le University ofCHICAGOMagazine/Winter 1989RenovatingRockefelleriii 11 mjBUSgKW1 ^2 ~"I 1' .. MWJm ¦p 2 , 1.1_,, . ,..M,^. ^ ¦Br" B -i 1f- l JP^ 11 , *il ISS^WFsis an ;«? MAY 6- 1989¦ flJtM!iM«ai TOuCaxinot Reati -an You Are Dumbffti^ihgjt^ejBureaucracjyMrs. John Dewey, circa 1902. Photograph by Eva Watson Schutze. Department of Special Collections, The University ofChicago library.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LIBRARY FUND FOR BOOKSPlease accept this gift of $ for books at $50 per book.Donor's name (as it should appear on bookplate)Gift in honor of/in memory of (name as it should appear on bookplate)On the occasion of (as the wording should appear on the bookplate)Please inform: NameAddress City/State/ZipMy name/Class ofAddress City/State/Zip Please make checkspayable to:The University of ChicagoLibraryPlease mail to:Mr. Martin Runkle, DirectorAttention: Fund for BooksThe University of ChicagoLibrary1100 East 57th StreetChicago, IL 60637Your contribution is taxdeductible as providedby law. Tt is said by many that the-^Library reflects the scholarlyideals of the University. Thoughthe patterns of scholarly activitymay vary, the exchange of ideasand the search for new knowledge never end. 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For every $50 contributed to the Fund a newly purchased book will be identifiedwith a bookplate bearing yourname. You may prefer to honoror memorialize someone dear toyou, or you may give a lasting gifton an important occasion in aspecial person's name. The bookplate will then bear the name ofthat person, and the Library willsend copies of the plate and letters of appreciation to you andthe person or the person's family.Cupporting the Fund for Books^enhances the collections forfuture generations of scholars. Itcan also serve as a meaningfultribute to an individual. More significantly, it is your endorsementof the work and purpose of theUniversity of Chicago Library.EditorFelicia Antonelli Holton, AB'50Staff WriterTim ObermillerDesignerTom GreensfelderThe University of Chicago Office ofAlumni RelationsRobie House5757 South Woodlawn AvenueChicago, IL 60637Telephone: (312) 753-2175President, The University of ChicagoAlumni AssociationEdward L. Anderson, PhB'46, SM'49National Program DirectorJeanne Buiter, MBA'86Chicago Area Program DirectorRoberta SherwoodDirector, Alumni Schools CommitteeJ. Robert Ball, X'70The University of ChicagoAlumni Executive CouncilEdward L. Anderson, PhB'46, SM'49Bette Leash Birnbaum, AB'79, MST'80David Birnbaum, AB'79Mark Brickell, AB'74John Gaubatz, JD'67Mary Lou Gorno, MBA'76William B. Graham, SB'32, JD'36William H. Hammett, AM'71Kenneth C. Levin, AB'68, MBA'74John D. Lyon, AB'55William C. Naumann, MBA'75Linda Thoren Neal, AB'64, JD'67Jerry G. Seidel, MD'54Judy Ullmann Siggins, AB'66, AM'68, PhD'76Stephanie Abeshouse Wallis, AB'67Susan Loth Wolkerstorfer, AB'72Faculty/Alumni Advisory Committeeto The University of Chicago MagazineLinda Thoren Neal, AB'64,JD'67, ChairmanAbe Blinder, PhB'31Philip C. Hoffmann, SB'57, PhD'62Professor, Department ofPharmacological and PhysiologicalSciences and the College;Master, the Biological SciencesCollegiate DivisionMarjorie Lange Lucchetti, AM'70, PhD'74John MacAloon, AM'74, PhD'80Associate Professor,Social Sciences Collegiate DivisionKatherine Schipper, MBA'73, AM'75, PhD'77Professor, Graduate School of BusinessSherlu Rardin Walpole, AB'45The University of Chicago Magazine(ISSN-0041-9508) is published quarterly(fall, winter, spring, summer) by theUniversity of Chicago in cooperationwith the Alumni Association, RobieHouse, 5757 South Woodlawn Avenue,Chicago, IL 60637. Publishedcontinuously since 1907. Second-classpostage paid at Chicago, IL, and atadditional entry offices.POSTMASTER: Send address changesto Alumni Records, Robie House, 5757South Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago, IL60637. Copyright © 1989 by theUniversity of Chicago.Editorial office: The University of ChicagoMagazine, Robie House, 5757 SouthWoodlawn Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637.Telephone (312) 753-2323. The Magazineis sent to all University of Chicagoalumni.Typesetting by Skripps & Associates,Chicago. The University ofCHICAGOMagazine /Winter 1989Volume 81, Number 2Page 18 IN THIS ISSUEMining the BureaucraciesBy Tim ObermillerUsing computers, political scientist GaryOrf ield and his students glean informationfrom public records for their studies ofsegregation in housing and schooling.Page 6We Dedicate This HouseIn a special ceremony, the Universitycelebrates renovation and restoration ofRockefeller Chapel.Page 10'Just because you cannot read-does not mean you are dumb. "By Loretta A. Hawkins with anintroduction by Wayne C. BoothA teacher consoles her students with thestory of her own past.Page 18DEPARTMENTSUC People 2Chicago Journal 24Letters 31Class News 32Deaths 44Books 46Chicago History Brief 48Cover: Scaffolding was erected to a heightof 102 feet to enable workmen to restoreand renovate Rockefeller Chapel.(Photograph by Patricia Evans.)UCPEOPLEWalk with yourfavorite sleuthMystery buffs can don their deerstalker caps, pull their trenchcoat collars up against the London fog, andwalk in the footsteps of the world'sgreat fictional detectives with the helpof two travel guides written by Alzina(Maryal) Stone Dale, AM'57, and Barbara Sloan Hendershott.Published in 1987, Mystery Reader'sWalking Guide: London (Passport Books)was followed by Mystery Reader's WalkingGuide: England, released in 1988. Bothwere Book of the Month Club selectionsand are expected to come out in paperback later this year. The first volumewas also a finalist in this year's BritishCrime Writers Association's "Dagger"Awards for Nonfiction."Beginning with Charles Dickensand Wilkie Collins, nearly every mys tery writer worth his salt has set at leastone of his tales against a London backdrop, " said Dale, who came up with theidea for her first book during a visit tothe city in which fictional sleuths suchas Lord Peter Wimsey, Lady Molly andPhilip Trent (created by authorsDorothy Sayers, Baroness Orczy andE.C. Bentley, respectively) solved theirgreatest mysteries."There are some excellent guides ofLondon," said Dale, "but I found thatwith the exception of the likes of WilkieCollins, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, andG.K. Chesterton little is said aboutmystery writers, let alone detectives."Both books provide step-by-step instructions for walking tours of areas referred to by dozens of mystery writers.Included with each tour are maps, suggestions for must-see spots and restaurants connected when possible to theactual detective stories, and lists of authors, books and sleuths.Prior to her research for the travel guides, Dale had written biographies ofDorothy Sayers and G.K. Chesterton.She has also edited two of Sayers' plays,published under the title Love All. Whileresearching the Sayers biography, Dalemade frequent visits to the library atWheaton College, where most of theauthor's papers are collected, andwhere Hendershott was working as alibrarian.Dale discovered that Hendershottwas an avid mystery reader and an experienced London traveler, in additionto her talents as diligent researcher. After agreeing to collaborate, Dale andHendershott flew to England on threeseparate occasions, carefully plottingout 25 detailed and tightly-written"mystery tours" which are included intheir walking guides. A brief samplefrom the London Brompton/Hyde Parkwalk:"At this point, just in front of theVictoria and Albert Museum, to thewest of the Oratory, Brompton Road becomes Cromwell Road... In Odd ManOut, Dick Francis put Hunt-Radnor Associates, the private detective agencyINNS OF COUKIFLEET STREETMundentStation*** Rcy*t &^Co-authors Barbara Sloan Hendershott (left) andAlzina Stone Dale. (Opposite page) Amap pom their Mystery Reader's Walking Guide to London.where ex-jockey Sid Halley worked, offCromwell Road in a graceful, six-storied Victorian house that was blownup with a bomb . . . not far from theGloucester Road Underground Station, used by (John) Mortimer's Rum-pole of the Bailey when he headed forhome..."The book also provides colorful references outside the realm of mysterystories, as well as biographical points ofinterest concerning the writers themselves, such as the following:"Fleet Street is the name given tothe whole area east of the Strand.Spreading into small winding alleyways and cul-de-sacs, it is where London's newspapers have been publishedsince the time of Charles I . . . G .K. Chesterton, a typical journalist in moderntimes, liked to work in a wine bar andthen wander amiably down the centerof Fleet Street or take a cab 200 feet todrop off his copy. Other detective storywriters, such as Edgar Wallace and E.C.Bentley, were journalists by trade andworked in Fleet Street. Like Scotland Yard, the area is also the hangout ofmany fictional characters who appearin our detective stories ..."Before designing their tours, Daleand Hendershott had to sift throughthousands of London-based mysteriesbefore arriving at a final list of over 40authors and 100 books which they feltprovided representative examples"from all the tried-and-true mysterytypes... every thing from apple-cheeked spinsters to superspies.""For the first book, we divided London geographically into its historicneighborhoods, then cross-indexedour authors, detectives, and books,pulled out the geographic sites mentioned by or in each, and remixed theminto these walking tours, " according toDale, who used a personal computer toorganize the material.To ensure that every detail in thetours was as accurate as possible, theauthors estimate they walked about 15miles for each mile covered in the book.Dale chuckled as she recalled how sheand Hendershott would briskly walk through the streets of London in theirjogging shoes, periodically speakinginto a portable tape recorder which theyused to take notes. "During one walk,"she said, "some bobbies over by Buckingham Palace began following us at adiscreet distance. We wondered if perhaps they thought we were terrorists."Almost as bad as terrorists in theminds of many English people, Daleand Hendershott are Americans. Realizing the hallowed ground on whichthey tread in writing about some ofEngland's most beloved authors, Dalere-checked her facts with helpful assistance from the British Tourist Authorityand the British Library, as well as several of the authors."The English writers have beencharming," said Dale. "Anyone who'salive, if we've written a letter for help,has instantly written back. Ellis Peters,an elderly lady who writes medievalmysteries, read the entire Shrewsburywalk. She and I argued about the factthat I thought the castle, according to allthe guidebooks, had been wood at thetime of her mystery stories, so she sentme back reference upon reference to thefact that it was really stone, but shecouldn't have been nicer about it."In tracking details of several of themysteries, Dale and Hendershott hadto resort to a bit of sleuthing themselves. Many locations mentioned inthe great Victorian mysteries have sincebeen torn down, so Dale used oldguidebooks to identify the missinglinks, mentioning them in her walks if aparticularly dramatic fictional eventhappened there. Even more challenging were authors like Agatha Christiewho would make up or playfullychange the names of locations in herstories."Agatha Christie often gives a streetaddress that sounds right but is totallyfictitious and then has her characterseat at a Lyons corner shop or have tea atthe Ritz Hotel," Dale explained. "Onthe other hand, she sometimes refers to3UCPEOPLERalph Scherer of Doomed Productions checks the light before filming. (Opposite page) Oneof the actors in his film, Frightened To Death.the Ritz as the Blitz or combines two hotels into one." In still a different way,Margery Allingham, world famous forher evocative descriptions of London," invents squares and cul-de-sacs, locating them right around the corner fromreal places."With the success of their guides onboth sides of Atlantic, Dale and Hendershott are contemplating a sequel inthe series which would be a mysteryreader's walking guide to Scotland, Ireland and Wales. Dale, who resides nearthe University of Chicago in Hyde Parkwith her husband, Charles, is also planning a mystery guide for Chicago. (Anabridged version of this project appeared as a lead article in the ChicagoSun-Time's "Book Week" section on January 1,1989.)"For some reason, more and more,Chicago is becoming an area that writers find handy to use for background, "said Dale, adding, "I can think of threemysteries off-hand which have definitescenes in Hyde Park and scenes righthere on campus." (Sara Paretksy,AB' 69, MBA 77, PhD '77, is one such author who uses Chicago as a backgroundin her V.I. Warshawski mysteries.)Dale is also doing some detectivework on her own past. A self-professed"faculty brat," she is the daughter ofRaleigh Stone, PhD'19, professor ofindustrial relations in the School ofBusiness, and Ursula Stone, PhD'29,both deceased.By making inquiries across thecountry, Dale recently discovered thather mother was the first woman in theUnited States to receive a doctoral degree from a school of business. Dalesaid she is interested in talking to anyalumni who may have known her mother, and will use the material as part of abook-length study about her motherand other distinguished professionalwomen of her generation, "since mostpeople seem to think there were no professional women before 1960."Tim Obermiller "Doomed"- butnot doomedPerhaps it was because RalphScherer, AB'88, was trying to make afilm "of merit," or maybe it was just acase of being jinxed. After all, what canyou expect when you name your firstcompany Doomed Productions?A lead actor injured his knee daysbefore initial shooting, distributorsyawned at the movie's lack of "breastsand blood" and the stock marketcrashed right after Scherer's old highschool buddy and co-producer had taken out a $60,000 loan for the production. The outlook for completing theproject seemed grim, but this cliff-hanger will apparently have a happyending. "It's just about done, " said Scherer,22, of his first film, entitled Frightened toDeath. "The final copies will be madeand then the soundtrack will be added.Then we'll take it out to LA and hopefully set up some screenings."Although Scherer and his collaborator, Chris Otjen, have yet to turn aprofit from the project, they havegained a wealth of experience sincelaunching the film in August, 1987.Scherer now chats like a pro about background cameras, close-focus ultra-speed lenses and slow dolly shotsalthough he admits to knowing next tonothing about the technical process ofmaking movies a year ago.Scherer and Otjen share a commonlove of movies that goes back to theirhigh school days in Milwaukee, WI,when the two would avidly discuss themerits of the latest Kubrick, Hitchcock,or Peckinpah films they had seen. Otjen enrolled at the University of South-UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1989ern California to study film, but becamerestless with the emphasis on theory inhis courses. An English major, Scherer,too, was taking film classes at the University of Chicago, but became convinced by Otjen's argument "that weshould go out and try it ourselves."The script was a somewhat obligatory nod to the burgeoning, bludgeoning horror market, in which a cheaply-made movie can with the help ofan attractive model and some goryspecial effects turn a handsome profit, especially through video rentals.Although Frightened to Death has a"psycho killer," Scherer said he wasactually striving for a more complex,psychological thriller in the Hitchcock tradition. It was a hard conceptto sell in Hollywood, where Schererand Otjen originally tried to get theirproject financed by a major productioncompany."A guy from Paramount said it had'serious merit,'" recalled Scherer. "Ihad no idea what that was supposed tomean maybe that we were makingsome attempt to create a real movie andnot just turn a quick buck."New World Pictures wanted tosign us to a contract, but we decidedthere was a strbng possibility theywould want to edit it or just take it out ofour hands. So Chris got a loan againstsome stocks and trust funds and tookout $60,000 He was understandablynervous with that much money atstake, especially in the last week of filming, when the stock market crashed . Wetried to finish as much as we could, expecting the bank might call in theloan."The actors worked on a commissionbasis, which means they will get a percentage of whatever profits the filmmight make. Gil Shine, a professionalactor from Milwaukee, WI, plays an aging theater director. His young wifeplots with her lover, a handsome stagemanager, to murder the director.Scherer desperately wanted to cast Mark Audrain, a student-at-large in theCollege who is involved in UniversityTheater, to play the wife's lover, but aday before shooting Audrain calledwith news that he had injured his kneecap and required surgery. Otjen agreedto play the part himself.Lenaye Seigle, a friend of Otjen'ssister, was cast to play the lead actress,"largely because we thought she lookeda lot like Grace Kelly," said Scherer.Lastly, Scherer had to find an actor toplay the "psycho killer" and ended updrafting his camera operator for thepart. "Although he really didn't workout as a camera operator, " said Scherer, "I would have to say he portrayed aderelict human being pretty well."With actors and equipment in tow,Scherer and Otjen were ready to beginshooting in October in their hometownof Milwaukee. One scene required a filling station for a backdrop. Scherer recalls "we went to half a dozen stationsin Milwaukee and every one of themturned us down."In frustration, they moved to morefriendly territory namely, LandO'Lakes, WI, population 500 andfound the inhabitants exceptionallyopen to the idea of their town beingused as a movie prop. "It was great!"said Scherer. "We did a red-neck segment, so we had to find some burly-looking guys. As soon as we asked,there they were."Scherer and Otjen completed re-shooting twenty-five minutes of the101-minute film this spring in Chicago,and will have it completely edited,scored and mixed before taking Frightened to Death back to Los Angeles.The experience of filming Frightenedto Death has made Scherer wiser in thecommercial ways of Hollywood, but apparently not too cynical. While completing the film, he was also working ona movie script which he eventually submitted for his B. A. project an adaptation of Melville's short story, "Bartlebythe Scrivener." He and Otjen are alsoplanning another movie together. Tentatively, Doomed Productions's follow-up to Frightened to Death will be an adaptation of Faulkner's As I Lay Dying."Looking back," said Scherer, "I'dhave to say that my college experiencewas a decisive help in making this movie. It taught me to motivate myself andencouraged my imagination."1 think the crucial element in making a film of merit is the talent for seeingthe extraordinary in the ordinary.Hitchcock, Kubrick they have thatability It's something I hope to bring tothe screen as well."Tim Obermiller"'^M^f-'vmKsgmMINING THEBUREAUCRACYUsing computers, apolitical scientistand his students glean information from thepublic records for their studies ofsegregation in housing and schooling.f;witness incivil rightscases. By Tim ObermillerHE VIEW BEYOND THE GROUNDS OFthe south side Chicago school was typicallybleak vacant, unmowed lots surroundingdilapidated or abandoned buildings cast inhues of unrelenting grey. Debris blew acrossthe feet of two passing residents as theyshared a joke, but even their laughter^^^ echoed with a tone of quiet desolation asPolitical ^M they walked by.scientist ^^M Political scientist Gary Orfield gazedGary Orfield ^^fl across this hopeless landscape while recall-frequently J^^^L ing an even bleaker scene he had witnessedtestifies a ^ew montfts earlier in a park across the street from San Francisco's citybefore Con- naU/ wnere about 30 homeless people were sleeping under plasticgress and tarps, huddled next to metal shopping carts they had taken to fill withas an expert their belon§in§s-"You know, " Orfield said, "what we really need right now is another Dickens, or a Steinbeck someone who can move people. As socialscientists, our work is usually received with some dull preliminarystatement like, Another study was released today. . . '"While Orfield may not be a Dickens or a Steinbeck, when he issuesa report of one of his studies, it invariably makes the front pages of themajor newspapers in whatever city he's writing about, as well as the radio and television news programs.Orfield, AM'65, PhD'68, professor in the Departments of PoliticalScience and Education, has been invited to appear before Congress so manytimes he's on a first name basis withmany of the nation's lawmakers. He'sbecome adept at sparring with lawyersin the courtroom as an expert witness inover a dozen major civil rights cases,and he is eagerly sought after as a consultant by school districts and state andlocal agencies across the country In hiscluttered office on the fourth floor of Albert Pick Hall, the phone rings steadilywith calls from colleagues, students,public officials and journalists.What's so special about what GaryOrfield has to say?"The thing that's happened in recent years," Orfield explained, "is thatthe federal government has fundedvery little research on racial change andinequality, so that it's meant that thoseof us who have figured out how to dosuch research without any federalgrants get an inordinate amount of "Leaders are beginning to realize thatwe're going to become a multi-racialsociety to a degree that's unimaginablefor our grandparents. And ourchildren will be living in that society"8 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1989Orfield giveshis students achance tolearn aboutthe Americanpolitical process firsthand.He's shownwith studentsSkip Dane, JimGimpel andFaith Paul.attention not necessarily because ourwork is so brilliant but simply becauseit's so difficult for anybody to find outwhat's going on."With help from a group of dedicatedgraduate and undergraduate students,Orfield has acquired and analyzed dataculled from thousands of public records. In one project completed lastyear, Orfield and his students looked atU. S. Department of Education computer tapes of enrollments by race for36,000 schools and 3,400 school districts across the nation, in order to determine changes in racial compositionand segregation of American publicschools in the 1980s."I have a passionate belief that theinformation these agencies have belongs to the public, and they don't havethe right to monopolize it or to just parcel out little bits that happen to fostertheir particular agenda," said Orfield,who has successfully filed Freedom of Information requests and worked withcongressional committees to get datafrom several uncooperative government agencies."A bureaucracy has incredibleamounts of information, but there's agreat equalizer now which is that computing has become affordable for people without huge research budgets,"said Orfield, motioning towards thepersonal computer that sits behind ateetering stack of books and papers onhis office desk."Too much academic researchhasn't caught up with that fact, and relies just on indirect measures throughsurveys, when we can actually get theunderlying information and records ofthe country's bureaucracies and thenfigure out precisely what's going onwith these programs. This should beone of the key balances in a bureaucraticsociety."It is also a method of research thatcauses panic, defensiveness or evenoutrage within bureaucracies that arethe subjects of Orfield's studies. "Thefirst instinct of some leaders of these organizations is to kill the bearer of thebad news," he acknowledged, "but atthe same time you find your researchempowers lots of people who work inthe organization who've known aboutthese problems, too. The long-term effect of a study can create ongoing discussions that will spill over into placesyou don't even expect."A 1984 study of the Job TrainingPartnership Act (JTPA) in Illinois conducted by Orfield and 25 of his studentsis one example of this " spill over" effect .With interviews of dozens of government officials and analysis of "every bitof data we could get our hands on, " thestudy was eventually compiled into a500-page book and submitted toCongress.The Chicago study concluded thatthe $3.3 billion-a-year JTPA program-by accepting mostly high school graduates, providing them with "very superficial additional training, " and closingthe program off to those who most needit was "more a public relations effort"than a serious attempt to assist thenation's unemployed. Orfield and hisgroup were later invited to Capitol Hillto present their controversial findingsbefore a congressional committee thatoversees the JTPA program."This student project we did, withvery small amounts of money, was considered the best study of any state in the country, raising issues that are still being considered in the current job training debate. It took immense amounts ofenergy on the part of the students to digout this information, to find out whatwas actually going on," said Orfield,who recalls that the Illinois JTPA director at that time contacted both the University's president, Hanna Gray, andthe provider of the foundation grant torequest that the study be halted. Thesame official later, at a congressionalhearing, conceded that many of thestudy's conclusions were correct."The students get very excited during the whole process. I put their nameson the reports, and the ones who dothem often become famous personalities in the different cities where theirstudies are issued, " Orfield said. "Theyget attacked and they have to go on radio or appear before hearings to defendthemselves. I tell them when they'redoing the research, 'You'd better besure you're right, that every figure iscorrect, because you're likely going tohave large resources put to discreditingyou."'OLLEGE STUDENTDouglas Hartman recalled that when hefirst signed on towork for Orfield, heexpected "the standard drudge work." Less than a year later, he found himself being chauffeuredaround the city to meet with journalistsand discuss a paper he had co-authoredwith Orfield on Chicago high schools.Hartman, now a senior in the College's Joint BA/MA Program, admitted,"When I started working with Mr. Orfield, I really didn't realize how well-known he was, or how much politicalpull he really had, but after I had beenworking with him for a while it wasjust amazing! You'll be in his office forten or fifteen minutes, and he'll get acall from The New York Times editorialboard and from Newsweek, and then acouple of TV stations, asking for interviews. I remember my mom calling meup last summer, knowing that I wasworking with him, and saying, T justheard your Mr. Orfield on the radio. . . '"The whole experience was kind ofmind-boggling," Hartman said, "especially when I got home and showed myfriends my report and some of the articles written about it. They couldn't be-Continued on page 22h^SPECIAL CEREMONYCELEBRATES THERENOVATION ANDRESTORATION OFROCKEFELLER CHAPEL ^m'j«# *vPI10 e6IcateUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1989Photos by Patricia Evans; photo on page 12 byEvans and Judith Bromley. The tile medallions pictured hereare set in the ceiling of rockefeller chapel.LEADER*: To the expression of our faith, our hopes, ourvisions and ideals, our confidence that knowledge maygrow from more to more and human life be enriched,to the worship of God,PEOPLE: We dedicate this House.LEADER: To the freedom of the spirit in the knowledge ofthe truth, to the commandment that we love one another,to the experience of abundant life,PEOPLE: We dedicate this House.LEADER: To the contemplation of beauty, to the ministryof music, to the art of meditation, to communion withthe Unseen and Eternal,PEOPLE: We dedicate this House./^^f N A CEREMONYI fl which included ele-J ments borrowed from^a H the original dedication^^^ H of Rockefeller Memorial^^^^r Chapel sixty years ago,^^r members of the University community joined Senator John D.Rockefeller IV and historian JaroslavPelikan on Sunday, October 2, to celebrate the completion of a year-long renovation and restoration of the chapel.The dedication service fell on the*Janel M. Mueller, professor in the Department of English Language and Literature, amember of the Faculty Advisory Committee ofRockefeller Memorial Chapel, was the leader. traditional Chapel Day observance acustom as old as the University itselfin which services were held on the firstSunday of Fall Quarter to mark the beginning of the academic year. The firstChapel Day was held on October 1,1892.The ceremony began with a procession in academic regalia, accompaniedby the Rockefeller Chapel organ and abrass ensemble. The 24-voice chapelchoir, under the direction of Victor Weber, director of chapel music, performed works from the Middle Agesthrough baroque and later periods."The walls of this church have cometo symbolize great healing and greatstrength for me and my family," saidn^W ERHAPS NO THEME HAS BEEN ADDRESSEDMORE OFTEN FROM THIS PULPIT. . . THAN THERELATION BETWEEN FAITH AND KNOWLEDGE.Senator John D. Rockefeller IV, (Democrat, West Virginia). Rockefeller is thegreat-grandson of John D. Rockefeller,the founder of the University, for whomthe chapel is named.Rockefeller recalled that he andSharon Percy, daughter of former Senator Charles Percy, AB'41, were marriedin Rockefeller Chapel just over 21 yearsago.The chapel, Rockefeller said, represented "great strength" to him "because this church and this Universityhave come to represent the ideals ofgiving, of teaching, of obligation, ofphilanthropy. Sixty years ago, in 1928,my grandfather stood here and dedicated this chapel. And 97 years ago, in1891, my great-grandfather foundedthe University of Chicago. The institution was established to provide the besthigher education here in the heartlandof the Midwest. My great-grandfather,who grew up in the Midwest (in Cleveland), believed that Midwestern valuesstood for an open and honest spirit ofgiving, the obligation to communityand country."Rockefeller talked about "the spiritof volunteerism" which he feels, in"our culture... has blurred." He recalled his days in the Peace Corps, andlater in the VISTA program, which ledto his choosing "public service, politics(if you will) as my career and my full-time focus." He encouraged young people today to enter public service."We must see our lives," he concluded, "as a quest to make everythingfully worthwhile. We must seize opportunities every step of the way to get involved in solving individual and collective problems. We must challengeourselves, in the university and beyond, to find ways to make a difference.It will enrich our own lives and it willenrich America."Pelikan, PhD'46, the Sterling Professor of History at Yale University anda former faculty member of the University, delivered the dedication sermon. (An abridged version follows.)"My 'text' is not taken from thepropers for this Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost... but from the motto ofThe University of Chicago: 'Crescatscientia, vita excolatur. Let knowledge be increased, let life be enriched.' Ever sincethe glory days here on the Quadrangles, classicists and medievalists havebeen searching, with the Latin concordance and more recently with the computer, for the Latin original of that motto; but I am inclined to join myself tothose who have found the original notin Latin at all but in English, in the Prologue to the In Memoriam of Alfred LordTennyson:Our little systems have their day;They have their day and cease to be;They are but broken lights of thee,And thou, O Lord, art more than they.We have but faith: we cannot know,For knowledge is of things we see;And yet we trust it comes from thee,A beam in darkness, let it grow.Let knowledge grow from more to more,But more of reverence in us dwell;That mind and soul, according well,May make one music as before.But vaster."LORD TENNYSON, YOU WILL RE-call, died in 1892, the very year of theUniversity's founding, and his words,quaint and Victorian though they maysound to some ears, still speak aboutthe mission of this university and aboutthe message of this chapel."Yet it is by no means obvious thatthey do. The assumption that if knowledge grows life will be enriched maywell sound naive today, after the experiments of the Nazi doctors, who were so devoted to the growth of knowledgethat they didn't seem to care whetherlife (or, at any rate, the life of their victims) would be enriched or not oreven, in the judgment of many (thoughnot in my judgment, I must add), aftersome other experiments that were going on under the old Stagg Field at thetime when I was a graduate studenthere... At the very least, devotion tothe motto "Crescat scientia, vita excolatur"requires both an explanation and an apologia in today's world. And so, ofcourse, does the presence, and now therededication, of this Rockefeller Memorial Chapel as, despite all the other construction that has gone on here over thepast six decades, still the most prominent feature of the architectural landscape of the university. Even withoutasking whether the university wouldbuild such a chapel now if it didn'thave one, isn't it really something of amagnificent anachronism (perhapseven a museum or a mausoleum) in atime and on a campus! of such self-conscious and self-assertive secularism? Some resources for an answer toboth of these questions, which I obviously believe to be ultimately part ofone question, may be found in a moreprofound consideration of the motto . . .Our little systems have their day;They have their day and cease to be;They are but broken lights of thee,And thou, O Lord, art more than they."The first half of that stanza is onethat would, I suppose, evoke wide assent on this campus. For in a real sense,the Ph.D. I received here in 1946, andfor that matter the five-volume lifeworkI have been publishing here at the University of Chicago Press, may be said tohave been predicated on the principlethat the Tittle systems' of the history ofthought, including the history of Christian thought, are, as we say in the academic vernacular, 'time-conditioned'and 'time-bound'; they have their dayand cease to be. In every one of the divi-UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1989Workmen install new lead-coatedcopper on the roof of Rockefeller Chapel toreplace the old copper roof system.sions and professional schools, thatprinciple stands as a fundamental presupposition of our scholarly work, bothof our research and of our teaching. Toconfine myself to the division and to theschool that I know best, James WestfallThompson, Wilhelm Pauck, and Richard McKeon disagreed on many fundamental questions; but they agreed onthe proposition that the way to understand an idea, any idea regardless ofhow hallowed, was to see it in its historical context, and each of them employed a superb gift for historical and dialectical imagination to communicate to uswhat it must have been like to acceptsuch an idea and its consequences.Each of them also knew and tried inhis own way to counterbalance therelativism to which that proposition soreadily leads. Yet what we who are theirheirs have probably learned best fromthem is the skill of looking at the Tittlesystems' of the past in other than apolemical and partisan fashion. It is askill for which I shall always be grateful to them and to this university."It is, however, the second half ofthe quatrain that speaks about the message incarnate in the stone of this building and that at the same time creates thedifficulty, both for believers and fornonbelievers:They are but broken lights of thee,And thou, O Lord, art more than they."Nonbelievers have difficulty withthe Tights of thee' part, and many believers with the word 'broken'; but infact it has long been the teaching of religious faith at its best that the transcendent God confessed by the creed andworshipped in the liturgy truly transcends also the creed and the liturgy:And thou, O Lord, art more than they'... In that curious blending of Neopla-tonic metaphysics and Christian orthodoxy that dominates so much of Greektheology in the patristic era, where I amspending the major part of my ownscholarly time these days, the centralprinciple is that all affirmation about God is in fact negation: God is not arock or a lion or a person or even a being, even though these are the onlyways we (and, for that matter, the biblical writers) are able, within the limitations of human thought and speech, todeal with a being that is hyperousios, beyond being...We have but faith: we cannot know,For knowledge is of things we see;And yet we trust it comes from thee,A beam in darkness: let it grow."There is perhaps no theme thathas been addressed more often fromthis pulpit over the past sixty years thanthe relation between faith and knowledge, revelation and reason, philosophy and theology: According to the seventeenth chapter of the Book of Acts, St.Paul came to Mars Hill in Athens onlyonce, but in this chapel we seem to becommuting there every week. In thatsuccession, Tennyson's epistemologyand, if the hypothesis is correct, theepistemology underlying 'Crescat scien-13tia, vita excolatur' appears to give amixed signal. When he says that 'wehave but faith,' he appears to suggestthat sola fides, the 'mere faith' of the theologians, is not very much at all, eventhough it may be all we have; on the other hand, when he says that 'we cannotknow, ' he seems to be no less critical ofthe knowledge of the philosophers andscholars "But such a reading would be superficial and inadequate as a way ofcoming to terms with the declaration:And yet we trust it comes from thee,A beam in darkness: let it grow."'It is,' an obscure proverb madepopular by the Christophers has said,'better to light a candle than to curse thedarkness;' and though the 'beam indarkness' shed by the light of knowledge may not be everything that ourmore optimistic forebears, also here atthe University of Chicago, seem to have believed that it is, it is in fact a great dealindeed. So much is it that (a) 'we trust itcomes from thee' and (b) we pray 'let itgrow.' . . ."And thus the outward and visiblesign of this chapel also stands as a prayer in stone, that this knowledge may bepermitted to grow in such a way that lifemay truly be enriched. We all know ofconcrete instances of such enrichmentof life that have indeed come from thegrowth of knowledge in the laboratories, clinics, and libraries of this university. But we also know that if the enrichment has come, it has, more often thannot, come as almost an afterthought, asa gift of grace added to the growth ofknowledge, which must therefore beseen as an end in itself. Yet that, too, isan intellectual analogue to a cardinalprinciple of religious faith Vita excolatur has been added untous, if it has, after we have sought firstthe Crescat scientia which is, for the life of the scholar, the form of the kingdom ofGod and of his righteousness. Thisdoes not happen automatically, it doesnot happen always, and it cannot bemanipulated. But it is the only way thishappens at all. The study of the Tittlesystems' that have had their day showsus that neither our knowledge nor ourreverence can ever be quite what theywere for previous generations... Andyet the heritage of music celebratedhere over the years reminds us that bothour knowledge and our reverence standin profound continuity with the generations that built this university and thischapel, for the growth of knowledgeand the enrichment of life.Let knowledge grow from more to more,But more of reverence in us dwell;That mind and soul, according well,May make one music as beforeBut vaster.Crescat scientia, vita excolatur. "A tuckpointer hammers wedgesinto a wall of the chapel to reset theloosened tile mosaics.14 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1989Sftnooaf Itt0 3fotaMkeRockefeller Chapel underconstruction. The building was begunin 1925 and completed in 1928.HE ROCKEFELLERChapel renovation workbegan in June, 1987,when the chapel wasclosed and scaffoldingfilled the 265-foot longnave from narthex to chancel, extending 102 feet to its ceiling. According toBernard Brown, dean of the Chapel,major expenses were for scaffolding,tuckpointing, and a new roof.During the renovation and restoration the leaded-glass windows, whichare softly tinted, were cleaned with artgum erasers; the woodwork wascleaned and oiled; the masonry and theroof were repaired; seat cushions wererecovered.Specialists remortared the ceilingtiles and removed years of soot, revealing beautifully colored mosaics thatdecorate the arches and vaults. Acoustical sealant was applied to the ceilingtiles to provide a crisper, more reverberant sound. gorian chants and the motets, some of itamong the earliest music ever notated,was written for buildings like the chapel, " said Weber. "The sound of that repertoire becomes richer with the renovation because the chapel will, in effect,mix and synthesize the sound. The organ becomes more resonant and thechoir more balanced and blended in theway they sound."Because of the improved acoustics,the choir will now perform in the chancel at the front of the chapel. For manyyears, they had performed in a loftbacked with panels that attempted toproject the music.The chapel's ability to resonatesound was greatly improved by the renovation, said Victor Weber, director ofchapel music. When the chapel wasbuilt the ceiling was constructed withtiles designed by Gustovino, to reduceechoes and to provide an agreeable environment for sermons and lectures.Electronic amplifiers can now make thespoken word audible from nearly anywhere in the chapel, but do little toovercome the muffling effect the ceilingwith the accumulated soot of sixtyyears has had on music.Workmen applied nine coats ofsealant to harden and smooth the surface of the ceiling tiles in order to closetheir pores and enhance their ability toreflect sound. As a result, the musicsung by the chapel choir now resonatesfor four seconds in the chapel instead ofthe former two seconds, which in musical terms, according to Weber, washardly any resonance at all."The music we perform, the Gre- IN DECEMBER, 1910, JOHND. ROCK-efeller gave what he called his "final"gift to the University of Chicago $10million. He stipulated that $1.5 millionof that gift was to be spent on a chapelfor the University, which would be the"central and dominant feature of theUniversity group." In June, 1919, architect Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue wascommissioned to draw up plans for thenew University Chapel. The estimatedcost for the chapel at the time was $1.9million.On April 18, 1928, the building wascompleted.On October 28, 1928, the new building, called the University Chapel, wasdedicated. Rockefeller's son, John D.Rockefeller, Jr., spoke at the dedication.The chapel was first used on October 29by the Chicago Church Federation, andon November 4, 1928, the University'schurch services began to be held thereinstead of in Mandel Hall. Charles W.Gilkey, the new dean of the chapel,gave the first sermon there.The chapel was renamed the Rock-isi 'I. wm¦¦¦'mm' ¦.r'-.^mm:".'fm\¦] 1¦ 2 n"3% 1ft *']J_ g * *m <£ ¦'--¦¦ ¦¦ ¦_-'-.- J I Alt |:t--^ '--^f*.^rwiwirM*-. 11* * *»iit" i I Ml¦ 1 r 1| E,j|IL' i:' W1 II i in7II:ll,' '¦'I'1ll !r'TM" 1 < %II i"' iIII' llj" j 'hi BJ 11!11 1 ' Inll ¦The Winter, 1988 Convocationwas held in the newly renovated andrestored Rockefeller Chapel.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1989PECIALISTS REMOVED YEARS OF SOOT,REVEALING BEAUTIFULLY COLORED MOSAICSTHAT DECORATE THE ARCHES AND VAULTS.efeller Chapel after Rockefeller's deathin 1937.The chapel's structure is made ofBedford limestone from Indiana. It wasconstructed almost entirely of masonry; there is no structural steel except forthe roof trusses and a few beams. Thebuilding is supported on 56 caissonswhich reach down into the ground foreighty feet into solid rock.Rockefeller Chapel is architectGoodhue's last work and is consideredby many to be his masterpiece. It isbased on the Church of Albi, King'sCollege Chapel in England, and otherbuildings on the University's quadrangles, all combined by the architect toachieve a style that was massive andgothic, yet simple to the point of austerity. The chapel is a genuinely gothicbuilding, but it is also an originalstructure.Rockefeller Chapel is an irregularcruciform building, 265 feet long and120 feet wide, the east transept beinglonger than the west because it formsthe base of the tower. The tower rises207 feet in height. The chapel has 1,789permanent seats and room for 138chairs to be placed on the floor. The endresult is a building which is generallyarchaic in style and symbolic in character, due also to the many statues andcarvings on both the interior andexterior.The sculpture which adorns thechapel was decided upon by a University of Chicago committee, working withthe architect and his associates. Thesculptured figures on the chapel's facade were chosen to represent the interest of religion, not only in strictly religious history, but also in the arts,sciences, and politics. The sculpture includes statues which represent statesmen, philosophers, scientists, poets,and saints throughout history. Thereare statues of the apostles; representations of the symbols of devotion, music,and figures from the growth of religionand philosophy in general throughout time, including Hebrew prophets, Zoroaster, Plato, Christ, Luther, andCalvin. Representations of two University of Chicago presidents, WilliamRainey Harper and Ernest DeWitt Burton, are carved above a doorway. Thesouth door exterior is engraved with thearchangel Michael and a line of university shields (Chicago, Cornell, Columbia, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Northwestern, Princeton, Stanford and Yale.)Above the main entrance in the interior of the chapel is a large woodenscreen carved in Germany. At the opposite end of the chapel, behind the pulpit, is a reredos of delicate stonework.The most commanding feature ofthe interior is the vaulted ceiling ofGustavino tile. The bays are separatedby transverse ribs six feet in width.These ribs are enlivened with decorative medallions and panels in gold andcolor, done by Hildreth Meiere, a NewYork artist, who called them "emblemsof the universe which reveal God."These emblems bird, beast, fish, reptile, sun, moon, star, tree, flower, man,earth, air, water, fire are in fact an illuminated representation of St. Francis's "Canticle of the Sun."To the west of the chancel is themain console of one of the great organsof this country, designed and built byErnest M. Skinner of the Skinner OrganCompany of Boston. The large pit possesses four manuals and 126 stops, 103stops located on the main console and23 additional stops in the antiphonalorgan console located in the south choirgallery. Opposite the organ console, onthe east wall of the chancel, stand theorgan pipes, and a carved wood screen,matching the reredos in detail and refinement of design. At its center standsthe figure of Jubal, son of Lamech, "thefather of all such as handle the harp andorgan" in the Book of Genesis.The organ contains a complete selection of orchestral voices and manysoft ethereal effects not being built today. The large pipe scales, necessary to sound effectively in a building of cathedral proportions, also are not beingbuilt today because of their greatexpense."The organ needs some restorativework, which is not unusual for an instrument of its size and vintage, " saidWeber. "What is unusual about the organ is that it has been newly recognizedas being of great historic value. There isa movement afoot in this country to giveproper recognition to E. M. Skinner,who built the organ. He was a great organ builder, probably the best of allAmerican builders of that period. Ourhope is that the organ can be restored tohis original specifications. It wouldtherefore be preserved as one of thegreat romantic instruments of thiscountry."The original keyboards and someof the original pipes were removed fromthe instrument over the years. We havebeen very fortunate in discoveringwhere those things have been stored,and have discreetly been acquiringsome of these materials for reinstallation. Our hope is to have the instrument restored to its original specifications in time for the University'scentennial celebrations, in 1991-1992."The seventy-two bell carillon in thetower, one of the largest in the world,was given by John D. Rockefeller, Jr., asa memorial to his mother, LauraSpelman Rockefeller. The bells rangefrom 10.5 pounds to the Great Bourdon, weight 36,926 pounds and havinga diameter of 117 inches, or almost 10feet. The bells are arranged in three stories of the tower.The chapel is used by the University for three main purposes: weeklyservices, mournings and celebrations(funerals and weddings), and convocation exercises. The chapel also is usedfor discussion groups, including Bibleclasses, and by social groups. Variousmusical groups present performancesin the chapel and it is occasionally usedas a theater. s17"Just becauseyou cannot read-does notmean you are dumb."THE PIECE BY LORETTAHawkins printed here forthe first time was written asa "class assignment" in asummer seminar for highschool teachers that I" ran"for the monthof July 1988. 1 might bettersay that it ran me, becausethe sixteen teachers, ranging from novices to veterans, kept me on my toes inways that I could not havepredicted. Nobody whosestereotypes about Chicago's teachers are gatheredfrom what is said in theWayne C. Booth, AM '47, PhD' '50, is theGeorge M. Pullman Distinguished ServiceProfessor in the Department of English Language and Literature. His latest books are TheCompany We Keep : An Ethics of Fiction,1988, Berkeley, University of California Press,and The Vocation of a Teacher, 1988, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press. A TeacherConsoles HerStudents WithThe Story OfHer Own Pastnewspapers would recognize thatgroup. Indeed, I think that anyone observing them or reading their essayswould conclude, as I did after our firstsession together, that our society islucky to have such people inour classrooms.First, a word about theseminar. For the last fouryears the University hasbeen offering, under the direction of Laura Bornholdt,special assistant to the president and director of university-school relations, abroad range of month-longsummer seminars for teachers in Chicago's public highschools. Funded by private foundations (the Frye Foundation, the Santa Feand Southern Pacific Foundation, theDow Chemical Company Foundation,the National Science Foundation, theLouis Lurie Foundation, and the Women's Board of the University of Chicago), the seminars are taught by facultymembers who see working with highBY LORETTA A. HAWKINSWITH AN INTRODUCTION BY WAYNE C. BOOTHUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1989school teachers as more productivethan joining the national pastime ofcomplaining about what's wrong withthem.Each year Laura Bornholdt invitesapplications to six or seven seminars.This year we offered seminars in chemistry, mathematics, history, literature,biology, romance languages, and writing (the latter offered this year for thefirst time). Sixteen applicants are accepted to each group and given a stipend of $1,000 and a book allowance of$100 not as any kind of real pay for thehours spent but as a partial release fromthe need for summer income.The remarkable success of theseseminars, which have so far engagedmore than 250 teachers from Chicago'sschools, is the subject for another occasion, but as introduction to LorettaHawkins's story, I should say a fewwords about the writing seminar forwhich it was written.It was advertised to prospectiveteachers as a chance to improve theirteaching of composition, in part byworking to improve their own writing.From about thirty applicants, I deliberately selected sixteen from as wide arange of schools and teaching tasks aspossible: teachers from the "best"schools and the "worst," teachers foradvanced placement and teachers of"nothing but remedials." I have no wayof knowing just how representative oftheir colleagues my own group of sixteen were; presumably they must beconsiderably above average in preparation and interest, or they would nothave applied. What I do know, now, isthat every one of them, even includingthe one who barely completed her assigned tasks because she was in themiddle of a divorce, failed to fit the generalizations we hear about our poorteachers.We met three times a week to discuss an extensive list of readings (ranging in profundity from Whitehead toBooth), as well as their own essays andtheir ideas about how to teach writing.From the beginning I asked them towrite something for each period, andthey kept my desk flooded and mymind challenged with their accounts oftheir teaching problems and methods,their successes and failures, theirhopes and fears. Some of them haddone no serious writing in a long time;others were already engaged in professional writing, and a few expressed thelonging to "become a writer." My first writing assignment wassimple: "Describe the worst problem 'you face as a teacher, and explain whatyou try to do about it." That first batchof papers could have been seen as discouraging; the problems loomed solarge, the solutions seemed on thewhole weak when compared with theobstacles. But it soon became clear thatthe group of sixteen possessed a kind ofcollective wisdom about teaching thatthey could learn from one anothermuch of what they needed to transformtheir classes from burdens into opportunities. Their own response was to request that we continue the seminarthrough the year, meeting from time totime on Saturday mornings. As I write(December 1), we've already held onesuch meeting.Of course much of our time hasbeen spent on questions like "What canI ever do with the ones who seem unable or unwilling to learn." "They cometo me in the fall and I ask them, 'Well,what did you learn last year?' and theysay 'Didn't learn nuthin!'" "My principal just doesn't care whether they learnor not, as long as things look good." "Ijust can't handle the load I have: fiveclasses with more than thirty in each. Idon't even pretend to read their so-called research papers; I just weighthem."About halfway through the month,after a great deal of talk about what todo with the "unteachables," we all sawTruffaut's movie The Wild Child. It wasthen that Loretta Hawkins chose towrite on the experience of her own belated awakening, in the fifth grade. Theother teachers agreed that hers was oneof the most rewarding of their efforts,and when I showed it to people aroundthe University I found them saying,"That piece just must be published."It is impossible to convey here evena pale reflection of the vigor thoseteachers showed in engaging with eachother's ideas about how to write, how toteach writing, and how to do both better. It would be even harder to expresswhat I came to feel as, week by week, Isaw those hard-worked and unappreciated folks digging into their self-assigned task of improving their ownwriting and thinking about how to improve their teaching of writing. My ownsense of inadequacy to the occasion isone reason I feel fortunate to be able toturn to Loretta Hawkins's account ofwhy we should not "assume that 'dummies' are dumb." %I SHALL NEVER FORGET THEday, when I was eleven years oldand in the fifth grade, that Ilearned to read. Whenever I callup the memory of that unique"birth day," it comes immediately forward vivid, frightening, euphoric. Through gradesone, two, and three, I suspected that myteachers knew that I could not read, andI knew I could not, but had managed forall that time to fake it somehow. Infourth grade, however, the class workhad become so difficult that I could nolonger even pretend that I could read. Iwas, if you will, found out.I had the dubious distinction infourth grade of failing all of my majorsubjects. Embarrassed and shamed beyond words, I was passed into fifthgrade on probation. The understanding was that I must improve drasticallywithin six weeks or be returned to thefourth grade. I was so afraid that firstweek in fifth grade because knowingthat I could not read, I had not theslightest idea of how to save myself. Butas fate would have it, and if this were afairy tale, I might say the gods savedme. But in the end what really saved mewas a spanking brand-new pair of hornrimmed glasses.For it was at the beginning of myLoretta A. Hawkins is a teacher, poet, andwriter. She has been teaching in Chicagoschools for twenty-two years; for the past yearshe has been teaching English at Gage ParkHigh School. She holds a B.S. in educationfrom Illinois Teachers College, and twoM.A. 'sfrom Governor's State University, onein literature and one in African studies. Shehas been a lecturer at Malcolm X College,where she taught English for two years. Shewrites poetry, fiction, and literary criticism,and has been published in small literarymagazines, including African LiteratureToday.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1989fifth year of school that my mother decided that I could not see and took me tobe fitted for glasses. So poor was my vision, it was discovered, that sitting inthe first seat, I couldn't see anythingwritten on the blackboard. In fact, Icould not even distinguish letters in abook held in my own hands, the optometrist measured. So I was fitted withfairly thick-lensed glasses and returned to school to await that fatefulday.It was shortly after that I was sittingin class, during reading, with my fairlynew glasses propped gratefully on mynose, trying desperately, as I had alwaysdone, to understand the mystery of thispuzzle called reading. Although I knewthe alphabet and the sounds that theletters represented, and possessed ameager sight vocabulary, for all practical purposes, I could not read. I was listening to the other students read, trying as best I could to follow from word toword in the book. I wanted so desperately to find a correlation between theword the student was speaking and thejumbled letters written on the page thatI could now see.And from out of nowhere, like amiracle, like a revelation, I understood.I knew the words ! As the student read, Irealized that I knew what he was goingto say. I knew the words! As he read, myeyes ran greedily ahead, like a childgrabbing candy, to words not yet read.Yes, I knew what he was going to say.My eyes would dart ahead and thenback and yes! He was saying what mymind had just thought that second before. Somehow I understood how theletters made words. My eyes would runfrantically ahead and yes! Yes! Yes!I became wild with joy and wavedmy hand madly to be called on to read.Of course the teacher would not call onme, knowing I could not read, but I persisted. I called out please, please and Isuppose, seeing the something new inmy eyes, she called on me to readaloud.The actual oral reading wasunmiraculous-sounding and far fromfluent, that first time, but I did manageto stumble along, haltingly, attackingthe words on some level as they rose upin front of me like strange, but slightlyfamiliar soldiers. More importantly, Iwas able to go home and practice thisnew-learned skill, which I didzealously. When I was promoted fromfifth grade, I received an award for having earned straight E's (Excellent) on my report card. But best of all, in fifthgrade, I had found the world and become me.* * *I tell this story to every incomingclass and it seems to fascinate them. Itell them this true story because I believe it contains a valuable moral whichcan be summed up simply:Just because you cannot read-Does not mean you are dumb.And this knowledge, and the subsequent hard work that the realizationof this knowledge promotes, is what somany students today, as in the past,need.I had felt, back then, that something very "big" was wrong with me.Something so big that I could not see it,so strong, I could not fight it back, soevasive I could not even name it, sopowerful that I dare not even contemplate its essence for fear it would om-nivorously devour me and nobodywould know that I was gone.I later discovered its name wasNON-READER but at that unsophisticated and innocent time of my life, itmanifested itself only in strange adultstares, harsh tones, not being called onto read and other subtle rejections that Ifelt but did not understand.And much later, when I read TheMiracle Worker, I cried, because I understood what it was like when the coolingwater splashed into Helen's hands andthe soothing "knowing" splashed intoher mind. Her laughter was only a celebration of her rebirth. What caused thatconnection that made Helen "know?"No one is sure but I feel it was from thesame source that made me "know."Ironically, by eighth grade, I was placedin, of all places, special classes for the"gifted," studying Spanish and advanced literature. But mercifully, in myyouthful ignorance, I did not know thename of this newly-bestowed phenomenon either.Having had that experience as achild has been my singular most profound and significant guiding factor asa teacher. I tell my students every yearbefore I begin to teach, before I knowtheir Iowa Basic Skills scores, before Iknow even their names, "Do not allowanyone to convince you that you are notintelligent, not good and not valuable.Even if you cannot read, or write, orcount. You are highly intelligent, you aregood and you are so valuable to society.If you cannot read then it means one thing: you cannot read. If you cannotwrite, it means that you cannot write,and if you cannot count, it means youcannot count. If you cannot do thesethings, then that is why you are here. Ifyou cannot do these things, then that iswhy 7 am here."Moreover, when I tell these glowingwords to my students, I say them because I deeply believe them. I do believethat they are intelligent because I amteaching normal children, not retardedones, and if they appear to be otherwise, it is because something elsewhereis wrong. I do believe that they are good,because the history of human behaviorand my experiences have proven thatmankind is intrinsically good, unlesssomething is wrong. And I know thatthese good, intelligent humans are ofvalue to society, if only we who defineand control do not allow superficialitiesto obscure our vision.And moral vision based on one'spast has been questioned. It was Frederick Douglass who said that the oppressed did not learn to not oppress because of their own oppression. But thatis not always true. My childhood experience taught me well. It made me understand that if a student stands beforeme intellectually ignorant, verbally incoherent, physically filthy, socially belligerent, and spiritually defeated, thenthat is my given. That is my student.And one thing is certain: he did not create himself, nor, probably, his own pitiful conditions. I, as a teacher, cannothold a student in contempt for his ignorance, no more than a doctor can hold apatient in contempt for his illness. To doso would be unjust, for it would be thesame as being scornful of a murderedperson for having died, which of courseis a preposterous notion. We cannot, inthe classroom, make the victim feelguilty for having been victimized.I shudder to think what would havebecome of me had my mother, to whomI am forever grateful, not bought meglasses. Or what if, instead of passingme on probation, my fourth gradeteacher had flung me into an EMH (Ed-ucable Mentally Handicapped) pit? Napoleon, in a moment of insight, said,"The human race is governed by itsimagination." And so it seems. I imagine or perceive my students as intelligent, good and valuable beings. I amconvinced that if I can convince themthat that is true, then I can teach themanything. B© Copyright 1989 by Loretta A. Hawkins21ORFIELDContinued from page 9lieve it they thought this was something only graduate students did. It'sexciting, too, because it puts your education to use. You're studying thingsthat really affect policy."Faith Paul, a doctoral student inpublic policy and education who hasworked as an associate with Orfield onseveral projects, concurs that "this kindof research provides experience thatyou could simply not get otherwise... you begin to look at problemsfrom a different vantage point, in designing research and experiencingwhat are the practical solutions toidentifying and obtaining data."Beyond that," said Paul, "I thinkOrfield's students learn from his example, in the intense caring that motivateshis research, coupled with the scholarly capacity to see things as they are, andthe ability to communicate that understanding in words that are so clear thatthe public will also understand andwant to take action."As a graduate student in politicalscience at the University of Chicagoduring the turbulent 1960s, Orfield wasgiven a similar chance to learn about theAmerican political process firsthandthrough field research conducted under J. David Greenstone, AM'60,PhD'63, the William A. Benton Distinguished Service Professor in the Department of Political Science. As partof that research, he spent an unforgettable summer in Watts and east LosAngeles when those areas "blew up" in1965 during violent rioting by inner-city blacks. That experience, combined with his impressions of Chicagowhile attending the University, provided a major impetus for what later became a primary topic of his research:segregation."Being raised in Minnesota," Orfield commented, "gave me a very different, much less jaded view of the possibility of political and social changethan I probably would have had growing up in Chicago or a northeastern city.I saw a society that operated withoutsubstantial corruption. Intellectualshad an active role in public life. Therewere, at that time, some pretty progres sive attitudes in both parties, and certainly a feeling that discrimination wasjust not right in American society."Arriving in Chicago, after receivinghis bachelor's degree from the University of Minnesota in 1963, "was like coming to Babylon seeing a governmentthat was machine-controlled and a society that was totally stratified racially, "said Orfield. He believes that Chicagowas a leader among several key northern cities that he says blocked anti-segregation reforms which were initiated and enforced throughout theSouth during the administration ofLyndon Johnson in the mid- to late1960s.THE DURABILITY OFthose reforms is evidenced in a recentstudy by Orfield indicating desegregationin the South has remained stable, despite "eight years ofbitter attack by the Justice Department," which Orfield said used its authority in the 1980s "to go into federalcourt and advocate resegregation ofschool districts all over the South.""In Georgia, for example," Orfieldsaid, "the Justice Department is tryingto dissolve a number of desegregationorders in cases where the local schoolboards did not ask them to do that ... indicating that it had taken root quitedeeply and there wasn't a great local desire to move backwards. We actuallyhave a case where I think the nationaladministration is to the right of theSoutherners, and has opened issuesthat people really don't desire to havereopened in many cases."Orfield's 1987 study, "School Segregation in the 1980s," indicated that,overall, the states with the highest levelof integration tended to be those wheresegregation was once state law. Typically, these states have large metropolitanareas where courts have ordered theend to a dual system of educationthrough busing. For example, in bothDelaware and Kentucky, which led the"most stably integrated states" list,court orders required extensive busingplans for Wilmington and Louisvillethat included both their inner-citiesand surrounding suburbs.The study, based on 1984 statisticsfrom the U.S. Department of Education, also found that northern stateshad the most racially segregated schools in the country, with Illinoisleading the list, followed by Michiganand New York. These states have largemetropolitan areas characterized by racially divided neighborhoods and alack of desegregation plans, accordingto the study.In Illinois, the study found that 85percent of all black students attended"predominantly minority schools,"(those schools in which minoritiesmake up more than 50 percent of students), exceeding the national averageof 63.5 percent. Figures from the1986-87 school year in Chicago showthat 81.3 percent of the black studentsand 50.2 percent of Hispanic studentsattended schools that were 90 percentor more minority. Of the total numberof students in Chicago public schools,only 14 percent are white."It may well be," said Orfield, "thatthe children being socialized and educated in these underclass schools areeven more comprehensively isolatedfrom mainstream middle-class societythan were the black children of theSouth whose problems led to the longbattle over segregated education inDixie."Because minorities are dominatingurban core populations in increasingnumbers, Orfield said the only meansfor most metropolitan areas to effectively integrate their school districts isthrough a policy of busing across cityand suburban lines. That option wasdealt a severe blow in 1974, however,when the Supreme Court ruled in a Detroit case against mandatory city-suburban busing plans, unless it can beproven that educational and neighborhood segregation in an area is the directresult of a government policy or law.Despite this ruling, lawsuits resulting in court-ordered city-suburban busing have since been successfully filed inMilwaukee, Indianapolis and St. Louis.Other cities are opting to design voluntary city-suburban exchanges, according to Orfield, who is currently workingwith officials and educators in bothMinnesota and Connecticut on developing such exchange policies in metropolitan areas of their states."Given the reality of residentialsegregation, the only way to get kids inany of our big cities in integratedschools is by transferring them someplace else," said Orfield. "So whenyou're questioning busing, you're really questioning whether or not schoolsshould be integrated at all, because in22 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE /WINTER 1989many cases it's the only answer."I'm not in favor of all busingplans, " he added. "I'm in favor of plansthat reach as much of the housing market as possible and are related to residential desegregation strategies and toeducational change."As a court-appointed expert in a1980 civil rights case in St. Louis, Orfield helped design an integration planthat attempted to address the problemsof both school and housing segregation. Among its features was a provision that exempted all residentially integrated areas in the city from busing.Neighborhoods accepting subsidizedhousing in a white area were alsoexempted.The resulting court order also required city housing agencies to prepareplans to consider the impact of their decisions on schools. This last provision,he said, was included to avert what hesees as the common failure of mostsubsidized housing plans by buildinghomes in locations which actually haveincreased school segregation. "Unfortunately," he said, "the court has notyet followed up on this order."Federal funding for subsidizedhousing has been cut dramatically inthe past decade, Orfield pointed out,but even when funding is available, thecommon strategy among city plannershas been to build housing in existingghettos, "and all they're doing is building newer slums, and in each case theyare condemning the families who livethere to a miserable existence.""What possible good is it to putnewer housing in an area that has segregated schools, no commercial infrastructure, no jobs, private housing that'seither being burned or abandoned, andpeople who are terrified to go out afterdark?"Once an area is resegregated andghettoized, helping to bring it backusually requires massive investmentthe size of which dwarfs the amount ofgovernment funds that are currentlyavailable. Whether the nation will commit the creative and financial resourcesnecessary to reverse this trend is uncertain, but Orfield is encouraged by the"tripling or quadrupling" level of interest in his research during the past fouryears an interest which he said is"coming from places that I never wouldhave expected.""People are beginning to recognizehow dramatically this nation is changing demographically, " said Orfield. "In our public schools, we've had a declineof one-sixth in white students since thelate 1960s, a small increase of black students, a doubling of Hispanic studentsand huge increases of Asian and American Indian students. Already, California has a predominantly non-whitepublic school system statewide, andwe're going towards such a system inthe metropolitan Chicago area veryrapidly."If you're going to run the army, orthe telephone system, or the bankingsystem if you're going to do anythingon a large scale in this society you haveto think that it's not a good thing thatgrowing sectors of our society are increasingly cut off from opportunity,and increasingly separated socially andeconomically from the mainstream."I think that leaders in some of ourmajor institutions, those who have anycapacity to plan for more than a fewyears into the future, are beginning torealize that we're going through a hugechange and we're going to become amulti-racial society to a degree that'sunimaginable for our grandparents.And our children will be living in thatsociety."ORFIELD BELIEVESthis growing awareness of the dangersof a segregated society actually maylead to a resurgencein the movement towards integration"from the top down" before reachingthe ghettos and barrios. "These movements (from the bottom up) tend tocome when people have hope; theydon't tend to come when people see thegovernment as being hostile, " said Orfield, adding, "we haven't had an administration since Lyndon Johnson'sthat has done anything substantial topromote integration." This lack of initiative has spread to the state and locallevels of government, said Orfield,even among minority politicians, someof whom passively accept segregationas a means of maintaining their politicalpower bases.Because of this vacuum in leadership, Orfield said, many whites still believe that nothing more needs to bedone in terms of desegregation andending discrimination. Even more disturbing is that many of the victims ofthat process of segregation have apparently drawn the same conclusions at least judging by a recent survey whichshowed that black inner-city highschool students actually rated theirschools higher than their white suburban counterparts."It shows that the worse the schoolis, the better the kids think that they'rebeing prepared," said Orfield, whoconducted an analysis of the surveywith College senior Douglas Hartman."In these schools where half or more ofthe students drop out and the averageachievement is at the 20th percentile,they think they're going to college, andwe know they're not."They don't know because theyreally live in another society and at acertain stage the victims of the processof segregation become victims to the extreme that they don't even know whatthe rest of society is like. They don'teven realize that they've been cut offcomprehensively from opportunity toit, and they think they're being given anequal chance."That's the final stage of separationof these societies it's terrifying as wesee aspirations that have no relationship to reality whatsoever."Journalists often sardonically remark that if there were no bad newsthey'd be out of business, and perhapsthe same could be said of social and political scientists. Still, one senses thatGary Orfield wouldn't mind if his officephone didn't ring quite so much.It would be nice to have the time todo more purely academic research, headmitted, "but I've held the viewthroughout my academic and professional life that it's not necessary orhealthy to separate one's role as a citizen from one's role as a scholar. As longas you don't claim misleadingly thatyou have a scientific basis for what arejust personal opinions or don't politicize your systematic research in someway by sorting the data as long asyou're willing to be very careful aboutthose kinds of things then I think thatbeing involved in both roles just enriches each."I think that universities are privileged institutions that have special protections in this society, and we are givenextraordinary freedom that we shoulduse to deal with issues that are fundamental to society, and that we shouldtry to communicate whatever we discover to people in the society who needto know, whether they want to know ornot. I believe that's a very, very usefulfunction." H23CHICAGO JOURNALHUGHES MEDICALINSTITUTE DEDICATEDThe University's Howard HughesMedical Institute, created to furtherresearch and teaching in molecularand cell biology, was formally dedicated in November.The institute, one of 29 nationwide, is located in recently renovatedspace on the first three floors of therlospitals' Peck Pavilion. It was established with a grant of more than$7 million from the Howard HughesMedical Institute, the nation's largestprivate supporter of medical research."The Hughes Institute providesquite a special partnership, " saidSamuel Hellman, Dean of the Biological Sciences. "Because of the institute's excellent facilities, and becauseits members are also faculty members,the institute will help us attractand retain very distinguishedresearchers."Donald Steiner, MD'56, SM'56,the A.N. Pritzker Professor in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology andsenior investigator in the institute,said the institute will serve to enhanceresearch in several areas of molecularscience and medicine. Steiner, one ofonly five senior investigators namedamong the 29 Hughes Institutes, explained that federal research supportis usually not adequate to keep laboratories supplied with new equipmentthat is becoming increasingly necessary in molecular biology.In addition to strengthening basicscience studies, the center is also expected to increase the interaction between clinical and basic research laboratories, permitting molecular studiesto be applied as rapidly as possible tomedical practice.TWO NEW TRUSTEESELECTED TO BOARDReatha Clark King, executive director of the General Mills Foundationand a noted figure in higher education, and Sharon Percy Rockefeller, amember of the board of directors for Reatha Clark King Sharon Percy Rockefellerthe Public Broadcasting Service whohas championed quality programmingon public television, have been electedtrustees of the University.King, SM'60, PhD'63, is the former president of Metropolitan StateUniversity in St.. Paul, MN, whichunder her leadership became a national model for institutions of higherlearning seeking ways to reach adultstudents. Last year she was awardedthe University's Professional Achievement Citation, given to alumni whoseattainments in their fields havebrought distinction to themselves,credit to the University and benefit totheir fellow citizens.As executive director of the General Mills Foundation, King is responsible for helping to award some $10million in grants annually. She hasheld leadership positions with a number of higher education organizations,including the Educational TestingService, the American Council onEducation, the American Associationof Higher Education and the CarnegieFoundation for the Advancement ofTeaching.Rockefeller, a graduate of StanfordUniversity, and a former member ofStanford's board of trustees, receivedthe 1987 Corporation for Public Broadcasting Ralph P. Lowell Award and the National Public Radio Edward ElsonAward for her contributions to publictelevision and radio. As former chairman of the board of the Corporationfor Public Broadcasting, Rockefellerworked to protect federal funding forthe public broadcasting system andhelped steer NPR through a financialcrisis in 1983.In addition, Rockefeller serves onother national boards of directors,including the Smithsonian's National Museum of American Art, theCenter for National Policy in Washington, D.C., the National Women'sPolitical Caucus and PepsiCo. From1979 to 1982, she was co-chair ofER American.NOBELIST LEDERMAN TAKESCOLLEGE PROFESSORSHIPPhysicist Leon Lederman, whowas a co-winner of the Nobel Prize inphysics last October, has accepted aprofessorship in the Collegiate ScienceDivision beginning in July.Explaining why he specificallyrequested to teach undergraduates,especially majors in other fields,Lederman said, "These non-sciencestudents will become our congressmen, Supreme Court justices andUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1989Freshmen/women from Coulterand Thompson Houses had apicnic supper in Grant Park."CHICAGO: 101" A YEARLYRITE OF PASSAGEGoing off to college at the University of Chicago for many enteringstudents means not only meetingnew people, but also a new city.During Orientation Week, it hasbecome customary for universityhouse system resident heads to leadtheir students away from the quietsanctuary of campus and into thesometimes intimidating world ofdowntown Chicago. One might callit "Chicago: 101."So that they can begin to feel comfortable with the public transportation system, many of the groups take thebus or train to and from their destinations, which might include: an elevator trip to the top of the Sears Tower;dinner at a Greektown restaurant,complete with bellydancers; a visit to aChicago institution founded by somefamous alumni of the University theSecond City comedy revue; or a leisurely window-shopping stroll downthe Magnificent Mile (Michigan Avenue), capped by a nighttime boatcruise along Lake Michigan.Photos by Michael P. Weinstein Getting acquaintedon a Lake Michigan boat ride are EricSchwarze and Lisa Friedman, bothfirst-year Coulter residents.Strolling downMichigan Avenue areSteve Durham, GinaCocking, Scott Taylor,Anjali Srivastava,and MichaelIndinopulos.25schoolteachers. They need a comfortable sense of science. Ignorance ofscience isn't the worst thing but adislike or discomfort is, because itspreads to children and other students. Teaching science to these students is one way to prevent that."Lederman, director of Illinois'Fermilab since 1979, shared the NobelPrize with Jack Steinberger, SB'42,PhD'49, a research physicist for theEuropean Center for Nuclear Research, and with Melvin Schwartz,who now operates a computer business in California. The three werehonored for an experiment they conducted at the Brookhaven NationalLaboratory in 1961, which was the firstto produce and employ a beam ofneutrinos.Lederman most recently presidedover the initial operation of Fermilab 'sTevatron, a superconducting particlecollider, the world's most powerfulparticle accelerator to date.VOLUNTEER CONFERENCEGENERATES NEW IDEAS"I have a sense of gratitude andobligation to the university." JohnLyon, AB'55."I started because I really did feel asense of obligation to the universitybut I keep it up because I have a lot offun at it." Susan Loth Wolkerstorfer,AB'72."It's really very simple. I haveenormous respect and admiration for,and dedication to, the university."Elizabeth Macken, AB'86.The three alumni quoted abovetook time out from a recent visit backto the quadrangles to talk about whythey volunteer for the University. Together with 108 other alumni, theywere on campus on Saturday, October8, for the annual National VolunteerLeadership Conference.Their responses were in answer toa question posed by the Magazine: Asan alumnus/a why do you volunteer towork for the University of Chicago?Lyon, an attorney in Los Angeles,CA, is a member of the executive council of the Alumni Association, president of the Los Angeles Alumni Club,and chairman of the President's Fundin Los Angeles."Attending the College and gradu-26 ate school at Chicago was probably themost influential event in my life, andthe habits of thought and inquiry that Ilearned then continue to give me agreat deal of pleasure every day, " explained Lyon. "I went to the universitylargely on scholarship, and a simpledollar and cents calculation of theinflation adjusted value of that, together with interest from the time thatI received it suggests that I owe theUniversity for a whole lot of money.So, some of it I send in myself, and forthe rest I go and shake down otherpeople."Susan Loth Wolkerstorfer, AB'72,is a copy editor for the Minneapolis Star& Tribune, and also a member of theexecutive council, and chairman of theMinneapolis Alumni Schools Commit- Elizabeth R. Macken, AB'86(Above) Brunhilde Metlay Goodman,AM'84, and Lois Mandel Libien, AB'60.(Right) Edward W. (Ned) Rosenheim,AB'39, AM'46, PhD'53, the SternProfessor Emeritus of English Languageand Literature, is chairman of theAlumni Centennial Committee.tee. She explained her volunteer activities this way:"It's been a very rewarding experience. The role of the Alumni SchoolsCommittee is to interview studentswho have applied to the Universityand have requested an alumni interview. But we do more than interviews.My husband and I host several gatherings a year that bring together prospective students and their parents,current students and sometimes thosestudents' parents, too, as well as members of the Alumni Schools Commit-Clifford Cox, AB'64, MBA' 66Bette Leash Birnbaum, AB'79, MST'80,David Birnbaum, AB'79, and Hannah.tee. Sometimes we're lucky enough tohave staff or faculty. But it really encourages a little community, if youwill, of University of Chicago peoplein the Twin Cities."The last few years we've hadabout 15 students a year entering theCollege as freshman or transfer students. It's fun to help the Universityattract some of the best students, people who not only will get a lot out ofthe experience but who can give a lotback to the community."I'm not a born evangelist, I'm nota salesperson, but I don't mind puttingin a good word for people and placesthat I like, and there are a lot of likablepeople at Chicago faculty memberswhen I was a student, friends that are going to be my friends for life that goback to college days . . . and even thepeople who apply to the University ofChicago tend to be interesting. You getthe idea that I'm enthusiastic aboutthe place."Elizabeth Macken, a trainee infinance, who is program chairman forthe New York Alumni Club, said:"From the time I was being recruitedas a perspective student, I was impressed by the admissions office andhow much they seemed to be concerned in getting to know me andhelping me to understand the university. From my very first day on campusas a new student up 'til this day I'veIwao Shino, MBA' 55, president of theUniversity of Chicago Club of Tokyo.put a lot of energy back into helpingnew students and helping perspectivestudents to be better oriented to thecampus. So a lot of my involvementstarted with the Student Schools Committee, in which I participated for fouryears. I now interview on an alumnibasis (for the National Alumni SchoolsCommittee)."Words don't seem good enough todescribe how I feel ... I consider myselfone of the most enthusiastic supporters of the University; it's a personal goal of my own to try to see just howmuch I can give back. For now themost I can give back is in time andeffort. Later, as I get older and hopefully a little more financially successful, I'll be able to give back more in dollars. I would love to find myselfsomeday sitting on the board that'show strongly I feel about the place."On Friday, October 7, the executivecouncil of the Alumni Association,which includes representatives of theAlumni Association, the Alumni FundBoard, and the National AlumniSchools Committee, met at RobieHouse.Alumni attending the NationalVolunteer Leadership Conferencewere welcomed on Saturday byEdward L. Anderson, PhB'46, SM'49,president of the Alumni Association,and Warren Heemann, vice presidentfor Development and AlumniRelations.At a session entitled "ProgramPlanning: Nuts and Bolts," ThomasSheehan, Jr., MBA 63, president of theUniversity of Chicago Club of the SanFrancisco Bay Area, gave a presentation on "The Road to Success: Evolution of a Club." As part of Sheehan'sblueprint for the success of an alumniclub, he urged that club presidents setup goals, and draw up a concrete planfor achieving those goals. His four-point "Road to Success" included amission to increase participation,expand programs, improve communications with alumni and strengthenfinancial resources for the club.One of the reasons for the SanFrancisco Club's success, explainedSheehan, was the group's willingnessto offer a geographically dispersed setof activities and events. This enabledalumni in the Bay Area to attendevents closer to home. Sheehan recommended this practice for any alumniclub in a large city.The San Francisco Club offersregularly scheduled events, Sheehansaid, but it also maintains the ability tocapitalize on ad hoc events, such as avisit by the president of the University,or another key person from the University, to the Bay Area.Club presidents examined withinterest The Maroon Apple, a new newsletter of the University of Chicago Clubof New York. The editor, Jennifer L.Magnabosco, AB'85, AM'85, explained that she had hired a professional graphic designer to do the layout and keyline. For each issue,camera-ready copy is sent to the University Office of Alumni Relations,where staff send the keyline out for27reproduction and mail the finishednewsletter to members.A lively discussion took place at asession called "Racing Towards theFuture: Raising Awareness of ChicagoAmong New Graduates." SharonMartin, AB'86, New York CityPhonathon Chairman and a memberof the New York City Alumni Club,was chairperson.At the session, Laurence (Larry) J.Hyman, AB'73, Washington, DC AreaPhonathon co-chairman and a member of the Washington, DC, AlumniClub Board of Directors, reportedthat the DC Club has had a "WelcomeWagon" for new alumni for the pastthree years."Generally, they're delighted tohear from the University, " Hymansaid. "We welcome them first, then weask them to do something. The clubofficers explain what the opportunitiesare for service, and we tell them abouta consortium of local alumni clubscalled the Ivy Connection, in which weparticipate." The Ivy Connection consists of alumni of five top universities,who hold joint gatherings.Jennifer Magnabosco advised that"we should let new alumni know whatthe benefits are for joining a Universityof Chicago alumni club. Let themknow they can use it for networking,for professional contacts. Invite themto non-fund raising events, and nevermind asking them for money. Analumni program should help themunderstand how special it was tohave been a part of the University ofChicago."Another participant cautioned:"Don't overdo trying to reach youngalumni too soon. After you're out,absence does make the heart growfonder. But if a brand new alumnus/afinds a letter in the mailbox when he orshe gets home from graduation askingfor money, it's frightening."In a session called "ReunionRoundup, " volunteers discussed potential ideas for reunion at the time ofthe University's centennial, in1991-1992.The session addressed the question: Why do people come back to thequadrangles for reunion? The volunteers were asked to quantify whatpercentage of time they would like tobe involved in different activities atreunion. They indicated that they would like to spend 90 percent of theirtime at reunion visiting with formerclassmates and faculty. Intellectualpursuits, such as lectures or mockclasses, were cited as the second mostpreferred activity.In this context, Amy Goerwitz,AB'88, reunion director, announcedthat Carl Sagan, AB'54, SB'55, SM'56,PhD '60, the David Duncan Professorof Astrophysics and director of theLaboratory for Planetary Studies atCornell University, will give a lectureon June 3 at the 1989 Reunion.Some of the group suggested thatreunions should be held especially forthe graduate divisions. However, noconsensus was reached on whetherthese reunions should be held by division or department, and by graduationyear or by five or ten-year groupings.Alumni volunteers indicated thatthey would like the College, divisionaland possibly the professional schoolreunions to be held at the same time.Some suggested moving the date ofreunion from the first weekend in Juneto later in the summer, or even to September, so that returning alumni couldstay in the dormitories.Regarding College reunions, alumni felt that the Alumni Relations staffshould offer a 45th Reunion and possibly a 30th and 15th Reunion. Somealumni proposed dispensing with the5th Reunion. (At present, the University sponsors 5th, 10th, 20th, 25th,35th, 40th, 50th, 55th, and 60th College reunions.) There also was considerable discussion about "cluster" reunions in which several class yearswould be invited to the same reunion,to enable alumni to see more of theirformer classmates.One suggestion concerning thereunion schedule was that the Intraf a-ternity Sing currently held at the endof Saturday's activities be moved tolate afternoon, because older alumnisometimes find it hard to sit throughan event that late after a day of strenuous activity. (There is a precedent forthe earlier time: the I-F Sing was heldearlier on reunion days in the 1920s.)In addition, some of the classes holdother events, and the I-F Sing preventsfraternity members from participatingin those events.Asked to suggest what types ofevents they might like to be held at areunion, (in addition to events for their classes) alumni listed, amongother ideas, convocations, dinnerdances, dormitory tours, fireworks,lectures and mock classes.WEST RECEIVES HONORARYDOCTOR OF LAWS DEGREEB. Kenneth West, MBA' 60, formerchairman of the Board of Trustees,received an honorary doctor of lawsdegree at the University's 411th convocation on December 9 in RockefellerChapel.West, who served as chairmanfrom 1985 through the spring of lastyear, is chairman of the board andchief executive officer of Harris Trustand Savings Bank and its holdingcompany, Harris Bankcorp., Inc. Hewas succeeded by Barry Sullivan,chairman and chief executive officer ofFirst Chicago Corporation and TheFirst National Bank of Chicago. Westwill remain a trustee.COMPOSERS' WORKS TOCELEBRATE CENTENNIALSThree professors in the Department of Music, all considered vanguard composers of contemporarymusic, have been commissioned towrite major orchestral works for theChicago Symphony Orchestra.Easley Blackwood, Shulamit Ranand Ralph Shapey will produce thepieces to honor the centennials of boththe orchestra and the University. TheCSO will celebrate its centennial fromOctober 1990 through October 1991;the University will celebrate its centennial from October 1991 through October 1992. Two of the works are scheduled for the 1991-1992 orchestralseason, and one the following year."I can think of no better way tohonor our two great institutions thanwith these commissions, " said SirGeorg Solti, the CSO music director."I'm really very happy to see theUniversity and the symphony cooperating like this, " commented Blackwood. "We've always been reasonablyclose, but I think this is the first timethere has been any kind of joint celebration, and the first time the orchestra has seen the music department atthe University as an entity."28 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1988another 15,000 students are beingtaught by teachers who have receivedtraining from UCSMP teacher development materials.The project was established toboost mathematical understandingamong schoolchildren. A number ofnational reports have recommendedchanges in mathematical curricula,and UCSMP leaders have sought toconvert the goals of the reports intostudent materials and teacher trainingprograms."The most fundamental feature ofActor Billy Crystal starts off in his roleenthusiastically, sharing a passionateembrace with Michelle Nicastro.. .HOLLYWOOD COMESTO THE QUADSWith the mysterious temporality ofa UFO siting, Hollywood descendedquietly and quickly on the quadrangles in late September and as swiftlyvanished, leaving one to wonder if thewhole thing happened at all.Proof of the visit should arrivelater this year, when a film tentativelytitled Harry, This is Sally is released.Directed by Rob Reiner (Stand By Me,The Princess Bride) and starring BillyCrystal and Meg Ryan, the plot followsthe stormy romance of two Universityof Chicago students who meet in thelate 1970s when they share a ride aftergraduation to New York, and followstheir relationship through ten years offighting, lovemaking, more fightingand eventual marriage.The stars, director, and dozensmore "Hollywood types" who comprised the cast and crew were presentfor a day-long shoot on the MainQuadrangles which may translateinto as little as one or two minutes ofthe actual film when it is released.Reiner chose the University because ofthe reputation of the Law School, fromwhich Crystal's character is supposedto have graduated.As an added benefit, the $3,500site fee paid by Reiner's productioncompany helped Doc Films bring a . . . but here he is, fourteen takes later.portion of the Chicago InternationalFilm Festival to the Max Palevsky Cinema in late October.MATH PROJECT GETSBOOST IN FUNDINGThe University of Chicago SchoolMathematics Project (UCSMP) hasreceived a $1 .2 million grant from theFord Motor Company. The fundingwill help support elementary andsecondary school teacher development, said Zalman Usiskin, professorin education and director of UCSMPUCSMP was founded in 1983 withmajor funding from the Amoco Foundation, and has become the largestuniversity-based mathematics education project in the country. During thecurrent school year, 35,000 studentsare studying from UCSMP primary orsecondary component materials and UCSMP is its focus on upgrading themathematics experience of the averagestudent. UCSMP wants to teach students to be confident and resourcefulusers of mathematics," Usiskin said.At the elementary level, the projectattempts to boost understanding byimproving curricular materials andproviding new opportunities for training for those teaching grades kindergarten through six.FIVE-MILLIONTH VOLUMEADDED TO LIBRARYCOLLECTIONWith the addition of its five-millionth volume, the University ofChicago Library reached a milestonethis November which only ten otheruniversity libraries in North Americacan claim.Martin Runkle, AM '73, director of29the University Library, commentedthat the addition of the five-millionthvolume was an occasion to reflect upon the efforts of "the literally thousands of people librarians, facultyand thoughtful donors over the yearswho have responded to opportunitiesand made countless individual decisions" about appropriate additions tothe collections.Runkle explained that the numberof printed volumes does not includethe millions of manuscripts, maps,microforms, sound recordings, andother media included in the collection,adding, however, that "size alone isnot important the quality and character of the collection are foremost.""A quality collection of this magnitude affords unparalleled opportunities for research and discovery, " saidRunkle. "It becomes a catalyst forscholarship."According to Barbara Van Deven-ter, the Library's assistant director forcollection development, Darwin and theNovelists: Patterns of Science in VictorianFiction (Harvard University Press,1988), by George Levine of RutgersUniversity, was selected for the distinction of number five-million. VanDeventer said the book was chosenbecause it had "substantial scholarlyvalue, was not overly esoteric or rare, would frequently be used by patrons,and would embody the spirit of Chicago's collection habits." Although thevolume will be kept in the RegensteinLibrary, it represents the five-millionthvolume in the entire University librarysystem, including the John CrerarLibrary and the D'Angelo Law Library.GOULD TO COORDINATEUNIVERSITY PLANNINGJohn P. (Jack) Gould, dean andDistinguished Service Professor ofthe Graduate School of Business, hasbeen appointed to the additionalpost of university vice president forplanning.President Hanna Gray, in makingthe announcement, said Gould woulddevelop and coordinate the planningprocess already underway and broaden the involvement of deans and othermembers of the faculty."Jack Gould has continued hissuperb leadership of the GraduateSchool of Business," Gray said. "I amgrateful that he has agreed to lendsome of these same talents to takingthe planning for the University forward, engaging our entire communityin looking beyond the centennial to theshape and scope of our activities in the next century."Gould, MBA'63, PhD'66, went toWashington in 1969 as assistant toGeorge Shultz, then Secretary ofLabor. When Shultz became Directorof the Office of Management andBudget, Gould became his consultantfor economic affairs. He returned toChicago in 1970 as associate professorand was promoted to professor in1974. He was named dean in 1983 andDistinguished Service Professor in1984.PLEASE! DO NOTTRY THIS AT HOME86,759,222,313,428,390,812,218,077, 095,850,708,048,977 and 108,488,104, 853, 637, 470, 612, 961, 399, 842, 972,948,409,834,611,525,790,577,216,753.When multiplied together, theyproduce: 9,412,343,607, 359,262,946,971,172,136,294,514,357,528,981,378,983,082,541,347,532,211,942,640,121,301, 590, 698, 634, 089, 61 1, 468, 911, 681Don't bother trying this on yourhome computer or calculator. You'relikely to blow a fuse. The above calculation marks a world's first factoringa 100-digit number and was accomplished this past fall by an international team of computer scientists led byArjen Lenstra, a visiting assistantprofessor this year in the University'scomputer science department.Using a new technique for solvingdifficult computer science problems,Lenstra and his collaborators in theU.S., Europe and Australia this fallfound the prime factors of the largestnumber ever, an achievement that willhave implications for the security ofpublic key cryptographic systems usedwidely in commerce, industry andgovernment. It may also usher in anera of greater cooperation amongwidely separated computers to solveproblems too large or time consumingto solve by normal methods, Lenstrasaid.Lenstra achieved the factoring bywriting a program that could run onbackground, when computers areotherwise idle, and on a number ofdifferent types of computers. Fourhundred computers worked on theproblem, sharing their results by computer mail. They factored the 100-digitnumber in just 26 days. HMAROON FOOTBALL 1988Editor's Note: Jeffrey C. Cohen, AS' 85, and other alumni have suggested we publishthe results of the Maroon football team 's 1988 season. We oblige with the following:Date Opponent Score U.C.Score Site9-10 Rochester 28 14 Chicago9-17 Carnegie Mellon 20 6 Pittsburgh, PA9-24 Concordia (IL) 18 41 River Forest, IL10-1 Rose-Hulman 34 7 Chicago10-8 Lawrence 7 10 Chicago10-15 Beloit 13 3 Beloit, WI10-22 Iowa Wesley an 14 28 Chicago10-29 Trinity (TX) 14 10 San Antonio, TX11-5 Washington (MO) 27 24 ChicagoFinal Record: 3-6; Home: 2-3; Road: 1-3; UAA: 0-330LETTERSVOICES FROM ISRAELJOIN THE DEBATEEditor:I refer to Professor Gewirth's article, "Israel's Dilemma," in the SUMMER/88 issue.Acknowledging ONLY two (among Jews?!)views, i.e., "dovish-hawkish/' reflects a fro-zenly bird's-eye slant, especially afterspending ONE WHOLE MONTH here,swallowing the high-minded "objectivity"of starry-eyed APPME mentors.As an Israeli by choice for more than 20years and matriarch of a 27-member family, Iinvite the professor to return for a longerstay which might dispel some of his naiveteabout the Arab mentality. Then we might respect his on-site advice about how to ensurethe survival of our tiny country.Margery Stone Zeitlin, PhB'48Jerusalem, IsraelEditor:I am writing in response to the article inthe SUMMER/88 edition of the Magazine titled "Israel's Dilemma" by Alan Gewirth. Itis quite clear that the author does his verybest to be objective about a difficult andemotional situation. In spite of best intentions, the article neglected some points ofcontention that are so crucial as to put intoquestion his optimistic prescription forpeace.Most important, and, startlingly notmentioned in the seven-point proposedpeace treaty, is the status of Jerusalem. Thestatus of this city is not considered to be inquestion by virtually any political party inIsrael. Jerusalem is, and always will be, as faras the Jews are concerned, the undividedcapital of Israel. There is no doubt that bothLikud and Labor agree on this. It is safe tosay that no Jewish government will enterinto any sort of negotiations whatsoever onthe status of Jerusalem.It is also clear that no imaginable Palestinian entity or state can content itself withthe so-called "occupied" territory exceptJerusalem. While many here believe thatthe PLO and the Palestinians still retaintheir claim on all of Israel, hardly anyonecan believe that they will be satisfied withNablus and Hebron and just forget aboutJerusalem.Another disturbing implication of theauthor's argument is that Israel is responsible for the political unrest in the area by itscontinued occupation of Judea, Samaria andGaza. This implication underlies the entireargument since the supposed solution to theproblem lies in Israel's withdrawal from these areas. From the establishment of Israelin 1948 until the Six-Day War in 1967, Judea,Samaria and Gaza were controlled by Arabsand not Jews. There were, nevertheless,large numbers of terrorist attacks against Israelis launched from these areas and severalmilitary encounters including the War of Attrition and the Sinai Campaign.At any time during those 20 years a Palestinian state could have been proclaimed.Why wasn't it?What then is the solution? It may comeas a discomforting notion to those of us whogrew up with the movie-version of real life,where everything has a happy ending, thatthere probably is no solution to the problem.We won't give up Jerusalem and they won'taccept a solution without Jerusalem.The present situation of tension between Israel and its Arab neighbors willprobably continue indefinitely, with periods of relative peace and periods of outrightwar. Such a situation is not all that abnormal. How many times have France and Germany battled or England and France or Russia and everyone in Eastern Europe? Howabout the many conflicts between Japan andKorea?Whether or not Israel retains Judea, Samaria or Gaza or whether we relinquishthem, nothing, in the long run will change.Mark Herskovitz, AB'78Jerusalem, IsraelETHIOPIA "IS NOTA BLACK COUNTRY"Editor:In a letter written by Dr. Robert Blair entitled "Still Flogging a Dead Horse" andpublished in the FALL/88 issue of the Magazine reference is made to Ethiopia having a"Marxist- Stalinist black government." Hemaybe advised that Ethiopia is not a "black"country. According to the National GeographicWorld Atlas, the preponderant population ofthat country is of Semitic-Hasmitic originand only about six percent Negro.The situation in Ethiopia is unfortunatebut has no connection with that in SouthAfrica.Randall L. Thompson, MD'40Black Mountain, NCEditor:The Republic of South Africa is the onlystate in the world today in which it is formalgovernment policy to use so-called racial differences to deny otherwise universally accepted human, political, economic, and social rights. In the post-Holocaust world, such official racism is simply unacceptable.Nevertheless, Dr. Robert Blair's evidentdisbelief that divestiture could be "a vitaltool in ending apartheid in South Africa"(Letters FALL/88) calls for response, for it reflects a widespread misunderstanding ofthe subject.Divestiture does indeed "simply" involve selling stock to another owner; its immediate economic effects are minimal. Itshould not be confused with disinvestment,which involves withdrawal of U.S. companies from South Africa, and which can have avariety of economic consequences.Why then bother about divestiture? Because as Dr. Blair himself points out, theworld is filled with political conflict, anddivestiture's political impact can be quitesubstantial. In South Africa today the fundamental question is political; who shallhold power, an entrenched white minorityor the people as a whole? In this context,divestiture by prestigious institutions likethe University of Chicago is a powerful political statement and has immediate effects.For one, it tells South Africa's black communitywhich has for decades struggled forpolitical rights, and which has specificallyasked us to sell those shares that we are ontheir side. Second, it tells South Africanwhites that we find their social and politicalsystem morally repugnant and indefensible,that we want nothing to do with them, andthat in the event of open civil conflict we willnot come to their aid. Finally, it tells themthat in the late 20th century, civilization demands a more equitable distribution of power than they have been willing to allow, andthat basic human rights and human dignitycannot rest on the color of one's skin.This is not just hand waving; moral andpolitical pressure has effects, it "works."Witness the black leadership's continuingcall for divestiture, the South African government's strident campaigns against itoverseas, and its censorship of news on thesubject at home. Divestiture makes the regime very uncomfortable. South Africa's recent elections indicate that it has a long andtorturous path yet to go. But clear externalstatements of the white community's pariahstatus can accelerate internal recognitionthat it must negotiate changes and shareboth formal power and the nation's wealthwith the black majority.The University of Chicago needs to catchup with the other institutions which have already taken a leadership role in this process.Until it does, it will continue to hear fromalumni calling for divestiture.David L. Szanton, AM'64, PhD'70New York, NY31CLASS NEWS Photos by Richard Younker"1 /^ Rosa Biery Andrews, PhB'16, lives in_LO Midland, MI."1 Q Evermont Huckleberry, SB'18, MD'21,XO lives in Salt Lake City, UT.*\ Q Olive C. Hall, PhB'19, lives in Spokane,iy WA.r\r\ In October, Herbert W. Blashfield, PhB'20,ZXJ of Minneapolis, MN, celebrated his one-hundredth birthday.OQ Hester Weber Isermann, PhB'23, of Tuc-jlLO son, AZ, enjoys painting in oils.Wilberna Ayres Wigelsworth, PhB'23, lives inLos Angeles.<} A Charles L. Dwinell, PhB'24, lives in Co-Z/t. lumbia, MO.Miriam Wardlaw Orr, PhB'24, lives in Como,MS. She has five grandchildren and five greatgrandchildren.Alice Crandell Park, SB '24, attends the U. ofC. Washington, DC, Club meetings, and enjoysgardening and family genealogy. She is eighty-seven years old and lives in Washington, DC.O PT Felix Caruso, SB '25, lives in Hinsdale, IL.ZJD Paul K. Smith, SM'25, was remarried lastyear. He is ninety-three years old and lives in Rus-ton, LA.O/^ Jackson B. Adkins, PhB'26, received aZXj Founder's Day Award from Phillips ExeterAcademy, Exeter, NH, in recognition of his devoted service to the Academy.Pauline Shadko Elliott, PhB'26, volunteers atUniversity Community Hospital, Tampa, FL.Eleanor Rice Long, PhB'26, of Bloomington,IN, was honored by the governor of Indiana as a"Sagamore of the Wabash."At the Medical Alumni Reunion in June,Margaret Pittman, SM'26, PhD'29, was honoredby the Medical Alumni Association of the University of Chicago in recognition of her contributionsto medicine and society.Donald J. Sabath, SB'26, MD'31, lives inChicago.Robert C. Thurston, PhB'26, lives in Jacksonville, FL.Evelyn Turner, PhB'26, of Casey, IL, has traveled in China and the Caribbean.Nancy Farley Wood, MAT' 26, is president andfounder of the N. Wood Counter Laboratory, Inc.,Chicago.Maude Yeoman, PhB'26, AM'31, and hertwin, May Yeoman Townsend, PhB'26, live inPhoenix, AZ.Ory Catherine Stouffer Blewett, PhB'27, andZ- / her husband have reforested their one hundred and forty acres of land in Poynette, WI.Tom D. Paul, SB '27, MD'32, retired, lives inSanta Barbara, CA.Donald T. Robb, SB '27, lives in Westfield, NJ.Joseph Haskell Shaffer, SB'27, MD'32, andAnne Stump Shaffer, SB '29, who met whileattending the University, celebrated theirsixty-third wedding anniversary. They have twosons and three grandchildren and live in Birmingham, MI.Mildred Schieber Standish, PhB'27, of Chicago, takes adult education classes in Spanish anddoes I.R.S. returns for the American Associationof Retired Persons.OQ Alice Kastle Brown, PhB'28, lives in SunZ.O City, AZ.Helen C. Cunningham, AM'28, of Waukegan,IL, is a hospital volunteer.Allan M. Wolf, PhB'28, JD'30, and his wife,Naomi, have been married for fifty-seven yearsand have five grandchildren. Wolf is semi-retiredand lives in Lincolnwood, IL. REUNION 89rSQ Robert A. Allen, SB'29, lives in Kettering,z.y OH.Bernard Halpern, SB'29, was named MarinCounty's (CA) Senior Citizen of the Year. He washonored for his volunteer work, helping seniorcitizens to understand medical insurance andMedicare.John M. Jackson, SB'29, PhD'32, traveled toSingapore for the seventh World Congress of FoodScience and Technology. He also visited Taipei andTokyo.Dorothy Lee Jennings, SB'29, SM'30, lives inLake Forest, IL.Marjorie Niehaus Maxwell, AB'29, is taking acruise to the antarctic and a tour of Easter Island.Maxwell, of Tipton, IA, is looking forward to hersixtieth reunion in June.Anne Stump Shaffer, SB'29. See 1927, JosephHaskell Shaffer.Qf\ Joseph Berkenfield, PhB'30, lives in Cleve-QU land, OH.Darol Froman, PhD'30, retired, is busy withvolunteer work in Santa Fe, NM.Ameda Metcalf Gibson, PhB'30, is eightyyears old and lives in Normal, IL. She enjoys hersix great-grandchildren, reading, and traveling.H. Lee Jacobs, AM'30, is associate professoremeritus of the University of Iowa's College ofMedicine, Iowa City.Harvey L. Paulson, PhB'30, lives in Muskegon, MI.Victor Roterus, PhD'30, SM'31, retired, livesin Green Valley, AZ.The Missouri Arts Council presented EliseRosenwald Schweich, PhB'30, with a 1988 Missouri Arts Award, in recognition of her work as initiator of the Springboard to Learning Program.Schweich, of St. Louis, MO, began the program in1965 to encourage underprivileged minority students in the St. Louis area.John T. Sites, AM'30, retired, lives in KansasCity, MO.0*1 (Sarah) Eloise Webster Baker, SB'31,v3_L SM'32, retired, is active in community organizations in Lamar, AZ.Broda O. Barnes, PhD'31, MD'37, lives inBend, OR.Alice Kathleen Gay Hammond, AM'31, livesin Detroit, MI.Dale A. Letts, PhB'31, JD'35, lives in Amarillo,TX.Ruth Earnshaw Lo, PhB'31, lives in Boulder,CO.Peter F. Loewen, AM'31, is eighty-three yearsold and lives in Columbus, MO.Helen Bullock Ostrom, PhB'31, lives in EastRandolph, NY.Mary Bohnet Smith, PhB'31, and her husband, Bob, have moved to Las Cruces, NM.O O Floyd M. Bond, MD'32, retired, lives in SanOZm Diego, CA.Alice E. Palmer, SB '32, SM'37, lives in Phoenix, AZ.Arthur Resnick, PhB'32, lives in Glencoe, IL.Louis C. Sass, SB'32, retired, lives in ColoradoSprings, CO.QO Robert Balsley, PhB'33, retired, lives inDO Naples, FL.Carl E. Geppinger, PhB'33, of Lakeland, FL,enjoyed his fifty-fifth reunion and is looking for ward to his sixtieth .John P. Gries, SM'33, PhD'35, of Rapid City,SD, is a consulting geologist.Miriam Hamilton Keare, JD'33, is workingwith the Sierra Club Foundation for the designation of the southeastern section of Utah as "wilderness," meaning protected from developmentby timber, mining, and grazing interests. She livesin Highland Park, IL.Ruth Oliver Secord, SB'33, MAT'46, of Chicago, is traveling to West Virginia, Florida, Alaska,and Louisiana this year.Florence Kahen Sherman, PhB'33, ofSouthbury, CT, is involved in Foster Families forAdults, a community volunteer organization.Ruth Schwaegerman Sundstrom, PhB'33, ofFlossmoor, IL, is a tutor for the Literacy Volunteersof America.Q A Noel B. Gerson, AB'34, has written threeO j! hundred and fifty books, which have beentranslated into twenty-nine languages. He lives inBoca Raton, FL.Anton Kast, grandson of Edith RosenfelsNash, AB'34, and son of Maggie Nash Kast,AB'56, AB'58, is a student in the College. Nashlives in Wisconsin Rapids, WI.Henry E. Patrick, PhB'34, AM'38, is lookingforward to his fifty-fifth reunion.Harold G. Petering, SB'34, professor emeritusof environmental health and biochemistry of theUniversity of Cincinnatti, OH, is continuing hiswork on mineral metabolism and environmentaltoxicity. He lives in Lexington, KY.Frank C. Springer, Jr., PhB'34, received a Special Award from Planned Parenthood of Central Indiana, Inc., for his nine years of service as a director, including two as president, of the organization. He is on the board of The Beethoven Foundation, a national organization supporting the careers of young American concert pianists. He livesin Indianapolis, IN.Erie J. Zoll, Jr., AB'34, JD'36, retired, lives inPonte Vedra Beach, FL.QCW. Edward Clark, AB'35, of Omaha, NE,\3C/ traveled in Europe last summer.Marcus Cohn, AB'35, JD'38, retired, lives inChevy Chase, MD.Leah Dushkin Eisenstaedt, SB'35, and herhusband, Werner, celebrated their fiftieth anniversary. They live in Chicago.J. Henry Gienapp, AM'35, retired, lives inRoselle, IL.In September, William Hughes, AB'35, of SanMateo, CA, married Jane (Penny) Power.Margaret Washburne Plagge, AB'35. See1937, James C. Plagge.AlvinM. Weinberg, PhB'35, SM'36, PhD'39,of Oak Ridge, TN, is a distinguished fellow at theInstitute for Energy Analysis.O /2 Clarence A. Bostwick, MBA'36, retired,vDO lives in Phoenix, AZ.Jean Prussing Burden, AB'36, of Altadena,CA, was named a Distinguished Alumna of Royce-more School, an independent college-preparatoryschool in Evanston, IL. Her poems have beenpublished in The Georgia Review and Poet and Critic.G. Helen Campbell, AB'36, AM'38, of Polo,IL, traveled to the national parks and to Irelandthis summer.John Eugene Cornyn, MBA'36, of Winnetka,IL, is engaged in public accounting and estateplanning and has nineteen grandchildren.Louis L. Krafchik, MD'36, retired from activepractice, is clinical associate professor of pediatrics at the University of Medicine and Dentistry ofNew Jersey, Robert Wood Johnson Medical32 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1989FAMILY ALBUM- '88Sheldon B.Laboratory, Kaufman, SM'51, PhD'58, chemist at Argonne National: Alice R. Kaufman, AB '88; Priscilla Chang Kaufman, PhD'58 Jennifer Kavka; Dorothy Cooperman Kavka, AB'62; AmyKavka, AB\Stephen J. Kavka, SB'61, MD'65.MegMcKee; Thomas J. Molumphy, MBA'61; Christopher]. Molumphy,MBA'88; and Elizabeth Kearns Molumphy. Bernice Smillie; Rita M. Smillie; James P. Smith, AM'88; Francis G. Smith,MBA'53.Derm Leibman; Joan Zabrowsky Leibman, AB'48, AM' 52; H. Maya Leibman,AB'88; and Jordan H. Leibman, AB'50, MBA'55. (Not shown: David Bodanis,AB'77, and Ted Leibman, AB'76. The late Morris Leibman was PhB'26, AM'31.) Kenneth Currie, SM'58, PhD'59; Ruth Ann Smith, AM'88; Edrith RohwerCarrie, AM (MSW) '59; Lones Smith, graduate student in the Department ofEconomics.School, Newark.Alexander Robert Mortimer, PhB'36, iseighty-two years old and lives in San Gabriel,CA.Julian Robert Saly, AB'36, and his wife,Wilma, live in Charlotte, NC. They have a four-year-old great-granddaughter.H. Alan Schlesinger, AB'36. See 1937,Margaret Graver Schlesinger. OI7 Mark Ashin, AB'37, AM'38, PhD'50, pro-\J I fessor emeritus of the University of Chicago, is Secretary of the Faculties, trying to turn academic discussions into readable prose.Robert M . Catey, MD'37, is retired and lives inSycamore, IL.Jane McNamara, granddaughter of WhitneyC. Jansen, AM'37, is a student in the College. Jan-sen lives in Bethesda, MD. Henry M. Lemon, SB'37, retired, is active incancer prevention research. He is president-electof Planned Parenthood, Omaha-Council Bluffs.He lives in Omaha, NE.Grace Wolfsohn Leonard, AM'37, of Bethesda, MD, traveled in Greece, Israel, Germany, andRussia.Leonard Liebermann, SB'37, SM'38, PhD'40,is professor of physics at the University of Califor-33FAMILY ALBUM-'88Adelaide Rosenfeld Bialek, SM'58; Janice Kowalski, SB '88; and ChristopherKowalski, AB'83. (Not shown: Phillip Kowalski, AB'87.) Marguerite Czyzewski; E. Ann Czyzewski, AB'88; her husband, Edward J.Dunphy, AB '84; and Mark Czyzewski.d ¦4> h 1.: *% ^ W-fjr. \ > *T>Ff^If jH V LMiles Bader; Laura Elizabeth Bader, AB'88; andArleneM. Bufka Bader,SB'58. (Not shown: J. Lani Bader, JD'60.) Eloise Cadman; Christopher Cadman, MD'88; Norman Cadman, MD'53;and Peter Cadman.Randi Michel; Barbara Gidal Michel; Gregg Michel, AB'88; and Stephen L.Michel, SB'58, MD'62. (Not shown: Helen Ann Leventhal King SB'37. Thelate Michael L. Leventhal was SB '22, MD '24; the late Herbert L. Michel,SB'28, MD'32.) Louise LeBourgeois; John Y. LeBourgeois, MBA'81 (rear); Anne C. H.LeBourgeois, AB'88; MyrtheHero LeBourgeois; and Charles LamontEphraim, JD'77. (Not shown: Benjamin F. King, Jr., AB'58, MBA'60,PhD '64, former associate professor in the Graduate School of Business.)nia, San Diego. His daughter, Kathryn Levin, isprofessor of physics at the University of Chicago.Francis M. Lyle, MD'37, retired, golfs andpaints in oils. He lives in Spokane, WA.In August, the Botanical Society of Americapresented Aubrey W. Naylor, SB'37, SM'38,PhD'40, with its Award of Merit, the society'shighest honor. Aubrey is the James B. Duke Professor Emeritus of Duke University. He and his wife, Frances Lloyd Naylor, PhD'40, live in Durham,NC.James C. Plagge, SB'37, PhD'40, andMargaret Washburne Plagge, AB'35, of Okemos,MI, are involved in volunteer activities, as well astravel.Margaret Graver Schlesinger, AB'37, and herhusband, H. Alan Schlesinger, AB'36, live inMinneapolis, MN, and see their old U. of C. friends quite often.Morris Slugg, SB'37, retired, lives in Belfast,ME. 'Q Q Donald B. Anderson, SB'38, lives in Shak-OO er Heights, OH.Catherine Herbolsheimer Hoobler, SB'38, ofCleveland, OH, enjoyed her fiftieth reunion inJune, and is looking forward to her fifty-fifth.Jerry J. Kollros, SB'38, PhD'42, received a Dis-UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1989tinguished Fellow Award from the Iowa Academyof Science. In June, he retired as professor of biology at the University of Iowa, Iowa City.Richard Prescott, AB'38, and his wife, Betty,of Camp Connell, CA, have two new grandsons.The Prescotts traveled in Nepal recently.REUNION 89¦mmOQ Margaret Merrifield Clark, AB'39, partici-Jy pated in a safari series in Kenya and Tanzania. She lives in Estes Park, CO.Galen W. Ewing, PhD'39, of Las Vegas, NM, isactive in the American Chemical Society and continues to revise his textbooks.Melvin Greenstein, AB'39, MBA' 40, of Chicago, is a volunteer with the Executive Service Corpsof Chicago and is on the board of directors of theVisiting Nurse Association.Charles Earl Scott, AM'39, a retired elementary school principal in St . Louis, MO, is looking forward to his fiftieth reunion.Frieda Panimon Simon, PhD'39, of Elgin, IL,has a fourth grandchild.Leonard Weiss, AB'39, a member of the tradeadvisory panel of the U.S. Atlantic Council, co-authored a policy paper on the Uruguay roundof multilateral trade negotiations. He lives inArlington, VA.Af\ John Clarke Adams, PhD'40, teaches atTTv/ Syracuse University's foreign study program in Florence, Italy.Paul Archipley, SB'40, is choir director at theMethodist church in Laguna Hills, CA, and workspart-time for a geotechnical firm. He has ninegrandchildren.Frank A. Banks, SB'40, SM'46, retired as professor of zoology at the City Colleges of Chicago,Loop-Harold Washington College.Katharine Jane Morris Bruere, SB'40, retiredfrom the Madison, WI, school system aftertwenty-two years as a school librarian. In August,she and her husband, Richard, took a cruise on theMosel, Main, and Rhine Rivers.Vesta M. Bradford Burch, X'40, of Houston,TX, is a retired school social worker.Elizabeth Zimmerman Burkhart, PhD'40, ofEmmaus, PA, is active in community and churchaffairs and studies natural history.Nathan Cooper, AM'40, was appointed medical adviser to the Social Security Court and placedon the legislative committee of the National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis.He lives in Los Angeles.Robert S. Miner, SB'40, and his wife, Mary, recently returned to their home in Westfield, NJ,from Rio de Janiero, Brazil, where Miner servedas a volunteer with the International ExecutiveService Corps.Marjorie Kuh Morray, AB'40, is academic coordinator of a cooperative ESL (English as a Second Language) program between Asia University,Japan, and Oregon State University. She and herhusband have returned to Corvallis, OR, after ayear in France.Franklin College in Franklin, IN, honoredAlva E. McKenney with an honorary doctor of divinity degree.Frances Lloyd Naylor, PhD'40. See 1937,Aubrey W. Naylor.Susan Elliot Preston, AB'40, AM'41, retiredfrom her position as a school psychologist. Shelives in Maalaea, HI.Oscar Sugar, PhD'40, has retired from activeneurosurgical practice and is clinical professor ofneurosurgery at the University of California, SanDiego.£1 W. Austin (Bud) Herschel, AB'41, AM'51, isTt _L moving to Vila do Porto, Santa Maria,Azores, Portugal. Edward M. McKay, SB '41, and his wife,Dorothy, live in Belleville, IL, and have fourgrandchildren.Everett P. Misunas, AM'41, retired, is involved in printing his etchings. He lives in Wauke-gan, IL.George G. Wright, PhD'41, does volunteer research for the Department of Medicine at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville.A O After forty years as a social worker, EleanorTT^- Ogden Christie, PhB'42, of Lynchburg,VA, is a volunteer with various organizations,among them Virginia Baptist Hospital.David L. Fisher, SB'42, serves the scout organization as chair of the Shelter Rock District ofLong Island. He is also chair of the planning commission of Garden City, NY, where he resides.Daniel L. Levy, AB'42, of Los Angeles, traveled to Spain, Portugal, and Morocco thissummer.Sol Z. Rosenbaum, SB'42, received an Outstanding Service Award from the Federation forCommunity Planning. He is retired and lives inCleveland, OH.Harry Schaffner, AB'42, retired, volunteers atthe Lincoln Park Branch of the Chicago PublicLibrary.AO Barbara Reece Anderson, PhB'43, SB'44, ofjlj Moraga, CA, and Rosemary Peacock Tozer,SB'44, enjoyed a reunion with Joan Linden Neff,SB'44, and John (Jack) Neff, AB'47, MBA'48, at theNeffs' home in Nashville, TN.Johnson Clark, SB '43, and Louise HarveyClark, SB'45, divide their time between theirhotel, the Lord Dublin Howard Johnson Hotel inDublin, CA, and their six grandchildren.Robert Foster, SB '43, retired, lives in Scotts-dale, AZ, and travels frequently.The Nebraska Library Association awardedRuth Drexler Lenser, AM'43, with its 1988 Meritorious Service Award. She recently retired aftertwenty-two years as director of the Tilden, NE,public library.John W. Ragle, SB '43, of Meridan, NH, ischairman of the English department of KimballUnion Academy, where he is entering his forty-second year of teaching. Many of his former students have attended the University of Chicago forgraduate studies, and his first former student toenter the College is a freshman this year.Anniebeth Floyd Young, AB'43, and her husband, John, have retired to Coronado, CA.A A John C. Angle, SB'44, of Lincoln, NE, hasJL JL retired as chairman of the board of Guardian Life, New York City.David Beebe, PhB'44, has retired from Warren Wilson College, Swannanoa, MD. He enjoysreading and continues to serve the college as avolunteer.Ruth Schwartz Gruenberg, AB'44, AM '45,visited Nova Scotia last summer. She is a professorin the sociology and anthropology departments atMontgomery College, Rockville, MD.Joan Linden Neff, SB'44. See 1943, BarbaraReece Anderson.Rosemary Peacock Tozer, SB'44. See 1943,Barbara Reece Anderson.Mary Lou Daman Wing, AM'44, of Asheville,NC, has retired after forty years in social work.A C In honor of the eighty-seventh birthday ofjfcC/ James L. Adams, PhD'45, professor emeritus of Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, a symposium and reception were held at the AndoverNewton Theological School, Newton, MA.Louise Harvey Clark, SB'45. See 1943, Johnson Clark.Arpad Elo, Jr., PhB'45, of St. Johnsbury, VT, ispresident of the Vermont Music and Arts Association and plays in local musical groups.After his reunion in June, Ernst R. Jaffe,SB'45, SM'48, MD'48, and his family attended acelebration of the centennial of his father's birthgiven by the class of 1938 at the University of Illi nois School of Medicine. Jaffe lives in Tenafly, NJ.Linda Loseph Levene, AB'45, is a publicschool Montessorian teacher in Miami, FL.James Forest Light, AB'45, AM'47, retiredfrom his position as professor of English at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.F. James Schrag, PhD'45, of Kalamazoo, MI,has retired after thirty years of teachingsociology.Idabel Bowles Waddy, AM'45, is taking hersecond "Great Books" class in Triton College'sSchool of Continuing Education for Adults, RiverGrove, IL.Margaret Rose Warburton, AM'45, is curatorof the Old Spanish Missions Historical ResearchLibrary at Our Lady of the Lake University, SanAntonio, TX.AS John S. Adams, Sr., PhB'46, SB'48, SM'49,TrO PhD'51, is a professor emeritus of geochemistry at Rice University, Houston, TX. He isinvolved in making educational videos.Esther W. Currie, AM'46, lives in Antigo, WI.In October, Joseph Gusfield, PhB'46, AM'49,PhD'54, lectured on the sociology of law at severalJapanese universities under the auspices of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. He isprofessor of sociology at the University of California, San Diego.Norman D. Kull, PhB'46, lives in Colfax, CA.Clarice Schulz Lanterman, PhB'46, lives inSun City, AZ.Sidney J. Levy, PhB'46, AM'48, PhD'55, professor of behavioral science and chairman of themarketing department at Northwestern University's J. L . Kellogg Graduate School of Management,Evanston, IL, received the AMA/Irwin Distinguished Marketing Educator Award.Morrison A. Rudner, SM'46, of Chicago, isretired and learning word processing.ATJ Alfred Clebsch, SB'47, SM'48, retired, ofjl./ Lakewood, CO, volunteers for the U.S.Geological Survey.In August, Albert W. Demmler, Jr., PhB'47,attended the "Alumni College" course on prehistoric life. He and his wife live in New Kensington,PA.Thomas Meade Harwell, AM'47, is in his fifthyear as visiting scholar at the University of Texas atAustin and competes in race-walking marathons.The library and information service of theAmerican Marketing Association, Chicago, hasbeen named the Marguerite Kent Library and Information Service for Marguerite KirtsingerKent, PhB'47. Kent, of St. Petersburg, FL, washonored for her twenty-six years of work for theA.M. A.Harry G. Kroll, SB'47, MD'50, Topeka, KS,has retired after thirty years of practice in orthopedic surgery.James H. Mailey, AM'47, PhD'49, retired,lives in Kingsland, TX.Robert Mills, AM'47, has published articles invarious journals and magazines. He is executivedirector of Temple Shalom, Chicago.John (Jack) Neff, AB'47, MBA'48. See 1943,Barbara Reece Anderson.Raymond S. Rainbow, AM'47, PhD'59, retired from his position as professor of English atSouthern Illinois University at Carbondale.Marvin L. Shapiro, SM'47, PhD'49, is a geologist with Oil & Gas Exploration, Houston, TX.Donald G. Thompson, PhB'47, AM'50. See1985, Virginia Harding Thompson.Elizabeth Very, AB '47, lives in a Quaker retirement community, Friends Homes, in Greensboro,NC.Robert R. Zimmerman, MBA' 47, and his wife,Helen, of Cincinnatti, OH, spent two months inthe Middle East, where he helped an Egyptianconsulting firm develop an executive search capacity. They were on an assignment for the International Executive Service Corps, which providesspecialist experience to companies in developing35countries.AH Guy Black, AM'48, PhD'51, of Winchester,T^O VA, is professor emeritus of business economics of George Washington University, Washington, DC.David Jickling, AB'48, AM'51, PhD'53, ofWashington, DC, conducted a government reorganization study for the Marshall Islands.Jack's Back, a musical comedy from the book byElmer L. Kline, AM'48, of New York City, has beenoptioned for off -Broad way production.Nicholas J. Melas, SB'48, MBA'50, as president of the Metropolitan Sanitary District of greater Chicago recently signed an agreement with theJapan Sewage Works Association.Robert N. Stewart, X'48, was elected for a second term as mayor of Columbus, IN.REUNION 89A Q Herbert Baird, AM'49, PhD'55, of Bel-TT37 lingham, WA, is retired.Alan P. Frederickson, AB'49, is retired and"leading the contemplative life" in Evergreen,COJoyce Dannen Miller, PhB'49, AM'51, of NewYork City, served on the platform committee of theDemocratic Convention. In September, she visited Germany and Iceland, where she met withtrade unionists and feminist leaders.James J. Monge, Jr., AB'49, is a surgeon withthe Duluth Clinic, Duluth, MN. He and his wifehave four children.Peter Selz, AM'49, PhD'54, has retired as professor of art history at the University of California,Berkeley. He is organizing an exhibition of new artfrom the German Democratic Republic, which willopen next fall at the Fogg Museum of HarvardUniversity, Cambridge, MA, and then will go on anational tour.Two bronze figurative sculptures by JohnHenry Waddell, X'49, are on display at the UnitedStates Tennis Center in Flushing Meadow, NY. Hehas another work in progress in his studio in theVerde Valley of Arizona.Maurice I. Young, PhB'49, SB'49, professoremeritus of the engineering college of the University of Delaware, Newark, teaches a course atNASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA.C ri Donald M. Baer, AB'50, PhD'57, is the Roy^J\J A. Roberts Distinguished Professor of Human Development and Psychology at the University of Kansas, Lawrence. The American Psychological Association recently awarded him the DonHake Memorial Award for his outstanding contributions to the application of behavioral science.Ira S. Cohen, AM'50, PhD'55, retired, lives in"the wilds" of Hemet, CA.Raymond C. Ellis, Jr., PhB'50, MBA'53, waselected to the board of directors of the NationalSafety Council and was re-appointed chairman ofthe OSHA committee of the Business ResearchAdvisory Council of the Bureau of Labor Statistics,U.S. Department of State. He is director of riskmanagement and operations for the AmericanHotel and Motel Association and executive vice-president of AH & MA General Agency, Inc. Helives in Washington, DC.William F. Hamilton, AM'50, of Lakewood,OH, is an educational consultant for the MarthaHolden Jennings Foundation, the College Board,the Advanced Placement Program, and the National History Day Contest.Wolf Kahn, PhB'50, of New York City, is a newgrandfather. He recently held exhibitions of hispaintings in several cities and lectured at HarvardUniversity, Cambridge, MA.Robert B. Lange, AM'50, teaches at CasperCollege, Casper, WY.Katherine (Kate) Long, AM'50, of Longview, WA, is active in promoting legislation in the area oflong-term care for the elderly.David Neiman, AM'50, is associate professorof theology at Boston College, lecturer in history atthe Hebrew College of Boston, and rabbi of TempleBeth Zion in Brookline, MA.Kirby J. Smith, AB'50, visited Japan to promote scientific and trade relations between Japanese and American firms. He is president of In-tersciences, Inc., a Philadelphia biomedical firm,and teaches part-time at Temple University, Philadelphia, PA.C ^ George E. Burton, DB'51, earned a master's\»/ -L degree from Northern Illinois University,De Kalb, and began a private practice in counseling in Geneva, IL.Harvey J. Feldman, AB'51, AM'54, retiredfrom the foreign service after a thirty-two year career, including service as ambassador to PapuaNew Guinea and as alternate U.S. representativeto the United Nations. He writes for an Asiannewspaper syndicate and teaches at New YorkUniversity in New York City. His son, AlexanderMichael, was born in August.Robert Hornbeck, SB '51, is a part-time consultant at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Livermore, CA. He has two daughtersand lives in Livermore.Susan Levin Miller, AB'51, is an educationalcomputer consultant for the public schools inGreat Neck, NY.E. Isabel McCrie Webb, AM'51, retired, livesin Hammond, IN.Zoraida E. Weeks, X'51, lives in Albany, NY.C'} Jack D. Beem, AB'52, JD'55, of Chicago,\JjL. was elected president of the Japan-AmericaSociety of Chicago .George A. Gable, AM'52, lives in Weirton,WV.Ralph M. Goren, JD'52, is trustee of OaktonCommunity College, Des Plaines, IL, and SallyFox Goren, SB'53, AM'54, is clinical associate professor at the Jane Addams College of Social Work atthe University of Illinois, Chicago.The B'nai B'rith work-study community service program developed by Daniel Mann, AB'52,received the Schroder Award from the Council ofJewish Federations. Mann lives in Bethesda, MD.CQ Sally Fox Goren, SB'53, AM'54. See 1952,\JO Ralph M. Goren.R. C. Pastor, PhD'53, works at G. M. HughesResearch Laboratories, Malibu, CA.J. Ward Wright, AB'53, JD'56, of Richmond,KY, enjoyed his reunion last June.REUNION 89£7 A Dwight M. Brookens, MBA'54, of Buena\Jjl Vista, CA, writes that he still feels verygrateful for the education he received at the University and the several jobs that made it financiallypossible.CC William G. Black, DB'55, just returned\J\J from the Lambeth conference of Anglicanbishops in London and Canterbury, England.Lawrence E. Freeman, MBA' 55, was electedtreasurer of the Ner Tamid Congregation, Chicago, and was elected to the board of directors ofLight Opera Works, Inc.Paul Kane, PhD'55, of Florence, MA, is a part-time consultant for the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission.Robert A. Moody, AB'55, SB'56, MD'60, ofWaverly, NY, is a clinical professor at the State University of New York, Binghamton, and presidentof the Pennsylvania Neurosurgical Society.Sarah R. Riley, AM'55, lives in Englewood,CO.Gordon F. Samson, PhD'55, professor emeritus of Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH, was a visiting scholar at Brock University, St. Catharine, Ontario, Canada.C /l Maggie Nash Kast, AB'56, AB'58. SeeOO 1934, Edith Rosenf els Nash.Tufts University has named John L. Kim,AB'56, AM'58, Secondary School Teacher of theYear. Kim was nominated for the award by a Tuftssenior, one of his former students at Newark Academy, Livingston, NJ, where he is chairman of thehumanities department.Herschel Rader, AM'56, PhD'74, retired fromthe Chicago Public School System, where he wasprincipal of the James Waldon Johnson School.ET^T Marian Bower, AM'57, of Racine, WI, took\J / an Alaskan cruise.EiichiFukushima,AB'57, SB'57, of Albuquerque, NM, works for Lovelace Medical Foundation,developing non-invasive diagnostic methods inbiomedicine.Jaro Mayda, JD'57, is professor emeritus oflaw and public policy at the University of PuertoRico, Rio Piedras. He recently conducted colloquiaon U.S. environmental law and practice in Canada, East Berlin, Poland, and Czechoslovakia under the auspices of the U.S. Information Agency.He also authored an article in the International Encyclopedia on Environmental Law.CO Robert B. Bloom, SB'58, is executive dir-\JO ector of the Jewish Children's Bureau,Chicago.Alphonse Buccino, SB'58, SM'59, PhD'67, ofAthens, GA, is dean of the University of Georgia'sCollege of Education.In June, Gregg Michel, AB'88, son of StephenL. Michel, SB'58, MD'62, received his bachelor'sdegree with honors in history from the College.Stephen Michel lives in Beverly Hills, CA.Ruth J. Mitchell, AM'58, of Washington, PA,is a retired missionary nurse.Renee Kaplan River, AB'58, of Evanston, IL,conducts estate sales and manages a resale shopfor a human services center. The National Association of Resale and Thrift Shops, which she founded, had its first national convention this year.CQ Kurt G. Strauss, MBA'59, has retired from\Jy Hughes Aircraft Co. and is pursuing hismaster's degree in rehabilitation counseling at theUniversity of Arizona, Tucson.(LC\ Jagdish P. Dave, AM'60, PhD'64, is inDU charge of planning and programming forthe Eighth International Geeta Conference, to beheld in Chicago this summer. He is professor ofpsychology at Governors State University, University Park, IL, and has a private practice in Floss-moor, IL, where he lives with his wife, Vanleea./^*1 Robert M. Battaglin, MBA' 61, is manager ofUi. human resources of the business divisionsof Corning Glass Works, Corning, NY.James A. Bond, PhD'61, retired as associateprofessor of biology and assistant dean of liberalarts and sciences at the University of Illinois atChicago.Samuel Farber, AB'61, is associate professorof political science at the City University of NewYork, Brooklyn College.Neil MacCormick, AM'61, is assistant director of the coastal resources division of the NewYork Department of State, Albany, New York.George J. Papagiannis, AB'61, is director ofthe newly-formed Center for Policy Studies atFlorida State University's College of Education,Tallahassee, FL.Margaret Swidek Strodtz, AM'61, of May-nard, IL, participated in a Soviet- American PeaceCruise on the Mississippi River. Intensive workshops were held for the Soviet and Americanpassengers.James Winton, MBA'61, retired, lives inRoswell, GA./^ O George Ftikas, MBA'62, of Edison, NJ, has\jZm retired as vice-president of corporate development for the J. M. Huber Corp.Richard P. Martin, AB'62, of Manhattan, KS,36 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1989FAMILY ALBUM-'88Laura Bidelman; Norma J. Bidelman; Anna J. Bidelman, AB'88; John D.Bidelman; Tressa Bidelman; and Maria J. Bidelman, AB '87. Theodore Honigfeld; Lisa Sushelsky Honigfeld, AM'82, PhD'88; and StevenHonigfeld, AB'76, MBA'88.Gabriella Pridjian, instructor in the Department of Obstetrics andGynecology; John Vaughn Pridjian, MBA'88; and AraPridjian, PhB'49,MBA' 51. Kathrine Miller Reed, AB'64; Lynn MaxineReed, AB'88; and Wallace E.Reed, AB'59, PhD' 67. (Not shown: Nicholas Liepins, X'63, andKristineMiller Liepins, X'63.)Astrid Kling Wahlstrom; Andrew Kling Hotchkiss; John H. Hotchkiss, Jr. ,AB'84, MD'88; John H. Hotchkiss, Sr., MD'61; and Sandra WahlstromHotchkiss. Fredes Meza; John Echeverri-Gent, AM'76, PhD '87; Simone GabrielaEcheverri-Gent (inarms); Elisavinda Echeverri-Gent, AM'81, PhD'88;Chris Gent.served as a member of the presenting arts panel ofthe Kansas Arts Commission, and as arts facilitiesconsultant to Wichita State University.Daniel Rosenblum, SB'62, MD'66, is actingdirector of the cancer program at Suburban Hospital, Bethesda, MD, and is concentrating on bringing an academic focus in oncology to communityphysicians.Peter Rosier, AB'62, owns Rosier Creative, a Dallas, TX, advertising company specializing intelevision commercials.CJX Eugene F. Fama, MBA' 63, PhD'64, has a\J\J new namesake, his granddaughter, GinaFama Rockenwagner. Fama is the Theodore O. Yn-tema Distinguished Service Professor in the Graduate School of Business.Robert W. Kenny, PhD'63, was named actingdean of George Washington University's Colum bian College, Washington, DC.Philip Lehpamer, SB '63, was named a fellowof the Society of Actuaries. He is a director ofgroup health pricing with Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., New York City.Daniel A. Levine, SB'63, SM'64, was "thrilled" by last June's reunion. He practices neurologyin Los Angeles, and his son is attending a university in France.37FAMILY ALBUM-'88Ann Meerson; Daniel Meerson, AM'61, PhD'67; Rachel A. Meerson,AB '88; Carol Loomer Meerson, AB'75; and Laura Meerson. Shawn A. Golden, AB'88, and Maria R. Golden, AB'84.Ruth MacPete, class of 1989, Lab School; Julia MacPete; John W. MacPete,AB'88; Wsewolod S. MacPete, MBA'73; Terry Gong, AB'88. Claudia Shader; Arlene Treptow Santoro, AM'74; John A. Santoro, MFA'88;August Santoro; Richard Treptow.Jonathan Frank; Joan Harris; Louise Frank; (rear) Gerald Frank; Daniel B.Frank, AM'86, PhD'88; Carol Levine, AM'81; Zev Frank (in arms); JackieLevine, David Levine. Claudia Johnson; Frederick Huber; Freda Huber; David Frederick Huber,AB'88; Matt Huber; Timothy A. Johnson, MBA'83; Annamarie Johnson (inarms); Ranae Johnson.William Ormsbee, AB'63, was named volunteer chairman of the 1989 Uecker's "Ride For theArts" a bicycle riding event to raise money for thePerformance Art group in Milwaukee, WI.Sue Ketola Reamer, SB'63, of Chestnut Hill,MA, enjoyed her twentieth reunion last June.Carolyn Gaines Spector, MAT'63, teachesFrench at Lane Community College's adult education program in Eugene, OR. REUNION 89J UN E 19 8 9fA William A. (Bill) Peterman, AB'64, SM'66,C/TI is director of the Center for Neighborhoodand Community Improvement at the University of Illinois at Chicago. His wife, Jean Paulson Peter-man, AB'64, has returned to graduate school for adegree in sociology with a concentration in women's studies at the University of Illinois atChicago.Z' C John Scott Colley, AM'65, PhD'69, is dean\JsD of faculty at Hampden-Sydney College,Hampden-Sydney, VA.William V. Ormond III, MBA 65, is supervisor38 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1989of the hazards control division of Sandia NationalLaboratories, Livermore, CA.(L£L Andrea J. Borr, AB'66, of Cupertino, CA, isUUa software designer for Software Computers, Inc., and lives atop the highest mountain inthe Santa Cruz range.Robert E.Craig, MBA' 66, is president and general manager of the Hess Collection Winery inNapa, CA.Raymond J. Hengel, MBA'66, is ranked second in his state and fifth in the nation among electronic realty associate salesmen/brokers. He is arealtor with Era Scott Real Estate, Inc., Kailua,HI.Waldemar Schmeichel, DB'66, AM'72,PhD'75, received the Lucasse Award for excellence in teaching. He teaches in the religion department of Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, MI.Charles L. Shano, MBA'66, is president andchief executive officer of Control Dynamics, Inc.,in Phoenix, AZ . He has a grandson, Jason MathewShano./^ry Karen Kondrad Cashen, AB'67, is senior\J / vice-president of account services at Bro-gan Kabot Advertising, Southfield, MI. She recently headed Michigan's AIDS preventioncampaign.Arthur E. Dowell, PhD'67, is chairman andprofessor emeritus of political science of IndianaState University, Terre Haute.Last summer, Lawrence R. Okamura, AM'67,assistant professor of history at the University ofMissouri, Columbia, conducted an archaeologicalexcavation at an Austrian villa.As director of the risk assessment forum of theU.S. Environmental Protection Agency, DorothyPatton, PhD'67, is involved in the science underlying the human health effects of pollutants. Patton,who lives in Washington, DC, enjoys this return toher scientific roots.Paul A. Silver, AB'67, a lawyer in Santa Monica, CA, is a volunteer mediator with the LosAngeles County Bar Association.Debra Ruth Wolin, AB'67, is associated withAltieri, Kushner, Miuccio & Frind, PC, a law firmin New York City./I Q Barbara Johnson Bryant, AM'68, is directorDO of Montgomery House, a community psychological rehabilitation agency in Gaithersburg,MD.Katharine Sillars Gasser, AB'68. See MorrieGasser, 1969.Lonie W. Hamilton, MBA 68, of Hot SpringsValley, AR, retired after thirty-six years withAmoco Corp.Thomas G. Kessinger, AM'68, PhD'72, wasappointed president of Haverford College, Haver-ford, PA.Richard L. Neumeier, AB'68, AM'68, of Lexington, MA, was nominated as president-elect ofthe Federal Bar Association, Boston (MA)chapter.Leonard O'Brian, ThM'68, DMN'74, is visiting assistant professor of philosophy at Ripon College, Ripon, WI.Joyce Moran Simon, AB'68, MBA'75, is a partner at Ernst & Whinney in Chicago.Willard E.White, AM'68, PhD'75, was namedvice-president of development and external affairs at the Field Museum of Natural History,Chicago.REUNION 89/^ Q Morrie Gasser, AB'69, is research director\jy for Digital Equipment Corporation. Hiswife, Katharine Sillars Gasser, AB'68, is a mechanical designer at Lam Lighting, Wakefield,MA, and is working toward her master's degree inengineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. Their daughter, Becky, isa sophomore at Tufts University, Medford, MA,and their son, Daniel, is a high school senior.Juliana Geran Pilon, AB'69, AM'71, PhD'74,is executive director of the National Forum Foundation. Roger Pilon, AM'72, PhD'79, wasawarded a J.D. by the George Washington Schoolof Law, and is a senior fellow in constitutional studies at the Cato Institute. They live in Washington,DC.Gerald C. Rekow, AM'69, of Fort Worth, TX,has a private practice, contracts with a psychiatrichospital, and teaches part-time at a local juniorcollege.Doris Ward Ryan, PhD'69, is vice-president ofthe University of New Brunswick, St. John, NB,Canada. As such, she is chief executive officer forthe Saint John campus of the university.Michael Zisser, AB'69, of Pelham, NY, is executive director of University Settlement House.rjCX Harry P. Greenwald, AB'70, was named/ \J treasurer of Venture Economics, Inc.,Wellesley, MA.Mary Derringer Lawson, AB'70, is an instructor and learning disabilities specialist at Santa Barbara City College, Santa Barbara, CA.Mario Martini, MBA 70, was named vice-president of manufacturing at American SteelFoundries, Chicago.John A. McLees, AB'70, MBA'73, JD'74, is amember of the tax section of the law firm Morgan,Lewis & Bockius, Washington, DC.Edward A. Robinson, MAT'70, professor inthe Department of Curriculum and Instruction atNortheastern Illinois University, Chicago, delivered the University's June 1988 honors convocation address. The National Council of Teachers inEnglish recently appointed him a member of theCommission on Minority Education and MinorityEducators.Marvin Solomon, SB '70, was promoted toprofessor in the computer sciences department atthe University of Wisconsin, Madison, where helives with his wife and their two daughters.Bruno Sulmon, MBA'70, is manager of corporate logistics and planning at Dow Corning Corp.,Midland, MI, and has three children.ry-l Thomas A. Berry, MBA'71, is vice-/ X president and treasurer of the Farm CreditBankofWitchita, KS.Lee Crumbaugh, MBA'71, has opened a management consulting firm specializing in publishing and marketing/communications consulting.He and his wife, Sherry, live in Glen Ellyn, IL, andhave two children.Daniel Dykhuizen, PhD'71, is assistant professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionat the State University of New York, Stony Brook.John Hofbauer, AB'71, has an ophthalmologypractice in Beverly Hills, CA. He writes that hewould like to help organize a poker game duringhis twentieth reunion in 1991.Emilto, SB'71, PhD'79, and her husband, IanMaitland, have a son, Alexander Sumi ItoMaitland. She recently received tenure in the Department of Geology and Geophysics at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.Peter O. Kurz, AB'71, has returned to the U.S.Department of Agriculture's foreign agriculturalservice headquarters in Washington, DC, after sixyears as agricultural attache in Bonn andSingapore.Anders Jarl Nereim, AB'71, and his wife, Mar-dell, have two children, Claire and Vivian. Nereimis guest editor for the January through April issuesof Inland Architect Magazine. Last year he won theYoung Architect Award from the Chicago chapterof the American Institute of Architects. He has aprivate practice in Chicago, and has taught recently at the universities of Illinois, Wisconsin, andPennsylvania.Susanna Ginali Schwab, SB'71, PhD'76, livesin Raleigh, NC, with her husband, Tom, and their two children.Allen H. Shiner, MBA'71, of Skokie, IL, ispresident of Shiner & Associates, Inc., the acoustical engineers for the new Harold WashingtonChicago Public Library Center.70 Jerome B. Brooks, PhD'72, was named act-/ Zm ing university dean for academic affairs atthe City University of New York, New York City.Nancy Harris Caiman, AB'72, a clinical socialworker, was appointed to the board of directors ofthe Epilepsy Foundation of the Washington, DC,area. She and her husband, Jack, have one child.Theodore (Ted) Feinson, AB'72, opened a private pulmonary practice in Chelmsford, MA.Roger Pilon, AM'72, PhD'79. See 1969, Juliana Geran Pilon.Antoinette Santomasso, AM'72, received the1988 Faculty Excellence Award of Branford Intermediate School, where she is a team teacher. Shewas awarded a degree in administration and supervision from Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven. She and her husband, PhilipVentre, live in Wallingford, CT.Stephen Schabel, MD'72, was elected to theSouth Carolina State Board of Medical Examinersand was appointed to the FLEX examination review committee. He is acting chairman of the radiology department at the Medical University ofSouth Carolina, Charleston.Teresa Sullivan, AM'72, PhD'75. See 1973, H.Douglas Laycock.Roy C. Turner III, MBA 72, was elected to theboard of directors of Health Images, Inc., Atlanta,GA. He is vice-president of the corporate financedepartment of Stephens, Inc., Little Rock, AR.P7 O Deborah Pollak Boughton, AB'73, is a can-/ \D didate in training at the Institute for Psychoanalysis, Chicago. She is a psychiatrist in St.Paul, MN, where she lives with her daughter,Melissa.Kathleen Ezolt Carle, AB'73, MBA81, ofHouston, TX, is a marketing manager with theLinde Division of Union Carbide Corp.Cornelius (Con) Chapman, AB'73, is a partnerwith McDermott, Will & Emery, a Boston law firm.He and his wife, Laura, live in Boston.Donald C. Dahmann, AM'73, PhD'76, of Alexandria, VA, founded the American ChestnutLand Trust, a nature preserve on the shore of theChesapeake Bay. The first public land trust inMaryland, it preserves several plant speciesunique within the state and Maryland's largestAmerican chestnut tree.H. Douglas Laycock, JD'73, is the first holderof the Alice McKean Young Regents Chair in Lawat the University of Texas, Austin. His wife, TeresaSullivan, AM'72, PhD'75, is professor of sociology and law at the University of Texas. Their son,Joe Pete, eight, now has a brother, John.James T. Passage, MBA'73, of New Hartford,NY, is a vice-president at Stetson-Harza, architects, engineers, and plannners.Stephen H. Snyder, AM'73, PhD'75, is professor and chair of the Department of ReligiousStudies and director of general education curriculum at Linfield College, McMinnville, OR.7 A Jack F. Fuchs, AB'74, is an attorney with/ j£ Paxton & Seasongood, Cincinnati, OH,and is director of the Blue Chip Savings Organization. He and his wife, Jill, have two children.Barbara S. Glatt, MST'74, PhD'87, of Sacramento, CA, owns Glatt Plagiarism Services, an educational software corporation. She has developed the first objective test for detectingplagiarism and a computer-assisted learning program on what constitutes plagiarism and how toavoid it.Leonard Greetis, MBA'74, is vice-president ofLaSalle National Services, Northbrook, IL.Jonathan O. Harris, AB'74, is senior staff fellow in neuroimmunology at the National Institutes of Health^ Bethesda, MD.Marilee A. Melvin, AM'74, is vice-president39for alumni relations and executive director of thealumni association of Wheaton College, Wheaton,IL.Nancy L. Segal, AM'74, PhD'82, is assistantdirector of the Minnesota Center for Twin andAdoption Research at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.Roger L. White, MD'74, is chief of the divisionof internal medicine and chief of the Departmentof Cardiology at the Straub Clinic, Honolulu, HI.S. Enders Wimbush, AM'74, of Munich, WestGermany, was appointed director of Radio Libertyby the Board for International Broadcasting.7C Michael C. Krauss, AB'75, MBA'76, is di-/ C? rector of marketing for the managementconsulting division of Arthur Andersen & Co.,Chicago. He and his wife, Carol Sulkes, have twosons, Matthew and Jonathan.Richard B. Kurzel, MD'75, was appointed toserve on the infant mortality advisory board forthe Illinois Department of Public Health. He is assistant professor in the obstetrics/gynecology department and acting director of the division ofmaternal-fetal medicine at St. Louis University'sSchool of Medicine, MO.Martin S. McDermut, MBA 75, general practice partner in the Los Angeles office of Coopers &Lybrand, is being transferred for two years to thefirm's New York office.Warren S. Nagumo, AB'75, MBA 77, is ownerof Epistat, an international business developmentand consulting firm with offices in Texas, Oregon,and Japan.Nora Keenan Parizek, AB'75, MBA'77, is anagent for the New York Life Co. She and her husband, Patrick, have two sons and live in Omaha,NE.Arne Selbyg, PhD'75, is dean of AugustanaCollege, Rock Island, IL.Charles A. Wittnam, AB'75, MD'79, is chief ofstaff of Billings Deaconess Medical Center, Billings, MT, and clinical assistant professor of medicine at the University of Washington School ofMedicine. He and his wife, Pat, have two childrenand live in Billings, MT.7^1 Mary Amstutz, AM '76, is librarian in chil-/ O dren's services for the Indiana PublicLibrary, South Bend.Thomas M. Fitzpatrick, JD'76, a lawyer withthe Seattle firm Karr, Tuttle and Campbell, wasappointed a member of the American Bar Association standing committee on professionaldiscipline.John M. Hammitt, MBA'76, was elected vice-president of information services at United Technologies Corp., Hartford, CT.Brian L. Harmon, AM'76, is pastor of AilSaints Eastern Orthodox Church in Bloomington,IN. He and his wife, Bonnie, have three children-Christopher, Nicholas, and Anthony.Collage, a series of one-act plays written byJeffery W. Helgeson, AM'76, is being presentedby Trilogy Productions at the Victory Gardens Studio Theatre, Chicago. Helgeson is the author ofseveral plays and is director of the Writing Laboratory at Roosevelt University, Chicago.Robert W. Hughes, MBA'76, was appointed tothe editorial boards of The Journal of Services Marketing, The Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing,and The Journal of Consumer Marketing. He lives inHouston, TX.Michael A. James, MBA'76, was promoted todivisional vice-president at Abbott Laboratories,Abbott Park, IL.Patrick Shrout, PhD'76, is involved in the UCAlumni Against Apartheid organization and livesin Montclair, NJ.Patricia A. Smith, AB'76, AM '79, is a seniorassociate and director of computer services atSasaki Associates, Inc., Watertown, MA.Timothy S. Sullivan, AB'76, is serving a jointpostdoctoral appointment with the condensedmatter and thermal physics group and the Center for Nonlinear Science at Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM.Bonnie Urciuoli, AM'76, PhD'83, is visitingassistant professor of linguistics at Hamilton College in Clinton, NY.77 Kennetrl Acks, AB'77, received his M.B. A./ / from New York University, New York City.C. Noel Bairey, AB'77, joined the academiccardiology staff at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center inLos Angeles. She and her husband have a daughter, Alexa Elizabeth.Mark Biggs, AB'77, AM'85, was selected to bein the Marquis Who's Who in Entertainment, first edition. He is an instructor at Southwest MissouriState University, Springfield.Tyrone G. Byrd, MBA'77, is vice-president andunit head at Citicorp U.S.A., Inc., Houston, TX.He lives with his wife, Vicki, and daughter, Tamra,in Dallas, TX.James R. Cooley, AB'77, of Kansas City, MO,is manager of distribution data at North SupplyCo., a subsidiary of United Telecom.Rosemary Carpenter Crowley, AM '77, is executive director of Meridian Hospice, Chicago. Herhusband is Morton Arnsdorf, section chief of cardiology at the University of Chicago MedicalCenter.Arnold C. Hahn, MBA'77, is a partner at Ernst& Whinney in Chicago.Karl J. Korsmo, MBA'77, is a partner in the telecommunications group of Ernst & Whinney,Washington, DC. He and his wife, Ann, live inArlington, VA.Andrew Krakauer, MBA'77, is a general manager at Ohmeda, a division of the BOC Group.Krakauer and his wife, Sherry, live with their son,Steven, in Columbia, MD.Samuel A. Phelps III, AM'77, of Chicago, isco-founder of Syrectics, Inc., a computer softwareconsulting firm.Mark A. Vander Ploeg, MBA'77, is senior vice-president of investment banking at ShearsonLehman Hutton, Inc., San Francisco. He and hiswife, Jeanne, have three children.Eugenia Stillman Scharf , PhD '77, is a lecturerin human development and psychology at MountVernon College, Washington, DC, and a free-lanceresearcher for Time-Life Books. She lives inMcLean, VA.Anncelyne D. Whitaker, AM'77, received herPh . D. in education from the University of Wisconsin, Madison.7Q Michael W. Dybel, MBA78, was invited by/ O the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences to tourbiotechnology research institutes in the SovietUnion. He is president of Strategic TechnologiesInternational, Inc., Liberty ville, IL.Joel Barry Fisher, AB'78, is a neonatologist atAlbert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA,where he lives with his wife, Linda.Mark W. Francillon, AB'78, AM'79, a Ph.D.candidate in anthropology at the University ofChicago, was named instructor in sociology andanthropology at Carleton College, Northfield,MN.Lorraine Gutierrez, AM' 78, is a Ph.D. candidate in social work and psychology at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. She and her husband, Bob Peyser, have a daughter, Athena PeyserGutierrez.Harry E. Hough, MBA' 78, has moved hisoffices to Port Richy, FL. He is president of theAmerican Purchasing Society and manages theAffiliated Profession Societies, an associationmanagement firm.Jonathan D. Lauer, AM'78, was appointeddirector of the Willard J. Houghton Library ofHoughton College, Houghton, NY.Joseph R. McKee, MBA'78, is director of marketing for the Air Dry Corp., Moor Park, CA.Glenn Pape, AB'78, MBA'81, is vice-presidentof the seminars area of Ayco Corp. , Albany, NY. Heand his wife, Nancy, have two daughters and live in Delmar, NY.Deborah Skopek Schumacher, AM'78, ispartner in the Reno, NV, law firm McDonald,Carano, Wilson, Bergin, Frankovich & Hicks.Harold Yang, PhD'78, MD'80, is assistant professor of surgery at the Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, the Milton S. HersheyCenter, Hershey, PA.REUNION 897Q Thomas Bradley, AB'79, graduated with/ y highest distinction from the John MarshallLaw School, Chicago. He is an associate with theChicago firm Schiff, Hardin & Waite.James B. Burke, AM'79, is director of CatholicRelief Services/International Affairs for the Archdiocese of Chicago.Students at St. Stephen's Episcopal School inAustin, TX, voted their first teaching excellenceaward to Mason W. Cox, AB'79, MAT'81, whoteaches history at the school. The award, whichconsists of a $1,000 prize, was established by theschool's parents association.Michael Donnella, JD'79, of Maplewood, NJ,ran in the layman's group and just missed makingthe Olympic team at the 1988 Olympic Marathontrials.David B. Harrison, AB'79, MD'83, of CoralSprings, FL, has a private practice in pediatrics.He and his wife, Gigi, have a daughter,Cassandra.Carol E. Hendrickson, AM'79, AM'83,PhD'86, former dean of students and development director of the Committee on Public PolicyStudies at the University of Chicago, is assistantprofessor of sociology and anthropology at Carle-ton College, Northfield, MN.Marlene G. Katz, PhD'79, received tenure inthe chemistry department of Huntingdon College, Montgomery, AL.Hidekazu Kitajima, MBA'79, is special assistant to the president at Matsui ManufacturersBank, Ltd., Los Angeles.Gregory N. River, AB'79, of San Francisco,CA, is senior consultant of SEI Corp.Lisa Fein Siegel, AB'79, of Swampscott, MA,is assistant district attorney of Middlesex County,Massachusetts. She and her husband, DavidSiegel, have a son, Samuel Philip.Charles E. Woods, AB'79, MBA 80, is an attorney with Sheinfeld, Maley & Kay in Dallas, TX. Heand his wife, Gail, have three children.QC\ John R. Alison, AM'80, is a fifth year asso-Ovy ciate at Howrey & Simon, Washington,DC.Andrea G. Bonnette, MBA'80, is director of finance and administration of the Sierra Club, SanFrancisco, CA.Michael Cleary, MBA'80, is a vice-president inthe Tokyo office of Bain & Company, Inc., a management consulting firm based in Boston, MA.Linden E. Higgins, AB'80, SM'82, completedher Ph.D. at the University of Texas, and has apostdoctoral position with the Organization ofAmerican States at the Universidad NacionalAutonoma de Mexico.In May, Michael J. Kuby, AB'80, and LaurenHackett Kuby, AB'80, had a daughter, Nora Cecilia. They reside in Tempe, AZ, where Mike is assistant professor of geography at Arizona StateUniversity and Lauren is the general manager ofGlacier Games Co.Barry G. Rabe, AM'80, PhD'85, received theWilliam Anderson Award for the best doctoral dissertation completed in state and local politics andintergovernmental relations from the AmericanPolitical Science Association. He is assistant professor of health politics in the School of PublicHealth at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.40 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1989FAMILY ALBUM-'88Joseph Meyer; Marilu Bartholomew Meyer, AM '63; Jean F. Meyer, MBA'88;J. Theodore Meyer; Elsie Bartholomew; and Earl Bartholomew. Sharon Zachary; Wendy Zachary; John D. Zachary, MD'67; Alaine MarieZachary, AB '88; A. Dolores Piotrowicz Zachary; and Alma Piotrowicz.MaryL. Meltzer; Cathy Meltzer Niden, AB'81, MBA'84, PhD'88; andHoward L. Niden, AB'80, MBA'84. Howard Niden was born at the Universityof Chicago Hospitals and Clinics in 1957. Ruth HorlickNeukom, AB'36; her granddaughter, Linnea Griffith Bohn,AB'88; Davidson R. Neukom, MBA'68; and Lois Horlick McBride, SB'40.(The late John G. Neukom, PhB'34, was a life trustee of the University.)Mitchell Revsine; Norman Revsine; Joan Burdick Revsine, AM'60; Paul D.Revsine, AB'88; Bernard W. Revsine; and Mrs. Maurice S. Burdick. (The lateMauriceS. Burdick was SB '31. Not shown: Morton L. Burdick, SB'62.) Deborah Greenberg; Judith Greenberg, AB'47; Anita Greenberg; RebeccaGreenberg, AB'88; Nathaniel Greenberg; Sharon Greenberg; and RachaelGreenberg.Jack D. Rush, JD'80, has a family practice inClayton, New York, in the Thousand Islands area.Miles David Samson, AB'80, of Cambridge,MA, completed his Ph.D. requirements in Harvard University's American civilization department. He is lecturer in history and literature atHarvard and works for the Cambridge HistoricalSociety.J. Eric Sandhusen, AB'80, of Chicago, is Mid west regional field director for the World Federalist Association.Sally Satel, SM'80, is assistant professor ofpsychiatry at Yale University's School of Medicine,New Haven, CT.Q'l James Mike Craven, AB'81. See 1982, PeriOl Gruber.David Creagan, AM'81, is special assistant toU. S. Secretary of State George Shultz . He and his wife, Janet Haight, have two daughters and live inVienna, VA.Farley Grubb, AM'81, PhD'84, is associateprofessor with tenure in the economics department of the University of Delaware, Newark.David J. Hartmann, AM'81, AM'84, PhD'87,is director of the Center for Social Research atSouthwest Missouri State University,Springfield.41FAMILY ALBUM- '88Nancy Loube, AB'88, Lynne Kaplan Loube. (Not shown: Daniel Loube, AB'81.) Susan Roth Ireland, AB'63; Peter Ireland, AB'88; William Ireland, AB'63.KentE. Karohl, AB'58, JD'58; Sharon Karohl, AB'88; andRuth Karohl. Jonathan D. Wasserman, JD'88, andNorton Wasserman, AB'56.Sara Prince Anastaplo, AM'49; Rebecca Scharbach, student in Lab School; Joan Mandel; Richard Mandel, JD'50; Ruth Mandel, PhD'88; LoisTheodora McShan Anastaplo, AM'88; George Anastaplo, AB'48, JD'51, Silvertrust Mandel, PhB'45, AM'48; Janice Goldman Cohn, AM'48; (rear)PhD'64; Peter Scharbach, student in Lab School; Helen Anastaplo Scharbach, M. Borowitz, AM'88; G. Gaymont. (Not shown: Phyllis Silvertrust Sandock,JD'75; John Scharbach (in arms); Lucinda Scharbach, student in Lab School. AB'39; A. F. Kohrman, AB'55, SB'55; Mollie Sandock, AM'76, AM'79.(Not shown: Sara Maria Anastaplo, MD' 87). PhD'85; Martha Fourt, AB'77; Christina Martinez, AB'79; J. A. Brokawll,PhD'86. ThelateR. ZivwasPhB'23; thelateL. Fourt was AM'50, PhD'59.)Barbara E. Lovitts, AB'81, lives in Washing- anniversary. Michael has finished his internal Anthony F. Wolf, MBA'81, is executive vice-ton, DC. medicine residency and works in a clinic in Madi- president of Pollux Corp., in Jessup, MD.The Center for the Study of Foreign Affairs, a son, WI, where Laurel is finishing her residency. Barbara M. Yarnold, AB'81, received a Ph.D.part of the U.S. Department of State, published William Stamets, AM'81, made a documen- in public policy analysis from the University of Illi-the proceedings of a conference, organized by tary film on the 1988 presidential campaign. He nois at Chicago and is assistant professor of politi-Linda L. Lum, AM'81, called "Developments in teaches filmmaking at the University of Colorado, cal science at Saginaw Valley State University,China." Denver. University Center, MI.In October, Michael J. Owens, AB'81, and Nancy Thompson Twillman, AB'82, MST'83. QO Gregory A. Bedell, AB'82, has joined theLaurel A. Kirkhart celebrated their first wedding See 1983, Robert Twillman. OjL. Chicago law firm Levin & Funkhouser, Ltd.42 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1989Kenneth Bird, AB'82, of Indianapolis, IN,married Kimmerly Anne Klee in August.John J. Brunelli, AM'82, is married to MarnellBukovac. Brunelli is a third-year associate at Ca-hill, Gordon & Reindel, New York City.Jeffrey Foreman, AB'82, is practicing law inMiami, FL, with the firm McDermott, Will &Emery. His wife, Yvonne Grassie, AB'82, practices law in Miami with the firm Paul, Landy,Beiley & Harper.Phyllis Gould, AM'82, is a psychotherapist inprivate practice in Chicago, affiliated with theField Medical Group. She and her husband, Robert, live in Chicago.Peri Gruber, AB'82, and James Mike Craven,AB'81, were married in August. Craven is a navyphysician assigned to the naval hospital in Patux-ent River, MD, and Gruber writes computer software manuals for Bendix Field Engineering Corp.They live in California, MD.Mark E. Hunt, SB'82, was named a fellow ofthe Society of Actuaries. Hunt is a product management officer with Connecticut Mutual LifeInsurance Co., Hartford, CT.Hilla White Morris, AB'82, of Rochester, MN,is on a leave-of-absence from her career as a marketing research executive to take care of herdaughter, Alison.James A. O'Neill, MD'82, completed a spinesurgery fellowship at New York University. He isin private practice in orthopedic and spine surgeryin Lima, OH . He and his wife, Christine, have twinsons and live in Lima.Henry N. Thoman, JD'82, is senior attorneywith John Morrell & Hollister, Cincinnati, OH.Nancy Thomas Twillman, AB'82, MST'83.See 1983, Robert Twillman.QO In August, Joan Cecich, AB'83, of Camp-OvD bell, CA, and her husband, Roman Davis,had a daughter, Tonia Nicole.Margaret Dillon Cooper, MBA'83. See 1984,Brian S. Cooper.In June, N. Gwyn Cready, AB'83, MBA'86,and her husband, Lester L. Pyle, had a son, Wyatt.They live in Pittsburgh, PA.James Fowler, AB'83, SM'84, is site managerof Apache Point Observatory in southwesternNew Mexico.Bruce R. Kingma, AB'83, was appointed assistant professor of economics at Texas A & MUniversity, College Station, TX.Jason M. Patt, AB'83, was promoted to dataanalysis coordinator for the Center for EffectiveOrganizations at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles.Denise Swanson-Ma, AB'83, MBA'86, andDavid I. Ma, PhD'84, MD'86, live in Brookline,MA . Denise is product manager at BayBanks, Inc . ,Waltham, MA. David has completed his pediatricsresidency and is continuing his research fellowship and clinical fellowship in neurology in theDepartment of Genetics at Harvard University'sMedical School.Robert Twillman, AB'83, and Nancy Thompson Twillman, AB'82, MST'83, live in Santa Monica, CA. Nancy is an elementary school teacher andcurriculum specialist. Bob is finishing his Ph.D. inclinical psychology at the University of California,Los Angeles.M. Jeanne Wirpsa, AM'83, a Ph.D. candidatein ethics and society "at the University of Chicago,was named instructor in religion at Carleton College, Northfield, MN.REUNION 8919.8 9QA Joan Loren Axelroth, AM'84, is co-founderO jl of Law Office Consulting Group, Inc., aWashington, DC, based firm specializing in administration and management. II Young Byun, AB'84, received a Fulbrightgrant to research legal culture and finance in Koreafor the 1988-89 academic year. He is an associatewith the law firm Seward & Kissel, New York City.Diane Ledet Child, AM'84. See 1985, David R.Child.Brian S. Cooper, MBA'84, and Margaret Dillon Cooper, MBA'83, live in Houston, TX. Brian isan economics analyst for Amoco Production Co.,in the Europe, Latin America, and Far East regionand Margaret is an internal consultant for theAmerican General Corp.In July, J. R. Dempsey, AB'84, and Barbara A.Belisle, AB'84, celebrated their seventh weddinganniversary. J. R. is administrative assistant for fiscal affairs with the University of Chicago's newGraduate School of Public Policy Studies andBarbara is a secretary in the University's economics department.Jonquil D'Souza Feldman, AM'84, is an assistant professor and works as a reference librarianat the University of Virginia, Charlottesville. Sheand her husband live in the foothills of the BlueRidge Mountains.In May, Richard English, AB'84, AM'84, andFarial Sikander English, AB'84, MBA'86, had ason, James English. They live in Lisle, IL.Keith A. Kostuch, AB'84, graduated fromHarvard Business School with high distinctionand has joined the Chicago office of the BostonConsulting Group. He and Erna Bongers, of theUniversity of Chicago's Law School class of 1989,were married in June.Linda E. Lewis, MBA'84, of New York City,joined Elf Technologies, a part of Elf Aquitaine, aFrench oil company. Her areas of interest arebiotechnology and medical technology.David I. Ma, PhD'84, MD'86. See 1983,Denise Swanson-Ma.In September, Christian Paul Roth, AB'84,married Donna Vought. Roth heads the loan departments of two banks in Kansas City, KS.Q JZ David R.Child, JD'85, is an associate of the0\J firm Holme, Roberts & Owen in Denver,CO. He and his wife, Diane Ledet Child, AM'84,have a son, Daniel.William Coplin, AB'85, of Houston, TX, is inhis last year of medical school and plans to specialize in neurology.Michele Lee Gottlieb, AB'85, is a Ph.D. candidate in plant genetics at the University of California, Riverside.Unsong Marcus Pang, AB'85, is a student atNorthwestern University Medical School, Chicago. He plans to specialize in obstetrics/gynecology.Susan Pawloski, AB'85, was appointed visiting lecturer in American literature at the University of Kyoto, Japan . She is a Ph . D. candidate at Princeton University, Princeton, NJ.In August, Virginia Harding Thompson,AB'85, of Wilmette, IL, married David M. Thompson, son of Donald G. Thompson, PhB'47,AM'50.Q/l Thomas Fielding Ashburn, AB'86, re-OD ceived his master's degree in urban and regional planning from the University of Wisconsin,Madison. He is a planner for the city of Phoenix,AZ.Jeanne Buiter, MBA'86, former teacher at theUniversity of Chicago Laboratory Schools, is national program director of the University's Officeof Alumni Relations.Christina Glab, AB'86, of Salem, OR, is an administrative assistant in the anthropology department at Oregon State University. She is workingon her M.B. A. and also raises sheep.James Christian Jensen, MD'86, is on leavefrom the University of California, Los Angeles, toserve as medical staff fellow in the surgery branchof the National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD.Francis D. McGovern, AB'86, is developing athoroughbred horse farm in Minnesota. Adena B. Schutzberg, AB'86, of Cambridge,MA, received her master's degree in geographyfrom Pennsylvania State University.Jeffrey A. Sirota, MBA'86, was elected vice-president of the treasury division of the AmericanNational Bank and Trust Company of Chicago.Q 7 David K. Callahan, AB'87, is a law studentO / at the University of Michigan .Franco B. Castro, MBA'87, was appointed vice-president of Amone Securities Capital Corp., aFlorida-based investment bank.In September, Douglas A. Cipriano, AB'87, ofForest Park, IL, married Heidi Marie Cuesta.William C. Gustin, PhD'87, is associate professor of education at Baptist College at Charleston, Charleston, SC.Thomas J. Harrington, MBA'87, of Boulder,CO, opened TJH Financial Services in May, 1987.In October, Mary C. Jurkash, AB'87, and Daniel Berick, JD'87, were married in the University's Bond Chapel. Jurkash works in the administration department of Milbank, Tweed, Hadley &McCloy, New York City.Myra Elisabeth LaVenue, AB'87, of Leverett,MA, is working on her master's degree inkinesiology/biomechanics at the University ofMassachusetts, Amherst, and is a teaching assistant there.Stephen F. Keeney, AB'87, AM'88, is employed in the international management division ofHonda Motor Co., Ltd, in Tokyo, Japan.Angus McNeely, MBA'87, and his wife, Kathy,spent seven months on a round-the-world trip.McNeely, of Arvada, CO, works in the consultingdivision of Arthur Andersen & Co.Lawrence Picus, AM'87, of Reseda, CA,earned a Ph.D. in public policy analysis from theRand Graduate Institute of Policy Studies, SantaMonica, CA. He is assistant professor in the Department of Policy Planning and Administrationat the University of Southern California's Schoolof Education.Anthony N. Pritzker, MBA'87, was appointedgeneral manager of the Cerro armored productsdivision of the Rockbestos Company, New Haven,CT.James H. Sadowski, MBA'87, was named vice-president of asset management at Line FinancialServices, Inc., Chicago.Matthew P. Schaefer, AB'87, attends the University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor.James E. Thompson, AB'87, of Seattle, WA, isa building contractor specializing in restorations.He is also west coast contributing editor for Nocturne, a horror magazine.QQ Laura Pincus Berens, JD'88, works at theOO law firm Holleb & Coff, Chicago.James L. Cambias, AB'88, is promotion assistant at Pelican Publishing Co., Gretna, LA.Anita Tayin Chen, AB'88, attends the University of Minnesota Medical School.Malachi J. Flanagan, Jr., MBA'88, is an associate at Drexel Burnham Lambert, Inc., New YorkCity.Catharine (Katie) Hill, AB'88, spent part oflast summer in Italy. She works in the televisionindustry.In August, Alan J. Harris, JD'88, was marriedto Ilise Joy Heitzner. They live in New York City.Gregg Michel, AB'88. See 1958, Stephen L.Michel.Katherine Millett, JD'88, and her husband,Michael Nevin, had a son, Daniel AppletonNevin, whom she notes was born on his due date,two days before graduation last June. She beganwork in October as an associate for the law firm ofHopkins and Sutter, Chicago, IL.Julie Pekarek, AB'88, is associate consultantin the management services division of BaxterHealthcare Corp. She shares an apartment in Chicago with classmates Elizabeth Michaels, AB'88,and Sari Ratner, AB'88. Ratner is assistant account executive for DDB Needham Worldwide.43DEATHSFACULTYWright Adams, professor emeritus of the Department of Medicine, died September 4, at theage of eighty-five.Roald F. Campbell, the William Claude ReavisProfessor Emeritus of the Department of Education, died September 17. He was eighty-two yearsold . He was chairman of education and dean of theGraduate School of Education from 1964 to 1970,and the author of several books, including, TheOrganization and Control of American Schools.Raul E. Falicov, former associate professor inthe University's Pritzker School of Medicine, diedSeptember 14, at the age of fifty-one. An internationally known cardiologist, he practiced medicine in San Diego, CA, until his death.Morris Janowitz, PhD '48, the Lawrence A.Kimpton Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus of the Department of Sociology, died November 7 at the age of sixty-nine. Janowitz 's researchfocused on military, patriotism and urban issues.In his most recent book, The Reconstruction of Patriotism: Education for a Civic Consciousness, published in1985 by the University of Chicago Press, he urgedAmericans to become more aware of their obligations as citizens. He began teaching at Chicago in1947, then moved to the University of Michiganfrom 1951 to 1962. In 1962 he returned to the University and was appointed professor of sociology.He was chairman of the Department of Sociologyfrom 1967-1972. Janowitz 's books include the classic work, The Professional Soldier, (1960) which introduced a new avenue of research on the military'srelationship with society. For his book, The LastHalf Century: Societal Change and Politics in America(1978), he was awarded the Laing Prize by the University of Chicago Press. Internationally knownfor his teaching and writings, in 1985 he receivedthe Distinguished Scholarship Award from theAmerican Sociological Association. He alsoserved in various capacities for the U.S. Departments of Defense and Justice.F. Regis Kenna, MBA'66, died at his home inTampa, FL, on September 4, after a battle withcancer. He was fifty-six years old. A hospital pharmacist and administrator, he was director of theUniversity's Medical Center and assistant professor of hospital administration at the GraduateSchool of Business from 1969 to 1977.Edward A. Maser, AM'48, PhD'57, professorin the Departments of Art and Germanic Languages and Literatures and the College, died of astroke on October 7, at the age of sixty-four. Hejoined the University's faculty in 1961, and waschairman of the art department until 1964. He wasalso the founding director of the David and AlfredSmart Gallery and remained in that position until1983. A leading expert on central European art ofthe seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, in 1975he was awarded the prestigious Ehrenkreuz fur Wis-senschaft und Kunst, Erste Klasse by the Austriangovernment.Gerald Mast, AB'61, AM'62, PhD'67, professor and chairman of the Department of English,died September 1, from acquired immune deficiency syndrome. An internationally known filmhistorian, he joined the University's faculty in1978 and established the Film Archive and StudyCenter. Mast combined the traditional elements ofthe Chicago (formalist) School of Literary Criticism with an extensive knowledge of film techniques to develop a new method of film analyza-tion, which helped to establish film history as aserious academic discipline. He was the author ofseveral definitive textbooks on film theory, andmost recently wrote Can't Help Singin': The American Musical on Stage and Screen.Helen M. Robinson, the William S. Gray Research Professor Emeritus of the Department ofEducation, died June 29, at the age of eighty-two.TRUSTEESJ. Howard Wood, former chairman of the Tribune Company and Life Trustee of the University,died October 30. He was eighty-seven years old.Wood joined the Chicago Tribune in 1925 as a reporter, became president and chief executive officer in 1960, and chairman in 1966. He became atrustee of the University in 1962.THE CLASSES1900-1910Harriet Wilkes Merriam, PhB'08, September.1910-1919Helene Edwards Gates, X'13, April.Morris S. Kaplan, SB '13, November 1987.Rupert N. Richardson, PhB'14, April.William E. Davis, PhB'15, JD'17, July.Margaret Fenton Headland, PhB'15, November.Dorothy Higgs Hoover, PhB'16, October.Olga De Vries Roberts, PhB'17, December 1987.Margaret C. Pearce Rummel, X'17, May.Gertrude Makowsky Cohen, PhB'19, April.Lee S. Ettelson, PhB'19, July.Gladys Fawley, PhB'19, SM'30, February 1988.Walter Adolph Spiess, PhB'19, MBA'74, February1988.Waltman Walters, MD'19, August.1920-1929Harold Debaun, PhB'21, August 1984.Ramona Hayes Healy, PhB'21, AM'32, July.Earl E. Madden, SB'21, MD'23, February 1987.Winfield N. Moulds, PhB'21, November 1987.Walter Cade Reckless, PhB'21, PhD'25,September.Elizabeth McCowan Debaun, PhB'22.William B. Lynch, PhB'22, August 1987.Marie Niergarth Zander, PhB'22, September.Jeanne Farley Core, X'23, January 1988.Charles M. Crothers, X'23, September.Irving R. Senn, PhB'23, JD'25, November.Wilberna Ayres Wigels worth, PhB'23, October.Helen Coyle Bartz, SB'24, MD'28, March.Howard C. Hotchkiss, X'24, August.Edna R. Main, SM'24, PhD'36, August.Carmel Hayes Purdum, PhB'24, February 1988.Adam D. Beittel, DB'25, PhD'29, July.Louise D'Andrea Butler, PhB'25, November1986.Elizabeth Stewart Corbett, PhB'26, November.Nathan W. Levin, PhB'26, October.Mary Arden Young, AM'26, September.Frederic Bamforth, PhD'27, June.William A. Cornell, AM'27, July.Harold Eugene Davis, AM'27, September.Fred H. Decker, MD'27, April 1987.Dorothy A. Hahn, PhB'27, December 1987.Ruth G. Hendricks, SM'27, August.Emma Ullman Levy, PhB'28, October 1987.Albert J. Meserow, PhB'28, JD'30, September.Lucien R. Pyle, MD'28, May.Anne C. Robertson, PhB'28, JD'33, October.Charles T. Sabel, JD'28, September.Emor Howe Abbott, X'29, June.William G. Burns, PhB'29, JD'31, October.Lois Jean Sinclair Doggett, PhB'29, August.Harold F. Grim, SM'29, July. Herman R. Margolis, PhB'29, AM'42, September.Philip M. Petursson, PhB'29, May.Alfred Schmidt, PhB'29, September 1987.1930-1939Marquis T. Alderman, PhB'30, March.Evangeline Rasmuson Atwood, AM'30,November 1987.Dorothy Sippel Berbach, PhB'30, AM'32, April.Irene Martin Dalton, PhB'30, November.George R. Kernodle, AM'30.David A. Revzan, PhB'30, MBA35, PhD '43, July.Elsie Gasperik Krueger, PhB'31, AM'42.Mary Lewis, SM'31, January 1988.Dorothy Swiney MacKenzie, PhB'31, September.DeeMaier, AM'31, April.Luis Alvarez, SB'32, SM'34, PhD'36, September.Clyde Phelps, PhB'32, September.Noble H. Benjamin, AM'33, December.RuthB. Bodenham, SM'33, January 1988.Charles D. Borst, X'33, October.Paul V. Brower, PhD'33, December 1987.Charles O. Evanson, MD'33, October.William E. Heaton, SB'33, MBA'35, August.Portia Baker Kernodle, PhD'33, June.Kendrick A. Smith, SB'33, SM'36, MD'37,March.Evelyn Rittenhouse Baird, AB'34, March.Olive B. Coons, SB '34, May.Gilbert K. Robinson, PhD'34, January 1987.Clifford H. Sweat, AM'34, May.Eleonore Kuhlow Weber, AB'34, August.Alfred E. Haefner, PhD'35, August.Charles T. Miller, PhB'35, PhD'47, December1987.Eugene D. Napier, PhB'35, AM'47.Sara Gwin Ramsey, AB'35, July.Edgar C. Cumings, PhD'36, April.Myron W. Curzon, MBA'36, August.Martin J. Hanley, SB'36, AM'41, August.Pauline Sommer Smith, AB'36, AM'37.Walter J. Brooking, MAT'37, April.Richard B. Cochran, AB'37, March.Richard D. Englehart, AB'37, September 1987.AldenR. Loosli, SB'37, August.Durey H. Peterson, PhD'37, August.N. Allen Riley, SB'37, PhD'47, August.John A. Vieg, PhD'37, February.Charlotte Gertrude Babcock, MD'38, May.Charles F. Burns, AB'38, September.John G. Kunstmann, PhD'38, October.Suzanne Marc Libit, SB'38, October.Robert E. Miller, AB'38, MBA'40, May.Anne Rauscher Scholz, AM'38, September.Frank E. Brown, AM '39, February 1988.James W. Errant, PhD'39, November 1987.1940-1949Milton Bollinger, AB'40, January 1988.Annida Slavens Lowes, AM'40, October.Lois M. Gartner, AB'41, AM'48, November 1987.Samuel J. Guy, AB'41, May 1987.Arthur C. Munyan, X'41, November 1987.Esther Levitsky Wald, AB'41, AM'42, PhD'85,October.Alice E. Whitcomb, X'41, March.Paul A. Baumgart, AB'42, May.Robert F. Nystrom, SB'42, PhD'47, June.Robert B. Reed, AM'42, October 1987.JohnE. Tilton, AM'42, December 1987.Jack Bliss, SB'43, December 1987.Verna Schroeder Goessl, MBA 44, September.Rochelle Dubovy Hart, PhB'44, AM'46, October1987.Victor I. Harris, PhD'45, August.Grover C. Barnette, CLA'47, September.William W. Hill, MBA'47, August.44 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1989Charles La Force, AM'47, September.Narvel L. Lane, AM'47, October 1987.Morris Schreiber, PhB'47, SB'48, SM'49, PhD'55,April.Jordan H. Siedband, SB'47, SM'48, January 1988.Lewis R. Simmons, PhB'47, AM'60, August.Arthur W. Zimmermann, MBA'47, September.Lassor A. Blumenthal, AB'48, AM'51,September.Richard R. Flowers, PhB'48, September.Grace E. Nichols, AM'48, June.Archolose Godoshian Otis, AM'48, October.Lester W. Risberg, MBA'48, December 1987.Virginia Pagenkopf Satir, AM'48, September.Susan Pearlman Kagan, X'49.Paul B. Lyde, PhB'49, MBA'51, June.Tove Mohr Pihl, AM'49.1950-1959Marilyn Kolber Levion, AB'50, May.William Peccolo, AB'50, October 1987.Edgar A. Grunwald, AB'31, The Business PressEditor (New York University Press) . Part of a seriesof journalism books devoted to the business pressmagazine industry, this book addresses key editorial issues and includes a glossary of editorialterms. Grunwald, former managing editor of Business Week, is a business press consultant inNorthport, NY.Nestor W. Flodin, SB '35, PhD '38, Pharmacologyof ' Micronutrients ( AlanR. Liss, Inc.). The author describes the medical uses of vitamins and trace minerals. Flodin is adjunct professor of biochemistryat the College of Medicine of the University ofSouth Alabama, Mobile.Hazel Davis, AM '36, Hampton's First UnitedMethodist Church, 1789-1989 (Donning Press). Thisbicentennial review traces the evolution of theMethodist society which first met in borrowedquarters in a rural village (served once a month bya circuit rider from Williamsburg) to its current position as the mother church among fourteenMethodist churches in the area. Indexed, and illustrated with photographs and drawings.Robert L. Brackenbury, AB'39, AM'39,PhD '48, Breaking Out of the Cultural Cocoon (VantagePress). Vignettes from the author's life illustratehis thesis that each of us is born into a particularcultural context that must be transcended. Brackenbury is professor emeritus of the University ofSouthern California, Camarillo.Walter A. Heiby, SB'39, The Reverse Effect, andBetter Health and the Reverse Effect (Mediscience Publishers) . The latter book, for a general audience, isan introduction to the former. The reverse effecttheory is based on the idea that vitamins, minerals, and drugs which are detrimental to the body atone concentration often reverse and become beneficial at a higher concentration and may reverseagain at still higher levels to become toxic oncemore. Heiby, of Deerfield, IL, is instructor of literature research seminars in medicine, dentistry,and nutrition at the University of Illinois underthe auspices of the Nutrition for Optimal HealthAssociation.Erving E. Beauregard, AB'42, History of Academic Freedom in Ohio: Case Studies in Higher Education,1808-1976 (Peter Lang). This is a comprehensivestudy of attacks on academic freedom in variousinstitutions of higher education in Ohio. Beauregard is professor of history at the University ofDayton, Ohio.Harold H. Mosak, AB'43, PhD'50, and Alfred B. Stafford, PhD'50, August.Martin B. Fried, PhD'51, July.Lincoln T. Hudson, X'51, September.Ruth Abrams Kalish, AB'51.Theodore Sarachman, AB'51, SM'54, April 1987.Jack London, PhD'52, January 1988.Warren P. Eustis, JD'53, September.Jane Schrier Chapin, AM'54, September.Emerson A. Welles, MBA'54, May.John Wilkinson, PhD'54, July.I. Richard Lapidus, AB'55, SB'56, SM'57,September.Richard M. McConnell, X'55, September 1987.John R. Murphy, AM'55, PhD'79.David J. Holden, PhD'56, May.Emil T. Kaiser, SB'56, July.Birdwell Finlayson, MD'57, PhD'67, July.David Anderson, MBA'58, April.Hazel Whitman Hertzberg, AB'58, October.Robert M. Woliver, MBA'58, May.Marshall M. Sager, MBA'59, October.Bernard H. Shulman, A Manual for Life Style Assessment (Accelerated Development). Demonstratingthe method of understanding the individual lifestyle originally described by Alfred Adler, thisbook presents methods for analysis of the familyand for the interpretation of childhood recollections. Mosak lives in Chicago.Raymond Ryder, PhD '43, contributor, TeacherEducation at Purdue University: The First Sixty Years(Purdue University Department of Education).This history of Purdue's contribution to public education was dedicated to Ryder and one of his colleagues. Ryder is a professor emeritus of PurdueUniversity, Lafayette, IN.Marshall Edelson, PhB'46, PhD'54, MD'55,Psychoanalysis: A Theory in Crisis (University of Chicago Press) . This book addresses the status of psychoanalysis as a body of knowledge, clarifying itsconceptual and methodological foundations. Theauthor concludes that psychoanalysis is not a general psychology and vindicates the mode of inquiry used in the science. Edelson is professor of psychiatry at the Yale University School of Medicine,New Haven, CT, and a practicing psychoanalyst.Nolan Pliny Jacobson, PhD'48, The Heart ofBuddhist Philosophy (Southern Illinois UniversityPress). Clarifying the Buddhist view of whatis concrete and ultimately real in the world,Jacobson explains the fundamental teachingsof Buddhism and discusses its relationship toWestern science and theology.Donald E. Osterbrock, PhB'48, SB'48, SM'49,PhD'52, and Peter H. Raven, co-editors, Originsand Extinctions (Yale University Press). The volumeincludes four articles on the origins of the universe, the planets, life, and the extinction of lifebased on a symposium held at the National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC. Contributors include Alan H. Guth; George W. Wetherill,PhB'48, SB'49, SM'51, PhD'53; Lynn Margulis,AB'57; and David M. Raup, SB'53. Osterbrocklives in Santa Cruz, CA.Hisham Sharabi, AM'48, PhD'53, Neopa-triarchy: A Theory of Distorted Change in Arab Society(Oxford University Press). Sharabi lives in Washington, DC.George J. Worth, AB'48, AM'51, ThomasHughes, Twayne English Authors Series (G. K.Hall). Also, with Edwin M. Eigner, co-editors, Victorian Criticism of the Novel (Cambridge UniversityPress). Also, Great Expectations: An Annotated Bibliography (Garland). Worth recently received the 1960-1969James Sloss, MBA 61, November.Thea Feldman Kauffman, AB'62, September.Sholom A. Singer, PhD'62, October 1987.Raymond Pawlowksi, SB'63, February 1988.Thomas Edward Libby, AM'64, September.DaveT. Hendrix, MBA 65, September.Rembert J. Glass, Jr., AM'66, January 1988.James F. Mullerheim, AB'69, May.1970-1979Benjamin Block, MBA'74, August.Richard A. P. Lewis, MBA'77, September.Beverly Rollnick, PhD'79, September.CorrectionThrough an error from a correspondent,Eugene T. Michal, AB'78, was reported deceased in the FALL'87 issue. He lives in SanFrancisco, CA.s- Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teachingg from the University of Kansas, Lawrence, where2- he is professor of English.is William Lazer, MBA 50, Handbook of Demograph-y ics for Marketing and Advertising (Lexington Books) .:- The author presents a distillation of the changingdemographic statistics of the market place with aer particular focus on the changes in the consumerrs markets. Lazer is the Eugene and Christine Lynn). Eminent Scholar in Business Administration at1- Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL.1- A. J. Fyfe, PhD'51, Understanding the First Worldle War (Peter Lang) . Fyfe lives in Terre Haute, IN.Paul Carroll, AM'52, Poems (Spoon River5, Poetry Press) . Carroll is professor of English at thei- University of Illinois at Chicago .?- Richard Lutz, AB '53, Feel Better! Live Longer! Rets lax (Dimi Press) . This is a practical explanation of aLe variety of relaxation techniques which focuses oni- solving stress, smoking, and other problems.i- Also, with Mary Lutz, The Running Indians (Dimiy- Press). This account of the Tarahumara Indianse, of northern Mexico examines why they are suchoutstanding endurance runners. Lutz lives inof Salem, OR.:y Melvin Feffer, PhD'54, Radical Constructionism:at Rethinking the Dynamics of Development (New YorkI, University Press). The author elaborates on Freu-js dian and Piagetian theories on the development of:o childlike to adult thought, showing that there is aprimitive and an advanced approach to tasks rath-9, er than two separate kinds of minds. Feffer is pro-is fessor of psychology at the Institute for Cognitivete Studies at Rutgers University, Newark, NJ.i- Marshall J. Hartman, AB'54, AB'57, JD'57,fe contributor, Defending Illinois Criminal Cases (Illinois2- Institute for Continuing Legal Education). Hart-i- man is treasurer and general counsel to the Na-1, tional Defender Institute and is on the board ofs, directors of the National Legal Aid and Defender:k Association.David S. Gochman, AB'56, AB'57, editor,a- Health Behavior: Emerging Research Perspectivesty (Plenum Publishing Corp.). Contributors discussi- research and theoretical issues as resources for thedevelopment, implementation, and improvementas of programs and interventions targeted at healthC. behaviors. Gochman lives in Louisville, KY.c- Daniel J. Elazar, AM'57, PhD'59, contributor,:y The New Jewish Politics: American Jewish Policy Agenda,g- Resource Book No. 1, (University Press of America,Le co-publisher with the Jerusalem Center for PublicBOOKS by Alumni45Affairs/Center for Jewish Community Studies).Elazar is professor and director of the Centerfor the Study of Federalism, Temple University,Philadelphia, PA.Stanley Lieberson, AM'58, PhD'60, and MaryC. Waters, From Many Strands: Ethnic and RacialGroups in Contemporary America, 1980 Census Monograph Series (Russell Sage Foundation). Thismonograph is based on responses to the radicallynew ethnic questions introduced in the 1980 U. S.census. Lieberson is professor of sociology atHarvard University, Cambridge, MA, on leavefrom the University of California, Berkeley.Dickinson Weber, SM'58, Early Tall Buildingsfrom the Agricultural Valley Towns of Central and Northern California: A Sentimental Sketchbook Collection ofDowntown Street Views and Main Street California(Sandscape Press). Weber lives in Concord, CA.Leonard H. Kapelovitz, SB '61, 7b Love and ToWork, (Northvale, NJ: Aronson). In 1988 this second edition of Kapelovitz 's book on psychotherapy was a main selection of both the PsychologyToday Book Club and the Psychotherapy ReviewBook Club. Kapelovitz practices psychiatry inEnglewood, CO.Matthew H. Nitecki, SM'62, PhD'68, andDoris Vinton Nitecki, AM'57, co-editors, Evolution of Human Hunting (Plenum) . The Niteckis live inChicago.J. David Colfax, PhD'64, with Micki Colfax,Homeschooling for Excellence (Warner Books). Thisguide tells parents how and why they must takecharge of their children's education . Colfax lives inBoonville, CA.John Charles Cooper, AM'64, PhD'66, TheRoots of the Radical Theology (University Press ofAmerica). This is a survey study of the negativelycritical developments of Western philosophy andtheology, pointing out some of the reasons whya radical theology has arisen. Cooper lives inMifflinburg, PA.William Lucy, AM'64, Close to Power: SettingPriorities with Elected Officials (American PlanningAssociation) . Based on his experience as a mayoralpolicy advisor, the author brings policy and politics together to show how planners can use theoryto determine priorities for action. Lucy is associateprofessor of planning at the School of Architectureat the University of Virginia.Wesley T. Wooley, AM'64, PhD'71, Alternativesto Anarchy: American Supranationalism since World War//(Indiana University Press). The author analyzesAmerican efforts since World War II to reform thenation-state system in response to global problems. In a study of international cooperation, heexplores three supranational movements that captured world-wide attention and large followings,but ultimately failed to achieve substantial reform.Wooley teaches American political and diplomatichistory at the University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.Alfred G. Killilea, AM'65, PhD'69, ThePoliticsof Being Mortal (The University Press of Kentucky).The author argues that the denial of death in modern American society has fostered a disavowal oflimits in general, and that humanity's confrontation with death is crucial for the affirmation of life.Killilea is professor of political science at the University of Rhode Island, Kingston.William A. Koelsch, PhD'66, co-editor, Freudin Our Time (Clark University Press). Koelsch,of Worcester, MA, is chairman of the AIDS TaskForce of the Episcopal Diocese of WesternMassachusetts.Arthur A. Rubinoff, AM'66, PhD'77, editor,Canada and South Asia: Issues and Opportunities (SouthAsia Ontario). This collection of essays examinespolitical and strategic issues, economic and tradematters, and the social and cultural context of relations between Canada and South Asia. Rubinoff,of Toronto, Canada, is secretary of the ShastriIndo-Canadian Institute, the principal cultural exchange organization between Canada and India. Jibamitra Ganguly, PhD'67, and Surendra K.Saxena, Mixtures and Mineral Reactions (Springer-Verlag). This book brings together concepts ofphysical chemistry to develop a framework for theanalysis of the mineralogical properties of rocks.Ganguly is professor of geosciences at the University of Arizona, Tucson.Philip C. Kolin, AM'67, editor, American Playwrights Since 1945: A Research Survey of Scholarship,Criticism, and Performance (Greenwood Press). Thisguide to the state of research on forty major American playwrights and the history of their productions is among the first of its kind. The essays werewritten by experts in American drama and theatreand focus on playwrights whose works have insome way shaped and influenced the Americanstage. Included is an essay on David Rabe byKolin, who is professor of English at the University of Southern Mississippi.Richard Momeyer, AM'67, Confronting Death,(Indiana University Press.) Momeyer examinesthe choices all of us must make in confronting thereality of our own death and in coping with thedeath of those we care about. He discusses the issues central to life as well as to death, includingdeath as an inescapable harm to be resisted as wellas an inevitablility to be accepted. He explores notions of what makes life good and dying possiblyso. Momeyer is professor of philosophy at MiamiUniversity, Oxford, OH.P. F. Widdows, PhD'67, translator, Lucan'sCivil War (Indiana University Press). Lucan, a contemporary of Nero, wrote his unfinished epicdescribing the devastating civil war between Caesar and Pompey. The epic, which has been translated into English verse for the first time in one hundred years, chronicles the battles, politics, religion, and philosophy of the period. Widdows,retired professor of classics at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, lives in Westmount,Canada.Wallace B. Clift, AM'68, PhD'70, and JeanDalby Clift, The Hero Journey in Dreams (Crossroad).Using Joseph Campbell 's idea of the monomy th asa paradigm for the universal human experience ofpsychological growth and development, the authors suggest that dreams offer clues to one's experience of this internal journey. Clift is associateprofessor in the Department of Religion at the University of Denver, CO.Dale F. Eickelman, AM'68, PhD'71, The MiddleEast: An Anthropological Approach (Prentice-Hall).Eickelman is the Rockefeller Resident Fellow atthe Center for the Study of Islamic Societies andCivilizations, Washington University, St. Louis,MO.Barbara Diamond Goldin, AB'68, Just EnoughIs Plenty: A Hanukkah Tale, (Viking Kestrel). Thischildren's story about Hanukkah is illustratedwith vibrant, primitive paintings by SeymourChwast. Goldin, a free-lance writer who lives inNorthampton, MA, based her story on researchinto eastern European Jewish shtetl life of generations past.John L. Hammond, AM'68, PhD'72, BuildingPopular Power: Workers' and Neighborhood Movements inthe Portuguese Revolution (Monthly Review Press).The author describes the period during and afterthe 1974 military coup in Portugal that swept awayone of the most durable fascist states in history.This is the first comprehensive account of themovements of the Portuguese revolutionaries,who included workers, peasants, housewives,and soldiers. Hammond teaches sociology atHunter College and the Graduate Center of theCity University of New York.Barry M. Franklin, MAT'69, Building the American Community: The School Curriculum and the Searchfor Social Control (Falmer Press). This book offers ahistorical survey of the development of twentiethcentury American school curriculum as well as anew dimension on the theory of curriculum, following the evolution of the concept of social con trol. Also, editor, Learning Disability: Dissenting Essays (Falmer Press). This collection of essaysapproaches the study of learning disabilities fromthe perspective of the sociology of psychologicalknowledge. Franklin is associate professor of curriculum and instruction at Kennesaw College, theUniversity System of Georgia, Marietta.Morrie Gasser, AB'69, Building a Secure Computer System (Van Nostrand Reinhold) . This is a practical, easy-to-understand guide for the computeruser to protect his or her system from informationtheft and tampering by insiders. Gasser, ofSaugus, MA, is a research director at DigitalEquipment Corporation.Mark Holmes, PhD'69, and Edward A.Wynne, Making the School an Effective Community: Belief Practice, and Theory in School Administration (Taylor and Francis). Also, with Kenneth Leithwoodand Donald Musella, co-editors, Policy for EffectiveSchools (Teachers College Press). Holmes is professor of educational administration at the OntarioInstitute for Studies in Education, Toronto, ON,Canada.Stephen Manes, X'69, The Obnoxious Jerks (Bantam), and The Great Gerbil Roundup (Harcourt BraceJovanovich). Both of these are novels for childrenand young adults. Also, The Complete MCI MailHandbook (Bantam). This is a complete guide toMCI's electronic mail service. Manes lives inRiverdale, NY.Edward A. Riedinger, AM'69, PhD'78, ComoSe Faz Um Presidente, A Campanha de J. K. (EditoraNova Fronteira). This is the first study of a Brazilian presidential campaign, concentrating on thatof the builder of Brasilia, Juscelino Kupitschek.Riedinger served as Kupitschek's secretary forEnglish correspondence. Riedinger works at theUniversity of California, Berkeley.Terry Heller, AM'70, PhD'73, The Delights ofTerror: An Aesthetics of the Tale of Terror (University ofIllinois Press). In discovering the pleasures to befound by readers in literary tales of terror, thisbook locates and defines three major subgenres ofhorror stories. Heller is professor and chairman ofthe Department of English at Coe College, CedarRapids, IA.Earle Hilgert, AM'70, with Carl S. Dudley,New Testament Tensions and the Contemporary Church,(Philadelphia : Fortress Press) . Hilgert is professorof New Testament at McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago.CeliaJaesFalicov, PhD'71, editor, Family Transitions: Continuity and Change over the Life Cycle(Guilford Press). Prominent family theorists andclinicians discuss new models and clinical applications that integrate the temporality of the life cycle framework with systems theory. Falicov is anassistant clinical professor at the University of California, San Diego, and teaches at the La Jolla Marital and Family Therapy Institute.Naomi Lindstrom, AB'71, translator, Women ofSmoke (Latin American Literary Review Press ofPittsburgh). This is a bilingual edition of the bookof poetry by Chilean poet Marjorie Agosin.Richard G. Townsend, PhD'71, They Politick forSchools (Ontario Institute for Studies in EducationPress). Focusing on Canadian legislators andschool board members, this empirical study raisesgeneral questions about the predispositions,styles, and ideals of politicians in various arenas.Townsend is associate professor at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Toronto, ON,Canada. He and his wife, Barbara Myers Town-send, AM'72, live in Burlington, ON, Canada.Emily Grosholz, AB'72, Shores and Headlands(Princeton University Press) . This is a collection ofpoems by Grosholz, who is advisory editor andcontributor to The Hudson Review, as well as otherpoetry and literary criticism magazines. Grosholz,associate professor of philosophy at PennsylvaniaState University, University Park, recently receiveda Guggenheim Fellowship and a grant from theIngram Merrill Foundation.46 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1989Natalie DeViney McKelvy, AB'72, MBA'80,Where's Ours? (Academy Chicago). This is McKelvy'sfirst novel. My California Friends and Other Stories,(Dunery Press). Dunery Press was founded byMcKelvy and her husband, Charles. They live in asmall blue house, "The Dunery, " in Harbert, MI.Franklin A. Presler, AM'72, PhD'78, ReligionUnder Bureaucracy (Cambridge University Press).Presler is an associate professor at Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, MI.Oleh Weres, SB'72, PhD'72, Investigation of theUkrainian Famine, 1932-1933, Report to the U. S. Congress (U. S. Government Office) . Weres, the founder of Sonoma Research Co., Vineburg, CA, andstaff scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, is a public member of the U. S. Commission onthe Ukranian famine. He and his wife, Nancy Hen-ning Weres, X'72, live in Sonoma, CA.Richard M. Altman, MBA'73, Creating InvestorDemand for Company Stock: A Guide for Financial Managers (Quorum Books). The author provides aguide to achieving success for the emerging small,publicly held company through equity valuationstrategy. Altman, of Chestnut Hill, MA, is directorof Altman & Co., an equity valuation training andstrategy firm.Charles V. Ganelin, AM'75, PhD'83, Andres deClaramontes la Infelice Dorotea: A Critical Edition with Introduction and Notes (Tamesis Books). Ganelin isassistant professor of Spanish at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.Jeanette Nance Nordio, A Taste of Venice: Traditional Venetian Cooking (Webb & Bower Publishers),illustrated by Sally Spector, AB'75. Illustratedwith Spector's watercolor drawings of Venetianscenes and works of art, this cookbook containsmore than 250 authentic Venetian recipes. Spector teaches Venetian architecture and painting forSpring Hill College's program in Venice and is involved in archaeological research in the VenetianLagoon.David B. Knight, PhD'76, editor, Our Geographic Mosaic (Carleton University Press). Fifteenessays explore a variety of geographical researchthemes. Also, with Maureen Davies, Self-Determination: An Interdisciplinary Annotated Bibliography (Garland Publishing). Theoretical and practical discussions on self-determination, as well asan examination of the future directions of the subject. Also, with R. J. Johnston and E. Kofman,co-editors, Nationalism, Self-Determination and Political Geography (Croom Helm). This is a politico-geographical examination of the relationships between nationalism, politics, and states; the rise ofminority movements; and problems of national integration. Knight, a visiting fellow at CorpusChristie College, University of Cambridge, is professor of geography at Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.Grant McCracken, AM'76, PhD'81, The LongInterview: A Four-Step Method of Qualitative Inquiry(Sage Publications). McCracken lives in GrossePointe, MI.Glenn C. Blomquist, PhD'77, The Regulation ofMotor Vehicle and Traffic Safety (Kluwer AcademicPublishers). Blomquist is professor of economicsand public administration at the University ofKentucky, Lexington, KY.Eli Leon, AM'79, Who'd A Thought It: Improvisation in African-American Quiltmaking (San FranciscoCraft & Folk Art Museum) . For this exhibition catalogue, the author interviewed quilters and included numerous photographs to highlight the folkart's improvisational mode of creation. He sug- CorrectionIn the article "Israel's Dilemma" which appeared in the SUMMER '88 issue, the lastname of Dr. Mordechai Nisan incorrectly appeared as Nissan. Also, Dr. Nisan is not inthe Department of Middle East Studies at theHebrew University of Jerusalem, as was stated in the article, but rather in the HebrewUniversity's Rothberg School For OverseasStudents.gests that the underpinnings of the Americanpatchwork quilt lie in the work of black slaves whopieced fabrics together in patterns already familiarto them from African tradition. Leon lives in Oakland, CA.Joan Tasker Grimbert, PhD'81, "Yvain" Dans leMiroir: UnePoetiquede la Reflection dans le "ChevalierauLion" de Chretien de Troyes (John Benjamins Publishing Co.). This study views the pervasive ambiguity of Chretien's romances as a positive quality andfocuses on the techniques used in Yvain to encourage reflection. Grimbert is assistant professor ofmodern languages at the Catholic University ofAmerica, Washington, DC.Terra Ziporyn, AM'81, PhD'85, Disease in thePopular American Press: The Case of Diphtheria, TyphoidFever, and Syphilis, 1870-1920 (Greenwood BookNews). This study explores the depiction of medical science to the American public through the medium of popular magazines and shows how thepress has manipulated information on disease. Ziporyn is a freelance writer, editor, and historian inBedford, MA. HGIVE IT YOURBEST SWING!Surround yourself in a world of endless green. Spendan Ocean Front week in the sun. Wash away thehours in an aimless tide of blue. Treat yourself to oneGreat Week of Golf at the Poindexter in BeautifulMyrtle Beach, South Carolina.You Deserve It!Golf Packages start at $1 79.00 per person per week, including room accommodations, fullbuffet breakfast, and tee times at 48 championship golf courses. Special rates for groups of20 or more. Call for a free brochure.POINDEXTER GOLF RESORT 1-800-248-0003MYRTLE BEACH, SOUTH CAROLINA47he photograph on this pageis a reproduction of theJune 1940 cover of Pulse, the"official student magazine of the¦ university of Chicago" (sic), volume 3, number 10. Pulse waspublished monthly (except July! and August) from 1937 until 1949.j The price: ten cents a copy, one' dollar a year. Managing editor. for the issue was Ira S. Glick,. X'42.Commencement ordi- i . narily is a time for rejoicing.| For the new graduates shownperusing the daily newspapers on the steps of Rockefeller Chapel, commencementin June of 1940 was also a time ofanxiety. In an unsigned editorialaccompanying the photograph, an editor wrote: "Today is a time ofstress a time of tension, of worry,of a fear for the future; if one isoptimistic enough to admit a future The headlines don't talk ofwar ox report war; they scream ofit, they repeat it on every page Convocation looms, but moremenacing than any possible examinations is the present state, thepresent existence of blood anddeath in Europe. In times likethese, the little people are helpless, swept on by a reaction chainset up by little people, too, butsoon out of their control Bloodand death stalk in Europe 3,000miles away but they wear seven-league boots That is the reasonfor this Pulse cover."48 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1989The Best Years of Your Lifecan be in Santa BarbaraCasa DorindaSuperb Retirement LivingWith Comprehensive Medical Care CASA DORINDA is situated on an historic48-acre Montecito estate nestled beneath theoaks between the mountains and Pacific Ocean.Assure your ftiture health care, free ofhousehold obligations. Casa Dorinda has 246garden apartments ranging from studios tolarge two-bedroom accommodations, a splendid dining room, licensed health facilities, anda well-trained, experienced staff. Studio andalcove units are especially appealing to menwishing to reduce their responsibilities without curtailing customary amenities. For moreinformation regarding this premier life-carecommunity, call or write Casa Dorinda.Name: Address:.City: State/Zip:.300-C Hot Springs RoadSanta Barbara, California 93108(805)969-8011REUNION '89No One Else Can Take Your Place!JUNE 2 & 3, 1989All alumni and guests are invited Two days of events for ALL alumni Anniversary celebrations for the College classes of1929 1934 1939 1944 19491954 1964 1969 1979 1984and the campus Business School class of 1964.If you would like to participate in one of the above reunions and havenot yet received any information on it, please contactAmy Goerwitz, Reunion DirectorOffice of Alumni RelationsS7S7 South Woodlawn AvenueChicago, Illinois 60637(312)753-2175wummmiHHTiTmmmYou don't have^o bring a dip and chipsYou don't have to bake a cakeYou don't have to helpset up chairs.But please,DO SEND USYOUR IDEAS!Help us to give the greatest partyever, to celebrate the University ofChicago's 100th birthday, in 1991-1992. Just jot down YOUR suggestions for what kinds of events you'dlike to see take place, either on campus or in your area. Haven't youdreamed of throwing a party atwhich you pulled off something reallywild and magnificent? Well, here'syour chance. Be creative. Be imaginative. Kineret Jaffe of the CentennialOffice hopes we'll rent the world's biggestferris wheel and bring it over from Ger- -vmany. Wally Blum, chairman of the Centennial Committee, thinks we should have a hotair balloon in which alumni could take rides tosee the entire campus from the air. Kate Chesleyof University News and Information proposes thatthe University hold a party at Grant Park in downtown Chicago and invite the entire city of Chicago, to befollowed by a party on the Midway, where we recreatesome of the 1893 World's Fair. (Bring back Little Egypt dancing the hootchie-kootchie?)So what do YOU propose we do to make this a memorableoccasion? We will, of course, also welcome your ideas forother events, such as conferences, alumni colleges, etc.Jot your ideas down below and mail them to Ned Rosenheim,chairman, the Alumni Centennial Committee, Department ofEnglish, 1050 E. 59th Street, Chicago, IL 60637.Dear Ned:Here's my idea: 1THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINERobie House, 5757 S. WoodlawnChicago, IL 60637ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED