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J;tegalars' Lin� ,,;��'.:'" ··'play Bot United . '."�J_.. • ..uuPatt-. CommIosIoDerof SATU.�DAY. NOVEMBER 18. 1905 --.�. ---��',:.' . PubllA: w-. wm .. Guest of BoDor , EVE .....Y U <if C MAN INVITED ' Wed: 6pot - SCIwer - -- . --:,:.;�. -De�.of'� ." .... Och�aa.aeu t,OTryGUrd-Bltch- --�. '::f��<.' , Chica' Tt1:��'." ��� .�;�':';.-t� . �;.·'!�7!t_!!f�.f!..�r,.:r�'�.Jl.4rI:�R��O��,�. om. PUb. Works ceckiDBackI'iel4' :. ;<:'4�',=.�_A;":' 7 ��brat: .. �.·���tbe':�;�OI:UCil� :":' 6�dOr.. �;�f. '.� n����dS�Thi;c��....iI�"n""'''s'''''·'''''''''''''''"'''''� i: I .1D-:_';'� .. )�f < tomorrow at the secon.d· monthly 7,30 P. M. Smoher l·n -th DCI b the yells and SODgL 'W .• .�:��of the Club. The plan IS to have as'" e u • • .' '. :: }�icollege sing and dinner at th C peeches We don't want to bear the Na� . :-':!.. e om- MUsic' and Songs r-r-- :�mons at 6 o'clock at which both Val'8i17 Wrestling Match say,'� team played a mlpf8- :;:football teams will be present. and Reception to IlliDoiil-Chicago T....... c:eat-Puuo but the cheering - ' '-'.:;Jfollowing this an entertainment and " mfIIerabIe." .' ;.�smoker in the theater of the clnb. • • • . " - "�Joseph Medill- Patterson. a Yale TIlE C 0 LL E G E ENTERrAIll'S RICIIAIms IS SoPS PRESIDElIT The prize SODgII are good and the' ,�ro;��:t:!:�g� t�:�;:tttoefrsohOUnol.Sr ��'CoJJece lfight"IaBoI4ID ReyaoIk Elected om- Or!- ThIa -..b.g':'-- IIl1tdents m1lBl: !:?�em. , : -.. , "':.. <.::.. ,.....::.. :�..•"AU ana is UDqaaUfied Saccesa SIDOkM' .' Jad8811 va- -_UeDt, ---- n....._ a�_ '" -'.�� '.; 11 kn . Chi SoD a- __ ll� -- ... vn .. � -- Remember' three .. 1..J .. _ � -oar-".. �we - own In' cago, having " au StDDta BDliYeD BTeDlDg retay aDd :r.u.oD Treasurer. ".. ��. y. . <�been Commissioner of Public Works voice, yom megaphone, ·.�d·the : ''''#._f;since Mayor Dunne's election. Mr. Last night the College of Litera- : Max.Rjchards was this mOrning time: 7:30. ' - ' , " -. -c ",,,William Hard. Mr. Patterson's tnre held their firSt informal enter- elected president of the class of • • • .' ,,:��assistant, will alsO be' present. Both tainment in the .Reynolds Club. It l� after a close cOntest. The de- theW:�Oldth��oisd!:...mneotto=� .�� .. -.-.-.' :.?�:.�-men will give talks.in the Club.' was a success in every way possible feated contestants, were .Green and -- �..- lolA :.':':At the dianer. to which every a thing which dc;lighted the execn- H. Perry. Paul Judson was�chosen u.e bat of Spirits. Boone's disciaai�, -. c· 'd�niversity man is invited, the sing- tive committee.of the college. ' for vice-president over W. A. AuS- woificar�oo'nf tbCOem:.:ars·W11·n·th.!!l':i �. .��; �.:�'.'-.,,'.:��.:�.��_�.��:,-:�-�.mg and cheering. will be'lead by the There.were about fifty men of tin, and :Miss Ruth,'"Porter was'" --"�-. �,Club's famous band ofieather-lungS the Literatnre College present 'Inei • elected secretary over Miss T.,.;,ple- witli the scrnhs and-Freslinien dUr- - �who will occnpY seats.·in the center . all succeeded remarkably well in tOD. LarsoD aad Allyn were the lug the last�, hIos�taglooil;;, . 'ilof the hall. ,All of the fraternities breaking np the spirit of formality . candidates for treasurer and the ,ovu' Marshall Field, that m1lBl: _, ': .-.. : ... �,... , .... !�:�.,�':;f:'... �-.: ..have made arrangements.to that generally exists on suck occa- former was elected.. lift- before Thanksgivi_� '�r m.j� .:. ," �tab�es for the evening. and � :t� ,mons. Richards came from the Uni�� thin look PrettY darldoi Chi: �tend in gronps. ,The band Will' Plenty' of c:;gars .and.dgaIettes &ity.High School. Heis Ii membC:r �� , ," ,-, , -.�- ::. :.''; ,c"��11famish musicd . .�., a. thandandeVery.· body' 6rnoked . f th Al�' . . un.- asked if th ftgu1ar'-V: . : . :.���unnlr� ." . _ ;0. e 'Delta Phi &-'_;�.. . �.�. ..' _ e_ ars-... .� �,".E"."""�.�_ --Atabont'7:liQ't'h�g_"'.;:.;ul '1Ite·Sinchridieir ..... d&:ani:'iI'ilt'en - "- �""'tiiDi..r·con:;e-:-��·· � Imid ,'-=o'"'-'�",�adjourn to the Clnb's theatre. Here olate and cider� , sdor in the Winter Qanrter. 1905. Coach Stagg said:. "It most cer- ; .,' :"i'�5!lcigars and cigarett�..rill be served. Mr. Kern told of life in the Ger- J nelson is from Culver Academy,is tainly will. What else can we do? �- :::;�The guests of honor will then ,man.armY· and· in a short speech a member of ])elta Upsilon, of the Every ID8;Il on the team needs it , .. ":;�7:�make short speeches. after which told some very amusing experien- ' Thee Quarters Clnb _d th� Score ancl. with the probable exception of : ' '.' i�the program of "stunts" will be C:es while in Germany. - Clnb.', Miss Porter. ,who hails from Walker every man will get worked.· ,": 1�istarted. Th""", are to be Univer- Dean Lovett follow.d the talk of Hyde Park, is a Qnadrangter. Lar- ont tomormw. The defense·thi8 ' "�:{;l:&ity wrestling and boxing matches. Mr. Kera by relating qnite a few son. from the Aurora ffigh School. week' has. been DgKed. aWfally: .�:��and various singing and dancing of the'most important i11cidents in belongs to Phi Delta Theta frater- ragged." The, weakest point fa : ' . �'''�{;numbers. the, first years of the U. of C.; nity. � Tm,e Quarters Clnb. and the line is between Badenoch"s, ''''6:(1The officenl of.the clnb look for stories abont the early hiatory of has bees on the football squad fOr Uckle and ��s guard. "It, ' ;:.�a large attendal... and anticipate the University. anjl particUlarly of two yeas. is hard to tell .just where the spot. ' .: >"f<;even a more srupossf1il alfair than Snell Hall. of :which he was the w." said Coach Stagg. "�' it ., . �i�that of lut mon". All Univer.nty head at that time. __ D:D1C8m-r looks more on Scherer's sicJe," : :;,�men. students. f....ttY andalumni, Mr. LInn then entertained the Tomorrow RURll will be Pftll ia " �,:�are urged by the' officers to lie pres_ "Lit" ineJ!. by several selections on L L. BartIpa a.-.i PnidoInt-a- chance in Sc:herer's place to see If ;_;�ent. the piano. At abOnt ten o'cloCk eoa_ far.&D_ the Oskaloosa player can improve .' ,f i;�the smoker broke QP. T . the position. It is the' .;_.._........ . �."..",....he Freshll1en Medic- election _'''''_'�u.., washeld last evening at five o'clock. of oPinion OIl the teaoi that it ... : ,,-,�Never before in the history'of the sel, has the call over both,Sch£er - .�::-�Medical .School. was there such a and Noll. '.'��close contest. There. were 73 men toffitchcock will play right half in . ·.:.2,4�,·:present, eaeh one of whom was red morro.w�s pme. Co&cb stagg. is � .,;hot with enthusiasm. The follow- much pleased with. the little sub-';- -'�',?��:"7 �gene��gan . :!tuh�':: 7�an:.�i�!:t; � J�Vi .«1 light," he says, c.'but. he is the ': -��presl �t-HarrisonR. Rogers hardest worker' on the' squad and :: ':/:.,���. and· Trus.-Neil M. Gunn '.:, Counselors lor 6 months: alwaya gives us the very best Ile .... ' ��Cbas. H. Swift bu." Ferguson and Williamson'· .��James Paterson mar be given a try at fuU back. -,",William M. Hanchett A ragged, ,loose defense still pre- �Counselors for 3 months: vails on the Varsity. Scrimmage'John W � Tope' with the scrubs and Freshmen laStH. C. Wadsworth night failed to show any materialLouis S. Berlin impr.vement in the holding abiiityAlternate-William Q. Parks of the regular line. It was' notthat the team could not hold the :Luther Kirtley, 'ot, who was a post advance of. their understudies but :graduate student at the University las\ it was the way they Went at it. .year, i. studying mining enaineering at United, concerted play was at n'o .Wisconsin. 'HiS brother Charles ia in time displayed the way it should be . .business at Kansas City: -" ,Stanley R. LiDn, 'en, has been COIII- shown at this stage in the !eaSOn, :. ��pelled to crive 'Dft ,,_. --di and Coach StAav seems thoroughly'; ,...,o� -r _IS _u ea on accoant -.:.. .�.).�of poor health, &D� goae to AI"'me disgusted. The men. do Dot WOdt .. ::.:for the winta'. .., .. � ,_ ... ' ',�: -J�. � '��:"'��'; <"<�:>'i�:"':> , .. ;��'j;'" '��;';0<;.::�:��=: .. :�:. ,7 ��,: �U,,�. r .... .10 :- •• ;".:.�� ;;t,. �., ... :.. �!1!'���.� .'$.j;; . ..,.,':t;.��.��,;;.-;,:-�'(,�9.- .. ; •. :t ...... '{;.l: r�4""',.;'�'r�\��i,O'C"!f,·� .. .i"...::'-�.t ...Jt"�1:. .. ,-1.'·."o...� .. ·•'-�" ;: ........ CHICAGO-IWNOIS liGHTAT THE REYNOLDS CWBsecond ](onthly Dinner aad SmokerWill Be Beld:� the FootballGame Saturday.SUT. SALB FOR �CBIGAlf OPDSDemand -for Choice Seats Ca1II8II Crowd atTicket 0fIice in RegiatIar'. SectioIlThe seat sale for the Michigan. game opened this mQrning with arush. The choice seats on the Chi·cago side have been reserved forthe University public. The root'ers' section will be in DD and all\. rooters are urged to sign for seatsat the Information office. The salewill continue at the University un·til Monday night. The athletic�anagement has arranged a speCiatticket office in the east end of theRegistrar's office where all univers­ity orders will be handled. Fra­ternities, societies, clubs and housesare urged to sign for seats· in thecheering section.The Reynolds Club list of amusementais to be increased by a Ping Pong' Table.The table is to be put in one of the largerooms on the second fioor. A ping pongtOUnJaDie'Dt is to be held in the winterquarter. 'ILLINOIS-CHICAGO'RcT!nolbs ,(tlubPractical Example in '09 English.' )Jr. Brown made a dramatic en­trance ioto the 'English I class thismorni�g., Mr. Linn was reading one of theweekly themes which he had re­ceived from a promising Freshmanthe day previous.. He had j�treached the thrilling point in the�tive where the mysterionawoman in black enters the privateoffice of the capitalist detective.' '"_,."You are Mr. Brown, are younot?" she asked, in well-modulated'accents. The fictitious Mr. Brownwas just on the point of replyingthat he was Mr. Brown, wh�n thenarrative was interrupted. ,The real. Mr. Brown, at thisjuncture, entered the class-roomjust a few minutes late. 'Some people�would say that Mr.Brown made his entrance at '''thepsychological moment." Mr.Linn called it a c'dramatic en-trance:' ,? . I.z " i .... - ._ - :.: 'i c:. .. i · 1 r -:. ' t • ,,..., � .: ::'.... CBI�bo. PRIDAV:� NO�M��R �1., @5::'Ctbe lDatl!emaroon....At make-uP today C. PallRr14 DAYS: THEN MICHI.GAI� ...",� .. ,:,�" .. "�� ..... ..::""l' .�!. -�;.: - " .. , .. ,ED I TO alA LS "'1There will be a cheer practiceheld in Kent this evening, and theidea has spread broad­Attend tile cast that the womenmeeting of the University arenot wanted. This iswrong and the management of themeeting desires to state that thecheer ·meeting is for ,every man andwoman who desires to help the var­si�y win Thanksgiving Day. Thewomen have often been termeddeadwood in the rooting sectionand' by many have been considereda hindrarice to organized and effect­Ive cheering. The great majorityof the,' women of the. Universityhave been accused of lack of loyalty�d, :unwillingness to lend theirvoiCes to the call of the cheermas­ter. It now behooves the womento 'show the men they are just aseager for the Varsity to win the�mpionship. If they attend tbemeeting scheduled for tonight andshow by their willingness to cheerand sing that they are not "dead­wood" the cheermaster will·un­doubtedly be compelled to reserveseveral hundred seats for the wo­men who wish to cheer.SDIOItS BOLD I'IRST JlDrllfGJ)eci4es OD ElllDbDity RuuDg and FixesDate for KlectioDSThe Senior Class held its firstmeeting of the Quarter this mom­Jog. L. L� Wright, president ofthe Junior Class of last year wascl1airman� I t was decided aftermuch discussion' tbat twenty fourmajors should constitute el1igibilityIn the Senior Class elections.. andearly next week a list of all stu­dents who will be allowed to votewill be posted on the BulletinBoard in front of Cobb Hall. Theelection will be held on next Fridaymorning at 10:30, in Cobb Chapel.!� ....Dr .Jrlackenzie Will PreachPresident William Douglas Mac­kenzie of the Hartfort TheologicalSeminary, who conducted the Uni­versity Religious service at LeonMandel Hall last Sunday morning,will also conduct the service for thestudents and faculty of the Univer­sity' which will be held on Thanks-.giving morning at 10 _o'clock. TheSunday service win begin, as usual,at 11 o'clock, preceeded by a shortorgan recital.,"l"....... "',- ..�'�J. ,.. lieD'S ClothesShop Have theBest Help.Weare often asked . by ourfriends in the trade why weemploy such expert help.Our men must be cleaver.They must know styles, and'have at their command the'sreatest assortment.. When' abanker comes they show. him agarment, in good taste fOJ abanker. When a young col­lege fellow comes they showhim a suit most suitable for ayoung man. When a shortstout man . comes they showhim clothes adapted ..for a shortstout .figure. When. a tallslender man comes they showhim what is most appropriatefor his figure. Do you wonder,then, that we employ only themost expert help? . Clothes$20.60 to $50.00.48 JaoklOn aaullvard.They're in mourning at NorthwesternAnd in black down at PurdueMinnesota's hosts are weeping �Illinois will soon be, too.Things look shaky at WisconsinFor they're missing Vanderboom,And so up among the BadgersThere isdeepdarkgloom;Up at MichigaD they're grinning, With a kind of happy smile.As they think of being championsAfter Just a little while.�ut they have some troubles comin"And we think we know from whom.So that·next day at Ann Arbor,There'U bedeepdarkgloom.ToWnesGlovesare a ··Good thlng to,ha�e on hand" and allgood de_Ie ... �� ... vethe ... on hand.Safety and Easeand comfort in shaving arefound only in the soothinglather of the old reliable 'WILLIAMS' SHAVINCSTICKOur FOUNTAIN is open all yearBasT ICE CREAX SODA. IN TOWN11 •• IIE'8 PHAR.ACY... acl'lptlea D ..... I ...TelepboDe B. P. 46457th Stnet aDd l,ake A.-.e.. 'CHICAGOM. '. J�.�1 "'. .' ...... • ',...�..,.P. B. STaATTON, 8ee'7.MATHEWS &. CO. Inc.The Tailor ShopNE.W POWEllS BLDG.� 1.56 WABASH AVE.THE ILLINOIS W AAEHOUSe an •STORAOE COMPANY• .,..__ � Park 811 IWlBAItIC AVe. � PIPTY.aDB _.The Qeaaest and Best Kept StoneeWarehouse ID the City • ;" •Fam1tant _ � Mated. Saed. P8Cb4 -a Shlpped .. 8ft .......thewodd. � PrIYate.5tonp R..... Laqe ParIor�"...... .... _ Tnmb aDd Wbccla. Laqe Roo.ia lor �_ �- SJeialII. ftUJID '1'0 £lID PRO. • .&LL DBPOft............... ....._. ........ �-=-. Mw.tDOtice.,__ ....... �8Ifta .. 1bd ...... 01IIII.LISTENPhoaeU6HydePark Pree Delivery348 57th StreetMAKER$ OF YOUNG MEN'S CLOTHESOur Speci_ll7 .3�. C22 Sack Suit.We show one of the Largest Lines of Woolens in :Chicago.Don't throwaway your old Hat; eitherSTIFF, son OR SILK,I will make them look like new, and willsave you a Dollaror two4Z7 E. 63rd'St., Cor. Kimbark Ave •.Bata cleaned, blocked and retrimmedMartyn '8 llaroon StudioU. of C. Photographer,5705 Cottage Grove Ave.RememberYou can't forget what happededin the whole four years of yourcollege life if you keep your "Me­mentoes" in a scrap book. Thelargest and finest assortmen� ofscrap books, stationary, and foreign 'and domestic books is to be foundat. KOEUIBG & KLAPPENBACH100 Randolph Street. Near DearbornltstabUsbed 1873.AMES HATS12.00 13.00A FAIR. .DI:.AL WITH EVER.YHAT1«;1-163 B. IIadison se; near La Salle WHUU do you get yourNew.pap.ra. Periodical. and. St.tlon.271 'At NOR.TON·SPhone Hjde Park 5713, 1mbtte's Blbion <tareS98-400 1:.. 63d Stne,Cblc .. oI.Ist � Jloom.s with us. Rooms for R.cnt. P. ·D. WEINSTEINLADIE.S· TAlLO&'. Workmanahlp UnequalledSpec:ia1 Rates for U •• f C. StudesafaN. E,. Cor. 55th and I:.exlDctoD,PhODe 1282 Hyde ParkGeorge F. AikenBARBER SHott446 Flft7-Flf'tb Stn.t. Cblca.oPlrst-c1ass Shaving aDd Hair CuttingCigars Boot Black in Attendance L MANASSE, Optician'88 IIadJaon se., TribaDe Inaild�Spectacles and �luscs SciesatiJicallyAdjusted. Eyes Tested FreeEYcrythinJ OpticalMatllematical,Metcreological and, for the I.,antemisLKodaka, Cameras and Suppli.:s.ANCOYERYou can always get yourstyle, your height and yourexact size inARROWQUARTER SIZECOLLARS15c each; 2for 25cCLUEtT. PEADODY & co.Larpst makers of Conan &Sbirbin the ..... orld Telephones Hyde Park 18 and 695A. McAdamsThe UDheralt7••. F lor i e t •••GREBlIBOUSBS:Cor. S3d St. and Kimba .. k ATe. ChicagoRESTAURA.NTAIfD LUNCH ROOKStop AtHOTEL· FLORIDA5721 Cottage Grove Ave.Room and Board for Students $5.00 perweek. Meal Tic:ket8 $3.75.J. A. -�I LEY. ProprietorA Modern Up-to-�ateCafeWhere the cooking and serviceis equaled only by' the best.6�Vogelsang· s ...17&-182 Madison St.U 70U do not see what 7011want. .... lor ItWe C8t:r)' Such a ftricty of IItock thatpo.ibly the partic:a1&r article �Deed is not in Yiew. If not. uk foriL It is more thaD likely that wewin be able to Apply tbe desiredarticleROSALDt PHARMACY. .I • .I. GILL. Ph. G ••Phone B. P. 175 27. E. 57th St.t M USSEY·SBmlarct B_II ••• d Bowlin. AII;'7.The I.a�st alld Fill�st AmusementRe30rt in the World .100 to 108 Madillon Stre.tBranch: 616 Davis St., ETanstoDWe solicit your patronage71 S .AND 720 Be S8D STREETNeGI' C()� Grow .AH.}fIn. �OPE. ALL .'IlIfT�� ....PLOTS FOR BU.CD"RIA2SOPBU -COIII1IG IB D£ILYPlot. with College BettinI - Are SoUcitec1From All Student. uci AlamDifbts for the opera of theBlackfriara are coming in daily andall those who are contemplating en­tering this competition are urgedto be prompt in handing in theirwork, Plots with a college settingare desired. . They 'must be capableof being worked up into a play oftwo acts with good first and sec­ond act finales. As the entire com­pany w�ll be taken on-the road dur­ing the spring. vacation, .tbe plotsmust have .adaptability sothat local'color can be added for-each univer­sity or city visited. Any man inthe University or who was once astudent at the University, is eligiblefor this plot competition, and isasked by the Blaekfriars to hand-In either plot -or ideas in regard toto a successful plot.o ,The Blackfriars wish ·it knownthat they are a democratic studentorganization which gives each yearone comic opera, the words' andmusic of which are contributed en­tirely by students.": Any man in·the University, whether a member 0'of the Blackfriars-ornot, is eligible.for the plot competition, and "also _for parts in, the cast and' chorus.Plots and 'Suggestions for the operaare requested to be handed in eitherthis week' or next to Box' 152,Faculty Exchange..� Jim asked Jack _ for the loan ofJD.OD until Saturday., Jack hesl- :bled. ' �;I "Jim-Why, I will pay you Sat- ;-urday, sure.Jack-You don't need. to do that. :Jiui- What do you mean by that? :.lJaek-Why, I don't intend to let�u have it.d ack may have wanted to buy of .�()m a suit of clothes or !lIl overcoat-GUt of that lot of over a,ooo worsted� all-wool suits at 10.00, made to$ell at 15.00 and �.OO, m�<!e by ==Gf Chicago's best makers-always4'look for the label.": Also over 2,500 overcoats-not10.00 overcoats, but 15.00 to �.OO·overcoats-at 10.00.' Let me put aG)atover you again-' 'then look forthe label" and 10.00 you must paycash if you buy. of me.,:You can buy Fine Underwear of.e cbeap, a lot of Broken Lines nowGIl sale 73 off. This must and willdean.. up the odd lots. Pay you tolook at them!My "Cape" Glove at 1.15 is one« my best ads.I make to order in my own factory3 Day, Full .. Dress.or Fancy Shirtsfor 5.00, 6.00, or 7.50, 4_ cuffs toachfancy. Whoe1sedoes? 'Noone!_ To give all a chance, for the pres­cnf my Clothing Dep't. will be openuntil 10 o'clock Wedneseays andSaturdays. I will make it pay youto come downtown. Interesting to Students. The schools and colleges will soon openfor the fall term and there will be manyself-reliant young men and W0men whowill be- ·looking for'1l'good waX to-earntheir expenses. The J-(Jur-Track N'-Ws,the great illustrated monthly magazine oftravel and education, appeals to, intelli­gent readers and students will find it easy .to secure subscriptions for it. Th� termsto persons soliciting subscriptions are ex­tremelv liberal ana offer a very generousmargin of profit. It will par anyone in:terested to write to the publisher, GeorgeH. Daniels. 7 E. 42nd Street, New York,for full particulars.Fall andWinter StylesARE· HERE.Tall';. for Younc MODTwo Stores:131 La Salle Street«�Jacbon BOulevardCHICAGO, ILL."TeD. Tom Dollar,"Murrayo BORDEN·S) COlfDDSED IDLE. nUID IIJI,K,j CUd ABD B1JTTE1tlllL1t.A.LL BOTTLED IN THB COtJN7'flFBoRDEN'. CoNDEN.EO MU.K Co •• 2?� 1:. P'OR'T't-.I:YC"TM aT.. g'�e 9{-oot c!>tuilioKIMBALL HALL '243 Wabash Ave.Original Ideas and Exclusive Styles inPHOTOGRAPHSSpoclal kate. to u. or c. �tudeDt.CHAS. A. LAWRENCE,MAIIAOER AIID OIU�LAWRENCE ORCHESTRASelect Mosie fOf" all seteet �IouYour patroD� 50lidtedRcsldence :�l.-p1tone' 5745 R09Rlie Court_)'de Padt 1467 . CHICAGO· -. !.HARRY G. SMucrtERI ' 'I.'Atwood DuildiD. Clark aDd Madison Street. . .�....... '.� �.:�; .. -t"':�.: ... �/>,.._.�....... . ....... �:l:.# •SUITS . AND,· OVERCOATSto measure $25.00 up. First-class workmansh;p and Trimmings guaranteed.'M�X SCHWAR.TZ, ManagerSAI.aSUANHairy H Parker.Jas. B. Scudder.Gus. TouzaliD. COTTERSGeo. Hayden.ArthDr I.amaae..''"" .;>;.. �' ......�, ..RESTAURANT104-106 MADISON STREETA, ConnectionWITH.. ,.. : jNorthwe!lern ,Mutual ,Life.r I'" '_'�.' . ',- .,Insurance Company�r, ..:'Wo�d Afford You a Splendid ()pportuni�., ,_ , .."*' "*' If' 70U wish to hnow more about this writel to .. \ ..,H. F. NORRIS. Supt. of Agencies, MIL W AUIlEE. . �IS,....�. .,�.: >. ,�.,<c:,;..:, ,�,;,�}��, .:��,j���;;':t{':�2)��g�;��1:���;:�{i9P.k�f�j�f'fr�;�·���f i2�Aleo Bruch .. it' -, -' - .. - -. - ",' _o':'at 69 B. JIomoe st. �,·t-:--'··" -----Old _101-103 . E. 0 MadisonS�ee�DB'S DillION SUITSIf you have never worn union suits youwill find these garments a revelationin ease and comfortBalbriggan, $ISO, $2., $3·, $3·50 and $5.� Wool and, Cotton Mixed, $,].50 anil$4.50.� All Wool, $3-50 and $4. $5.25 add $6.� Silk and Wool, $.(., $5.50 and $I I.. � Silk, $9. and $I2 .MEN'S SWEATERS� Heavy slJaker Swe tters with high collar, $5 .,$6.and$ 7.� "p" neck Sweaters, $5. .� Ssoeater Jackets, $6.� Jerseys, $2. $2.50 and $.].lOB'S mmBRWEAR SECTION, FIRST FLOOR, NORTH ROO.t:�.: .. :�I.:., ...� .. �)l-' .barvarb botel5714·16 W._biD.tOD A .....Pboae Hyde Park 1533 'near L C. and U. of C.,Rooms slngle or en suitePleasaDt home with hotel coD"ftDienc:es Tableboard and aingl� meals.·BROO-KS·]·;:-.u Clothes Ready'Om Fall Models for this season aresimJ,ly elegant.'I'abries of every description in SuitS,Overcoats, Cravenettes. One uniformprice, 115.00."Such Clothes asThese Make. -.Fooling .W-dhCustom Tailors aWaste of 'Money"We are now delivering, ready to wear,·the best suit or overcoat in America, thekind that 'fit and retain their shape, hand=���'15and $30 suits and overcoats t .at the uniform price • • • • •BROOKS SYSTEM CLOTHES'140-East--ladl$on StreetJ4ake No Mistake-Be sUre of theNwilber-··l40··J. H. KINTZ, Prop. JOHN CLARK, Mgr.All ord.rs day or night &lled-p1'OmpUyWE ME'ER CLOSEJachson Parh.Livery273 E. Fift7-Seveftth StreetTel�bonea Hyde Park l �CHICAGO,',.:-:.1 S6 �tate Stree DBFElICE DOES liar DiPROVEConUJl1MCl from ant � COIWDD Cotogether at all on defense. Theycan hold their more or less inexper­ienced opponents, but each man onthe Varsity seems to be playing,anindividual game.When the regulars are given theball, however, the bunch looks likea different team: It changes im­mediately from a heterogeneous.mass of humanity to a flawless hu­man machine. The, "Old Man"has no fault to find With theoffense. For the Michigan game .Captain Catlin seems now to be themost likely man to fill the righthalf vacated ,by Boone, on offense,and Walker will undoubtedly inthat event replace the eaptain atright end. As long as he is able. Walker will probably hold downthe half back position on defeD8e,with Bezdek at end and Catlinbacking up the line.If Catlin is kept at end, Hitch­coek and Harper will probably -ee­liev. Walker at the right back po­siti�n. Another possible combina­tion is Bezdek at right half andWilliamson or Ferguson. at full.Unless almost imperative, h01Veftl",Coach Stagg will not move' 'Bezzie"from his old battering ram post.Developments next week will bewatched with. interest and the waythe men get into the plays will de­cide the make-up of the team forThanksgiVing. The game withTllinois tomorrow, in which all thedifferent combinations and possibil-ities will be given a chance, willplay no minor part with' the OldMan in making his chartfor theturkey day battle.IIAllOOli CUBS WILL IIDT BADGDSi'naImum wm BaT. Bant, Contest W'1thWUcouba JI:albryo. at JIMiIoD.That'the Maroon Freshmen will. have as hard a time wi-estiD, victoryfrom the Badger Freshmen at Mad­ison tomorrow as the Maroon Var­sity had in defeatinK the.BadgerVarsity on Randall field, seemscertain. The WISCOnsin youngstersare a husky bunch and they kn�wa little football, it is said. At least,they administered defeat to .theMinDesOta Freshmal a few weeks­ago, and those who know, say that.'the Gopher underlings are the realthing. But-Chicago' has the·liveliest aud hottest buuch of foot­ball players on its squad that ithas had for years, and, to use aworn-out expression, there will bea battle royal tomorrow afternoon.Nineteen will compose the squadwhich will leave over' the early,Nortllwesteorn train and .will returnafter the fray 'to��w' ��ing.,The game will be called at 30' clockand the halves will be 25 minutes.The line-up has not been definitelydecided upon, but the team whichwill face the Wisconsin men on thefirst kick-off will be picked fromthe following: Harris, c; Weber,Moulton, rg; Handy, 'Dingman, Ig;Kelly, Ettlinger, rt; Metzger,Moulton, rt; Donovan, Brown, re;Merrill.Leuring, Bower, Ie; Steffen,qb; Merriam, rh; Iddings,Shott, Ih;Finger, £b.Adelbert T. S� ,Ot, bas been apepoinWd a travelling auditor for the AIDer-'icaD Radiator Com.,.ny. ,SidDey Stille ez '� is working fOl" theIDiDOia Central � R.' ' .. 1I0VDIBD .OllTBLY 18 OUTFootbd lIamber luue4-Oa'Campaa Tae8c1ayThe November number of theMonthly Maroon-a special foot­'ball number-will appear on thecampus Tuesday morning. Owing. to a superabundance of copy, twoof the long stories, by Miss Gavinansi Miss Upton, with several short­er yams also held over, will comeout in the December number.The cover bears a special threecolor football design by Harvey B.Fuller, Jr., Hereafter,· I:ieginninK with theDecember issue, the Monthly willappear during the early EaI"t of themonth. . ,::; .. '." '"Schnyler B. Terry, '05, is teaching inOwatonna', Minn., High School.Petty Knapp, 'CJ1, baa left the Univer­sity and is with a building contractor illNew York City.Ralph S. Cobb, '06, is at New Haven,Conn., where .he is employed by theAmeriCan LocOmotive Company.Arthur H. J�, -oe, is acting .. adeyartment 'manager for the Bonm Im­porting Company of New York City.FOR TBABKSGIVIlfG DAYThe Nickel Plate Road will sell tickets, .within distance of one hundred and fiftymiles, November 29th and 00th, at rate ofa fue and a third for the round trip,Returu. limit, December 4th.· Threethrough trains daily to Ft Wayne, C1�ve­land, Erie, Buffalo, New York, Bostonand New England points .. No acess farecharged on any train on the Nickel Plate­Road. Standard equipment on all trains •.::Heals served in Nickel Plate dining cars,on American Club Meal Plan, ranging inprice from thirty-five cents to One Dollar;also service a la carte and. Mid-dayLnncheon fift¥ cents, Chicago depot,LaSalle and Van Buren streets, on theElevated Loop. Telephones Central 2057andm�. .'ro :KACUZIBE SUBSCHIPTIOlf .AGOrS"The Four-TrBck News," the .well­known illustrated monlhly magazine oftravel and edncalion, is making an spec­ially advautageous' oiles to Sut.crlptionagm� who ,nn find it a q�ck seller,aftordiDJ{ very generons profits.· Send tothe publisher, GeorRe B. Daniels, 7 East, Cd Street, New York"foc a sample copyand�s. LIBERMANN,- BYDB.PABK1al)tes· ltatlor198 3GrH ST.The latest 01 Parislauae sql .. and ImpOrted, 2'00da:for Fall aDd Winter.lteJDOcfeliDC aDd Jlepairlng allJ)edalty.MOSSLER.'S. CI ... r Clo� ••SO Jackson Blvd •.Isn't It So?, Sounds egotistical, but never­theless true!" What othername than thename of ,. Mossler"i§ so instantly andindelibly associ­ated with fashfon­a b I e, 'exclusive,high-class clothes? .�ts of men liketo pay just $25 for:a Suit or Overcoat.Ours at thisprieeare ezulliOflal-fit big lDen upto 48, small men down to 33'-I"feclly.T.a •• 1 •• &'01". _.cODd no.I', •• 17_bow.roo_ .ft fll'_'.Mossier Co.Clever Cloth... .50 J.cl\eoftJOHN J. DUNNCOAL..... 0 •• 1 .... 1511.51 .. It. AnDour A,,,,, ••• Chicago w. ·L. JansenI' HAR.M!ACIST.56�9 �ott.ge Grove Av ...CHICAGODancingl(osalie Music Hall 'Adult Classes, Monday EveniDgDancing-PartY after each lessonopen to those ontside of class.Chi1dr�'s Classes, Saturday andMonday .Gymnastic Dancing- FridayAfternoonETHELYN BAIlER FOSTERTeacher ,Of Gilbert Normal Sehoolof Social aDd, Claaic Dancins, Boston.Studio: 348 W. 67.h Stre.tTel. 1409 NormalOrw Speciallr .35' Glove is.great value- If you talk through your,. HATUse a, LelewerIt speaks for. ; t se if],,$2.0..0No more, 'At either store152 E. MadisOn Streetnest to I.a �alle104 E. WaShington Streetnext to Clark. .-�""11 .............-Huyle. CaDdieS, Manicure Goods, U. ofC. Souv. Postals, 'Cigarettes, Toilet Ar­ticles. Tel. orders receive prompt atten:'tion. H. P. 557. The Portland Pharmacy p6001 Washington Av.,A. C.Symmes, R.P.SeDd a poRal card to )(. Wolf. B.pay. th. high_ prie.. tor out ..elothilll. Mail' orden prompti,. at­tended to. 4G 0 'BrieD 1Itnet, CIaleap.If '708 "'.. to .care· a poeltloa tetach call on or writ. to Jam .. P. llc0a11oaP. BallWQ mzellaDp, .......Lee.LosT-Thunday evening in Gym orDear,- c:in:ular gold class piD, OWIIU' •name eDgraftd 011 back. Return to Ia­formaticm olic:e and rec:eiw � .