PTICIANIlIdln&,lily AdjustetTeltedFreeythin, <>Otlcallemat.caf. •reolor1cal,RIldIt. Lanternllt,Lt., Oameral81lUUII,;) MILIC,IILICOUNTRYLK CO,ST. .lAMOOD$sis• adies' HaltL'urkish and. , Chicago.TBBOarer11EDD .'DDHamI. greatlyt. .-made:ld pur��d devil.• M •• �.·e Creamte'dYea,.. The ---Daily' Ma-ro-o-nPubllilled AftemooDI by the Studentl of the UniT.tllty of ChlC&IO DudDl the r.., QutttN of At VIll.,.�ltJ y.., .• • I�========================��'��.,.,.,. �VOL. II. No. 110. CHICAGO, FRII§�t-·;��...1:.cQit;�, ��. PRICE Two CEN'l'SSENIORS USE INFLUENCE . LECTURES ON SHAKESPEARE STAGG .ON RULB$ COMMITTEE: OFFJCIAL �ROGRAM OUT,,Frederick Warcie, Noted Actor, Speaks to ChoseD to Repr •••• t' th. West in �re-Big Audience in Kent-Lecturer Pop- paring Football Rule, ,for �.xt· SeaSon \ular With Students -Desires S�gg.�t.lo�' Fro� Colle" M�D'Mr. Frederick Warde, the dis- This year, ;Ior :the,.first ·time in'University' of Wis�onshi Students Have tinguished Shakespearean actor, the history ·oF·a. game' of.' football" Exercises Begin To.�ight' ':aDd' End Ne�f' i- •Controlling Voice in Municipal lectured on c'Shakespeare and His. the West wiill)e :represe�te� on the I Tuesday.'Night-Lectures .by Noted .Politics Plays" yesterday afternoon in Kent Rules Compii#e�. Director. Stagg Schol�r8 .are S�ecia1 F�atu�es I •The Senior class at the Universi- theatre under the auspices of the received' wPrJ.H�is'm-Orning, that he; The complete official progratn Qf,ty of California exercises a paternal English Club, to the largest lecture had' been.. U·n;ltii'mously"-chosen to; the Fiftieth Convocation was anguidance over the underclassmen. atl�ience 6� the C��Pl1S th�s ye�r., �epre�ent the West at the: D)eet�ngl .nounced this morning. Beginning,The seniors have a voice. in a good' . Mt �a�d�. s .chan�llng .,p;����a�,��� '/of the' Contmit·tee�t().�he .held next . with .the President's dinner to offi- .many underclass affairs and their capttvat�d hIs. hearers, who' ·ttnte: ,�oni:Ji�t .. ,. 'Y"". ", ':;'�. ".. z : -,�,�,'. 7' 0:: ... -, : .tial g,ieStS 'at�iite Chicago ciu&- to: � ...influence in determining class ac- and a?,am a?platld�d the ��ll-acted, .. T'be choice .of. Director S�a�g ,is; night the celebration' will. continue '.tivities is strong. Recently the selections with which he Illustrated the outcome or the- action of the;. until.' next Tuesday night, closingsenior class bas taken up the mat- his points. . Conference College. Assoclation' at'! with a dinner to .the guests at' theter of class rushes. It has long After a brief outline of Shakes- their meeting last' .fall� At this:. auditorium. The program follows:been.the custom. of the 'sophomores peare's life Mr Warde proceeded to meeting Prof. Sampson, Secretary ll'riday-7:00 p. m. The' President's.and freshmen to mix up in a fierce the Bacon-Shakespeare con trover- of the Association was instructed to: Dinner to Official. Guests. �By Invlta-. tion only.) The 01.icago Olub.' ,rush at the annual charter day ex- sy. After discussing the nonsens- communicate with' Paul J. Dashiell, 1 Saturday-6 :00 p, m. Universityercises, which take place on March ical actions of the "Baconists,'.' he Chairm�n of'tbe . Rules Committee;' Dinner to the Official Guests. (Mem-22 The university authorities have said," For Heaven's sake, leave us the·t1��ir� of.' the West to be repre- bel'S of the Faculty and Students may. f 1 d hi f h i secure- tickets, 50 cents each, at the In-been desirous of stopping this rush, 'some 0 t ie sacre t mgs 0 t e sented on that committee ... It was I formation Office or at the Oommons.)but without the co-operation of the past,' I would as soon deny the " further voted, that; in case the � HlIt'chin8ofl, Ha.Zl.upper classmen it was found irn- authenticity of the Lord's Prayer RulesCo1Jlmitteeagr�toa�knowl-i S':OO·p. m.· The Oonvocatlon Recep-d th Willi SI k r :. tion. 'l'I&e Reynolds Oltto H 011SC, 57th... possible, .This year the board o. f as to eny at 1 lam ra es- edge a western repre sentative, .A. ..r� � Street and Lexington Avenue,student affairs issued notice that peare wrote the plays ascribed to" '!':_. Sta�g. of the U�iyersity �i Chi-' Sunday-10 :15 a. m, The Oonvoca-any student 'taking part in a rush him." ,�ago, was to be t�e'. choice of the, tion Prayer Servlce. H1ltel&i1l80n' Hall., . . 11:00 a. m. The Oonvocatlon : Roiig:on charter day would be expelled Then Mr. Warde proceeded to aL CQ·pf�rellce. '. lous Service. The Oonvocation Sermonfrom the university. 'This notice discussion of some of the factors of I. .' pire�tor Stagg th,o�ght that the by' the Revel'e�d Professor Emil G.would have been disregarded, how- Shakespeare's plays. ''In the first I : matter was at an 'e�d�ron account Hirsch. Thc Leon Mandel .. 1sSef»ol�ever, had it not been for the senior place," he said, "there never was, 'of' t\te',deJay in h¢�dng from the Han., " ., . .. 3:00 p. rn. B'estversnmmulung,.' Re-'men who passed a resolution to there is not, there never can be, a committee; .. and, consequently no � union of tile A I umnl of the Germansupport the faculty-in their deci- greater apostle of Christianity than: preparations to present tht opin-. Universities living in Ohlcagn, �(Adsion. As a result .the' annual rush. Shakes. peare". As on. e of many Ions of .the West in regard . to PJrd-: ,mission by ti<.'ket.) The AuditoriN"'.,., 1\{ondal:-10 :30 n. m. Junior� College. will not be heI4:: passages illustrating. this he gave pOsed chalJges jn the 'fOQtball rules.· Qlasl;1. E'x�rci8es. ,The Leon Mandel. A,-�he Upiversity of WisconSIn the s�ene where Wolsey dies, in P.rovidlng t�at it wIll' be 'pos&ible; . Bembly. Hall.,men just now find them�ely�es in a Henry VIII. " for him ��:r. attend -the ��eting of: . ADDR�SSES' BY 'VISITiNG GE�MA:N,110vel but by 'n�{means -unpleasant-·' .' "Next'" continued' tbe'-lectul� , "the C��tiUttee to, .be he14 in New' ,.:'�""; . .i..L, •. 'SCHOLARS:. . .! ., � V r .. ' - ", '. t';f. , ... ,.,. 9 :ao a.. .m. ,. Professor . DelbMlck;situation., They .. have become po- "come� ShaJ�espear�'� Philosoi?hi�c'I' Yor.�. ltis,b�s plan to receive sug- "On·; .. Gon'di.tional, 'C9ncessive, and Tem-' ,tent political factors in the munici- Young people, take Polonius' ad_! gestio�s �r�m a.ll per�ns who desire' pornl ,O)auses in Gel'man nnd English."Room 6 .. 1, OQbb tecture IIalt_pal campaign at Madison. The vice to .his son, mark, learn, and: to se��V.�e�, whet�er their'c�lleges, . 9 :30 a: m. Professor Hermann:Democratic and Republican C0111- inwardly digest it, and 'you will' .be me�bers of the Conference or "On the Study of Theology." Oongre-mitteemen in· the first and fifth succeed in life." ·,·not. ", gation. Hall, Haskel Oriental JIuBellm."" '. 10 :30 n. m. Professor KOb'ler: "Onwards of the city are realiz,ing that Mr. Warcie then took up the un'l' _ .1 he' fU.ll. make-up of the Rules. the Code of Hammul'abi." OhapeZ, Oobothe students hold the balance of versality' of Shakespeare, as illtts� .Committee for this year is as fol-: ,Lecture, Hall. 'power in these wards and are mak- trations of which he proved,. by;. lows: Paul. J,.' Dashieil, P,rofessor' 10 :30 a. m. Professor Erlich: HOnl'f f' I b bl fl' t th Tt ·t d St N 1 A d tlle Modern Views concerning Toxinsing 1 e aIr y eara e or t lem. quoting that Shakespeare k�ew all a e u111 �. ates ava ca -; aiHI Anti-to:xins." Kent Theater.The students have been placed on about the circulation of th� blood emy,' Chairman; Walter Camp,: 12 :00 m. Professor Meyer: Onthe caucus tickets <?f both parties' and the laws'of gravity years before Yale, Secretary; John C. Bell, Uni-' some subject cOnnected with History.d I h· . t ·t', f Pl· 'ni f 'Ohapel, :Cobb Lcoture e egates to t e Clty conventIon. they are said to have been discov-' ve Sl J 0 et1nsy vanta;. rro essor'u h 1 :00 p., Ill. Tl.le Universiay I ... uncheonIt is not li\cely that one of the fac- ered. L., .LV.1. vennis, Cornell; Robert D.' to Official Guests. (Membcl's of' theulty will be honored by a candidacy Some of Mr. Warde's striking: Wrenn, Harvard; 'Professor J. B. Faculties and Students 'may securef th ld . b d 'F' P 1· t D· t A A tickets, 50 cents each, at the In forma-or e a ermamc 0 y. remarks were these: me, r nee 9n; tree or . .tion Office or at the Oommons:) H utel,-. "I don't admire Henry VII as a whole. Stagg,: Chicago. ' itillott Hall. ' .DR. HARPER· TO ATTEND DIN�ER I do admire his courage. He married a:oo p. m. The Forty-First Meetingof' the University Congregntion. (ForrDll"moors of' the Oongregation only.)'I'ntl'o(h�ction of the German Guests ofHonOl' with brief addresses. Oongregation Ilall, , HaskeZ 'Or,ienta'Z MU8eum.March 22, Tu�sday-11:00 a. m.StndlIDt . Oelebration. Addresses in English ,and German. Music by StudentOl'ganizations� Tile Leon MandeZ A,scm bly Hall.12 :30 p. m. The Matutinal for Oandidates for Higher Degrees. Tlie President's House.. 3:00 p., m. The Fiftieth University,Oonvocation. The Lean ManclcZ .tfs-86mb1,,' Hall •.7:00 p. m. Dinner in' honor of. Visiting Guests (by subscription). TheA tldiiorhlm';Take' Action to Co-operate With, California Faculty in Preventing RushesFeels Much Better To-day and Spends'the Morning W;orking in his LibraryPresiden t Harper will attend hisdinner to official guests of the Uni-. versity of Chicago Club to-l11ght.President Harper was up today,working in his library and whenseen ·by a reporter of THE DAILYMAROON he said: "Yes, I shall be,at dinner t9night. I am feelingvery well itideed today and myphysicians and surgeons have giventheir full consent to the plan." Dr.'Harpel' will go to the. city earlythis afternoon and l'est at the clubfor· a coup�e of hours before thedinner. .Freshmen Hold Mass MeetingThe Freshmen held a mass meeting, in Kent at 10:30 today toarouse enthusiasm '.for' the Freshman-Sophomore .. ·.meet tomorrownight. C. F. Axelson· was elect,edcheer-leader, and �peeches weremade by the class president, ,Hooper.Pegues, Captain Lightbody, whodeclared that the team would winif well supported by the class, andC: F. Axelson. All Details of Fiftieth ConvocationExercises Have Been Satis- .;fact�dly ArrangedPoNTIAC DUEATBD·· .. 4· to ..six wives."It is said that Shakespeare inaugurated the idea of traveling dramatic cmilpanies now in vogue. If that is so, I'msorry. It's the only thing I have againsthim. ' .,."Dr. Owens has a machine for proving.that Bacon wrote Shakespeare's plays. It'consists of rollers, cylinders, and cranks."Young ladies, you should like'Shakespeare. You can always \turn to the lastpage and see how the story" comes out. ".At the end of his address Mr.Warde urged the reading of Shakes-Ipeare, and told how it should bedone. First he advised, one should PONTIAC . CHICAGOread for ,the story, then again for, Horton; Righter·· . R F . Owens;Carruthers, Cornwell L' F Oza�ne;the poetry, then once for the phil-: .. �oor Scores in Bowling Tourneyosophy. C And, above all", he" :�v�a�d, C Hughes Four men rolled' off their gamescontinued, "cast aside the com- .. _"Phl1hp� . ",: R'O;> Kerwin in the R�ynolds Club bowling tour- •mentators. They have done more Vogelsmger� Ha�ns .� G Hunt nament yesterday. All scores wereto obscure Shakespeare and stop, Th� play of th� vars1t�team was' very.low, .non� evert reaching thethe reading of his works than any es�c1ally gOC?d .1D the 'first hal.f,. ,800 mark. Coburn made a total ofother cause. Never read commen-' wh1ch. �nded 'Wlth �ore ��-1 tn: 789, �yman' 711', A. H. Johnsontaries until you have thoroughly their favor. rlt� b�sket?a11 e�-' 747, Schaeffer 776. The matchmastered a play for yourself. Then blem was wo�n by the. var�lty' men,_ "sCheduled to take place betweendon't try to have an agreement be- for t�e .first hme �ast eveD1��. . It Duffy 'Cornell and Eckersall did nottween you and them. It is impos- cons1sts of a ehlcago.:�. encl�smg 'occur. No future time has beensible. They don't even agree with two Bs. As soon as a regular mter- set for it as Cornell says he is tooone another. conIKUBJ) OK.P.lGK,4, COLVD 1. busy to bowl it off at present.'Wih "Schoof BOy. Completely Outclassed:by .. Varsity . TeamThe Varsi'ty hasketball team· de-'feated the 'five, from th'e Pontiac,Hig� School last night by a scoreof 44 to 4. Throughout the wholeforty 'minutes' of play., the. �isitors··secuted but one field goal, the,other, two points being Secured on'throwsfrom fouls. . ':"The line 'up:. I,: !: '".'CHICAGO, FRIDAY; MARCH 18, 1904ttbe lDa{l� maroonFormerly the University of Chicago We�kly.I'OUNDIIDThe University_ of Chicago Weekly, Oct. I, 1892TBB DAILY MAROON, • • • • Oct. 1,1902NEWS CONTRIBUTIONS REQUESTED.• Published by the students of the Universityof Chicago eveff afternoon, except Saturdarand Sunday, during the 46 weeka of the University year.First board of editors and busineaa manalrerauthorized by student-body in mass meetmgMay 15, 1902.MemberahisS on subsequent boards of editorsto be determined by competition open to all�students in the University.,BOAR"o OF EDITORSManaging Editor ••••••• Oliver B. Wl!"an, '04News Editor Harry W. Ford, '041Athletic Editor •••••••• Walter L. Gregory, '05AssociATE EDITORSThaddeus J. Merrill, Law '05 'Ernest 1. Stevena '04"Ralph P. Mulval!«; '!l.5Edward M.. Kerwin. '06LeRoy A. VanPatten, '06Edward R. Gannon, '04Riley H. Allen. '04WOMEN EDITORSMill.Lena Harria Misa Helen' Smith, '06STAFF OF REPORTERS'lohn S. Wright, 'es Arthur Bridgman. 07ames' V. Hickey. '06 Claude Schofield, '07C. McKenna, Rush '05 Bernard I. Bell. '07 '· , , Chaa A. Brut;� '06, ', Mill Marie Ortmayer, '06'",.! BUSINES&' STAFFBusi�ess Manager .•••••.•••• '.Julien L. Brode ,... ".,'. .. :• I!:ntered as second-class mail at Chicago Post.:" offic�- D�ilY_ SubscriPtion. $3 per year; $1 for 3 mos. I, By Mail in City $4 per ye�l'; $1.25 for 3· mos.Subscriptions received' at ,Tam: ,MARo'O�.· Office" Ellis Hall, or' left in THm MAROONBox. the Faculty Exchange, Cobb' Hall. !· 'tjl , Pr:int�d by tile Quadrangle Press,404 E,55th St, !'g'gp E'DITORIAL5 ppp,The Fiftieth Convocation exercis-es of the University begin tonight;I with the President's dinner to offi"c�a� ��ests at the, C h i.e ago C I u b.Five days are to be TheFiftie,�"'I given over to the Convocationwinter finals. The'Fiftieth University Convocation willbe held on Tuesday afternoon' andthe dinner �t the .Auditorium in!honor' of ,the visiting guests will''close the five days pr?gramme:The a warding of degrees and the,, quarterly addresses at the formalexercises on .Tuesday will culmina�te 'a nicely d�awn programme.'The official -dinners, the religious''services, and the receptions' have:, been scheduled at fitting intervals,throughout the 'convocation period.The University has never failed:, to attend the awarding of degrees.' with significant religious and so.cial exercises. Honor to whom is'due' 'has been the plan of the U ni.versity in arranging the finals for,'candidates for degrees.The present exercises are to beespecially distinguished because ofthe presence of leading Germanscholars. The graduates of German universities, who are now liv-" 'in'g in Chicago, will co-operate with:,the University in extending the, hospitality of Chicago's . Universityand city to men who embody theideals of German scholarship.While the Fiftiet� Convocationwill'be trot�ble for the distinguished:,� . ;men. who are to be the guests of�' th,e, University, this c0t:Ivocation'. '" '�ill ,be one long, renu�mbered by,.. ,. •... . �,:" .. the students, not so much' as a greatcelebration in hOllor' of scholars as,, ,the time which marked President'Harpet' 5 return to public activity,I '\,I;t after a critical illness which threatened to harm the University asnothing �1se! cdbM. The announcement today that Dr. Harper wouldbe able to attend the dinner to effie-ial guests tonight is the most wel-,coine ' piece of news THE DA'IL YMAROON has ever published. The:dinner in the Commons tomorrow'evening, and the Convocation next.Tuesday should be occasions forjgreat ,student demonstrations show-.,... . • •• !A. ".. • •ing our gratification 'over the Pres-ident's return to.perfect health.St'lU!:ents are uryentlll rt>quP,totecl;to settle up their sllbscripUon account bpj'o1'e the ,·ntl OJ·tlliR qttftrter,ARROW COLLAR'UI: CIlNTS,'2rFOR' 26 CENTSCLiJE1;T, PEABODY & CO.M�KER8 OF CLUETT AND MONARCH 8HIRTI ,Don't Wait.Buy Now.They are gqing fast. Only a few left, SilK. atterman Opera HatsO�ly �5.00 R.eal Value $10.00A: FEILCHENFELD, 81-83 E.' I Van Buren St.,Yischer BuildingHARRY S. LESTERPRESCRIPTION PHARMACIST.1 •Over, six years at this location andgl',owillg up with the Unlverslty.uC)th, St. and Kimbark Ave.WIIACOX & WICK(Formerly with M.: J. Coffey)Fashio.nable TailorsFORFastidious" Dressers"Gool] fit, style and quality", is OUI"motto. OUI' prices n re \,�I'.V rensonable, "re invite your 'inspection of:our sprf ng' patterns.nooxr 72,illfl DEARBOn� ST.GRAND; OPERA HOUSEBT.JANOI-TE' BATES in"THE DAnLING OIP THE GODS,"A Drama of Old Jnpnn.At the "Te(ll1esdny Matinee,' Murch23, Miss Bates wil1 -nppenr in "Madarne Butterfly" .Il:nd "l\Iy Aunt's 'Advice."Studebaker To-Night GREAT' NOR THE'R'N�o:ni�ht.The Royal LILLIP.UTIANSPresenting Gulllver's Tl'uvels.Mats. "\Yed. and" Sat., 25 and 5De.Next W�k-David FIarum.Henry W;, Sa vage off'ersGeorge Ade's wit'ty Musical Satire.SULTAN OF SULUMusic by Alfred Go' Wnthnll.Capable cast and It striking production of the. original Ohicago success,Populnr Mat. Wed .• 2uc to $1.C. A. T.JA.l\IPF)RTV I 0 L I 'N I'S TMember of the Chicago Orchestra.Pupils and engagements', accepted.Address: , 3433 Wabash Avenue.1904 EDITION NOW READY'Spalding's'OfficialAthleticAlmanac,,C"" . Edited by J. E. Sullivan,Sec.·Treas., A. A. U.The only publication In the country containing allauthentic athletic records, This book contains over200' pages of iuhletic information. and iii profuselyIllustrat,.d with numerous portraits of leading athletes. and athletic teams, Price. 10 cents.- A. G. SPALDING & BROS., • Send for illustrated catal�i 0 f athletic iOOds. I t's a FOWNES' GAR R I C.Kl.'onightWEBER & FIELDSand the all stars in"'VnOOl'°UE-DQO" and "CA'l'r-;ERINE."1'latinees 'Ve,1nesuay and Saturday.T'hat's all you needto know about a gloveH. '1.\ McGuire. Prop. LA -SALLBMADISON A VENUE r> ACKING CO. :L\I'u(liRon, between. Olark and ,T.Ja,Sal,le.Nothing ,�o compare withBELLFJ OFj'.NE·WPORTWHOLESALE: ANDRET AIL MARK£ T'0309 Madison Avenue, Chicago.Phone HYlie Pa,rk 1322The Philbrick Shorthand and Tjrpew�,t�g School(i�03-7 l\fONROE' A VENUE,OHICA'GO. � j ,I .YOUKO PEOPLE THEIlE IS MONEY IN THIS ,FOR YOU,,,,This School is Taught by nn Experi- Best, 'I'hore 1S' More Money ln. 'It for(,11('('d Court and Convention Reporter. you., ,Indlvklunl Insn-uetlon. Graded Speed Stenogrnphers i of All Systema : WhoOlnssos. Phrase "rriting. Expert Wish i\Iore Speed Can be Greatly Bene-I nstruction. rit('(l Hf're.' ,'\• 'I' I I SUd bv tl The Demand for Good Shorthando one I tie vstoms thls C )t ie Wrltru-s Exceeds the Supply. 'Ye ,'1.'eachmost Expert: Roportora dn us oun l·Y· Hook-keeping, 'B�lsiness Correspondence.. \ void the So-Culled Ouick, Eas,V 1111(1 Spelliug, etc, Day and " Eve'ning��'Hl'eIl1S, It costs no more to learn the Session. CIlIl 01' write us.l'nHLIO 'l'YPEWHI'J_'ING OFFICE ,IN CONNECTION. 1\SA�YER54!)1 WASIIINOrl'ON AVE.Hair Dressing, Shampooing, Manl cur-Ing and Facial Massage.Special prices for courses,IIn:I' dried with compressed air. Coiffures for balls and parties a specialty.All the appliances and conveniences of the best down' town establishmentsin your own neighborhood.TELEPHONE HYDE PARI\: 5853.%eNelv Spring StylesINl'1E7\{'S HA <ISare Now 'ReadyOUR BRANDS:"The M. F. l? Co." $4.00,(DERBYS'AND FEDORAS)"The Colbert" $3.00(DERBYS AND FEDORAS)"The Colbert." Silk Hats $6.00"The Colbert" Opera Hats $6.00 (:,. $8.00The qualities are thoroughlycharacteristic of.this store.TELEPHONE "PRIVATE EXCHANGE·ONE"CHICAGO, FRIDAY;' MARCH ·18, 1904c U Waiting for you." NEW. � -�', .Our Spring Woolensselected especially forCollege Men. DETACHEDHOUSESFraternity 5tatloneryGalling GardsInvitations . ProgramsIe. I Colonial, Gothic and Modern.ArchitectureGreenwood Avenue(be [anoe ShoeFOR FASTIDIOUS FOLKSN Tailor for Young MenBetween 52nd and 53rd StreetsA. N. Jerrerus, Mgr. 129-181 Ln Sall.e St. VERYDESI.GN�D !3Y YOUNG MENFOR YOUNG MEN'S WEAR EASYTERMSIIYDB PARK AIm CHICAGO BEACH STABLBS. J'- H. KINTZJ - (paOPRlaTOa)Jackson Park Stables1173 Bast Fifty·S.venth StreetTel.,HYdeParkSS2 . CHICAQI The best arrange? hO�lses in t�e. city, Allrooms have outside hght. Thls!s the firsttime in Chicago's history that residences ofthis high order and situated in the most exclusive residence district of the South Sidehave been offered 'on such easy terms.Prices,' $7 ,�OO to $8,000LocATION:iGreenwood Avenue, :hetween 52nd and 53rdStreets, the highest: point of land on theSouth Side. Houses open for inspectionevery day, I._ ! .... _BRAN<;I� OFFICE:Northwest Corner Fi�ty��econd and Ellis Av.S. E. (7·ROSSSixth Floor, ¥asonic Temple.I149 Dearborn StreetTRIBUNE BUILDINGl''I'iORDER .TH�T�DRESS SUIT NOW10To keep your facein good con d i t ion,use Williams' ShavingStick.Idh!Og YOQ will have to ha.,. ItIf you want to eDter lD"college life, with aU ....IIOClal activities that ...connected with It. : : I •OUr dress suite aN oatlpectalty :: : they .....cause \bat QDCOIDfa ...t.lefoeU ••SECURE OUR PRICES ONat FRATERNITY STATIONERY,PROGRAMME,S, MENUS,INVITATIONS AND!.NGRAVED CARDa.BRO'CHON4.-: 34-36 WAS�INGTON ST. I McDonald & Spann]185 Dearboro Street Incorporated 1888.�stllblished 1870.OET THE BEST$2 AMES HATS $3Established 1873161'163 E. MadIson Street near La SalloIS4 Dearborn StEarly Spring Hats, Canes, Glovesand Umbrellas' Tbe Credit Guide Co... Adams Express Bldg. 4th Floor7th Floor, Fort Dearborn Bldg.134 l\IONROE STREETChicago.Cornmerclal Reports. Collections..E. C. MOOREjflot(st132 East Forty-Ninth StreetTelephone Oakland 1495::17. East Fifty-Fifth StreetTelephone Hyde Park 38 TYPEWRITERSONE-HALF PRICESend for our list of special bargains in allmakes of Standard typewriters. Full line ofsupplies, Machines for rent $2 to $3 per month�OCKWeLL.BARNES co.:116,-:1169 Wabash Ave.V.:5THE- ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE and. STORAGE COMPANY'Phone, Hyde p,ark 571 KIMBARK AVE. and flIPTY • .5IXTH ST.The Cleanest and Best Kept StorageWarehouse in the CityFurniture and Pianos Moved, Stored, Packed and Shipped' to all parts ofthe world. 300 frlvate Storage Rooms. Laree Parlor Exclusively forPianos. Rooms' for Trunks and Wheels. Large- Room for Carriaeel,. BU�iie., and Sielehs. TRUNKS TO AND FROM ALL DEPOTS.Local tr .. sAcra for Bll2iaee. Furniture, Packaees, erc., at short notice. .Pr Special Attention Given to Uninrsity Order ••Telephene Hyde Park 18A., McAdamsTHE UNIVERSITY FLORISTGREENHOUSES: CHICAGOCor. S3d It. aDd Kimbar1c ave. FLOWERS A'l' LOWEST rflICESPOl' nil ocensions atLUBLINER & TRINZ44 E. RANDOLPH STREET.Tel. :,\Inill 13!17.(Formerly The Consumers' FlowerStOI'C.) .BENHAM BROS.NEWCOL:LARI '-iFASHIONABLETAILORS Cr-averrette CoatsTopcoats andRaincoatscombined225 Dearborn Street Suite 201-202Telephone 4.)23 Harrison130 different styles andpatterns at an averagesaving of one-third lessthan elsewhere. Whipcords, tweeds, cheviots,covert cloths, homespunsand plain black thibets,chemically treated, making them rainproof.DANCE PR06RAMSSuite 73 to 76, Dexter Bldg, fraternity Stationery, Invitations. etc.lowest Prices DUNWEU &: fORD, fine Statloner�171 WABASH AVE."INDIVIDUALITY"IN CLOTHES LOSER & uANSON .. •-TAl LORS. Discard your heavy winter coat andwear one of these dressy cravenetteswhen you go home for your vacation.Not the ordinary kindbut clothes with the attributes which makethem different. : : : 33� per cent saving6' different styles 8.75GEO. H. FIEDLER&.CO.THE HANDSOMES'l'. ESTABLISHMEN'l' IN CHICAGOI 175 DEARBORN ST •CHICAGO. 8 " ". 9·7510 " " 12.5018 " " 16.50Better grades inlarge assortmentsA T ypir,al �ollege ManMUSSBV'S'BlIllard Halls and' Bowling AUeysThe Largest and Finest Amusement• Resort in the World100 to 108 Madison StreetBranch: 616 Davis St., Evanston is at once recognized by the distinctand faultless cut of his clothesI We are Tailors forCollege Men •••••CHlCAOO. PRIDAV, MARCH.lS, 1904 __ �,.Ma�.�".�. .�CW�MTWW __'�•. �.. �� .. ��---- ...... --.������':�::���::::�������----��-------r--�--����--"---------------NOTICES. Establlshed 1878. Incorporated 1002. L.· lW A N A S. S E. ,OPTICIAN88 Madllon St."Trlbune Bulldlr.rSpectaclel and Byecl .. loi Sclentitlcally AdjuatetEyel TOlted Free,Everythinr OptltalMathematical.Metereoloricai,aDcSfor the Lanternllt ...1[04akl, Camerala.4 SuPpU ...PONTIAO DElI'EATl�D 44 TO 4CONTINUED PROM PAGn 1. COLUMN 3.collegiate schedule if; played, Director Stagg announces that theplain Ie' may be won by the basketball men according to their meritas in the other sports. The workof the team this season has been sosatisfactory that a trip will be taken,next season.The basketball second team wona good game from the ChicagoLatin school team last evening bya score of 16 to 9. The game wasplayed as a curtain raiser to the biggame. For the second' team Jamesplayed a good game and scored several baskets. For the Latin SCh901Mercer played well as guard andalso made some excellent long• passes.C�ALIFORNIAIf you are going. by all meansmake the trip over the SantaFe trail - most delightful ofall transconttneutat routes.On the Santa Fe. going to California, are peavs miles high,and canyons n mile deep,'rainbow-colored petrified forests, ages old; nomadic Novajos and home-loving PuebloIndians; painted deserts andoases of tropical verdure, seenon uo other line.Onr illustrated boo k let,mailed free, will help you torightly plan a California tour.AddressSANTA FEJ.M.Connell. General Agent,109 Adams St. Chtca80m-w-f-2- -3-15.PRESCRIPTIONSRELIABLE PHARMACYROSALIE PHARMA()YJ. J. GIL L I (ihemlst and PhannadstPIIone Hydo Park 175 274 E. 57th St., noar WHh. Avo.OBAS. A. LAWRENOR,Mann�er and Director.L AWRENGE', ORGHESTRASelect �ustc fOt all. Select � c cas ton smOUt J)attOna{Htespectfull\? soltctt(�Residencei745 Rosalie CourtTel. Hyde Park 1467. CHICAUOQ�Ic:k Service Geo. O. Marlatt, liar.ANHEUSER & NEILResf .. aranf391 BAST SIXTY -THIRD ST. cmcA.GOMarquetteBoildingMenlsWearDearborn StreetI,j.I PRESIDENTSuspenderswork In perfect harmon), withthe wearer'l evet')'" movement.Comfort. Style and ServiceABSOLUTELYGUARANTEEDTrimmings cannot rult.Prloe 800 and ,1.00, any_tore or mall. prepaid.THB C. A. EDGARTON MFG. 00 .., .os: 298 I!Jhlrle7, II .... Friday, March IS_;,w. S.' C. L., Haskell Museum,.10:30 p. m. 'Der Deutsche Klub kommt urn W(' make a specialty of high grade Dress4'Uhr in derLexingtonHalle zusam-:men. Mathematical Club, Ryerson,35 4:00 p.' m. .Address by- Rev. Charles A. Cook..Superintendent of. the, GeneralCommittee oil Cbr'istian 'Stewardship, HaskellAssembly Room, 2:30'p. m. SIDNEY WANZER & SONSHistorical Club, 555 I Lexington '305 Thirtieth st.Ave. 8:00 p. m.,Sunday March 20-,-University Religious Services,.11=00 a'.' m. in Mandell Hall, Rev.Professor Emil G. Hirsch, LL. D.,University Preacher, ,..' It You Want MoneyThe WomansUnion \\'ed�lesdny,'March 16, ata p. 111. There willbe a general business meCi'ting to:consider plans for future .nctivities. IMonday March 21 "J904._:_,.,The.. Physics Club will: meet in,No. 32 Ryerson, at 4:45 "P ..... .m..Papers: The Relation of th�·,Elec-!tric Charges Carried ��y ()�th,6�le' ..and by· . Canal ��ys;� ,Thef])is-' 1 :�.��������������������������charge of Electricity b)f Mr. Flelll- ,S��N:DARD WASHED COAL FOR DOMESTIq USEing. Ultra violet Light, Mr Milli-: 'Standard Egg -kern, Wa.s��� Range call A. LIPMAN ion 99 Bait MadilOIL It.� Watches, Jewelry, aDd Aatlques, for lale; Old Gold aad Silver Boua1llMa�uscripts, letters, etc., typewrittenat 5552 Lexmgton Avenue.'MIS. GOODFltLLOW. Steel Vaults •M. O. 0 'DON1fBLLSecretary.. S,tandard ·Washed Coal CompanyStudehtA and faculty:ptemberl are requestt!dto send all notices to The Daily Maroon forpublicatiOl� free of charge. Noticee must beleft at The Maroon office or Faculty Exchangebefore I I �. M. A. A.' D E V 0 R E &- SONTAILORSPullman BulldingSuits for 'young men.W H' Y .' usc poor. unwholesome milk. wheafor the same money you ran ret it'Pure. Sweet. and Bxtraordl·.arlly Rich, delivered in sealed bottles. by callinl u,Telephone South 817. or dropplng a postal toO'MEARA BROTHERS' HOME BAKERY( 16i6 HydePark.)All Ooods Strictly Nome-MadeOnt." taken for Icc Cream and Ices. Goods delivered• 378 But Fifty - bst reet. BORDEN'SCONDENSED MILK, FLUID MILK,CREAM AND BUTTERMILKALL BOTTLED IN THE COUNTRYBORDEN'S CONDENSED MILK CO.827-633 E. 'ORTY-.EVENTH ST. 'E. BU�NHAMHAIR GOODS'Electrolysl.5Fnciar Massage. Manicuring. Ladies' HairDressing a nd Manicuring. Ladies' Turkish andRussinu Bat hs. 70 and 72 State st., Chicago.ALBBRT TBBOTreasurer!• ,l 303 Dearborn Street15.00 per ton15.00 per ton Wasbed Chestnut - $4,50 per:toDWashed Pea • $4.25 per tOD.1' { ; 6.00d -, fhings to. Eat: '.": "t �ro� ,Llbby'8 f�mouH hyglenio kitchens."ber puritf prevailil. All meate used ir.. : !, LIBBY'SNcl'tural FlavorA rare opportunitY-�. '$:�O:OO )m-", , ·Food'· Prod uctspo.rted Utterlll.8:Dr, Ope�a I.Ia_� for, '$0.00 .. 'are' U.:s: Gc;v'���m·e�t·I�speci�d� 'The'�b�le�ome-". � ,:nelld lind 800dnesII (If everr artiole is r.reserved inAR'rHUR FEI LOHENll'EI,.D.. itll prellaratlon for your oonvenienoe. n t�e bandy, , , , !": Jaxr-Of<enlng cans. A lIupply,onJf.:ur pnntrr shelves81 E. Van, Buren St., Fisher Bldg." ,- �o,t��e��'�:��s��:n'����h:t'llt�J�d ���k���lI':,t�a��, "l\Inke' Good Things to Eat." flUS all about them":'", He"t free.' Lihby'8 Atlus of t.he World. mailedA premium o.f five cents will be offered;' �-forl()otents postage ... , --.-... , • IICCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE.fur ilie ��wfug �m� �.ilie Da�i l:f�t�j;);�;:�r�;;��,���;E;�;��:;&�L;IB;B;Y�;�C;H;I;C;�;G;O;·�U�����������������Maroon if delivered at the office,· 58th i ::: ... ', � , i ").> "Street and Ellis Avenue.: ",,': "Nearest Druu Store to theJ'anuary 8. 21; February 4, 1004. 6Student8 are urg.ntl1/ f'eq't sted'to- settle up tlleir ll'llbscrlpt. on account the ena (Jrtlds q'tat·ter: iALBION CAFE, , ,398-400 G31l, St.Good Meals, Quick Service.AIB� ']!'ul'nished R06nis'" to Rent .: 'Wm.� H�' Sage, & 'C6- ..... reliable"fJrti�gititscorner :W Mdlo. WD' JA;:ve.n.ue 'lB.t\d ,k'iltY�:n.���' :street. J ���l,�g_��t !� ll.rp�, P�I�1t.r !.�f'!. l��;·t· "Carl Koch's New Discovery tor .the cure (of Consumption, I Coughs.' OordS: 'and all'diseases o.f the 'l�hroat, Chest and Lunga..Guarant��) ., �o ,:���.� ,)IF ,m.oil�.y' .refunded.Price, 50 cents, Trfa'l s17:e"10·;'ceiiiS.;·,'-1 i L' :!l > I .t;' ..... : ::':'1 � . .� �', : ,J.l. :·:I .. v :' �. t •, .:: �� �.,I '. ", .... •. I...., I' � lo •.• _. • " .' tIf you want a positton to. teach. callon or write" to' JaiI18:J F� ·� Fine Arts Building. Chicago. . !J, ".SeniorJunior,.Sophomore or Freshman-first day atsohoo lor lust, you are .I ust us liable toacctuontand �:.l Just us great need ofPond'S Ext.ract -the 'old family docior-torelieve yon. There are many lIls tbat.yle\ll IlIte'maglo to its beullng Inthi-":ence. For over 60 yeara I t hILS been tbeIeudtng' remedy Iu t.he old family medtolne ohest-"tlrst atd" In all ernergenctes, At college 01' school, as well asIn the qOmea'lt I� �ounted a necessity.Soothes an tl'esnens the face arter :shuvtng. If. YOU:' have .never 'usedPond's Extract you 'may not refuseWatered Wttch Hazel when I tlsolfered'����� you as u substitute; ItI yon have uRed Pond's.Extract you ,will refuseto tal{e all1/substltuteyou wlllluslsl.on Pond'sExtruct. Ii'or burns.ou ta. bl·ulses. to stop,bleeding- and drive away��rfti�LI palnR nnd acbes, It 18 a."':=C':""'�'bII sool.blng-. beulln� remedy, easy or appllcationnnd 0. positive cure.80'd o'nl" in 8t!a'l'd bot-til'S IllItil'r IJllJI'lCrapp�. �.t ; ... :.' ,.KRIZAN & SCHWEITZERUniversityIMPORTANT NOTICE TO SENIORSAll Seniors are requE!6t�d to call at!Martyn's Maroon Studio, 5705 CottageGrove Avef., and have their picfures'taken free for publication in the '04Cap and Gown. Telephone l;Iyde Park 1854CO�NER FIFT,V-SEVENTH STREET AND KIMBA�K AVENUE ",".. -.':BU1-glar Proof.Fift!.Fifth 5t. and Washington Ave,BC'xes $1.00 per Year.Electric Lined.,The U ni versi ty Pharmacy carried acomplete line of cold weather remedies.5�O �ifty-6�th 8,treet.. ,,' HYD£ PARK CENTR.AL5AF£ TY DEPOSITVAULTSFire Proof. A bso 111 Ie Security.W. K. YOUNG � BRO.Have your Spring and Summer garments put in good condition now andbe I'eady for Easter with a nice appearance.FAMOUS TAILORING CO".346 E. 55th Street.'Phone 'HyfJe Park 5700�A. 7. CORNELL Caps and GownsFor ...CommencementMerchant.Tailor R E N TED ANDMADE TO ORDER�JJ Clu'cap Stock Exc"a"r' Bu,'/d,'''rWtlllu'"pon and LaSa//, St6. The W. C. KERN CO.411 E. 51th St.