The Gray Presidency4^ The First Ten Years -%?LETTERS"ISRAEL'S DILEMMA"KINDLES NEW DEBATEEditor:I enjoyed reading Professor Gewirth 'slucid commentary on the choices facing theIsraelis with respect to their continued occupation of the West Bank. [Israel's Dilemma,SUMMER/88] My only objection has to dowith an unstated presupposition implicit inthe article. . . .that Israel's dilemma is somehow our dilemma, and more specifically thatthere is an identity of interest between Israelis and American Jews. This identification,implicit throughout, is evidenced specifically in the sentence in which Professor Ge-wirth states that "for all these reasons, thehawks contend time is on our side." Who isreferred to by "qur?" I would have thoughtthe sentence should read "on their side" or"on the side of the Israelis."This identification creates a problemwhich is generally not faced or discussed:namely, are American Jews to regard themselves essentially as Americans, concernedwith America's interests, or are they to regard themselves primarily as Zionists, loyalabove all to the interests of the Israeli state? Itwould be nice if such an issue did not have tobe raised, but it is obvious that Americanand Israeli interests do not always coincide;indeed, that they are sometimes in conflict,as the recent Pollard spy case makes clear.Certainly America has vital interests inthe Middle East, e.g., in assuring the freemovement of international shippingthrough the Persian Gulf and the Suez Canal, and thus assuring the supply of oil toJapan and the Western world, as well as inlimiting the ability of the Soviet Union tothreaten or control such supplies. However,as long as the Soviet Union does not becomedirectly involved, America does not have avital geopolitical stake in the outcome of thestruggle between the Palestinians and theIsraelis. It is only the inordinate influence ofAmerican Zionists (fundamentalist Christians as well as Jews) which makes this issuenot only seem vital to American interests,but virtually an obsession of American foreign policy.Most Americans, quite sensibly in myopinion, simply do not share this obsession.Indeed, many Americans have begun toquestion why our government should continue to subsidize the existence of the Israelistate, a fact which, among others, ProfessorGewirth apparently recognizes when he refers to "the non-negligible force of worldopinion "Rollin Stearns, AB'60Brewer, ME Editor:Professor Gewirth 's analysis and summary of the Israeli/Palestinian dilemma isexcellent, but his proposed solution I don'tthink will work. I doubt that the Arabs willaccept it. Such stipulations as Israeli approval of the police force, no Arab military,no fortifications, no new airfields, and automatic attack by the Israelis should any stipulation be violated by the Arabs, are a dishonor to any state. An independent state musthave sovereignty, the right to do as it sees fitwithin its borders. This solution treats theArabs as a defeated and humiliated people. Idoubt that it would be acceptable.One possible solution, which may havealready been explored but which I havenever seen mentioned, is for the UnitedStates to invite the Palestinians to America.Emigration from the West Bank and Gazawould be gradual; each family might be offered $5,000; the adults would be trained forjobs in the U.S., taught English and given achoice of cities in which to live. Other countries, particularly Britain, might cooperateand take some. After all it was the Britishwho assisted in the early establishment of anational home for the Jews, and it has beenthe money and military supplies from theU.S. which have provided much neededsupport for building and securing the Israelistate. If all the Arabs emigrated from theregion, and some 300,000 have alreadydone so, the problem would be solved. TheIsraelis get their Jewish state, security, anddemocracy; the Arabs get a new start. Ofcourse maybe the Arabs won't leave anyway.Still, for the past four centuries discontented foreigners have jumped at the opportunity to come to the U. S.Herbert Mertz, AB'38North Palm Beach, FLEditor:Alan Gewirth 's article is concise, lucidand deeply informative. It is in the superbtradition of Chicago learning One sucharticle in each issue would make the Magazine as essential to my non-scholarly intellectual life as The London Economist and The NewYorker.CarlE. Horn, AM'60, MBA 60Glenview, ILEditor:In Professor Gewirth's excellent article he presents the point of view of Israeli"doves" and "hawks." The reportage iscomprehensive, clear, and fair.However, one thing is puzzling: the im-Continued on page 23 EDITOR'SNOTESYou may have noticed a new nameon the masthead. Tim Obermiller hasbecome the staff writer for the Magazine.Tim comes to us from University Newsand Information, where he worked forthe past year. He is a graduate of BeloitCollege, and has worked as a reporterfor several Iowa newspapers, where hewon two Associated Press Awards.Mark Ray Hollmann, his predecessor,has spent the summer composing thescore for a musical comedy.In the next several months, therewill be another new name on the masthead—the editor's. After eight-and-a-half years, this editor has decided thatit's time to try a new venture. We will divide our time between serving as an editorial consultant and writing books.You have been a wonderful audience. Some of you have accused us ofbeing too far to the left; some of youhave accused us of being too far to theright. We conclude that we must bepleasing some of you some of the time,which is the most any editor can hopefor. For those of you who have sent criticisms, we're always glad to hear fromyou, so we can serve you better. For themany of you who have sent compliments, our deepest thanks. For thoseamong our reading audience who haverequested permission to reprint manyof our articles— thanks for the tribute.One of the things we shall missabout not being on the quadrangles daily is the greeting we get from our friend,Izaak Wirszup. An Izaak greeting includes a big hug and two kisses, one oneach cheek. Being greeted by Izaak fillsyou with warm feelings toward all humankind for at least a week. For those ofyou who have written "I read the Magazine from cover to cover"; for all of youwho have so generously responded toour fund-raising appeals; for those ofyou who have taken the trouble to include those extraordinarily kind or funny or outrageous notes with your gifts —a great big schmoozy Izaak-style greeting. We'll miss you.The University will be looking for aneditor of alumni publications. If youwish to apply for the position, pleasesend written queries to WarrenHeemann, vice-president for Development and Alumni Relations, 5801 S. EllisAvenue, Chicago, IL, 60637. Alumni applicants are especially welcome.EditorFelicia Antonelli Holton, AB'50Staff WriterTim ObermillerDesignerTom GreensfelderThe University of Chicago Office ofAlumni RelationsRobie House5757 South Woodlawn AvenueChicago, IL 60637Telephone: (312) 753-2175President, The University of ChicagoAlumni AssociationEdward L. Anderson, PhB'46, SM'49National Program DirectorJeanne Buiter, MBA'86Chicago Area Program DirectorRoberta SherwoodDirector, Alumni Schools CommitteeJ. Robert Ball, X'70The University of ChicagoAlumni Executive CouncilEdward L. Anderson, PhB'46, SM'49Bette Leash Birnbaum, AB'79, MST'80David Birnbaum, AB'79MarkBrickell,AB'74John Gaubatz, JD'67Mary Lou Gorno, MBA'76William B. Graham, SB'32, JD'36William H. Hammett, AM'71Kenneth C. Levin, AB'68, MBA'74John D. Lyon, AB'55William C. Naumann, MBA' 75Linda Thoren Neal, AB'64, JD'67Jerry G.Seidel, MD'54Judy Ullmann Siggins, AB'66, AM'68, PhD'76Stephanie Abeshouse Wallis, AB'67Susan Loth Wolkerstorfer, AB'72Faculty/Alumni Advisory Committeeto The University of Chicago MagazineLinda Thoren Neal, AB'64,JD'67, ChairmanAbe Blinder, PhB'31Philip C. Hoffmann, SB'57, PhD'62Professor, Department ofPharmacological and PhysiologicalSciences and the College.Marjorie Lange Lucchetti, AM'70, PhD'74John MacAloon, AM'74, PhD'80Associate Professor,Social Sciences Collegiate DivisionKatherine Schipper, MBA'73, AM'75, PhD'77Professor, Graduate School of BusinessSherlu Rardin Walpole, AB'45The University of Chicago Magazine(ISSN-0041-9508) is published quarterly(fall, winter, spring, summer) by theUniversity of Chicago in cooperationwith the Alumni Association, RobieHouse, 5757 South Woodlawn Avenue,Chicago, IL 60637. Publishedcontinuously since 1907. Second-classpostage paid at Chicago, IL, and atadditional entry offices.POSTMASTER: Send address changesto Alumni Records, Robie House, 5757South Woodlawn A'- :nue, Chicago, IL60637. Copyright © 1988 by theUniversity of Chicago.Editorial office: The University of ChicagoMagazine, Robie House, 5757 SouthWoodlawn Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637.Telephone (312) 753-2323. The Magazineis sent to all University of Chicagoalumni.Typesetting by Skripps & Associates,Chicago. The University ofCHICAGOMagazine/Fall 1988Volume 81, Number 1Page 11Page 16 IN THIS ISSUEThe Gray Presidency— The First Ten YearsBy Leslie Maitland WernerAn interview with Hanna Holborn GrayPage 6The Gray Presidency— HighlightsPage 11His Highness, The PresidentBy George E. Reedy, Jr.A former White House p^ess secretaryreports on the subtle transformation thatcomes over newly-elected heads of statewhen they are "treated wi.: i all thereverence due a monarch."Page 16Reunion— 1988Page 24Alumni Association AwardsPage 27DEPARTMENTSUC People 2Chicago Journal 19Class News 34Deaths 45Books 46Cover: Hanna Holborn Gray, president andtrustee of The University of Chicago, professor in the Department of History and theCollege. (Photo by David Joel)UCPEOPLEThe Sheppard family: (back row) Zuri, 15; Jina; Donald; (middle row) Wali, 6; Ahmad, 8;(front row) Jamilah, 3; Aisha, 5.Mom and Popmaster's degreesIn August 1986, when Sherrell(Jina) Sheppard got a letter of acceptance from the University of ChicagoSchool of Social Service Administration(SSA), she believed that she did nothave much to celebrate.This past June, less than two yearslater, she and her husband, Donald, received master's degrees from SSA; buton that day in August, that prospectseemed far out of reach, or at least it didto Jina Sheppard."I remember coming home and Isaw Jina with this solemn look on herface," Donald Sheppard said. "I askedher what was wrong, and she said thatshe had been accepted at the University. I told her that she should be happy,and I started to get excited about it forher." Donald, who had also applied toSSA, would receive his letter of acceptance the next day."I couldn't get excited, " Jina said. "Iwondered, 'How are we going to dothis?'"Jina was thinking of their five children— Zuri, Ahmad, Wali, Aisha, andJamilah— who at the time ranged in agefrom one to thirteen, and required moretime from their parents than two full-time students could give. She alsothought of the mortgage on their Houston, TX, home, and the notion of goingdeeper into debt for graduate schooldidn't strike her as terribly sensible.At the time, Jina felt it would be better to stay in Houston, where both hadearned undergraduate degrees in socialwork from Texas Southern University,and where they met and married in1977. It was also there in spring 1986,when Donald was working as an administrative assistant for the dean ofstudents at Texas Southern, that he first heard about SSA at the University ofChicago.Sara White, AM'69, a graduate ofSSA and assistant professor in the Department of Sociology and Social Workat Texas Southern, told Donald thatBetty Brown-Chappell, assistant deanfor enrollment and placement at SSA,would come to Houston to hold an SSArecruitment dinner for students fromTexas Southern and two other Houstonuniversities. Donald persuaded Jina toattend the dinner with him."I thought it was going to be a wasteof time," Jina said. "I had no intentionof going to Chicago. Chicago itself is very cold, and I guess I wasn't thinkingabout graduate school at that particulartime.""Graduate work was my idea, " saidDonald, who after several years of workin the administration of Texas Southernfound no opportunities for advancement without a graduate degree. "I hada mortgage and a growing family and Ihad to think about the future."By going to Chicago, I also wantedto expose our children to a different partof the country and a different way oflife," said Donald, whose service in theU. S. Air Force gave him a chance to travel. "I knew that if we could graduateUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/FALL 1988from the University of Chicago, wecould settle down and raise our familycomfortably and make a contribution toour profession/7Talking with the Sheppards at thedinner convinced Betty Brown-Chappell that they would make excellent candidates for admission. "I'd never metanybody else like them," said Brown-Chappell. "Jina had graduated withhonors from Texas Southern while having a baby in her senior year. Donaldshowed that he had the ability to communicate—for instance, the ability tomake a complex idea about social worksimple enough for a lay audience tounderstand." Brown-Chappell was soimpressed that she invited one of theSheppards to visit the University thatsummer."I still wasn't quite convinced,"Jina said. "Donald said that since I wasso skeptical, I should be the one to go."When Jina came to campus in July1986, she had other things to considerthan the strength of SSA's program,however."The program was excellent, " Jinarecalled, "but I also had to research thepossibilities for schools and day-carefor our kids, housing for the family, andjobs for us."I was very disappointed because Ifound out that in Hyde Park there wasno agency that took care of children under the age of two. And Universityhousing said that they were almostbooked up. I filled out the applicationanyway and left a deposit. I left flyers around c&rnpus to advertise forbabysitters.""After her three days in Chicago,"Donald said, "Jina returned to Houstonalmost more skeptical about the ideathan before she went."I'm the optimist in the family, " hecontinued. "I asked her if things fellinto place— if we found day-care and anapartment with good schools in thevicinity, then would she like to go to theUniversity of Chicago?" With help from Brown-Chappell,things did "fall into place" for the Sheppards. They qualified for minority merit fellowships that, combined withawards from the University, coveredthe cost of tuition and fees. They tookout student loans to pay for the livingexpenses of their family, which included the rent on a three-bedroom apartment in the Piccadily, a University-owned apartment building on EastHyde Park Boulevard.The location of their apartment putthe Sheppards' school-aged children,Zuri, and Ahmad, within walking distance of the Louis Wirth and Shoesmithschools, respectively. Wali, now six,was enrolled in the Chicago Child CareSociety on 55th Street. For Aisha andJamilah, now five and three, respectively, they found a Divinity School studentwho would babysit.The Sheppards needed child carebecause their schedule included notonly classes on Mondays and Wednesdays, but also internship work on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Donald workedfor Illinois State Representative WoodsBowman in his first year, and in his second year for the Public Welfare Coalition, an Illinois public welfare advocacyorganization. Jina served as a familycounselor for the Blue Gargoyle, aHyde Park community service organization, and then in the administrationof Youth Guidance, a Chicago organization that provides school-based programs in creative arts and groupcounseling.Even with all that worked in theirfavor to allow them to come to the University, the Sheppards still had a difficult two years. Studying for exams andwriting papers often meant sleeplessnights for Donald and Jina. To copewith her demanding schedule, Jina hadto cook meals for the following week onthe weekend and plan family activitiesone week at a time."Right now, we need a vacation,"said Donald as he, Jina, and their chil dren prepared to leave Chicago in June.In August, Donald returned to TexasSouthern University, where he will becoordinating student activities. Jinawas preparing their home, getting thechildren ready for school and "relaxinga bit" before job hunting in earnest.Reflecting on the decision thatbrought the Sheppards to Chicago andthe University for two years, Jina said,"It was such a big gamble— particularlyfor me, because I'm not a gambler. Ilike to have everything in place before Imake a move.""Everything did fall into place,"Donald said, with a look at Jina."Yes," Jina admitted with a bemused, relieved smile. "Everything didfall into place."Mark Ray HollmannStudent topplessoftware giantsIn its January cover story reviewing1987's best new computer products, PCMagazine called College sophomore Justin Boyan's telecommunications software program "the most elegant and ingenious communications package youcan buy.""After that review— that's when thething really took off, " said Boyan, whowrote the program when he was a 16-year-old high school student in Columbia, MD."This program," PC Magazine proclaimed, "is already a match for shareware and commercial Goliaths alike. . . .the program is so easy to use it willappeal both to hard-core BBS trollersand to corporate communicators," with"enough convenient features to endearit to on-line junkies everywhere."Boyan, 18, has so far made morethan $35,000 from disk orders and reg-UCPEOPLEistration fees for his Boyan D3 sharewareprogram, which permits a user to communicate from one personal computerto any other computer. (For the uninitiated, the user needs a computer, a telecommunications software program,and a peripheral piece of equipmentcalled a modem, which connects to thecomputer and to a telephone line, in order to communicate with another computer.) Most of that $35,000 has beencollecting interest in a savings accountthat Boyan plans to use later towards hisgraduate education. Boyan said he actually enjoys the fame more than themoney he has made."I was a busy high school student,and this was just something I did onweekends," said Boyan. "When I waswriting it, I was basically writing it formyself, but I showed it to a few friendswho suggested I put it on the [electronic] bulletin board and ask for adonation." As shareware software, the program is copyrighted, but not copyprotected, Boyan explained, meaning thatanyone can duplicate it and give copiesto their friends, although each user isexpected to send a registration fee of $35to the author. He estimates that only between 1 and 10 percent of those usinghis program will send the fee or order adisk kit (costing $45) directly from Boyan, who handled those requests lastyear from his dorm room in Pierce."I've sold about a thousand but at$35 apiece that's still a lot of money,since I'm not taking royalties— I'm taking the entire profits. It has been lucrative—much to my surprise— becausewhen it was first released I thought I'dmake a thousand dollars at the most."It's also kind of a pain, " Boyan admitted . "At first it was a lot of fun, but byFebruary I was getting sometimes tenorders a day. It takes time, and I wasmuch more interested in doing well inJustin Boyan my math and humanities classes. But Ihave learned a lot about business andwriting invoices, and I've learned a lotabout the postal system."One can only speculate on the impression that Boyan's glowing reviewsmade on the giant commercial softwarehouses, with their teams of professional programmers. Boyan— who dislikesthe shallow label of "computer whiz"—hasn't let the experience go to his head,and doubts that it will dramaticallychange the course of his life.Although he has received severalletters from computer company executives curious about his plans after college, Boyan said that "programmingdoesn't interest me that much as a career. My immediate plans are to go tograduate school. Eventually, I think I'dlike to be a professor. I'd like to teach either math or computer science."Boyan spent part of his summercompleting a new version of his self-named program, called Boyan 4.0,which he said is "faster and more powerful" than its predecessor, and includes a new host mode. Meanwhile,the original Boyan program garnered yetanother endorsement, this time fromthe magazine PC World, which includedit among the "Best of Shareware" in itsAugust 1988 issue. Boyan used the restof his summer break teaching pre-calculus for gifted middle schoolers atJohns Hopkins University and paddling a kayak in West Virginia with hisfather, A. Stephen Boyan, PhD'66, whoteaches political science at the University of Maryland. Boyan's mother,Catherine Stein Boyan, AB'66, is an elementary school teacher.In reflecting on his youthful success, Boyan said "the greatest thing isseeing my name in a computer magazine. That's probably why I named itBoyan, to sort of see my name up inlights."If it ever does go commercial andsome software publisher decides totake it off my hands, I'm sure they'll4 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/FALL 1988change the name. But for now, it's Boyan... Boyan and Goliath," he added,breaking into a wide smile.Tim ObermillerLogrolling one'sway to fameLike any young person who desires success, Carl Henrikson,PhB'28, had his mind on a worldbeyond the Minnesota lumber campwhere he rolledlogs and keptbooks to earnenough moneyto get a collegeeducation.Henriksonwent on to findthe success thathe dreamed ofas both a businessman andeducator, butthrough the yearshe also developed a keen appreciation for thesimple, rough-hewn life of theMinnesota loggers—an appreciation that recently came full circle whenhe was inducted into the LumberjackHall of Fame, located in Bemidji in hisnative of state of Minnesota. It was anevent that brought back memories forHenrikson that go back more than sixtyyears, when he joined up at a lumbercamp to earn the tuition money hewould need to go to the University ofChicago.Employed as the clerk for the camp,located near the Canadian border,Henrikson recalls living in slightly more pleasant conditions than the lumberjacks—but unfortunately, he says, eating thesame food. He also assisted the camp's loggers—doing some logrollinghimself— on a huge logdrive, when the felledtrees were floated downstream by the hundreds.With the $150 per month he earned at thecamp, he was able to save enough moneyto enroll at the University in 1924.While on sabbatical from his job asassistant dean of the University'sSchool of Business in 1937, Henriksondecided on a respite from city life andreturned for a visit to the Minnesotawoods and logging camps, to reminisceand take pictures. After shooting several rolls of black and white photos, heswitched to a movie camera, using colorfilm which had just been made avail able on the market. He interviewedlumberjacks about their trade andfilmed a log drive down the Little ForkRiver, often setting down his camera toassist in the labor. He later decided toedit the footage into a half-hourdocumentary.Henrikson and his wife, Ruth, leftChicago for New York and began presenting the film at area elementaryschools, where he would introduce hiswife as his "lumberjane" until one daywhen a student raised his hand and politely asked, "That would be lumber;'///,wouldn't it, Mr. Henrikson?"When the Henriksons retired andmoved back to Minnesota, the Minnesota State Historical Society asked forpermission to add the documentary toits catalogue of films, which are loanedout to schools and other institutions.The Minnesota Historical Society nowregularly shows the film in a shortened,twenty-minute version which they alsoplan to release on video cassette. In addition to the film, Henrikson painted aseries of watercolors based on photostaken during the 1937 log drive (including the self-portrait shown here), manyof which are on display at the HistoricalSociety.In tribute to Henrikson and the enduring popularity of his documentary(it is now the most requested film in theMinnesota Historical Society's catalogue), the Lumberjack Hall of Fameelected to induct him into its ranks withother notables whose portraits line thewalls of a log cabin which houses theHall of Fame. Appropriately, Henrikson posed for the photo in a checkered,red-and-black flannel shirt and jacket,so that one might be forgiven for neversuspecting that this successful educator, businessman, artist and filmmakerwas ever anything but a dyed-in-the-wool lumberjack. No doubt it is a mistake that Carl Henrikson would beproud to have people make. aReporting for this article was done byLisel Virkler, writing by Tim Obermiller.5^Jp*»* ^*»*^shp THE GRAYPRESIDENCYT/zc First Ten YearsBy Leslie Maitland WernerWHEN HANNA HOLBORN GRAYtook over as president of the Universityof Chicago in 1978, she rememberswanting to encourage students to enjoy themselves. So she threw a partyfor undergraduates and was surprisedto be confronted by a freshman whodistrusted what she had in mind."I hope you're not trying to makethis a fun place, " the student charged,ineptly voicing a point of view that Gray suspects many Chicago students have always shared. It is held, she suggests, asa matter of almost secret pride that Chicago's reputation isnot that of a "fun place," but of a community where facultyand students join in a common, higher mission.These days, as Gray marks the tenth anniversary of herinauguration, that "ethos" of the University is somethingshe discusses as if it were the quirky personality of an old,strong-minded and much beloved friend. In a wide-ranginginterview, she outlined important changes in the Collegeand graduate divisions, spoke with pride of new facilities oncampus, talked about financial problems, about the state ofLeslie Maitland Werner, AB'71, is a national correspondent in theWashington bureau of The New York Times who has specialized inissues in justice and education.M *education, and about politics in Washington.Gray's love of the university she oversees was the unifying message as again and again she described the characteristics that make Chicago special. The preservation of thatspecial character topped the list of her accomplishments andcame first when she listed goals, as something "to maintainand strengthen."Chicago, she believes, is "unique" among universities inthe "intensity of its sense of common purpose" and dedication to "the ideal of a community of learning.""On the one hand it is strengthened by a sense of common purpose and then on the other by allowing for the fullest play of individual talent and creativity," she said. "Andin that kind of environment, people are going to be extremely responsible about gathering together around commongoals and extremely independent-minded in pursuingwhatever it is that's going to be best."It is an "enabling environment," she said, that freespeople to take risks.For herself, the challenge she accepted in becoming thefirst woman president of a major research university at atime of serious uncertainty regarding graduate education isone she met enthusiastically and continues to enjoy. In reflecting on the achievements of the decade, however, Graystressed that they do not belong to her alone, but rather derive from the university's "collegial style of doing things."Important changes which were implemented during hertenure, she pointed out, resulted in part because of the University's strong traditions of excellence and the extraordinary leadership of her predecessors.A tall, strong-featured woman with ice blue eyes andimpeccably coiffed gray hair, Gray has cultivated a no-nonsense persona. At almost 58, her posture is erect, herspeech direct, and her temper, by her own admission, can bequick. Her neat office, decorated in neutral tones of beigeand gray, appeared devoid of any personal mementos.Gray's training as a historian (her doctorate is fromHarvard) shows in the way she tackles questions— alwaysturning first to explain the context of the past. Asked, for instance, about the renewal of graduate education programs,which she counts as a key accomplishment of her term of office, she explained it followed a period of crisis.In the late 1970s and early 1980s, a combination of a"huge bulge of faculty who would not be retiring for a longtime" and a decline in the college age population made itclear that job prospects in academia would be severely limited nationwide, she said. In Chicago's graduate divisions,applications and enrollment fell off sharply."It was a very demoralizing time for the academic profession, " she said, and was felt keenly at Chicago, where themix of students has been two-thirds graduate and professional and one-third undergraduate. "In a way, almost theidentity or self-definition of the university as it had existedover the years was to some degree threatened, questioned,as part of this national phenomenon. This university would| have to make important decisions about how to approachg these issues of graduate education, whether to devote fewerJ resources to it, whether to contract deliberately."£ Gray appointed a faculty commission headed by histori-| an Keith Baker, which in 1982 proposed changes aimed at£ making graduate study more attractive and rewarding. Ac-| knowledging fears that graduate study was grooming stu-6 dents for academic jobs that did not exist, the commission called for programs that would prepare students for careersother than teaching and research.As an outgrowth of the panel's recommendations, requirements for doctorates were made more flexible, studentfinancial aid was made more reliable, career training received new consideration, teaching internships were instituted and a new workshop program was established. Theseworkshops now bring together students and faculty in interdisciplinary seminars for research and discussion, alleviating feelings of isolation that have traditionally plagued students working alone for years to write their dissertations.More recently, according to Gray, "there has been a greatresurgence of interest in graduate education in the arts andsciences." Applications to the graduate divisions have increased steadily and are up again by about 10 percent thisyear. "From a low point in 1981 or 1982 of about 2,000 students in the divisions, we're now around 2,800 students,which is about as large as we probably ought to be, " she said.Enrollment goals now consist of attracting quality studentsand recruiting more minorities, the latter an aim that hasproved especially elusive.Demographics have changed, as faculty hired in the1960 's move closer toward retirement. "The issue now is notgoing to be in the next decade the dearth of opportunity foryoung scholars and teachers, " she said. "The issue is gradually going to be whether we have enough young scholars andteachers, especially of the kind of quality who should become the leaders of the next academic generation."While the population of eighteen-year-olds will continue to decline, Gray said, studies show the number of students interested in attending institutions like Chicago isgrowing, confounding the dire predictions of a decade past.More women are now attending college, so that they makeup about 51 percent of students nationwide, she said, andnew immigrant groups are pursuing higher education.At Chicago, 40 percent of the college students are women, and Asian-Americans constituted about 14 percent ofthe student body in the last school year. But blacks only accounted for about 3 percent and Hispanics for 2.4 percent,making recruiting those minorities "the largest single areain which we want to see substantial progress," she explained. Overall, Gray is interested in allowing the Collegeto grow to about 3,400 students by 1990, up from 3,254 lastyear.Gray regards as another key achievement the review ofthe College curriculum undertaken by a group headed byformer dean Donald N. Levine. As a result of that study, beginning in 1986, the College set a new two-year CommonCore requirement for all students, regardless of their major.Students are required to take courses or demonstrate proficiency in civilizations, the social sciences, humanities, a foreign language, mathematics and natural sciences.This further solidified Chicago's intrinsic commitmentto general education, she says, which remained unbrokeneven in the late 1960s, when requirements practically disappeared at many schools.Partially stemming from the ferment of the late 1960swhen "people were arguing about the relevance of their studies," Gray said, a "crisis" developed in the humanities.That is the focus of another internal evaluation she launchedearlier this year, based on the recognition that the declineof academia as a whole had affected the humanities mostintensely.8 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/FALL 1988TJL en years ago,Hanna Holborn Graybecame the first womanpresident of a majorresearch university In awide-ranging interview,Gray looks back on adecade of importantchanges brought byher administration,and reflects on futurechallenges."I think that humanists tend to be worried always aboutthe future of their subject because it has very little tangibleusefulness, little apparent relationship to the demands of aworld out there, " she said. "What do you do with the historyof art?"Subjects also began to change. Philosophy moved toward mathematics, for example. Linguistics moved closer toanthropology. "So even describing what belongs in a division of the humanities and how these disciplines relate toone another has become more complex, " she said, elaborating on the issues facing the Humanities Commission. "Howdo we build on the opportunities that exist here? What sortsof relationships between different kinds of disciplinesshould there be? Are there new institutions that would behelpful?"In the social sciences, student interest has been particularly high, with 44 percent of college students concentratingin that area. In part this may be because they regard socialsciences as a good preparation for law or business school,Gray conceded, adding that "my guess is that there are morestudents majoring in economics than can be accounted forsimply because of intellectual interest."Gray has overseen the development of a new Department of Computer Science and is looking forward to theestablishment of a new Graduate School of Public Policy.The next priority after that, she said, will be strengtheningthe Biological Sciences Division.Citing ratings that have examined the University in comparison with other private institutions around the country,she said Chicago is one of the top five, along with Harvard,Yale, Princeton and Stanford universities.And that, she said, is good enough for her."I think it's kind of silly to decide who is number one,two or three, " she said. "You hope to be among the top five ina significant amount of what you do, and you want to beamong the top ten in everything you try to do. But the fact isit's wonderful that there are five or ten institutions that arefirst-rate, that represent different approaches to education,that have somewhat different strengths, and that are competitive with one another."It's also a very good thing that although there has beena significant degree of continuity, there's also change withinthat top ten, and programs come up elsewhere that suddenly are ranked right up there," she added. "I think that's avery healthy thing in education in our country."In light of the rigorous self-examination the Universityhas directed toward the quality of its programs over the pastten years, Gray said she did not appreciate the broadscale attacks former education secretary William Bennett routinelyaimed at the nation's premier institutions for failing to educate their students.Gray herself opposed the creation of a Department ofEducation and said she was surprised to find an administration supposedly dedicated to eliminating it instead using itas a "soapbox" from which an ambitious politician soughtattention for himself."Bill Bennett has used the office of Secretary of Education to talk about education in the way of a vulgarian ratherthan a thoughtful and reflective person," she said. On theone hand, she pointed out, he denounced universities for"ripping off" students by failing to provide their money'sworth of education, and on the other hand, he created an image of American college students as " lying around on the beaches in Florida with their cars and stereos.""I don't find that a helpful way to discuss whether higher education is doing its job or whether the modern studentis a responsible person or not, because what I see are students who are working as hard as students should be askedto work, not only working hard at their studies, which wemost surely require them to do here, but they have jobs, " shesaid. "They've taken out loans that they're going to have torepay, and they're also frequently engaged in one or anotherkind of volunteer activity."And while Bennett contended that colleges charge hightuition because of the availability of student aid, she said,"tuition began to go up after the availability of aid declined."One of the reasons costs go up, she added, is that the amountof money the University itself devotes to student aid has increased so much— by over four hundred percent in the pastsix years.At the undergraduate level, she said, the federal share ofstudent aid has dropped from about 18 percent in the early1980s to about 9 percent today, while federal aid for graduatestudents has dropped even more dramatically."I do think we need a clearer understanding— and I don'tthink we have that from either presidential candidate at thispoint— as to what the right balance between a loan and grantpolicy might be," Gray said. The next administration willhave to decide whether everyone who merits it should haveaccess to a college education, regardless of finances, shesuggested. Her own view is that loans have the virtue ofmaking students participate in financing their education,she explained, but that in order to promote equal opportunity more grants are needed also.Despite overall reductions in government contributionstoward faculty and student support— an average loss ofabout $22 million annually between 1975 and 1985— Graysaid the University's financial health is "good, very good."Nonetheless, she said, future economies will be needed tohelp make up for rising costs in many areas, from purchasing library publications and new technology to renovatingfacilities and keeping up with health insurance costs.Under a new three-year financial plan, Gray hopes toincrease income and cut down on expenses, by trimmingadministrative costs, the rate of growth of undergraduatefinancial aid and the size of the arts and sciences faculty.She estimates the faculty could stand to lose about 30 slotswithout diminishing the rich faculty-student ratio forwhich the University is noted.She is proud that maintenance on campus buildings hasnot been deferred and that, to the contrary, her term hasseen the campus grow. "In a way that surprises me. I reallydidn't expect to be doing a lot of building, but this has been aperiod in which we've had the opportunity to build a majornew science library, a major new physics center, a new theatre, and to renovate a number of buildings, like Kent andGoodspeed and Mandel and Walker."The beauty of the campus which was so much developed by my predecessors, we've been able, I hope, to sustainand to carry further, " she said. "It's a very beautiful physicallocation, a very beautiful environment, and that has mattered more to me than I had realized."More than any building, however, it is the mood on campus that seems to represent the biggest change, in the eyes ofsomeone who remembers it in turmoil, in the late 1960s andearly 1970s."One of the things I find very interesting is that peopleare constantly saying to me/How are things on campus?'And that's a code question for saying 'Burning any buildings? Giving you a lot of trouble?'" she replied, when askedabout the climate now. "It's as though these images from thelate sixties have not yet left the American consciousness.And I find this astonishing because I think that period oftime was abnormal, not what's normal."Gray rejects the notion that today's students are apathetic. They are "incredibly busy," she said, and different fromthose of the 1960s who thought they could "transform theworld.""In the period of the seventies, partly in reaction to thesixties, instead of seeing the world as infinitely expansive, aplace where all things were possible, I think people came tosee it as a place of trade-offs and difficulties, and of some decline, " she said. "And I think some of the younger sisters andbrothers of some of the college students of the sixties werenot so sure that there were cosmic solutions and overnightanswers that could come about."In a different kind of universe, people came to feel thatlarge political movements were not for them, and that it was in particular actions or activities that they might make adifference," she said. "I don't think there has been a verystrong attachment to a particular individual or movementwithin a political party on the part of many young people today. There is a disillusionment with politics and a sense ofliving within the system."Where the women's movement is concerned, Gray isworried that the imposition of a rigid, orthodox feminism isactually robbing young women of the freedom to makechoices. It is "characteristic of movements which are gainingforce" to limit the possibilities for differentiation, she said,out of a need for "solidarity.""I would say to young women on campuses today, 'Remember that what the women's liberation movement oughtto be about is liberating you, giving you choices to make, anddon't let people seduce you into thinking that there's onlyone choice you can make,'" she said."'Every choice makes possible new flexibilities, and anawful lot of life is a kind of wonderful, sometimes synergistic, set of accidents where new opportunities arise that youhadn't realized.'"For young women who want to combine career andfamily, there isn't ever going to be a single solution that's going to make it all possible or easy, " Gray added. "Therefore Iwould say to them, 'Remember there are going to be otheropportunities and other ways to adapt to circumstances. Bewilling to be flexible, rather than insisting that this and onlythis is the way you're going to live your life.'"For Gray, who has no children but whose husband,Charles, is a history professor at the University, the combination of work and marriage has been a successful one. Sheis happy with her life today and has no plans for any careerchange soon."I really love this place, " she said. "It is such a source ofenjoyment, satisfaction, and stimulation that I can't imagineanother place I would rather be."As the University's centennial approaches in 1991-92,Gray is already busy planning for special celebrations in theChicago style. "The centennial, I hope, will be an occasion toarticulate our goals and to talk about the university as we tryto do regularly, but at a very important moment in its historyand in a public way, " she said.She also hopes alumni will become involved. Alumniconstitute an "extended family, " she said, whose care is necessary to preserve the ethos of the university and communicate its values."I always think of it as the church invisible and visible, inthe medieval sense," she said. "You have the church invisible which is the universal, eternal church, and you have thechurch visible, which is the church that exists at that moment. Well, the University is a compound of the campus andthe current faculty and the current students, and this largeand fortunately often visible, and not simply invisible, cohort of all those who have been a part of its life and have contributed to its life, and who care about its support and whocare about its mission, and will communicate it."Among alumni, "everyone should feel that the University belongs to them, and that it isn't just a period in their livesfrom which they're isolated, but that it's their place, too, andcontinues to be," Gray added. "I don't think that we couldreally support academic freedom in this kind of institutionat the highest level if we didn't have that relationship withalumni." H10 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/FALL 1988; THE GRAY PRESIDENCY*Em4 ' Highlights •On July 1, 1978, Hanna Holborn Graybecame president of the Universityof Chicago. She was inaugurated onOctober 6, 1978. She is the tenthchief executive of the University.During the years that Gray has served aspresident, she has effected a number ofimportant changes designed to enable theuniversity to maintain its stature as a leading teaching and research center, and toprovide for its stability and continuedgrowth in the years ahead. Following aresome highlights of Gray's presidency.A Commitment to Student Life.Early in her presidency Gray told a groupof students that she hoped they wouldenjoy their stay at the University and promised to take steps to improve the quality ofstudent life. Throughout her tenure she hassupported a series of investments in the physical plant and in extracurricular activities, efforts intended to make life morecomfortable and more interesting for students. Among the changes in physicalfacilities have been the renovation of IdaNoyes Hall (one of the most used studentcenters on campus); the building of theMax Palevsky Cinema, which replaced agym in Ida Noyes; the renovation of theformer Center for Continuing Education toconvert it into the New Graduate ResidenceHall; the conversion of a former apartmentbuilding to Max Mason House, a residencehall for undergraduates; the renovation ofgraduate student apartments in the neighborhood that are owned by the University;and the construction of a new studentapartment building at 57th Street andStony Island Avenue that opened this fall.Gray has considered it a mandate tocommit substantial funds for graduate andundergraduate aid, from the University'sunrestricted funds. Under Gray, the budgetfor the Student Activities Office (SAO) hasbeen increased, and SAO sponsors anumber of major student events,including Kuviasungnerk (winterfestival) and Summer Breezes. SAO alsohas increased the number of prominentperforming artists it brings to campus andsponsors dances and special events, likethe recent university-wide scavenger huntin which 1,200 students participated.In 1986 the University joined withseven other research universities to found anew national athletic conference called theUniversity Athletic Association (UAA).Other schools in the conference are Bran-deis (which joined UAA in 1987), Carnegie-Mellon, Case Western Reserve, Emory,Johns Hopkins, New York University, Washington University andthe University of Rochester.Improving GraduateEducation. One of Gray'smajor achievements hasbeen to bring aboutchanges in the methodswhereby students in thedivisions pursue grad- Inauguration Day, October 6, 1978.uate education to streamline the processand provide students with both financialand emotional support as they work towardtheir degrees. Gray appointed al7-memberfaculty commission (called the BakerCommission on Graduate Education, forchairman Keith M. Baker, professor in theDepartment of History) to review the stateof graduate education in the arts and sciences. On the recommendation of theBaker Commission, the University maderadical changes in its requirements forgraduate degrees, and took steps tostrengthen graduate studies. The BakerCommission recommended that the University not scale back on graduate education, despite the then shrinking academicjob market. Instead, it suggested that theUniversity help doctoral students preparefor non-academic jobs and seek new ideasabout graduate education. The traditionalrequirement of 27 courses for the doctoratewas abolished, to accord more weight tothe importance of self-guided study andresearch, and to allow departments sufficient flexibility to advance students at amore appropriate pace. Under the newsystem, most graduate students willcomplete the required courses in an initialtwo-year scholastic residence, to be followed by a two-year research residence,and then a period of advanced researchuntil the Ph.D. is completed.Graduate workshops in the humanitiesand social sciences were also established,to provide doctoral candidates with a support system as they pursued their research.This year the number of doctoral studentsenrolled in the graduate workshops increased by more than a third; nearly 100faculty members and 650 doctoral studentsparticipated in 43 workshops. Twenty-twopercent of the 1987-1988 workshops werenew, indicating growth as well as a healthyretention rate of students who attend theworkshops for the duration of their research. The workshops have served as amodel for other universities interested inimproving graduate-level research in thehumanities and social sciences.The University also established programs to train advanced graduate studentsfor both academic and nonacademic careers. The Graduate Intern Program of theCareer and Placement Services Office wasexpanded to provide more than fifty advanced graduate students internships atChicago-area businesses.SOB"0" ^Sch°!!lmiVS>'»,l°B -i/te"*-+>*•.,Gray also allocated funds to furtherstrengthen graduate education by establishing the Century Program (named forthe University's centennial, to be observedin 1991-1992). The object of the program isto provide funds to support outstandingapplicants in a number of departments,primarily in the humanities and socialsciences. To date, 230 students have entered the University as Century Fellows. Inaddition, 200 Century Scholarships havebeen awarded.Revising the College Curriculum.In 1986 the College, under the guidance ofDonald Levine, AB'50, AM'54, PhD'57, thePeter B. Ritzma Professor in the Department of Sociology and the College, thendean of the College, undertook a majorrevision of its curriculum, designed to strengthen the Common Core. This curriculum renewed an undergraduate programthat was established in 1965. In 1984 Project'84: Design Issues was launched by the College. For the next two years, faculty andstudents, in a series of task forces, set out toask a broad, probing series of questionsacross the entire spectrum of the Collegeexperience. After this wide-ranging study,in 1985 the College Council approved abroadening of the College curriculum,which featured a return to a two-yearCommon Core requirement and includeda recommendation encouraging studentsto undertake senior-year final projects.The forty-five course curriculum established in the autumn of 1987 has three basiccomponents: a two-year, twenty-fourcourse Common Core, a maximum ofthirteen courses in a student's concentration, and at least eight electives, The newCommon Core consists of the following:three quarters in the humanities and oneadditional quarter in either art or music;three or four quarters in a foreign language;two quarters in the mathematical sciencesbeyond the level of precalculus math; sixquarters of natural science, including threequarters in biological sciences and threequarters in physical sciences; a three-quarter sequence in the social sciences, anda three-quarter course in the study ofcivilizations.Increased Enrollment. On the recommendations of two different committeeswhich were convened in the past ten years,enrollment in the University has beenincreased. In 1980, the Bradburn Report(named for committee chairman NormanBradburn, AB'52, now provost) stated thatwhile it recommended an increase in thesize of enrollment, it also urged that thetraditional character of Chicago as a research and predominantly graduate university should be preserved. In 1986, the Greenstone Report (named for committeechairman J. David Greenstone, AM'60,PhD'63, the William A. Benton Distinguished Service Professor in the Department of Political Science) recommendedthat, should the budgetary situation require it, the College could be graduallyincreased to about 3,400 students with nocorresponding increase in faculty size. Italso recommended that graduate studentenrollment be allowed to rise in areaswhere existing facilities and faculty areadequate to handle an increased studentdemand. In fall, 1978, when Gray wasinaugurated, enrollment in the College was2, 653; in the University as a whole it was9, 146. As of fall, 1987 (the latest figuresavailable as we go to press), College enrollment stood at 3,254; total universityenrollment on campus was 9,125, whilecombined university and downtown enrollment was 10,431.I12 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/FALL 1988Computer Science Department.Over a period of several years, a series ofdiscussions had been held about the feasibility of establishing a computer sciencedepartment. The Department of ComputerScience, established in 1982, offers coursesat both the graduate and undergraduatelevel; the University's first Ph.D. in computer science was awarded this year.Research Resources and Teachingin the Sciences. In the last ten years theUniversity has placed major emphasis onteaching in the sciences, and major newresources have been established for scientific research, and for teaching science toundergraduates. Under Gray's direction,plans were drawn up and implemented forthe establishment of a new quadrangle anda new science library. In 1984 the newScience Quadrangle was completed, theUniversity's eighth quadrangle. It isbounded by 57th and 58th streets and EllisAvenue and Drexel Boulevard. A section of58th Street extending west from Ellis Avenue was converted to a pedestrian plaza(complete with outdoor eating facilities)adjacent to the bookstore. The plaza connects the Science Quad with the MedicalCenter to the south. Also in 1984 the $22million John Crerar Library (located on theScience Quad) opened. It contains themerged science and medical collections ofthe University with those of the old CrerarLibrary. In 1985, another addition to thenew Science Quad was opened, the $8.9million Samuel Kersten, Jr., Physics Teaching Center, located at the corner of 57thStreet and Ellis Avenue. The Kersten Center, used by graduate and undergraduatestudents, contains laboratories, lecturehalls, classrooms, and offices. The variousroof and terrace levels are used to housephysics-related experiments; a pedestrianbridge across 57th Street connects theKersten Center with the research institutes.In addition, renovation of Kent ChemicalLaboratory, which opened in 1894 as one ofthe first University buildings, was completed. The undergraduates who study in Kentnow have access to laboratories with state-of-the-art equipment.New Buildings, Renovations. Inaddition to the new Crerar Library, theKersten Physics Teaching Center, and the James L. Ballardnew Bernard Mitchell Hospital, anotherimportant new facility was opened duringGray's tenure: the Court Theatre buildingat 5535 South Ellis Avenue. The technicallysophisticated, 250-seat theatre is home to ayear-round repertory company, and is theonly theatre in the Chicago area devotedexclusively to classical drama. Earlier, in1980, Goodspeed Hall was extensivelyrenovated and especially designed for useby the Department of Music. The formerClassics reading room was turned into arecital/rehearsal hall. Recently the interiorrestoration of Rockefeller Chapel wascompleted; the newly refurbished chapelwas dedicated in ceremonies held onOctober 2.Scientific Literacy for Undergraduates. During the last few years the College curriculum was improved with thecreation of courses to teach sciences to non-science majors. The most extensive of theseis Natural Sciences 101-106, titled "Evolution of The Natural World." The object ofthe course is to give students an understanding of the evolution of the universe,life on earth, and the relationships betweenthe two. the establishment of the Graduate Schoolof Public Policy Studies.In 1984 the Medical Center's RenewalCampaign reached $36.5 million, surpassing its $35 million goal. In 1986 the LawSchool closed its three-and-one-half yearcapital campaign, after having raised $25.2million, surpassing the $20 million goal.Also in 1986 the Graduate School of Business ended its three-year campaign, with atotal of $23.2 milion, exceeding its goal by$1.7 million.Improving Health Care Delivery.In the last few years important changeshave been made in the climate of healthdelivery in the University's Medical Center,with greater emphasis on patient care. Itwas Gray's decision to have the Universitybuild a new hospital at the Medical Center,rather than to renovate Billings Hospital forpatient care. (Billings Hospital has beenextensively renovated to serve as an outpatient and research facility.) In 1983 theMedical Center opened the new $70 million, six-story Bernard Mitchell Hospital,and the Arthur Rubloff Intensive CareTower. Mitchell Hospital is a 468-bed acutecare facility. Later, Gray led the move toestablish a new corporation to operate thehospitals and clinics. This entity is knownas the University of Chicago Hospitals,with the university as sole stockholder; itsaim is to focus on the business end of running the hospitals. The University's Division of the Biological Sciences and PritzkerSchool of Medicine oversee the researchThe Sexual Life of SavagesI Ht Kl I UAVt I I\v_/v_f_i3 V«.u» K kanoFund Raising to Strengthen theUniversity's Core. On December 31,1987 the five-year Campaign for the Artsand Sciences was concluded. The campaign exceeded its target of $150 million byraising $151.7 million. The goal of thecampaign was to strengthen the core of theUniversity— the College and Divisions, theOriental Institute, the Divinity School, theLibrary, and interdisciplinary committeesand programs that give the University itsspecial cohesive character. Contributions tothe campaign enabled the creation of sixteen full professorships, three visitingprofessorships, and three five-year "term"professorships, as well as construction ofthe Kersten Physics Teaching Center, andand teaching functions of the MedicalCenter.Attracting Minority Students. Grayis dedicated to seeking diversity amongstudent applicants. In 1986 the FacultyCommittee on Minority Concerns, chairedby Dolores G. Norton, CLA'75, professor inthe School of Social Service Administration(SSA), made specific recommendationsconcerning the need for coordinated recruitment, enrollment and retention strategies for black students. In 1986 the Benjamin E. Mays Graduate FellowshipProgram, named in honor of the late Benjamin E. Mays, AM'25, PhD'35, formerpresident of Morehouse College, wasestablished to attract talented black students interested in academic careers. In1987 SSA established a new scholarshipfund to help blacks and Hispanics pursuemaster's degrees in clinical social work orTheChicago social service administration in a new part-time evening program. The scholarshipswere established by Irving Harris and theHarris Foundation. As a member of theCommittee on Institutional Cooperation(CIC), composed of Big Ten universitiesand the University of Chicago, the University participates in several minority fellowship and recruitment programs. Last summer, 24 minority undergraduates fromChicago and around the country came tothe campus to take part in the SummerResearch Opportunities Program (SROP),designed to encourage outstanding minority students to pursue undergraduate studies. With partial funding from the CICand the Better Boys Foundation, SROPprovided the students with room andboard, a weekly stipend and the chance todo faculty-assisted research during a ten-week session. CIC also funds minoritygraduate fellowships in the humanities andsocial sciences; approximately 30 CICfellowships are awarded at the Universityannually.Improving Alumni Relations.During Gray's tenure, the University'srelations with its alumni have been greatlyexpanded. In 1979 Gray appointed an adhoc commission on Alumni Affairs (knownas the Schultz Commission, for chairmanArthur Schultz, AB'67). The Schultz Commission's overall recommendation was thatthe University should make every effort toimprove relations with alumni. Among thechanges which were put into effect: a restructuring of the Alumni Cabinet; a reorganization of the Cabinet Executive Committee; a threefold increase in local alumniclubs, which now total thirty-four; thecreation of a club in Chicago, where morethan 31,000 alumni live; and a significantincrease in the activities of local clubs,which sponsor more than a hundred activities each year. The University also invested$1.5 million in an Alumni and Development Database to keep track of alumni, andpublished a directory of alumni. Grayremains in close contact with alumni; shemakes at least ten trips a year, meeting withalumni groups around the nation andabroad.Timely Expenditures on Maintenance. Early in her tenure Gray made thedecision to spend money on maintenanceof the physical plant each year. As a result,the University has a physical plant in goodshape, and does not have deferred maintenance charges, as many other universitiesand colleges do, to eat into the operatingbudget.Maintaining a "Special" Neighborhood. Gray is committed to maintaining Hyde Park's special qualities as a neighborhood. The University purchased land from the city on which to build faculty andstudent housing. There are now eleventown houses at Dorchester Avenue and57th Street and a new student apartmentbuilding at 57th Street and Stony IslandAvenue that opened this fall. In addition,the University has purchased the HydePark Shopping Center at 55th Street andLake Park Avenue, to insure that the community will have easy access to shops andrestaurants.Sharing the University's Intellectual Riches with the Community.Gray believes that the University shouldshare its intellectual and artistic life with itsneighbors— teachers and students in Chicago schools. In the Guide to University ofChicago Programs for Teachers, Students, andSrhools, Gray issued an open-ended invitation to the precollegiate community to jointhe University in its search for what William Rainey Harper called "a larger andbetter intellectual and aesthetic life." TheGuide, published by the Office ofUniversity-School Relations, which wasestablished by Gray, offers a wide array ofprograms for teachers and students.Among the programs offered are institutesfor teachers in several disciplines; a program of guided visits for elementary andhigh school classes to the Oriental Institute; programs for high school students atCourt Theatre, including matinee programs and a summer program; a series ofextensive educational programs for highschool and junior high schoolstudents from disad- ^- tofM'l6lC..-Mill >'partr^0:ice»l -|-*^isic""1*****14>4„., 10 M**1* n***vantaged areas of the city to help themprepare academically for college, conducted by the Office of Special Programs;and an annual workshop for minoritystudents in their junior year of high school,their parents and their high school counsellors, designed to help them select thecollege or university most appropriate forthem. The University provides support forthe Hyde Park-Kenwood public schoolsand has launched a major experimentalprogram with the Harold WashingtonCollege to help Chicago students makesuccessful tranfers to four-year colleges.Enabling Scientific Discoveries tobe Converted to Practical Uses. In1986 the Argonne National Laboratory-University of Chicago Development Corporation (ARCH) was established to helptransform scientific discoveries made at thetwo institutions into high-technologyproducts and services.Planning for the Centennial. TheUniversity will observe its centennial in1991-1992. A centennial planning committee, first headed by Barry Karl, AM'51, theNorman and Edna Freehling Professor ofHistory and special adviser to the president, and now by Walter J.Blum, AB'39,JD'41, the Edward H. Levi Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus inthe Law School, is making plans for two special convocations, to open and closethe festivities. During the centennial yearthere will be academic conferences, lectures, concerts, festivals and plays. Analumni centennial committee, chaired byEdward W. Rosenheim, AB'39, AM'47,PhD'53, the David B. and Clara E . SternProfessor Emeritus in the Department ofEnglish Language and Literature, is working on plans for involving alumni in thecelebration.Planning the Future of the Humanities. Concerned about the future ofthe humanities, Gray established a Commission on the Humanities in 1988 to consider the role of humanistic studies in theUniversity and to propose an agenda forthe Division of the Humanities over thenext decade.Providing Continuing Educationfor Broadcast Journalists. In 1983 theWilliam Benton Fellowships in BroadcastJournalism were established. Under theprogram broadcast journalists spend sixmonths on campus to study fundamentalproblems underlying the news.Broadcasting the University's Research and Scholarship. To bring theresults of University research and scholarship to the nation's television and radioaudiences, the William Benton BroadcastProject was initiated. Lewis Freedman, anaward-winning veteran television producer, was named director of the project.The Visibility Factor. Gray has servedas chief executive of the University in other,more intangible, but nonetheless extremelyimportant ways. By her participation inexternal affairs, Gray has increased theUniversity's visibility on the national scene considerably. She has chosen her externalappearances and memberships in academia, the business world, and the publicsector carefully. In so doing she hasbrought the University to the attention of awide range of sectors in the society.Gray has been an ardent advocate forthe humanities on a national level. In 1981President Ronald Reagan appointed Grayto serve together with actor Charlton Hes-ton and businessman Daniel J. Terra as co-chairmen of the Presidential Task Force onthe Arts and Humanities. Today she serveson the board of the National HumanitiesCenter.Gray is chairman of the board of trustees of Bryn Mawr College, and a trustee ofthe Center for Advanced Study in theBehavioral Sciences, the Chicago Councilon Foreign Relations, the Field Foundationof Illinois, the Howard Hughes MedicalInstitute, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Museum of Science and Industry(Chicago), the National Humanities Center, and the University of Chicago. She isalso a member of the Board of Overseers ofHarvard University. She has receivedhonorary degrees from many institutions,among them Brown, Columbia, Oxford,Princeton, Rikkyo Daigaku (Tokyo), andYale universities.She is a member of several corporateboards, including J. P. Morgan andCompany/Morgan Guaranty Trust Compa-V- -v.ny; Cummins Engine Company; AtlanticRichfield Company; and Ameritech (American Information Technologies) .In 1986 Gray was one of twelve distinguished foreign-born Americans to receivea Medal of Liberty award from PresidentReagan at ceremonies marking the restoration of the Statue of Liberty.The net effect of these activities hasbeen, essentially, to achieve a prominencefor the University of Chicago on both anational and international scale. 9Michael P. Weinstein 'imH.N TO COMMAND¦ grasp the realization thatthe president and the nation are so intertwined that they cannot be distinguished from each other. During thefour to eight years he is in office, theman in the Oval Room is the UnitedStates. When we say that America is intervening in Nicaragua, we mean thatthe president has ordered intervention inNicaragua. When we say that Americais exploring new avenues of conciliation in the Middle East, we mean thatthe president is exploring new avenues ofconciliation in the Middle East. Andwhen we say that U.S. representativesstate the American position at an international conference, we mean that people appointed by the president are statingGeorgeE. Reedy, Jr.,AB'38, is a former newspaperman, and a former special assistant toPresident Lyndon Johnson, whom he alsoserved as press secretary. He has also been director of the Senate Majority (Democratic) Policy Committee. He is the Nieman Professor ofJournalism at Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI. At the Reunion in June, Reedygave the Helen Harris Perlman Lecture, sponsored by the School of Social Service Administration. He spoke on "The Presidency and theWell-Being of Americans." He also attendedthe Fiftieth Reunion of the Class of 1938. Thisarticle is excerpted from his book, The Twilight of the Presidency: From Johnsonto Reagan, ©2970, 1987, by George E.Reedy, Jr. Reprinted by permission, NewAmerican Library. what he has decided should be stated atan international conference.This is a heady atmosphere inwhich to live. It is one thing to operatean organization, another thing to be thesymbolic cement that holds the organization together. Both jobs are within therealm of human capability, although, ofcourse, both can become difficult as theorganization increases in size. Whenthe two are put together, however, theyget in each other's way. The hard, sharpdecisions needed to manage tend to become softened in deference to the symbolic role. And the soft, conciliatorywords needed for unity are forced toyield to the harder language of management. What is even more important isthat the God-like status of the dual rolecan easily separate a human being fromsocial reality.There are few warnings to thepresident-elect that this problem willbe encountered. No one has placedover the White House door the admonition facile decensus Averni. No one comesrushing to him with somber warningsand Dutch-uncle talk. The state of euphoria induced by political success isupon him at the very moment that caution, introspection, and humility aremost needed. The process of erosion bywhich reality gradually fades beginswhen someone says, "Congratulations,Mr. President."There is built into the presidency aseries of devices that tend to remove theoccupant of the Oval Office from all ofthe forces that require most men to rubup against the hard facts of life on a daily basis. The life of the White House isthe life of a court. It is a structure designed for one purpose and one purpose only— to serve the material needsand desires of a single man. It is felt thatthis man is grappling with problems ofsuch tremendous consequence that every effort must be made to relieve him ofthe irritations that vex the average citizen. His mind, it is held, must be absolutely free of petty annoyances so thathe can concentrate his faculties on the"great issues" of the day.To achieve this end, every conceivable facility is made available, from thelatest luxurious jet aircraft to a masseurconstantly in attendance to soothe rawpresidential nerves. Even more important, he is treated with all of the reverence due a monarch. No one— exceptpossibly a court jester— interrupts presidential contemplation for anythingless than a catastrophe. No one speaks to him unless spoken to first. No one ever invites him to "go soak your head"when his demands become petulant orunreasonable.In theory, privilege is accorded to,and accepted by, a man in accordancewith his responsibilities. It is supposedto compensate for heavier burdens thanthose carried by lesser mortals. In practice, privilege justifies itself— everynew perquisite automatically becomesa normal condition of life. Any president on entering office is startled— anda little abashed— at the privileges available to him. But in a matter of monthsthey become part of an environmentthat he necessarily regards as his justand due entitlement— not because ofthe office but because of his mere existence. It is doubtful that even Harry S.Truman— the most democratic of contemporary presidents— wore the samesize hat when he left the White Houseas he did the day he entered.This status was built into the American government by the Constitution itself. The Founding Fathers had rejectedthe concept of the divine right of monarchy. But when they sat down to writea constitution that would assure freedom, they were incapable of thinking ofgovernment in any terms other thanmonarchy. Someone, they reasoned,must reign and rule. Someone mustgive orders that cannot be questioned.Someone must have final authority.Therefore, their conclusion, althoughnot stated in these terms, was a solutionthat placed in office a monarch but limited the scope of the monarch'sactivities.In the context of the late eighteenthcentury, the solution was an excellentone. First, the Founding Fathers analyzed the functions of government anddivided them into three basic categories—the determination of policy, the execution of policy, and the adjudication ofdisputes arising out of the determination and the execution. The determination of policy was granted to Congressand the adjudication of disputes was judiciary. The execution of policy theylodged in the hands of the presidentand within that area they gave him, forall practical purposes, total authority,not so much by affirmation but by failing to set boundaries on what he coulddo. They felt that by dividing functionsthey had created competing power centers within the government and that thecompetition would prevent any onecenter from assuming a monopoly of16 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/FALL 1988His Highness,The President ? With the first utterance of"Congratulations, Mr. President, "our newly-elected chief of state mayundergo a subtle transformation."Treated with all the reverencedue a monarch, " he may becomeisolated within a privilegedlifestyle that is too detached fromthe hard facts of life.By George E.Reedy, Jr."A Senator Fulbright to see you, Sire. Seems he can'treconcile himself to your infallibility. " power. As an additional safeguard,they limited the term of the president tofour years (with an option for renewal ifmutually agreeable between the president and electorate) and gave Congressthe authority to remove the presidentfrom office, although only on the basisof cumbersome machinery.The accent was on stability, and thefirebrands of the Revolution— TomPaine, Patrick Henry, James Otis— weregiven short shrift, the traditional fate ofrevolutionaries when men meet to putthe pieces together after the crockeryhas been smashed. But the FoundingFathers were neither reactionary nortimorous. They provided— whetherconsciously, intuitively, or by sheer luck—ample room for the constitutional institutions to react in new ways to new circumstances, as long as the institutionsthemselves did not change in any fundamental respect. Generally, this objectivewas achieved by indirection.The president, for example, wasforbidden to legislate or adjudicate, butthere was remarkably little definition ofhis executive powers. As a result, thestrength of the president in office at anygiven time determined the extent ofwhat he regarded as his mandate. It wasinevitable that strong men such as Jackson, Lincoln, and the two Rooseveltswould interpret the absence of specificprohibitions as the presence of specificauthority and act accordingly OF EQUAL IMPORTANCEwas the Founding Fathers'failure to provide a method of determining whether an act of Congress transgressed thepermissible boundaries of the Constitution. It was inevitable that such questions would arise and would be regarded differently by men whosefunction was to represent the popularwill and men whose function it was toadminister a theoretically impersonalbody of law. Had the doctrine of judicialreview of legislative acts not been established by Chief Justice John Marshall, itis virtually certain one of his successorswould have done so. This particulargap was so huge that it had to beplugged somehow. But it is only a matter of time until a body that has succeeded in acquiring the power to forbid(which is essentially the power of theSupreme Court over Congress and theexecutive) also takes over the power todirect. This is the process that has made17the judiciary a major agency for socialchange in the past three decades.The f ramers of the Constitution hadno way of foreseeing the effects of theirmost important decision— to give thepresidency the functions of both chiefof state and chief of government. It isdoubtful that they were even aware thatthe functions could exist separately.They knew that there had to be someone to speak for all the government.They also knew that there had to besomeone to manage the affairs of thecountry. The concept that these functions could be separated was alien totheir experience, even though- the origins of separation were already apparent in the relationship between the kingof England and the prime minister.They lived in a universe dominatedby the concept of ownership and inwhich management independent ofownership was unknown. The parallelto government seemed obvious in theirminds. Furthermore, they were confronted with an immediate and apparent problem that far overshadowedwhat could then be only abstract ideasof the distinction between reigning andruling. They had a nation that was being pulled apart by the centrifugalforces of state pride. Their task was todevise some method by which thirteenquite independent political units couldbe merged into a collective whole. Theirproblem was to find some counterweight that would balance forces of disunity and induce Americans to think ofthemselves as citizens of the UnitedStates rather than as citizens of Connecticut, New York, Virginia, or Georgia. And they had to do it relativelyquickly.The most practical method of unifying people is to give them a symbol withwhich they all can identify. If the symbol is human, its efficacy is enhancedenormously. The obvious symbol wasthe president— the man who held therole of commander-in-chief of thearmed forces, the man to whom allcould pay respects as the first citizen. Inshort, the Founding Fathers established the presidency as a position ofreverence and, as they were truly wiseand sophisticated men, their effortswere as effective as human wisdomcould make them The real question every presidentmust ask himself is how he can resistthe temptations of a process compounded of idolatry and lofty patrioticrespect for a national symbol. By all the standards of past performance, heshould be well equipped to face it. As ageneral rule, he has fought his way upthrough the political ranks. He has flattered and been flattered— and the merefact that he has survived to the threshold of the White House should indicatea psychological capacity to keep flatteryin perspective. He has dealt with richpeople, poor people, wise people,fools, patriots, knaves, scoundrels, andwardheelers. Had he not maintainedhis perspective on human beings generally, it is doubtful that he would havereceived his party's nomination .BUT THE ATMOSPHEREof the White House is aheady one. It is designedto bring to its occupantprivileges that are commensurate withthe responsibilities he must bear. Aprivilege is, by definition, a boon notaccorded to other people. And to the extent that a man exercises his privileges,he removes himself from the companyof lesser breeds who must stand in lineand wait their turn on a share-and-share-alike basis for the comforts of life.To a president, all other humans are"lesser breeds."Furthermore, a president wouldhave to be a dull clod indeed to regardhimself without a feeling of awe. The atmosphere of the White House is calculated to instill in any man a sense of destiny. He literally walks in the footstepsof hallowed figures— of Jefferson, ofJackson, of Lincoln. The almost sanctified relics of a distant, semimythicalpast surround him as ordinary household objects to be used by his family.From the moment he enters the halls heis made aware that he has become enshrined in a pantheon of semidivinemortals who have shaken the world,and that he has taken from their handsthe heritage of American dreams andaspirations.Unfortunately for him, divinity, although it serves as a unifying quality, isa better basis for inspiration than it is forgovernment. The world can be shakenfrom Mount Olympus but the godswere notoriously inefficient when itcame to directing the affairs of mankind. The Greeks were wise about suchmatters. In their remarkable body oflore, human tragedy usually originatedwith divine intervention and their invocations to the deities were usually prayers of propitiation— by all that is holy, leave us alone!A semidivinity is also a personification of a people, and presidents cannotescape the process. The trouble withpersonification is that it depends on abstraction and, in the course of exercise,individual living people somehow getlost. The president becomes the nation,and when he is insulted, the nation isinsulted; when he has a dream, the nation has a dream; when he has an antagonist, the nation has an antagonist.It may well be that at some point itwill no longer be necessary for nationsto personify themselves in terms of asingle human being. Many lesser formsof organization have already reachedthat stage of their social development—notably business. But even though I believe I can see incipient political trendsmoving in that direction, we are notthere yet. We still require a symbol ofunity and legitimacy. We are not goingto be held together by rational discussion—as anyone knows who has everattended a meeting of academics. Forany assemblage of people to act as aunit, there must be some quasi-divinebeing who can be invoked at criticaljunctures. In our country that is thepresident— a man who can be challenged for what he does but not for whathe is. His status is unassailable whatever the constituents may think about hisabilities.This is the essence of monarchy— tobe a nation and to manage its affairs atthe same time. At one point in history,monarchs were unchallengeable bothin terms of status and operating control.During the Age of Enlightenment, thiscame to be considered a highly dubiousproposition. It was discovered veryquickly, however, that the symbol wasstill needed. Some nations— notablyGreat Britain and its imitators—solvedthe problem by separating the two functions. They lodged the question of symbolic values with a constitutional monarch (or a powerless president) and ofoperational control with a prime minister. Other nations— notably the SovietUnion with Josef Stalin— retained thedual role for one man but changed thebase on which he was selected. In theUnited States, we performed an interesting experiment— we founded a nation in which we retained the dual roleof leader but severely circumscribed hispowers and required him to undergo review every four years. The question iswhether a plan that has worked so wellup to now must be changed. B18 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/FALL 1988CHICAGO JOURNALSULLIVAN NEW CHAIRMAN;THREE TRUSTEESNAMED TO BOARDChicago business and civic leaderBarry F. Sullivan, M.B.A/57, chairmanand chief executive officer of FirstChicago Corporation and the FirstNational Bank of Chicago, has beenelected chairman of the Board of Trustees of the University of Chicago.Sullivan has served as a member ofthe Board of Trustees since 1980 and asvice chairman since 1985.Sullivan becomes the twelfthchairman of the Board of Trustees,succeeding B. Kenneth West,M.B.A/60 who has served since 1985.West, chairman of the board and chiefexecutive officer of Harris Trust andSavings Bank and its holding company, Harris Bankcorp., Inc., will remaina trustee.Three new trustees have beennamed to the board. They are: HowardKrane, J.D/57, a partner in the Chicago law firm Kirkland and Ellis; J.Parker Hall III, president of Chicago'sLincoln Capital Investment Co.; andJames Crown, general partner ofHenry Crown and Company."Our University has been extraordinarily fortunate in the leadership ofits board and in the commitment ofeach chairman to the academic integrity of the institution, " said HannaGray, president of the University."I am very pleased that Barry Sullivan has been elected. He brings tothe chairmanship his enormous energy, intellectual rigor and broad visionof the University's role in the society, "she said. "He follows a remarkablechairman. Ken West's wise counsel,effective leadership and powerfuladvocacy for excellence in every area ofthe University's mission have fashioned for us a strong bridge to thefuture.""It is an honor and a significantresponsibility to assume this role atone of the world's greatest universities," Sullivan said."The challenge facing our board isquite simple, " he continued, "building on the solid foundation that is in place and further enhancing the opportunities for education, teachingand research at the University of Chicago as we approach our centennialyear of 1991-92. "Sullivan was elected chairman ofFirst Chicago Corporation in June of1980. Prior to that, he was an executivevice president at the Chase ManhattanBank in New York, where he spent 23years in virtually every aspect of banking. A director of American NationaiCorporation and the Federal ReserveBank of Chicago, Sullivan also servesas chairman of the Institute of International Finance.At the University, Sullivan hasserved as chairman of the Council onthe Graduate School of Business(GSB). He was also chairman of theGSB's recently completed $21.5 million capital campaign, which exceededits goal by nearly $2 million."As an alumnus, as a businessmanand as a Chicagoan, I know the importance of the University to the city, "Sullivan said. "It lends its institutionalprestige, historical perspective and asocial balance that enriches all ofChicago."Krane, a former editor of the LawReview, is a consultant to the AmericanLaw Institute's Income Tax Project, alecturer at the Law School and anannual participant in the Federal TaxConference. Krane chaired the LawSchool's recently completed capitalcampaign, which raised a total of $25million, exceeding its goal by morethan $5 million.Hall, whose father is the formertreasurer of the University and whosegrandfather was the first dean of theLaw School, has been president ofLincoln Capital Management since1971. Hall is a director of the LaSalleStreet Fund, a real estate investmenttrust, and a trustee of the ChicagoSymphony Orchestra and RaviniaFestival. He is also chairman of theUniversity's Visiting Committee to theDepartment of Music.After taking his law degree fromStanford Law School in 1980, Crownjoined the Salomon Brothers investment firm as an associate in their NewYork office. He became vice president of the firm in 1983. In April 1985, hereturned to Chicago to join his family'sinvestment firm, Henry Crown andCompany, as a general partner.Crown serves as director of theGeneral Dynamics Corporation, theNew Mexico and Arizona Land Company and the PEC Israel EconomicCorporation.Warren Heemann, one of the nation's leading university fund raisers,has been named the new vice president for Development and AlumniRelations by President Hanna Gray.Heemann assumed his new responsibilities on September 1."I am particularly pleased thatWarren Heemann will be joining theUniversity as vice president for Development and Alumni Relations," Graysaid. "He brings a rare understandingof universities and their needs, and ofthe special relationship they must havewith their alumni."He has a fine record of successthat can be measured also by the enthusiasm that faculty and friends ofWarren HeemannHEEMANN NAMEDVICE PRESIDENT19other institutions have shown for hisleadership," she added.Heemann had been vice presidentfor Communications and Development at the Georgia Institute of Technology since 1979. He directed GeorgiaTech's recent centennial campaign,which exceeded its $100 million goal by$102.7 million. He also served as vicepresident of the alumni associationand as co-chairman of the centennialcelebration planning committee."The University of Chicago is awonderful university, valued for itsexcellence," Heemann said. "The mostcompelling motivation for people whosupport institutions of higher learningis pride of association. The University's reputation worldwide plus theupcoming centennial provides a greatopportunity for someone in myfield."Heemann also praised the University's Development and Alumni Relations staffs, calling their work "highquality." He added, "They have beenproductive and doing quite well. Thiswill be an opportunity to build onstrength."Heemann's appointment ended ayear-long search to replace WilliamHaden, who left the University lastyear to become vice president for Public Affairs at Reed College in Portland,OR. During the past year, the University's development and alumni effortshave been directed by Randy Holgate,assistant vice president for Development. Under Holgate's leadership, theCampaign for the Arts and Scienceswas completed, exceeding its $150million goal.Concerning his plans for theAlumni Relations side of his responsibilities, Heemann said that he looksforward to the prospects and challenges those duties represent, butadded: "It would be premature for meto have a plan at this point. I need tohave good and lengthy discussionswith the alumni executive councilabout what it believes to be important.Indeed, I'd like to hear from any alumnus or alumna who has thought aboutthe University's relationship with itsalumni and has some advice to sharewith me."One of Heemann's interests is costanalysis of fund raising. He is theeditor of a book, Analyzing the Cost-Effectiveness of Fund Raising, (San Fran cisco: Jossey-Bass, 1979)."I became involved in the problemof analyzing the cost of fund raisingsoon after being named vice presidentfor Development at the College ofWilliam and Mary in 1971. It seemedlogical to want to determine the returnthat the College was receiving on themoney it was investing in my operation and to compare that return withwhat other colleges were realizing, " heexplained. "I soon found that therewere great discrepancies in the wayschools counted their gifts and noagreement on what constituted thecosts that were to be included in thecalculation. As an example, how muchof the operational budget of the alumni association should be considered afund-raising cost?"I chaired a committee that produced something called 'ManagementReporting Standards for EducationalInstitutions: Fund Raising and RelatedActivities, ' which is now used almostuniversally as a guide to the properreporting and accounting of gifts. Inow chair an advisory committeewhich has developed and is testingfund raising uniform cost reportingstandards. Dull stuff, but useful."A native of Baltimore, Heemannreceived B. A. and M. A. degrees inEnglish from the University of NorthCarolina at Chapel Hill.Heemann began his career as anEnglish professor at William and Mary.He served as vice president of Development from 1971 to 1979. His teaching experience, he says, has given hima deep appreciation for the contributions of faculty members."I continue to believe that there isno higher calling than teaching at theuniversity level, " he said. "I look forward to working with the faculty, bothindividually and collectively, to develop the support necessary for theiraspirations."A noted figure on the nationallevel, Heemann will serve as chairmanof the board of the Council for Advancement and Support of Education(CASE) in 1989-1990. CASE, the leading professional organization of university advancement officials, honoredHeemann in 1985 for "distinguishedservice to American higher educationin university relations, alumni affairsand educational fund raising."Heemann studied philanthropy in Great Britain as a Fulbright fellow in1987. The administrative fellowshipenabled him to help Imperial Collegeestablish its first development office.Cutbacks in government support ofhigher education have prompted British universities to become more interested in the American style of fundraising. His experience at Imperial hasled Heemann to believe that successfulfund raising in Great Britain will depend on the willingness of collegesand universities actively to cultivatethe support of their broaderconstituencies."The big question is not one ofpotential. The potential to raise moneyis there. The question is whether ornot they're willing to open up to involvement with their alumni, the business community and others," he said."It makes you appreciate higher education in the United States, wherethere is that interaction."As you know, British universitieshave been highly autonomous in British society. I think that the business ofcommunicating effectively with theirconstituencies, cultivating the interestof the public, and involving peopleand organizations in their aspirations,will produce benefits for the universities which will greatly exceed the money raised."NEW "OLD" LOOKFOR ROBIE HOUSEAs alumni at Reunion Weekenddiscovered, Robie House has a new"old" look.Robie House, the Frank LloydWright-designed former residence thathouses the Office of Alumni Relationsand the editorial office of The Universityof Chicago Magazine, underwent carpetinstallation in late May.The new carpets— donated byBentley Mills, a carpet mill in City ofIndustry, CA, and laid in the livingand dining rooms and in the entryroom— are reproductions of Wright'soriginal design. While many of theWright-designed furniture pieces andaccessories for Robie House still exist,carpeting does not. In order to reproduce the pattern and color of the carpets, Richard Bumstead, Universityplanner, had to do some research.His research took him to the Mil-20 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE /FALL 1988waukee Art Museum to examine thepapers of George Niedecken, the interior architect who executed Wright'sdesigns for the furnishings of RobieHouse. In the Niedecken collection,nRichard BumsteadBumstead located the drawings andsamples of wool yarn for the originalcarpet, loomed in Austria and installedshortly after the construction of RobieHouse in 1909.With Bumstead's findings BentleyMills manufactured a reproduction ofthe rug. The company used acomputer-assisted process calledChroma-Tech to injectionrdye, ratherthan print or weave, the carpets'pattern.The technology for the Chroma-Tech process is new — aside fromBentley Mills, only one other carpetmanufacturer in the world owns therequisite Chroma-Jet equipment. Bumstead said that Bentley Mills was therefore eager to test the Chroma-Jet'scapabilities with the challenge of theRobie House project, and donated theend product to the University.Installation of the carpet, carriedout by Marshall Field & Company ofChicago, required that Bumstead domore research. He studied photographs of Robie House from the early1910s, which revealed how elements ofthe carpet pattern related to certainfeatures of the Robie House interior.Among other things, he discovered that the medallions in the carpet'spattern should line up with the piersbetween the French doors of the livingand dining rooms.With carpet installation complete,those rooms, as well as the entryroom, have been reopened to the public. Now, alumni and the many othervisitors to Robie House can see whatFrederick Robie and his family hadunderfoot almost eight decades ago,when they lived in what many havesince hailed as an architecturalmasterpiece.UNIVERSITY HOSTSFILM FESTIVALA major portion of the 24th Chicago International Film Festival will behosted this fall by the University ofChicago at the Max Palevsky Cinema.Little Dorrit, a six-hour adaptationof Dickens' 1857 novel by British director Christine Edzard, will receive itsChicago premiere October 30 at theUniversity's Max Palevsky Cinema,located in Ida Noyes Hall. Nearly 40other of the Festival's featured filmswill be screened October 27 thoughNovember 6 at the Palvesky cinema,named in honor of Max Palevsky,SB'48, PhB'48, who donated $1 million towards its construction, completed in 1986.The last time the InternationalFilm Festival was hosted at the University was in 1971, according to MarcEvans, a College senior and chairperson of the Documentary Film Group,better known as Doc Films, the oldestcontinuing film society in the UnitedStates. Evans said that Michael Kutza,founder and artistic director of thefestival, was encouraged by HaroldWashington, the late mayor of Chicago, to hold part of the festival on thecity's South Side. Evans followed upwith several phone calls to Kutza, whoagreed to look at the Palvesky cinema,and was "very favorably impressed"by the state-of-the-art facility, Evanssaid.According to Evans, the eventdiffers from other festivals in its emphasis on first features by new directors, although works by establishedfilmmakers such as Raul Ruiz andJean-Luc Godard are included in thisyear's festival. Screenings Monday to Thursday will be held nightly at 6, 8and 10 p.m.; Friday, 7, 9, and 11:30p.m.; Saturday, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9:30, and11:30 p.m.; and Sunday, 2, 4, 6, 8, and10:30 p.m. (For information, call DocFilms' 24-hour line, 312-702-8575.)Following the screenings will beaudience discussions, which will belead in many cases by the director orsomeone else who was closely associated with the film. The event will becoordinated by Doc Films, along withthe Office of Student Activities, theUniversity Office of News and Information, University News and the University Office of Community Affairs.1988 COLLEGEGRADSPLANMORE STUDIESMore than half of the students whograduated from the College in June1988 said they planned to go to workimmediately after graduation, whilenine out of ten of the students expressed a desire to pursue graduatestudies within the next five years.Of the 476 graduates responding tothe survey conducted by the CollegeData Office last spring, 303 (63.7 percent) planned to enter immediate full-time employment, compared with 57. 1percent in 1987. A total of 161 graduates, or 33.8 percent, planned to begingraduate studies immediately; and,89.3 percent expressed a desire topursue graduate studies within thenext five years. Once again, the University of Chicago was the overwhelming choice of the 161 graduates whowere certain of their plans to attend aparticular school. Fifty-five students,or 31 percent, picked Chicago, (upfrom 26.2 percent last year), followedin a four-way tie by Harvard, Northwestern, MIT and Yale, each with a 3.9share of the percentage. It is the thirdyear that such a survey has beenconducted.SWERDLOW NAMEDMacARTHUR FELLOWFor Noel Swerdlow, professor inthe department of Astronomy andAstrophysics and in History, the five-year, $285,000 Mac Arthur Fellowshiphe received last month provides icingon an already rich cake."The Astronomy Department atChicago already has provided mewith the best possible facilities forresearch, " he said on hearing of theaward. "The additional flexibilityoffered by the Mac Arthur award willsupplement that, " perhaps by allowing occasional academic quarters atvarious European research libraries.MacArthur Fellowships are givenby the John D. and Catherine T. Mac-Arthur Foundation to "extraordinarilytalented" individuals without regardto precise fields of endeavor. This year,31 fellows were chosen in fields ranging from agriculture to jazz to forestfire fighting. Swerdlow is the thirteenth University of Chicago facultymember to be named a MacArthurFellow since the inception of theawards in 1981.Swerdlow, a historian of science,specializes in the history of astronomyfrom ancient times to the 17th centuryand is best known for his technicalSEEK ASSISTANTVICE PRESIDENT FORALUMNI RELATIONSThe University is seeking candidates for the position of assistant vicepresident for Alumni Relations.According to Warren Heemann,vice president for Development andAlumni Relations, to whom the incumbent will report, the responsibilities ofthe assistant vice president for AlumniRelations will include coordinating theUniversity's and the Alumni Association's programs of communicationswith alumni; developing and sustaining the work of alumni clubs; and developing programming appropriate to theUniversity of Chicago alumni body, including continuing education, tours,and reunions.The candidate should have alumniprogram management or solid public oruniversity relations experience, and agood working knowledge of the valuesand mores of American higher education. Candidates with a degree from theUniversity of Chicago will be givenpreference. The salary is competitive,commensurate with experience. Resumes should be sent to WarrenHeemann, vice president for Development and Alumni Relations, 5801 S. Ellis Avenue, Chicago, IL, 60637. analyses of works by Copernicus andby the second-century A.D. Greekastronomer Ptolemy. He is currentlycompleting a short history of astronomy from Ptolemy to Copernicus and isplanning a study of astronomy fromJohannes Kepler to Isaac Newton.BELLOW RECEIVESNATIONAL ARTS AWARDSaul Bellow, the Raymond W. andMartha Hilpert Gruner DistinguishedService Professor, is one of 12 Americans who were honored as this year'srecipients of the National Medal ofArts.The President and Mrs. Reaganpresented the awards August 9 duringa luncheon at the White House. Established in 1983, the National Medal ofArts is given for "outstanding contributions to the excellence, growth,support and availability of the arts inthe United States."Bellow joined the Chicago facultyin 1963. He is currently a member ofthe Committee on Social Thought, ofwhich he served as chairman from1970 to 1976, and the Department ofEnglish Language and Literature.COMPUTER SCIENCECELEBRATES MILESTONESThe Department of ComputerScience passed two milestones lastmonth: as it celebrated its fifth anniversary, the department's first studentcompleted the requirements for aPh.D. degree. Chairman MichaelO'Donnell calls the student's attainment "a tangible sign that we've begunto do what we claimed we would"when the department was formed in1983."Research and the development ofnew computer scientists is what wewere created for," said O'Donnell."We've already established a worldreputation for research in computerscience. Now we've begun to fulfill thesecond goal."The Ph.D. was awarded to PeterHajnal, who has accepted a postdoctoral appointment in M.I.T.'s prestigious computer science department.In his thesis Hajnal solved severalimportant problems in computational complexity, a field devoted to understanding what amount of computerresources, such as time or memory, isneeded to solve problems.The department has also beenfulfilling its other mandate, to performresearch worthy of the best departments. "In theoretical science in particular, we are clearly in the top tenalready," O'Donnell said. The accomplishment is especially noteworthybecause it was achieved at a time ofgreat competition, both from otherestablished university departmentsand from industry. O'Donnell attributes the success to the "superhuman" efforts of Robert Soare, professorin computer science and mathematicsand the first chairman of the department. "It's difficult to imagine anyoneelse who could have succeeded," hesaid. "This is the only department tohave gone from zero to a world reputation in this decade."COLLEGE SENIOR SCORESFELLOWSHIP GRAND SLAMDavid Hinds, AB'88, faced anenviable dilemma last spring when hewas forced to turn down a Fulbrightgrant.Hinds, a biochemistry major, hadalready been awarded a ChurchillFoundation Scholarship for study atCambridge University for the nextacademic year.The Churchill was only one of fourmajor grants that Hinds received before graduating. He accepted the Howard Hughes Doctoral Fellowship inBiological Sciences, which will support him through five years of Ph.D.studies after completing his year inEngland. Hinds was offered aFulbright grant for his master's studies, but had already accepted theChurchill when his application wasapproved. He also received a NationalScience Foundation Fellowship, butdecided to accept the Hughes— whichcovers two more years toward his doctoral degree.Each year, ten Churchill scholarsare chosen from students nominatedby 36 leading American colleges anduniversities. Churchill College at Cambridge is dedicated to teaching andresearch primarily in engineering,mathematics and the sciences. H22 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/FALL 1988LETTERSContinued from inside front coverpression that the American Professors forPeace in the Middle East (APPME) merelysat and listened passively to the presentation, as students in a lecture course, withoutasking questions.Did not Gewirth or any other academicsask any questions? For example : Why is taxation without representation inflicted on somany non-Jewish residents?In 1983 the Knesset defeated a bill thatwould have given Reform and ConservativeJews equal rights with Orthodox Jews, making Israel the only Western democracy inwhich there is legal discrimination againstJews. Would this not have been of paramount importance to the APPME group?Were there no questions asked on the legal basis for the establishment of the State ofIsrael? Under UN Resolution No. 181 (II), 29November 1947, there was to be a plan submitted by Israel to the UN to set up the newstate with a constitution. Formulating thatnew constitution was delegated to the Knesset which in turn delegated its Constitution,Law and Justice Committee to come up witha proposed legal basis for the new state. Todate, thirty-eight years after, this Committee has failed to present a constitution. Israeldoes not exist as a state. Did no one ask aboutthe legality of Israel as a state and what itsborders are?Was it not a rabbi who said, "If I think ofmyself alone what do I amount to?" And another rabbi who said, "What does it profit aman if he gains the world and loses his ownsoul?"Thomas D. Hardwick, AM' 31Richmond, CAGewirth Replies:My thanks to these correspondents fortheir thoughtful letters.To Rollin Stearns: The reference to "ourside" in my article was a citation of thehawks' position, not necessarily that of theauthor. On the more general issue: Jews canhave an important stake in Israel's survival(just as, say, Italian- Americans can have inItaly's) without ceasing to be fully American. Note also that Italy's survival is notthreatened as is Israel's, and that there hasbeen no centuries-long murder and otheroppression of Italians qua Italians as therehas been of Jews qua Jews. Hence, the issueof the protection of human rights, to which Ireferred, becomes especially pressing for allJews, as indeed for all other peoples who didor do suffer from severe persecution. Noneof this, however, is antithetical to AmericanJews' dissenting strongly from specific Israeli governmental policies, as is currentlythe case on the Palestinian question. To Herbert Mertz: The valid point of the Palestinian Arabs' having their own state issurely not, even in part, to be an additionalmilitary threat to Israel, like other Arabstates. In view of the immense sufferingand insecurity inflicted on Israel by Arabaggression and rejection, it is not asking toomuch for the Palestinians to acquiesce inforgoing the means of military aggression.Statehood, with its dignity and self-determination, need not mean external military prowess; consider Switzerland andother small European nations. The emigration Mertz suggests seems to me far lesspracticable than a demilitarized Palestinianstate.To Thomas D. Hardwick: I agree about theneed for questioning, especially by professors. But please note that I wrote "the sessions also included intensive question-and-answer periods that often developed intorousing debates." The issue of "taxationwithout representation" was included within the "equal political rights" for the Palestinians that I discussed. The other issuesHardwick raises, while important, fall outside the already very complicated matters towhich I devoted my article.STILL FLOGGINGA DEAD HORSE?Editor:It is discouraging to continue to readcorrespondence from Chicago alumni—presumably educated and informed-relating to South Africa, a subject aboutwhich they display a striking lack of information and serious thought. Two such letters appear in the SUMMER/88 issue.A.P.J. O'Connor writes of a mysterious,mythical Zulu Tolstoy whom he further delineates as "of the Transvaal." As the mapwill show, the Zulu homelands lie in theTranskei region and Zululand, both in Natalprovince, rather than the Transvaal.Michael Krinsky, still flogging thedeceased horse of divestment, writes:". . . divestment is a vital tool in ending apartheid in South Africa." Precisely how sellinga few thousand shares of stock to anotherowner will be "vital" to Krinsky's cause isnot further elaborated.It is maddening to those who have a genuine interest in Africa and its inhabitants,and who have studied its multiple problems, that university people should takesuch a shallow, dilettante approach to theplight of African blacks. In Ethiopia, hundreds of thousands have either died or facestarvation, the consequence of a deliberatepolicy of the Marxist-Stalinist black government. What do those who share Krinsky'sdivestment fetish offer these desperatetribespeople?In equatorial Africa, millions of blackssuffer damnably from malnutrition, epidemic disease (including rampant AIDS), aswell as oppression by their own leadership, often as vicious as any ever visited uponthem by European colonialists. Yet one readsof no champion of these multitudes, noalumni group calling its stockbroker in theirbehalf.The peculiar geographic selectivityshown by the concerned "divestors" suggests that they are not so much aggrieved bythe citizenship deficiencies of blacks ofSouth Africa as they are filled with hate forwhite Afrikaaners who are seen as the exclusive advocates of prejudice and discrimination in the world. But if religious and ethnicinjustice are the actual villains againstwhom the divestment claque rails, why dothey not broaden their focus?Are Protestant and Catholic now atpeace in Ulster? Do Arab and Jew live asbrothers? Are Iranian women treated equally by those following the banner of theAyatollah? In Mr. Krinsky's own New York,incidents of racial violence (Bernard Goetz,Howard Beach) suggest that he might betterexamine the mote in his own eye before heproclaims the beam in the eye of others.Dr. Robert Blair, X'43Flagstaff, AZIN DEFENSEOF STRAUSSEditor:Near the end of his letter in theSUMMER/88 edition of the Magazine, A.PJ.O'Connor, AB'81, refers slightingly to the"Straussians." Leo Strauss was no morethan Socrates the founder of a school, although like Socrates he had friends and associates and, again like Socrates, he was afisher of men, the young in whom he sensedsome openness to truth He was, I think, aSocratic to the extent that it is possible to saythis given the remark earlier made. That is,he was impelled by the same love of wisdomand the same modesty respecting its attainment by mortal men in this life, seeking always to associate with him those studentswho perceived in him and in his methodsthat intellectual good which has traditionally been associative with the philosophic life.The common enterprise is no more thanthat; students of Strauss have entered different walks of life, pursued different linesof inquiry, achieved different results. Someare obscure, some like Bloom are well-known I was a student of Strauss's in1950-51, probably the least able of the students in either of the classes I took with him,but I shall never forget his patience andkindness with those who were well-disposed but slow or simply stupid. Forthose susceptible in any degree to the truecharms of quiet, lonely inquiry in the company of a few, (or maybe entirely alone),Strauss was the genuine Socratic gadfly, infecting with a virus compounded of love andskepticism in equal parts.David K. Kagan, PhB'48Swarthmore, PA23Chris Reifsteck (left); Janis Gitty Reifsteck, AB '68;Edward M. Chikofsky, X'68. Ruth Reedy and George E. Reedy, AB '38, who gave theHelen Harris Perlman Lecture.PHOTOGRAPHS BYDAVID JOELANDRICHARD YOUNKERlsabelle Goodgold Hackman, AB '33 (left), and FlorenceKahen Sherman, PhB'33. Charles Ford, SB'63 (left); Pearl Bloom Taback, AB'63;and Donald Twentyman, AB'64.Jessica Tovrov, AB'68, AM'71, PhD'80; MarionSirefman, BFA'68; Roberta Shapiro Saperstein, AB '69. Theodora Schmidt Farrell, AB'38 (left), and DorothyOverlock Stewart, AB'39.KarlZerfoss, PhB'48, AM'50, laughing at Ken West'sremarks at the Class of '48 reunion.Richard Speiglman AB '68 (left); Bob Naidus, AB '68; and Nancy Naidus. (Front row) Alex and Jeremy Naidus. Richard Garcia, AB'53, AB'55, MBA'55, and BernardDel Giorno, AB'54, AB'55, MBA'55.Ross Whitney, PhB'33, MBA'59, andjim Simon,PhB '33, at the Class of '33 dinner. JeffCollard (left); John Collins, X'83; and ElizabethCassanos, AB'83.24 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/FALL 1988REUNIONWilliam Gray, PhB'48, MBA'50, chairman of the reunion committee (left), and Charles Custer, AB'48, JD'58,holding a mailgram from the Class of 1948.Petra Herd Rosenberg, X'53. Harold J. Fishbein, PhB'18, and Joseph L. Gidwitz,PhB'28.Dorothy Freeh Geiger, AB' 46, CLA46, and GreggGeiger, AB '38, MBA'46, at the Class of '38 dinner. Rose Osborne Blaney, AM'78 (left), andArline Sax,director of development, S.S.A.Pamela Narins, AB '83, AM'88 (left), and Ann MargaretSchellenberg, AB '84, at the Class of '83 party.Sidney Furst, AB'48. B. Kenneth West, MBA'60,chairman of the Board ofTrustees, spoke at the Class of'48 dinner.Cynthia Price, AB'78, at theReunion Picnic.26 The class of 1948, having their picture taken in front of the Oriental Institute.Reatha Clark King, SM'60, PhD'63, and Hanna H.Gray, president of the University. Geri Sands Hansen, AB'81, AM'83; Alysann Hansen;and Gregory Hansen, MBA81.David Price, AB'78, MBA 87 (left); Beth Price; LindaSimon Price, AB '78; and Kerry Price. J. Roshal, PhB'48, SB'49, SM'50; H.G. Schlefer, PhB49;S.N. Tomaras, AB'48; N. Melas, PhB'46, SB'48, MBA'50.Robert A. Thomas, X'30, peruses the book of a latergraduate of the University.For ProfessionalAchievement, PublicService, and Serviceto the UniversityLIKE ANY ACADEMIC PIONEER, Payton, through his long career in Payton also cited the emergence ofRobert L. Pay ton has found it necessary higher education administration, be- publications that focus on philanthro-to coin a term for his newly-emerging came interested in the tradition of phi- py. This year will mark the debut of Thefield of study. The subject is philanthro- lanthropy in America— a tradition Chronicle of Philanthropy, and Paytonpy, and Payton's term is "philanthrop- which he believes has just begun to re- himself will edit a journal that he ex-ics," which he defines as "the science, ceive the scholarly attention that it pects to appear next year; the workingin the Greek sense, of the organization, deserves. title is Philanthropic Studies.methods, and principles of voluntary "There have been very encouraging "Most of us feel very encouraged byaction for public purposes. the rising interest in the study"It may disappear alongwith a lot of other coinedterms," Payton admitted, "butlike all coinages, it's partly rhetorical. It's partly trying to persuade people to think aboutthis subject as they think aboutother fields of inquiry."Payton, AM'54, director ofthe Indiana University Centeron Philantrophy and the nation's first professor of philanthropic studies, won the 1988Alumni Medal for his extraordinary professional distinction and service to society.During his thirty-year career the lieutenant whose generos-in government and higher education he developments of university interest in ity the note acknowledged, receivedhas served as president of the Exxon what I'm calling philanthropic stu- the Alumni Service Citation for his out-Education Foundation, Hof stra Univer- dies, " said Payton. "There are new cen- standing service to the University.sity, and C. W. Post College. He was ters on philanthropy at the City Univer- "I found out something very valu-United States Ambassador to the Feder- sity of New York, at Duke, Indiana, and able in the army, " Picken said . "The serai Republic of Cameroon from 1967 to Case Western Reserve universities, at geants and corporals know how to do1969. He was also a senior administra- the University of San Francisco, and everything, and if you have a good ser-tor of Washington University in St. others are coming into being. I think we geant and a good corporal, you're inLouis for nine years, serving as a vice- are watching the emergence of a new good hands. So I was a successful per-chancellor from 1961 to 1966 . field of inquiry. " sonnel officer because of the staff I had .THE 1988ALUMNIASSOCIATIONAWARDS of philanthropy in the university," said Payton. "Its absencehas been a source of distress toa number of us, so we feel verygood about what has beenhappening lately"The archives of the University hold a tattered note, datedAugust 28, 1945, thanking ayoung U.S. Army lieutenantstationed in Europe for histimely gift to that year's Annual Fund.Robert E Picken, AM'33,27"I feel the same way about companies," Picken continued. "If you have acompetent staff, your job is easy. That'show my company stays number one inthe whole industry for our segment of theindustry. The staff is very competent."Picken is president and chairman ofthe board of Peerless Confection Company on Chicago's North Side. Hejoined the company in 1949 and becamepresident in 1955.Peerless's number-one ranking inthe hard candy industry can be explained in part by Picken's concern forhis employees. He developed a nondiscriminatory hiring program forPeerless, and regularly provides hisemployees with educational familyplanning information. In turn, Picken'sattention to employee welfare seems tofoster a high morale among Peerlesspersonnel."All staff members are stockholdersin the company— it's something thatthey have decided to invest in— and weall have the feeling that we're workingfor our own purposes," Picken said."It's our enterprise."Picken's positive spirit has alsofound expression in several organizations: he serves on the boards of directors of Planned Parenthood, the Independent Voters of Illinois, the HydePark Neighborhood Club, the Council on Foreign Relations, and is a trustee ofSimpson College, Indianola, IA, wherehe received his bachelor's degree in1931.In addition, Hyde Parkers knowPicken as a regular cast member in productions of the Gilbert & Sullivan Opera Company. He has sung and dancedin G & S comic operettas since the company's founding in 1960.As a volunteer, Picken has alsoraised funds for the University. Overthe past three decades he has held leadership positions in the National Alumni Fund and, more recently, the MajorGifts Committee of the Campaign forthe Arts and Sciences.Most recently, from September 1982to September 1985, Picken served aschairman for the President's Fund inthe greater Chicago area. Since 1985, inthe last three years of the Campaign forthe Arts and Sciences, Picken served asthe national chairman of the f und . During his chairmanship, annual supportfor the fund has more than doubled.Picken credited his accomplishments in University fund raising to astrong organization."My experience with the development office is the same as with the armyand with my company— they have ahighly qualified staff. They do a marvelous job, and it makes my job easy. I've worked with five or six different staffmembers there, every one of themtop notch. A good staff is the secret toeasy leadership and success in anyenterprise."Picken, 78, said that he has no plansto retire from Peerless Confection."As long as I am able to go to work, Ishall, because it's exciting," Pickensaid. "We don't have compulsory retirement on our staff. In fact, we have oneor two staff members who are olderthan I am and still on the job. That's notbad.""Public service is like paying yourdues, in the sense that you owe something to the community that supportsyou." So said Herbert Fried, JD'32, recipient of the Public Service Citation forhis "exemplary leadership in community service."Fried's own dues-paying has benefited many since 1977, when his retirement allowed him to embark on a careerin public service. When he ended hisbusiness career, Fried was president ofCharles Levy Circulating Company, thecountry's largest independent distributor of publications.Fried subsequently became directorof the placement office at the La w Schooland proceeded to make the office moreRobert L. Payton Robert F Picken Herbert Fried28 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/FALL 1988responsive to the job market for LawSchool graduates. According to PaulWoo, director of placement since 1982,law firms have become more aggressiveas on-campus recruiters in recent years,and Fried instituted changes to keeppace with that development."Herb ushered the Law School intothe new age of legal recruitment," saidWoo, AM'75. Fried accomplished thisin part, Woo said, by introducing computers as a tool in setting up interviewsbetween students and prospectiveemployers.From his work at the Law School,Fried went on to the Chicago Bar Association, to initiate and direct a pro bonorecruitment program. During his threeyears of service, he increased the number of lawyers serving the poor and indigent from a few hundred to over onethousand.At the Bar Association, Fried alsocreated a counseling service for lawyerswho seek advice about their careers."It's been a very exciting and enjoyable experience," said Fried. "So fewpeople really know how to go about getting a job, or changing a job, or changing a career. You find a lot of very intelligent people who are obviously in thewrong area and should moye out of it.So you try and give them some moralsupport." Another phase of Fried's volunteerservice began as a result of an articlethat he read in The New York Times aboutChicago's Argyle Street shoppingdistrict."The mention of Argyle Streetbrought up a lot of images for me, " saidFried, who grew up on the North Side."It's where my mother used to do hershopping, where we went to the meatmarket and the fish market and thegrocery."Once a prime commercial area,Argyle Street had entered a state of decline. According to the article, however,an influx of Chinese into the community—and more recently, Vietnamese-has reversed that trend."The article said that what the Vietnamese really needed at that point wassome help from small businessmen tohelp find a way of putting them injobs," said Fried. "I searched them outand offered my services."Working with the Vietnamese Association of Illinois Community Economics Program, Fried designed a program to help the Vietnamese financeand organize their own small businesses. He continues to consult with thecenter's executive director on problemsthat arise in the organization and in thecommunity."I've had my share of business life, " said Fried, reflecting on his volunteerwork. "It's good to feel that you are being helpful."Professional Achievement Citations recognize alumni who havebrought distinction to themselves andcredit to the University through theirvocations. This year, five alumni wereawarded Professional Achievement Citations: George Leland Bach, PhD'40;Herman S. Bloch, SB'33, PhD'36; Rea-tha Clark King, SM'60, PhD'63; DanielE. Koshland, Jr., PhD'49; and DeborahWillen Meier, AM'55.In 1949, when William Larimer Mellon endowed the Graduate School ofIndustrial Administration (GSIA) at theCarnegie Institute of Technology (nowCarnegie Mellon University), he askedits founding dean to create a programthat would train engineers to becomeeffective managers.The dean, George Leland Bach,PhD'40, responded to that challenge byrevolutionizing graduate business education.Bach, now Frank E. Buck ProfessorEmeritus of Economics and Public Policy at Stanford University, Stanford,CA, has had a long, distinguished careerin economics and education. Among hisbooks, Economics (1954), has become aGeorge Leland Bach Herman S. Bloch Reatha Clark Kingstandard text in the teaching of elementary economics. He har also publishedmany articles in the fields of money andbanking, inflation, economic policy, executive development, and business andeconomic education.He has served in several advisorypositions for the U.S. government, including a stint as economist and specialassistant to the Board of Governors ofthe Federal Reserve Board, and as chiefeconomist in the U.S. Department ofCommerce.It is Bach's innovation as dean ofGSIA, however, that ranks as thecrowning achievement of his career.Working with Herbert A. Simon,AB'36, PhD'43, Bach proposed that thefledgling GSIA offer a business education that would combine the studies ofapplied mathematics, economics, andbehavioral science.In a 1987 special edition of Selections,the magazine of the Graduate Management Admission Council, William G.Ouchi wrote that Bach invited his faculty to "rethink the then largely intuitivestudy of business and to reformulate itinto something that was more like anengineer's model— that is, more quantitative, more intellectually integrated,and more explicit."In his article Ouchi, professor at theAnderson Graduate School of Manage-Deborah Willen Meier ment of the University of California,Los Angeles, added that what GSIApioneered "produced a new approachto [business school] course designand a revolution in business-relatedresearch."Simon, Richard King Mellon Professor of Psychology and ComputerScience at Carnegie-Mellon and Nobellaureate in economics, wrote that Bach"was clearly the leader who madeGSIA's success possible, and who influenced others in the world of businessand business education to take note ofits innovations."Herman S. Bloch, SB'33, PhD'36,has changed how the world works insome basic ways.Since 1936 Bloch has conductedpetroleum research which has affectednot only the products and machinesreadily associated with petroleum, butalso common consumer goods like detergent. That speaks to the widespreadchanges that have taken place in the petroleum industry during Bloch 's tenureas a research chemist for Universal OilProducts, McCook, IL.Indeed, Bloch's discoveries havebeen credited by many with helping tochange the course of the entire refiningindustry. His research has resulted indozens of publications and over 270U.S. patents, making Bloch one of thenation's most prolific inventors.Bloch's specialty is catalysis. "A catalyst," Bloch explained, "is a materialwhich regulates the speed or directionof a chemical reaction without itself being consumed." One example of a catalyst is the catalytic converter in automobiles, which reduces the amounts ofhydrocarbons and carbon monoxide inexhaust to a negligible amount, therebyreducing air pollution.At Universal Oil Products, Blochled a research group charged toproduce a catalytic converter, one thatwould satisfy U.S. Environmental Protection Agency requirements whichwere to take effect in the mid-1970s. "Itwas a very demanding assignment because of the peculiar conditions thatprevail in the exhaust train of an automobile," Bloch said."The temperatures vary from roomtemperature to very high temperatures,over fifteen hundred degrees. The flow-through rate varies enormously depending on your speed, and the amount of materials to be converted varies fromtraces to intermediate amounts andthese traces have to be reduced by aboutninety percent. So it was a very demanding task for a catalyst."Bloch and his research group produced a catalytic converter that not onlyaccomplished the task— it also captureda very sizable portion of the exhaust catalyst business.Earlier, in 1966, Bloch developedanother catalytic process that wouldhave an enormous effect on consumerproducts. He announced the development of a catalytic process by which biodegradable detergents could be manufactured. Until that time, synthetic,petroleum-based detergents— first necessitated by the shortage of animal fatsduring the Second World War— had environmentally damaging properties."The nice part about our process isthat it produced no toxic or undesirableby-products, which the earlier processes had as one of their major drawbacks," said Bloch. "Biodegradable detergents do not accumulate in the wastewaters, as did the earlier [non-degradable] ones, to cause foams in therivers and death of fishes."With these and other advances,Bloch has been responsible for the petroleum industry's adopting a host ofspecialized catalytic processes to improve the yields and quality of conventional petroleum products, and to meetthe demand for entirely new materials,as with the biodegradable detergentsand the catalytic converter.Bloch said that he has seen "a complete turnover from the primitive techniques of petroleum refining of thetwenties and early thirties to a veryspecific, regulated series of catalyticoperations which make today's operations totally different. They providehigher yields and better products,cheaper than was dreamed possible fifty years ago."Bloch's considerable contributionsto science and technology resulted inhis election in 1975 to the NationalAcademy of Sciences and severalawards from the American ChemicalSociety.Reatha Clark King, SM'60, PhD'63,is president of a university which, inher words, has no "dormitories, oldmain, or football stadium." And therein, says King, lies its success.30 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/FALL 1988Keren E. Anderson Sangeeta M. Bhorade Kyle D. Dixon Michael]. DrewekHOWELLMURRAYAWARD WINNERSNeal J. Ix>evinger Gail A. Martin William F.A. Penn Rick WojcikKing refers to Metropolitan StateUniversity, St. Paul, MN— an institution without the trappings of a traditional university campus. Since King became its president in 1977, the sixteen-year-old university has more than doubled its enrollments, to over fivethousand students; initiated a graduateprogram; completed a $3.5 million development campaign; and institutedspecialized outreach and support services for minorities and women.It has also become a national modelfor public higher education institutionsseeking ways to reach adult students—an ability that, for Metropolitan State,comes in part from its lack of a central ized campus. The school has administrative centers in St. Paul and Minneapolis, but the real work of the school goeson in over one hundred locationsthroughout the Twin Cities area wherethe university's classes are taught."We have tried to locate our servicesin a manner that would cause the students the shortest commute," saidKing. "The average age of our studentsnow is thirty-five years old. Most ofthem are working, and we have foundthat their two scarcest resources aremoney and time. So our program is student centered— that is, we do everything we can to make it convenient andflexible for students, in order to meet their needs."When I became president in 1977,Metropolitan State was viewed as a radical model," said King. "We havegained respectability in the eyes of educators now, in that they would call us a'unique' model. We moved from beingviewed as a radical, reformist institution to a unique and respectable institution, and maybe even admired. I havehad the good fortune to experience thatrange of reactions."King, chair of the American Association of Higher Education and former chair of the American Council onEducation, believes that certain trendsin American life parallel the trend in31education that Metropolitan Staterepresents."So many of our services in societyhave become decentralized," Kingsaid, citing automatic teller machines,branch libraries, and local health-carecenters as examples. "This has set thestage for a changed attitude towards educational services."When I became president here, attitudes were working against us," Kingsaid, "but like most places doing something different— whatever the organization is— you go through a periodwhere you determine that you have tofight rather than switch. Now we findpeople switching to us."In 1985, at the age of 65, Daniel E.Koshland, Jr., PhD'49, did not retire.He started a job with perhaps the mostprestigious science magazine in theworld.In an announcement in Science magazine of Koshland's appointment as editor, Bruce N. Ames (current chairmanof the biochemistry department at theUniversity of California, Berkeley) wrotethat Koshland's "enthusiasm, high energy level, and low activation energy formastering new fields are ideal characteristics for editorship of a multidisci-plinary journal such as Science."The enthusiasm and energy ofKoshland, professor and former chairman of biochemistry at Berkeley, havealso fueled an outstanding career as abiochemist. Since his graduate work atthe University of Chicago in the 1940s,he has published more than threehundred articles on his research,which has included major advances inbiochemistry.In the 1960s, for instance, Koshlandwon world acclaim with his "inducedfit" theory. This theory, describing howproteins and small molecules interact,challenged the standard doctrine of thetime— the keylock or template model.As postulated by the German chemistEmil Fischer (1852-1919), this modelcompared the interaction to that of a rigid lock into which fits a specific key."We felt that the relationship wasmuch more like a hand in the glove, " explained Koshland. "The glove fits thehand, but it has a very different shapethan the hand. Your glove is designedfor your particular hand but then againit changes shape dramatically whenyour hand is put in it." Soon thereafter, Koshland discovered the phenomenon of negativecooperativity, which is now accepted asan important regulatory mechanism inproteins. He has gone on to become aleader in the field of bacterial chemo-taxis, or sensory perception in bacteria,and in more recent years has implemented new approaches in moleculargenetics that elucidate the nature of thesignalling pathway and the sensory traduction mechanisms.Deborah Willen Meier found life asa public school teacher frustrating."I have never been in a more powerless or demeaning relationship to anyplace I've ever worked— or been— aspublic schools," Meier said. "Even as astudent I had more say in the conditionsof my life than I had as a teacher in theChicago or New York public schools."Meier, AM'55, decided to take chargeof the situation. She approached thesuperintendent of a New York Cityschool district with her idea of what apublic school could be: teacher-run,with parental involvement, and centered on subject matter rather thanskills."There happened to be a wonderfulsuperintendent who was twenty-eightyears old and had just come into thisdistrict and wanted to do somethingthat would make a difference," Meiersaid. "So I had a proposal and he had acertain amount of courage."So in 1974, in one wing of P. S. 171 inEast Harlem, New York City, Meier began Central Park East, a public schoolwith only one hundred pupils and theideas of the teachers who volunteeredto work there under Meier's leadership.As a measure of Meier's subsequentsuccess, today Central Park East is anetwork of of three elementary schoolsand a high school. In addition, otherpublic schools in New York are beginning to use Central Park East as a modelof public school education. But in spiteof all the praise she has received as aninnovator in education, Meier assertedthat Central Park East has not tried to doanything new."The only thing new is doing this ina low income, urban public school,"said Meier. "We're trying to translatethe ideas that lie behind the good, independent private schools in this country,into public education for all children.That's really what we're trying to do. "The organization of most schoolsis not structured around what we knowabout how humans learn," Meier continued. "We have high schools in whichthe teachers see 150 kids in a day andyou have thirty-five minutes of this material, thirty-five minutes of that."Nobody would invent an institutionfor learning in that way. You know, college students can't take more than twoor three courses in one day. Why dothey think fifteen-year-olds can takeeight courses in one day? We [adults]wouldn't go to a professional conference that was organized like that. Wewould know that by the end of the dayour minds would be completely numb."The job of the classroom is not topresent information but to help students figure out the meaning of information they have, and make connections with it," said Meier. "It takesrespect, trust, and a good ear for listening to what kids are actually engagedin, what questions they actually arepuzzled over, and then trying to thinkof ways to provide that for them."So the interaction in the classroomat Central Park East is more conversational—less being talked at and morediscourse back and forth between ateacher and an individual child, ateacher and a group of kids, or a groupof five kids together."By 1980, Meier began to receive recognition for her bold experiment inpublic education; the Fund for the Cityof New York presented Meier with aPublic Service Award. More recently, in1987, Meier became the first publicschool teacher in the nation to receive aJohn D. and Catherine T. MacArthurFellowship.There have been other, less conspicuous honors for Meier as well: ofthe first group of students enrolled inCentral Park East, only one has not finished high school; half have gone on tocollege.For Meier, that must come as themost satisfying reward of all.-k * "kTen seniors were awarded HowellMurray— Alumni Association Awards.The awards, named for the late HowellMurray, PhB'14, recognize seniors inthe College who have made outstanding contributions to extracurricular lifeat the University (see photos, page 31). B32 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE /FALL 1988Edward W. Rosenheim,AB'39, AM '46, PhD '53ChairmanDepartment of English1050 East 59th StreetChicago, IL 60637Edward L. Anderson,PhB'46, SM'499 0berRoadPrinceton, NJ 08540Irving I. Axelrad,AB'37,JD'39700 North Linden DriveBeverly Hills, CA 90210Richard L. Bechtolt,PhB'46,AM'5016 Parade Ground CourtWeston, CT 06883Mrs. Edwin A. Bergman, AB '39Apartment 5-A4950 South Chicago Beach DriveChicago, IL 60615Anita Jarmin Brickell,AB '75, MBA '761230 Park AvenueApartment 14BNew York, NY 10128Willie D.Davis, MBA '6841 Oceanaire DrivePalos Verdes Estates, CA 90274Alan M. Fern,AB '50, AM '54, PhD '603605 Raymond StreetChevy Chase, MD 20815Mary Lou Gorno, MBA '76Apartment 13- A1240 Lake Shore DriveChicago, IL 60610Andrew J. Griffin, MD '67Illinois Masonic Medical Center836 West WellingtonChicago, IL 60657Thomas C. Heagy,AB'67,MBA'704850 South Woodlawn AvenueChicago, IL 60615Oanette G. Kauff man, AM '6934 13 Quesada Street NWWashington, DC 20015Handy L. Lindsey, Jr.,AB '75, AM '80, MBA '808405 South Calumet AvenueChicago, IL 606 19Anne B. Moses,AB '72, AM '77, MBA '771837 Harris AvenueSan Jose, CA 95 128Linda Thoren Neal,AB'64, JD'67208 South La Salle StreetSuite 900Chicago, IL 60604Thomas H. Sheehan, Jr., MBA '632599 Louis RoadPalo Alto, CA 94303Stanley C. Tuttleman, AB '41P.O. Box 220Merion Station, PA 19066Kineret Jaffe, MA '74, PhD '82Office for the Centennial5801 South Ellis AvenueRoom 601Chicago, IL 60637 100It's your turn to help us plan forthe biggest and best of Birthdays !DEAR ALUMNIThe University of Chicago will celebrate its Centennial from October, 1991, through October,1992. President Gray has asked us to serve on acommittee of alumni to help plan this extraordinary event, and we'd like you, our fellow alumni,to make this year-long commemoration as remarkable as the University it celebrates.The Centennial year will begin with a major convocation that will include leaders of universitiesthroughout the world, distinguished representatives of academic and public institutions, andother friends from America and abroad who willgather to mark the beginning of the University'sCentennial observance. Since regular academicdegrees will not be conferred at this convocation,the granting of honorary degrees will be central tothe occasion. A variety of activities will surroundthe convocation, and we can look forward tomemorable musical and theatrical performances,exhibitions, lectures, and meetings.The celebration will continue in all its diversitythroughout the year, but during the Spring Quarter, alumni will take center-stage as the Universitypays particular attention to the contributions ofits graduates. This means that, for example, concerts and exhibits will feature works created and/or performed by alumni, and that alumni willassume the leadership of various public forums.The quarter will culminate in a special convocation, at which honorary degrees will be awarded toalumni who have achieved distinction at otheruniversities. The reunion will enjoy a size andsplendor worthy of the Centennial year by bringing together graduates of the College, the graduatedivisions, and the professional schools.Beyond the "Alumni Quarter" in Spring, 1992,there are many possibilities for activities designed primarily, perhaps exclusively, for alumni. In theFall of 1991 we are considering an expanded homecoming, and in the Summer of 1992 we mightarrange alumni colleges or institutes. These institutes could include a series of week-long sessionsthat would bring to campus alumni who are interested in continuing the process of scholarlyinquiry and deliberation.In addition to the activities on campus, we hopethat throughout the Centennial year, alumnigroups around the world will plan celebrations fortheir own communities. Our committee is anxiousto lend all possible help to groups planning suchevents. Centennial projects may take many forms,and they can certainly include programs whichoriginate on campus but are able to travel to otherlocations. Here, in this extension of the birthdaycelebration, is a happy opportunity for Universityof Chicago alumni to share the University's specialresources— and our pride in its special qualities—with our neighbors.Within a year-long calendar there is a good dealof room for events and activities you would like tosee take place, including many that have notoccurred to us. Please give free rein to your imagination and let us hear your Centennial suggestions, both frivolous and solemn. Our committeewill be meeting regularly, and communicationsaddressed to any one of us will be shared with theentire group. The University has also establishedan Office for the Centennial, directed by Ms.Kineret Jaffe, who welcomes your questions andsuggestions. We ourselves are enormously enthusiastic about the Centennial— and we hope youshare in our excitement and our determination tomake 1991-92 an unforgettable year.CLASS NEWS Photos by Richard YounkerEditor's note: We're sorry, hut we simply did not have room to run all of theFamily Album photographs takenat the June commencement. If youdon't see your family photographin this issue, please he patient. Itwill appear in the WINTER issue.*\ S* Mary June Woods Stumpf, PhB'16, is one_LO hundred and one years old and lives in Tallahassee, FL."I T"J Margaret Monroe Macpherson, PhB'17,_L / lives with her daughter in Newport, RI.OQ Norman Wood Beck, AB'23, PhD'41, ofAmO Sparta, NJ, is professor emeritus of political science at Jersey City State College, NJ.Joseph F. Bohrer, PhB'23, JD'24, of Blooming-ton, IL, was honored at a Teacher's College Boarddinner in recognition of his contributions as amember of the board.O/I John Francis Latimer, AM'26, received anZJQ honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degreefrom George Washington University, Washington,DC. Latimer is professor emeritus of classics atGeorge Washington; he was honored for his services there and for his efforts to promote the studyand teaching of the classics throughout the UnitedStates.Donald J. Sabath, SB'26, MD'31, lives inChicago.REUNION 89OQ Vernon Bairn, PhB'29, of New York City,ZJy celebrated his eightieth birthday with a tripthrough South America.Hedwige M. Scelonge, PhB'29, is eighty-eightyears old and lives in La Grange Park, IL.Ori William S. Hoffman, MD'30, of Chicago,\3v/ has taught at Johns Hopkins UniversityMedical School, Baltimore, MD, and was a National Research Council Fellow at Rush MedicalSchool, Chicago.0*1 Julian J. Jackson, PhB'31, and Eleanor\D±. Stack Jackson, X' 47, were awarded honorary fellowships at the convocation of the AmericanEndodontic Society.Michael J. Sherman, grandson of Louise KleinRoth, SB'31, is a sophomore in the College. Hisparents are Susan Roth Sherman, AB'60, andMalcolm J. Sherman, SB'60, SM'60, of Albany,NY.O O In May, the Alumni Association of the BoysO^L High School of Brooklyn, NY, presentedits annual Distinguished Achievement Award toNathaniel E. Reich, MD'32. Reich is a physician inBrooklyn.OQ Alice F. Mooradian, X'33, received the an-vUvl? nual American Association of Retired Persons' Citizenship Award for her involvement inmany community organizations. She lives in Le-wiston, NY.Kenneth C. Prince, PhB'33, JD'34, past president of the Chicago Bar Association and retiredjudge, was honored for his leadership in the electronics business at the 1988 Electronic Distribution Show and Conference. As part of the recognition, contributions were made to the University of Chicago Law School Alumni Association,among other institutions. Prince is of counsel to the firm Schoenberg, Fisher, and Newman, Ltd.,Chicago.Q /I In February, Herbert D. Landahl, SM'36,\30 PhD'41, professor emeritus of biophysicsand biomathematics at the University of California at San Francisco, received the 1987 CareerAward from the inhalation speciality section of theSociety of Toxicology for his theoretical and experimental contributions to the field.The Ms. Charlotte Heaton AchievementAward, given annually to an exceptional studentof Crane High School, Chicago, has been named inhonor of Charlotte Heaton McGillen, SB '36. Theaward is sponsored by one of McGillen's formerstudents at Crane High School, in appreciation ofher work as a teacher there. McGillen, now retired, lives in Chicago.O HT John R. Conrad, AB'37, is chairman andv-J / chief executive officer of S & C Electric Co . ,Chicago.In May, the Richard W. Hamming Medal wasnamed for and awarded to Richard W. Hamming,SB '37. The Institute of Electrical and ElectronicsEngineers presented the medal to Hamming for hiscontributions to information science and systemsand his inspiration to generations of researchers.He is adjunct professor of computer science at theNaval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA.C. Herman Pritchett, PhD '37, was elected afellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He is professor emeritus of political scienceat the University of California, Santa Barbara.O O BenB. Blivaiss, SB'38, SM'40, PhD'46, re-\30 tired from the University of HealthSciences/the Chicago Medical School as associatedean for undergraduate curriculum and continuing medical education. Last year he was honoredat commencement by the school's alumni associa1tion. He continues teaching and research activities there as professor emeritus of physiology.Leonard L. Graff, AB'38, is founder and chairman of the board of Graff-Pinkert & Co., Oak Forest, IL. He and his wife, Thais, live in Chicago.Paul A. Wagner, AB'38, of New York City,spent the past two summers studying at Oxfordand Cambridge Universities in England.REUNION 89Q Q Richard C. Chapman, AB'39, of Ridgefield,\Jy WA, returned from traveling in China,Hong Kong, and Japan.AC\ Edward J. Winans, AB'40, works in the ac-jfcv/ counting and student loans office at theUniversity of Missouri, Kansas City, MO.A*t Luther Foster, AM'41, PhD'51, received theT;l Harvard Business School's AlumniAchievement Award. Foster, an educator and civilrights leader, is president emeritus of TuskegeeInstitute, AL. He lives in Alexandria, VA.Joseph B. Gittler, PhD'41, Distinguished Professor of Sociology at George Mason University,Fairfax, VA, is editor of The Annual Review of ConflictKnowledge and Conflict Resolution and Foundations ofSocial Knowledge and Social Practice.John Paul Stevens, AB'41, associate justice ofthe United States Supreme Court, has been selected for the 1988 Professional Achievement Award ofthe University of Chicago Club of Washington,DC.A*"} Joanne Kuper Zimmerman, AB'42, of Ho-^.Zm mewood, IL, writes fiction. She has hadforty-eight of her short stories published, including appearances in The Creative Woman and The Connecticut Writer. A A Maurice S. Fox, SB'44, SM'50, PhD'51,J. J. chairman and Lester Wolfe Professor in theDepartment of Biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, was inducted intothe National Academy of Sciences in May. He livesinBrookline, MA.In July, Maurice R. Hilleman, PhD '44, director and trustee of the Merck Institute for Therapeutic Research and adjunct professor of pediatrics in the School of Medicine of the University ofPennsylvania, Philadelphia, was awarded the National Medal of Science by President RonaldReagan. Hilleman received the medal, the highestscientific honor awarded by the President, for hiswork in virology, immunology, epidemiology, andinfectious diseases.Robert A. Taub, AB'44, JD'47, was elected tothe board of directors of Keep America Beautiful,Inc., a national, nonprofit public service organization. He is director of corporate affairs planningfor Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, MI.AH Jeanne B. Grant, PhB'45, of Fort Lee, NJ,TlC/ spent part of last winter in Egypt and inIsrael.AS Harold L. Friedman, SB'46, PhD'49, re-TlD ceived the R. A. Robinson Memorial Awardof the Royal Society of Chemistry and, followingthe awards ceremony in Durham, England, gavethe Robinson Memorial Lecture. The award,named for a British chemist, was given in honor ofhis work on the properties of ionic solutions.Friedman is professor of chemistry at the StateUniversity of New York at Stony Brook.The alumni federation of New York University,New York City, has given Constance R. Woloshin,PhB'46, AM'55, a 1988 Great Teacher Award,which includes a citation and a cash award of$25,000. Sutton is associate professor of anthropology at N. Y.U.A rj Edgar T. Britton, AM'47, was named to thejl./ 1988 Chicago Senior Citizens Hall of Fameand was honored by the Social Service Communicators in recognition of his career in health agencyservice. He is executive director of the Illinois Society for the Prevention of Blindness, Chicago.Ned A. Flanders, AM'47, PhD'49, receivedthe Crystal Apple Award from the CaliforniaCouncil on the Education of Teachers for his contributions to the education of teachers. He is associate laboratory director of the Far West Laboratoryfor Education, San Francisco, CA.Eleanor Stack Jackson, X'47. See 1931, Julian J.Jackson.Howard W. Johnson, AM'47, was electedchairman of the board of trustees of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge.An Walter I. Bemak, AB'48, AM'51, and hisTtO wife, Ruth, of Guilford, CT, participated inan Elderhostel trip to Mexico, where they met fellow alumni travelers Ann Hall Tinker, AM '64,and Albert H. Malo, PhD'59.Guy Black, AM'48, PhD'51, of Winchester,VA, is professor emeritus of business economics atGeorge Washington University, Washington,DC.In September, Ernst L. Gayden, PhB'48, was aspeaker at a symposium honoring the late Dr.Ludwig Hilberseimer, founder and head of thecity and regional planning program at the IllinoisInstitute of Technology, Chicago. Gayden is an associate professor in the Huxely College of Environmental Studies at Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA.Josephine Schlenck Gumbiner, AM'48, ofLong Beach, CA, received the Distinguished Service Award from Family Service of Los Angeles.She was honored for her volunteer work there aswell as her positions as caseworker, district direc-34 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/FALL 1988» " TJ1 f *W11 FAMILY ALBUM-'88Sheldon W. Moline, PhD'58; Gloria Heichman Moline, AB'50; JacquelineMoline, AB'84, MD'88; and Karen S. Moline, AB'77. Milton H. Applebaum, AB'52, SM'55; Paul L. Applebaum, JD'88; andRoslyn L. Applebaum.*#rv sa1 ¦ n fVijayaranijotimuttu Fedson, PhD'81; Anjali K. Fedson, AB'88; David S.Fedson, former associate professor in the Department of Medicine; and SavitriE. Fedson, Class of 1990. Michael Gilman; Marcia M. Weiss Gilman, AM' 52; Daniel]. Gilman,AM'83, PhD'88; Molly Tamarkin Gilman, AB'86; andHarryJ. Gilman,AM'58, PhD'63.Jan Bender; Martha Koenig, AB '81, AM'84; Katherine Robinson (in arms);Melinda Zuppann Robinson, MBA'88; Edith Evans Zuppann. (Not shown:Laura D. Koenig, AB'86; Norma Evans Koenig, AM'47; Robert Emil Koenig,SB"41, PhD'53; Robert Evans Koenig, AB'72; Lana Vacha, AM'73.) Geoffrey CM. Plampin, AB'57, editor, Official Publications, DissertationSecretary, and vice-marshal of the University; John J. W. Plampin, AB'88;Barbara E. Plampin, assistant professor of humanities in the College,1960-1962, and in the Downtown Center, 1962-1974.tor, and director of the Service's volunteerprograms.The National Association of Student Personnel Administrators presented Melvene DraheimHardee, PhD'48, with the Robert H. SchafferAward for Academic Excellence. Hardee, who isprofessor of higher education at Florida State University, Tallahassee, was honored for her inspiration to graduate students, her service on doctoral committees, and her record of scholarlyachievement.Maria Montessori: A Bigraphy, by Rita Blumen-thal Kramer, AB'48, has been constantly in printsince its publication in 1976. Her husband, YaleKramer, AB'50, is clinical professor of psychiatryat Robert Wood Johnson Medical School at theUniversity of Medicine and Dentistry of NewJersey. REUNION 89JUNE 19 8 9AT\ Hannah Diggs Atkins, BLS'49, wasTI y awarded an honorary doctor of humane letters degree and gave the commencement address35FAMILY ALBUM-'88Judith Adelman; Deborah Adelman, AM '88; Neil Adelman, AB'57, JD'60. David Vernon, AM' 58, PhD' 67, and Sarah Vernon, MD'88.wSelma Shore Borowitz, AB'50; Michael Joseph Borowitz, AM'88; RuthMandel, AM'80, PhD'88; and GeneH. Borowitz, PhB'51.s> Leslie Stulberg, JD'78; Regina Schultz Levin, AB'86; James Levin, PhD' 87,MD'88; Rae Levin; and Robert Levin.Michael W. Straus, University High School '88; Lorna Puttkammer Straus,SM'60, PhD' 62, professor in the Department of Anatomy and the College;Christopher M. Straus, AB'88; Helen E. Straus, AB'84, student in thePritzker School of Medicine; and Francis H. Straus II, MD'57, SM'64,professor in the Department of Pathology. (The late Elizabeth Kales Straus wasMD'29; the late Ernst W. Puttkammer, JD'17.) Ned Wolpert; Edward Wolpert, AB'50, AM'54, PhD'59, MD'60, clinicalprofessor in the Department of Psychiatry at Michael Reese Hospital; SethWolpert, MD'88; Robin Wolpert, AM'87, graduate student in the Departmentof Political Science; Gloria Yanoff Wolpert, AM '58, graduate student in theCommittee on Geographical Studies; and Andrew the convocation of Benedict College, Columbia,SC. Atkins is secretary of state for SouthCarolina.William M. Hohri, AB '49, of Chicago, is leading a class action suit on behalf of all Japanese-Americans who were held in internment campsduring World War II. See Sylvia Hohri, AB' 77.Peter H. Selz, AM'49, PhD'54, was given aparty in honor of his retirement at the Department of the History of Art at the University of California, Berkeley. His former students and colleaguestraveled from across the nation to celebrate theoccasion.CA Lawrence H. Berlin, AM'50, of Ken-\J\J sington, MD, has retired from his positionas head of the Latin American training program ofthe World Bank's Economic Development Institute, Washington, DC. Donald L. Berry, DB'50, has been named theHarry Emerson Fosdick Professor of Philosophyand Religion at Colgate University, Hamilton, NY.The Fosdick chair is one of the oldest endowedchairs at Colgate, where Berry has been a facultymember since 1957. He is also rector of St. George'sChurch in Chadwicks, NY.Gerald L. Garden, AB'50, received the firstannual Moseley Outstanding Teacher Award from36 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/FALL 1988the student body of Blair High School, Pasadena,CA, for his influence on student life. He has beenEnglish and cartooning teacher at Blair since1967.George P. Guthrie, AB'50, DB'54, PhD'62, isprofessor emeritus of philosophy at the Universityof Toledo, OH.In June, Richard L. Johnson, MBA'50, helpedlead an educational session at the annual meetingof the Catholic Health Association of the UnitedStates in Nashville, TN. He is president of the Tri-Brook Group, Inc., Oak Brook, IL.Yale Kramer, AB'50. See 1948, Rita Kramer.C -1 Gerald C. F. Allen, X'51, of Milwaukee, WICJ X is listed in Who's Who in the World.James M. Gustafson, DB'51, was chosen director of "the Emory Seminar," an innovativecourse for new thinking among Emory University's teachers. He is the Henry Luce University Professor of the Humanities and Comparative Studies at Emory University, Atlanta, GA.John L. Sever, AB'51, is senior vice-presidentfor medical and academic affairs at Children'sHospital National Medical Center, and professorand chairman of the Department of Child Healthand Development at George Washington University Medical Center, Washington, DC.CO J- Joel Farber, AB'52, AM'54, was named\J /- the Shirley Watkins Steinman Professor ofClassics at Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, PA.CO Jean McGuire, JD'53, was elected to theC/v3 board of directors of USF&G Corp., Baltimore, MD. She is a partner in Sonnenschein,Carlin, Nath & Rosenthal, Chicago.Benjamin S. Mackoff, AB'53, of Chicago, received the Board of Governors Award from the Illinois State Bar Association in honor of his serviceas chair of the ISBA Task Force on the Family andSociety. Mackoff is presiding judge of the CookCounty Circuit Court Domestic RelationsDivision.REUNION 89\ZA Iris Reed Shannon, AM'54, was recog-\D^t nized for her service to the public healthfield at a special symposium held in her honor bythe American Public Health Association andRush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center,Chicago. She is associate professor of communityhealth systems management at Rush University,Chicago, the academic component of the medicalcenter.CC Theodore R. Robinson,, AB'55, was\J\J awarded the 1988 Meritorious ServiceAward by the American Occupational Medical Association, an international organization of doctorswho provide health care to the work force. Robinson is medical director of Johnson & JohnsonSoutheastern Region, and Chicopee Manufacturing Co., Gainesville, GA.C f Frederick A. Karst, AB'56, SB '58, wasC?0 elected president of the Midwest TravelWriters Association and received the Association's1987 Founders Award for best overall travel writing. He is an editorial writer and travel editor ofThe South Bend (IN) Tribune.Joan Raphael Katz, AB'56, received the JasonA. Feldman Special Citizen Award at the Quincy(MA) District Court in recognition of her work asclinical social worker of Quincy's District CourtDepartment. Joan, who is director of social services for the Massachusetts Committee on PublicCounsel, and her husband, Sanford N. Katz,JD'58, live in Newton, MA.Olga Kucera Skala, AB'56, of Chicago, received her master of fine arts degree with a speciality in artificial intelligence from Mundelein College, Chicago. Cry Birdwell Finlayson, MD'57, PhD'67, and\J / his team of researchers at the University ofFlorida's Kidney Stone Research Center, Gainesville, received a five-year grant from the NationalInstitutes of Health. Finlayson, graduate researchprofessor and director of the Research Center, alsoreceived the 1988 Faculty Research Prize in Clinical Science from UF's College of Medicine.£T Q Robert B. Bloom, SB'58, is executive direc-n^O tor of the Jewish Children's Bureau of Metropolitan Chicago.Sanford iSf. Katz, JD'58. See 1956, JoanRaphael Katz.Sheldon W. Moline, PhD'58, has formed aconsulting firm, Moline Biotechnology Resources, White Plains, NY, specializing in analysisand assessment.CQ Alan A. Altshuler, AM'59, PhD'61, was\Jy named the first Ruth and Frank StantonProfessor in Urban Policy and Planning at HarvardUniversity, Cambridge, MA.Albert H. Malo, PhD'59. See 1948, WalterBemak.(CC\ Herbert Hartman, AB'60, appeared at the\J\J Chicago Public Library Cultural Center tosing American and international folk music, aswell as his own compositions. He is adjunct professor of philosophy and music at Governors StateUniversity, University Park, IL.Reatha Clark King, SM'60, PhD'63, wasnamed to the Carleton College (Northfield, MN)board of trustees. King is president of Metropolitan State University, Minneapolis, MN.Susan Roth Sherman, AB'60, and Malcolm J.Sherman, SB '60, SM'60. See 1931, Louise KleinRoth./^"I Margaret P. Ammons, PhD'61, chairs theOX Department of Education at Agnes ScottCollege, Decatur, GA.Ivan Argiielles, AB'61. See 1965, Marilla ElderArgiielles.J. Marshall Ash, SB'61, SM'63, PhD'66, ofWinnetka, IL, is editor of The Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, the mathematics journalwith the largest circulation in the world.Charles E. Becker, SB'61, MBA 62, formed C.E. Becker & Associates, an independent management consulting firm in Chicago.Willard Van Asdall, PhD'61, was chosen to beDistinguished Lecturer at the First InternationalCongress of Ethnobiology in Belem, Para, Brazil.He also read a paper on "Ethnomedicine of theShuar (Jivaro)".Bruce J. Vermazen, AB'61, AM'62, is a member of the ensemble, the Chrysanthemum RagtimeBand, which has just released its fourth record,Dancing on the Edge of the World. Vermazen, professorof philosophy at the University of California atBerkeley, played the cornet, arranged some of theselections, and wrote the liner notes.f O Irene Posner Cohn, AM'62, is a U. S. foreignO^. service officer in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.She and her husband, Paul, have two children..Martin H. Israel, SB '62, professor of physics,was named dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Washington University, St. Louis, MO.Dan (Skip) Landt, AM'62, of Chicago, provided a harmonica sound track for a television shortand wrote an article for The Old Time Herald. He isstaff representative to the board of the Old TownSchool of Folk Music, where he teaches harmonica.Giuliano Sestini, PhD'62, of Florence, Italy, isa consultant for the United Nations EnvironmentProgram, a petroleum exploration consultant, anda university lecturer.S O Dorsey D. Ellis, Jr., JD'63, received a 1988OO Distinguished Alumni Award from Mary-ville College, Maryville, TN, in recognition of hiscareer as a scholar, teacher, and administrator. Ellis is professor and dean of the School of Law atWashington University, St. Louis, MO.David L. Landsittel, MBA'63, of Wilmette, IL,was elected to the Illinois CPA Society's Board of Directors.In April, John E. Tropman, AM '63, receivedthe Wilbur J. Cohen Award from the University ofMichigan School of Education, Ann Arbor, wherehe is a professor. The Cohen Award, which isnamed for a dean emeritus of the School of Education, recognizes individuals undertaking projectsin the areas of the late Dean Cohen's interests.REUNION 89/T A Peter S. Panos, MBA' 64, is vice-presidentC/TI and director of corporate credit research inThe Prudential Insurance Company's capital management group, Newark, NJ.Fred G. Steingraber, MBA 64, is chairman ofthe Executives Club of Chicago for 1988-89. He ischairman and chief executive officer of A. T. Kearney, Inc., Chicago.Anne Hall Tinker, AM'64. See 1948, WalterBemak.John M. Zeglin, AB'64, of Gathersburg, MD,was named manager of telemarketing for N.U.S.Training Corporation. He is a graduate of theBrooklyn Law School, New York City, and a member of the New York State Bar Association./^C Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, pre-O J sented Jack A. Alhadeff, AB'65, with theBriody Award for "distinguished teaching and advising of students." Alhadeff is professor of chemistry and health sciences and is head of the Division of Biochemical Sciences at Lehigh.Marilla Elder Argiielles, AB'65, directs a rehabilitation center for patients who have sufferedtraumatic brain injury in Berkeley, CA. Her husband, Ivan Argiielles, AB'61, is a research librarian for the University of California, Berkeley, andhas written several volumes of poetry. They havetwo sons, Maximilian and Alexander. The latter isa graduate student in comparative mythology atthe University of Chicago.Ruth Salzman Beiersdorf, AM'65, of La Jolla,CA, has retired from Child Protection Services ofSan Diego, CA.Katharine Prager Darrow, AB'65, a trustee ofthe University, was named a vice-president of theNew York Times Company, New York City.Leslie Friedman Goldstein, AB'65, AM'67, isprofessor of political science at the University ofDelaware, Newark.George D. Leal, MBA 65, has been named a fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Heis chief executive officer of Dames & Moore, LosAngeles.Lowell D. Lutter, MD'65, is chairman of theCommittee on the Foot and Ankle for the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons for 1988.He is associate clinical professor of orthopedicsurgery at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, and associate director of the Muscular Dystrophy Clinic, Fairview Hospital.Jon D. Miller, AM'65, appeared on televisionto discuss the increasing need for scientific literacy in employment opportunities of the future andpreliminary results of his study on the attitudes ofAmerican youth toward science. Miller is directorof the public opinion laboratory at Northern Illinois University, De Kalb./I /T Paul D. Collier, MBA'66, retired as execu-DD tive vice-president of Amoco Oil Company,Chicago. He and his wife live in Mundelein, IL.Carol C. Gould, AB'66, is head of the humanities department at Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ.Arthur H. Miller, Jr., AM'66, AM'68, collegelibrarian of Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, IL,was named to the Albert Blake Dick chair there, inrecognition of his entrepreneurial spirit and ability to explore new ideas.Arthur G. Robins, AB'66, MD'70, was elected37FAMILY ALBUM-'88Lawrence Kaplan, PhD'56; Martha Kaplan, AM'81, PhD'88; John Dunham Donald Dohnalek; Nancy Scheer Dohnalek, AB'79; David A. Dohnalek,Kelly, AM'82, PhD'88; and Lucille Kaplan. MBA'88; and Jeanne Dohnalek.Christine Komyatte; Richard P. Komyatte, JD'62; Sylvia Cengel Komyatte;Paul J. Komyatte, JD'88; Kristin Lynn Komyatte; and Tony Cengel. Robert Mowery; Janet Mowery; Philip Mowery, AB '85, JD '88; MichelleDuenas Mowery, AB'87; and Patricia Mowery, senior in the College.Merle Kahn; Rissa Henry; Evelyn Henry Kahn, AM'59; David M. Kahn,AB'88; Kalvin H. Kahn; Muriel Henry Paley; and Diane Kraft Henry. (Thelate Elmer Kahn was X'30.) W D. Braddock III, MBA'60; Ashley Clarke; Katherine Skalafuris; W. DavidBraddocklV, AB'84 (rear); Demetrios Braddock, AB'88; Edward H. Clarke,MBA'65, PhD'78 (rear); Zoe Braddock; Marian Braddock; Francis the national board of directors of the AmericanLung Association of New Hampshire. Robins ischief of the pulmonary section at the Veterans Administration Medical Center, Manchester, NH;clinical instructor of medicine at Harvard MedicalSchool, Cambridge, MA; and adjunct assistantprofessor of medicine at Dartmouth MedicalSchool, Hanover, NH.Richard L. Wilson, AB'66, was named profes sor of political science at the University of Tennessee, Chattanooga. He received a National Endowment for the Humanities grant for research on China at the East Asian Institute of ColumbiaUniversity, New York City, and was named the1988-89 Fulbright Professor of Political Science atBeijing University, People's Republic of China.CTJ Walter Gleason, AM'67, PhD'73, complet-O/ ed a sabbatical during which he received his J.D. degree and was admitted to law practice inMassachusetts.Francis J. Larkin, MBA'67, is administratorand chief operating officer of Metropolitan-MountSinai Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN.Paul B. Lasarow, AB'67, contributed to a paperpublished in Science concerning Zellweger syndrome, a fatal congenital disorder. He is researchscientist and associate professor at RockefellerUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/FALL 1988FAMILY ALBUM-'88B. B. Bell; MaryR. Bell; James A. Knight, PhD'88; AmeliaR. Bell, AM'79, Norbert T. Porile, AB'52, SM'54, PhD'57; Miriam Eisen Porile, AB'53,PhD'84; and Richard A. Walker. AB'57; James L. Porile, MD'88; and Cristyne Schwartz.Siddharth S. Bass, AB'84; Sheila Singh; Swati Singh, AB'88; Raghu R.Singh; and Sapna Singh, AB'87. Jennifer K. Wynn, MBA'87; Barbara Wilburn Wynn; Michelle Elise Wynn,AB'88; Malcolm M. Wynn; and Richard Kloos, AB'85.Alexander Slotwiner; Bente Rasmussen Slotwiner, SB '60; David JanSlotwiner, AB'88; Paul Slotwiner, AB'55, SB' 56, MD'59; Peter Slotwiner,Class of 1389; and Daniel Slotwiner. Matt Hantzmon; Serrita Schulhof; Jane Serrita Jane, AB'86; Noella FortierJane; Jennie Elizabeth Jane, AB '88; John Anthony Jane, Sr.,AB '51, MD '56,PhD'67; andjohn Anthony Jane, Jr., Classof 1991.University, New York City.KarlW. Luckert, AM'67, PhD'69, received theBurlington Northern Foundation Faculty Achievement Award for Scholarship. The award includes a$25,000 stipend. Luckert is professor of religiousstudies at Southwest Missouri State University,Springfield.Sister Mary Joyce Schladweiler, AM'67, received the 1988 Golden Poet Award from the board of directors of World of Poetry. She is reading resource specialist at St. Mary's School, South Milwaukee, WI.David M. Stameshkin, AB'67, is executive assistant to the president at Franklin and MarshallCollege, Lancaster, PA.SI O John D. Cox, AM'68, PhD'75, gave a seriesUO of lectures on Shakespeare at Meiji GakuinUniversity, Tokyo, and taught a course on Shakes peare at the University of California, Berkeley. Heis associate professor of English at Hope College,Holland, MI.Willie D. Davis, MBA'68, was elected to theboard of directors of Dow Chemical Co., Midland,MI. Davis, of Palos Verdes Estates, CA, is a trusteeof the University.Charles W. Sweet, MBA'68, is president ofKearney Executive Search, the executive recruit-39FAMILY ALBUM- ¦'88SMvtsI Bf-» «f T« ja3|w*Bt^ja f39^H ^L '¦* J P**q|f' K ¦ i Iff "* J- 11M ^ M^H ^Hi ¦ 1Mirza YusufAli Baig; QaderBaig, AB'88; H. Parveen Baig; and Ahmad Baig,AB'84, student in the Committee on Social Thought. Laura Fogel; Judith Sabath Fogel Meguire, AM'63; Joseph S. Fogel, AB'88;Jerold S. Fogel; and Sheree Fogel.Maria Becker; Daniel G. Freedtnan, professor in the Department of BehavioralSciences and the College; Jane Gorman, AM'84, PhD'88; Gerald Gorman,PhB'27; and Betty Gorman. Steven Anderson, Class of 1990; David Anderson, AB '88; and Edward L.Anderson, Jr., PhB'46, SM'49, president of the University of Chicago AlumniAssociation.Steve Jackson; Vendetta Jackson; Chris Quander (rear); Darine Stem; HubertO. Wilson; CarlineR. Wilson, AB'84, MD'88; Mary A. Wilson; (rear) BenjaminMarshall ; Marie C. Wilson-Marshall, AB'83; Sheila Mosley; Julian Mosley. Harold Leve; Sandra Leoe Stein, AM '83; Austin Leve; Pamela Leve Larson,MD'88; her husband, David E. Larson, MBA' 88; Doris London Leve; andRichard A. Stein, MBA' division of A. T. Kearney, Inc., Chicago.REUNION 89JUNE 19 8 969 Phillip E. Dlouhy, MBA'69, is vice-president of the Austin Company, Cleve land, OH.Kenneth M. Rich, MBA'69, is senior vice-president for Paul R. Ray & Co., Inc., New YorkCity.Doris Ward Ryan, PhD'69, is vice-president ofthe University of New Brunswick, St. John, NB,Canada. As such, she is chief executive officer forthe Saint John campus of the university.Larry P. Solomonson, PhD'69, is chairman of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in the College of Medicine at the Universityof South Florida, Tampa.James O. Yerkes, AM'69, PhD'76, is provostand professor of religion and philosophy at Moravian College, Bethlehem, PA.l"7/~\ Ronald C. Boiler, MBA'70, is a vice-/ \J president of Owens-Illinois, Inc., Toledo,OH.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/FALL 1988FAMILY ALBUM-'88Jerome B. Bohman, JD'58; Jane Bohman, AB'88; and Carol Honikel Bohman.(Not shown: James F. Bohman, AM'80.) Decima Israel; Thomas Andrew Israel, AM'48; Dorothea Israel, AB'88; KiljaCho Israel; and Deborah Israel.Douglas, AB'85; Donald Chait; Sarah Hanrahan, AB'80, AM' 87(rear); Leland Chait, AB'81, JD'88; Nina Newhouser, AB'81 (rear); RubyeChait; and Greg Chait. Tom Wicks; Christy Wicks; James E. Wicks; Timothy Wicks, AB'88; ShirleyLouise Edgerton Wicks; and James Thomas Wicks, AB'84.Andrew M. Harris; E. Jack Harris, MD'55; Alan J. Harris, JD'88; HarrietHalm Harris; and Donald S. Harris. (Not shown: Gertrude Epstein Harris,SB '24, and Theodore Zolla, PhB '26. The late Benjamin Harris was X'21.) JovoMartich, mechanical engineer at Argonne National Laboratory; DonnaMartich; Vesna Martich, AB'84, MD'88; Mirjana Martich, AB'83, AM' 83,MBA'85; and Stella Martich.Gehr W. Brown, MBA'70, received Pace University's Alumni Achievement Award. He is president of finance and chief financial officer of MonaIndustries, Paterson, NJ.David M. Emery, MBA'70, was elected seniorvice-president of Official Airline Guides, OakBrook, IL.Nilgul A. Guner, AB'70, is account supervisor at Ogilvy & Mather Advertising in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.Robert L. Moore, AM'70, PhD'75, professorof psychology and religion at Chicago TheologicalSeminary, has been certified as a psychoanalyst.Lawrence P. Nees, Jr., AB'70, is professor ofart history at the University of Delaware,Newark.Kate Douglas Torrey, AM'70, appeared on anall-star panel, sponsored by the National Endow ment for the Humanities, in order to prepare a report for the U.S. Congress on the state of the humanities. She is editor-in-chief of the UniversityPress of Kansas, Lawrence.rT-1 Charles C. Hanna, SM'71, PhD'74. See/ JL 1973, Gail M.Orgelfinger.Jonathan H. Klein, AB'71, was appointedhead of the rail-maintenance operation for theChicago Transit Authority, Chicago.41Dale Larson, AB'71, received a Fulbrightgrant to teach and continue his research. He is associate professor of counseling psychology at Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA.Joseph S. Wall, PhD'71, received the 1988Ernest Orlando Lawrence Memorial Award fromthe U.S. Department of Energy for his pioneeringwork on the development of the scanning transmission electron microscope. The award consistsof a citation, a medal, and a $10,000 prize. Wall is abiophysicist at Brookhaven National Laboratory,Upton, NY.^O Phillip T. DeLassus, PhD'72, is an associ-/ JL ate scientist at Dow Chemical Company,Midland, MI.Lawrence P. Hollerman, MBA 72, is vice-president of human resources at FMC Corporation, Chicago.Mark L. Johnson, AM'72, PhD'77, has received a 1987-88 Outstanding Teacher Award fromSouthern Illinois University at Carbondale's College of Liberal Arts, where he is associate professor of philosophy.Peter A. Just, AB'72, and his wife, Anne, havea son, Benjamin Emanuel. Just is assistant professor of anthropology at Williams College, William-stown, MA.Natalie DeViney McKelvy, AB'72, MBA 80,and her husband, Charles, founded a publishingfirm, the Dunery Press, to publish their own fiction. They live in Harbert, MI.Ivan C. Oelrich, SB '72, is a research fellow inconventional arms control at Harvard University'sCenter for Science and International Affairs, Cambridge, MA.Jeffrey Quilter, AB'72, received a SeveryAward for excellence in teaching and advisingfrom the students and faculty of Ripon College, Ri-pon, WI, where he is associate professor ofanthropology.P70 Robert J. Darnell, MBA 73, of Flossmoor,/ Cj IL, was elected a director of Household International, Inc.Arvind M. Korde, MBA'73, is president of ajoint venture between TRW, Inc., Cleveland, OH,and Koyo Seiko.George L. Goodwin, AM '73, PhD '76, is deanof the faculty at the College of St. Scholastica, Du-luth, MN.Lutz F. Hahne, MBA73, has been elected avice-president of the International Business Machines Corp. Hahne is also directeur general desplans et des services techniques for IBM Europe.Thomas F. Joyce, SB '73, was named a partnerof Bell, Boyd & Lloyd, Inc., in Chicago.Olivier Denier Long, AB'73, and his wife Lucia, have a daughter, Alexandra. They live in Fairfax, VA.George MacKenzie, MBA'73, is a vice-president and controller of Hercules, Inc.,Wilmington, DE.Robert P. (Bobby) Medow, AM'73, is generalagent in Elgin, IL, for Northwestern Mutual LifeInsurance Co.Ellen Claire Newcomer, JD'73, was electedsecretary of the Illinois Institute for ContinuingLegal Education. She is a partner in Butler, Rubin,Newcomer, Saltarelli & Boyd, Chicago.Gail M. Orgelfinger, AM'73, PhD'78, is assistant to the vice-president for academic affairs atthe University of Maryland, College Park. Herhusband, Charles C. Hanna, SM'71, PhD'74, isassociate professor of mathematics at the U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD.^7A John H. Chu, AB'74, was elected a partner/ a in the Boston law firm Bingham, Dana &Gould.Mildred L. Culp, AM'74, PhD'76, is listed inthe sixteenth edition of Who's Who of American Women. She is president of Executive Directions International, Inc., Seattle, WA, and writes a syndicated column.Jonathan Oren Harris, AB'74, is a senior staff fellow in neuroimmunology at the National Institutes of Health . He and his wife have two children .They live in Rockville, MD.Michael W. Howard, AB'74, was promoted toassociate professor with tenure in the philosophydepartment at the University of Maine. He is onsabbatical at Stanford University, Stanford, CA.He and his wife, Karen-edis Barzman, live inBangor, ME.Theodore E. Schultz, MBA'74, is senior vice-president, treasurer, and chief accounting officerof Exchange International Corp., Chicago.F7£™ Robert L. Bayler, X'75, was named Execu-/ \J tive of the Year by the Council for Healthand Human Services Ministries of the United WayChurch of Christ. He is vice-president of religionand health of Evangelical Health Systems, OakBrook, IL.Frank G. Beuselinck, MBA75, is assistantgeneral manager of the Touring Club of Belgium ofthe Belgian American Automobile Association,Brussels.Sally Kaplan Spector Canal, AB'75, of Venice,Italy, is teaching Venetian architecture and painting for the Venice program of Spring Hill College,Mobile, AL, and participates in archaeological research in the Venetian Lagoon.Donald P. Carson, MBA'75, is international division executive for First Wachovia Corporate Services, Inc., Winston-Salem, NC.Carlos G. Rizowy, AM'75, PhD'81, managingpartner of the Chicago law firm Ray, Rizowy &Feuer, has returned from a study mission in Israel,sponsored by the Wexner Heritage Foundation.He was also the keynote speaker at the annualmeeting of the Denver Welfare Fund in Vail, CO.Henry G. (Hank) Walker, MBA'75, was appointed to the board of directors of HealthcareForum, a national network of health care managers. He is executive vice-president of Presbyterian Healthcare Services, Inc., Albuquerque,NM.f"7/^ Uma Nandan Aggarwal, MBA 76, is senior/ O vice-president of AXIA, Inc., Oak Brook,IL.Susan Grellinger Arisman, PhD'76, is assistant executive director of the Pennsylvania Academy for the Profession of Teaching, Harrisburg,PA.Peter C. Browning, MBA'76, was elected to theboard of directors of Keep America Beautiful, Inc . ,a national, nonprofit service organization dedicated to improving waste handling practices at thecommunity level. Browning is executive vice-president and operating officer of ContinentalCan Co., Inc., Norwalk, CT.Ruth E. Carlson, MBA'76, is a vice-presidentfor Schering-Plough Consumer Operations,Memphis, TN.In May, Catherine Elizabeth Dabney, AB'76,MBA 77, received her J.D. degree from ColumbiaUniversity Law School, New York City.Mary Devereaux, AM'76, PhD'81, receivedthe Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Award forDistinguished Teaching from Bucknell University,Lewisburg, PA, where she is assistant professor ofphilosophy.Vernon P. Dorweiler, MBA'76, of ArlingtonHeights, IL, has written articles on business andlegal topics for various magazines.Kitty Plunkett Freidheim, AM'76, is actingdeputy commissioner for the planning and development section of the Chicago Department ofAviation.J. Bruce Hasch, MBA'76, is executive vice-president and on the board of directors of PeoplesEnergy Corporation, Chicago, IL.Thomas J. Jonas, AM'76, PhD '80, is managerof strategy development at Campbell-Mithun Advertising, Minneapolis, MN.Nina M. Klarich, MBA76, is president andchief executive officer of the Chicago TechnologyPark, a joint project of the University of Illinois, Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, andthe Illinois Medical Commission. Chicago Technology Park is a research and development parkadjacent to the West Side Medical Center,Chicago.Kevin Krisciunas, AM'76, of Keaau, HI, directed and wrote material for "The Hilo All-StarRevue, " a cross between a lecture on stellar evolution and a musical, at the University of Hawaii,Hilo.Ellen L. Longsworth, AM'76, received herPh.D. in art history from Boston University, Boston, MA. She is assistant professor in the fine artsdepartment of Merrimack College, North Ando-ver, MA.(Mary) Lisa Parry, AM'76, was named vice-president in the trust division of Provident National Bank, Philadelphia, PA.Linda Lorincz Shelton, AB'76, SM'78, received her Ph.D. in pathology and her M.D. fromthe Medical University of South Carolina, Columbia, and is a resident in pediatrics at the Universityof Chicago Hospitals. She and her husband, Danny, have a son, Thomas Lorincz Shelton.Alan M. Stolzenberg, SB'76, SM'76, andMerle Persky Stolzenberg, AB'76, MBA 77, ofArlington, MA, have a second daughter, Jacqueline Michelle.Samuel R. Wolff, AM'76, PhD'86, of Skokie,IL, was a National Endowment for the HumanitiesFellow at the Albright Institute of ArchaeologicalResearch in Jerusalem for the 1987-88 year.Jeanine Worden, AB'76, received her J.D. degree from Columbia Law School in May. While astudent, she was director of the Harlan FiskeStone Moot Court Honors Competition andserved on the Moot Court Executive Committee.She is associated with Arent, Fox, Kintener, Plot-kin & Kahn in Washington, DC.Gregg J. Wright, AM'76, and his wife, Mary, ofFalls Church, VA, have adopted a daughter, Sarah,from Seoul, Korea. Gregg is a group manager withBooz, Allen & Hamilton, a Washington, DC, management consulting firm.Lily Chow Yang, PhD'76, is president andfounder of Asian Biomedical Development Associates, Bala-Cynwyd, PA.rjrj Roberta (Robin) Fair Ellis, AB'77, AM'83,/ / is chief of environmental management atthe Massachusetts Port Authority. She and herhusband, John Favorito, live in Dorchester, MA.Bonganjalo Goba, AM'77, is the regional secretary for Africa for the United Church Board forWorld Ministries.Sylvia M. Hohri, AB'77, is editor of The Contemporary, a quarterly tabloid published by theMuseum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles. Herfather is William M. Hohri, AB'49.Conrad D. Lawson, MBA 77, is vice-presidentof transmission at United Texas Transmission Co.,the Houston, TX, subsidiary of MidCon Corp.,Lombard, IL.Allan L. McCuthcheon, AM'77, PhD'82, is associate professor of sociology at the University ofDelaware, Newark.Luis P. Nieto, Jr., AB'77, is a category managerat Kraft, Inc., Glenview, IL.Robert J. Robinson, MBA'77, is executive vice-president and chief operating officer of AXIA,Inc., Oak Brook, IL.C7Q Howard F. Baer, MBA 78, is senior vice-/ O president of drug development and a member of the pharmaceuticals division managementcommittee for the pharmaceuticals division ofCIBA-GEIGY, Summit, NJ.The National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression awarded Mark S. Bauer,AB'78, $25,000 as part of the 1988 NARSAD Fellowship Award program. Bauer, who is assistantprofessor in the Department of Psychiatry at theUniversity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, was cited for his work on rapid cycling bipolar affectivedisorder.42 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/FALL 1988FAMILY ALBUM-'88Colleen Karavites Karr, AM '50; Caroline I. Karr, MBA '88; and James F.Karr. Joan Rose Bader Everett; Jennifer Ann Everett, JD'88; C. Curtis Everett, JD'57.^*.">f\l\Ida Carlton Moore, AM'65; Zaverie Moore, AB '88; Erskine Moore. David B. Finkel, AB'51; Adam Finkel, AB'88; and Bruria Finkel.Andrea Bresler; Pera Wirszup, lecturer in the Department of Slavic Languagesand Literatures; Ruth Bresler (rear); Izaak Wirszup, PhD'55, professoremeritus in the Department of Mathematics and the College; Howard Bresler,MD'57 (rear); Michael Bresler, MD'88; Audrey Tatar, MD'88; Arnold M.Tatar, clinical associate professor in the Department of Medicine at MichaelReese Hospital; Lauren Tatar; Carolyn B. Tatar, MBA'86; Joel Rosenbacher;and Marina D. Wirszup Tatar, AB '59. Marc Sardy, Class of 1989; Nancy O'Connor, associate dean of students in theCollege; Edward R. de Grazia, AB '48, JD '51; Elizabeth Eve de Grazia, AB '88;Ellen O'Connor de Grazia, AB '45; and David de Grazia, AB '83. (Not shown:Alfred J. de Grazia, Jr., AB'39, PhD'48; Christophede Grazia, AB'78; Jessicade Grazia, AB'69; Sebastian A. de Grazia, AB'44, PhD'48; Mabel O'ConnorFrancis, PhB'16; Ethel Richards O'Connor, SB'19, MAT'32; and JohnO'Connor, AB'52;.)Ann Deborah Braude, AM'78, has received afaculty development endowment to fund the completion of her doctoral dissertation— a study ofspiritualism and women's rights in nineteenthcentury America— into book form. Braude is assistant professor of religion at Carleton College,Northfield, MN.Dennis M. Campbell, MBA'78, received a from the University of Texas at Austin. He is director of operations for the Ronald ReaganPresidential Foundation, Los Angeles.MarkHerskovitz, AB'78, and his wife, Nili, ofKedumim, Israel, have a daughter, ShoshanaChaya. Herskovitz is president of BenjaminFranklin Investment Services, a brokerage firm inTel Aviv, Israel.Donald M. Stevens, MBA'78, is director of facilities at Meridia Hillcrest Hospital, Mayfield Heights, OH.J. Stephen Vanderwoude, MBA'78, is on theboard of directors of Junior Achievement of Chicago. Vanderwoude is executive vice-president ofCentel Corp., Chicago.Joseph G. Werner, AM'78, MBA'83, is directorof administrative services for Lender's Bagel Bakery, Middlefield, CT, a division of Kraft Foods,Inc.43REUNION 89P7Q J- Lennard Barker, MBA 79, is senior vice-/ y president and corporate marketing directorof Trustcorp, Inc., Toledo, OH.David E. Cher, AB'79, and his wife, LauraBeth Pearlman Cher, have a daughter, Naomi Jennifer. David is associate regional counsel at the LosAngeles office of the Prudential Insurance Co.,specializing in real estate law and transactions.Carmelo L.Cocozzelli, AM'79, and his wife,Mary Ann, have a son, Daniel. Cocozzelli is assistant professor of research and direct practice atthe School of Social Work, University of Hawaii,Honolulu, HI. He has published articles in TheJournal of Social Service Research, and in The Journal ofSocial Work Education.Judith Spira Goodman, AM'79. See 1981,Daniel S. Goodman.In April, Jeffrey J. Keenan, AB'79, JD'83,MBA'83, and Claudia Magat Keenan, AB'80, hadtheir second son, Samuel Johnson Keenan. Jeffreyis a general partner with Acadia Partners, aleveraged buyout firm. The Keenans live in NewYork City.Bryan E. Kneeland, MBA 79, is vice-presidentof state government relations at Centel Corp.,Chicago.Nancy A. Lieberman, JD'79, is a partner withthe New York City law firm Skadden, Arps, Slate,Meagher & Flom.Dennis Malamatinas, MBA 79, is generalmanager of the Rome, Italy, office of Pepsico, Inc.Michael Marsalli, AB '79, is professor of mathematics at Arizona State University, Tempe.Libby Morse, AB'79, is associate creative director at DDB Needham Worldwide Advertising,Chicago.The University of California, Irvine, presented Mark P. Petracca, AM'79, PhD'86, with a Distinguished Teaching Award for his innovativeteaching. Petracca is assistant professor of political science at UCI.Jose Luis Quintero, PhD '79, is director ofplanning, research, and development at the secretariat of education of the state of Noevo Leon, Mexico. He and his wife, Carmen, have two childrenand live in Colonia Del Valle, Mexico.Michael Z. Rabin, AB'79, and his wife, Kaye,live in Darien, CT.A. S. M. Moshahidur Rahman, AM'79, is married to Sharmin Ferdous. Rahman is a research associate at Henley-on-Thames Management College, Henley-on-Thames, England. He is doingresearch on management education and management practice in cross-cultural perspectives.Robert C. Stephan, MBA'79, is assistant vice-president, gulf region, of Central Telephone Company, a division of Centel Corp., Chicago.Pamela Meyers Waymack, MBA 79, is executive director of Northwestern Healthcare Corp., asubsidiary of Northwestern Memorial Corp., Chicago. Waymack is also a member of the AmericanCollege of Health Care Executives.O Pi In October, Jeffrey Samuel Cope, AB'80, ofOVJ Santa Maria, CA, married Rebecca HopeRoberts. Cope covers local government and politics for The Lompoc Record.In February, PaulD. Cylinder, AB'80, marriedMi Kyong Lee. Cylinder received his Ph.D. in botany from the University of California, Berkeley,where he is an instructor.Abbe F. Fletman, AB'80, graduated from theUniversity of Pennsylvania Law School, Philadelphia, PA, where she won the Edwin R. Keedy Cup,the law school's annual moot court competition.Thomas J. Fojtik, AB'80, AM'81, is married toSusan M. Hauterbrook. Fojtik is assistant directorof housing at the University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh.Lowell Garner, MD'80, is an anesthesiologistat Tompkins Community Hospital, Ithaca, NY.He and his wife, Susan Lustick, have threedaughters.Susan Hammerman, AB'80, graduated fromthe Chicago School of Violin Making. She worksfor Kenneth Warren & Sons, an instrument repairshop in Chicago.Paul N. Harris, AB'80, was appointed seniorcounsel for Revco, D.S., Inc., Twinsburg, OH.Jeremiah Anglim Hynes III, MBA 80, of Etobi-coke, Ontario, Canada, is married to Ildiko E. M.Ivanyi. He was interim Canadian team coach forthe 1987 modern pentathalon march, an Olympicevent.Robin F. Karlin, AB'80, and her husband,Steven M. Albert, AM'81, AM'83, PhD'87, have ason, Eli Joseph Albert. Robin received an M.S.E. incomputer science from the University of Pennsylvania and Steven is a member of the Behavioral Research Department at the Philadelphia GeriatricCenter.Claudia Magat Keenan, AB'80. See 1979, Jeffrey J. Keenan.Lawrence Jay Krule, MBA 80, vice-presidentof hedging and arbitrage for Sumitomo Trust &Banking Co., Ltd., is on assignment in Tokyo,Japan. He lives there with his wife and theirtwo children.Howard L. Suls, AB'80, married Ann Sukanylast August. Suls is a flight surgeon in the UnitedStates Air Force Medical Corps at Clark Air Base,Philippines.In February, William G. Wraga, MAT'80, andhis wife, Amy Jeanne, had a son, William Frederic.Wraga is district supervisor of social studies forthe Bernard Township Public Schools, BaskingRidge, NJ, and is on the Alumni Schools Committee for the College. He is a doctoral candidate incurriculum theory and development at the Schoolof Education, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. The John Dewey Society and the American Philosophical Association have published. several of his articles on education.In recognition of her involvement with environmental issues, Louise Buchwalter Young,SM'80, received the Sarah Chapman Francis Medal for outstanding literary achievement from theGarden Club of America. She lives in Winnetka,IL.Q-l Steven M. Albert, AM'81, AM'83, PhD'87.O JL See 1980, Robin F. Karlin.Douglas J. Anderson, MBA 81, is senior manager in the audit department of the Detroit office ofPrice Waterhouse.Daniel S. Goodman, MD'81, has an Atlanta,GA, private practice specializing in internal medicine. He and his wife, Judith Spira Goodman,AM'79, have two children, Sarah Jennifer and Joseph Hirsch.Farley W. Grubb, AM'81, PhD'84, is associateprofessor of economics at the University of Delaware, Newark.Patrick L. Murray, MBA 81, is vice-presidentof management information systems of UnitedStationers, Inc., Des Plaines, IL.Janet Denny Olsen, JD'81, is a partner in theChicago office of Bell, Boyd & Lloyd.George W. Shields, PhD'81, has received tenure and been promoted to associate professor ofphilosophy at Kentucky State University, Frankfort. For the 1987-88 academic year he was president of the Kentucky Philosophical Association,and his presidential address was published in TheSouthern Journal of Philosophy. In May, he was aNational Endowment for the Humanities consultant in medieval philosophy at the University ofArkansas at Pine Bluff.Harold Laurence Sirkin, MBA'81, is vice-president and director of the Chicago office of theBoston Consulting Group.Paul A. Strasen, JD'81, is a partner in the Chi cago office of Bell, Boyd & Lloyd.Edward Cornelious Thompson, MBA'81, asecond lieutenant in the U.S. Army, is stationed inMannheim, West Germany.Donald G. White, MBA'81, of Greenwich, CT,is executive director of Metal Powder IndustriesFederation, Princeton, NJ.Q ^ The National Science Foundation present-OZ. ed Judith Curry, PhD'82, with a 1988 Presidential Young Investigator Award. The award includes a $125,000 grant which Curry plans to usein her research of polar air masses. She is assistantprofessor of atmospheric science at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.Robert A. Decker, AB'82, was a visiting lecturer at the University of California, Irvine, thisyear. He is a Ph.D. candidate at Columbia University, New York City, and is a junior fellow at theHarriman Institute for Advanced Study of the Soviet Union.William N. Goldaris, AM'82, is a vice-president at Republic National Bank of New York,New York City. Goldaris, his wife, Karen, andtheir new son, Bobby, live in Teaneck, NJ.Jeffrey J. Haas, AB'82, customizes softwaredocumentation for the Hong Kong and ShanghaiBanking Corp. as a member of the UNISYS projectteam in Hong Kong.Lisa Harris, AB'82, MBA 84, is a Ph.D. candidate in wildlife biology at the University of Arizona, Tucson.Harold E. J. Kahn, JD'82, is in private lawpractice in San Francisco, CA.In December, Sufia R. Khan, AB'82, and herhusband, Tariq Azmat, had a son. They live inKarachi, Pakistan.W. Gregory Shearer, MBA'82, is vice-president of mergers and acquisitions in the Midwest for Bankers Trust, Chicago.Sandra S. Snook, AB'82, and her husband,Sisay Abebe, have a daughter, Ngiste Regina.Snook is a research fellow in the Department ofComparative Pathology at Harvard UniversityMedical School, Boston, MA.Richard Roger Spaete, PhD'82, is a scientist atChiron Corp., Emeryville, CA. He is involved inthe development of a vaccine for cytomegalovirus,which attacks infants and immunocompromisedadults.Charles R. (Rip) Tilden, MBA'82, is vice-president of communications for GenCorp, Inc.,Fairlawn, OH.Joseph Van Wagstaff, Jr., MBA'82, is managerof the Atlanta, GA, office of Price Waterhouse.OO Gary Robert Franklin, JD'83, is assistantOO general counsel and assistant secretary forthe MAXIMA Corp., Rockville, MD.Karen E. Geraghty, AB'83, has received a1988-89 Fulbright Scholarship to Vienna, Austria.She received her A.M. in philosophy from theUniversity of Tennessee and is a doctoral studentin philosophy at Boston University where she hasbeen a teaching fellow for the past two years.In March, Alan S. Granger, AB'83, and hiswife, Lindsey Hall Granger, had a daughter, Hannah. Granger is an editor for Japan Publication'sMacrobiotic Health Education Series.Michael J. Lacktorin, MBA 83, works in themanagement research and consulting departmentof Nomura Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan.Gavin M. Morris, MBA 83, is senior consultant at Bain & Company, London, England, wherehe participated in the largest management buy-inever in the United Kingdom.REUNION 89O A Joan L. Axelroth, AM'84, is founding mem-OtI ber and principal with the Law Office Consulting Group, a Washington, D.C. based manage-44. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE /FALL 1988ment consulting firm.James W. Carlisle, MBA'84, is Ford account executive of Morton Thiokol, Inc . , Lansing, IL .Edward J. Dunphy, AB'84, and E. Ann Czy-zewski, AB'88, of Chicago, were married at theUniversity's Bond Chapel.Paul Paluzzi, AB'84, of Laurel, MD, works inflight dynamics at the Goddard Space FlightCenter.Jeffrey W. Yingling, MBA'84, is married toCynthia A. Watson. Yingling is an associate in corporate finance at the First Boston Corp., New YorkCity.George Engelhard, Jr., PhD'85, wasawarded a Spencer Fellowship from the National Academy of Education. He is assistant professor of educational studies at Emory University,Atlanta, GA.David M. Luna, JD'85, is director of the advo-DEATHSFACULTYHerbert Anderson, Distinguished ServiceProfessor Emeritus in Physics and a pioneer of thenuclear age, died July 16 at his home in Santa Fe,NM, of complications from berylliosis. He was74.Anderson was director of the University'sEnrico Fermi Institute from 1958 to 1962. In 1982,President Reagan presented Anderson with theDepartment of Energy's highest award, the EnricoFermi Award.Anderson was best known for the importantrole he played in the design and development ofthe first nuclear reactor. As Enrico Fermi's firstgraduate student in this country, and as one of Fermi's closest collaborators, Anderson was one ofthe central figures in the development of nuclearenergy. After he helped achieve the first nuclearchain reaction on December 2, 1942, Anderson supervised the relocation of the first reactor from theUniversity to Argonne National Laboratory.He then went with Fermi to Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, where his experiments helped establish the critical size for nuclearexplosions, and he directed the definitive measurement of the energy yield of the first atomicbomb.After the war he returned to the University,where he made the first determination of the magnetic properties of tritium, or hydrogen three. Heplayed a major role in the design and constructionon campus of the Chicago synchrocyclotron, andin experiments with Fermi, he detected the firstnuclear resonance, or excited state.Emil T. Kaiser, SB '56, the former Louis BlockProfessor, and a leader in the study of the chemical, physical and biological properties of proteinsand other body compounds, died July 18 in Boston, MA, following kidney transplant surgery. Hewas 50 years old.Kaiser, who was a member of the NationalAcademy of Sciences, was on the faculty from 1963to 1981, when he left to join the faculty of Rockefeller University in New York.In his early work Kaiser identified a number ofimportant enzymes. Later he developed severalnew ones tailored to perform specific tasks. Heand his colleagues produced a more active form ofcalcitonin, which is used in the treatment of bonedisorders.Fazlur Rahman,, the Harold H. Swift Distinguished Service Professor in the Department ofNear Eastern Languages and Civilizations and aleading scholar in the field of Islamic studies, died cacy division of the Latino Institute, Chicago.John Norman Matthews II, AB'85, receivedhis M. S. in physics from the University of Wisconsin and has a teaching/research internship atRutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, to complete his Ph.D. in high energy physics.Anthony A. Plaut, MFA'85, was an exhibitor ina mixed media art show last July at Prairie AvenueGallery, Chicago.Dane S. Claussen, MBA'86, is presidentand owner of The Press, Ltd., andpublisher/editor <of its two newspapers, The NewLakewood Press and University Place Press, in Tacoma,WA.Carl D. Curry, AM '86, is assistant director offinancial aid at Purdue University Calumet, Hammond, IN.Lisa I. Moody Engeriser, AB'86, and PaulThaddeus Engeriser, AB'86, are married and liveJuly 26 at the University's Bernard Mitchell Hospital, of complications related to heart surgery. Hewas 68.Internationally known for his interpretation ofIslamic law, Rahman tried to establish an alternative Koran-based world view apart from the traditional system of Islamic thought and education.Rahman argued for a reinterpretion of the Koran'slaws and commentary as broad moral prescriptions which can be adapted as social conditionschange.Rahman was born in what is now known asWest Pakistan and received his Ph.D. from OxfordUniversity. After teaching in England and Canada, he returned to Pakistan where he was directorof the Central Institute of Islamic research from1962 to 1968. He joined the University's faculty in1969.TRUSTEESJohn F. Merriam, PhB'25, a life trustee of theUniversity and retired chairman and chief executive officer of the Northern Natural Gas Company,Omaha, NE, died August 23 of complications following a stroke. He was eighty-four years old.Merriam worked in the University's businessoffice from 1925 to 1927 and graduated from Chicago Kent College of Law in 1934. He joined theNorthern Natural Gas Co. (now Enron) as a clerkin 1930 and retired as chairman in 1966. A trusteeof several other educational and cultural institutions, Merriam became a trustee of the Universityin 1956 and a life trustee on 1970.Merriam 's brother, Robert E. Merriam, AB'39,AM'40, died two days later, on August 25. He was69 . Robert Merriam served as alderman of the FifthWard, and later ran unsuccessfully for mayor ofChicago, losing to Richard J. Daley. Later, RobertMerriam served as assistant director of the Bureauof the Budget, under President Dwight D.Eisenhower. The Merriam brothers were the sonsof Charles E. Merriam, who taught political science at the University from 1900 to 1940. The senior Merriam, like his son Robert, was also a reformalderman and ran unsuccessfully for mayor in1911; he lost to Carter H. Harrison II.THE CLASSES1900-1909Frederick Rogers Baird, PhB'06, JD'08, August.1910-1919Arthur T. Goodman, PhB'14, November. in Des Plaines, IL. Lisa is an assistant market analyst at Sears, Roebuck & Co. in Chicago, and is pursuing her M.A. in English at Northwestern University. Paul is senior actuarial analyst at AllstateInsurance in Northbrook, IL, and is working onhis fellowship in the Society of Actuaries. Paul'sbrother, Jason, is a member of the College's class of1992.Yayoi Enya, AM'86, works in the mergers andacquisitions department of Morgan Stanley Tokyo,Japan.Miguel Fragoso, MBA'86, is staff analyst atGeneral Motors Corp. in Zurich, Switzerland.Ninh Pham-Hi, MBA'86, was promoted to assistant vice-president in mortgage assets riskmanagement at Manufacturers & Traders TrustCo., Buffalo, NY.E. Ann Czyzewski, AB'88. See 1984,Edward J. Dunphy.Nina O'Neill Peasley, PhB'15, January.Miriam Belden Libby Evans, PhB'17, September1987.Edwin H. Suhr, X'17, June.Ruth Falkenau, PhB'18, June.Olive Gower Hundley, PhB'18, April.Harry B. Allinsmith, PhB'19, May.1920-1929Robert W. Langley, MD'20, December.Ruth Ashby Brown Davis, X'21, June.Ramona Hayes Healy, PhB'21, AM'32, July.Winfield Noble Moulds, PhB'21, July.Marie Waite, PhB'21, AM'39, February.Louise Apt Galey, PhB'22, April.Mayo M. Andelson, SB '22, MD'24, May.Sidney B. Bisno, PhB'23, February.Philip McKay Fisher, PhB'23, May.Anna Petersen Walburga, SB'23, SM'24, PhD'28,May.AdahBoyus O'Sullivan, PhB'24, AM'41, May.Celia Regnier Pitney, PhB'24, May.Florence Bassini Steel, PhB'24, December.Stanley Milton Crooquist, PhB'25, November1987.Florence Herst Graf man, PhB'25, June.Arthur J. Hermes, PhB'25, April.Bertram B. Moss, X'25, July.Sidney Bloomenthal, SB'26, SM'27, PhD'29,June.Caturah A. Fisher, PhB'26, August 1987.Ira J. Hesselink, Sr., X'26, January.Jeanette Baldwin Wells, PhB'26, June.Nicholas T. Bobronikoff, PhD'27, March.Dorothy JaredHoijer, SB'27, March.Hannah Johnson Howell, PhB '27, May.Louis Sevin, PhB '27, JD'29, May.David B. Shapiro, PhB'27, JD'29, May.Rose A. Shonka, MAT'27, April.Victor H. Berger, PhB'28, February.Robert Briggs Stevens, PhB'28, February.Dorothy Hopkins Schaad, AM'29, March.Paak Shing Wu, PhD'29, June.1930-1939Winford D. Addison, AM '30, April.Jean Laird Craske, AB'30, April.Suzanne Kern Eldred, PhB '30, April.Helen Parkes Hunt, PhB '30, January.Donald Hutton, PhD'30, March.Arlien Johnson, PhD'30, March.George Kernodle, AM'30.George A. Kranzler, PhB '30, JD'31, May.George E. Morgenstern, PhB'30, June.Harold L. Priess, PhB'30, July.45Arthur H. Rosenblum, SB'30, SM'32, MD'35, May.O. Ewald Peterson, X'31.Helen Hults Chambers, SB'32, March.William M. Jones, MD'32, May.Morton Kessel, PhB'32, June.Cecil A. Morrow, MD'32, March.Martha Miller Davenport, PhB'33, April.Portia Baker Kernodle, PhB'33, June.EthonHyman, PhB '34, February.Pasquale J. Pagano, MD'35, April.Sara Gwin Ramsey, AB'35, July.Jean Pickard Westnedge, PhB '35, September1987.Charlotte E. Abbott, AB'36.David B. Eisendrath, AB'36, May.Marian E. Madigan, PhD '36, May.Dora McFarland, PhD'36, November 1987.Violet Marot Sieder, AM'36, June.E. Clinton Belknap, AM'37, March.Everett K. Dean, AB'37, March.Gerald J. Fitzgerald, X'37, June.Raymond E.Janssen, SM'37, PhD'39, September1987.William S. Klein, MD'37, March 1987.Dominic Pandolfi, MAT'37, February.JohnE. Sheedy, MD'37, December.Thomas V. Alves, AB'38, June.Mamie Louise Anderzhon, PhB'38, SM'48, June.Edith Stansberry Beadle, SB'38, January.Gertrude R. Brown, PhB'38, May.James J. Callahan Jr., X'38, February 1987.Norman Wood Beck, AB'23, PhD'41, TowardUnderstanding Power and Its Use—Machiavelli, Jesus, I-Thou (Vantage Press). Beck, of Sparta, NJ, is professor emeritus of political science at Jersey CityState College, NJ.Florence E. Petzel, PhB'31, AM'34, Textiles ofAncient Mesopotamia, Persia, and Egypt (Baker andTaylor, distributors). The author traces the development of textiles and their influence upon astrological, religious, economic, and social systems.Petzel is professor emeritus of home economics atOregon State University, Corvallis.Stephen Stepanchev, AB'37, AM '38, Descent(Stone House Press) . This collection of poems is illustrated with wood engravings by John De Pol.Stepanchev is professor of English at the City University of New York, Queens College.R. W. B. Lewis, AM'41, PhD'53, and NancyLewis, editors, The Letters of Edith Wharton (CharlesScribner's Sons). This collection of almost fourhundred of Wharton's letters includes those toHenry James, Bernard Berenson, and recently discovered letters to her lover, Morton Fullerton. Theletters, which span a period of over sixty years, reflect the stages of Wharton's literary career. Lewis,who received the Pulitzer Prize for his biographyof Wharton, is former professor of English andAmerican studies and Neil Gray Professor of Rhetoric at Yale University, New Haven, CT.Robert A. Miller, AB'42, August 1944 (PresidioPress). This World War II military history chronicles the August battles during a turning point inthe battle for France from both the Allied and German points of view. Miller lives in Spartanburg,SC.Hans A. Schmitt, AM'43, PhD'53, editor,Neutral Europe between War and Revolution, 1917-23(University Press of Virginia). Eight scholars specializing in the neutral countries of World War I examine whether their neutrality protected thesecountries from the post-war political turmoil thatgripped most of Europe at the time. Schmitt is pro- W. Harold Poole, X'38, March.Beatrice Robbins Rossman, AB'38, May.JohnB. Rowe, SB'38, MD'39, April.David E. Wilcox, AB'38, April.Judson Wells Allen, AB'39, March.Barbara Allee Angell AB'39, SM'48, March.Frieda M. Brackebusch, AM'39, June.Ira R. Deyman, AB'39, October 1987.Arthur H. Krause, SB'39, July.Helen M. Waters, AM'39, May.1940-1949Samuel R. Mohler, PhD'40, March.Woodrow W. Wilson, AB'40, January.Sam P. Woods, AB'40, March.Sidney M. Davis, AB'41, LLB'42, May.Arthur C. Munyan, X'41.Ruth Helen Reynolds, X'41, June.Isabella McLaughlin Stephens, AM'41, March.AshtonB. Taylor, X'41, March.Jessie Agnes Brumitt, AM'42, April.Francis Huff Butler, AM'42, May.M. Carl Holman, AM'44, August.Frances May Moore, X '45, March.Hugh V. Perkins, Jr., AM'46, PhD'49, February.Joseph Peter Arcomano, SB'47, MD'49,September 1987.Merilyn Ann Cohen Goldberg, PhB '47, March.Morris Schreiber, PhB'47, SB'48, SM'49, PhD'55,April.David W. Weiser, SM'47, PhD'56, April.fessor of history at the University of Virginia,Charlottesville.Harry Wang, PhD'43, Heart, Mind and Soul:Poems and Lyrics (Yes Press). This is a distillation ofpoems taken from over one thousand of Wang'sworks. Wang, of Palo Alto, CA, is professor emeritus of anatomy at Loyola University of Chicago.Martha Mitchell Bigelow, AM'44, PhD'46,contributor, Heartland: Comparative Histories of theMidwestern States (Indiana University Press) . Historians from the twelve midwestern states examinethe origin and nature of the unique midwestern"personality" and how it varies from state to state.Mitchell is director of the Bureau of History, Michigan Department of State, Lansing, MI.Karl Kautsky, The Materialist Conception of History, (Yale University Press), introduced, annotated, and abridged by John H. Kautsky, AB'46,AM'47. Karl Kautsky, an early disciple of Marx,was a leading orthodox interpreter of Marxismfrom the 1880s to 1914. This is the first Englishtranslation of Kautsky's major work, which emphasizes the differences between pre- World War IIMarxism and Marxist concepts of today. John H.Kautsky, his grandson, is professor of political science at Washington University, St. Louis, MO.Leslie Waller, X'46, Amazing Faith (McGraw-Hill). A new novel, this was a June selection of theLiterary Guild. It is scheduled as a television mini-series and is under contract for film productionwith director Francesco Rosi. Waller lives in London, England.Wayne C. Booth, AM'47, PhD'50, The CompanyWe Keep: An Ethics of Fiction (University of CaliforniaPress). Booth argues for the relocation of ethics tothe center of our engagement with literature. Returning ethics to its root sense, Booth proposes thatthe ethical critic will be interested in any effect onthe ethos, the total character or quality of tellersand listeners. Ethical criticism will risk talkingabout the quality of this particular encounter withthis particular work. It will be a conversation about Sarah J. Barmore, AM'48, August.Cromwell Cleveland, X'48.Theodore E. Friedemann, Jr., MBA 48, February.Nolan P. Jacobson, PhD'48, December.Pearl Lavine Horwitz, AM'49, May.Irving Liberman, JD'49, October 1987.1950-1959Mattie P. Hopkins, AM '50, July.Andrew S. Sapega, MBA'50, March.Marguerite Wardlow, AM'50, March.James G. (Anthony) Holland, PhB '51, July.Robert Allen Neidorf, AB'51, AM'55, February.BabetteM. Becker, AM'54, PhD'57.Stanley A. Durka, PhB'54, JD'55, July.Ernest C. Carlson, MBA'55, April.JohnR. Murphy, AM'55, PhD'79, April.G. Robert Avery, MBA56, April.Helen A. Sutton, AM'58, March.Klaus Heinrich Wolff, PhD'59, May.1960-1969Henry H. Foster, Jr., LLM'60, June.Jean Friedberg Block, AM'63, June.Edmund B. Daly, MBA'69, July.1970-1979Chester Minkalis, MBA 74, July.Flint D. Schier, AB' 75, May.1980-1988Dennis Glenn Werner, AB'85, July.many kinds of personal and social goods that fictions can serve or destroy. Booth is the George M.Pullman Distinguished Service Professor of English at the University of Chicago.Thomas E. Connolly, AM'47, PhD'51,Faulkner's World: A Directory of His People and Synopsesof Actions in His Published Works (University Press ofAmerica). This analysis of Faulkner's fiction listseach character in his various works, providing theaction involved and the page number of the text onwhich it occurs.Herbert J. Gans, PhB'47, AM'50, Middle American Individualism: The Future of Liberal Democracy (FreePress). The author analyzes the individualismof lower-middle and working class Americans, aswell as the economic and political values and patterns associated with it. Gans is the Robert S. LyndProfessor of Sociology at Columbia University,New York City.Ralph M. Goldman, AM'48, PhD'51, and William A. Douglas, editors, Promoting Democracy: Opportunities and Issues (Praeger / Greenwood) . In a collection of papers commissioned by the HutchinsCenter for the Study of Democratic Institutions,eight practitioners and scholars analyze the rolesof various organizations in the development ofdemocratic institutions throughout the world.Goldman is professor emeritus of political scienceat San Francisco State University and senior consultant to the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs in Washington, DC.William M. Hohri, AB'49, Repairing America:An Account of the Movement for Japanese-American Redress (Washington State University Press). Thisbook examines the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II and follows the attempts of the National Council for Japanese-American Redress (NCJAR) to obtain monetarydamages for those interred. Hohri, who was interred in a camp from 1942 to 1945, is a computerprogrammer and the chairman of NCJAR.Lawrence Malkin, AB'49, The National Debt:BOOKS by Alumni46 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/FALL 1988How America Crashed into a Black Hole and How We CanClimb Out, 1987, 1988, (New American Library).The author explains how the national deficitcaused the October 1987 Wall Street plunge andshows the path that the nation must follow tochange its present economic condition. Malkins isan economics correspondent for Time Magazine anda guest scholar at the Brookings Institute in Washington, DC.Constance Perin, AB'50, AM '72, Belonging inAmerica: Reading Between the Lines (University ofWisconsin Press). Perin, a cultural anthropologist specializing in the study of Americal socialand economic institutions, presents a series of essays in which she asks: why does American culture draw the lines it does between family andfriends, community and privacy, home and work,adults and children, humans and animals, malesand females, body and spirit? Perin is an independent scholar living and working in Cambridge, MA. Her current research is on computertechnology and the cultural systems of industrialorganizations.Robert Judd Sickels, AB'50, AM'54, John PaulStevens and the Constitution: The Search for Balance(Pennsylvania State University Press). The authoranalyzes the work of Stevens, AB'41, as an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court.James L. Weil, AB'50, Jacques's Geometry(Warwick Press) . Weil's collection of eleven poemswas inspired by the work of the late artist JacquesHnizdovsky. Weil lives in New Rochelle, NY.Vern L. Bullough, AM'51, PhD'54, with Bren-da Shelton and Sarah Slavin, The Subordinated Sex:A History of Male Attitudes Toward Women (Universityof Georgia Press). This updated and revised version of Bullough 's 1973 book is a survey rangingfrom prehistoric to contemporary times. Writingsfrom a great variety of sources show how men haveportrayed women and have justified the subordination of women throughout history. Bullough isdean of natural and social sciences and Distinguished Professor of History and Sociology at theState University of New York, Buffalo.Michel Paul Richard, AB'51, AM'55, WithoutPassport: The Life and Work of Paul Richard (Peter LangPublishing). This biography of a French turn-of-the-century intellectual follows his career fromFrance to India to America and describes his involvement with prominent figures in the colonialindependence movements of the time. Richard isan associate professor at the State University ofNew York at Geneseo and is editor-in-chief ofThoughts for All Seasons: The Magazine of Epigrams.Paul R. Sellin, AM'55, PhD'63, So Doth, So IsReligion: John Donne and Diplomatic Contexts in theReformed Netherlands, 1619-1620 (University of Missouri Press).Athan G. Theoharis, AB'56, AB'57, AM'59,PhD'65, and John Stuart Cox, The Boss: J. EdgarHoover and the Great American Inquisition (TempleUniversity Press). The authors were the first tosuccessfully investigate Hoover's secret filing system, which held illegally obtained secret information. With this information, the authors presentan expose on Hoover and the secret governmentthat they say he created within the FBI. Theoharisis professor of history at Marquette University,Milwaukee, WI.Alzina Stone Dale, AM'57, and Barbara SloanHendershott, Mystery Reader's Walking Guide: England (Passport Books) . Fourteen walks through thesmall towns of England introduce the sights andcharacters of many of the world's most popularmystery stories to the reader. Maps, landmarks,and restaurant and pub suggestions are included.Dale is a freelance writer in Chicago.Lynn Margulis, AB'57, and Dorion Sagan,Garden of Microbial Delights: A Practical Guide to theSubvisible World (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich). Anintroduction to the microscopic creatures that inhabit the world, this guide aids in the understand-mg of modern biological technologies, as well as how to "observe and keep microbial pets." Also,The Microcosmos Coloring Book (Harcourt BraceJovanovich). For teaching or for entertainment,this book includes over sixty enlarged illustrationsof the microscopic organisms found in the forest,desert, sea, and human body. Margulis is Distinguished University Professor in the Departmentof Botany at the University of Massachusetts,Amherst.Stanley Crawford, AB'58, Mayordomo: Chronicle of an Acequia in Northern New Mexico (University ofNew Mexico Press). Crawford's account of his experiences as an irrigation ditch manager in anorthern New Mexico village explores a community that is tied together by an irrigation ditch whichis essential to their lives. This book won a 1988Western States Book Award, which was created bythe Western States Arts Federation to recognizeauthors and small publishers of outstanding literary works. Crawford is the author of several otherbooks and lives in New Mexico.Wendell W. Weber, MD'59, The Acetylator Genesand Drug Response (Oxford University Press). Thisbook addresses the problem of hereditary effectson human drug metabolism and responses. Weberis a professor in the pharmacology department atthe University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.Mary Carpenter Erler, AM'62, PhD'81, andMaryanne Kowaleski, editors, Women and Power inthe Middle Ages (University of Georgia Press). By attempting to overcome simplistic polarities of malevs. female and public vs. private power in historical understanding, these essays in history and literature provide a more complex view of the workings of authority in medieval society.Gerald Goodman, PhD'62, The Talk Book: TheIntimate Science of Communicating in Close Relationships(Rodale Press). This is a popular rendering of recent theory, research, and skill training breakthroughs on face-to-face talk. The author showshow to recognize the key elements of everyday talkand how to use them for more success in relationships. Goodman is associate professor of psychology at the University of California, Los Angeles.Robert D. Denham, AM' 64, PhD' 72, NorthropFrye: An Annotated Bibliography of Primary and Secondary Sources (University of Toronto Press). This is acomprehensive bibliography on the work of Frye,a modern literary critic and a prolific writer.Denham is professor of English at Emory & HenryCollege, Emory, VA.Mel Silberman, AM'65, PhD'68, Confident Parenting: Solve Your Toughest Child-Raising Problems witha Four-Step Plan That Works! (Warner Books). Thisbook, developed from the author's clinical experience as a family therapist and through his Confident Parenting Program, suggests ten basic parenting approaches to help solve behavior anddiscipline problems in children. Silberman has aprivate practice and is professor of psychoeduca-tional processes at Temple University, Philadelphia, PA.Alf Hiltebeitel, AM'66, PhD'73, The Cult ofDraupadi, Volume One: Mythologies: From Gingee toKuruksetra (University of Chicago Press). The firstof a projected three-volume work on the South Indian folk cult of the goddess Draupadi and on theepicMahabharata, this study reexamines many issues critical to the study of India's history and culture. Hiltebeitel is professor of religion at GeorgeWashington University, Washington, DC.Paul Kantor, AM'66, PhD'72, and StephenDavid, The Dependent City: The Changing PoliticalEconomy of Urban America (Little, Brown and Co.).An examination of the historical development ofthe American urban political economy, this studyof city politics and public policy reveals that as theAmerican city has become more democratic, it hasalso become more economically dependent. Kantor is associate professor and chairman of theDepartment of Political Science at Fordham University, Rose Hill Campus, New York City.Richard Levy, AM'66, Underground Tank Leak In surance: Maximizing Your Coverage— UnderstandingHow Four of Your Policies May Cover You for Leaks (Petroleum Marketers Association of America). This is apetroleum marketer's guide to obtaining the correct liability coverage. Levy is an attorney in Alexandria, VA, and is on the advisory committee tothe Environmental Liability Task Force.Sandra Panem, SB'66, PhD'70, The AIDS Bureaucracy (Harvard University Press). This analysisof the first five years of the AIDS epidemic in theUnited States shows a nation ill-equipped to handle the health emergency. The author makes recommendations for a centrally coordinated federalresponse to health emergencies to solve the problem of lack of communication between differenthealth services which must deal with the AIDS epidemic. Panem is program officer at the Alfred P.Sloan Foundation.Dawn Dridan Radtke, AM'66, AM'68, andRuth Morrison, Aging with Joy (Twenty- third Publications). The authors offer personal and practicaladvice for the aged in order to take charge of theirlives. Radtke is co-director of Creative Living Associates in Fairhope, AL.Catherine H. Zuckert, AM'66, PhD'70, editor,Understanding the Political Spirit: Philosophical Investigations from Socrates to Nietzsche (Yale UniversityPress). A series of essays by prominent politicalscientists discuss the development of "spirited-ness"— the force of the human spirit— throughouthistory. Zuckert is professor and chairperson inthe Department of Political Science at CarletonCollege, Northfield, MN.Charles M. Radding, AB'67, The Origins ofMedieval Jurisprudence: Pavia and Bologna, 850-1150(Yale University Press). Arguing that medieval jurisprudence arose not in Bologna but in Pavia, innorthern Italy, the author discusses how legal science emerged from the prescientific attitudes toward law of the early Middle Ages. Radding is associate professor of history at Loyola University ofChicago.Nancy Foner, AM'68, PhD'78, editor, New Immigrants in New York (Columbia University Press).Nine essays, including one by Foner, investigate awide range of social and political issues concerning the contributions of eight different groups ofimmigrants in New York City. Foner is professor ofanthropology at the State University of New York,Purchase.Leon Glass, PhD'68, and Michael C. Mackey,From Clocks to Chaos: The Rhythms of Life (PrincetonUniversity Press). The authors probe central theoretical questions about physiological rhythms,their origin, actions, and how they are associatedwith disease. Glass is professor in the Departmentof Physiology at McGill University, Montreal,Canada.Frederick A. Lazin, AM'68, PhD'73, Policy Implementation of Social Welfare in the 1980s (Transaction). This book contributes to the general literature on policy implementation and to the politicsof unitary versus federal systems. It presents acomparison of policy implementation between theUnited States and Israel in areas such as low-income housing, social welfare, and education.Lazin is an associate professor at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel.Andrew Bard Schmookler, X'68, Out of Weakness: Healing the Wounds That Drive Us to War (Bantam). The sequel to Schmookler's book, The Parableof the Tribes, continues his analysis of the causesand cures of human destructiveness. Using material from the fields of history, anthropology, andpsychology, the author shows that war is notcaused by "animal instincts," but by the tensionsof civilization . Schmookler is senior policy adviserto Search for Common Ground, Washington, DC,and a research associate of the Center for Psychological Studies in the Nuclear Age, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.Christine Catharina Schnusenberg, AM'68,PhD'76, The Relationship Between the Church and the47Theatre: Exemplified by Selected Writings of the ChurchFathers and by Liturgical Texts Until Amalarius ofMetz-^775-852 A.D. (University Press of America). Thisstudy examines the polemics of the church fathersagainst the Roman theatre and the simultaneousdevelopment of a Christian liturgical drama.Paul H. Ephross, PhD'69, and Thomas V.Vassil, PhD'75, Groups that Work: Structure and Process(Columbia University Press). The authors combinegroup theory and practice to aid professionals ofdifferent backgrounds and disciplines in makinggroups such as hospitals, social agencies, and communities work more effectively. Ephross is professor and Vassil is associate professor in the School ofSocial Work and Community Planning at the University of Maryland at Baltimore.Gary L. Harbaugh, AM'69, PhD'73, God's Gifted People: Discovering and Using Your Spiritual and Personal Gifts (Augsburg Publishing House). The author uses psychological techniques to help thereader to discover his own gift of individual personality and to appreciate others' gifts. Harbaughis professor of pastoral care and psychology atTrinity Lutheran Seminary, Columbus, OH.Donald Palumbo, AB'70, editor, SpectrumoftheFantastic: Selected Essays from the Sixth InternationalConference on the Fantastic in the Arts (GreenwoodPress). Twenty-four essays investigate fantastic elements in art and literature, with discussions ofscience fiction and fantasy literature. Palumbo isprofessor and chairman of the English departmentat Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania,Shippensburg.Thomas A. Easton, PhD '71, Working for Life: Careers in Biology (Plexus Publishing) . The second edition of this book is a guide for anyone consideringa career in the life sciences, with a discussion of thevarious fields and specialties within biology. Thebook includes practical advice on finding a jobwithin the academic, industrial, or governmentalscientific communities. Easton is adjunct assistantprofessor of biology at Thomas College, Water-ville, ME.Laurence A. Marschall, PhD'71, The SupernovaStory (Plenum Publishing). This description of thebrilliant supernova of 1987 includes recountings ofsupernovae throughout history— from thosesighted by the ancient Chinese to those examinedby modern astronomers. Marschall, a visiting professor at Boston University, is professor in thephysics department at Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, PA.Alice Carnes, PhD '72, with John Zerzan, editors, Questioning Technology: A Critical Anthology(Freedom Press). Thirty-five essays by writers andscientists examine the effects of computer technology, scientific regulation, and communication onculture and human behavior. Carnes, of Eugene,OR, is community outreach coordinator of the Oregon Arts Commission.Richard D. Mohr, AB'72, Gays/Justice— A Studyof Ethics, Society, and Law (Columbia UniversityPress). The author argues for the extension ofbasic civil and constitutional rights to gays withchapters on education, politics, moral issues, andthe AIDS crisis. Mohr is associate professor of philosophy at the University of Illinois, Urbana.Thomas L. Pangle, PhD '72, The Roots of PoliticalPhilosophy: Ten Forgotten Socratic Dialogues (CornellUniversity Press) and The Spirit of Modern Republicanism: The Moral Vision of the American Founders andthe Philosophy of Locke (University of Chicago Press) .The latter book is an expanded version of the Exxon Lectures that the author gave at the Universityof Chicago last fall. Pangle is professor of politicalscience at the University of Toronto, Ontario,Canada.Jeffrey Barash, AM'73, PhD'82, Martin Heidegger and the Problem of Historical Meaning (MartinusNijihoff). This work explores the central role ofhistorical thinking in Heidegger's writingsthroughout his life. Using a number of Heidegger's heretofore unpublished course lectures and letters, Barash approaches his subject in terms ofHeidegger's ties to his own period as opposed tohis dialogues with the philosophers of the distantpast. Barash lives in Paris, France.Henry Munson, Jr., AM'73, PhD'80, Islam andRevolution in the Middle East (Yale University Press).The author analyzes the role of Islam in MiddleEastern society and politics to find out why an Islamic revolution occurred only in Iran and whymost Muslim fundamentalists elsewhere havebeen incapable of mobilizing mass support fortheir causes. Munson is assistant professor of anthropology at the University of Maine, Orono.Gail M. Orgelfinger, AM'73, PhD'78, TheHystorye ofOlyuer ofCastylle (Garland Publishing).Part of Garland's Medieval Texts series, this wasthe subject of Orgelfinger's doctoral dissertation.Orgelfinger is assistant to the vice-president foracademic affairs at the University of Maryland,College Park.Stephen Cornell, AM'74, PhD'80, TheReturnofthe Native: American Indian Political Resurgence (Oxford University Press). This is a historical sociology of the background and development of American Indian political activism in the twentiethcentury. Cornell teaches sociology at HarvardUniversity and is a research associate at Harvard'sKennedy School of Government, Cambridge,MA.Gary Smith, AM'74, and Maria K. Mootry, editors, A Life Distilled: Gwendolyn Brooks, Her Poetry andFiction (University of Illinois Press) . This is the firstcollection of critical essays on the work of Brooks,the only Afro- American to win a Pulitzer Prize forpoetry. Smith is assistant professor of English atSouthern Illinois University, Carbondale.Andrew Abbott, AM'75, PhD'82, The System ofProfessions: An Essay on the Division of Expert Labor(University of Chicago Press). Abbott's study ofthe professions in nineteenth- and twentieth-century England, France, and America demonstrates a general theory of how and why professions evolve, and why some are so much morepowerful than others. Abbott is associate professor of sociology at Rutgers University, NewBrunswick, NJ.Sheldon R. Annis, AM'75, PhD'86, with PeterHakim, editors, Direct to the Poor: Grassroots Development in Latin America (Lynne Reinner Publishers).This book explores a long-term approach to economic and social development which includesgiving money directly to organizations that poorpeople themselves create and control. Annis is afellow at the Overseas Development Council and avisiting lecturer at Princeton University's Woo-drow Wilson School.Charles V. Ganelin, AM'75, PhD'83, Andresde Claramontes la Infelice Dorotea: A Critical Edition withIntroduction and Notes (Tamesis Books). Ganelin isan assistant professor at the University of Tulsa,Tulsa, OK.Niso Abuaf, MBA'76, PhD'85, and StephanSchoess, MBA'78, PhD'82, Foreign-Exchange Exposure Management (Executive Enterprises Publications). For corporate treasurers and finance managers dealing with the fluctuating value of thedollar, this book suggests strategies for handlingthe problem of foreign exchange exposure. Abuafis vice-president and economist at Chase Manhattan Bank, New York City, and Schoess is director offoreign currency options exchange at the ChicagoBoard Options Exchange, Chicago.Joanne J. Meyerowitz, AB'76, Women Adrift: Independent Wage Earners in Chicago, 1880-1930 (University of Chicago Press). The author explores the social and cultural history of women who lived andworked on their own in the late nineteenth andearly twentieth centuries. Meyerowitz is assistantprofessor of history at the University of Cincinnati, OH.Gloria Goodwin Raheja, AM'76, PhD'85, ThePoison in the Gift: Ritual, Prestation, and the DominantCaste in a North Indian Village (University of Chicago Press). The author demonstrates that the importance of caste in South Asian culture is based on apattern of centrality in giving and receiving certain gifts rather than hierarchical ordering. Rahejais an associate of the Committee on SouthernAsian Studies at the University of Chicago.Robert K. Shirer, AM'76, PhD'83, The Difficulties of Saying I: The Narrator as a Protagonist in ChristaWolf's Kindheitsmuste and Uwe Johnson's Jahrestage(Peter Lang). This book studies and compares thenarrators of these novels, both of whom developan unusual narrative voice as opposed to using thefirst person narrative to tell their stories. Shirer isan assistant professor in the modern languagesand literatures department at the University ofNebraska, Lincoln.David Hein, AM'77, A Student's View of the College of St. James on the Eve of the Civil War: The Letters ofW. Wilkins Davis (1842-1866) Volume 30 in the Studies in American Religion Series (Edwin MellinPress). Sixteen letters written by a boy at the College of St. James, Hagerstown, MD, present aunique view of a highly influential nineteenth-century religious institution, as well as insightsinto the Civil War period. Hein is assistant professor of religion and philosophy at Hood College,Frederick, MD.Charles L. Briggs, AM'78, PhD'81, with JohnR. Van Ness, editors, Land, Water, and Culture: NewPerspectives on Hispanic Land Grants (University ofNew Mexico Press). Perspectives from differentareas of study illuminate the social, ecological, political, and legal roots of the land grants in NewMexico and Colorado and the meaning they havefor Hispanic and Native American groups. Briggsteaches in the Department of Anthropology at Vas-sar College, Poughkeepsie, NY.Michele Bograd, AM'79, PhD'83, co-editor,Feminist Perspectives on Wife Abuse (Sage* Publications). This study demonstrates how research andtheory initiated from a feminist perspective challenge, broaden, and reform sociological and psychological approaches to wife abuse. Bograd is apsychologist in private practice in Cambridge,MA, and is on the faculties of the Kantor Family Institute and the Family Institute of Cambridge.Thomas G. David, PhD'79, and Carol S. Wein-stein, editors, Spaces for Children: The Built Environment and Child Development (Plenum Press) . David isprogram officer with the James Irvine Foundation,San Francisco, CA.Jeffrey Rubin-Dorsky, PhD'80, Adrift in the OldWorld: The Psychological Pilgrimage ofWashington Irving(University of Chicago Press). The author examines each of Irving's major works between 1815and 1832 in terms of their autobiographical dimensions and their connection to the sociological atmosphere of the time. Rubin-Dorsky is assistantprofessor of English at the University of California, Los Angeles.Beth Bailey, AM'81, PhD'86, From Front Porchto Back Seat: Courtship in Twentieth-Century America(Johns Hopkins University Press). The author examines dating rules and rituals over a period offorty years. Focusing on magazines, books, andnewspapers, she shows the media's reflection ofand influence upon attitudes of youths' dating behavior and ideals. Bailey teaches history at theUniversity of Kansas.Jean Starobinski, translated by Arthur Gold-hammer, Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Transparency andObstruction (University of Chicago Press), RobertMorrissey, PhD'82, contributor. Morrissey wrotethe introduction for this revised edition of one ofthe most comprehensive examinations of Rousseau's life. Morrissey is assistant professor in theDepartment of Romance Languages and Literatures at the University of Chicago.Chester Gillis, PhD'86, A Question of FinalBelief: John Hick's Pluralistic Theory of Salvation (Mac-millan Press). Gillis is assistant professor oftheology/philosophy of religion at GeorgetownUniversity, Washington, DC. B48 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/FALL 1988Did you takethe course— Western Civat Chicago?For almost forty years, the University of Chicago has lead the way in "culturalliteracy" with its undergraduate sequence on Western civilization. TheUniversity of Chicago Press is pleased to offer newly edited volumes of thesecourse readings, available for sale outside the University for the first time.University of ChicagoREADINGS IN WESTERN CIVILIZATIONJOHN W. BOYER and JULIUS KIRSHNER, General EditorsSPECIAL OFFER—All nine volumes of READINGS IN WESTERN CIVILIZATIONfcoo.oo* (paperback editions)fcoo.oo* (cloth editions)Many of the readings have been part of the curriculum at Chicagofor decades; others have been translated for the first time orreedited. Among the new readings are Plato's Apology, Max Weber'sessay on the National State and Economic Policy, Mabel Atkinson's TheEconomic Eoundations of the Women's Movement, Walter Benjamin's Art in anAge of Mechanical Reproduction, and Michel Foucault on The Subject and?ower. 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