1 • CHICAGO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1903VOL. I. No. 77 PRICE THREE CENTSThe Daily Ma:roonPubUabe4 Aftemoou by the Stuclellta of the UDiyeraity of CJa1calO DurlDg the Pour Qautera of the UDlftraity Year· .FRENCH SCHOOL "SSURED 1906 VS. HIGH SCHOOLSThe Government RepresentativesAnin from France to PerfectPlansM. Ingres Discusses the New Project,Which Includes Normal and Engineerin& DepartmentBand Concert at Rush Last NightThe second quarterly concert ofthe University of Chicago MilitaryBand was held last evening at Rush.Eight selections were rendered andthe band �as. given a rousing reception.Following was the program:I. March,'· Beau Ideal" .........•.. Sousa2. Reverie," The Wayside Chapel" •• W;/son2 ... Massa's in the Cold, Cold Ground"..•••....•••.•.•.••...••.... P�rl:i"sSolo for Euphonium, Mr. F, Brower4. March, "Invincible �agle" Sousa5. Selection," Faust" .....•........ Gounod6 ... Mv Old Kentucky Home," Air Varie.- ...•••••••.••••• _ •••••••••• Dalltty7 Spring Song" M�""dssol,,,8. March, .. New Century" Br()()k�A professor of the English dep�rtraentgave a quiz to his class one day this week.One young lady, it seems, was taken unawares, for out of the five questions asked shewas unable to answer more than one. Preferring to grasp the feeble straw rather thansink without an effort, she composed a sonnet and offered it as a substitute for the otherfour questions. It is not known what actionthe professor took in the matter... A note for you on the bulletin,"Shouted the cruel fellow.She looked distressed,and then she guessedThat it might not be yellow. Army omcer Gins Adc1reaa in Cobb .Designs BeiDg Sought By Editors ofChapel yesterday Afiemoon on "Co- University Year Boot - mutratorslonial Adlllinistration JJ Urged to Submit SamplesMajor .General' Elwell S. Otis ad- Mr. J. H. Waddell, the art editordressed the students of the University of the 1903 Cap anti Gown, is veryyesterday afternoon on "Some Prob- desirous <;>f receiving designs thatlems of Colonial Administration." would look well on the cover of theThe address was under the auspices Cap and GO'1l!n this year. As yetof the College of Commerce and Ad- nothing in this line has been turnedministration. General Otis was to in to the men in charge of the work.have spoken in Cobb Lecture Hall, If the U. of C. artists, or evenRepresentatives of the French gov- but the audience proved too large embryo artists, have no pictures or' The Freshman track team willernment arrived at the University and it became necessary to adjourn suitable . cover-designs at hand, the meet the combined teams of thethis morning to establish the school to the Chapel. editors would greatly appreciate their Hyde Park, Englewood, and Southto be controlled by that country. The general speech contained a kindness if they would hand in their Division high schools tomorrowThe organizers are Messieurs E. comprehensive discussion of colonial names and addresses to Box 152, evening in the gymnasium. TheBoutiller, professor of philosophy at administration from the time of the Faculty Exchange, together with meet will begin promptly at 7:30.Flers; H. Roudil, professor of mod-, ancient Romans to the present day. a statement of their previous ex- There will be no Y. M. C. A. meetern languages at Montpellier, and E. In speaking of the situation in the perience and the kind of work for the upper c1assmen.Dubedout, professor of literature at Philippines, he said in part» they are. accustomed .to do. Yesterday afternoon Mr. StaggJanson le Sailly, Paris. Three other The idea of what the Philippines are Nothing elaborate is required. to met the captains of the high-schoolmen are making preparations to come worth seems to be uppermost in the minds fill the cover space, but it should teams, Eckersall of Hyde Park,to the University in the near future. of most of our citizens. Time and again lb· Morris of Englewood, and Bremerh h k d bo h f he attractive and as appropriate as ,These six men complete the roll of ave een as e a ut t e resources 0 t ese of South Division, and arranged theislands, but seldom hal> anyone inquired: possible. Managing editors SloanFellows, four of whom are maintained "What kind of people are the Filipinos and .and Lord are particularly anxious details of the meet. There will beby the French government, the re-' what capacity have they for development that the designs be, handed in as' the usual high-school events insteadmaining two being supported. by M. into good citizens?" of the college indoor events. ThatI the • I ld th t b soon as possible, so that thev may beLebaudy n 1S connection wou say a y i J is, there will be no two-mile run,. disposition the native is deceitful, cunning, passsed on carefully and the best .The general plan of the French and cruel. These characteristics were not chosen. which is a regular college event,school involves a normal department changed by the Spanish rule. Of govern- Illustrations of all kinds are' also but there will be a 22o-yd. dash, andand an engineering department. The ment not dependent upon force he has no ' a broad jump, events which do notncepti Th kind f.. nt h needed for the book and are respect-plan is to have ultimately on the co Ion. e 0 goyemme e - appear on a' college' indoor program.ldi hi h 1 is capable of setting up is illustrated by .fully solicited by the editors. Th I 1 h becampus a bui 109 w IC wil contain Aguinaldo's government. The Filipino is . e po e-van t as en omitted atthe two departments, a large French. acute in mind, fairly industrious for' an in- - the request of the· high schools, aslibrary and probably a French mu- habitant of the tropics, has, a keen faculty lforwegian Chemist Visits University their vaulters are not eligible, ,Aseum. The school is to be modeled of imitation, and is ever readv to follow C. Doxrud, professor of techno- I twelve-pound shot will be used.European customs and models. -.after the French schools of Rome Whatthe Philippine islands meed now is logical chemistry in the School of The 35-yd. dash should be averyand Athens. peace, reformed currency, wise government Technology, Christiania, Norway," interesting event:. . There has been aThe school at Rome, and the concessions, which will establish industries .,great deal of discussion as to whetherschool at Athens, have been estab- employing native labor, development of com- visited the University this morning. Eckersall of Hyde Park or Taylor of1· h d b th F h t t merce, and continued carrying out of the Mr. Doxrud is one of the distin- the Freshman will winvand theyap-IS e . y e rene governmen 0 measures already installed by both the mW-assist French students in their study tary and the civil governments. guished educators of his country. pear so evenly matched that nothingof archreology. This school bas .. can be predicted as to the result._ .. been .elDinentl:y.successful and. great __ .. WILL.OIStUSS-·THREE-liONTHs!" �RULE. . ... .P.LAtlAIWlHER SlIlUUAKEOUS.ll'AlCH-�� Aqd!e.)VS ��_�ll�orth_o.f the Fresh-hopes are' entertained by M. Ingres ..• . ., ;.. - .. -: _man,. and. Barker . and Gilbert.' offor the ultimate success of ·this new Fratmlitiea Asked for Their Opiuions of Chess Club to Bold Second ETeDt on Peb.s Hyde Park are . also very close to theproject. When' questioned about Present Initiation Rega1ation lIIr. UdeDWlll Guest leaders.the purpose of the school at Chi- The following notice' has been sent The U. of C. Chess Club has ar- The same men _wil� be entered in'"C3go, M. Ingres said that it was to each of the fraternities; ranged for another simultaneous �he 220� as in the 35, and the resultestablished to help Frenchmen in THE OFFICE OF THZJUNIOIl COLLEGES, � I match to be held in Hitchcock Li- IS also ID doubt.their study of English methods, in- January 29, 1903. 5 brary,' Feb. 5, at 7 :30 P. )1. Mr. Ude- Taylor should ·win.the quarter withventions and Institutions, M. Ingres Notiu /0 Fraternities: mann of the Chicago Chess Club_ will Buckwalter se�ond, a�d Comstock ofsaid also that the University was ' The three-months' rule concerning the ini- be the guest of the evening. Hyde Park thl!d. . 'hi h I tiation of men pledged to the fraternities will Th h If 1 Il b bl tfortunate in securing t IS SC 00, as.soon come up for discussion before the Board The last simultaneous match held e a -mi e WI pro a y go 0several large cities of the. United of Students' Organizations. The decision under the Chess Club's auspices was Comstoc�.-. B�ckwalter ma� be ableStates, among which were Philadel- reached by the board will be influenced by closeiy contested, and the club of- to defeat him If he-runs .�hls eve�t.phia and Boston, had put 'in appli- the opinion of the fraternities concerning the ficials hope that the coming event Hall may also be able to WID. O�ersworking of the present regulation. May I ho be bl t Ication s for it. -ask your fraternity to consider this matter will be equally well attended. Every- w. may a e 0 �core are vrson,Although the' appropriation for and report upon it to me soon? Please give one desiring to play will please bring Hltchcoc�,. and. Parkinson.the school has not yet been made, to reasons for the position you take regarding his own boards and men. The mile WIll be easy for Hall.avoid delaying its establishment at the regulation in question. . Anderson of South Division shouldthe University the French consul of Yours very truly, C. F. CASTLE, be second ..this city thought it advisable to have Dea«, PHI SIGMA DRAMATICS The 40-yd. high hurdles will bethe six men come to this country. LAW SCHOOL BOTES An affair of interest to University people easy for. Kelley and Catlin, with Ab-The matter will, however, come will be the fifth annual dramatics of the' Phi bot of Hyde Park or Schneider ofbefore the French government in the Professor James Barr Ames, dean Sigma fraternity of the Hyde Park High 'South Division third.near future and will be definitely of the Harvard Law School, visited 'School Thursday evenings, February 12 and The 4o-yd. low hurdles may givepassed upon next month. the school here yesterday, and in the 19. at Rosalie Hall. The society has met the Freshmen more trouble, as theyabsence of Professor Beale conducted with great success in all its former attempts. have not practiced them. Comstockhis class in Equity. Professor Ames It will present Alcazar, a Spanish comedy in will be a strong contestant.is receiving the honorary LL. D. of three acts, which promises to be very attrac- Ransom of Hyde Park should winNorthwestern University. live, containing good music. The play, un- the broad jump. Wightman andThe Law School "smoker" which der the direction of Mr. Frank Tobey, is Buckwalter may score in this event.the students hcve been planning to written by Frank McDonald Lowe, one of The shot-put is for the Freshmangive in honor of the Law Faculty the members of the fraternity, and original trio, Maxwell, Parry, and Gale.'has been indefinitely postponed. scenery is painted by Don P. Crane, also a Th hi h . ·11 b blPhi Sigma. The patronesses will be: Mn. e Ig Jump WI pro a y goDean Beale cannot be present and to Carroll, with high-school menthe students have decided to wait un- G. F. Swift, Mrs. W. P. Carey, Mrs. A. H. taking the other places. Ransomtil he can be with them. Wood, Mrs. Katherine Girling, Miss Hen-may get second.rietta Coone, �. Iiss Agnes Stuart, and Miss The relay race will be between theKatherine Jones. Hyde Parkers and the Freshmen.The Cut A close and interesting meet issure to take place.EntriesOTIS SPEAKS TO STUDENTS COVER FOR "CAP AND GOWN"Freshman Track Team to MeetTeams from Hyde Park, Englew�, and South DivisionSaturday Evening at 7: 30- Sure to BeClose and Interesting-llo Y. M.C. A. Meet for Upper Clasamen.lIIAJORS .AIm MIBORSThe girls' mandolin club had its first rehearsal yesterday under the direction ofHenry D. Sulcer. Everybody appeared atthe rehearsal, and the club gives promise ofbeing a great success.Le Cercle du Conversation Francais metyesterday afternoon at Beecher Hall. Therewas a large attendance and no games orother devices were needed to stimulate animated conversation. �1. David of the Romance Department and President of theCluh, made an address at the opening of themeeting. Mrs. Knowles, President of theFrench Cluh of Chicago, was present as aguest of honor, and also her daug�ter, Mrs.Robhins, who recited very effectively themonologue, •• Oh! Le Theatre!" Otherguests of honor were M. and �Ime. Dubedout,who have but lately arrived from France .This is one of the interesting clubsof theUniversity. It meets every Thursday at 4o'clock in Beecher Hall. Our Alphonso Dias Don Quixote de Ribero,King of Alcazar ... � .... Richard J. DavisBernal, Duke of Alva ....••.. Don P. CraneAltisadora, the Princess .... Harold H. SwiftPequita, tbe Innkeeper's daughter ............................ Arthur WoodCrespo, the Court fool Don LoweMiranda, Countess of Valdegamas ............ .. Don AbhottBaltrom, the leader of the Bandits .....................•........ l\torton HullAlfar, the page Harold DotyPiola, the Court poet Harry WrightPedro, the Innkeeper George HuntSenor Carreno l\torton lIullThe High Lord Chancellor .. William BrownBandit. Charles PruynWise l\lan (not decided]Scene I.-Courtyard of the Inn at Alca·zar. Scene 11.- The Ruined Monastery.Scene Ill.-The anteroom of the King ofAlcazar's Palace. 35-yd. dash - Freshmen: Taylor, Andrews, Wightman, Ellsworth, Catlin, Horovitz, Ivison, Maxwell; Hyde Park: Gilbert,Barker, Eckersall; Englewood: Workman,Levison; South Division: Lehman, Bremer •22o-yd. dash - Freshmen: Taylor, Andrews, Wightman, Ellsworth, Horovitz, hison; Hyde Park: Gilbert, Parker, Eckersall;Englewood: Workman, Levisoa; South Division: Bremer, Lehman.Quarter-mile-e-Freshmen. Taylor, Buckwalter, Wightman, Ivison; Hyde Park: .Comstock; Englewood: Levison; South Division:Frume, Peck, B. Bullock.Half-mile run-Freshmen: Hall, Buckwalter, Parkinson, Ivison, Woodworth, Kerwin, Hitchcock; Hyde Park: Comstock,(Continued on page J, column 2.)CHICAGO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1903The Daily' MaroonFormerly the Ualycnity 01 Cbaeo Weekly.. POCIIIDIU)The UDiYersity of ChiQlO Weekly • October 1,189-THE DAlLV MAROOII • - October I. IQOS!lEWS COJlTRlBUTIOJlS. REQUESTED. IPublished by tbe students of the UDiYerslty of Chi·Clli'0 every afterDoon. cxcept Saturday ani Sunday duroioe the 46 weebof tbe UDlnrsl.,. year.Present board of edilOrs aDd business man:l£crautborued by studeDt·body iD mass mecuD£ May IS,IQ02.Mcmbership OD subsequcut boards of editors to bedetermlDed by competitioD open to all stUdeDts iD theUDiycrsity.BOARD OF EDITORStl=:i!.dFto�ilOr _ -_ -_ H·lli�::R�:�V-:;�Athletic Editor - ROBllIn'L. HIlNaY, JR.ASIOClATK KDITORSFUlfCIS F. TISCHE FRANK McNAIREu P. GALE ADIlLIIIlIn'T. STaWAIITFUNIC R. ADAIIS WALTE. L. GREGOaYAU'ST1N A. HAVDUWOIIAN EDrTOasMISS CoItNEUA SIlITlI MISS ACNIlS WAVMANSTAFF OF aaroRTERsTHADDEUS J. MEaalLL EItNEST J. STEvaNSALllaRT W. SHItKER RALPH 1'. MULVANE.EUGENa KUNa EDwAaD M. KaawlN'LaRov A. VANl'ATrJUt EOCAREwlNCCHARLES L. DAasT Eo D. F. BUTTERnltLDMISS ELLA R. MaTSlCaR MISS LEliA HARRISBUS:nnts8 STAFFTHE DAILY MAROON THE MONTHLY MAaooNBu."iDess Maaaecr. - - , BVRON G. MOONAssistant BusiDess MaDa2cr JUUAN L. BaoDS.Advcrtlsin, MUR2er - .,' PLATT M. COIfRADRush MedIC Manaeer -, " J. W. SWIFTSecretary, - • FaaD WOItTHINCTOJIA;;li'eah',,, ",ad, 11I,.,,,t,.y as slClI"d-c//Us ",111-II,. at tlai C"icaKP PIlIi-tl/liu.,I Dally Subscription, $3 per 4 quarters I $ 1 for 3 monthsBy Mallin city S4 pe'r 4 quarters I $ 1.25 for 3 monthsSut.crlptloas recefftd at·"The Maroon" <MIce. fint 1_ thePress Bulldlnc. or left In "The Maroon" Box. the Faaall)'Exdwlce. Cobb Hall..t •: EDITORIALS ..The appropriations of the CarnegieInstitution, to be expended by U. ofCarnegie C. scientists, as reported·Institution'. in yesterday's issue, haveAppropria· been made with a view totiOIll the utilization of the existing labo�atori;; "��-d of :tll� �"x�eilent facilities for special researchwork in the different phases of thestudy �f astronomy, together withthe great amount of valuable apparatus: at Geneva Lake, Wis. 'By this new appropriaition the mostefficient things for' advantageous reosearch will be brought together under,one department. We shall see Dr.George E. Hale at the head of agroup of famous astronomers working out the great problems of the'science which have heretofore beenimpossible of solution; ,and under,the direction of T. C. Chamberlin a,grOUp of geologists who will begin aco��tehensive study of the history,· orIgIn, and dynamics of the earth.University of Chicago men andwomen have reason to congratulatethemselves on the fact that the menchOsen. to lead this new research· work. are .Chicago �en"and that theyare hel4 1D such high respect in thescientific world. ,Th� .. IS action on the part of theC�rn�gie Institution recalls to mindthe 'Vords -spoken by john D. Rockefeller at the Decennial' banquet in· 19�1. He said: "1 Want to proposethree cheers for the man who hasgiven away more, money for educational purposes than any livingAmerican-Andrew Carnegie." Inview of the fact that Mr. Carnegieestablished and endowed this institution for research, it would seemthat another occasion to respond tosuch a suggestion as that of Mr.Rockefe)�r's in 190 I has arisen.I· �,If.I:'t'� ,,..Ii' �I:•�1 fr •. ,f�,. !iI The University of Michigan museum has one of the finest existingcollections of musical instruments.It numbers 1,500 pieces, all of whichhave been presented by Mr. Frederick Stearns, of Detroit. DEAR SIR:-�ease send me Otu PWfiwm.descriptive 01 tbe work 01 The Clark Teachers'Agency. I understand you have located onehundred students from this University.M. A. ROON, ('03 U. 01 C.)To B. F. CLARK. 378 Wabash ave •• ChicagoESTABUSUD 1874W. T. Xeener,& CO.MEDICAL BOOKSELLE�SPublishers and 'Importers,"". MaiD Store ,West Side Store '9O·W ..... Ave •.. Wood aDd CoarreN Su.(F"afth Flood ...nws FROM THE U1fIVERSITIESColumbia has offered to grant freetuition to five Filipinos to be recommended by the government.A club of girls at California, knownas the Prytaneans, are going to present an operetta about February 22. 'The Leland Stanford Junior University baseball team has sixteengames scheduled for the months ofJanuary, February, and March.In all probability Bob Warner, thecaptain of the Cornell football teamfor the last two' years, will coach theCornell University team next season.He will be assisted in his work byHarry Purcell, one of last year'shalf-backs.Wisconsin and Michigan will debate in Madison on the night ofMarch 13.' The question is: "Wouldthe adoption of a general income tax,levied b)' the United' States government, be to' the best advantages ofthe nation?"The Oratorical Association' of Wisconsin is endeavoring to secure President Roosevelt to deliver a lecture,under its auspices, to the studentbody of " that institution during themonth of April, when he is makinghis extended -trip through the Westand N ortbwest.William Bain� who played halfbackon the Hasketl. Indian School teamat Lawrence,' Kansas, last fall, willenter the University of- Wisconsinlaw school at the beginning' of .. the. second semester. Bain is a star halfback, having played . on the CarlisleIndian School team one' season.Great things are going to be expect ..ed of him next fall by the students ofWisconsin. ' ,The University 'of Indiana celebrated the eighty-third.' anniversaryof its foundation January 2 I by installing its tenth president, WilliamLowe Bryan. The exercises extended over three days, during whichtime the students of that institution=produced . Shakespeare's As YouLike It_ The new Science Hall wasformally dedicated on the last day ofthe festivities.<ill �<iOY(EooESA,SLAMEDITOR:Reading your verses reminds me of ridingin a carette, I can not scan your feet.Yours wi th a hammer,SAMANTHA OF LEXINGTON HALL.Sorry, Samantha; it must be the fault ofthe typewriter. We have been trying to getthe business management to buy us a newmachine made especially for the manufacture of Gargoylette verse, but as· yet themanagement refuses to loosen up.GARGOYLBTTB LOlfG DISTAlfCB CO!lTBSTThis department has decided to hold anendurance contest to decide once for all therelative powers of its many contributors, Thecontest will begin Monday of next week andwill close Friday. On that date all the contributions will be counted and sat upon by acommittee of judges, after which the awardswill be made on the basis of frequency,distancemade, and the physical condition of the contestants when they finish. Persons hot infirst-class physical condition are warned notto attempt the strain of this contest.We already have several entries and willreceive others up to midnight of Sunday,February I. Those already entered are:Malcolm Gervais de St. Trevor, MarcusAurelius Dooley, Henri St. Louis, DanteGabriel Gargoyletti, Francois Bouillon,Mrs. Dooley, Sir Brian de la Malyeux,. Genevieve Gasthaus, and Heinrich Heinz,Among the entries so far Malcolm Gervais.de St. Trevor apparently has the best show,as he has a record of putting the sixteenpound Gargoylette 156 feet. He is closelyseconded by Francois Bouillon, who hasdone a ballade in 10 flat, while DanteGabriel Gargoyletti looks good in the running broad Gargoylette.The awards will be as follows:First prize-One silver-plated hammer,engraved with the name of the winner.Second prize-One hand-made Gargoylette, manufactured by the editor of the department and warranted in perfect condition.This will be a prize well worth striving for,as only a few of these all-wool Gargoylettesare extant.Third prize-e-One group photograph ofthe entire staff of the Gargoylette department, done in oils and framed in guilt,Besides these there W!1l he awarded fiveconsolation prizes, consisting of marooncaps on which are embroidered two hammers crossed and a large "G" in white •Students desiring to secure a position toteach will find it to their interest to consultJames F. McCullough, 639 Fine Arts Building, Chicago. Watch ThisSpace forThe ClothesThat Bloomin The SpringTra-LaIS3LaS&lleM J, COFFEY Tallorto.street .'., Studeau105-1107 Alsoc:iatioD Bld'£ PhODe Ccutral 3439 Do You Dance?If so, you will fiDel • fiDC RUOrtmCDtof daDciD£, party. euchre, diDDcr,wcdciiD2, aDd lupper fayors at •••Ountber's Confectionery212 State Street, ChlcapWHY USEPOOR, UlIWBOLESOlllE MILK,• heD for the lamc mOney you can .. £ct it pure: I .. eetand atnordiaarily rich. dellyered iD sealed bottles, bycaJlioe up TclcphODC South 817. or droppin£ a postaltoSIDNEY W ANZ,ER & SONS,305 . Thirtieth Street.DR� CHARLES.� MURPHYOFnCIt·:':S. E. Comer Sixty'third It. llDd ID2lcsidc avoHours: g-,JO A.II., 2-4 P.II •• ,7-8 P.II.'Phonc, Oakland 252RItSIDIDCCE: 6]30 Woodlawn aYcuucHours: 8-9 A.M., 6-'7 P.M. "Pheae, Drexel 5093MonroeBuildingCafe Handsomest AppointedCafe in Hyde 'Park :Breakfast, Luncheonand DinnerServlce prompt and faultless.C\JisiDc uDcxcelled. Splendidyiew of the Cam'p'us from thediDin.r-room. universityStu�eDts Welcome : : : : ====FI�ST-CLASS ====OrchestrasFor Fraternity Annuals, IDformals.Receptions, etc. :Address GEORGE P. JACKSON, Mgr."Phoae, Hyde Park 1528. 76 HITCHCOCKILLINOIS���h�flAW300Stude .. t •• 70 palled 11II1tO;. s.., •• a,"l .. atIOll. lot "ear.&ttd lor catalOfl to HOWARD N. OGDEN. P,.. ••• J J:l C/ar. St.Shorthand••. IN ONE HOU� •••In ..,0 to 60 days . Mrs. Lena A. White.guarantees to make you an expert stenographer and typewriter or refund yourmoney. Hundreds of students havemastered her system in one bour. Continuous school session. Individual instruction by the author .White's College, FI��t:'TS203 Michigan ave.5519 Monroe ave.Sidh ElevatorFloor Service.JENKINS BROTHERSReasonable and Rdia.ble Retailersof FIDe Dry Goods. Men'sF� Boots aoclShoes" EtC., Etc. .- .-T�� Cor.63d st. and Kimbark ave.Tclcpllonc 718 OaklandA. McAdamsTHE UNIVERSITY FLORISTGREENHOUSES: CHICAGOCor. 53d st.. aDd Kimbark aYe. . B. L. AMas Establilhed 1873 H. R. PAULOET THE BESTAmes' HatsAcceptable Present: A Gift Certificate for Hat or Gloves • . ..161 a. 163 E. MADISON ST., Dear LA SALLEOur Splendid Stock of-ENGLISH and SCOTCHSUITINGSSUITS .'OVBRCOATS -BVBJIDIG smTS - Are Correct for Colleec Wear$25-SSO25- 6040- 75JANUARY SPECIALA Black or Blue Cheviot Suit with elctntrousers of the same or stripe materialTWENTY-FIVE DOLLARSTailor for Young Ken129-131 LA SALLE ST.A. N. JaRREllS. MiT.Compressed Air Service'The Grand Central Barber ShopB. J. GAJIBT, ProprietorTel. 2083 Barriaon Laundry Office Ant iscptic Face Cream72 Adams StreetOppositc FairEvening Dress for Men·EVENING DRESS is given aconspicuous showing here .Conventional dress suits and operahats, as well as most acceptableneckwear, shirts and shoes, areoffered at the lowest practicali.���i Marshall Field & Co. �L-------------------------tprices.THE STUDENT'S' FRIENDrlCHICAGO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1903MARSHALL DARRACH, SHAKESPEARE RECITALIST SOON TO PRESENT" JULIUS C�SAR"Marshall Darrach, the notedShakespearean scholar and reader, will deliver a dramatic recitalof Julius· Casar in Kent Theateron Thursday, February 5, at 4o'clock. Hearing that Mr. Darrach was passing through Chicago Mr. Wal�er A. Payne, secretary of the Lecture-Study department of the University of ChicagoExtension Division, invited himto give a free recital at the University, and he very kindly consented to do so.Mr. Darrach is considered thebest reciter and interpreter ofShakespeare's plays in America,having appeared with great success in most of the large cities ofthe East, and at many of the eastern universities. For two yearshe delivered regular recitals atYale, and he has just finished aseries at johns Hopkins University.Mr. Darrach recites entirelyfrom memory, and is thus betterable to interpret and impersonatethe characters than if obliged torefer to a manuscript. Hismethod of presenting these playsis the best possible for bringingthe student into better .understanding of the way in which thedifferent dramas were acted out inShakespeare's own day: He doesnot appear in costume, is not aide.ed by scenery nor any of thetwentieth century devices for making a play good in spite of its lackof literary worth. Without thestage-settings and other accessories, Mr. Darrach has to rely entirely upon his personal ability inhis presentations. HAVE YOU EVERSEEN ONE OF. OUR$50FullDressSuits?•If not it will pay you to investigatebefore placing your order elsewhere.NOBLE D. SOPERTailorComer ..clSt st. and Cottage Orove av.L. MANASSE, OPTICIAN88 Ma son oSL. Trlbane BalldlDCSpectaCles u4 Byecluae. Scientiac:ally £4jutecl. Eyes Tested FreeEYcrythiae OptIcalMatbematicaltMeteteOlorical,1lDdfor the L:i.ntemist.Kodab, Cameru. u4 81IllPUe ..If Your Hair is Worth AttentionBELGIAN. HAIR GROWERis worth attention. Cures all hair andscalp trouble or mtm� r�funtl�tI. .Ezpn-tscimlijUi.raminalion of tlte "air a"d setdp fre«;THE BELGIAN DRUG CO.,.. Adams sc, Dexter Bide.MUSSEY'SBilliard Halls and Bowling AlleysThe Largest and Finest AmusementResort in the World100 to 108 MADiSON STREETStorag e J(�ng II ATHLETIC NOTES IIPacking ..Telephone, 461 u4 462 W ntwortil Kelley. the Freshman sprinter, is laid upBECKLENBERG'S EXPRESS &VAlfCO. with a sprained hip muscle.6154 to 6160 Wentworth Ave. Nineteen candidates have turned out forBRAKeR: 6301 Cottace GroTe Ave. the one-mile and four-mile relay team!' whichNorthwestern is going to send to Philadel-.phia.. SpaldiDC'. Athletic Library 1'10.162"Boxing"- T6e book C'ODwns about sevelltyfull Pille illu�tratiODs. showiD2 howeach blow is to be made. how to attackaDd bow to defend yourself. It showsbow the hands must be held aDd thepositions to take, witbdesc:riptions tbatare so accurate that auy h?Y caD takethem, open them up and with a yoaDEfriend become proficient. Besides baaea fully illustrated book on tbe art ofself-defence, it contaiD5 nearly all thepbotoer&pbs of the leadinc Americ:aDboRrs and the positions they take.which in itself is IDStructive.PRice JOeSpaldiae'$ Cataloeue of all Athletic Sports MailedFree to any Addn:sa.A. O. SPALDINO « BROS.New York Chica£O DenTer Buffalo BaltimoreBANQUETSThe .5berman HoaM is splendidlyequipped for :.a!fe cw small Baaqaeu. Dinner PiutIea. or TIIeaterParties. lind will be pleased to farnish ntimlltes to Clnbs, Fraternities,or�:::::: ::SHERMAN HOUSEHotel CompanyH. ZEISS LADIES'TAILOR9 East 47th street z : :(near Ill. Centra) Station)'Phone Oakland 126<), After 7 P. M., orSunday, 'phone Gray 404Unlined Suits from $35 up.Silk-Lined Suits from $..co up.Skirts from $.S up.Fire Losses Ad)asted hlldl •• AppralMdMcKEOWN BROTHERSCARPENTERS AND BUILDERS4' .. · .. 06 Eat .. 7\11 Str.t'Phone DtueII2961nalldines remodeled and repaired. rme interiorCIIrpeD1eT work. Store- and ofIice-finiaa. Hardwood� ��tr-::� worlcmea em� Con -----------------SHEET MUSICTALKING23c. aucI MACHINES 23c.·The Music Shop -. Stcinway HaDFRED. J. HAMILL0' MEARA. BROTHERS'HOME BAKERYmakes IIOtbine batStrictly Home-Made OoodsBrad, Rolls. Pie, and Cake. Parties aDd Weddiuessupplied on short notice. Ices and Ice Cream 10 orderDon't fOT£eltbe nDJDber-378 Eut.sstII at.'Phone. DreseJ 111)21.LIBBY'SNatural FlavorFood Products I}II SOCIETY ITEMS 1.1' I RUSH MEDIC NOTES I ,. -The Beta Th�ta pi fraternity will' give the'second of a series of informals this evening .at Kenwood Institute.The Chicago chapter of Delta Upsilonwill hold its second annual assembly thisevening at the Chicago Beach Hotel.Miss Reynolds will be at home in her parlors to the members of Nancy Foster' Hallon Tuesday 'evenings during the winterquarter.This evening at the Neighborly ClubHouse, Forty-seventh and Grant avenue, theMandolin Club will give a dance to its ownmembers. The occasion is to be a formalone. Mr.'Edwa;d Kn��f��t�red the Presbyterian Hospital yesterday with an attack ofla grippe. . His condition IS not consideredserious;The Medic Council meets tomorrow morning at. 10 o'clock, in the Lower Amphitheater.It is not definitely known what subjects willbe discussed, but it has been rumored thatamong other things the bonor system ofconducting examinations will be considered.'The announcement in a Chicago daily thismorning of the plan of the projected polyclinic hospital on the North Side, has occasioned much speculation and gossip amongthe Juniors and Seniors. The fact that Professor Senn is so intimately connected withthe scheme adds increased interest to the .affair.Hull Court NewsDr. Raycroft has called a special meetingof the special class in Physical Culture thisevening at 5 o'clock.Dr. Barker will address the Seminar thisevening un the subject of "Hremolysms" at4 in room 33, anatomy building.There was a meeting of the Physiologicaljournal Club this afternoon at 3, room25 Physiology building. This is the thirdmeeting of this club. Graduate and undergraduate students attended. Subjects of interest were discussed in a very thoroughmanner. Dr. Lyon and Dr. Mathews arethe organizers of this club, and extendeda cordial invitation to the student body aswell as to the Faculty.1906 VS. HroH SCHOOL(Continued from first page).Berry; Englewood: Badenoch, Moulder;South Division: Frume, L. Bullock, Anderson. Sultzberger.One-mile run-Freshmen: Hall, Woodworth, Parkinson, Kerwin, Fuessla, Dickerson, Corper; Hyde Park: Berry, Spalding;Englewood: Moulder; South Division:Anderson. Gawne, \Vebel.40-yd. high hurdles- Freshmen: Catlin,Kelley, Nowels, Kilgore; Hyde Park. Abbot;Englewood, Short; South Division, Schneider,Swigert.40-vd. low hurdles- Freshmen: Catlin,Kelley, Nowels, Kilgore, Buckwalter, Ivison;Hyde Park, Comstock; Englewood: jones,Stock house; South Ditision, Peck, Frume,Schneider.12-lb. shot-put-Freshmen: Max"'ell, Parrv, Gale, Catlin, Wightman; Hyde Park:Ransom; Englewood: Morton, Short; SouthDivision: Wallace, Schneider.Running high jump-Fre�hmen: Carroll,Kelley, Wightman, Parkinson, Maxwell,Parr\"; Hvde Park: Ransom. Coyle; Englewood: :\fannigan; South Division: Olson,:WalJace, Peck.Running broad jump - Freshmen: Buckwalter, Wightman, Kelley. Parkinson, Catlin;Hyde Park: Ransom; Englewood; jones,Smith; South Division: Schneider, Swigert.Relay race - Freshmen: Taylor, Andrews,Wightman, Ellsworth. Catlin, Horovitz,Kelley, Buckwalter; Hyde Park: Barker,Abbott, Comstock, Hammond, McKillup.Eckersall, Fisher, hecker, Englewood:Badenoch, Moulder, Graham, Iones, Work·man, Levison. IACADEMY ITEMS IWilliam Newburn, the �Iorgan Park startacl..'ie and third baseman, was visiting theschool today.G. R. Schaeffer, editor-in-chief of theAcademy Nnos, has resigned, HIS successorhas not been elected.The subject for the debate of next weekis: .. R�solv�d. That the United Statesshould interfere to prevent hostilities inSouth America."Dr. Henderson of the University deliveredthe address at �Iorgan Park on the occasionof the annual remembrance of .. Prayer Dayin College." His subject was" Truth."The Clay Club at South Side Academylast evening debated the question: .. R�sotued, That Saturday is a better school holiday than :\tonday." Mr. Allen led theaffirmative and H. Kroh the negative. Theaffirmative side received the decision of thejudges. After the close of the regular business. the young lady members of the club,under the leadership of Miss He!:n �Ia�!t,served refreshments.A BROOKS HAT. Peerless in Every Respect, $3.00THE WORLD'SGreatestClothiersHats, Caps,Furnishings,and Shoes ••For MEN aad BOyS.J. J. GILL, Ph.G.t !J I1 It.!1:1·1iI i1:1. I1 CHEMIST andPHARMACIST'Pboae oaJdaa4 175. 27" E. Flfty-Seveatb st.<.1',J: ;A:FULLDRESSSUITANDTUXEDOCOAT:FOR$75.00Willialll .Sachen320 E. Fifty-fifth st.10 per cent. Discount to Facility aadStudents for CasbDIl. W. J. CovIEYsapcrinteads all work Pbouc CaltrallShCOVEY'SDENTAL PARLORS'74-17& STATE STREETOppo&ite Main Eutraace Palmer Boaae�� .'. $� I �T��.S.W. _$1:Platf_ FiIliD£ 1.00 .." Roee ParI IS.-Gold Filliaes k.oo. lIP Paialaa � .soONE MONTH'S FREE TUlTIOlfIB P1JRB roD PRODUCTIOBReading, Singing, and Public SpealdDg!SUe« OIl trae ldelatilc priIldp1esOakwood Institute of Vocal Culture139 Oakwood BI.d. (1fOT ncc.)Ii-.jihIil \.I CHICAGO, FRIDAY, JANUAR� 30, 1903I-M L 0 0 KIN G FOR WAR D.WITH MUCH PLEASURE TO A CALL FROM THE READER, WHE:-< I WILL. WITH·OUT DOUBT, CONVINCE YOU OF THE SUPERIORITY OF NOT ONLY MY uiu:OF WOOLENS. BUT THE GENERAL HIGH QUALITY OF MY WORK. WHICII HASPLACED ME IN THE LEAD IN THIS BUSINESS IN CHICAGO.••• YOU KNOW ME •••The 33 lIan 33 Adami 33 Cent, 33 letters In 31)- DollarllGoodOriginal at It, 'Phone Name and J BUllness"Address Suit••• MY LEADER .••CARROLL S. McMILLEN, TAILOR, No. 33 Adams st.If You Want Money c:�l A�����Dlamoads, Watches, Jewelry, and Antiques, for sale ; Old Gold and Sliver Bou£ht, NOTICES,Studenta and faculty mcmbcn are requested to aeodall DOtic:es to THIE DAILY MA�M for publicatioD freeof charrc. Notices must be left at THIE MA�JI olIiceor Faculty Excbaall:e. before II : 00 A. II.The trials for membership in the DramaticClub will take place on Thursday. February5, at 4 P. M. in Kent. For full particularssee THE DAILY MAROON of Tuesday, January 27.The Zoological club will meet in Room24, Zoology building, at 8 o'clock Fridayevening. Mr. Wallace Craig will speak onthe topic "Review of Karl Groos' Theory ofSexual Selection."On Saturday, meetings of the Universityruling bodies will be held in HaskellMuseum as follows: The Faculty of theSchool of Education at 8:30 A. !oI. and theBoard of Physical Culture and Athletics at10 A. M.The lectures of Mr. Frederick W.Halls, which were to have taken placeon February 4 and 5, have been postponed to February 18 and 19.1;hrough Florida SerriceSpecial sleeper leaves every week day at IP. M. from Chicago to St. Augustine, onlyone night out. Get Tickets and reservations.Big Four Ticket Office. 234 Clark Street.J. C. Tucker, G. N. A. Weaver Coal &DOMESTIC Coke Co.COKEManuscripts, letters, circulars, etc., typewritten at 5552 Lexington ave .. third flat.Two nice furnished rooms for rent; allmodem conveniences. Call at 5436 Ingle-side ave. m fA young woman having a good home, desires the companionship of an educated andrefined young lady, in exchange for roomand board. A University student preferred,Inquire or write THE DAILY MAROON. mfFor positions in High Sehools, SecondarySchools, State·Normal Scbools.Colleges, andState Universities, address or calion TheAlbert Teachers' Agency, Fine Arts Building, Chicago. C. J. Albert, manager.If you need a cough syrup use Tolu Tarand Wild Cherry. University Pharmacy,560 E. Fifty-fifth st.We have built up a great many thin students-oh, no! not by health food, but bypadding their garments.Famous Tailoring Company346 E. Fifty-fifth st. 'Phone. Hyde Park 5700Meet me Midway, the U.of C. and the I. C. youcoming right now. Come.on, get mere, have m delivered. cost no more.:nORTON'S, � S'7th st.,is midway twixt the I. C.and the U. C. See. H a r dforSubstitute CoalPa-persget-mere ... Marquette Building63d and WaJlace streets 40th street and \Ventworth avenueNorth avenue and River33� OFF w. T. DELIHANTPr".iI_t M. C. O'DONNELLS,crnary , ALBERT TEBOTruuur,r)leans our: Standard Washed Coal Co.NEW KENTUCKY COALPOCAHONTAS PEN-MARTEL. HARRISON 3137 303 Dearborn streetCHICAGO-ts., � $10 Suits,.$ 6.66- � $12 Suits, $ 8.00'fi SiS Suits, $10.00{ S20 Suits, $13.33$25 Suits, $16.66$30 Suits, $20.00Same applies to OYercoatsIIOS SLER.'S121 Monroe StreetScheyer,Hoglund CO.TAILORS89 East Madison St., - Suite 9-72SPECIAL OFFER FOR JAIroARYB?ery Fucy Sait in tile boaae $35-00Former prices were S40, 145, 'SO, 'SS.To YOU University men,we have something important to say SOON.Until then keep yourmoney.ARTHUR o, KINO THE ILLINOIS -WAREHOUSE andSTORAGE COMPANY·Phone. Oaldaad 571 KIMBARK AVE. and PIFTY-SIXTH ST_The Cleanest and Best Kept StorapWarehouse in the. City . • • •...Furniture and Pianos Moved. Stored, Packed and Shipped to all parts ofthe world. 300 Private Storace Rooms. Lal'2e Parlor Exclusively forPianos. Rooms for Trunu and 'Vheels. Lal'2e Room for Carriaecs,BURies, and Sleiehs. TRmntS TO AIm FROM ALL DEPOTS.Local tnUlsfers for BlIII:E8£C, Furniture, Packllll:cs. ete., at short notice.ar- Special Attention GiTen to UniTersity Orders_Bowling Alleys ••• Pool and BilliardsTurkish and Russian Baths • Grill Room.a Hotel.aMetropole Best appointed rooms for Banquets,Dancing Parties, etc •• in the City.Special inducements offered to Fraternities and Clubs.FIRST-CL'AS S INEVERY PARTICULAR Comer Twenty-third street and l'tIichigan avenue��� .......... ���i SHORTHAND IN 30 DAYS# GUARANTEED!.!�#��� Boyd's Syllabic ShorthandOBLY ImIB CHARACTERS AIm TBRBB RULES; KOSHADED CBARACTERS ; KO • • POSITIOK "; MOSTLEGIBLE SYSTB.; GREAT SPEED : : : : : : :President 101m W. Cook.lIorthem Winoia State lIonnal School. Detalb, says: "The resultsthat you are able to secure witb the �yllabic System of Shorthand are very surprising. Until a fracticaltllastnation of your methods of instruction came under my observation 1 supposed that severa monthswere·needed to eive a atudent any fair facility in office work. I now know ·that a diligent and capablepenon. with no previous knowled&e of shorthand. can acquire the ability to take ordinary dictation withina period of thirty days. Yours truly, JOHN \V. COOK."131 HUMBOLT Bosn, •• CHICAGO."I found no difficulty in wtitin2' 100 words a minute within 30 Iessons of 2 hours each at your ni�htschool and feel coa6dcDt that I could han done the same in 2 weeks had I attended the day school. Thesimplicity of the aystem and the absatce of any puzzlin2' rules cspecially commend it. I have notrouble in wtitinr or tnanscrabing my notes, and am now boldinE :a position which has increased myulery looper cent. Respectfully, PAUL TARNOSKI."WE TEACH SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING FOR ONEIlAJ.F THE PRICE CHARGED BY OTHER SCHOOLSIIYDB PAIUt A.lID CmCAGO BEACH ST.&BI.BSBORDEN'SCONDENSED MILK, FLUID MII.K,r,�EAM aDd BU1TE�MILK(All bottled in tbe cOuntry)Borden's Condensed Milk Co.62'i-Q3 Eat 47tb at. J. H. KINTZ(PItOPRlftOa)Jackson Park Stables2'13 But Ftfty-8eTuUl ... tTel •• Oaldand 552 CHICAGOBOWMAN DAIRY CO. For Character Delineations SeekSUMBOLAShe SEES inherent qualities as contn1ruted bythe rulin, pla_u-at time of binh. An unfaili�_gt1idc to BBAL TH, IUPPIllBSS,.AJO)PROSPERITY. For full particulars, addressSUMBOLA 4545 Wabash ATenueCHICAGO, ILL., U.S.A••• OUR •••Milk is Bottled in the Counh-yTBB BEST IS CBBAPBST_celebrated HatsCI Styles aDdQualitiesAlways ProgreaaiTe"_ PAUlin Hoes.lIBW YOU PlllLADBLPBIA CIQCAGOIf You Are Sickyou will requirePURE MEDICINESIf you are well you will wish tbe best ofGB1IBR&L SUPPLIES�t:r Avery's Pharmacies55th and Mouoe lITe. 57th and Cotf:a2e Gnn-e ave.