Whe University ofCHICAGOMazam Renter 19883 ^flLHandsMakingPaperHanna Holborn Gray:The Aims ofEducationLETTERSAIRING THE"HIDDEN AGENDA"Editor:I find myself very much in agreementwith William Julius Wilson's analysis in theFALL/87 article "The Hidden Agenda," although not in agreement with his previousanalysis that "race" is a "dead" issue, thislast point on the basis of evidence fromteaching Howard University students forthe last nineteen years.In my own area of specialization, criminology, there is some evidence that appearsto verify Wilson's position. It is not withoutdetractors, however. Do macrostructuralfactors affect crime rates (part of Wilson's argument)? There is a good deal of cumulativeevidence in the affirmative. . .. . .Critics argue that crime rates did notgo up during the Great Depression. I holdthat, when race- and crime-specific studiesare cumulatively surveyed, the relationships hold, although the nature of the "reactions" by race may vary. For example, in myown study, Crime and Suicide in theNation's Capital (Praeger), homicide rates of blackspeaked in the years of the Great Depression,while suicide rates of whites were at theirhighest.There is no reason to hypothesize thatdepressed economic conditions affectblacks and whites equally, nor in the sameways; but that diverse groups are affectedappears clear.The question then, becomes, for example, which policy best achieves such universal goals as full employment, minimized inflation, and so on. Conservative views, leadby Chicago economists, appear headed forlong-run default.Whatever happened to the Humphrey-Hawkins full employment bill?Gloria Count-van Manen, PhD'67McLean, VAEditor:In some ways, the black ghetto problemresembles the poor white dilemmas of the1930s. Up to ten years ago when I retired, Itaught in my economic history classes at theChicago City Colleges about the CivilianConservation Corps (CCC). This, I said,would be good for the black underclassas well.Getting people out of their neighborhood ruts, having balanced meals for achange, seeing different places and people,doing a regular job of some consequenceand becoming literate made assets ratherthan liabilities of millions. Near subsistencefarming adds very little to, if not subtractsfrom, the social product. The CCC and later World War II military added tremendouslyto post-war modernization. The formercould perform a similar service for the ghetto. Although retired from the military, I donot favor the latter road.In 1955 ... [I went] back to my small Michigan home town for recuperation. . . Immediately, I noticed that new people hadstarted small businesses in town, and mostof the earlier lower class had disappeared....[A] father and three sons had. . .worked in my father's factory. . . In 1941,the oldest son had gotten a defense job in afactory thirty miles away. He kept it until heretired. The youngest learned constructionin the U.S. Army. At the time, he had a goodjob building the Mackinac Strait bridge. Themiddle son, always the one good worker,also learned construction in the Army." . .The new tradesmen in town had apparently followed similar paths. Now, we musteducate the majority to ease up on a socialpolicy of keeping blacks in their old homeplace.Richard Harrison, AB'49, MBA50Clarksville, TNEditor:I searched Professor Wilson's "HiddenAgenda" for a new proposal and was disappointed to find nothing either new or likelyto be effective.I have a friend whose profession makeshim well off. For his own reasons he and hiswife have elected to have four children. Theycan well afford it . My wife and I have two because that is what we can afford to support(although if I could afford it, I'm not sure Icould stand four). For the life of me I cannotunderstand why Dr. Wilson would have mecontribute to the support of my friend's children through his family or children allowance. I can find little more justification forsupporting the four, five, or six children hadby the urban underclass welfare motherwithout benefit of husband (although surely not without benefit of father). The fundamental flaw in his plan is that it is mi-croeconomically rational for me to haveadditional children if I only bear a fraction oftheir cost, but it may not be macroeconomi-cally rational for all of society to have them ateach other's expense.The old word for Dr. Wilson's hiddenagenda is socialism, and it will not accomplish what he wishes. The more completelyit has been implemented, the more disastrous to the economic welfare of its victims(eastern Europe) . The experience of Swedenet al is not instructive, since Swedes seem tohave a strong cultural work ethic, and theyhave never had an oppressed underclass toredeem. More instructive might be the expe rience of third-world nations whose socialism, gleefully funded by U.S. banks, hasbrought them only massive debt, e.g. numerous nations in Africa and Latin America.There is merit to Dr. Wilson's point thatthe underclass benefits from general economic growth and full employment. Thecurrent administration has made the samepoint. The budget deficit is also a threat to usall. However, to blame the deficit on the administration's tax cut and the military buildup is to ignore two realities:1 . The tax cut was a myth . For most of usit was eaten up by increasing "social security" taxes, just the sort of thing Dr.Wilson would like more of.2. President Kennedy's defense budgetwas half the federal budget at the time.President Reagan has been trying to increase defense from about 25 percent toabout 27 percent of the federal budget.The explosive growth in the budget(and the real source of the deficit andthe drain on productive resources inthis country) has been in the area of"entitlement" programs, which Dr.Wilson would like to have more of.Francis Bacon said if we would separatepeople from the consequences of their folly,we would have a nation of fools. We're onour way!Lewis Flagg, MBA 71Milford, MAEditor:As far as I can see, the crash of the stockmarkets makes the two main articles in theFALL/ 87 issue of the Magazine out of date—"The Hidden Agenda" and "On Educatingthe Nation's Future Business Leaders." I donot like to see the University of Chicago educating students with the primary purpose ofmaking money.Elizabeth L. Lyman, AM'48, PhD'54Silver Spring, MDA CURIOUSCONTRADICTIONEditor:Your FALL/87 issue contains a curiouscontradiction. Rightly, Laurance Rockefeller is quoted as alluding to the spiritual-religious factor in the founding of the University. .. One must then find it indeed"curious" that Barry Karl, chairing the committee looking toward our university's centennial, does not, in his "A Curious Adventure for an Historian, " allude to the religiousfactor.To those of us who are more open-Continued on page 45EditorFelicia Antonelli Holton, AB'50Staff WriterMark Ray Hollmann, AB'85DesignerTom GreensfelderThe University of Chicago Office ofAlumni RelationsRobie House5757 South Woodlawn AvenueChicago, IL 60637Telephone: (312) 753-2175President, The University of ChicagoAlumni AssociationEdward L. Anderson, PhB'46, SM'49National Program DirectorRoberta SherwoodChicago Area Program DirectorCrista Cabe, AM'83Director, Alumni Schools CommitteeJ. Robert Ball, X '70The University of ChicagoAlumni Executive CouncilEdward L. Anderson, PhB'46, SM'49Herbert B. Fried, JD'32Mary Lou Gorno, MBA'76William B. Graham, SB'32, JD'36William Hammett, AM'71Danette G. Kauffman, AM'69Kenneth C. Levin, AB'68, MBA'74John David Lyon, AB'55William C. Naumann, MBA'75Daniel B.Ritter, AB'57Edward W Rosenheim, AB'39, AM'46, PhD'53Jerry G. Seidel, MD'54Thomas H. Sheehan, MBA' 63Judy Ullmann Siggins, AB'66, AM'68, PhD'76Dirk van Ausdall, AB'80Susan Loth Wolkerstorfer, AB'72Faculty/Alumni Advisory Committeeto The University of Chicago MagazineEdward W. Rosenheim, AB'39AM'46, PhD'53, ChairmanDavid B. and Clara E. SternProfessor, Department of Englishand the CollegeAbe Blinder, PhB'31Philip C. Hoffmann, SB'57, PhD'62Professor, Department ofPharmacological and PhysiologicalSciences and the College;Master, the Biological SciencesCollegiate DivisionMarjorie Lange Lucchetti, AM'70,PhD'74JohnMacAloon, AM'74, PhD'80Associate Professor,Social Sciences Collegiate DivisionLinda Thoren Neal, AB'64, JD'67Katherine Schipper, MBA'73, AM'75, PhD'77Professor, Graduate School of BusinessSherlu Rardin Walpole, AB'45The University of Chicago Magazine(ISSN-9508) is published quarterly (fall,winter, spring, summer) by theUniversity of Chicago in cooperationwith the Alumni Association, RobieHouse, 5757 South Woodlawn Avenue,Chicago, IL 60637. Publishedcontinuously since 1907. Second-classpostage paid at Chicago, IL, and atadditional entry offices.POSTMASTER: Send address changesto Alumni Records, Robie House, 5757South Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago, IL60637. Copyright ©1988 by theUniversity of Chicago.Editorial office: The University of ChicagoMagazine, Robie House, 5757 SouthWoodlawn Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637.Telephone (312) 753-2323. The Magazineis sent to all University of Chicagoalumni.' pesetting by Skripps & Associates,'iiicaeo. The University ofCHICAGOMagazine/Winter 1988Volume 80, Number 2***Page 18Cover: A sample of Washi, hand-made paper, from the five-volume work, Tesuki WashiTaikan, (Hands Making Paper). The copy ofthis block design pattern was originally thework of the late Sadanobu Hasegawa, Sr.There were ukiyoe painters in the Hasegawafamily of Naniwa (Osaka) for generations.The running design in four colors is beautifully finished, producing the hanging misteffect. The paper is made by Sakurai-ya ofKyoto .Copyright ©1974, The Mainichi Newspapers. Reprintedbypermission. IN THIS ISSUEThe Aims of EducationBy Hanna Holborn GrayThe president of the University of Chicagodelivers the annual address to the incoming freshman class.Page 2Hands Making PaperConcerned that the art of making Washi(hand-made paper) is in danger of dyingout in Japan, The Mainchi Newspapers commissioned a historical record of this important cultural resource.Page 9With "a little bit of lab space"Working part-time, with a borrowed microscope, Dr. Janet Rowley made an importantdiscovery that is helping doctors to diagnose certain cancers.Page 13Say It with MusicBy Gerald MastSelf-taught, Irving Berlin was the "mostsuccessful American composer at makingmusical art sound artless."Page 18Living the life of an IndependentScholarPage 41DEPARTMENTSChicago JournalClass NewsDeathsBooks 25304244"TO THINK ABOUT THE AIMS OFEDUCATION IS TO ASK WHAT KINDOF PERSON, WHAT KIND OF HUMANCOMPETENCE, WHAT KIND OF GOALSMIGHT BE MOST DESIRABLE FOR THESOCIAL ORDER AND THE QUALITYOF CIVILIZED EXISTENCE."2 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAG AZINE/ WINTER 1988The Aims OfEducationBy Hanna Holborn GrayI AM VERY HAPPY TO WEL-come you to the University ofChicago, and to our bracing climate. Here I refer not to theweather you have heard somerumors about, although I hopeyou will enjoy that, too, withall the opportunities for memorable and heroic experience itwill offer. I have in mind ratherthe bracing intensity of the Universityitself, an academic climate that invitesyou at the beginning of your stay, andinsistently thereafter, to ask whetheryour own thoughtful and continuingengagement in the effort to define theaims of education may not be preciselya primary aim and measure of becoming educated.The question before us is what are,or what should be, the aims of education. That question, of course, is bothtimely and timeless. It is timely becausewe are in a period in which controversyand criticism having to do with education, with its quality and its purposesand its institutions, have achieved a Class of 1991.%»1» -*fc»p^^^^V I'^L Am^^L ^E~ 3^' '^Hi «^T^EDMUND CHUAVacaville, CAhigher pitch and a more public resonance than is usual. When you were inschool the reports published on the primary and secondary schools said youwere unlikely to have learned verymuch. Now you are in college, and thenew reports say you are not likely tolearn much, or much that is worthwhile, in part because of the failure ofthe schools, in part because of the disastrous shortcomings of the colleges, in part because of the degradation ofour culture and the absence of a genuine and serious vision. So welcomeindeed to Bloom County, and to itsgloomy prognostications.There have been so many diagnosesof your condition and of the conditionsthat have produced your condition thatI am reminded of the cinematic momentin which Groucho Marx, holding someone's pulse, exclaims, "Either this manis dead or my watch has stopped."Since your vital signs look reasonablygood , I am tempted to conclude that thewatches of some contemporary physi-Hanna Holborn Gray is president and trusteeof the University of Chicago, and professor inthe Department of History and the College. InSeptember she gave the "Aims of Education"address, which is presented annually by amember of the faculty to the entering freshmanclass. It has become a tradition for freshmen,following the address, to meet in their residence houses to discuss the aims of education.A faculty member, invited by the residenthead, joins the discussion.3Class of 1991MEREDITH FELTUSLyndonville, VTcians have in fact stopped or even beenturned back, unwinding to the tunefulverse of Ogden Nash, "Progress mighthave been all right once, but it's gone ontoo long."This is, however, a thought to takeseriously. For example, it was once believed that the invention of printing hadcreated the engine of a continuing intellectual progress and of all its benefits inthe modern world. What, then, are weto make of the following publisher's announcement, which touts an anthologyentitled The Classic Touch? Let me read itto you. It beginsSince practicing managers rarelyhave the time to read or reread the classics in their entirety, the authors of TheClassic Touch have put together a treasure trove of passages and stories resonant with meaning for the task of management in the modern world. Thiscaptivating collection includes selections from Plato's Republic, the best textever written on leadership style; Miller's Death of a Salesman, on the care andfeeding of a sales force; Thoreau'sWalden, on the badness of bigness; Shakespeare's King Lear, a drama of succession, delegation, and decentralization;and Homer's Iliad, a rich commentaryon motivation and communication. TheClassic Touch talks to managers whowant to know more than the formulasand techniques of accounting, marketing, production, and computers, managers who know that their work is really creative, their accomplishmentstruly heroic. It is a practical book foranyone who loves to hear a valuable lesson entertainingly taught.There follows a table of contents. Iwill not read you the whole thing exceptto say that within the section on theclassical world Pericles emerges as thefather of corporate culture, Sophoclesas an expert on the psychology of leadership. Chaucer's topic is sort of ateaser, "Those Annoying Little Differences." My favorite, however, isDarwin, used to illustrate the importance of adaptability.This description of The Classic Touchwould appear to have come from thepen of a clever satirist intent on confirming the worst sense of what hasgone wrong in contemporary attitudes toward education and deploring itsturning away from, even while somehow mimicking, the humanistic spiritthat must permeate a genuinely liberaleducation. Above all, such ways of talking about learning, while paying lipservice to the value of great texts, assertthat there exist easy shortcuts to theireffective understanding and that theirworth can be weighed by their vocational value.In the implications of the text I havecited we may discern explanatory evidence for the fears that are pervasive inso many discussions of liberal education and its aims today. Those fears aregrounded in the concern that coherence, breadth, and depth in learninghave given way to disintegration, constriction, superficiality; that the standards and the quality of education havedeclined together with any sense ofbasic purpose; that the idea of "aims"has been corrupted into the instrumental notion of "uses"; and that the overwhelming tides of vocational pressureand of utilitarian demand have washedaway the ground once held by an integral vision and practice of liberaleducation.These conclusions seem to me badly overstated. Yet it is clear that theycannot be ignored and that they are taken very seriously nowadays by manypeople. We have seen many episodes ofsuch doomsaying over the course ofhistory, and while we must understandthat the questions posed are timeless,the issues recurrent, we must eachcome to terms with their meaning for usin the context of our own situation. I happen to believe that the conditionsand prospects for liberal education arerather better than current best-sellerssuggest. I certainly think they are betterhere at the University of Chicago. Butby its very nature, the vitality of liberaleducation, the vitality of its underlyingspirit, can never be assured . It must reston a continual renewal of purpose originating in the commitment to a reflectiveexamination of the aims of education, ofthe quality, the means and the mindsand the motivating goals throughwhich these aims may be realized.I don't for a minute mean to say thata liberal education is not in some senseuseful. Of course it is, and in a wide variety of ways. Nor do I mean that a liberal education will not be of great valuefor and in the professional paths youwill choose to pursue. Indeed it will be.I take it as a given, too, that liberally-educated men and women will be essential to the economic and civic well-being of our society. But these ratherobvious points speak to a series of goodthings that may flow in part from liberaleducation as we conceive it rather thandefine the overriding or fundamentalpurposes that give it substance.So let us begin by abandoning theperverse view common to many unthinking assumptions about education, and given such vivid expressionby The Classic Touch, that education willdo something for you, that courses canbe popped to provide inspirationalhighs or develop the intellectual muscles and supply the Geritol of our adultintelligence. Mutilated books are everywhere, testimony to the conviction thatpushing a magic marker through this orthat nugget of information or insight isto down another credit hour of highertruth, that reading and learning are acollege game whose object is to identifyand clip out a series of disconnecteditems for possible future retrieval in thebig-time game of what is frequently referred to as the Real World.We all, of course, know that learning does not necessarily make peoplebetter or wiser. "Learning makesthe wise man wiser and the fool morefoolish," runs one proverb. "Learning¦i UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1988Class of 1991makes a good man better and an ill manworse," is another. On one of hisgloomy days the Stoic Seneca remarked, "Since learned men have appeared, good men have become rare."We are all familiar, I think, with the paradox of the Wise Fool, a paradox whichplays on the double distinction between empty learning and real wisdomon the one hand, effective goodnessand useless knowledge on the other.And we're all familiar with the image ofthe fool in cap and bells who, alien andalone in a supposedly rational universe, is in fact the only one who knowsor dares to speak the genuinely rationaland often uncomfortable truth. Therehave always been voices, too, that havedeplored the academy as an enemy totrue learning, an oppressor of nativegood sense or instinct and a suppressorof the deeper knowledge taught by experience. "I have never," says somecharacter in Mark Twain, "let myschooling interfere with" my education." And George Bernard Shaw, inthe Dedicatory Epistle to his Man andSuperman, wrote, "What we call education and culture is for the most partnothing but the substitution of readingfor experience, of literature for life, ofthe obsolete fictitious for the contemporary real."We are all familiar, too, with the opposition between the learning of booksand the school of hard knocks or thelearning of books and the school of nature, and we're all aware, finally, of thenegatives that are so frequently associated with the word "academic,"whether it suggests the "merely" academic, the dry-as-dust academic, thetrivial-pursuit academic, or the impractical and useless "head in the clouds"academic. There is yet another tradition that reveals itself again and again, atradition that fears and mistrusts toomuch learning because of its challengeto established beliefs and ways or its potential threat to stabilities regarded asessential or because its claim to autonomy might lead to the loss of control andorder.It is worth noting that the most interesting voices, critical of learning and SCOTT FASTEugene, ORof education, have usually been thevoices of learned and powerful mindsand teachers. They are the voices ofpeople who believe that education at itsbest might shape the quality of humanlives and of society and who think thatlearning, although it might be misusedor abused, is still worthy both in itselfand for the broadly ethical purposesthat it might help serve. They are thevoices of intellectuals who believe that alittle learning is actually quite a lot andthat the beginnings of self knowledgeand of true knowledge lie in knowingthat and in knowing how much furtherthere is to go. And so the same Seneca,on a brighter day and with equal vehemence, asserted that "More is experienced in one day in the life of a learnedman than in the whole lifetime of an ignorant one."The tradition of liberal learning andits methods, of liberal education and itsideals, has always been a tradition ofcriticism, of the ambiguous and complex attachment to the hope for whatreason, imagination, and creativitymay produce, and simultaneously arecognition of the fallible state of the institutional and human universe whichthey enrich. Over the centuries a beliefin the progressive capacity and efficacyof scholarship has gone hand in handwith despair over the futilities and excesses, the limitations of what intellectuals have accomplished in theirworlds. Confidence in the power andauthority of scientific discovery has often been diminished and challengedby the awareness' that scientificbreakthroughs may be double-edged swords; that technologies, for example,could take on an encroaching, even sinister, life of their own. The trust thatsaving grace would flow from possessing and sustaining the civilizing heritage of thought and art and letters hasalways had to contend with the revelation of what supposedly civilized people do and have done in its name.To contemplate these issues is tosee that in the end the passionatedespairs and hopes and controversiesembedded in debates over educationand its aims speak to matters far beyondthose that may seem to be under discussion, such as the curriculum, or the syllabus for a given subject, or methods ofteaching, or the organization of schoolsand colleges. And that is so because ultimately an ideal of education, what itshould be about, what it should be for,how its worth should be assessed, is astatement about the future and the ideals one would wish to see realized inthat future, a statement about humanpurpose and possibility, about thenature of human society, its needs andaspirations, about the character and direction of civilization; a statement, too,about the present and its deficiencies,corruptions, and opportunities, a statement even about the past, its modelsand meanings, the lessons it providesto be perpetuated or discarded.Everybody, you will notice, absolutely everybody, is an expert on education. Almost everyone has some view ofwhat it should be for and what it shouldbe about and why. Very few people havearticulated these views systematicallyor consistently or even explicitly, andtheir positions are often internally inconsistent. But those views are part ofsome larger, and perhaps partly unrecognized, set of judgments and beliefsthat frame people's view of and reactionto fundamental questions of humanconduct, of institutional life and of social direction. Everybody's view of education implies assumptions related tothis range of working convictions. Inthe same way, everybody is an expert onhistory and what, so to speak, makes ittick and which way things are headedand why. Without necessarily reflect-Class of 1991ing consciously on the past, peopleapply their opinions about how itworks to the interpretation of currentevents around them, to daily events, tothe daily newspaper. In addition, ofcourse, everyone has his or her own history from which to draw, and that includes one's own education. Thus,much educational commentary derivesfrom the desire to redo our own experience, to correct its inadequacies, to carry forward its own best features, to haveothers learn and understand what wewish we had been able to and to do so ina more efficient and effective manner,forgetting sometimes that the inevitable byroads and dead ends whichseemed so chaotic and unproductivewhen we encountered them in our owneducations may well, in fact, have beenan important source of our educationas well.If it is accurate to say that to thinkabout education is to think about the future, to assess the present and to judgethe past, it becomes clearer, I think,why the greatest works on educationhave been written not by committees,whatever they may say, or even by thoseconcerned more narrowly with schoolsand curricular structures and pedagogyper se, but by philosophers and often byUtopians. At the heart of every Utopianvision lies a system of education founded in a conception of human nature andreason, of the nature of significantknowledge and intellectual activity, ofthe relations among people as social beings and between individuals and institutions, a vision in which education isboth a means to the end of creating sucha Utopia and a means of sustaining andperpetuating its ethos, its authority,and its essential power for the good.Whether in Plato's Republic, or in theparadoxically less Utopian world ofThomas More from which the term Utopia comes, we see that to be the case.Other important works have been autobiographical in character, the productof great minds reflecting critically ontheir own odysseys and on the intellectual culture of their times in order to layout their ideas on the role of learningand on the hierarchy of significant NEDRA JENKINSWoodridge, ILknowledge, to lay out programs for education that incorporate their principles on how to identify and to thinkabout the major questions of humanlife. Neither St. Augustine's Confessionsnor Montaigne's Essays are primarilyabout education. Yet both are, amongother things, great treatises on education, as are such quite different examples as Mills' Autobiography or the autobiography that carries the title, TheEducation of Henry Adams.To think about education, then, is tothink about the major issues of humanlife and of social purpose with a viewthat looks not only to the heritage of thepast and the clamorous problems of thepresent, but to the uncertainties andpossibilities of the future. To thinkabout the aims of education is to askwhat kind of person, what kind of human competence, what kind of goalsmight be most desirable for the socialorder and the quality of civilized existence. How should people be educatedtoward becoming such individuals andpossessed of such goals and competence? These are, to put it mildly, notsimple questions and they are not simply abstract questions either. For towrestle with them is also to confrontcomplex issues of individual and ofpublic choice.It is not surprising, I think, thatserious thinking about education maycarry with it a Utopian impulse that uses the models of an ideal education or ofan ideal educational purpose as an instrument for criticizing the present, fordemonstrating what is deficient not only in the contemporary school or col lege, but in contemporary ethics andpolitics, in the manners and conduct ofa world that needs to be bettered or revolutionized or returned to the purerand higher ways of an exemplary past.Those models of past perfection or superiority may depend, of course, on thedistillations and even distortions thatthe idealizing perspective may wrestfrom history, and no two models will beexactly alike. The picture on the screenfocused by the projectionist to highlightthe contrast between then and now willbe far brighter than the shadings andshadows which a natural historical lightwould allow. Its object is to illuminateand perhaps transform a present darkness. The critique of what is wrong, astatement of what has gone wrong witheducation, will be an argument aboutthe ideals and goals of human intellectand its responsibilities, arguing thatthese have declined or failed of realization, but that they must yet be urgentlysought.The current debates over the state ofeducation link us to a tradition of centuries. Within that history the discussionof liberal education has had a special intensity and range of reference. For to reflect on education is indeed to reflect onthe human condition, on its struggle toward understanding and judgment inthe midst of complexity and contingency, on problems of value and choice,of knowledge and of diverse ways ofknowing in matters that are rarely susceptible to clear-cut solutions, always inneed of reinterpretation and revaluation in the context of related mattersand considerations.As Robert Frost once said, "Education doesn't change life much, it justlifts trouble to a higher plane of regard ."Or put another way, liberal educationwill not make life easier but it will orshould help to enrich and expand itspossibilities. It will or should substituteindependent thought, informed appreciation and critical judgment for dependent opinion, simplistic observation,and unthinking assertion. It will orshould make intellectual integrity, respect for reasoned conclusions, and thewillingness to make difficult decisionsUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1988Class of 1991in the light of complex alternatives andrelationships a goal and a responsibilitythat we refuse to evade. We hope, too,that lifting trouble to a higher plane ofregard will at the same time make possible a genuine freedom of thought andaction for each of us.As the nature of the liberal arts hasbeen defined and redefined, the canonof the liberal arts has changed over timeto include more subjects, more formsand methods of knowing. Nowadaysmuch debate centers on whether therecan indeed be a single canon or common core for composing a liberal education, given the explosion and the increasing specialization of knowledge,and given the impossibility of coveringall that might really be important;given, too, the competing claims ofbreadth and depth in the process oflearning. There is surely very wideagreement that a liberal educationshould produce intelligent generalistsfamiliar with basic subjects and textsand methods and capable of turningthese to self-directed intellectual activity. But there are equally wide differences of view on the means to this end,on the best program of study, the rightcombination of breadth and depth,even on the books that must absolutelybe read if one is to be educated.All this would have surprised thehumanists of the Renaissance whobelieved that they had settled thesequestions, the major questions of liberal education, forever. They began bycriticizing and rejecting what they sawas the educational assumptions of theirown time. They diagnosed those aspedantic specialization and abstrusespeculation, the signs of an academicculture in which they saw revealedthose larger dimensions and deficiencies of their age which they wanted toset out to reform through education.They hoped to achieve this; at the sametime, they also thought it possible thatthings had never been worse, ever, thatdecay might never be arrested, and thatthe condition of the church, of society,and of ethics and conduct might be irretrievable. The humanists argued thatthe professional education and forms of ROBERT F. MORRISSEYCenterville, MAscholarship pursued in contemporaryuniversities had no relevance to theneeds of their society or to the understanding of those issues that had to dowith human life and human potential.They wanted, through the revival of aliberal culture and the renewal of thatexemplary ancient past which theythought had endowed it with expressive form for all time, to enable the cultivation of active minds and of moralenergies. They believed that the kind ofknowledge most worth having residedin those studies which looked to the enduring questions of meaning related tothe nature of the human community, itsdilemmas and possibilities, and whichtaught men not only how to think, butto act, not only how to appreciate, but toemulate, not only to know, but to carryon a creative dialogue with the pastwhich would continue on beyond theirown time. In short, the Renaissance humanists, setting themselves against acaricatured but for them intensely perceived vision of the outlook and theconsequences of the scholastic learningof the later Middle Ages, maintainedthat education should equip people tolead a good life, that it should havebreadth, that its function was to shapethe will as well as the intellect, and thathumanistic scholarship should be directed to those purposes. And so, out oftheir understanding of antiquity, thehumanists of the Renaissance created,or, in their view, rediscovered and recreated, a basic educational system inthe liberal arts. It was founded on thereading of classical texts and it emphasized the studies of classical language, literature, rhetoric, moral philosophy,and history. It was conceived as thebasic vehicle for making students notonly broadly educated but makingthem also better citizens, better professionals, better people.Within this same tradition therearose a considerable division, however, over the particular emphases andmeans to be adopted toward those essential ends on which the humanistsagreed . The study of language, after all,could decline into mere classicism, thatof philology into a formalized pedantry,history into antiquarianism. It becamea question of whether scholarshipmight serve the broadest and deepestpurposes of a humane culture or become a new scholasticism, whether theeducation of the schools might releaseor repress the capacities of their students, whether the conviction that people might be made better through liberal learning could be sustained in theface of evil and chaos. Ultimately, indeed, it became a question whether thecertainties about the knowledge mostworth having could be demonstratedand defended on the basis of humannature and the nature of truth.The humanism of the Renaissance,like every succeeding humanism, carried with it an aspiration for the future,a vision of human possibility, an idealof the kind of person and the kind ofcompetence which ought to define theaims of education. That is why a program of education lies at its center as theinstitutional translation of a conceptionof knowledge and its worth. That program has to do with the fullest assimilation and reinterpretation of human experience, of the culture in which it isexpressed, of the questions to which itperennially gives rise, as the end andthe measure also of scholarly purpose.The humanist critique of educationand learning in the Renaissance allegedthat these were, in the modern lingo, irrelevant: irrelevant to the real concernsof human life, fatally indifferent tothose studies and problems that shouldhave central significance, removedfrom the real world, narrow and technical in focus, sterile and sectarian, whol-7Class of 1991HILLE VON ROSENVINGEBowie, MDly inadequate to the formation of trulyeducated people. There is a very familiar ring to these charges, one that returns us to the state of the liberal arts inour own age. For we have, in fact, seenthese same accusations leveled againstthe humanities themselves. How manyof you have not heard those criticismsraised about the studies of the humanities or, indeed, about the nature of aneducation in the liberal arts?And so I come back to the point thatthe quality of education and of the effects which it may have has to do notwith the curriculum alone, importantthough that is, but with the purposefulspirit that animates the curriculum andits teaching. A curriculum representsan expression of aims that have no life ifthat spirit dies or fades. It needs constant revitalization. Excellence in education requires continuing reflectionand debate in the light of the questionsand opportunities created by newknowledge and new conditions, newneeds, new generations of students andof teachers alike. And even if the questions and dilemmas turn out to be old,we need to make them our own, to identify the enduring questions in the context of their existence for us.The title "Aims of Education" wasfirst used by the philosopher AlfredNorth Whitehead in an essay writtenseventy years ago. "We must beware,"he warned, "of what I will call inertideas, that is to say, ideas that are merely received into the mind without beingutilized or tested or thrown into freshcombinations." And he went on, "Every intellectual revolution which hasever stirred humanity into greatnesshas been a passionate protest againstinert ideas. Then, alas, it has proceededby some educational scheme to bindhumanityafresh with inert ideas of itsown fashion." One might cite the successive histories of liberal education toillustrate this point.In another essay Whitehead addeda very fine expression of the aims ofeducation which I should like also toquote. He wrote,Though knowledge is one chiefaim of intellectual education, there is another ingredient, vaguer but greaterand more dominating in its importance. The ancients called it wisdom.You cannot be wise without some basisof knowledge, but you may easily acquire knowledge and remain bare ofwisdom. Now wisdom is the way inwhich knowledge is held. It concernsthe handling of knowledge, its selection for the determination of relevantissues, its employment to add value toour own immediate experience. Thismastery of knowledge which is wisdomis the most intimate freedom obtainable. The ancients saw clearly, moreclearly than we do, the necessity fordominating knowledge by wisdom, butin the pursuit of wisdom in the regionof practical education, they erred sadly.To put the matter simply, their popularpractice assumed that wisdom could beimparted to the young by procuringphilosophers to spout at them... Theonly avenue toward wisdom is by freedom in the presence of knowledge, theonly avenue towards knowledge isby discipline in the acquirement ofordered facts.These words surely speak to thehighest aims of education, to the searchfor wisdom that will inform knowledgein its uses, for the discipline to pursueand master knowledge, and for a freedom responsive to the imperatives ofthe conscientious integrity that thesedemand. Such aims go, of course, farbeyond school and college and theyears of school and college, nor cantheir achievement be simply producedby or guaranteed by the educationalprocess.And so we hope that your education and your participation in this community of learning will make a lifelong difference in encouraging for you thegrowth and practice of intellectualliberty, in stimulating intellectual curiosity and a respect for the power ofthought and literature and learning, ofscholarship and discovery at their best,and in strengthening the capacity topenetrate to what is significant, to siftand distinguish, to synthesize andjudge. We hope that your education willrender it impossible to think that thereis not a common— by which I do notmean comprehensive— core of learningthat not only should be studied for itsown sake and for the sake of understanding your heritage and that of others, but will also command attentionand reflection for the rest of your lives.And so, as I welcome you again toyour university, let me welcome you to aparticular and important tradition ofdebate. Although it may be presumptuous, let me express my hopes for you,the first centennial class. I hope thatyou will find and make this a placewhere the spirit of criticism and a genuine civility exist together in a productiverelationship. I hope that your respectfor disciplined intelligence and rigorous scholarship will always make youdemand due process in thought and injudgment. I hope that you will combineseriousness of purpose with a continuing sense of the absurd. I hope you willhave the courage to be a little eccentricwhile being thoughtful of others. I hopethat you will combine commitment toindependence with a concern for the interdependence of our individual andinstitutional existences. I hope we candefine and maintain for ourselves thestandards and the aspirations throughwhich to attain a little learning and theambitious modesty of a more humaneexistence. I hope you will rememberthat, as someone once said, "It is impossible to learn what one thinks onealready knows," and that you will sustain a taste for both the complexitiesand the limitations of knowledge.Above all, I hope that you will have avery satisfying time at your universityand I hope that you will find great enjoyment in the many activities and dimensions of your lives here. H8 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1988Hands MakingPaperEtchu KatazomegamiFloral figures are arranged systematicallyin vertical and horizontal directions.Central parts of floral figures embossed onthe red ground are vignetted alternately inblack and yellow. This vignette softens thetone of the whole pattern. The vignette inkatazome dyeing is a painstakinglydifficult work.Keiju-sha, ToyamaEditor's note: The captions for theseWashi samples are taken directly fromTesuki Washi Taikan, sometimes withslight editing. The artistan's nameand hometown appear in the lowerleft, below each caption. Japanese handmade papers, Washi,are in danger of becoming extinct, as fewerartisans practice this ancient craft.ONE TENDS TO THINK OF A RAREbook as something ancient, containinginformation from the long-ago past.That is not always the case. Tesuki WashiTaikan, (Hands Making Paper), whichwe feature here, was published in 1974,yet this five-volume work is indeedrare.Washi is the collective term, in Japanese, for hand-molded paper; wa andshi mean Japan or Japanese and paper,respectively.Today, Washi are in danger of becoming extinct, because of the widespreaduse of modern, mechanized means formaking paper.During the height of Washi productionin the Meiji Era (1868-1912) some 68,000households were engaged in paper-making, concentrated in several villages. Today there are less than 800papermaking households throughoutJapan, and the number continues toshrink.Among the many Japanese who areconcerned that the making of Washi is indanger of becoming an extinct craft arethe publishers of the Mainichi Newspapers in Tokyo. In 1973, to commemoratetheir own centennial, Mainichi Newspapers commissioned historians andother scholars to produce a commemorative work on Washi. The five-volume set, Tesuki Washi Taikan, published in1974, is the result of their work.For each set of volumes, the scholarscollected more than one thousand samples of Washi, many of which were madeusing designs first developed centuriesago. Each sample is accompanied by aguard sheet, and an explanatory text inJapanese and English. Tesuki WashiTaikan also presents a history of paper-making by Japanese artisans, and a description of the techniques they haveused for centuries. This makes TesukiInterior of Washi studio,showing vat on top of whichis a mold. A stack offinished paper is on standat right.9Aburabiki KappagamiSheets of Uwa Senkashi are joined withmucilage. Bengara pigment or soot ismixed with persimmon tannin and dissolved in water, then applied with a brush onthe paper, which is dried. Tour or five ofthese sheets are piled up. An oil mixture,seventy per cent paulownia oil and thirtyper cent perilla oil, is spread, fully saturating the paper, which is then dried. This oilpaper has been used for kappa (or capaj,a kind of raincoat worn in rainy weather. Itwas first made in imitation of the coat wornby the Portuguese.Shotaro Inoue, Kyoto Washi Taikan a priceless resource for current and future generations of scholars.Of the one thousand sets produced, theUniversity of Chicago Library owns #887. Appropriately, it is kept under lockand key, in the East Asian Collection.The Chinese invented paper, and until recently the accepted date for that occurrence was circa A.D. 105. Accordingto the Hou Han Shu (History of the LaterHan Dynasty) Ts'ai Lun, a eunuch inthe court of Emperor Ho-ti, first produced it. However, recent excavationsin Shaanxi (Shensi) Province in Chinahave indicated that the Chinese had invented paper as early as A.D. 93-98.The craft of making paper eventuallyThe press which is used toremove water from thepaper. This is next to the laststep in making Washi.Illustrations from Tesuki Washi Taikan, Copyright 1974, TheMainichi Newspapers, Tokyo. Reprinted by permission. made its way from China to Japan.The eighth-century Nihon Shoki(Chronicle of Japan) states that themonk Doncho, who arrived in Japanfrom Korea in 610, knew the art of making pigments, ink, and paper; traditionally that has been the date acceptedfor the introduction of papermaking into Japan. However, both the Nihon Shokiand Kojiki (ancient chronicle) refer todiplomatic documents and appointments that were officially inscribed between the years 200 and 608. Thiscauses some historians to believe thatimmigrants of Chinese origin, comingfrom the Korean peninsula, might havebrought the technique for makingpaper, together with writing brushesand ink, to Japan much earlier.While the technique for using plant fibers to make paper originated in China,the Japanese made their own refinements, and eventually produced someof the world's most beautiful papers, inmany varieties.Today, even for Japanese, western-style paper is more common than Washi,since it is used for everyday activities. Acomparison of western-style paper andWashi may help one to appreciate thelatter's unique features.According to Tesuki Washi Taikan, themost significant qualities of western-style paper are: 1) it tends to be heavy;2) it is usually stiff and firm; 3) it is madefrom wood pulp rather than long vegetable fibers; 4) although vegetable matter is the principal ingredient, variousother materials are used as well; 5) it resists water and is opaque; 6) the manufacturing process does not include theaddition of a mucilage as thickener; 7)the paper is mass-produced, usually bylarge firms.Washi has the following characteristics not normally found in Western-style papers: 1) it tends to be lightweight; 2) it is porous, which permitsventilation when it is used as a coveringmaterial; 3) the long bast fibers of several plants, chiefly kozo (paper mulberry,Broussonetia kajinoki); gampi (Wikstroemiasikokiana); or mitsumata (Edgeworthia pa-pyrifera) are the basic materials; 4) itscolor and sheen are those of the vegetable fibers; 5) it is soft yet translucent; 6)it is tough, elastic and durable, whichmakes it ideal for lengthy storage; 7) itdoes not contain nonvegetable matter;8) a mucilage is added for thickeningand dispersal of fibers during the manufacturing process.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1988EDO ChiyogamiThis paper evokes the Kabuki theater, apopular Edo entertainment. The background is patterned after the "Johikimaku "stage curtain, and the various short writings, or "Kaki-chirashi, " are felicitousexpressions usually associated with Kabuki. These include: "MedetakuKakushi"(happy and auspicious); "Omigoto" (welldone!); "Oiwai" (congratulations); "Na-kayoshi" (good friends); "Oiri Kanou"(full house); and "Senyaku Banrai" (succession of visitors). Some of these phrasesmay be heard shouted from the audienceduring Kabuki plays.Isetatsu, TokyoUCHIGUMO"Uchigumo "paper first appeared inthe eleventh century. Such paperwas used for writing poems and forFusuma sliding doors. It is considered a representative type of "Suki-moyogami, " and in fact is thought tohave been the first paper of this typeto have been produced.This sheet was made by HeizaburoIwano, who has been designated byFukui Prefecture as an "intangiblecultural property" as a result of hispapermaking skills.Heizaburo Iwano, FukuiKyo KatazomegamiThis is one of the commonest patternsdescribing sea waves. Concentric circlesconstitute the basic design. The soft andeasy touch of the lines makes the wholepattern expressive and enriches its tasteful-ness. Red dyeing creates an air of buoyancy.Nishida Wafu-do, KyotoPhotographs by James L Ballard11EDO ChiyogamiThis pattern includes many of the most famous masks used in traditional Japanese theater. Some of them are seen in Noh, others ingagaku, and still others are used in the ancient dance theater knownas kagura, which is today only occasionally performed during festivalsat Shinto shrines. The calligraphy is that of Shoko Suzuki, a painter ofthe Meiji Era.Isetatsu, TokyoIn addition to kozo, gampi, and mitsu-mata, other bark fibers, such as asa(hemp, Cannabis sativa), have been usedat various times in making Washi, andtoday wood pulp is frequently added tothe stocks of the cheaper papers.Kozo, gampi, and mitsumata all occurnaturally in most parts of Japan. Kozoand mitsumata shrubs are cultivated, butgampi bark is always gathered from thewild plant. Before bark is turned intopaper it must be cropped, stripped,bleached, boiled in lye to remove thenonfibrous materials, washed, graded,and finally pulped. Techniques varyslightly for each of the raw materials.The techniques used for making paper from kozo are most typical. Paper-makers cut branches from the shrubs inthe late autumn. Shrubs of from threeto eight years old produce the best bark .The bark is removed from the branchesby steaming. Bundles of branches areplaced into a large steamer or tub that isplaced upside-down over a cauldron ofboiling water. The branches aresteamed for three hours, then placed incold water. Bark is then removed byloosening it from one end and peelingit. At this stage it is called "black bark."The white inner layer, called "unbleached white bark, " is bleached to remove any greenish tinge. The paperma-ker may place a bundle of bark in ashallow stream of cold, clean water; hemay pack it under snow; or he mayEtchu KatazomegamiThe colors in this Katazomegami are moststriking, as is the use of natural Washi forthe ground color. The fish look livelydespite their stylized form, because of theskillfull use of black tints.Keiju-sha, Toyama hang it out in the cold air. This operation takes two or three days and whencompleted the bark is called "bleachedbark" or "white bark."The next step is to turn the fiber intopulp, either by beating it with woodenbatons or mallets, or by crushing it in ahand or water-driven mortar. Today,these may be electrically driven. Thepulp is then placed in a large vat offresh, clean water to produce the"stock."There are two methods of moldingemployed in Japan: tamezuki, which wasintroduced into Japan from China andis similar to that used in the West, andnagashizuki, the alternative and mostcommonly used method. Nagashizukiprobably evolved in Japan in the eighthcentury. In nagashizuki a mucilage isadded to the stock or pulp water mix.The addition of the mucilage producesan emulsion in which the fibers are suspended and keeps them from becomingknotted. It also effectively thickens theliquid and delays its draining time as itpasses through the mesh of the mold;this gives the craftsman greater controlin setting the thickness of the paper. Af ter molding, each "block," consistingof some four to six hundred sheets, ispressed to remove excess water andseparated and brushed onto finegrained wooden boards to dry. Finallythe sheets are gathered and cut to size.We present some samples from TesukiWashi Taikan in these pages, for yourenjoyment.—Felicia Antonelli HoltonMitsumata, (Edgeworthiapapryfera) one of the plantsused in making Washi.12 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1988By Mark Ray HollmannMM OR MANY YEARS, DR. JANETDavison Rowley worked part-time, in a"little bit of lab space" with only a lightmicroscope, both granted to her by agenerous mentor. Working alone, in afield virtually ignored by molecular biologists, she became the first person toshow that cancer can be linked to specific rearrangements of particular chromosomes. Her discovery proved thatscientists can trace some of the genesthat cause cancer, by looking at intactcells.Rowley was an early entrant in whatis now one of the most rapidly advancing fields of biological science, the study of defective genes to aid in the selection of treatments for some cancers.Cancer is a group of many diseases,all characterized by some type of disorder in the body's normally tightly regulated cells. Work being done by Rowleyand others is building up evidence thatlinks some of the disorders in cells tomisplaced genes or parts of genes.Their work has revealed that in somecases a defect was inherited and in other cases that it developed during life.Currently, Rowley is focusing ononcogenes, genes that are abnormal orabnormally active in some cancers. Thiswork is already helping doctors toformulate medical diagnoses in somecancers.At the time that Rowley was patiently examining cells through her microscope, she was, in her own words,"on the outside" of the mainstream.The study of chromosomes was lookedon with disdain by scientists working inthe then expanding field of moleculargenetics and the importance of this research was not appreciated by clinicians."I would be invited to speak at theannual hematology society [clinicians]meetings, usually on Sunday morn-Mark Ray Hollmann, AB'85, is staff writerfor the Magazine. WITH AWILE BIT OFLAB SPACEWorking part-time,with a borrowedmicroscope, Dr. JanetRowley made animportant discoverythat is helping doctorsin diagnosing certaincancers. Dr. Janet Rowley with herfriend and mentor,Dr. Leon O. Jacobson.ings," she recalled, describing herselfin those days as a kind of "missionary"for the relevance of chromosomes in thedevelopment of leukemia.Rowley spent more than a dozenyears bent over her microscope beforeshe made her important discovery, in1972. She noticed that nearly all the patients with chronic myeloid leukemiahad a pair of rearranged chromosomes;chromosome number 22 had exchanged a segment with chromosomenumber 9. Healthy cells from these patients were normal.Rowley has been honored for herscientific discovery by two countries,France and Kuwait. In 1987 she receivedthe Prix Antoine Lacassagne from theFrench National League against Cancer. The 200,000 franc prize recognizesoutstanding achievement by a researchteam studying the fundamental basisand clinical treatment of cancer. Rowleywas awarded the prize for her work onchromosome translocations in relationto certain types of cancer, most notablytheleukemias.In April 1984, Rowley received thefirst Hussain Makki Al Juma CancerPrize, for the "most outstanding scientific achievement in cancer research, inthe basic science or clinical field, asidentified by scientific publicationsover the last four years."The $120,000 prize is awarded jointly by the government of Kuwait and theGeneva-based International Unionagainst Cancer, and funded by the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancementof Sciences. The award recognizedRowley's discoveries of specific chromosomal translocations and other abnormalities in cancer, which laid thegroundwork for the linking of oncogenes to chromosomal breakpoints.In addition to the French and Kuwaiti cancer prizes, Rowley includesamong her honors membership in theNational Academy of Sciences and theInstitute of Medicine."She has made many major contributions to the field, aside from the 9;22discovery," said Dr. Carlo M. Croce ofthe Wistar Institute, Philadelphia. "Herwork has been very important."* * *Dr. Janet Davison Rowley, PhB'45,SB'46, MD'48, entered the Collegewhen she was fifteen; she is now theBlum-Riese Distinguished Service Professor in the Departments of Medicineand Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology, the College, the Franklin McLeanMemorial Institute, and the Committeeon Genetics.From 1955 to 1961, Rowley workedon a part-time basis with retarded children at the Dr. Julian D. Levinson Foundation in Chicago. At the time, it wasdiscovered that there was a chromosomal abnormality in some retardedchildren, specifically those withDown's Syndrome. Rowley becameinterested in chromosomal derangements as the basis for that and otherdisorders.In 1961, when Rowley's husband,Donald A. Rowley, SB'45, SM'50,MD'50, professor of pathology at theUniversity, decided to spend a sabbatical year at Oxford, she obtained a grantfrom the National Institutes of Healthto work as a special trainee in the radio-biology laboratory at Churchill Hospital in Oxford. There she learned how toexamine the chromosomes of cells under the microscope.Upon their return to Chicago, Rowley looked about for work in her newfield. She faced, however, a dilemmacommon to many mothers of youngchildren— how to balance a career and motherhood? The Rowleys were thenthe parents of three sons; another sonwas born a year later. Rowley resolvedher dilemma after she met with Dr.Leon O. Jacobson, MD'39.Jacobson, the Joseph RegensteinProfessor Emeritus of Biological andMedical Sciences, remembered the dayRowley walked into his office in 1962 totalk about the research potential shesaw in cytogenetics."In one sense, it was a world unexplored," Jacobson said. "Tremendousstrides had already been made, but Ithink she recognized that here was anarea that would be very productive andinteresting and exciting."We talked awhile and she askedme if she could come over to work. Herenthusiasm, her alertness, her brightness convinced me that she was someone I should take on." Jacobson arranged for her to use a corner of a laboratory and a borrowed microscope forthree days a week as a research associate.The view through Rowley's microscope since that time has not variedmuch : she has mostly concerned her research with studies of chromosomes.During a recent interview in her officeat the University's Franklin McLeanMemorial Institute, Rowley describedher work. She pulled a book from theshelf titled Atlas of Blood Cells, turning to Dr. Janet Rowley and Dr. TimothyMcKeithan, assistant professorin the Departments of Pathologyand Medicine, examine an auto-radiogram from his laboratory.The blots on the autoradio-gram show DNA rearrangements.McKeithan has cloned the geneadjacent to a chromosomal translocation breakpoint in cells takenfrom a patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia.a photograph that showed two microscopic views of cells from leukemiapatients."What we do is to get samples frompatients as they are seen here in the hospital," Rowley said, "trying always toget samples from patients before theyhave had any treatment— so that we'renot looking at any effects of the drugs apatient has received, but rather tryingto study the disease as it exists in the patient. Then we process the cells veryquickly so that we're actually looking atthe genetic changes that are reallypresent in those cells."This shows you what a dividingcell looks like under the microscope,"she said. "Before a cell divides, an exactcopy of the DNA is made."Rowley described DNA—deoxyribonucleic acid— as a kind of ge-UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1988netic "dictionary" that defines everything about a human being: hair andeye color, height, complexion, etc. Scientists use pictures of chromosomestaken just before cell division becauseat that point, the DNA "contracts downinto these discrete packages," Rowleyexplained, pointing to the noodle-shaped structures, "which are chromosomes. Chromosomes are the carriersof DNA in cells, and there are forty-sixof them in a normal cell."Because it contains so much geneticinformation, DNA is extraordinarilycomplex. To continue with Rowley'sdictionary analogy, each strand of DNAcontains a sequence of three billionchemical subunits, called "letters." Every time a cell divides, moreover, theDNA must reproduce that inconceivably long sequence in precise order.In the great spelling bee of genetics,something might well get transposed.It was the resulting phenomenon-chromosomal abnormalities— that hadintrigued Rowley in the late 1950s whenshe worked with mentally retardedchildren. It led her to the field of cytogenetics, the study of the structure andbehavior of chromosomes.Two important discoveries had hadmajor impact on the field of human cytogenetics in the 1950s, first when it wasdiscovered that humans had forty-sixchromosomes (1956) and then in 1959when patients with Down's syndromewere shown to have an extra chromosome 21.Cancer cytogenetics underwent another breakthrough in 1960, when PeterNowell and David Hungerford, twoPhiladelphia researchers, showed thatmany people suffering from a form ofleukemia called chronic myeloid leukemia seemed to be missing part of whatcame to be known as the Philadelphiachromosome (Ph1). They had discovered the first consistent chromosomeabnormality in a human cancer, providing an early, important clue to an understanding of the causes of that disease at a time when scientists had littleelse to go on."All we could do in the 1960s wascount the chromosomes, " Rowley said."You'd see in leukemic patients thatsome cells would have too many chromosomes, and some cells would havetoo few. Some would have the rightnumber but they didn't have the rightnumber of particular shapes of chromo- I he first thing Idid was head for theCrerar Library tosee if anyone hadobserved thisphenomenon. Theyhadn't. It wasone of the greatmoments of my life. somes. Beyond that, you couldn't doanything specific."Nothing specific— and yet Rowleyfelt that chromosomes held the secretsto cancer. She believed the oft-disputedtheory of a German scientist namedTheodor Boveri, who in 1914 advancedhis theory of a link between abnormalchromosomes and malignant tumors.The 1960 Ph1 discovery had helped lendcredence to that theory.However, the problem of chromosome identification remained. Researchers therefore could not determinewhy the Ph1 chromosome appeared tohave lost part of itself, or where the missing genetic material had gone.So in spite of Rowley's persistence,little could be done until the late 1960s,when cytogeneticists developed waysof staining chromosomes with variousdyes to delineate dark and light bands.Thus stained, the chromosomes revealbanding patterns that characterize individual chromosomes. Luckily, Rowleycould take advantage of this technological advance."I happened to be in Oxford on asecond sabbatical with my husband in1970 when these banding techniqueswere being developed," Rowley said,"and Oxford [University] was one ofthe first places where they were used.So I learned fluorescent banding veryearly and then came back and applied itto my work here."Because the banding techniqueswere so new, no one else in Rowley'slaboratory knew how to use them— noteven the lab technicians, who normallyexecute many of the repetitive laboratory tasks for the research scientist. Working alone, then, she resumed her research at Chicago, now with the abilityto study chromosomes for their differences. In the autumn of 1972, Rowley'spersistence finally paid off."I... was just looking to see whatthe chromosome patterns were in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia[CML], " Rowley recalled. CML is a subtype of leukemia, which is essentially acancer of the blood. "I noticed bychance that each patient had an extrapiece on chromosome 9. They also hadsome other changes that were in common, so that didn't necessarily meananything."But we had a sample from one ofthese patients studied prior to the timethat he developed the more acute formof the disease. Then, he had only thePhiladelphia chromosome and the ad-15ditional piece on 9. None of the otherchanges were present. That's what ledme to think it could be a translocation."A translocation involves the exchange of material between two chromosomes. Rowley found in the CMLcells that a piece of chromosome 9 hadactually broken off and switched placeswith a piece of chromosome 22 (Ph1).She had discovered the first consistentchromosomal translocation in a cancer,human or animal, thereby clearing upthe mystery of Ph1 chromosome."The first thing I did was to head forthe Crerar Library to see if anyone hadalready observed this phenomenon,"Rowley remembered. (The John CrerarLibrary, then located on the campus ofthe Illinois Institute of Technology,merged with the University of ChicagoLibraries in 1984.) "They hadn't. It wasone of the great moments of my life."Rowley's findings, published in theJuly 1973 issue of the scientific journalNature, established her as a leader in cytogenetics. With the challenge to findother new translocations, her work hadbecome much too exciting for her to remain only a part-time scientist. Shejoined the full-time faculty in 1975.Indeed, many full-time questionslingered for her and her colleagues. Forinstance, since CML represents but onesub-type of leukemia, the several dozenother sub-types remained mysteries.Much more importantly, even if allthose possible chromosomal translocations were known, scientists still couldnot explain exactly how a translocationcould actually cause cancer in the firstplace.An answer was suggested at a 1982cancer-research symposium sponsoredby the University. There two groups ofresearchers announced a discoveryconcerning Burkitt's lymphoma, a cancer of cells in the immune system.Scientists had already revealed in1976 that Burkitt's lymphoma involvedthe translocation of chromosomes 8and 14. In fact, discoveries of translocations had been made in many othersub-types of leukemia in the years sinceRowley's 1972 breakthrough. Rowleyherself had identified at least six others.The 1982 discovery, however, mademanifest the implications of chromosomal translocations. The two groups of researchers—one headed by Carlo M.Croce of the Wistar Institute, the otherby Philip M. Leder of Harvard University—announced that they had independently found that the 8; 14 trans- this better, we can takeadvantage of how cancercells differ from normalcells to try to use thesedifferences to target thecancer cells. We wouldthen have treatmentthat's more effectiveand less toxic. location involved the relocation of themyc oncogene.Oncogenes start out in the cell asproto-oncogenes, many of which havethe function of signalling the cell to divide. When a chromosomal translocation moves a proto-oncogene from itsoriginal location on one chromosome toa new one on another chromosome—which is precisely what Leder andCroce found in the 8; 14 translocation—the normally "respectable growth factor" can go out of control. Rowley offered a simplified explanation."One of these proto-oncogenes wasactually there right at the site of thebreakpoint, " Rowley said, "and as a result of the translocation the gene was, ifyou will, broken, so that. . .one piece ofit was where it ought to be and one pieceof it was translocated to the other chromosome. In fact, this particular proto-oncogene, the myc gene, was movednext to the gene involved in the production of immunoglobulin."Since the cells in the immune system produce immunoglobulin in greatquantities to fight infections, the genethat regulates its production must beextremely active. "So suddenly youhave those genes that are related to cellgrowth," continued Rowley, "now under the inappropriate control of a genethat's highly active." That combination,she says, can lead to cancer.It isn't quite that simple, though.Rowley added: "This will not of itselfmake the cell malignant. There have tobe other genes that are abnormal in thesame cell that contribute to the actualcancerous behavior of these cells. Atthe present time, though there are somecandidates that could be abnormal,there isn't any clear understanding ofwhat else is wrong in that same cell withthe translocation."There may be a thousand differentchemicals causing increases and decreases in various enzymes and otherproteins in the cell: imbalance in them.Just how one of these interacts with another, and what regulates that interaction, is terribly complicated." It is socomplicated that Rowley terms it "ablack box," based on what molecularbiologists know now.Scientists do have some clues: theyhave determined some of the externalinfluences that can cause chromosomebreaks. X-rays, chemicals such as pesticides, asbestos, vinyl chloride, the nicotine in cigarettes, and the caffeine incoffee and tea are known to be muta-16 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1988kp•v »1 *T**> *¦• « *,1 « <JI'- *?. tfi /•*> -'•V # "it" r k:•gens— agents that enter the body andcause DNA damage or chromosomebreaks in cells.So how does the cancer cell differfrom a normal cell? "The answer fundamentally is that we don't know," answered Rowley, "but with the use ofvarious probes, including the oncogenes, we are learning more about howthese specific genes alter cells. Throughthat, we're understanding a great dealmore about how our normal cells regulate their growth."As we understand this better, wecan take advantage of how cancer cellsdiffer from normal cells to try to usethose differences to target the cancercells. We would then have treatmentthat's more effective and generally lesstoxic."Rowley has received what shetermed "invaluable assistance" fromtwo colleagues, Dr. Harvey Golomb,AB'64, professor of medicine, and Dr.James Vardiman, associate professor ofpathology. Golomb directs the jointsection of hematology/oncology, andVardiman is director of the clinical hematology laboratory."It was the three of us working together in very close collaboration thatallowed us to identify many differentchromosome changes in a relatively This is an example of the kind ofphotograph Dr. Janet Rowley usesin her research on chromosomalabnormalities. The photo showsmetaphase-stage chromosomes froma cell of a thirty-year-old patientwith chronic myeloid leukemia. Thechromosomes were stained withtrypsin Giesma, which gives thechromosomes a banded appearance.Dr. Rowley has inked in numeralsindicating the pertinent chromosomes. Note the Ph1 chromosome issmaller than the normal chromosome22, whereas abnormal chromosome9q + has an extra band, which isthe translocated piece of the Ph1chromosome.small number of patients, " Rowley emphasized. "The correlations of specificchromosome changes with particularsub-types of leukemia and the patients'response to treatment were overlookedby other centers with [chromosomesamples from] many more patients, butthey didn't have the kind of close collaboration that we established, " said Rowley. "So Dr. Golomb and Dr. Vardimanare absolutely essential contributors."Currently, in her efforts to open the"black box" of cancer, Rowley's laboratory is actively involved in DNA re search related to oncogenes and othergenes that regulate cell growth. Thechromosome breakpoints clearly identify the location of genes that are criticalto the change of a normal cell to a leukemic cell. "The challenge," said Rowley,"is to find these genes when you don'tknow what you are looking for."Thus, the main concerns of scientists in the laboratory are to identifythese elusive genes using modern DNAtechnology. They recently showed thata particular translocation of chromosomes 9 and 11 in acute monocytic leukemia involved a switching of anotheroncogene with one of the interferongenes normally located on chromosome 9. Others in the laboratory havejust cloned the translocation breakpoint in another type of chronic lymphoid leukemia, which will providenew insights into the genes associatedwith it.Rowley also credits her mentor, Jacobson, with contributing to her success. Jacobson protested: "I can't takeany credit at all. She wants to give mecredit because I took her in withoutknowing much about her. Well, I toldyou what I knew about her. You talk topeople, and that's what an interview isall about. She certainly convinced methat she was someone I should take on."She doesn't change," Jacobsonadded. "She's always working, doing,thinking."Colleagues at other institutionsshare Jacobson's admiration and affection for Rowley. "She is very helpful,"said Croce of the Wistar Institute, whohas worked with Rowley on research incytogenetics and calls her his "friendlycompetitor."Over the years, Rowley has had hershare of experience with the frustration, the gaps in knowledge, and thesheer luck sometimes involved in scientific research. Looking back, she hasone word of advice for her younger associates in the laboratory: patience."I think that you have to be prepared to live a long time and that youdon't have to feel, if you're not a successby age thirty or thirty-five, that your lifeis over."After all, I was thirty-eight, Iguess, when I discovered the 9;22translocation ..." She stopped, frowning. "Or was I forty-eight?"The soft-spoken Rowley pausedand thought."My math," she confided with asmile, "is lousy." B17Irving Berlin playing anumber with Fred Astaireand Ginger Rogers duringthe rehearsal of Top Hat.(Say It With18 ^C/ UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1988$Self-taught, Irving Berlinwas the "most successfulAmerican composer atmaking musical art soundartless, " as well as the"most successful songwriterin American history. "By Gerald MastHERE ELSE BUT IN AMERICA COULDa Russian Jew write the most successfulpopular songs for the two holiest Christian holidays?Irving Berlin, born May 11, 1888, asIsrael Baline in Temun, Russia, had tosupport himself from a very young ageon New York's Lower East Side. With noformal education of any kind, Berlintaught himself everything from the language he would use to write his lyrics to the scales hewould use to write his tunes. That education was goodenough to make him the most successful songwriter inAmerican history. "White Christmas" is the most successful popular song ever written. Since it was introduced in 1942 by Bing Crosby in Paramount's Holiday Inn,it has sold more copies of sheet music and records combined (in whatever vocal and instrumental version inwhatever language) than any other musical compositionever. Berlin's royalties from this one song alone have beenestimated in the millions of dollars. But he published (inhis own music publishing house) nearly a thousandothers, of which at least one hundred were as successfulas any popular song has ever been— with the exception ofsome of his own. Almost incomprehensibly, Berlin is theone patriarch who is still alive to collect his royalties.Though he no longer publishes new songs, old ones keepreturning in new clothes. One of 1983's disco hits was athump-thump version of "Puttin' on the Ritz." IrvingBerlin is a songwriting institution.Because he is such an institution, some have suspected that there is no Irving Berlin— that no single human being could have written all those hits in all those styles.GeraldMast, AB'61, AM'62, PhD'67, is professor and chairmanof the Department of English Language and Literature, andprofes-sor in the Committee on General Studies in the Humanities, theCommittee on Art and Design, and the College. This article isadapted from his book, Can't Help Singin': The AmericanMusical on Stage and Screen.19Some staff of talented young composers must have been imprisoned somewhere, scribbling notes on music sheetsto which Berlin merely signed his name(assuming he knew how to write). Several details of Berlin's personal lifeseason these suspicions. First, there isthe length of his career, from his firstpublished song in 1907, "Marie fromSunny Italy" (for which he only wrotethe lyric), to "Old Fashioned Wedding"for the 1966 revival of Annie Get YourGun. Then there is the difficulty ofidentifying a clear and single IrvingBerlin style. From sentimental waltzeslike "Always," to bouncy rhythm songslike "Alexander's Ragtime Band, " to thebluesy "Supper Time," to the sophisticated swing of "Cheek to Cheek,"to the comedic "Doin' What ComesNaturTly," Berlin demonstrates that hecan do just about anything natur'lly.His songs, though influenced by othersongwriters, sound like all of them andnone of them . His personal motto couldbe another song from Annie Get YourGun: "Anything you can do, I can dobetter."BERLIN'S LACK OF MUSI-cal training, his inabilityto read (much less writedown) music, became as famous as his melodies. Hispersonal piano (currentlyin the Smithsonian Institution) was noted for its mechanical lever that allowedhim to transpose songs fordifferent singers without encounteringthe treacherous mixture of white andblack keys. Berlin composed every songin the key of F-sharp, and if you fit yourfingers on the five black keys youcan randomly pick out many Berlinhit tunes.Despite the cynical murmurs, thereis not a single major American composer who has any doubts about Berlin asthe genuine author of every Berlinsong, nor a single major American composer who does not echo Jerome Kern'stestament to Berlin's talent: "IrvingBerlin has no place in American music.He is American music."Berlin's most obvious talent was anuncanny ability to make song soundFrom Can't Help Singiri: The American Musical on Stageand Screen by Gerald Mast. Copyright © 1987 byGerald Mast, used by arrangement with the Overlook Press, distributed by Viking Penguin Inc. like speech — in a period when American musicals sought a musical dialectfor the American idiom. Contractions,those most casual and familiar constructions of American speech, are important to many Berlin lyrics: the"Come on 'n' hear" that opens "Alexander's Ragtime Band," "What'll I Do?""Say It Isn't So," "Everybody's Doin' ItNow," "You'd Be Surprised," "Puttin'on the Ritz," "Let's Face the Music andDance," "Doin' What Comes NaturTly." Because he also writes the music, he writes those casual contractionsinto the notes to go with the words.When Berlin wrote " Say It with Music, "he described his own method— to makesinging a kind of saying. His songs reflect the colloquial, everyday speech patterns of casual American conversation.Irving Berlin, circa 1911.Gone are the perfectly shaped vowels and crisply clipped consonants ofthe Continent and its operettas. Englishis a far more colloquial and conversational language than, say, French, withits grammatical differences betweenwritten and conversational usage, between the passe simple and passe compose.The American variant of English is evenmore committed to breaking down thebarriers between writing and speech,matter and manner. Berlin's songs aremore comfortably, casually, and convincingly American than anyone's before him— translating the Americanvernacular into singing talk and talkingsong. They also translated Americantalk into American dance: the Berlinsound of the early 1910s was both acause and an effect of the new (and newly respectable) craze of social dancing in public places.Another source of Berlin's art is hischameleon musicianship; he is capableof turning any musical color to suit thestory, situation, character, performer,style, and period for any particularsong. He began his musical career as asong plugger on Tin Pan Alley (likeKern, Gershwin, Harry Ruby, and Harry Warren). The song plugger's job wasto play new songs for stars, managers,producers, agents, anyone who came toWest 28th Street shopping for new musical material. When they heard a tunethey liked, they would buy the rights tosing it in some new show or act; onlywith this kind of public exposure coulda song sell those thousands or millionsof copies of sheet music for the parlorpiano. The cunning song plugger notonly had to know how to play the tunebut how to plug it in the style of thesinger, act, or show that was shoppingfor it. An Al Jolson would never buy asong without hearing it instantly as aJolson number. Berlin learned very early to match the song to the singer.Berlin's association with the revuealso furthered his chameleonship. Hedid not write a book show until he wasover fifty {Louisiana Purchase, 1940). Andhis second book show, Annie Get YourGun (1946), contained more individualhit songs than any musical ever, beforeor since. Berlin's revue music made itsBroadway debut with Fanny Brice— hercomedic "Sadie Salome" in the 1910edition of the Ziegfeld Follies. Certainlythis Yiddish parody of an exotic coochdancer must have been closer to Berlin'sactual acquaintance than that Mariefrom sunny Italy. For two decadesBerlin wrote for revues: whether forZiegfeld or for Berlin's own productions, beginning with Watch Your Step! in1914 and culminating in the annual editions of his Music Box Revues through the1920s. Named for Berlin's own MusicBox Theater on West 45th Street, he isstill half owner of this busy Broadwayhouse. For the two decades between TheJazz Singer and Annie Get Your Gun, Berlinalternated between Broadway revues(Face the Music, 1932; As Thousands Cheer,1933) and Hollywood movies: Top Hat,Follow the Fleet, and Carefree for Astaireand Rogers at RKO; Holiday Inn and BlueSkies for Astaire and Crosby at Paramount; Alexander's Ragtime Band in 1938at Fox, in which the history of Berlin'smusic becomes a history of twentieth-UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1988Author Gerald Mast and his constant companion, Izzie.Berlin's obvious talent was an uncannyability to make song sound like speech —in a period when American musicalssought a musical dialect for theAmerican idiom.5= JV JV/ JJ. J J^l B V B ^ B V J^^-fiHrcentury America as well. Whether forfilms or revues, Berlin wrote sensitivelyand primarily to fit the personality ofthe performer and the temper of thetimes.One of the reasons that Berlin couldwrite a "Supper Time" (As ThousandsCheer), is that he was writing an EthelWaters song— and he had heard hersing the blues. He could write a "Cheekto Cheek" (Top Hat) because he waswriting an Astaire song— and he hadheard Astaire make completely fluidsense of the complicated rhythmic andharmonic changes of Porter's "Nightand Day." He could write a "Better Luck Next Time" (Easter Parade, 1948) becausehe was writing a Garland song— and hehad heard Garland's tremulous sadness and loss in such songs as "Over theRainbow" and "Have Yourself a MerryLittle Christmas." And he could write"They Say It's Wonderful" (Annie GetYour Gun) because he was writing a Merman song— and he had heard her sustain those big notes for Gershwin andPorter. (Who else but Merman has evermade the open "won" of this song's"wonderful" sound so hugely wonderful?) Many composers of American filmand theater music wrote less for the story, situation, or character of the show than for the star performer. Berlin andCole Porter actually preferred to writefor a star than a show. This performer-based writing was certainly not new intheater history: Shakespeare wrotevery different clown roles for the buf-foonish William Kemp than for the wittier Robert Armin. But writing forperformers defies the neoclassical assumptions of unity that underlie ourdramatic criticism and our writing oftheater history.If Berlin could imagine songs forspecific performers, he could alsoimagine them for specific emotional situations. Berlin could write a Christmassong because he imagined not a religious holiday but a social celebration offamily and close friends within a picture postcard visual setting. Berlinwrote a singing Christmas card: the lyric of "White Christmas" refers explicitlyto such cards, which implicitly controlthe song's imagery as well. The underlying melancholy of the song arisesfrom the singer's separation from thesetting (he can only dream about it)and, consequently, from the feelingswithin that setting. So too, "Easter Parade" (As Thousands Cheer) has nothingto do with Crucifixion or Resurrectionbut with the brightest feelings Berlin21can imagine about the natural and visual setting of Easter— putting on smartnew clothes and strolling down a wideavenue with others, communally enjoying a lovely day in early spring. With"Oh, How I Hate to Get Up in the Morning " (Yip Yip Yaphank, 1918) Berlin couldimagine the way that the day-to-daydrudgery of soldiering must have feltto the boys over there, not the triumphant expectations of Cohan's Yanksa-coming but (like Chaplin's satiricShoulder Arms of the same year) enduring the boring, everyday routine oncethey arrive.Berlin could write these songs notbecause of his musical technique butbecause of his imagination. He couldinvent little stories based on thestrongest single feeling he could imagine about an event, and then imaginehimself musically into that story. Hecould imagine these feelings becausehe could hear them musically and verbally as one. His imagination was hisear (which listened attentively to boththe musical and conversational soundsaround him).This imagination, his knowledge ofperformers, and his ear made Berlin thebest chameleon songwriter Americanpopular music ever produced. Becausehe wrote both words and music, Berlin'ssongs reveal a tight weave of the two;Berlin hears his words as notes and hisnotes as words. Berlin's music alwaysseemed more memorable than his lyrics. While the lyrics of a Cole Porter orStephen Sondheim are so overtly cleverand wittily brilliant that they overwhelm the music on first hearing,Berlin's musical tone and feeling are sostrong that the individual words evaporate into the notes. Unlike Porter andSondheim, Berlin doesn't want you tohear his words; he wants you to hearwhat his imagination hears— the totalpicture-feeling of a setting and event.The words do not call attention to themselves, largely because they are as important for their sounds as their sense.There are hundreds of examples ofBerlin's careful play with word sounds,including that extended and soaringfirst syllable of "wonderful" for EthelMerman. In "White Christmas," Berlinweaves the mood of dreaming in thefirst line, not by putting the musicalstress on the word, "dreaming, " but onthe two open diphthongs, "I'm" and"white," which become subtle internalrhymes, with a secondary emphasis on the soft "a" vowel of "Christmas." Thestresses on the open vowel soundsdraw out the line's length, giving it asense of thoughtful revery to accompany the dreaminess of the wanderingmelodic line.Berlin makes an exactly oppositechoice in "There's No Business likeShow Business" (Annie Get Your Gun);the punch of the song's opening linecomes from the emphatic anapestlinked to the downbeat of a measure,begun by every repetition of the "oh"diphthong:There's NO businesslike SHOW business,like NO businessI KNOW.And the clever alternation of theinitial consonants that precede the repeating diphthong culminates in the final "know," unexpected because it isnot part of the song's title, which is simultaneously a repetition and a rhyme(an "eye-rhyme," heard as repetition of"no" but seen imaginatively as a rhymewith "show")."I Love a Piano" (Stop! Look! Listen!,1915) captures the tinkly sounds of thepiano— particularly a ragtime uprightof the tinny type Americans were hearing in saloons and nickelodeons (thesong's lyric explicitly refers to an upright). As with "Alexander's" trumpet,Berlin achieves this instrumentalsound in the song's opening line, alsoits title— breaking the word, "piano,"into three distinct syllables (pee-ANN-oh), accented on the middle syllable."Say It with Music" (The Music BoxRevue of 1921 and 1922) sounds unmistakably written for the cello, as if itssliding, liquid melody could only be expressed by a string instrument with theliquidity of a violin but in a deeper,darker, warmer register. The songmakes conscious reference to a "melody mellow, played on a cello," andBerlin's musical emphases fall on thecombined soft "e" vowel and liquid "1"consonant of "mel" and "eel" ("melody" and "mellow" become anotherrepetition that is also a rhyme), a mellow blending of sounds that is preciselyopposite the harsh sound of the "oh"diphthong in "There's No Business likeShow Business." Given his consciouscomparisons of vocal sounds to musicalinstruments, it should come as no surprise that Berlin wrote so many songsthat depict human emotions as sayingswith music : "A Pretty Girl Is like a Melo dy" (Ziegfeld Follies of 1919), "The Song IsEnded (but the Melody Lingers On)"(1927), "You Keep Coming Back like aSong" (Blue Skies), "Soft Lights andSweet Music" (Face the Music), "Let'sFace the Music and Dance" (Follow theFleet).Among the many shrewd sounds inBerlin songs are the aspirated sigh thatopens "Cheek to Cheek" with the word"Heaven" or the childishly barking andbickering repetitions of "Anything YouCan Do":No you can't. Yes I can.No you can't. Yes I can.No you can't. Yes I can, Yes I can.The "yes" phrase is a singsong repetition, one step down, of the preceding"no" phrase, and the final three assertions climb the musical scale, as the musical elevation mirrors the argument'smounting agitation, intensity, andchildishness.WHEN BERLIN DOESexecute a cute ortricky verbal twist,few of his listeners realize it. Two clearlypaired Berlin songs,"All Alone" (1924) and"Always" (1925), conclude with triple endings that are conscious variations on one another. Thefinal lines of the two songs are syntactically so similar that they hide their subtle difference. The verbal phrases thatconclude 'Always" are preciselyrepetitive:Not for just an hour,Not for just a day,Not for just a year,But always.As these lines build verbally towardlonger periods of time (hour, day, year,always), Berlin's melody moves oppositely in counterpoint, pulling each ofthe temporally expanding phrasesdown a descending musical scale.The concluding verbal phrases of"All Alone," however, are not perfectlyparallel but contain a syntactic surprise:Wondering where you areAnd how you are,And if you areAll alone too.While the first two interrogativephrases are independent clauses, thethird is dependent on the verbal extension (and surprise) of the song's returning title to complete its meaning. Berlin22 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1988¦a¦ " ¦ £S mpyp'*'p y j'jHf^H-jH^rr~rBerlin's songs are more comfortably,casually, and convincingly Americanthan anyone else's before him —translating the American vernacularinto singing talk and talking song. Theyalso translated American talk intoAmerican dance.Irving Berlin ashe appeared inThis is the Army. does not build the musical pattern ofthis triple ending on a descending musical phrase but on identically repeatedmusical phrases. When its final question cannot be completed with thoseidentical notes, the concluding need forthe final three words comes as an evenmore interesting surprise. The differences in these two endings suggest avery careful and clever demonstrationof subtle variation within apparentlyidentical verbal and musical patterns.So often Berlin returns to a device heused earlier, only to show he can construct something just as interesting butjust a little bit different.Berlin's sensitivity to words assounds controls another favorite device: his variations of tempi within thesame song. His ability to shift rhythmicgears in midsong, as in the three hat-and-cane songs for Astaire, depends onhis sustaining the vowel sounds ofsome phrases and clicking the crispconsonants of others, Berlin's great"double songs" (two different songsthat fit over one another to become asingle contrapuntal melody) are completely dependent on these internalvariations of musical tempi and verbalsound. The verse of "Play a Simple Melody" (Watch Your Step!), the earliest ofthe double songs, asserts that modernmusic is too fast, rough, and raggy; thesinger longs for the good old days,which were symbolized by the good oldsongs that mother used to sing. (Theidea that old songs represent a timewhen life itself was simpler and sweetercan be traced back at least as far asShakespeare.) The initial refrain of"Play a Simple Melody" follows theyearning of the verse by becoming anexample of one of those old songs : a me-lodically simple but flowing sixteen-bar, AA structure typical of forty yearsearlier. This "old-fashioned" refrainhas very few notes (exactly thirty-two),lengthily sustained on their open vowelsounds.The second refrain is a response bya different singer of an opposite temperament; he prefers the modernbounce and jangle of ragtime. His syncopated refrain contains almost twiceas many notes as the sentimental singer's, and they snap with sharp consonantal jabs to emphasize the rhythmic syncopation: "If you will play froma copy of a tune that is choppy." Thesong's final section delivers the two refrains simultaneously; in effect, "Play aSimple Melody" is a forty-eight-barsong, structured AA BB A/B A/B. Theresult, given Berlin's clever control ofvarying tempi and verbal sounds, isthat you can distinctly hear every wordand every note of each refrain whenboth are sung simultaneously, as wellas the contrapuntal interplay of theircombination. The counterpoint of thetwo refrains represents both a conflictof opposing characters and a capsulehistory of the evolution of Americanpopular music.Berlin would use the techniquefor later double songs, among them"You're Just in Love" (Call Me Madam,1950) and "An Old-Fashioned Wedding." "Play a Simple Melody, " thoughless familiar, seems the most interesting—not only because it came first butbecause its conscious allusion to thehistory of American popular musicplays a role in its conflict of characters.The song is both a story and a history— alittle drama in itself, as so many of thebest Berlin songs are. The uneducatedBerlin had somehow got an educationabout American popular songs andstyles that preceded even his arrival inAmerica (for example, the reference to"Swanee River" in "Alexander's Ragtime Band").Another example of historicalawareness that serves a dramatic function is "The Girl That I Marry" fromAnnie Get Your Gun. Berlin deliberatelywrote a sweet, old-fashioned waltz inthe popular style of the 1880s and 1890s.The old-fashioned style conveys FrankButler's outdated (and sexist) ideal of aperfect mate. The plot of the show turnson his sexist rejection of Annie as a superior marksman, implying Berlin's critique of the outdated ideals that thesong's musical style suggests. BecauseAnnie Get Your Gun was set in the 1890s,Berlin's historical waltz simultaneouslyevokes the period in which the actiontakes place and comments, some fiftyyears later, on the parallel progressof American musical taste and socialvalues.Another of Berlin's distinctive musical traits, suggested by Astaire's threehat-and-cane numbers, is the effortlessshifting between major and minor harmonies in the middle of musical lines.Alec Wilder describes a moment in"Let's Face the Music and Dance,"which Berlin also wrote for Astaire, as a"magical" shift from minor to majorprecisely on the word "dance." But Berlin works similar magic in any number of songs, usually by dispelling anoverhanging mood of sadness or doubt(like "facing the music" of separation)at the very end of a phrase by an affirmative shift to a major chord (like the joyof "dance"). Although Berlin may haveneeded a secretary to notate his harmonies, he must have heard them in hishead when he thought up the melodies,since a great many Berlin songs dependon these identical harmonic shifts.1SONG THAT PLAYS IN-teresting games with variations of major and minorharmonies is "Blue Skies,"that very familiar Berlinsong (more familiar fromThe Jazz Singer than the 1926show, Betsy, where it wasfirst interpolated). From itstitle one expects the song tobe thoroughly sunny. In fact, the songis built primarily on minor chords thatshift to the major in affirmation for thefinal three notes of every A section. Thestory that the chords suggest is that thesinger has been through some troubledtimes, and some doubts linger aboutthe future, but his or her feeling (something between a hope and a determination) is that the skies are clearing forgood. While the test of the song, its explicit title and lyric, is filled with sunshine, the subtext of the song, its harmonic pattern, suggests plenty of darkclouds.These harmonic patterns had acquired a name by the 1920s, when theflatted notes of jazz, the black keys ofthe C-major scale, became known as"blue notes." Berlin's song plays withthis other meaning of "blue" in the lyricof its final A section, when the word describes not a literal color but a figurativeemotion: "Blue days, all of them gone."When the blue days go away, the bluenotes go with them and the song's conclusion resolves firmly and forever inthe major. As if to demonstrate his playful knowledge of these musical patterns, Berlin wrote the obverse of "BlueSkies" less than a year later, "Shakingthe Blues Away, " for the Ziegfeld Follies of1927. Despite its title, this song remainsentirely in the major except for the finalfour notes of its first A section and muchof its release, when the blue notes return to stick like burrs— so they requiremore shaking. A summation song that displaysvirtually every distinctive Berlin technique is "Cheek to Cheek." Clearlywritten for the talents and style of a starperformer, it is instantly identifiable asan Astaire song. Among the manythings Astaire could do for a song was tomake an extremely complicated musical composition hang together as if itwere a very simple tune. And "Cheek toCheek" is as complicated a song asBerlin ever wrote. A very long song ofseventy-two bars, its refrains, each ofsixteen bars rather than eight, use a familiar Berlin pattern of lengthily sustained, unsyncopated notes accompanying open vowel sounds. In these Asections, Berlin plays two opposing "e"sounds against one another— the soft"eh" of "Heaven," contributing to itsaspirated sigh, and the long "ee" of"cheek" and its various rhymes.Then the song constructs not onebut two releases. The first of them is major (for the words beginning, "Dancewith me"). The first of them uses manynotes (sixty), syncopatedly and percus-sively, the second very few notes (twenty), many of them sustained. If Berlinwere the kind of artist who ever wantedto show off, he could point to these tworeleases as equally interesting ways todevelop the main theme: "You want arelease that's major and rhythmic? I cando that. You want one minor and morepassionate? I can do that, too. What thehell! I'll do 'em both. Freddy can bringit off." He brings it off all right. Thesong's complex structure— AABCA,each of sixteen bars, except for the disproportionate C section of eight bars-rolls off Astaire's tongue as if it were assimple as "I'll be loving you always."Irving Berlin was the most successful American composer at makinghis musical art sound artless. Hedidn't care much about whole shows,"theatah," and "cinemah"; and hewouldn't see much use for this article.What he cared about was hit songs : takecare of the hits and the musicals willtake care of themselves. While Berlin's"theory" of the musical has beeneclipsed by fancier ones, there are nothit musicals without hit songs. NoAmerican composer rivaled Berlin's instinct for hits— the right song, for theright performer, in the right style, at theright time, for the right audience.The one consistent quality that defines a Berlin song is that it is simplyright. S24 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1988CHICAGO JOURNALHARASSMENT POLICYSETINNEWMAMMLThe University Student InformationManual has been revised to prohibitexplicitly the harassment of studentsby fellow students. The relevant passage states:"Personal abuse, whether oral orwritten, exceeds the bounds of appropriate discourse and civil conduct. Anindividual who harasses another because of his or her race, sexual orientation, ethnic background, religion,expression of opinion, or any otherfactor irrelevant to participation in thefree exchange of ideas may be madesubject to grievance and student disciplinary procedures. . . "The new language was preparedby the dean of students in the University, Nancy L. Maull, AM'69, SM'73,PhD'74, in consultation with a subcommittee of the Committee of theFaculty Council. It constitutes, according to Maull, "a clarification and elaboration upon the earlier language of theManual. Motivation for the statementcame not only from the harassment ofgay students and others last year, butalso from our need to make a strongerstatement about the harassment ofindividuals on any grounds."The revised language, she added,"is intended to indicate as strongly aspossible that the harassment of individuals will not be tolerated." Thedetermination as to whether harassment has occurred in particular instances will be made by appropriatedisciplinary committees on a case-by-case basis, she said.ROCKEFELLER CHAPELUNDERGOES REPAIRSRockefeller Memorial Chapel willremain closed for repairs for at leastpart of Winter Quarter, according toLynn C. Bender, MBA'82, director ofphysical planning and construction.Workers have completed cleaningthe chapel's stained glass windowsand have installed scaffolding insidethe building to examine, repair, andclean the ceiling tiles. The exterior of the chapel will betuck-pointed next year, but work hasalready begun on installing a newcopper roof. That project will continueduring the winter, Bender said."Wind has damaged the old roof. Itwas patched in places, but it needed tobe replaced," Bender said.The repair work has forced therelocation of some campus events. Thesummer and autumn convocations,the University's 406th and 407th, tookplace in Mandel Hall; until this year,Rockefeller Chapel had been the site ofall University convocations since thechapel's opening in 1928.WOMEN'S TRACK TEAMCOMPETES IN JAPANThe women's varsity track teamtraveled to Osaka, Japan, in Novemberto compete in the 1987 Japan Inter-university Women's Ekiden (Japanesefor "relay").The eight-member squad, coachedby Michael Orechia, instructor in theDepartment of Physical Education andAthletics, participated with twenty-nine other teams from around theworld.Competing were seniors Karin M. Kenny, from Brooklyn, NY, andCamille Nanetzon Gerald, from ElPaso, TX; juniors Erica Adelberg, fromGrinnell, I A, and Katharine E. Irs-chick, from Berkeley, CA; and sophomores Dana L. Buccigrossi, from Allison Park, PA, and Jennifer D. Downs,from Sunnyvale, CA. Alternates weresophomores Cynthia H. Kuo, fromWest Lafayette, IN, and Ruth E. Williams, from Chicago.STUDENT GOVERNMENTHOLDS NEW ELECTIONSStudents from across the University went to the polls in November toelect fifty new Student Government(SG) Assembly members and a newpresident for the organization.The special election, conductedunder the supervision of a monitoringcommittee of students not affiliatedwith SG, was scheduled after a five-member, ad hoc student committeerecommended setting aside the resultsof the regular assembly election heldon October 14 and 15.SG formed the ad hoc committeefollowing the new assembly's firstmeeting on October 21. At that meeting, former SG president Katie Sam-At last August's inaugural meeting of the University of Chicago Club ofTapei, Chan Lien, AM'61,PhD'65, (left), vice premier of the Republic of China and president of the club, received the official clubbanner from Ralph W. Nicholas, AM' 58, PhD'62, (right), dean of the College and director of the Centerfor International Studies. At left is Lien's wife, Yu Fang Lien.25Amelia Schmertz, student in the College Robert D. Fitzgerald, MBA'60peck, a third-year student in the College, admitted to acting improperlyduring the election and resigned fromoffice. A number of allegations of votefraud were made at the meeting, andthe ad hoc investigating committee wasformed.While the committee found onlyone instance of possible impropriety, itfound numerous procedural irregularities and violations of the SG constitution. It also determined that formerSG vice-president Jim Jacobsen wasnot a registered student and, therefore, held his position illegally.The findings and recommendations of the committee, along withnew elections guidelines, were accepted by the assembly on October 28.The recommendations included disbanding the sitting assembly andscheduling new elections.Adam Shepard, a third-year student in the College, won the specialpresidential election on November 10.In the spring 1987 SG presidentialelection, Shepard had lost to Sampeckby a narrow margin.VOLUNTEER LEADERSHIPCONFERENCE HELDAlumni giving reached a recordhigh in the 1986-87 year, William B.Graham, SB'32, JD'36, chairman ofthe Alumni Fund Board, told alumniattending the second annual NationalVolunteer Leadership Conference onSeptember 18 and 19. The AnnualFund, which contributes toward theUniversity's unrestricted funds, received $4.12 million compared to $3.85million in the 1985-86 fiscal year. Inaddition, the number of donors to theAnnual Fund increased to 19,579, anall-time record."... I think that you can be veryproud of your participation, " Grahamtold the volunteer leaders. "Each ofyou . . . made a fabulous effort thatcannot be overestimated."The conference brought to campusUniversity of Chicago club officers,fund-raisers, and other volunteeralumni leaders from across the country to meet in preparation for 1987-88alumni activities. Participants included members of the Alumni FundBoard, which raises money for theUniversity among its alumni; and the Alumni Relations Board, which oversees alumni programs. Members of theAlumni Schools Committee Board metseparately on campus on October 16and 17; the Alumni Schools Committee recruits students for the College.Daniel B. Ritter, AB'57, chairmanof the Alumni Relations Board, reviewed 1986-87 alumni program activities. Nationally, 6,330 people attended134 different programs sponsored bythe thirty-three chartered Universityof Chicago Clubs outside Chicago. Inaddition, the University of ChicagoClub of Metropolitan Chicago attracteda total of 3,500 people to its twenty-eight programs. Finally, Ritter reported that although overall attendance atReunion '87— about nine hundredalumni and guests— went down thisyear, more alumni than ever beforestayed for the entire weekend, ratherthan attend just one or two events."I'm pleased to report on anothervery successful year in College admissions and the work of-the AlumniSchools Committees in what has become a string of important successesfor the College in recent years," saidJudy Ullmann Siggins, AB'66, AM'68,PhD'76, reporting to the conference aschairperson of the Alumni SchoolsCommittee.Siggins cited increases in meanScholastic Aptitude Test scores for theClass of 1991 compared to last year'sfreshman class, as well as an increaseover last year in the number of completed applications for College admission. She praised Alumni Schools Committee volunteers for helping tobring about this increase in the qualityand quantity of students applying foradmission to the College.President Hanna Holborn Gray,speaking informally at lunch on Friday, emphasized the important servicethat all alumni volunteers give to theUniversity. Referring to the paintedfigures on the walls of the Ida Noyesthird-floor theater, she said, "Most ofthe people over there seem to be asking—their hands are stretched out—and it seems to me that in each of thosefigures I see one of you. In each ofthose figures I see wonderful askersfor the University."Gray talked about the 1987 Aimsof Education address that she woulddeliver to incoming freshman thefollowing week. In concluding herthoughts about the strength of Chicago's distinctive contribution to liberaleducation, she said, "Your commitment and support . . . make it possible, Ithink, for that [strength] to endure."All conference participants metjointly in a session named "Diamondsor Dogs" to evaluate five suggestednew alumni services. Breaking up intosmall groups, conference membersspent an hour of discussion duringwhich they filled out forms evaluatingthe proposed services.The five possible new servicesconsidered were (1) alumni seminarson topics of substantial current interestor controversy; (2) alumni colleges— aseries of intellectually rigorous coursesconsisting of lectures, workshops, and26 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1988Laurence]. Hyman, AB'73fieldwork lasting from three days totwo weeks; (3) an area contacts network—a file of alumni who haveagreed to act as "area experts" on aSharon L. Martin, AB'86 variety of subjects for specific geographical regions; (4) an electronicbulletin board— a computer messageboard set up by and at the University;and (5) specialized alumni directories—listings of relatively small groups ofalumni organized by special interest oravocation.When the groups reconvened,Harry L. Davis, professor and deputydean of the Graduate School of Business, presented a marketing analysisof which services qualified as "diamonds" and which as "dogs." Usingcomputer-generated graphs, Davisshowed that the group had given especially strong support to the idea ofalumni seminars and alumni collegeswith significantly less support for anarea contacts network, specializedalumni directories, and an electronicbulletin board."Annual Fund giving is up ninety-seven percent since 1980," B. KennethWest, MBA'60, chairman of the board of trustees, told volunteers at dinneron Friday evening. "That's a compound growth rate of about ten-and-a-half percent. The Annual Fund is nowgiving $4.12 million dollars. If in thenext five years we can increase alumniparticipation from thirty-four percentof alumni to forty percent, and increase the annual size of the gift by fivepercent per year, the Annual Fund willgenerate about $2.5 million more thanit now does. It's not always easy to ask,but ask we must."President Gray, said West, "shouldbe allowed to continue dreaming herdreams [about strengthening the University], and you and lots of otherpeople are going to help her realizethose dreams."In their closing session on Saturday, entitled "War Stories and GroupTherapy," alumni leaders talked abouttheir good and bad experiences inprogramming for their respective University of Chicago Clubs.Reporting from the Friday meetingentitled "WAVE— Win Alumni VeryEarly," Arzou Ahsan, AB'87, told thevolunteer leaders what they might doto consider the needs of young alumniin planning alumni services and programs. Among other suggestions,Ahsan proposed that the Alumni Association organize welcoming committees in the major metropolitan areasfor new alumni who have recentlylocated there; provide for child carein conjunction with some alumniprograms; and establish an alumnicontacts file that goes beyond thecareer-oriented one already in placeto include advice on other practicalsubjects.Mark C. Brickell, AB'74 Stephanie Abeshouse Wallis, AB'67LAW STUDENTSTARGET LEGALESESome Law School students arepromoting the use of plain English inthe law. They have developed a challenge to the "Bluebook," more formally The Uniform System of Citation, thebible of legal writing since 1926.The 224-page "Bluebook," used inlaw offices, judges' chambers, and lawschools across the country, rules oneverything from abbreviations to typefaces. The law students have put together a fifteen-page draft under thetitle of The University of Chicago Manual ofLegal Citations, nicknamed the "MaroonBook," that emphasizes writing in aclear, reasonable way."We haven't come close to trying towrite a rule for everything," said Thomas C. Berg, JD'87, former executiveeditor of The University of Chicago LawReview and a co-editor of the MaroonBook.The Maroon Book reduces twopages of abbreviations to one andadvises citing the most importantcases first. The Bluebook requires thatcases be cited in order, with the mostrecent one first.The current executive editor of theLaw Review, Richard Nagareda, saidthat the Maroon Book first appeared inthe fall 1986 issue of the Law Reviewalong with a commentary by RichardA. Posner, justice of the U.S. Court ofAppeals for the Seventh District andsenior lecturer in the Law School.Posner wrote that "the Bluebookcreates an atmosphere of formality andredundancy in which the drab, Lati-nate, plethoric, euphemistic style oflaw reviews and judicial opinionsflourishes." He described the MaroonBook as "a breath of fresh air; may itswiftly conquer the world of legalpublishing."Since then, between two and threethousand copies of the Maroon Bookhave sold in reprint. In addition, acommittee of the American Bar Association plans to include the MaroonBook as an appendix to a judicial-opinion- writing manual that it willdraft in mid-1988.Nagareda, a third-year student inthe Law School from El Cerrito, CA,also said that a revision of the MaroonBook now underway will includeguidelines for citing from computer- based legal information systems."Those systems are becoming increasingly important, " Nagareda said,"particularly for getting access to recent court opinions."At the U.S. Supreme Court, FrankD. Wagner, who oversees the officialcompilation of the rulings, said that heis examining the Maroon Book "forany good ideas it might contain."KING HARRISELECTED TRUSTEEKing Harris, president and chiefexecutive officer of Pittway Corporation, has been elected to the UniversityBoard of Trustees.Upon graduating from HarvardUniversity in 1965, Harris served fortwo years as a Peace Corps volunteerin Chile, and then returned to Harvard. After earning his M.B. A. in 1969,he worked two years for the Office ofEconomic Opportunity as a neighborhood center director for communityaction programs in the Boston area.In 1971 Harris joined Pittway Corporation, a manufacturing companyorganized by his father and his uncle,Irving B. Harris, a life trustee of theUniversity. In 1984, Harris was electedpresident of Pittway, where he oversees the operations of all its divisions.He became chief executive officer inJuly 1987.At the University, Harris served onthe Visiting Committee of the Divisionof the Social Sciences from 1981 to 1984and has been a member of the VisitingCommittee on Public Policy Studiessince March 1987.MELLON FOUNDATIONFUNDS AREA STUDIESAn interdisciplinary program inEuropean studies that will examine thecontinent's culture and society from aregional perspective is being established as a result of a $280,000 grantfrom the Andrew Mellon Foundation.Organizers of the program saidthat it will provide a more comprehensive focus on European studies, onewhich acknowledges Europe's formerglobal engagement but also takes intoaccount how that engagement haschanged in the contemporary world."The work supported by the Mel lon Foundation will combine resourcesof both the social sciences and thehumanities to provide an integratedperspective for teaching and researchon Europe from the vantage point ofthe late twentieth century," said JohnW. Boyer, AM'69, PhD'75, professor ofhistory, and a co-director of the program with Michael E. Geyer, also professor of history.TWELVE NEWPROFESSORS NAMEDTwelve new professors, including aprominent black historian and authorities in areas ranging from the sociology of immigration to mathematicaltopology, eighteenth-century novelsand the birth of the universe, havebeen named to the University faculty.Also joining the faculty are eightnew associate professors, fifty-threeassistant professors, and thirty instructors. That brings to 105 the number of new faculty members who havejoined the University since April 1.The new full professors on campusthis year are:—Meredith Applebury, professorof ophthalmology and visual science,who began her appointment here inJanuary.— Brice Bosnich, professor ofchemistry, an expert on catalytic reactions who is coming here after seventeen years on the faculty of the University of Toronto.—Bruce Cumings, professor ofhistory, an authority on Korea andpreviously a member of the faculty ofthe University of Washington.—Stuart Freedman, professor ofphysics, a nuclear physicist who hastaught at Princeton and Stanford Universities and who has been a staffscientist at Argonne National Laboratory for the past five years.—William Fulton, professor ofmathematics, a specialist in algebraicgeometry who most recently was onthe faculty at Brown University.—Milton Y. Harris, AM '73,PhD'74, professor in the GraduateSchool of Business, an expert on stocktransactions and previously a memberof the Northwestern University business faculty.—J. Paul Hunter, professor of English, who is an authority on eighteenth-century literature and most recently28 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1988taught and served as an administratorat the University of Rochester.—David Laitin, professor of political science, previously chairman ofthe political science department at theUniversity of California-San Diego,who studies the role of language andreligion in the politics of Africannations.—Douglas Massey, professor ofsociology, an authority on segregationand international migration who previously was on the faculty at the University of Pennsylvania.—Robert Rosner, professor ofastronomy and astrophysics, whostudies interstellar plasma and previously was on the faculty at HarvardUniversity.— Marta Tienda, professor of sociology and the School of Social ServiceAdministration, an expert on labormarkets and racial inequality whocomes from a faculty position at theUniversity of Wisconsin.Also joining the faculty this year isThomas Holt, a leading black historian. Holt, whose appointment officiallytook effect last October, will come tocampus in fall 1988 after completinga year of research at the WoodrowWilson International Center for Scholars. He is working on a biography ofradical black leader W. E. B. DuBois.Holt had been on the faculty of theUniversity of Michigan since 1979 andserved as the director of its Center forAfro-American and African Studiesfrom 1984 to 1986. He holds a Ph.D. inAmerican studies from Yale Universityand has published extensively ontopics on black history.STRAUS WINSCASE AWARDLorna P. Straus, SM'60, PhD'62,professor of anatomy and biologicalsciences, has been named a SilverMedalist in the national 1987 Professorof the Year program of the Council forAdvancement and Support of Education (CASE).CASE, one of the largest highereducation associations in the nation,began the Professor of the Year program in 1981 to recognize faculty members for their contributions to the livesand careers of undergraduate studentsand for extraordinary achievement inteaching, scholarship, and service to Michael P. WeinsteinCharlotte Adelman, AB '59, JD'62, received thePublic Service Citation, given for exemplaryleadership in community service, from the AlumniAssociation at the Reunion '87 CandlelightDinner on June 8. Adelman has worked for theWomen's Bar Association of Illinois for manyyears, becoming its president in 1984. She servedfor thirteen years as a pro bono attorney at theLoop Center YWCA, and she has handled divorcecases for indigents through the Chicago BarAssociation. She has also been involved in anumber of historic sex-discrimination suits.the profession.Straus, one of four hundred professors nominated by their institutionsnationwide, shares Silver Medalisthonors with 16 other professors. Hernomination was submitted by NormanM. Bradburn, AB'52, provost of theUniversity.Straus, who was also recentlyrecognized with her second QuantrellAward for excellence in College teaching, said she was "astonished" by theCASE recognition."It's absolutely delightful," shesaid. "It's a delight to be acknowledged on this campus— a campus fullof superb teachers. I consider myselfonly a little part of that tradition."Straus joined the faculty in 1964,becoming assistant dean of undergraduate students in 1967. She served asdean of students in the College from1971 to 1981, and as dean of admissions from 1975 to 1980. From 1981 to1987, she served on the Faculty/Alumni Advisory Committee to TheUniversity of Chicago Magazine. TURKISH ALUMNITO ORGANIZE CLUBUniversity alumni in Turkey arein the process of forming an alumniorganization, according to NormanM. Bradburn, AB'52, provost of theUniversity.Bradburn met in September withseveral alumni at the Istanbul, Turkey,home of Nejat F. Eczacibasi, SM'35.Richard L. Chambers, associate professor in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations(NELC); and Halil Inalcik, UniversityProfessor Emeritus in the Departments of History and NELC, alsoattended.Bradburn said that a Turkish alumni organization could benefit the University in several ways. The group hasalready set as one of its main goals theendowment of a professorial chair inTurkish studies at the University. Inaddition, Bradburn said, such a groupcould host visiting faculty members. Itcould also recruit Turkish students forthe University, and particularly for theCollege. BUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOMOTET CHOIRSPRING TOURCleveland, OH March 18Grace Lutheran ChurchInformation: Jim Meil(216) 523-4087, work(216) 932-5330, homeWashington, DC March 19St. Columba's Episcopal ChurchInformation: Stephanie Wallace(703) 578-3430, work(703) 237-9013, homeNew Canaan, CT March 20First Presbyterian ChurchInformation: (203) 966-0002New York, NY March 21Location to Be AnnouncedInformation: Leah Lehrer(212) 682-1161or U. of C. Regional Office(212) 889-8770Pittsburgh, PA March 22First Unitarian Church of ShadysideInformation: N. Gwyn Cready(412) 276-0782, homeCLASS NEWS Photos by Richard Younker'l O Rudolph B. Salmon, PhB'13, JD'14. SeeJlO 1939, Marshall J. Stone."I ^J Rose Nath Desser, PhB'17, of Los Angeles,-L / CA, volunteers at the Los Angeles CountyMuseum of Art.James M. Sellers, AB'17, is the semi-retiredpresident of Wentworth Military Academy, Lexington, MO.*1 O Gladys Campbell, PhB'18, AM'37, profes-JLO sor emeritus of humanities at the University, lives in Chicago."1 Q Dorothy E. Erskine, SB '19, is ninety years\-J old and lives in Derry, NH.Of| Henry L. B. Pringle, PhB'20, of Leesburg,jLmVJ FL, writes that his only claim to fame is a1916 yearbook picture of himself sitting next toErnest Hemingway, though he is not a fan ofHemingway's work.O-l Katherine Sisson Jensen, PhB'21, AM'38,Zl is an alumna of Phi Delta Upsilon, a formercampus social club that meets several times a yearin members' homes. Jeannette Anderson, AB'36,of Chicago, is secretary.OO Mary Ann Benson, SB'22, is eighty-sevenjLmjLm years old and lives in Maywood, IL.Guy B. Johnson, AM'22, is Kenan ProfessorEmeritus of Sociology and Anthropology at theUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Hehas returned to an earlier interest in music and hascomposed fifty pieces, including a concerto andfifteen songs.Charles A. Messner, AM'22, taught foreignlanguages for forty years at the State University ofNew York, Buffalo, where he is professor emeritus. He is ninety-four years old and lives in Lee'sSummit, MO.Eula Phares Mohle, AM'22, of Tulsa, OK,reads, bikes, and swims every day. She volunteersfor the League of Women Voters.OQ Hester Weber Isermann, PhB'23, lives inZm\J Tucson, AZ. Her hobbies are oil paintingand collecting American Indian art.Amalie Sonneborn Katz, PhB'23, and herhusband enjoy their growing family, which includes twelve grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren.Paul Whitely, AM'23, PhD'27, professoremeritus of psychology, was honored after threedecades at Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, PA.O A Last October, the Worcester County (MA)£Jjl Poetry Association presented a reading byMaureen Cobb Mabbott, PhB'24, AM'27, fromher anthology of modern poems, Music or a Message,at the county's Poetry Harvest Festival.r\ r- Clarence A. Johnson, SB '25, SM'27, of OakjLm\D Park, IL, a biochemist, has retired from theUniversity of Illinois College of Medicine afterforty-two years on the faculty.Katherine Peyton Milliken, PhB'25, lives inPorter Hills Presbyterian Village, which wasnamed the best not-for-profit retirement facility inMichigan.Virginia Buell Pope, AB'25, is involved in museum volunteer work, genealogical research, andwriting.Jack Sloan, SB'25, SM'26, MD'31, of Chicago,has retired after fifty-five years in medical practice. He writes that he misses his patients.O/l John Francis Latimer, AM'26, was4Lm\J awarded an honorary degree of Doctor ofHumane Letters at George Washington University, Washington, DC, where he is emeritus professor of classics and president of the Society of theEmeriti.Thomas R. Mulroy, PhB'26, JD'28, and hiswife, Dorothy Reiner Mulroy, X'31, of Winnetka, IL, spent two weeks this fall at an English manorhouse in Essex, England.William H. Owen, PhB'26, of Des Moines, IA,and his wife celebrated their sixty-first anniversary in July.Henry Weihofen, PhB'26, JD'28, JSD'31, haswritten a history of the University of New MexicoSchool of Law, of which he is professor emeritus oflaw.Mildred Hagey Teimers, PhB'26, of Orlando,FL, is a retired art teacher. She writes that she is"another Grandma painter. .. sorry, but I'm notfamous."O^y John H. Davis, MD'27, has maintained his^m/ general practice of medicine in BelleFourche, SD, for over sixty years.Margaret Agnes Dunaway, PhB'27, AM'34, ofChicago, teaches Spanish to senior citizens.Ruth Holton Sandstrom, SM'27, PhD'32, ofWinter Park, FL, spent six weeks at her familyhome in western Michigan recovering from a broken leg.Mildred Schieber Standish, PhB'27, of Chicago, is taking Spanish lessons and is a communityvolunteer.nQ Fred G. Jones, PhB'28, and his wife,Z.O Virginia Hardt Jones, PhB'28, live in FortMyers, FL.J. B. Metzenberg, PhB'28, lives in Tesuque,NM.Elvin E. Overton, PhB'28, JD'31, professoremeritus of law at the University of Tennessee,Knoxville, has retired.OQ Robert A. Allen, SB'29, of Chicago, writes/—J that his class reunions are fun.Dorothy DeRoque Hassellof, PhB'29, celebrated her ninetieth birthday in October. She livesin Lombard, IL, and is very active in local affairs.Morris B. Storer, AM'29, is professor emeritusof humanities at the University of Florida.Jessica Millard Vernon, PhD'29, and her husband, Harold, of Boise, ID, celebrated their sixty-sixth anniversary in August.QA Lester Asher, PhB'30, JD'32, of Chicago,\3 \J and his wife spent a month in China and Japan to celebrate their fifty-first anniversary.Gordon N. Christopher, PhB'30, is retiredfrom teaching. He and his wife, Ruth AdamsChristopher, live in Exeter, NH.H. Lee Jacobs, AM'30, is professor emeritusat the University of Iowa College of Medicine,Iowa City.Charles E. Kallal, PhB'30, and his wife celebrated their fifty-sixth anniversary in October.They live in Pebble Beach, CA.Leonard Landwirth, PhB'30, of Los Angeles,CA, is eighty years old. He enjoys golf and bridge.Thales N. Lenington, PhB'30, JD'33, of Edina,MN, writes that he enjoys golf, classical music, oldjazz records, and travel.Arthur Rosenblum, SB'30, SM'32, MD'35,professor emeritus of pediatrics at the University'sPritzker School of Medicine, is director of pediatric allergy at Michael Reese Hospital, Chicago. Heis also in private practice in pediatrics and allergy.CarlK. Schmidt, PhB'30, SM'48, of Elmhurst,IL, received the city of Elmhurst's 1987 Distinguished Service Award.O-l Andrew J. Brislen, SB'31, MD'36. See 1933,O-L L. Edgar Freidheim.Dorothy Reiner Mulroy, X'31. See 1926, Thomas R. Mulroy.Norman J. Roski, SB'31, retired, lives in Bradley, IL.Rena Lipschitz Young, PhB'31, of North-brook, IL, has retired from the Illinois Departmentof Public Aid. She and her husband, Harry, recently celebrated their fifty-first anniversary. OO Albert R. Kramer, PhB'32, lives in Fort\*J*L Myers, FL, and spends his summers inMartha's Vineyard, MA.Everett C. Olson, SB'32, SM'33, PhD'35, ofLos Angeles, CA, attended a conference in Beijing, China. He and his wife also traveled in Malaysia, collecting paleontology specimens.Wilbert L. Terre, SM'32, of Park Forest, IL, isretired from the chemical research and development group at Stauffer Chemical Co. in ChicagoHeights, IL. As a volunteer, he assists elementaryand high school science teachers with laboratorydemonstrations and gives talks relating to the materials being studied.Peter Newton Todhunter, PhB'32, JD'37. See1954, DwightM. Brookens.Gladys M. True, PhB'32, of River Forest, IL,writes that she has "never been so busy as sinceretirement."QO Raphael Block, PhB'33, of Vermillion, SD,\J\D is professor emeritus of English at the University of South Dakota, Vermillion.L. Edgar Freidheim, PhB'33, and his wife, Helen, of River Forest, IL, celebrated their fiftieth anniversary in September. Among the guests wereAndrew J. Brislen, SB'31, MD'36; Anne FinneganHazard, PhB'33; and John Rusin, AB'37.Carl E. Geppinger, PhB'33, of Lakeland, FL,enjoys swimming, golfing, and traveling.Anne Finnegan Hazard, PhB'33. See 1933, L.Edgar Freidheim.Helene Majewski, PhB'33, of Chicago, has retired from teaching in the Chicago public schools.She is an apartment building manager.Stanley Mosk, PhB'33, X Law'35, of San Francisco, CA, received an honorary Ll.D. degree fromSouthwestern University School of Law in LosAngeles. He is a justice of the California SupremeCourt.Marie Ehrenwerth Muench, PhB'33, MAT'41,of Chicago, has retired from the Chicago publicschools.The Illinois Society of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation has established the Louis B. Newman,M.D., M.E., Distinguished Service Award in honor of the outstanding achievements in physicalmedicine and rehabilitation of Louis B. Newman,MD'33, of Chicago.Herman E. Ries, Jr., SB'33, PhD'36, is a research associate in the Department of MolecularGenetics and Cell Biology at the University. He ispreparing an article for a new encyclopedia of science and a lecture for the sixth World Conferenceon Surface and Colloid Science in Japan.Bernard G. Sarnat, SB'33, MD'37, receivedthe 1987 Distinguished Service Award as an alumnus of the Pritzker School of Medicine. He is professor of plastic surgery at the University of California at Los Angeles and has a private practice inBeverly Hills, CA.Estelle Hill Scott, AM'33, of Seattle, WA, is retired and participates in the Older Women'sLeague.Ruth Oliver Secord, SB'33, AM'46, of Chicago, has traveled to China, Hong Kong, NewZealand, and Australia since her retirement.Michael J. Sherman, grandson of Florence Ka-hen Sherman, PhB'33, is a student in the College.Michael's parents are Malcolm J. Sherman, SB'60,SM'60, and Susan Roth Sherman, AB'60.Esther Feuchtwanger Tamm, PhB'33, of FortSmith, AR, plays bridge and tennis, takes coursesand works for the League of Women Voters.Maurice Weigle, PhB'33, JD'35. See 1935,Helen Rosenberg Weigle.Sidney Weinhouse, SB'33, PhD'36, has retired from the Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, after forty years on its30 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1988staff, including thirteen years as director of theFels Cancer Research Institute. He is senior scientist at the Lankenau Medical Research Center inPhiladelphia.O A Virginia Jeff ties Ferguson, PhB'34, lives inO^fc Tucson, AZ.Allan E. Sachs, SB'34, MD'37, of Mercer Island, WA, has won almost two hundred medals atvarious swim meets.Nora McLaughlin Wayne, PhB'34, of Chicago,and her husband, Ted, celebrated their fiftiethanniversary.Irving Wolfe, PhB'34, of Pomona, NY, hastraveled to Nicaragua several times since 1980:once to attend a language school and to work in acommunity, and once as a member of a construction brigade.Robert Zolla, PhB'34. See 1936, Betty MeyersZolla.OH Wallace Byrd, MD'35, is chief of staff of<J\J Mary Hurley Hospital, Coalgate, OK.Philip C. Doolittle, PhB'35, of Valparaiso, IN,will resume his world travels after recovering fromrecent surgery.Gerald Ratner, PhB'35, JD'37, is the seniorlaw partner of Gould & Ratner, Chicago. He attended the fiftieth reunion of his Law School classin June.Dorothy Norton Smith, AB'35. See 1937, Kenneth M. Smith.Helen Rosenberg Weigle, AB'35, andher husband, Maurice Weigle, PhB'33, JD'35, of Chicago, celebrated their fiftieth anniversary.O/T Jeannette Anderson, AB'36. See 1921,J\J Katherine Sisson Jensen.Randolph Bean, AB'36, of Brunswick, ME,owns a music store in Brunswick, hosts a radioshow, and sings jazz. He is also an advisory trusteeof the Portland Symphony Orchestra.Bruce Cumings, son of Edgar Crowther Cum-ings, PhD'36, and Eleanor Sharts Cumings,AB'36, is professor of history in Asian studies atthe University.David B. Eisendrath, Jr., AB'36, of Brooklyn,NY, is a contributing editor with Modern Photography magazine, which featured him in the Januaryissue. He also appears in the International Center ofPhotography Encyclopedia of Photography.Ethel Ann Gordon Michael, X'36, has a private practice in clinical psychology in Irvine, CA.She is studying to become an artist.In September, Bernice Levin Neugarten,AB'36, AM'37, PhD'43, received the Sandoz International Prize for research in gerontology. Sheis a professor at Northwestern University, Evan-ston, IL, and professor emeritus of the University.Edward J. Preston, AB'36, and his wife,Clarice, of Pasadena, C A, volunteer at the Pasadena Historical Society.Edward Schaar, AB'36, and Regina MitchellSchaar, PhB'36, celebrated their fiftieth anniversary in September. Retired from their off ice supplybusiness, they live in Pacific Palisades, CA.H. Alan Schlesinger, AB'36, and Margaret Graver Schlesinger, AB'37, of Minneapolis, MN,write that they "see lots of U. of C. friends everywinter in Arizona."William H. (Bill) Weaver, AB'36, and hissister-in-law, Mary Ann Matthews Brummel,AB'39, both of Hinsdale, IL, visited the Universityon June 6 to see friends at the reunion of the Classof '37.Betty Meyers Zolla, AB'36, chaired the fiftiethreunion of the class of 1936. She and her husband,Robert Zolla, PhB'34, live in Chicago.fjry Mark Ashin, AB'37, AM'38, PhD'50, isJ I professor emeritus of English and secretaryof the faculties at the University.Carrol Hall, AM'37, of Springfield, IL, wasnamed the 1987 Copley First Citizen. The award,named for the late James C. Copley, is given by theCopley newspaper chain, publishers of The StateJournal-Register in Springfield. Hall was honoredfor over sixty years of involvement in communityactivities and for the economic impact of the company he co-founded, Horace Mann Insurance Co.John Rusin, AB'37. See 1933, L. EdgarFreidheim.Margaret Graver Schlesinger, AB'37. See1936, H. Alan Schlesinger.Kenneth M. Smith, MD'37, and Dorothy Norton Smith, AB'35, attended Kenneth's fiftiethclass reunion in June.Stephen Stepanchev, AB'37, AM!38, of Flushing, NY, is editing a history of Queens College,City University of New York, Flushing, NY.Laura]. Uerling, AB'80; Clarissa Teel Uerling; Mary]. Uerling, AB'87; andP. David Uerling. Estelle Williams; Ann L. Smith; Blithe A. Smith, AB'87; Chester L. Smith,Jr., AB'42. (The late Chester L. Smith, Sr., wasX'U.)Pauline Chan; Po-Yan Wong; Lai-Ying Ng Wong; David Yaukar Wong,AM' 82, PhD '87; Odalia Ho Wong, AM' 83; Cecilia Sze; and Jacqueline Wang. Ruthe Rieger Karlin, AB '53; Richard A. Karlin, AB '55, SB '57; Steven M.Albert, AM'81, AM'83, PhD'87; and Robin F. Karlin, AB'80. (Not shown:Joseph ]. Karlin, LLB'27; andArvin L. Rieger, AB'59, MBA'60.)Maurine Carothers Stevens, AB'37, lives inBroken Bow, NE.James L. Whittenberger, SB'37, MD'38, ofNewport Beach, CA, is chairman of the Department of Community and Environmental Medicinein the College of Medicine and directs the University of California Southern Occupational HealthCenter at the University of California at Irvine andat the University of California at Los Angeles.F. Kenneth Worland, AB'37, of Rockford, IL, isretired and spends his time as a "present-dayAmerican Impressionist."QQ The International Graphoanalysis SocietyOO has named Phyllis Greene Mattingly,AB'38, of Fort Collins, CO, InternationalGraphoanalyst of the Year 1986-87.Cody Pfanstiehl, X'38, and his wife,Margaret, have made an audio description tapecassette for low-vision and blind visitors to theStatue of Liberty. They live in Silver Spring, MD.QQ Harvey Ancel, AB'39, is president of theJ y advisory council of the Colorado Gallery ofthe Arts.Mary Ann Matthews Brummel, AB'39. See1936, William H. Weaver.Melvin Greenstein, AB'39, MBA'40, of Sko-kie, IL, is retired. He is active in the Executive Service Corps of Chicago.Kenneth D. Osborn, AB'39, lives in Carlsbad,NM.Irving B. Slutsky, SM'39, and Bette ColemanSlutsky, SB'45, SM'46, have retired after teachingat the City Colleges of Chicago for forty-one years.Last year, Marshall J. Stone, AB'39, and hiswife visited Rudolph B. Salmon, PhB'13, JD'14,and his wife, Theresa, in Arlington Heights, IL.The Salmons celebrated their sixty-eighth anniversary and Rudolph his ninety-seventh birthday.A C\ James O. Anderson, AB'40, retired afterTTv/ forty years in the coal mining business inButler, PA.Katharine Jane Morris Bruere, SB'40, is a librarian at Thoreau Elementary School in Madison, WI. She and her- husband, Richard Bruere,took a cruise to Alaska.Winnie Mae Collins, MAT'40, is active in continuing education groups in Atlanta, GA.Duncan A. Holaday, SB'40, MD'43, is professor in the Department of Anesthesiology, Vander-bilt University, Nashville, TN.Jasper B. Jeffries, SM'40, professor emeritusof mathematics at Westchester County Community College, Valhalla, NY, lives in White Plains, NY.Bundhit Kantabutra, MBA'40, of Bangkok,Thailand, and his wife celebrated their forty-fifthanniversary.Marjorie Kurl Morray, AB'40, director of theEnglish Language Institute at Oregon State University, Corvallis, went to Guatemala City lastyear as a foreign language consultant. She wassent by the International Executive Service Corps.A*i Marjorie Berg Long Burmeister, AB'41, ofTC JL Roscoe, IL, is on the board of directors of theMendelssohn Club of Rockford, IL, and is apianist/organist in the club's concert series.Stanley G. Harris, AB'41, of Lincolnwood, IL,is assistant to the executive director of Centre East,a performing arts center in Skokie, IL.An education foundation program scholarship for the American Association of UniversityWomen (North Carolina division) has been namedin honor of Charlotte Krevitsky Hurwitz, SB '41.Her husband, Melvin D. Hurwitz, SM'42, professor in the Department of Clothing and Textiles anddirector of the graduate-study program at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, receivedthe 1986 Olney Medal for his work in developingpermanent-press finishes and thermosettingacrylic polymers.Mary Elizabeth (Libby) McKey Leonard,AA'41, of Salem, OR, celebrated her retirementfrom the Oregon Employment Division with F.Daniel Montague, AM'53; Zoe McKay Monta gue, AB'52; Ann Patterson Street, AB'44; VerneHenderson, DB'61; and Dorothea Elmer Brown,AB'52. Her work in unemployment compensationwas recently recognized by a Certificate of Exemplary Service from the Interstate Conference ofEmployment Security Agencies.David M. Pletcher, AB'41, AM'41, PhD'46, isprofessor of U.S. history at Indiana University,Bloomington.A. D. Tushingham, DB'41, PhD'48, is a member of the board of trustees of the Royal OntarioMuseum, Toronto. He has written a number ofmonographs on archeology in the Middle East,most recent being Excavations in Jerusalem, 1961-67,volume 1 (1985).Marian Wozencraft, AB'41, of Charlestown,IL, retired as professor of education at the StateUniversity of New York, Geneseo. She travels andis active in the League of Women Voters.AT\ Walter M.Biernat, SB'42. See 1979, John A.TT^_ Perkins.Naomi Smith Devoe, AB'42. See 1980, Jefferson L. Brody.Theodore Fields, SB'42, of Glencoe, IL, president of Health Physics Associates, Ltd., has soldsix of his medical imaging companies.Carl W. Larsen, X'42, of San Diego, CA, assistswith public relations for a local chapter of theNational Association of Retired Federal Employees. He also writes book reviews for the San DiegoTribune.Jack Roth, AB'42, PhD'55, is professor of history at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH.Harry Schaffner, AB'42, of Chicago, has retired after forty-three years on the staff of the Chicago Housing Authority.y|Q Helen Patton, AM'43, of Franklin, NC, is ajfcv-} retired art educator.Marshall W. Wiley, PhB'43, JD'48, MBA'49,has retired from the foreign service to practice lawwith the Washington, DC, firm Sidley & Austin.He is president and founder of the United States-Iraq Business Forum.A A Dorothy Kozinski Kunkel, PhB'44, a read-J_ JL ing specialist in North Berwick, ME, has received her Ed.D. in curriculum and instruction/reading from the University of Maryland. She hasfive children and nine grandchildren.Cecil M. Nelson, of Knoxville, TN, is professor emeritus of Emory & Henry College,Emory, VA, where he was chairman of the physicsdepartment.Marilyn Quinn, X'44, of Oak Lawn, IL, is aguidance counselor at Oak Lawn CommunityHigh School.Lois Lawrance Russell, AB'44, AM'47, teaches history and political science at Knoxville College, Knoxville, TN.Ann Patterson Street, AB'44. See 1941, MaryElizabeth Leonard.A C Gloria McCray Briggs, AB'45, is a familyjl\J oriented psychotherapist in Loveland, CO.Anne Stowell Freedman, AM'45, of LosAngeles, CA, was widowed this year.Paul H. Kusuda, PhB'45, AM'49, of Madison,WI, writes that he is "getting older every minute,but that's not all bad."Bette Coleman Slutsky, SB'45, SM'46. See1939, Irving B. Slutsky.Lotte Wolf Stein, PhB'45, SB '47, teachesmathematics and coordinates the developmentalprogram at Barry University, Miami, FL.A/1 Last year Barbara Rohrke Gudmundson,jCXJ X'46, completed work on a Fulbright SeniorResearch Grant in Iceland, with which she set upthe Diatom Herbarium of Iceland.Robert W. Hanks, PhD'46, is chairperson ofthe Lake Alfred (FL) zoning and planning boardand is president of the Winter Haven Meals onWheels program.Gladys Wilcutt Junker, AM'46, of Chicago,has retired from teaching at the University's Labo ratory Schools.Evan H. Kelley, AM'46, of Berwyn, IL, is thepresident of Evan H. Kelley and Associates, education and management consultants.Mary Lina Strauff Kosicki, PhB'46, is a philanthropic service coordinator for the Better Business Bureau of Columbia, SC. She tapes readingmaterial for a local closed circuit radio station forthe blind and belongs to the local MENSA group.Stuart D. Loomis, AM'46, is professor emeritus of counseling at San Francisco State University. He received the Special Presidential Citationfrom the American Mental Health Counselors Association for distinguished lifetime achievementin counseling.Charles H. Swift, DB'46, retired as minister ofa congregation in Rialto, CA. He volunteers as director of Redlands (CA) Crisis Hotline. He is also aboard member of Shelter Homes of Redlands, andof the East Valley Chapter of the Mental Health Association.Oscar Walchirk, MAT'46, is emeritus professor of counseling, City Colleges of Chicago, and anadmissions consultant at Roosevelt University,Chicago.Upon retirement from the ministry in the NewYork Conference of the United Methodist Church,and from teaching anthropology at the Universityof Sidney, Australia, George P. Werner, AM'46,AM'48, took a position with Educational Opportunities, a travel/study program. He lives inGreenacres, FL.A rj Teresa Sosa Carterette, AB'47, is professorT! / of psychology at Simmons College, Boston .In March, she chaired a conference on computersin psychology.Nathan Divinsky, SM'47, PhD'50, professorof mathematics at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, was the 1987 Canadian OpenBridge Champion and is a Canadian representative to the International Federation of Chess.Pamela Shannon Faust, AB'47. See 1948, DaleH. Faust.Thomas Meade Harwell, Jr., AM'47, is a visiting scholar at the University of Texas at Austin. Hisarticle, Toward a Gothic Metaphysic, appeared in thePublications of the Arkansas Philological Association.Robert Hennemeyer, PhB'47, AM'50, retiredfrom the foreign service after thirty-four years andis foreign affairs adviser to the National Council ofCatholic Bishops, U.S. Catholic Conference,Washington, DC.M. T. Nanninga, AB'47, MBA'47, of FortLauderdale, FL, traveled in Eastern Europe andthe Soviet Union in June.Rozella M. Schlotfeldt, SM'47, PhD'56, received a D. Sc . honoris causa from Kent State University, Kent, OH. She is professor emeritus and deanemeritus of the Frances Payne Bolton School ofNursing, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH.Peter R. Senn, AM'47, and Mary Stone Senn,AM'48, live in Evanston, IL. Peter is retired andMary is an information broker.Arnold L. Tanis, PhB'47, SB'49, MD'51, ofHollywood, FL, directs a medical associates program and is a member of the Health AdvisoryCouncil of the Professional Advisory Board. He recently received a La Leche League InternationalAward for continuing service and support.A Q Howard R. Barron, PhB'48, and his wife,rtO Marjorie, of Highland Park, IL, have agranddaughter, liana Beth Feldman.Lee Chutkow, PhB'48, is clinical director ofCentral State Hospital, Louisville, KY.Dale H. Faust, AB'48, is superintendent of theRio Linda School District in Sacramento, CA. Hiswife, Pamela Shannon Faust, AB'47, writes full-time after spending ten years as director of the California Commission on the Status of Women.Marvin Goldberger, PhD'48, formerly president of the California Institute of Technology, is director of the Institute for Advanced Study, Prince-32 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1988FAMILY ALBUM-'87Grace Schiller; Paul R. Schiller, MBA'85; Sandra Kay Geistkemper Schiller,MBA' 87; VemaM. Geistkemper; and Alfred A. Geistkemper. Donna Lynn Curtin; Rita O'Donnell; James W. Curtin, AB'83, MBA87;Donna Curtin; James K. Curtin, MBA'61.Linda Ketelaar; Bob Park (rear); Ikumi Kaminishi Ketelaar, AB'84; James E.Ketelaar, AM'82, PhD'87; Dorothy J. Ketelaar; Daniel W. Ketelaar (rear);Richard L. Ketelaar II; and Catherine M. Ketelaar. Joellyn Longnecker Levine; Aaron Levine (front); Richard S. Longnecker (rear);Richard M. Longnecker, PhD'87; and ]o Longnecker. (The late William M.Longnecker was PhD '37.)ton, NJ.Miriam Baraks Greenblatt, X'48, is presidentof Creative Textbooks and is in Who's Who of American Women.Luther Gulick, AM'48, PhD'52, professoremeritus of geography at the State University ofNew York at Potsdam, and his wife, Chris, visitedJohn M. Ball, SM'52, professor emeritus of geography at Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA.Robert W. Hattery, PhB'48, AM'54, PhD'61,associate professor emeritus of political scienceand of continuing education at Indiana University, Bloomington, has a three-year appointment inthe Department of Political Science at I.U. on apart-time basis.Matthew T. Jenetopulos, X'48, of Boca Raton,FL, writes that thanks to Class News, he and MurrayHarding, AB'49, of West Palm Beach, FL, nowmeet for golf and dinner.Leo Kennedy, AB'48, retired, lives in SantaBarbara, CA, and spends his time traveling andrelaxing.Garth McPeak, AB'48, of Boston, MA, has retired from the Commonwealth of MassachusettsDepartment of the State Auditor.James F. Mulcahy, Jr., AB'48, of Needham,MA, has a granddaughter, Margaret AurellaMulcahy.Mary Stone Senn, AM'48. See 1947, Peter R.Senn.Robert H. Snyder, PhD'48, of Grosse Pointe,MI, does consulting work in tin technology. Charles Warriner, AM'48, PhD'53, is professor emeritus of sociology at the University of Kansas, Lawrence.William Wolf e, AB'48, is head librarian at Tucson High School, Tucson, AZ.A Q Murray Harding, AB'49. See 1948, Mat-TI y thew T. Jenetopulos.William J. Jordan, AB'49, has taught in theElgin, IL, public schools for thirty-five years. He isalso a co-therapist with his wife and plans to makecounseling his next career.Joe Vencil, son of Cherril and Joseph Lash,PhB '49, of Sacramento, C A, is a student at the University's Graduate School of Business.Harold Lieberman, AM '49, professor emeritus of interdisciplinary studies at St. Cloud StateUniversity, St. Cloud, MN, has retired after teaching there for twenty-nine years.Gerard Radice, MBA'49. See 1979, John A.Perkins.• Boyd C. Rembe, Jr., AB'49, has worked for National Farmers Union Insurance Companies forthirty-two years, where he is vice-president ofreinsurance. He and his wife, Barbara, live in Evergreen, CO.Richard E. Sawyer, PhB '49, of Bloomingon,MN, is a principal of Hamilton/KSA, national hospital and health care consultants, Minneapolis,MN.George F. Well, Jr., MBA'49, of ArlingtonHeights, IL, has retired as professor of accountingat Wright College, City Colleges of Chicago, and is a certified public accountant.A. Bruce Schimberg, PhB'49, JD'52, is a partner in Sidley and Austin of Chicago . He is marriedto Barbara Zisook Hodes.Sara Myers Turner, AM'49, teaches in the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and SocialWork at Humbolt State University, Areata, CA.She is a member of the Humboldt Alliance for theMentally 111 and the North Humboldt Recreationand Park District.Caroline E. Van Mason, MBA'49, of Washington, DC, has retired from the Health and HumanServices Administration on Aging, where sheworked on nutrition services for the elderly.f-r\ William Bowden, AM'50, PhD'57, of^J\J Montgomery, AL, is an educator andgenealogist. He is assistant director of the Alabama Commission on Higher Education.Jordan Leibman, AB'50, MBA'55, is associateprofessor of business law at Indiana University(IU) School of Business, Indianapolis. He is a coordinator of IU's program at the University ofTilburg, Netherlands.Rica Anido Rock, AB'50, MST'57, associateprofessor of biology at the Fashion Institute ofTechnology, Bronx, NY, was on sabbatical last yeardoing biochemical research in the obesity researchunit at Rockefeller University, New York.Oscar Sandus, SM'50, is a research scientistfor the U.S. Army armament research, development, and engineering department, Dover, NJ,and is president of the Picatinny, NJ, chapter of the33Sigma Xi fraternity.Jay M. Sawilowsky, AB'50, has practiced lawin Augusta, GA, for thirty years.Donald E. Stewart, AB'50, retired director ofpublishing for the American Library Association(ALA), is managing editor of the second edition ofthe ALA World Encyclopedia of Library and InformationServices. He lives in Evanston, IL.Miriam Wagenschein, AM'50, has resigned asdean of the College of Arts and Humanities at Corpus Christi State University, Corpus Christi, TX.She will continue to teach sociology there.John A. Weil, SM'50, PhD'55, is ThoroaldsonProfessor of Chemistry at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada.C -1 Charles D. Garvin, AM'51, PhD'68, profes-\D J_ sor of social work at the School of SocialWork, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, received a National Institutes of Mental Health grantto establish a training program for integrated treatment of chronically mentally ill individuals.Claus G. Manasse, MBA'51, is chief financialofficer and vice-president of finance for InCloneSystems Inc., a New York City biotech company.He and his wife, Ellen, and their daughter live inRidgewood, NJ.Thalia Cheronis Selz, AM'51, won first prizein the 1986 Oktoberfest II National Short FictionCompetition for her story, "The One That Pumpsthe Blood." Her stories, "A Change of Heart" and"Learning American," were 1986 finalists in nationwide contests run by New Letters and the O.Henry Festival. She was selected by the Connecticut Commission on the Arts for a program of statewide readings of her fiction. She is writer-in-residence at Trinity College, Hartford, CT.CO Delbert L. Achuff, Jr., DB'52, has retired\D Am from the parochial ministry and is consultant to the Pro-Cathedral Church of St. Clement, ElPaso, TX, with responsibility for counseling in themanagement of grief, stress, and long-term illness.John M. Ball, SM'52. See 1948, Luther Gulick.Dorothea Elmer Brown, AB'52. See 1941,Mary Elizabeth Leonard.Peter C. W. Gutkind, AM'52, is professor inthe Department of Sociology at the University ofWarwick, Coventry, England.Zoe McKay Montague, AB'52. See 1941, MaryElizabeth Leonard.Donna Hageman Robert, AM'52, retired afterserving as a social worker in the Nashville-Davidson County Schools (TN) for twenty years.Guadalupe Tolentino Sto. -Domingo, AM'52,visited the University with her husband, Corne-lio, en route to their daughter's wedding. She wasformerly provincial schools superintendent inSan Vincente, Philippines.C O Rufus A. Berdish, AB'53, of Grosse lie, MI,C/O is working on negotiations for propertysales.Thomas W. Evans, AM'53, MBA'70, of Munde-lein, IL, received a Department of the Army Awardfor Meritorious Civilian Service for his work in therecruitment advertising program.Alan H. Jacobs, AM'53, has returned fromteaching at Naukai University, Tiaujiu, People'sRepublic of China. His was the first full-semestercourse in cultural anthropology taught at a Chinese national university.F. Daniel Montague, AM'53. See 1941, MaryElizabeth Leonard.Milton H. Polin, AM'53, rabbi of KindswayJewish Center, Brooklyn, NY, is president of theRabbinical Council of America.Burnett H. Radosh, AB'53, and KatherineKoenig Radosh, AB'58, moved from Haiti to Tokyo, where Katherine is an information systemsmanager at the American Embassy. Departingfrom Haiti, Burnett sailed their boat to Florida.£ZA Dwight M. Brookens, MBA'54, and hisC5 Jt wife, Margaret, attended a "reunion of ex-waiters of Burton-Judson Halls" at the home of Jane and Peter Newton Todhunter, PhB'32, JD'37,in San Diego, CA. Dwight and Margaret, who livein Buena Vista, CO, recently celebrated their fiftieth anniversary.George W. Gross, AB'54, AM'64, of Chicago,and his wife spotted Halley's Comet five times,three of those times while on a cruise to CentralAmerica.Eunice Berg Rosen, SB'54, of Highland Park,IL, has four children who have completed college,and one who has just entered Yale University, NewHaven, CT.Iris Reed Shannon, AM'54, has received herPh.D. in public policy from the University of Illinois at Chicago and is associate professor of healthnursing at Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's MedicalCenter, Chicago.C C Stanton T. Friedman, SB'55, SM'56, of Fre-\J\J derickton, Newfoundland, Canada, hasappeared on BBC-TV to discuss UFO sightings.Harriet E. Miller, AM'55, retired, lives in PortWashington, WI.In May, Harriet Lange Rheingold, PhD'55, received an honorary degree of Doctor of Sciencefrom the University of North Carolina at ChapelHill. In July she gave the opening address to theEighteenth World Congress of the OrganisationMondiale D'Education Prescolaire in Jerusalem.In October she represented President Hanna Grayat the inauguration of C. D. Spangler as presidentof the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.C /I David Gutmann, AM'56, PhD'58, is pro-\_/\3 fessor of psychiatry and education atNorthwestern University Medical School, Chicago, and is director of the older adult program atNorthwestern's Institute of Psychiatry.Robert I. Yufit, PhD'56, is associate professorat Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, a senior consultant at Rush-Presbyterian-St.Luke's Medical Center and is in private practice asa clinical psychologist. He is president of the Illinois Association of Suicidology, an organizationhe co-founded three years ago. He is also a fellowat the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences in Palo Alto, CA.Ray H. Zarmer, MBA'56, is operations manager for Extrion Division of Varian Associates,Gloucester, MA.Matthew A. Zuckerbraun, AB'56, AB'57, is research director of the round table program at HaasSecurities Corp., New York.Cry Robert Berger, AB'57, AB'57, of Randolph,C? / NJ, is vice-president of specialty store leasing, Allied Stores Corp., New York City. His son,Adam, is in the College, class of 1991.Lucille Williams Boysaw, AM'57, of Chicago,received a Hall of Fame Award from the city of Chicago for her work in community organizations.Carl Dolmetsch, PhD'57, is professor emeritus of English at the College of William and Mary,Williamsburg, VA.Joseph C. Kiser, MD'57, of Minneapolis, MN,has been named Humanitarian of the Year by theAmerican Legion Auxiliary. He is a cardiovascularsurgeon at the Minneapolis Heart Institute andchief cardiovascular surgeon of the Children'sHeart Fund, an organization that provides cardiaccare for needy children around the world.J. Antony Lloyd, X'57, of Boston, MA, is vice-president 'of Beth Israel Hospital, Boston, a Harvard University teaching hospital. He is also onthe board of governors of the Handel & Haydn Society and the adjunct faculty of the Simmons College graduate program, Boston.Eda Easton Mueller- Westerhoff, AB'57, ofStorrs, CT, teaches sculpture at Quinebaug ValleyCommunity College, Danielson, CT, and will havean exhibit at Central Connecticut State University,New Britain, CT.George E. Wellwarth, PhD'57, celebratedtwenty years of editing Modern Drama, a journalwhich he co-founded, by organizing an international symposium at the State University of New York at Binghamton, where he is professor of comparative literature and theatre. He has received aNew York State Council on the Arts grant fortranslating Catalan drama.JZQ Aileen Dalquest Horan, AB'58, of FortJO Worth, TX, is a director of the Dallas Museum of Art.After raising children, Karen Kaimann Loeb,AB'58, AM'60, of Milwaukee, WI, works in a family law firm providing budget service and financialanalysis for clients.Katherine Koenig Radosh, AB'58. See 1953,Burnett H. Radosh.Charles E. Schaeffer, MBA'58, of Burr Ridge,IL, has retired from the Continental Illinois National Bank after thirty-five years.CQ Wilmoth A. Carter, PhD'59, has retired.\Ds She was the first woman to become vice-president of academic affairs and research at ShawUniversity, Raleigh, NC.Ronald O. Decker, JD'59, is a vice-presidentwith the Fantus Company, an economic development and facilities consulting firm in Chicago.Hamlin Hill, PhD'59, head of the English department at Texas A&M University, was among tenscholars featured at the 1987 Mark Twain/HarrietBeecher Stowe Teacher Institute in Hartford, CT.At the institute, he shared his expertise on Twainwith Connecticut secondary school teachers.Narah Thellis Jackson, AM'59, of Wasasco,TX, has been a nurse for over sixty years.Robert E. McBride, PhD'59, has retired fromthe presidency of Simpson College, Indianola,IA, and moved to a new home in Hot Springs Village, AR.William L. Williamson, PhD'59, retired,spent three months of his final semester at the University of Wisconsin School of Library and Informational Studies, Madison, as a library consultantat the University of North Sumatra, Medan, Indonesia. A symposium and a reception in Williamson's honor were held at the University of Wisconsin, where he is professor emeritus.Carl Wolz, AB'59, is dean of dance at the HongKong Academy of Performing Arts.rf\ Robert L. Beisner, AM'60, PhD'65, isO \J chairman of the history department, American University, Washington, DC.John T. Bycraft, MBA 60, and his family live inSouth Bend, IN. They own a lawn furniture manufacturing firm in Buchannon, MI.James D. Ellis, SB'60, is retired and lives inClearwater, FL. He drives a bus for Pinellas County, FL.Carl R. Greenstein, MBA'60, and his wife visited the World War II B-24 bomber base nearNorwich, England, where Greenstein was stationed during the war. They live in Citrus Heights,CA.Kai O. Lie, AM'60, is minister counsellor atthe Norwegian Embassy in London.Jack T. Markin, SB'60, is group leader of theNuclear Safeguards Systems Group, Los AlamosNational Laboratories, Los Alamos, NM. His wife,Natalie Finkelstein Markin, SB'62, received herM.S. in computer science from the University ofNew Mexico in July.Orville W. Nyblade, AM'60, is on sabbaticalleave from the Lutheran Theological College, Ma-kumira, Tanzania, to work at the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, PA.Malcolm J. Sherman, SB'60, SM'60, andSusan Roth Sherman, AB'60. See 1933, FlorenceKahen Sherman./^"1 Kemper W. Baker, MBA 61, assistant profes-O X sor at Southern Illinois University at Car-bondale, is a senior consultant for JIL Systems,Inc., Arlington, VA.Lien Chan, AM'61, PhD'65, of Taipei, Taiwan,is minister of communications of Taiwan and is amember of the Central Standing Committee,Kuomingtang.Verne Henderson, DB'61. See 1941, Mary Eliz-34 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/ WINTER 1988abeth McKey Leonard.John Mills, SB'61, of San Francisco, CA, co-edited a monograph on antivival chemotherapy,published by Elsevier. With his brother, MichaelMills, JD'74, of New York, he co-wrote an articleon acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)and public health law that was published in theNew England Journal of Medicine. John visited GarySlutkin, MD'75, who is a consultant to the ministry of health of Somalia on the organization of primary health care.John Opie, AM'61, PhD'63, formerly of Du-quesne University in Pittsburgh, PA, was appointed director of the Center for Technology Studies at the New Jersey Institute of Technology inNewark.Gerrit J. tenZythoff, AM'61, PhD'67, is on amedical/sabbatical leave from Southwest Missouri State University, Springfield, MO./O Jane Kurtz Andringa, AB'62, is a professorKJ^m in the division of education, GovernorsState University, University Park, IL. She is alsopresident of the G.S.U. Phi Delta Kappa chapter.L. William Countryman, AB'62, AM'74,PhD'77, is a professor of New Testament at theChurch Divinity School of the Pacific, Berkeley,CA.Christie White Dauphon, AB'62, has completed a four-year training program at the Rudolph Steiner Seminary in Sweden and is continuing her studies at Emerson College in England .In August Joan Ferry DiGiulio, AM'62, re ceived her Ph.D. from Case Western Reserve University School of Applied Social Sciences, Cleveland, OH . She is associate professor of social workat Youngstown State University, Youngstown, OH.Jane Forer Gentleman, AB'62, SM'65, of Ottawa, Ontario, is vice-president of the AmericanStatistical Association.Natalie Finkelstein Markin, SB'62. See 1960,JackT. Markin.Robert A. Moss, SM'62, PhD'63, has resignedas associate dean for natural sciences at RutgersUniversity, New Brunswick, NJ, to return to research and teaching in the Department of Chemistry. He will spend part of 1988 at the Weizmann Institute in Israel.An article, "The Nature of Learning," byDonald R. Sime, PhD'62, was published in the Organizational Behavior Teaching Review.Diana T. Slaughter, AB'62, AM'64, PhD'68, ofNorthwestern University, Evanston, IL, was appointed to the Committee on Child DevelopmentResearch and Public Policy, National Academy ofSciences. She is also on the Board of Ethnic andMinority Affairs of the American PsychologicalAssociation.Joana Valaitis, SM'62, of Western Springs, IL,is an artist and a poet. Two of her paintings wereexhibited at a local library./CO Edmund Dehnert, PhD'63, professor ofOkU humanities at Truman College, the CityColleges of Chicago, has received the OutstandingCommunity College Faculty Member Award. A composer and a member of the National Board ofConsultants of the National Endowment for theHumanities, he lives in Evanston, IL.Dorsey D. Ellis, Jr., JD'63, is dean of the Washington University School of Law, St. Louis, MO. Anative of Cape Giradeau, MO, he is formerly a professor of la w and a vice-president at the Universityof Iowa in Iowa City.Chester C. Graham, AB'63, is in independentlaw practice in Crosslake, MN.Mtroslav Synek, PhD'63, professor in the Division of Earth and Physical Sciences at the University of Texas, San Antonio, TX, is listed in Who'sWho in Technology Today, and is a fellow of the American Institute of Chemists./C A Glenn L. Anderson, MBA'64, is presidentC/TI of Dominican Health Services, Spokane,WA.Don H. Mergler, MBA'64, is senior wardenfor St. Peter's Episcopal Church, AltaVista, VA.He and his wife, Martha, are diocesan councildelegates.Belleruth Krepon Naparstek, AB'64, AM'67,is in private practice in adult and family psychotherapy in Shaker Heights, OH, and is on the faculty of the Case Western Reserve UniversitySchool of Applied Social Sciences, Cleveland. Shelives in Cleveland with her husband and threechildren.Solomon Sepsenwol, SB'64, PhD'70, of theDepartment of Biology at the University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point, has accomplished the firstFAMILY ALBUM-'87Joseph A. Teegarden, SB'33, MD'37; Dorothy E. Teegarden, PhD'87; andFlorence M. Teegarden. Barbara Horwitz Helberg, X' 54; and her daughter, Pamela}. Helberg, MBA'87.(The late David S. Helberg was AB '54, JD '56. )Philip]. Delahunt, MBA 59; Paul F. Delahunt, MBA87; Lori Dubowski(front); and Barbara Mann Delahunt. Kenneth B. Woodside, AM'72, PhD'77; Jonathan Woodside (front); MarySault Woodside, AM' 73, PhD'87; and Jennifer Woodside.free ascent of the climb "Double Clutch" at Devil'sLake, WI.ST2 Scott Colley, AM'65, PhD'69, is chairman\J\J of the English department of VanderbiltUniversity, Nashville, TN.J. Stanley Cox, DB'65, of Simcoe, Ontario, isadministrator of Cedarwood Acres Ltd., which isbuilding residential areas for senior citizens.David F. Feingold, AB'65, was appointed director of a neighborhood preservation office inBrooklyn, NY, for the Department of HousingPreservation and Development.Jerry J. Felmley, MBA 65, works with R&DManagement Consulting, Washington, DC.Eric L. Hirschhorn, AB'65, and his wife, LeahWortham, are the parents of twin daughters, Elizabeth Wortham Hirschhorn and Anne WorthamHirschhorn, born in 1986. They also have a son,Alexander, and live in Chevy Chase, MD.Mahendra P. Jamuar, PhD'65, of Bihar, India,is professor of zoology at Patna University inBihar.Glenn Loafmann, AB'65, his wife, Betty, andson, Derick, spent the summer fossil-hunting inGermany.Eve Lesem Mertens, AM'65. See 1966, WalterMertens.Horace M. Newcomb, AM'65, PhD'69, ischairman of the Department of Radio-Television-Film and is Amon G. Carter, Jr., Centennial Professor of Communication at the University of Texas at Austin. He has written several books andscreenplays.Jean V. Poulard, AM'65, PhD'76, of MichiganCity, IN, is assistant professor in the SPEA/political science department at Indiana UniversityNorthwest, Gary, IN.Richard J. Smith, MBA 65, is founder and president of Pro-Flo Products, Inc., a Wayne, NJ, company that provides drinking water components.Willem F. Van Kouwenhoven, AB'65, is thepastor of the Dutch Reformed Church in Hoender-loo, the Netherlands. He is married to Ijbie LuukevanBlerkum.£L£L Donald W. Bauer, MBA'66, and his wife,OO Barbara, of Worthington, OH, are "emptynesters." Don is the regional manager for CessnaAircraft Company in Columbus, OH.Mary Gottschalk, AB'66. See 1972, CharlesSager.Richard M. Martin, SM'66, PhD'69, of Champaign, IL, is professor of physics at the Universityof Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.Walter Mertens, PhD'66, and his wife, Eve Lesem Mertens, AM'65, live in Southborough, MA.Walter is a visiting professor at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, and Eve is a school adjustment counselor. Their daughter, Shoshana, is inthe College, class of 1989.John M. Valentine, MBA'66, is general manager of Caltex Oil (Pakistan) Ltd., of Dallas, TX.Satya D. Verma, PhD'66, professor and headof the Department of Physics and Space Sciences,Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, India, hashelped organize the National State Symposium1987. In August., the results of his experimentalhigh-altitude balloon flight will be presented atthe Twentieth International Cosmic Ray Conference in Moscow.£rj Miriam Kley Brofsky, MFA'67, had anO / exhibition of her painted bas-reliefs in NewYork City.Geraldine D. Brownlee, MST'67, PhD'75, isnational vice-president of Pi Lambda Theta, thenational honor association for professionals ineducation.Daniel Kipp, MBA'67, as treasurer of theUnion Land and Grazing Co., East Pikes Peak,CO, testified in U.S. Senate hearings concerning abill to designate the Santa Fe Trail as a NationalHistoric Trail.Dale E. Johnson, SM'67, PhD'71, is professorof bioengineering and associate dean for academic programs and research at the University of Washington, Seattle, WA.Mary Joyce Schladweiler, AM '67, of Milwaukee, WI, celebrated her golden jubilee as a Sister ofSt. Francis of Assisi. She teaches reading and study strategies to students, ranging from secondgrade to graduate level.Tom Schroder, AB'67, AM '69, is associate professor of political science at King College, Bristol,TN. He and his wife, Lisa Bayer Schroder, AB'69,have three children.StanShulman, MD'67, professor of pediatricsat Northwestern Memorial Hospital and chief ofinfant diseases at Children's Memorial Hospital,both in Chicago, was chairman of the organizingcommittee of the Second International KawasakiDisease Symposium held in Hawaii. He alsospoke at the Royal College of Physicians inLondon.Judy Beckner Sloan, AB'67, an associate professor at the University of Toledo in Ohio, beganher term as a fellow assigned to Chief Justice William Rehnquist of the U.S. Supreme Court in August. The fellowship allows her to research a chosen aspect of the federal judicial system.Frances Glazer Sternberg, AM '67, is directorof the Rockland Center for Holocaust Studies,Spring Valley, NY. She and her husband, DavidSternberg, SB '67, live in New City, NY, with theirtwo sons, Jonathan and Daniel./^Q Carol Axelrod, AB'68, and her husband,OO Ed DeFranceschi, had a second son, Joseph, in March . Axelrod has a family therapy practice in Brookline, MA.Mary Ann Maziak Byrnes, AB'68, of Wal-tham, MA, is director of pupil services and specialeducation in the Sudbury, MA, public schools andis president of the Massachusetts Association ofAdministrators for Special Education.CorinneC. Sherton, SB'68, PhD'73, of Salem,OR, received a J.D. from Willamette University,Salem, OR. In September she was appointed tothe Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals.Nancy Weiss Walpole, AB'68, AM'69, liveswith her two children in Berwyn Heights, MD. Sheis a software engineer at Bendix Field EngineeringCorp., where she is a software project leader forthe Shuttle Payload Interface Facility at the NASAGoddard Space Flight Center.Victoria Wurman, AB'68, is a psychotherapistin private practice in New York City. She is midwaythrough her psychoanalytic training./^ Q Satish Chandra Misra, SM'69, and his fam-O y ily, at the time of naturalization, readoptedthe family name, Misra, as a way of reclaimingtheir heritage. Misra is professor of statistics andcomputer science, Tuskegee University, Tuske-gee, AL, where he received the OutstandingTeacher of the Year Award 1986-87 from the College of Arts and Sciences.Christopher J. Eigel, MBA'69, is executivevice-president of Koenig and Strey, Inc., Realtors,Glenview, IL. He is president of the North ShoreBoard of Realtors, Evanston.Marcus Felson, AB'69, professor of sociologyat the University of Southern California, LosAngeles, edits Sociology and Social Research, America's second-oldest sociological journal.Robert E. Garlitz, AM'69, PhD'79, associateprofessor of English, and Virginia Milner Garlitz,PhD'78, professor of Spanish, teach at the University of New Hampshire, Plymouth State College,Plymouth, NH.Leo I. Gordon, AB'69, of Winnetka, IL, is associate professor of medicine, Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago.Josefina Gomez Hillyer, AM'69. See 1972,George V. Hillyer.Larry A. McClellan, ThM'69, DMN'70, is senior pastor at St. Paul's Community Church, Home-wood, IL. He spent sixteen years on the faculty ofGovernors State University, University Park, IL,most recently as professor of sociology and com munity studies.James A. Rogerson, AM'69, PhD'80, is records manager at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte, NC.Lawrence Rosser, ThM'69, DMN'76, president and chief executive officer of Chicago CapitalFund, is on the board of directors of the IllinoisFAIR Plan, the Mine Subsidence Insurance Fund,and the Woodstock Institute.Lisa Bayer Schroder, AB'69. See 1967, TomSchroder.Jack Treiman, AM'69, a partner in the LosAngeles law firm Treiman, Schiffman and Curry,was appointed honorary consul for Estonia by theEstonian Consul General.ryrv Ellen Beth Bogolub, AB'70, of Setauket,/ \J NY, received her Ph.D. in social work fromRutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. She is assistant professor at the State University of NewYork at Stony Brook and practices psychotherapyin the New York City area.Edwin C.(Pete) Douglas, AB'70, MD'74, andhis wife, Eileen, adopted a son, Ned, from Korea.They live in Memphis, TN.Barbara Bernstein Low, AB'70, is president ofBibliotechnology Systems and Publishing Co.,Lincoln, MA. She and her husband, Steven, hadtheir third daughter, Shaina Rose, in October.Robert Schwartz, AB'70, and Nancy Krasa, ofColumbus, OH, had a son, William, on June 26.Robert practices with the law firm Schwartz,Kelm, Warren & Rubenstein.Deborah Ginsburg Szajnberg, AB'70. See1974, Nathan M. Szajnberg.Kate Douglas Torrey, AM'70, is editor-in-chiefat the University Press of Kansas, Lawrence. Sheand her husband, Allen, have a son who has "taken to first grade like a duck to water."lj*f Brian R. Aim, AM'71, of Rockford, IL, is/ J. the manager of corporate media relations atDeere & Co., Moline, IL.Laurie M. Brandt, AB'71, AM'74, and herhusband, Jay Koslof , of West Roxbury, MA, have ason, Nathaniel Richard Brandt Koslof. Brandt is aclinical psychologist at the Harvard CommunityHealth Plan and a clinical instructor in psychology, Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, MA.Lawrence J. Corneck, JD'71, is assistant general counsel of General Instrument Corp., NewYork City.Raymond T. Halagera, AM'71, of Baldwin,MO, is executive vice-president and chief executive officer of CHS, Inc., which operates chemicaldependency treatment units in St. Louis areahospitals.Gary Kocher, MBA'71, is chief executive officerof the Central Trust Co., Cincinnati, OH. He hadbeen an assistant vice-president of the bank since1977.Leo Korman, MBA71, is vice-president andcontroller of Castle & Cooke Inc., Los Angeles.Patrick J. Michaels, AB'71, SM'75, an associate professor of environmental sciences at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, is president ofthe American Association of State Climatologists.John Pierce, SB'71, MBA'83, of Park Ridge, IL,has an actuarial consulting firm.Lawrence R. Sipe, AB'71, is a deacon of theAnglican Church of Canada. He is on the staff ofSt. James Anglican Church in Port aux Basques,Canada, and is co-coordinator of language artsand special services for the Port aux Basques Integrated School Board.Carl Sunshine, AB'71, of Culver City, CA, isdirector of the West Coast Research Center ofUnisys (formerly Burroughs).rjf\ David F. Anderson, SM'72, PhD'76, is pro-/ jLm fessor of mathematics at the University ofTennessee, Knoxville.William A. Brandt, Jr., AM'72, of HighlandPark, IL, is president of Development Specialists,Inc., Chicago.Ron Elving, AM'72, and Belle Fillmore Elv-36 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1988ing, AM'72, live in Washington, DC. Ron is on thestaff of Gary Hart, and Belle is associate editor ofthe Washington Post National Weekly.Daniel R. Grayson, SB'72, SM'72, associateprofessor of mathematics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, has been appointedto the Center for Advanced Study there. He andhis wife, Carol Livingstone, have a second son,David Edward.In August, Hans J. Gruss, MBA'72, movedwith his family from Germany to Wassenaar,Netherlands, where he became managing directorfor finance and administration for the SiemensGammasonics B. V. , a subsidiary of Siemens Gam-masonics Inc., Des Plaines, IL.George V. Hillyer, PhD'72, was awarded theBailey K. Ashford Medal from the American Society of Tropical Medicine in recognition of his outstanding work in that field. He and his wife, Jose-fina Gomez Hillyer, AM'69, live in Rio Piedras,Puerto Rico.Janet Levin, AB'72, and Frank J. Gruber,AB'74, were married in January 1986. Janet teaches philosophy at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, and Frank practices law inSanta Monica, CA, where they live.DennisP. McGuire, SM'72, receivedhisPh.D.in educational psychology from the University ofMinnesota. He works for Consultant-Statistics &Computers, Minneapolis, MN.JohnE. Patterson III, AB'72, is assistant director of resident education in the obstetrics-gynecology department of Mercy Hospital andMedical Center, Chicago. He also has a privatepractice.Donald Reed, MBA'72, is a senior associate in the urban affairs department of Cleveland StateUniversity, Cleveland, OH.Joan Reisman, AB'72, of New York City, hasresigned from Pfizer Laboratories to found a consulting business specializing in medicine issues.Thomas Richard Rice, AM'72, PhD'74, wasnamed Distinguished Faculty Lecturer at LomaLinda University in Riverside, CA, where he isprofessor of theology in the division of religion.Musa Eric Rubin, AB'72, MBA'82, is a certifiedmanagement accountant and senior consultantwith Kurt Salmon Associates, Atlanta.Charles Sager, MBA'72, and Mary Gottschalk,AB'66, of Aiken, SC, have spent the past two yearson board their sailboat traveling in the Caribbeanarea. Their next planned stops are New Zealandand Australia.Peggy Sullivan, PhD'72, of Sycamore, IL,was recognized by the Women's National BookAssociation.Victoria Kennick Urubshurow, AB'72,AM'74, AM'81, PhD'84, is assistant professor inthe school of religious studies, the Catholic University of America, Washington, DC.rjr\ Willie L. Donald, AB'73, MD'77, of Chica-/ CJ go, has completed his fellowship at Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. He is director ofobstetrics and maternal-fetal medicine at IllinoisMasonic Medical Center and is on the staff of theUniversity of Illinois. He and his wife, Myrtle Sul-livon, a pediatrician, have two daughters.Charles Firke, AB'73, is publications manager, YMCA of the USA, Chicago.Georges Gillet, MBA'73, of Tokyo, Japan, isgeneral manager of the Gulf Bank K.S.C., Singapore branch. He heads the commercial, invest ment and private banking, and capital marketsgroup of the bank's Asia-Pacific region.Miriam Kalichman, AB'73, is director of pediatric rehabilitation and development in Oakton,IL.Cynthia Kirk, AB'73, of Brooklyn, NY, hasformed Syntax, her own writing, editing, andpublicity business.Ruediger Kratz, MD'73, in private practice inneurology in Washington, DC, is clinical assistantprofessor at Georgetown University, Washington,DC, and is a Muscular Dystrophy Association clinic physician.Deborah Levey, AB'73, and Crispin B. Weinberg, SB'73, SM'73, of Brookline, MA, had adaughter, Miranda Jean, in September. Weinbergis director of research at Organogenesis, Inc.,a biotechnology company in Cambridge, MA.Levey edits a newsletter for the MassachusettsInstitute of Technology Department of CivilEngineering.Marc A. Primack, AB'73, and Susan J. Friedman, AB'75, AM'76, celebrated their second anniversary in October. They live in Chicago.Terri Feinstein Sasanow, AB'73, of New YorkCity, married Richard Sasanow in 1985. Terriis assistant corporation counsel in the real estatelitigation division of the New York City LawDepartment.Stan Schwartz, MD'73, clinical associate professor of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, is co-investigator of the National Institutes of Health-sponsored DiabetesComplication and Control Trial. He and his familylive in Villanova, PA.Robert D. Toon, MD'73, PhD'75, is chief of or-The Best Years of Your Lifecan be in Santa BarbaraCasa DorindaSuperb Retirement LivingWith Comprehensive Medical Care On AN HISTORIC 48 Acre Montecitoestate nestled beneath the oaks betweenthe mountains and Pacific Ocean.Assure your future health care free ofhousehold obligations and live your ownlife style. CASA DORINDA has 246 gardenapartments from studios to large 2 bedrooms, an elegant dining room, licensedhealth facilities, and well trained experienced staff. For more information regarding this premier life care community, callor write:Name: Address: .City: State/Zip:*Casa Dorinda300-C Hot Springs RoadSanta Barbara, California 93108(805) 969-8011thopedic service at Landstahl Army RegionalMedical Center, APO New York.r7 A Jean Agathen, AB'74, is a staff attorney at/ TC the Illinois Migrant Legal Assistance Project in Chicago.H. Allen Barth, MBA'74, and his wife, Irene, ofLansing, MI, celebrated their fiftieth anniversaryin September.Mark B. Burka, MBA'74, vice-president ofinvestments at the Combined Insurance Company of America, Chicago, is manager of equityinvestments.Nelson L. Co, MBA'74, of Stamford, CT, returned to the U. S. after three years with Citibank'sKorea branch to become treasuref for the consumer services group-international at Citibank inNew York.Robert L. Evensen, AM'74, is a collection development officer and librarian in the BrandeisUniversity Libraries, Cambridge, MA.Alston Fitts III, PhD'74, gave a presentationon the women's suffrage movement in Alabama toa history and heritage convention in Selma, AL,where he lives.Frank J. Gruber, AB'74. See 1972, Janet Levin.Calvin E. Hayes, AB'74, is a senior programmer analyst for MCC Powers in Skokie, IL. Hewrites that off the job, he is still an avid chessplayer.Andrew T. Kopan, PhD'74, professor of education at DePaul University, Chicago, received anhonorary degree of doctor of letters from HellenicCollege, Brookline, MA, for research and studiesin multicultural education.Michael Mills, JD'74. See 1961, John Mills.Toan D. Nguyen, AB'74, MD'78, finished hisclinical and research fellowship in gastroenterology at Stanford, CA, and is assistant professor ofmedicine at Duke University, Durham, NC. Heand his wife, Anh, had a son, Eric Quang, in June.Jeffrey Puryear, PhD'74, is director of the FordFoundation's regional office for the Andes andsouthern counties, based in Lima, Peru. His article on Puerto Rico's political status was publishedin an edited volume on that topic.Mark Alan Ross, MBA'74, a real estate assetmanager at Allstate Insurance Corp. , Northbrook,IL, and his wife had a daughter, Meredith Wynne,last year.Jeffrey D. Salberg, AB'74, is practicing law inthe firm of Salberg and Weiss, Lake County, IN. Heand his wife, Tracy, have two sons.Nathan M. Szajnberg, AB'74, MD'74, directorof Child Psychiatry Programs at the University ofConnecticut Health Center, Farmington, CT, is acandidate at the Western New England Institutefor Psychoanalysis. His wife, Deborah GinsburgSzajnberg, AB'70, teaches dance to preschool andhigh school children. They and their two daughters live in West Hartford, CT.ryp" Charles M. Adelman, PhD'75, associate/ \J professor of art history at the University ofNorthern Iowa, Cedar Falls, spent three summersas a ceramics analyst for the Leon Levi expeditionat the Ashkelon excavation in Israel.David M. Altschuler, AM'75, PhD'83, is research scientist in the Institute for Policy Studiesat Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD,where he is assistant professor of sociology.Susan J. Friedman, AB'75, AM'76. See 1973,Marc A. Primack.James N. Hefty, AB'75, AM'78. See 1975, SatTara Singh Khalsa.Edward M. Kalish, AM'75, graduated fromthe John Marshall Law School, Chicago, and hasbeen admitted to practice before the U. S. SupremeCourt.Sat Tara Singh Khalsa, AB'75, AM'78, formerly James Hefty, and his wife, Sat Tara Kaur Khalsa,have a daughter, Shabad-Ratan Kaur Khalsa. Theylive in Chicago.J. William Melsop, MBA 75, of Pepper Pike,OH, is group vice-president of the Austin Compa ny in Cleveland with responsibility for U.S. district operations and for the consulting division inChicago.Susan Missner, AB'75, MBA'83. See 1979,AlanBudovitch.Carole A. Myscofski, AB'75, AM'76, PhD'81,is assistant professor of history of religions at theUniversity of Missouri-Columbia.Jeffrey S. Rasley, AB'75, and Alicia Todd Ras-ley, X'77, have a son, James Joseph. Jeffrey is an attorney in private practice in Indianapolis, IN, andAlicia is a writer and instructor at IndianaUniversity-Indianapolis.Carlos G. Rizowy, AM'75, PhD'81, of the Chicago law firm Ray, Rizowy, Ross & Feurer, is executive and legal director of the national Soviet JewryLegal Advocacy Center. He is also director of theinternational studies program at Roosevelt University, Chicago.Gary Slutkin, MD'75. See 1961, John Mills.Joanne R. Walroth, AM'75, assistant directorof publications at the New Jersey Historical Society, Newark, NJ, is co-editor of The Minutes of theBoard of Proprietors of the Eastern Division of New Jerseyfrom 1764 to 1794, published in 1985.r7/^ Reva I. Allen, AM'76, associate profes-/ O sor of social work at Missouri WesternState College, St. Joseph, MO, is president-elect ofthe Missouri chapter of the National Associationof Social Workers, which named her the 1986 Social Worker of the Year. She and her husband havecompleted restoration of a house in the historicdistrict of St. Joseph.James L. Breeling, AB'76, MD'80, is on themedical staff at Brigham and Women's Hospital,Boston, and is an instructor in medicine at Harvard Medical School. He and his wife, Joanne, livein Needham, MA.Janice Brill, AB'76, works for publishers inAnn Arbor, MI.Michael Reed Cook, AB'76, married AbigailNewlin Mack in August.Joan Hamblin, AB'76, and David Schifeling,AB'76, MD'80, of Winston-Salem, NC, had a second child, Christopher Hamblin Schifeling, in December 1986. Hamblin is clinical instructor in thefamily medicine department at Bowman GraySchool of Medicine, and Schifeling is a fellow inhematology/oncology at Baptist MemorialHospital/Bowman Gray School of Medicine.Lynne L. Haynes, AB'76, PhD'83, MD'84, iscompleting her final year of residency in psychiatry at Stanford University, Stanford, CA.Don M. Henry, AB'76, MD'80, and Sylvia L.Zamecnik, of Munster, IN, were married on June12 in Bond Chapel at the University.Nina M. Klarich, MBA'76, of Chicago, is president and chief executive officer of the ChicagoTechnology Park, a research and developmentpark.Kevin Krisciunas, AM'76, of Keaau, HI, performed in the University of Hawaii, Hilo, production of Jesus Christ Superstar. In March, Kevin sang ina concert version of Aida, and in June, he performed in Gilbert and Sullivan's Mikado.Evelyn C. Mulder-Kendall, AB'76, had a second son, Jonathan Stephen Kendall, in June 1986.She and her family live in Larchmont, NY.Eric W. Nye, AM'76, PhD'83, is a visiting fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in theHumanities at the University of Edinburgh. He ison leave from the English department at the University of Wyoming to continue his work on the letters of John Sterling.Luther J. Rollins, Jr., AB'76, and his wife havea daughter, Alison Canada . Luther is a law studentat the University of Texas, Austin.Randall Rowlett, AB'76, MD'80, and his wife,Linda Zetley, have a son, Isaac. Rowlett is clinicalassistant professor and Zetley is assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry of theUniversity.Patrick Shrout, PhD'76, associate professor at Columbia University School of Public Health,New York, writes that he has "joined the Jerseybridge and tunnel crowd by moving from the cityto Monclair, NJ."Alex Spinrad, JD'76, and his wife had theirfirst child, Adi Vered, in June 1986. They live inPetah Tikva, Israel.L. Fran Stella, MBA'76, is vice-president ofparts and service operation at Valvo White TruckCorp., Greensboro, NC.ryry Cathleen Noel Bairey, AB'77, and her hus-/ / band, Robert Merz, moved to Los Angeles,where Cathleen is on a cardiology fellowship.Ana Dale, AM'77, is in the U.S. on furloughfrom Zululand, Republic of South Africa, whereshe is a pastor for the United CongregationalChurch of Southern Africa. She has two children,Amy Thandine and Scot Mandlenkosi.Eugene (Chip) Forrester, AB'77, of Nashville,TN, is executive director of the Tennessee Democratic Party. He and his wife, Alice, have a son,Evan.Susan M. Griffin, AM'77, PhD'82, andDouglas R. Sharps, JD'84, of Louisville, KY, havea son, Griffin Robert Sharps.Amanda Orr Harmeling, AM'77, lives inNorth Reading, MA, where she is raising threechildren, dancing, and working in commercialreal estate.Alan S. Kopit, JD'77, was appointed a1987-1988 White House Fellow in June. He is apartner with the law firm Hahn, Loeser & ParksCleveland, OH.Andrew Krakauer, MBA 77, of Westfield, NJ,is director of business development for Ohmeda, amedical equipment manufacturer in Murray Hill,NJ. He and his wife, Sherry, have a son, Steven.Suzanne Langston, AM'77, PhD'79, hasmoved to Indianapolis, IN, to become director ofthe education division of the Indiana State BudgetAgency.Bruce G. McKelvy, MBA 77, of BloomfieldHills, MI, is project administrator for Barton-Marlow Construction Co., Detroit, MI.Alicia Todd Rasley, X'77. See 1975, Jeffrey S.Rasley.Randi Sherman Stillman, AM'77, MBA 86, is aresearch associate in the Chicago office of DDBNeedham Worldwide Inc., an advertising agency.Paul J. Weber, PhD'77, chairman of the socialsciences division at the University of Louisville,KY, is chairman of the screening committee for theGrawmeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order, which he helped to establish.Bradford Weston, JD'77, is vice-president of finance and development of Historical Developersof Pennsylvania, Inc., Philadelphia.ryO Marie Hanc Aspell, AB'78, MBA'81, and/ O Richard Aspell were married in August1986 in the University's Bond Chapel. Marie is asupervisor in the mergers and acquisitions department of the Quaker Oats Co., Chicago.Richard Brown, AB'78, is news director forWGSM(AM)/WCTO(FM) radio stations on LongIsland, NY.Last year, Phyllis-Anne Burns, AM'78, received her M.RH. from Harvard University. Sheteaches at Boston University School of Medicineand is on staff at University Hospital in rehabilitation medicine and clinical neuroscience.Brian H. Fluck, MBA 78, is division managerof corporate finance for AT&T in New York City,where he resides.Virginia Milner Garlitz, PhD'78. See 1969,Robert E. Garlitz.David H. Jennings, MBA 78, is president ofStouffer Foods Corp., Solon, OH.Donald F. Joyce, PhD'78, is director of the FelixG . Woodward Library of Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN. He has written several articles and books.David F. Kern, AM'78, of Benton, AR, is an associate editor of Arkansas Business.38 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1988FAMILY ALBUM-'87M. Patricia Henry Turner, AM'48; and her nephew, Daniel J. Hutch, AM'87. Fusako Yamamoto; Akira C Yamamoto, AM'87; and Masa Yamamoto, MD'51.Jeanne Bernier LaPlace, AM'78, of Lake Forest, IL, is on the board of trustees of MundeleinCollege, Chicago.James M. McCord, Jr., MBA 78, of Mexico City,Mexico, is vice-president and representative of theFirst National Bank of Chicago in Mexico. He andhis wife have two daughters.David J. Price, AB'78, MBA'87, and LindaSimon-Price, AB'78, are married and live in ParkForest, IL, with their three children. David worksfor GTE Communication Systems, Northlake, IL.Susan L. Rettig, MBA'78, of Park Ridge, IL, issenior corporate consultant in compensation atBaxter Travenol Laboratories, Inc. inDeerfield, IL.Samuel M. Scheiner, AB'78, SM'80, PhD'83,is assistant professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL.Franklin Mac (Buzz) Spector, MFA'78, of Chicago, has a one-person show at the Art Institute ofChicago. He is also writing a column for Dialoguemagazine.rjQ John J. Binder, MBA'79, PhD'83, of St./ y Louis, MO, married Linda M. Haar in June.AlanBudovitch, MBA'79, and Susan Missner,AB'75, MBA'83, of Chicago, are married. Alanworks at the Chicago office of the Boston Consulting Group.Manuel Collares-Pereira, PhD '79, is head ofsolar energy research in the renewable energiesdepartment of LNETI, Lisbon, Portugal. He is visiting professor in the materials science department of the New University of Lisbon and thephysics department of the Lisbon EngineeringSchool.Gregory Steven Garbin, AB'79, has graduated from Rush Medical College, and is an intern atRush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Hospital, both inChicago. He will complete his residency at theUniversity of California, San Francisco.Nicholas George, MBA'79, has been elected toWho's Who in Finance and Industry. He attends lawschool at the University of Puget Sound, Tacoma,WA.Bruce R. Grace, AB'79, received the J.D. degree from Columbia University Law School. Hebegins a one-year clerkship with the Hon.Laurence H. Silberman, U.S. Court of Appeals forthe District of Columbia.Wynn Kutschbach Jackson, MD'79, assistantprofessor of clinical psychiatry at Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City, isa candidate at the Columbia University Center forPsychoanalytic Training and Research. She attends the medical-psychiatric service at ColumbiaPresbyterian Hospital and has a private practice inpsychotherapy.George A. Jenkins, Jr., MBA'79, is director of electronic publishing with Real Estate Data, Inc.,based in Miami, FL. He and his family live in Plantation, FL.Dorothy V. Jones, PhD'79, of Evanston, IL,has begun training at the University as a MacAr-thur Foundation Fellow in International Security.Robert C. Larson, AB'79, and his wife, CarolStudenmund, AB'79, of Portland, OR, haveason,Carl Rittenhouse. Larson is a software engineerand Studenmund has started a freelance court reporting firm.Lyonette Louis-Jacques, AB'79, JD'86, ofMinneapolis, MN, is a legal reference librarian atthe University of Minnesota Law Library.Michael Marsalli, AB'79, is professor of mathematics at Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.Loren C. Meyers, AB'79, of Wilmington, DE,works in the appellate division of the Delaware attorney general's office, representing the state incriminal appeals and post-conviction proceedings.Carl J. Michelet, MBA'79, is associate directorat Den Norske Creditbank PLC in London. Hissecond child, a daughter, was born in 1986.Giovanni D. Natale, MBA'79, is on the staff ofBossard Consultants, a French management-consulting firm in Paris.Orlando R. Ocampo, AM'79, of Chicago, is assistant professor of Spanish at Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, IL.Heis completing his Ph.D. atthe University.John A. Perkins, AB'79, of Hinsdale, IL, ismarried to Mei Ran Okawa. He received his Ph.D.from Exeter College, Oxford, England, and hasopened a counseling center for substance abuserswith the help of Gerard Radice, MBA'49, and Walter M. Biernat, SB'42.Mark P. Petracca, AM'79, PhD'86, assistantprofessor of political science at the University ofCalifornia, Irvine, is a visiting professor at PekingUniversity, Beijing, China.John J. Riordan, MBA'79, of ArlingtonHeights, IL, is manager of pension administrationat International Minerals and Chemicals, Mundelein, IL. He is pursuing two further professionaldesignations, certified financial planner and certified employee benefit specialist.Mary Samuels, AB'79, practices medicine inDenver, CO.Anne Garlan Strohm, AM'79, is a doctoralcandidate in clinical psychology at the Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago.Joseph Weiner, AB'79, received his Ph.D. inphysiology in 1986 and in June received his M.D.,both from New York University. He will continueat N. Y.U. as a resident in psychiatry.Charles Whitmer, SB'79, SM'79, founded asoftware company in Berkeley, CA, which waseventually acquired by Microsoft Corp., Bellevue, WA. Whitmer works for Microsoft in Redmond,WA.Of) Peter Ainsworth, AB'80, and Julia An-OU drews, AM'81, were married in September1986. They live in Washington, DC.David L. Bogetz, MBA'80, is vice-president ofWalnut Capital Corp., Chicago. He is on theboards of directors of Targeted Communications,Washington, DC, and the Jewish CommunityCenters of Chicago.Mark Bragovan, AB'80, PhD'86, is on thetechnical staff at AT&T Bell Labs, Holmdel, NJ.Jefferson L. Brody, AB'80, and his wife, LindaDevoeBrody, AB'80, MST'82, daughter of NaomiSmith Devoe, AB'42, have a daughter, CaitlinRose. They live in Philadelphia, PA.Antonio Convit, MD'80, is a research assistant professor in psychiatry at New York UniversitySchool of Medicine, New York City.Phuong-Hoa T. Do, MBA'80, is an investmentresearch officer for Aetna Life and Casualty Co.,Hartford, CT.Joseph Farber, AB'80, practices private law inNorman, OK, and is editor of the family law section newsletter, Update. He and his wife, Margaret,have three children.Mary Casey Finan, PhD'80, is a visiting professor at Whittier College, Whittier, CA.Hugh M. Martin, MBA'80, is an internationalplanning consultant at Griffith Laboratories,Chicago.Christopher Miller, AB'80, teaches science atHazen Union High School, Hardwick, VT.Sylvia E. Parks, AM'80, is director of the Lower North Center for the Chicago Youth Centers.Barry G. Rabe, AM'80, PhD'85, assistant professor of health politics in the School of PublicHealth at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,received the William Anderson award for an outstanding doctoral dissertation at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Associationin Chicago.Stanley Sears, AM'80, and Linda UrbanSears, MST'81, have a son, John Stuart. Stanley isminister of the Unitarian Church of Victoria, British Columbia, and Linda consults at several Vancouver Island Montessori schools.Assistant United States Attorney Charles V.Senatore, JD '80, of Miami, FL, has received the1987 Younger Federal Lawyer Award. He was recognized for outstanding accomplishments andperformance in the criminal division of the southern district of Florida.Mark Winston, AB'80, completed his federaljudicial clerkship in August. He will work for theLondon law firm of Stephenson Harwood, andlater for the firm of Mudge, Rose, Guthrie, Alexander & Ferdon, in New York City.39Julia Andrews, AM'81. See 1980, PeterAinsworth.Julie Daraska, AB'81, is the publicationsdirector of DePaul University College of Law,Chicago.Peter L. Diaz, MBA'81, of Marietta, GA, waspromoted to chief financial officer of MeridianBroadcasting Corp.-Alison A. Evans, AB'81, of Somerville, MA, ispursuing her doctorate in epidemiology at theHarvard School of Public Health.James L. Graff, AB'81, former associate editorof the Magazine, is a correspondent for Time magazine in Bonn, West Germany.Jennifer Gurahian, AB'81, is a graduate student of anthropology in the Russian and East European Studies Program at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.Leo R. Katzenstein, PhD'81, works for AT&TLaboratories. He lives with his wife, Bonnie, andtheir two children in Naperville, IL.Hans-Peter Kosmider, MBA'81, is a vice-president of Deutsche Bank in the Federal Republic of Germany.Natasha Matkin-Hayes, AB'81, married GaryHayes in February 1986. They both practice law inLas Vegas, NV.Deborah Andrews Miller, MBA'81, is marketing and general manager of functional chemicalsat Nalco Chemical Co., Oak Brook, IL.Oliver R. W. Pergams, AB'81, and Michael E.Davis, MBA'83, have started a brokerage and trading company, the Chicago Options Associates,Inc., with offices in Chicago and Philadelphia.Linda Urban Sears, MST'81. See 1980, StanleySears.Cynthia U. Villaluz, AM'81, is working toward her Ph.D. in history at the University of thePhilippines, Laguna, where she is a faculty member in the social sciences department.Kirsten Wendt, AB'81, of Chicago, is marriedto Craig la Sota and is director of operations at MoMing dance/arts center.Donald G. White, MBA'81, is executive director of Metal Powder Industries Federation, Princeton, NJ.John C. Chen, AB'82, is a pathologist's assistant in practice with the Sudden InfantDeath Syndrome Institute and the Maryland chiefmedical examiner's office in Baltimore. He is continuing research in end-stage kidney failure for aPh.D. in pathology at the University of Marylandat Baltimore.Pamela Divinsky, AM'82, is an assistant professor of history at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario.Eric Flamm, MBA 82, works for Amoco Chemical Co., Chicago.Owen M. Goldin, AM'82, is assistant professor of philosophy at Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI. He and his wife, Patricia Kilroe, havea son, Woody.Brian Hainline, MD'82, is assistant professorof neurology at the North Shore University Hospital, Cornell Medical Center, Manhasset, NY. Heand his wife, Pascale, have two children.Richard K. Caputo, PhD'82, is assistant professor and research center director of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.Kevin William Kelly, AM'82, a student at theUniversity's Divinity School, is president of Musical Heritage International.Arkady L. Kholodenko, PhD'82, is assistantprofessor of physical chemistry at Clemson University, Clemson, SC.Jonathan H.Lemberg, AB'82, received his J. D.degree from Columbia University Law School. Heis the former managing editor of the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law and is associated withShearman & Sterling in New York City.Rebecca Madigan, MBA'82, is senior systemsengineer of Riverside Methodist Hospitals, Columbus, OH. Michelle Amizetta McFaddin, AB'82, practices environmental law with the Texas WaterCommission, Austin, TX.Candace Mirza, AM'82, of Chicago, is lecturerin English at Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, IL.She is completing her Ph.D. in English at theUniversity.Mary Coultrip Moosbrugger, MBA'82, is president of Moosbrugger Marketing Research, an independent firm in LaGrange, IL.Sherrie Negrea, AB'82, of Geneva, NY, is areporter for the Democrat and Chronicle in Rochester,NY.Mark D. Rutz, MBA'82, of Homewood, IL,joined the new business development group withHutchinson Technology, Inc., focusing on expanding leadership in ultraprecise componentmanufacturing technologies.Chris Sandrolini, AB'82, is second secretaryin the political section of the U.S. Embassy in NewDelhi, India. He writes, "I am reading everythingfrom Kipling to the Vedic scripts to understandthis vast, new country."Hillary Wopert Silver, AB'82, and DavidSilver, of Jerusalem, Israel, were married inSeptember.Joann Baney, AB'83, is working toward herM.B.A. at Columbia University, New York.She married Philip Bentley in May 1986.Randall Batterman III, AB'83, of New YorkCity, has joined the Nomura Securities International Corp. He will be working in Tokyo, Japan, inthe equities department.David Brooks, AB'83. See 1984, Jane Hughes.Sheri Horwitz-Bulwa, AM'83, was married toDavid Bulwa in June. She is a school social workerfor the northern suburban special education district, Highland Park, IL.L. Andrew Cooper, AB'83, and SuzanneSchenkein, AB'83, of San Diego, CA, were married on May 17th. Andrew is a lieutenant (JG) inthe United States Navy. Suzanne received herM.D. from the University of Colorado and is a pediatric intern at the San Diego Medical Center.Michael E. Davis, MBA'83. See 1981, Oliver R.W. Pergams.James Joseph Eccleston, AB'83, is an associatepartner in the Chicago office of the law firm Ved-der, Price, Kaufman & Kammholz.Richard Ehrlich, AB'83, received his J.D. fromWashington University Law School, St. Louis,MO, and was admitted to the bar in New York andNew Jersey. He is an assistant district attorney inBronx County, New York.Mark Farwell, SB'83, is a teaching assistant inapplied physics at the University of California-San Diego, La Jolla.Henry Greenberg, AB'83, has graduated fromlaw school. He has a two-year clerkship with a federal district court judge in New York.Ira Greenburg, AB'83, is a legislative assistantto Assemblywoman Catherine Nolan in the NewYork State Assembly. He also attends the City University of New York, Bernard Baruch College.Susan Missner, MBA'83. See 1979, AlanBudovitch.Suzanne Shenkein, AB'83. See 1983, AndrewCooper.Jay B. Thorson, AM'83, husband of Beth Cunningham Thorson, AM'83, was ordained in August. He is pastor of St. John Evangelical LutheranChurch, Bluff Springs, IL.Vic Velanovich, AB'83, was a 1986 co-recipientof the At-Large Award from the American BurnAssociation. He received his M.D. from WayneState University, Detroit, and began his internshipin general surgery at Letterman Army MedicalCenter, San Francisco, CA, in July.Douglas A. Jones, AB'83, is a graduate instructor at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville. Two of the plays he has written have beenproduced, one at the National Theatre in Washington, DC. Peter I. Juhn, AB'83, finished his third year atHarvard Medical School, Cambridge, MA, andspent the 1986-87 academic year as the Dana Foundation Fellow in Clinical Epidemiology at Harvard's Institute for Health Research.Shunsuke Kanzawa, MBA'83, has been appointed assistant general manager of the NewYork economics department of the SumitomoBank, Ltd.Joan Naiman Margolis, AM'83, is a clinical social worker in Family Services of South LakeCounty, Highland Park, IL. She specializes in infant mental health and the treatment of adults whowere sexually abused in childhood.Jason M. Patt, AB'83, of Hollywood, CA, is atechnical research assistant at the Center for Effective Organizations, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA.AmyB. Rosenblatt, AB'83, works for the Bankof New York, New York City, in the personnel department.David Blair Toub, AB'83, MD'87, is a residentin the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecologyat the Brigham and Women's Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. He is also aclinical teaching fellow at Harvard MedicalSchool.Shinichi Yamashita, MBA'83, works at Yoko-gawa Hewlett Packard, Ltd., in Tokyo. He writesthat he is "proud of selling excellent Americanproducts to Japanese customers."Therese M. Dosch, AB'84, of MendotaHeights, MN, has completed her PeaceCorps commitment in Botswana, Africa, whereshe taught high school history. She traveledthrough southern Africa, Egypt, Israel, the Middle East, and southern Europe before returninghome in the summer.Andrew Giblon, MBA 84, is a partner in Cher-niak, Gottlieb & Co., a Toronto, Ontario, computersoftware development and consulting firm.Anne Goerwitz, AB'84, and Steven Ball,AB'84, were married in September in Bryn Athyn,PA. Steve is a legislative analyst for CongressmanJoseph Gaydos (D. , PA), and Anne works for Inter-lease Corporation.Nora Hansen, AB'84, is a fourth-year medicalstudent at New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY.Jane Hughes, AB'84, and David Brooks,AB'83, were married in November 1986. Jane is theprogram officer at the Twentieth Century Fundand David is the book editor for the Wall Street Journal. They live in New York City.Suthan Janhom, PhD'84, of Chiang Mai,Thailand, is associate professor at Chiang MaiUniversity.Keith A. Kostuch, AB'84, of Boston, MA, is astudent at the Harvard Business School after twoyears as a corporate finance analyst at MerrillLynch Capital Markets.Dawn Marie, AM'84, is an A.C.S.W., senioraddiction counselor, and the program director forComp Care at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Chicago.Neal L. McWhorter, AB'84, of Somerville,MA, is in the master's program in administration,planning, and social policy at the Graduate Schoolof Education, Harvard University, Cambridge,MA.Mark W. Perlin, MD'84, of Pittsburgh, PA, researches artificial intelligence applications forclinical magnetic resonance imaging at the Pittsburgh NMR Institute.Edward Rigdon, MBA'84, won the 1986 Minnie C. Miles Award as outstanding graduate student in the College of Commerce and Business Administration at the University of Alabama,Tuscaloosa, AL, where he is working towards hisPh.D. in marketing. He was elected senior monitorof the Men's Honors Residence Program at the U.of A., giving him responsibility for recruiting, admissions, and building management.Victor M. Rosello, AM'84, completed an as-40 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1988The house on Main Street in Ste. Genevieve, MO, that Melburn Thurman restored after a fire haddestroyed much of it. Builtcirca 1810, it is one of the oldest frame structures in Missouri.Living the Life of anIndependent ScholarAs an independent scholar, MelburnD. Thurman, AB'65, manages to enjoy thepursuit of research without what he sees asthe encumbrance of academic politics. Hisneed to be independent, he says wryly, ispartly the fault of the education he received at the University of Chicago."If I had not been bred in the traditionof scholarship at Chicago," he said, "I'dbe doing considerably better financially."Thurman, an anthropologist, has spenthis career and much of his own money inprojects which he describes as "obscure, "at least as far as the rest of the world is concerned, but which he, as a scholar, felt deserved exploration.Recently, Thurman spent a six-monthfellowship at the Newberry Library's Her-mon Dunlap Smith Center for the Historyof Cartography, in Chicago. There, usingwhat he termed an "excellent" collection ofphotographs, manuscripts, and maps, heresearched the movement of North American Indian peoples in the eighteenth andnineteenth centuries. He hoped to shednew light upon the nature of the development of the Plains Indian cultures.When Thurman's fellowship ended inApril 1987, he did not go back to a university classroom or library, like many researchfellows. He went back to Ste. Genevieve,MO. How he arrived there has a lot to dowith Thurman's insistence upon the academic standards that he learned as an anthropology major in the College."Chicago spoiled me, " Thurman said,"in the sense that other places don't seemlike institutions of higher learning."Graduate school was relatively easyafter my experiences as an undergraduatehere," said Thurman, who received aPh.D. in anthropology in 1973 from the University of California at Santa Barbara."I was able to associate with some of themost eminent people in the field at thetime."Especially valuable was the fact thatundergraduates had a great deal of exposure to graduate students," he added."That was very important."Once he entered the academic jobmarket, Thurman didn't like what he saw.Unhappy with conditions at the University of Maryland, he resigned from a teaching position there in 1974. He subsequently took a one-year position at PurdueUniversity, then moved on to PrincetonUniversity for a three-year stay. Finally, hewent home."I decided that what I really wanted todo," Thurman recalled, "was to go back toMissouri, where I was born." That's whereSte. Genevieve, MO, comes in.Since at the time of his universityteaching Thurman specialized in thePlains Indians, he got interested in theEuropean presence in colonial NorthAmerica, and how it influenced the development of Indian culture in the Woodlands and Plains tribes. Ste. Genevieve offered an excellent base of operations forThurman's research.Founded by French traders in the middle of the eighteenth century, Ste. Genevieve is the oldest permanent settlement inthe state of Missouri. According to Thurman, it has the largest concentration of Colonial French architecture in the UnitedStates, with a score or more of buildingsthat probably date to that period. Ste.Genevieve held so much historical significance for Thurman that he wanted to liveand work there.In this town, population 4,400, Thur man had the beauty of the Mississippi River valley that surrounds it— from the fertilebottoms to the tree-covered bluffs— but healso had the problems of an independentscholar.In the late 1970s, he established theOld Missouri Research Institute, a not-for-profit organization that studied theFrench-English-Spanish occupation andits effects on the Indians in this region.Five years later, the institute folded for lackof funds.In 1983, he encountered another setback. Fire destroyed much of his home andoffice; the city of Ste. Genevieve demanded that Thurman tear down what remained. Thurman, arguing that thehouse, built circa 1810, was one of the oldest frame structures in the state, balked atthe city's demolition order. He insisted upon a complete restoration of the building.The subsequent legal battle cost Thurmanthousands of dollars, but he won the rightto restore the house.In his effort to execute the restorationin as scholarly and scientific a way as possible, Thurman learned masonry and didmuch of the carpentry himself, calling in aMelburn D. Thurmanprofessional carpenter to construct theroof. Fortunately, he had had experience inthis vein since he had already participatedin the restoration of other structures inthe area, including Ste. Genevieve'sBeckquette-Ribault house and FortKaskaskia, the Colonial French post atKaskaskia, IL. Thurman expects to complete restoration of his house this year.In December Thurman received a fellowship from the Harry Frank GuggenheimFoundation in New York City; it will allowhim to publish his research in a book,Prophetic Movements in War in Native NorthAmerica."I've taken scholarship too seriously, "Thurman concluded; but Thurman hasalso taken his scholarship back to itssource in the Mississippi River valley. So atnight in Ste. Genevieve, when he hearsnothing but the occasional horn's wailfrom barges as they pass by the levee below, he can blame that on the University ofChicago, too.signment as a special military assistant to the U.S.ambassador in San Salvador, El Salvador. He is attending the Command and General Staff Collegein Fort Leavenworth, KS.Douglas R. Sharps, JD'84. See 1977, Susan M.Griffin.Penelope Vilarica-Flores, PhD'84, is evaluation coordinator of the University's School Mathematics Project. She organized the third biennialNational Leadership Conference of the FilipinoAmerican Women Network in Chicago.Jeffrey W. Yingling, MBA 84, and his wife,Cindy, have moved back to Chicago. Jeffrey is anassociate in investment banking at the First BostonCorp.Betsy Becker, PhD'85, was on leave lastyear from her position as assistant professor at Michigan State University, East Lansing.Her dissertation won the 1986 American Educational Research Association's Outstanding Dissertation Award for empirical quantitative work,for which she received a $25,000 Spencer Foundation Fellowship from the National Academy ofEducation.Cyndy Chanenson, MBA 85, and Harold Robin, MBA'85, were married in 1986. They live in Dallas, TX.Randal H. Friedlander, MBA'85, is manager ofmarketing and sales for Century Adhesives Corp. ,Columbus, OH.Mitchell A. Harwood, JD'85, is an associatewith the New York law firm Davis, Polk &Ward well.Ken G. Kabira, AB'85, founded a Chicagobusiness in translation and consulting, servingcompanies and government institutions in theMidwest area.Robert G. Kester, AB'85, of Chicago, is a staffauditor for Illinois Marine Bank in Elmhurst, IL.Rebecca Koblick, AB'85, is a graduate studentin musiclogy at Duke University, Durham, NC.Laurent M. Levaux, MBA'85, is an associate ofthe Brussels, Belgium, office of McKinsey, Inc.,working on strategic and organization issues forleading French, Dutch, and Belgian companies.Karl P. Mueller, AB'85, and Michelle Ward,AB'85, were married in 1986. They are both graduate students at Princeton University, Princeton,NJ.Raymond Chin-Lei Ong, AB'85, is staff accountant in the San Jose, CA, office of Peat,Marwick, Mitchell & Co.Joan Spoerl, AB'85, is a development associate in the office of major and special gifts at theUniversity.Jill Marz Flamm, MBA'86, is a system design consultant for Illinois Bell TelephoneCo., Chicago.Grace Marie Frank, AM'86, of Lyndhurst, NJ,is a wire/copy editor for The North Jersey Herald andNews.Gretchen S. Gates> AB'86, is in her secondyear at Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA.James C. Jensen, MD'86, is an intern in the Department of Surgery at the University ofCalifornia-Los Angeles.Mark M. Kammerer, MBA'86, lives with hiswife and son in Minneapolis, MN, where he worksfor General Mills.Michelle Smith Levitin, AB'86, married JoelH. Levitin in 1986. Michelle is in medical school atthe University of Pennsylvania, where Joel, whostudies law at the University of Chicago, is a visiting student. They live in Philadelphia, PA.Phil Lortie, AB'86, lives in San Francisco, CA.Kevin G. McMurtry, AM'86, lives in Chicago.Thomas F.X. O'Mara, MBA'86, of Colts Neck,NJ, is associate for capital markets at ShearsonLehman Brothers.Ilese S. Meltzer, JD'86, of Chicago, is a real estate associate in the law firm of Rudnick & Wolfe,Chicago.Mark S. Pegors, AM'86, is a study skills coor dinator at an alternative junior high school in Minneapolis for children with behavioral difficulties.Andrew C. Pipa, MBA'86, trades new issuebonds in the syndicate department of SalomonBrothers International in London.Mark R. Polelle, AB'86, is a graduate studentin modern European history at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.Jill L. Rosenberg, JD'86, works for the NewYork law firm Baer, Marks & Upham.Brian P. Waldman, AB'86, MBA'87, works oncontracts and finance for Hughes Aircraft, CanogaPark, CA.DEATHSFACULTYJohn R. Esterly, professor of pathology, diedSeptember 25 at Bernard Mitchell Hospital. Hewas 54. Esterly joined the faculty as an assistantprofessor in 1968, became associate professor in1970 and was named professor in 1975. He alsoheld appointments in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the Committee on Developmental Biology. He served as chairman of theUndergraduate Research Committee and was amember of the College Council.Walter L.Hass, 76, professor emeritus of physical education and athletics and former Universityathletic director, died September 13 in Hender-sonville, NC. After fourteen years as football andtrack coach at Carleton College, Hass came to theUniversity in 1956 and served until his retirementin 1977. During that period, Hass revived the Maroon football program, which the University haddiscontinued in 1939. Hass founded the NationalAssociation of Collegiate Directors of Athletics.A. Baird Hastings, professor of biochemistryin the Department of Medicine from 1928 to 1935,died September 24 at the age of 91.Arnaldo Momigliano, 78, a historian who hadwritten extensively on Greek, Roman and Jewishhistory, died September 2 in Central MiddlesexHospital, London. Momigliano was the Alexander White Visiting Professor in Classical Languages and Literatures, History and the Committee on Social Thought. He had received a fellowship in June from the John D. and Catherine T.Mac Arthur Foundation. The ^imes of Londondescribed him as "the most learned and the mostuniversal historian of his age."STAFFJean Whitton Haskin, X'61, former programdirector for the Office of Alumni Relations, diedSeptember 19 in her Evanston, IL, home at the ageof 56.Kate Larimore Turabian, former dissertationssecretary and editor of official publications at theUniversity, died October 25 at the age of 94. HerManual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, published by the University of ChicagoPress, is one of the most widely read stylebooks ondissertations.THE CLASSES1910-1919Frances B. Pendley, PhB'14, December 1986.Beryl Parker, PhB '16, July.Evangeline E. Stenhouse, PhB'16, MD'32, July.Elizabeth Edwards, PhB '17, July. Gina Costa Zachman, AM'86, and her husband, Randall, have a son, John Alex. They live inSt. Paul, MN.Laurie Neumann Buell, MBA'87, and JohnBuell, MBA 84, of Chicago, were married inSeptember. John is a corporate finance analyst forSears, Roebuck & Co., and Laurie is a systems consultant for Arthur Andersen & Co.Judith Panko-Reis, AM'87, and her husband,Sheldon, of Chicago, have a son, Lewis AndrewReis.Emmanuel Roman, MBA'87, of Chicago, doesresearch for Goldman, Sachs & Co.Marion G. Miller, PhB '17, December 1986.Paul Grossman, PhB'18, September.Florence K. Slifer, PhB'18, September.Hanson Harts, X'19, December 1986.Edith Tasker Tapper, PhB '19, July.1920-1929Florence Elder de Roover, PhB'20, AM'23,PhD'30, September.Katharine J. Reynolds Hertz, PhB'20, September1986.Paul G. Annes, PhB'21, JD'23, July.Mary Alice Woolston Moore, PhB'21,November 1986.Vera E. Pence, PhB'21, June.Lillian Taylor Flitch, AM'22, March.Marion S. Lewis, X'22, June.Dorothy Buttolph Martin, X'22, April.Ethel Stalter, PhB'22, June.E. Riley Campbell, LLB'23, July.James F. Findlay, AM'23, July.Grace M. Hyman, SB'23, September 1986.Harold W. Lewis, PhB'23, August.Robert L. McCormick, PhB'23, July.RuthM. Schmalhausen, PhB'23, June.A. R. Van Cleave, AM'23, September.Helen Tieken Geraghty, SB'24, AM'29, August.Josephine Walker Granquist, PhB '24,November 1986.Richard E. Lentz, AM'24, June.Martha A. McCormick, PhB'24, SM'26, July.Louis J. Stirling, SB'24, May.Anna Zaloha, PhB'24, June.Arthur J. Frentz, PhB'25, October 1986.Julia Hoffman Langhenry, X'25, October.Nannette Wood Peacocke, PhB'25, August.Gladys A. Renshaw, AM'25, June.Carolyn Strauss Alschuler, PhB'26, September.Zenobia Laws Baxter, PhB'26, August.Richard A. Day, X'26, July 1986.Alfred H. Holt, AM'26, August.George F. Sammons, JD'26, February 1987.Susan Sims Coffin, X'27, January 1987.Marsile J. Hughes, JD'27, August.Helen Tanner Provinse, PhB'27, June.Andrew J. Townsend, PhD'27, April.Melvin L. Welke, PhB'27, May.RaybornL. Zerby, DB'27, PhD'30, July.Ida Lewis Herschberg, PhB'28.Carl Robart, MAT'28, September.Mary Foster Abrahamson, PhB '29, July.Callie Mae Williams Coons, PhD'29, August.James C. Gray, PhD'29, July.Harris E. Johnson, X'29, August.Frank R. Mayo, SB'29, PhD'31, October.Muriel Ferguson Miller, PhB '29, July.Marjory J. Sturtevant, X'29, August.Louise Scala Snodgrass Udell, SB'29, June.1930-1939Ellis E. Busse, X'30, X'31, October.42 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1988H. George De Kay, SM'30, July.Chester B. Fisk, AM'30, August.Daniel H. Schulze, PhD'30, August.Edmund A. Searing, SB'30, September.Lucile Alger Johnson, PhB'31, January 1987.Russel B. Swensen, AM'31, PhD'34, July.Eleanora M. Wickstrom, PhB'31, September.Bryan H. Jacques, JD'32, July.Benedict Mayers, PhB'32, June.Joseph S. Schick, AM'32, PhD'37, February 1987.Donald A. Wallace, PhD'32, July.Dorothy Curnock, SB'33, AM'42, September.Jui-Wu Kuan, AM'33, March 1986.Timothy F. Sullivan, PhB'33, February 1987.David N. McQuiddy, AM'34, September.Robert H. Overstreet, AB'34, July.Gwen Evans Skelton, X'34.Charles R. Wilson, PhD'34, December 1986.Oscar T. Backlund, AM'35, June.Charles J. Frankel, MD'35, July.Paul Kitch, JD'35, October.Alex Ladenson, AM'35, PhD'38, August.Katherine Allport Norwood, AM'35, May.Signe Pearson, SB'35, January 1987.Thomas P. Powers, JD'35, July.Waldemar A. Solf, AB'35, JD'37, June.John P. Fox, MD'36, PhD'36, September.Luanne Meagher, PhD'36, October 1986.Ewald B. Nyquist, SB'36, July.Paul C. P. Siu, AB'36, PhD'53, June.Lester J. Antler, AB'37, November 1986.Dorothy Odenheimer Bridaham, AM'37, August.Dorothy Baker Kaplan, AB'37, June.Philleo.Nash, PhD'37, October.Paul Parker, AM'37, August. Murray Sanders, MD'37, June.Georganna Tucker, X'37.Virginia A. Stephenson, X'38.Robert A. Wagoner, AM'38, July.Jeanne Musham Biggert, AB'39, July.Robert H. Klawans, SB'39, August.C. Melvin Philbrick, AM'39, June.1940-1949Helen M. Meier, MBA'40, April.Millard B. Rogers, AM'40, PhD'65, August.Clara V. Skidmore, AB'40.Dorothy E. Watson, MBA'40, PhD'52, October.Albert S. Nichols, PhD'41, February 1987.Gerard Herrbach, X'42, July.Miriam Norris, X'42, July.Dorothy Montgomery Dowdall, X'44, July.Marjorie Tompkins Wright, SB'44, June.Helen Rutledge Thome, AB'45, August.Thekla V. James, AM'46, September.Loretta M. Jans, SM'46, July.Theodore C. Mercer, X'46, May 1986.Jane Arnold Rossi, BLS'46, August.Josephine Carrow Cole, X'47, June.John Edward Guy, PhB'47, June.Thelma Eaton, PhD'48, July.Robert F. Kline, PhB'48, July.Louis J. Battan, SM'49, PhD'53, October 1986.Raymond E. Blomstedt, JD'49, July.Albert Elias, AM'49, April.James E. Fasules, MBA'49, August.Milton F. Tucker, AB'49, August.1950-1959Opal M. Boston, AM'50, July. Avrom B. Green, JD'50, February 1986.Matthew Dillon, AB'51, July.NanC. Murphy, X'51.William E. Fields, AM'55, September.Abbas Kessel, PhD'56, September.John Daniel Reid, PhD'56, July.William D. Larson, SB'57, February 1987.Aldus S. Mitchell, Jr., JD'58, June.John T. Snow, Jr., MBA'58, June.Barbara Fischman Wagonfeld, AB'58, August.1960-1969Lawrence W. Adkins, SB'61, July.Robert V. Goldstein, MBA 61, August.Haakon B. Groseth, MBA' 63, March.Robert A. Schaden, AM'63, January 1987.William F. Hay es, X '64, July.John B. Spencer, AM'64, PhD'66, April.Horst J. Zahn, MBA'67, May 1986.Constance Nichols Gengenbach, AM'68, PhD'75,September.1970-1979Dominic P. Cannon, MBA'70, October.Peter J. Meehan, AB'70, January 1987.Audrey Dowling Smith, PhD'72, July.Robert E. Murray, AM'73, June.Curt L. Christiansen, AB'75, MD'79, July.Deborah Rabinowitz, PhD'75, August.Frank James Rubinic, MBA'75, September.Kern H. Tyler, MBA'75, July.1980-Albert J. Cross, Jr., PhD'84, July.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONm -a- Travel and Learn with Facultyand Alumni FriendsANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS OF THE NEW WORLDMay 10-22, 1988Step back in time and discover the great civilizations of Mesoamerica —the Aztec, Mayan and Toltec. Begin in Mexico City and travel to thegreat pyramids of the Sun and Moon at the Aztec ceremonial center ofTeotihuacan. Then embark on the privately chartered llliria and visit thefamous Mayan sites of Palenque and Uxmal on the Yucatan Peninsula.Examine the Toltec inscriptions of Chichen Itza and make an excursioninto the Peten jungle to the awesome Mayan city of Tikal.THE MARITIME PROVINCES: EXPLORING CANADA'SHISTORIC SHORESJune 9-18, 1988Join us aboard the llliria as she cruises the Maritime Provinces, calling atsome of Canada's most important historic sites. Wander the streets ofLoyalist Saint John, New Brunswick and explore the massive Citadel inHalifax, Nova Scotia. Sail across the Bras d'Or to Alexander GrahamBell's home in Baddeck and voyage up the dramatic Saguenay RiverFjord. Then discover French Canada in two of North America's mostcosmopolitan cities — Montreal and Quebec.For additional information about these educational opportunities withthe University of Chicago Alumni Association, contact:Amy Goerwitz, Assistant Director for Travel Services,UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONRobie House, 5757 Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60637(312) 753-1101BOOKS by AlumniArnold K. King, AM '27, PhD '51, The Multi-campus University of North Carolina Comes of Age,1956-1986 (University of North Carolina at ChapelHill). King is vice-president at the University ofNorth Carolina at Chapel Hill.Frank Ziegler Glick, AM'30, PhD'39, TheyCame to the Smoky Hill: History of Three Generations(Sunflower University Press). Glick tells the storyof his family's westward migration in the lateeighteenth century and their life in Junction City,KS. Glick is professor emeritus at the University ofIowa, Iowa City.William Kir-Stimon, PhB'32, editor, Psychotherapy and the Memorable Patient (Haworth Press).Kir-Stimon practices psychotherapy in Floss-moor, IL.George E. Reedy, AB'38, The Twilight of the Presidency: From Johnson to Reagan, revised edition (NewAmerican Library). This book analyzes and describes the past causes, present realities, and potentially disastrous consequences of the presentstate of the executive office. Reedy, former specialassistant to President Lyndon Johnson, is theNeiman Professor of Journalism at Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI.Dietrich C. Reitzes, AM'41, PhD'50, andDonald C. Reitzes, The Alinsky Legacy: Alive and Kicking (Jai Press, Inc.). This book explores the ongoing significance and applications of the principlesand strategies of community organization as setforth by the late Saul D. Alinsky, PhB'30. DietrichReitzes is professor emeritus of sociology atRoosevelt University, Chicago.Thomas Meade Harwell, Jr., AM'47, editor,The English Gothic Novel: A Miscellany (UniversitatSalzburg). This four- volume comparative miscellany includes a selection of critiques of the principal English Gothic novels, 1764-1824. Harwell,professor emeritus at Arkansas State University,lives in Austin, TX.Miriam Baraks Greenblatt, X'48, Human Heritage, second edition (Charles E. Merrill PublishingCompany). A junior high school world historytext. Greenblatt, president of Creative Textbooks,lives in Evanston, IL.Jack W. Pearson, PhB'48, Metrication: ManagingIndustrial Transition (American Society for Testingand Materials). This is an account of institutionaland industrial policies and procedures in managing the transition from the English system of measurement units to the international system ofunits. Pearson is president of Lehrer-Pearson,Inc., Pleasanton, CA.Albert L. Weeks, AM'49, with Herbert I. London, Myths That Rule America, second edition (University Press of America). As editor, Brassey'sBookofSoviet and Communist Quotations (Pergamon-BrasseyInternational Defense Publishers). Weeks, a professor at New York University, also is internationalsecurity editor of The New York Tribune.John Friedmann, AM'51, PhD'55, Planning inthe Public Domain: From Knowledge to Action (Princeton University Press). Friedmann addresses a central question of Western political theory: how, andto what extent, history can be guided by reason. Inthis treatment of the relation of knowledge to action, which he calls planning, he traces the majorintellectual traditions of planning thought andpractice. Friedmann is professor of planning at theUniversity of California at Los Angeles.David Ray, AB'52, AM'57, Sam's Book (Wesley-an University Press). This collection is comprisedof elegies and other poems dedicated to the memory of Ray's son Sam, who was killed at nineteen inan accident. Ray has taught at the University ofMissouri-Kansas City, and in 1987, was an exchange professor at the University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. He is founding editor ofNew Letters, as well as the creator of "New Letters, "a National Public Radio program devoted topoetry.Lester G. Telser, AM'53, PhD'56, A Theory of Efficient Cooperation and Competition (Cambridge University Press). Telser is professor of economics atthe University of Chicago.Edward M. Bruner, PhD'54, and Victor W.Turner, editors, The Anthropology of Experience (University of Illinois Press). Fourteen authors explorehow many people actually experience their culture and how those experiences are expressed informs as varied as narrative, literary work, theater,carnival, ritual, reminiscence, and life review.Bruner is professor of anthropology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.William C. Hillman, X'54, Documenting SecuredTransactions: Problem Avoidance and Effective Drafting(Practising Law Institute) . This book compiles andanalyzes the cases that deal with loan documentation problems under the Uniform CommercialCode. Also Commercial Loan Documentation, secondedition (Practising Law Institute). Hillman practices law with the firm Strauss, Factor, Hillmanand Lopes, Providence, RI.Robert O. Byrd, PhD'55, Decision at Richmond,1788: A Play Based on the Record of the Constitutional Ratification Convention in Virginia (World without WarPublications). This play includes the actualspeeches of James Madison, who favored ratification, and Patrick Henry, who opposed it. Byrd,professor emeritus of political science at NorthPark College and Theological Seminary, Chicago,lives in Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada.Richard G. Stevens, AM'56, PhD'63, Frankfurter and Due Process (University Press of America).This volume reexamines the relation between thedue process clause of the Fourteenth Amendmentand the Bill of Rights through the Supreme Courtand off-Supreme Court works of Felix Frankfurter,who led one of two contending views. Stevensteaches in the Department of Government atGeorgetown University, Washington, DC.George Macesich, PhD '58, Monetary Policyand Rational Expectations (Praeger and Greenwood)and Debt: Myth and Reality (August Cesarec).Macesich is professor at Florida State University,Tallahassee.Mary Ann Glendon, AB'59, JD'61, MCL'63,Abortion and Divorce in Western Law (Harvard University Press). In this study of abortion and divorcelaw in twenty Western nations, Glendon sees eachcountry's laws as part of a symbol-creating systemthat yields a distinctive portrait of individuals, human life, and relations between men and women,parents and children, families and larger communities. Glendon is professor of law at HarvardLaw School, Cambridge, MA.Gerrit J. tenZythoff, AM'61, PhD'67, Sources ofSecession: The Netherlands Reformed Church on the Eve ofthe Dutch Migration to the Midwest (Eerdmans). Thisbook appeared as number seventeen in the Historical Series of the Reformed Church in America.TenZythoff is on a sabbatical leave from SouthwestMissouri State University, Springfield, MO,where he is professor of religious studies.Richard Younker, AB'63, Our Chicago, Faces andVoices of the City (Chicago Review Press). Photographs and accompanying monologues of Chica-goans with a rough edge to their lives: fromironworkers to street gang leaders, from tugboatpilots to precinct captains. Younker is a free-lancephoto journalist in Chicago.Jeffrey C. Robinson, AM'65, Radical Literary Education (University of Wisconsin Press). Robinsonis chairman of the English department at the Uni versity of Colorado, Boulder.Rosalind Shoshana Silberman, MST'65, AFamily Haggadah: In Every Generation (Kar-BenPress). This version of the Haggadah (the table liturgy for the Passover seder) includes transliterations and nonsexist translations of Hebrew blessings and songs. Silberman is educational directorof The Jewish Center, Princeton, NJ.Cheri Register, AB'67, AM'68, PhD'73, Livingwith Chronic Illness: Days of Patience and Passion (TheFree Press of Macmillan, Inc.). Drawing on herown experiences and those of thirty other peoplewith ongoing diseases, Register explains the subtleties and sorrows of their lives. Register, a writer,lecturer, and educational consultant, lives in Minneapolis, MN.Mervin Daub, MBA 68, PhD '71, Canadian Economic Forecasting: In a World Where All's Unsure(McGill-Queen's Press). This book examines therole of economic forecasting in human affairs using the history, present structure, accuracy, andsocial usefulness of the economic forecasting industry in Canada as a case in point. Daub is professor of business economics in the School of Business at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario,Canada.Barbara Heldt, PhD'68, Terrible Perfection: Women and Russian Literature (Indiana University Press).Heldt argues that the heroines of Russian womenwriters differ from those in the fictions of Russianmen and are to be found outside that novelistic tradition, particularly in the genres of autobiographyand lyric poetry. Heldt teaches Russian and comparative literature at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia.Eastwood Atwater, PhD'69, Adolescence, second edition (Prentice Hall) and Psychology of Adjustment: Personal Growth in a Changing World, third edition (Prentice Hall) . Atwater teaches and practicespsychology in the Philadelphia area.Nina Rattner Gelbart, AM'69, PhD'74, Feminine and Opposition Journalism in Old Regime France: LeJournal des Dames (University of CaliforniaPress) . Gelbart is associate professor at OccidentalCollege, Los Angeles.Michael Craig Hillmann, AM'69, PhD'74, ALonely Woman: Forugh Farrokhzad and Her Poetry(Three Continents Press). This is the first book-length study of Forugh Farrokhzad, the most famous female literary figure in Iranian history andthat country's most popular twentieth century poet. Hillmann is professor of Persian at the University of Texas at Austin.James E. Burk, MBA 70, Pension Plan Management Manual (Warren, Gorham & Lamont, Inc.).This book focuses on designing, operating, andadministering the pension plan and on investment manager selection and monitoring techniques. Burk is chief financial officer of H . D. Hudson Manufacturing Company, Chicago.Terry Heller, AM'70, PhD'73, The Delights ofTerror: An Aesthetics of the Tale of Terror (University ofIllinois Press). Utilizing the reader-response andpsychoanalytic theories of Wolfgang Iser, TzvetanTodorov, Jacques Lacan, and Norman Holland,Heller explores how and why readers experienceterror in fiction. Heller is associate professor ofEnglish at Coe College, Cedar Rapids, IA.Judith D. Kaufman, AB'70, AM'72, PhD'78,associate editor with Pamela D. Elkind-Savatsky,Differential Social Impacts of Rural Resource Development(Westview Press). This collection of essays assesses the social impact of rural development projects. The authors develop a cultural model basedon theories of political economy and apply thatmodel to a consideration of such factors as language, economics, geography, religion, and cul-44 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1988tural patterns of domination. Kaufman is associate professor of English at Eastern WashingtonUniversity, Cheney.Francis A. Boyle, AB'71, Defending Civil Resistance under International Law (Transnational Publishers, Inc.). Boyle presents the defenses availableunder international law to those arrested fornonviolent civil disobedience, explains how tointroduce these defenses into American judicialproceedings, and suggests legal and political strategies in contemplating resort to nonviolentprotest. Boyle is professor of international andcriminal law at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.Ruth W. Grant, AB'71, AM'75, PhD'84, JohnLocke's Liberalism (University of Chicago Press).Grant analyzes Locke's Two Treatises as a systematicdemonstration of liberal principles of right andpower and grounds it in the epistemology set forthin Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding.Grant is assistant professor of political science atDuke University, Durham, NC.Mark Johnson, AM'72, PhD'77, The Body in theMind: The Bodily Basis of Meaning, Imagination, and Reason (University of Chicago Press). This book explores the ways that meaning, understanding,and rationality arise from and are conditioned bythe patterns of our bodily experience. Johnson isassociate professor of philosophy at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.Harriet Engel Gross, PhD'74, and Naomi Ger-stel, editors, Families and Work (Temple UniversityPress). Emphasizing gender inequality in the pastand present, this book analyzes the connectionsbetween work and family that produce conflict athome and in the marketplace. Gross is UniversityProfessor of Sociology at Governor's State University, University Park, IL.Francis B. Harrold, AM'74, PhD'78, and Raymond A. Eve, editors, Cult Archaeology and Crea-tionism: Understanding Pseudoscientific Beliefs about thePast (University of Iowa Press). The contributingauthors, specialists in anthropology, sociology,psychology, and history, concern themselves lesswith refuting such unsupported beliefs as crea-tionism, "ancient astronauts," and "psychic archaeology," than with understanding who accepts them and why. Harrold is associateprofessor of anthropology at the University of Texas at Arlington.Jerome Smith, PhD'75, and Franklin I. Miroff,You're Our Child: The Adoption Experience (MadisonBooks). This book addresses the psychological issues of parties on all three sides of the adoption triangle (adoptees, adoptive parents, and birth parents). Smith is associate professor at the IndianaUniversity School of Social Work, Indianapolis.Holliday T. Day, AM'79, and HollisterSturges, Art of the Fantastic: Latin America, 1920-1987(Indiana University Press) . This catalog of an Indianapolis Museum of Art (IMA) exhibition exploresthe extensive use of fantastic imagery by LatinAmerican painters. Day is curator of contemporary art for the IMA.Gabrielle Brochsztejn Brenner, PhD'81, andReuven Brenner, Rivalry: In Business, Science, amongNations (Cambridge University Press). GabrielleBrenner teaches at the Ecole des Hautes EtudesCommerciales, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.James F. Moore, PhD'82, Sexuality and Marriage(Augsburg Publishing House). Moore shows howindividualism and self-satisfaction are replacingtraditional Christian values of love and self-giving. He recovers the meaning of divine love inthe biblical images of covenant and servanthood,building a Christian foundation for healthy andrewarding marriages. Moore teaches in the Department of Theology at Valparaiso University,Valparaiso, IN.William Lehr, MBA'84, Shrinking (MercuryHouse). This is Lehr's first novel. Lehr, of Chicago,is vice president and treasurer for the Cancer Consulting Group, Inc., Evanston, IL. S LETTERSContinued from inside front coverminded on the subject of religion, Karl'spiece tastes like "enriched" (i.e., impoverished) bread. If his secularistic revisionismdominates the preparation and celebration,count me out: I don't eat Wonder Bread.Look what Karl leaves out:1. All of the University's early presidents were clergy.2. And biblical scholars.3. And Baptists, in the Baptist radicaltradition of intellectual freedom overagainst oppressive church and state.They were in the direct line of JohnBunyan, champion of free speech, andJohn Milton, champion of freedom ofthe press, and the Virginia Baptistswhom Jefferson credited with being thema j or factor in the Virginia bill of rights,which is in direct line with our Federalbill of rights. I hope our university'scentennial does not miss the opportunity to trace the thread of the school'sethos back to the First Amendment,noting that the thread is Baptist. (No— Iam not a Baptist.)4. The generative core of the Universitywas the Divinity School, from whichHarper launched American higher education's first extensive effort in wall-less continuing education.5 . The curriculum for this wall-less program was entirely religious— indeed,entirely biblical; indeed, at first, entirely the languages of the Bible. This wasan extension of what Baptist Harperwas doing when Baptist Rockefellerpersuaded him to start our university.6. While our university was more creation than emergent, the preparedground was the theological seminaryChicago Baptists began in 1866.Distorting history, Karl substitutespragmatism for religion as our university'staproot. It reminds me of public-school history texts that deprive our children and distort their understanding.Willis Elliott, PhD '54Craigville, MASECULARSEMANTICSEditor:In Martin Marty's article on SecularHumanism (SUMMER/87), he attributes theinvention of the term in part to my father,Professor Leo Pfeffer. Your readers may beinterested in a fuller account.My father first used the term "secularhumanism" in his book Creeds in Competition(1958), where it is included in a treatment ofreligious conflict among Protestantism, Ca tholicism, and Judaism. He explained thathe was using the term simply to includethose unaffiliated with organized religions,not as a specifically nontheistic movement.In 1961 my father represented the plaintiff in Torasco v. Watkins, an atheist who waschallenging the constitutionality of a Maryland law forbidding anyone to be a notarypublic who would not take an oath that he orshe believed in God. Although Torasco'smain argument was that the statute was a religious test for public office and an establishment of religion, my father also noted in hisbrief that there were some religions that didnot posit a personal deity, such as Buddhismand Ethical Culture. He did not mention secular humanism. However, two briefs submitted to the Supreme Court on behalf ofpersons supporting Torasco, one from theAmerican Humanist Association and onefrom a coalition of Jewish and Unitarian organizations, elaborated on this argumentand specifically identified secular humanism as another nondeistic religion. The Supreme Court combined these sources into afootnote and so popularized the idea of a"religion of secular humanism" . . .Alan Pfeffer, AB'64Brooklyn, NYEditor:I agree with Martin Marty that thephrase "secular humanism" as recentlyused in court proceedings regarding publicschool curriculum contents is ill-defined.Practically the phrase, as Marty suggests, isdefined negatively, by what it is not.The conclusion to be drawn is that loosely secular humanism means sources of moral attitudes, emotional connections towardexistence in general that are not derivablefrom or at least not derived from the traditional, authoritarian use of a holy writ, especially the Bible of Judeo-Christian historyand philosophy.I disagree that legal definition only canclarify what precisely secular humanism encompasses descriptively and uniquely andthat one must wait for the cumbersome legalprocesses to generate a descriptive and/oroperational definition or for that process tosimply abandon the controversies that couldgive rise to a definition.The secular religion of the greatphilosopher-sociologist Auguste Comte fitsperfectly the target of defining the contemporary American images of the phrase "secular humanism."Comte felt the need to replace theauthority of revelation by the authority ofreason...Comte does not exclude from his well-defined secular humanism what he couldconsider authentic religious sources ofsome all-too-human ideals and ideas ofmorality. . .I think that suspicion of the Christian45witness as an authentic source of democraticauthority is still very much alive today. . .William P. Murphy, AB'50, AB'62ChicagoEditor:" Secular Humanism : the Religion of" byMartin E. Marty [SUMMER/87] seems to meto be too superficial an article to merit inclusion in a University of Chicago magazine.He downplays the obvious point that therehas been a pervasive movement to ignore belief in a creator God in most textbooks andnews media. Moreover, he refuses to dealwith this movement in other than a superficial way while he quibbles about dictionarydefinitions.We humans need a name to describe aphenomena, whether it be a new subatomicparticle or a social movement. When no existing name seems convenient, we invent anew one or give a new definition to an oldname. Sometimes we combine terms, as in"Secular Humanism." Such naming procedures are valid in most professions, and alsoin the social sciences. Certainly "The Humanist Manifesto" gives credence to such aterm. The combination of words are alsosensible, if the term "secular" is understoodto exclude God when combined with "humanism." "Humanism" also here is indicative of worship of human activity as opposedto animism or polytheism, for instance.In pushing his thesis to deny that thereis such a religion as Secular Humanism, hefails to present any real research results. Asimple statistical study of newspapers ortextbooks would show a bias for acceptingalmost any scientifically absurd idea if it isclothed in the antitheistic idea of evolution.It would also reveal an almost total absenceof any theistic assumptions of any kind,never mind sectarian influence . . .Dr. Marty admits that persons need nottravel under the banner of "Secular Humanism" to exist. Actually the contrary is true:such a banner or public espousal is still sounpopular that it would be a liability to anyone who is really inclined to pursue its philosophy. Is this really done in practice? Ofcourse it is. We need only examine the fruitto determine what kind of tree we are dealing with.Is antitheism a religion? It is a philosophy openly pursued in classrooms for decades. It is just as useful to treat it as a religionas it is to call Buddhism a religion. As a theologian, Dr. Marty should be aware of JesusChrist's assertion, "whoever is not for me isagainst me." Why let such a philosophy thattreats with religion and which oppresses religion, continue to avoid legal action on thegrounds that it is not a religion?The ideas of Secular Humanism areaimed at our youth, who are not yet matureenough to deal with clever sophistry. Theidea that Secular Humanism does not exist in practice is also aimed at the naive and credulous. I strongly suggest that you publish moresocially useful articles in the future.M. Duane Satterlee, MBA'67Woodridge, ILEditor:Professor Marty. ..creates the impression that Secular Humanism is an elusiveand ill-defined concept that really hardly exists. Judge Hand's ruling that certain Alabama school books tend to promote SecularHumanism and must be removed couldhardly be upheld if they were advocating anonexistent "religion."It is not hard to see that we in Americahave an increasingly secular society. Therevolution of the late 1960s, often aided andinspired by academia, went far to finish offour society's standards. Any attempt to reestablish what we used to think of as Judeo-Christian "decency" finds the ACLU andPeople for the American Way (sic) in opposition. This may well be Secular Humanism(though not so labelled) in action.Our school principals and teachersshake in their boots when anyone mentions"religion." Teachers who bring in a Bible toread during lunch are reprimanded, or evenfired! Students note the difference betweentheir family's attitude of high respect for religion, and the school's anathema to it, andare puzzled. We are creating a dangerousvoid among our youth.The fact is, however, that there is a tradition of Secular Humanism that has threadedthrough our children's textbooks for morethan a century, and increasingly so intomodern times. One has only to read schoolbooks of the 1800s to see how extensive thattransition has been.Finally, Secular Humanism is real and adeadly enemy that has stealthily made major inroads of which most people are unaware. I believe that if it succeeds widely, theLord God will crush America . . .Jay P. Dawley, SM'48McLean, VABLOOM'S MINDREVISITEDEditor:I was highly pleased to see a real book,one featuring genuine thought and analysis,make its way to the top of the best-seller listthis past summer. I refer of course to AllanBloom's The Closing of the American Mind (excerpted in the SUMMER/87 issue). Keepingin mind my admiration for ProfessorBloom's work and my agreement with hisconcept of education, I wish to offer a fewsharp words of criticism:"Professor Bloom, you blame much ofthe destruction of American education onthe students of the 1960s. The notion that education was just a means to make money was already in place in the 1950s. We, the students of the 1960s and early 1970s, were notsatisfied with that notion. We wanted morefrom our education."We revolted. We demanded 'relevant'courses. We were seeking something moreand, with no one to tell us what sort of education to seek, we concocted our ownscheme. Our suggestions, like our revolt,were sophomoric . . ."The disaster was not that we revolted—our intentions were the best. The disasterwas that we were not given what we wanted— a real education— but what we asked for, apoorly formulated series of demands. . .". . . It is not our fault we knew so littlewhat to ask for. The fault goes to our teachers, those who would rather follow us inour post-adolescent meanderings thandirect us.". . . But now, as you discuss the hardtimes of American education, do not attackthe one generation that wanted somethingmore. Save your attacks for those who choseto provide trifles for our whims rather thanoffer us the education we wanted andneeded."Gale Price, AM'76Washington, PAEditor:Allan Bloom, in The Closing of the AmericanMind, uses broad concepts like self, culture,values, which can confuse readers like me, ascientist used to more sharply defined concepts such as mass, equilibrium, energy. Heplugs Max Weber's dictum that reason cannot establish values, yet he spends 371 pageson reasoning! I think I understand the concept self; Bloom overlooks the use of otherpeople to define one's self. For instance, anAmerican friend of mine was head engineeron construction of a large chemical plant inSaudi Arabia. He resigned two years beforethe plant was finished because he didn't likethe living conditions there. I wouldn't dothat, and this defines part of my self (soul).Also, I've known several outstanding scientists, including the late Enrico Fermi [C. H.Swift Distinguished Service Professor ofphysics], whom I met around 1950 whileteaching at the University. Like many others, I revered Fermi, who had a set of reasoned values, including the good of scienceteaching (even Chicago sophomores) . WhileI was there during Hutchins's College plan,the University of Chicago certainly was notdivided into little cubicles of art, humanities, languages, biology, chemistry, physics,and astronomy. Maybe it has changed.Bloom disparages university scientistswith narrow research interests based onself-aggrandizement. I would refer him toother heroes with broad interests like the astronomer Otto Struve [PhD'23, the late Andrew MacLeish Distinguished Service Professor of astronomy and director of Yerkes46 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1988Come Back ToWhere It All Began: "The Inner City, the Underclass, and Public Policy"Panel discussion featuring Professor William Julius Wilson; ElijahAnderson, AM 72; Irwin Garfinkel, AM '67; and Margaret MaryWeir, PhD '86"The Closing of the American Mind"Professor Allan Bloom, PhB '49, AM '53, PhD '55, speaks his mindTours of the campus and neighborhood, including Universitygalleries and museumsMotet Choir concert in Bond ChapelCandlelight Dinner and Awards CeremonySpecial receptions for alumni of five major Residence HallsFraternity reunions and Interfraternity SingClass Reunions for the College Classes of '28, '33, '38,'48, '53, '63, '68, 78, and '83Observatory] at Chicago, the chemist JamesConant at Harvard, and the physicistEdward Harrison at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, whose new book Darkness at Night (Harvard University Press)traces the development of broad scientificconcepts from Epicurus to Einstein— asthought-provoking as Bloom's book. . .In my twenty-two years of college teaching, I have often urged the inclusion of science in humanities courses, avoiding theseparation Bloom deplores. After all, menhave puzzled over scientific problems aswell as politics and the arts all through recorded history. With a few exceptions, thehumanists turned me down.Thornton PageHouston, TXEditor:Allan Bloom's penetrating study of theills of education recognizes the symptoms;but his Great Books cure is fatally flawed.What happened in the 1960s and 1970s wasnot simply the defection from traditionaltruths and values but rather the worthy affirmation of a subjectivity in learning over acomplacent objectivity. That the process became unhinged speaks to the naivete withwhich we embraced the former and scornedthe latter. Our current problem is enormous,and it requires much more than pleading wewere right all along before Nietzsche andWeber. I do remember that T. S. Eliot, whenhe was told that the then new Great Bookscompendium contained the Truths of theages, wondered if it might not contain theirErrors also. We are, after all, engaged in trying to untie ourselves from three-quarters ofa century of unspeakable slaughter, and wefind ourselves now facing a prodigious demand for technological and informationalservices and inventions, for ubiquitous entertainment of every degree of sophistication, and for all-pervasive political powerbrokering. If this demand seems removedfrom what is aesthetically, philosophically,and mythologically interesting and important in the older sense, then it simply portends a new and dreadful, albeit imaginative, ethos of pure immediacy. But weshould not allow that.Any new effort at curriculum change forcollege education need not yield to nor eschew Jacques Derrida's "deconstruction"(or, for old timers, John Dewey's [professorand head of the Department of Philosophyfrom 1894 to 1904, and director of the Schoolof Education] "reconstruction"). But a newconstruction should emphasize learning experience directed toward subjectively understanding our individuality, or the self(objectively, freedom); our community, orsociety (objectively, justice); and our method, or mind (objectively, reason). [AlfredNorth] Whitehead would have approvedthat formulation. These attentions should not be diffused into an obtuse expectationthat they emerge of themselves by exposureto great works selected in a conventional orientation toward the categorical humanities,natural sciences, and social sciences. It simply doesn't work that way. . .Denis Cowan, AM'42, PhD'60Santa Monica, CAEditor:Alleluia! on your SUMMER/87 edition.The wording on the cover and the theme"The Closing of the American Mind" are superb. The words are the expected "laid-back," objective, professional style— but infact they scream for all who will listen: JohnDewey's formula for public education is anabject failure. It promotes intellectualgrowth; wisdom it ignores. Intelligencewithout wisdom is society's road to chaos.The context of your magazine's articlepoints to the plethora of schools at all universities—each studying intensely and carefully specific subjects. Mindful of the snidedefinition of an expert, it would seem thatsociety now knows more and more aboutless and less until soon will we know everything about nothing.Permit me to suggest that the Universityof Chicago do something about it— add onone more school, the School of Humanity.Lead society into recognizing that humanity(in the aggregate and the individual) is acreated life— dependent on outside sourcesfor its existence— and with the inherent obligation (and privilege) to relate to all otherforms of life. Call that outside source whatyou will— God, Life, Allah, or a great bang inthe sky.Robert B. Scott, MBA'59Miami, FLEditor:Not having read his entire book, I don'tknow if Bloom addresses the actions of"liberal"-fascist faculty and students (likeAmy Carter). The American universitymind has been closed indeed: to anythought or discussion that is not certified as"liberal," radical, or Marxist. Many of ouryoung people are not only not getting a liberal arts education, they are being bombardedwith anti- American, antireligious, and leftist propaganda . That is the real scandal of ac-ademia today.John F. Rayfield, MBA' 61Dover, DEEditor:Recent publicity concerning the lack ofcontent in American education has resurrected my old frustrations as a Hutchins College student. The time spent on teachingbright students to think was misappropriated at too great expense to the wondersof content. For me, content did not measureup to the greatness of the University where as in graduate school the critical approachand content were so remarkably blended.This reinforced my sentiment that the Hut-chins College was a mistake. . .. . . Perhaps the truth is that it was a laudable experiment that did not critique itselfrealistically enough or rapidly enough, andthat it did not enough understand the immaturity of the minds and emotions of theyouths it had enrolled.Brown C. Mason, AB'46, SB'49, MD'51New Orleans, LAEditor:In reply to Professor Bloom, one purpose of the university should be to producegraduates with a global mentality. Thiswould enable graduates to accept and evenpromote a new-type world authority (notnationally based) for permanent worldpeace and global environmental protection.Herbert Mertz, AB'38Myrtle Beach, SCCORRECTION: A photo caption in the FALL/87"Family Album" omitted the degree of Regina A.Schultz Levin, AB'86.UniversityAlumniDirectorySupplementThe following information was intended for publicationin the University Alumni Directory but was receivedafter the Directory went to press.FINBERG, James M; LAW JD 1983; Apt 304, 2230Pacific Ave, San Francisco, CA 94115, (415)567-7198; Bus: Morrison & Foerster, CaliforniaCenter, 345 California St, San Francisco, CA 94104,(415)434-7000GURIAN, Joan M; COL PHB 1945, PHY SB 1947; POB22, Garrett Park, MD 20896, (301) 949-0347; Bus:Mathematical Statistician (Retired), US Govt,HHS/PHS/FDAHAUSER, Dr Philip M; COL PHB 1929, SOC AM 1933,SOC PHD 1938; Apt 10C, 1440 N State Parkway,Chicago, IL 60610, (312) 664-0925; Bus: ProfEmeritus, Univ of ChicagoKADISH, Herbert S; COL AB 1946; 2905 Whiteway Dr,Austin, TX 78757, (512) 451 -0051 ; Bus: VocationalRehabilitation ConsultantO'CROWLEY, Susan Jordan; (Susan Gail Jordan);BUS MBA 1981 ; 706 W Melrose, Chicago, IL 60657,(312) 327-6509; Bus: VR Citicorp/Citibank, 200 SWacker Dr, Chicago, IL 60606, (312) 993-3216PAVAGEAU, Philippe M; BUS MBA 1968; 20 Blvd de laRepublique, 78000 Versailles, France, 1-30213882;Bus: Intl Marketing Mgr, Cristallerie De St-Louis, Ruede Paradis, 75012 Paris, France, 000-749-0560PAVAGEAU, Roxanne F; (Roxanne M Foley); EDN MST1967; 20 Blvd de la Republique, 78000 Versailles,France, 1-30213882; Bus: Tchr, Lycee Intl,American Section, 78014 St Germain, France,331-34517485SAFFEN, Rev Wayne Earle; DIV AM 1970; 803 E PineSt, Manteca, CA 95336, (209) 823-2367; Bus:Lutheran Pastor, Sacramento Lutheran CampusMinistry, 1615 Morse Ave at Arden Way, Sacramento,CA 95864, (916) 483-0451SALLE, Bruno Gerard; BUS MBA 1984; Apt 03-03Shelford Green, 9 Shelford Road, Singapore 1128,Singapore, 466-0665; Bus: Sr Assoc, StrategicPlanning Associates, Suite 22-03, 143 Cecil St, GBBuilding, Singapore 1128, Singapore, 225-3557WENZEL, John T; PHY SM 1970, PHY PHD 1975; 174Meadowbrook Dr, Princeton, NJ 08540; Bus:Rutgers Univ, Dept of Ceramics, POB 909,Piscataway, NJ 08854WOOLRIDGE, Eva Miller; (Eva McDowell Miller); COLAB 1945; 2318 Lost Road, Martinsburg, WV 25401 ,(304) 263-266948 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1988BThe University of Chicagoookstore970 East SHth Street • Chicago, Illinois 60637 • (.1 12)702-8729The Universityof ChicagoPlaquesFeaturing scenesof the UniversityEach full color photograph issealed onto a ceramic tile and setin a frame of highly burnishedoak. 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