net!!!.LBIlesAGI�.1111'-CAGO)SHairandago.ndST.rt.otIy foriares•,)•lit.:=r-c31110oooooo•O·oto .�-11The D·aiJiY·-MaroonPublished Afternoons by the Students of the University of Chicago During the Four Quarters of the University YearVOL. II. No. t)H. PRICE Two CENTSCHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, H)Q4SEVER ALL RELATIONS ADVISES AGAINST MINISTRY NOTICES FOR TRACK MEN THEY SAY "ITS GREAT"Chicago College of Dental SurgeryDoel Not Like ArrangementsWith Universitv of IllinoisStudents at California will Labor on Campus Disguised as. Real Wo�kers-OldTradition RevivedHereafter the 'University of Illi-. nols and the Chicago College ofDental Surgery will no longer beconneCted. The contract whichmade the two institutions one lastOctober has been annulled and thedental college will now be a separate·institution. The reason forthis change, which will be an important one in college circles, hasjust been made public. When theUniversity of Illinois went into thecontract with the Chicago College,it was provided that the formershould pay the latter's floatingdebts. amounting, H was thenstated '10 $25,000. Later theauthorities at Champaign foundthat the debts were much in excessof this, it being freely alleged thatthe dental college was nearly $50,-000 in debt. The dental collegedemanded that the University ofIllinois pay the whole amount,which was flatly refused, and as aresult each institution now willcarryon its own' work.. The University 'of Californiawhich has bee;l discussing the question of reviving an old traditionand holding a students, "Labor.Day" has made definite arrangements for carrying this out. Theidea is creating a great deal. of enthusiasm 'among the undergraduatesas well as the faculty. It will beabout as much a gala day as a dayof work, since the laborers are tobe relieved at frequent intervals inorder for them t.o eat cake anddoughnuts and drink lemonade andchocolate. The workers are to bedivided into regular 111 i l i tar ysquads, under command of superiorofficers, and each squad is to bearmed with a sufficient number ofshovels and wheelbarrows. Themembers of the evening school havedeclared themselves able to outworkany other class, so there will be acompetitive drill, in which eachclass tries to shovel the mos t dirtand make away with the most re-'freshments. All the laborers areto be disguised as Negroes, Chinese,and Italians and it is expected thatthe combined forces will numbertwo thousand.NEW PIPE ORGAN FOR MANDELGreat instrument costing $10,000 now being installedThe new pipe organ for MandelHall is being rapidly installed andwill be ready for use in three weeks.Leon Mandel who donated themoney' for the theater is also thedonor of the new organ. The organ which will be modern in everyway' and comparable to the bestorgans in the country is to cost$10,000. It will be used for allreligious gatherings in the University. Dr. Edward Judson Tells Seniors he Believes in "Fewer Ministers and BetterOnes."Dr. Edward Judson in speakingbefore the Lower Seniors in Cobbthis morning, advised his hearersnot to enter the ministry, which hesaid was already crowded with menwho were trying- to get on ip theworlc1 by means of this professi on."Fewer ministers and better ones,is my motto," said Dr. Judson. "Iam not an advocate of entering theChristian ministry. I suppose everyman is expected to paint his profession in gaudy hues and make it attractive to undecided persons, but Ihave always dissuaded youths frombecoming ministers. I considerthat one of the best things I havedone. Everyone should be a minister in his own way, without making � profession out of 'it. Do notenter the ministry if you can possibly get along without it."ALPHA DELT WINS AGAINLeads league by almost fifty points-DeltaU wins from Sigma ChiLEAGUE STANDINGNAMES WON 1.0S1' PCT.Alpha Delta Phi 27 ti 88Delta Kappa Epai lon �5 8 75'lPsi U. 18 9 ooePhiDelt 20 10 1;66Delta U. 19 11 GillChi Psi 15 9 fi:.!!lPhi K�pa Psi 16 11 59 �Delta au Delta 12 15 441Sivma Chi II! \II. 4 4111Phi Gamma Delta 7· 14 ·11=1:1S. A. E. 5 28 178Alpha Delt took a firmer hold onfirst place yesterday by takingthree from Sigma Chi. The leadersnow have but three more games toplay and if they roll in their presentform should win all of them. DeltaU moved into fifth position by winning three from Phi Gamma Delta.The games to be played the remainder of the week are: . SigmaChi vs Phi' Kappa Psi, Wednesday; Chi Psi vs Sigma' Chi,Thursday; Phi Gamma Delta ys PsiUpsilon, Friday.Phi G. D. 1st 2d 8dBaird .163 la-l 127Ford 119 149 14GBeebe 110 110 12�Schofield llG 128 JIGWright. 11G 144 132 D. Upsilon :st 2d SdDermedy 1 7 1�3 HI!Hitchcock laa la7 12!Hughes 120 1118 liOBeach 114 202 117Parry 1Il9 1fi7 41iTotal 6�8 887 (;74Sigma Chi ist 2c1 8c1Coleman 204 57 Ill8Yape 188 9817A. Lodge 139 145 Iliaw. Lodge 107 124 12"Gale 128 1:':li 1111Total ........ 6·4 685 U44Alpha D.P. 1st 2d sdDarst 157 17211ilButterfield 139 150149Schaffer 170 Hili 149Backhouse 159 143 lSIJohnson 159 1U8 17�Total ........ 711 650 6S8Total 78� 819 732LEE STILLMAN A CHICAGO STUDENTMorgan Park crack pitcher matriculates injunior college and joins squadLee Stillman, formerly pitcher atMorgan Park, has matriculated inthe junior college. He joined thebaseball squad yesterday. As hehas done little work in an athleticway since last spring he will haveto begin slowly and will not beable to do any fast work until faralong towards the end of thequarter.Six weeks have now passed sincethe beginning of practice and as aresult many of the candidates arerounding into form for the season .The fielding work of the sq uad ison the average much better thanthat of last winter. There is betterlight to see the ball and the floor isone hundred per cent better thanthe one in the old gym. Tommy Taylor and Fred Hall out ofWisconsin Meet-Many Men on the List-of IneligiblesThe official yellow envelopesadded another coat of gloom to thealready black one that has beenslowly enveloping the track teamsince the victory over Illinois.'I>ly�('rJeceive(i a notice, as did al=oFreel Hall. These men will not beable to compete for three weeks,and the varsity will be withouttheir valuable services in the Wisconsin meet next Saturday. As aresult of the edicts, a change in themake up of I he team is necessitated.-Calrill will probably run the quarterill addition to the 880 and the relay.Rice may also run the quarter inaddition to the dashes.The condition of affairs is verydiscouraging. '1 he team scarcely. gets under way before it is badlydisorganized by the three weeknotices. At present the men who.are unable to compete owing to college condition would make a formidable track team. in themselves.It is with no boasting that thefollowers of track athletics in theuniversity declare, that if all themen t.hat are at present in trainingcould compete, Chicago wouldhave the strongest track team inher history. There are men work-·ing- out !,��b nay in the g-Ylll"whoare capable of. efforts superior tomany of the star university athletesill the \Ves't or East. .Captain Blair is not sanguineconcerning the hopes of the varsitynext Saturday. He believes thatChicago has a chance but not aneven one. The varsity is weak inthe distance events and with theloss of Taylor and the additionaleffort for Cahill the quarter looksdoubtful. It is a recognized factthat Wisconsin is strong and hasalways put up a hard struggle withChicago for track honors. If theVarsity in its weakened conditionis able to wi 11 Saturday's meet oreven make it decidedly interesting,it will augur well for the outcomeof the meets in the Spring quarter.At that time many of the ineligibleswill he ready to compete.NEW BOOKS ISSUED BY THE PRESSLectures on Commerce title of tlmelyvolume which appears to-dayThe University Press will put onsale to-day a book entitled Lectures011 Commerce, It comprises a series. of lectures by men who have become eminent ill special lines ofcommercial activity and who cantherefore speak with authority.This method of building up a textbook is in accordance with theideas of the College of Commerceand Administration at the University of the Wharton School of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania, and of the' Departments ofFinance at Dartmouth College andat the Universities of Michigan andWisconsin. The subject matter ofthe volume is presented in a mostattractive manner. The price is$(.50. Managers of Musical Clubs PromiseFirst-Class Show for NextFriday NightMonologues, Coon Songs, Stunts, DialectStories, Knocks and Smears of LocalColor Will AboundThe glee club managers promisethat those who' attend the Glee andMandolin Club concert next Fridaynight in Mandel will enjoy one ofthe finest entertainments ever givenon the campus.Sprinkled around between theregular club numbers, which, bythe way, are all different fromthose given iu the December concert, will be a collection of monologues, coon-songs, sketches, andcomic stunts that will rival theChicago Opera House. Barbarouscontortions of the English language, in coon, German, Irish, andSwedish modes, will be plentiful.The Mandolin Club will sing andplay. As for "local col 01: , " therewill be a whole paintshop 6f "ii�n�¥.�� ..merry knocks will land·.ina�:x':h·f), '." �,�; • ,pates. In short, "ITS GRE�}� r: �j'Tickets are now 011 sale i�' Cdbb�·.Hall, from 10:80 to 12:80 and fr.$r' ... ·2:00 to 5:00. Prices are, 25.t.·ceil,t·�·and 50 cents, and boxes �ea:ti,b·�l�/,·$2.50 and $8.00. A completelpro-'gram will appear in T¥;E .. �PAILYMAkOON tomorrow. . 'POLITICAL DELEGATES ARE NEEDEDLawrence Y. Sherman forces will be organized for mock conventionPreparations for the mock Republican .convention next week.arerapidly progressing. Arrangementshave been made by which the delegates will be supplied with badgesrepresenting their candidates. Theadmission to the convention will beby tickets. There is still room forfifty names upon the list of delegates. Two hundred and fiftydelegates are wanted to be at theconvention and less than two hundred names are now on the lists.All who wish t.o be enrolled as delegates are req nested to leave theirnames at the information office.The Lawrence Y. Sherman forceswill hold a rally to-morrow morning at 10:HO in Cobb Lecture Hall.The Lowden supporters will have ameeting early next week. Ralliesfor the other candidates will alsoprobably be held.The apportionment of votes tothe different districts has beenmade, and noted on the official listof delegates at the Informationoffice. The vote of each district willbe divided among the delegatesfrom that district, and 110t cast asa unit. Electioneering in the interests of candidates has been progressing with much more intensity thanappears on the surface. H. D.Warner, Lowden's manager, nowclaims 770, a majority of theconvention. Yates's astute lieutenant, L. P. Lewis, says the Governor will surprise his opponents.Thursday, at 10:30 the Warnerboom will hold a meeting .at a placeCoutinued on page 4, column 1Majors .. and Minors, L.1 \ �.catcxoo. WED�ESDAY,,�FEBRUAR,Y 17, 1904. .W e A('e &tuckttbe IDail\2 maroonFormerly the University of Chicago Weekly.JrOUNDmDThe University_ of Chicago Weekly, Oct. 1, 1892Tam DAILY MAROON, • • • • Oct. I, 1902NEWS CONTRIBUTIONS REQUESTED.Published by the students of' the University ,of Chicago every afternoon, except Saturdar'and .Sunday, during the 46 weeks of the Uni-versrty year. .First board of editors and business managerauthorized by student-body in mass meetingMay IS, 1902.Membership on subsequent boards of editorsto be determined by competition open to allstudents in the University.BOARD· OF EDITORSManaging Editor •...... Oliver B. Wyman, '04News .Edi�or Harry W. Ford, :04Athletic Editor Walter L. Gregory, osASSOCIATE EDITORSThaddeus s. Merrill, Law 'osErnest 1. 'Stevenst :04Ralph P. Mulvane, 'OSEdward M. Kerwin, '06LeRoy A. VanPatten, '06Edward R. Gannon, '04Riley H. Allen, '04WOMEN EDITORSMiss Lena HarrisSTAFF OF REPORTERSJohn S. Wright, 'OS Arthur Bridgman, 07James V. Hickey, '06 Claude Schofield, '07C. McKenna, Rush 'cs Bernard 1. Bell, '07Chas A. Bruce, '06 .Miss Helen Smith, '06Miss Marie Ortmayer, '06BUSINESS STAFFBusiness Manager ...........• Julien L. Urod�Entered as second-class mail at Clucago Post·office.Daily Subscription, $3 per year; $1 for 3 mos.By Mail in City $4 per year; $1.25 fur 3 mos.Subscriptions received at THE MAROONOffice, Ellis Hall, or left in TUE MAROONBox, the Faculty Exchange, Cobb Hall.Printed by the Q1..Uldrangle Press, 404 E. 55th St.Ii1 pJ pJ E D ITO R. I A L S Ii1 Ii1 Ii1A n.ew feature of University activity is the club which has justbeen formed by the PhilanthropicCommittee of the Wo-A Club to do man's Union. TheSettlement,Work members of the clubpledge themselves togive as much help aspossible to the furtherance of theUniversity Settlement work. As Iit is difficult to find students whocan go every .week to teach classesand perform other service at theSettlement, it has been thought.that the members of the club couldassist each other by acting as sub- .stitutes.The committee urges students tojoin this club. The Settlement isone of the most interesting depart-. meuts of University activity. Anystudent can do a great deal of goodby assisting in the work, and at thesame time receive much benefitfrom the contact with people whoseinterests and environment are different. By means of the new club, it\ .will be possible for those who .canspare' but a half clay or evening oncein a week, a fortnight or a month,to yet share with the Settlementfriends the advantages received onthe campus.GAR.GOYLETTESSHARP CONVERSATION.The Division Meeting: "Why sodown hearted, brother?"The Nine-thirty: "I'm sad becausean 011 professor who has asso··ciated with me for six weeksjust cut me in Cobb."* * *tII :IIIiIiI This is 110t the Gargoylette's Sunday. It is our weak-day. I·Be';�re �f Janu�ry, Thaw IThe members of Foster Hall gave �a dancing party Saturday evening I.-i:.------------in the hall. Music was supplied byGoldsmith.Mr. Arthur E. Bestor, head ofSnell, has. been out of the city for'the past week. He will return ina few days.Division II, Lower Juniors, helda division meeting in Kent thismorning and elected Miss ElizabethCasey councilor, and C. Arth ttrBrUC'e, alternate.A bulletin board of Hyde Park·churches has � been put 4P recentlyin the Information Office. Theboard is a handsome one in blackand gold, and will be a convenienceto the students of. the University.The match between the Psi Upsilon second bowling team and theDelta Upsilon second team whichwas to have taken place Mondayafternoon was forfeited by the PsiU's through non-appearance. Anattempt is being made to arrange aschedule between the second teamsof the different fraternities.The DAILY MAROON is in receiptof a communication from CharlesSumner Pike, president of the Chicago Alumni Club announcing thatmeetings of that body will be heldregularly on the evening of the sec- ':,ond Saturday of each month. Thenext meeting will be held in theReynolds Club March twelfth, and,a large attendance is urgedr The Land of He'art's Desire,which was presented by the Dramatic. Club as their ��g:l1la� play lastquarter, .and . agaiif . before :Mi-.Yeats the author, is to be reproduced at Hull House Saturdayevening. The success of the pre-ivious productions led to the invitation to produce it at the settlement.'The same cast, including Miss Sutton, Miss_ Redlich, Miss Hnch,Mr. Bruce, Mr. Sulcer and Mi-.Hart, will give the play.PRA�TICE FO_� �ASKET�BAL� MEN Too many Silk Otterman Opera.Hats=-Reg nlar value ten dollars.'Until March rst we will sellthem for FIVE DOLI4ARS : : : :A. FEILCHENFELD, 81-83 E. Van Buren St.Fisch er BuildingHydroxCoach Childs wants more material OOOOO�O�O�tQttQttoooOOOOOOOOOO,O':_Practice days changed .Mr. Ayo ,h,'"The candidates for the Varsity 0 . tOtbasket ball were put through 'at:O 'Men's Fine' Custom-Made Boots-I'-nOlively thirty minute practice. by; 0 'iI� 0Coach Childs last evening, The". (> j .�' 0men are in pretty good shape and , 0 [N S 110 C K. 1.10expect to soon round into forth. (. 0 I. 0Beginning this week the practice ,0 .,.0days will be Tuesday, Thursday.' 0 i)' to. and Saturday, instead of. the three' 0 The high degree of perfection in these shoes has ;, 0consecutive days from Tuesday to 0 given them an extensive acquaintance among ,J. 0Friday. By: leaving .. one day be�'i'j.o- men accustomed to having their shoes made to '. ,;0tween practices, Childs hopes to 0 measure. They are the finest products of skilled .,:0keep the men from getting stale-: ; 0 shoemakers-in fact each shoe is a custom shoe. '. , .. 0from overwork, and thus have thein 0 Each shoe is the concerted work of one man, .: I.:in the best condition for the games. I' tOt who fashions, shapes, sews and finishes the shoes ,t'0Coach Childs is �rgent}n his re- .. 0 by hand. 0quest that all �he. men 111 college. ,0 In our new spring lines which are now being .j0who have ever p�ay�d the �ame re-. .0- received, we can fit almost all men as satisfactor- .0port at the practices of the sq.uad .. � .0 ily as in specially made shoes, and at a saving of �.'\QtThere is a chance for all new can-r .0 about $4.00 on every pair. 0.didates to make the first team which.» I 0 lOhas only been picked temporarily. i .. 0 G 4- L FAN D F R ENC'H '11,0Last evening the Reds had some-s 10 ,'.,0what the pett�r of .the.Viay, but al- 0 Boots of French patent calf in lace :1\0'though they kept the .Blacks from 0 and button, pair, $I2 and $/4· lIt.Oscoring except .for two' fouls, they O. II�.O�hemselves were forced to work to O' h 11 F· ld & Co "'!their utmost to secur.e the dozen, 0 Mars a Ie ..... " ·'I'�IQIpoints that were credited t� them .. f, 0 j:,::.o-· .. 0. . tGtOOO�, lYe, want your D,ame. on tb� ,8ub.�rjp-, 0 AAAA<I!OO�.000090000. ...tion Iist of The Dally Maroon. I O,OO''':'P"'�y� . KIMBALL BALL243 Wabash 1\oc{S�,dto51Original Ideas andExclusive Styles inPhotographsA Double Distilled Aerated Drinking Water putup t"n sterz'lized sealed glassbottles. Avoid danger of.impure water and drinkHydrox.For sale by your druggist SpeciaRatestoU. of C.StudentsTV'PEWRITERSONE-HALF �RICESend for our. list. of special. bar.:galns. in allmakes of Standard typewriters:' Full line ofsupplies, . Machines for rent $2 to $3 permontb.�oCKweLL-BARNES. co. .•:l61-:a69 Wabash Ave.THE CONSUMERS COMPANYButler St., 35th to 36th Sts.Phone Yards 1220CALIFORNI�'GARRICK ���KpOP. PRIOE MA:r. TO-DAY·PAULA EDWARDS.IN "WINSOME WINN·IE."Special Popular Price Matinee Sunday.BEGINNING :&lONDAY-biAT. FEB. 22.FR.ANCIS WILSON -IN- •AND STAW PLAYERS "ERnINIB"SEATS NOW ON SALE [f VOII,orc goillg'. I)\' all means rJ. m a k e t h e trip over the SantoFe trail - most delightful of qall trnuscon tineutnl routes.On the Santa Fe, going to (alif'ornia, are pen s miles high,and CAnyons n mile deep,rainbow-colored petrified for,ests, ages old; nomadic NO\'n-jos and houre-Iovlug PuebloIndians; 'pointed deserts and,OAses of tropical verdure, seen011 no other line.0111' i l lust rnt ed h 0 0 k let,mailed free, will help vou torightly plau n Cnlifol'llin tour.AddressSANTAJ.M.Connell. General Agent.109 Adams St. ChJcag�"llI-w-f-!,!- -;.-151PHONIi-- Un'ILIi-llydt: Park 17SBDR. RALPH W. PARKERDR. FRKD ·W. PARKERDENTISTS,O'MEARA BROTHERS' HOME BAKERY(Phone 1646 HydePark.)All Ooods Strictly Home,,:,MadeOrden taken for Ice Cream and Ices. Goods delivered. . �78· East Fifty - :bat· ... ect. Hours I 8 :,,010 1:1.11'00 10 5. 6:119 Kimbark Avenue. ,I'w. b:.Cor. Si:rty·tMra St.w. T. DBLIHANTPresideut IM. C. O'DONlfELL:Secretary ALBERT· TEBO I.;Treasurer IStandard Washed Coal Company·.,303 Dearborn Street, ••I,��A�DARD WA�HE� iCOAL FOR .DOMESTIC USE.Standard Egg - - $5.00 per ton Wasbed Chestnut - $450 pertonWashed Range $5.00 per ton Washed Pea � $4.25 per tonuckOpera)Uars.I sell: : ::1 Buren St,[,L.. e.""ct·�" LOS,ndlin1S'alns, in allull line ofpe��onth,[ .A:'IS rJ. n�� qI-I,),r-1-o<I.IIoI',--.EJen',.):ago-:'-151� Avenuey,tllird St.�Bot;11 IMUSSBV'SB�lIIard Halls' and Bowling Alleys. Th� Largest and Finest AmusementResort in the World...... 00 to .l08 �adl90n St.-eet'.;.,' Branch:,· 616 Davis St., :gvauston NOTICES.CHICAGO, WEDNESDAV, �E�RUARY,17, 1904.. Waiti�g for you..".oe- Spring Woolens'selected especially forCollege Men.,Tailor for Young MenA. N. jerrems, Mgr. 129-181 I,n Salle Sl.. 'WHY use poor, unwholesomemilkjwheafor the same money you ran eet iIPure, Sweet, and Extraordinarily Rich, delivered in sealed bottles, by callinr upTelephone South 817, or dropplug a postal to.,·SIDNEY WANZER &' SQNS', . .305 Thirtieth st.To' .keep your facein good con d i ti 0 11 ,use Wifliatas' ShavingStick., SECURE OUR PRICES ON-:�_.;-.: �,,�, 'RATERNITY, STATIONERY,� � P,.ROGRAMMES, MENUS,1,.1')1 V I TAT ION a ANDa III G R AVE D _C A R D a.ftt� :>u_BROCHON". -34-36 WASIjUNGTQNr ST.I'I .. '. E. C·� 'MOOREjf10 th:;'t132 East Forty-Ninth StreetTelephone Oakland 1495271 East Fifty-Fifth StreetTelephone Hyde Park 38TclcphGue Hyde Park 18,.A. McAdams, j NEWCOLLARSuite 73 to 76, Dexter Bldg."INDI VI DUALITY"IN·CLOTHESNot the ordinary kindbut clothes with the attributes which makethem different.GEO. H. FIEDLER&CO.THE HANDSOMES1'ESTABI.ISHMEN'l' IN CHICAGO , Students and facult)1l. members are requestedIto send alk.notices to The ·Daily Maroon forpublication free of charge. N.otices -must beleft at The Maroon office or Fac�lty ,exchangebefore II A. M.Wednesday, Feb. ]7-Political .Science 'Club, . GreenHall, 7 :45 p. 111.Thursday, Feb. 18-Le Cerc1e de Conversation Franc-aise du department., des langues'. -Romanes se reunit a 4 heures dansSpelman House (Lexington Hall,Salle 8.)"The Administration of a College," IV. "The Curriculum;' byPresident William Rainey Harper,Haskell Assembly Room, 5:DO p.m.Y. M. C. A. meeting for men inHaskell at 7:30p. m .Friday, Feb. 1�-W. S. C. L., Haskell Museum,10:30 p. 111., Der Deutsche Klub kommt um4 Uhr in derLexington Halle zusammeu .Mathematical Club" Ryersonj g ,4:00 p. 111.Historical Club, Graduate HallParlor 8:00 p. 111.Glee Club Concert, Mandel Hall,8:00 p. m.; 2SC; and, Soc.Saturday, Feb. 20--Dual Meet, Chicago vs. Wisconsion, ·'Bartlett -Gyrrmasium, 7:45p. 111.Sunday, .Feb, 21-University Religious Services,11:00 a. 111. in Mandel Hall-President Faunce of Brown University,University Preacher.Notice to' Students.Special Notice to. Fraternities and Clubs-Get your pictures,. group .. and Individual, for the '04 Cap and .Gown.. at Martyn's Maroon Studio._. Best -terms, ,\Ve. fulfill a.I we promise.. �tudjo, 5705, (Jottage·:,G,rov&. ;..A ve.If you want a position to. teach, callon or write to JamerJ F. McOullough,639 .Fine-Arts ·BuUdiDa;.'Ol\1ca,o.NOrICJI: TO ,S�.UDICNTS:'., Edyate"tutoring in preparatory .;i ·JDa.the�at1c ... , :iandphysics. Tel'ms ,-:rea8QTlabl�.: .�� o.f 0;references , ,can - �' ,.,iven/d!!&.isteredtutor at the U;, ;and;:.teachet . oft, mathe;matics at Ascham. Halh J'.Apply .to A.. Li1\uoton,.14746� l\IadisQJ)I.A..n.How , about.' that dress .sult or,. !» .were going to buy? Do not. delay'any longer. .. The social season at �1 University bas now begun,' and you cannot do without .one,We .. .have . an t."assof.tment. � that will· _please you in fit, quality, tJtyle and priCe.GIBBONS NEWr OIiOTBES SHOP,'t r 49 J�ks()D: . ..Boulevarc! •. _ment, an .... now exhibit, 8: ,fnller -Ilne ofwoolens, .' We I' also ,press; n .clean,. ,repair· and dye ladies' and, gents": garments.FAMOUS ,TAILORING' I QOl\lPANY.346 E. 55th street. Phone H. P. 5700.A rare opportunity-A. $10.00 Imported Otterman Opera Hat for $5.00.ARTHUR FEILOHENFELD,;" 81 E. Van" Buren St.,';lFiaher Blc)c. OET THE BESTAMES·tHATS.l$3. EASYColonial, Gothic and ModernArchitectureGreenwood A'venu'e,.VERYBetween 52nd and 53rcl StreetsThe best arranged houses in the city.· ··AIlr?OlllS have outside light. ! This is the- firsttune in Chicago's history-that residences ofthis high order and situated in the most exelusive residence district of the South-Sidehave heen offered on, such easy terms,Prices, $7, $8,000LOCATION:Greenwood Avenue, hetween 52nd and 53rJStreets, the. highest point of land on theSouth Side. Houses open for Inspectionevery day. �BRANCH OFFICE:Northwest Corner Fifty-second and Ellis Av.Sixth Floor, Masonic Temple.TERMSCbt J:angt SbotFOR FASTIDIOUS FOLKS� !DESIGNED BY YOUNG MEN_..,. FOR YOUNG MEN'S WBAR149' Dr e a.r b-o-r n'S t r et� tT R I! B v U.N E 'B U I· L DIN' G_I _The Ilnlverslty. -.iPba.rJJl8C1J �.carrl. aTHE . UNIVERSITY FLORIST '" complete -llne of ,cold.�wea.ther.;"'remedies. 'GREENHOUSES: CHI' CAGOCor. S3d It. aad Kimbark ave. ' 5GO jfifty-jiftb .street,Owing to ... the: constantly, gJ.·owing de-III 1\1 D aid & S . I· mands for our tailoring, we. have dis- C on .. pannposed of 'our' Gents'· Furnishing' .Depart- .15 De arb 0 r D 'S t r e e tWm. H. Sage & Co., reliable druggitJtBcorner .Woodlawn Avenue 'and 'Fifty-fifthstreet. Sole agent in Hyde Park for'Dr.: Carl. Koch's. New Discovery for the cureof Oonsumption,. .coughs, Ooids, and alldiseases of .the 'l'broat, ·Oheat and Lungs. -Guaranteed to CUl'e or money refunded.Pl'ice, 50, cenb5. Trial size 10 cents. � $2 . BORDEN'S'.CONDENSED MILK, FLUID MILK,'_ •. CREAJ4·: AND· BUTTERMILK- ·-ALL- BOTTLED IN THE COUNTRYBORDEN'S CONDENSED MILK CO.827·833 E. 'ORTY-SEVENTH ST.10 R'D' E'R THAT'DRESS SUIT NOWIYo" win have to ha ...If you want to enter ID"colleKe life, with aU tile.aclal activities that areCODnected with It. : : : ,OW dre .. ault. are oatapec:lalty :: : they DeftIcause tba' 11.0- ......... feeU ....,. Adam. Expres. Bldg. 4th Floo�MONR.OER.estaurant {;J CafeA. PRENTICE, Proprietor299 55th St., Near Monroe Ave.Commutation Tickets, $3.50 for $3.00.established 1873161-163 E. Madison Street near La Salle15 .. Dearborn 5t,1 Early Spring-Hats, Canes, Gloves:.: ahd Umbrellas WILLIAM SAGE & CO.Registered Pharmacists,391 E, 56th St.,. cor. Wo.dlawn A.-e.PRESCRIPTIONSR ELI A Et L E P H ARM:A C Y. ROSALIE PHARMA()YJ. J. GIL L I Ghemlst and PIIIrmldatPIlon. Hyde Park 175 . 274 E. 57th St., noar Wasil. AYe.CHdr..S. A. I.dr..WHRNO .. :.MnnR�er and Director.L AWRENGE ORGHESTRASelect .mustc ret allSelect e c c a e t c n e1l10Ut J)atroriagereapectruun ecuctreeResidence5745 Rosalie CourtTel. Hyde Park l-l1l7. 'CHICAGOA. '7. CORNE!.-L633 Clu'&ap S/�ele Exenanr, Bu,'/dinrWas,,,'nrlon and LaSall, Sis.. r,MerchantTailor"190. ,EDITION NOW READYSpalding'sOfficialI ,AthleticAlmanacEdited by J. E. Sullivan,Sec.-Treas., A. A. U.The only publication In the country containlne- allauthentic athletic records. This book contains over·200 pa�es of athletic information, and ill profusclyillultTatl"d with'nnmerous-portniits of leading atbletesand athletic teams. Price, 10 coats.A. G. SPAV1)eING .& BROS.Send for illustrated cataloi 0 f athletic iOods.Men'sWearDearborn Street, • I,-< �, ':,1. "1/ ',',,1 .'CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, FE'BRUARY 17, 190!Political Delegates are 'NeededContinued from page 1 column ,Ito be announced to-morrow. Lit tleis known of J as. A. Rose's chances.The Deneen campaign is assuming strength. The campaign committee, consisting of F. D. Bramhall, H. H. Parker, T. L. Lewinsohn, V, C. Beebe, C. G. Vernier,1. R. Voris and V. A. Woodward,requests that all Deneen men whohave not yet been reached will communicate with them immediately,They also announce a Charles S.Deneen mass meeting for Friday at10:30,ln Cobb lecture room. Thcyhave invented as a campaign motto:"Vote for Charles S. Deneen!Make the primaries clean! Let thepeople run the machine!"Fraternity StationeryGalling GardsInvitations Prozrams---WHO DRESS FOR STYLENEATNESS, AND COMFORTWEAR THE IMPROVEDBOSTONGARTERLies Flat to the Leg-r4sverSlips, Tears r Dr UnfastensSamplcpalr,Silk 1I0c .. Cottol12:i1!Mailed on rCl'tipt ur prlee,Oeo. 'rrost Co., makers.Boat en, Mass., U. S. A. PROGRAM OF PROM DANCE MUSICLawrence makes selection of suitable popular and standard piecesThe list of musical numbers selected by Lawrence for the Washington Prom is published below:I Belles and Beaux Rosey2 Mandel Hall (new) - Lawrence3 Shannon Powell4 Dixieland Haines5 Strollers Englander6 Levee Revels 0' Haire7 Dreams of ChildhoodWaldtenfel8 Navajo Van Alstyne9 Wedding of the Winds HallIO Rag Time Chimes - Van AlstyneI I Yankee Consul Robyn'J 2 Gate City Weldon13 A Summer EveningWaldtenfel BilliardCues ofGoodQualityInexpensiveYou can have a fine prlvate Billiard Cue at from50c to $5,,00Send for Price ListTHE DR UNswrCK BALKECOLLENDER Co,21;3 \Vabas�l Avenue, ChicagoL. M'A N ASS E, OpnCIAN88 Madison St., Tribune Bulldlni'Spectacle. And R:y�elaese8 Scientltlcal1y AdjustedEye. Tested FreeKvel'}'lhinr OpticalMathematica],Metereolorical,and. for the Lanternisr,, Kodakl, Camerasand Buppl101..14 Coon Band ContestArthur PryorMaUllPowell: 5 Thoughts of Love16 My Mosy Babe17 Storks25 Serenade26 Nizam (new )17 La Fiance28' Anona ChapinJohnston, 'HanisKellyBlankePowellHallJonesTyersGreyShow your college spirit by subscrlbing fot· The :\[nroon. LOSER & \JANSON"·TAILORS-DENTIST369-1: 63!!' STREETTELEPHONE Hyde Park 1196Ellis Hall. 57th St. and Ellis Av.The DAILY MAROON wishes to announcethat it has for salein the city in the following: 175 DEARBORN ST.CHICAGO.A ' Typical ()Ollega Manis at once' recognized by the distinctand faultless cut of his clothesWeare Tailor. forCollege Men •••••nusicVocalLaw Languages (Berlitz)Short HandBook Keeping HYDB' PARK AND CHICAGO BBACH STABLBIJ. H. KINTZ(raOi'.IUaTUa)Jackson Park Stables373 Kast Fitty· Seventh StreetTel., Hyrle Pink 5511 C III CAfUstudents.These will be sold "at a liberal discount to..... If You Want Money c:!1 A:'B�!!4�1�Duo.ds, Watches, Jewelry, aDd Aatiques, for sale; Old Gold and Silver BouibtGeo. O. Marlatt, 1111'_BENHAM BROS."FAsHIONABLETAILORS225 Dearborn Street Suite 201·202Telephone 452'3 Harrisonl� Yale Varsity19 Becky Sharp20 Peaceful Henry21 Peggy O'niel (new)22 The Gondol ier2� Wilhelmena24 Mr. Blackman (new)Arthur PryorHerbertApply to the Business Manager E. BURNHAMHAIR OOODSElectrolysis ',Facial Mnssage. Manicnring. Ladies' HairDressing nnd MAnicuring, Ladies' Turkish andRussian Baths. 70 and 72 State st., Chicago ..DAILY MAROON Qulc k ServiceANHEUSER & NEIL,Restllurant391 EAST SIXTY-1'HIRD ST. 08101.00.THE, 'ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE, andSTORAGE COMPANY'Phone, Hyde Park 511 KIA""BARK AVe. and PIPTV • .sIXT� ST.The Cleanest and Best Kept StorageWarehouse in the City _ _ _Furniture and Pianos Moved, Stored, Packed and Shipped to aU parts' of��==;==;; the world. .100 Private Storage Rooms. Large Parlor Exclusively forPianos, Rooms for Trunks and Wheels. Large Room for Carri3.le.,, Bu�gies, and Sleighs. TRUNKS TO AND FROM ALL DEPOTS.Locallraasters for Baggage, Furniture, Packages, erc., at short notice.w- Special Attention GlveD to VniTer.ity Order ••LIBBY'SNatural FlavorFood Productsare U. S. GO'fernmentInBpected. The wholei'ome-r:B�r���:a�y�::��� ��::��:�f��c�� r:�be:r:!t'!.A�'key,ollenin" cans, A IlUpply on your pllntry shelvesr����e::�yu ��sr�:n,��ni-Bh:t ,Mr: ���k���lI�\!a��Make Good TbingB to-Eat," tollB all about thernBent free. Libby's AtlaB of the World, mattedfree for 10 cents postage.J..,IBBY, McNEILL & LIBB�, CHICAGO.Scholarships in Prom=inent Colleges Spirit ofHelpfulnessIn cases of ucclJent everybody manifests1\ desire to lIA of asalstunce .. At such Limesthe spirit of bel pfutness asserts Itself,.lIut sooften the wrong thing Is done and the rightthing left undone. 'rho first thing to do Insuch nn event Is to quickly and f,'eely applyPond's EXLrIlct-tlte old family doclo1'-arecognized emergency remedy, for over 60years used by nurses, physicians and hoepltals, Every student suoutd have a bottleclose at hand. Quickly stops bleeding Indepp cuts; cures brulses, sprains, and prevents muscies becoming sore from gym-i���§innslum exercises; r e-:Ileves earache, toothacue,rueumausm and all pains.Hoothes and freshens thefnceafter shavlng, WateredWllch Hazel, a. weak sotu- ..uon=someumes offered Inplace of Pond's Extracthas no medicinal value-Ispostu vely worthless. Pond 'IiExtract CU RES-thereforeis priceless.Sold only ill sealed bottl_- ........ .....-- under bu'(fwrapIJer.ACCEPT NO SIlBSTITurE.oooooooooooooo�ooooooooooooo 0o ,EGYPTIAN DEITIES 0o 0eDt No better Cigarette can be made. 0o 0o STR.AW TIP 0o 0o Cork Tip Plain 0:OO�OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO: