:BOr===G..rgh:ent.satt, Mgt.ILCHICAG()I The Da i ly MaroonPublished Afternoons by the Students of the University of Ch�cago During the Four Quarters of the University YearVOL. II.. No. 61. PRICE Two CENTSCHICAGO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, HJ04.JSTUDENTS OWN SHOP FEW .MEN OUT FOR BASEBALL NEWMEMBEROFLAWFACULTY WOMEN GIVE BANQUETCoach Harper's Call is Answered by Thirteen, But a Big Squad is ExpectedExperience of CandidatesThirt�en baseball aspirants ap- ,peared in the gym yesterday in anHarvard Chapter of Uelta Up�ilon to swer to Coach Harper's call. ThePresent Play-Fraternity House number of the candidates'was some-Fire !at Wisconsinwhat below expectations but in theThe Svracuse Dat!.)' Orange, the. . course of the next few days thestuden publication of .Syracuse d '11 b bl b . d td . squa WI pro a yo. e.mcrease 0University, is now being printe -thirty or.forry, .Only eight of thein a shop �owned .and operated by squad were new men, five of laststudents. Syracuse is the third ..year's team appearing in uniform.university to have such a plant. Following is a list of those WhoBrown and Columbia have shops appeared: Capt.· Howe, Smart,controlled by students.· The print- Baird, J. Harper, Startzman, Traming plant is owned by a corporation mell, Hood, Johnson, Paul, Hildeknown as the Orange PublIshing brand, Cutting, Leonard. and Linn.Company, the directors and stock- Of these the first five mentionedholders of which are all students.In the printing shop all but theforeman are students. New machinery and type to the. value of$150u has been installed. As practical ' , schools of journalism' ,these three college dailies are notnow excelled.Syracuse "Dally Orange" IssuedFrom Press Operated byCollege MenA large agricultural greenhouseis being erected at the Universityof Illinois.The Howard Chapter of the.Delta Upsilon fraternity will" thisyear produce as its annual .Elizabethan revival, "The Alchemist,"by Ben Johnson.The Psi Upsilon house at theUniversity of Wisconsin was damaged yesterday by fire. The extent of the damage is not yetknown,STRIVE TO .MAINTAIN THEIR RECORDFreshmen Debaters Will Organize Clubfor the Quarter Next Tuesday NightThe Freshman Debating Clubwill begin its work for the winterquarter next Tuesday night in Lexington Hall.The question for debate is;' 'Resolved,-That the political union ofCanada and the United States'would be for the benefit of bothcountries." ·The affirmative willbe taken by Drummond and Moles,and the negative by Ashton andWells. The election of officers forthe winter quarter will also be heldat this meeting.Mr. Chandler hopes that allmembers of the club be present,both for the election of officers andthat the club may start the quarterprosperously. Last quarter the '07club was thought to be the bestfreshman debating club in the history of the University, and the attendance and support of everymember is looked for. by the promoters.All freshmen in the Universitywho are interested in debating, andwho did not attend the meeting lastquarter, are invited to becomemembers of the club.To Elect Senior Promenade LeaderMr. Clyde Blair, chairman of theSenior College Council, announ�edtoday that the council would electthe leader and manager of theWashingt.on Prom at its meeting aweek from next Monday. are old men. Trammell was pi tcherfor the Freshman team last yearand made a creditable showing,though he was inclined to be erratic.Hood comes from Nebraskawhere he is said to have starred atthird base. He is ineligible, however, according to the one year residence rule.Johnson is a Sophomore. Heplayed little baseball last year owing to illness, but· the year beforeplayed catcher and first base forSouth Side Academy.Paul is from Cleveland Universityschool. His record there was abrilliant one and his defeat of Stillman, the ex-Morgan Park twirlerin the annual game between thetwo preparatory schools last markedhim as one of the very best preparatory school twirlers of the west lastyear. He is a "south paw.".Hildebrand was a former PawPaw, Ill. , first baseman. He issaid to be a strong batter and anexcellen t fielder.Cutting is also a first" baseman,He occupied this position for twoyears at Michigan, leading in batting both years. He is an infielderof class as many Chicago men cantestify. His acquisition seems to bethe best to date.Leonard, a "grad" student, isalso a former Wolverine. He is acatcher and is working for the vacancy left vacant by Floyd Harper.He was a candidate two years ago.Linn had a good record at Lake. Forest Academy as an outfielder.He is shifty, experienced, but weakwith the stick.Practice willbegin at one o'clock.every afternoon from now until theremainder of the quarter. FloydHarper will direct the work of thecandidates until Mr. Stagg's return.From then on. he will act as assist-ant coach.Track Team Does Light WorkPractice for the track team wascontinued yesterday as usual, merely light work being taken. Severalof the men sprinted around thetrack, but no efforts at time trialsWere made. Provision has beenmade on the gymnasi um floor forthe shot-put, and in this event, aregulation indoor' shot will be used,which the men will put onto a mat.. Subscribe for THE MAROON. . Harry A. Bigelow, Harvard '96, LeavesPractice in Honolulu and Accepts Appointment in. University Law SchoolThe Law School faculty has beenincreased, beginning this quarter,by the addition of Assistant Professor Harry a Bigelow. Mr·. Bigelowwas graduated from Harvard College 1896'0 receiving his degree summa cum lande , and being elected tomembership in the Phi Beta Kappasociety: He entered the HarvardLaw School the following autumn,and obtained the degree of L. L. B.in 1899, cum Iand«, For two yearshe was member of the editorialboard of the Harvard Law Review.After graduation, Mr. Bigelowspent a year practicing law in Boston and teaching Criminal Law inthe Harvard Law School. Follow;.ing this he went to the HawaianIslands in 1900, and took up practice in Honolulu .with the firm ofKinney, BaIlon & McClanshan, ofwhich he became a member in 19tH.In 1903 he withdrew from this toform a partnership with Judge A.S. Hartwell, formerly a· judge ofthe Supreme Court of the islands.This position he abondoned to become a member of the Universityof Chicago faculty of law.Professor Bigelow was marriedwhile in the islands. His formerhome was in Norwood, Mass.. .PAY TO VOTE-. AT ANNUAL ELECTIONOnly lien Who Gain Membership in Reynolds Club Now Can Have a VoiceThe executive council of the Reynolds Club wishes to call the atten-. tion of university men to the importance of paying the $2.00 membership fee for the winter quarterbefore the close of the week. Theannual election of the club, as pre-. scribed by the constitution, is heldin March and only men Who gain amembership immediately will be entitled to a vote at this, the most important club affair of the year.Steward Hughston is. to be foundin the clubhouse at any hour during the day. Fees may be paid tohim.The executive council of 'the clubexpresses some disappointment onthe failure of at least a few university men to appreciate the honormethod which ha·s been given fullsway in determining ingress of mento the clubhouse. No one has beenrequired to show his card of membership on entering the club. Theofficers of the clab are confidentthat the result of this dependenceon the honor of the men has led afew to make use of the privileges ofthe Clubhouse regardless of membership. A continuance of thispractice will SOOl} result in a demand on the part of the steward forcredentials on the entrance of everyman into the club.The contractors for the bowlingalleys are going-rapidly ahead withthe work and ten pins is expectedto be a popular sport with the clubmen before the end of the month.Platt M. Conrad, '03 is at presentin business in Lake Village, Ind. The Woman's .Athletic AssociationAr� to Give a Dinner atthe CommonsDr. Harper a'Ild Several of the TrusteesExpec�ed to be Present=-Oom- .mittees Are AppointedAt an enthusiastic meeting .ofthe Woman's Athletic Associationthis morning Miss Murphy waselected secretary and treasurer.The Association decided to havea dinner in the Commons. Sometime ago President Harper communicated with the Association onthis subject but no formal actionwas taken until this morning. Amotion was carried to hold thedinner on the evening of JanuaryTwenty-second.Dr. Harper, several of the trustees and a few other special guestswill be invited. The commons willbe decorated and a special programfor the occasion will be arranged.A very large attendance of the women is expected.Chairmen were appointed for thevarious committees as follows: MissTerry, the vice-president, for theadvertising; Miss Rooney, for thedecorating and seating; Miss.Trumbull, for the invitation; and MissJaques, for the program committee.NEW EDITORIAL ROOMS FOR BOARD" Cap and Gown" Publishers Will Concen-•trate their WorkThe board of edi tors and the business managers who are in charge ofthe publication of the 1904 Cap andGOW1l· propose to have the student'sann ual in the hands of. U ni verstypeople by May 1. With this endin view editorial rooms have beensecured in Ellis Hall. "Speed" isto be the motto hung over the doorin these rooms and although no departmen t of the book will beslighted, the editors are determinedto.get it. in the hands of readers 011time.Albert W. Sherer and MortCahill are the managing editors.Mr. Sherer had the following to saythis morning concerning the Capand Gown:"The managing editors and business managers of the Cap and Gownhave started a hard quarters work.The material must be in by April1st, in order to have the book outby May I st and this means that allmaterial must be in the hands ofthe editors by the end of this quarter. Room 13 Ellis Hall has beensecured for the use of the boardand editors and chairmen of committees will have the room fittedwi th desks and lined wi th annualsof other colleges by the first of nextweek. The editors are desirous ofmaking the book this year a representative annual and to this end aredirecting their work. The materialis judged entirely on a competitivebasis and all who are interested areurged to see the editors."The Beta Theta Pi house atSyracuse is quarantined becauseone of the men living there hassmallpox.The Daily Maroon,. ..... rty the University of ChiCllfO Weekly.JPOUMDIlDTil. University .1 Chlc_fO Weekly • October I, 1192TWIl DAILY MAJIlOON • October I. 100'KBWS COl'fTRmUTIOKS RBQUBSTED.Published by the students of the University of Chi·cafO every afternoon. except Saturday and Sunday, duroInr the 46 weelca of the University year.First board of editors and business manarerauthorized by student-bodj' in mass meetinr May IS.I�.Membership on subsequent boards of editors to be.etermlned by competition open to all student. In the•• lverlity.!SOARD OF EDITORSM ••• ,ln, Editor • • • OLIVIlR B. WYMANNews Editor • • • • HARRY W. FORDAthletic Editor WALTER L. GREGORYASSOCIATE EDITORSTHADDEUS 1. MERRILL EDWARD M. KERWINERNEST 1. STEVENS ALBERT W. SHERERRALPH P. MULVANE LERoy A. VANPATJ'JtNAUSTIN A. HAynBNWOMAN EDITORSMISS LBNA HARRIS MISS ANNA FLOYD.• . . STAP" 01' .JtPORTERSE. R. GANNON �. S. WRIGHTR. H, ALLEN • V. HICKEYW. J. CUppy HOMAS MEJtKMISS HELEM SMITHBUSllfESS STAFF• lIlinell Manarer JULIEN L. B.ODB.Dally Submlptlln, $3 per year I S 1 fir 3 mlnthl.Iy Mallin city 14 per year I S 1.25 for 3 mlnthl.SubSCriptions recetved at "The Mar.oo" Olice. Ellis Hall.• r left 10 "The Maroon" Box, the Faculty alldaaa, C.bltHall.Printed by 'rhe Quadrangle Press, 404 E. 55th St.JilI#J1/ EDITORIALS .fiIJi1JJJI'The. importance of paying themembership fees to the steward ofthe Reynolds Club, thus entitlingmen of the University to the privileges of the clubhouse during thewinter quarter and to vote at theannual election of the club inMarch is to be impressed on themen of the University. The constitution of the club demands that theelection be then held. It will beremembered that the present executive council and the members ofthe two standing committees' wereelected to hold only until the timefor the annual election, as prescribed in the constitution, shouldcome, The officers of the clubhave thoughtfully provided forevery detail that will increase theconveniences of the clubhouse.Membership during the currentquarter is to be made more attractive by the installation of bowlingalleys.The Glee and Mandolin clubs deserve congratulation not only onthe success with whichAn Old they carried throughCustom their holiday trip butRenewed also upon the revival ofa former university custom, which their immediate predecessor�s had failed to observe.Fonner Glee and Mandolin clubsrepresenting the university madethe holiday trip of the combinedclubs a distinct feature of the organizations, and it may be said thatour musical clubs which have goneout from the University in makingtrips to certain sections of the country have materially aided thq University, and that the men on thetrips have conducted themselves ina manner to do honor to the University.This year's musical club revivedthe custom which former clubs haveset. Ten concerts were o-i. � .. vel1 toaudiences representing five Middle-Western states The club .. acquIttedI. 1 CHICAGO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1904itself in a manner that reflectedgreat credit on their Alma Mater.As testimony of this fact we mightadd the excellent press noticeswhich were given the clubs.The old custom of going aboutthe country in a private car whichhad been discontinued for severalyears gave the members of theclubs an esprit de carps which waslacking in the home concert andthey left behind them a record exclusively their own. The managersof the clubs and all the membersdeserve much praise for their cour ..age in renewing a custom whichhas so many dangers and for theexcellent manner in which theyacquitted themselves .Majors and MinorsSamuel S. Maxwell, Ph. D , '96,has been elevated from assistantto instructor in physiology inHarvard.Herbert P. Johnson, Ph. D., '94,is assistant profIessor in bacteriology in the medical department ofsr Louis University:There will be a meeting of SnellHouse this evening to select a Secretary- Treasurer to. succeed Harry. Walsworth, graduated, and to arrange for the coming vaudeville.GARGOYLE,TTESTHE JOLLIED JOKER(All after-gleam by n. Warned.)The Gargoylette column's chiefcontributor strode into a Hatoriumyesterdayand addressed the hand-:some clerk thusly:"Wantobuyahat l' ,"What size do you wear?" askedt�le smiling salesman. "Five?""Yes! five. How did you guessit?" said the astonished author."I knew it. A man who writesGargoylettes needs a boys size."Then he added musingly as if speaking to. himself: ' 'Regular pin,head!"Thereupon the garrulous Gargoy- .letter turned haughtily upon hisFrench heel and swept majesticallyfrom the the store in agonizedanger.Imported Opera Hats $6I have just received direct from Parisa big lot of OTTERMAN OPERAHATS, regular value $10, my pric� $6ARTHUR FEILCHENFELDFisher Buildinr 81 and 83 E. VanB,uren St. ,:.; � THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE andGIl II OJ $j ·P�on e, "Y.d�P:'?s���!:R�?v�:'{���.5IXT" ST.a£HOOIE a SlURAGE [ff� .'The Cleanest and Best Kept' StorageI Warehouse in the City • • •. �! m� :g_. Furniture and Pianos Moved, Stored, Packed and Shipped to all parts ofa !!�] III �� the world. 300 Private Storage Rooms. Large Parlor Exclusively for��=;===;��� Pianos. Rooms for Trunks. ami Wheels, Large Room for Carriaies,Bu�gies, and Sleighs, TRUNKS TO AND FROM ALL DBPOTS.Local trallsfers for Baeeaee, Furniture, Packages, etc., at short notice.ar Special Attention Given to University Orderl.Nearest Drug Store to the" UniversityKRIZAN' & SCHWEITZERTelephone Hyde Park . ',.1854,COR.. FIFTV-.sEVENTH STR.EET AND KIMBARK �yENUEFO U NT_.i\JN. P E···N S, We have a complete stock of the Waterman Fountain pens,all styles and prices. They .make a very suitable Christmasgift. Let us show them to yOl�!:, :: : :.CAMPBELL'S PHAR�ACY , w·F�t����:h\���d't�keAve.You Want MoneyIt call A. LIPMAN\. t..:;-:''. ,,0, •..s, !. -,'.\ . - ' -,:::\;, ,:;Remember ,CornellHydroxA Double Distilled Aerated Drinking Water putup in ster£lized sealed glassbottles. ' Avoid danger ofimpure. water and drinkHydrox.For sale by your druggistTHE (JONSUMERS (JOMPANYButler St., 35th to 36th Sta.Phone Yards 11.0 onJ.'1 .'fL99 East Madison It.DiamoDds, Watches. Jewelry, and Antiques, for sale; Old Gold and Silver BoughtW H Y use poor; unwholesome milk. whea, for the same money you ran eel icPure. Sweet. and J3xtraordl.narlly ,Rich. delivered in sealed bottles/by calline upTelephone South 817, or dropping !'. P.Q_stal to,SIDNEY WANZER & SONS305 Thlrtleth 8�.NEWCOLLAR O'MEARA DROTHERS' HOMt' BAKERY(Phone 1646 HydePark.j ,All Ooods Strictly Home-MadeOrders taken for Ice Cream and Ices. Goods delivered:378 East Fifty· bat reet.000000000000000000000000000o 0: Keep in Toueb witb University Lift. :o " 0: *************��******* :o 0o 10o 0o 0: Be posted on what is taking place :o around you � .;t. � .;t. JI. . JI. 0: Be a loyal strident and support - :-o student enterprise. Subscribe to 0o 0o 0o THE DAILr.··MAR001V .a-o 0o '0o 0o 0o 0: *********************** :o 0: $1.00 a quarter. $3.00 a year, :: Leaue your subscription at the Maroon office, Ellis Hall. :o 0OOOOOOOOOOOOO�OOOOOOOOOOOOOJandrH ST.parts ofively forlfria&es,�S...s>.Ike Ave.ANlit.k, wheDn eet itraordl·llin2u,ONS�KERYdeclivered00ooooooo'0oo.aoo0-oooooo·0oooooooooooto I·1·.··· January SpecialA black or blue Serge or CheviotSuit with extra Trousers of thesame or striped material .2rJ DOLLA.RS4 Tallo. 'or Young Mt:nA. N. jerrams, Mgr. 1.29-181 LA RAtle st.KIMBALL BALL243 Wabash Ave.i� �oorSru:dL05'.Original Ideas andExclusive Styles inPhotographsSpeciaRateston.er c.StudentsTo keep your facein good con d i t ion,use Williams' ShavingStick.•. SECURE OUR PRICES ON.'RATERNITY STATIONERY,PROGRAMMES, MENU.,INVITATIONS ANDENGRAVED CARDa.BROCHON.' .. 34-36 WASHINGTON· ST.E.' C. MOOREjflotiJlt132 East Forty-Ninth Street. Telephone Oakland 1495271 East Fifty-Fifth StreetTelephone Hyde Park 38·'tiJ�)j.�e lIyde Park ISA. McAdams174 Randolph Bldg.Memphis, Tenn.----------------�--Suite 73 to 76, Dexter Bldg,. FIEDLERMAKES CLOTHES ,FORGENTLE;MEN WHOIf APPRECIATE" ANDKNOW GOOD CLOTHESDANCE PROGRAMSFraternity Stationery, invitations, etc.lewest Prices DUNWElll fORD. fine Stationers.171 WABASH AVE. NOTICES.CHICAGO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1904stu(icllts and Iacultv members nre request' dto send nil notices to 'l'lm VAII,\' 1\1 AIWON forpubllcntiou free of charge, Notices 111111'1 he leftnt·TIlt> \'AIWON office or FACility Hxchallge before 11-:00 A. M.The German Club will hold the. first meeting for the q uarter Friday,Jan: 8, 4 P. xr., in Lexington Asserubly ·Hall. Program: (1.) Lecture by Prof. Kern, on ' 'Das neueBerlin." (2.) Organization.Friday, January 8th-Historical Club, 8 p. 111., at 5815Drexel Ave.Sunday, January 10th--University Religiouj, Services,Mandel Hall, 11 a. 111. The Rev.Henry Churchill King, D. D., President of Oberlin College University, 'preaches.Furnished RoomsRoom for Rent-Steam heat; light, nice,furnished. 452 E. 55th St.To Rent-Two rooms, $6.00 and $7.50,modern, desirable, 2 � blocks south,6145 Ellis avenue, znd flat. 592FOR RENT-Two light, warm rooms;newly furnished; steam, Welshbach,boiled water, 5431 Killlbark avenue,second flat. 58-2Of Interest to Our Readers.The University Pharmacy carries acomplete line of cold weather remedies.560 Fifty-fifth street.If you want a position to teach call onor write to· James F. MCCUllou�h, 639Fine Arts Building, Chicago.Owing t� .the constantly growing demands for our tailoring, we have disposedof our Gents' Fumishing Department,and now exhibit a fuller line of woolens.We also press, clean, repair and dyeladies' and gents' garments.PAnous r AILORINO CO,'t1PAIW:346 E. Fifty-fifth street. Phone H. P.1I70.225 Dearborn Street Suite 201-202, Telephone 4523 HarrisonBENHAM BROS.'EASHIONABLETA'ILORS60wman Da'iry CO.·OUR MILKis . Bottled in the CountryPRESCRIPTIONSRELIABLE PHARMACYROSALIE PHARMA(j¥J. J. GIL L. Ghemlst and PharmldltPhone Hyde Park 175 274 E. 57th St .. near Wash. Ave.BORDEN'SCONDENSED MILK, FLUID MILK,CREAM AND BUTl'ERMILKALL BOTTLED IN THE COUNTRYBORDEN'S CONDENSEb MILK CO.827-833 E. 'ORTY-SEVENTH ST. Cbt Iangt SbOtFOR FASTIDIOUS FOLKSDESIGNED BY YOUNG MENFOR YOUNG MEN'S WBAR149 Dearborn StreetTRIBUNE BUILDINGDAILY PAPERS AND MAGAZINES.NORTON takes subscriptions for both andhAS them delivered at your doorF. W. NORTON848 51th SreetPhone, 116 Hyde ParkFraternity StationeryGalling Gards1nvitations ProgramsYoung America LaundrySTUDENTS'LAUNDRRYTel. Hyde Park 1252 5416 Lake Ave.F. s. YOUNO, ProprietorPHONE-OFFlcR-Hyde Park 1788DR. RALPH W. PARKERDR. FRED W. PARKERDENTISTSH 18:30 to 12.ours I i-oo to S. 6249 Kimbark AvenueN. s.c». Sixty·tllird St.OET THE BEST$2 AMES HATS $3. Established 1873161'163 E. Madison Street near La Salle154 Dearborn StGlPT CHRTIPIC·A·TES. Q Useful PresentHATS, CANES, GLOVES &. UMBRELLASL. MANASS E, OPTICIAN. 88 Madison St., Tribune BuildingSpectacles and Byeelaalel SCientifically Adjuste4Eyes Tested FreeEvery thin, OpticalMatnematlcal,Metereolorical, aDdfor the Lanternist,Kodak., OamerasaDd SuppUea.COFFEY'SCALENDARUCJ"he PuritannA most exquisite creation of the Season.Worthy of a place inany man's apartment.Given free to anyonecalling at my showrooms, or sent to anyaddress on receipt of 10cents in coin or stampsM.J.COFFEETAILOR TO COLLEGE 8V/E8(153 LaSalle Street. Phone Central 3439 GENTLEMENWHI DRESS FOR STYLENEATNESS. AND COMFORTWEAR THE IMPROVE.BOSTONBARTERLI.s FI.t t. the Lel-N.verSlip., T •• rs I\-.r Unf.st.n.Sample pllr, Sllk� .. O.tton 2lle.Milled .n rec.lpt., prlo •••••• frost C •• , M.ker.,... t.n, M .... , U. S. A.TYPEWRITERSONE-HALF PRICESend for our list of special bargains in allmakes of Standard typewriters. Full line ofsupplies, Machines for rent $2 to $3 per month.ROCKWELL·BARNES CO.:1167-:1169 Wabash Ave.We are Tailors forCollege Men .Notice to Students.-Why wait for your.. car in the cold at. Fifty-eighth street?-, 'THB UNIVERSITY· FLORIST .: '. :.. when y��{�all wait in the warm at Fifty-. ;:. GREENHOUSES: CHICAGO: «, seve�th· ·,st�e��t,�. ill Martyn's Maroon. C..l3d It •• ad Kimbark an..., .. ,. "Studio, 57QS: Cottage Grove avenue,TEACHERS! TEACHERsl:��: � .�.: .o.f c. �j>h�tographer.Te��·hera wishing to. prepare 'i�r E�:.!:,:. N.oTICE'TO·STUDENTS: Private tutormg:: .,. ..:' aminationshould write immediately for; \ ;", itt preparatory mathematics and physcs.O\1r _reachers' lnterstate Examination' . "Terms reasonable. U. of C. references�ourse,· as taught by mail: . This Course_ can be given. Registered tutor at the115 endorsed by many l�admg educa�?r�, U. anc(teacher of mathematics at Aschama�d every progre�slve �eacher "·,�ho : :".Ii 11 A' I t� A. L. Rhoton 4746'wishes to advance In their profession : a: pp y. '.:::."'f. ".. should begin work immediately ... Ad- Madison Av... _ .. __ , dressnearest officefwith stamp, for �eply... -----------"-----------;-�.'. AMERICAN TEACHERS'�·ASSOCIA TlON1423 Arch St.<Philadelphia Pa, LOSER & "'ANSON ..·TAILORS·17e5 DEARBORN .1'. -CHICAGO.A Typical (jollege Manis at once recognized by the distinctand faultless cut of his clothesOHA-S. A. LAWRENOE,Manager and Director.L AWBENGE ORGHESTRA40:i ONEONTA, BLDG.Corner Clark and Randolph Streets.TEL. OENT�A.L 5282Residence5745 Rosalie Court'reI. Hyde Park 1417. O�IO�GOPROF. SHULTZ'SDancing AssemblyCalumet Hall63d St. anft ,Tackson Park 4v.[Formerly Stony Island Av.]Every Monday Evening.Write for l omplirnentary TicketsFor Yourself and -Friends.. . . . . ,PRIVATE LESSONS BY APPOINTMENTOFFICE AND STUDIO'301 W. SIX:�Y-TBIRD ST.' ..A. J. CORNELLMe1'chantTailor633 CI"'caro Siock Excnatlre O,II'/d,'''rWaslu'1Igton and LaSalle Sis:BTDE PARK AND OHIOAGO BEI.OH 8TDLEIJ. H. KINTZ('JlOPRIBTOJl)Jack�730�t F���tIa �!�blesTel., Hyde Park 552 OH101.8.CHICAGO, THURSDA�, JANUARY 7, 1904L1.I:("PRESIDENTSuspenderswork In perfect harmon, withthe wearer's every movement.Comfort. St,le and ServiceABSOLUTELYGUARANTEED·Trimmings cannot rust.Prloe 1500 and 11.00, an111tore or mall, prepaid.THE o, A. EDGARTON MFG. (lO.,Bolt 298 8h1r1e.J', .....1904 EDITION NOW READYSpalding'sOfficialAthleticAlmanacEdited by J. E. Sullivan, .Sec.-Treas., A. A. U ••The only publication in the country containing allauthentic athletic records. This book contains over200 pages of athletic information, and is profuselyIllustrated with numerous portraits of leading athletesand athletic teams. Price, 10 cents.A. G. SPALDING & BROS.Send for illustrated catalog 0 f athletic goods.LIBBY'SNatural FlavorFood Productsare U. B. Government Inspected. Th. whol.some-ft:B�r':,����1g:��� ��::����!�f�:ct:, r���:t�n��ke100peninlr cans, A lIuppJ)' on your pnntry Bh.lvelenables )'ou to have alwa1 .• at hand the eBBential.to the vel'), best menlR. The little book, "How toMake Good Things to Eat," t�lll1 all about themlent free. Libby'B AtlaB ot t.h. World, mailedfree for 10 cente pOBtage.LIBBY, McNEILL & LIBBY, CHICAGO..j !: I MUSSBV'SBilliard HaUs and Bowling AlleysThe Largest and Finest AmusementResort in the World100 to 108 Madison StreetBranch: 61G Davis St., Evanston'. WILLIAM SAGE & CO. .Registered _ Pharmacists,891 r. 56th st., cor. Woodlawn AYe.TEACHERS WANTEDWe need at once a few moreTeachers, both experienced and inexperienced.More calls this year than ever before. Schools supplied with competent teachers free of cost. Addresswith stamp.AMERICAN TEACHERS' ASSOCIA nON174 Randolph Bldg.Memphis, Tenn. 1423 Arch St.Philadelphia, PaI·1 WILL HAVE A .« FACULTY NIGHT"Entertainment Committee of ReynoldsClub Plans a Program for the QuarterWeekly entertainments for thewinter quarter are to be arrangedfor the members of Reynolds Club.Chairman Hartigan has called ameeting of the entertainment committee for tomorrow, at which aschedule for the quarter will be arranged. Nothing definite .in theway of attractions is known yet,except that one night is to be "faculty night," the entertainment being entirely conducted by faculty.members.The entertainments will' all be on. .Saturday nights, as there will be'less conflicts then than on any othernight. An exceptionally good opportunityfor one or two men about to graduate from 'the UNIVERSITYOF CHICAGO ... -rnustbeambitious· and prepared" f6r- "hard �otk:Address Evarts Wrenn, GeneralAg.�nt" State> Mutuai�r.t..;fe� AS�'llt:"�'ance Company, Worcester, Mass.,85 Dearborn Street, Chicago, Ills. ..ATHLETIC NOTESExperts yesterday morning examined the leaking swimming tankin the new gymnasium, and gaveout as their opinion that it wouldbe at least a month before it couldbe used for work. This is a greatdisappointment to both the studentsand to Mr. Knudson, the instructor,as all were anxious to begin as soonas possible. Because of the impossibility of holding the swimmingclasses, those who registered forthem will have to change theirregistration for some other course.* * *The work of the basket- ball teamcandidates yesterday was lively andof a good q uali ty. The two �eatllSplayed for about an hour, at theend of which time neither side hadany appreciable advantage. Themen lined up as follows:Reds. Blacks.Sullivan, Capt. __ R. F. WightmanCarter L. F. HarrimanKerwin C. MeffordSmith I�. G. Meek, Capt.James L. G. OwensThe Glee and Mandolin Clubshave arranged. for a concert to begiven in Elgin, Ill., on January 29: : ..M�� �� !i2�L-I��L-�"'��3��++1-��+T1"AKK (%) 0 <t: -& L- - <: � :::E. -e- c= '-' *. C? NI1E�Ben HEADQUARTERS' THE BEST IS 'NINFOR THE FINEST' NONE TOO GOODX+ COLLEGE STATIONERY •• TeAL, FOR YOU tBdAKE +8K'AlA 88 WABASH AVIINU. tPIlAT CLASS, FRATERNITY CHIOAGO" INVITATIONS ftOSORORITY PROGRAMSA ill AND SOCIETY MENUS ArE.AM:z:: E:: <:J -e- � >< � CD + -eo L- en -e- -e- t::: •• I '-'l >< &..&.J -e-:Z: BZtAX 1Ni=�><�a-.I�� N<<l��� ��t::2�it� tAl:M. C. O'DONl'fBLLSecretary ALBERT TOOTreaaUOlTHE DAILY MAROON'S advertisers are reliable firms.We want your name on the subscription list of THE DAILY MAROON.Advertise in THE DAILY MAROONEST-1860156 STATE 5T. W. T. DELIHANTPreside'ltStandard Washed Coal Company303 Dearborn, StreetSTANPARD .. WASHED' COAL ·FOR D'OMESTIC USBStandard Egg - - $5.00 per ton Wasbed Chestnllt - f4.so perltollWashed Range $5.00 per ton Washed Pea - $4.�S per tOilROLLER ·SKATI�rG.,COLISEUn ... Every Day and Evening'Music by DeBaughRICHARDSON'S BAL4-BEARING SKATESCentsi.-ORDER THAT·DRESS SUIT NOW DR. GOODMAN A.MILLERDENTlST369-e 63- STREETTElEPHONE Hyde fork .1196HOUIIl.8:00 TO 12:001:80 TO a:QOYou will have to have ttif �ou want to enter intocollege life, with all thesocial activities that areconnected with it. : : : :Our dress Buits are ourspecialty : : : they nevercause that uncomfortable feeling.Quick Service Geo. O. Karlattj 111ftANHEUSER & NEILRest4a,.ant .I 8 5 b ear b 0 r n 5 t r e 'e tAdams Express Bldg. 4th Floor391 �T 8ixTY-TBlRD 8T. OllC4dQ