THE UNIVERSITY OFjJAN 5199L1•VOLUME 85, NUMBER 6 I[,I2 Editor's notes3 Letters38 Class news43 Deaths45 Books byalumni 16232FEA'URES2,073 degrees of celebrationThe University's 430th Convocation marked the lOOthanniversary of the first conferral of degrees. And yes, itwas a happy occasion.MARY RUTH YOELiving proofWith the nation's first live-donor liver transplant, U of Csurgeons made medical history. They may do it again.DEBRA SHORE7 Why letters aren't what they used to beE-mail brings conversation back into correspondence,but the 18th century was when letter writingflourished.BRUCE REDFORDOn the quarkAs a student of Enrico Fermi, physicist Jerome Friedmanlearned to appreciate the art of intuitive calculations.DEBRA LADESTROCover: Silhouetted against aJune sky, graduates march towardRockefeller Chapel and their diplomas. Opposite: JonathanZ. Smith, the Robert O. Anderson distinguished serviceprofessor in the Humanities (and whose gown marks himas a Yale Ph.D.), awaits the start of a Convocationprocessional. Both photographs by Dan Dry. Page 22Page 27EditorMary Ruth YoeManaging EditorTim ObermillerAssociate EditorJaclyn H. ParkArt DirectorAllen CarrollEditorial AssistantCatherine Mitchell, AB'93Student AssistantJeanette Harrison, '94Contributing EditorJamie KalvenEditorial office: The University of ChicagoMagazine, Robie House, 5757 S. Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637. Telephone (312) 702-2163 Fax (312) 702-2166.The Magazine is sent to all University ofChicago alumni.The University of Chicago Alumni Association has its offices at Robie 'House, 5757 S.Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637. Telephone (312) 702-2150 Fax (312) 702-2166.The University of Chicago AlumniAssociation Board of Governors:Officers: William C. Naumann, MBA'75,president; Richard L. Bechtolt, PhB'46,AM'50, vice president; Jack J. Carlson,AB'40, treasurer; Linda Thoren Neal, AB'64,JD'67, secretary; and Jeanne Buiter,MBA'86, executive director.Clifford K. Chiu, MBA'82; N. Gwyn Cready,AB'83, MBA'86; Robert Feitler, X'46; TrinaN. Frankel, AB'64; Caroline Heck, AB'71;Warren Heemann, *Vice President, Development and Alumni Relations; Le Roy J.Hines, AM'78; Randy Holgate, *AssociateVice President, Development; Susan Carlson Hull, AB'82; Michael J. Klingensmith,AB'75, MBA'76; Patricia Klowden, AB'67;Michael C. Krauss, AB'75, MBA'76; JosephD. LaRue, AM'59; Robert F. Levey, AB'66;Katherine Dusak Miller, AB'65, MBA'68,PhD'71; Theodore A. O'Neill, AM'70, 'Deanof College Admissions; Susan W. Parker,AB'65; Harvey B. Plotnick, AB'63; Louise E.Rehling, AM'70, SM'74; Jean MacleanSnyder, AB'63, JD'79; David M. Terman,AS'55, SB'56, MD'59; Mary B. Van Meerendonk, AB'64; Peter O. Vandervoort, AB'54,SB'55, SM'56, PhD'60; Marshall I. Wais, Jr.,AB'63; Gregory G. Wrobel, AB'75, JD'78,MBA'79; Mary Ruth Yoe, *Editor, Universityof Chicago Magazine.* Ex OfficioMagazine Advisory Committee: Michael J.Klingensmith, AB'75, MBA'76, chair; RichardL. Bechtolt, PhB'46, AM'50; Mary LouGorno, MBA'76; Neil Harris, the Preston andSterling Morton Professor in History; SusanCarlson Hull, AB'82; Michael C. Krauss,AB'75, MBA'76; Robert F. Levey, AB'66;Katherine Dusak Miller, AB'65, MBA'68,PhD'71; Marva Watkins, AB'63.The University of Chicago Magazine (ISSN-0041-9508) is published bimonthly (October,December, February, April, June, andAugust) by the University of Chicago incooperation with the Alumni Association.Published continuously since 1907. Secondclass postage paid at Chicago and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: sendaddress changes to the Universtty=otChicago Magazine, Alumni Records, RobieHouse, 5757 S. Woodlawn Avenue,Chicago, IL 60637. © 1993 University ofChicago.Typesetting by Skripps and Associates, Chicago. Editors NotesLong before the Magazine began its"Family Album" (later, "Generations") feature in June 1980, U of Cfamilies posed proudly after graduation.Here's proof: Jerome Carlin, AM'Sl,PhD'S9, painted Joy's Graduation (above)from a photograph taken in front of Rockefeller Chapel on the day in june 19S1 thathis wife, Joy Grodzins Carlin, AB'Sl, graduated from the College. Posing with Joy areher parents and brothers, including the lateMorton Grodzins, then an associate professor in social sciences. (Among his later U ofC jobs were director of the Press, dean ofthe social sciences division; adviser to theChancellor, and chair of political science.)There's a real appeal to such gatherings,which explains why many readers haveenjoyed our "Family Album" and "Generations" photographs (taken all these years byRichard Younker, AB'63 ). So we're sorry toreport that considerations of space-eachyear brings more class news notes frommore alumni-led to our decision to endthe feature with the end of the centennialyear. We're certain, however, that such celebratory poses will continue to find theirway into each graduate'S own familyalbum-to be enjoyed for generations.Bere and GoneSome smiling faces also have disappearedfrom our editorial staff. In mid-june, associate editor Debra Ladestro left to marry and,2 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE! AUGUST 1993 after six months of Arabic lessons, to travelwith her Foreign Service husband to a posting in Saudi·Arabia. We'll miss Debbie'squick and graceful writing and editing-tosay nothing of the apple pie, black-beansalad, and Swedish cookies she prepared foroffice potlucks ..And we're saying goodbye to editorialassistant Michele Thomas. Besides writingthe class news section, Michele effortlesslyhandled the day-to-day details of officelife-she is, by office vote, the most organized person we've ever known and stillliked. This fall, Michele begins post-baccalaureate pre-med studies at the Universityof Illinois-Chicago; she plans to be a general practitioner.The good news is that their successors areequally talented and interesting. JaclynPark, who succeeds Debbie as associateeditor, has her bachelor's and master'sdegrees from Northwestern's Medill Schoolof Journalism. A self-described "magazinejunkie," Jackie joins us from the GraduateSchool of Business, where she was assistanteditor of publications.Our new editorial assistant is CatherineMitchell, AB'93. A Phi Beta Kappa Englishmajor who won a prize for her BA paper on"Subverting Cultural Categories: The SatiricRole of the Stranger in Swift's Gulliver'sTravels," Cathy spent last summer workingat a British press and plans eventually to goon to graduate school in English.-M.R. Y.LettersAccessories for the postmodern manI enjoyed reading about GSB professorStephen]. Hoch in "Selling Points"("Course Work," june/93). But could youplease tell me what a "postmodern tie" is?JOAN WENNSTROM BENNETT, SM'64, PHD'67NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANAA postmodern tie demonstrates the postmodern quality of self-reflexivity-it's a tie thatseems' to acknowledge all the ties that havecome before. In other words, sartorially hip.Stephen Hoch also collects "postmodernHawaiian shirts," so we're tald.-Ed.Women's lives in academelam so happy to see the.Magazine forging ahead and being more than comparable to the best in the field. The greatarticles on and by Hanna Holborn GrayOune/93) were most informative.I send a bit of humor from the days of1933 when Anton julius Carlson was headof the physiology department. At the conclusion of my final Ph.D. interrogation, inhis great Swedish accent while warmlyshaking my hand, he said, "You have justpassed the best Ph.D. in my department-"My spirits rose. Then he continued: "-fora woman." Those times have passed.Many good wishes for better and betterinformation.MARGARET DAY McINTYRE, PHD'33OMAHA, NEBRASKAA presidential demonstrationIn reading all the paeans to Mrs. Gray'spresidency, I would like to recall oneincident that might balance the "intellectual reconstruction" of her term.In 1979, the University announced that itwould be giving an annual award for "contributions to peace and international understanding," funded by Albert Pick. At thesame time, it was announced that a committee, deliberating in secret, had chosenRobert McNamara as the first recipient.Many members of the University community felt that the chief architect of theUnited States' war policy in Vietnam was aninappropriate recipient for such an award.When the secret nature of the committee's deliberations, and its very existence, wasquestioned, Mrs. Gray absolutely defendedthis abrogation of the very intellectual discourse the University was founded on. In adiscussion session in the late, lamentedGreenwood Hall, I asked her whether shefelt that the procedure for giving thisaward was appropriate. She refused to discuss this issue, effectively saying that itwas really no one's business.The day of the award dinner, there was apeaceful demonstration attended by, amongothers, Dave Dellinger of the Chicago 7 andRon Kovic of Born on the Fourth ofJuly fame.Unfortunately, someone threw a Sara Leestrawberry cheesecake at the deputy chief ofthe Chicago police, and 22 of us werearrested. I was sitting next to Ron Kovicwhen the police dragged him off by his legs(he is paralyzed from the chest down).Even after these events, the University, ledby Mrs. Gray, refused to discuss either theappropriateness of this specific award, orthe general policy of deciding on suchawards without public nominations or discussion. However, to my knowledge theaward was never given again. I am sorrythat a splendid day of peaceful discussionand protest was ruined by one person's sillyact of violence, but I remain proud that wewere true to our convictions. I believe thatthis was a sad chapter in Mrs. Gray's presidency, and in the history of the University,where free and open intellectual discourseis (or should be) paramount.VICTOR S. SLOAN, AB'80BRONX, NEW YORKAlumni lovePlatonic relationships do often comefirst and fit the varieties labeled sodistinctly and humorously by Ms.Twenge ["True Romance," june/93]. But Ithink she has one more article left to write.This one should be about romances thatbegan at the University of Chicago and ledto marriage.My wife, Marta Peterson Faeth, MBA'?7,and I met during the Business School's orientation week, and quickly set up housekeeping in two separate rooms at thenow-razed Laughlin Hall before moving toBlackstone Villa in our second year. Several ARGOYLESand more!Tuscan Gargoyle (Shown)18" - $98 (+$11.50 shpg)Also availableFlorentine Gargoyle6" - $19 (+$3.50 shpg)12" - $58 (+$5.50 shpg)Finishes: Antique stone, iron & greystoneAvailable for outdoor use, too. Call for details.Bust of Socrates10" x 9" X 22"Hydrocal $138.00 (+$14.50 shpg)Finishes:Antique stone, flat whiteSmall Ionic Capital10" x 10" x 41/2"$44.00 (+$5.50 shpg)Finishes:Flat white, antique stone, greystoneof replica sculpture & architectural artifacts.Each piece is hand-finished using casts importedfrom Europe in the 19th century.New Gargoyle Color Brochure - FREEColor Catalogue withhundreds of works - $5.00To order or request literature write or phone1-800-525-0733, ext. U445tTOSCANO,r'OFCHICAGO'15 E. Campbell St., Dept. U445Arlington HeIghts, IL 60005Visit our aile I Call 708-255-6760 for our hours.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/AUGUST 1993 3THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPLEASE JOINALUMNI AND FUIENDSIN WELCOMINGOUU NEW PUESIDENTHUGO F.' SONNENSCHEINNew York CitySeptember 28 Washington, D.C.October 14BostonSeptember 29 San FranciscoNovember 6ChicagoOctober 5 Los AngelesNovember 7Invitations will be mailed to area alumni. If you do not livein one of these cities and wish to receive an invitation, please contact:The University of Chicago Alumni Association5757 South Woodlawn AvenueChicaqo, Illinois 60637-1698(312) 702-2157rtfyears later we were married (saving the U ofC Magazine one copy by combining oursubscriptions). A good friend of mine alsomet her husband at the Business School.While my sample size is small (I doremember my statistics), I bet there aremany others like us out there. It would befun (and instructive) to see the results of aU of C romance survey, from beginning towhatever.By the way, in business school my wifeand I were a special mix of Siamese Twinsand Discussers. Today the same is true,bu t with temporary forays into RollerCoasters- less the physical manifestations.FRANK P . FAETH, MBA'77UPPER MONTCLAIR, NEW JERSEYReining in Ihe humorNo one would argue that the rigorsof a Chicago education might notbenefit from a sense of humor. Butelements of jean Twenge's "True Romance"demonstrate the dangers of too muchsophistication. Comparing Chicago'swomen to "horses" is not a clever quip.[Twenge quoted a comparison made in aseries of letters to the 1957 Maroon-Ed.]The remark is crude and inappropriate; itshould not be dignified in print. I spentseven years in graduate school and lecturedbriefly in the College. I continue to beamaze� by the quality of the undergraduatewomen.Chicago students, in my experience, donot lack sexual activity or interest; what is attimes lacking is a respect for sexuality andfor each other. I wonder if something couldbe done for Chicago's women, perhaps bythe men of the community, to guide them toa greater sense of their own worth.DIANE EUZABETHjOHNSON, AM'88, PHD'92SEGUIN, TEXASSleepoul-a eulogyIjust received my june edition of theUniversity of Chicago Magazine and readwith great sadness that Sleepout wasbeing canceled. Sleepout was not only oneof, the few campuswide events that myfriends and I looked forward to every year,but it also went to the heart of the way thatChicago worked for us. Sleepout ensuredthat students who cared about getting intocertain classes could do so, if they werewilling to make sacrifices. The new randomselection system that the University administration has come up with may be safer forthe grass on the quads, but it will furtherdeprive University undergraduates of anopportunity to have fun in an officialforum. THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO ALUMNIASSOCIATIONInvites you to join distinguished facultyand alumni friends participating in alumnitravel/study programs during the coming monthsVOYAGE TOWEST AFRICANovember 14-27Morocco and the CanaryIslands, Mauritania,Gambia, and Senegal will be ourexotic ports-of-call on thisremarkable fall cruise, whichfocuses on the culture, politics,and natural wonders of WestAfrica. Experience diverse ecosystems as we trek into the Sahara fora visit to a nomadic Berber camp,or travel by dugout pirogue up theGambia River's rich creek system.Our faculty leader will be JeanneAltmann, a noted expert on behavioral ecology, who has spent nearlythree decades studying the wildlifeof Africa. � from $3,995 SACRED CITIES OFSOUTHEAST ASIAFebruary 25-March 16Angkor, Borobudur, and thetemples of Bali. Thesethree fabled sites rival the mostmagnificent cathedrals of Europe,yet are virtually unknown toWesterners. They are the touchstones of this voyage throughSoutheast Asia, including calls atbustling Ho Chi Minh City, formerly Saigon, and glitteringSingapore. Our faculty leader forthis voyage will be Professor FrankReynolds, former chair of theUniversity's Committee on SouthEast Asian Studies and Professorof Buddhist Studies in the DivinitySchool. � from $6,345For further information on these programs, please contactthe Alumni Office at 312-702-2150.Soon to be announced will be anotherextraordinary travel/study program to the ...SPLENDORS OFNEW ZEALANDMarch 29-April 9, 1994From the department of Ecology and Evolution our faculty leadersfor this program will be Steven -Arnold and Lynne Houck .With rates starting as low as $2,170UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/AUGUST 1993 5Students at Chicago often complain aboutthe lackluster social life on campus, and bydiscontinuing Sleepout the administrationwill give them yet another thing to complain about. While it may be true thatChicago students often forgo socializingbecause they put too much pressure uponthemselves, the administration should helpthe student body try to alleviate, not exacerbate, this problem. By bringing backSleepout, the administration could add tothe social life at the University and rewardthose students who are willing to sacrifice anight of studying to get the professors andclasses of their choice.STEVEN L. GOLDSTEIN, AB'90NEW ROCHELLE, NEW YORKA citation from the grammar policeRegarding your use of grammar in"Investigations," june/93: You wrote"Once all the data is compiled ... ," butthe correct usage is "Once all the data arecompiled .... "LLOYD B. URDAHL, PHD'59ROCHESTER, NEW YORKCollegium Musicum founderFor the sake of a correct historic recordof music activities at the University ofChicago, I should like to note that theCollegium Musicum was not founded in1960 by Howard M. Brown ("Deaths,"june/93) but in 1938 by me. With theexception of the war years, I directed it until1952 when I left the University. HowardBrown, whose deserved renown safelyrests on his actual accomplishments, revivedthe Collegium Musicum in 1960 afterjoining the University.The New Grove Dictionary oj Music in theUnited States correctly reports that our Collegium Musicum in 1938 was the earliest ofits kind in the United States.SIEGMUND LEVARIE,PROFESSOR EMERITUS OF MUSICCITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORKThe case of the lost lingua francaThanks to the three alumni in myfamily (Meryl, AM'55; Daria, AB'83;jonathan, AB'86), I have become afaithful and admiring reader of the Magazine-to the point where I even read thefine print.Your june issue included a fascinatingarticle about Professor Salikoko Mufwene,PhD'79, and his work with Gullah-but thefine print of the article included a referenceto the languages of Professor Mufwene'schildhood which has left me puzzled.6 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/AUGUST 1993According to the article, ProfessorMufwene grew up speaking a dialect ofKiyansi, a language used in an area of theBas-Kwilu (in today's Zaire, then the Belgian Congo). Because his native dialect was"highly stigmatized," the article continues,he "avoided ridicule by speaking Zaire'slingua franca, Kituba."When we were living in Leopoldville(now Kinshasa) from 1960 to 1962,presumably part of the period to whichProfessor Mufwene is referring, only twolanguages were giving the denominationof "lingua franca"-Lingala in the CongoRiver basin, including Professor Mufwene's home in the Kwilu, and Kiswahili inthe eastern part of the country. Accordingto the leading reference work then available(R.P.G. Van Buick's Carte Linguistique fromthe Atlas General du Congo), four otherlanguages spoken by 1.5 to 4 millionpeople each were classed as "vehicular"Tshiluba, Kikongo, Lomongo, and KinyarwandalKirundi.Nowhere in the Carte Linguistique, however, is there any mention of Kituba, whichmakes me wonder what Professor Mufwenein fact spoke when he was away at school. Iwould be grateful if you and ProfessorMufwene would satisfy my curiosity on thispoint from the fine print, and look forwardto having the mystery resolved.ANDREW L. STEIG MANBETHESDA, MARYLANDLinguistics proJessor Salikoko MuJweneresponds: In much of the Anglophone linguistics today, "lingua franca" is the counterpart of "langue vehiculaire" in French,the term presumably used by Van Buick.Zaire has four major lingua francas: Lingala,which is spreading now in the Kwilu part ofthe Bandundu Region as elsewhere;Kiswahili; Tshiluba; and what Mr. Steigmanhas known as Kikongo. Although Lomongois widely used in the Equateur Region, it isnot one of the major lingua francas, at leastnot to the same extent as the four listedabove.Kikong-Kituba goes by several names,including Kikongo ya Leta, Kileta, KikongoKituba, Kituba, Munu Kutuba, KikongoKibulamatadi, and Kibulamatadi. However,the term "Kikongo" is also used for thecluster of language varieties spoken by theBakongo people, such as Kiyombe andKimanyanga. Several Africanists avoidambiguity by using "Kituba." Kinyarwandaand Kirundi are associated more with theRepublics of Rwanda and Burundi thanwith Zaire.Let me also use this opportunity to correcta factual error that crept into the article, p.35, column 2, line 4. Instead of "African American English clearly emerged as a fullblown vernacular in the 20th century," Ishould have been reported as claiming that"urban African American English must havecrystallized as a distinct variety in the early20th century."Barbaric derivationsI was shocked! Shocked into silenceand writer's block for these last fewmonths. The source of my distressthat Professor james Redfield, AB'54,PhD'61, would be associated in any waywith a hideous barbarism such as theincorrect derivation of panogamy C'Letters," ApriV93).You see, when I was a tenderhearted, softshelled, first-year transfer student in theCollege in the academic year of 1973-74, Iwas scarred for life with this notation fromMr. Redfield in the margin of one of mypapers in Philosophy of Discourse: "This isa hideous barbarism." I had called thedynamic interplay of three themes a "trialectic," having ignorantly thought dialecticmeant two theses in the process of synthesis(not knowing the prefix was dia, ratherthan di). I had had two years of high schoolLatin, no Greek, and a smattering of Hegeland Marx.My consciousness was seared, but I wasinspired. I took three years of Greek,including a reading seminar on The Symposium with Mr. Redfield, and majored ingeneral studies in the humanities. I set outto lose my barbarity and become a memberof the class of educated persons. At thetime, I did not think much of Protagorus'view that punishment was essential to education. But, Mr. Redfield's austerity didinspire.The chastening of james Redfield(though he was falsely attributed andaccused, as he insists, and I am sure) didprovide me a sense of schadenJreude. Hishumble but spirited self-defense, however,assures me that he will continue inspiringthe young barbarians passing through histutelage to become educated. May he do soforever.JEFFREY S. RASLEY, AB'75INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANAThe University of Chicago Magazine invitesletters Jrom readers on the contents oj themagazine or on topics related to the University. Letters Jor publication, which must besigned, may be edited Jor length and/or clarity. To ensure the widest range oj voices possible, preJerence will be given to letters oj 500words or less. Letters should be addressed to:Editor, University of Chicago Magazine,5757 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, IL 60637.TI-IE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNOUNCESCHICAGOPRONETa career servicefor peoplenot lookingfor a job ...and thosewho are.Don't miss the opportunity of a lifetime because a companydoesn't know you are there.From venture capital firms seeking senior management for start-ups to Fortune 500 com-panies searching for experienced professionals, companies of all types and sizes are alwayslooking for top talent.Content as you may be with your current position, there are opportunities out therethat might entice you to make a change. And, if you're actively looking for a new position,ProNet can help you, too.Registering with ProNet assures that a profile of your experience and abilities is available to employers seeking to fill challenging positions you wouldn't hear about otherwise.HOW DOES CHICAGO PRONET WORK?A company calls ProNet and requests a search for the individual they need. This request iscross-matched against the profiles of participating alumni. If you're the one they're lookingfor, you'll be notified. Complete confidentiality is maintained throughout this process andyou can restrict the release of your profile.WATCH YOUR MAIL FOR DETAILSProNet information packages will be mailed in September. If you do not receive one,please write to Chicago ProNet Registration Department, The University of Chicago AlumniAssociation, 5757 S. Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637. Venture CapitalHigh-techFortune 500Start-upsBio-techManagementEngineeringPharmaceuticalsChemicalsManufacturing...____nvestigationsPure VideoAn art professor plays "hostnarrator guy," in hot pursuitof the real thing.OF THE 15 VIDEOS SCOTT RANKIN HASmade since 1979, not one is currently for rent at BlockbusterVideo-s-nor does he expect to see his latest,The Pure, play in Peoria any time soon.Despite the so-called "video revolution,"real video art remains on the fringes, hesays. Yet Rankin's artistic voice is notexactly crying in the wilderness: his workshave been screened at festivals around theworld. The Pure, he speculates, might evenwin a bigger audience."I could see it running on public television-maybe in the 'Nova' time-slot," hesays, only partly tongue-in-cheek. Foralthough The Pure mockingly imitatesPBS--in particular, the travel-show genrethis parody provides a more traditionalstructure, probably making the video hismost accessible work to date."My earlier work had to do with a tensionbetween words and images," says Rankin,an assistant professor in the Committee onArt and Design since 1986. "There wasalways a kind of voice-not supporting theimage, but almost contradicting it-so thatthe notion Was that whatever sense wasthrough the implosion of the two together."Among the major issues addressed inthese earlier videos are questions of "howpeople use metaphor, memory, language,and culture to organize their perceptionsand experience." In The Pure, Rankindecided to take a "more direct, less ambiguous approach" in examining this theme. It'salso the only one of his videos in whichRankin actually appears, in the role of narrator. (He also wrote, produced, anddirected.)During the hour-long video, Rankin popsup in such diverse places as downtownWarsaw, an Iowa cornfield, Tokyo's "Elec- Gone primitive: "The reality of the natural world no longer affects us," observes Rankin.tric Town," and the Ronald Reagan Libraryto share his thoughts on "the primitive andthe modern, time and space, and our reverence for and objectification of the authenticand culturally pure." Despite this ambitiousagenda, The Pure never lets go of its wrysense of humor. For example, at one pointin the video, Rankin muses on which CocaCola, in fact, is the 'real thing': "Most wouldagree that the original Classic Coke is theCoke of Cokes. But the one that says Classic is not the true classic. The real classic isthe original, before they called it classic."Rankin's narrator-persona in The Pure isitself something of a put-on. For inspiration, he says, he "flashed on Dan Ratherthey sort of fly him out there just to standin the desert, as if that's going to make himmore credible. And this notion hit me ofbeing that person."8 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/AUGUST 1993 The final touch to this persona camewhen a friend in Warsaw loaned Rankin acashmere sweater to endure an unseasonable cdld snap. Rankin recorded theWarsaw sequence-and every other narrated sequence after that-wearing thesweater. "I sort of instinctually realized thatthis was the perfect way to thread this. So Ikept the sweater for two years," Rankin sayswith a chuckle.Rankin thought the ubiquitous sweaterwould be enough "to undercut and critiquethis idea of the authoritative TV guy." Butshowing a rough-cut of The Pure to friends,he found that "they didn't get it. Becauseeverybody'S used to those guys who boparound the world and don't change theirclothes. They said, 'You seem just like oneof those guys.' They meant it as a compliment but it's sort of not because it meansthe tape didn't work."To undermine this authoritarian persona,Rankin rewrote the script. "I love to travel,"his narration begins. "In fact, I've alwaysliked those travel shows on TV. The oneswhere the host-narrator guy appears in onelocation after another with electronic ease.I've always wanted to be that guy. "Rewriting the opening "was the last pieceof the puzzle for me," Rankin says. "Itshifted the entire thing the way I wanted it."Rankin made The Pure-which premieredJune 3 at the University'S new Film StudiesCenter-with a grant from the Center forNew Television in Chicago. The grant gavehim free use of the center's "near-state-ofthe-art" editing facilities for his "on-line"editing. First, however, Rankin assembled a"rough edit" using facilities at the University. During this first edit, each individualframe was given a "time code"-a numberwhich appears on the screen. With thesetime codes, Rankin then assembled an"edit-decision list," which he took to theCenter for New Television studios. Using acomputer, an on-line editor helped Rankinsew The Pure together into a coherentwhole, adding dissolves and other specialeffects where appropriate.Although The Pure provides a banquet ofstunning imagery, Rankin avoided presenting dazzling effects for their own sake. "Ithink video art is too often gratuitous=-thissort of. flash-and-color stuff that I neverliked. So I'm very wary of special effects."One sequence where Rankin does pull outall the stops occurs about midway throughThe Pure. His camera holds on a shot of astormy ocean when, suddenly, a successionof flattened images roll up from the bottomof the screen and recede, in succession, intothe horizon. The images comprise a "timeline" of the American psyche, "symbolicrepresentations of our essence": the Statueof Liberty, a slave, flappers, doughboys, anatomic explosion, Chairman Mao, theKennedy assassination, Elvis shakingNixon's hand, an Apollo rocket, Vietnam,Rambo, the tearing down of the Berlin Wall."The whole thing was planned down tothe frame. It took five hours for that oneminute sequence," with the money to payfor the editing coming out of Rankin's ownpocket. "Because deadlines came up, I hadto go to a commercial house," he explains,at a cost of $160 an hour.Rankin isn't getting rich from his videos,but at least makes enough to cover suchadditional costs. Royalties from rental,sales, and TV broadcasts of his tapes totalfrom $2,000 to $4,000 a year. That amount,however, wouldn't begin to cover the actualexpense of making videos: for on-line editing, The Pure would have cost $25,000 at a commercial house. Thus, Rankin dependson the kindness of grant-givers to keep hisprojects going.Rankin is already planning his next project, which will be "about vision, the interaction between brain and eye." Hepromises, with satisfaction, that he won'tspeak a single word in this video, nor will asingle shot of his visage appear. And thecashmere swea ter he borrowed is in themail."I'm a terrible actor," he explains. "AtYosemite National Park, I was in a field foran hour-and-a-half, blowing my lines onetake after another-and I had only fourminutes worth of stuff to say. I'd neverinflict that kind of pain on myself again."Second OpinionTHE MOST COMMON CANCER AMONGwomen, breast cancer will kill anestimated 46,000 persons this year,while 182,000 new cases will be diagnosed.Early detection through mammography isstill the best means of reducing breastcancer morbidity and mortality-yet 10 to30 percent of the cancers present in womenwho undergo screening mammogramsaren't detected.A third of those undetected cancers aresimply too small to be seen via current radiographic imaging techniques. Another thirdare subtle lesions-barely visible on X-rays.The rest are obviously visible, but stillLife saver: The computer processes themammogram, pointing out possible lesions. missed by the radiologist, either because ofeye strain or inattentiveness. It's these lasttwo thirds of missed cancers that Universityresearchers hope to find with help from anew system in which X-rays are analyzed bycomputers, effectively offering radiologists a"second opinion" as to whether or notcancer is present.The system, being developed in the KurtRossmann laboratories for Radiologic ImageResearch, recently got a boost from the U.S.Army Medical and Research Command,which provided a $l.4 million grant formore equipment and staff so that the projectcan ease into the clinical-testing stage. Associate professor Maryellen Giger, PhD'85, isthe grant's principal investigator. Other U ofC participants are associate professorsRobert Schmidt, SM'82, MD'82, and CarlVyborny, PhD'76, MD'80; and professorKunio Doi, who directs the Rossmann labs."Our goal is to find missed cancers," saysGiger. But it's not to replace the radiologistswho read mammograms. Computer-aideddiagnosis, or CAD, as the technology'Scalled, "is not meant to be used by itself,"says Giger. "The radiologist isn't perfect,but neither is the computer." For one thing,the computer tends to find false positives:areas it thinks are suspicious when, in fact,they're not. "So working together-thecombined effort of radiologist and computer-should yield better results."Painstakingly programmed, a computerprocessing digitized images of the mammogram can amplify certain suspicious features and suppress other, distractinginformation. This is especially helpful indetecting micro calcifications: tiny depositsof calcium that look on a mammogram likea constellation of faint stars. About 30 to 50percent of early breast cancers detected bymammograms include microcalcifications.The Rossmann Labs' computer can spotthese tiny "stars" through the clouds ofnormal tissue and alert the radiologist totheir presence, via an arrow pointing to thesuspicious area.Early cancers also appear on mammograms as mass lesions, and Giger has developed a computer method that can detectthese masses by contrasting the "architectural symmetry" of normal right and leftbreasts. The computer takes the information from the four standard views obtainedin a routine mammogram, then comparesthe images from one breast against theimages from the other, and alerts the radiologist to any questionable differences.The inspiration for this technique camefrom interviews with radiologists, who routinely "put up the women's left and rightmammograms, back to back, to look forUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEIAUGUSTl993 9asymmetry," says Giger. "So we incorporatedthat into the computer scheme. Becausehumans basically do a good job. Whyignore the viewing methods they use?"Giger says the time is ripe for computeraided diagnosis-not only in examiningmammograms, but also lung, heart, andbone X-rays. The idea for such CAD techniques dates back to the 1970s, but therewere problems, says Giger: "They couldn'tget the entire image in high-quality digitalformat, and the computers were very slow."With the advent of high-speed computersin the mid-1980s, the Rossmann Labs (created in 1977 to research ways of improvingX-ray technology) have focused much oftheir attention on the promise of computeraided diagnostics.In all, the Army Medical Command distributed $25 million for breast-cancerresearch in fiscal year 1992. These fundswere the first ever awarded by the ArmyCommand to civilian groups, says Giger.Responding to lobbying by the NationalBreast Cancer Coalition, the u.s. Congresshas directed a $210 million increase infunding of breast cancer research for fiscalyear 1993. These funds will be distributedbased on recommendations by the NationalAcademy of Sciences' Institute of Medicine.Although the initial intent was to shift themoney from defense to the National Cancer Institute, congressional action taken in1990 prevented transfers from defensespending to domestic budgets-so themoney was allocated instead to the ArmyMedical Command through the 1993Defense Appropriations Act.Because very little is known about whatcauses breast cancer, a large share of-the$210 million will go toward researchingbasic genetic and biochemical mechanismsof the cancer. A share will also go towarddeveloping new molecular tools in order todetect breast cancer long before it is visibleon a mammogram-but such developmentsmay be many years away.The CAD system being developed by theUniversity, on the other hand, should beavailable to health-care centers at a reasonable cost in three to five years. The Rossmann Labs are gearing up for clinical tests"on a select number of cases-one mammographer will do the normal reading; anotherwill review the same cases using the computer aid, to see if there is improvement."Also in the works-though at a less developed stage-is software to help determinewhether mammographic abnormalities arecancerous or benign. The software is basedon an artificial neural network that simulates the human brain and learns fromexperienced radiologists and their decisionson sample cases taken from textbooks and the clinic. Currently, more than 70 percentof surgical breast biopsies performed are forlesions that turn out to be noncancerous.The hope is that these unnecessary biopsiescould be decreased through computer-aideddiagnosis.Given that CAD technology is a few yearsaway, Giger offers advice for women concerned about whether lesions will be overlooked on their mammograms: "Go to areputable place that is accredited by theAmerican College of Radiology. Also, peopleshouldn't be afraid to ask questions."Ghost TownEGYPT'S EASTERN DESERT LOOKS SOMEthing like a moonscape. Jagged redand gray mountains crease thehyperarid, Precambrian landscape, wherenothing much grows except camel thorn.Even the coolest month, January, reachestemperatures of 120 degrees.Archeologist Carol Meyer, AM'73,PhD'81, often drove through the 135 milesof desert while working on the OrientalInstitute's excavation project on the Red Seacoast in the early 1980s. "Our supply basewas in Luxor [on the Nile River], so wewere going back and forth for supplies,mail, what have you. We stopped off, if wecould, to see the ruins along theway."Those ruins include 60 Romanwatchtowers, arranged so that asignal could be passed alongfrom tower to tower, sea toriver, sending messages such as,"The ships are in. Send camels."At about ten of these towerswere watering stations, with cisterns and wells.Near one such watering stations is Bir Umm Fawakhir, asite of six houses where theBritish set up a mining camp inthe 1940s and which is currently maintained by an Egyptian geological survey. A fewkilometers from the camp,Meyer was told, there stood anancient settlement, with severalwell-preserved structures.Meyer visited the settlementmany times between 1985 and1992, while working in Luxor atChicago House, the field headquarters of the Oriental Institute's epigraphic survey. Nomodern archeological surveyhad been done at Bir UmrtlFawakhir-prior to the 19805,the Egyptian government hadNo place like home: Bir Umm Fawakhir's laborers lived in houses like the one above. The woodendoors and roofs were taken, along with other valuable materials, when the site was abandoned.10 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/AUGUST 1993Map-maker: Terence Wilfong uses a deviceaffectionately known as "Lucy" to bouncean infrared beam that helps map the site.declared it part of a military zone, barringany travel there. However, Meyer foundthat 19th-century archeologists had made acursory examination, concluding that thesettlement, like the watchtower, was Roman.Yet Meyer noted that the settlement wasnot laid out in the characteristic Romangrid system; and, although its more than200 buildings were carefully made, themasonry was dry-stone-not cut-stone, inthe Roman style.The settlement was much too large tosimply be a resting place for travelers,although it was along the Roman caravanroute. As for a military site, "there are nodefenses, no towers, no walls," says Meyer."Yet it must have served some purpose.Nothing exists out there without a reallygood reason."Meyer immediately suspected that, ratherthan being Roman, the settlement wasByzantine-built during the transitionalperiod that began in 330 A.D., when controlof the Roman Empire shifted to Constantinople and Christianity was the dominantreligion, and ended with the Muslim conquest in 642 A.D. The "real clincher," saysMeyer, was the discovery of pottery fragments stamped with Coptic crosses-anunlikely find at a Roman settlement.To find out more about Bir UmmFawakhir, Meyer organized a research teamto do a surface survey of the site in January1992, and again in 1993. Only a full excavation could answer all of the questions thesettlement has raised, but Meyer and herteam have posed some intriguing hypotheses regarding who lived there-and why.Meyer now believes the site primarilysupported gold-mining activities. Hergroup's investigations showed that most of the mountain sides surrounding the settlement are pitted with ancient mines-usually shallow shafts or trenches following agold quartz vein. "They probably used ironpicks to chip at the quartz veins," Meyersays. The miners crushed these chips intosmaller pieces,' later ground .into a finepowder, from which the gold was washed.Preliminary examinations indicate the settlement was populated from about the late5th through 6th centuries A.D. The similarsizes and styles of the miners' homes suggests "a remarkably egalitarian society,"says Meyer. Situated on the bottom of along, narrow wadi-whose cliffs serve as asort of town wall and whose sandy bedbecame the main street-the buildings aremostly two- or three-bedroom homes. Someare clustered together in as many as 19rooms-"our best guess is that these largerunits were family units."Meyer thinks the laborers were employedby the Byzantine government to provide thegold that gilded the icons and lavish art ofearly Christianity. Indeed, the settlementmust have had "massive" government support to keep its residents supplied with foodand other essentials, she says. Hoping toconfirm government involvement, thegroup searched in vain for an administrative center, where the gold might have beenassembled and packaged before beingshipped by camel to the Nile. Meyer thinksthis center may have been part of an area ofthe settlement washed away by flash floods.The site has also been damaged by looters."You can see the fingernail marks fromthese looters-some are really quite deep.They seemed absolutely desperate to findsomething there," even though the settlers probably took away anything of value when,they abandoned the village. The looterscaused extensive damage to the grave sites,high on the ridges overlooking the main village. However, dozens of trash heaps nextto the houses were ignored.These heaps, filled with broken potteryshards, bones, and other refuse, "are a realarcheological goody," says Meyer. Teammember Lisa Heidorn, PhD'92, now has "aton" of shards to analyze. ("Her fault-shecannot resist a datable shard," Meyerquips.) Wine jars, especially, could providevaluable data, since their labels tell whereand when they were made. Such dates aremeaningless" however, until the group candecipher the system on which time wasbased ("B.C." and "A.D." are a medievalinvention), Team member Terence Wilfongis examining these labels.Although there are no definite plans forexcavating the site, Meyer is sure it willhappen at some point-and that these excavations will probably change some of herinitial conclusions. An excavation may alsoexplain why the desert town was eventuallydeserted. For now, Meyer speculates thatthe laborers simply mined out all the gold.Or perhaps nomadic tribes came up fromthe south, driving the settlers away.Although Bir Umm Fawakhir should bean invaluable source for explaining thelittle-understood Byzantine era, for Meyerthere's a more basic appeal. "It's like goinginto an old gold mining town in the wildwest, and seeing the hotels, saloons, andboarding houses. It's a similar thing. Thisis a chance to see how people lived."Stories by Tim ObennillerHard labor: The settlement's miners crushed quartz on this concave grinding stone.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/AUGUST 1993 11FOR 'BE RECORDIn the tradition: StrachanDonnelley has beennamed to the University'sBoard of Trustees. Donnelley-a Yale graduatewho studied at Oxfordand received his Ph.D.from the New School ofSocial Research-is current director of the Hastings Center: An Instituteof Society, Ethics, andthe Life Sciences, in BrtarcliffManor, New York.The Donnelley name is afamiliar one at the University: his great-grandfather, Richard, helpedfound the U of C Press;and both his grandfather,Thomas, and father,Gaylord, preceded Strachan as trustees. Sonnenschein makessome changes allhe lopWHEN HUGO SONNENSCHEINassumed office as theUniversity's 11 th president on Thursday, July 1, severalmembers of the administrationalso took on new duties.In May, the then president-designate announced three keyappointments, effective July 1-two of which involve the restructuring of the offices conductingthe University's financial and business affairs.Sonnenschein named LawrenceJ. Furnstahl, AB'83 , as vice president and chief financial officer;Alexander Sharp as vice presidentfor Business Operations &. Facilities; and Celia Homans as secretary to the Board of Trustees.Under the reorganization,Sharp's new appointment will givespecial emphasis to the management and planning of key administrative units, including RealEstate Operations and the physicalplant. "These will be very highpriorities for us in the comingyears," noted Sonnenschein, "andMr. Sharp will direct the planningof them." Sharp previously servedas vice president of business andfinance.Furnstahl, who will oversee theUniversity'S Comptroller'S andBudget offices, was previously vicepresident, treasurer, and seniorexecutive for the Hospitals' patientservices. In this position, Sonnenschein said, Furnstahl reshapedthe Hospitals' finances, "providinga strong foundation for the future"12 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/AUGUST 1993 despite turbulence and immensechange in the health-care deliveryfield.Sonnenschein met the new secretary to the Board of Trusteesduring the presidential search,when Celia Homans served as staffto the search committee. "She hasprovided invaluable support to meduring this period of transition,"said Sonnenschein, "and I am convinced she will be an outstandingsecretary to the board." Homanshad been the University's directorof Government Relations.Familiar and newON JULY 1, SEVERAL DEANSembarked on new termsand-in some cases-newduties as well.Dean of Students: Edward Cook,associate professor of history, wasreappointed Dean of Students inthe University-overseeing all student services-for an additionaltwo-year term.Provost Edward Laumannannounced in May that Cook,dean of students since 1990, willalso serve as associate provost forGraduate Programs. In that role,he will oversee a restructuring ofthe Dean of Students Office, togive special attention to developing and implementing graduatefinancial-aid policy.The restructuring will give wideranging responsibilities to Edward Turkington and a special emphasis on graduate programs to Jeffrey Slovak, AM '7 4, PhD'79. Bothmen report to Cook.Turkington, who has beendeputy dean of students since1989, will also become dean ofstudent services, with directresponsibility for discipline, security liaison, emergencies, andappeals of administrative decisions affecting students. He willsupervise such student services asundergraduate student housing,Physical Education &. Athletics,Career &. Placement Services, theStudent Activities Office, and theCoordinating Council for Minority Issues.Associate dean of students since1992, Slovak will oversee thegraduate programs, includingenrollment and aid. He will havedirect responsibility for the officesof Graduate Affairs, InternationalAffairs, Graduate Financial Aid,and Academic Publications.SSA Dean: Jeanne Marsh hasaccepted a second five-year termas dean of the School of Social Service Administration. The reappointment was announced in lateMay by then President HannaGray, who noted that incomingPresident Sonnenschein concurred in the decision."She has done a superb jobduring a difficult and demandingfive years and is fully committedto the values and aspirations ofthe School and the University,"said Gray, adding that it had beenthe unanimous decision of theSSA dean's search committee thatMarsh be asked to continue.Marsh joined Chicago'S facultyin 1978, and was promoted toassociate professor and namedassociate dean of academic affairsat the SSA in 1984. After spending1987-88 at the London School ofEconomics and Clare Hall, Cambridge University, she returned toChicago as professor and SSAdean.Her research interests includesubstance abuse and mentalhealth service delivery, social program and policy evaluation, andknowledge utilization in practiceand program decision-making.She received her Ph.D. andM.S.W. from the University ofMichigan and her B.A. fromMichigan State University.Biological Sciences Acting Dean:It was a name that emerged "againand again" when Provost EdwardLaumann asked faculty for adviceon whom to appoint as actingdean of the Biological SciencesDivision.The name, and the appointment,belong to Godfrey Getz, theDonald N. Pritzker professor inpathology. Getz will continue aschair of the pathology departmentduring his tenure as acting dean.Meanwhile, the biology division'sfaculty. have selected a committeeto consult with Laumann andPresident Hugo Sonnenschein onthe selection of a permanent dean.Samuel Hellman, the A.N. Pritzkerprofessor in radiation & cellularoncology, decided not to accept areappointment when his termended June 30.Getz said he sees this year as anopportunity to continue themomentum set in motion by Hellman. During that tenure, notedLaumann, "the learning centerand Knapp research building wereinitiated and several outstandingscholars were recruited."A native of Johannesburg, SouthAfrica, Getz received a B.Sc., anM.D., and a second B.Sc. withhonors in physiological chemistryfrom Witwatersrand University.He earned a D.Phil. at Oxford in1963, and joined Chicago's facultya year later.A biochemical pathologist, Getzhas directed the University'S specialized center for research in atherosclerosis, and served as masterof the Biological Sciences collegiate division. Ancestral honor: Eiji Asada's granddaughter, Noriko Tsuchimoto,(second from left), and grandson, Hisamichi Yamamura (jar right),pose with three of Asada's great-grandchildren: Takehiko Asada,Makoto aka, andJunko Asada.First familyTHE SECOND SESSION OF THEUniversity's 430th Convocation had a direct linkwith the University'S third Convocation, held in June 1893-whenthe University'S first doctoraldegree was awarded to a Japanesestudent named Eiji Asada. It wasthe only Ph.D. awarded, and theaudience responded with a longround of applause as Asadawalked forward. This June, a similar round of applause greeteddescendants of Asada, on hand inRockefeller Chapel to help theUniversity mark the lOOth anniversary of the conferral of degrees.After graduating in 1893, Asadareturned to Japan, where hefounded the English departmentat what became the Tokyo Schoolof Foreign Studies and wrote thefirst English textbook used byJapan's education ministry. Hedied in 1914 at the age of 49, leaving six sons and daughters.While his surviving daughterwas unable to make the trip toChicago, two of Asada's grandchildren, along with his three greatgrandchildren, spent a day inHyde Park as the University'Sguests, touring the quads, lunch- ing with University officials, andmeeting members of the localpress."It's a great honor to be asked bythe University of Chicago,"Makoto Oka, Asada's great-grandson and a physicist at the TokyoInstitute of Technology, told theChicago Sun-Times. "I think it'samazing that a Japanese came overhere 100 years ago and got thefirst degree."A U of C guide toprize pedagogySPRING YIELDED A BUMPER CROPof pedagogical awards,including the nation's oldestprize given for excellence inundergraduate teaching, theLlewellyn John and Harriet Manchester Quantrell Awards.First presented to U of C facultymembers in 1938, the Quantrellswere established by Ernest E.Quantrell, X'05, a Chicago investment banker and Universitytrustee, who named the prize inhonor of his parents.Quantrell winners, who receive$5,000 each, are nominated bystudents and chosen by a facultycommittee. Since 1938, a total of Healthy priorities: TheChicago CommunityTrust gave $1.08 millionto fund a health policyresearch program at theIrving B. Harris Graduate School of PublicPolicy Studies' Center forHealth Policy Studies.Called the Chicag9Health Policy ResearchCouncil, the programwill encourage collaboration among health policymakers, community leaders, and scholars to identify priorities for healthpolicy research in theChicago area.And the answer is: The Uof C College Bowl teamfinished third in theNational ChampionshipT oumament. The team'soverall season recordwas 142-12. CollegeBowl is a '']eopardy''style test of knowledge,and nearly 400 collegeteams compete each yearin regional playoffs for aspot at the nationals.Where there's smoke: Amemo from the provost'soffice announced a banon smoking in all publicand shared areas of University buildingsincluding libraries,museums, commons, and,yes, coffee shops. Smoking will be permitted inindividual offices (withdoors closed), if otherbuilding occupants haveno objections. The bantakes effect September 1.Solid encouragement:Alfred P. Sloan researchfellowships were awarded to three assistant professors: Thomas Halsey,physics; Igor Kriz, mathematics; and Yan-yiPeng, pharmacological& physiological sciences.The $30,000 fellowshipsprovide research assistance for young scientistswho show exceptionalpromise.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE! AUGUST 1993 13Essential articles: Winn�rs of the 1992 Arthur. Kingsley Porter Prize,announced this August,bQth have .. U oj C af.filiations. They are assistantart professor AndrewMorrogh and associateFoundations Relationsdirector Mary JacksonHarvey, PhD'87. ThePorter Prize, awarded atthe discretioll of the College Art Association, isgiven for outstandingscholarly articles published in the ArtBulletin. Harvey andMorrogh wrote, respectively, on "Death andDynasty in the BouillonTomb Commissions" and"The Magnifici Tomb: AI<:�y F;roject in Michelangelo's' Career."Budding philanthropy: Inearly June, members ofthe College S'ass on 993gathered to toast the success of the Senior ClassGift campaign. Through90 gifts and 90 pledges,the class raised $5,227.Earlier, class membershad voted to use thefunds they collected topresent the Universitywith a small grove ofredbud trees-nowplanted in the Social Sciences quadrangle.First prize: The inaugural). Coert Rylaarsdam Prize-an annual$500 prize to a DivinitySchool student who hassignificantly contributedto understanding amongJews, Christians, andMuslims-was awardedthis spring to Kenneth .Atkinson, an M.Div. student who is a candidatefor ordination in theChristian Church (Disciples of Christ) and hasworked on an Israeli kibbutz. The prize wasendowed by friends tohonor Rylaarsdam,PhD'44, professor emeritus in the DivinitySchool, whose work concerns the relationshipbetween the Jewish andChristian faiths. Great text chef: Leon Kass, who won an Amoco teaching award,serves his students texts that provide a "banquet of ideas. "209 professors have received theteaching award-including sevenrepeat winners.The 1993 Quantrell professorsare: Laurie Butler, chemistry;Michael Dickinson, organismalbiology & anatomy; Edward Kolb,astronomy & astrophysics; GeraldRosenberg, political science; andStuart Sherman, AM'76, English.Established last year, the University's other College teaching prize,the Amoco Foundation Awards,recognizes a record of distinctiveachievement in the College andincludes a $1,500 prize. The two1993 Amoco winners were JeremyBurdett, chemistry, and LeonKass, SB'58, MD'62, the Committee on Social Thought.The University's newspaper, theChronicle, interviewed this year'sQuantrell and Amoco recipientsfor insights into the pleasuresand pains-of undergraduateteaching. Some of their responses:Leon Kass: "Most of my teaching involves one or two texts thatare chosen because they raise-inparticularly challenging and illuminating ways-the fundamentalquestions of human existence ...."These great texts provide a banquet of ideas, and all you have todo is invite the students and theycome forward with great gusto."Edward "Rocky" Kolb: "Science14 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/AUGUST 1993 "Students expectscientists to looklike ChristopherLloyd in Back to theFuture. They aresurprised that areal-life scientistcan be slightlyyounger, not havefrizzy hair, and havea name like Rocky"is not about memorizing elements.I try to have students understandthat science is a creative enterprise-it's not just a body of factsany more than French is a bunchof irregular verbs ...."Students usually expect scientists to look like the ChristopherLloyd character in Back to theFuture. They are surprised that areal-life scientist can be slightlyyounger, not have frizzy hair, andhave a name like Rocky."Gerald Rosenberg (on advisingstudents writing junior and seniorpapers in political science): "I tellthem that when they work withme, they will have to go throughseveral drafts. I want their papersto have analytical vigor, and I also want them to learn to write elegantly. It's hard to teach someoneto write elegantly, but what I do ishave them pay attention to precisely how an author made anargument in a way that they liked."Michael Dickinson: "The students examine the thermal cuesthat help the leeches find theirprey. It's a nice introduction toanimal behavior because it's notjust observational. It's quantitative: they can count bite marksmade by a leech on a warm pieceof wax paper."Laurie Butler: "I do enjoy teaching quite a bit, but I tend to writevery long and very hard exams. Iwouldn't have expected that to besomething that endeared me tostudents."Manual trainingWIll IT BE AFRICAN AMERIcan, open, or AfricanAmerican, hyphenated?This and similar questions thatsmolder in the harried minds ofeditors and others tortured by theEnglish language's eccentricitiesshould be answered in a new(14th) edition of The ChicagoManual of Style. The fresh edition-the first in 11 years-willbe unveiled by the University ofChicago Press in September.As to the actual contents of thenew Manual, mum was the wordalong the snug corridors of thePress's Administration Buildingoffices. However, the binding glueloosened on the lips of one Pressemployee who agreed to meetcovertly with a Magazine writer totattle in exchange for a free lunchat Morry's. Here's what welearned:MagaZine: Did you shorten theManual up a bit? I mean, it'spretty long now.CMS (Clandestine ManualSnitch): Actually, it's almost 200pages longer than its predecessor.Hey, are you all right?Magazine (sputtering particles ofhamburger): Two hundred pagesmore! For goodness sakes, why?CMS: There's expanded treatment of nationalities, tribes andraces in the chapter on names andterms. And also a reorganizedchapter on foreign languages, witha new section on HebrewMagazine: Shalom aleichem!CMS: Thanks. There's also arevised, enlarged tabular spellingguide for compound words andwords with prefixes and suffixes.Magazine: Aren't prefixes maddening? For example, do youhyphenate "co-owner," or is it"coowner?" And do you put periods and questions marks before orafter quotation marks when you'requoting a single word at the endof a sentence, like "co-owner"?CMS: I think the current Manualalready answers some of thosequestions.Magazine: Right. Of course. Ithink our editorial assistant spilledcoffee on that part. So what else isnew about this edition?CMS: The most thoroughlyrevised section is the one on documentation. What was scatteredacross three chapters is now morelogically and concisely presentedas two. There are new examples ofways to cite a range of materialsfrom medieval documents to computer programs, new databases,and other electronic documents.Magazine: I think that's wonderful! Did you know I do desktoppublishing now?CMS: Everyone does! That's whythe new Manual is informedthroughout by the presence ofcomputers in publishing-frommanuscript preparation to editing,typesetting, indexing, design, andprinting. There's also new information about jackets, covers, andhow to obtain and display ISBNand bar codes.Magazine: It sounds very helpful.How do I get a copy?CMS: Well, we're doing a60,OOO-copy first printing. I guessyou can buy one of those.Magazine: Well, I thought-youknow. Won't you have someextras lying around?CMS: I think you'll have to takethat up with our publicity director.Magazine: One last question. I'venoticed several U of C allusions inprevious editions to illustratepoints of usage: Peter Dembowski,N orman Maclean, Hanna Gray,Nobel Prize. Don't you find that abit...incestuous?CMS: Why do you think it'scalled the CHICAGO Manual ofStyle? An award-winning RavelationJOHN AND JEAN COMAROFF (PICTURED BELOW) HAVE BEEN AWARDED THE30th annual Gordon J. Laing Prize, given to honor the U of C faculty author whose book, published by the U of C Press during theprevious three years, has brought the Press "the greatest distinction."The Comaroffs=-emigres from South Africa and professors in theanthropology department, which John Comaroff chairs-were honoredfor their 1991 work, Of Revelation and Revolution: Christianity, Colonialism, and Consciousness in South Africa, Vol. 1.Of Revelation and Revolution had its roots in the Comaroffs' field workamong the Southern Tswana, in the South African homeland ofBophuthatswana. The book, which studies the impact of British missionaries on the Tswana, charting their influences from the early 19th throughthe early 20th century, also demonstrates that, in the words of U of Canthropology professor Manning Nash, AM'52, PhD'55, "the Comaroffsare at the forefront of a wave in anthropology that makes historicalresearch integral to the study of culture." Here's an excerpt:Fascination and RepulsionTHE MISSION COMMUNITIES ON THE NORTHERN FRONTIERS OF EARLY NINEteenth-century South Africa grew out of the first stilted, stylized,encounters between the evangelists and the Southern Tswana. In them,the whites sought to cast the "natives" as inverted images of themselves,while the Africans tried to grasp what lay behind the dazzling surfacesof this looking-glass world. The interaction that followed was characterized by contestation and compliance, fascination and repulsion;although the churchmenwere to prove more capable of imposing theirdesigns upon the colonial field, the Tswanawere hardly passiverecipients of Europeanculture. Not only didthey remain skeptical ofsome of its ways andmeans, but they also readtheir own significanceinto them, seeking tosiphon off the evidentpowers of the missionwhile rejecting its invasive discipline ....The evangelists werenot just the bearers of a vocal Protestant ideology, nor merely the mediaof modernity. They were also the human vehicles of a hegemonic worldview. In their long conversation with the Tswana, whether they knew itor not, they purveyed its axioms in everything they said and did. Andyet despite this, they were deeply affected by the encounter. Not onlywere they haunted by the image of the "native" they had conjured up;but in their efforts to hold their converts, they soon began to imitatesome of the very healthy "heathen suspicions" they had so loudly condemned. Nonetheless, their assault was driven by a universalizing ethoswhose prime object was to engage the Africans in a web of symbolicand material transactions that would bind them ever more securely tothe colonizing culture. Only that way would the savage finally be drawninto the purview of a global, rationalizing culture.Jean Comaroff and John Comaroff, excerpted from Of Revelation and Revolution, Vol. 1. ©1991 by the University of Chicago. All rights reserved. Hail and farewell: AChicago literary treasureannounced his departurethis spring. Saul Bellow,X'39, is leaving theWindy City to joinBoston University's faculty this fall. The NobelPrize-winning author,who turned 78 in June,told the Chicago Tribune that after 30 yearsat the U of C, "I thoughtit was time for achange"-adding thatmoving to Boston willplace him closer to hisrural Vermont home,where he resides whennot teaching or traveling.Although no longer onthe faculty, Bellow will. return to the U of C periodically to see hisChicago students andparticipate in the activities of the 'Committee onSocial Thought (which hechaired from 1970 to1976) and the OlinCenter.Scholars of distinction: U 'of C graduate studentswon more FulbrightHays dissertationresearch abroad fellowships (10) than studentsat any other school in thenation for the sixth timein seven years. Chicagostudents also set a University record for thenumber of National Science Foundation fellowships received (19).Another note of distinction: In the inauguralyear of the NationalEndowment for theHumanities dissertatienawards, two grants-themaximum numberallowed per institutionwent to Chicago graduate students.Poets in the making: TheU of C once again hostedthe Illinois Poet LaureateAwards 'honoring thepoetry of Chicago elementary and high schoolstudents. Pulitzer-Prizewinning poet GwendolynBrooks, 77, founded theawards and gives eachwinner $50 out of herown pocket.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE! AUGUST 1993 15"Rlmember, going in,wear your taslels 10Iheleft": In the first offour Convocation1lllionl, malter'sdegree candidatesmarch to Rockefeller.16 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/AUGUST 1993 ATIONIT HAPPENS EVERY SPRING. And, in accordance with the founding vision ofWilliam Rainey Harper, it also happens every August, December, and March.But it is Spring Convocation-when the weather turns warm and the Midwaygreen-that the University's ceremonial conferral of degrees is at its mostfestive.This year's degree candidates and well-wishers, draped in academic gownsor secular finery and crowded into the lofty, if un-airconditioned, confines ofRockefeller Chapel, took part in what could be called the University's finalcentennial event. As Hanna Holborn Gray, presiding over her lastConvocation as Chicago's president, told the assemblage, the ceremoniesmarked the 100th anniversary of the first Convocation at which degrees wereawarded. At that June 1893 gathering, held in a music hall in the Loop, 34degrees were conferred. This year, it took four sessions-three on Fridayand one on Saturday-to award 1,359 graduate and professional degrees and714 College degrees.Each session began with a marshal-led procession whose dignity wasleavened by glimpses of sundresses and shorts under the flowing academicrobes and by smiles and quips to the camera-toting bystanders ("Hey, they'vegot a band!" a GSB student joked as he came up the chapel steps and heardthe strains of the processional). Each session also featured an address by afaculty member-this year, Ralph W. Nicholas, AM'58, PhD'62, the WilliamRainey Harper professor in anthropology and the social sciences, spoke on"Academic Work." For, as Nicholas explained, "the tradition at Chicago isthat the last words uttered over our students in this ceremony before theyreceive their degrees is a kind of token lecture .... "Lecture over, an anthem sounded and student marshals herded theircharges forward. Then the long and happy litany of names began.-M.R. Y.Ceremonial robel:Sherifal Akorede,SM'93, gets huggedby her falher, AthajMuritala Akorede, andby her daughter,Aisha Adegindin. PHOTOGRAPHY BY DAN DRY18 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/AUGUST 1993Received badition:Hanna Holborn Gra,welcomes a newl,minted Cbicago Pb e D.into "Ibe ancient andbonorable compan, ofscbolars .. " Manual labor:letweeD ceremonies,Assistant BegistrarCarol Peterson givesIbe tall stacks ofwaiting diplomas onelut review.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/AUGUST 1993 19Bigh jinks: Studentsin the Motet Choir{top ) ...... who 'II sing ananthem and the AlmaMater ..... play a fewhands of poker beforemaking a joyful noise.20 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/AUGUST 1993 Up close, if not thatpersonal: A MandelBan audience (bottomleft) gets a good viewof the College graduation ceremony viaclosed .. circuittelevi .. sian. The same show(tickets required)is also playing inBreasted Ball, IdaNoyes' Max PalevskyCinema, and the LawSchool Auditorium.Glad hailer: LucasVan Houten likes Iheheadgear that cOlDeswith dad's (Iavid VanHouten, IM'83)divinity Ph.I. MOlD isKiID Olthoff, MI'84 .. Ir. MOlD: KatelalDberg, MI'93,(top) shares a hugwith ber son, GaetanlalDberg-OII. Thenew physician'sspecialty? Pediatrics .. Up, up, and awa,:Piped froID chapel toquad by a bagpipeband, tbe Class of '93and their falDilieslDeet and eat before1D0ving aD.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/AUGUST 1993 21Family ties:Nurse Cassandra Smith (farright) helpedguide Susanand MarlyRobbinsthrough sonJustin's livertransplant.22 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/AUGUST 1993• •IVIRroo" he worst partis that yourribs hurt morethan anything;'says MartyRobbins, a26-year-oldfather whothis past May donated the left lobe of hisown liver to his 19-month-old son, Justin.Six weeks after his birth in October 1991,Justin was diagnosed with alpha j-antitrypsin deficiency, an enzyme deficiencythat ultimately causes cirrhosis and leads toliver failure, and his parents were told hewould probably need a liver transplant.The prospect placed young Marty andSusan Robbins in limbo, a place of interminable waiting and no good choices. Theycould watch Justin's health inevitablydecline until he was placed in the hospitalwith chronic liver failure and then wait fora cadaver liver to become available-knowing that about 20 percent of the children onthe waiting list die without receiving atransplant (and that another 5 to 15 percentof donor grafts don't function well, requiring perhaps a second transplant). Or theycould ... what? What other choice did theyhave besides waiting for someone else to dieso that Justin might receive a transplant orwaiting for him to die?Then, this past March, the Robbinses,who hail from Owensboro, Kentucky,brought Justin to the University of ChicagoMedical Center for an evaluation. Here theylearned two key things. A biopsy of Justin'sliver revealed advanced cirrhosis; he wouldneed a transplant within the year. But theyalso learned that they had another option:one of them might be able to donate a por- Four years ago,U of C surgeonsmade headlines whenthey transplantedpart of a mother's liverinto her sick child.Fifty-some transplantslater, the live-donorprogram is goingstrong.BY DEBRA SHOREPHOTOGRAPHY BYJAMES L. BALLARDUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/AUGUST 1993 23tion of his or her liver to Justin.In November 1989, a team of surgeons atthe U of C Medical Center had removed asection of 29-year-old Teresa Smith's liverand transplanted it into her 2l-month-olddaughter, Alyssa. The first live-donor livertransplant operation in the United States, ithas been followed by 52 more such livertransplants involving living, related donorsand children. In early summer 1993, theliver transplant team was poised to performwhat they hoped would be the nation'sfirst successful adult-to-adult live-donortransplant."We weren't aware of the living-donorprogram until we actually got here andtalked to the doctors," says Marty Robbins,"but there was very little decision to bemade once we found out about it. We sawsome children up here waiting for a cadaverdonor and they looked like they were ondeath's doorstep. I didn't want to let Justinget like that. We decided if I was compatible we would get it done as soon as wecould." Because she had her gallbladderremoved after Justin's birth, Susan Robbinswas not an eligible candidate, but Marty'sfour brothers agreed to be tested as potential donors if he were found to be ineligible.,. he idea of taking a piece of ahealthy grown-up's liver andgiving it to a small, sick childseems elegant in its simplicity.Yet a number of obstacles, bothsurgical and ethical, had to be surmountedbefore that simple goal could be attained.The liver, the largest glandular organ inthe human body, is, in the truest sense ofthe word, vital. Among other tasks it produces bile, which aids digestion in theintestines. It removes glucose from theblood and warehouses it in the form ofglycogen. It filters toxins from the body andhelps to metabolize carbohydrates, proteins,and fat. "We're not even aware of all thejobs that a liver does," says pediatric hepatologist Peter Whitington, "but certainly itnumbers in the hundreds or thousands thatwe know it can do." Call it a super-organthen, not only for the innumerable essentialtasks it performs, but also because it has theremarkable capacity to regenerate, at leastin part. Cut off a piece of a healthy liver andit grows back.An adult's liver, however, won't fit into ayoung child's small abdomen. So childrensuffering from end-stage liver disease had towait for another child to die in order toobtain a donor organ. At least that was thecase until the mid-1980s, when surgicalwunderkind Christoph Broelsch pioneeredDebra Shore is a Chicago freelance writer. the technique of transplanting a segment ofan adult liver obtained from a cadaver intoa child with end-stage liver disease.Broelsch figured out how to use segmentsof donor livers while at the University ofHanover in his native Germany. In 1986 hebecame chief of the liver surgery service atthe University of Chicago Medical Centerand that year he performed the first successful segmental liver transplant in theu.s. "In children less than 1 year of age,using part of an adult liver is actuallybetter," says Broelsch's protege and currentdirector of the pediatric transplant service,James Piper, "because adult livers havebigger blood vessels." This means thatthey're easier to sew, and the chances ofclotting are reduced.Next, Broelsch figured out how to split asingle cadaver liver for use in two patients.Called a split-liver transplant and first performed in this country at the U of C Medical Center in July 1988, this techniquerequires the construction of new blood vessels-a hepatic artery and a portal veinand a bile duct for one of the separatedsegments. The result: a cadaver liver can beshared, for instance, between an adultrecipient and a child. Since 1988, the U ofC liver transplant team has performed morethan 20 split-liver transplants on 40patients, 34 of them children. Nearly 75percent of the recipients are alive today,many with the original transplanted liversegment.Even with these surgical breakthroughs,the doctors weren't entirely satisfied, andsome children still died while waiting fora suitable donor organ. Furthermore, thecircumstances involving cadaver transplants are not ideal. The children who arehighest on the waiting list are usually themost ill, and the donor usually is killed inan accident."Five to 15 percent of cadaver livers don'twork," says James Piper, because of liverinjury from accidents or medication, prioreven to removal. "Our results were considered acceptable with the split-liver transplants," says Piper, "but we felt we could dobetter."So Broelsch and Whitington reasoned thatthe next logical step would be to use aliving donor. Among the advantages ofusing a living donor, they felt, would be thepsychological relief for parents (they couldelectively plan the transplant and not haveto wait for a donor organ); the transplantcould be scheduled before the child becomesseverely ill; the health of the donor's livercould be determined in advance; andgiven the genetic links between parents andtheir children-the severity of rejectionmight be reduced.24 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/AUGUST 1993 ,. hus, in 1989, the team soughtapproval of an experimentalprotocol for 20 live-donor livertransplant operations from theMedical Center's InstitutionalReview Board and also began searching forthe Ideal First Family. Initially, the physicians, nurses, and psychologists envisionedthat ideal as an intact nuclear family with awide support system of friends, relatives,and neighbors.They also needed a healthy parent whoseblood type matched his or her child's-and,not the least, an insurance company willingto pay the estimated $150,000 to $300,000for the dual operations. Finally, they soughta family that could hold up well under theinevitable barrage of media attention thatthis momentous first was bound to attract.All in a day's work:Surgeon JamesPiper (left) monitors Erin SuUle'spost-lransplantprogress; bansplantation surgerycbief J. RicbardTbisUetbwaite(below, left) in theoperating room;pediabic bepatolgist Peter Whitington (below, rigbt)studies test results.Their search led them to-and what bettersurname could one have for an event withhistoric import?-the Smiths.Alyssa Smith, 21 months old, resident ofSchertz, Texas, daughter of Teresa andJohn, suffered from biliary atresia, a congenital underdevelopment of the bile ductsthat afficts 400-500 children a year in theUnited States. Physicians still do not knowwhat causes biliary atresia but they knowfull well its grim prognosis: without a transplant, most children die by the age of 3.Alyssa had already spent months waitingfor a liver transplant; the first cadaver liverturned out to be damaged, and when asecond one turned up, her insurance company wouldn't cover the operation. Thenanother company agreed to cover the costsof a live-donor transplant.Thus, on November 27,1989, Teresa andAlyssa Smith made medical history. Today,Alyssa is an active, normaI5-year-old, starting ballet lessons and ready to enroll inkindergarten. "She loves to play in thesprinkler," her mother reports.Though Alyssa still takes medication andmay need to for the rest of her life, her bodyhas shown no signs of rejecting her newliver. Teresa, who has gone back to her jobas a schoolteacher, admits that she'sneglected to have her own liver functionchecked as regularly as she should. "I've feltso good that I have not even done that," shesays.By the time the U of C medicalteam presented the option of alive-donor transplant to Martyand Susan Robbins last spring,they could make a compellingcase for its selection. As the surgeons haverefined their techniques and learned moreabout compatible donors, the survival ratein the last 30 live-donor transplants hasreached 96 percent. Of the first 20 recipients, 80 percent are still alive. Conversely,the survival rate among children under 1year of age who receive livers transplantedfrom cadaver donors is only 50-70 percentnationally-yet half of the live-donor recipients at Chicago have been children under1 year old.And not a single donor has died, nor evenhad a medical complication beyond thevery first, Teresa Smith--on whom the surgeons had to perform an emergencysplenectomy when her spleen was nickedby a retractor during surgery. The donorshave now included mothers, fathers (inabout a 3:2 ratio), an aunt, two uncles, anda grandmother."I think the most exciting thing is howwell these children do," says Piper, whocame to the University in 1990 to workwith Broelsch in transplant surgery and wasthen induced to return as chief surgeon forpediatric transplants following Broelsch's1991 return to 'Germany. "Being able to dothem when they're healthy is clearly thebiggest benefit of live-donor transplants,"Piper adds."Surgically," says]. Richard Thistlethwaite, a member of the original team andchief of transplantation surgery at the University, "the technical challenge of dealingwith the blood vessels with just a segmentof the liver has been far more difficult thanwe initially conceived." In many of the earlygrafts, the team witnessed a relatively highincidence of thrombosis, or clotting of theliver's blood vessels. (Approximately half ofthe families interested in live-donor transplants for their children have not produced a suitable donor, mainly because of the arterial structure of the parent's liver.)Now the team conducts an arteriogramto evaluate a potential donor's vascularanatomy, and they've learned much moreabout how to reconstruct transplantedlivers and where to sew the blood vessels.("Only to the aorta," says Piper.) In addition, they conduct tests to make sure therecipient has not developed any antibodiesagainst the donor. Finally, they learned thatwhile the genetic match between parentsand children may help reduce the severityof rejection, it does not help significantly toreduce its frequency."we spent a lot of timeagonizing over the pro-priety of allowing parents to be donors fortheir children when thealternative for their children was potentialdeath," recalls Thistlethwaite. "The thingthat continues to impress me is the uncritical nature of the parents in this .... howwilling they are to assume this role.""We wanted to do everything possible toeliminate pressure on the donors to dothis," says Peter Whitington. "I've come tobelieve we cannot eliminate that. It hasnothing to do with urgency. It has to dowith certain people's built-in desire to dofor their children."As nurse associates for pediatric livertransplants, Cassandra Smith, Pam Boone,and Sue Kelly work closely with the children and their families. They set up familyevaluations, monitor care pre- and post-op,answer queries from insurance companies-you name it. And they've seen andheard it all.Some families, for instance, desperate tohelp their ailing child, represented themselves as being rather more "intact" thanthey were in order to meet Chicago'S donorcriteria. As the nurses and surgeons havegained more experience in working withdonors and recipients, the guidelines for"ideal" prospects have changed: "We nowfeel stable families come in all forms," saysWhitington. "We no longer require a twoparent family-what we do require is aninvested donor."Other donors weren't prepared for thepain of their own operations. "They're sofocused on doing what they can do to makethis child better that what you tell themgoes right through them," says Boone. "Thekids actually perk up a lot faster than theparents," laughs Kelly. "About the secondday, the kids sit up in bed and move aroundfreely and the parents are still green aroundthe gills.""Our biggest concern, going in, was the26 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/AUGUST 1993 potential risk for the donors," saysThistlethwaite (called "Dr. T" by his colleagues because, as he says, "the nameThistlethwaite doesn't roll off the tongue.").Indeed, some surgeons, most notablyThomas Starzl at the University of Pittsburgh, feel that no healthy individual shouldever be put at risk to obtain an organ."Is any death of a donor who is otherwisehealthy worth the benefit of helping someone else?" asks Piper. "We've shown that inthe proper hands this is, in fact, a safe operation for the donor." But Piper and Whitington both agree that as live-donortransplants gain in popularity, the possibility of a donor death increases."What's been very gratifying to see is thefact that it's been really safe for the donors,"adds Thistlethwaite, "and incrediblymeaningful. "Marty Robbins agrees. "It's your child'slife that you're saving. The pluses outweighthe negatives by so much."Piper predicts that the pediatric team willcontinue to perform 15 or more live-donortransplants a year at the U of C, which hasbecome the leading center in the nation forsuch operations. He expects, however, tobegin performing live-donor transplantsbetween adults very soon. "The donorshortage is worsening," he explains,"because the numbers haven't increasedover the last few years but the number ofpeople needing and wanting transplants isincreasing dramatically."Still, key questions remain concerninglive-donor transplants in adults. "When yOUtake a piece of an adult liver and give it to achild, it's the size of a normal liver a childwould have," explains Dr. T. "When you dothis with an adult, you're not giving them afull liver. So this brings to the recipients anunanswered question which is, 'Will they begetting enough liver?' We think they will."For the first adult live-donor duo, Piperis looking for a relatively small person,preferably one without a lot of previousabdominal surgery. The first adult trials willprobably involve adult siblings, parents, orspouses. "We're looking for a family that'svery motivated and wants to do it for theright reasons," he says. In other words, notsomeone who says to a relative or spouse,"'If you really loved me, you'd donate yourliver.' "To protect against such coercion, theprospective donor is evaluated by a thirdparty physician who can scuttle the wholeprocesss should he perceive any problemswith the donor's motives or health.Sometime this summer, Piper's idealcouple will have been found. Like Teresaand Alyssa Smith, they'll have a chance tomake medical history-and help save lives.BEYONDTALKINGONPAPERWhy the rise of electronic mail gives a scholar of "the greatepistolick art" fresh hope for the renewed health of the18th century's quintessential literary form: the letterI t h final months of 1784, as he lay dying of conn e gestive heart failure, Samuel Johnson set hislife in order by writing letters. The flow of inspired talk hadcome to an end, but not what Johnson's contemporaries called"the converse of the pen." His letters produced rapid responses-such was the eminence of the writer and the urgency of theoccasion. When one of these replies arrived, Johnson was heardto remark, "An odd thought strikes me: we shall receive noletters in the grave."To associate the deprivations of death with the absence ofepistolary relations was entirely characteristic of this greatwriter-and of his culture. Yet since its golden age in the18th century, the art of letter-writing has fallen into decline,despite the achievements of a few brilliant practitioners. If-asI once confidently prophesied-letter-writing is doomed, thenBy BRUCE REDFORD ART BY ALLEN CARROLLUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/AUGUST 1993 27surely historians will find Johnson's last true heir in FlanneryO'Connor-a writer who might well have lamented the absenceof a daily post in the next world.As she lay dying in the spring and summer of 1964, O'Connorset her own life in order by writing letters. Prolific and versatile, she created-to redirect Robert Frost's definition of poetry-a "speaking tone of voice somehow entangled in the wordsand fastened to thepage for the ear ofthe imagination."Despite her declaration to one correspondent that "it is agreat strain for me to speak like Dr. Johnson," O'Connor andJohnson were both epistolary talkers of comparable spice andcadence. One of the last and most memorable of O'Connor'sletters was to the University of Chicago's Richard Stern, withwhom she had corresponded since 1959. Its sense of voice, likejohnson's, defies death and leaps off the page to make of thetext a speaking likeness:"Our spring's done come and gone. It is summer here. MyMuscovy duck is setting under the back steps. I have two newswans who sit on the grass and converse with each other in lowtones while the peacocks scream and holler. You just ought toleave that place you teach at and come teach in one of ourexcellent military colleges or females academies where youcould get something good to eat. ... I think of you often in thatcold place among them interleckchuls."I th hope for what textbooks used to call "theS ere familiar letter"? Five years ago, I wouldhave said not. Today, however, the advent of electronic mailis fostering a revival that has already improved the letter'schances.Underlying the appeal of "e-mail" is a late-20th-century version of "talking on paper" as a way of conceptualizing the actof communication. E-mail thrives because of its rapidity andfluidity: the e-mail writer performs as a speaker, sparking aconversation rather than laboring over a task that is painfulto the degree that it is non-oral. Consequently, a Johnsoniansense of voices in resonant dialogue now seems to be creepingback. The converse of the pen may well have gone underground to reemerge as the converse of the modem.That is not to say, however, that the 20th-century converseof the modem will be same as the 18th-century converse of thepen. For in 1�th-century Britain, two interlocking sets of factors-technological and aesthetic-helped to explain theprominence and the excellence of what Johnson called "thegreat epistolick art."Letter-writing could only flourish in a country stitchedtogether by a comprehensive and reliable postal system. Byabout 1735 such a system was in place throughout Britain,thanks in large part to the efforts of one man, Ralph Allen ofBruce Redford, professor of English literature and language, isthe editor of a five-volume edition of Samuel Johnson's 1,600 surviving letters, published by Princeton University Press. A 1993Guggenheim fellow, he is at work on a new book, Venice and theGrand Tour, 1670-1790.28 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/AUGUST 199329/ AUGUST 1993Go MAGAZINEF CHlCAUNIVERSITY 0Bath (who was also the patron of Henry Fielding and the original of Squire Allworthy in Tom Jones).Al1en perfected a system of by- and cross-posts: "by-post" designated subsidiary routes that circumvented the General LettersOffice in London, through which all letters once had to pass,whether or not London lay on their direct route; "cross-post"referred to a service between towns on different main roads.During Allen's years in charge of Britain's postal system, dailyservice was extended to hundreds of towns and villages thathad fallen between the cracks. At the same time, Allen helpedto improve the efficiency and the security of the entire service.He could not have done so without the cooperation of Parliament, which passed more than 400 turnpike acts designed toimprove the conditions of the roads between 1700 and 1750.But it was Allen, above all, who deserves credit for guaranteeingprompt, comprehensive delivery and complete privacy.As a result, by the 1740s it was possible to send and receiveletters with considerably more assurance than in the late 20thcentury. A letter from London to johnson's hometown, Lichfield (approximately 125 miles away), took a mere two days; aletter from London to Edinburgh (350 miles to the north, asthe crow flies) usually took four.The technological starts to impinge directly on the aestheticwhen we consider that the recipient, not the sender, paid thepostage. And even by our inflationary standards, 18th-centurypostal rates were high: threepence for a single sheet that traveled80 miles or less; fourpence for any distance over 80 miles.Double sheets were charged double postage. This at a time whena newspaper cost one penny, an issue of the Gentleman's Magazinc (the preeminent periodical of the day) sixpence, and onecould dine handsomely on the town for a shilling (12 pence).The result of this comparatively high rate, to be paid by one'scorrespondent, was that greater pains were undoubtedly takento write a letter worth receiving-that is, worth paying a highprice for. The same system also bred a set of rhetorical ploys,such as this representative apology from the poet WilliamCowper, who was also a passionate and gifted letter-writer:"You must pay a solid price for frothy matter, and though I donot absolutely pick your pocket, yet you lose your money andas the saying is, are never the wiser."Cowper's career as a dedicated correspondent living in ruralseclusion exemplifies in at least two respects the close interaction of technology and aesthetics. First, his vocation wouldhave gone unrealized without the improvements introducedby Ralph Allen and other postal reformers. Second, his achievement depended upon, as it contributed to, a theory of letterwriting that interpreted epistolary exchange as a form ofintimate conversation. When Cowper writes to his favoritecorrespondent, "I love talking letters dearly," he expresses apreference that undergirds 18th-century culture. The scholarHerbert Davis has argued convincingly that conversation wasviewed throughout this period as "the chief art of human life."I would add that letter-writing, as a sister or daughter art, rana close second.Contemporary treatises on these two forms of social inter- course indicate that the skills and goals appropriate to bothoverlapped significantly in the minds of their practitioners. Oneof the century's principal rhetoricians described epistolary correspondence as "conversation carried on upon paper, betweentwo friends at a distance."The criteria governing face-to-face exchange also applied totalking-by-mail: one should strive for a blend of "ease," "grace,""propriety," and "obliging Manners"-for a mean between theextremes offormality and negligence. "Pomp of Words" was asmuch to be avoided as "entire Carelessness." The ultimate goalmight be described as a mysterious fusion of the studied andthe spontaneous.Both conversation and letter-writing, in short, embodied theparadox that underlies much of the century's aesthetic theory:"Nature" takes precedence over "Art," but it is "Nature methodiz'd." Furthermore, as preeminently social forms of exchange,the two kinds of talk depended on, as they reflected, a sense ofcultural solidarity.When Thomas Gray quotes a few words of Horace, or Johnson echoes a line from the Bible, he can count on instantaneousrecognition and the ability to recover the context of the original. Since the letter is the cameo of literary forms it dependsupon such strategies of implication, selection, and miniaturization. To work effectively on a small canvas requires the artist tofind ways of gesturing outward while maintaining integrityof scale.More than any other technique in the letter-writer's arsenal,allusion allows for simultaneous broadening and deepening. Itfosters role-playing, irony, a sense of shared play, and a community of interest-not so much by means of the informationconveyed as the shorthand used to convey it.I #I t ., to his closest female friend, Hestern Wrl lng Thrale, Johnson (like his contemporaries Gray, Cowper, and Horace Walpole) juggles subjectsand tones, approximating on paper the shifting rhythms, halfvoiced associations, and abrupt juxtapositions of oral exchange.Through nearly 20 years of "prattle," he pieces together a mosaic 'Of epigrams, proverbs, endearments, precepts, and domestic minutiae.Because Mrs. Thrale had studied Latin, moreover, he candeploy a battery of allusions by invoking those poets who continued to form the basis of the literary canon. Such is Johnson'sgift as letter-writer, however, that these allusions do far morethan decorate the surface of the letter: they transmit its centralconcerns. Nowhere is this function as principal message-bearerclearer than in a melancholy bulletin from Johnson in Lichfieldto Hester Thrale in Streatham, the family's country house southof London.Allusion in this letter allows Johnson to communicate awealth of feeling without compromising his chosen mode ofaddress (simple, direct, relaxed), or wallowing ostentatiously inself-pity. It gathers writer and recipient into a community atonce social, emotional, and intellectual. It says much in a littlespace, and it contributes to an ongoing epistolary dialogue cali-30 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/AUGUST 1993brated to the terms of the friendship. In this respect Johnson'sletter testifies to a characteristic of 18th-century letter-writingthat situates it even more meaningfully in a conversationalcontext. Reading the letter without knowing its recipient, wewould be able (equipped with a certain amount of advanceknowledge) to tell for whom it was intended. Like all the bestletters from this period, it is correspondent-specific.The spine of the letter consists of three thematically connected allusions: to Ovid's Tristia, Virgil's Aeneid, and Ovid'sHeroides:You are returned, I suppose, from Brighthelmstone[Brighton], and this letter will be read at Streatham. Sineme, liber, ibis in urbem.I have felt in this place something like the shackles ofdestiny. There has not been one day of pleasure, and yet Icannot get away. But when I do come, I perhaps shall notbe easily persuaded to pass again on the other side ofStyx, to venture myself on the irremeable road. I long tosee you, and all those of whom the sight is included inseeing you. Nil mihi rescribas; for though I have no rightto say Ipsa veni, I hope that ipse veniam.In part this literary cluster assimilates Lichfield, a dull provincial town where Johnson was staying with his equally dullstep-daughter, to a mythological realm, a classical place of banishment. It thereby introduces a hint of mock-heroic irony andeven of self-deprecation ("I can stand outside my loneliness,"Johnson appears to suggest, "as well as experiencing and recreating the solitude that makes me so forlorn"). But the primaryforce of the poetic references is to emphasize an acute sense ofbanishment.The first quotation, from Ovid's Tristia, implicitly comparesthe letter-writer to the exiled poet, who longs for Rome andthe company of his friends while languishing by the Black Sea."Little book," says Ovid wistfully, "you will go without me tothe city." A similar intention holds true for the second Ovidian allusion adapted from the beginning of the Heroides, wherePenelope pines for the long-absent Ulysses and exhorts him,"writing back is pointless: come yourself!"The reference in the middle of the paragraph to the "irrerneable road" gestures toward the sixth book of the Aeneid, thedescent to the Underworld and the crossing of the River Styx,the irremeabilis unda or "Stream whence none return." This isespecially appropriate given Johnson's derivation of "Lichfield"in his great Dictionary from the Old English word meaning"field of the dead."Th in which 18th-century letter-writerse way S discussed, practiced, and refinedtheir craft help to explain its marked decline through much ofour own century. Technological change-principally the oftcited dominion of the telephone-has been much less decisivein that decline, I would argue, than certain cultural shifts.Chief among those shifts is the fracturing of consensus-aphenomenon that might also be called the burgeoning of alternative cultures. No longer is subtle, resonant allusion generallyavailable. In 1993, what shared text can one take for granted?In our attitudes toward conversational and epistolary exchange, we continue to share with the 18th century a concernfor candor and sincerity. However, these values have come tobe linked not with forethought, as they were in the 18th century, but with incoherence-incoherence as the badge and condition of truthfulness. Consider the following representativetangle from a 20th-century correspondence: "So hopefullywhen figuring out the big picture the deal is that you'll let meknow that." The less shapely the utterance, the more obviouslyunpremeditated, the closer we feel to the goal of intimacy.Nature is not nature if she is "methodiz'd."Correspondingly, we associate insincerity with the stylizationof multiple selves, the plurality of voices so brilliantly exploitedby the letter-writers of johnson's age. Ours is the era of theXeroxed Christmas letter, whose typical and typifying salutation-"Dear Folks"-erases the individual identity of the recipient, thereby denying the essence of the form as Johnsonconceived it.Johnson and his contemporaries believed-as every dedicatedletter-writer must-that what one says is ultimately not asimportant as how one says it: letters are not intended to be generalized monologues but ingratiating acts of communicationbetween a specific writer and a specific reader.As Johnson himself declared, "A letter is addressed to a singlemind of which the prejudices and partialities are known, andmust therefore please, if not by favouring them, by forbearingto oppose them." Versatility is of the essence: one must be ableto take a given event and calculate its presentation according tothe identity and interests of the addressee.The result of such efforts is something "partial" in both senses-a piece of the whole, and one that favors the recipient. It isalso a letter (in the terms of Cowper's apology for his "frothy"prose) that puts money, the "epistolick capital" of friendship,into the pockets of both writer and reader.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/AUGUST 1993 31" t's quite clear that creativity isa part of both science and art-there's no question about it."Jerome Friedman crosses his legsand shifts in his chair. His largeframe looks slightly uncomfortablein the typist's chair in which he issitting during his visit to the Magazine's office. Back on campus forJune's reunion, Friedman is this year's AlumniMedal recipient."There is an aesthetic principle to science," hecontinues. "For example, there's almost a presumption that if there's an ultimatetheory, it will be a beautiful set ofequations. When you describenature with equations, there shouldbe a certain elegance about thedescription, and a certain preciseness." But beauty in a set of equations is a difficult concept for anon-scientist to grasp."If you try to put in words whatbeauty means in painting, whatbeauty means in music, you havethe same problem. You have to be apart of the discipline and you have·to be able to observe it and feel it.That's how you can see its beauty."Friedman-a physicist by vocationand a painter in his free timeshould know: searching for beauty,in art or in the atomic universe, hascharacterized his life both in theclassroom and out.Friedman and his wife, Tania, have arrived at theMagazine's Robie House offices a few minutes early,ready for a tour of the historic Frank Lloyd Wrighthome. Friedman, 63, is more than six feet tall andlooks even taller in Robie House, with its characteristic low ceilings and long horizontal lines. After aroam through the house, and as rain starts to falloutside, the Friedmans perch as comfortably astheir small blue chairs allow, to consider questionsabout physics and art, Alumni Medals and NobelPrizes.Jerome Friedman has a kind, intelligent face. Theday's humidity has made his gray hair a littleunruly, and he takes a moment to smooth it downbefore the interview. Even as a young man in the1960s, Friedman had a paternal air about him. Inhis book The Hunting of the Quark, Michael Riordan describes Friedman as "a warm, almost grandfatherly scientist ... constantly concerned abouteverybody's welfare, on and off the job." ,Friedman's patient manner and superior teachingskills are quickly evident. Describing an experiment, he is careful to speak in simple, layman'sterms. Noticing a look of mild bewilderment on hislistener's face, he offers to draw a diagram.His pedagogical skills are well known at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where Friedmanhas been a professor since 1960., "Jerry is not only agreat physicist, but he's really a great human being,a warm, kind, thoughtful person," said LawrenceRosenson, AB'50, SM'53, PhD'56, ina telephone conversation a few dayslater. A professor of physics at MITwho's known Friedman since theirCollege days, Rosenson confirms hisfriend's reputation as an exemplaryteacher. "He's very helpful to bothcolleagues and students, alwaysthere with a helpful word, and willspend any amount of time that'srequired to do something good."Friedman is known for being generous with his time even while conducting a busy and productivecareer. In the late Sixties and earlySeventies, while on the MIT faculty,he conducted groundbreakingexperiments at the Stanford LinearAccelerator Center-work thatwould win him the 1990 NobelPrize in physics. Following thoseexperiments, he directed MIT's Laboratory forNuclear Science, and headed the physics department from 1983 to 1988. In 1990, he was namedInstitute Professor of Physics at MIT.Friedman has also been active on a number ofcommittees, among them the High Energy AdvisoryPanel for the Department of Energy, the UniversityResearch Association, and the National ResearchCouncil's Board of Physics and Astronomy. At themoment, he chairs the Scientific Policy Committeeof the Superconducting Super Collider Laboratory-the proposed 54-mile-round particle accelerator which will be built in Waxahachie, Texas,when, or if, government funding is approved. It's anapparatus, Friedman says, that could usher in thenext stage of particle physics. "The next frontier inphysics, I think, is basically the SSC," he says. "Thediscipline will not progress," he adds, "in terms ofUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/AUGUST 1993 33answering the fundamental questions thathave arisen now from our current theory"without the SSC and the high levels ofenergy it will produce.In addition to his committee work onbehalf of the beleaguered SSC, his currentresearch often takes him to the FermiNational Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia,about 35 miles outside of Chicago. He alsovisits campus occasionally, although not asfrequently as he would like. He did returnlast December for the University'S commemoration of the 50th anniversary of theworld's first self-sustaining nuclear reaction-an experiment which took placeDecember 2, 1942, under the guidance ofFriedman's mentor, Enrico Fermi, beneaththe west stands of the old Stagg Field."Chicago," he says of his alma mater on thisrainy Friday afternoon, "has always had aspecial meaning to me. I have tremendousaffection for the University."And the next day, the University returnedthe compliment. As his wife and 550 otherguests at Saturday'S Alumni Awards Assembly in Rockefeller Chapel looked on, Friedman was presented the Alumni Medal,awarded for "extraordinary distinction inone's field of specialization and extraordinary service to society" and given onlywhen a suitable recipient is identified.s a child growing up onChicago's West Side, friedman was primarily interested in art. He took artclasses, won national artcontests, and designed warposters. A mural he painted of AbrahamLincoln was displayed at a Loop department store. It wasn't until high school, afterreading a "little book by Albert Einstein"titled Relativity, that Friedman's interest inphysics was first piqued."The equations in the book were only inalgebra-which basically meant they wereaccessible to me. And so I went throughthem, and went through them in a verydutiful way. But when it was all over therewas still something that eluded me. And Isaid, 'Gee, this is interesting. I would reallylike to understand this.'"It was this curiosity that led him to turndown a scholarship to the School of the ArtInstitute of Chicago in favor of attendingthe University of Chicago (also on scholarship), which he entered in 1947.In the Hutchins College, Friedman, AB'50,SM'53, PhD'56, pursued his interest inphysics, entering the department for graduate studies after graduation. "I hadn't takenvery much mathematics-for example, Ididn't even have trigonometry in highschool. So when I came to the University of Chicago, and when I started in the physicsdepartment, my background really was verypoor." Only when he started his doctorate,he says, did he feel caught up.Friedman was a physics student at a timeremembered by many as the department's"golden age." In addition to taking courseswith Fermi, Friedman worked at the University'S Institute for Nuclear Studies (latercalled the Enrico Fermi Institute), where heoperated the cyclotron-a machine thatenergized particles by accelerating themaround a spiral path. Fermi also acted asFriedman's advisor for his doctoral thesison proton polarization. Although Fermidied in 1954, two years into Friedman's dissertation, the young physicist continuedworking on the same topicunadvised. (His thesis wassigned by an associate ofFermi's, Chicago professorJohn Marshall.) More thananyone else, Friedman says,Enrico Fermi had a lastingeffect on the way he thinksabout physics."Fermi was a man whotried to understand physicsfrom what I would call aphysical point of view andnot totally mathematics,"he says. "There are peoplewho have very formalapproaches to physics, andbasically rely on the equations. Fermi had an intuitive approach tophysics and he could, for example, makewhat I would call intuitive calculations-calculations which would not necessarilygive you the precise answer, but they wouldcome very close. And I always had the feeling that unless you could understandsomething at that level, you don't reallyunderstand it. That was something I learnedfrom him and that's the way I aspired toproceed in my career."It's a characteristic that sets Friedmansomewhat apart from others in experimentalphysics wherc-s-according to Leon Lederman, former Ferrnilab director and emeritusphysics professor at the University, in hisbook The God Paniclc--the "experimentertheorist is a vanishing breed." In Tile Hunting oj the QU(jrl�, Riordan describes Friedman as a "Fermi protege" who "understoodthe theoretical nuances of particle physics."Friedman stayed at the University for ayear after he received his Ph.D., as a postdoc in the nuclear emulsion laboratory. Itwas an eventful year-his collaborationswith V. L. Telegdi led to a classic experiment that helped to establish the concept ofparity violation in physics. His reputationestablished, Friedman was invited to join a34 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/AUGUST 1993 research group at the High Energy PhysicsLaboratory at Stanford University, where heremained for three years until leaving for apost as assistant professor at MIT.lthough the 1960s werepolitically and sociallycharged years, in the wordsof James Cronin, SM'53,PhD'55, University professor of physics, the moodamong physicists at the time was "prettybleak." When Friedman won the NobelPrize in physics, Cronin's assessment of hisfriend's accomplishment also included alook back at the state of physics in the1960s. "All the discoveries," Cronin said,"seemed to have beenmade."And all the new theoriesseemed impossible toprove-or just plain impossible. In 1964, Caltech theorist Murray Gell-Mann hadproposed the "quark"model-taking the namefrom a line in James Joyce'sFinnegans Wake ("Threequarks for Muster Mark!").Gell-Mann's theory saidthat subatomic particles-protons, neutrons, andso on-previously thoughtto be the building blocks ofall matter, were themselvesmade up of fractionally charged objectshe dubbed "quarks." At virtually thesame time, another theorist, George Zweig,devised an almost identical theory of particle substructure. But no one had been ableto find experimental evidence of thesequarks.In 1963, Friedman was invited back toStanford to collaborate with his formerboss, Wolfgang Panofsky, on the new Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC)-atthe time, the biggest atom-smasher in theworld. "10 most particle physicists," Riordan writes, "the big new accelerator seemeddestined for obscurity, a relatively unimportant machine yielding interesting butsecond-rate experiments." Lacking theclout of other, better-known labs, Panofskyhad to call on the young physicists withwhom he had worked as director of theHigh Energy Physics Lab for staffingFriedman and MIT colleague HenryKendall among them. When the acceleratorwas finished in 1966, the research group,which also included physicist RichardTaylor, set out to use the high-energy electron beams manufactured by the acceleratorto explore the structure of the proton.They weren't looking for anything in par-ticular, and especially not quarks. "We haveall the clarity of hindsight now that theworld is made up of quarks," says Riordan,currently the assistant to the director atSLAC, and an MIT graduate student ofFriedman's at the time of the acceleratorexperiments. But back then it wasn't so easyto see. "The majority viewpoint was thatthey simply did not exist.""First of all, people who looked forquarks-free quarks-could not find themanywhere," Friedman says. "Second of all,they had fractional charges, and nothinganyone had ever seen in nature had a fractional charge up until that time. People saidit was an interesting mathematical model,which could be useful in trying to understand the structure of particles, but, mostlikely, these things did not exist."So, Friedman, Kendall, and Taylor simplyplanned to use SLAC to do a few scatteringexperiments where they would shoot energized electrons at protons and neutrons andwatch what happened. Essentially, there aretwo types of scattering. In an "elastic" collision, the electron and proton collide liketwo billiard balls and bounce away,unchanged. In "inelastic"· collisions, theimpact changes one of the particles. AsRiordan writes: "In the billiard ball analogy,an inelastic collision between cue andobject balls is one in which either ball shatters under the impact.""Nobody had looked at [scattering experiments 1 at this energy before, and we felt wehad to look at it," Friedman says. "Becauseafter all, when you go to a beach youshould pick up stones and see what'sbeneath the stones, what the stones looklike-especially if you've never been to thatbeach before. So we thought we should goand do some exploring."Not everybody felt that way-part of thegroup working with them even dropped outbecause they thought the experiments toodull. In fact, the elastic scattering experiments were a little dull. "The data," Riordannotes, "proved to be a smooth continuationof earlier data measured at lower energies."It was when they started doing inelastic collisions that the surprises appeared."I had made some preliminary calculations of what to expect-using the Fermiapproach-and tried to predict what onewould get, trying to understand the experiment using the 'old' physics, withoutquarks," Friedman says. "And I got a certain prediction, and we started taking data.And, 10 and behold, the data rate was afactor of ten times greater than we expected. We knew something really strangewas going on."At first the researchers thought the equipment wasn't working. So they checked it. Then they thought they'd done the calculations wrong. They redid them. Then theyasked other researchers at the accelerator todo the same calculations to see if they gotthe same results. They did. Then they plotted the data. "It looked as if there werepoint-like objects in the proton," Friedmansays. And point-like objects there were. TheSLAC team had discovered the first experimental evidence of the existence of quarks.Their experiments at SLAC continueduntil the early Seventies. "By 1974 mostpeople were convinced the quark modelwas in. There were other experiments thatconfirmed this too, so by 1974 othermodels were slowly dying away," Friedmansays. "By 1980, the entire field was usingthe quark model for theory and for planning experiments."n October 17, 1990, Friedman was attending asymposium on the development of the Superconducting Super Collider. Atapproximately 5:50 a.m.,he got a telephone call. "My wife's on theline," he remembers. "And 1 thought, 'Ohmy God.' My elderly mother was living withus at that time, and I said, 'Oh my goodness, there's a real problem, who calls me atten minutes to six?' But Tania had the presence of mind to say, Jerry, this is not badnews.' And she said, 'You have just won aNobel Prize and I thought I'd warn youbefore you get the call from the SwedishAcademy.'" More than 20 years after theoriginal experiments, Friedman, Kendall,and Taylor were being recognized with themost prestigious of awards-for being thefirst to show experimentally the existence ofquarks.Friedman laughs. "First of all, I wasn'tsure if I was totally awake or if I was stilldreaming. I think I said, 'What?' aboutthree or four times ... she said, 'You betterget your head straightened out becauseyou'll be getting lots of calls very soon.' So, Itook her advice. We said good-bye and Ihung up. Ten seconds later I get a call fromthis very nice Swedish fellow. He used theunderstatement of the year-he said, 'You'llhave a most interesting day today.'''It was a day filled with phone calls andinterviews, impromptu press conferencesand champagne toasts. "It was incredible,"Friedman remembers now. "Absolutelyincredible. "''I'll tell you something," Friedman continues. "People told me that the workwould be considered for a Nobel, but I justalways take these things with a grain of salt.I think the worst thing in the world anyonecould do is to think about the Nobel Prize. The truth of the matter is, if one is fortunateenough to be involved with something thatreally changes the way people look atthings-and changes science to somedegree-there'S enormous satisfaction inthat. It's feeling that you were in the rightplace at the right time, and you used theright judgment at that particular time, andyou feel good about it. The Nobel Prize isjust frosting on that cake."That frosting was sweetened by a$700,000 prize, shared equally with Kendalland Taylor, and a trip to Stockholm. Friedman laughs when asked where he keeps thegold Nobel medal. "It's just put away in adrawer. I'd have a hard time having that displayed on a mantelpiece or something. Itwould seem like bragging." His share of themoney (about $150,000 after taxes) is alsoput away-for his four grown children."Kids have a hard time these days, somaybe they'll have a little bit extra in thefuture."--.-. ania Friedman does notcompletely share her husband's interest in science. "Ican't really talk about hiswork in any kind of depth."And that brings up a story.She leans forward in her chair a bit. "Wewere at a physics conference in Colorado,and Jerry and his partner were talkingabout calculations," she says. "I finally hadto leave the room because I just started tolaugh." Tania Friedman's laugh is infectiousand hearty. "They sounded like two idiotsavants. It was all calculations, not one English word was spoken. To the uninitiated,"she says, "it took on proportions of suchhumor."What the two do have "much more incommon," she adds, is art. Together, theFricdmans have started to study and collectAsian ceramics-looking for pieces at fleamarkets and other venues, even taking atrip to China.Friedman continues to paint-"still lifes,people, oils and watercolors both," but notas much as he'd like to. Now, with a newstudio set up on the third floor of theirBrookline, Massachusetts, home, he looksforward to spending more time at his easel.The two disciplines, physics and art, henotes, are more similar than many peoplerealize. He mentions again the aestheticprinciples of science. As Friedman speaks,his hand reaches out, gesturing perhapstoward the scientific canvas he imagines infront of him. "The thing about a beautifulset of equations is that there is a certainkind of symmetry and conciseness ofdescription. The simpler, in a certain sense,the more beautiful it is."UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/AUGUST 1993 35Reunion '93: the numbers1,535: That's how many people attendedthis year's alumni reunion, held June 4-6."If you discount 1992's special centennialrecord," notes Christie Bybee, the AlumniAssociation's associate director for campusprograms, "it's a modern-day record," easilytopping the 1,400 people who attendedReunion '91. The figures include some 200alumni who attended concurrent reunionsof the Graduate School of Business and theSchool of Social Service Administration.2: How many attendance records were set.Both the Class of 1983 and the Class of1963 had record numbers on hand-184College alumni and guests attended theLOth reunion; 138 turned out for the 30th.65: How many official Reunion eventswere offered, from lectures and UncommonCore classes to alfresco dining and dancing,a boat tour of the Chicago skyline, andalumni discussion sessions (see below).23: How many distinguished alumni werehonored at Saturday'S Alumni Assembly inRockefeller Chapel. For more details, seepage 32 and "Class News."$1.05 million: What the Class of 1943's50th Reunion gift effort raised. Fifty-fivepercent of the class-led by C. RobertTully, AB'43, MBA'46-participatedthrough annual support and capital gifts tothe College, the profesional schools, andother units. The class also endowed a presidential discretionary fund, to aid the College. The Class of 1968, led by Gloria C.Phares, AB'68, JD'75, raised $232,000 incash and pledges to mark its 25th reunion.More than 4'0 percent of the class contributed, with funds split between the College Fund and a newly created Class of1968 unrestricted endowment fund.55: That was the temperature (in degreesFahrenheit) which greeted alumni whoreturned to a gray and rainy campus forAlumni College Day on Friday. By Saturday, the sun was shining and the thermometer hit a reunion-perfect 76.Forgotten adolescents?"Two Irishmen were out for a walk on afoggy day," David Hamburg told his audience at the annual Helen Harris Perlman36 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/AUGUST 19934: That's the number of years that theUniversity's bagpipe band has marshalledReunion's Alumni Cavalcade of Classes.lecture, which took place during Reunion,"when one of them fell over a cliff."The story continued: "Are you all right?"the man at the top called down anxiously."Yes, I'm all right," the answer came back."Are you sure you have no broken bones?"his friend inquired. "No broken bones," theanswer came through the mists."Well, comeon up, then," the man at thetop of the cliff commanded. "I can't," camethe answer. "I'm still falling."The audience got the joke-and the pointthat Hamburg, president of the CarnegieCorporation of New York and author ofToday's Children: Creating a Future for aGeneration in Crisis, was making: Most ofthe statistics on fragmented family life inthe u.s. continue to worsen.Too often, Hamburg argued, people thinkthat such statistics only affect young children, ignoring their impact on adolescents.That's a mistake, he said, particularly in asociety where there has been a "lengtheningperiod of adolescence .. .it's about a decadenow that we're hanging in the air betweenadulthood and childhood." During thatlong, developmental stage, Hamburg said, adolescents have certain needs, many ofwhich aren't being met: They need to find aplace in a group, to learn tasks which earnrespect within the group, to develop a senseof worth as a person, and to have a viablerelationship with at least one adult.Sponsored by the School of Social ServiceAdministration, Hamburg's talk was the12th annual Helen Harris Perlman lecture,honoring the emeritus professor who joinedthe SSA faculty in 1945 and is particularlyknown for her contributions to theorydevelopment in social work.A very brief history of timeCobb 106 was overflowing for MichaelTurner's Uncommon Core lecture, "WhatDo We Know About the Earliest History ofthe Universe," and the professor of astronomy &: astrophysics and physics knew why:"I know you're all here because this is mylast year teaching at Reunion," Turnerannounced, explaining that when he agreedtwo years ago to teach at Reunion, his wifehad a baby girl a week before the event.This year, they had a baby boy. "Two kidsare enough, so I've got to stop doingReunion," he said to congratulatoryapplause and laughter.With his trademark diagrams stretchingacross the entire blackboard, Turner thenlaunched into a discussion of what happened during the Big Bang. Scientists knowwhat happened after the first 1/100,000 of asecond-but that first 11100,000 of asecond in the universe's life is the key topredicting the universe's fate: expandingforever, collapsing in the Big Crunch, oreventually halting its expansion and continuing at its then-current size.Full of questions about such things as thenature of black holes and the shape of theuniverse, the audience was so enthusiasticabout Turner's subject that he didn't get toall the topics he'd planned. Closing the session with a brief history of the universecovering 15 billion years in just under twominutes-Turner gave his audience plentyto think about as some alumni continuedthe discussion among themselves whileheading to the next event, and others surrounded Turner with questions enough tokeep him busy for the rest of the afternoon.Queslions lor Generalion XIn the West Lounge of Ida Noyes Hall, threeof the best and brightest of the Class of1993-the two young men in suits and ties,the young woman in a flowered sundressfaced 100 or so members of the best andbrightest of the Class of 1968. Everyonehad gathered for a Reunion event billed as"Then and Now," designed to give yesterday's students a chance to meet and question their contemporary counterparts.And question they did. Although moderator Ralph Nicholas, AM'58, PhD'62, Collegedean from 1987 to 1992, asked the alumnito submit their questions on white indexcards, many of the 68-ers (some now silverhaired, some still pony-tailed) skipped theformalities and called out their questions.Early on, the alumni audience rebelledagainst the vaguely military precision of theseating arrangements and created a huge,irregular circle "so everyone can see everyone else." That spirit of rebellion was feltthroughout the session, as alumni lived upto their reputation as social revolutionaries.Take this elegiac query from the floor: "TheU of C is now producing lawyers, bankers,and advertising people. What went wrong?"Other questions, like the questioners, alsoseemed very much a product of the Sixties.For instance:"Do you think that the current studentsdo enough drugs?""How many sit-ins were you involved in?""Can you talk about student socialactivism in recent years?""Why are you two men wearing ties?"And the answers, like the students themselves, were unarguably a product of theNineties.Drugs? Not as much as at other campuses;more alcohol than anything else.Sit-ins? The students mentioned gatherings to protest gay harrassment.Social activism? While many studentswould hesitate to describe themselves aspolitical, most are involved in volunteeractivities, locally and nationally.And the ties? Well, there had been anawards ceremony in Rockefeller that morning, and the two men-who were among adozen fourth-years honored as HowellMurray Award winners, recognizing theirservice to the University communityhadn't had time to dress down.Girlz II wOlDen"When I was about to tum 50," BernardineDorhn, AB'63, ]D'67, told the 90 womenand men sitting in chairs arranged in acircle around her, "I got together with agroup of women," meeting once a month for a year to discuss impending birthdays.One thing she noticed was that "22 out ofthe 30 women had gotten teaching credentials in college."The people around her laughed. In "Fromthe Woman's Point of View ... LessonsLearned: Students of the '60s/Women of the'90s," the women and men of the Class of1963, and other guests, started off by introducing themselves. Teaching credentials, itseemed, were one thing many of thewomen had in common-it was one fieldthat was wide open to them in 1963.The hour-long, rapid-fire discussion thatfollowed covered its share of discouragingtopics. "I'm stunned when I think of thenumber of women I know who have beenraped," said one woman. "I get discouragedby that lack of progress." The inequality inwages between men and women was mentioned as a problem that has seen littleimprovement since the early 1960s.But there were upbeat observations, too."I got my 'MRS' degree here," one womanvolunteered. But last night, she added, "Ihad dinner with my daughter, a Ph.D. candidate, and we never even talked aboutmen. Women have all kinds of extraordinary women role models now-that wedidn't have."The men in the group were supportive ofthe women's complaints and observations.After all, one man said, "How would wemen have felt if 99.9 percent of our teacherswere women? How would we havereacted?" He answered his own rhetoricalquestion. "I don't know if we would havethrived as well as you all have."Another man agreed. As a graduate student at Columbia University'S school ofsocial work, he found that most of his professors were women, and all of the textbooks used "she" as the operative pronoun.He couldn't handle it. "Mentally I wouldhave to substitute 'he' when I was reading.It was very disconcerting. I did not like it."The women in the room nodded appreciatively, and the discussion moved on.Know sOlDe alulDni 01 nole?Nominations are being accepted for the1994 Alumni Association Awards to distinguished alumni. To be eligible, a nomineemust have matriculated at the University,earned credit toward one of its degrees, andshown a continuing interest in the U of C.Alumni can be nominated for the followingawards: Alumni Medal, the UniversityAlumni Service Medal, Alumni Service Citations, Professional Achievement Citations,Public Service Citations, and Young AlumniService Citations.For a look at the 1993 award winners, see "Class News. " Nominations are dueNovember 15, 1993; to receive a nomination form, call 3121702-2160.Where Ihe jobs areStarting in September, the Alumni Association will offer University alumni the chanceto participate in Chicago ProNet, a resumedatabase service. For a one-time fee of $35,interested alumni can submit their resumesfor entry in a computer database which intum becomes a resource for subscriber corporations and employers.ProNet provides three services: 1) ongoing cross-matching of alumni profilesagainst incoming requests from participating corporations; 2) one-page synopsesdescribing the backgrounds of alumniactively looking for jobs are circulated tosubscribing companies, and 3) a job-listingnewsletter. (Alumni pay an additional fee of$25 semi-annually for the last two services.)"Two-thirds of the people in the databaseare not actively looking for a job," pointsout Michael Watson, SB'64, of the AlumniAssociation staff, "but they want to beapprised of potential opportunitiesthroughout their careers. This makes thedatabase very attractive to employers, whoknow that the best candidates are moreoften than not currently employed."Several factors should make the serviceattractive to alumni as well. The low, onetime fee-possible because the program'scosts are borne by the subscriber companies-provides alumni with lifetime service(alumni can update information at anytime) and helps cover the materials andhandling costs only. And confidentiality isassured: the companies don't have access tothe database, and alumni can exclude companies to whom they do not want theirinformation released.Participating companies offer diverseopportunities in terms of fields, locations,and experience levels. Subscribers offer jobsfor professionals with two to three years ofexperience, as well as those with middleand senior-level management credentials."Many of the opportunities are in science,engineering, and business," notes Watson."A smaller proportion includes everythingfrom retail to sales, from technical writingto product development."Other universities taking part in ProNet,which began at Stanford University in 1987,are MIT, the University of California-Berkeley, UCLA, Carnegie Mellon, the Universityof Michigan, Ohio State, the University ofTexas at Austin, Caltech, Yale, Cornell, andthe University of Illinois.Further details about Chicago ProNet,including how to get more information,appear on page 7 of this issue.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/AUGUST 1993 37lass News"No news is good news" is one cliche to whichwe do not subscribe at the Magazine. Please sendsome of your news to the Class News Editor, University of Chicago Magazine, 5757 S. WoodlawnAvenue, Chicago, IL 60637. No engagements,please. Items may be edited for space.20 Henry L. Pringle, PhB'20, age 95, recentlywon first prize dancing the tango at a competition in Sarasota, FL.31 C. Allen Alexander, MD'31, a Kalamazoo,MI, physician, began an oral history projectwith Western Michigan University historians todocument medical, social, and cultural changes inwest Michigan during the mid-20th century.32 Harold Laufman, SB'32, MD'37, retiredpresident of Harold Laufman Associates inNew York, received a 1993 distinguished alumnusaward from Rush Medical College.34 Irving M. Wolfe, PhB'34, of Pomona, NY,participated in a second "Friendshipment"Caravan to Cuba in July. [See "Class News,"JuneJ93 for details of his first trip.)36 Robert H. Scanlan, SB'36, SM'39, professorof civil engineering at Johns Hopkins University and professor emeritus at Princeton University, is an honorary member of the AmericanSociety of Civil Engineers, a fellow of the AmericanAcademy of Mechanics, and a member of theNational Academy of Engineering.37 Marjorie Kneen Mann, AB'3 7, lives at aretirement complex in Lisle, IL.38 In March, Seymour Meyerson, SB'38, aretired research consultant with AmocoCorporation, received the American Chemical Society's award for outstanding achievement in massspectrometry. In May, he and wife Lotte celebratedtheir 50th wedding anniversary. Beth SilverSheffel, AB'38, AM'45, see 1939, Irving E. Sheffel.39 Irving E. Sheffel, AB'39, and Beth SilverSheffel, AB'38, AM'45, of Topeka, KS, havehad several articles written about their communityinvolvement in the Topeka Capital-Journal. Theycelebrated their 51 th wedding anniversary onAugust 2.40 Bundhit Kantabutra, MBA'40, received anhonorary Ph.D. in applied statistics fromThailand's National Institute of DevelopmentAdministration in April-his third honorary doctoral degree in the past six years.42 John H. Holmgren, X'42, retired from St.Joseph Medical Center in Wichita, KS, assenior vice president in 1984, and began a newcareer in 1986 as executive director of the CatholicHealth Association of Kansas. He retired again in1992, and now works as a health care consultant inTopeka. Charles A. Werner, SB'42, gave a lectureon May 6 in London to the Royal GeographicalSociety. Entitled "West Through the Northeast Passage," it told the story of the 1991 transit of the38 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/AUGUST 1993Russian nuclear-powered icebreaker Soyuz fromProvidenya to M urmansk.43 John R. Hogness, SB'43, MD'46, formerpresident of the University of Washington,Seattle, is now provost of Hahnemann University.44 Mary Ellen Jones, SB'44, the first woman tohold a Kenan professorship and chair amedical department at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, has received the North Carolinadistinguished service award for women.45 In April, Jeanne Grant, PhB'45, sang in aconcert version of the Schwartz &: Dietzmusical The High Life, presented by Musicals inConcert, a group of young people dedicated to presenting little-known musicals of the past. Thirtytwo years ago, Jeanne sang in the original Broadwayproduction, then called The Gay Life. Anna Krafcisin Zelisko, PhB'45, of Hinsdale, IL, is currently aNational Flower Show judge.46 Jewel Stradford Lafontant-Mankarious,JD'46\ former ambassador-at-large and U.S.coordinator for Refugee Affairs in the Bush administration, is now a director of GenCorp. After 15 yearsabroad, Leslie Waller, X'46, will now be writing hisnovels, articles, and screenplays from Naples, FL.47 Arvin W. Hahn, SM'47, is vice chair of thefinancial products and marketing committeeof the Aid Association for Lutherans' board of directors. Thomas M. Harwell, Jr., AM'47, professoremeritus at Arkansas State University, was listed inWho's Who in the Humanities, 1991 edition. OscarMiller, AM'47, professor emeritus of economics atthe University of Illinois, Chicago, received analumni award for distinguished teaching from UIC'sCollege of Business Administration. Waldemar ].Paknis, MBA'47, moved into a new home this pastSeptember in Winnipeg, Canada. He is "happy to bein a place of my own, finally." Gerald S. Picus,SB'47, SM'50, PhD'54, retired from Hughes AircraftCompany in February 1992 and is now a visitingassociate professor in applied physics at the California Institute of Technology.49 Jeannette Faddoul De Ban, BLS'49, a retiredschool library media specialist from Niagara-Wheatfield Central School District in westernNew York, and her husband have nine children andsix grandchildren; their future plans include trips toAlaska, Australia, and New Zealand. Albert L.Weeks, AM'49, gave a series of five lectures, illustrated with slides, videos, and other audiovisualaids, on contemporary Russia to a large group ofsenior citizens enrolled in a program offered underthe auspices of Elderhostel in Ellenton, FL.50 Marcel ], De Meirleir, PhD'50, a retired professor from Free University of Brussels,turned 70 on January 5. Founder and resident director of the European Regional Industrial Development Organization, he recently established theEuropean Research Foundation and Institute forIndustrial Location and Regional Economic Devel- opment, through which he hopes to cooperate withthe U of C Business School in Europe.Rabbi Richard]. Israel, AB'50, was interim director of the Princeton University Hillel Foundation for1992-93. Jeanne Harper Miller, AB'50, AM'54, ofChicago, is enjoying her retirement and volunteering as a literacy tutor. During the month of December, David Neiman, AM'50, was the first visitingprofessor of Bible and Talmud at the Touro College-Yiddish Cultural Foundation School ofJewish Studies in Moscow. Elisabeth Zaruba Starr,AM'50, and husband Stanley of Katonah, NY, writethat they "finally have a grandchild"-EvanNicholas was born to their daughter; Deborah StarrPeebles, on April 26, 1992.51 B. Ross Guest, PhD'51, and his wife haverecently moved from Illinois to Wink, TX,the birthplace of Roy Orbison. He is planning tostart a "small shrine to the singer.. .. and hopers) tomake it something his fans can come and see andenjoy for a long time." Aletha A. Kowitz, SB'SI,director of library services at the American DentalAssociation and secretary-treasurer of the AmericanAcademy of the History of Dentistry, has beennamed an honorary fellow of the American Collegeof Dentists.Archie L. McNeal, PhD'51, former director of theUniversity of Miami Libraries, has been named a1993 distinguished alumnus of Memphis State University, where he received his bachelor's degree in1932. Michel P. Richard, AB'51, AM'55, professoremeritus at the State University of New York, liveswith his wife in Miami. He is managing editor ofComparative Civilizations Review and editor-in-chiefof Thoughts For All Seasons: The Magazine of Epigrams. In addition, he has begun a new career as asculptor in bronze, and his work is handled by galleries in Key West.52 Paul D. Carroll, AM'52, retired as professoremeritus of English after 23 years at theUniversity of Illinois, Chicago. The author of eightbooks of poetry, he served as editor of Big TableMagazine from 1959 to 1961 and as poetry editor ofThe Chicago Review from 1951 to 1952 and from1957 to 1959. He and his wife, Maryrose, will liveon a farm in the shadow of the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina.53 Richard A. Robie, SM'53, PhD'57, retiredfrom the u.s. Geological Survey in Januaryafter 36 years of service.5& Clifton R. Wharton, Jr., AM'56, PhD'S8,deputy secretary of state and former chairand CEO of Teachers Insurance and AnnuityAssociation-College Retirement Equities Fund, hasbeen named a Beta Gamma Sigma national honoree.57 0.]. Sopranos, AB'57, AB'57, MBA'57, vicepresident of Amsted Industries, has beennamed a corporate vice president there.58 John E. Crow, AM'58, retired last year asprofessor emeritus of political science after26 years of teaching at the University of Arizona. Hewill begin law school this month. Charles J. Vojta,MBA'58, is president of C &: C Publishing inChicago.59 Leonhard H. Froehlich, MBA'59, of HoldenBeach, NC, recently received his Ph.D. inenvironment management from the Union Institute.60 Edward A. Wolpert, AB'50, AM'54, PhD'S9,MD'60, has left his position as director atMichael Reese Hospital in Chicago, and joined theRush Institute for Mental Well-Being as a seniorresearch scholar.61 Paul D. Herring, AM'61, PhD'64, formerchair of both the English department and thehumanities division at Wabash College, is now deanof the college there. Donald E. Minnick, DB'61, asenior minister at Northfield (IL) CommunityChurch, has been elected to the Illinois Collegeboard of trustees.62 Virginia Kennick Emery, AB'62, PhD'82,associate professor of psychiatry at Dartmouth Medical School, will be in the next editionof Who's Who of American Women. She is currentlyediting a book, Dementia: Presentations, DifferentialDiagnosis, and Nosology, which will be publishedby Johns Hopkins University Press. Frank J.Waldeck, MBA'62, a certified public accountantfrom Lake Forest, IL, was recently named an honorary member of the American Institute of CertifiedPublic Accountants.63 AlanJ. Bennett, SM'63, PhD'65, former vice.. president for research and development atVarian Associates in Palo Alto, CA, is now directorof program development at the Lawrence LivermoreNational Laboratory. Eliot A. Landau, AB'63,recently returned from a trip to France where heassisted three museums in collection identification-mainly in types of tools used in prehistorictimes. The study will continue to seek early tradingpatterns between paleolithic and neolithic cave sitesbased, in part, on the varieties of silicon dioxide,quartz, and silex found in each area.64 Jan Howard Finder, SM'64, of Albany, NY,recently attended the British National Science Fiction Convention; over Labor Day weekendhe will be a guest at the 51st World Science FictionConvention in San Francisco.65 Milton W. Cole, SM'65, PhD'70, whoreceived the 1993 Pennsylvania State University faculty scholar medal for physical sciencesand engineering, is enjoying time spent with his twochildren: Laura, 6, and David, 1. Lloyd E. Shefsky,JD'65, a .partner with the Chicago law firm of Shefsky &:. Froelich, was recently appointed a boardmember of the Illinois Institute for Entrepreneurship Education, created by the state legislature todesign in-school programs and instructional strategies for all educational levels.66 Judith N. Friedlander, AB'66, AM'69,PhD'73, dean of social sciences at HunterCollege and anthropology professor at the City University of New York, will become dean of the graduate faculty of political and social sciences at the NewSchool for Social Research this month. KarelisaVoelker Hartigan, AM'66, PhD'70, associate professor of classics at the University of Florida, was the1992-93 president of the Classical Association of theMiddle West and South.Harold W. Schneider, SM'66, PhD'72, an assistantactuary with Columbus Life Insurance Company inColumbus, OH, has been named a fellow of theSociety of Actuaries. Barbara Diebold Wick,MA T'66, is senior vice president of agency administration at Condominium Insurance Specialists ofAmerica in Arlington Heights, IL.67 Former Missouri governor John D.Ashcroft, JD'67, is now a principal with theSt. Louis law firm of Suelthaus &:. Kaplan, where hewill concentrate in the corporate, business, andsecurities department. Charles M. O'Brien, MBA'67,is president and CEO of Western Pennsylvania Hospital. Triloki Pandey, PhD'67, professor and chair ofanthropology at the University of California, SantaCruz, received the university's distinguished teaching award in social sciences. R. David Ranson,MBA'67, PhD'74, is now president and researchdirector at H.C. Wainwright &:. Company, a Bostonfirm that markets qualitative investment strategyguidance in North America and overseas, "with, ofcourse, a Chicago slant." 68 Michael S. Bassis, AM'68, PhD'74, former... Antioch University vice president andprovost, is now president of Olivet College. RabbiPaul Z. Saiger, AB'68, executive director of theRochester-area Hillel Foundation and Hillel directorat the University of Rochester, was elected presidentof the Association of Hillel and Jewish Campus Professionals. His son, Avi, will enter the U of C inOctober. Shmuel Sever, AM'68, PhD'75, librarydirector and professor of library science at Israel'sUniversity of Haifa, was listed in the fourth editionof Who's Who in the World.69 Paula Snorf Henderson, AM'69, received.. .. her Ph.D. from the University of London'sCourtauld Institute this past October, writing herdissertation on the setting of the English countryhouse in the 16th and early 17th centuries; she iscurrently writing and lecturing on architectural history in Britain and the u.s. She and her husband,Schuyler K. Henderson, MBA'71,JD'71, a partner inthe London office of the law firm Baker &:. McKenzie, have two sons, one at Dartmouth and the otherat the University of Virginia. Paula and Schuyler arehoping to convince them to attend the U of C forgraduate school.70.. R.S. Trajn Boughan, AB'70, is the projectmanager of a guidebook to Hong Kongarchitecture, Hong Kong Tour: The Hong Kong Institute of Architects. Stanley D. Nollen, MBA'70,PhD'74, is director of the new Georgetown University Center for International Business Education andResearch. Harvey G. Pavlick, AM'70, president ofthe consulting group American Equity Council, iscompleting a manuscript on U.S. policy. GeraldW.N. Yee, AB'70, received his law degree in 1973from the University of California, Berkeley, and isthe attorney for the Hawaii Carpenters Union inHonolulu.71 John L. Bach, MBA'71, and Beryl M.. Michaels, AM'77, were married on March 28.Beryl is the Midwest director of Women's AmericanORT; John is a sales representative with Honeywell.American Psychological Society charter memberSchuyler K. Henderson, MBA'll, JD'71, see 1969,Paula Snorf Henderson. Peter G. Kaufmann,PhD'll, is also chief of the behavioral medicinebranch, division of epidemiology and clinical applications, in the National Heart, Lung, and BloodDivision. His present interests include behavioralneuroscience and the clinical application of behavioral research to the detection and treatment of andrecovery from, cardiovascular diseases. Frederi�k L.Miller, JD'71, of New York, married Julia Springerin February; they have one daughter, Sarah.72 Charles E. Allen, MBA'72, president andCEO of Graimark Realty Advisors, waselected to his second term as chair of AAA Michiganin March. He and his wife, Elizabeth, have two sonsand a daughter. Gerard Leval, AB'72, JD'75-a partner in the Washington, DC, law firm of Arent, Fox,Kintner, Plotkin &:. Kahn-also serves as the generalcounsel of the U.S. Holocaust Museum, whichopened in April. Gerard lives in Washington withwife Lisa and daughters Jessica (6), Rebecca (4),and Jacqueline (2).Jeffrey Quilter, AB'72, associate professor ofanthropology at Ripon College, has received a$75,000 archaeological research grant from theNational Endowment for the Humanities for athree-year project involving an archaeologicalsurvey, excavation, and analysis of the remains of alate prehistoric SOciety in southern Costa Rica.Daniel J. Wintz, AB'72, is a senior partner inFitzgerald, Schorr &:. Wintz's Dallas law office,where he heads the corporate law division. Alumni All StarsF· ollowing a tradition establishedin 1941 when the Universitycelebrated its 50th anniversary,the Alumni Association honoredsome of its outstanding alumni duringJune's reunion. At Saturday's AlumniAssembly in Rockefeller Chapel, JeromeFriedman, AB'50, SM'53, PhD'56, wasawarded the Alumni Medal (see "Portrait of a Scientist," page 32), whileRobert F. Picken, AM'33, received theAlumni Service Medal (see below).In addition, four alumni were cited fortheir outstanding contributions to theirprofessional fields of specialization,eight received citations for their serviceto society, six were honored for theirservice to the University, and threealumni recived "Young Alumni ServiceCitations," established during the University'S centennial celebration toacknowledge oustanding voluntary service to the University; by persons aged35... and younger.Brief profiles of this year's alumniaward winners appear throughout the"Class News" ... section.Robert F. Picken, AM'33The University Alumni Service MedalRecognized for "extended, extraordinaryservice" to the U of C, Picken has been aleader in fund-raising for the Annual Fund,the Campaign for the Arts and Sciences,and the President's Fund. During his fouryears as national chair of the President'sFund, the fund saw a 24-percent increasein annual contributions and a 29-percentrise in alumni participation. Picken hasactively supported both Court Theatre andthe music department's annual Gilbert &:Sullivan productions, and has volunteeredon behalf of the U of C Cancer ResearchFund, the Lab Schools Building Fund, andthe Oriental Institute. In 1988, the AlumniAssociation awarded him its AlumniService Citation.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/AUGUST 1993 39lames C. Harmel, 10'S8Public Service CitationHormel co-founded the Human RightsCampaign Fund, a leading voice to enddiscrimination against lesbians andgays. Active in marty educational,cultural, and community concerns inSan Francisco, he also chairs the LawSchool's visiting committee and recentlyestablished a program encouraginglaw students to enter public service.Marjorie Sullivan Lee, AB' 43Public Service CitationA leader in the effort to integrate thedevelopmentally disabled into the American mainstream, Lee founded two organizations that help parents advocate forthe education and employment needs oftheir children. She also has helped to increase employer awareness of the workpotential of persons with disabilities.Philip R. McKnight, 10'68Public Service CitationMcKnight is a founder of the YouthShelter in Greenwich, Connecticut, whichhelps teens harmed by drug, physical,sexual, or emotional abuse. The chair ofArch Street, a progressive teen center,McKnight also headed a United Way campaign, and has logged in 8,OOO-plus volunteer hours for the local Red Cross. 73 Arend]. Flick, AB'73, writes with news thathis sister, Barbara Flick Readick, AB'75,MBA'76, vice president of Dresdner Bank, and herhusband, Michael, had twins, Catherine Sullivanand Alice Arend, on November 16 in Los Angeles;"mother, father, daughters, and extremely prouduncle are all doing well." Peter I. Kaufman, AM'73,PhD'75, professor of religion at the University ofNorth Carolina, Chapel Hill, received a 1993 undergraduate teaching award-the only carnpuswideundergraduate teaching award funded and selectedby students. Thomas R. Mahaffey, MBA'73, assistant professor of marketing and management, hasbeen granted tenure at Siena College.74 Johnine]. Brown, PhD'74, JD'77, and MaryC. Bryant have formed "the nation's first"female-owned environmental law firm, Brown &Bryant, in Chicago. Robert W. Czeschin, AB'74, hasmoved to Hong Kong to serve as managing directorof Newstar Orient Limited, a financial newsletterpublisher. A sixth edition of his book, The LastWave: Oil, War & Financial Upheaval in the 1990s,was recently published. Norden S. Gilbert, JD'74,associate legal counsel at Northern Illinois University, received its 1993 presidential supportive professional staff award for excellence. Ralph P. Locke,AM'74, PhD'SO, has been named senior editor ofEastman Studies in Music, published by the University of Rochester Press. Two of his articles, one inCambridge Opera Journal, and another in AlexanderRinger's The Early Romantic Era, won the ASCAPDeems Taylor award in 1992.Richard A. Schwartz, AM'74, PhD'77, associateprofessor of English and liberal studies at FloridaInternational University, received a summer grantfor work on a study of Vietnam War-era fabulist fiction. Founding editor of the university'S in-houseJournal for the Art of Teaching, Schwartz received theuniversity'S 1992 award for excellence in teaching.He remains happily married to Ana-Maria, a highschool English teacher, yoga instructor, writer, and"mother to [their 1 pets."S. Enders Wimbush, AM'74, is a senior international consultant with Runzheimer International, aRochester, WI-based management consulting firm.Richard A. Wueste, JD'74, assistant vice presidentfor institutional services at SUNY, Stony Brook,keynoted the ninth annual fall forum of the Association for Quality and Participation in Dallas thispast October.75 Terence D. Murphy, PhD'75, director of theU of C/Paris Program, also directs theFoundation Des Etats Unis at the Cite Internationale Univ. de Paris and teaches history at theAmerican University of Paris. Barbara Flick Readick, AB'75, MBA'76, see 1973, Arend]. Flick. CarlosG. Rizowy, AM'75, PhD'Sl, a partner with theChicago law firm of Gottlieb & Schwartz, wasappointed to the board of directors of both theSpanish Coalition for Jobs and the Anshe Emet Synagogue. He and wife Charlotte had a daughter, YaelDeborah, in December; she joins brother Brian, whois 9. Rodney]. Rothstein, PhD'75, professor ofgenetics and development at Columbia University,has spent the past year on sabbatical at the InstitutPasteur in Paris, where he also was a visiting professor at the University of Paris VI.76 lawrence W. Barnthouse, PhD'76, leader ofthe environmental sciences division's environmental risk group at the Department of Energy'sOak Ridge National laboratory, will serve as editorfor hazard assessment with the journal Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Vernon P. Dorweiler,MBA'76, associate professor of management and lawat Michigan Technological University, presented a40 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/AUGUST 1993 paper at the annual conference of the InternationalTrade and Finance Association in Miami on May 2l.Edwin E. Hollins, AB'76, MBA'92, is medical director of CIGNA Healthplan of Illinois.R. Randall Kelso, AB'76, will have an article published in the Pepperdine Law Review; he was also apanelist at the Association of American law Schoolsconference on Constitutional law, held in June atthe University of Michigan law School. luther J.Rollins, Jr., AB'76, an attorney with the law firm ofBryan Cave, has been elected to the St. Louis Zoological Subdistrict Commission. Burt M. Rublin,AB'76, JD'7S, and wife Harriet Kay Rublin, MBA'SO,had a son, Matthew, in January. They have twOother children, Amy (7) and David (5), and live inthe suburbs of Philadelphia, where Burt is a partnerin the law firm of Wolf, Block, Schorr & SolisCohen and Harriet has "chosen to forgo accountingto focus on playground jaunts, birthday parties, andcarpooling. "77 Jessica c. landman, AB'77, and 1. DanielMullaney had a daughter, Merrill 1. Mullaney, last August. Theodore W. lane, AM'77,received his Ph.D. in clinical psychology from theUniversity of Vermont in 19S3 and is now programdirector of the Fort Bragg Demonstration Project,which provides a full array of mental health andsubstance abuse services for military dependents inFayetteville, NC. Richard 1. lawton, MBA'77, is apartner at the St. louis law firm of Thompson &Mitchell.Russell M. lee, AB'77, and his wife, Anne, had adaughter, Tessa, in September, who joins Alex, 7,and Kaila, 4. They are enjoying life in ColoradoSprings, CO, where Russ practices pulmonary andcritical-care medicine. Beryl M. Michaels, AM'77,see 1971, John 1. Bach. Ronald C. Peterson,PhD'77, associate professor of biochemistry at OhioNorthern University, will hold the Eleanor H. andRobert W. Biggs chair in chemistry there for the1993-94 academic year.Richard M. Schwartz, JD'77, is a partner specializing in environmental law at Fried, Frank, Harris,Shriver & Jacobson in New York City. David A.Shore, AM'77, director of the office of continuingeducation at Harvard University'S School of PublicHealth, also teaches at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's Institute for Organization Management.After three-and-a-half years as a management consultant with Bain & Company in Boston, Philippe].M. Simon, MBA'77, is now back in France asdirector of marketing for the electronics division ofSAFT, a maker of nickel-cadmium batteries.78 Ann D. Braude, AM'7S, assistant professorof religion at Carleton College, has recentlybeen granted tenure there. Joel Barry Fisher, AB'78,is both director of the special care nursery at Northwest Community Hospital in Arlington Heights andassistant professor of clinical pediatrics at Northwestern University Medical School. He, wife Linda,and daughters Abigail (4) and Jacqueline (2) live inBuffalo Grove. Geoffrey A. lucia, MA T7S, and hiswife had a son, David Andrew, on March 13. Geoffrey continues to teach upper-level mathematics atProvidence Day School in Charlotte, NC, and hassung for several years with the nO-voice CharlotteChoral Society.79 Steven 1. Hendler, AB'79, is medical director of the Rehabilitation Institute, a HealthMidwest hospital in Kansas City, MO. He will alsoserve as medical director for rehabilitation servicesat Trinity Lutheran Hospital. Landy CarienJohnson, AB'79, is working on a master's of publicadministration with a concentration in public policyat Clark University. James W. Marks, AB'79, whoreceived his J.D. from Tulane University LawSchool in 1984 and practiced law in Colorado fortwo years before moving to Chicago, has beennamed a partner in the law firm of Holleb & Coff.Thomas]. Mays, AM'79, of Huntington Beach,CA, is the government relations director at PacificMutual Life Insurance Company. Steven B. Post,AB'79, a professor at Edgewood College, will be avisiting professor at Berea College during the 1993-94 academic year.]. Bradley Shafer, MBA'79, is thenational accounts manager for the Austin Company.Barbara Laffoon Sizemore, PhD'79, dean of theschool of education at DePaul University, gave twolectures at Eastern Michigan University in Januaryas part of its Martin Luther King, Jr., celebration.80 Abbe F. Fletman, AB'80, and her domesticpartner, Jane Hinkle, of Philadelphia, had adaughter, Elizabeth, on February 28, who joinsbrother Theodore. Michael F. Moriarty, MBA'80, isa vice president with A.T. Kearney in Chicago. Harriet Kay Rublin, MBA'80, see 1976, Burt M. Rublin.81 Robert G. Rowen, MBA'81, president andCEO of Bell Federal Savings and Loan Association and Bell Bancorp in Chicago, was elected adirector of both corporations. After seven years of"public defender excitement" in New York andAtlanta, Elizabeth]. Vila, AB'81, has "joined theranks of the capitalists (sort of)" and opened a lawoffice in Atlanta. She still specializes in criminaldefense, and stays involved in the death penaltycases that were her focus during the past two years.R. Eric Weber, MBA'81, is executive vice presidentand general manager of the Cross Company ofJapan. David G. Whalen, MBA'81, is vice presidentof marketing for Bausch & Lorrib's eyewear division-which includes Ray-Ban, Wayfarer, andBausch & Lomb brand product lines.82 Kay]. Carr, AM'82, PhD'87, professor ofhistory at Southern Illinois University,received an award from the school's graduate andprofessional student council in March for her role asa mentor for students at SIU. In addition to gettingmarried in July 1992, David W. Desmond, AB'82,received a clinical investigator development awardfrom the National Institutes of Health to study theeffects of risk factors for cerebrovascular disease oncognitive function in the clinically stroke-freeelderly. David is an assistant professor of clinicalneuropsychology at Columbia-Presbyterian MedicalCenter in New YorkDan V. Jackson, AB'82, MBA'84, senior consultantwith the Dallas consulting firm of Reed-Stone &Company, married Cheryl Mazurek on March 20.Honor attendees included Christopher M.Jefferson, AB'81, and Martin S. Lazor, AB'83,MBA'84. Mickey Kim, MBA'82, portfolio managerof Kirr Marbach & Company in Columbus, OH, ismarried with two children: Betsy, 3, and Maggie, 1.Albert ]. MacKrell,Jr., AB'82, received his doctoratein molecular biology from the University of California, Los Angeles, in December 1991. He is currentlya postdoctoral fellow in the gene therapy program atthe University of Southern California's KennethNorris, Jr. Cancer Center, working to improve thetechnology used for gene therapy.Nicolas C. Ollivant, MBA'82, is a credit officer atthe European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Hilary Wolpert Silver, AB'82, a planning analyst with Connecticut's Department of IncomeMaintenance, and husband David had a son, Joshua,last summer; he joins sister Shira.83 Pete Alibali, AB'83, who works in the U ofC's biochemistry and molecular biologydepartment, married Martha M. Wagner, AB'86,AM'91, a graduate student in the psychology department, this past October in Freeport, IL. The wedding party included: best man Andrew Tan, X'83;groomsman Dan J. Brown, AB'82, MBA'86; and usher Joshua F. Schwartz, AB'87. Also attendingwere 50 alumni, three professors, nine graduate students, and one College student.Stephen R. Rigsbee, AM'83, MBA'84, presidentand CEO of Quantitative Risk Management, married Lisa Lou Sloan, a student at the Art Institute ofChicago, on December 10 in Kapulua, HI. David S.Schaffer, Jr., AB'83, an attorney with Wilson &McIlvaine in Chicago, married Nancy A. Diettrich, asurgeon in private practice, on March 6. Andrew G.Tan, X'83, see 1986, Shauna M. Smith.84 Michael]. Baker, AM'84, and Lynette D.Schroeder, AB'85, were married in Chappaqua, NY, on January 30. Michael received his ].D.with honors from Georgetown University in 1988and practiced real estate law in Arizona for threeyears before moving to New York in 1991. Lynncompleted her M.B.A. at the University of Virginiain 1992. The couple currently live in Greenwich,CT, with their dog, Mingus.Adela M. Cepeda, MBA'84, founder and managing director of Abacus Financial Group in Chicago,has been elected to the boards of directors of Lincoln National Convertible Securities Fund and Lincoln National Income Fund. C. Lee Hooks,MBA'84, is a principal in the San Francisco office ofCSC Index, concentrating in financial services andinsurance. Robert C. Romaine, AM'84, an economist at Charles River Associates, and Susan Steffensen Romaine, AM'86, a researcher with ServiceEmployees International Union, had a son, Andrew,on January 22 in Washington, DC.85 William M. Coplin, AB'85, has finished hisneurology residency at the University ofWashington, Seattle. Don W. Elsenheimer, AM'85,received his Ph.D. in geology from the University ofWisconsin this past August, and is now a postdoctoral fellow there. Dorothy M. Figueira, PhD'85,assistant professor of comparative literatures atSUNY, Stony Brook, received a Fulbright grant forthe 1992-93 academic year. The grant has taken herto the University of Poone in Puna, India, under theIndo-American fellowship program.Carolyn V. Anderson, AB'85, married GaryGreene on October 24 in Princeton, N]. Attendingwere: Marcus A. Asner, AB'85;Jill R. Rollet, AB'87,and a Divinity School doctoral candidate; ElizabethRedford Macken, AB'86, MBA'92; and John]. Donermeyer, AB'85. Unable to attend was Jeff Toder,AB'86, who was in Hong Kong at the time. DonaldL Meccia, AB'85, is the director of floor servicesmarketing for the Chicago Stock Exchange, formerly the Midwest Stock Exchange. Lynette D.Schroeder, AB'85, see 1984, Michael]. Baker.86 Thomas F. Ashburn, AB'86, formerly withthe City of Phoenix's planning department,has moved to Sun Prairie, WI, to join its planningdepartment. Jane Banaszak-Holl, AB'86, and MarkBanaszak-Holl, SB'86, have moved to Providence,RI, where they work at Brown University: Mark isan assistant professor of chemistry and Jane is apostdoctoral research fellow in the Center forGerontology and Health Care Research. Kenneth B.Bloom, SB'86, business system manager for StoltParcel Tankers in Greenwich, CT, is currently ontemporary assignment at Stolt's Houston office.Karen Spigner Case, MBA'86, is senior vice president for LaSalle National Bank's commercial realestate department in Chicago. Paul T. Engeriser,AB'86, and wife Lisa I. Moody, AB'86, had a daughter, Elizabeth Irene Engeriser, in January; they areliving in Reading, MA, where Paul is an actuary ofErnst & Young in Boston.Through an error, incorect information wasprinted about Victor I. King, AB'86, AM'86, in the Edwin S.lIunper, S8'43,SII'48, PhD'SPublic Service CitationMunger directed a U of C-based programthat gave more than $2 million to Africanuniversities. He helped establish a fund forAfricans pursuing Ph.D.s at U.S. universities and a foundation to provide books andjournals to primarily black universities andtechnical schools in southern Africa.Armaity S. Desai, AII'SI, PhD'SIProfessional Achievement CitationUnder Desai's direction, the Tata Institute ofSocial Sciences, India's premier institute ofsocial work education, has established programs for women in distress, fer street children, and for tribal and rural development.She was founding president of the Asian andPacific Association for indigenous curriculum development in Asian countries.Alvan R. Feinslein, S8'47,SII' 48, IID'S2Projessionat Achievement CitationTo combat the uncertainty of most medicaltreatment regimens, Feinstein developed ascience of clinical judgment; the result:new strategies for treating cancer, cardiacdisease, and AIDS. A professor of medicineand epidemiology at Yale, he directs theclinical epidemiology unit and the RobertWood Johnson Clinical Scholars program.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/AUGUST 1993 41Daniel Hertzberg, AR'88Professional Achievement CitationAn editor at the Wall StreetJoumal,Hertzberg is the force behind its newestsection, "Money and Investing." In 1988he and James Stewart shared journalism'Stwo highest awards-the Pulitzer Prize andthe George. Polk Award-for stories on the1987 stock market crash and the downfallof investment banker Martin Siegel.Vincenl Lane, MBA'73Professional Achievement CitationAs chair of the Chicago Housing Authority(CHA), Lane has pioneered an approach toimproving life in public housing that'sbecome a national model. He revolutionized CHA philosophy and management,empowering and encouraging residents tobe self-sufflcient=-tdeas included in theNational Affordable Housing Act of 1990.Siabley Mosk, PhB'33, X'35Professional Achievement CitationMosk was a legal adviser to the governorand a superior court judge before his1958 election as attorney general ofCalifornia. In 1964, he was appointed tothe California Supreme Court. In additionto serving on several state boards andcommissions, Mosk has been active inseveral foreign countries to improve therule of law internationally. June/93 "Class News." Victor recently returnedfrom a Rotary Foundation-sponsored sabbatical inOxford, England. He is an unmarried litigation andfinance attorney practicing in Los Angeles. Dawn E.McNeil, AB'86, and James A. Graf, AB'87, weremarried in Austin, TX, where James works as anactuary. Attending were: bridesmaids Colleen J.Marlin, AB'86, and Rachel A. Meerson, AB'88; TerriY. Montague, AB'87; best man Chandra S. BahI,AB'88; and ushers Paul Y. Song, AB'87, and John P.Lodder, AB'89. .Marine lst Lt. Carl L. Oros, AB'86, has returnedfrom a six-month Western Pacific deployment atMarine Corps Air Station Futenrna, Okinawa, japan.Susan Steffensen Romaine, AM'86, see 1984,Robert C. Romaine. Shauna M. Smith, AB'86,MD'91, a second-year resident in family medicine atSeattle's Providence Medical Center, and Andrew G.Tan, X'83, were married in December at Alta Vista,on the base of Mount Rainier, Washington. MarthaM. Wagner, AB'86, see 1983, Pete Alibali.87 James A. Graf, AB'87, see 1986, Dawn E.McNeil. Bennett Lovett-Graff, AS'87, editedthe winter issue of Response: A Contemporary JewishReview. This issue featured a symposium on "Galutor America?," where students, both graduate andundergraduate, discuss the ambiguities of beingJewish in America.After receiving their master's degrees from theUniversity of New Mexico, Joseph R. Mills, AB'87,and Amanda M. Vesey, AB'89, moved to Sacramento, CA, where, in addition to being a "housespouse," Joe is working on a computer program togenerate sonnet cycles about historic events andAmanda is pursuing her interest in viticulture andwriting for Cat Fancy magazine. Their daughter,Amnesty, was recently chosen a "1993 Lego Kid,"an honor which includes a $1,000 scholarship; joeand Amanda hope she'll use this money to attendthe U of C.Nadine L. Mizrahi, AB'S7, received her J.D. fromthe Benjamin N. Cardoza School of Law in june1992, and is now an associate with the New Yorklaw firm Abclman, Frayne &: Schwab. She recentlymarried Steven L. Greenspan, also an attorney inManhattan. Rabbi Mordecai Waxman, AI),37, officiated, and attendants were: Elizabeth K. Brooks,AB'S7, MBA'93; Jean H. Osnos, AB'87; and ArielleHart, AB'88. leda Victorino, AB'87, marriedThomas Troup the past September in Bartlett, IL.Attending were: maid of honor Diana G. Poulos,AB'88; groomsman Norman Victorino, AB'88; AnnLevy Peters, AB'89; Mark T. Peters, PhD'92; MargeMcGraw Densley, AB'88; Sharon K. Legenza,AS'87; Howard A. Wax, AS'87; Doug B. Richcreek,AB'88; and Terry. Tsubota, AB'88.88 Dorothea A. Israel, AB'88, and Adam Wolfson, AM'89, were married in Bond Chapelin july 1992. Attending were: Thomas A. Israel,AM'48; bridesmaid Debbie J. Israel, AB'92; groomsman Michael G. Frenkel, AB'86, AM'8S; Lester E.Munson III, AB'89; Jung A. Yoon, AB'92; Rob A.Manzer, AM'88, PhD'93; John T. Scott, AM'88,PhD'92; Robert J. Kuster, PhD'58; and U of C professors Ralph M. Lerner, AB'47, AM'49, PhD'53,professor in the Committee on Social Thought andthe College; Charles M. Gray, professor of history,and Hanna Holborn Gray, president emeritus of theUniversity. Dorothea earned her master's in government at Cornell University and is presently workingon her dissertation, and Adam is a Ph.D. candidatein the U of Cs political science department; they arecurrently resident heads ill Vincent House ofBurton-Judson Courts.Stuart J. Lerner, MBA'88, has completed his firstfeature film, Bimho Penitentiary, a "female buddyaction-comedy" about two basketball teammateswho break into a prison of the future to rescue their42 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/AUGUST 1993 friend. Stuart says there is a sequel in the earlystages, and he is also in pre-production for FinalWorkout, about an aerobics studio haunted by a psychotic killer.89 Silvia M. Jovel, AB'89, lives in Los Angeleswhere she works as a senior medical editor.Mary E. Knecht, AB'89, and Adam D. Shepard,AB'89, MBA'90, were married on September 6,1992. Attending were Wendy Smith Laing, AB'88,and Marc J. Sardy, AB'89. Todd H. Mintz, AB'89,graduated from Tulane Law School in May 1992and passed the Oregon Bar in July 1992. He nowworks as a title searcher with the Portland office ofChicago Title Insurance Company. In his sparetime, he docs a lot of distance running, drinks a lotof micro brewery beer with friends ("you haven'tlived until you've had a Chocolate Stout at McMenarnins"), and roots for the "greatest basketballteam on the planet"-the Trailblazers.Barbara J. Sopkin, AM'89, married Anthony O.Miller on May 10, 1992. InJune, they moved to Beijing, China, to edit the English-language paper,China Daily, for one year. Kathym Atwood SOlO,AI3'89, and husband Jesus are the proud parents oftheir second son, Joshua Aaron, born on February23 in Melrose Park, IL. Amanda M. Vesey, AB'89,see 1987, joseph R. Mills. In addition to havingcompleted her first year of law school at the University of Illinois, Devki K. Virk, AB'89, has recentlygiven birth to Thurgood Marshall Virk; "althoughshe understands the demands of law and motherhood, she hopes they won't prohibit her from playing the amateur golf circuit," something she's donefor the past three years. Adam Wolfson, A'89, see1988, Dorothea A. Israel.90 James Ban IV, MBA'90, is executive director of planning and operations analysis forthe Britannica Marketing Companies. Cesar L Gonzales, jr., AB'90, "married into a prominent familyin the pork-processing business in Sioux City, IA."He, wife Indigo, and son Cesar III now farm threeacres outside the city and produce corn, soybeans,and wheat. Mark J. Lee, AB'90, MBA'93, marriedSoo Mi Choi on June 5 in Seoul, Korea. They nowlive in the States, where Mark will attend the University of Pennsylvania Law School.91 Ronald C. Lee, AB'91, received his master'sin political science from Boston College inMay, and will begin work toward his Ph.D. in political science there this fall. Nancy Unger Scott,MBA'91, implementations representative of Enterprise Systems in Wheeling, IL, was admitted tonominee status in the American College of Healthcare Executives in March. Anthony j. Spector,AB'91, AM'93, received his master's from the Committee on Geographical Studies.92 Julia Kachina Crowe, AB'92, recently leftWarner Brothers to become a developmentexecutive for CBS and Berlusconi Films, where shewill develop television movies and miniseries for theU.S. and Italian markets. 2nd Lt. Kevin R. Eckert,AB'92, will begin field artillery school in Fort Sill,OK, in September; after graduation next January, hewill be stationed at Camp Lejeune, NC, for twoyears. Richard A. Leske, PhD'92, a physicist at theCalifornia Institute of Technology, received a 1993outstanding recent alumni award from the University of Wisconsin, Whitewater. John J. McKinney,AM'92, AM'92, is the director of the Federation forCommunity Planning's Cleveland Health Care forthe Homeless-which provides health screeningand care for homeless persons, operates the downtown service center, acts as the clearinghouse fordaytime and winter nighttime shelters, and runs atransitional housing program for women.DeathsFacultyDaniel X. Freedman, the Louis Block professoremeritus in psychiatry, died june 2 in his Los Angeles home at the age of 7l. A pioneering researcheron the basic neuroscience of mental illness and onthe effects of addictive and hallucinatory drugs onthe brain, he taught at the U of C from 1966 to1983, when he became the judson Braun professorof psychiatry and pharmacology at UCLA. He testified repeatedly before Congress in the 1960s and1970s on issues of drug experimentation and abuseand served on or chaired several federal committeeson drug use. He is survived by his wife, Mary.1910sRowland H. George, PhB'16, a financier whohelped pioneer health insurance in New York, diedMay 6 of pulmonary and cardiac illness in Manhattan. He was 98. In 1941, he became the foundingpresident of the Medical Expense Fund of New York,which eventually became Blue Shield. Survivorsinclude a son; a sister; and three grandchildren.julia Ricketts King, PhB'18, a retired businesswoman, died April 11 in Evanston, IL. She was 97.Owner of the Kingvale Dairy, she also served aspresident of the North Shore Art League, the CookCounty League of Women Voters, and the YWCA ofChicago. In the 1940s, she was appointed to theGovernor's commission to reform taxes. Amongsurvivors are a son and three granddaughters.1920sThere·sa Wilson Rothermel, PhB'20, diedMarch 3 in Evanston, IL, at the age of 94. Anactive volunteer, she worked with the AmericanRed Cross, Family Services of Winnetka, Leagueof Women Voters, YWCA of Chicago, and theEvanston Hospital Women's Auxiliary. Amongsurvivors are a daughter; six grandchildren; andten great-grandchildren.Herman D. Carus, SB'21, died April 3 at the age of94. A businessman, he served as executive directorand director of Matthiessen &: Hegeler Zinc Co.,Apollo Metals, Wilroy Mines, Carus Chemical Co.,the laSalle &: Bureau County Railroad, SherbrookeMetallurgical, and Meadowbrooke Corp. Survivorsinclude his wife, Gustl; a son; two grandchildren; abrother; and many nieces and nephews, includingMary Carus Mahdi, AB'44, AM'54.L. Julian Harris, PhB'23, jD'24, a partner in theChicago law firm of D'Ancona &: Pflaum, diedMarch 5 in Highland Park, IL. He was 91. SurvivorsincliIde two daughters; six grandchildren; and twogreat-grandchildren.Clare C. Lyden, PhB'25, a kindergarten teacherfor 32 years at Chicago'S Francis W. Parker School,died March 15 in her Old Town home. She was 9l.In the late 1930s, she was a consultant for the government-sponsored WPA schools, and later servedin a similiar capacity for the Lanham Act preschoolsand Head Start programs.Leo H. Arnstein, PhB'26, jD'28, a partner with thelaw firm Arnstein &: Lehr in Chicago, died April 15in his Glencoe home. He was 86. A director of theChicago Bar Association Foundation, he also servedon the Village Board of Glencoe for eight years.Among survivors are three daughters; five grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. Gerhardt K. Laves, PhB'27, AM'29, a linguist whoworked with tribes in Australia and, later, with theNavajos in the Southwest, died March 14 in hisHyde Park home at the age of 86. Survivors includehis wife, Maxine; three daughters, including JeanLaves Hellie, BFA'58, and Barbara Laves Beasley,SB'60; a son, Edward W. Laves, AM'73, PhD'80,MBA'83; and eight grandchildren.1930sMay Friend Goodman, PhB'30, who served fortwo decades as a representative of the World Unionof Progressive judaism at the U.N., died March 5 inCedarhurst, NY, of heart failure. She was 85. Shealso wrote a number of children's plays, and bookreviews for Chicago publications. Among survivorsare her husband, Abram; two daughters; and fourgrandsons.joseph N. Rappaport, MD'32, a pediatrician for45 years in the Chicago area, died April 3 at the ageof 86. A member of the faculty at NorthwesternUniversity Medical School, he was on the staff ofEvanston Hospital-Survivors include two childrenand three grandchildren.Harriet L. Tynes, AM'32, died in August 1992 inGreensboro, NC, at the age of 9l. Retired in 1968after 24 years as director of the Children's HomeSociety, she twice served as a delegate to the WhiteHouse Conference on Children and Youth.Budd Gore, X'33, editor of the Leesburg, FL, Business Journal, died April 15 in his home. He was 79.He held several advertising posts with two Chicagonewspapers from the 1930s through the 1960s, andwas an administrative officer for the Manhattan Project during World War II. Survivors include twosons; two daughters; and four grandchildren.Thomas C. Grubb, PhD'33, who retired after 28years as director of investigations with RichardsonVick, died March 11 in Mount Vernon, OH. Survivors include his wife, Louise; two sons; and adaughter.Frederick M. Noble, SB'33, a long-time employeeof Los Angeles County, died March 28 in RanchoMirage, CA. Survivors include two sons and sixgrandchildren.Bernard B. Miran, PhB'34, AM'39, director ofHomewood Terrace and jewish Family Service ofLong Beach, CA, died May 13, 1992, at the age of83. Devoted to helping people, he worked with theUSO during WWIl and then escorted Jewish immigrants from Shanghai to the u.s. Survivors includehis wife, Anne Gosenpud Miran, PhB'35; a daughter; a son; and four grandchildren.Alfred D. Kiffer, SB'35, a research chemist for 30years with Union Carbide and a participant in theManhattan Project, died February 19 in Cicero, IL.He was 78. The inventor of anti-freeze, he alsodeveloped industrial diamonds and the Lindy Star, astone used for jewelry. Among survivors are twodaughters; a sister; a brother; six grandchildren; andsix great-grandchildren.john W. Rice, PhB'35, who played football for theGreen Bay Packers, died March 5 at the age of 90 inDallas. An official for high school football games, hewas active in a Masonic Lodge and his local KiwanisClub. Among survivors are his wife, Chole: twodaughters; and one grandson.Claude Kirchner, X'39, a retired radio announcerand television personality, died of cancer March 8 inHawthorne, NY, at the age of 77. His career Milton I. Shadur, 5B'43, ID'49ProfeSSional Achievement CitationA judge in the U.S. District Court for theNorthern District of lllinois since 1980,Shadur has decided cases on school desegregation and freedom of speech. A memberof the Illinois Supreme Court Characterand Fitness Committee, he has been adirector of the Legal Aid Society of Chicagoand the Legal Assistance Foundation.Donat G. Wentzel, 0'54, SB'IS,SM'5&, PhD'IOProfeSSional Achievement CitationAn astronomy professor at the Universityof Maryland, Wentzel works to improveastronomy education worldwide throughthe International Astronomical Union'sInternational Schools for Young Astronomers and visiting lecturers program. Healso founded and edits an internationalnewsletter on astronomy education.Kale A. WUliams, 0'48Projessional Achievement CitationA nationally respected civil rights leader,Williams recently retired after 20 years asexecutive director of the LeadershipCouncil for Metropolitan OpenCommunities. During his tenure, theChicago group filed more cases of housingdiscrimination than all of the federal jurisdictions in the country.UNIVERSITY OF CllICAGO MAGAZINE/AUGUST 1993 43Irwin I. Biederman, AB' 40,MBA'42Alumni Service CitationA participant in nearly every U of C fundraising effort since his graduation,Biederman led the Class of 1940 gift effortand achieved one of the .highest annualfund participation rates for a 50th-reunioncampaign. He currently co-chairs the 1938-40 era Chicago regional effort for theCampaign for the Next Century.Alumni Service CitationBrawer's service began in 1974 whenhe chaired the Alumni Fund in Madison;he later chaired the New York AreaPresident's Fund and served on theAlumni Association Cabinet and theexecutive committee of the NationalAlumni Fund Board. Brawer is amember of the Visiting Committee tothe Division of the Humanities.William R. Oostenbrug, SB'43Alumni Service CitationOostenbrug served on his 25th reunionplanning committee and chaired the 50threunion committee. He has volunteered asa fund-raiser since the 1960s. An officer inthe Alumni Association Cabinet, he servedon the Chicago Centennial Committee. Hereceived a Public Service Citation in 1968. included a stint as a barker for fan dancer SallyRand during the 1934 World's Fair, but he was bestknown as ringmaster of the national children's TVprogram "Super Circus," from 1949 to 1956. Survivors include his wife, Marilyn; a daughter; twostepsons; a stepdaughter; two grandchildren; and abrother.1940sVytold C. Yasus, AB'44, MBA'46, JD'49, an attorney and certified public accountant, died March 27in Evergreen Park, IL. He was 69. Director of Marquette National Bank for almost 30 years, he alsotaught accounting at DePaul University in the1950s. Survivors include his wife, Josephine; adaughter; and a son.Radcliffe Squires, AM'46, a poet, editor, and English professor, died February l4 in Ann Arbor, MI.He was 75. Professor emeritus at the University ofMichigan, he wrote seven books of poetry and several critical studies, and also edited the MichiganQuarterly Review from 1970 to 1977. He recentlycompleted a novel about first-century Rome that isscheduled for publication later this year.Adelyn Russell Bogert, AB'47, an activist, volunteer, and president of the U of C Women's Boardfrom 1984 to 1987, died April 25 in her Near Northhome. She volunteered for the Chicago Child CareSociety, the Better Government Association, andRush Presbyterian St. Luke's Medical Center.Among survivors are her husband, George; a son;two daughters; a grandchild; two sisters; and abrother, Paul S. Russell, PhB'44, SM'45, MD'47.H. Robert Gemmer, DB'47, a civil rights activist,drowned in his swimming pool December 21 at theage of 69. Devoted to Pinellas County (FL) desegregation, he was a former leader of the St. PetersburgCouncil on Human Relations, and director of education for the local NAACP for 25 years. Survivorsinclude his wife, Myrna Jean; a son; a daughter; andtwo grandchildren.Lorene Chow Hartman, SB'47, a registered nurseand nursing instructor, died January 15 at the age of74 from injuries received in a car accident in Wilmette, IL. A nurse at many institutions, includingthe U of C Clinics and Northwestern Memorial Hospital, she taught at the Mt. Sinai School of Nursingand the University of Illinois College of Nursing,among others. Survivors include her husband,Kenath; two sons; a daughter; a brother; three sisters; and eight grandchildren.Robert E. Martin, PhD'47, died January 31 ofcancer at his St. Augustine, FL, home. He was 79.Professor of political science at AT&T College andHoward University, he also served as a visiting professor at the University of San Francisco, New YorkUniversity, Atlanta University, University of Southern Illinois, and Columbia University. Among survivors are his wife, Suzanne; two sons; twodaughters, including Barbara Martin Tatum, SM'63;a brother; and nine grandchildren.Alfred J. Hotz, PhD'48, died March 17 in SiouxFalls, SD. Professor emeritus of political science andinternational organization at Augustana College, healso taught at Case Western Reserve University. Survivors include his soh; Kenneth.David W. Sampsell, AB'48, died in 1991 at hishome on Chautauqua Lake, Bemus Point, NY.Retired after 30 years with the New York TelephoneCompany, he served as a consultant with AT&TInternational in Ireland, Thailand, Hong Kong,China, and the Philippines. Among survivors are hiswife, Cindi; a daughter; and a son.William E. Welch, MBA'48, former president ofthe St. Charles Human Relations Council, died September 15 at his San Luis Obispo, CA, home. Hewas 76. A former personnel manager for Sears, he44 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/AUGUST 1993 eventually became vice president for Easterling inChicago. Survivors include his wife, Aldemar; threedaughters; a son; a sister; and seven grandchildren.I 950sJay E. Raeben, AM'50, founder of the Network forContinuing Education-a video service that keepSdoctors apprised of modern techniques-diedMarch 11 of heart failure in Manhattan. He was 67.Until last year, he was also president and chief executive of Visual Information Systems, where he hadcontinued as a consultant. Among survivors are hiswife, Dolores; a son; and a stepson.Maurice K. Townsend, AM'50, PhD'54, presidentof West Georgia College, died May 16 of bonecancer in Atlanta. As West Georgia's president, heincreased enrollment, pushed an ambitious buildings project, and restored the campus football program. Survivors include his wife, Lucille; two sons;two daughters; a sister; and five grandchildren.John R. Lanahan, MBA'53, a retired Inland SteelCompany executive, died of a stroke April 6 inlaMesa, CA. Working in the company's order division, he pioneered the use of computers to createwhat was recognized as one of the most efficientorder divisions in any U.S. steel company. Survivorsinclude a daughter, Joyce Lanahan Fischer, AM'68;a son, John O. Lanahan,JD'77; and a grandson.Benjamin H. Lyndon, PhD'53, former dean of theUniversity of Buffalo's School of Social Work, diedApril 26 at the age of 82. After retiring from UB, hetaught at Wayne State University, Brockport StateCollege, and Buffalo State College. Among survivorsare his wife, Clara; a son; two daughters; and fourgrandchildren.Theodore C. Owen, PhD'56, professor and chairof the English department at Kansas State TeachersCollege, died August 23, 1992, in Emporia, KS. Hewas 89. Also interested in music, since the 1940s hehad written reviews for the Emporia Gazette. Survivors include his wife, Alta.Sheldon K. Schiff, MD' 56, a psychiatrist and professor at the Loyola University Cardinal StritchSchool of Medicine, died March 11 in Chicago. Hewas 62. As co-founder and director of the Woodlawn Mental Health Center, he developed a community-based mental health training program forchildren. Survivors include his wife, Louise LatsisSchiff, AB'52, AB'57; a son; and a brother.Aaron L. Meyers, AB'57, a Cook County publicdefender for 21 years, died May 7 in Evanston at theage of 57. Also a saxophonist and pianist with adegree from the Juilliard School of Music, he wasonce a professional jazz musician who performed inthe Catskills. Survivors include his wife, Joyce, anda sister.Renee Kaplan River, AB'58, died September 27 inEvanston, IL, of complications following her battlewith cancer. She was 59. Founder and curator ofNew Vision Gallery in Marshfield, WI, she alsoestablished art fairs and produced exhibitionsthroughout Wisconsin. Among survivors are twodaughters; three sons, including Gregory N. River,AB'79, and David V. River, AB'85, MBA'88; and fourgrandchildren.Wilmoth A. Carter, PhD'59, a Shaw Universitysociology professor who documented a microcosmof African-American culture in Raleigh, NC, diedMarch 27 at the age of 76. The author of severalbooks, she also served as an administrator at Shaw.Survivors include a sister and a brother.1980sRichard K. Scharf, AM'63, a political science professor at the Illinois Institute of Technology, diedMarch 18 of cancer in Chicago. He was 54. Generalmanager of the Munster, IN, Symphony Society, hewas president of the Indiana Orchestra Consortiumin 1991 and 1992 and volunteered with theChicago Symphony. Among survivors are his wife,Jura Stanulis, AB'65; his parents; a sister, and manynieces and nephews.Ernest B. Spitzer, SB'65, a financial consultant,died of brain cancer on April 14 in Wayzata, MN.He was 49. Formerly a chemist, he switched careersand became a founding member of New Era Financial Group. Survivors include his wife, Emily, andtwo sons.Margaret M. Guerin, AM'69, a Chicago publicschool teacher for 43 years, died April 7 in PalosHills, IL, at the age of 82. Survivors include herbrother, Robert.I 970sCarl F. Owen, X'71, a member of InternationalBusiness Consultants since 1985, died December 9of heart failure in Chicago. Among survivors arefour children and a brother.19aosAlicia West Kasper, X'89, a planner for AbbottLaboratories in charge of hazardous waste disposal, died February 16 in a car accident in Chicago. Shewas 25. A volunteer with the Literacy Program, shewas also active with the Strays Halfway Houseanimal shelter. Survivors include her husband,Michael; her father; her mother and stepfather;three stepbrothers; and her grandfather.Notice of Death ReceivedWalter F. Hoeppner, SB'23, MD'25.Madeleine Koll Cohen, PhB'27, April.Hazel Pulling Bennett, PhB'30, AM'31, March.Harry E. Elvove, PhB'31.Frank R. Howard, PhB'32,June 1992.M. Caroline Emich, MA T'33, April.Stanley K. Fish, AB'3 7, JD'39, December.Eleanor Northcutt Taylor, X'38, March.Harrison B. Barnard, X'41, November.Mary R. Lucas, AM'41.Thelma M. Weber, SM'41.Helen MansfieldJobe, PhD'44.Jessica House McEnroe, PhB'47, SB'48, February.John B. Stetson, X'47.Charlotte Alvord McMahon, AM' 58, February.Kathryn E. Taggart, AM'61, September.Melvin P. Grunloh, PhD'62.Mary C. Gibb, AM'67.AlfJ. Piwinskii, PhD'68,June 1992.Books by AlumniArts and LettersLouis P. Kaplan, AM'82, PhD'88, editor, TheDamned Universe of Charles Fort (Autonomedia).This is a montage of the writings of the Americanliteratus and humorist-scientist Charles Fort(1874-1932), who spent 25 years of his life collecting, and speculating upon, scientific anomalies-theso-called "data of the damned" found in the borderregions between science and fiction. Kaplan's opening and closing essays argue for the continued relevance of Fort's philosophy.Guy A. Marco, AM'52, AM'55, PhD'56, editor,and Frank Andrews, contributing editor, Encyclopedia of Recorded Sound in the United States (GarlandPublishing). From Edison's experimental cylindersto today's high-tech wizardry, this reference workoffers a wealth of information on disc and taperecordings, organizations, technologies, and individuals. With most of its coverage on early recording history, the book focuses on the sound industryin the U.S., with additional material on Canada,Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.Sally M. Promey, PhD'88, Spiritual Spectacles:Vision and Image in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Shaherism (Indiana University Press). Among the lesserknoWn artifacts of Shakerism are the many elaboratedrawings and paintings produced between 1839 and1859. In a community which generally prohibitedimages, believers intended these religious picturesto enhance spiritual vision; the images thus functionas "spiritual spectacles." Locating these products inthe appropriate religious and cultural contexts,Promey traces the movement from vision to imageWithin Shaker spirituality and demonstrates theessential connection between visionary experienceand visual image.BiographyJohn E. Frohnmayer, AM'69, Leaving Town Alive:Confessions of an Arts Warrior (Houghton Mifflin). The first National Endowment for the Arts head tobe fired provides a candid account of life inside afederal agency. Well-regarded in his home state ofOregon's arts circles, Frohnmayer seemed just theman to ease tensions in the culture wars after thenasty 1988 presidential campaign and the notorietysurrounding NEA-supported museum shows ofphotos by Mapplethorpe and Serrano. However, hewas up against more than he bargained for.Stephen Manes, X'69, and Paul Andrews, Gates:How Microsoft's Mogul Reinvented an Industry--andMade Himself the Richest Man in America (Doubleday). At the age of 37, Bill Gates, chair and cofounder of Microsoft, is generally regarded as themost powerful figure in the computer business. Thisdefinitive biography of America's youngest selfmade billionaire also gives a detailed history of hiscompany and the microcomputer software industry.Donovan E. Smucker, AM'54, PhD'57, The Origins of Walter Rauschenbusch's Social Ethics (McGillQueen's Press). Rauschenbusch (1861-1918), aprominent figure in American Protestantism, urgedthe church to face the problems of urban industrialism by developing a new social ethic. This booktraces his intellectual history and the social forceswhich shaped this new ethical outlook.CriticismDonald R. Hettinga, AM'77, PhD'83, PresentingMadeleine L'Engle (Twayne Macmillan). Blurring thedistinction between fantasy, science fiction, andeveryday family life, L'Engle's young adult novelsfocus on central issues-the inevitability of death,the relationship of past and present, individualresponsibility and choice-as young people firstconfront them. Paying close attention to her theology and theory of fiction, Hettinga provides a critical introduction to the Newbery Medal winner.Barbara Kiefer Lewalski, AM'51, PhD'56, WritingWomen in Jacobean England (Harvard UniversityPress). In the early decades of the 17th century, Elizabeth Headland Oostenbrug,AB'44Alumni Service CitationA board member and former vice presidentof the Children's Research Foundationwhich began at the U of C-she has servedon alumni boards and committees, helpedreactivate Omaha's alumni club, andprompted the creation of the annual 45thyear reunions. She received a PublicService Citation in 1962.Joseph A. Whitlow, AB'39Alumni Service CitationWhitlow has served as president of boththe Puget Sound alumni club, which hehelped to reestablish in the 1980s, and theSeattle club. He has been a volunteer forstudent recruitment, chair and co-chair ofreunion committees, and a member of themajor gifts committee of the Campaign forthe Next Century.Susan Loth Wolkerstorfer,AB'72Alumni Service CitationChair of the Alumni Schools Committee inMinnesota, and active in the Twin Cities alumniclub, she organized events from Motet Choirconcerts to a Centennial Forum. A member ofthe Alumni Cabinet and the Alumni ExecutiveCouncil, she was the first secretary of theAlumni Association Board of Governors.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/AUGUST 1993 45Andrew M. Alper, AB'80, MBA'81Young Alumni Service CitationAlper and his wife, Sharon Sadow Alper, AB'80,JD'84, sponsored a challenge to the Classof 1980's 10th reunion gift, spawning a150-percent increase in support. Formerlyon the GSB alumni board, he is on the GSBAnnual Fund's national steering committee. The Alpers have established theSommerstein Memorial Scholarship Fund.B. Mark Delman, AB'84, MBA'92Young Alumni Service CitationAs an undergraduate, Delman organizedentertainment for the Burton-Judson 50thanniversary celebration. At the GSB, hehelped restructure the admissions processand served as a student interviewer. Activein reunion fund-raising and club efforts, heis the career advisory chair for the NewYork alumni relations steering committee.Sharon Lynn Delman, AB'86,MBA'92Young Alumni Service CitationAs a student, Delman worked to form theMNMBA program of the GSB and theCenter for East Asian Studies. Since 1985,Delman has interviewed prospectiveCollege students, organized phonathons inNew York that recruited a record numberof volunteers, and served on the New Yorksocial events steering committee. women were expected to be chaste, obedient, subordinate, and silent. Some women, however, took upthe pen to challenge and subvert the repressivepatriarchal ideology of the day. Setting out to showhow these women wrote themselves into their culture, Lewalski rewrites Renaissance history toinclude some compelling-and neglected-voices.Claude]. Summers, AM'67, PhD'70, and Ted-LarryPebworth, editors, Renaissance Discourses of Desire(University of Missouri Press). The discourses ofdesire in the Renaissance embrace works as dissimilaras sonnets on frustrated love and libertine invitationsto lust; writers both idealized and demystified sex.Using a variety of methods and ideological presuppositions, these essays focus on the intertwining ofpolitical and sexual discourse and the differencebetween men and women as desiring subjects. Therepresentation of homoerotics and homosexuality isdiscussed, as is the impact of economic and socialideologies on love poetry and sexual expression.EducationLorraine Smith Pangle, AM'85, and Thomas L.Pangle, PhD'72, The Learning of Liberty: The Educational Ideas of the American Founders (UniversityPress of Kansas). This book traces the emergence ofa uniquely American vision of public education thatfocuses on preparing children for citizenship, andexplores ways in which the Founders used theirown lives to inspire the emulation of young Americans. The authors argue that the Founders' writingsboth shed light on current educational problemsand point to possible solutions.Marguerite Crowley Weibel, MST'69, The Libraryas Literacy Classroom: A Program for Teaching(American Library Association). This resourcemanual for literacy teachers and librarians outlines amethod of teaching which takes advantage of materials available in any public library. Included is aforeword by Illinois Senator Paul Simon.nction and PoetryHarriet Paine Hahn, AB'40, James the FabulousFeline (St. Martin's Press). In this sequel to James theConnoisseur Cat, James-the cat who knows everything-travels from London to Buenos Aires insearch of an elusive terra cotta statue and, along theway, learns when to obey the rules, when to bendthem, and when to break them altogether.Margaret Hunt Cohn, AM'51, The SculptureGarden (Communication Consultants). Thesepoems first appeared in: Ambergris, Art Times,Boston Literary Review, Bottomfish, Confrontation,Orphic Lute, Poetry Motel, and Windless Orchard.Patricia E. Vilches, AM'87, PhD'92, Karma Desdeel Mar (Ediciones Documentas). Written in Spanish,this collection of short stories and other narrativesencompasses a variety of characters and settingswhich reflect both local and universal values.History and Current EventsDante A. Puzzo, AB'40, AM'45, PhD'56, The Partisans and the War in Italy (Peter Lang Publishing).Beyond seeking to assess the Partisan struggle interms of the clash of regular armies in Italy, thisbook is concerned with the ideological aspects ofthe Italian Partisan Movement. It was political ideology that placed the movement within a context thatincluded the policy of appeasement, the MunichAgreement, and the Spanish Civil War.Jill Raitt, AM'67, PhD'70, The Colloquy of Montbdiard: Religion and Politics in the Sixteenth Century(Oxford University Press). Focusing on the Colloquy of Montbeliard, a theological debate waged in1586 between Lutherans and Calvinists, Raitt46 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/AUGUST 1993 explores the shifting political alliances and tensionsamong religious factions that characterized the HolyRoman Empire and its relations with France afterthe Peace of Augsburg, showing how doctrinal religious debates often were the result of high-levelpolitical intrigue.Medicine and HealthGuy]. Kelnhofer, Jr., PhB'49, AM'51, PhD'6S,Understanding the Former Prisoner of War: Life AfterLiberation (Banfil Street Press). The author was captured by the Japanese on Wake Island in 1941 andreleased in 1945 after captivity in China, Korea, andJapan. Drawing on those experiences and onKelnhofer's six years of Veteran Administrationsponsored group therapy for ex-POWs, this bookexplores the problems and frustrations that bothPOWs and their families experience.Gerald R. McDermott, AB'74, and William A.Fintel, A Medical and Spiritual Guide to Living withCancer (Word Books). Co-authored by a religionprofessor (McDermott) and an oncologist, thiSguide to cancer for the layperson presents both requisite medical information and answers to compelling spiritual questions in the same volume.Arthur Schwartz and Ruth Silverstein Schwartz,AM'75, Depression: Theories and Treatments. Psychological, Biological, and Social Perspectives (ColumbiaUniversity Press). Presenting an overview of themajor issues in the study and treatment of depression, this volume examines theoretical, assessment,and treatment strategies and offers clear explanations of the psychological, biological, and culturalaspects of depression.Political Science and LawShaul E. Cohen, AM'87, PhD'91, The Politics ofPlanting: Israeli-Palestinian Competition for Controlof Land in the Jerusalem Periphery (University ofChicago Press). In Israel and the West Bank, treeplanting has become symbolic of conflictingclaims to the land. Palestinians cultivate olivegroves, while the Israeli government has maderestoration of mixed-growth forests a national priority. Focusing on the open land surroundingJerusalem and four Palestinian villages outside thecity, this study offers a new perspective on theconflict over land use in a region where plantinghas become a political tool.David F. Ericson, PhD'S7, The Shaping of American Liberalism: The Debates over Ratification, Nullification, and Slavery (University of Chicago Press).Focusing on three critical debates in American history, Ericson contends that republicanism and liberalism are more properly understood as two sets ofcompeting ideas that evolved from common roots:the former championing the claims of the publicsphere, general welfare, and civic virtue; the latterprotecting the rights of the individual to liberty,property, and privacy.Ronald F. King, PhD'81, Money, Time, and Politics:Investment Tax Subsidies and American Democracy(Yale University Press). Since the end of World WarII, the American federal government has supportedtax subsidies for business in order to stimulate capital investment. Why have democratically electedofficials approved tax policies that make rich peoplericher? In this book, King traces U.S. taxation politics during the past 30 years, arguing that Democratsas well as Republicans promote tax breaks not as aconcession to elite business power, but as a "technical precondition believed to be essential for nationalprosperity and social harmony."Joseph A. Schlesinger, AB'42, Political Parties andthe Winning of Office (University of Michigan Press).This book draws upon rational choice, or positiveThe Eyes of God (see Arts and Letters).theory literature, to develop a conception of partiesas office-seeking and market-based organizations.The author argues that political ambitions, and thefactors that channel them, will determine the structure and behavior of political parties.RecreationWilliam j. Haverland, MBA'72, and Tom Saunders, editors, ALSA Swimmers' Guide: A Directory ofPools for Lap Swimmers, 1993 ed. (InternationalSwimming Hall of Fame Mail Order Company).This directory lists 1,166 swimming facilities in 755cities and towns in all 50 states and the District ofColumbia. Each entry includes a summary of thefacility's admission policy and fees, pool size andtemperature, locker and towel availability, andwhether the pool is accessible to the disabled.Religion and PhilosophyGerald R. McDermott, AB'74, One Holy andHappy Society: The Public Theology of JonathanEdwards (Pennsylvania State Press). This booklength study of Jonathan Edwards' politics arguesthat he was far more interested in social problemsthan has been imagined, and that his social theorywas more progressive and more developed than thatof his better-known contemporaries.Stanley H. Rosen, AB'49, PhD'55, The Question ofBeing: A Reversal of Heidegger (Yale UniversityPress). Entering into a debate with Heidegger inorder to provide a justification of metaphysics,Rosen refutes Heidegger's claim that metaphysics(or what Heidegger calls Platonism) is derived fromthe Aristotelian science of "being as being." Heargues instead that metaphysics is simply a commonsensical reflection on the nature of ordinaryexperience and on standards for living a better life.Philip R. Shields, AM'89, PhD'91, Logic and Sin inthe Writings of Ludwig Wittgenstein (University ofChicago Press). Although he often framed his writings on logic and philosophy in ethical and religiousterms, Wittgenstein rarely discussed ethics and religion directly, leading many scholars to dismiss thephilosopher's remarks on such matters as isolatedand personal views. But Shields finds a religiousview of the world at the very heart of Wittgenstein's philosophy, in major texts from the Tractatus to thePhilosophical Investigations, which express their fundamentally religious nature by showing-asopposed to merely saying-that there are powerswhich bear down upon and sustain us.Science and ... echnologyWilliam P. Sheehan, AM'78, Worlds in the Sky:Planetary Discovery from Earliest Times ThroughVoyager and Magellan (University of Arizona Press).This popular account combines results from spacecraft equipped with visual telescopic observations totrace the history of planetary exploration.Ryan D. Tweney, AB'66, and David Gooding, editors, Michael Faraday's "Chemical Notes, Hints, Suggestions and Objects of Pursuit" of 1822 (PeregrinusLtd. in association with the Science Museum,London). In their introduction, the editors arguethat Faraday'S physics emerged from concernsreflected in this early notebook-transcribed andpublished here for the first time-and its close tiesto early 19th-century applied chemistry. An extensive glossary, based on contemporary sources, illuminates an even broader context of meaning: a"semantic field" of early chemistry and physics.Social SciencesLewis P. Lipsitt, AB'50, Joan H. Cantor, andCharles C. Spiker, editors, Child Behavior and Development: Training for Diversity (Albex Publishing).The editors contend that there is a contemporaryskepticism about what can be achieved throughapplying the scientific method to behavioralprocesses, particularly to developmental problemsthat require interventions.Lewis P. Lipsitt, AB'50, and Leonard L. Mitnick,editors, Self-Regulatory Behavior and Risk Taking:Causes and Consequences (Ablex Publishing). Moreyoung people today die and are debilitated bybehavioral misadventures than from all diseasescombined-accidents, suicide, homicide, dangeroussexual practices, excessive drinking, and drug useare the principal causes of mortality and morbidityof humans up to the age of 35. Based on two conferences at the National Institute of Mental Health, thisvolume addresses risk-taking behavior in adolescents, minority perspectives on self-regulation, thethrill-seeking personality, causes of alcohol use inyoung people, and intervention strategies.James H. Parker, AM'61, Logics II: A SOciobiological Approach to Social and Other Logics (UniversityPress of America). Working from the premise thatthere are social logics which are cross-cultural andseem to have a biological substrate, the authorattempts to link the social and biological sciences ina new way. Parker shows how the biological baseline can be used for research into social, cultural,and other forms of organization, and includes threecase studies which use logics analysis to illustratehow this method can be successfully applied togroup structure and process.Walter E. Rast, AM'64, PhD'66, Through the Agesin Palestinian Archaeology (Trinity Press International). Designed as an entry-level text for undergraduates and others interested in the archaeologyof ancient Palestine, this book covers the entirerange from prehistoric remains to the Islamicperiod. Particular attention is given to the way morerecent archaeology in Palestine has focused on settlement patterns and shifts in settlement over time.For inclusion in "Books by Alumni," please sendthe name ofthe book, its author, its publisher, anda short synopsis to the Books Editor, University ofChicago Magazine, 5757 S. Woodlawn Ave.,Chicago, IL 60637. Other Voice.Continued Jrom page 48people are each intelligible and have valuein their own terms and that what determines fundamental values is not history,tradition, transient majorities, nor evenstable consensus. The vision supports thebelief that there are basic universal humanrights and holds out the possibility thatthere are values in nature.This doctrine of form understandably,but not justifiably, maddens social protesters-both those of the sit-in and those ofthe present day. At best, to them, it seemsirrelevant to the "real world." More so, itstrikes them as inevitably conservative, forit appears wedded to seeing value only inthe past, in things already existing, ratherthan in future, better worlds. This objection to formalism is valid only if formalismis viewed, as I viewed it in college, exclusively as a mode of criticism-a way tounderstand this play or that painting. Butwhen taken as a general style of thoughtrather than merely as a critical method, formalism provides a moral vision for an idealworld of the opposite sort-not a conservative one, but the liberal one valorizing individual worth.It would take a personal crisis for me toperceive this division within formalism'spotentials and to make the shift betweenthem. My doctoral thesis was so obscure oftopic that it failed to secure me a job on thefirst go and I was an unemployed bum for ayear.That year, dislodged from the intellectualsuppressions that pervade, even structure,academe and availing myself of the socialforms made possible by the Stonewall generation, I came out. It was only at thatpoint, years and years after graduation, thatI recognized what I had really learned incollege, and only then did that learningbecome a trans formative power for me andmy life's work.Richard D. Mohr, AB '72 , is proJessor oj philosophy at the University of Illinois, Urbana.With a doctorate Jrom the University ojToronto, he is the author oj The PlatonicCosmology (Brill, 1985), Gays/Justice-AStudy of Ethics, Society, and Law (Columbia University Press, 1988), and Gay Ideas:Outing and Other Controversies (BeaconPress, 1992). Mohr Jirst delivered an extemporized Jorerunner oj this essay as part oj aroundtable discussion on "Politics oj LiJe"held during the 20th reunion oj the Class oj1972.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE! AUGUST 1993 47ther VoicesThe Powerof FormBy Richard MohrAs the culminating ritual of theunusually elaborate initiationrites with which the Universityof Chicago greets its first-yearundergraduates, James Redfield, born andbred of the University, revealed to us newarrivals the mysteries of the cult: the purpose of this university's education is to,teach you to appreciate form. I joined thecult-taking this message to heart asdevoutly as any novice spurning the thingsof this world. Its allure offered an escapeinto something refined from a family lifedominated by a dusty television set.I took the message so to heart that Iquickly became a non-political nerd. At thestart of my second quarter on campus, January 1969, a sudden, protracted student sitin marked the eruption of political forceswhich had seemed, up until then, innocuously remote. For many of my cohortssome suspended, some expelled-the sit-inwas the unexpected, unplanned pivot oftheir college lives. I stood aloof.Sit-ins are not refined, not formal. Itwasn't that I was opposed to the sit-in;rather, at the time I didn't know what mypolitical views were. I was curious aboutthe sit-in and in true Chicago fashion wentto organized intellectual discussions of iteven while it was in progress. And I continued going to my classes on Plato and Aristotle-the chief objects of the College'sancestor worship, the philosophers of form.Decades later, I continue to be an academic, but the objects of my concern aretransfigured. I'm a politically engaged,openly gay professor writing on current gaycontroversies. My change paralleled, inpainfully slow motion, more rapid events inthe nation: six months after the sit-in atChicago, the Stonewall riots ignited a con-48 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/AUGUST 1993The College's intellectualismwas not just a way 10 make alateral shift in class consciousness-from one middleclass focused on Ozzie andHarriet to another focused onPlato and Aristotle. It bothprompted and constituted anevasion of the need to addressmy emerging gay sexuality.frontational gay politics in New York.In retrospect, I realize that for me the College'S haute intellectualism was not just away to make a lateral shift in class consciousness-from one middle class focused onOzzie and Harriet to another focused onPlato and Aristotle. It also served an insidious function. For me it both prompted andconstituted an evasion of the eventual needto address my emerging gay sexuality. Whatbetter way could there be to evade issues ofbody and desire than to commit oneself tothe rational pursuit of the grounds of reason?The evasion lasted a decade. It encompassed a heterosexual marriage (except thatin those days even heterosexuals didn't get married at law) and it produced adoctoral thesis, eventually a book,on the most obscure reaches ofPlato's thought-"How manyangels can dance on the head of apin?" and that sort of thing.Still, my years at Chicago werenot merely marking time, scribinga holding pattern for an eventualarrival at a new life elsewhere. For� in long retrospect, I have come torealize that the specific ways inwhich seemingly abstract matterswere addressed at Chicago provided me the general styles ofthought and some informing principles through which my politicalviews would eventually be distilled.This process ironically followedfrom Redfield's touting of form.In my books Gays/Justice andAllen Carroll Gay Ideas, I write in the classicalliberal tradition. A liberal believesthat the basic unit of social value is the individual rather than some group, be it a class,a race, a family, a fellowship, or even society as a whole. In consequence, a liberalbelieves that people can make up their ownplan of life and carry it out as long as itrespects others' ability to do the same. Idefend the freedom, equality, and dignity ofgay people within this general framework.But what, you might wonder, does thishave to do with form? A formalist believesthat we know things when we come tounderstand their structure, by analyzing thearrangement of their parts and seeing howthey hold together. This view presupposesthat things are understandable-have significance and meaning-in their terms. Itfights the currently trendy academic stanceswhich hold that everything either is determined by or dissolves into its context. Itholds that things are not to be understoodin terms of where they came from (say,from the intentions of an author) or interms of how they are received. Their meaning and significance are not up for grabSdepending on who views them. Values arenot relative to the perceiver, whether thepeceiver is an individual or a culture.Continued on page 47CAMPAIGN POR_··THE'''NEXTCENTtJRY ··.····PLANNING···YOUR GIFT'fA g�ft?f<lpp�eciat�� ��al�)�slat�e?abl�dfu�tofontribute the most withthe least cost.The University �� � ��in� i�sUt�ti�n. ] spe?t the better part of my life there,both as a s,tuaent and as a teacher. I believe in the place."Milton Friedman, A.M ·'33A bit of history: Chairman Mao is one of the images rolling by in a time-line sequence from Scott Rankin's video, The Pure (see page 8).THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINERobie House, 5757 WoodlawnChicago, IL 60637ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED