.s ®. Fo .... l.rSuc:ceuore to J. K. Stevena A Sou Co.L&ADINO •••••PIlOTO&�APIl&�aPhODe 5639 ]IIcVi� Tbestle 1IWs.Special btat to Coll� 8tudaata MATHEWS &. CO. Inc.The Tailor,ShopNr..W POWf:,I\.S BLDG .• 136 WABASH AVE.MAKERS OF YOUNG MEN'S CLOTHESOur Specialt,.. $3�. <22 Sack. SuitsWe show one of the Largest Lines of Woolens _in :Chicago.WHO • • Esmoer·WHAT Photos• •W·HERE GODFREY'S STUDIO243 East 55th St.M. E. FITZGERALD al CO.• I.•• Malic" of... .'GENTLEMEN'S GARMENTS -.� � ..3&0 EAST FIFTY-FIFTH STR.EET- ' .We eater to the. Facultv and Students of the ·U. of C�'. Our prices are within reach of all. ..FULL DRESS TUXEDO CLERICAL SPORTINGRIDING BREECHESRESTAuRANT104-106 MADISON STREETI Jobn :tS� Stetson Ulni\1ersit}2B m It R tel) \V it b t b e 111 n t " cr. it p 0 r c b tea go4 COLLEGI:.S. 5 SCHOOLS. 14 BUILDINGS.48 IN FACULTY. STUDI:.NTS MAT WORKDURING TOE WINTER. QUARTER. AT STET.SON AND RE.CEIVE THI:.IR. CR.I:.DITS ATCHICAGO # # # # # # # # # # # # "# #Stetson is in the land of flow.era, sunshine, blue skies and balmyocean breezes. Summer recreations ron through the winter.Costly buildings, electric lights, electric bells, cement walks, shellroads, broad avenues, spacious campus, tropical shrubbery andtrees. Large inarease this year in all departments.Addrea: Prelident LiNCOLN HULLEY, Ph. D., De Land, FloridaAlso Branch Buffetat 69 E� Jlonroe St • Old101-103 E.. MadisonStreet$50 & $35 $SO & $35 $So & $35 sso & $3!JT The "Blick" !"Eye-Opener" TVI In Price, Performance & Appearance Wo THEUSEOP 0 We solicit your patronagtRESTAURANTAND LUNCH ROOM71 s AND 720 E. 63D STREETxear Cottage Grafe "'tle. EkD. Statio,,-OPEN ALL NIGHTM A "BLlC:tnNSDERFER;' BriDao Better Cr�lt for Written Work 11D Better Pavor from A�nl Friends 0E Better Returns front nu.ln D12 Yean' Test lOO,<XX> Sales 'lie:- �ttClTa ItL UluVERSITY REp Ra TR.t.A.LS UI80.Dh'.IIaD, 0 or��:l'A.TIVR Ltso &$35 tso & $35 b,,, $3:zua A..... S. $So&t35 BORDEN'SCOlfDKlfSED 1IIL1t, num IDLK,CUAJI U1> BtJTTBRJOLEALL .OrTL.B IN TN. C()t1N'1'2rBOftDD'. CONDU.ID Mil,. Ce.• .., .... E. rom .. lnllTle ft. ) (( CHICAGO, WEDNESDAy, DECEMBER 13, 1905QUARTER SIZECOLLARSMade ot fabricsshrunk before cutting by the Clupeeoprocess. This insures '1 perfect andpermanent tit.They're the longestwearing collarsmade.15c each � 2 for 25cCLUETT. PEABODY&. co. Largestmakers ot Collars &.Shirts in the world.S. LIBERMANN.HYDK PARK1at)iee' ttatlor .198 ��TR ST.'TIIe l.test of ... risienDe Styles aDd Imported«ooda for Fallaad WiDtU.ReDlocfel� and RepairiDC a .pedalty.-M U SSE Y· S.Ull .... Ball. a.d Bowlin. :r.u.nt and Fmcat AmaaemeatJtdort in the World100 t. 108 Wadl.on StreetBranch: 616 Dam se., �Bstablished 1873.lAMES$2.00 HATS$3.00Al'oIES Gift· Bonds for Hats, Gloves, Umbrellas and Canes. Acceptable Holiday Gifts162-163E.MadisonSt.,nearLaSalleCHAS. A. LAWRENCE,MANAQER AND DIRECTORLA WRENCE. ORCHESTRASelect :'orusic for all select occasionsYour patronage solicitedRexidertce ;Tel�hone 574.5 Rosalie CourtHyde Park 1467 C.HIC.\GOP _ D. WEINSTEINLADIE.S· TAlLO&'Workmanship UnequalledSpecial Rates foe U. er C. Student.N. E. Cor. 55th and LezlDpODPhone 1282 Hyde ParkWHRR� do you get yourNew.papera. Periodical. aDdStatioD.Q?At NOR-TON·SFree DeliveryPhoae116 Hyde Park 318 57th Street _L. MANASSE, Optician88 M'ldison St •• Tn"'ue Buildin£Spectacles and Eyeglasses ScientificallyAdjustedE\ es Tested FreeEVerything OpticalMathematical.:Metereological andfor tl)c I..anternist._ Ko..!aks. Cnmeras and Suppli.s.If you' do not see wh�t youwant, •• k for It .We carry such a _Tiet�f Mock thatpossibly the partic:utar article �uneed is not in vic.. If not. ask forit. It is more than likC'ly that W�will be able to supply th� desiredartic:leROSALIR PHA.RMACY.J • .J. GILL. Ph. G ••Pbone H. P.I75 274 Eo 57th St.66Vogelsa�g9sn17&-162 Madison St.A Modern U p-to-Dat. _Cafe\\�here the cooking and serviceis equaled only by the best.Telephones Hyde Park 18 and 695A. McAdamsThe UDI ... r.lt7•.. Floriat •••GRDlnIOtJSBS:<:«. S34St. u4KimbarkA". Chicago It is planned to make Tlte Four- Track -News, already widely popular and holding a unique place in the literature oftravel and education more valuable andattractive than ever.Before making up your magazine listfor the coming year you should investigate the merits of Tlu Four' I rack l.Ve-:vsand its claims to the attention of magazine readers, especially those in traveland educational topics. Subscriptionprice, $1.00 a year. Send 10 cents toGeorge H. Daniels, Publisher, 7 East 4:!ndStreet, New York. for a sample copy. SPALDING'SATHLETIC LIBRARYNo. 2501:= SPALDING'S'� - OFFICIAL/ �!i. ATHLETIC,",. ALMANACFOR 1906Edited by JAMES E. SULLIVANAll Intercollegiate and Interscholastic Meets and Records;Amateur Athletic Union Records.Ai A. U.Sellior and Junior Championships: Swimming and Skating Records;A. A. U. Boxing and Wrestling Championships; all ShotPutting and Weight Throwing Records; Official Reportof the Lewis and Clark Centennial Athletic Games; pictures of leading athletes,American and foreign.The Four-Track NewsVery Low Excursion Rates ForChristmas Holidaysto all points on the Nickel Plate Roadbetween Chicago and Buffalo. Dates ofsale, December 23, 24. 25, 30 and 31.1905, and January 1, 190o" with limit returning January 3, 1906. Rate one anda third fare for .the round trip, Individual Club Meals, ranging in price from3:) cents to $1.00, and Mid-day Luncheon50 cents, served in Nickel Plate Diningcurs: also service a la carte. No excessfare. Chicago City ticket offices 111Adams street and Auditorium Annex.Depot, La Salle and Van Buren Streets,the only depot in Chicago 011 the Elevated Loop.PRICE 10 CentsSend YO�lr name and address to our neareat atorefor SpaldinC's Catalogue of an Athletic: Sportait'. free.A.G.Spalding&Bros-THE-SchedulesWESTERN LINESNo. 10512.25 pm5.15 pm No.11.05 am Lv WaterIoo Ar3.35 am Ar Ft. Dodge. Lv3.45 am Lv Pt. Dodge am Ar Omaha LvDancingRosalie Music HallAdult Classes, Monday EveningDancing Party after each lessonopen to those outside of class.Children's Classes, Saturday andMondayGymnastic Dancing FridayAfternoonETHELYN BAnER FOSTERT.acherOf Gilhcrt Normal Sehoolof Social andCluaic: Dandn., JIoetOD_8t.dlo: 34. W. ,rth Str •• tTel. 1409 Normal HOTEL andRESTAURANTOn Randolph at. between Clark and�atbomIS THE POPULAR PLACE FOR DAINTYSUPPERS AFTER THE PLAYExtensive Improvements bavemade tbe dining room, the moatbeautiful and attractive in theTheatre District.The new haDain� balcony forthe enlarged orchestra is anotherImprovement aDd the music: famade an capedal future.Smoke a Conduld'�rtlsl In. the DaUy - MaroonTrainChanges-ON THE-No.5 No.3DAILY DAILY2.55 am 8.20 am5.35 am 11.25 am7.2D am 1.2D pm9.40 am 4.00 pmtN •• 405 tNo.4039.55 am 4.10 pm�05 pm 8.00 pm6.50 pm ------ pm ---- ----- ... KO.lDAILY NO.1DAILY6_00 pm Lv Chicaco Ar 7.30 am6_00 pmNo. 4018.50 pm10.35 pm12.55 am 8.40 pm Lv Freeport Ar 4'45 am10.25 pm Lv Dubuque Ar 2.50 am12.45 am Ar Waterloo Lv 12.2D am'No.2DAILY No. 402 No.4 Jlo.6bAlLY DAILY DAlLY9.30 am 9.30 pm 6.05 pm6.50 am 6.40 pm 2.55 pm4.50 am 4.50 pm 12.45 pm2,ro am 2.25 pm 9.55 amNo. 402DAlLY tKo.4062.25 am ---- ------ am11.m pm ------ ---- 6.00 am8.00 pm ---- ------ ---- ------7.25 pm ---------- ------ ----No. 401DAILY1.10 am· Lv WaterIoo Ar _4.15 am Ar Albert Lea Lv _7.25 am Ar Minneapolis Lv _8.00 am Ar St. Paul Lv _No.S9.45 am12.15 pm1�2D pm3.55 pm No -, 34.05 pm7.00 pmNo. 1013.50 am Lv Ft. Dodge __ ' Ar7.�:1'" Ar .· Sionx Citv -:- ----�.-----------.I-------------I---------�-I-------------Ko.6019.45 am Ar Sioux Falls Lvfor futureI\eep this NO.212.15 am9.40 pmaso pm6,00 pm No.42.2D pm11.45 am11.35 am8.00 am No. s9.45 am7.0J amBO.I02�.35 pm0.1:)0 po-No. 6023.15 pm N •• IM11.40 amReferenceIf going home to spend the holidays with loved ones and friends take the fastvestibule, steam heated trains of the Illinois Central, departing from CentralStation, t zth Street and Michigan Avenue ..Througlz Siuping Cars-Dining Cars- Buffd-librar)' Cars--Fru R�llding Chezir Cars.Students and Teachers can make very fine connections by using the Suburbantrains of the I. C. to Park Row Station, 12th Street. Step off one train and inless than two minutes you are ready for your Western journey.Additional information will be gladly furnished ..A. H. HANSON,Passenger TraiJic Manag". CHICAGO S. G. HATCH,General Passenger Agtntf-�����:.':.����;:':'��:�:��!.�P�': ,� �f�"'" r ... ;-- �:.:;:� -:--.�:.-.�.,.� ...���:�; .-;-., : Y:.::.�-r.�:#��!� rt:: {:u.: ��":{':�;"��.(; _=?:'-:�.�::.:' .• ��;:.:.;;;::::,��i �.��.�,fr'�t;�:?����·��-.::·\-y·,�� ��/-;_�;�:-"�-'�- '.:�:-. ""�.;\ -JCHICAGO. WEDNESDAY. DECBMBER 13.·1�Eight hunderd students of thePennsvl vuniu State College are onstrike \)ceause of an unpopular system of counting 'cuts' recentlyadopted by the faculty.Lust spring an anonymous graduate of Harvard University gaveYale a fund of $10,000, the incomeof which was to be devoted to promoting good relations between theuniversities. The Yale corporationdecided to use the fund in securingfrom time to time lectures and instruction at Yale from men connected with Harvard university.The first lecture was given hy President Eliot recently in "Resemblances and Differences Among theAmerican 'U ni versi ties."California and Leland Stanford. universities are co-operating. in amovement to reform football-in theP�ific Coast states, acting inde:.pendently of the national rulescommittee., _.' The- st�d'ents "of �olumbin:, held, n" 'mass' � meeting Tuesday- �ana: �re�olution was passed' 'requesting'the coniiniftee .0fStuaerit:--orgaiii-·zations to rescind its recent actionbarrinz football and continue the.0 . . .association until the meeting ofthefntcrcollcgiate ,committee onrules. next spring. ,F. C. Folsom, head coach of 'the .Dartmouth eleven, suggests the useof felt or rubber-soled shoes, 3S a.means of lessening the number .of. injuries.raul N. Coburn, who was supposed to hfie been ineligible for_263_5_'_tll_S_t. Cor__J_d_._nG_n. the Harvard baseball team' on ac-count of the four-year rule, hasbeen declared eligible, as the onlygame in which he participated inhis freshmanyear was. the.onewithExeter, which is not a college. Hehas accordingly resigned his position as head coach.The University of Nebraska haschallenged the University' of Wisconsin to a joint debate. Nebras. ka' is noted for having good debating teams. Last year Nebraska defeated the University of Iowa.H� HO-FFMAN The University of Californiaeducational exhibit at the Lewis'and Clark exposition at Portlandlast summer won twenty-one goldmedals, twelve silver medals andeight bronze. This was the high-The College Larder est award,.The N'ational Lumbermen's' As-sociation is to endow a chair in theCATERINe IJULC..H.ED.JlS.· -'Y'llfc'Fol'QQtry �hl)Ol.��------�--------�447 E. 55th St. Stephen Sal isbury, of \Y orces-ter, made the Worcester �Iuseumof Arts his chief beneficiary for$3,000,000 or more, and gave Har-.vard only $5,000... " ;:':s;:{;{i%��J...batt'arb botel5114.16 W.aIaID.'oD Aye.PhoDe Hyde Park 1533 Dear I. C. and U. of C.Rooms single or CD suitePleaa:lDt home with hotel conveniences Tableboard and siDgle meals.-JOHN J. DUNN-C'OA LPhoDe'Oakla.nd 1551'S1';t G: Ai���r Ave .. Chicago... _...... .' ..... »]1'£'O':N lA t ,C'WD C'O L AT E S.. "-� .. '':�.'�.'. � .. � . ..;---"- .-'BONBONS .}'MD 1. CHOICE (CONFECTIONS.: HAVE YOU' become acquainted; withCOLONIAL Chocolate Creanis? No? Well.�_thep you have :i. pleasure hi store for you.. They are waiting to be introduced to youand you don't know what you are missing, for they are- the most delicious andwholesome Swiss Cream Chocolates extant.Our store has on display everything youcan wish for in the confectionery line andwe respectfully invite your inspection.A box of good candies makes an appropriate gift on any occasion. Fancy boxesand baskets packed artistically for shipment to any part of the U. S., COLONIAL CHOCOLATE CREAM CO.w. L. JansenPHAIQIACIST.56.59 Cottage Gn,ve Av ••. CHlCAGO.:' J. A. ltA;RLSON, Pa.OP&IETO&249 £.'. 55th . Sireet:¥.JRQPQLE lA·BIIDRY·�l(anet ••• ttallor .. 1D�crSuits Pressed Monthly, $I 00443 E.ast 61st sc, (near Kimbark.).Tel. Hyde Park 7659,•• Home Made Delicacies"December SpecialtiesOvercoat. silh-lined throughout. to order - $40.00Tuxedo Suits. silh-linedthroughout. latest styles.- - - - $40.00Tailor lor Youna MeDTwo Stores:131 � Salle Street-H Jackson BoulevardSporting, Riding and AutomobileGoods,. Our FOUNTAIN is open all yearBEST ICB CREAM SODA IN TOW=--RA •• AGE'S PIlARMICYp,. •• erlptlon Dru ••• ataTelepboDe H. P • .c6457th Stt'ftt aDd Lake Ave" CmCAGOEIGHT BUNDRED STUDENTSSTRIKE AT PENlf STATEllarvard Graduate Seeks to StimulateFriendly Feeling With Yale-CoastColleges To .k.eform FootballJackson & ClarkYou are doing me a favorwhen you trade with me. In somestores they make you feel that theyare doing YOU a favor to wait onyou, at same time they are DOINGyou.1n other stores they in a cleverway try to FORCE YOU TO BUY.I will not allow those, BOWERYMETHODS in my store.Yes, I buy stock lots!Just bought a lot of 2,000 overcoats so cheap that I can sell youan overcoat at 10.00 as good as youcan buy at 20.00 to 25.00 on Statestreet. 1 want you to LOOK FORMAKERS' LABEL so you 'mayknow they ARE WELL MADE.' .�others--bring your boys-youngmen 16 years old up, a lot of such;coats in this lot-of overcoats aHO.OO.,-. 'TelI-thapat huband of-yours hecan . buy an overcoat good enoughfor any man up to .size 5.0 i.I!cq�for 10.00 at "Ten Dollar Tom's.".. .- Teil your YOUlig folks 'no' sense--ina man .paying, such fancy .prices forhis shirts. I am' selling "ready-towear" fine, stylish Fancy Shirts at1.15, and I give four cuffs to eachshirt. Tell him for me, yes, andfor his own good, that I make toorder 3 Murray Shirts for 5.00, �.OOor· 7.50, Day, Full .Dress or .Fancy,and give four cuffs to each Faucy.I will keep my store open Wednesday and Saturday nights until10 o'clock. other nights 8 o'clock,until Jan. Ist, to give those in outlying districts a chance at this highgrade ClothingI am selling at 10.00.FnmishingGoods Dept. open nights.Also my 2.00. Hats are waiting foryou·to bring your head. Don't loseit on me!"TenTom Dollar"ltIuri�yONE OF OUR Jl50 CHAMOIS VESTSPI'IIRI You ,Agaiast COlit:s aad Colds.'.J. F. Demllng. Drug 1st61&1 and Woodlawn Ave.after a dtDDer atThe Kuntz-Remmler Co.Restaurant303-305 W ABASB_ AYEDUETeL 599 BanUonPhoDe Hyde Park sna1lmbtte'e Blbton <tafe398·400 E.. 634 Stre.tI Chlc •• yours Rooms with us. Rooms lor Rent.BOOKSStop AtHOTEL FLORIDA5721 Cottage Grove A ve,Room and Board for �tudent3 $5.00 perweek_ Meal Ticket. $3.75_J. A.. I\. I LEY. ProprietorNew and second-hand for Universityand High School. Educational hooks generallyHEWITT'S 41� E. �7TH ST. I" A MUS � � E �.:;. S � 1GARRICKPop. Price Mat, TodayLast WeekBab •• In The WoodsLast Time Next Sunday NightNext Monday-Seats ThursdayDE WOLP HOPPER INHappy LandSTUDEBAKERSat. Mat. OnlyLast Two Weeks11. C. Whitney PresentsLILLIAN BLAUVELTIn a New Romantic Comic Opera"The Rose at Th. Alhambra"Prices, $1.50, $1.00, 75c and 5Oc.ILLINOISLast 4 NightsLast Mat. Sat.FRITZI SCHEFF INThe New Comic Opera SuccessMil.. ModlstlNext Monday--seats TomorrowFRANK DANIELS INThe Musical Farce HitS ...... nt Brue". ··POWERS, ..Evenings at 8:15. Randolph near La Salle. Farewell Appearance in Chicago ill ThiS--. . Role of .' :'ELEANOR,; ROBSON AS. "Marely Mary' Ann"Liebler & Co .. , Mgrs. . ..Special Wed. �l�t. Prices, SOc to $1.60"COLONIALTheatre BeautifulRandolph St. near State-UIn the Loope :Even' Eve. and Sat. Mat. 25c to $1.50 ."Pop:Mat." Every Tuesday, 25c, to p.OO·Tel. Central 3033 MailorderafilledSeats Two Weeks in AdvanceHurry! Hurry! Only Three Weeks MontPromenade De LuxeLast Three WeeksFa, tlmplltonFORTY FIVE MINUTESFROM BROADWAY10Sd Performance Next Monday BYeIl.Souvenirs. Beautiful Fay 'TempletODl'. Art' C81endaft.'lArSAUE.Cozy -'rheatreSeats Two Weeks Ahead"You Look Good To Father"The 'Umplre _By Adams, Hough and Joe Howard .A New Musical ComedyTry Toln, Tar and Wild CherTT.for.that coudl. University Pharmaey 6SOE. 66th St. .Huyler Candies, Manicure Goods. U_ ofC. Sonv. Postals, Cigalettes, Toilet Arti-·cles, Tel. orders receive prompt attention. H. P. 557. The Portland Pharmacy.0001 Washington Av., A.C.Symmes, R. P.Wa. .. t.dIf yon wish to secure a position to eachcall on or write to James F, McCullough,Railway Exchange, Chicago. .Wanted plain sewing, repairing of clothing and darning. Will call for anddeliver. Mrs. Whitaker, 5510 Inglesideave" fint floor in the rear.. Also fancywaists laundrfed.J- H, KINTZ, Prop. JOliN CLARE, MgT.All erders day or DiKbt filled prompUyWE NEYER CLOSEJachson ParhLivery273 E. Fifty-Seventh Street.... h 'Hyd Fa'" 55221C:!�P OD� • r .. �M3CHICAGOCONVENIENTLY LOCATED. PHILLIPS� STORE FOR' MEN238 EAST 55TH STREETI'